Difference between compound words and word combinations

way of forming a new word by combining at least two stems.

are not homogeneous in structure. Traditionally three types are

process of compounding is realised
without any linking
elements, by
a mere juxtaposition of two stems.

compounds are few
in number. This type is non­productive.
It is represented by words in
which two compounding stems are combined
by a linking vowel or consonant, e. g. Anglo-Saxon,
Franko-Prussian, handiwork, handicraft, craftsmanship, spokesman,

syntactic compounds (the term is arbitrary)
we once more find a feature of
specifically English word-structure.
These words are formed from
segments of speech, preserving in their structure numerous traces of
syntagmatic relations typical of speech:
articles, prepositions, adverbs,
as in the nouns lily-of-the-valley,
Jack-of-all-trades, good-for-nothing, mother-in-law, sit-at-home.

Syntactical relations and grammatical patterns
current in present-day
can be clearly traced in the
of such compound nouns as
pick-me-up, know-all, know-nothing, go-between, get-together,
last word (meaning «a detective story») was obviously
coined from the ungrammatical variant of the word-group who
(has) done it.

are three subtypes of
compounds depending on the
of the constituent stems

they consist of simple affixless stems

shop-window, sunflower, bedroom, tallboy

compounds which have affixes in

structure are called derived


golden-haired, broad-shouldered, lady-killer, film-goer, music-lover,
honey-moon-er, first-nighter, late­comer, newcomer, early-riser,


words have a shortened (contracted)
stem in their
structure: TV-set
(-program, -show, -canal,
(Victory day), G-man (Government man
agent»), H-bag
(handbag), T-shirt,

criteria for distinguishing between a compound and a word-combination


solid, e.g.
the hyphen


a compound forms a unit expressing a single idea which
is not identical to the same
of meaning of its

in a free phrase, e.g.

presence of a single stress. The criterion is convincingly applicable
to many
compound nouns, yet
not work with

‘ill- ‘mannered.

and syntactic criterion
the word-group a

of the constituents
is independently open to

changes peculiar to its own category as a part of speech: They
the tallest boys in

the constituent parts of the word-group
other words can be inserted:
tall handsome

The compound tallboy

and, in actual fact, any other compound — is not subject to such
changes. The first component is grammatically invariable; the plural
form ending is added to the whole unit: tallboys.
word can be inserted between the components, even with the compounds
which have a traditional separate graphic form.

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Updated on

22 Oct 2021

  • Russian
  • English (US)

Question about English (US)

What is the difference between compound of words and combination of words, are the same meaning? ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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  • English (US)

Compound word means a two joined together to form a new word.
bookcase = book+case
bookworm = book+worm
everyday = every + day

A combination of words is a group of words for something and usually has commas.
On a «warm, clear, sunny day», we went for a bike ride.
The «smelly, dirty, ugly sock» was left in the trashcan.

  • Russian

@duespo got it, thanks a lot )

  • English (US)

You are welcome! I am happy I was able to help.

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What is the difference between compound of words and combination of words, are the same meaning? ?

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First, terminology needs to be defined. Here, ‘word’ (orthographic word) and ‘phrase’ (meaningfully constructed string not containing finite verb and consisting of two or more words) are used:

Giegerich argues extensively that

steel bridge and watch-maker are unequivocally phrasal and
lexical respectively.

[ie a phrase and a (compound) word respectively]

The analysis really boils down to ‘is XY better considered/treated as a coherent unit or as a closely-related pair of units?’

He adds

Establishing [these] two prototypes will facilitate a more informed subsequent discussion
of the less clear-cut and possibly borderline cases …

He spends pages attempting to establish the truth of his assertions. And it’s a difficult process. And these are not two of ‘the less clear-cut and possibly borderline cases’.

I feel entitled to quote his ‘Linguists continue to argue’ slightly out of context.

My advice is not to worry too much about when a string has graduated from free combination (ie ‘casual acquaintance’) to strong collocation to open compound. Use them the way most people do, and be aware that the analysis is very tricky and open to dispute.

combination | compound | Synonyms |

Compound is a synonym of combination.

As nouns the difference between combination and compound

is that combination is the act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining while compound is an enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined.

As an adjective compound is

composed of elements; not simple.

As a verb compound is

to form (a resulting mixture) by combining different elements, ingredients, or parts.




(en noun)

  • The act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining.
  • An object formed by combining.
  • A sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.
  • (mathematics) One or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.
  • An association or alliance of people for some common purpose.
  • (billiards) A combination shot; a billiard; a shot where the cue ball hits a ball that strikes another ball on the table.
  • motorcycle and sidecar
  • Derived terms

    * recombination


    *(act of combining) fusion, merger


    * (act of combining) division, separation
    * (mathematics) permutation


    Etymology 1

    Possibly from (etyl) kampong, .


    (en noun)

  • an enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined
  • a group of buildings situated close together, e.g. for a school or block of offices
  • Synonyms

    * gaol/jail, pen, pound, prison

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) compounen, from (etyl) componre, .



  • composed of elements; not simple
    a compound word
  • * I. Watts
    Compound substances are made up of two or more simple substances.
  • (music) An octave higher than originally (i.e. a compound major second is equivalent to a major ninth).
  • Synonyms

    * (composed of elements) composite


    * (composed of elements) simple

    Derived terms

    * compound chocolate
    * compound interest


    (en noun)

  • Anything made by combining several things.
  • (chemistry, dated) A substance made from any combination elements.
  • (chemistry) A substance formed by chemical union of two or more ingredients in definite proportions by weight.
  • (linguistics) A lexeme that consists of more than one stem; compound word; for example (laptop), formed from (lap) and (top).
  • Synonyms

    * (anything made by combining several things) amalgam, blend, combination, composite, mix, mixture
    * (word) compound word


    * (word) closed compound
    * (word) hyphenated compound
    * (word) open compound


    (en verb)

  • To form (a resulting mixture) by combining different elements, ingredients, or parts.
    to compound a medicine
  • * Sir Walter Scott
    incapacitating him from successfully compounding a tale of this sort
  • To assemble (ingredients) into a whole; to combine, mix, or unite.
  • * Addison
    We have the power of altering and compounding those images into all the varieties of picture.
  • To modify or change by combination with some other thing or part; to mingle with something else.
  • * Shakespeare
    Only compound me with forgotten dust.
  • (legal) To settle by agreeing on less than the claim, or on different terms than those stipulated.
    to compound a debt
  • To settle amicably; to adjust by agreement; to compromise.
  • * Shakespeare
    I pray, my lords, let me compound this strife.
  • To come to terms of agreement; to agree; to settle by a compromise; usually followed by with» before the person participating, and »for before the thing compounded or the consideration.
  • * Shakespeare
    Here’s a fellow will help you to-morrow; compound with him by the year.
  • * Clarendon
    They were at last glad to compound for his bare commitment to the Tower.
  • * R. Carew
    Cornwall compounded to furnish ten oxen after Michaelmas for thirty pounds.
  • * Hudibras
    Compound for sins they are inclined to / By damning those they have no mind to.
  • (obsolete) To compose; to constitute.
  • * Shakespeare
    his pomp and all what state compounds
  • To worsen a situation or thing state
  • * New Family Structure Study
    This problem is compounded when these studies compare data from the small convenience samples of gay parenting with data on heterosexual parenting
  • Synonyms

    * (to come to terms of agreement) agree
    * (to put together) assemble, blend, combine, join, join together, mix, put together, unite
    * (to add to) augment, increase
    * settle

    Derived terms

    * compoundable


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    ∙ 10y ago

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    Graphically, components of a compound are usually jointly
    written or hyphenated while words in a word combination are always
    separately written.

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