Different word for looking after


Synonyms of looking after

  • as in looking to

  • as in watching

  • as in looking to
  • as in watching

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looking after


Definition of looking afternext

present participle of look after


as in looking to

to attend to the needs and comforts of

She didn’t have many patients to look after and so they each received a lot of attention.

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • looking to

  • seeing to

  • waiting on

  • nursing

  • doing for

  • taking care of

  • looking out for

  • waiting upon

  • administering (to)

  • ministering (to)

  • healing

  • treating

  • caring (for)

  • mothering

  • supporting

  • aiding

  • curing

  • preserving

  • providing (for)

  • remedying

  • catering (to)

  • conserving

  • spoiling

  • pampering

  • doctoring

  • babying

  • mollycoddling

  • coddling

  • humoring

  • indulging

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • brushing (aside or off)

  • ignoring

  • forgetting

  • neglecting

  • overlooking

  • slighting

  • brushing (aside or off)

  • ignoring

  • forgetting

  • neglecting

  • overlooking

  • slighting


as in watching

to take charge of especially on behalf of another

With so many children to look after they had to call in another caregiver.

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • watching

  • supervising

  • seeing to

  • overseeing

  • seeing after

  • taking care of

  • managing

  • attending

  • caring (for)

  • tending

  • operating

  • protecting

  • guarding

  • controlling

  • superintending

  • presiding (over)

  • governing

  • running

  • minding

  • conducting

  • guiding

  • regulating

  • patrolling

  • directing

  • safeguarding

  • administrating

  • shielding

  • shepherding

  • stewarding

  • babysitting

  • mothering

  • babying

  • chaperoning

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • ignoring

  • forgetting

  • passing over

  • abandoning

  • neglecting

  • disregarding

  • ignoring

  • forgetting

  • passing over

  • abandoning

  • neglecting

  • disregarding

Thesaurus Entries Near looking after


looking after

looking (at)

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“Looking after.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/looking%20after. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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Table of Contents

  1. Is care action a verb?
  2. What is the 3 form of care?
  3. What is the difference between care for and care about?
  4. What is the phrasal verb of put up with?
  5. What do you call someone you look after?
  6. What do you call people who live in a care home?
  7. How do you say very old?
  8. What is a nice word for old?
  9. What is the politically correct term for elderly?
  10. What is a 60 year old called?
  11. Is 60 years old considered old?
  12. Is 60 classed as old?
  13. What happens when you turn 60 years old?
  14. How often do 60 year olds make love?
  15. What benefits can I claim at 60?
  16. What do 60 year olds do for fun?
  17. What do you get free at 60?
  18. How can I be happy at 60?
  19. What can I learn at 60?
  20. What do 65 year olds do for fun?
  21. What age is classes as elderly?
  22. What do 50 year olds do for fun?
  23. What can I do at age 52?
  24. How do I start a new life at 50?
  25. What should a 50 year old not do?
  26. Who is the fittest 50 year old?

What is another word for look after?

Is care action a verb?

It is used both as a verb and as a noun and has a meaning similar to concern. Care is also used in some common phrasal verbs. Study the following examples carefully.

What is the 3 form of care?

The past tense of care is cared. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of care is cares. The present participle of care is caring. The past participle of care is cared.

What is the difference between care for and care about?

Care for something denotes that the individual likes something. Care for can also mean providing assistance. Care about someone highlights that the individual is important to us. Care about something, it denotes the interest that the person has.

What is the phrasal verb of put up with?

If you put up with something, you tolerate or accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfactory.

protect guard
supervise oversee
babysit childmind
care for take care of
watch over attend to

What do you call someone you look after?

caretaker. noun. someone whose job is to look after a large building such as a school, office building, or block of flats. The usual American word is janitor.

What do you call people who live in a care home?

. The term we have used thus far, as a private provider, is ‘client’. The logic goes that the individual pays for a care service and, we thought, denoted a term of respect. After all, some of the most professionalised human services use the term, such as the legal profession, for example.

How do you say very old?

very old

  1. age-old.
  2. antiquated.
  3. timeworn.
  4. aged.
  5. antique.
  6. elderly.
  7. old.
  8. old-fashioned.

What is a nice word for old?

Synonyms & Antonyms of old

  • aged,
  • aging.
  • (or ageing),
  • ancient,
  • elderly,
  • geriatric,
  • long-lived,
  • older,

What is the politically correct term for elderly?


What is a 60 year old called?

A sexagenarian is someone in their 60s (60 to 69 years old), or someone who is 60 years old. Another word for sexagenarian is sexegenary.

Is 60 years old considered old?

Why ‘chronological age’ may misrepresent your age Historically, the United Nations has defined an “older” person as anyone 60 years or older, regardless of that person’s individual history or where in the world they live.

Is 60 classed as old?

The World Health Organisation believes that most developed world countries characterise old age starting at 60 years and above. However, this definition isn’t adaptable to a place like Africa, where the more traditional definition of an elder, or elderly person, starts between 50 to 65 years of age.

What happens when you turn 60 years old?

During your 60s, your first two layers of your skin — the epidermis and dermis — thin and flatten out. Your skin turns drier and itchier and may look like crepe paper or tissue. Wrinkles, age spots, creases, and bruises become more noticeable. Your sweat glands also get less active.

How often do 60 year olds make love?

Thirty-seven percent of married people over 60 make love once a week or more, and 16 percent make love several times a week, Father Greeley noted in his report, based on two previous surveys involving a total of 5,738 people.

What benefits can I claim at 60?

The best benefits for pensioners and the over 60s

  • State pension benefits.
  • Free eye tests and dental care.
  • Free TV license.
  • Discounts on public transport.
  • Help with heating your home.
  • Benefits for carers and disabled individuals.
  • Military pension benefits.

What do 60 year olds do for fun?

Spend more time with your family and friends, but don’t be afraid to meet new people, too.

  • See a local play, comedian or musical performance.
  • Write a letter to a loved one.
  • Travel big with your family.
  • Invite your family to an Escape Room.
  • Try date night at the drive-in movie theatre.

What do you get free at 60?

Everyone aged over 60 gets free prescriptions. If you’re under 60 you can save money on prescriptions by buying prescription prepayment certificates from the NHS for 3 months or 12 months. This covers all your prescriptions for that period, regardless of how many you need.

How can I be happy at 60?

6 Ways to Boost Happiness at 60

  1. Take your lumps. By the time you’re 60, you have lived a long time and weathered a lot of storms.
  2. Know how to say no.
  3. Let it go.
  4. Don’t worry what others think.
  5. Nurture your relationships.
  6. Stay physically active.

What can I learn at 60?

The following are six important skills to learn at 60 years old

  • Identifying Reality Skills. As a sixty-year-old, you have seen it all.
  • Option Choosing Skills.
  • Finding Meaning Skills.
  • Community And Humanitarian Service Skills.
  • Planning for Unexpected Skills.
  • Income Generation Skills.

What do 65 year olds do for fun?

Check out these great options, which you may find at your local senior living community.

  • Group Exercise Classes.
  • Wii Sports.
  • Walking Clubs.
  • Gardening Clubs.
  • Book Clubs.
  • Life Story Exercises.
  • Lectures and Continuing Ed Classes.
  • Art Classes.

What age is classes as elderly?

In most industrialized Western nations, someone is considered a senior by the age of 65 or so. But remember: That number is based primarily on retirement age and the age at which social benefits kick in. Many people would not consider someone a senior until they’re at least over the age of 70.

What do 50 year olds do for fun?

Educate yourself

  • Take a language course. Aside from the fun of it, learning a new language is always great since you never know when you might encounter the need for such.
  • Learn arts and crafts.
  • Learn restoration.
  • Study photography.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Learn to cook.
  • Study the humanities.
  • Watch documentaries.

What can I do at age 52?

50 Life Changes to Make After 50

  • Conquer a Long-Held Fear.
  • Try Out a Cool Hairstyle.
  • Travel Somewhere You’ve Never Been.
  • Start a Book Club.
  • Adopt a Pet.
  • Learn to Garden.
  • Finish a New York Times Sunday Crossword.
  • Start Journaling.

How do I start a new life at 50?

Here are 10 tips that helped me start over after 50 and create a new way of being in the world.

  1. 1 – Give Yourself Time. We all grieve in different ways and at different paces.
  2. 2 – One Breath at a Time – Meditation Heals.
  3. 3 – Writing Your Way Out – Journaling is Underrated.

What should a 50 year old not do?

11 Things You Should Never Do Again After 50

  • Parkour.
  • Jell-O Shots.
  • Karaoke After Jell-O Shots.
  • Trying to Break a Plank With Your Head.
  • Crowd Surfing.
  • Collecting Owls Made of Shells.
  • Boasting About Certain Things.
  • Explaining Your Personal Role in Bringing Your Kids Up Right.

Who is the fittest 50 year old?

Cliff Musgrave



Автоматический перевод

присматривать за ним

Перевод по словам

look  — взгляд, вид, взор, внешность, выглядеть, смотреть, посмотреть, поискать
after  — после, спустя, вслед, после, через, за, по, после того как, последующий, задний


Looking after children can be hard work.

Уход за детьми может быть трудной работой.

I tasked him with looking after the children.

Я поручила ему присмотр за детьми.

His job includes looking after under-21 teams.

В его обязанности входит надзор за молодежными командами. (возраст игроков не старше 21 года)

Looking after a baby really takes it out of you.

Забота о младенце чудовищно выматывает.

Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.

Слоны совместно присматривают за детёнышами.

Looking after the house was viewed as a woman’s domain.

Забота о доме считается женской прерогативой.

I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you!

Спасибо, но я отлично могу позаботиться о себе сама!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

But it needs a shock, that’s for us, the directors, to look after.  

I couldn’t look after him any more; the strain was too much for me.  

I wouldn’t dream of letting strangers look after my own grandmother!  

Her husband walked out, leaving her with three children to look after.  

She wasn’t exactly overjoyed at the prospect of looking after her niece.  

She wasn’t exactly overjoyed at the prospect of looking after two small boys.  

It’s all very well the doctors telling me I’ve got to rest, but who’s going to look after my children?  

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looking after — перевод на русский

It’s awful kind of you to look after me.

Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны присмотреть за мной.

Well, you could get the stewardess to look after him.

Вы можете попросить стюардессу присмотреть за ним.

Now, youngsters, I want you to look after your mother very carefully while I’m away.

Так, молодняк, я поручаю вам очень бережно присмотреть за мамой пока меня не будет.

Maybe you’d better look after her husband.

Может, тебе лучше присмотреть за её мужем.

I suppose I wanted you to stay here so I could look after you myself.

Возможно, я хотел, чтобы ты осталась здесь, и я мог сам присмотреть за тобой.

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Now, what I mean, you’ve got enough to do to look after the shop.

Я имел то в виду, что и нас хватает, чтоб присматривать за лавкой.

If you’re gonna stay here, you’re gonna need somebody to, sort of, look after you.

Если вы остаетесь, то вам нужен кто-то помогать и присматривать за вами.

Since you came to look after Candy, things have been very different.

С тех пор как вы начали присматривать за Кэнди, все изменилось.

Mr. Osborne’s been assigned by the C.S.I.R… — to look after our health on the trip. — «Health»?

Мистер Осборн назначен комитетом по научно-промышленным исследованиям… присматривать за нашим здоровьем во время путешествия.

I stay out here to look after me traps.

Я живу здесь чтобы присматривать за своими ловушками.

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But she feels obligated to look after him because he helped her in the past.

Но она чувствует себя обязанной заботиться о нём потому что он помог ей в прошлом.

No one to look after you?

— Никто не заботиться о вас?

— I know you like to look after George.

Я знаю, тебе нравится заботиться о Джордже.

Then mother fell ill, and you didn’t even look after her.

Потом заболела мать, но ты и не подумал заботиться о ней.

Because I promised my brother that I will look after you.

Я пообещал своему брату заботиться о вас.

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He’s not here to look after his daughter anymore.

Он больше не может позаботиться о своей дочери.

So I can and will look after her.

А я могу позаботиться о ней.

Pepi, you better look after Donahue.

Пепи, тебе лучше позаботиться о Донахью.

but before doing so, he asked me to look after Motome.

Но перед тем, как умереть, он просил меня позаботиться о Мотоме.

Jean called Anita to look after you We went to Thérése’s

Жан звонит Аните и просит её приехать и позаботиться о тебе, ещё не пришедшем в сознание.

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I wish I could stay and look after you.

Могу ли остаться и ухаживать за тобой.

You got to have somebody to look after him.

Должен же кто-то ухаживать за ним.

— I have to look after him, you know…

— Я должен ухаживать за ним, знаете ли…

It’s noble of you to look after him.

Ѕлагородно с твоей стороны ухаживать за ним.

Brown, from now on your job is to look after Major Franklin.

А теперь пошли, Браун, теперь ваша работа ухаживать за майором Франклином.

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Lance’s house, where I can look after my farm.

Из дома Ланса я смогу смотреть за моей фермой.

And he’s supposed to look after animals and he doesn’t.

Он должен смотреть за животными, а он не может.

I’d like to look after children, but I can’t see any.

Я думала нужно смотреть за детьми, но их здесь нет.

Who’d look after you? — Andrew doesn’t get caught.

Кто будет смотреть за тобой?

I’ll look after him, I promise.

я буду смотреть за ним, € обещаю.

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Who’s gonna look after the outfit?

Кто будет следить за оборудованием?

Ah, well we’ll look after him, citizen.

Мы будем следить за ним, сэр.

We must look after you, you know?

Мы должны следить за вами, знаете?

People like you, who use their head, should have it looked after.

Люди вроде, которые работают головой, должны следить за ней.

To look after my properties,.. to spend all this money.

Следить за моим имуществом, тратить все эти деньги.

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Couldn’t I stay here and look after him?

Можно мне остаться здесь и приглядывать за ним?

I promised to look after you, and will continue to do so.

Я обещал приглядывать за тобой и намерен продолжать это делать.

Presumably, it should to protect and look after us.

Предположительно, она должна защищать и приглядывать за нами.

I would ask you to look after my daughter but my instincts tell me that won’t be a problem.

Я думала попросить вас приглядывать за моей дочерью… ..но внутренний голос подсказывает мне, что здесь не будет сложностей.

I can’t look after the three of you while I’m fighting.

Я не могу приглядывать за вами тремя, пока сражаюсь.

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I need you to look after Stewie while I’m teaching piano lessons, please!

Кто-то же дожен приглядеть за Стьюи, пока я даю урок фортепьяно, пожалуйста!

I’m going to ask them to look after you.

Я собираюсь попросить их приглядеть за тобой.

Would you just… look after him?

Ты не мог бы… приглядеть за ним?

I need you to look after the boys.

Чтобы приглядеть за мальчишками.

I asked you to look after one of my detainees, sir.

Я попросила приглядеть за одной из задержанных, сэр.

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Look after yourself, my lad!

Береги себя, мой мальчик!


Береги себя.

Look after yourself.

Береги себя.

Look after my sister.

Береги сестренку, береги…

Look after yourself, Blanca. I’ll see you soon.

Береги себя, Бланка.

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  [lʊk ˈɑːftə]  

1) приглядывать,
2) заботиться,
3) отвечать за что-то,
Анекдот с Look After.

При употреблении фразового глагола Look After человек добровольно или по принуждению становится ответственным за другого человека или исход дела. Рассмотрим на примерах и послушаем в конце речь носителей.

Tom came to look after the children, but his ex turn him away from the door.

Том пришел присмотреть за детьми, но бывшая не пустила его в дом.

Can you look after Tom if he drops out of college?

Сможешь присмотреть за Томом, если он бросит колледж?

It’s hard work looking after three children all day.

Тяжело присматривать за тремя детьми весь день.

Don’t worry, I’ll look after the kids tomorrow.

Не волнуйся, завтра я пригляжу за детьми.

He had to look after his dahlias, but he didn’t.

Ему нужно было ухаживать за своими георгинами, но он этого не сделал.

Между присматривать и заботиться тонкая грань. Перевод зависит от контекста.

Фразовый глагол Act Up – вести себя плохо (люди), функционировать не как задумано (приборы, части тела).

Примеры переводов Look After – Заботиться о ком-либо

I love looking after the children.

Я люблю заботиться о детях.

Я могу сам о себе позаботиться!

He will be well looked after.

За ним будут хорошо ухаживать.

We’ll help you look after your finances.

Мы поможем вам позаботиться о своих финансах.

Теперь перейдем к случаям, когда речь идет о взятии ответственности. Тут нам тоже поможет Look After.

Примеры переводов Look After – Отвечать за что-то

Who’s looking after the department while you’re away?

Кто отвечает за отдел, пока тебя нет?

The US mutual fund industry looks after $7 trillion of savings.

Индустрия взаимных фондов США управляет сбережениями в размере 7 триллионов долларов.

One person looks after the stores’ brand image and another looks after the advertising.

Один человек отвечает за имидж бренда, а другой – за рекламу.

I’m leaving you here to look after the business until I get back.

Я оставляю вас здесь, чтобы вы присматривали за бизнесом, пока я не вернусь.

Анекдот с Look After

A rich shopkeeper fell ill. All his family came up to his room. The old man opened his eyes and asked:

– Is Pete here?
– Yes, I’m here, Pa, said Peter. – And where’s Mike?
– Of course, I’m here too.
– And Mary, is she here too?
– Yes, dear, here I am.
– Oh, cried the old man in anger, – if you’re all here, then who’s looking after the shop?

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Заболел богатый лавочник. Вся его семья поднялась к нему в комнату. Старик открыл глаза и спросил:
– Пит здесь?
– Да, я здесь, папа, – сказал Питер. – А где Майк?
– Конечно, я тоже здесь.
– А Мэри, она тоже здесь?
– Да, дорогая, я здесь.
– О, – воскликнул старик в гневе, – если вы все здесь, то кто присматривает за магазином?

Еще один

– Doctor, I want you to look after my office, while I am on my vacation.
– But I’ve just graduated. I’ve had no experience.
– That’s all right, my boy. My practice is strictly fashionable. Tell the men to play golf and send the lady patients off to Europe.

Посмотреть перевод

– Доктор, я хочу, чтобы вы присмотрели за моим кабинетом, пока я буду в отпуске.

– Но я только что выпустился. У меня вообще нет никакого опыта.

– Все в порядке, мой мальчик. Моя практика является сугубо модной. Говоришь мужчинам, чтобы играли в гольф, а пациенток отправляешь в Европу.

Видео с произношением носителей языка

Посмотри видео и попробуй самостоятельно перевести сказанное с употреблением фразового глагола Look After. Под роликом нажми на «Посмотреть перевод» и сверься.

– Are you going to leave me?

– No, Merry. I’m going to look after you.

Посмотреть перевод первой реплики

– Ты собираешься бросить меня?
– Нет, Мерри. Я буду за тобой присматривать.

Quintus, look at me.
Look at me!
Promise me that you will look after my family.

Посмотреть перевод второй реплики

Квинт, посмотри на меня.
Смотри на меня!
Обещай мне, что ты позаботишься о моей семье.

– I told you. You are not a prisoner. You are being protected.
This is what your father wants.

– I can look after myself.

– No, you can’t. This is the point.

Посмотреть перевод третьей реплики

– Я говорил, что ты не пленник. Ты защищен.
Так хочет твой отец.

– Я могу позаботиться о себе.

– Нет, не можешь. Вот в чем суть.

I’d like to thank you for looking after my cat so well.

The response: I know you’d do the same for me I know you’d look after my cat, so I looked after yours.

Even Stevens.

Посмотреть перевод четвертой реплики

Я хочу поблагодарить тебя за то, что ты так хорошо ухаживаешь за моей кошкой.

Ответ: Я знаю, что ты сделаешь то же самое для меня. Я знаю, что ты позаботишься о моей кошке, поэтому я заботился о твоей.

Even Stevens – (идиома: ну вот, мы в расчете…)

  •     Фразовые глаголы с Look
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом AFTER

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