Different word for interesting

Other Words for Interesting in English! Being interesting is a quality that many strive for. Whether you are trying to make conversation with new friends, engage in meaningful conversations, or be the life of the party – having an arsenal of words that can help you express yourself in different ways can give you a leg up.

Today we’re exploring other words for ‘interesting’ and synonyms of ‘interesting’, so if you’re looking to perk up your vocabulary – stay tuned! All the most common synonyms of Interesting are listed here.

Other Words for Interesting

1- Absorbing

2- Active

3- Adorable

4- Affecting

5- Agreeable

6- Alluring

7- Amazing

8- Amused

9- Amusing

10- Animating

11- Anodyne

12- Appealing

13- Arousing

14- Arresting

15- Astonishing

16- Attracting

17- Awesome

18- Beautiful

19- Beguiling

20- Bewitching

21- Breathtaking

22- Bright

23- Brilliant

24- Captivating

25- Catching

26- Catchy

27- Charismatic

28- Charming

29- Colorful

30- Comely

31- Comical

32- Compelling

33- Concerning

34- Consuming

35- Cool

36- Crucial

37- Curious

38- Cute

39- Dazzling

40- Deep

41- Deeply engaging

42- Delicious

43- Delightful

44- Diverting

45- Divine

46- Dramatic

47- Dreadful

48- Droll

49- Electrifying

50- Elegant

51- Enchanting

52- Energizing

53- Engaging

54- Engrossing

55- Enjoyable

56- Enlivening

57- Entertaining

58- Enthralling

59- Enticing

60- Entrancing

61- Enveloping

62- Eventful

63- Exceptional

64- Exciting

65- Exhilarating

66- Exotic

67- Exquisite

68- Extraordinary

69- Eye-catching

70- Eye-opening

71- Eye-popping

72- Fabulous

73- Facetious

74- Fantastic

75- Fascinating

76- Fetching

77- Fine

78- Flashy

79- Fun

80- Galvanizing

81- Glamorous

82- Glorious

83- Good

84- Gorgeous

85- Graceful

86- Gracious

87- Grand

88- Gratifying

89- Great

90- Gripping

91- Groovy

92- Hot

93- Humorous

94- Hypnotic

95- Hypnotizing

96- Imaginative

97- Impressive

98- Inquisitive

99- Inspiring

100- Interested

101- Intoxicating

102- Intriguing

103- Invigorating

104- Inviting

105- Involving

106- Irresistible

107- Lively

108- Lovely

109- Lurid

110- Luscious

111- Luxuriant

112- Magnetic

113- Magnificent

114- Marvelous

115- Meaty

116- Mesmeric

117- Mesmerizing

118- Mind-blowing

119- Monumental

120- Moving

121- Narcotic

122- Newsworthy

123- Next

124- Nice

125- Notable

126- Noteworthy

127- Occupying

128- Original

129- Overwhelming

130- Picturesque

131- Piquant

132- Pleasant

133- Pleasing

134- Pleasurable

135- Poignant

136- Possessing

137- Prepossessing

138- Pretty

139- Previous

140- Provocative

141- Radiant

142- Ravishing

143- Readable

144- Realistic

145- Recommendable

146- Refreshing

147- Remarkable

148- Rich

149- Rip-roaring

150- Riveting

151- Rousing

152- Satisfying

153- Seductive

154- Sensational

155- Serious

156- Sexy

157- Showy

158- Side-splitting

159- Signal

160- Significant

161- Siren

162- Soothing

163- Sparkling

164- Spectacular

165- Spellbinding

166- Spine-tingling

167- Splashy

168- Standout

169- Statuesque

170- Stimulating

171- Stirring

172- Strange

173- Striking

174- Stunning

175- Sublime

176- Suspenseful

177- Sweet

178- Tantalizing

179- Tasty

180- Teasing

181- Tempting

182- Thought-provoking

183- Thrilling

184- Touching

185- Trance-inducing

186- Understandable

187- Unique

188- Unusual

189- Useful

190- Vivid

191- Weird

192- Welcome

193- Whimsical

194- Winning

195- Winsome

196- Witty

197- Wonderful

198- Worthwhile

199- Worthy of note

Other words for Interesting Facts

1- Astonishing Anecdotes

2- Fascinating Findings

3- Remarkable Revelations

4- Surprising Statistics

5- Unbelievable Discoveries

6- Incredible Insights

7- Astounding Facts

8- Amazing Tales

9- Astonishing Details

10- Startling Stories

11- Unusual Information

12- Astonishing Observations

13- Baffling Truths

14- Incredible Accounts

15- Fascinating Facts

16- Bizarre Revelations

17- Unusual Facts

18- Fascinating Tidbits

19- Startling Discoveries

20- Bizarre Truths

Other words for Interesting Person

1- Extraordinary Individual

2- Exceptional Person

3- Prodigious Persona

4- Remarkable Character

5- Astounding Being

6- Fascinating Entity

7- Striking Soul

8- Outstanding Human

9- Amazing Individual

10- Incredible Personage

11- Unusual Being

12- Astonishing Person

13- Baffling Identity

14- Marvelous Person

15- Incredible Human

16- Fascinating Individual

17- Unusual Identity

18- Fascinating Characteristic

19- Startling Persona

20- Bizarre Being

Ways to say Interesting in Different Languages

Here are amazing ways to say Interesting in different languages;

In Spanish

1- Interesante

2- Fascinante

3- Notable

In French

1- Intéressant

2- Captivant

3- Remarquable

In German

1- Interessant

2- Faszinierend

3- Bemerkenswert

In Italian

1- Interessante

2- Affascinante

3- Notevole

In Japanese

1- Omoshiroi

2- Hihyougen suru

3- Sorezore no teki na mono desu

In Mandarin

1- Yǒuqùliào

2- Hěnjízhe

3- Tèbiéde yǒuyìsi

In Portuguese

1- Interessante

2- Fascinante

3- Notável

In Russian

1- Интересно

2- Увлекательно

3- Замечательно

Synonyms of Interesting

  • exciting
  • thought-provoking
  • intriguing
  • captivating
  • unputdownable
  • amusing
  • compelling
  • enthralling
  • stimulating
  • fascinating
  • spellbinding
  • riveting
  • appealing
  • diverting
  • gripping
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • attractive
  • compulsive
  • absorbing
  • entrancing
  • action-packed
  • entertaining
  • beguiling

Synonyms of Interest

  • diversion
  • notice
  • significance
  • attentiveness
  • sport
  • preoccupation
  • game
  • recreation
  • pastime
  • case
  • affection
  • passion
  • concern
  • relaxation
  • activity
  • pursuit
  • concernment
  • sympathy
  • consequence
  • moment
  • into
  • enthusiasm
  • importance
  • excitement
  • leisure activity
  • interestedness
  • regard
  • engrossment
  • relevance
  • absorption
  • note
  • care
  • hobby
  • matter
  • suspicion
  • racket
  • thing

Synonyms of Interested

  • absorbed
  • intent
  • inspirited
  • fascinated
  • gone
  • caught
  • involved
  • obsessed
  • engrossed
  • stirred
  • lured
  • affected
  • enticed
  • prejudiced
  • moved
  • partisan
  • touched
  • inspired
  • occupied
  • hooked
  • drawn
  • taken
  • impressed
  • sympathetic
  • fired
  • roused
  • biased
  • predisposed
  • attentive
  • open
  • into
  • excited
  • responsive
  • implicated
  • partial
  • awakened
  • on the case
  • stimulated
  • struck
  • attracted
  • sold
  • keen

Synonyms of Interesting in Example Sentences

  • Absorbing: The book was absorbing from start to finish.
  • Active: She’s always active, never sitting still for long.
  • Affecting: The movie’s ending was so affecting that it made me cry.
  • Agreeable: We came to an agreeable solution to the problem.
  • Alluring: The smell of fresh bread was alluring.
  • Amazing: The view from the top of the mountain was amazing.
  • Amused: She was amused by his silly jokes.
  • Amusing: The comedian’s jokes were very amusing.
  • Animating: The music was animating, making everyone want to dance.
  • Anodyne: The medicine had an anodyne effect on her pain.
  • Appealing: The new restaurant had an appealing menu.
  • Arousing: The spicy food was arousing her taste buds.
  • Arresting: The street performer’s act was arresting.
  • Astonishing: The magician’s tricks were astonishing.
  • Attracting: The bright colors were attracting everyone’s attention.
  • Awesome: The fireworks display was awesome.
  • Beautiful: The sunset was so beautiful, it took our breath away.
  • Beguiling: Her smile was beguiling.
  • Bewitching: The full moon was bewitching.
  • Breathtaking: The view of the waterfall was breathtaking.
  • Bright: The sun was shining bright in the sky.
  • Brilliant: The scientist made a brilliant discovery.
  • Captivating: The storyteller’s tale was captivating.
  • Catching: The contagious laughter was catching.
  • Catchy: The song was so catchy, it stayed in my head all day.
  • Charismatic: The politician had a charismatic personality.
  • Charming: The old town was charming with its cobblestone streets.
  • Colorful: The garden was full of colorful flowers.
  • Comely: The actress was comely on stage.
  • Comical: The clown’s performance was comical.
  • Compelling: The documentary was compelling and thought-provoking.
  • Concerning: The news was concerning.
  • Consuming: The fire was consuming the forest.
  • Cool: The breeze was cool on a hot summer day.
  • Crucial: The meeting was crucial for the success of the project.
  • Curious: The cat was curious about the new toy.
  • Cute: The baby’s outfit was cute.
  • Dazzling: The jewelry was dazzling.
  • Deep: The ocean was deep and mysterious.
  • Deeply engaging: The novel was deeply engaging.
  • Delicious: The food was delicious.
  • Delightful: The garden was a delightful surprise.
  • Diverting: The game was diverting.
  • Divine: The chocolate was divine.
  • Dramatic: The play was dramatic and intense.
  • Dreadful: The horror movie was dreadful.
  • Droll: The comedian’s humor was droll.
  • Electrifying: The concert was electrifying.
  • Elegant: The ballroom was elegant and grand.
  • Enchanting: The fairy tale was enchanting.
  • Energizing: The workout was energizing.
  • Engaging: The lecture was engaging and informative.
  • Engrossing: The book was engrossing, I couldn’t put it down.
  • Enjoyable: The picnic was enjoyable.
  • Enlivening: The art exhibit was enlivening.
  • Entertaining: The movie was entertaining and
  • Enticing: The smell of freshly baked cookies was enticing.
  • Entrancing: The dancer’s graceful movements were entrancing.
  • Enveloping: The fog was enveloping the city, making it hard to see.
  • Eventful: It was an eventful day at the amusement park.
  • Exceptional: The service at the restaurant was exceptional.
  • Exciting: Riding a roller coaster is always exciting.
  • Exhilarating: The feeling of jumping out of a plane is exhilarating.
  • Exotic: Trying new foods can be an exotic experience.
  • Exquisite: The dress was made from exquisite materials.
  • Extraordinary: The view from the top of the mountain was extraordinary.
  • Eye-catching: The bright red sports car was eye-catching.
  • Eye-opening: The documentary was eye-opening and educational.
  • Eye-popping: The fireworks display was eye-popping.
  • Fabulous: The party was fabulous, with great food and music.
  • Facetious: She made a facetious remark, causing everyone to laugh.
  • Fantastic: The concert was fantastic, with amazing performers.
  • Fascinating: The history of the ancient ruins was fascinating.
  • Fetching: The new haircut was fetching and flattering.
  • Fine: The wine had a fine flavor and aroma.
  • Fun: Playing board games with friends is always fun.
  • Glorious: The sunset over the ocean was glorious.
  • Good: The soup had a good flavor and was satisfying.
  • Gorgeous: The bride looked gorgeous in her wedding dress.
  • Graceful: The ballerina’s movements were graceful and fluid.
  • Gracious: The host was gracious and welcoming to all of the guests.
  • Grand: The ballroom was grand and opulent.
  • Gratifying: Finishing a challenging project can be very gratifying.
  • Great: The movie was great, with an exciting plot and great acting.
  • Gripping: The mystery novel was gripping and kept me on the edge of my seat.
  • Groovy: The song had a groovy beat and catchy lyrics.
  • Hot: The temperature outside was hot and humid.
  • Humorous: The comedian’s jokes were humorous and made everyone laugh.
  • Hypnotic: The repetitive sound of the waves was hypnotic and soothing.
  • Hypnotizing: The snake’s movements were hypnotizing and mesmerizing.
  • Imaginative: The author’s writing was imaginative and creative.
  • Impressive: The skyscraper was an impressive feat of engineering.
  • Inquisitive: The child was very inquisitive, always asking questions.
  • Interested: The student was interested in learning about different cultures.
  • Intoxicating: The aroma of the flowers was intoxicating and sweet.
  • Intriguing: The unsolved mystery was intriguing and kept people guessing.
  • Invigorating: The fresh mountain air was invigorating and revitalizing.
  • Inviting: The cozy fireplace was inviting on a cold winter night.
  • Involving: The game was involving and required strategy and skill.
  • Irresistible: The smell of freshly baked bread was irresistible.
  • Lively: The party was lively, with music and dancing.
  • Lovely: The garden was filled
  • Mind-blowing: The special effects were mind-blowing.
  • Monumental: The discovery was a monumental achievement.
  • Moving: The movie’s ending was incredibly moving.
  • Narcotic: The music had a narcotic effect on me.
  • Newsworthy: The scandal was deemed newsworthy.
  • Next: The next chapter is even more exciting.
  • Nice: The weather outside is nice and sunny.
  • Notable: The artist’s work is notable for its use of color.
  • Noteworthy: The team’s comeback was noteworthy.
  • Occupying: The book is occupying my attention completely.
  • Original: The idea was so original, it took my breath away.
  • Overwhelming: The amount of work was overwhelming at times.
  • Picturesque: The village was so picturesque, it looked like a painting.
  • Piquant: The dish was piquant, with just the right amount of spice.
  • Pleasant: The walk in the park was very pleasant.
  • Pleasing: The artwork was pleasing to the eye.
  • Pleasurable: The massage was very pleasurable and relaxing.
  • Poignant: The scene was very poignant and emotional.
  • Possessing: The painting is possessing a unique charm.
  • Pretty: The flowers in the garden were pretty shades of pink and yellow.
  • Previous: The previous owners left the house in good condition.
  • Provocative: The article had a provocative headline.
  • Radiant: The bride looked radiant in her wedding dress.
  • Ravishing: The actress wore a ravishing red gown.
  • Readable: The novel was an easy, readable book.
  • Realistic: The graphics in the video game were very realistic.
  • Refreshing: The lemonade was very refreshing on a hot day.
  • Remarkable: The athlete’s performance was truly remarkable.
  • Rich: The cake was rich and chocolatey.
  • Rip-roaring: The party was a rip-roaring success.
  • Riveting: The suspense in the movie was riveting.
  • Rousing: The speech was very rousing and inspiring.
  • Satisfying: The meal was very satisfying and filling.
  • Seductive: The perfume had a seductive scent.
  • Sensational: The concert was a sensational experience.
  • Serious: The topic is very serious and requires attention.
  • Sexy: The dress was very sexy and alluring.
  • Showy: The peacock’s feathers were very showy and colorful.
  • Side-splitting: The comedy show was side-splittingly funny.
  • Signal: The bell was used to signal the start of the race.
  • Significant: The discovery was very significant and groundbreaking.
  • Siren: The sound of the siren could be heard in the distance.
  • Soothing: The music was very soothing and calming.
  • Sparkling: The diamonds in the ring were sparkling in the light.
  • Spectacular: The fireworks display was truly spectacular.
  • Spine-tingling: The horror movie was spine-tinglingly scary.
  • Splashy: The party was a splashy affair with lots of champagne.
  • Standout: The actor’s performance was a standout in the movie.
  • Statuesque: The model was very statuesque with
  • Stunning: She looked stunning in her new dress.
  • Stupendous: The view from the top was stupendous.
  • Sublime: The sunset was a sublime sight.
  • Sufficient: The supplies were sufficient for the trip.
  • Sultry: The summer day was sultry and humid.
  • Superb: The meal at the restaurant was superb.
  • Supreme: The court’s decision was supreme.
  • Surprising: It was surprising to see her there.
  • Svelte: She had a svelte figure and elegant posture.
  • Sweeping: The novel had a sweeping narrative.
  • Sweltering: The heat was sweltering and unbearable.
  • Sympathetic: She was very sympathetic to his situation.
  • Tactful: She was very tactful in her response.
  • Talented: He was a very talented musician.
  • Tangy: The sauce had a tangy flavor.
  • Tasteful: The decor was tasteful and elegant.
  • Tasty: The food was very tasty and flavorful.
  • Teachable: She was a very teachable student.
  • Tempestuous: The sea was tempestuous and rough.
  • Tempted: She was tempted to try the new dish.
  • Tense: The atmosphere was tense and anxious.
  • Terrific: The concert was terrific and energetic.
  • Thankful: She was very thankful for his help.
  • Thorough: The report was very thorough and detailed.
  • Thoughtful: She was very thoughtful in her gift-giving.
  • Thriving: The business was thriving and growing.
  • Ticklish: The sensation was ticklish and uncomfortable.
  • Timeless: The story had a timeless quality.
  • Tolerant: She was very tolerant of other people’s beliefs.
  • Top-notch: The service was top-notch and impeccable.
  • Tough: The exam was tough and challenging.
  • Traditional: The ceremony was very traditional and formal.
  • Tranquil: The lake was tranquil and peaceful.
  • Transparent: The process was transparent and fair.
  • Trendy: The new fashion trend was very trendy and popular.
  • Triumphant: She felt triumphant after winning the race.
  • Trustworthy: He was a very trustworthy person.
  • Truthful: She was always truthful and honest.
  • Tumultuous: The crowd was tumultuous and chaotic.
  • Tuneful: The song was tuneful and melodic.
  • Turbulent: The flight was turbulent and bumpy.
  • Ultimate: The ultimate goal was to win the championship.
  • Unbelievable: The story was almost unbelievable.
  • Unforgettable: The experience was unforgettable and memorable.
  • Unique: The product had a unique design.
  • Unity: The team had a strong sense of unity and cooperation.
  • Upbeat: The music was upbeat and lively.

Other Words for Interesting
Other Words for Interesting 2 Other Words for Interesting facts Other Words for Interesting persons synonyms of interesting synonyms of interest synonyms of interested

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF

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About The Author

If you are overusing the adjective «interesting,» try out one of these twelve alternatives. This list was created by using the Vocabulary.com Dictionary’s advanced search, by searching for «synonym:interesting.»

12 words

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. intriguing

    capable of arousing interest or curiosity

    Running through this body of work is O’Nan’s tender knack for bringing to life his flawed, sometimes honest and sometimes self-deluding, always
    intriguing characters.Seattle Times (Jan 26, 2012)

  2. exciting

    creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion

  3. fascinating

    capturing interest as if by a spell

  4. riveting

    capable of arousing and holding the attention

    Remember “Mad Hot Ballroom,” that
    riveting and enchanting documentary of children in Washington Heights who participated in a ballroom dancing competition.New York Times (Jan 19, 2012)

  5. absorbing

    capable of arousing and holding the attention

    He adjusted his tripod and seemed to have found something very
    absorbing at that moment.Garis, Lilian

  6. amusing

    providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining

    Though years have gone by since I have seen you, you are still fresh, joyous, and
    amusing, and charming as ever.Elliott, Maud Howe

  7. diverting

    providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining

    “It is
    diverting to try to read other people’s minds,” he observed.Landon, Herman

  8. engrossing

    capable of arousing and holding the attention

  9. entertaining

    agreeably diverting or amusing

  10. gripping

    capable of arousing and holding the attention

  11. newsworthy

    sufficiently interesting to be reported in a newspaper

    Network cameras do not routinely cut to fans fighting or trespassing on the field of play unless they disturb the action or do something
    newsworthy.New York Times (Sep 3, 2010)

  12. stimulating

    rousing or quickening activity or the senses

    Arguably, boundary-pushing theater makers need more time, talent and artistic rigor to impart new stories in fresh and
    stimulating ways.Seattle Times (Nov 30, 2011)

Created on January 28, 2012
(updated January 29, 2012)


Synonyms of interesting

  • adjective

  • as in intriguing

  • verb

  • as in fascinating

  • as in intriguing
  • as in fascinating

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Definition of interestingnext

as in intriguing

holding the attention or provoking interest

an interesting lecture on conflicts in the Middle East since the demise of the Ottoman Empire

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • intriguing

  • fascinating

  • engaging

  • exciting

  • absorbing

  • provocative

  • engrossing

  • enthralling

  • gripping

  • amusing

  • entertaining

  • inspiring

  • riveting

  • involving

  • amazing

  • consuming

  • unusual

  • arresting

  • attractive

  • immersing

  • thrilling

  • enchanting

  • exhilarating

  • striking

  • tantalizing

  • breathtaking

  • surprising

  • charming

  • curious

  • electric

  • alluring

  • stimulating

  • astonishing

  • electrifying

  • captivating

  • wonderful

  • galvanizing

  • odd

  • mesmerizing

  • showy

  • eventful

  • rousing

  • bewitching

  • stirring

  • weird

  • wondrous

  • emphatic

  • spellbinding

  • astounding

  • marvelous

  • marvellous

  • hypnotizing

  • eyeopening

  • fabulous

  • splashy

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • uninteresting

  • boring

  • tedious

  • dry

  • monotonous

  • dull

  • heavy

  • drab

  • tiresome

  • tiring

  • wearisome

  • unexciting

  • sterile

  • discouraging

  • wearying

  • dreary

  • humdrum

  • pedantic

  • disheartening

  • pedestrian

  • dispiriting

  • demoralizing

  • operose

See More

  • uninteresting

  • boring

  • tedious

  • dry

  • monotonous

  • dull

  • heavy

  • drab

  • tiresome

  • tiring

  • wearisome

  • unexciting

  • sterile

  • discouraging

  • wearying

  • dreary

  • humdrum

  • pedantic

  • disheartening

  • pedestrian

  • dispiriting

  • demoralizing

  • operose

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2 of 2


present participle of interest

as in fascinating

to hold the attention of

the book didn’t interest me, so I ended up watching the parade of people on the sidewalk

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • intriguing

  • fascinating

  • occupying

  • immersing

  • involving

  • engrossing

  • attracting

  • gripping

  • busying

  • engaging

  • enchanting

  • enthralling

  • absorbing

  • distracting

  • bemusing

  • charming

  • captivating

  • preoccupying

  • alluring

  • mesmerizing

  • catching one’s eye

  • obsessing

  • catching up

  • bewitching

  • beguiling

  • hypnotizing

  • enwrapping

  • monopolizing

  • hogging

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • boring

  • tiring

  • wearying

  • jading

  • palling

  • boring

  • tiring

  • wearying

  • jading

  • palling

Try This Instead


Try This

an interesting question

an intriguing question

an insightful question

a good question

a thoughtful question

a provocative question

interesting people

noteworthy people

remarkable people

cool people

impressive people

fascinating people

an interesting feature

a curious feature

an useful feature

a neat feature

a cool feature

an impressive feature

interesting work

innovative work

compelling work

impressive work

creative work

unusual work

Thesaurus Entries Near interesting

interest groups



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“Interesting.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/interesting. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

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  • alluring
  • amusing
  • attractive
  • beautiful
  • compelling
  • curious
  • delightful
  • engaging
  • exotic
  • fascinating
  • impressive
  • intriguing
  • lovely
  • pleasing
  • provocative
  • readable
  • refreshing
  • stimulating
  • striking
  • thought-provoking
  • unusual
  • absorbing
  • affecting
  • arresting
  • captivating
  • enchanting
  • engrossing
  • enthralling
  • entrancing
  • fine
  • gripping
  • inviting
  • prepossessing
  • riveting
  • stirring
  • winning
  • charismatic
  • elegant
  • exceptional
  • gracious
  • magnetic
  • pleasurable
  • suspicious

On this page you’ll find 88 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to interesting, such as: alluring, amusing, attractive, beautiful, compelling, and curious.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING interesting

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


What are other ways to say interesting?

Something that is interesting occupies the mind with no connotation of pleasure or displeasure: an interesting account of a battle. Something that is pleasing engages the mind favorably: a pleasing account of the wedding. Something that is gratifying fulfills expectations, requirements, etc.: a gratifying account of his whereabouts; a book gratifying in its detail.

How to use interesting in a sentence

There’s no actual direct evidence that appraisal stopped the city from borrowing money but it was an interesting story of how they dealt with that and backed off the purchase agreement.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • arresting
  • captivating
  • consuming
  • engrossing
  • enthralling
  • exciting
  • fascinating
  • gripping
  • interesting
  • intriguing
  • monopolizing
  • preoccupying
  • riveting
  • spellbinding
  • agreeable
  • boffo
  • camp
  • campy
  • charming
  • cheerful
  • cheering
  • comical
  • cut up
  • delightful
  • diverting
  • droll
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enjoyable
  • entertaining
  • for grins
  • fun
  • gladdening
  • gratifying
  • gut-busting
  • humorous
  • interesting
  • jocular
  • jokey
  • joshing
  • laughable
  • lively
  • merry
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • priceless
  • screaming
  • sidesplitting
  • too funny for words
  • witty
  • adorable
  • agreeable
  • alluring
  • beautiful
  • beckoning
  • bewitching
  • captivating
  • charming
  • comely
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • fair
  • fascinating
  • fetching
  • glamorous
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • handsome
  • hunky
  • interesting
  • inviting
  • looker
  • lovely
  • luring
  • magnetic
  • mesmeric
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • prepossessing
  • pretty
  • provocative
  • seductive
  • stunning
  • taking
  • tantalizing
  • teasing
  • tempting
  • winning
  • winsome
  • agreeable
  • alluring
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • bewitching
  • captivating
  • enchanting
  • enticing
  • entrancing
  • fascinating
  • fetching
  • glamorous
  • interesting
  • intriguing
  • inviting
  • likable
  • lovable
  • magnetic
  • mesmeric
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • prepossessing
  • siren
  • sweet
  • winning
  • winsome
  • absorbing
  • affecting
  • be a ball
  • captivating
  • charming
  • cheerful
  • cheering
  • clever
  • compelling
  • delightful
  • diverting
  • droll
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • enjoyable
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • entrancing
  • exciting
  • fascinating
  • fun
  • funny
  • gas
  • gay
  • humorous
  • impressive
  • inspiring
  • interesting
  • lively
  • moving
  • piquant
  • pleasant
  • pleasurable
  • poignant
  • priceless
  • provocative
  • recreative
  • relaxing
  • restorative
  • riot
  • rousing
  • scream
  • side-splitting
  • stimulating
  • stirring
  • striking
  • thrilling
  • witty
  • captivating
  • consuming
  • engrossing
  • fascinating
  • gripping
  • interesting
  • riveting

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Learn what to say instead of “interesting” in English. Grow your Business English vocabulary with the following alternative words for “interesting.”

This year, I decided to start a new project: gardening. 

I had no gardening experience whatsoever, so in the past few months, I have been reading every gardening book I could find at the library.

Whenever I tell my husband about something fascinating I have read, I catch myself saying things like:

“Isn’t it interesting that there are thousands of varieties of fruit and vegetables, while we only get around 20-30 varieties at the supermarket?”

“Did you know that tomatoes and basil are a good pair when cooking as well as planted in the garden? I find that so interesting.”

At work, we often find ourselves using the English word interesting, as well. 

It’s a great word. That’s why I use it so much myself. 

So many ideas, books, videos, articles, speeches, and podcasts are interesting

But just like many other simple, useful English words, it’s easy to overuse the word.

Read more: Use these 20 English words instead of “very” in business

Business English Vocabulary: interesting

meaning of interesting

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Definition of interesting

The team came up with interesting ideas for the new product.

What does it mean?  The ideas are not boring. You want to learn more about them.

How do you pronounce it?  /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/

The stress is on the first syllable. Note that there are only 3 syllables. You do not pronounce the first “e”.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:

How to Find Words with Similar Meanings

Luckily, the English language has many words to choose from. Synonyms are alternative words with similar meanings.

Today, we can find synonyms for any words with the click of a button.

Read more: English Words To Say ‘Important’ In Business

Here are my favorite language tools to find synonyms:


The online Thesaurus helps you find synonyms by listing words with similar meanings.

Visual Thesaurus

This amazing tool makes visual maps around the meaning of words. It is fascinating and so practical to see how word meanings are related.

Cambridge Dictionary

One of my favorite English dictionaries. You can find out how to say words correctly, what they mean, or you can read examples. It has a special category for business words, which is useful if you want to learn words in a business context.

Lexico Synonyms

The Oxford dictionary has an option to find synonyms. I like that it gives you example sentences as well as formal and informal alternatives.

improve your business english skills with tests

Power Thesaurus 

If you are looking for another online Thesaurus, this is a brilliantly simple tool for you. For each word, the website gives you a list of synonyms and tells you how closely related the meanings are.


This tool is especially useful for writing at work. One of my favorite features is that you can see how synonyms are used in context in real texts. You can also compare two synonyms and see which one fits better in context.

Business Thesaurus

If you are looking for words that are used in business, this Thesaurus is a nice tool. It only shows you synonyms as a list without any further information about the words, so it is useful if you need to look up synonyms quickly at work.

Read more: Meaning of feature

Alternative Words for “Interesting”


His speech was fascinating. He mentioned many important facts I had never heard before.

What does it mean? 

This adjective is a good alternative because it describes something extremely interesting. The meaning is very similar, so you can remember this word if you don’t want to repeat yourself and use the word interesting too often.

How do you pronounce it? /ˈfæs.ən.eɪ.tɪŋ/

The stress is on the first syllable. You don’t hear the ‘c’ and the first ‘i’ is weak.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


She gave a compelling argument against the new software.

What does it mean?  What she said made you pay attention. It is convincing and makes you believe the arguments are true.

How do you pronounce it?  /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/

The word stress is on the second syllable, and the first syllable is rather short.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:


Your question was really thought-provoking. I will think about how we can improve the process.

What does it mean? What he/she said is so interesting that you have to think more about the topic.

How is it pronounced? /ˈθɑːtprəvoʊkɪŋ/

You stress both the first syllable (‘thought’) and the second syllable of ‘provoking’. But the main stress is on the first word.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


Rachel’s talk this morning was really inspiring. I will implement her advice right away.

What does it mean? The adjective ‘inspiring’ comes from the verb ‘to inspire’. A person – but also things, such as a book – can be inspiring. It gives you good ideas that motivate you to do something.

How is it pronounced? /ɪnˈspɑɪərɪŋ/

The stress is on the second syllable. Pay attention because the second ‘i’-sound in this word has a different sound from the other two – and it is longer.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:


We had an engrossing conversation in yesterday’s meeting when we talked about the new product line’s strengths and weaknesses.

What does it mean? 

This adjective describes something that is extremely interesting. In the example, the conversation attracted everyone’s attention in the meeting.

It is a more powerful way to say that something is interesting

How do you pronounce it? /ɪnˈɡroʊ.sɪŋ/

The stress is on the second syllable, which is longer than the rest.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:

Read more: What to Say Instead of “But” – 8 Easy Alternatives


Your work is impressive. I’m curious to see the client’s reaction to the proposal.

What does it mean? The work is special and important, so the speaker admires it. 

How do you pronounce it? /ɪmˈpres.ɪv/

You stress the second syllable. The two ‘i’ sounds have the same pronunciation.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


I really admire Elisabeth. She gave me some intriguing new ideas in our last phone call.

What does it mean? The ideas are very interesting because they are unusual.

How do you pronounce it? /ɪnˈtriː.ɡɪŋ/

The second syllable is stressed and long. Furthermore, the ‘u’ and the ‘g’ are both silent.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:


Today was a normal day at work. Nothing newsworthy happened.

What does it mean? An event, a fact, or an example can be so interesting that it is worth reporting it, for example in the news. The adjective explains something that is unexpected because it differs from a normal workday.

How do you pronounce it? ˈnjuːzwɜːði

Stress the first syllable. The ‘th’ sound is soft.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


I think this report is well written and highly informative.

What does it mean? The report contains useful information.

How do you pronounce it? /ɪnˈfɔːr.mə.t̬ɪv/

You stress the second syllable. The two ‘i’ sounds are the same.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:


The conference program is full of exciting topics.

What does it mean? The adjective ‘exciting’ comes from the verb ‘to excite,’ so it means that you are very interested in something and it makes you feel excited.

How do you pronounce it? /ɪkˈsaɪ.t̬ɪŋ/

You stress the second syllable.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:

Read more: 15 Words to Use Instead of “Good”


It was unusual to hear Anna’s opinion during the meeting.

What does it mean? What she did or said in the meeting was unexpected or surprising. This can be good or bad. If you use this adjective as an alternative for ‘interesting,’ it is usually positive.

How do you pronounce it?  /ʌnˈjuː.ʒu.əl/

The word stress is on the second syllable and the second ‘u’ is rather long. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the ‘s’ in this word.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:

John is an expert in statistics, so his profile is appealing to many companies in the field.

What does it mean? This adjective means that many companies are attracted by or interested in John’s expertise. 

How do you pronounce it? /əˈpiː.lɪŋ/

The second syllable is stressed and long, whereas the first syllable is rather short.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


Bernard wrote a brilliant article with several captivating stories about translation technology.

What does it mean? The stories in the articles are very interesting or exciting, so they hold your attention.

How do you pronounce it? /ˈkæp.tə.veɪ.t̬ɪŋ/

Here, you stress the first syllable. I know this word seems rather long, so just practice it slowly. 

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:


The writing workshop was engaging and exciting.                    

What does it mean? This adjective is a good fit if you want to talk about something that is pleasant and draws your attention. You can also use it to describe a person.

How do you pronounce it? /ɪnˈɡeɪ.dʒɪŋ/

The stress is on the second syllable. All three ‘g’ sounds are different, so practice them slowly and listen carefully to the example.

Click here to hear the correct pronunciation:


It is a standard procedure. The report contains nothing noteworthy.

What does it mean? The adjective ‘noteworthy’ describes something that is so interesting that it deserves attention. It refers to something unusual, for instance, an event or a fact.

How do you pronounce it? /ˈnəʊtˌwɜː.ði/

You stress the first syllable. The ‘e’ is silent and the ‘th’ sound is soft.

Click here to listen to the correct pronunciation:

Read more: How to remember new words in English

Practice the New Vocabulary

Now, it’s your turn to use the new words. 

Have you learned anything fascinating today? 

Write a sentence using one of the alternative words for “interesting” you have learned and share it in the comments!

Happy learning!

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