Die and word live

  • Defenition of the word Live and let die

    • An expression meaning to not interfere in the business of others, even if it means to save another’s life, for there is the risk that person will not be greatful to his savior and hunt him down for the rest of his life.

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“Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42

The life I live now is not the one I wanted. Far from it. So far from what I desired for my adult life that it’s hard to recognize this life belongs to me at all. But then, the truth is that it doesn’t. My life is not mine, which is why it is nothing like the life I dreamed of for myself. My life is Christ’s. It is His alone. He my beloved asked me to be willing to lose my life (Mt. 16:25). To give it up. To give it to Him. For He bought me, purchased me, redeemed me, rescued me, ransomed me – to belong to Him. I am now my Father in heaven’s daughter. It is Christ Jesus’ bride I have become. It is God’s servant I am. Jesus Christ purchased me with His own blood so I will deny myself, take up my cross, and follow after Him forever (Mt. 16:24), learning to forsake all for Him. Some would call me a fool. I am. Foolish. Crazy for Christ. Crazily, foolishly, desperately yearning, hungering, thirsting, pining, panting after, chasing after, living for Him, dying to self for Him, learning to live a word I now understand. Life-changing. Undeniably, unfathomably, gut-wrenchingly hard. Nevertheless.

Do you know what Jesus Christ said when He faced the most heinous death of any human throughout time, the death on the cross as He would bear every sin ever committed by all humans ever, not to mention temporary separation from God, all to bear our sin upon Himself to pay the death, hell, and lake of fire penalty for us so all who would repent, believe in Him, and turn to God and His ways would be forgiven and promised eternal life in heaven with God rather than forever apart from Him in hell and the lake of fire? He said He didn’t want to do it! He didn’t want to go to the cross! He wanted God to take the “cup” of the cross away from Him! But do you know what else He said? He said this. Nevertheless.

Nevertheless He would go to the cross. Despite how desperately He didn’t want to, despite the indescribably gruesome torture, suffering, and death He faced, He would do it anyway. Why? For God in heaven. For God’s Creation. For all of humanity. Nevertheless. Despite all He felt, and all He faced, He would lay down His life. Out of His love unfathomable. Nevertheless. This word carries a message that defies our flesh, ways, wishes, wants, dreams, desires, passions, lusts, you name it. For God in His love for us, and our love back for Him and our obedience to Christ as Lord, and our love for His Creation, calls us to die to ourselves and live for Christ. To live His will for us for His glory. To say nevertheless. What God calls me to do in this moment, and the next, and all those after, my flesh might cry vehemently against it. Nevertheless for the Christ who died for me, I will live for Him! Will you? I am His. Are you?

live and die — перевод на русский

We live and die… ..but history goes on for ever.

Мы живем и умираем но история продолжается вечно.

We live and die at the places where those secrecies meet.

Мы живем и умираем попав в эту паутину.

We got our own way of courting and raising children and our own way of living and dying.

У нас есть свой способ ухаживать и растить детей. Мы даже живем и умираем по своему.

We live and die by his inclinations.

Мы живём и умираем по его желанию.

We live and die by SOGs-— do you know what those are?

Мы живем и умираем согласно СОР, знаете, что это такое?

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I would dearly love to stay as your pastor for the rest of my years, for I had hoped to live and die at this pulpit.

я желал бы до конца своих дней оставатьс€ вашим пастором, € наде€лс€ жить и умереть на этой кафедре.

My mother and Astrid were tough on me, but taught me that truth… is the only thing to live and die for. It’s worth purgatory.

Мама и тётя Астрид были жёстки со мной, но научили что правда единственное ради чего стоит жить и умереть.

These people had sworn to live and die at my command 200 years before you were born.

Эти люди поклялись жить и умереть по моей команде, за 200 лет до вашего рождения.


Я хочу жить и умереть без мужа и без детей.

Better far to live and die an old maid than to be married to Desmond.

Лучше долго жить и умереть старой девой, чем выйти замуж за Дэсмонда.

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He’s deciding who lives and dies. That’s a monster.

Сэм, этот парень играет в Бога, решая, кому жить, кому умереть, по моим меркам, это монстр.

Sure. Or maybe you know that,deep down,you’re no better than I am. You decide who lives and dies all the time, but for you,they call it medicine,not a capital offense.

конечно а может, понимаете в глубине души, что вы ничуть не лучше меня вы постоянно решаете, кому жить — кому умирать… но для вас это называется медициной, а не уголовным преступлением ни у кого нет выбора

You’re down here with the lower people, and down here, I decide who lives and dies.

Ты здесь на земле с бедными людьми, а на земле, я решаю, кому жить или нет.

I want to live and die in Leonesse.

Я xoчy жить и yмepeть в Лeoнecc.

We’ll live and die with him!

Кто знает, буду ль жив? Что ждёт меня в Добжине? Мы пред великими событиями ныне!

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Don’t talk about living and dying, without being ready for the worst

Не нужно рассуждать о жизни и смерти, если ты не готов к худшему.

Lesson one is they gotta live and die on Friday night.

Главный урок состоит в том, что вечер пятницы это вопрос жизни и смерти.

Portray destroying, living and dying process.

Разрушение образа, процесс жизни и смерти.

We’ll live and die by our word.

Наши слова дороже жизни и смерти.

Between living and dying!

Между жизнью и смертью!

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Die, Died, or Dead?

Many students make mistakes with the words die and death. Here is a quick answer:

to die = a regular verb (die/died/died). Example: I don’t want to die. / My dog died. / We will die.

dead = an adjective. Example: Elvis Presley is dead. / I saw a dead mouse.


clouds in the sky for the dead

There is also a noun, death. It is mainly used in two ways.

1) an uncountable noun.  Definition: The end of life. Note: no article (a/an/the) is needed.

Example: I’m afraid of death. / He likes talking about life and death.

2) a countable noun.  Definition: A situation in which a person dies.

Example: There were many deaths in the war. / The death of John Lennon made many people sad.

Do You Think You Understand?

Choose the correct word for the below sentence.

1. This is a dangerous city. If you go outside at night, you might !

2. In 1000 years, I will .

3. Two years ago, my grandmother .

4. is very sad. I wish we lived forever.

5. The police found a body in the forest.


Important Note: Pass Away

We often use the phrasal verb pass away instead of the verb die. It is true that phrasal verbs are usually more casual than regular verbs. However, in this case, pass away is more polite and is better for formal situations.

For example, it is nicer to say, «I’m sorry to hear that your mother passed away» than «I’m sorry to hear that your mother died.» The second sentence is not rude, but the first one sounds nicer. The idea of ‘passing away’ means that the person has passed on, or moved on to a better place (heaven, for example). This is a nicer idea.

Write Your Own Sentences

What do you think about these questions? Write an answer in the comment area below.

  1. What would you like to do before you die?
  2. What customs does your country follow when someone dies?
  3. Where do we go when we die?
  4. Do you think people should think more about death?

— Matthew Barton / Englishcurrent.com

Die To Live - Worth Dying For

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни Die To Live, исполнителя — Worth Dying For. Песня из альбома Worth Dying For, в жанре
Дата выпуска: 13.05.2013
Лейбл звукозаписи: Integrity
Язык песни: Английский

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Die To Live


Whisper to me, Lord
Pour over me, Lord
I would give You my life
As a sacrifice
For You, my savior
For You, my savior
For You, my savior
I wanna stand in this place
I know You are here
I would die to live for You
All I live for is this eternal race
As I chase after You
Lord, I wanna be with You
Take all my sin, Lord, yes
You’re all that I live for
I would give You my life
As a sacrifice
Oh, I wanna be with You, oh yeah
And I die to live
For You, my God
I die to live
For You, my God
I wanna stand in this place
I know You are here
I would die just to live for You
And all I live for is this eternal race
As I chase after You
Lord, I wanna be with You

Умереть, Чтобы Жить


Шепни мне, Господь
Излей на меня, Господи
Я бы отдал Тебе свою жизнь
Как жертва
Для Тебя, мой спаситель
Для Тебя, мой спаситель
Для Тебя, мой спаситель
Я хочу стоять в этом месте
Я знаю, что ты здесь
Я бы умер, чтобы жить для Тебя
Все, ради чего я живу, это вечная гонка
Когда я преследую тебя
Господи, я хочу быть с Тобой
Возьми весь мой грех, Господи, да
Ты все, ради чего я живу
Я бы отдал Тебе свою жизнь
Как жертва
О, я хочу быть с тобой, о да
И я умираю, чтобы жить
Для Тебя, мой Бог
я умираю, чтобы жить
Для Тебя, мой Бог
Я хочу стоять в этом месте
Я знаю, что ты здесь
Я бы умер, чтобы жить для Тебя
И все, ради чего я живу, это вечная гонка
Когда я преследую тебя
Господи, я хочу быть с Тобой

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