Different word for searching

  • #1

What is the diffirence between seek and search?

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    To seek means to go and look for and try to find (physically and/or by questioning) something or someone — there has to be some movement by the subject : «I am seeking Aziz Omar at the airport.» = I am at (or will go to) the airport and I am trying to find Aziz Omar.

    To search means to look for something; it can be done without travelling, «I am searching Aziz Omar at the airport.» = I am at the airport and I am checking Aziz Omar’s body and possessions.»

    • #3

    they are different grammatically : To seek means to search for. The direct object of the verb seek is the desired object. «I am seeking a position where I can use my talents fully». The direct object of search is the location where something is being looked for (or «sought» — the past form of seek!) » I am looking for my pen and I am searching the desk.» or «I am searching the whole house for my pen.»

    • #5

    In my opinion, in common use, they mean almost the same, but they are used differently grammatically. I seek answers to questions. I search for answers on the internet. I search the internet for the answers.

    Note that seek can sometimes have other meanings, notably to try or have as a goal: I seek to do right.

    And «search» is also a noun and an attributive noun (noun used as an adjective): I did an internet search, using a search engine.

    • #6

    Good informations. Thank you.

    • #7

    Seek a remedy, seek forgiveness, ask for something. Search, explore, for meaning.

    • #8

    Which one is correct from this 3 titles:
    1. Don’t look for love
    2. Don’t search for love
    3. Don’t seek for love


    • #9

    1. and 2. are correct, in my opinion.


    • #10

    Only (1) and (2) are grammatically correct.

    The verb «seek» is transitive, so version (3) would need to say «Don’t seek love». It sounds a bit odd as it stands, but it might work with some additional context.

    • #11

    Ok, so, gramatically correct are this versions: 1. Don’t look for love; 2. Don’t search for love; 3. Don’t seek love. But I want to know what is the difference between this 3 versions, especially between first two? I translated one of my poems from my Croatian language to English language, and I checked it over Google translator, but all 3 versions are possible according to Google translator.


    • #12

    Google translator is a hopeless tool and I don’t recommend using it.

    Keith Bradford

    • #13

    Look for is more casual and has a wider meaning than the other options (it can simply mean expect).
    Search for expresses more effort than look for.
    Seek has the same force as search for, but is less colloquial, more poetic.

    • #14

    [This post has been added to a previous thread in which the same question was asked. Please read down from thew top. DonnyB — moderator]
    Is there anybody who can explain when we can/must use each of these verbs?

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2019

    Перевод по словам

    searching [adjective]

    adjective: испытующий, ищущий, изучающий, тщательный, доскональный, пронизывающий, проницательный

    • tired of searching — устал от поиска
    • searching parameters — параметры поиска
    • nomads searching — поиск кочевники
    • start searching — начать поиск
    • searching for an apartment — в поисках квартиры
    • searching online — поиск в Интернете
    • a searching for — ищущей для
    • trademark searching — поиск торговой марки
    • re searching for — вновь ищут
    • literature searching — поиск литературы

    for [preposition]

    preposition: для, на, за, в, к, в течение, ради, от, вместо, по причине

    conjunction: ибо, ввиду того, что

    • owner for — владелец для
    • contracts for — контракты
    • for individuals — для физических лиц
    • for listing — для включения в перечень
    • applicants for — претенденты
    • bait for — приманка для
    • tradition for — традиция
    • for pedagogical — для педагогических
    • for science and technology for — для науки и техники
    • international center for not-for-profit law — Международный центр некоммерческого права
    • words sense — смысл слов
    • get in war of words — вступать в перепалку
    • kind words — добрые слова
    • beyond words — после слов
    • i can’t put into words — я не могу выразить словами
    • capitalized words — капитализированные слова
    • abusive words — оскорбительные слова
    • 150 words — 150 слов
    • words written — слова написаны
    • with these words — с этими словами

    Предложения с «searching for words»

    But I do, he insisted. It makes me feel as though … he hesitated, searching for words with which to express himself, as though I were more me, if you see what I mean.

    А я хочу, — не уступал Бернард — От моря у меня такое чувство… — Он помедлил, поискал слова. — Я как бы становлюсь более собой.

    He furrowed the skin of his forehead, as though searching for words with which to propose a toast.

    Он поднял кожу со лба, как бы придумывая тост.

    Unlike other comedians, Allen spoke to his audiences in a gentle and conversational style, often appearing to be searching for words , although he was well rehearsed.

    В отличие от других комиков, Аллен говорил со своими слушателями в мягкой и разговорной манере, часто, казалось, подыскивая слова, хотя он был хорошо отрепетирован.

    Searching for the meaning of life, I think words have something to do with that.

    Думаю, слова в какой — то степени могут помочь нам в поиске смысла жизни.

    In addition to searching for different words and phrases, you can use various operators, punctuation and keywords to narrow your search results.

    Помимо слов и фраз, это поле может содержать различные операторы, знаки препинания и ключевые слова, уточняющие результаты поиска .

    The warden at folsom contacted you this morning after searching Medina’s cell and finding articles about the commissioner, the last of which had a photo with the word dead scrawled across her face.

    Охранник из Фолсом связался с тобой этим утром после обыска камеры Медины, обнаружив статьи о комиссаре, и на последней из них, с фотографией, увидев слово убита поперек лба..

    She strained herself, searching for suitable words for the parting.

    Она напряглась и стала искать подходящие для разлуки слова.

    He was searching his mind for simple words so that even the littluns would understand what the assembly was about.

    Он поискал в уме самых простых слов, чтобы даже малыши могли их понять.

    He seemed to be searching for the exact words .

    Видимо, ему хотелось найти как можно более точные слова.

    I put the word out on the street… searching for forty year old video recordings good money for clues, top of the line drugs in exchange for the tapes

    И спрашивал на улицах 80 — летние записи, расплачивался за них большими деньгами, наркотиками

    Time is also spent on word games, writing letters, or searching for books in the library.

    Время также тратится на словесные игры, написание писем или поиск книг в библиотеке.

    YES…..finally some1 that is as bad at spelling as i am. i usally end up typing a word into google which corrects it for me and then searching for it in wiki.

    ДА…..наконец, некоторые из них так же плохо пишут, как и я. обычно я набираю слово в google, который исправляет его для меня, а затем ищет его в wiki.

    All the while The court of the final word was searching the heart of existence in the hope that not only will they survive the void but the evolution of humans as well.

    Все это время суд последнего слова искал сердце существования в надежде, что они переживут не только пустоту, но и эволюцию людей.

    Surely you are aware that by conspicuous omission of quotation marks, you are not searching for the phrase, but for the relative frequency of the individual words .

    Вы, конечно, понимаете, что, явно опуская кавычки, вы ищете не фразу, а относительную частоту отдельных слов.

    Most people would use the word ’empire’ when searching for the information contained in this article.

    Обычно я бы смело удалил его и назначил редирект для удаления, но я чувствую, что это было бы спорным шагом.

    I think searching on the word Intaglio will give you all you want.

    Я думаю, что поиск по слову Intaglio даст вам все, что вы хотите.

    Despite all my searching , I can never find another newer word about the The Order of the Belgian Order having been written.

    Несмотря на все мои поиски , я никогда не могу найти другого нового слова о том, что был написан Орден бельгийского ордена.

    Redirected here when searching for the word Rath.

    Перенаправляется сюда при поиске слова Rath.

    Searching with one spelling for any particular Hebrew word will unpredictably redirect to the other spelling.

    Поиск с одной орфографией для любого конкретного еврейского слова непредсказуемо перенаправит на другую орфографию.

    Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

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    Hello, is it possible to put two different words to search and highlight on a web page using the search function please?

    Or is there a plugin that can maybe do it?

    level 1

    I use the extension Chrome Regex Search. You can use regex to search for multiple words like so: «word1|word2|word3». This will highlight each of the words on the page.

    level 2

    Thank you. I will try it.

    level 2

    Hello. The vertical bar doesn’t work » | » to separate words. What is the right separator please? :)

    Edit : My bad, I put space between them. Now it works. It’s great, thank you !

    level 1

    I have tried all of the multi-highlight extensions, but nothing works in blogger 😢. can anyone suggest to me any multi-word highlight tool or Chrome extension that I can use on blogger?

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    JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Getty

    by Kate Woodford

    What did you last look for? Was it your phone, a key or maybe a book? If you’re anything like me, it was probably a pen that works! Most of us search for something from time to time so let’s take a look at the language of searching.

    A number of words and phrases describe someone looking for one particular thing in a place where there are many things. They suggest that someone moves things around in the attempt to find what they are looking for. For example, there are the slightly informal phrasal verbs root around and poke around: I was just rooting around in my drawer, hoping to find a red pen. / If you poke around in that cupboard, you’ll probably find some glue. The verb rummage is used with the same meaning: She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a small, green bottle. / It was a video of a bear rummaging through a pile of trash.

    Meanwhile, if you turn a place upside down, you search every bit of that place in order to find something, often leaving it very untidy: We turned the apartment upside down but we still couldn’t find the letter.

    A verb with an extra meaning is ‘rifle’. If you rifle through somewhere, you search it quickly, often in order to steal something: Someone had obviously rifled through the drawers.

    Some verbs describe someone searching a particular place or thing to find an item. For example, if you trawl, you often search through a large quantity of information in order to find what you want: The software is used to trawl for information on the Internet. If you scout for something, you look all over an area for it: I’ve been scouting around for somewhere to live. Other verbs suggest that you are looking for a particular thing. For example, if police or detectives comb an area, they search it very carefully in order to find weapons or other evidence: Police are combing the area for clues. If you forage, you go from place to place, looking for food. Wild and foraged food features prominently on the menu.

    I’ll finish with two colourful idioms. If something is extremely difficult to find, often because there are so many things to look through, you might say it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. (A needle is a very thin piece of metal that is used for sewing and a haystack is a large pile of dried grass in a field!) There are so many pieces of paper here – it’s like finding a needle in a haystack! Meanwhile, if a search is a complete waste of time, often because the person or thing being searched for does not exist, we may call it a wild-goose chase. What, I wonder, are the equivalent idioms in your language?

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