Dictionary that will speak the word

Dictionaries are here to stay.

Here’s the thing:

Whether you are learning a new language, reading an article in a science magazine or enjoying an old book, you are going to need a dictionary. These days, there is no need to carry around a humongous volume of the Macmillan Dictionary. All it takes is a smartphone or a laptop.

And, luckily, you won’t have to waste your time and browse on Google for online dictionaries on a variety of subjects.


Because Custom Writing team already has compiled the best of them in the list below. Sophisticated terminology, regional dialects, obscure slang, comprehensive commentary with guide words — it’s all in here.

  1. 📕 Monolingual Dictionaries

  2. 🎁 Specialized Dictionaries

  3. 📚 Bilingual Dictionaries

  4. 🎍 Dictionaries of Uncommon Languages

  5. 📜 Multilingual Dictionaries

📕 Monolingual Dictionaries

Here you will find a list of online English dictionaries that can help you understand the meaning of any word that gives you trouble.

British English

If you are planning a visit to the land of custard and cabs, these two dictionaries should be your first choice.

The oldest word in English fact.

  1. Cambridge Dictionary. Essential British English
    The Cambridge Dictionary has concise definitions, transcriptions, and audio pronunciations. With well over 18,000 entries, it is a safe place to search for the most obscure words. Especially if you want to become a Scrabble champion.

  2. British English Dictionary Add-On
    This add-on is especially helpful to people who don’t like to get distracted by a dozen tabs open in their browser. With this add-on, the meaning of any word will always be easy to find.

American English

Ready to explore English as it is spoken in the United States? Here are some online resources to help you out:

  1. New Oxford American Dictionary
    Oxford Dictionaries are not dedicated solely to the British variety of English. With this add-on, the correct definition is just one click away.

  2. Heinle’s Newbury House Dictionary of American English
    This one combines a comprehensive dictionary and thesaurus with plenty of synonyms common in the US. Multiple examples and user-friendly interface make it the right choice for anyone curious about American English.

  3. Cambridge Dictionary. Essential American English
    The online version of the Cambridge Dictionary is one of the most popular online English dictionaries. With almost 15,000 definitions that are written in simple language, this dictionary is perfect for beginning learners of English.

  4. Dictionary of American Regional English
    DARE is a go-to dictionary if you have planned a trip across the country and want to be able to speak the language of any state from Minnesota to Florida. Quaint phrases, peculiar idioms, familiar words with surprising new meanings — it’s all in here.

Canadian English

While in certain ways English, as Canadians speak it, is similar to its US version, there are significant differences you don’t want to miss out on.

Canadians call English their mother tongue fact.

  1. A Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles
    This dictionary was put together by The University of British Columbia. As the name of the dictionary suggests, it shows the way meanings of various words and phrases have changed over multiple decades.

Australian English

  1. Macquarie Dictionary
    The “Aussie” variety of English is quite something: far from its US and United Kingdom counterparts. Australian English can seem a bit quirky, but its colloquialisms and curious idioms are surely worth learning.

New Zealand English

  1. NZ English to US English Dictionary
    While similar in many respects to Australian English, New Zealand English has enough quirks and odd phrases to warrant a dictionary.

Singaporean English

  1. Dictionary of Singlish
    Singlish is a unique variety of English that has experienced the influence of Chinese, Indian and Malay languages. Therefore, a considerable amount of its vocabulary and phraseology can be almost impossible to understand without a dictionary of English to English translation like this.

Various English Dictionaries

Longest word in English.

  1. Oxford English Dictionary
    The online version of the undisputed masterpiece of lexicography is a treat for everyone who wants to dive right into the magnificent world of English. With tens of thousands of entries and detailed descriptions, it’s one of the best dictionaries out there.

  2. Dictionary.com
    Simple interface, words of the day, etymologies and even a difficulty index for all words. Dictionary.com is great for anyone looking for modern definitions.

  3. Collins Online Dictionary
    This classic dictionary has made a successful transition to the digital space. Collins Online Dictionary has over 700,000 words. On top of that, there are constant updates to the dictionary. You can always count on seeing the latest neologisms.

  4. Macmillan Dictionary
    The Macmillan English dictionary will undoubtedly satisfy any advanced learner of English. It provides users with all the necessary grammatical information and collocations.

  5. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
    The history of this dictionary spans almost two centuries. With interesting information on the history of words and the usage of trending words, it’s one of the best dictionaries online.

  6. The WordReference English Dictionary
    This online dictionary uses the resources of several classic dictionaries in English and provides the reader with concise definitions and simple examples.

The WordReference English Dictionary website fact.

  1. The Free Dictionary
    If you are looking for extensive coverage of any term with etymology, look no further. Here you will find literal and figurative meanings of words, as well as their usage in phrasal verbs and idioms. A real gem for students of English.

🙂 Slang Dictionaries

Formal language is fine and all, but once you are out on the streets of East-Side or Chicago, you need to update your vocabulary. In these dictionaries, you will find all the colloquial phrases that will show those around you that you are “in.”

  1. Australian English Slang
    Koala.net put together this excellent dictionary for all those wondering how these folks down under speak. The creators of this dictionary focused specifically on Australian colloquialisms and excluded slang words that are widely used in other parts of the English-speaking world.

  2. Browse the aussie slang dictionary
    A very simple yet comprehensive list of Aussie sayings and words used in everyday life. Some of them might come off as a bit crude; some of them are funny. But if you want to have a nice chat in the streets of Sydney or Melbourne, make sure you take a look at this dictionary first.

  3. English slang and colloquialisms used in the United Kingdom
    The best thing about this slang dictionary is that it is updated at least once a month. With the variety of various vernaculars all across the United Kingdom, this dictionary includes slang and jargon common in many areas. Aside from useful new entries, it contains a wide range of expressions that are almost obsolete but still curious to learn.

  4. British English Slang Dictionary
    The authors of this dictionary claim that it’s the biggest online dictionary of UK slang. Whether it’s technically true or not, this website will be of particular interest to you if you are more familiar with American English.

Use of slang in Britain dates back to before 16th century.

  1. British Slang Dictionary
    There’s a reason this online dictionary has a “Made in Britain” stamp on the main page. Entries in this dictionary can only be approved if edited by Native Speakers of British dialects.

  2. Commonly-Used American Slang
    Reasonably concise and straight to the point, this dictionary doesn’t have long-winded definitions and explanations. But it does provide helpful examples. It also has the kind of interface that makes it particularly useful to English learners who want to test their knowledge of various colloquialisms.

  1. Cockney Rhyming Slang Dictionary
    According to the creators of this website, it is the most comprehensive guide to cockney rhyming slang. One thing for sure: it is enormous. It has colorful comic-strip style illustrations and a fun rating system.

  2. The Online Slang Dictionary
    Being as this is one of the oldest online dictionaries on the Internet, The Online Slang Dictionary can boast of almost 25,000 definitions. Every entry has a detailed description containing several definitions. There are also three helpful rating scales based respectively on how common the word is, how vulgar it is and where it is used most.

Slang maps in the online slang dictionary.

  1. Dictionary of Internet Slang
    Are you completely baffled by some bizarre phrase or word you saw on the Internet? Even an experienced Internet user is not immune to that. This online dictionary has a ton of fascinating vocabulary that will allow you to blend in with any obscure Internet subculture. Abbreviations, acronyms, weird idioms — it’s all here.

🎁 Specialized Dictionaries

Sometimes, a regular dictionary is simply not enough. Occasionally, you need something more specific and to the point. Maybe you want to learn some professional jargon, or you are puzzled by some very obscure and little-known term. In any case, you have plenty of specialized dictionaries to choose from.

Military Dictionaries

NACHOS in military jargon.

  1. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
    This dictionary is particularly useful as it is the primary source of military terminology for all levels of the DOD.

  2. The MilitaryFactory.com
    Another military dictionary with terms widely used within the DOD. User-friendly interface and alphabetical order.

Navy Dictionaries

  1. America’s Navy Acronyms
    A short but informative glossary with the most common nautical acronyms used in the US Navy.

The professional jargon used in the US Navy.

  1. Glossary of German Navy Terms
    Want to learn the professional jargon of the German Navy? Start with this dictionary. It also includes a list of commonly used German acronyms.

  2. Glossary of Nautical Terms: English French, French-English
    This dictionary was approved by the US Coast Guard, meaning this one will be a decent choice.

Biology Dictionaries

  1. Biology Online Dictionary
    This dictionary contains detailed explanations of biological and medical phenomena, and each entry has a list of related terms.

  2. Biology Dictionary
    Here you will find a lot of biological terms organized in various categories depending on the specific field of study.

  3. Macroevolution Online Biology Dictionary
    This regularly updated dictionary has plenty of information on evolutionary biology, medicine, anatomy, molecular biology and many other biological disciplines. Nuanced illustrations help readers grasp complex concepts, and those who want to learn more can use the website’s encyclopedia of biology.

Physics Dictionaries

  1. Physics and Relativity Dictionary
    Whenever you find something perplexing about any of the relativity theories or quantum physics, you should consider consulting this dictionary.

Edward Teller quote.

  1. Physics and Astronomy Glossary
    It’s a short yet detailed glossary of astronomy-related terms. It’s going to work best for those who are not content with the way standard dictionaries describe vocabulary specific to astronomy. Also, it can be very helpful to students writing science and technology essays.

Math Dictionaries

  1. Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary
    This dictionary has easy-to-grasp definitions, helpful illustrations and a lot of useful information on algebra and geometry.

  2. Online Coolmath Dictionary
    If you are looking for an illustrated math dictionary for children, this dictionary will surely come in handy. With simple explanations and colorful visuals, it is perfect for kids who want to learn the basics of math.

  3. Visual Mathematics Dictionary
    Another kid-friendly illustrated online dictionary. Entries have visual representations of various mathematical concepts. With pictures, learning math becomes much more accessible.

Architecture Dictionaries

  1. A Dictionary of Architectural Terms
    Have you ever looked at a beautiful castle or a magnificent cathedral and not known how to describe it? This dictionary will help you rectify the matter.

  2. A Dictionary of Military Architecture
    This dictionary is devoted to various terms related to fortification and military architecture throughout the centuries.

Dictionaries of Idioms

An idiom is a cunning and treacherous thing: you can’t just derive the meaning from the context of this kind of phrase. Most of the time, it’s about knowing the meaning of the whole expression, not the details.

Flula Borg quote.

  1. Idiom Site Dictionary
    A short dictionary for beginners who want to catch up on their English phraseology.

  2. The Idioms. Largest Idioms Dictionary
    An enormous library of idioms arranged in alphabetical order and by topic. Any user can submit an entry, but it is only included after being vetted by the editors.

Philosophy Dictionaries

  1. Dictionary of Philosophy
    Concise and informative entries dedicated to Western and Oriental schools of philosophy.

  2. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    This dictionary is one of the most popular web resources dedicated to philosophy. With staff consisting of people with doctoral degrees, it is one of the most reliable dictionaries on philosophy.

  3. A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
    Here you will discover plenty of useful information on philosophical ideas and famous philosophers.

Bertrand Russel quote.

Financial Dictionaries

  1. Investopedia
    This online dictionary can boast of an enormous library of entries dedicated to finances, investment and the stock market.

  2. Financial Glossary: Dictionary, Finance, Investment
    If you have only recently started to learn about all the intricacies of the world of big finance, take a look at this financial glossary.

  3. The Economic Times Financial Terms and Definitions
    This is an electronic dictionary by one of the most popular business papers in the world: The Economic Times. This dictionary is strongly recommended for those who want to read news about the economy without being puzzled by every other word.

  4. Investing Answers’ Financial Dictionary
    A continually updated dictionary for investors, analysts, and finance students.

  5. A Dictionary of Financial Terms by World Finance
    A financial compendium with a simple and intuitive design.

  6. Financial Dictionary by New York Institute of Finance
    A glossary of financial terms by one of the leading financial education organizations.

  7. Compass’s Financial Dictionary
    A concise dictionary for those curious about basic financial lingo.

Tyler Cowen quote.

Business Dictionaries

  1. Dictionary of Management, Business and MBA Terms
    While registration is required to use this dictionary, this website doesn’t charge its visitors and provides them with an extensive library of management terms, including some very obscure ones.

  2. Globaledge.msu.edu
    This online dictionary offers users precise definition, lists of related terms and a flashcard system for those who want to test how good they are with business terminology.

Andy Warhol quote.

  1. Beef Performance Glossary
    Want to know more about the language of the US meat industry? This dictionary is a good start.

Sports Dictionaries

Having trouble understanding your friends when they are watching games on TV, talking loudly in something that sounds like a foreign language? These dictionaries will help you update your sports vocabulary.

Other Specialized Dictionaries

  1. Collocations Dictionary
    If you are not sure about the proper lexical context of a word, consult this resource first. Read this dictionary to make sure you use every word appropriately.

  2. Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
    Since phrasal verbs are regularly used in informal communication, you would do well to learn some of them with this dictionary if you want your speech to sound natural.

  3. Chemistry-Dictionary.com
    With almost 2,000 chemical terms, this dictionary will help any student trying to further their knowledge of chemistry.

Michio Kaku quote.

  1. Dictionary on Environmental Chemistry
    This dictionary will be of use to anyone interested in ecology. If you want to write an essay about the environment, it is a terrific resource.

  2. Legal Dictionary
    Are you having a hard time telling apart a subpoena and a summons?
    If that’s the case, check out this legal dictionary. With a variety of legal terms and definitions, it will prove useful to anyone curious about the practice of law.

📚 Bilingual Dictionaries

These websites will provide the necessary assistance to any user who wants to find accurate translations from a specific language.

  1. Russian lessons: English to Russian Dictionary
    A comprehensive online dictionary based on one of the most popular English-Russian dictionaries by V. K. Mueller.

  2. QuickDic German to English, English to German Dictionary
    Over 300,000 words, expressions, and common phrases. A wide range of settings for those looking for precise dictionary search results.

  3. English-French Dictionary
    A simple French dictionary with straight-to-the-point translations. This dictionary works excellently for beginners and advanced learners alike.

  4. English-Irish Dictionary
    Almost 50,000 entries with grammatical information and sound files with pronunciation.

  5. SpanishDict: Spanish to English, English to Spanish Dictionary
    Over 1 million translations with examples, common phrases, and definitions.

  6. Jisho Japanese-English Dictionary
    A Japanese dictionary with highly detailed entries featuring multiple synonyms and examples of usage.

  7. Portuguese-English Dictionary
    Thousands of words, direct and indirect translations, featuring most searched and latest searches.

  8. Valley Trail English-Dutch-English Dictionary
    An illustrated dictionary with multiple words which are organized in semantic categories for readers’ convenience.

Fact about dutch language.

  1. English to Arabic to English Dictionary
    An A-Z Arabic dictionary that is essentially a huge glossary of Islam. This one will prove irreplaceable to anyone learning Arabic or studying the Quran. It features helpful apps for iPhone and Android.

🎍 Dictionaries of Uncommon Languages

Popular languages are a lot of fun to learn, not to mention their practical utility. But what about some less common ones which are not spoken all across the world, but still present an exciting challenge? They, too, have some online dictionaries.

Count of estonians in the world.

  1. Estonian-English-Estonian Dictionary
    While Estonians are a relatively small ethnic group, the fascinating folklore and history of this nation undoubtedly warrant the studying of this language.

  2. Zulu-English-Zulu Dictionary
    Are you looking for something unconventional and exotic? Try Zulu, a fascinating language with a tonal system.

  3. English-Albanian-English Dictionary
    A bit minimalistic, this dictionary will work best for advanced learners.

  4. English-Catalan Dictionary
    A native language to over 4 million people, Catalan is spoken in Catalonia, Andorra and some parts of Italy. While quite simple, the dictionary gives the necessary basic information.

  5. Esperanto Dictionary
    This is a treat for everyone eager to learn the most popular constructed language.

📓 Thesauruses

This thesaurus is one of the most popular resources of its kind. Not only does it give the reader plenty of synonyms and antonyms, but it also lists useful examples and semantically connected words. Remember, though, that if you’re looking for a thesaurus to chage up some sentences in your essay, a faster alternative might be a phrase rewriter that will alter your writing in seconds.

  1. Thesaurus.com
    This thesaurus is one of the most popular resources of its kind. Not only does it give the reader plenty of synonyms and antonyms, but it also lists useful examples and semantically connected words.

  2. Graph Words Online Thesaurus
    What makes this thesaurus particularly appealing is its interface and colorful visual approach to explaining the meaning of words. Different related words are presented in the form of a well-structured network of interconnected elements.

Steven Wright quote.

  1. Collins English Thesaurus
    This online thesaurus was put together by the professionals behind Collins Dictionary, meaning this is undoubtedly a trustworthy source.

  2. Oxford English Thesaurus
    Here you will find plenty of useful synonyms and examples with appropriate explanations.

📜 Multilingual Dictionaries

Are you looking for resources that go beyond just one language? Do you want to broaden your linguistic horizons and learn how a word is translated into several languages? Then there are a few excellent online dictionaries to choose from:

Further reading:

A talking dictionary is a device or program that provides spoken pronunciations of words in addition to the normal information provided by dictionaries. In some cases, such dictionaries also speak the definitions, synonyms, and other information. Language learners often find talking dictionaries useful because different languages have different pronunciation rules. It may be difficult, therefore, to determine the proper pronunciation of a world based on the spelling alone. A talking dictionary may also benefit an individual with impaired vision who cannot read the text in a written dictionary.

There are many different types of talking dictionaries. Some such dictionaries are portable electronic devices. The user of this form of talking dictionary usually types out the word of interest and the dictionary plays a recording or electronically generated pronunciation of the word. Other portable electronic talking dictionaries may allow the user to speak the word of interest instead of typing it. This type of talking dictionary generally only works when the user pronounces words correctly, so it may not be useful for language learners.

Many types of talking dictionaries are programs that can be used on computers or on mobile devices such as tablet computers.

Many types of talking dictionaries are programs that can be used on computers or on mobile devices such as tablet computers.

Many types of talking dictionaries are programs that can be used on computers or on mobile devices such as smartphones. Programs of this type often connect to a database on the Internet so the contents of the dictionary do not need to be installed on the device. Others actually store the entire contents of the dictionary, including audio files or a speech synthesis program, on the device itself, though this can take up a substantial amount of hard drive space. Some online talking dictionaries are community-run, and users, often native speakers of the dictionary’s language, provide the pronunciations.

The most common use for a talking dictionary is language education. People seldom have trouble determining how to pronounce words in their native languages, but each language has different pronunciation rules that may seem subjective if not completely arbitrary to a language learner. A talking dictionary, particularly one that provides recorded rather than synthesized pronunciations, can greatly help a learner to learn a new language’s pronunciation. Many talking dictionary programs actually come with pronunciation exercises specifically crafted to help language learners.

Those with vision impairments also often find talking dictionaries to be quite useful. Reading the text in a physical dictionary or on a computer screen can be quite difficult, particularly when the print is small. Though large-print dictionaries do exist, they tend to be rather bulky. Talking dictionaries, especially those allowing spoken rather than typed input, can greatly aid those who cannot see well enough to use traditional dictionaries.

Last updated:

January 18, 2023

The 9 Best Dictionary Apps to Help You Learn English Faster

You just found an English word you don’t know.

What do you do?

Well, you carry a big, heavy dictionary with you wherever you go, right?

Oh…you don’t do that?

Well, you could write the word down and look it up later.

You could also use your phone (if you have service!) to go to a dictionary website.

Or…you could download a dictionary app and always have definitions when you need them.

Dictionary apps are convenient (they make things easier for you).

There are many dictionary apps available for iPhone and Android.

Of course, you really only need one.

But how do you choose which one to get?

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

How to Choose the Right English Dictionary App for You

Which English app you choose depends on what you need it to do.

What are you looking for in a dictionary app? Answering the following questions can help you decide:

  • Do you need your dictionary to be available without a connection?
  • Does it matter if the app takes up a lot of space on your phone?
  • Do you need the dictionary to have studying help, or just simple definitions?
  • Do you want to be able to hear the words spoken?
  • Does it matter if the app looks nice, or do you only care about the definitions?

Let’s say you spend a lot of time reading on the subway, and you don’t have a lot of space left on your phone. In this case, you should get a dictionary app that is small and has an offline option.

See how easy that was?

Besides being convenient for looking up words, dictionary apps can be a great way to add to your vocabulary. Some of them even have special features that help you learn.

1. Vocabulary.com

Price: $2.99
Available for: iOS, Android

best english dictionary app

The Vocabulary.com dictionary app is excellent for English learners because it has very easy-to-understand definitions. The site says it’s “as if your favorite teacher were explaining it to you.” Each definition has explanations of what the word means and also when (and how) you would use it.

Vocabulary.com isn’t just a dictionary—it’s also a vocabulary building app. The app can be customized (made to fit) for the way you learn. It gives you questions for vocabulary words based on how you and millions of other users answered past questions. It even turns learning into a game by letting you earn points.

2. Dictionary.com

Price: Free (with premium options)
Available for: iPhone, iPad, Android

best english dictionary app

If you’re looking for a regular dictionary app that still looks nice, Dictionary.com has one for you. This app is easy to use. It works offline, and lets you save words if you’re making a vocabulary list (or just like how they sound!).

The Dictionary.com app has a word of the day. It also comes with very interesting blogs about words (and where they come from) that are written in an easy-to-understand way. There’s a lot to learn from this app!

3. English Dictionary – Offline

Price: Free
Available for: Android

best english dictionary app

This dictionary app is not as modern-looking as the rest, but it’s a very useful tool for Android users. Of course, it has definitions—and as the name suggests, they are all available offline. But there are a few other options that make this a great app for an English learner.

You can create flashcards in this dictionary, and study them whenever you need to. You can look through a list of grammar lessons and listen to sample sentences. You can play “Hang On, Man,” a Hangman-like game that tests your knowledge of vocabulary.

This app has American and British spellings. So if you’re looking for a British dictionary, this is a good one.

4. Merriam-Webster

Price: Free
Available for: iOS, Android

best english dictionary app

Have you ever had trouble finding a word because you didn’t know how to spell it? No problem—Merriam-Webster lets you search for words by speaking them! This awesome feature is perfect for when you hear a word you don’t understand. You can look it up even if you’re not sure how it’s written.

Merriam-Webster is a well-known dictionary, and has high-quality definitions—all available offline. It lets you save favorites, has a word of the day and keeps track of recent searches you did.

5. Google Translate

Price: Free
Available for: iOS, Android

best english dictionary app

Google Translate might not be the kind of dictionary you’re used to, but it can be a very useful tool. It’s perfect for when you need to know which word to use in a sentence. You can also use it to translate a word (or even a sentence) from or into your native language.

This app supports voice-to-text. That means you can say something in English (or another language) and see it turn into text right in front of you. One other awesome feature of Google Translate is image translation: If you see a sign in English and you don’t know what it means, just point your camera at it. Google Translate will tell you what it says! This feature is only available in a few languages right now, but Google is always working to add more.

6. FluentU

Price: see current rates on pricing page
Available for: Browser, iOS, Android

FluentU is primarily a language learning immersion program. This program teaches English through authentic videos like movie clips, music videos, interviews, vlogs, commercials and much more. The contextual video dictionary is one of its most powerful features.

Each video has interactive subtitles: Hover over any word for a quick meaning or click on it to see its full definition flashcard. In this flashcard, you’ll see the grammar information of the word, an audio pronunciation, example sentences (also with audio) and clips from other videos that show the word in use.

All of this is contextual, which means that you’ll only see the specific meaning of the word as it’s being used in the sentence where you clicked on it.

You can add words as flashcards directly from these definition cards without leaving the video player. These flashcards can be reviewed at any point through personalized quizzes that change to suit your studies. You can also search for words in the powerful search engine to find flashcards for its individual definitions, as well as any phrases where it commonly appears.

7. Concise English Dictionary and Thesaurus

Price: $0.99
Available for: iOS

best english dictionary app

The word “concise” means “short and to the point.” This dictionary is exactly that. If you find most definitions are too difficult for you to read, this might be the app for you. It has short and easy-to-understand definitions.

It includes a thesaurus, a tool that shows words that are close to or the opposite of a word you look up. There are also references to learn more. So you can look up the word “diesel,” and also see who “Rudolf Diesel” was.

A great resource to use together with the thesaurus on this app is Visual Thesaurus. Visual Thesaurus is an interactive tool that lets you type in and click on words to see other, related words. This is useful for understanding the exact meaning of a word, and also for choosing the exact right word to use in a sentence.

8. Urban Dictionary

Price: Free
Available for: Android

best english dictionary app

Not all the words you hear in public can be found in a dictionary. Sometimes people use made-up words. Sometimes they give different meanings to words when they’re speaking with their friends. This is called “slang.” Urban Dictionary is a dictionary that explains these slang words.

Now, I said that you only need one dictionary app on your phone, but Urban Dictionary is an exception (it’s different). This app is a great second dictionary to have, to go along with your regular dictionary.

Urban Dictionary does have definitions for regular (non-slang) words, but they’re funny ones. For example, a regular dictionary would tell you that a car is a vehicle that people drive. Urban Dictionary tells you that it’s “man’s best companion.” This app is perfect for more advanced English learners who want to understand English-language humor and culture.

Urban Dictionary is created by users. This means it contains some rude language and descriptions. So use it carefully! If you avoid the vulgar (rude) parts, this app can be fantastic for understanding words in a casual setting.

9. Wolfram Words Reference App

Price: $0.99
Available for: iOS

best english dictionary app

Wolfram might seem a little scary—it is a more advanced kind of dictionary. But this app has a lot more than just definitions. If you’re a more advanced English learner, you’ll find it useful.

Like the others, this app lets you find the definition of a word. But it also tells you how to use it, where it’s from and the first time it was used. You can find the word used in famous movies or books, and you can see how often it’s used. You can use Wolfram to help you play Scrabble. You can even translate into Braille (the written language used by blind people).

So, have you found your new favorite dictionary app?

Download one of these awesome apps and try it out.

From now on, you’ll always have the meaning of a new word…right in your pocket!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

A good English dictionary is the first thing you’ll need to prepare for your exam. Your vocabulary becomes extremely important in Speaking and Writing sections of IELTS (or CAE). Reading section can turn into a real struggle too if you find too many words to have unfamiliar or unclear meaning. Let’s try and find a dictionary that suits your needs best!

Note that the covers may look different depending on the current edition of the dictionary

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

This is the first choice for a beginner. This dictionary explains word meanings in clear and simple English. Even though the title says ‘Advanced’, it is a very beginner-friendly dictionary that can be comfortably used by upper-intermediate and even intermediate level learners.

WORDFINDER section introduce relevant words that the reader may find interesting.

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary definition example 2

EXPRESS YOURSELF section provides the learner with ways to phrase the same idea in a different way.

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary


This dictionary will make a good choice for a more confident and experienced learner of English. It has more descriptive examples of word usage and generally there are more examples for each word.

FOCUS ON WRITING section provides the reader with entries on good academic writing techniques and habits.

Vocabulary profile is a nice touch that lets the learner know which words meanings they should know at their particular level — B2 (Upper-Intermediate), C1 (Advanced) and so on.

Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary definition exampleAnother useful feature of this dictionary is that it addresses typical mistakes, both spelling and grammar. The authors target mistakes made specifically by non-native learners of English. You may want to see these lists of common mistakes in writing and speaking while you’re at it.

The official Cambridge University Press page states that this dictionary is perfect for IELTS, CAE and FCE preparation.

These two dictionaries should get your started in the right direction. With time, you will want to pick up a more specific dictionary more suited for your needs, but by then you will well know what exactly it is you are after.

Having a paper dictionary is great, but it is believed that they will eventually become ousted by their online counterparts. Using an online dictionary is quick, simply and always available. Any definition you may require is literally at your fingertips — with the help of your smartphone of choice.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE)

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

This is my personal favourite. Each definition is complete with the frequency of use, British and American English pronunciation audio sample, transcription and examples of use in sentences. If the word belongs to a selected topic set, it is also mentioned.

Longman dictionary of contemporary englisht

As seen from the example above, the sentences used to illustrate the use of word are made of fairly advanced vocabulary. This could dissuade less experienced learners from using it and opting for the next online dictionary.


This is the minimalist’s choice — all you get is a simple definition, example of pronunciation, simplified transcription (no special phonetic symbols) and a couple of short phrases or sentences to illustrate usage of the word.


The beauty of dictionary.com is that it doesn’t barrage its user with tons of data. It is a concise tool the sheer simplicity of which is easy to appreciate.

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When they had gone through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.

Они прошли через Фри́гию и земли Гала́тии, потому что святой дух запретил им говорить слово в Азии.

But many of them are — are more qualified to speak the Word.

Поэтому я… я… Но многие из них… более квалифицированы, чтобы говорить Слово.

When this new organ has been evolved it will have the power to speak the word of life, to infuse vitality in substances that were hitherto inert.

Когда этот новый орган разовьется, он будет обладать силой произносить слово жизни, вливать жизненность в вещества, которые до того были бездеятельными.

So you see, there is immense value in someone in the physical octave being willing to speak the Word physically as you do in these invocations.

Так что вы видите, мои возлюбленные, есть огромная ценность в тех в физической октаве, кто желает произносить Слово физически так, как вы произносите в этих розариях.

Yesterday it had been almost treason to speak the word ‘republic’.

They are learning to use it in a small way as Invisible Helpers when they are out of their body at night, for then they are taught to speak the word of power which removes disease and builds in healthy tissues.

Они учатся применять его понемногу в качестве невидимых помощников, когда они покидают свое тело ночью, так как тогда они знают, как произнести слово силы, которое уносит болезни и строит здоровые ткани.

But as I speak the word if.

Claim and speak the word of assurance, for your word actually goes out and creates.

Используйте и произносите слово обетования, ведь фактически ваше слово, выходя наружу, способно творить.

When teaching nouns the child must hear you speak the word and view the picture and printed word simultaneously.

Когда вы учите ребенка понятию существительное, ему необходимо слышать, как вы произносите слово, видеть одновременно изображение предмета и написанное слово.

For example, if I write or speak the word «rose,» you might think of a particular flower, perhaps red in color.

Например, если я пишу или говорю слово «rose», вы можете подумать о конкретном цветке, может быть, красном.

Don’t speak the word «seven» after the Point is established

Yes, there are times when evil spirits come out immediately, but if they don’t when you speak the word of faith, don’t get disturbed about it.

Да, бывают такие случаи, когда злые духи выходят моментально, но если они не делают этого, когда вы произносите слово веры, то не расстраивайтесь.

He can speak the Word and meet the need.

The devil does not like people to speak the Word.

Body, I speak the Word of Faith to you.

If we speak the Word with authority and with faith behind it, we can move mountains.

Если будет в нас вера, то, по слову Господа, мы сможем и горы передвигать.

Luke records that the Holy Spirit had forbidden them speak the Word in Asia.

Библия говорит, что Святой Дух запретил им говорить в Азии.

And when you speak the Word, I will send the power of the Holy Ghost.

И когда ты будешь изрекать Слово, я пошлю тебе силу Святого Духа.

Let there be no oddities or eccentricities of movement on the part of those who speak the Word of truth, for such things will weaken the impression that should be made by the Word.

Пусть не будет слишком оригинальных или вызывающих манер у тех, кто говорит Слово истины, ибо это ослабит впечатление, которое должно оказывать Слово.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 56. Точных совпадений: 56. Затраченное время: 81 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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