Different word for introduced

What is another word for Introduced?

548 synonyms found


[ ˌɪntɹədjˈuːst], [ ˌɪntɹədjˈuːst], [ ˌɪ_n_t_ɹ_ə_d_j_ˈuː_s_t]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    brought in (adjective)

    • made known,
    • Popularized,
    • made current.

    directed (adjective)

    • referred to.

    exotic (adjective)

    • most peregrine,
    • avant garde,
    • un-usual,
    • extra-ordinary,
    • more peregrine,
    • out-side,
    • un usual,
    • un-familiar,
    • un familiar,
    • more curious,
    • out side.

    familiar (adjective)

    • more grounded,
    • in know,
    • most up,
    • more abreast,
    • more familiar,
    • more up,
    • most apprised,
    • most grounded,
    • most abreast,
    • more apprised,
    • more informed.

    imported (adjective)

    • Shipped.

    inaugurated (adjective)

    • in-stalled,
    • be gun,
    • be-gun,
    • in stalled.

    initiated (adjective)

    • more conscripted,
    • most instated,
    • in-ducted,
    • in stated,
    • more coached,
    • more instated,
    • co-ached,
    • most admitted,
    • more passed,
    • made member of,
    • co ached,
    • most coached,
    • more drafted,
    • most passed,
    • in ducted,
    • most tutored,
    • most conscripted,
    • in-stated,
    • more tutored,
    • most drafted,
    • more admitted.

    made acquainted (adjective)

    • acquainted with,
    • on speaking terms.

    moved (adjective)

    • re-commended,
    • more submitted,
    • most submitted,
    • re commended.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • well in,
    • peregrine,
    • Ushered,
    • no stranger to,
    • kept posted,
    • tuned in,
    • moved,
    • unfamiliar,
    • made a member of,
    • plugged in,
    • outside,
    • extra ordinary,
    • in the know,
    • Familiar,
    • imported,
    • extrinsic,
    • initiated,
    • up on,
    • versant,
    • in on,
    • at home with,
    • conscripted,
    • made part of,
    • exotic,
    • called up,
    • well up in,
    • versed in.

    ushered (adjective)

    • most heralded,
    • more attended,
    • super vised,
    • most guided,
    • more led,
    • more guided,
    • most led,
    • super-vised,
    • more heralded,
    • most attended.
  • n.

    • foreign,
    • received.

    • familiar with.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • Mentioned.
  • v.

    began (verb)

    • Dawned,
    • Begun,
    • Sprang,
    • prepared,
    • started,
    • birthed,
    • Budded,
    • Created,
    • Commenced,
    • Originated,
    • Inducted,
    • Undertook,
    • Germinated,
    • Undertaken,
    • Sprung,
    • conceived,
    • initialized,
    • Inaugurated,
    • Began,
    • hatched,
    • sprouted,
    • Emerged,
    • stemmed,
    • Embarked,
    • developed,
    • formed.

    inserted (verb)

    • Injected,
    • embedded,
    • Penetrated,
    • implanted,
    • Infiltrated,
    • Insinuated,
    • Intruded,
    • Lodged,
    • Interposed,
    • pierced,
    • Inserted.

    originated (verb)

    • Instituted,
    • invented,
    • produced,
    • Generated.

    preceded (verb)

    • Foreran,
    • anticipated,
    • predated,
    • foreshadowed,
    • anteceded,
    • lead,
    • Preceded,
    • trail-blazed,
    • Pioneered,
    • Antedated,
    • Forerun,
    • headed off.
  • Other synonyms:

    • open.

    Other relevant words:

    • elevated,
    • hoped-for,
    • conduct,
    • sleep together,
    • bring up,
    • exculpated,
    • ascertained,
    • establish,
    • dear,
    • afford,
    • perforated,
    • international,
    • forward-looking,
    • stack away,
    • cauline,
    • in advance,
    • assemble,
    • give,
    • remote,
    • nominate,
    • experience,
    • pb,
    • out-of-door,
    • disposed,
    • sculptural,
    • attention,
    • lead story,
    • conjure up,
    • entrap,
    • assert,
    • call forth,
    • outdoor,
    • care,
    • inject,
    • wind,
    • alien,
    • run,
    • sculpturesque,
    • recognize,
    • enclose,
    • jumper lead,
    • evoke,
    • chair,
    • external,
    • rig,
    • screw,
    • located,
    • extend,
    • abreast,
    • away,
    • compassionate,
    • jumper cable,
    • sculptured,
    • head,
    • effectuate,
    • submit,
    • caulescent,
    • mountainside,
    • chisel in,
    • promulgated,
    • au fait,
    • mobile,
    • contribute,
    • preferent,
    • incised,
    • eff,
    • situated,
    • loose,
    • heart-to-heart,
    • have sex,
    • spread,
    • effected,
    • best-loved,
    • live,
    • arrange,
    • do it,
    • instal,
    • capable,
    • graven,
    • fain,
    • put up,
    • make love,
    • come in,
    • ripe,
    • bonk,
    • have intercourse,
    • pass,
    • charitable,
    • frame,
    • fix,
    • call down,
    • philanthropic,
    • strange,
    • result,
    • extraneous,
    • pitch,
    • sophisticated,
    • talented,
    • stash away,
    • unresolved,
    • undefendable,
    • interpose,
    • lay out,
    • captive,
    • beloved,
    • steer,
    • cognize,
    • jailed,
    • posit,
    • perforate,
    • top,
    • standard,
    • economic aid,
    • crosshatched,
    • butt in,
    • affected,
    • tack together,
    • arouse,
    • leash,
    • freehearted,
    • state,
    • order,
    • draped,
    • stir,
    • conventional,
    • constituted,
    • prepare,
    • touched,
    • stick in,
    • effect,
    • favorite,
    • pencil lead,
    • favourite,
    • hump,
    • erect,
    • absorbed,
    • peregrine falcon,
    • planted,
    • deep-seated,
    • trail,
    • booster cable,
    • outdoors,
    • star,
    • assist,
    • invoke,
    • clear,
    • surface,
    • hint,
    • modern,
    • spread out,
    • out-of-doors,
    • awaited,
    • roll in the hay,
    • naturalized,
    • love life,
    • undetermined,
    • go,
    • guide,
    • open up,
    • exonerated,
    • au courant,
    • precede,
    • making love,
    • salt away,
    • fuck,
    • chime in,
    • nomadic,
    • sexual love,
    • condole with,
    • put together,
    • have a go at it,
    • pet,
    • bang,
    • absolved,
    • have it off,
    • get it on,
    • stirred,
    • put,
    • stated,
    • principal,
    • alfresco,
    • adjusted,
    • take,
    • acknowledge,
    • completed,
    • favored,
    • candid,
    • lead-in,
    • assistance,
    • receptive,
    • have it away,
    • rear,
    • overt,
    • atomic number 82,
    • brocaded,
    • financial aid,
    • hive away,
    • tack,
    • leading,
    • spark advance,
    • feel for,
    • tending,
    • embossed,
    • recognise,
    • clothed,
    • piece,
    • vindicated,
    • advance,
    • sympathetic,
    • abroach,
    • break in,
    • intent,
    • pity,
    • deep-rooted,
    • eleemosynary,
    • make out,
    • lay in,
    • punctured,
    • assailable,
    • tip,
    • accomplished,
    • be intimate,
    • undefended,
    • install,
    • interject,
    • barge in,
    • subject,
    • ready,
    • sleep with,
    • throw in,
    • economic assistance,
    • track,
    • dearest,
    • undecided,
    • lovemaking,
    • leave,
    • engraved,
    • beneficent,
    • honey,
    • roving,
    • observed,
    • unfastened,
    • enjoy,
    • ingrained,
    • jazz,
    • gear up,
    • exterior,
    • imprisoned,
    • cognise,
    • inclose,
    • conduce,
    • engrossed,
    • bed,
    • raise,
    • good-hearted,
    • store,
    • introduce,
    • insert,
    • cut in,
    • passion,
    • highly-developed,
    • confidential information,
    • mantled,
    • moderate,
    • kindly,
    • help,
    • tether,
    • out of doors,
    • etched,
    • set,
    • get laid,
    • cloaked,
    • unfold,
    • conjure,
    • innovative,
    • open air,
    • financial assistance,
    • preferable,
    • openhearted,
    • erotic love,
    • launch,
    • inclined,
    • ensnare,
    • found,
    • lie with,
    • direct,
    • wandering,
    • opened.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • sociality,
    • Gained,
    • demonstrated,
    • gifted,
    • placed,
    • established,
    • realised,
    • Modelled,
    • benevolent,
    • be friends,
    • enrolled,
    • figured,
    • published,
    • realized,
    • disclosed,
    • filled,
    • brought in,
    • Immigrated,
    • Imparted,
    • enclosed,
    • Recruited,
    • Interjected,
    • Postured,
    • Entered,
    • Grafted,
    • cleared,
    • With,
    • enveloped,
    • positioned,
    • Performed,
    • inscribed,
    • Intervened,
    • become friendly,
    • aid,
    • confined,
    • put forward,
    • Divulged,
    • discovered,
    • love,
    • started off,
    • earned,
    • stored,
    • revealed,
    • Interpolated,
    • demoed,
    • enfolded,
    • advanced,
    • Delivered,
    • informed,
    • put in,
    • Prefaced,
    • Foisted,
    • faced,
    • Familiarized,
    • know,
    • preferred,
    • Infixed,
    • be acquainted with,
    • laid down,
    • Infused,
    • enwrapped,
    • played,
    • Innovated,
    • Installed,
    • declared,
    • included,
    • acquainted,
    • Premised,
    • Inclosed,
    • broached,
    • familiarised,
    • befriend,
    • have dealings with,
    • uncovered,
    • heralded,
    • raised,
    • wrapped,
    • Confronted,
    • tucked,
    • set up,
    • handed in,
    • Launched,
    • Instilled,
    • Saluted,
    • make much of,
    • make friends,
    • proposed,
    • Offered,
    • posed,
    • Interfered,
    • Transplanted,
    • Fetched,
    • Exhibited,
    • sympathize with,
    • different,
    • presented,
    • Imbedded,
    • be friendly,
    • keep company with,
    • modeled,
    • Inculcated,
    • recorded,
    • exposed,
    • Impersonated,
    • Awarded,
    • Participated,
    • induced.

How to use «Introduced» in context?

Introduced is an upcoming film directed by David Michôd and written by him and Rory Kennedy. The film is set in the near future, and follows a family as they are forced to flee their Los Angeles home after a pandemic wipes out most of the population.

Paraphrases for Introduced:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Verb, past participle
  • Independent

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, singular
      discuss, Introducing, Submitted, releases, outlines, academics, tables, offers, hosts, showcases.
    • Verb, past tense
      accepted, acquired, adapted, added, addressed, admitted, adoption, advanced, advertised, advised, agreed, aired, allow, amended, announced, anticipated, applicable, application, applied, appointed, approved, arranged, articulated, asserted, assumed, attached, attended, author, awareness, based, bet, bid, bill, bring, broke, called, changed, characterized, charged, collected, come, commercialized, commissioned, committed, completed, concluded, conducted, conferred, considered, constituted, contained, conveyed, covered, create, creation, decided, declared, dedicated, defined, demonstrated, described, designed, determined, develop, developed, development, devoted, directed, disclosed, discover, discovered, distributed, drew, dropped, effected, effective, el, elaborated, emerging, emphasised, endorsed, endowed, engaged, enhanced, enlargement, enrolled, enter, equipped, establish, executed, exhibit, expanded, expected, experienced, exposed, expressed, extended, failed, fed, filled, fired, fixed, focused, forced, forecast, format, formed, formulate, formulated, formulation, forwards, found, founded, gradually, granted, handed, heard, held, hired, hooked, illustrated, implanted, implement, implementation, implemented, imported, imposed, improved, include, included, informed, insert, intended, intervention, introduction, invited, involved, joined, kept, know, knowledge, lance, led, left, legislation, lent, loads, mainstream, mainstreamed, mounted, moved, needed, news, noted, offer, open, opened, ordered, organised, organized, packed, painted, paved, permitted, pitched, place, placed, planned, planted, played, pledged, pointed, posed, posted, practiced, practised, predicted, prepared, presented, proclaimed, produced, progressively, projected, promulgated, propose, proved, provide, provisions, published, pursued, raised, received, recorded, rectified, reflected, registered, report, reporting, represented, requested, required, resolution, revealed, rolled, ruled, running, said, scheduled, seized, sent, set, settled, shared, shot, signed, sold, sought, spear, spent, spoke, staged, stated, strengthened, stressed, struck, stuck, supported, table, thought, throw, traced, traded, transmitted, transposed, turned, type, unveiled, used, utilize, utilized, voiced, why, wrought, Acceded, Accounted, Achieved, Adduced, Allowed, Appealed, Appeared, Argued, Arrived, Asked, Assessed, Attracted, Awarded, Was, Became, Began, Brought, Came, Captured, Carried, Caught, Caused, Cited, Claimed, Climbed, Delivered, Deployed, Devised, Did, Discussed, Displayed, Drafted, Embarked, Embraced, Emerged, Enabled, Enacted, Enriched, Enshrined, Envisaged, Erected, Establishing, Exercised, Existed, Explained, Fielded, Fitted, Floated, Followed, Forwarded, Gained, Gave, Generated, Went, Got, Grabbed, Had, Helped, Indicated, Injected, Installed, Instigated, Instilled, Instituted, Interfered, Intervened, Issued, Knocked, Knew, Levied, Lobbed, Lodged, Looked, Marketed, Met, Mentioned, Occurred, Offered, Operated, Participated, Passed, Performed, Picked, Pioneered, Plunged, Ran, Reached, Referred, Rendered, Replied, Resorted, Responded, Resulted, Seemed, Sentenced, Served, Took, Talked, Taxed, Told, Tendered, Testified, Threw, Urged, Ushered, Visited, Voted, Waged, Were, Wished, Worked, Wrote, Commented, Complained, Concurred, Consisted, Containing, Contributed, Created, Presenting, Proceeded, Promoted, Prompted, Pushed, Stepped, Stipulated, Stood, Submitted, Submitting, Suffered, Supplemented, Supplied, Institutes, Measures, advances, finalized, requests, summarized, tables, actions, changes, modifications, exhibits, briefed, circulated, showed, allocated, replaced, foresaw, reproduced, unleashed, traces, inserts, mandated, triggered, profiles, paints, kicked, amendments, opted, spearheaded, highlighted, sponsored, showcased, laid, duced.
    • Verb, past participle
      absorbed, accepted, access, accompanied, accomplished, acknowledged, acquainted, acquired, act, activated, adapted, added, addressed, adjusted, admitted, advanced, advertised, advised, affected, agreed, altered, amended, announced, anticipated, applied, appointed, appropriated, approved, arranged, arrested, articulated, ascertained, assembled, assigned, assistance, assisted, associated, assumed, assured, attached, attained, attempted, attended, authorised, authorized, available, banned, based, become, bestowed, bid, booted, born, bound, broadcast, broken, build, built-in, calculated, called, cancelled, changed, characterized, charged, chosen, classified, collected, combined, come, commercialized, commissioned, committed, competence, completed, composed, conceived, concerned, concluded, conducted, conferred, connected, considered, contained, corrected, coupled, covered, credited, dated, day, decided, declared, decreed, dedicated, deducted, defined, demonstrated, depicted, deposed, derived, described, designated, designed, destined, detailed, detected, determined, developed, devoted, dictated, dipped, directed, discharged, disclosed, discovered, dispatched, disposed, distributed, divided, documented, domesticated, domicile, done, drawn, driven, dropped, dumped, effected, elaborated, elected, embedded, embodied, emergency, emphasized, employed, encouraged, endorsed, endowed, enforced, engaged, enhanced, enrolled, entitled, entrenched, envisioned, equipped, establishment, estimated, executed, expanded, expected, experienced, exposed, expressed, extant, extended, faced, failed, fallen, fed, felt, filled, fired, fit, fixed, focused, forbidden, forced, forecast, foreseen, forged, formed, formulated, fostered, found, founded, framed, fulfilled, furnished, gathered, generalised, generalized, given, gone, governed, government, granted, grown, guaranteed, handed, harnessed, have, headed, heard, held, hired, illustrated, implanted, implementation, implemented, imported, imposed, improved, included, incorporated, increased, induced, informed, inscribed, insert, institutionalized, insured, intended, interference, invested, invited, involved, joined, jurisdiction, kept, keyed, knowledge, known, law, learned, led, left, lent, licensed, limited, loaded, located, lowered, mailed, mainstreamed, maintained, measured, merged, modified, mounted, moved, multiplied, needed, noted, observed, onboard, opened, ordained, ordered, ordinance, organised, organized, overcome, owned, packaged, packed, paid, painted, perceived, permitted, place, placed, planned, planted, played, pledged, pointed, portrayed, posed, possessed, posted, practiced, practised, predicted, prepared, prescribed, presented, printed, procedure, proceed, proceedings, processed, produced, programme, prohibited, projected, prolonged, promulgated, pronounced, proved, proven, provoked, publicized, published, pursued, raised, ratified, read, realised, realized, received, recognised, recognized, recorded, recourse, reflected, registered, reinforced, related, relaxed, removed, represented, requested, required, resolved, restored, restricted, retained, revealed, revised, road, rolled, routed, run, rushed, said, scheduled, seat, seated, secured, seen, seized, selected, sensitized, sent, set, settled, shared, signed, situated, smuggled, sold, solicited, sought, sounded, specified, spent, spoken, spread, stated, stocked, stored, strengthened, struck, structured, stuck, supported, sustained, system, table, taken, taught, tested, thought, thrown, traded, trained, transmitted, transposed, trapped, treated, tried, turned, uncovered, understood, unlocked, unveiled, used, utilized, valid, violence, voiced, welcomed, witnessed, worn, woven, written, Acceded, Accommodated, Accorded, Achieved, Acted, Adduced, Adhered, Administered, Advocated, Afforded, Aimed, Allowed, Anchored, Answered, Appealed, Appeared, Appended, Approached, Argued, Arisen, Arrived, Asked, Assessed, Attributed, Awarded, Been, Borne, Begun, Believed, Borrowed, Bought, Bred, Brought, Broadened, Bundled, Captured, Carried, Caught, Caused, Chaired, Cited, Claimed, Dealt, Delivered, Deployed, Devised, Discussed, Displayed, Disseminated, Drafted, Earmarked, Embarked, Embraced, Emerged, Enabled, Enacted, Encamped, Encountered, Enjoyed, Enriched, Enshrined, Entailed, Envisaged, Erected, Espoused, Evolved, Examined, Excluded, Exercised, Exerted, Existed, Explained, Exported, Familiarized, Fielded, Fitted, Followed, Forwarded, Gained, Generated, Gotten, Got, Grounded, Had, Happened, Harvested, Has, Helped, Housed, Imbedded, Inaugurated, Incurred, Indicated, Injected, Installed, Instigated, Instituted, Intervened, Intruded, Invoked, Issued, Legislated, Levelled, Levied, Lodged, Logged, Looked, Managed, Marketed, Meant, Met, Mentioned, Misled, Notified, Obtained, Occurred, Offered, Operated, Overflowed, Passed, Penetrated, Performed, Picked, Piloted, Pioneered, Plunged, Quoted, Rated, Reached, Reared, Recruited, Referred, Remitted, Rendered, Resorted, Resulted, Resumed, Returned, Screened, Sentenced, Served, Slipped, Tabulated, Tackled, Talked, Taxed, Told, Tendered, Trafficked, Transferred, Translated, Transplanted, Transported, Undergone, Undertaken, Urged, Ushered, Viewed, Visited, Voted, Worked, Yielded, Emplaced, Coined, Communicated, Compiled, Complied, Comprised, Constructed, Contemplated, Contributed, Convened, Created, Crept, Curricula, Preceded, Profiled, Promoted, Prompted, Pushed, Stepped, Stood, Subjected, Submitted, Supplemented, Supplied, Switched, Governments, Measures, Regulations, hailed, finalized, budgeted, itemized, summarized, sparked, changes, briefed, circulated, ensured, allocated, replaced, comments, reproduced, unleashed, positioned, forecasted, mandated, triggered, reviewed, imprinted, withheld, EUR, HIT, reinstated, kicked, formatted, opted, uploaded, staffed, spearheaded, highlighted, phased, updated, sponsored, showcased, monitored, laid, mobilised, re-introduced, set-up, operationalized, co-hosted, 1998.
    • Verb, base form
      enter, introduction.
  • Other Related

    • Proper noun, singular
      introduction, presented, Brought, introductions, introduces.

Word of the Day



Nearby words

  • introduce
  • introduce a romantic situation into a novel
  • introduce a system
  • introduce machinery into
  • introduce to American ways
  • Introduced
  • (is that) understood?
  • (it’s) all right for someone
  • (it’s) my pleasure
  • -in suspense; panse
  • i


  • INTRODUCED synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • INTRODUCED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — INTRODUCED synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of INTRODUCED
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for INTRODUCED

  • imported
  • popularized
  • received
  • made current
  • made known
  • acquainted with
  • familiar with
  • on speaking terms

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 17 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to introduced, such as: imported, popularized, received, made current, and made known.

TRY USING introduced

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use introduced in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • alien
  • alluring
  • avant-garde
  • bizarre
  • colorful
  • curious
  • different
  • enticing
  • external
  • extraneous
  • extraordinary
  • extrinsic
  • far-out
  • fascinating
  • foreign
  • glamorous
  • imported
  • introduced
  • kinky
  • outlandish
  • outside
  • peculiar
  • peregrine
  • romantic
  • strange
  • striking
  • unfamiliar
  • unusual
  • way-out
  • weird
  • abreast
  • acquainted
  • apprised
  • at home with
  • au courant
  • au fait
  • aware
  • cognizant
  • conscious
  • conversant
  • grounded
  • in on
  • in the know
  • informed
  • introduced
  • kept posted
  • mindful
  • no stranger to
  • plugged in
  • savvy
  • tuned-in
  • up
  • up on
  • versant
  • versed in
  • well up in
  • with it
  • alien
  • carried
  • choice
  • exotic
  • ferried
  • foreign
  • introduced
  • rare
  • sent
  • shipped
  • transported
  • trucked
  • begun
  • initiated
  • installed
  • introduced
  • started
  • accepted
  • acknowledged
  • admitted
  • approved
  • called up
  • coached
  • confirmed
  • conscripted
  • drafted
  • grounded
  • inducted
  • installed
  • instated
  • instructed
  • introduced
  • made a member of
  • made part of
  • passed
  • received
  • tutored
  • abreast
  • acquainted
  • apprised
  • at home with
  • au courant
  • au fait
  • aware
  • cognizant
  • conscious
  • conversant
  • grounded
  • in on
  • in the know
  • informed
  • introduced
  • kept posted
  • mindful
  • no stranger to
  • plugged in
  • savvy
  • tuned in
  • up
  • up on
  • versant
  • versed in
  • well up in
  • with it

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How does the verb introduce contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of introduce are insert, insinuate, intercalate, interject, interpolate, and interpose. While all these words mean «to put between or among others,» introduce is a general term for bringing or placing a thing or person into a group or body already in existence.

introduced a new topic into the conversation

When can insert be used instead of introduce?

The words insert and introduce can be used in similar contexts, but insert implies putting into a fixed or open space between or among.

inserted a clause in the contract

When is it sensible to use insinuate instead of introduce?

The synonyms insinuate and introduce are sometimes interchangeable, but insinuate implies introducing gradually or by gentle pressure.

insinuated himself into the group

When would intercalate be a good substitute for introduce?

While in some cases nearly identical to introduce, intercalate suggests an intrusive inserting of something in an existing series or sequence.

new chapters intercalated with the old

In what contexts can interject take the place of introduce?

While the synonyms interject and introduce are close in meaning, interject implies an abrupt or forced introduction.

When might interpolate be a better fit than introduce?

The words interpolate and introduce are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, interpolate applies to the inserting of something extraneous or spurious.

interpolated her own comments into the report

When could interpose be used to replace introduce?

Although the words interpose and introduce have much in common, interpose suggests inserting an obstruction or cause of delay.

interpose barriers to communication

introduce, present

The word introduce is quite a commonly used word in English, but there are a few different synonyms that can be used to replace it. However, it is important to know which meaning of introduce you are trying to use.

  1. Are you using it to describe two or more people meeting each other for the first time?
  2. Or are you using introduce to describe the first time you or someone tries something?

The following synonyms or expressions all have the same meaning of introduce as used to describe two or more people meeting for the first time.

Some of them can also be used to describe the first time we have tried something. We have included another secondary sentence as an example of its use when this is the case.

1. Acquaint

  • Please, acquaint me with Mark, he looks like a good man.
  • I was not acquainted with white chocolate until you gave me some to try.

2. Present (formal)

  • I would like to present you to Jenny; she is our local doctor.

3. Familiarize

  • Make sure you familiarize yourself with the other employees before you start working.
  • Please familiarize yourself with our company guidelines before starting on Monday.

4. Make known to (formal)

  • Let me make known to you the leader of our country.

5. Fix me up with (casual)

  • Can you fix me up with your sister Stacy? I would like to go on a date with her.

6. Introduction/s (formal)

  • John will make the introductions once everyone has arrived at the party.

Some of these expressions are for more formal occasions, and you must make sure that your sentences are worded correctly not to hide or change the meaning. Why not try to use one of these other ways to introduce yourself to someone?

Do you know another word or expression to replace the word introduce? Let us know about it with a comment below.

Please feel free to acquaint yourself with our other posts on the website too.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ in-truhdoos, —dyoos ]

/ ˌɪn trəˈdus, -ˈdyus /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), in·tro·duced, in·tro·duc·ing.

to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.

to acquaint (two or more persons) with each other personally: Will you introduce us?

to present (a person, product, etc.) to a particular group of individuals or to the general public for or as if for the first time by a formal act, announcement, series of recommendations or events, etc.: to introduce a debutante to society.

to bring (a person) to first knowledge or experience of something: to introduce someone to skiing.

to create, bring into notice, use, etc., for or as if for the first time; institute: to introduce a new procedure.

to suggest, propose, or advance for or as if for the first time: to introduce a theory of geological evolution.

to present for official consideration or action, as a legislative bill.

to begin; lead into; preface: to introduce one’s speech with an amusing anecdote.

to put or place into something for the first time; insert: to introduce a figure into a design.

to bring in or establish, as something foreign or exotic: Japanese cooking was introduced into America in the 1950s.

to present (a speaker, performer, etc.) to an audience.

to present (a person) at a royal court.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of introduce

First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English, from Latin intrōdūcere “to lead inside,” equivalent tointrō- “inwardly, within” + dūcere “to lead”; see intro-, duke


in·tro·duc·er, nounin·tro·duc·i·ble, adjectivequa·si-in·tro·duced, adjectivere·in·tro·duce, verb (used with object), re·in·tro·duced, re·in·tro·duc·ing.

sub·in·tro·duce, verb (used with object), sub·in·tro·duced, sub·in·tro·duc·ing.un·in·tro·duced, adjectiveun·in·tro·duc·i·ble, adjectivewell-in·tro·duced, adjective

Words nearby introduce

intrinsic, intrinsically, intrinsic factor, intrinsic semiconductor, intro, introduce, introduction, introductory, introgression, introit, introject

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is another way to say introduce?

To introduce someone is to make them known to another. How is introduce different from acquaint? Find out on Thesaurus.com

Words related to introduce

announce, offer, open, propose, recommend, submit, suggest, admit, bring in, establish, found, initiate, install, invent, launch, organize, plan, present, set up, start

How to use introduce in a sentence

  • Rambeau is the now-adult daughter of Maria Rambeau, who was introduced inCaptain Marvel as Carol Danvers’ best friend, and she’s quickly become a fan favorite among Marvel fans with her stunning performances each week.

  • In 2019, Representative Yvette Clarke introduced the Deepfakes Accountability Act with this in mind.

  • Ruane and other student activists have been vocal opponents of plastic water bottles and have worked with the university over the past year to introduce the single-use ban.

  • Back in 2019, Senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden and Representative Yvette Clarke introduced the Algorithmic Accountability Act to make bias audits mandatory for any large companies using AI, though the bill has not been ratified.

  • The bill has been introduced for 30 years — yet for 30 years, it has languished.

  • I could complain about how, two out of eight episodes in, Agent Carter is in no hurry to introduce its real villain.

  • Mr. Bachner said it had been hard to introduce his work ethic and share his vision with the locals and his team.

  • It treats touchscreens and TV programs as just one more way to introduce toddlers to animals, colors, and other concepts.

  • He used these markers as a platform to introduce new type of art market to post-war Japan.

  • He was the instrument God had chosen to introduce me to my spiritual path and guru.

  • It was like his beautiful courtesy to call me in and introduce me to Blow instead of letting me go away.

  • Recent events have done much to introduce Korea and its people to the world at large.

  • That he might lose his head and ‘introduce an element of sex’ was conscience confessing that it had been already introduced.

  • The moment that we introduce the operation of human volition and activity, that, too, becomes one of the factors of «survival.»

  • Hilborne Roosevelt of New York, was the first to introduce these adjustable combination movements.

British Dictionary definitions for introduce

verb (tr)

(often foll by to) to present (someone) by name (to another person) or (two or more people to each other)

(foll by to) to cause to experience for the first timeto introduce a visitor to beer

to present for consideration or approval, esp before a legislative bodyto introduce a draft bill

to bring in; establishto introduce decimal currency

to present (a radio or television programme, etc) verbally

(foll by with) to starthe introduced his talk with some music

(often foll by into) to insert or injecthe introduced the needle into his arm

to place (members of a species of plant or animal) in a new environment with the intention of producing a resident breeding population

Derived forms of introduce

introducer, nounintroducible, adjective

Word Origin for introduce

C16: from Latin intrōdūcere to bring inside, from intro- + dūcere to lead

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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