Different meanings of a polysemantic word develop into homonymous words

The two main sources of
homonymy are: (1) divergent meaning development of a polysemantic
word and (2) convergent sound development of two or more different

4.4.1. Diverging meaning development

The process of divergent
meaning development can be observed when different meanings of the
same word move so far away that they come to be regarded as two
separate units. This happened, for example, in the case of MnE
flower and flour which originally were one word <
MdE < Ofr flour, flor meaning ‘the
flower’ and ‘the finest part of wheat’ < L. flōs,
flōris ‘the flower’. In this case we observe
disintegration or split of polysemy. The difference in spelling
underlines the fact that from the synchronic point of view they are
two distinct words though historically they have a common origin.

4.4.2. Converging sound development

The majority of homonyms
arise as a result of convergent sound development which leads to the
coincidence of two or more words which were phonetically distinct at
an earlier stage. E.g. OE ic and eae
have become identical in pronunciation in MnE I and
eye; OE sēōn and
> MnE see and sea; OE sonne
and sunu > sun and son.

A number of
lexico-grammatical homonyms appeared as a result of convergent sound
development of the verb and the noun; cf. MnE love :: (to)
> OE lufu and lufian.

Words borrowed from foreign
languages may also become homonyms through phonetic convergence;
e.g. ON ras and Fr race are homonyms in
MnE > race1 ‘running’
:: race2 ‘an ethnic stock’.

4.5. Differentiation of polysemy and homonymy

One of the most debatable
problems in semasiology is the demarcation line between homonymy and
polysemy, that is between different meanings of one word and the
meanings of two homonymous words.

If homonymy is viewed
diachronically then all cases of sound convergence of two or more
words may be regarded as cases of homonymy as these homonyms can be
traced back to two etymologically different words; cf. sea ::

The cases of semantic
divergence are more doubtful, because the transition from polysemy
to homonymy is a gradual process and it is difficult to point out
the precise stage at which the divergent semantic development in the
semantic structure of one word results in the appearance of two
separate words.

The criteria used in the
synchronic differentiation between homonymy and polysemy are: (1)
the semantic criterion of related or unrelated meanings, (2) the
criterion of spelling and (3) the criterion of distribution.

Lecture 5. Word-meaning in syntagmatics and paradigmatics

5.1. Definition of syntagmatics and paradigmatics

It is recognized that
word-meaning can be perceived through intralinguistic relations that
exist between words. Intralinguistic relations of words are of two
main types: syntagmatic and paradigmatic.

relations define the meaning which the word possesses when it is
used in combination with other words in the flow of speech. For
example, compare the meaning of the verb to get in He got
a letter, He got tired, He got to London.

Paradigmatic relations are
those that exist between individual lexical items which make up one
of the subgroups of vocabulary items, e.g. sets of synonyms,
lexico-semantic groups.

relations define the word-meaning through its interrelation with
other members of the subgroup in question. For example, the meaning
of the verb to get can be fullz understood only in comparison
with other items of the synonymic set: get, obtain, receive, etc.

The distinction between
syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations may be indicated by
horizontal and vertical presentation as is shown below.


He got a

I received a note

She obtained an epistle

A full understanding of the
semantic structure of any lexical item can be gained only from the
study of the intralinguistic relations of words in the flow of

In analyzing the semantic
structure of the polysemantic word table we observed thar
some meanings are representative of the word in isolation, that is
they invariably occur to us when we hear the word or see it written
on paper. Other meanings come to the fore only when the word is used
in certain contexts. This is true of all polysemantic words.The
adjective yellow, for example, when used in isolation is
understood to denote a certain colour, whereas other meanings of
this word , e.g. “envious”, “suspicious”, “sensational”,
“corrupt”, are perceived only in certain contexts, e.g. “a
yellow look”, “the yellow press”.

We understand by the term
context the minimal stretch of speech determining each
individual meaning of the word.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Polysemy and Homonymy

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

1. What polysemantic words are.
2. Types of meaning of polysemantic words.
3. Processes of semantic development of a word.
4. Homonyms: full and partial.
5. Classification of homonyms according to the type of meaning.
6. Sources of homonymy.
7. Exercises.

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Monosemantic words
— words having only one meaning are comparatively few in number in English. Terms (synonym, molecule, bronchites), some pronouns (this, my, both), numerals.
Most of the words in English are polysemantic, they possess more than one meaning. The more common the word is, the more meanings it has.

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Different meanings of a polysemantic word may come together due to the proximity of notions which they express.
Different meanings of a polysemantic word may come together due to the proximity of notions which they express.
E.g. the word “blanket” has the following meanings:
1) a woolen covering used on beds
2) a covering keeping a horse warm
3) a covering of any kind (a blanket of snow)

Слайд 5

Описание слайда:

Polysemantic words should be studied synchronically and diachronically.
Polysemantic words should be studied synchronically and diachronically.
Polysemy in diachronic terms implies that a word may retain its previous meaning or meanings and at the same time acquire one or several new ones.
Synchronically we understand polysemy as coexistence of various meanings of the same word at the certain historical period of the development of English language.

Слайд 6

Описание слайда:

Types of meaning
Polysemantic words have:
1) primary meaning;
2) derived or secondary meaning.
Some of the old meanings can become obsolete or even disappear, but the bulk of English words tend to an increase in number of meanings.
The concept of central (basic) and marginal (minor) meanings may be interpreted in terms of their relative frequency in speech. The meaning having the highest frequency is synchronically its central (basic) meaning.

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

Two processes of the semantic development of a word
1) radiation (radial);
2) concatenation (chain).

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

In case of concatenation secondary meaning of a word develop like a chain. In such cases it is difficult to trace some secondary meanings to the primary one.
In case of concatenation secondary meaning of a word develop like a chain. In such cases it is difficult to trace some secondary meanings to the primary one.

Слайд 9

Описание слайда:

The last meanings have nothing to do with the primary ones. In such cases homonyms appear in the language. It is called the split of polysemy which sometimes leads to homonymy.
The last meanings have nothing to do with the primary ones. In such cases homonyms appear in the language. It is called the split of polysemy which sometimes leads to homonymy.

Слайд 10

Описание слайда:

Homonymy and homonyms
Homonyms ( Greek homoios — identical and onoma – name) are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or at least in one of this aspects, but different in their meaning.
Bank, n. – a shore (of anglo-saxon origin)
Bank, n. – an institution for receiving, lending and exchanging money (was adopted from Italian).

Слайд 11

Описание слайда:

English is rich in homonyms due to its monosyllabic character. The identical form of homonyms is mostly accidental (they coincide due to the phonetic change in the course of their development).
English is rich in homonyms due to its monosyllabic character. The identical form of homonyms is mostly accidental (they coincide due to the phonetic change in the course of their development).
lead, v. and lead, n.
Tear, n. and tear (apart), v.

Слайд 12

Описание слайда:

Full and partial homonyms
There is the case of full and partial homonyms. It is connected with the concept of paradigms.
Full homonyms belong to the same part of the speech, they share a paradigm (coincide in all their forms). To blow (to send out a strong current of air) and to blow (to produce flowers) – blow, blows, blowing, blew, blown.
“Match” and “ball” are also the examples of full homonymy. They coincide in spelling, sounding and part of the speech.

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Описание слайда:

Not only notional words can demonstrate homonymy but functional words as well.
Not only notional words can demonstrate homonymy but functional words as well.
E.g. for and four

Слайд 15

Описание слайда:

Classification of homonyms according to the type of meaning
Seal (an animal) and seal (a stamp). The part of the speech meaning and grammatical meaning of all the forms are identical. The difference lies in only lexical meaning.

Lexico-grammatical. Different in both lexical and grammatical aspects. To find (found, found) and found (founded, founded).

Grammatical. Homonymy of different word-forms of one and the same word. Brought – brought; brothers – brother’s.

Слайд 16

Описание слайда:

Sources of homonymy
1. Phonetic changes words undergo during the historical development.
knight (O.E. kniht) and night (O.E niht).
to write (O.E. writan) and right (O.E. reht, riht)

2. Borrowings (can in the final stage of its phonetic adaptation duplicate either a native word or another borrowing).
fair (a fair deal) – native (of anglo-saxon origin)
fair (a gathering of buyers and sellers) – French borrowing.

Слайд 17

Описание слайда:

3. Word-building (conversion) – transfering from one part of the speech to another.
3. Word-building (conversion) – transfering from one part of the speech to another.
comb, n. – to comb, v.
4. Shortening.
fan from fanatic and fan – ventilator
rep – reputation or representative
For modern linguists it is hard to distinguish between polysemy and homonymy. In case of concatenation the last meaning can drop out of the polysemantic structure of a word.

Слайд 18

Описание слайда:

1. I.V. Arnold – “The English Word”.
2. G. B. Antrushina – “English lexicology”.
3. L. Lipka — “|Outline of English Lexicology”.

Библиографическое описание:

Муминов, А. М. A new approach to distinction between polysemy and homonymy / А. М. Муминов. — Текст : непосредственный // Филология и лингвистика в современном мире : материалы I Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, июнь 2017 г.). — Москва : Буки-Веди, 2017. — С. 40-41. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/235/12316/ (дата обращения: 14.04.2023).

The present article is devoted to the study of distinction between polysemy and homonymy. Comparing points of views for the difference between polysemy and homonymy the author concluded that this problem has not solved yet. The investigation showed that the semantic definition of words may be in most cases the criterion for the distinction between polysemy and homonymy. Another criterion for the border-line of polysemy and homonymy may be the substitution of different meanings of words by the synonyms.

Key words: demarcation, criteria, approach, synchronic, semantic definition, meaning, semantic component, substitute, compiling dictionaries, polysemy, homonymy

The problem of distinction between polysemy and homonymy is a subject of discussion among the linguists (V. Abayev, G. Y. Knyazeva, A. Y. Shaykevich, G. Torjinskaya, M. A. Kashcheyeva [1–7] and others). The settlement of this problem is very crucial for compiling dictionaries.

V. Abayev [1.] gave etymological criterion for the difference of homonymy and polysemy. He says homonyms are words, which have different sources and coincide phonetically. For example: race1 (O. N. ras), race.2 (F. race).

M. A. Kashcheyeva [2.] argues that «… the trouble of today is, however, that lexical homonyms often enough come together with polysemy. There is no hard and fast line of demarcation between the meanings of a polysemantic word and lexical homonymy. For instance, there is hardly any semantic connection in Modern English between nail1коготь and nail2 — гвоздь. Notwithstanding the fact is that both of them may be traced back to different meanings of one and the same word».

Polysemy and homonymy are semantic phenomena that can be met in our everyday language. Working out the distinction between polysemy and homonymy linguists usually write that polysemantic words possess two or more related meanings but homonyms possess two or more unrelated meanings.

Dictionaries’ definition of these phenomena is based on two criteria: first, the word’s etymology, second, the word’s core or basic meaning. One single entry is given for the meanings of polysemantic words in a dictionary as the compilers believe that these meanings have originated from the same historical source and connected with the core meaning, i. e. they share one semantic component. But each homonym receives a separate entry in a dictionary and they have arisen from different historical sources and do not possess a shared core meaning.

This article argues for various weaknesses in this approach. We think that the historical origin of a word cannot always be criterion for distinction between polysemy and homonymy. It is also unclear how far back in history one must go in order to define the correct origin of the word. Besides, most of us know, language learners don’t always have access to etymological information.

Thus, the theories and research aimed at distinguishing between polysemy and homonymy are conflicting. The approach used by dictionaries for the distinction between polysemy and homonymy is also debatable.

Spelling of words can’t be also enough as a criterion for the distinction between polysemy and homonymy because, for example, «here» and «hear» come from different roots, and «run» as in «I want to run away» and «run» as in «he runs the company now» come from the same root.

So, spelling is also cannot be a border-line for synchronic difference between homonymy and polysemy.

Our investigation showed that the semantic definition of words may be in most cases the criterion for the distinction between polysemy and homonymy. The analysis of the definitions of words supports our point of view. For example:

  1. Table:

1) table1 — piece of furniture consisting of a flat top with (usu. four) supports (called legs);

2) table2 — (sing, only) people seated at a table;

3) table3 — (sing, only) food provided at a table;

4) table4 — list of orderly arrangement of facts, information, etc. (use in columns).

We’ll explain the second and the third meanings of the word «table» by substituting them with the help of the definition of the first meaning:

1) table2 — people seated at a piece of furniture;

2) table3 — food served at a piece of furniture. So these two meanings of the word «table» are the meanings of one word «table» because they can be substituted by the first meaning. The fourth meaning «таблица» can’t be substituted by the first meaning (list — number of names, persons, words written or printed) This gives us the right that the fourth meaning of the word «table» is the homonym to the previous three meanings.

Another example:

  1. Beam:

1) beam1 — long horizontal piece of squared timber or of steel supported at both ends, used to carry the weight of a building etc.;

2) beam2 — horizontal cross timber in a ship, joining the sides and supporting the desk (s), the greatest width of a ship;

3) beam3 — crosspiece of a balance, from which the scales hang;

4) beam4 — ray or stream of light.

The first, second and third meanings of the word «beam» are defined by the common semantic component and may be defined with the words «horizontal and «timber» and they are transformed by the first meaning of the word. But the fourth meaning of this word has no common semantic component with the first, second and third meanings (stream — steady flow (of light): light — that which makes thing visible). So, the fourth meaning is a homonym to previous meanings.

We would like to point out another criterion for the border-line of polysemy and homonymy. We think the substitution of different meanings of words by the synonyms may also help to differ homonyms from polysemantic words.

For example:

1) voice1 — sounds uttered in speaking (sound);

2) voice2 — mode of uttering sounds in speaking (sound); voice3-the vibration of the vocal cords in sounds uttered («sound»);

3) voice4 — the form of the verb that express the relation of the subject to the action.

We consider that voice1 — voice2 — voice3 are not homonyms although they have different meanings because they can be substituted by the synonym «sound» as far as voice4 is concerned, it is a homonym because it cannot be substituted by the word «sound»

In summary it is necessary to point out that more detail study of the border-line of polysemy and homonymy helps to improve compiling dictionaries and quality of learning foreign languages.


  1. В. И. Абаев О подаче омонимов в словаре. Вопросы языкознания, 1957. — № 3. — С. 31–4.
  2. M. A. Kashcheyeva, I. A. Potapova, N. S Tyurina Practical English Lexicology. – Prosveaschenu, 1977.
  3. Князева Г. Ю. Источники омонимии в английском языке Текст. / Г. Ю. Князева // Ученые записки 1 МГПИИЯ. М., 1959. — Т. 29. — С. 283–298.
  4. П. М Каращук. Словообразование английского языка. – М: Высшая школа, 1977. 303с.
  5. Т. И. Красикова Развитие омонимии в среднеанглийский период // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Лингвистика. 2010. № 1. с. 62–64.
  6. Г. Ф. Торжинская. Пути развития генетически не связанной омонимии в английском языке XVIII-XX вв. [Текст]: Автореферат дис. на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук. (02.04) / Моск. гос. пед. ин-т иностр. яз. им. Мориса Тореза. — Москва: 1972. — 20 с.
  7. А. Я. Шайкевич Дистрибутивно-статистический анализ текстов: Автореф. Дис. д-ра филол. наук. Л., 1982.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, XVIII-XX.

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Polysemy and Homonymy are two similar concepts in linguistics. Both of them refer to words having multiple meanings. Polysemy refers to the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase. Homonymy refers to the existence of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins. This is the main difference between polysemy and homonymy.Difference Between Polysemy and Homonymy - infographic

What is Polysemy

Polysemy refers to words or phrases with different, but related meanings. A word becomes polysemous if it can be used to express different meanings. The difference between these meanings can be obvious or subtle. It is sometimes difficult to determine whether a word is polysemous or not because the relations between words can be vague and unclear. But, examining the origins of the words can help to decide whether a word is polysemic or homonymous.

The following sentences contain some examples of polysemy.

He drank a glass of milk.

He forgot to milk the cow.

The enraged actor sued the newspaper.

He read the newspaper.

His cottage is near a small wood.

The statue was made out of a block of wood.

He fixed his hair.

They fixed a date for the wedding.

Main Difference - Polysemy vs Homonymy


Although the meanings of the underlined word pairs only have a subtle difference. The origins of the words are related. Such words are generally listed in dictionaries under one entry; numbers may be used to denote the subtle differences.

What is Homonymy

Homonymy refers to two unrelated words that look or sound the same. Two or more words become homonyms if they either sound the same (homophones), have the same spelling (homographs), or if they both homophones and homographs, but do not have related meanings. Given below are some examples of homonyms:


– The main stem of a herbaceous plant

– Pursue or approach stealthily


– adult female pig

– to plant seeds in a ground

The above two examples are both written and read alike; they have the same spellings and sounds. Some words do not have the same spellings, but they share same the same pronunciation. For example,

Read vs Reed

Right vs Write

Pray vs Prey

Difference Between Polysemy and Homonymy

Stair vs Stare

Difference Between Polysemy and Homonymy


Polysemy is the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase.

Homonymy is the existence of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.


Polysemy has different, yet related meanings.

Homonymy has completely different meanings.


Polysemy has related word origins.

Homonymy has different origins.


Polysemous words are listed under one entry in dictionaries.

Homonymous words are listed separately.

Guessing the Meaning

Polysemous words can be understood if you know the meaning of one word.

The meaning of homonymous words cannot be guessed since the words have unrelated meanings.

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.

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The word is the essential structural-semantic unit of a language, naming the objects and their characteristics, relations, having total combination of semantic, phonetic and grammatical indications specific to given language.

Polysemy is inherent in either words or morphemes (root or affixal), also in constructive objects (word-combinations, sentences, texts). Polysemy characterizes overwhelming majority of words (either nominal or link words), which we can easily be convinced in if open explanatory dictionary of any language.

But we should differentiate polysemy from homonymy. Homonymous units have coinciding components (either sound or graphical, or both). There is no connection between homonymous words, which could affirm about the relation of semantic motivation.

Mainly there are two views towards homonymy and polysemy. According to the first view, homonyms are those words that sound equally, which long ago were diffirent in forms and only in the process of historical development coincided with each other in common phonation owing to various phonetic and in general incidental reasons. Other cases, when eqial material and sonic form “wears” different content, are admitted as polysemy.

According to the second view, to homonyms either the words that are historically different are related, but in some cases towards historical reasons concided in phonation, or those cases when various meanings of polysemantic word differ so that its material form “breaks”, giving a life to two or more new words.

The goal of this article is the investigation on the basis of various resources of polysemy and homonymy of some English nouns.

During the procedure of work next aims were set up:

  • to analyze the origin of polysemy and homonymy in English;
  • to make a review of polysemy and antonymy of English nouns;
  • to reveal the problem of a word polysemy and the problem of

During many centuries the traditional object of investigation is a noun, which takes the essential place in the system of parts of speech. It acts as the initial linguistic material, necessary to describe the objects of environment. The noun has the substantial feature and can denote either concrete or abstract objects.

In this case it is pointed on supposition of two varieties – concrete and abstract. The first is tend to physically existing objects of environment, the latter – for the objects, not existing as separate phenomena of environment, but percieved by consciousness in so-called relative form of an object.

The meaning of a word consists of dialectic unity of linguistic and non-linguistic content. Within the description the physical image of a word and display of an object there is a connection. The reconstruction of this connection takes place in the mind automatically: as linguistic sign acts on consciousness there is the display of an object, which is denoted with this sign.

The derivation process of secondary meanings is connected with historical genesis of a language, what is more the signifant role is taken by psycho-physical potentials of a man with the skill to build assocative connections.

Nowadays the condition of lexis is the product of extended historical development, the processes of which were graded in the languages of mental and cognitive potential of the speakers. Polysemy of the word is the direct evidence of that lexis of a language is constantly in dynamic condition, revealing the changes of environmental reality.

There can be such stages of development through which a word penetrates to gain a foothold finally in linguistic environment:

  1. using;
  2. consolidating;

From the logical point of view any meaning of a polysemantic word is the primary use of direct meaning of a word, i.e. within the primary and secondary meanings theren is a successive connection. The word starts to be used in a particular meaning within one or some more social groups.

As for homonyms, there are a plenty of words in the modern language, whilst a verb and a noun in Old English became homonyms.

For instance, anger – гнев, разгневаться; name – имя, называть

There are similar examples either with adjectives and verbs: busy – занятый, заняться; free – свободный, освободить; dry – сухой, сохнуть; own – собственный, владеть

Polysemy is based on coherence of word meaning: all its meanings are based on common meaning. However not all word meanings are saved in equal level and influence on its usage and word forming connections. It leads to that polysemantic word breaks down to series of words, which have in common only sound form.

Natural functioning of a language permanently causes to the shifts of this simple correlation «one to one», and generates another correlation «one to more, than to one».

For instance, let’s take the word «oil». The several meanings can be pointed in a dictionary:

  1. растительное масло
  2. нефть
  3. масляные краски

A set of meanings of the same word are called semantic structure of a word in the works of V.V. Vinogradov and his followers. Separate components of semantic structure of words A.I. Smirnitcki named as lexicosemantical variants.

Polysemy is certainly not an anomaly. Most English words are polysemantic. It should be noted that the wealth of expressive resources of a language largely depends on the degree to which polysemy has developed in the language. Sometimes people who are not very well informed in linguistic matters claim that a language is lacking in words if the need arises for the same word to be applied to several different phenomena. In actual fact, it is exactly the opposite: if each word is found to be capable of conveying at least two concepts instead of one, the expressive potential of the whole vocabulary increases twofold. Hence, a well-developed polysemy is a great advantage in a language.

On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the number of sound combinations that human speech organs can produce is limited. Therefore at a certain stage of language development the production of new words by morphological means is limited as well, and polysemy becomes increasingly important for enriching the vocabulary. From this, it should be clear that the process of enriching the vocabulary does not consist merely in adding new words to it, but, also, in the constant development of polysemy.

The system of meanings of any polysemantic word develops gradually, mostly over the centuries, as more and more new meanings are added to old ones, or oust some of them. So the complicated processes of polysemy development involve both the appearance of new meanings and the loss of old ones. Yet, the general tendency with English vocabulary at the modern stage of its history is to increase the total number of its meanings and in this way to provide for a quantitative and qualitative growth of the language’s expressive resources.

When analysing the semantic structure of a polysemantic word, it is necessary to distinguish between two levels of analysis. On the first level, the semantic structure of a word is treated as a system of meanings. For example, the semantic structure of the noun “fire» could be roughly presented by this scheme (only the most frequent meanings are given):

The above scheme suggests that meaning (I) holds a kind of dominance over the other meanings conveying the concept in the most general way whereas meanings (II) (V) are associated with special circumstances, aspects and instances of the same phenomenon.

Meaning (I) (generally referred to as the main meaning) presents the center of the semantic structure of the word holding it together. It is mainly through meaning (I) that meanings (II) (V) (they are called secondary meanings) can be associated with one another, some of them exclusively through meaning (I) the main meaning, as, for instance, meanings (IV) and (V).

From the polysemy of linguistic and speech signs we shoud differentiate homonymy. Within the language vocabulary the words are not isolated, but included into particular systematic group what is more several other ones at once.

Homonymous units have coinciding exponents (either sound or graphical or both). Among semantemes of homonymous words there is no connection, which could attest the relationship of semantic motivation. However, homonymy is inherent to all levels of a language, grammatical homonymy peculiar to the modern English, is not studied well, is possible because of specific theoretical difficulties, equal to those that caused by lexical homonymy. Both kinds of homonymy have series of common features:

  • Material (sound) coincidence of units, which have different meanings (grammatical homonyms can have almost all semantic components) – a work (дело) noun and to work (работать) – verb;
  • Both kind of homonyms originate in the result of actions of divergence processes (diachronic process, leading to the increase of diversity in language system or according to derivation of new variants of existing units) and convergence (historical process, leading to decrease of diversity in language system on account of vanishing some variant and invariant diffeencies);
  • Both kinds of homonymy characterize greater prevalence in a language;
  • Homonymous grammatical units coexit alongside with polysemantic

Homonymy is in general determined as coincidence on sounding of words, having different meaning. Besides, homonymy sometimes emerges owing to incidental sound coincidence of words, which were originally different, but during the historical development obtains similar phonetic form.

Lexical homonyms can take more or less significant place in the system of language. In English, language of high degree of homonymy, there are counted 7000 lexical homonyms among widely used words, related to different parts of speech.

Homonymy is connected in modern English language with using of restricted quantity of sounds to form sound cover of suffixes, which is in its turn explained as the number of features of English language historical development (loss and falling of weakstressed vowels, coincidence and falling of some consonants, e.g. nasal [m] and [n] etc.)

As for homonymy of grammatical suffixes it should be strictly distiguished:

  • homonymy of forms within the same part of speech;
  • homonymy of forms, belonging to the words of dofferent parts of

First type homonymy is observed as in [ho:siz]: this sounding is contemporaneously sounding of either plural form or possession of the word “horse” – “horses” and “horse’s”. Example of second type homonymy can be for instance [drinks], where sounding of a verb “drink” (пить) – (he) drinks (пьет) coincides with the form of noun “drink” (напиток) – “drinks were served” (подали напитки).

Word forming of different parts of speech with the help of homonymous suffixes is widely spread in modern English language.

e.g. sounding of the nouns [(i)z, s] (orthographical (e)s) perform as the sounding of the number of homonymous suffixes :

  • suffixes of plural nouns (e)s: horse – horses;
  • suffixes of possessive case s: horse – horse’s, children – children’s.

In English zero suffixation is widely spread, which enhances visibility of almost totally absence of morphological means in modern English, and at the same time visibility of «amorphous» feature of the language.

Therefore in different languages we can denote these homonyms, which are absent in other languages. E.g.: ear – ухо, ear – колос.

It should be mentioned that researchers of English language divide homonyms into those, existing only in pronunciation (homophones), existing in written form (homographs), and existing in both pronunciation and written form (homonyms themselves).

Thus, homographs (words with similar graphical component, but different sound exponent): Lead [li:d] вести

Lead [led] свинец

Homophones differ in spelling but are pronounced equally: Write [rait] писать

Right [rait] правый

Rite [rait] ритуал

Thus, homonymy in English language as in other ones could be extremely complicated phenomenon. The phenomenon of polysemy exists not in the speech but in the language.

The problem of polysemy is mainly the problem of interrelation and interdependence of the various meanings of the same word. Polysemy viewed diachronically is a historical change in the semantic structure of the word resulting in new meanings being added to the ones already existing and in the rearrangement of these meanings on its semantic structure.

Polysemy viewed synchronically is understood as coexistence of the various meanings of the same word at a certain historical period and the arrangement of these meanings in the semantic structure of the word.

In the present work there was viewed polysemy, meaning of the word, some “words” about the notion “word”, because it is really very important to know what the word is. It is impossible to speak about the role of the meaning without understanding the “word”, the basic unit of language that unites meaning and form. The context was observed. Attention should be paid to it.

There is a sentence, it must be translated, for example from English to Russian, theoretically if that who translates is not a professional translator it is not necessary to know the types of context, and in general and to professional translator too. During the whole studying a student is taught by teachers to understand the sentence and then to translate it with the context help. He chooses the necessary meaning intuitively. But the observing context types explain a lot, for example the choice of the necessary meaning. Sometimes you don’t know all the meanings of translated word, and…you guess by context. Context is the minimal stretch of speech necessary to find out individual meanings. Linguistic contexts comprise lexical and grammatical contexts and are contrasted to extra-linguistic contexts. In extra-linguistic contexts the meaning of the experiment is determined not only by linguistic factor but also by the actual situation in which the word is used.

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