Difference between the word economic and economical

Economic and Economical are two words in the English language that should be used with an understanding of the difference between them. This is due to the fact that they convey different senses. The word economic refers to the ‘monetary’ or ‘financial’ situation or condition of a person or a country for that matter. On the other hand, the word economical refers to ‘the expenditure’ factor involved in the making of products or service. This is the main difference between the two terms economic and economical. In this article, we will discuss more about each term so that you can have a clear idea of the difference between economic and economical.

What does Economic mean?

The word economic is used when we are referring to a monetary or financial situation or condition. To have a clear idea about the meaning of the word economic, let us look at a few examples.

The economic condition of the country is good.

The economic standards should improve.

From the above sentences, the use of the word economic gives an idea related to the monetary situation and financial status of the country. In the first sentence, the expression ‘economic condition’ is used in the sense of ‘financial condition’. In the second sentence, the expression ‘economic standards’ refers to ‘financial or monetary standards’. The word economical is an adjective. Moreover, the word economic has its noun form in the word ‘economy’.

Difference Between Economic and Economical_

Economic development of India

What does Economical mean?

The word economical is mainly used to speak about something that is related to saving money. So, it is connected to the expenditure in the production process of goods and services. Let us see and example.

This engine is the best you can find. It is economical. You can travel more miles with it.

Here, by using the word economical to describe the engine, the speaker is telling that this particular engine saves money. That is by going more miles with the fuel than other vehicles. In that way, you get to save money. Your expenditure is reduced. The word economical often refers to the ‘expenditure’ involved in a particular action or in the making of a product. Observe the sentence given below.

It is economical to use their service.

In this sentence, you can see that the word economical is used in the sense of ‘expenditure’ by giving the meaning that ‘it is not very expensive to use their service’. In other words, it means using their service is better than using another as it does not cost more money.

It is interesting to note that the word economical is sometimes used in reference to ‘not conceding’ something as in the sentence ‘the bowler was very economical’. You get the meaning that the bowler did not concede many runs to the opposite team by his bowling. There also, the original meaning of saving is implied by using the word economical. Here, money is not involved. However, in a match, what matters like money is the scoring. By, not giving the opposite team the opportunity to score more, the bowler has saved points for his own team. So, he was economical. This is the meaning you would get by the use of the word economical.

Economic vs Economical

‘This engine is the best you can find. It is economical. You can travel more miles with it.’

The word economical has also been used as a good literary term for euphemism. For example, the phrase ‘economical with the truth’ is a popular usage of the word. This means someone is lying. Without directly saying that, the speaker says someone is economical with the truth. However, when choosing to use economical or economic in writing, you have to be extremely careful about the context.

What is the difference between Economic and Economical?

• The word economic refers to the ‘monetary’ or ‘financial’ situation or condition of a person or a country for that matter. On the other hand, the word economical refers to ‘the expenditure’ factor involved in the making of products or service. Here, the word economical denotes that something is saving money.

• It is interesting to note that both the words, economic and economical are used as adjectives in describing nouns. The noun of economic is economy.

• The word economical is sometimes used in reference to ‘not conceding;’ something like in the scene of a match.

As you can see there is a clear-cut difference between economic and economical. Therefore, when you are going to use one of the words in your writing make sure it is the appropriate word for the context.

Images Courtesy: 

  1. Composition of India’s total production (million tonnes) of foodgrains and commercial crops, in 2003–04 via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
  2. 1993 Yamaha OX10A engine by Morio (CC BY-SA 3.0)

В чем разница между economic и economical?

Слова economic и economical переводятся как «экономический/экономный». Из-за их схожести слова очень часто путают и используют неправильно. Давайте разберемся, в каких ситуациях используется каждое из этих слов.


Произношение и перевод:
Economic [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] / [икэнамик] – экономический

Значение слова:
Связанный с торговлей, промышленностью и деньгами

Слово economic мы используем, когда мы говорим о том, что связано с экономикой – торговля, промышленность, финансы и деньги. Мы можем говорить об экономическом состоянии страны, предприятия, фирмы или отдельного человека. Например: Экономическое состояние фирмы достаточно стабильное. 


Economic development is important for our company.
Экономическое развитие важно для нашей компании. 

We studied the government’s economic policy.
Мы изучали экономическую политику правительства.

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Произношение и перевод:
Economical [iːkəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l] / [икэнамик(э)л] – экономный, экономичный

Значение слова:
Не использующий много денег, ресурсов и т.д.

Слово economical мы используем, когда говорим об экономном использовании денег, ресурсов и.д. То есть мы используем их так, чтобы они не тратились зря. Например: Это самый экономный способ переработки.


A small car is more economical than a large one.
Маленькая машина экономичнее, чем большая.

My friend is a very economical person.
Мой друг очень экономный человек. 

В чем разница?

Мы используем economic, когда мы говорим о том, что связано с экономикой – торговля, промышленность, финансы и деньги. Мы можем говорить об экономическом состоянии страны, предприятия, фирмы или отдельного человека. Например: Экономическая ситуация страны улучшилась.

Мы используем economical, когда говорим об экономном использовании денег, ресурсов, времени и.д. То есть мы используем их так, чтобы они не тратились зря. Например: Она экономно использует свое время, поэтому все успевает. 

Упражнение на закрепление

А теперь вставьте правильное слово, в следующие предложения. Пишите свои ответы в комментариях, а я проверю их.

1. Эти лампы достаточно ___, они расходуют мало энергии. 
2. Он подготовил ___ анализ ситуации. 
3. ___ прогноз на этот месяц очень хороший. 
4. Жить в квартире ___, чем в коттедже. 
5. Мне нужен самый ___ вариант перелета. 
6. На графике хорошо видно ___ рост. 

Do you know the difference between ECONOMIC and ECONOMICAL?

1️⃣ Economic /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk/ means ‘connected with the economy of a country or an area, or with the money that a society or an individual has’

🇷🇺экономический/который относится к экономике (торговле, финансам) или экономичности (доходности) бизнеса (часто в отрицательных предложениях)

There will be no quick economic recovery.
Быстрого экономического восстановления не будет.

The country’s continuing economic problems could lead to recession.
Сохраняющиеся экономические проблемы страны могут привести к рецессии.

To implement the plan, major economic reforms will be necessary.
Для реализации этого плана потребуются серьезные экономические реформы.

It is no longer economic to have two offices.
Это экономически не выгодно иметь два офиса.

2️⃣ Economical /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪkl/ means ‘spending money or using something in a careful way that avoids waste’

🇷🇺экономный, бережливый (т. е. экономное использовании денег)

✅Hybrid cars are very economical.
Гибридные автомобили очень экономичны.

✅It would be more economical to buy the bigger size.
Было бы экономичнее купить больший размер.

✅It can be very economical to rent out an empty room in your house – that way you will be able to share some of your costs.
В целях экономии можно сдать в аренду пустую комнату в вашем доме – это поможет вам оплачивать часть ваших расходов.

Пишите в комментах, какие синонимы хотели бы ещё разобрать?😊

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Economic is all about how money works, but something economical is a good deal. You might take an economic studiesclass to understand the ebb and flow of cash in the world, but if you buy a used textbook for it, you’re being economical. If you want an adjective related to the economy, economic is your word.

  1. What do you mean by economical?
  2. What economic difference means?
  3. How do you use economic in a sentence?
  4. What does economy mean?
  5. What are the 5 economic concepts?
  6. What are the 4 main types of economic systems?
  7. What is an example of economic inequality?
  8. Who is affected by economic inequality?
  9. What are the economic causes of inequalities?
  10. What are examples of economic?
  11. Does Economic mean money?
  12. Which is a positive economic statement?

What do you mean by economical?

economical, thrifty, and sparing mean careful in the use of money or goods. economical means using things in the best possible way without wasting anything. … A thrifty shopper can save money. sparing is used when someone spends or uses as little as possible.

What economic difference means?

Economic differences is the disparity in various measures of economic well being. Economic diffrences can regarded with respect to income inequality, diffrences in standard of living etc.

How do you use economic in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I major in economics. ( …
  2. [S] [T] My son is studying economics. ( …
  3. [S] [T] He studied economics at college. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Tom isn’t doing much business during these bad economic times. ( …
  5. [S] [T] She majored in economics. ( …
  6. [S] [T] I’m majoring in economics. ( …
  7. [S] [T] He is an expert in economics. (

What does economy mean?

An economy is the large set of inter-related production and consumption activities that aid in determining how scarce resources are allocated. In an economy, the production and consumption of goods and services are used to fulfill the needs of those living and operating within it.

What are the 5 economic concepts?

Here are five economic concepts that everybody should know:

  • Supply and demand. Many of us have seen the infamous curves and talked about equilibrium in our micro- and macroeconomic classes, but how many of us apply that information to our daily lives? …
  • Scarcity. …
  • Opportunity cost. …
  • Time value of money. …
  • Purchasing power.

What are the 4 main types of economic systems?

Economic systems can be categorized into four main types: traditional economies, command economies, mixed economies, and market economies.

  • Traditional economic system. …
  • Command economic system. …
  • Market economic system. …
  • Mixed system.

What is an example of economic inequality?

Common examples: 50/10 ratio – describes inequality between the middle and the bottom of the income distribution. 90/10 – describes inequality between the top and the bottom. 90/50 – describes inequality between the top and the middle.

Who is affected by economic inequality?

Across income groups, U.S. adults are about equally likely to say there is too much economic inequality. But upper- (27%) and middle-income Americans (26%) are more likely than those with lower incomes (17%) to say that there is about the right amount of economic inequality.

What are the economic causes of inequalities?

Key factors

  • unemployment or having a poor quality (i.e. low paid or precarious) job as this limits access to a decent income and cuts people off from social networks;
  • low levels of education and skills because this limits people’s ability to access decent jobs to develop themselves and participate fully in society;

What are examples of economic?

Real World Examples of Economic

  • Example 1 – Opportunity Costs. Opportunity costs refer to the benefits of an individual or a business loses out when it chooses another alternative. …
  • Example 2 – Sunk Cost. …
  • Example 3 – The Trade War. …
  • Example 4 – Supply and Demand:

Does Economic mean money?

Economics is not just about money. It is about weighing different choices or alternatives. Some of those important choices involve money, but most do not. Most of your daily, monthly, or life choices have nothing to do with money, yet they are still the subject of economics.

Which is a positive economic statement?

Positive economics is objective and fact-based where the statements are precise, descriptive, and clearly measurable. … Here’s an example of a positive economic statement: «Government-provided healthcare increases public expenditures.» This statement is fact-based and has no value judgment attached to it.

Английские прилагательные “economic” и “economical” очень часто путают во время употребления в языке. Эти два слова имеют одно значение, то есть являются синонимами и имеют один и тот же перевод “экономический“, но всё же они различны по смыслу. Разберёмся с каждым прилагательным по отдельности.

Употребление слова “economic”

Прилагательное economic [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] переводится на русский язык, как “экономический” и читается на русском языке [икэнамик]. Оно относится ко всему, что связано с экономикой (финансами и торговлей, производственной деятельностью) страны или фирмы или с деньгами отдельного человека или группы людей.

Economic development is important for our company. –
Экономическое развитие важно для нашей компании.

Прилагательное “economic” может также означать доходность, успешность бизнеса (именно в этом значении часто происходит путаница со словом “economical”).

Употребление слова “economical”

Прилагательное economical [iːkəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l] имеет значение “экономный, экономичный“, читается на русском языке как [икэнамик(э)л]. Используется, когда говорим об экономном использовании денег, ресурсов и т.д.

My friend is a very economical person. –
Мой друг очень экономный человек.

Употребление слов “economy” и “economics”

В английском языке существует еще другая пара слов, которая переводится на русский язык как “экономика“. Это два существительных: “economy” и “economics“. В чем же разница?

Существительное “economy” имеет значение “экономика, хозяйство”: market economy — рыночная экономика; national economy — народное хозяйство, национальная экономика.

Существительное “economics” – экономика, экономическая наука (предмет, который изучает экономику): study economics – изучать экономику.

Особенности употребления слов "economic/economical" и "economy/economics"

Особенности употребления слов “economic/economical” и “economy/economics”

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