Disaster statistics around the world match a word with a definition


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1. a disaster-an event…

  to harm-to hurt…

  to cause-to make…

2. There are many different  disaster in the world.

    A  tsunami is a large wave, which moves to the seashore.

    Summer  heat  can cause fire.

3. 1. True, 2. False, 3. True.

4. A  powerful tsunami is moving to the seashore.

   The hurricane has almost  destroyed a village.

   Terrible  heat caused a natural fire.

5. many different-disaster in…

   disaster that-because of…

    people have to-leave their…

6. 1. False, 2. True, 3. Not given.

7. 1. an event causing great harm —  a disaster

  2. to hurt someone or something —  to harm

  3.  a lot of warmth — heat

8. Naturel-destroy…

   Earthquakes-of the movements…

   In Australia-out the fire for a long time.

9. The author gives…

   The author says…

   The author mentions…


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Disaster Statistics Around the World
Match the two halves of the sentences to make up a phrase. 4)
World disasters
There are many different disasters in the world. Such natural disasters as tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes often happen in any part of the we world. Natural disasters often destroy people’s houses and harm people.
One of the most powerful disasters is a tsunami. It is a large wave, which moves to the seashore. Earthquakes can cause a tsunami. Earthquakes are another disaster that happen because of the movements in the Earth’s crust. When an earthquake happens, everything shakes and falls in the buildings. If an earthquake is strong, it can ruin buildings and roads.
Tsunami and heavy rains also can cause floods. For example, in India, there are monsoon rains that make the level of the river higher, and many people have to leave their places of living. In other parts of the planet, there are different problems. Summer heat can cause fire, and this can harm both people and animals. In 2019, an Australian fire destroyed many animals, and people couldn’t put out
the fire for a long time.
Fortunately, people have created different systems that can warn about coming natural disasters. Such systems help save many people and animals from injuries.


Match the words with the definitions. A Scarecrow is a tall post in the street with a lamp at the top. A hole an empty space in an object. a model of a A lamppost person dressed in old clothes and put in a field of growing crops to frighten birds away

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Светило науки — 8 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

Scarecrow is a model of a person….
A hole is an empty space…
A lamppost is a tall post…

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Disaster Statistics Around the World
Read the sentences, then choose one of the following words to complete the gaps: heat, destroyed, powerful, cause. One word is the odd one out.
tsunami is moving to the seashore.
The hurricane has almost
a village.
caused a natural fire.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Тема: Disaster statistics around the world’

Четверть: 3

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