Direct indirect question word

Забудьте всё, что вы учили раньше. В непрямых вопросах всё будет по-другому!


  • 1 Что такое непрямой вопрос
  • 2 Особенности построения
  • 3 Общие непрямые вопросы (без вопросительных слов)
    • 3.1 Нужно ли ставить вопросительный знак в конце непрямого вопроса?
  • 4 Тест

Помните, что мы с вами учили про построение вопросительных предложений, про обратный порядок слов и вспомогательные глаголы?

Что такое непрямой вопрос

Непрямой вопрос или indirect question задаётся для придания вежливости. Самый яркий пример: когда мы разговариваем с незнакомыми людьми. Сравните сами прямой и непрямой вопросы:

Прямой вопрос Непрямой вопрос
Where is the bank?
Где банк?
Could you tell me where the bank is?
Не могли бы Вы подсказать, где находится банк?

Согласитесь, что прямой вопрос звучит несколько грубовато. Чтобы звучать вежливее, мы добавляем вводную фразу «Could you tell me».

Особенности построения

При построении непрямого вопроса просто помните о двух простых правилах:

  • В начале indirect question стоит вводная фраза.
  • В непрямых вопросах НЕ используются вспомогательные do, does, did.
  • В непрямых вопросах ПРЯМОЙ порядок слов (как в утвердительных предложениях).

Структура построения следующая:

Вводная фраза вопросительное слово подлежащее сказуемое
(глагол ставим в нужную форму)
Do you know when he came?
Could you tell me where this company is?

Рассмотрим примеры вводных фраз (использующихся в начале предложений):

  • Can you tell me — Не могли бы Вы подсказать…?
  • Could you tell me — Не могли бы Вы подсказать…? (Could делает фразу еще более вежливой и формальной).
  • Can I ask you — Могу я спросить Вас…?
  • Do you know — Вы знаете…?
  • Do you happen to know — Вы случайно не знаете…?
  • I wonder — Интересно…
  • I was wondering — Интересно …
  • Would you mind telling me — Вы не возражаете сказать мне…?
  • Do you mind me asking — Вы не возражаете, если я спрошу…?
Direct question Indirect question
Where is the university?
Где университет?
Do you know where the university is?
Вы знаете, где находится университет?
What do you know about it?
Что ты знаешь об этом?
Could you tell me what you know about it?
Вы не могли бы сказать мне, что Вы знаете об этом?
When does she start working?
Когда она начинает работать?
Would you mind telling me when she starts working?
Вы не против рассказать мне, когда она начинает работать?
Where were your colleagues?
Где были ваши коллеги?
I wonder where your colleagues were.
Интересно, где были ваши коллеги.
Why did you say that?
Почему вы сказали это?
Can I ask why you said that?
Могу ли я спросить, почему вы сказали это?
Where have you been?
Где вы бывали?
I’d like to know where you have been.
Я бы хотел знать, где вы бывали.

Общие непрямые вопросы (без вопросительных слов)

Когда строим непрямой общий вопрос (общие вопросы — это те, которые требуют ответа да или нет, то есть не имеют вопросительных слов), после вводной фразы ставится if или whether:

Вводная фраза If/whether подлежащее сказуемое дополнение (если есть)
Do you know if they have free wi-fi here?

Сравним прямые и непрямые общие вопросы.

Direct question Indirect question
Is there a metro station near here?
Есть ли станция метро поблизости?
Do you know if there is a metro station near here?
Вы знаете, есть ли поблизости станция метро?
Can I buy tickets here?
Могу ли я купить билеты здесь?
Can you tell me whether I can buy tickets here?
Можете подсказать, могу ли я купить здесь билеты?
Do you have coins?
У вас есть монеты?
Would you mind telling me if you have coins?
Вы не могли бы сказать, есть ли у вас монеты?
Did you see her bag?
Ты видел её сумку?
I wonder if you saw her bag.
Интересно, видели ли вы её сумку.
Will you come?
Ты придёшь?
I’d like to know whether you will come.
Я бы хотела знать, придёте ли вы.

Нужно ли ставить вопросительный знак в конце непрямого вопроса?

В некоторых случаях ставится вопросительный знак, а в конце некоторых предложений вы можете увидеть точку. От чего же зависит выбор того или иного знака? Ответ прост — смотрим на вводную фразу. Если она представляет из себя вопрос, то будет ставиться вопросительный знак в конце, в ином случае — точка.

Вопросительный знак Точка
Can you tell me where the museum is? I wonder which color you like.
Could you tell me what time it is now? I was wondering how many children you have.
Can I ask you why you want to improve your English? I’d like to know where you bought it.
Would you mind telling me if you like this one?
Do you know when the earliest bus is?
Do you mind me asking which color you would like to choose?

Надеюсь, эта статья внесла маленький вклад в разоблачение стереотипа о том, что русские грубые. Дело в том, что многие иностранцы ошибочно делают такие выводы, воспринимая несовершенный английский за грубость. Так что вперёд, дерзайте! Практикуйте непрямые вопросы!

Кстати, советуем почитать нашу статью про вежливые фразы в английском языке.

А для начала предлагаю потренироваться на тестах. Удачи!

С наилучшими пожеланиями, ваша Полина 4lang.


Приветствуем тебя, дорогой друг!

Данный тест поможет закрепить слова и выражения, изученные в данной статье.

Время выполнения ~ 3-5 минут.

Количество вопросов – 10

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.


85 posts


Всем привет!

Меня зовут Полина.

Я профессиональный дипломированный учитель английского языка, с высшим педагогическим образованием и повышением квалификации на всевозможных курсах, тренингах, включая курс для учителей в Англии, Оксфорде.

Я счастлива поделиться с вами своими знаниями и опытом!

С 2013 я живу и работаю за границей (Китай, Филиппины, Вьетнам, США), поэтому занятия провожу онлайн по скайпу, а также вы можете приобрести мои авторские курсы.

Познакомиться со мной можно на канале

Буду рада знакомству, с радостью отвечу на ваши вопросы :)

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1. Question words
2. General questions
3. Special questions
4. Alternative questions
5. Tag questions
6. Subject question
7. Indirect questions
8. Tag questions. Special cases
9. Questions with modal verbs
10. Question words: what? which? how?


1. Grammar. Different types of questions



2. Grammar. Tags



3. Grammar. Which, what, who



4. Grammar. Subject question



5. Grammar. General and special questions



6. Grammar. Tag questions



7. Grammar. Types of questions



8. Grammar. Indirect questions



9. Grammar. Direct and indirect questions



10. Listening and grammar. Question words and questions




1. Training test. Questions

Сложность: среднее


2. Training test. Types of questions

Сложность: среднее


Материалы для учителей

1. Методическое описание

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What are Indirect Questions?

Direct questions are the “normal” questions that we can ask friends, family members, and people who we know well. You can form direct questions using the QUASM model that we learned last lesson.

Example of a direct question:
“Where’s the bathroom?”

Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite. We use them when talking to a person we don’t know very well, or in professional situations, and their form is a little different.

Example of an indirect question:
“Could you tell me where the bathroom is?”

Phrases for Indirect Questions

  • Could you tell me…
  • Do you know…
  • I was wondering…
  • Do you have any idea…
  • I’d like to know…
  • Would it be possible…
  • Is there any chance…

Direct and Indirect Questions in English: Examples

Direct: Where is Market Street?

Indirect: Could you tell me where Market Street is?

In indirect questions with is/are, the verb (is) comes after the subject (Market Street).

Direct What time does the bank open?

Indirect: Do you know what time the bank opens?

In indirect questions, we don’t use the auxiliary verbs do/does/did. Also, you can see that the verb is “open” in the direct question, and “opens” in the indirect question.

Direct: Why did you move to Europe?

Indirect: I was wondering why you moved to Europe.

Again, there is no auxiliary verb did in the indirect question. In fact, this indirect question isn’t even a question – it’s more of a statement that invites the other person to give more information.

Direct: How has he managed to get in shape so quickly?

Indirect: Do you have any idea how he’s managed to get in shape so quickly?

The auxiliary verbs have and has can be used in both the direct and indirect questions – but in the direct question, “has” comes before the subject (he), and in the indirect question, “has” comes after the subject.

Direct: How much does this motorcycle cost?

Indirect: I’d like to know how much this motorcycle costs.

To form the indirect question, remove does and change “cost” to “costs.”

Direct: Can you finish the project by tomorrow?

Indirect: Would it be possible for you to finish the project by tomorrow?

For direct questions with can, we can use the phrase “would it be possible…” to make it indirect.

Direct: Can we change the meeting to Thursday?

Indirect: Is there any chance we could change the meeting to Thursday?

“Is there any chance…” is another option for forming indirect questions with can.

Yes/No Direct Questions –> “If” in Indirect Questions

If the direct question is a “yes or no” question (it has no question word such as what, who, when, where, why, or how), then the indirect question will have if.

Direct: Does Tom like Italian food?
Indirect: Do you know if Tom likes Italian food?

Direct: Are your parents joining us for dinner?
Indirect: Could you tell me if your parents are joining us for dinner?

Direct: Do they speak English?
Indirect: I was wondering if they speak English.

Direct: Has Barbara ever studied abroad?
Indirect: Do you have any idea if Barbara’s ever studied abroad?

Direct: Do you plan on traveling this summer?
Indirect: I’d like to know if you plan on traveling this summer.

Hi English learners! Welcome to a  new grammar lesson. We are going to learn about direct and indirect questions in English.

The English teachers at My Lingua Academy are happy to help you improve your English. You can learn English for free with our blog posts where you will find loads of grammar and vocabulary lessons, as well as idioms, phrasal verbs and collocations. 

What are direct questions?

Direct questions are ordinary questions we make by using inversion.

  • What time is it?
  • Where are you going?
  • How long have you been working here?
  • Do you speak any foreign languages?

What are indirect questions?

If we want to be more polite, we ask questions indirectly, by using an introductory phrase before the question.

  • Do you know what time it is?
  • I’d like to know where you are going.
  • I was wondering how long you’ve been working here.
  • Could you tell me if you speak any foreign languages?

You may notice that the word order in indirect questions is the same as in an affirmative sentence.

  • How much does it cost?
  • Can you tell me how much it costs?

Here are some introductory phrases you can use with indirect questions:

  • Can/could you tell me…
  • Do you (happen to) know…
  • I’d like to know…
  • I wonder/I am wondering…
  • Is there any chance/possibility…
  • Do you think…

For example:

  • “Where is the post office?
  • Can you tell me where the post office is?
  • “What time does the train arrive?
  • “Do you happen to know what time the train arrives?”
  • “How old is your son?”
  • “I’d like to know how old your son is.”
  • “How many people attended the meeting?”
  • “I am wondering how many people attended the meeting”
  • “Do you have this jacket in a smaller size?”
  • “Is there any chance you have this jacket in a smaller size?”
  • “Is it going to be cold tomorrow?”
  • “Do you think it is going to be cold tomorrow?”

Indirect questions in yes/no questions

To form an indirect question for a yes/no question, we use “ïf” after an introductory phrase. Note that the word order in an indirect question is like in a statement.

Verb tense Direct question Indirect question
Present Simple Do they serve breakfast in this restaurant? Do you know if they serve breakfast in this restaurant?
Present Continuous Are you working tomorrow? I  wonder if you are working tomorrow.
Present Perfect Have you read any interesting books lately? Can you tell me if you have read any interesting books lately?
Present perfect Continuous Have you been working here long? Can you tell me if you have been working here long?
Past Simple Did you watch the football match yesterday? Could you tell me if you watched the football match yesterday?
Past Continuous Were you doing homework at 7 o’clock yesterday? I wonder if you were doing homework at 7 oçlock yesterday.
Past Perfect Had you learned English before you came to England? Can you tell me if you had learned English before you came to England?
Past Perfect Continuous Had you been waiting long before the flight? I wonder if you had been waiting long before the flight.
Future Simple Will you visit us later? Can you tell me if you will visit us later?
Future Continuous Will you be working tomorrow afternoon? Can you tell me if you will be working tomorrow afternoon?
Future perfect Will it have stopped raining by 5 o’clock? I wonder if it will have stopped raining by 5 o’clock.
Be going to Are we going to see the sights at the weekend? I’d like to know if we are going to see the sights at the weekend.
Direct and Indirect Questions

Indirect questions in WH-questions

Verb tense Direct question Indirect question
Present Simple When do you usually have breakfast? I’d like to know when you usually have breakfast.
Present Continuous What are you studying? I wonder what you are studying.
Present Perfect Where have you put my phone? Will you tell me where you have put my phone?
Present Perfect Continuous How long have they been living there? I wonder how long they have been living there.
Past Simple When did you stop smoking? Can you tell me when you stopped smoking?
Past Continuous Where were you going when we met? I’d like to know where you were going when we met.
Past Perfect What time had you left home? I wonder what time you had left home.
Past Perfect Continuous Where had you been working before? Can you tell me where you had been working before?
Future Simple Who will you go with? I wonder who you will go with.
Future Continuous What will you be doing this time next week? Do you know what you will be doing this time next week?
Future Perfect When will you have finished the report? I wonder when you will have finished the report.
Be going to What are you going to wear at the party? Can you tell me what you are going to wear at the party?
Direct and Indirect Question

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