Different word for bad things

Table of Contents

  1. What is a synonym for junk?
  2. What is the synonym and antonym of junk?
  3. What is the antonym for junk?
  4. When somebody is really nasty that person must be full of?
  5. What is the meaning of dump?
  6. Why clutter is bad for you?
  7. What are personal essays?
  8. How long should a personal essay Be Leaving Cert?
  9. What is a personal essay Leaving Cert?
  10. How long is a 1000 word paper?
  11. How do you write an amazing personal essay?
  12. Whats a good title for a personal essay?
  13. Do personal essays need titles?
  14. What are some catchy words?
  15. How do you write a creative title?
  16. What is a creative title?
  17. What is a catchy title?
  18. What is a good title for a love story?
  19. How do I name my story?
  20. What are some sad book titles?
  21. What is the saddest book ever written?
  22. What is the saddest book to read?
  23. What is the saddest book you’ve ever read?

What is another word for bad thing?

What is a synonym for junk?

Frequently Asked Questions About junk Some common synonyms of junk are cast, discard, scrap, shed, and slough. While all these words mean “to get rid of,” scrap and junk imply throwing away or breaking up as worthless in existent form.

What is the synonym and antonym of junk?

Synonyms. rubbish trash dust scrap detritus slack debris rubble. Antonyms. indispose disqualify buy dirty uncover.

What is the antonym for junk?

Antonyms of JUNK pearl, plum, sense, catch, salvage, neatness, goody, booty, cleanliness, gem, trove, sterility, valuable, prize, jewel, possessions, find, treasure.

awful thing dreadful thing
terrible thing accident
adversity affliction
bad news blow
calamity cataclysm

When somebody is really nasty that person must be full of?

Answer: Explanation: When somebody is really nasty that person must be full of despair.

What is the meaning of dump?

dump verb [T] (GET RID OF) to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not allowed to be: The tax was so unpopular that the government decided to dump it. Several old cars had been dumped near the beach.

Why clutter is bad for you?

“Clutter is bad for your physical and mental health,” Gilberg says. Too much clutter can be a fire hazard. Dust, mold, and animal dander that collect in cluttered homes are all bad for allergies and asthma. “When people see clutter, they use language like ‘suffocating,’ and ‘I can’t breathe,’ agrees Walsh.

What are personal essays?

A personal essay is a piece of writing that serves to describe an important lesson gathered from a writer’s life experiences. The essay often describes a significant event from a first-person perspective, and can be done in various writing styles, like a formal essay or as creative nonfiction.

How long should a personal essay Be Leaving Cert?

approximately four pages

What is a personal essay Leaving Cert?

The Leaving Cert personal essay may be one of the only times you truly get to be yourself in a standardised exam. The marking scheme allows us to interpret the term “personal essay”’ liberally, potentially even entirely or partly as personal (first person) narratives.

How long is a 1000 word paper?

Usually, essays are double-spaced and written in Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12 pt. With that formatting, your 1000 words will cover four pages (A4).

How do you write an amazing personal essay?

How To: Write Your Personal Essay

  1. Be thoughtful, but not fretful.
  2. Keep the “personal” in personal essay.
  3. Don’t try to guess what the reader wants to hear.
  4. Feel free to be funny or creative – but don’t overreach.
  5. Tell us something we don’t already know.
  6. Ask for input (but not too much).
  7. Edit, proof, polish, and breathe.

Whats a good title for a personal essay?

Personal Essay Titles

  • Heroes.
  • The things about myself I’d most like to change.
  • In 30 years time…
  • Childhood memories.
  • Life’s little luxuries.
  • A significant event that changed my life.
  • It’s a weird and wonderful world.

Do personal essays need titles?

A title isn’t important enough for you to be stressing out over. Write your essay, edit your drafts, revise, and keep going until your essay is complete and you are 100% satisfied. After that you can see how much space you have left and consider adding a title.

What are some catchy words?

999 Catchy Words List

  • Suddenly.
  • Now.
  • Announcing.
  • Introducing.
  • Improvement.
  • Amazing.
  • Sensational.
  • Remarkable.

How do you write a creative title?

First I will start with seven general principles:

  1. Keep It Short, Simple, and to the Point.
  2. Be Clear About Your Main Benefit.
  3. Announce Exciting News (News Your Audience Cares About)
  4. Questions in the Headline.
  5. Appeal to You Reader’s Hunger for Knowledge.
  6. Tell Your Audience What to Do!

What is a creative title?

A creative title, on the other hand, grabs a reader’s attention while hinting at what’s to come. The direction your title will take — that is, how creative you can be with it — depends on the creative freedom the format of your text requires. Pick a significant theme or motif from your text.

What is a catchy title?

A catchy headline is extremely important to bring the reader in to view an article, advertisement or social media post. A headline should be carefully worded to catch someone’s eye and get that person interested in reading what follows the headline. Discover some catchy headlines and get inspired to craft your own.

What is a good title for a love story?

Sad love titles

  • Heart of a saint, life of a sinner.
  • Broken without you.
  • Romance monsters.
  • A match made in hell.
  • Overlooked love.
  • Easily broken.
  • Love Together, Be With You Never.
  • Your love is never good enough.

How do I name my story?

The 3 Most Common Attributes of Good Titles

  1. Short. The most memorable titles are usually on the shorter side.
  2. Evocative. Best-selling titles are often evocative and contain compelling wordplay and imagery.
  3. Memorable and unique. A good-book-title should be both memorable and unique.

What are some sad book titles?

General Fictional Sad Books

  • Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt.
  • A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara.
  • Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong.
  • Marlena by Julie Buntin.
  • The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan.
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.
  • The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis.

What is the saddest book ever written?


1 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Goodreads Author) 4.38 avg rating — 1,982,905 ratings score: 4,077, and 42 people voted
2 Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls 4.08 avg rating — 359,845 ratings score: 3,230, and 33 people voted

What is the saddest book to read?

45 Unexpectedly Sad Books That People Said Made Them Cry Cathartically

  1. Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig.
  2. My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman.
  3. Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.
  4. Marley & Me by John Grogan.
  5. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.
  6. The Color Purple by Alice Walker.

What is the saddest book you’ve ever read?

What’s The Saddest Book You’ve Ever Read?

  • The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter.
  • The Remains of the Day.
  • Infinite Jest.
  • The Road.
  • Flowers for Algernon.
  • Required Reading: 10 Devastatingly Sad Books [Flavorwire]
  • Image via Graeme Dawes/Shutterstock.com.
  • adversity
  • calamity
  • cataclysm
  • catastrophe
  • disaster
  • evil
  • misery
  • misfortune
  • tragedy
  • tribulation
  • hardship
  • mishap
  • storm cloud
  • trouble
  • unpleasantness
  • bad break
  • bummer
  • downer
  • drag
  • hard knocks
  • hard times
  • jam

On this page you’ll find 33 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bad thing, such as: adversity, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, and evil.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING bad thing

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • affliction
  • bad break
  • bad thing
  • bummer
  • calamity
  • can of worms
  • catastrophe
  • clutch
  • contretemps
  • crunch
  • difficulty
  • disaster
  • distress
  • downer
  • drag
  • evil eye
  • hard knocks
  • hard times
  • hardship
  • hurting
  • ill fortune
  • jam
  • jinx
  • kiss of death
  • misery
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • on the skids
  • pain in the neck
  • poison
  • reverse
  • sorrow
  • suffering
  • the worst
  • tough luck
  • trial
  • trouble
  • adversity
  • affliction
  • bad thing
  • blue ruin
  • cataclysm
  • catastrophe
  • collapse
  • cross
  • curtains
  • distress
  • downfall
  • hardship
  • holy mess
  • misadventure
  • mischance
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • reverse
  • ruin
  • scourge
  • the worst
  • trial
  • tribulation
  • unholy mess
  • visitation
  • waterloo
  • woe
  • wreck
  • wretchedness
  • bad thing
  • calamity
  • cataract
  • catastrophe
  • collapse
  • convulsion
  • crunch
  • curtains
  • debacle
  • deluge
  • disturbance
  • double trouble
  • flood
  • flooding
  • holy mess
  • inundation
  • misadventure
  • ruin
  • torrent
  • tragedy
  • unholy mess
  • upheaval
  • waterloo
  • woe
  • accident
  • adversity
  • affliction
  • alluvion
  • bad luck
  • bad news
  • bad thing
  • blow
  • calamity
  • casualty
  • cataclysm
  • contretemps
  • crash
  • culmination
  • curtains
  • debacle
  • denouement
  • desolation
  • devastation
  • disaster
  • emergency
  • end
  • failure
  • fatality
  • fiasco
  • finale
  • grief
  • hardship
  • havoc
  • ill
  • infliction
  • meltdown
  • misadventure
  • mischance
  • misery
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • reverse
  • scourge
  • stroke
  • termination
  • the worst
  • tragedy
  • trial
  • trouble
  • upshot
  • waterloo
  • wreck
  • act of God
  • adversity
  • affliction
  • bad luck
  • bad news
  • bad thing
  • bale
  • bane
  • blight
  • blow
  • bust
  • calamity
  • casualty
  • cataclysm
  • catastrophe
  • collapse
  • collision
  • crash
  • debacle
  • defeat
  • depression
  • emergency
  • exigency
  • failure
  • fall
  • fell stroke
  • fiasco
  • flood
  • flop
  • grief
  • hard luck
  • harm
  • hazard
  • holocaust
  • hot water
  • ill luck
  • misadventure
  • mischance
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • reverse
  • rock
  • rough
  • ruin
  • ruination
  • setback
  • slip
  • stroke
  • the worst
  • tragedy
  • undoing
  • upset
  • washout
  • woe
  • accident
  • adversity
  • affliction
  • annoyance
  • anxiety
  • bad break
  • bad luck
  • bad news
  • bad thing
  • blow
  • burden
  • calamity
  • casualty
  • cataclysm
  • catastrophe
  • contretemps
  • cross
  • crunch
  • debacle
  • disadvantage
  • disappointment
  • discomfort
  • dole
  • failure
  • hard luck
  • hardship
  • harm
  • inconvenience
  • infelicity
  • loss
  • misadventure
  • mischance
  • misery
  • mishap
  • nuisance
  • reverse
  • rotten luck
  • setback
  • tough luck
  • tragedy
  • trial
  • tribulation
  • trouble
  • unluck
  • unpleasantness
  • visitation
  • worry

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Unfortunately, you must have something bad to have something good. Below is a handy list of synonyms for bad.

Now you can describe bad weather, bad luck, or bad service at a restaurant.

Since bad has several meanings, the list is broken down by meanings.

Bad Synonyms. Synonyms for Bad: Terrible, poor, unacceptable, harmful, severe

Synonyms for Bad: poor standard or low quality


  • The pizza from the new Italian restaurant tastes bad.
  • Fred did a bad job of communicating his expectations to his friends and caused many misunderstandings.

1. Terrible

Something that is terrible is really bad and very unwelcome. Anything that is negative can be described as terrible.


  • Anthony, the report you showed last month was terrible, please make sure this month’s report is a massive improvement!
  • When you prepare for something that you are nervous or scared about try to think of the most terrible possibility. Why? Because then, whatever happens, will not seem as bad.
  • Polly feels terrible that she forgot to pick you up at the airport.

2. Poor

Poor has two meanings, the most common of which means having no money. However, poor can also mean something that is bad or of low quality.


  • The boss of the company did a poor job outlining what the other employees needed to do. This led to the quick downfall of the product.
  • Try to do the best you can to spread the message; if you do a poor job, it will impact the whole country.
  • The trusted newspaper source lost some of its prestige when it did a poor job of reporting the political issue.

3. Unacceptable

Something that is unacceptable is the opposite of acceptable. It is worse than simply being bad, because being unacceptable means that something is so bad that it cannot be accepted.


  • It is okay if you bring the project report a day later than the deadline, but anything later than that is completely unacceptable.
  • I cannot believe that you thought this was okay. It is unacceptable!

4. Inadequate

Similar to unacceptable, something that is inadequate is not adequate or does not fulfill the expectations for it.

The difference comes from the fact that something inadequate is not good enough for its purpose.


  • Terry’s bank account has inadequate funds to purchase the television, so his credit card was denied.
  • Your actions are inadequate if you want to advance in the company and get promoted to management jobs; you need to take more initiative.

5. Defective

If you have a defective item, you have an item that has a flaw or is broken in some way. Defective almost always refers to things and objects, rarely to actions or feelings. The noun form of the word is a defect.


  • The microwave has a defective part so it will constantly break down.
  • If you try to ride a bike with a defective wheel, you will not be able to go very far.
  • Harry always looks for products with defective packaging or other parts. Because he likes to take them to the customer service desk and ask for a discount.

6. Unfortunate

Something unfortunate is something that is unlucky or happens to be bad by chance. It refers to situations, circumstances, and events.


  • The unfortunate situation was caused by Tom’s habit of leaving things he needs to do until the last minute.
  • The fact that the road was under construction the day we needed to drive that route was very unfortunate.

7. Inappropriate

An inappropriate thing is something that is not fit for the situation. Some things are appropriate for some situations but bad for other situations such as using humor to make fun of someone.


  • Sally’s inappropriate behavior landed her without a job.
  • Even though it is sometimes necessary, it is inappropriate to constantly use your phone when you are meeting with other people.
  • Dan often gets away with using inappropriate humor because the boss really likes him.

Synonyms for Bad: harmful, unwelcome, or unpleasant

  • The situation looked bad after Victor took that big risk.
  • Mark’s cat was in bad condition after he fell down the stairs.

8. Unpleasant

Something unpleasant is not fun to be around. This can refer to something that can be sensed, such as a smell, something physical, or something metaphorical.


  • Max is an unpleasant person to be around because he constantly complains about anything that he can think of.
  • I do not like to use the bathrooms at gas stations because they have an unpleasant smell.
  • Jason was uncomfortable at work the whole day because he had an unpleasant stomachache and headache from his new medication.

9. Serious

While serious can refer to something that is sincere and earnest, it also means something that is demanding of attention and consideration.

This is usually because the situation is dangerous, uncertain, challenging, or very important. As a synonym for bad, serious often refers to a situation or circumstance.


  • Sam’s grandfather fell down a few steps of stairs and was in serious condition when he was sent to the hospital. But he is recovering quickly now.
  • She thought that she would not have to take action after being threatened. But the police told her that it was more serious than she thought.

10. Harmful

Something that can cause harm, injury, or hurt is harmful. Many times harmful things are objects, actions, thoughts, feelings.


  • Rebecca tried not to show it, but the things that bullies said to her were really harmful.
  • If an employee accidentally shares company secrets to a rival company, this would be extremely harmful to the company.
  • When a couple is expecting a child for the first time, they try to remove anything that could be harmful to the baby.

11. Critical

Something that is critical can be extremely important or can be disparaging or negative. When describing a situation or a problem, critical means something that is very dangerous and is very close to a crisis or disaster.


  • Louis was sent to the hospital in critical condition after he had a car accident.
  • The news reporter was called into the office during the middle of the night to cover a critical situation that was developing overseas.
  • The company was in critical condition after the media uncovered a scandal and the company’s stock prices had fallen to half its original price.

12. Severe

severe thing is a thing that is harsh and demanding, whether it be of attention, time, money, or other resources.


  • The strong hurricane caused severe damage to the entire coast.
  • Valerie’s debt problems became more and more severe because she refused to admit that she owed money.

13. Deleterious

Deleterious things are those that cause harm or damage. You can remember the word by thinking of delete – which is the root of deleterious. The word typically describes the effect of something.


  • Reading novels is not deleterious for children; in fact, it can help them relieve stress and stimulate their creativity.
  • The deleterious effect of smoking on one’s health overall has been well documented in medical research for the past few decades.

14. Grievous

Something that is grievous is awful, terrible, and severe. It is one of the strongest words that you can use to describe something bad. It describes a mistake that is unforgivable.


  • Blaine’s grievous mistake cost him thousands of dollars and five years of hard work.
  • The grievous wound in Carrie’s side caused her immense pain until she was able to finally have surgery.

Synonyms for Bad: unacceptable

You can think of these words as ones that you can use to describe the villains or bad characters in stories.


  • The bad guys in movies are always caught in the end.
  • If you do bad things, karma will catch up to you and bad things will start happening to you.

15. Immoral

An immoral person or action is one that breaks the principles of morality or the commonly accepted beliefs of right and wrong. If a person in general or a specific action is immoral, it is wrong according to society.


  • The actions of the Nazis during the 1930s and 1940s were so immoral that the term Nazi has become synonymous with all evil.
  • Sometimes, the line between what is moral and what is immoral is not clear.
  • The jury decided that Xavier’s actions were not immoral; instead, they determined that his actions were expected under the circumstances.

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16. Evil

If someone or something is profoundly, deeply, and decidedly immoral, they are evil. While it can describe anything that fits this definition, many evil things have a supernatural force influencing the action.


  • The evil villain of the movie really makes the viewers hate him.
  • It is so evil of the professor to assign so much homework over the winter break!
  • Theodore was able to fool most people by appearing sociable and happy when he met them, but in reality, he was hiding his evil.

17. Wicked

Something or someone that is both immoral and evil is wicked. There is also a famous musical on Broadway named Wicked, for the characters in the story.


  • The wicked stepmother in the story was actually just someone who was severely misunderstood.
  • Companies sometimes do wicked things not everyone can understand.

18. Nefarious

Something that is nefarious, typically an action or organization, is very evil. Sometimes, being nefarious means that it is secretive.


  • The nefarious organization was responsible for thousands of dollars in illegal smuggling and drug sales.
  • The police have a hard time tracking down all the nefarious activities of the criminal organization. Because they are so secretive and good at dodging the authorities.
  • Thank goodness that the Interpol agents were able to uncover the nefarious plot of the terrorists before they could act.

19. Dirty

While dirty is often used to mean something that is physically unclean, it also refers to things or people that are metaphorically unclean. In other words, people who are involved in illegal activities.

It is often used to describe someone who you think should be on the right side of the law (for example, a police officer). They use their position of power for their own benefits.


  • The dirty cop forced the criminal organization to pay him so that he could keep helping them.
  • The drug dealer was trying to convince the DEA agent to let him go.

20. Corrupt

Someone or an action that is corrupt is dirty. Usually, the person abuses a position of power by forcing someone else to give them money or gifts in exchange for certain benefits.

Being corrupt is illegal. Corrupt often refers to various people in a different kinds of power, especially business executives or politicians.


  • The corrupt politician was never arrested because he was able to hide his involvement very well.
  • The corrupt CEO of the company was arrested stealing millions of dollars from the company by forcing the accountants to change the records.

21. Dishonest

In the same vein as corrupt and dirty, someone who is dishonest is someone who does not tell the truth about something.

However, the term is much “lighter” in meaning. If someone is dishonest, it means that the person does not tell the truth.


  • The teacher was dishonest when she said that all her previous students had passed the test. She did it to give her current students more confidence.
  • The dishonest politician made all of his voters angry when he got elected and started doing the exact opposite of everything he promised.
  • The boss of the department refused to turn over the company’s records. He wanted to hide some of the dishonest deals the company had made.

Synonyms for Bad: a feeling of regret or guilt


  • Sandra feels bad for treating Mary like a child even though she is already in college.

22. Guilty

To feel guilty means to feel responsible for something that has gone wrong, regardless of whether or not you are actually responsible.


  • Fiona felt guilty for helping her coworkers make her boss look bad, but she was really mad at her boss at the time.
  • Don’t feel guilty about turning down the people that you are not interested in! They will be more thankful for rejection than if you led them on.
  • If you feel guilty, that could be because you know that you are doing something wrong.

23. Remorseful

To feel remorseful is one step after feeling guilty. Once you get to the feeling of remorse, you feel sorry for doing what you did and want to ask for forgiveness.


  • Even though he was clearly guilty, he got a shorter sentence because he was remorseful. 5 years instead of 10.
  • If you don’t feel remorseful after doing something wrong, some people will think that there is something wrong with you.
  • It is very interesting to wonder whether people who do terrible things feel remorseful over their actions.

24. Regretful

Regretful is a very close synonym to remorseful. It means feeling sad or sorrow towards something that has happened.


  • Some people feel embarrassed to be regretful, so they pretend that they never wanted that thing to begin with.
  • I feel regretful that I was not able to finish my studies, even though I quit them to pursue something better.

25. Ashamed

To be ashamed means to feel embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, and other similar feelings.


  • “I am ashamed to be your sister!” Nancy jokingly yelled at her sister after she started dancing to music in public.
  • You should not feel ashamed to have feelings, because that it what sets human beings apart from animals.
  • Feeling ashamed is often an unproductive feeling, so it is best to avoid it as much as possible.

26. Contrite

Contrite also means to feel guilty about something, or remorse and regret.


  • His contrite attitude helped his brother forgive him for his actions.
  • The contrite feeling that Vanna felt after lying to her parents made her never want to lie again.

27. Sorry

To feel sorry about something means to feel distressed or sadness at something. Depending on the context, it can also mean feeling regret or remorse, but without the guilt.


  • I am sorry to hear that you had to quit your job.
  • Jessica is sorry that she ate your cookies without asking you, but she does not regret eating them.
  • John was sorry that he had to lie to his sister about what he was doing.

28. Responsible

To feel responsible for something means to feel that you are the cause of that thing. In this context, it usually has a negative meaning, so you feel that you are responsible for something bad that has happened.


  • I feel responsible for causing us to miss the train, so I will buy new tickets for the next available train.
  • When you feel responsible for something bad that has happened then you are scared to take risks on anything else.

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Bad or Badly?

Other Ways to Say BAD NEWS!


Another word for bad!!! What are other words for “bad”? Below is the list of common synonyms for bad in English. These words will further help you build your vocabulary, especially at advanced levels.

List of Other Words for Bad

  • Atrocious
  • Damaging
  • Terrible
  • Cheesy
  • Grungy
  • Miserable
  • Worse
  • Awful
  • Inferior
  • Wicked
  • Icky
  • Cheap
  • Wretched
  • Negligent
  • Evil
  • Sad
  • Crummy
  • Defective
  • Severe
  • Imperfect
  • Deplorable
  • Guilty
  • Crappy
  • Faulty
  • Dreadful
  • Injurious
  • Grievous
  • Uncool
  • Substandard
  • Beastly
  • Appalling
  • Lousy
  • Harmful
  • Unskilled
  • Mean
  • Foul
  • Screwed
  • Critical
  • Poor
  • Negative
  • Unfortunate
  • Rough
  • Inappropriate
  • Unpleasant
  • Nasty
  • Garbage
  • Slipshod
  • Careless
  • Incompetent
  • Unhealthy
  • Rotten
  • Amateurish
  • Unacceptable
  • Painful
  • Naughty
  • Godawful
  • Stinking
  • Useless
  • Inadequate
  • Damaging
  • Second-rate
  • Abominable
  • Raunchy
  • Grody
  • Junky
  • Inept
  • Shoddy
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Execrable
  • Second-class

Bad Synonyms Examples


  • I began to feel atrocious toward those fellows.


  • Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.


  • I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.


  • Don’t wear that shirt. It looks cheesy.


  • I was wearing grungy clothes when my boyfriend showed up at the door.


  • I’ve been so miserable since Patrick left me.


  • The interview was much worse than he had expected.


  • I felt awful when I realized what I’d done.


  • The food at that restaurant is inferior.


  • She got them to hand over all their money by wicked deceit.


  • They make me feel really icky and gross and uncomfortable.


  • Don’t buy that coat – it looks cheap and nasty.


  • He was wretched when he failed the examination.


  • If teachers do not use reasonable care, there is a breach of duty, and they are negligent.


  • There is a great contrast between good and evil.


  • She started to cry when she heard the sad news.


  • We were staying in this really crummy hotel.


  • Merchants will give refunds on any damaged or defective merchandise.


  • I have severe pain in the leg.


  • I got it cheap because it’s slightly imperfect.


  • The matter in your essay is good but the style is deplorable.


  • I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.


  • Please forgive the crappy quality, my built-in cam sucks.


  • The machine won’t work because of a faulty connection.


  • She had an angelic smile, but a dreadful temper.


  • He was eventually convicted of committing an injurious act, a misdemeanor, police said.


  • Mr. Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.


  • For there is an unspoken rule that to swoop too eagerly on the in-flight sweet is uncool.


  • Most household goods sold here are substandard, but the food is plentiful and cheap.


  • The first time I read something beastly about me I was upset.


  • Your table manners are appalling – don’t you know how to use a knife and fork?


  • You’re no business-woman, Mrs. Sutherland, you’re lousy at it.


  • There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.


  • Large numbers of unskilled workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.


  • He’s in a really foul temper so be careful what you say to him.


  • The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.


  • All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.


  • There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts.


  • She played a really nasty trick on me – she put syrup in my shampoo bottle!


  • The research project was shelved due to slipshod management.


  • He remonstrated to his wife that she was too careless.


  • She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.


  • The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Another Word for Bad | Infographic

Useful List of Other Words for Bad

Bad Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021



bad thing — плохо дело
the good things and the bad things in life average out in the end — жизненные удачи и неудачи в конце концов уравновешивают друг друга
that’s not bad as things go — при существующем положении вещей это не так уж плохо

Автоматический перевод

плохая вещь, плохое дело, плохой поступок, гадость, плохой

Перевод по словам

bad  — плохой, дурной, нехороший, дурно, нехорошо, неудача, несчастье, убыток
thing  — вещь, предмет, дело, штука, нечто, кое-что, существо, факт, обстоятельство, вещица


Bad things happen to the best of us.

Плохие вещи случаются с лучшими из нас.

Making big changes in your diet all at once is a bad thing to do.

Сразу вносить большие изменения в свой рацион — плохо.

I’m tired of you giving me crap (=saying bad things) about my long hair.

Мне надоело, что ты говоришь всякие гадости (т.е. плохое) про мои длинные волосы.

Lend me some money; I’ve had a run of bad luck (=a series of bad things happened) on the horses recently,

Одолжи мне немного денег: в последнее время у меня полоса невезения (т.е. серия неудач) на скачках.

In a democracy, it is no bad thing to be able to compromise (=it is good, even though it may not seem good).

При демократии способность идти на компромисс — это неплохо (т.е. хорошо, хотя может показаться нехорошим).

The good things and the bad things average out in the end, don’t they? *

В жизни есть все — и хорошее и плохое, не так ли?

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’m considered a reformed character these days (=someone who has stopped doing bad things).  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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