Difficult one word questions and answers

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  4. One Word Substitution

One Word Substitution Questions: Solved 520 One Word Substitution Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, English Category online test. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic.

One Word Substitution Questions

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 1 to 0

1. Especially skilled in story telling

None of these


Correct Ans:Raconteur


Raconteur — a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way.
Elegy — a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
Clientele — the customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment.
Forgery — the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 2 to 1

2. Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one which is similar in pronunciation

None of these


Correct Ans:Malapropism


Spoonerism — a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words
Malapropism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one.
Blooper — an embarrassing error.
Corpsing — spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one’s lines or laughing uncontrollably.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 3 to 2

3. Fear of loneliness

None of these


Correct Ans:Eremophobia


Eremophobia is the fear of being oneself or being alone or of loneliness.
Atelophobia is defined as the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough.
Cremnophobia is the fear of steep cliffs.
Sciophobia is the fear of shadows.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 4 to 3

4. Represent something as being less important than it really is.

None of these


Correct Ans:underplay


Underplay means represent (something) as being less important than it really is.
Stride means walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
Imperious means arrogant and domineering.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 5 to 4

5. The common people, commoner

None of these


Correct Ans:Plebeian


Plebeian — a commoner.
Platitude — a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
Plaque — an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface
Prim — feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 6 to 5

6. A nominal leader with no real power

None of these


Correct Ans:Figurehead


Figurehead — A nominal leader with no real power

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 7 to 6

7. Mania for making purchases

None of these


Correct Ans:Oniomania


Onomamania: mania for names.
Onomatomania: irresistible desire to repeat certain words.
Oniomania: mania for making purchases.
Opiomania: craving for opium.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 8 to 7

8. Fear of dust



None of these


Correct Ans:Amathophobia


Amaxophobia: fear of riding in a car.
Amathophobia: Fear of dust.
Agateophobia: fear of insanity.
Ambulophobia: fear of walking.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 9 to 8

9. Boringly monotonous

None of these


Correct Ans:Humdrum


Odorous=> having or giving off an odour.
Ostensible=> stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
Humdrum=> Monotonous and boring
Relinquish=> Give up

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 10 to 9

10. A brave, noble-minded or chivalrous man

None of these


Correct Ans:Gallant


Handsome = (of a man) good-looking
Robust = strong and healthy; vigorous
Gallant = brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous
Reckless = doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 11 to 10

11. An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.

None of these


Correct Ans:Sceptre


Spectacle = a visually striking performance or display.
Receptacle = a hollow object used to contain something.
Sceptre = an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
Zephyr = a soft gentle breeze.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 12 to 11

12. A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal





None of these


Correct Ans:Kleptomania


Kleptomania = a recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.
Claustrophobia = extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
Schizophrenia = mental disorder that usually appears in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Megalomania = obsession with the exercise of power.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 13 to 12

13. Habitually silent or talking little

None of these


Correct Ans:Taciturn


Taciturn = reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Hew = chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool.
Unequivocal = leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
Servile = having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 14 to 13

14. One who cannot be corrected

None of these


Correct Ans:Incorrigible


Incurable = incapable of being cured or treated.
Incorrigible = not able to be changed or reformed.
Hardened = having become or been made hard or harder.
Vulnerable = exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 15 to 14

15. Murder of one»™s brother

None of these


Correct Ans:Fratricide


Fratricide = killing of one’s brother
Regicide = killing of a king
Homicide = the killing of one person by another
Patricide = the killing of one’s father

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 16 to 15

16. a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes





Correct Ans:Philanthropist


Philanthropist means a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 17 to 16

17. a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not



Correct Ans:Hypocrite


Hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 18 to 17

18. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work 

None of these


Correct Ans:Crèche


Crèche means — a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 19 to 18

19. A person who sacrifices his life for a cause

None of these


Correct Ans:Martyr


Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 20 to 19

20. A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term



Correct Ans:Misnomer


The word that can be substituted for ‘A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term’ is Misnomer.

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Online Test on One Word Substitution @ Fresherslive

This page provides important questions on One Word Substitution along with correct answers and clear explanation, which will be very useful for various Interviews, Competitive examinations and Entrance tests. Here, Most of the One Word Substitution questions are framed with Latest concepts, so that you may get updated through these One Word Substitution Online tests. One Word Substitution Online Test questions are granted from basic level to complex level.

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We’ve published some really hard trivia questions before but we reckon this selection might just contain our most difficult trivia questions yet. You’ll have to be real quiz whizz and trivia nerd (or should that be geek or dork?) in order to do well with these, so we wish you the best of luck! The answers can be found at the bottom of the page.

Featured image for a page of really difficult trivia questions and answers.

Question 1: The rod on a sundial indicates the time via the shadow it casts. What name is given to this rod?

Question 2: What does the word “fugacious” mean?

Question 3: Who composed the orchestral poem “A Night on the Bare Mountain”?

Question 4: What term, from the French for “balance scale”, is used to describe a bridge that is operated via a counterweight and winch?

Question 5: Naxos is the largest of which Greek island group?

Question 6: On which island of Japan is the capital Tokyo located?

Question 7: How many playing cards are there in a piquet deck?

Question 8: What was the name of the first woman to travel in space?

Question 9: What kind of animal is a kudu?

Question 10: Into how many departments is France divided?

Question 11: “I’ll pheeze you in faith” is the opening line of which Shakespeare play?

Question 12: From which ballet does “The Waltz of the Flowers” come?

Question 13: In which year did the first ever 24 Hours of Le Mans race take place?

Question 14: Libreville is the capital city of which country?

Question 15: Who was the Greek goddess of sea monsters?

Question 16: Bosc and concorde are varieties of which fruit?

Question 17: In which French abbey was Eleanor of Aquitaine buried next to her husband Henry the II and son Richard the Lionheart?

Question 18: What is an opisometer used to measure?

Question 19: What is a shebeen?

Question 20: Which Dutch athlete, known as “the flying housewife”, won four of the nine available women’s gold medals at the 1948 London Olympics?

Question 21: What is a deodar?

Question 22: What is a quisling?

Question 23: Who led the Greek forces at the Battle of Thermopylae?

Question 24: Who painted “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz”?

Question 25: Who was the last Danish King of England?

Question 26: In heraldry, what color is Gules?

Question 27: What name is given to the thin leather strap used to tether a falcon or hawk in falconry?

Question 28: What are the three degrees of Freemasonry?

Question 29: Kublai Khan founded which ruling dynasty of China in the 13th century?

Question 30: What is the currency of the Seychelles?


1. Gnomon.

2. Fleeting or transient.

3. Modest Mussorgsky.

4. A bascule bridge.

5. The Cyclades.

6. Honshu.

7. 32 cards.

8. Valentina Tereshkova.

9. An antelope.

10. 101 departments – 96 mainland and 5 overseas departments.

11. The Taming of the Shrew.

12. The Nutcracker.

13. 1923.

14. Gabon.

15. Ceto.

16. Pears.

17. Fontevraud Abbey.

18. The length of curved lines.

19. An unlicensed liquor house (especially in Ireland).

20. Fanny Blankers-Koen.

21. A large evergreen tree.

22. A traitor who collaborates with an enemy occupying force.

23. King Leonidas I of Sparta.

24. El Greco.

25. Harthacnut.

26. Red.

27. Jess.

28. Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.

29. The Yuan dynasty.

30. The rupee.

More Trivia Questions

If you enjoyed taking on the challenge of our most difficult trivia questions, or if they were just too hard for you, then check out the rest of our free trivia questions and answers, such as these:

  • 100 Bar Trivia Questions.
  • 80s Trivia Questions.
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  • Really Hard Trivia Questions.

When was the last time someone’s question left you speechless or fumbling for words?

Difficult questions have a way of throwing you off balance.

The best way to prepare for them is to consider some of the hardest questions and answer them for yourself.

To that end, welcome to our collection of 75 hard questions to answer.

Start with one you’ve had trouble answering in the past.

The next time you hear it, you’ll have an answer ready.

What Is The Hardest Question Ever?

Maybe that question itself is the hardest because there are so many difficult questions to answer.

Many people think the question, “What is truth?” is the hardest because the truth is often difficult to quantify. Science claims that truth is based on facts and reality, but many philosophers disagree and think the truth is subjective.

We think one of the toughest is, “Why do I exist?” You may have your own ideas or reasons, but finding a universal answer to this question is daunting.

What’s The Hardest Question to Ask?

The most challenging question to ask is the one that may cause you or another person pain, disappointment, fear, or some other unpleasant emotion.

Think about these questions:

  • Is this disease going to kill me?
  • Is there really a Santa Claus?
  • Do you love me?
  • Where were you last night?

The truth may set you free, but it can be pretty painful when you first hear it.

To make the best use of these tough questions to answer, choose one each week (or each day, if you’re ambitious), and make it your goal to answer it thoughtfully and completely.

1. How do you define success, at least for yourself? Have you reached it?

2. Is there anything you know you should let go of, but you haven’t yet? Why?

3. If you knew this was your last day, would you do the same things you’re doing?

4. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? What steps have you taken to create it?

5. If the person who’s hurt you the most showed up at your door, what would you say to them?

6. If you don’t have what you want, what do you have to lose by going after it?

7. What does it mean to be good with money? Are you?

8. Is there anything your job gives you besides money? Is there anything missing?

hardest questions to answer
9. What’s the biggest thing you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?

10. What responsibilities are you avoiding right now or which are you most tempted to avoid?

11. When it comes to your closest relationships, what do you struggle with the most?

12. What mistake do you keep making, and why do you keep making it? What has it cost you?

13. Name something you consider worse than dying. What makes it worse?

14. What’s something you wouldn’t want to die without doing? Why?

15. How would you define the word “American”? How do you define “unAmerican?”

16. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for, and why?

17. What fears are connected to your pursuit of success? How have you faced them?

hardest questions to answer
18. What areas in your life are most in need of improvement?

19. How have your goals or priorities changed over the last decade?

20. What are your biggest regrets when you think over the past five years?

21. What realization has changed your life or your perspective over the past five years?

22. What is the biggest cause of stress for you right now? What worries you most?

23. Are you too hard on yourself or not hard enough?

24. What do you look forward to the most right now? Why?

25. What do you want to be remembered for when you die?

26. What dream (or dreams) have you given up on? Why?

27. What dream (or dreams) have you held onto the longest?

28. Is there anyone you’re jealous of? If so, why?

29. How are you contributing to the world? Or how do you want to contribute?

30. What is your default behavior when someone turns on you? What has it cost you?

hardest questions to answer
31. When you look at the person you are right now, what are you proudest of?

32. What about yourself do you still need to work on every day? How do you work on it?

33. What have you learned that you might not have learned if you hadn’t suffered?

34. What five words would you use to describe yourself?

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35. What would you do if fear wasn’t an issue and you couldn’t fail?

36. What would you give to not feel the way you feel right now?

37. If you could go back and delete an email before sending it, would you?

38. If you could change one thing about your government, what would it be?

39. Have you ever regretted publishing something? If so, why?

40. Do you put political stickers on your car? Why or why not?

41. When was the last time you did something outside your comfort zone?

42. What are you risking right now by not stepping outside your comfort zone?

43. Are there any relationships you’d like to improve or repair? Are any beyond help?

44. Have you alienated people only to regret having done so?

45. Do you forgive easily when someone apologizes for hurting or offending you?

hardest questions to answer
46. Have you forgiven someone who refused to apologize for hurting you?

47. Has someone in your life died before you could reconcile with them (or they with you)?

48. Have you felt the need to pretend you don’t need help? If so, why?

49. When have you felt as though you could finally let someone take care of you?

50. Why do you think so many people grow up feeling the need to be “low maintenance”?

51. Have you felt this way yourself? And when have you gotten a break from it?

52. What are the most amazing things you’ve achieved this past three years?

53. What goal continues to elude you? What action are you taking to reach it?

54. What characteristics have you struggled to develop in yourself? (confidence? tenacity? straightforwardness? courage? generosity?)

55. In what areas of your life and work do you feel most vulnerable? Why?

56. Do you make a point of expressing your gratitude and appreciation for others?

hardest questions to answer
57. Do you easily become frustrated or irritated when things don’t go your way?

58. Would it serve you well to trust people more than you do,  or to be more careful of whom you trust?

59. Do you think people ask too much of you — or too little? Why do you think they do?

60. When was the last time you had a good laugh? What was it about?

61. What do you most often choose to ignore? Why do you ignore it?

62. If someone were to follow you around for a week, would your values and priorities be obvious to them? Would they match the ones you identify for yourself?

63. Have you ever abandoned a social media channel, not because of opposition to your views but because that opposition came from family?

64. Have you ever experienced the same unkind treatment you dished out to someone else in the past?

65. What is karma to you? Is it simply about justice, or do you see it as a deeply personal force that teaches us what we need to learn?

10 of the Hardest Questions About Life

Have you ever been asked a question that made you stop and think? Questions that make you ponder about your life, relationships, and values? 

Here are ten questions that will make you reflect and re-evaluate your life choices. 

66. What would you do if you only had one week or one month to live?

Knowing your time is limited can be a frightening thought, but it can also be a powerful motivator to make the most of each day. This question encourages you to reflect on what matters to you in life and how you want to spend your time before it runs out.

67. How can you make a lasting difference in the world?

Everyone wants to make a difference, but it can be hard to know how. Thinking about what matters most to you and how you can impact society, those around you, and even the world at large can help you identify ways to make a lasting difference.

68. How far are you willing to go to achieve your goals?  

Have you ever considered what sacrifices you may have to make to achieve your goals? Answering this question will help you contemplate the price of success and reflect on what you’re willing (and not willing) to do to reach your dreams.

69. What has been the biggest lesson that life has taught you so far? And how have you applied it in your situation?

Life is full of lessons, from recognizing the power of love and friendship to appreciating the small moments. Learning how to apply these lessons to our own lives can help us become better individuals.

70. How will you know when it’s time to let go of something that isn’t working for you?

Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a friendship, it can be hard to know when it’s time to cut the cord. Learning to recognize the signs of a situation that has become unhealthy or unproductive is key to knowing when it’s time to move on and make a change.

71. What is your biggest fear regarding your loved ones?

This question can help you identify and acknowledge your fears for the people dear to you so that you can better be prepared to face those fears in times of crisis. 

Whether it’s fear of death, illness, or even the loss of a relationship, it’s essential to acknowledge and accept those fears so that you can be in a better place emotionally.

72. How would you handle conflict between two opposing views?

Conflict is inevitable, and arguments are a part of life. However, how we navigate them can make all the difference. Being able to come to a compromise that suits both parties and respects different points of view is an invaluable skill we should all have.

73. Are there any problems too big for you to tackle? If so, which problems are these, and why do you think they are too big for you?

No problem is too big to tackle, but some may require more resources than we have. Acknowledging our own limitations and enlisting help is often the best way to approach a difficult challenge.

74. What would you do if money wasn’t an issue? 

We all have financial constraints, but what if money wasn’t an issue? This question can help you think more broadly and explore possibilities that would otherwise be unreachable.

It encourages you to dream bigger and consider different ways to achieve fulfillment.

75. What do you struggle with the most when seeking happiness?

Finding true and lasting happiness can be challenging, especially when our lives are filled with stress, sudden unwanted changes, and uncertainty.

Understanding what blocks us from being truly happy can help us develop strategies to better manage our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

How to Use These Difficult Questions to Answer

While it’s essential to take the time to think through these difficult questions, it’s also important to know how and when to use them. Below are two tips to help you get the most out of your answers.

  • Use them as a life guide: While being honest with yourself in answering these difficult questions is important, don’t forget to use them as a guide for making decisions and setting goals. Consider how the answers might help inform important choices or the plans you make throughout your life in the future.
  • Use them as a conversation starting point: These questions can be great conversation starters for those close to you. Ask your friends, family, or partner the same questions and compare notes on the answers. It’s often enlightening to discuss complex topics with others and gain a different perspective that we may not have considered on our own.
  • Use them as journaling prompts: If writing helps you better process your thoughts, use these questions as journal prompts. Choose questions that relate to a challenge or goal in your life, or follow the questions sequentially and answer one a day.

How will you use these difficult questions?

Now that you’ve looked through 75 of the hardest questions to answer, which one have you chosen for today?

Maybe you already have an idea of your answer, but take a few minutes (at least) to write down whatever comes to mind.

Don’t critique your answer before you’ve fully expressed it.

None of us has it all figured out. Asking these hard questions and being honest with your answers takes courage and a determination to grow.

Good thing you have both.

If you find difficult questions have a way of throwing you off balance, prepare yourself with these hard questions to answer so you can be ready.

Last updated on December 14th, 2022 at 01:20 pm

In this post, you will find the top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers.

The examiner uses a script to give questions throughout the IELTS Speaking test, which is divided into three sections (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). This is why all Speaking tests, no matter where they are held, follow a similar structured pattern.

The topics for top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers are listed below:

  1. Friends
  2. Happiness
  3. Being Smart
  4. Fame
  5. History
  6. Leadership
  7. Family
  8. Helping others
  9. Personality
  10. Habits


top 50 IELTS Speaking difficult questions and answers

1. How do people meet new friends?

Well, I think that most young people make new friends at school or at university. It is always easier to become friends when you see each other every day, and when you have the same interests or goals. On the other hand, when we become older, it’s common to become closer to our co-workers. It is also possible to form a good relationship with people when you participate in an activity together such as a basketball team, or a dance troop.A lot of old people get together for dancing every night where I live.

2. What can cause people to lose contact with friends?

I think that time and distance can make you lose touch with your friends. When we get older, people follow different paths and people move to other cities. As time goes by, we meet new friends; we get responsibilities in our work, in our families, and it’s possible to forget about the past, and our old friends.

3. What are some of the responsibilities of being a good friend?

A good friend must support and advise you. A good friend should always be there to listen to you, especially when you’re having some troubles . I believe that a good friend should be thoughtful and kind. A good friend is someone you can trust and rely on at any time

4. Do friends or family have more influence on young people today?

That’s a hard question, because in today’s India, parents are still very influential. Children listen to their parents, even if they might disagree. There is always this notion of respect towards parents.On the other hand, young people spend more and more time with their friends:they chat online all the time, they are able to send text messages to each other anytime they want, and friendship is an extremely important value in our society. I would say that young people probably consider their friends’ advice first, but ultimately (= eventually =at last) they follow their parents’ decision.


5. What effects can a person’s standard of living have on their happiness?

Well, I think that it is definitely easier to be happy when you have money. If you earn a high salary or come from a wealthy family, I suppose that you have more opportunities to make your life more colourful. Money can’t buy everything, but it undeniably(=definitely) helps you enjoy yourself.

6. What changes in people’s lives increase their happiness?

There are a great number of events that change our lives in a positive way. I think that students are always thrilled(=excited) to graduate and begin a new experience at university. Later on, people are delighted to find a job or get a promotion in their field. In terms of personal life, getting married or having a baby can definitely make people ecstatic(= extremely happy)·.

7. How do people try to achieve happiness?

Well, nowadays professional success is essential for many people; so many individuals are looking for a stable job, with a high income(=salary).If they succeed, they will be satisfied with themselves, and therefore happier. In addition, in order to be happy, people want to find love. I think that getting married and founding a family should be the main source of happiness in one’s life. On top of this, it’s always possible to enjoy yourself through traveling, or eating good food, or shopping. A lot of young people enjoy partying. Some even find comfort in drinking.

8. Do children and adults show their feelings in the same ways?

No, definitely not! I believe that adults are frequently careful with the way they show their feelings. You know, in my country we learn how to control our emotions. Adults smile and only talk a little about their feelings, but they usually internalize(=keep emotions in) a lot. On the other hand, kids don’t think so much and they happily display their feelings:they laugh out loud, and they scream and jump around whenever they are thrilled about a gift or something else.


9. How would you define “being smart”?

What does it mean to be intelligent? That’s a tough question to answer. Well, there are different kinds of intelligence, I suppose. First, there is academic intelligence that is based on general knowledge, and how well you remember things. I think we can assess this intelligence through an IQ test. In addition, some people are very independent and resourceful, and this is another kind of cleverness . This other kind of intelligence is what we call EQ. It’s based on emotions, and how you resolve problems. Some people can have a very high IQ, but be very naive at the same time. As a result, they might not do as well in certain jobs and probably shouldn’t become managers, doctors or teachers.

10. What is more important: IQ or EQ?

I would say that the Emotional Quotient is more important because without the ability to deal with problems, stress, and communication issues, it would be very hard to succeed in today’s society. On the other hand, someone who has very little knowledge in terms of basic subjects such as verbal skills and mathematics, and just reasoning in general, would also have serious problems in daily life. So they are both fundamental, and IQ is not the opposite of EQ· They are complementary (=they work in pair)..

11. How important is reading for someone’s education?

It’s fundamental to be able to read, and to read a lot. Reading allows us to learn information about everything : news around the world, articles on specific subjects, and also logical and pragmatic (= practical knowledge. People who are illiterate don’t have access to all the resources available.

12. Do you think that intelligence can be inherited?

This is a question we should ask scientists. I believe that we all inherit certain abilities and characteristics through our genes, so I would say we can inherit the aptitude to learn from our parents.Some kids are more talented than others.However, I am sure that this predisposition (= gift of nature) is not enough: education is more important. People are not born smart; they can become intelligent through education.


13. How do people become famous nowadays?

Well, there are many ways to become famous nowadays, and I think it is easier than before because of the Internet, and the quick access to information. But in general, you need to be talented if you want to become a celebrity: if you have a gift for sports, music or writing, you can make a name for yourself. I believe that people who are not truly talented cannot stay famous very long.

14. What are the possible problems of being famous?

Being a star also comes with disadvantages.Celebrities are recognized wherever they go, so they need to sign autographs, and talk to their fans everywhere. They don’t have so much privacy because paparazzi follow them everywhere. We all know what happened to Princess Diana…

15. Why do some people want to be famous?

That’s an obvious answer, isn’t it? People who are famous are usually rich. They can use their image, their name, to make more money. In addition, I believe that when you are famous, you must have access to many privileges. For examples, you might not need to pay when you go to a restaurant, because the owner will feel honored by your visit. I am sure there are a lot of other advantages.

16. How can having a famous parent affect a child?

Well, it could influence the child in a positive or in a negative way. If your father is successful (and rich), you might get access to a better education or you might have more opportunities to meet important people who could help you for your personal career. On the other hand, it’s possible that the child will lack confidence if he constantly compares himself to his father or mother. I think it must be tough when you introduce yourself, people always mention your famous Mom or Dad.

17. Do you think it’s fair that superstars earn so much money?

Well, for the most part they are talented and I couldn’t do their job, so they must deserve the money they make. If I had a wonderful voice, or if I had a talent for acting, then I would ask for a high salary too. I know their incomes are phenomenal, but that’s the way society works:there is a lot of cash to be made for people who can stand out from the crowd.

18. How do celebrities influence our lives?

I think that celebrities mostly influence the lives of young people who look up to them as role models.Teenagers might decide to copy the way their favorite stars speak, dress, or even eat. They might also be influenced in terms of ideas. For example, when Yao Ming gives an interview, he often repeats how important it is to work hard if you want to succeed. This could have a good impact on young people’s attitudes.

19. How does the media in your country report on famous people?

In India, we get reports on the entertainment industry in the newspapers and on TV on a daily basis, but the news is usually very positive; I would say just informative. On the Internet, some articles are more scandalous(=shocking): they report more on sensational news in order to shock readers.

20. Why is the general public so interested in the lives of famous people?

I think everyone is curious about celebrities. They are supposed to have everything we ever dream of: fame, money, power, good looks…We all would like to know if they have any secrets, if they are very different from us. This is why there are so many TV programs about famous people’s lives and careers. It makes us dream.


21. How important is it to learn about history?

I think it’s extremely important to learn about history because whatever happened in the past can explain pretty much everything that is going on in our society nowadays. Learning about history is a great chance to find out about our national culture. Because of the current trend towards globalization, it’s useful to learn about other countries’ history and culture. It’s beneficial to our understanding of the world we live in.

22. What can students learn from famous historical characters?

Well, I guess that former emperors, generals and politicians, as well as national writers, can teach us some important values, such as loyalty, honesty, and hard work. They represent our culture and, most importantly, they helped shape our national identity. These people were extremely patriotic (=nationalistic), and this is another important value we can learn from them. We definitely learn a lot from their success. However, we can also learn from the mistakes they might have made, and make sure we don’t commit the same errors in the future.

23. What should people do in order not to forget history?

Well, teachers must teach about the past, even if what happened was detrimental(= harmful) to the nation. I think it’s important for students to talk about the national history in order to better understand what really happened. In addition, grandparents should also share stories and memories with their children and grandchildren. It is a great way for the younger generations to find out about the past. On top of this, cities should definitely build museums to display pieces of our national heritage. One more thing: in order to remember the past, we shouldn’t destroy any ancient buildings, but renovate them instead. I think that architecture is a very important aspect of our history.

24. How interested are people in the history of where they live?

I believe that people are very interested and proud of their local history. People always feel attached to their hometown and their roots. People enjoy promoting their local area, and if the region played an important role in history, people will happily remind you of this.In my city, I think people are only recently beginning to feel more fascinated by the past. In the last 30 years, people were more concerned about the future, and the development of theurban area. This is why they kind of forgot to protect old buildings and old neighborhoods. But as you say in English: “Better late than never.

25. How important are historical monuments for attracting tourists to a country?

Extremely important!Thousands of people come to China to climb the Great Wall and visit the Forbidden City, or the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an. These monuments symbolize Chinese culture, and this is what tourists want to see when they come to my country. But it’s the same everywhere. If anyone goes to Europe, they won’t miss the Eiffel Tower, the BigBen and the Coliseum in Rome. They are prestigious cultural legacies from the past. And they definitely attract visitors.


26. How do people become leaders?

That’s a good question, and I don’t think there is one definite answer. It is common to debate the question of whether leaders are born or made. Can anyone become a leader? I don’t think so.I believe people are born with some characteristics that could prompt (= cause) them to take responsibilities, to be brave and decisive.I would assume that many leaders worked hard to get to the top, but others found an easier way, using their connections to get to a high-ranking position.

27. How can parents encourage leadership qualities in their children?

Parents should act as role models for their kids. Children should learn how to take initiative (=decisions on their own), so parents should give them freedom and time to think by themselves. I believe that if a child learns how to manage different situations, he will become more mature, more independent, and also more flexible. These are essential qualities a leader should have. In addition, parents could try to ask their child to organize an activity or a schedule on his own. As a result, the child would learn how to make decisions and plans. Planning is the leader’s task.

28. How might future leaders differ from the leaders of today?

That’s a tough question. I think leaders in the future will be closer to their people and staff. In the past, we didn’t know much about our political leaders. In business, there was always a huge gap between workers and their bosses . But I think that in the future, leaders will be more accessible . As a result, their job will also require them to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and to be in touch with everyone regularly . Leaders will not only make decisions, but also train and advise more.

29. Are political leaders the most influential in today’s society?

Yes, definitely, because they pass the laws and plan our society’s future. They make major decisions in terms of the national and local economy. On the other hand, other leaders also influence our daily lives by their actions and accomplishments. Young people look up to famous athletes(=sportsmen), pop stars and actors. These celebrities play a very important role for teenagers, and they have an impact on their attitudes and way of thinking. Business leaders are also very powerful nowadays, because they can influence some of the government’s decisions.

30. Do you think a leader should be perfect in all fields?

It would be nice, but no one’s perfect. They are role models because of their achievements and as long as they do their job well, they are allowed to make occasional mistakes. I am a big sports fan, and a few months ago, I was a bit surprised to hear about golfer. Tiger Woods apologizing to his fans because he cheated on his wife. 1 think that leaders should be responsible for their work and position, but they don’t owe apologies to the public when they commit mistakes that are not relevant to their field of expertise. Tiger Woods should work it out with his wife, not the journalists.


31. To what extent do you think children inherit characteristics from their parents?

I don’t know if we actually inherit characteristics from our genes or if we simply learn to imitate our parents’ behavior. The fact is that very often children act like their folks. If a child sees his father read a lot, the child might be more prone to enjoy calm activities. If a child is always outside playing sports with his dad, chances are the kid will become active and energetic too. We always say that parents are a child’s first teachers, and I think it’s quite true. Take me for example. I am quite patient, just like my mother. I guess that as a child she taught me how to behave this way, or this characteristic may well run in the family. Who knows?

32. What types of activities do families often do together?

Well, it really varies from one family to another, but from my perspective, relatives in China really enjoy having dinner together. It’s a great chance to get together and talk and catch up with each other. We always say that a good meal brings people closer together. In addition, family members frequently go shopping together and buy clothes or groceries for each other. Some people enjoy watching TV, playing cards or mahjong. Some others prefer going for a stroll (= a walk). Now that people have more money than before, it’s quite common to see whole families traveling together.

33. Have there been any recent changes in the responsibilities of mothers and fathers ?

I guess so. In the past, mothers used to stay at home to look after the child and take care of the household chores. But these days, mothers also have a job, just like their husband, so couples usually divide the responsibilities. Fathers often. cook and help with the housework, while women share the responsibility for making money for the family. I reckon it sounds fair for everyone. Why should women stay at home to cook and take care of the children all the time?

34. What part might older people play in families in the future?

I guess that if people in my country manage to make more money than in the past, they will be able to save more, and they won’t need to live with their children when they get old. I hope that when I retire, I will have enough money to enjoy life, to go traveling, to go out and have fun. I think parents might place their children in day-care centers if they can afford it, in order to avoid bothering their elderly parents.So grandparents might have more independence, and less influence on their kids and grandchildren.

35. Compare the ways that young people and old people look at life.

Well, elderly people are usually wiser, and less worried about the future. I guess old people have accumulated(=gained) so much experience throughout their lives that they know what is really important, whereas young people sometimes might not have their priorities(=the most important things) straight. Young people might be a little careless and quick-minded. On the other hand, senior citizens are mature and calm. They never make decisions impulsively (= too quickly). I think it’s easier for older people to sound optimistic, while it can be more difficult for the young generations to look at the bright side of things. Young people always want more these days, and this is why they might worry about morrow.


36. What kinds of help do family members give each other?

Well, relatives help each other in many different ways. First of all, parents always give advice to their children, especially when it comes to important questions such as education, career choices, or issues with relationships. I think it is actually normal for parents to help their children. It is their responsibility, even their duty to assist the child, even when their child becomes a grown-up. In addition, family members also support each other. They usually encourage each other, and it’s very common in my country to lend money to our relatives if they need it. I think most Chinese families provide each other with financial help. And you know, when our parents get older, we ask them to come and live with us. It’s a cycle: they helped us when we were young, and we give them a hand when they get old.

37. How important is it to help visitors in your country?

It’s extremely important to be welcoming and helpful to foreign tourists. Well, actually, we should be considerate with everyone, not only foreigners. I think that it’s a national value to be nice and polite to everyone. The government emphasized this value in 2008, before the Beijing Olympics.They asked everyone in the capital to smile and help visitors. In my hometown, people are quite friendly and hospitable. People will always treat their guests to tea and some snacks. However, I guess that in the city, things are a little different. There are so many people; people don’t care so much about others.

38. Why do some people enjoy helping others?

Well, it’s always a good feeling to be helpful. I guess you could say it is rewarding to do a good deed. Whenever you do something good, people will smile at you or thank you. It definitely makes you look good, and feel good inside. Just like a doctor for example, when he cures a patient, he can feel proud of himself. It means his life is meaningful. I am sure that some teachers feel the same, when their students become successful. They know they played a role in their success. It’s impossible to be completely selfless.

39. Which kinds of organizations do work to help people in your country?

There are many charity groups in my country that help the less fortunate. After natural disasters such as the earthquake that hit Sichuan in 2008, many charity organizations collected money from all over the world to give a hand to the victims there. Some aid organizations went to Sichuan to help them rebuild their houses and other social facilities. I am sure the government also has a special branch that assists people in need.

40. Which groups of people should be given the most help from aid organizations?

I just mentioned the victims of natural disasters. A terrible typhoon devastated (=destroyed) parts of Taiwan last year. Aid organizations should definitely come to the rescue f those people who lost everything. There have been many similar cases all around the world these last few years, with earthquakes in China, Haiti, and Chile, and tsunamis in Indonesia, Thailand and Japan. I also remember that Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans really badly a few years ago. International help is greatly beneficial and appreciated in these stricken areas of the world. In addition, I think that charity groups should alsc assist people in poor areas of the country.


IELTS Speaking difficult questions and answers
IELTS Speaking ‘Personality’ related vocabulary

41. What are the qualities that a person needs to succeed in life?

Well, I think that being hard-working and creative is essential for someone who wants to be successful. If you want to do well in business, you need to come up with some great innovative ideas. In addition, lazy people cannot achieve anything. On top of this, successful people are always smart and ambitious.They always aim high in order to motivate themselves.Some people might also believe that honesty is a key characteristic to have in order to succeed, but I’m really wondering if honesty pays in today’s world.

42. To what extent do you think successful people are happy people?

Well, it’s certainly easier to be happy when you are successful. People with a good job and a great salary have more chances to enjoy life. They don’t need to worry about money, and that’s a great advantage.On the other hand, being successful comes at a price. I suppose that in order to be successful, these people need to focus on their work and probably spend a lot of time on their job. They might need to work overtime frequently, and they may always be thinking about their achievements. They might become workaholics and forget to spend time with their relatives and friends. As a result, it’s possible that some successful people could be lonely.

43. Do people choose friends and partners with similar personalities to their own?

To some extent, a lot of people become friends because they share the same hobbies and interests. So it’s possible they might have the same personality traits, but not always. Having the same hobby is different from having the same character. In addition, I think that a man and a woman don’t necessarily need to share the same personality for them to fall in love with each other. We usually say that couples actually complete one another:if a man lacks patience, he will be attracted to tolerant ladies; if a woman lacks confidence, she will look for a reliable partner. We also say that opposites attract.

44. What personality traits are considered to be typical of your culture?

I think that Chinese people are famous for being hard-working and patient. It’s due to the education we receive. In addition, I would say that Chinese people, especially the men, find it hard to express their feelings. They can hide their emotions pretty well, and they dislike talking about their problems. I think that many Chinese people are quite conservative, very traditional. Showing your anger or complaining too much is a sign of weakness. And when it comes to women, I believe that many Chinese ladies are shy and obedient. They always listen to their parents or their husband. But there are of course exceptions.

45. Which aspects of modern life have a bad effect on people’s personalities?

Modern life has a negative influence on some aspects of people’s personalities. Because the economy has been developing quite a lot, people seem to have become overambitious. They are not satisfied with what they have, and they always want more. You know, many people become greedy. In addition, some people envy others because of their success.Jealousy is a big problem in today’s world too. Finally, I have met some very arrogant(=too proud) people who forgot about modesty. They want to act confident but overdo it.


46. Do children know the difference between right and wrong ?

Well, it only depends on whether their parents taught them the difference or not. A child who receives no education won’t be able to tell right from wrong, but if a father explains why it is improper to put your feet on the table, or why it is rude to interrupt others while they are talking, then the child will learn. You know, it’s all these little things that must be taught. If the parents are fair to the children, then it’s okay to be strict. Kids are not stupid: they know when they have made a mistake or said something bad. They might pretend to be sad after their father reprimands (=scolds) them, but they do get it.

47. Do you have any regrets about the past?

Yes, definitely. I think everybody does. In high school, I should have studied harder to get better results and get into a better university. I guess I was too childish, and I didn’t care enough. Now I understand the mistakes I have made. My father always says, “Better late than never.” I know I won’t make the same mistake again. I think the future matters more than the past. It’s fundamental to be optimistic, and it’s not so important to think about the past. Being nostalgic (=regretful) is sweet but useless.

48. Do people in your country often complain about things?

Yes, of course. Everyone complains about small things . My parents complain about their schedule and their boss who is too stubborn or too stingy.My classmates and I complain about the amount of homework teachers give us. We also worry about the future, and how difficult it is to get a good job these days. I think that because our life is pretty comfortable we always want more and we are ready to whine (=complain) about small things my grandparents’ generation wouldn’t have complained about.

49. What can be the consequences of having an unhealthy lifestyle?

Well, it depends on what you do that is unhealthy. If you constantly eat junk food, you might become overweight, and you will have more chances to get some cardiovascular diseases. If you don’t sleep enough, you’ll get tired and easily irritated. If you drink too much alcohol, this will cause problems with your liver. People who don’t lead a healthy lifestyle are also more likely to get cancer.

50. What is the attitude of young people in your country towards smoking?

A lot of young people really dislike the smell and the taste of tobacco. We have been taught that smoking is definitely dangerous for our health, and we are not used to the nasty smell. However, some young people take up (=start) smoking because they think it looks cool and mature to hold a cigarette.

IELTS Speaking Part-3 Difficult Questions and Answers (Top 50) PDF

Click on the link to download the PDF copy of top 50 IELTS Speaking Part-3 difficult questions and answers.

These questions are repeatedly asked in the Speaking exam, try to make short notes and answer these questions in your own words.

I hope this post will boost your language proficiency. To know more about the Speaking test, check out our Speaking Section.

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All The Best !

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If you feel up to the task, what do you say to a handful of hard trivia questions?

These fun little brainteasers are among the best questions to ask people who love learning and can appreciate a good challenge. What’s more, they make for excellent ice breaker questions.

So, what are you waiting for? Pour yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee to wake up those brain cells, and let’s get started!


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via: Unsplash / Falaq Lazuardi

We like to start things with a bang, so let’s begin with our favorite hard trivia questions.

1. What’s the Loudest Animal on Earth?

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The sperm whale.

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The sperm whale’s calls can reach up to 230 dB. That’s louder than a jet engine during take-off!

2. What Are Baby Owls Called?

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Owlets or nestlings.

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Owlets like to explore their surroundings and can often be spotted around and under their home nest. If you ever find a baby owl on the ground, don’t touch it. Unless there are obvious signs of distress, the little fella is probably doing just fine.

3. What’s the Space Between Windows Called?

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From the Latin fenestra for window.

4. What’s the Only Kind of Parrot That Can’t Fly?

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The Kakapo.

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Kakapos use their wings for balance, support, and to parachute to the forest floor, but they can’t fly.

5. Which Colors Do Colorblind People Have Trouble Distinguishing?

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Red and green.

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People with normal vision can see up to 1 million distinct shades. Colorblind people, however, can see as few as 10 thousand colors or just 1% of the normal range.

Which Colors Do Colorblind People Have Trouble Distinguishing?.jpg

via: Unsplash / Robert Katzki

6. What Are People with Alektorophobia Afraid Of?

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From the Greek alektor for rooster.

7. At the Time of the Titanic’s Sinking, Who Was Its Captain?

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Edward Smith.

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According to eyewitnesses, Captain Smith rescued a drowning child before returning to the sinking ship to die.

8. The Thermometer Was Invented by Who?

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Galileo Galilei.

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In 1596, Galileo invented the thermoscope, an instrument that could indicate temperature differences (but not measure different temperatures). It was the precursor to modern thermometers.

9. Which Asian Country Fought in 7 of the Deadliest Wars in Human History?

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China fought in WW2, the Taiping rebellion, the Qing Conquest of the Ming Dynasty, the Mongol Conquest, the Lushan Rebellion, the Dungan Revolt, and the Conquests of Timur..

10. Which Is the Only Country Which Sports the Bible on Its Flag?

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Dominican Republic.

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The country’s flag features the Bible that is said to be opened to John 8:32 which reads, “And the truth shall make you free.”

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via: Unsplash / Alex Grodkiewicz

11. Which Country Consumes the Most Chocolate per Capita?

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In 2017, the Swiss people consumed 19.4 lbs. (8.8 kg) of chocolate per person.

12. How Fast Does the Earth Spin?

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1,000 mph.

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We can’t feel the Earth rotating because we are moving with it at the same speed 24/7.

13. Aconcagua Is the Highest Mountain in the Andes. In Which Country Does It Lie?

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Not only is Aconcagua the highest mountain in the Americas, but it’s also the highest mountain outside Asia, with a summit elevation of 22,837 ft (6,960.8 meters).

14. What French Entertainer, Activist, and Secret Agent Had а Pet Cheetah Named Chiquita?

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Josephine Baker.

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Chiquita, fittingly, wore a diamond collar. During Baker’s performances, Chiquita would sometimes jump off the stage into the orchestra pit, causing quite a commotion.

15. What City Elected Sadiq Khan, Its First Mayor from an Ethnic Minority, in 2016?

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London, England.

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Mr. Khan was born to a working-class British Pakistani family.

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via: Unsplash / Arnaud Jaegers

16. What Indian Mausoleum Was Called a “Teardrop… on the Cheek of Time”?

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The Taj Mahal.

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The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal dynasty in memory of his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal who died in childbirth.

12 Hard Random Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

If you really want to make an impression on people, you should try some of our truly random trivia questions and answers at your next social event. You will not be disappointed!

17. What’s the Ruling Dynasty of Monaco?

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Legend has it that in 1297, Francesco Grimaldi and his soldiers took the castle of Monaco dressed up as Franciscan friars. Whether that’s true or not, his successors reign in Monaco to the present day.

18. What’s the Capital of Paraguay?

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In Spanish, asuncion means ascension or assumption.

19. Which English City Was Once Known as Duroliponte?

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Duroliponte was a small town in Roman Britannia.

20. Who Won the First Football World Cup, and What Year Was It?

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Uruguay, in 1930.

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Uruguay also hosted the championship.

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via: Unsplash / Fauzan Saari

21. What Singer Staged a Comeback with The Emancipation of Mimi, the Second-Best-Selling Album Worldwide in 2005?

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Mariah Carey.

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“Mimi” was Carey’s real-life nickname.

22. Mauritius Is the Only African Country Where the Most Commonly Practiced Religion Is What?

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48.54% of the population practices Hinduism, making Mauritius the country with the highest percentage of Hindus after India and Nepal.

23. As of May 1, 2020, Who Has the Most Instagram Followers?

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Cristiano Ronaldo.

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With 197+ million followers, Ronaldo is the most followed person on Instagram (and on Facebook, too).

24. Which Fashion House Is Behind the Perfume Light Blue?

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Dolce & Gabbana.

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The signature fragrance was inspired by Sicily and took over two years to perfect.

25. What’s the Oldest Continuously Inhabited City in the World?

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Damascus, Syria.

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Damascus boasts archeological evidence of human habitation dating back at least 11,000 years.

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via: Unsplash / Michael Behrens

26. Humphrey Bogart Won His Only Oscar for What Motion Picture?

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The African Queen.

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The film also stars Hollywood’s mega-star Katharine Hepburn and is set in German East Africa on the eve of World War I.

27. Who Allegedly Wrote the Song “Golden Years” for Elvis Presley but Ended Up Recording It Himself?

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David Bowie.

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Allegedly, Presley turned the track down.

28. What Geothermal Icelandic Site Has the Same Name as a 1980 Movie?

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The Blue Lagoon.

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The Blue Lagoon is actually man-made. The water comes from the neighboring geothermal power plant Svartsengi.

8 Hard Trivia Questions for Adults

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via: Unsplash / YTCount

If you are going to a grown-up social event, you might need some trivia questions for adults.

29. Which Country Has the Most Fresh Water?

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Brazil boasts the world’s largest renewable water resources or nearly twice as much as Russia and 12–16% of the total global supply.

30. Do Crocodiles Have Sweat Glands to Release Heat?

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To keep cool, crocs release heat through their mouths.

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via: Unsplash / David Clode

31. What Nickname Was Given to the Serial Killer Jack the Ripper?

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The Whitechapel Murderer.

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Most of his murders were committed in London’s Whitechapel district.

32. What Did the Romans Use as Mouthwash?

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Urine is high in ammonia, which is a powerful cleansing agent. It’s gross, but it can work.

33. How Many Earths Could Fit Inside the Sun?

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1.3 million.

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Yet, the Sun is an average-sized star. Some stars are up to 100 times larger. What’s more, other solar systems have multiple suns, not just one.

34. What’s the Smallest Bone in the Human Body?

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It’s located in the middle ear and measures just 0.11’’ x 0.19’’ (3 x 5 mm) in size.

35. Where in the Human Body Would You Find the Medulla Oblongata?

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In the brain.

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The medulla oblongata is responsible for involuntary functions such as vomiting and sneezing.

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via: Unsplash / Guillaume Issaly

36. Sahti Is a Type of Beer That’s Trad­itionally Flavored with Juniper. You’re Most Likely to Find It in Which Country?

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Sahti also has a slight banana taste due to the use of baking yeast.

8 Hard Fun Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Ben McLeod

Are you in the mood for fun trivia questions that are also great brain-twisters? We’ve got you covered!

37. The Vatican Bank Has the Only ATM in the World That Allows Users to Do What?

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Carry out transactions in Latin.

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The Vatican is doing its best to keep Latin relevant. In 2003, they even released an updated dictionary that featured the terms dishwasher and rush hour.

38. What Language Has the Most Words?

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The Oxford English Dictionary has more than 200,000 words. 171,476 of these are still in use.

39. What Does the Word Karaoke Literally Mean?

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Empty Orchestra.

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Karaoke is derived from the Japanese words karappo, which means “empty,” and okesutura, meaning “orchestra.”

40. What’s the Only Food That Never Expires?

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If the honey is natural and properly sealed, it won’t expire. That’s due to its high sugar content, low pH, and the bees’ nearly-magical honey-making process.

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via: Unsplash / Tamas Pap

41. On Which Planet Is a Year Longer Than a Day?

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It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete one full rotation on its axis and 225 Earth days for it to go around the Sun.

42. Which Country Should You Visit to Spot a Wild Platypus?

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The platypus is an egg-laying mammal that is only found in eastern Australia and Tasmania.

43. The “Tina” in Tina Fey Is Short for What Name?

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The name is of Italian origin and means “this morning.”

44. In Swedish, a Skvader Is a Rabbit with What Unusual Feature?

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The skvader is a fictional creature. It was constructed in 1918 by the Swedish taxidermist Rudolf Granberg and has the forequarters and hindlegs of a hare and the wings, back, and tail of a wood grouse.

3 Hard Funny Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Joe Ciciarelli

If you want to have some giggles, funny trivia questions are the way to go.

45. What Was the Ice Cream Cone Invented For?

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To hold flowers.

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A woman visiting the St. Louis Fair in July 1904 was given a bunch of flowers and an ice cream sandwich. She rolled the wafers of the sandwich into two cones: one to hold the flowers, and one to hold the ice cream.

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via: Pexels / Batuhan Alper Bilginer

46. Who Claimed He Could “Drive Away the Devil with a Fart?”

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Martin Luther.

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Martin Luther lived in the 16th century. At the time, it was widely believed that the devil could cause gastro-intestinal disorders.

47. What Movie Star Uses His Middle Initial, B, for “Bakari,” to Avoid Confusion with a Retired Basketball Star?

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Michael B. Jordan.

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Michael B. Jordan is best known for his roles in Black Panther (2018) and Creed (2015).

11 Hard Trivia for Kids

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via: Unsplash / Rachel

If you will be around kids anytime soon, it’s always a good idea to have some trivia for kids handy to keep them happy and entertained.

48. What’s the Name of the Outermost Layer of Skin?

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Beneath it are the dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer.

49. About How Long Does It Take the Moon to Revolve around the Earth?

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One month.

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That’s the reason we get a full moon once a month.

50. Which Beans Did Mexicans Once Use as Payment for Goods and Services?

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Cocoa Beans.

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The Maya used cocoa beans as currency and to make a bitter drink called Xocoatl (that was nothing like the hot chocolate we know and love today).

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via: Pexels / Viktor Smith

51. Which Is Taller? The Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty?

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The Eiffel Tower.

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The Eiffel Tower is 1062.72 ft (342 m) tall, while the Statue of Liberty stands at 305.04 ft (93 m) only.

52. What Does the Richter Scale Measure?

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The magnitude of earthquakes.

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The scale was developed by Charles F. Richter in 1935.

53. The Statue of Liberty Was Gifted to the United States by Which Country?

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The people of France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the U.S. in commemoration of the alliance of the two countries during the American Revolution.

54. Which Disney Princess Has the Least Amount of Screen Time?

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Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.

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Poor Aurora only gets 18 lines and 18 minutes of screen time.

55. How Many Stars Are on the National Flag of the U.S.A.?

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50 stars.

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The 50 stars represent the 50 states, and the 13 stripes represent the 13 colonies that declared independence from Britain and became the first U.S. states.

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via: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

56. Which Disney Princess Had Two Stepsisters, Anastasia And Drizella?

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The evil stepmother was called Lady Tremaine.

57. Who Handwrote an 800-Word Prequel to Her Bestselling Book Series?

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J. K. Rowling.

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The prequel is set three years before Harry’s birth. The main characters are James Potter and Sirius Black. The story can be found online and was originally created for charity.

58. What Princess Was Traditionally Called Badr Al-Budur Before Disney Renamed Her?

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Badr Al-Budur means “full moon of full moons” in Arabic.

9 Hard History Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Akson

Are you a history buff? If that’s a yes, you should love our history trivia questions!

59. What Was the First Film Directed by a Woman to Gross Over $100 Million at the Box Office?

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Big (1988) was directed by Penny Marshall. It stars Tom Hanks in the role of a young boy wishes «to be big» and magically becomes an adult overnight.

60. What Nation Celebrates Its Declaration of Independence from Spain in 1898?

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The Philippines.

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The Republic of the Philippines was part of the Spanish Empire from 1565 to 1898.

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via: Unsplash / Vernon Raineil Cenzon

61. Kersti Kaljulaid Was 46 Years Old When She Became the Youngest President Ever Elected to Lead Which Country?

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Ms. Kaljulaid has been in office since 10 October 2016. She is also Estonia’s first female head of state.

62. What Was the First American Prime-Time Network TV Drama Since the 1970s to Star a Black Woman as the Lead Character?

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In Scandal, Kerry Washington plays Olivia Pope, an ex-media consultant to the President of the United States and a head of a crisis management firm.

63. The World’s Oldest Known Musical Instruments Are 42,000-Year-Old Flutes Made from Bird Bone and the Ivory of What Mammal?

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The flutes were found in a cave in southern Germany.

64. Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7 Is a Musical Tribute to Which Battle of World War 2?

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The 900-Day Siege of Leningrad.

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Shostakovich composed and microfilmed the score in the USSR in 1941 and had it smuggled to New York via Tehran and Cairo. The symphony was broadcast in the U.S. on July 19, 1942 and quickly became a symbol of resistance to fascism, with Time magazine even placing Shostakovich on its cover.

65. Who Was the Youngest British Prime Minister?

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William Pitt the Younger.

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In 1783, he became the youngest prime minister of Great Britain at the age of 24.

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via: Unsplash / Roberto Catarinicchia

66. In 2007, Remains of What Saint Were Found to Be from an Egyptian Mummy Instead?

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Joan of Arc.

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Researches exposed the forgery using next-generation technology and the noses of France’s leading perfume experts.

67. Queen Mary Tudor of England Is Better Known to History by What Name?

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Bloody Mary.

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In the span of just five years, Mary had more than 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake — hence the graphic nickname.

6 Hard Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

Hard Trivia Questions - Hard Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Antenna

Time flies fast, so you might want to prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving with our Thanksgiving trivia questions.

68. Which Native American Tribe Took Part in the First Thanksgiving Feast?

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The Wampanoag lived in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts at the turn of the 17th century.

69. Which of the Founding Fathers Thought the Turkey Would Be a Better National Symbol Than the Bald Eagle?

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Benjamin Franklin.

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Franklin thought the eagle “a bird of bad moral character” because it stole food from the fishing hawk.

70. Is It the Female or the Male Turkeys That Gobble?

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The male.

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Female turkeys cackle.

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via: Unsplash / Mikkel Bergmann

71. When Is Canada’s Thanksgiving?

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The second Monday of October.

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The holiday celebrates the harvest and blessings of the past year.

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via: Unsplash / Samantha Gades

72. In What Century Were the First Pumpkin Pies Made?

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The 17th century.

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The first pumpkin pies were made by filling a hollowed-out pumpkin shell with honey, milk, and spices, and baking it in hot ashes.

73. In What Year Did the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Take Place?

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The annual Thanksgiving parade in New York City is the world’s largest.

5 Hard but Can Be Easy Trivia Questions

Hard Trivia Questions - Hard but Can Be Easy Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Tyler Nix

Everyone can handle easy trivia questions. Let’s see if you can do something more challenging.

74. Which Is the Southernmost Country in Europe With No Mediterranean Coastline?

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While Portugal is a Mediterranean country in terms of climate, culture, language, and history, the country does not border the Mediterranean sea.

75. How Many Legs Does a Lobster Have?

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Lobsters have eight walking legs and two front pincers.

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via: Pexels / Chait Goli

76. What’s the Only US State That Only Borders One Other?

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Maine is bordered by New Hampshire, the Atlantic Ocean, and Canada.

77. In 1986, a U.S. Court of Appeals Ruled That What Magic-Practicing Movement Qualifies as a Religion?

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Wicca, or Pagan Witchcraft, was first introduced in 1954 by Gerald Gardner.

78. Which Country’s Flag Features an Eagle Eating a Snake?

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The coat of arms comes from an Aztec legend, according to which the gods told them to build a city where they saw an eagle eating a serpent.

5 Hard Christmas Trivia Questions

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via: Pexels / fauxels

The holiday season comes every year, so it won’t hurt to have a few Christmas trivia questions ready.

79. What Were the First Artificial Christmas Trees Made From?

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Green-painted goose feathers.

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These 19th-century German feather trees were a stance against the continued deforestation of Germany.

80. When Did the North American Aerospace Defense Command Start Tracking Santa on Christmas Eve?

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The tradition started after a child phoned the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), believing she was calling Santa Claus.

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via: Unsplash / Lynda Hinton

81. Who Did the German Nazi Regime Replace Santa Claus With?

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The Nazis claimed that Santa was a Christian take on the Germanic god Odin.

82. Who Was the First Person to Dress Up as Santa and Started the Tradition of Mall Santas?

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James Edgar.

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James Edgar was a businessman who first came up with the idea of dressing up as Santa Claus in 1890 in his department store in Massachusetts.

83. Whose Team Lost a Christmas-Decorating Contest When She Was an Inmate at Alderson?

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Martha Stewart.

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Stewart and her stockbroker were convicted of lying about why she unloaded shares in 2001 just before the price dropped.

5 Hard Bible Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Greyson Joralemon

If you are into Bible studies, you might enjoy our Bible trivia questions.

84. HD 140283 Is One of the Most Ancient Known Stars, at Over 13.5 Billion Years Old. It Also Has What Biblical Name?

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Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the grandfather of Noah — and was said to have lived to 969.

85. The Apostle Paul Was Called by Jesus on the Road to Which City?

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Paul was sent from Jerusalem to Damascus to find and arrest followers of Jesus.

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via: Unsplash / jhudel baguio

86. What’s the Name of Eve’s Third Son?

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Seth was born after the murder of Abel and was the forefather of Noah.

87. Whose Name Means «Adversary» or «Prosecutor»?

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His other name, Lucifer, means “morning star” or “light-bringer.”

88. What Relationship Was Lot to Abraham?

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His nephew.

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Lot escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but his wife didn’t — she turned into a pillar of salt.

5 Hard Halloween Trivia

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via: Unsplash / Daniel Lincoln

How about some Halloween trivia to wrap things up?

89. Which Public Figure Died on Halloween in 1926?

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Harry Houdini.

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Officially, Houdini died of appendicitis, but some believe he was assassinated by the Spiritualist community.

90. What Was Bram Stoker’s Original Name for Dracula?

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Count Wampyr.

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Stoker stumbled upon the name Dracula in his research on Romanian history, and replaced the name that he had originally intended to give his character.

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via: Unsplash / Dorothea OLDANI

91. In What Country Was the Phrase «Trick or Treat» First Used?

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The first recorded use of the term was in 1927 in Lethbridge, Alberta.

92. When People Go House to House While “Souling”, What Do They Ask For?

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Soul cakes.

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These small round cakes are made to commemorate the dead on Halloween, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day.

93. What Fall Festival Activity Did the Romans Bring to Britain When They Invaded?

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Bobbing for apples.

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Young Romans would compete to bite into an apple that was either floating in water or hanging from a string. The winner in the game would be the next one allowed to marry.

8 Hard 80s Trivia Questions and Answers

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via: Unsplash / Brett Jordan

Were you alive in the 80s? Let’s see if you can manage our extra-hard 80s trivia questions and answers!

94. Which singer was killed by his father in 1984?

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Answer: Marvin Gaye.

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His father shot him in a heated argument.

95. What was the best-selling single of the decade in the U.K.?

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Answer: «Do They Know It’s Christmas?» by Band Aid.

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It sold a million copies in its first week alone!

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via: Unsplash / blocks

96. Which singer was killed by a fan in New York on December 8?

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Answer: John Lennon.

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The killer, Mark Chapman, was angered by Lennon’s statements about God.

97. What is Bono’s real name?

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Answer: Paul David Hewson.

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He earned his stage name as a teenager in Ireland, where he became known as Bono Vox of O’Connell Street.

98. Which movie character uttered the phrase that sums up the go-go 80s: «Greed is good»?

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Answer: Gordon Gekko.

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Michael Douglas received an Academy Award for his portrayal of the infamous Wall Street character.

99. Who was the first woman in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

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Answer: Aretha Franklin.

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It wasn’t that long ago: it happened in 1987.

100. Who won the 1981 Grammy for Record of the Year?

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Answer: Christopher Cross for «Sailing.»

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The song became a precursor of the yacht rock genre.

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via: Unsplash / Ryan Clark

101. What color is Gargamel’s robe in the Smurfs?

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Answer: Black.

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Smurf is derived from «schtroumpf», a word that Smurfs’ creator and Belgian comics artist Peyo invented when he couldn’t remember the word… «salt.»

102. Which Texas town was Jessica McClure, the baby in the well, from?

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Answer: Midland.

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It took rescuers 56 hours to free her from the 22-feet-deep well.

12 Hard Animal Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Anastasia Ulyanova

Calling all animal lovers: do you think you can handle our super-hard animal trivia questions?

103. What is the only mammal capable of true flight?

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Answer: Bat.

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There is more to bats than deadly viruses.

104. What is the fastest-flying bird?

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Answer: Peregrine falcon.

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It is the fastest animal, period. When diving, it can reach over 200 mph!

105. A newborn kangaroo is about the size of what?

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Answer: Lima bean.

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Or 0.2 to 0.9 inches.

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via: Unsplash / Fidel Fernando

106. What’s the smallest mammal?

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Answer: Bumblebee bat.

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It doesn’t grow longer than 1.30 inches.

107. How far away can a wolf smell its prey?

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Answer: 1.75 miles.

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So better be careful when walking in the woods!

108. What is the most poisonous spider?

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Answer: Brazilian wandering spider.

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Fortunately, there is an effective anti-venom.

109. How big is the largest-known ant colony?

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Answer: 3,700 miles.

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It spans northern Italy and southern France and reaches the Spanish Atlantic coast.

110. Which organ accounts for up to 30% of a shark’s body mass?

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Answer: Its liver.

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And around 90% of it is pure, liquid fat.

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via: Unsplash / Nariman Mesharrafa

111. How often does a giant panda poop each day?

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Answer: 40 times.

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Pandas consume 26–84 pounds of bamboo daily, so it has to go somewhere.

112. What color is spider blood?

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Answer: Blue.

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That’s due to the presence of hemocyanin in spider lymph.

113. What is the primary purpose of a kangaroo tail?

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Answer: Propulsion.

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A kangaroo’s tail works much like a third leg.

114. What is the only dog that can’t bark?

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Answer: Basenji.

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Basenjis are not mute, though: they make a sound that’s something like a chortle meets yodel.

7 Hard Bar Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Crew

Ready to level up your bar game? Hard bar trivia questions are just the thing you need.

115. Where in the human body is the medulla oblongata located?

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Answer: In the brain.

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The medulla oblongata is a stem-like structure that makes up part of the brainstem. It is responsible for a wide array of involuntary functions, such as sneezing, vomiting, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure.

116. Barani, Rudolph, and Randolph are techniques in which sport?

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Answer: Trampolining.

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It is much harder than it seems!

117. Which gas is formed when a hydrogen bomb is detonated?

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Answer: Helium.

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That process is knowns as thermonuclear fusion.

118. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Andes. In which country does it lie?

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Answer: Argentina.

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It is 22,837 ft high!

119. In which 31 B.C. sea battle did Octavian defeat Mark Antony?

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Answer: Actium.

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That marked the death of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire.

120. Where would you find an oxbow lake?

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Answer: On a meandering river.

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These U-shaped lakes are created when a wide meander is cut off.

121. How many legs do lobsters have?

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Answer: Ten.

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Technically, they have two claws and eight walking legs.

8 Hard Music Trivia Questions and Answers

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via: Unsplash / Lilibeth Bustos Linares

Let’s turn the volume up with these hard music trivia questions and answers!

122. Named after the Greek God of wind, this musical instrument is played by passing an air current over its strings. What is it?

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Answer: Aeolian harp.

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It’s played only by the wind! You can listen to one here.

123. Kelly Clarkson was the first American Idol winner. What was the first single she released after bagging the crown?

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Answer: «A Moment Like This.»

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It broke the record for the biggest leap on the Billboard Hot 100, jumping from #52 to #1 in a single week.

124. Who is the artist who sings ‘Beauty School Dropout’ in the movie Grease?

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Answer: Frankie Avalon.

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He played the role of the Teen Angel, a phantom teen idol who only appears once in the musical.

125. Which superstar married Sean Penn in 1985?

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Answer: Madonna.

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They divorced in 1989.

126. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure organized Live Aid. Which two bands did they front?

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Answer: Ultravox and The Boomtown Rats.

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Nearly 40% of the world’s population watched the live broadcast.

127. Which dance band released their debut album, Experience, in 1992?

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Answer: The Prodigy.

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Together with Fatboy Slim and the Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy pioneered the big beat genre.

128. Which word links the titles of singles by Marcy Playground, Salt-N-Pepa, and Color Me Badd?

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Answer: Sex.

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It features in «Sex and Candy,» «Let’s Talk About Sex,» and «I Wanna Sex You Up.»

129. Which dance act had hits with «You’ve Got The Power» and «Rhythm is a Dancer»?

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Answer: Snap!

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The German Eurodance group was founded in 1989 in Frankfurt.

10 Hard Movie Trivia Questions

Movie Trivia Questions - Hard Movie Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

Where’s your popcorn? You’ll need some brain food to answer our extra-difficult movie trivia questions!

130. In Black Panther, T’Challa is the king of what nation?

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Answer: Wakanda.

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It is a fictional country in sub-Saharan Africa.

131. The Wind Rises is set in which country?

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Answer: Japan.

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This animated film recounts the fictionalized biography of Jiro Horikoshi, who designed the WWII fighter aircrafts Mitsubishi A5M and A6M Zero.

132. Who played the wife of Goose in Top Gun?

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Answer: Meg Ryan.

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She was only 25 at the time.

133. The tagline «Justice has its price» comes from which 1998 movie?

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Answer: A Civil Action.

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It starred John Travolta and Robert Duvall.

134. How does Zorin die in the James Bond film A View To A Kill?

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Answer: Falls to his death.

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Zorin, the antihero, planned to destroy the Silicon Valley.

135. What was Harrison Ford’s first credited feature film?

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Answer: A Time for Killing.

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The 1967 Western follows the shenanigans of a group of Confederate soldiers on the run, unaware that the war is over.

136. «Fear takes flight» is the tagline for what 2005 film?

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Answer: Red Eye.

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The story follows a hotel manager who gets involved in a terrorist plot while aboard a Miami-bound night flight.

137. In which 2000 movie did George Clooney play Captain Billy Tyne?

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Answer: The Perfect Storm.

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The film tells the story of a real-life fishing vessel that was lost at sea in the Perfect Storm of 1991.

138. Which U.S. city does Crash depict?

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Answer: L.A.

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Crash explores the racial and social tensions in the City of Angels.

139. What is Superman’s real name?

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Answer: Kal El.

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Also known as The Man of Steel, the Last Son of Krypton, The Man of Tomorrow, and more.

How to Pick the Hardest Trivia Questions

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via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

Last but not least, here are a few tried-and-tested tips on how to pick the best trivia prompts.

1. Don’t Go Easy on People

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via: Unsplash / Nadine Shaabana

Hard trivia questions are supposed to be hard. Don’t ask questions that are too basic or common knowledge.

2. Double-Check Your Facts

Double-Check Your Facts

via: Pexels / Pixabay

If you are going to be impressing people with facts, make sure that you have them 100% right.

3. Be Ready to Answer Questions

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via: Unsplash / Johan Godínez

Your conversation partners may have excellent trivia too — so give them a chance to ask you a question or two as well.

Downloadable and Printable List of Hard Trivia Questions

Here is a downloadable and printable list of hard trivia questions (right click the image and select Save Image As…):

Downloadable and Printable List of Hard Trivia Questions

via: Mantelligence

More Awesome Ice Breaker Games And Questions To Ask

Want more?

  1. Check out the benefits of trivia questions.
  2. Play our fun ice breaker games at your next party.
  3. Read our selection of would you rather questions.
  4. Don’t forget our most likely to questions.
  5. Challenge your friends and family to a game of never have I ever.

In Conclusion

Hard trivia questions make for excellent ice breaker questions. So, you might want to add them to your collection of questions to ask for the next time you find yourself in need of a conversation topic.

You tried too many normal and easy trivia questions, now it’s time to face some difficult trivia questions. Hard trivia questions are very important to check your mental capability. It will test your mind storage capability and knowledge. In this post, you will face quiz questions about sports, animals, religions history, friendship, and some famous movies trivia questions. This quiz questions post will help those students who want to increase their general knowledge.

difficult trivia questions

1. In a National Hockey League which player has the record of 10 hat tricks?

2. The first defenseman player in national hockey league to win the NHL point-scoring title?

3. Do you remember the name of the father and son who win the NHL most valuable player?

Show Answer

Bobby and Brett Hull

4. Which player perform the captaincy of 2 NHL team?

5. A throat protector is necessary for which position player in hockey?

Show Answer

Necessary for a goalie

6. In 1995 what was the number of NHL franchise in California?

7. What is tripping in the game of hockey?

Show Answer

If the player waves his hand below his knees

Really hard trivia questions with answers

8. In total how many stars exist in the flag of the USA?

9. George Washington was the first president of which country?

Show Answer

The United States Of America

10. Elvis Presley face which type of disease throughout his lifetime?

11. The shortest war in human civilization history was fought between which countries?

Show Answer

The war was fought between England and Zanzibar

12. Which Asian country face 7 deadliest wars in human history?

13. Because of the existence of ammonia which fluid the Romans used as a mouth wash before?

14. In which year during the Vietnam war the fall of Saigon defeat Americans?

15. French revolution take place in which century?

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Hard trivia questions for kids

16. During the first world war, Turkey belong from which empire?

Show Answer

The Ottoman Empire

17. The building Parthenon was built in honor of who?

Show Answer

In honor of the Roman goddess of Wisdom, Athena

18. What was the name of the ship in which James Cook discovered Australia?

19. The Indian great leader Mahatma Gandhi killed in which year?

20. The famous place Machu Picchu located in which country?

Show Answer

It is located at Peru

21. Do you remember the debut album name of Beatle’s?

Show Answer

Please Please Me

22. The famous invention thermometer was invented by who?

23. True or false question: Vladimir Lenin led USSR from 1917 to 1922?

Want to read more kids trivia? try this: 108+ Best Trivia Questions For Kids

Medium trivia questions

24. What nickname was given to the serial killer Jack the Ripper?

Show Answer

The Whitechapel Murderer

25. In which year the construction of the Berlin wall started?

26. The battle fought between England and France in 1415 named “The Battle of Agincourt” do you remember the battle belonged to what war?

Show Answer

That belonged from the Hundred Years War

27. At the time of Titanic sinking who was the captain of that ship?

28. The Great Fire of London happened between which dates?

Show Answer

It happened from Sunday 2 September to Thursday 6 September 1666

29. What was the first man who does spacewalk for 12 minutes?

30. True or false: The first spacewalk man Alexey Leonov belong from the USA?

Show Answer

False he belongs from Russia

hard trivia questions

Difficult history trivia questions

31. Till now how many people walked on the moon?

Show Answer

12 people till date (8.18.2019)

32. In 1986 which country prime minister was killed on his way to home from the cinema with his wife?

Show Answer

The Prime Minister of Sweden Olof Palme

33. What was the name of the first Windsor monarch of the UK?

34. The president Duvalier of Haiti nickname Papa Doc was died in which year?

35. The battle of Lepanto was fought in which year?

Show Answer

Fought in 1571

36. In 1580 sir Francis Drake completed the first circumnavigation of the globe in how many years?

Show Answer

Sir Francis Drake took 3 years to complete the circumnavigation of the globe

37. True or false: Crecy was the most famous battle of 1346?

38. The demolition of the Berlin Wall start in which year?

Extremely difficult trivia questions

39. In 1719 the principal Liechtenstein was created by which Roman Emperor?

Show Answer

Roman Emperor Charles VI

40. Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) was born on which date?

NHL trivia questions

41. What was the duration of Window tax in England and Wales?

Show Answer

The tax was implemented between 1696 to 1851

42. Robinson Crusoe the famous book was published in London on which date?

43. Who was the founder of the Salvation Army in London in 1865?

44. John Nash designed Regent’s Park in London in which year?

45. Normally which city is accepted as the ancient capital of Wessex?

46. Queen Elizabeth, I was died in which year?

47. True or false: Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination against smallpox in 1796?

Hard trivia questions multiple choice

48. Do you know the name of the oldest university in the United States?

  1. Harvard University found in 1636
  2. Stanford University

Show Answer

Harvard University found in 1636

49. During Black Death which was the second-largest city in Britain?

  1. London
  2. Bristol

50. Karl Marx was belonged from which country?

  1. USA
  2. Germany

51. In the war of Jenkin’s Ear which countries fought together?

  1. Britain and Spain
  2. Germany and France

Show Answer

Britain and Spain

52. In 1918 the pandemic name Spanish Flu killed what percentage of the world population?

  1. 3% of the world population
  2. 1% of the world population

Show Answer

1% of the world population

medium trivia questions

Hard trivia questions about animals

 53. What is the average lifetime of mice?

Show Answer

Captive mice live for 2.5 years and wild mice only live for 4 months on average.

54. What is the largest type of big cat in the world?

Show Answer

The tiger weighing up to 300 kg

55. Do crocodiles have sweat glands to release heat?

Show Answer

No sweat glands exist in crocodiles

56. True or false: Rabbits are born blind

57. What we can call adult female horse?

Want to read more animal quiz questions? try this: animal trivia questions with answers

Hard quiz questions and answers 2016

58. On which date North Korea launches a reconnaissance satellite named Kwangmyongsong-4?

Show Answer

February 7, 2016

59. On March 9, 2016, a total solar eclipse was visible from which country?

60. On March 21, 2016, which American president visits Cuba?

Show Answer

President Barack Obama

61. As a result of suicide bombing attacks at Brussels Zaventem airport and Maalbeek metro station how many people were killed?

Show Answer

35 people were killed

62. On which date the world longest and deepest railway tunnel is opened for public on which date?

Difficult trivia questions and answers

63. On which date Latvia becomes the 35th member of the OECD?

64. What is the name of solar-powered aircraft to circumnavigate the earth?

Show Answer

Swiss Solar Impulse 2

65. The Summer Olympics 2016 was held in which South American nation?

Show Answer

Rio de Janeiro Brazil

66. South Korea calling it “maniacal recklessness” do you know what is it?

Show Answer

Korea’s fifth and the biggest nuclear test in Korean history

67. After 1908 Chicago Cubs Baseball team won the World Series in which year?

Show Answer

They won the world series in 2016

Difficult math trivia questions and answers

68. The net prime number after 7 is what?

69. In 1 hour a car traveling 75 kilometers. In one minute the car travel how many meters?

Show Answer

1250 meters/minute

70. What is the value of 5Z+5, when Z=5?

Show Answer

The value will be 30

71. What will be the value of when we sum 5 and -8?

72. Sum of adjacent angles in line is equal to what?

read more math quiz: 70+ logical math questions and answers

Difficult Disney trivia questions

73. In which movie the song Two Worlds was released?

74. Dumbella was the name of who’s sister?

75. Do you remember the name of the villain of the movie Monsters Inc?

76. In Aladdin movie which type of animal Jasmine have as a pet?

77. Robin is what type of animal in the Disney movie Robin Hood?

Show Answer

Robin was basically a Fox

Read more disney trivia here: 52+best Disney trivia questions with answers

Difficult friends trivia questions

78. Do you know Chandler’s middle name?

79. True or false: Monica and Phoebe never kiss on the show?

80. In the pilot episode Rachel supposed to marry with who?

81. The sitcom set of Friends is set in which city?

82. I’ll be there for you is the theme song of which sitcom?

Show Answer

The theme song of Friends

83. Do you remember the name of 195’s themed diner where Monica worked as a waitress?

Show Answer

Moondance Diner

130+ best friends trivia questions

Difficult bible trivia questions

84. Jesus was born in which city?

85. In new testament how many books are there?

86. In the desert, John the Baptist eat which type of insect?

87. Who disowned 3 times when Jesus was arrested?

88. In the New Testament do you know what is the shortest book?

89. Do you know the author of the book of Revelation?

90. Paul belongs from which tribe?

Want more bible trivia? try this: 145+ best Bible Trivia Questions

Difficult movie trivia questions and answers

91. The movie Avengers Endgame was released on which date?

Show Answer

The movie was released on April 22, 2019, at Los Angeles Convention Center

92. Which studio produced the movie Avengers endgame?

Show Answer

Marvel Studios

93. Which studio distributed the movie Avengers: Endgame?

Show Answer

Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures

94. The movie Avengers: Endgame was directed by who?

Show Answer

Anthony and Joe Russo

95. The total running time of Avengers: Endgame was?

96. What was the total budget of the Avengers: Endgame?

Show Answer

The budget was $356 million

97. The marvel studio movie Black Panther was directed by who?

98. The movie Black Panther was initially released on which theatre?

Show Answer

Dolby Theatre United States

99. The movie Black Panther was distributed by which company?

Show Answer

Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures

100. On which date the Marvel Studio movie the Black Panther was released?

Show Answer

January 29, 2018

101. Who was the producer of the movie Black Panther?

102. What is the atomic symbol of Silver?

103. Which famous film is about a chocolate factory?

Show Answer

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

104. Who runs the chocolate factory in the movie?

105. Who directed the film Spiderhead(2022)?

Show Answer

Joseph Kosinski

106. When the movie ‘The Wrath of God’ released?

107. Who directed the film ‘Interceptor’?

Show Answer

Matthew Reilly

more movie quiz: 54+ Disney trivia quiz questions about movies


A software engineer having over 10 years of experience in web development and a passionate blogger who loves to write on different topics. My expertise is in moves, religious articles, sports, animals, and more.

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11 Questions


By AliciaInes | Updated: Mar 22, 2022

| Attempts: 1461





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Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    ________ do you live?

  • 2. 

    How _____ bread so you eat?

  • 3. 

    I ______ do the washing up now. I’ll do it later.

  • 4. 

    A chemist’s is a place _______ you buy medicines.

  • 5. 

    A: I don’t like Chinese food.
    B: _________ do I.

  • 6. 

    Put ______ some shoes. We’re going outside.

  • 7. 

    We walked _______ of the shop, because the music was too loud.

  • 8. 

    _______ it was a warm day, she wore a big winter coat.

  • 9. 

    I went to Rome ________ learn Italian.

  • 10. 

    What _______ you do if it rains this afternoon?

  • 11. 

    A: Have you heard the news?
    B: No, not __________ .

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You may believe you are smart enough not to be tricked. However, trick questions can stump anyone. Common sense and experience will not help you answer these tricky questions. Even though some of the answers are logical or rely on common sense, your first thought is quite often incorrect. Some trick questions are funny, some are a play on words, and some involve looking at things differently. Try your hand at answering all of our trick questions and share them with friends.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tricky Questions
  • 2 Mind Trick Questions
  • 3 Funny Trick Questions
  • 4 Trick Questions with Answers
    • 4.1 Questions:
    • 4.2 Answers:
    • 4.3 Related Posts

Tricky Questions

Tricky Questions

The following list of clever, tricky questions will have you and your friends scratching your heads and wondering just how intelligent you are. They are fun to use at a party, with your colleagues at work, or in a classroom. Teachers, camp counselors, and entertainers will love our list of tricky questions.

  1. Question: What is always coming, but never arrives?
  2. Question: What can be broken, but is never held?
  3. Question: What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?
  4. Question: What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?
  5. Question: What can one catch that is not thrown?
  6. Question: What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you do not have?
  7. Question: If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?
  8. Question: If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men?
  9. Question: If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
  10. Question: If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which would you light first?
  11. Question: If you spell “sit in the tub” s-o-a-k, and you spell “a funny story” j-o-k-e, how do you spell “the white of an egg”?
  12. Question: Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?
  13. Question: If Mrs. John’s bungalow is decorated completely in pink, with the walls, carpet, and furniture all shades of pink, what color are the stairs?
  14. Question: How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?
  15. Question: How could a man go outside in the pouring rain without protection, and not have a hair on his head get wet?
  16. Question: If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph, which way does the smoke blow?
  17. Question: How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died, but two people survived?
  18. Question: What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?
  19. Question: Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?
  20. Question: “The attorney is my brother,” testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he did not have a brother. Who is lying?
  21. Question: Uncle Bill’s farm had a terrible storm and all but seven sheep were killed. How many sheep are still alive?
  22. Question: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?
  23. Question: What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
  24. Question: What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?
  25. Question: What is it that goes up, but never comes down?
  26. Question: What happened when the wheel was invented?
  27. Question: What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?
  28. Question: Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  29. Question: Of you sit a cup on the table facing south while you are on the north side of the table, on which side is the cup’s handle?

Mind Trick Questions

Hard questions to answer provide a challenge for even the most intelligent individual. You must take your time, read the questions carefully, and think before attempting an answer. Be careful, because your first guess may not be correct on these mind trick questions.

  1. Question: A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he goes half way and takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why?
  2. Question: A man and his son were in an automobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said, “I cannot operate, because that is my son!” How was this possible?
  3. Question: A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car with no lights on comes around the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car’s driver know he was there?
  4. Question: Robert, my neighbor, a forty-five-year-old blacksmith is seven feet tall, and eats all day long. What does he weigh?
  5. Question: Complete this series of numbers: 9 = 4, 21 = 9, 22 = 9, 24 = 10, 8 = 5, 7 = 5, 99 = 10, 100 = 7, 16 =?, 17 =?
  6. Question: There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry. One day all of these rooms burst into fire. Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?
  7. Question: Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
  8. Question: A man has a fox, a chicken, and a sack of grain. He must cross a river, but cannot carry all of them at once. If he leaves the fox with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken. However, if he leaves the chicken with the grain, the chicken will eat the grain. How can he get all three across safely?
  9. Questions: There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break and six men leave. How many legs are remaining?
  10. Question: You are driving a bus. When you begin your route, there is an old woman named Mrs. Smith and a young boy named Raymond are on the bus. At the first stop, the old woman leaves, and a salesman, named Ed, enters. At the next stop, Jack and his sister Jill get on, as well as three women with shopping bags. The bus travels fifteen minutes, then stops and Raymond gets off and a man and his wife get on. Next, a woman with a bird in a cage gets on the bus. What is the name of the bus driver?
  11. Question: What is the maximum number of times a single page of a newspaper can be folded in half by hand?
  12. Question: A fishing boat, with a ladder in it, is leaning against a wall at the harbor. There are 5 oars and 2 fishing nets in the trawler. The distance between two consecutive steps on the ladder is 1 meter. If waves lashing against the wall rise a half meter in every half hour, how long will it take before 6 steps of the ladder are under the waves?
  13. Question: You ask the sales associate in a hardware store, “How much will one cost?””Twenty cents,” she replies.”And how much will twelve cost me?” you ask.”Forty cents,” she replies.”OK, I’ll take one hundred and twelve.”How much did you pay?
  14. Question: On a Sunday morning, the oldest girl in a family was murdered. The father was reading the paper, the mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, and the girl’s brother was playing video games. Uncle George was visiting and was out getting the mail. Who murdered the girl?
  15. Question: If you divide 30 by half and add ten, what do you get?

Funny Trick Questions

Funny Trick Questions

Some trick questions provide laughs because they are so silly. Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. We have included a few old favorites to help kids feel smart. Ask your friends these funny questions or try to answer them yourself. Don’t peek at the answers until you give each question your best guess.

  1. Question: What did one campfire say to the other?
  2. Question: Why can’t a woman living in the Europe be buried in Canada?
  3. Question: Why are movie stars considered cool?
  4. Question: What is white and black, but red all over?
  5. Question: What is the biggest problem with snow boots?
  6. Question: Why do fluorescent lights hum?
  7. Question: What becomes wetter the more it dries?
  8. Question: What did the ocean say to the beach?
  9. Question: Where is an ocean with no water?
  10. Question: What type hair does an ocean have?
  11. Question: Why did the clown visit the doctor?
  12. Question: What is sticky and brown?
  13. Question: What happens if you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
  14. Question: What provides the strength and power to walk through walls?
  15. Question: Why did Superman cross the road?
  16. Question: Which nail does a carpenter try to miss?
  17. Question: What do you always see at the beginning of a parade?
  18. Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
  19. Question: What happened to the human cannonball?
  20. Question: Which room has no walls?
  21. Question: How can a woman go eight days without sleep?
  22. Question: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor and not crack it?
  23. Question: How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
  24. Question: If two waves have a race, who wins?
  25. Question: Why did the cowboy ride his mule into town?
  26. Question: What goes up and down, but never moves?
  27. Question: What happened to the lion when he ate the clown?
  28. Question: If a rooster lays an egg on top of the barn roof, which way will it roll?
  29. Question: How many animals did Moses take into the ark?
  30. Question: How many legs does an elephant have if you count his trunk as a leg?
  31. Question: How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide?
  32. Question: What did the quilt say to the bed?
  33. Question: Why did the woman run around her bed at night?
  34. Question: What can you never eat for breakfast?
  35. Question: What has 4 wheels and flies?
  36. Question: How many sides does a circle have?
  37. Question: If you imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks, how would you survive?
  38. Question: If ten birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how birds many are left in the tree?
  39. Question: If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?
  40. Question: What two words, when combined, hold the most letters?

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick Questions with Answers

Trick questions entertain and inform. Use our selection for parties, game nights – any time you get together with friends or co-workers. Some of the cleverest trick questions involve plays on words, and we have quite a few included in this list. You will find 30 questions, followed by a list of answers. How many can you answer correctly?


  1. How can a door be not a door?
  2. What word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
  3. Why do you always find a mushroom at a party?
  4. Do you want to hear a joke about potassium?
  5. Do you know any good jokes about sodium?
  6. What should one do with a dead chemist?
  7. What’s a great name for a lawyer?
  8. What do you call a man in a hole?
  9. Which is the fastest country in the world?
  10. What do you get if you throw a million books into the ocean?
  11. What is the coldest country in the world?
  12. Why did the house go to the doctor?
  13. On which roads do ghosts linger?
  14. What do you call a woman standing on a tennis court?
  15. What is round and extremely violent?
  16. What happened to the tiny fortuneteller that escaped from jail?
  17. What is green and sings?
  18. What happened when the magician got angry?
  19. What common eleven-letter word is always spelled incorrectly?
  20. What did the person who invented the door-knocker win?
  21. What happened to the woman who fell into the upholstery machine?
  22. Did you hear what happened to the origami store?
  23. Why did the banker quit his job?
  24. What do you find in the middle of nowhere?
  25. Why was everyone so tired on the April first?
  26. What did one commode say to the other commode?
  27. A neutron walks into a café, orders breakfast, and asks the waiter, “How much will that be?”
  28. What is it that stands up, but grows down?
  29. A photon checks into a hotel. What is her reply when she is asked if she needs any help with her luggage?
  30. If George’s father has four children – Eenie, Meenie, Miney – what is the name of his fourth child?


  1. When it is a jar. (ajar = “open”)
  2. Island
  3. Because he is a fungi (“fun guy”).
  4. K! (K is the symbol for potassium.)
  5. Na! (Na is the symbol for sodium.)
  6. Barium (“Bury him”)
  7. Sue
  8. Doug (“dug”)
  9. Russia (“rush ya”)
  10. A title wave
  11. Chili
  12. Because it had a window pane (“pain”).
  13. Dead ends
  14. Annette (“a net)
  15. A vicious circle
  16. He was a small medium at large.
  17. Elvis Parsley
  18. He pulled his hare (“hair”) out.
  19. Incorrectly
  20. The no-bell (“Nobel”) prize
  21. She was fully recovered.
  22. It folded.
  23. He lost interest.
  24. The letter H
  25. Because they just completed a March of 31 days.
  26. You look flushed.
  27. The waiter replies, “For you? No charge!”
  28. A candle
  29. No thank you, I am traveling light.
  30. George

Trick questions stimulate the brain and provide fun. They help fill the time and provide relaxation. Additionally, they give your brain a workout! All ages love them. Use trick questions and brain teasers for bonding between employees in your office, avoiding boredom, and to challenge your friends. Have fun with our tricky questions!

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

Started preparing for your IELTS, TOEFL, or GRE exams and saw how hard the Vocabulary Section is? Don’t worry! Our list of 50 difficult words with meanings, explanations, and examples has got you covered. Read on!

Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of improving your vocabulary
    1. 1. It will help you tackle aptitude tests
    2. 2. It will make it easier for you to interact with your peers abroad
    3. 3. It will sharpen your mind
    4. 4. It will help you express yourself better
    5. 5. It will help you succeed in your career
  2. Why should I care about your list of 50 difficult words with meaning?
  3. 50 difficult words with meanings and sentences
    1. 40 more to go!
    2. 30 more to go!
    3. 20 more to go!
    4. 10 more to go!
  4. Some bonus words for you
  5. I can’t remember difficult English words with meanings
  6. How to remember difficult English words?
  7. What are some of the most misspelled words?
  8. Some confusing words you should know about 
  9. Difficult words to pronounce in English 
  10. Where can I find more such words?
    1. 1. Word Power by Norman Lewis
    2. 2. The GRE Vocabulary Flashcards on Magoosh
    3. 3. 500 Absolutely Essential Words 
    4. 4. English Vocabulary in Use Series
    5. 5. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Word Skills
  11. How can I improve my vocabulary?
  12. Key takeaways 
  13. FAQs

Have you ever come across a word and deciphered its meaning only to know at the end that it meant something different? If this sounds familiar, this blog on 50 difficult words with meaning is for you. 

You must be wondering about the importance of learning difficult words in English. Well, these words can help you sail through competitive exams, enhance your communication skills, and many such things. Read ahead to learn about more such benefits of learning difficult words.

Benefits of improving your vocabulary

1. It will help you tackle aptitude tests

Popular study abroad tests like GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, SAT, etc. all have vocabulary sections and are very important when you’re applying to a university or looking for a job after graduation.

2. It will make it easier for you to interact with your peers abroad

You don’t wanna feel lost when they drop one of these words in your conversation. Because you may not believe it, they use these words way more often than we do.

3. It will sharpen your mind

That’s right, learning new words and languages hones the critical side of your brain! Which, as I’ve already said, is super important to nail your aptitude tests.

4. It will help you express yourself better

Have you ever felt like you can’t express yourself through words? The more you expand your vocabulary, the more opportunity you have to express your thoughts and emotions accurately.

5. It will help you succeed in your career

The more effective your communication skills are higher the chance you have of climbing the ladder of success! When you communicate smartly, you can influence and inspire people all around.

Case in point, let’s take a look at these 50 difficult words with meaning and expand our knowledge! But wait-

Why should I care about your list of 50 difficult words with meaning?

Difficult words test prep

The first thing you should do while preparing for your GMAT or GRE is take a mock test. This will give you an idea of what your current aptitude levels are.

So what does that have to do with learning difficult words?

When you take the mock tests, you may find it difficult to understand the questions.

Not because the questions are difficult in themselves, but because they are written using words that are difficult to understand.

What’s more, the options given for the answer are even tougher to comprehend!

For example, here’s a Sentence Completion question from the Verbal Section of GRE–


Colleagues describe Padgett as both forthright and reticent, humble and (i)………….., good-natured and (ii) …………. . And in her behavior as a businesswoman, Padgett herself does little to (iii) …………. these contradictions. She says she is pro-employee but is avowedly anti-union. She calls herself a pro customer but acknowledges that she runs a store with higher profit margins and prices than almost any other grocer.


(i) – a) diffident b) eccentric c) arrogant

(ii) – a) pricky b) solicitous c) phlegmatic

(iii) – a) dispel b) fulfill c) accentuate

Do you see what I’m trying to say?

GRE has 3 sections, with Verbal being one of the toughest ones.

The GMAT has 4 sections, namely, Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. You need a strong vocabulary to score well in 3 of these sections in the exam.

This is where our list of 50 difficult words with meanings comes in.

50 difficult words with meanings and sentences

Without further ado-

  1. Belie – To give a false representation to; misrepresent
    Example – The smile on his lips belies the pain he’s been feeling 
  2. Arrant – Complete and wholly
    Example – You are an arrant fool
  3. Untoward – Inconvenient
    Example – I find attending lectures on Zoom untoward as it does not make me feel included in the class
  4. Byzantine – Complex and intricate
    Example – You can’t just end a marriage like that, you have to complete the byzantine procedures of filing a divorce case in the courts
  5. Conciliate – To make peace with
    Example – All attempts at conciliation have failed and civil war seems inevitable
  6. Equivocate – To speak vaguely, with the intention of misleading someone
    Example – Politicians often say that they will work on the issue of climate change, but they are just equivocating to get the votes
  7. Truculent – Have a fierce, savage nature
    Example – The truculent attitude of farmers to cheaper imports is inspiring
  8. Diatribe – A verbal attack against a person
    Example – Because Sheila was unhappy with the administration, she launched a lengthy diatribe against the board during lunch.
  9. Quisling – A traitor
    Example – He had the quisling owner of the factory arrested
  10. Artless – without cunning or deceit
    Example – My artless comment was mistaken for rudeness

Difficult words with meaning

Take it slow and learn a few new words each day and quiz yourself.

40 more to go!

  1. Blinkered – To have a limited perspective
    Example – They’ve got a very blinkered view of life
  2. Maudlin – Overly emotional
    Example – You didn’t invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.
  3. Invective – Abusive language
    Example – A woman had hurled racist invective at the family.
  4. Remonstrate – To make objections while pleading
    Example – Whenever I refuse my young daughter anything, she likes to remonstrate by stomping her feet on the floor
  5. Sartorial – Related to fashion
    Example – The wedding party arrived in sartorial splendor.
  6. Sybarite – A person who indulges in luxury
    Example – A Sybarite on an inadequate income, was ever the man of action.
  7. Inundate – Flooded
    Example – Her office was inundated with requests for tickets.
  8. Curmudgeon – A surly person
    Example – Clearly, I only play a curmudgeon in the newspaper. 
  9. Anodyne – Something that soothes or relieves pain
    Example – Morphine is the greatest anodyne we possess, and no drug yet discovered equals it in pain-relieving power. 
  10. Gaffe – A socially awkward act
    Example – He didn’t realize what a gaffe he’d made.

30 more to go!

  1. Vie – Compete for something
    Example – They are both vying for the same managerial position.
  2. Decimation – Killing a large part of the population
    Example – It is likely the category five hurricane will decimate the small beach town.
  3. Garrulous – Talking too much
    Example – He was so garrulous that he could not keep a secret.
  4. Hubris – Overbearing pride
    Example – Her humble attitude was refreshing in a society to be saturated by hubris.
  5. Dovetail – To fit together tightly
    Example – I’m following up on a few things that might dovetail.
  6. Impetuous – Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought
    Example – In the past, impetuous young men would drop out of college and run off to join the army.
  7. Circumlocution – Expressing someone in an indirect way
    Example – His admission came after years of circumlocution.
  8. Surreptitious – Taking pains not to be caught or detected
    Example – He made a surreptitious recording with a concealed hand-held machine. 
  9. Peripatetic – Traveling by foot
    Example – He had a peripatetic career as a salesman.
  10. Magisterial – Someone who exercises unwarranted power
    Example – Their jurisdictions coincide for the most part with the magisterial and fiscal boundaries.

20 more to go!

  1. Asperity – Harsh in manner 
    Example – There was a touch of asperity in his tone.
  2. Decry – Express strong disapproval of 
    Example – He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
  3. Puerile – Displaying a lack of maturity 
    Example – Since my son is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behavior amusing.
  4. Incontrovertible – Impossible to deny
    Example – We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.
  5. Inviolate – Something that must be kept sacred 
    Example – The constitution proclaims that public property shall be inviolate.
  6. Puissant – Powerful
    Example – The young man has a puissant body.
  7. Cosset – Excessive indulgence
    Example – He cosseted her with flowers and champagne.
  8. Eclectic – Deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources
    Example – My universities offer an eclectic mix of courses.
  9. Iconoclast – Someone who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs
    Example – His son Gegnesius 722 was taken to Constantinople, where he won over to his opinions the iconoclast emperor, Leo the Isaurian. 
  10. Anachronism – Something that is inappropriate for the given time period
    Example – In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism

10 more to go!

  1. Enormity – An act of extreme wickedness
    Example – She stared at the fire, shocked by the enormity of what she had done.
  2. Dolorous – Showing sorrow
    Example – Sally stopped. Then she uttered a dolorous phrase that we could all understand. My dog is dead, she said, as tears filled her eyes.
  3. Solicitous – Showing hovering attentiveness
    Example – I appreciated his solicitous inquiry about my health.
  4. Impugn – Attack as false or wrong
    Example – Her motives have been scrutinized and impugned.
  5. Despot – A cruel and oppressive dictator
    Example – The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.
  6. Splenetic – Very irritable
    Example – Next in line for the splenetic outburst of a disaffected supporter: Martin Chuffing Edwards.
  7. Abrogate – To revoke 
    Example – The Supreme Court can abrogate laws deemed unconstitutional.
  8. Inveterate – Habitual
    Example – She is an inveterate gambler.
  9. Officious – Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
    Example – ‘I’ll see,’ the nurse said, with an officious toss of her head.
  10. Pillory – Ridicule or expose to public scorn
    Example – The offensive thing is that he has been so widely pilloried for doing so.

Some bonus words for you

1. Abject- without any hope 

Example- He lives in abject poverty. 

2. Candor- Honest

Example- She treated the matter with great candor

3. Cogent- Persuasive

Example- He had a cogent argument to make. 

4. Dearth- Shortage/scarcity

Example- The team has no dearth of good players. 

5. Evanescent- Short-lived

Example- The photographer perfectly captured that evanescent moment.

6. Cognizant-Aware 

Example- He is cognizant of the ongoing issue. 

7. Fatuous- Lack of intelligence 

Example- I was shocked by his fatuous remark. 

8. Mendacious- Lying

Example- Do not give them another mendacious story. It’s time you tell the truth. 

9. Disparate- Distinct 

Example- We are trying to put all disparate ideas to execute this plan. 

10. Ubiquitous– Present everywhere 

Example- He is one of the most ubiquitous media personalities today. 

I can’t remember difficult English words with meanings

How to remember difficult words

There are many tips out there to boost your memory, but what works for you?

I know! I’ve been there. This is why I’m going to share an amazing trick that Memory Athletes use to remember difficult words.

Sure, you’ll find a lot of resources both online and offline (we’re gonna cover that soon). Some of them will tell you to speak out loud and memorize the words every day until the day of your exam. Others will ask you to look at examples and use these words in your everyday life.

But they can only help you remember these words for maybe a week or two.

The method used by Memory Athletes, on the other hand, helped me so much I can remember the meanings of these words even today!

How to remember difficult English words?

We have ten amazing tips that will blow your mind!

  1. Read the word and try to relate it to something you already know.
  2. Break it into two words if that makes things easier for you.
    For example – for the word Inundated – I broke it into 3 words – ‘in’ ‘a’ and ‘date’
  3. Create a mental image of these words in your mind
    I imagined myself being on a date with a guy
  4. Relate this image to the actual meaning of the word!
  5. Have fun while learning. Play word puzzles and quiz yourself when you want to relax.
  6. Be more observant of what you read. Instead of glancing over unknown words, look up the meaning and note them down. 
  7. Learn with a friend. Sometimes learning words can become mundane, so take the help of your friends and build your knowledge. 
  8. Learn a few words at a time and don’t overburden yourself. Learn around 8-10 words a day.
  9. Use these new words in your day-to-day life to retain them better. 
  10. Revise what you have learned a day later and then a week later. 

How? Let’s see-
Inundated means Flooded
So I imagined that the restaurant I was in started to flood!

I know what you’re thinking – it’s crazy.

But it works, doesn’t it? 

Now, you’ll never forget what inundated means.

Try out this trick with the words on this list and have fun while memorizing them. You’re welcome!

What are some of the most misspelled words?

When it comes to acing the English section, only learning the words is not enough. You need to learn to spell them the right way. So, here are some of the most misspelled words that you need to get right!


Correct spelling 





















Some confusing words you should know about 

Besides misspelling certain words, you might get confused with the usage of some words. So, here are some of the most commonly misused words. 

  • Accept and Except 

Accept refers to accepting something, whereas except means to exclude something. 

  • Illicit and Elicit 

Illicit is the other name for being unlawful. On the other hand, elicit means to evoke. 

  • Effect and Affect 

While effect means an outcome, affect means influence. 

  • Their, There, and They’re

While ‘their’ is a possessive word, there means a location, and ‘they’re’ is the contraction of ‘they are.’

Difficult words to pronounce in English 

Now that we have learned more than 50 new words with meaning, it’s time to pronounce some difficult words. Here you go! 













Where can I find more such words?

You’ll find online articles giving you multiple suggestions, including books like Six Weeks to Words of Power, Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder, and 1100 Words You Need to Know.

But instead of being swamped with so many books to read, I suggest you use only these 2 resources-

1. Word Power by Norman Lewis

This book is a delightful read!

In it, you will have to learn only 10 words a day.

But the teaching method (breaking down the word etymology) of the author is so phenomenal that you’ll end up understanding the meanings behind a thousand words by the end of this book.

What’s more, it has several exercises in the middle, that help you improve your grammatical and syntactic skills. This is perfect for those attempting tests like SAT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

2. The GRE Vocabulary Flashcards on Magoosh

This app has hundreds of flashcards you can read from.

Go through a few flashcards every day, over and over again. Read the meanings, use the trick I gave above to remember these words, and look at the examples.

Then do it all over again. Because when it comes to remembering vocabulary words with meaning, practice will make you perfect!

3. 500 Absolutely Essential Words 

This is for people who want to build a foundation for strong English. The book has over 500 frequently used words with meanings and sample sentences, short reading passages, exercises, etc. This makes it quite helpful for students preparing for English proficiency exams.

4. English Vocabulary in Use Series

This series by Cambridge University Press can be used by students of all levels to improve their vocabulary. If you are preparing for TOEFL or IELTS, grab this series to score well in your exam. Each of these books is designed per various skill levels and gets more technical. It includes the following books-

  • Elementary Vocabulary 
  • Basic Vocabulary in Use
  • Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Vocabulary
  • Upper-Intermediate Vocabulary
  • Advanced Vocabulary

5. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Word Skills

This book by Oxford has 32 modules, each covering various areas of different topics. It has over 180 topics with 3500 keywords and phrases presented in context. It also covers essay writing and spoken English sections. You can also test your knowledge with its ‘Cover and Check’ cards. This book is ideal for students preparing for Cambridge exams and IELTS.

How can I improve my vocabulary?

Here are a few ways you can learn more words and expand your vocabulary – 

  • Build a habit of reading. You must read all kinds of texts – fiction, academic papers, articles, and interviews – to build a solid vocabulary and improve comprehension. 
  • Keep a thesaurus and a dictionary handy, and learn to use the new words in the right context. 
  • If you want to memorize words faster, you can try making flashcards for reference.
  • Write. You can write about any topic that interests you, like laughter, your favorite movie, or a superhero. If you can’t come up with a topic, look for prompts online!
  • Listening to music and watching movies in any language is a great way to build and strengthen your vocabulary.
  • Moreover, making it a habit to converse in that language regularly can help you use the new words you learn effectively.

Key takeaways 

  • Vocabulary is an important aspect of various competitive exams, including IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, GRE, etc. It is essential for you to enhance your vocabulary to ace these exams.
  • To begin with, you can go through these difficult words with meanings and try to use these words in your everyday life. 
  • You can also use these words to enhance your English speech to grab people’s attention. 
  • Besides learning more than 50 difficult words with meaning, you can also read books, journals, listen to music, etc., to enhance your vocabulary.
  • So, grab your notebook and prepare well by revising these words!  

There you have it – 50 (well, 60) difficult words with meaning, resources to find more, and tips to remember these oh-so-new words.

If you think we should add something more to our blog about ’50 difficult words with meaning,’ reach out to us.

Or…drop a comment!

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Q1. What are the 10 difficult words?

Answer – Here are 10 difficult words you should look at-

  1. Capitulate
  2. Divisive
  3. Extant
  4. Fetter
  5. Hegemony
  6. Inoculate
  7. Linchpin
  8. Mores
  9. Pariah
  10. Reprobate

Q2. What is the hardest word to say?

Answer – Worcestershire is one of the hardest words to get right in English.

Q3. What is the most used word?

Answer – The most used word in English is ‘the.’

Q4. What is the oldest word?

Answer- Some of the words that researchers believe date back 15000 years include-

  • Bark
  • Mother
  • Spit

Q5. Is vocabulary important for GRE?

Answer- Yes, having a strong vocabulary is crucial for you to score well on GRE. The Verbal Reasoning section is all about testing your vocabulary by asking questions on antonyms, analogies, sentence completion, etc. It is also one of the toughest sections of the exam. Therefore,  go through the difficult words with meaning to ace this section. 

Q6. What is contextual vocabulary?

Answer- Contextual vocabulary includes guessing the meaning of words by understanding the sentence without depending on a dictionary. 

Q7. What is the best way to retain difficult words for a longer period of time?

Answer- You can start by reading the words and jotting them down with the meaning. Then, try to use those difficult words in sentences to memorize them. 

Q8. What is a very long word?

Answer- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is one of the longest difficult words in the English dictionary. 

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