This list contains the most common abbreviations used in the OED. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Most of the words listed are only abbreviated in certain contexts, esp. when used as a subject label or in a work title.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
A |
a | (in dates) ante |
abbrev. | abbreviation (of) |
Abbrev. | abbreviation(s) |
Abd. | Aberdeen |
Aberd. | Aberdeen |
Aberdeensh. | Aberdeenshire |
abl. | ablative |
Abol. | abolition |
Aborig. | aboriginal |
Abp. | archbishop |
Abr. | abridged |
Abridg. | abridged |
Abridgem. | abridgement |
absol. | absolute(ly) |
Absol. | absolute |
Abst. | abstract(s) |
abstr. | abstract |
Abstr. | abstract(s) |
Acad. | academia, academy, academic(al) |
acc. | according (to) |
acc. | accusative |
Acc. | account(s) |
Accept. | acceptance |
Accomm. | accommodation |
Accompl. | accomplished |
Accs. | accounts |
Acct. | account |
Accts. | accounts |
accus. | accusative |
Achievem. | achievement |
A.D. | Anno Domini |
ad. | adaptation of |
Add. | addendum, addenda |
Addit. | addition(s) |
Addr. | address |
adj. | adjective, adjectival |
adj. phr. | adjectival phrase |
adjs. | adjectives |
Adm. | admiral |
Adm. | admiralty |
Admin. | administration, administrative |
Admir. | admiralty |
Admon. | admonition |
Admonit. | admonition |
adv. | adverb, adverbial(ly) |
Adv. | advanced |
Adv. | advances |
Adv. | adventure(s) |
Adv. | advices |
Adv. | advocate |
Advancem. | advancement(s) |
advb. | adverb, adverbial(ly) |
Advert. | advertisement |
Advoc. | advocate |
advs. | adverbs |
Advt. | advertisement |
Advts. | advertisements |
Aerodynam. | aerodynamics |
Aeronaut. | aeronautics, aeronautical |
Aff. | affairs |
Affect. | affecting |
Affect. | affection(s) |
Afr. | Africa(n) |
Agric. | agriculture, agricultural |
agst. | against |
Alch. | alchemy |
Alg. | algebra |
Alleg. | allegiance |
Allit. | alliterative |
Alm. | almanac |
Alph. | alphabet, alphabetical |
alt. | alteration |
Amer. | America, American |
Anal. | analysis |
Analyt. | analytic(al) |
Anat. | anatomy, anatomical |
Anc. | ancient |
Anecd. | anecdotes |
Ang. | Anglian |
Angl. | Anglian |
Anglo-Ind. | Anglo-Indian |
Anim. | animal(s) |
Ann. | annal(s) |
Ann. | annual |
Anniv. | anniversary |
Annot. | annotation |
Anon. | (in author names) Anonymous |
Answ. | answer |
Ant. | antiquities |
Anthrop. | anthropology |
Anthropol. | anthropology, anthropological |
Antiq. | antiquity, antiquities |
aphet. | aphetic, aphetized |
Apoc. | apocalyptic(al) |
Apol. | apology, apologies |
app. | apparently |
App. | appendix |
Appl. | applied |
Applic. | application(s) |
appos. | appositive(ly) |
Apr. | April |
Arab. | Arabic |
Arb. | (in author names) Arber |
arch. | archaic |
Arch. | architecture |
Arch. | archive(s) |
Archaeol. | archaeology, archaeological |
Archipel. | archipelago |
Archit. | architecture, architectural |
Argt. | argument |
Arith. | arithmetic |
Arithm. | arithmetic, arithmetical |
Arrangem. | arrangement |
art. | article |
Artic. | articulation |
Artific. | artificial |
Artill. | artillery |
Ashm. | (in author names) Ashmole |
Assemb. | assembly, assemblies |
Assoc. | association |
Assoc. Football | Association Football |
Assyriol. | Assyriology |
Astr. | astronomy |
Astrol. | astrology |
Astron. | astronomy, astronomic(al) |
Astronaut. | astronautics, astronautical |
Att. | Attic |
attrib. | attributive(ly) |
Attrib. | attribute(s) |
Aug. | August |
Austral. | Australia(n) |
Auth. | author(s) |
Autobiog. | autobiography |
Autobiogr. | autobiography, autobiographic(al) |
A.V. | Authorized Version |
Ayrsh. | Ayrshire |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
B |
Bacteriol. | bacteriology, bacteriologic(al) |
B.C. | Before Christ |
B.C. | British Columbia |
Bedford. | Bedfordshire |
Bedfordsh. | Bedfordshire |
bef. | before |
Bel & Dr. | (in the Apocrypha) Bel and the Dragon |
Belg. | Belgian |
Berks. | Berkshire |
Berksh. | Berkshire |
Berw. | Berwickshire |
Berwicksh. | Berwickshire |
betw. | between |
Bibliogr. | bibliography |
Biochem. | biochemistry, biochemical |
Biog. | biography |
Biogr. | biography, biographic(al) |
Biol. | biology, biological |
Bk. | book |
Bks. | books |
BNC | British National Corpus |
Bord. | border |
Bot. | botany, botanic(al) |
Bp. | Bishop |
Braz. | Brazilian |
Brit. | Britain, British |
Bucks. | Buckinghamshire |
Build. | building |
Bull. | bulletin |
Bur. | bureau |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
C |
c. | century |
C. | county, counties |
c | (in dates) circa |
Cal. | calendar |
Calc. | calculus |
Calend. | calendar |
Calif. | California |
Calligr. | calligraphy |
Camb. | Cambridge |
Cambr. | Cambridge |
Campanol. | campanology |
Canad. | Canadian |
Canterb. | Canterbury |
Capt. | captain |
Cartogr. | cartography, cartographic(al) |
Catal. | catalogue |
Catech. | catechism |
Cath. | Catholic |
cent. | century |
Cent. | central |
Cent. | century |
Ceram. | ceramics |
Cert. | certificate |
Certif. | certificate |
cf. | confer, ‘compare’ |
Ch. | Church |
Chamb. | chamber |
Char. | character |
Charac. | character |
Chas. | Charles |
Chem. Engin. | chemical engineering |
Chem. | chemistry, chemical |
Chesh. | Cheshire |
Ch. Hist. | Church history |
Chr. | Christian |
Chr. | (in the Bible) Chronicles |
Chron. | chronology, chronicle |
Chron. | (in the Bible) Chronicles |
Chronol. | chronology |
Chrons. | chronicles |
Cinematogr. | cinematography, cinematographic(al) |
Circ. | circle |
Civ. Law | civil law |
Civil Engin. | civil engineering |
cl. | clause |
Cl. | club |
Class. Antiq. | classical antiquities |
Class. | classical |
Classif. | classification |
Climatol. | climatology |
Clin. | clinical |
cogn. w. | cognate with |
Col. | colonel |
Col. | (in the Bible) Colossians |
Coll. | collected, collection |
Coll. | college |
collect. | collective(ly) |
Collect. | collection |
colloq. | colloquial(ly) |
Colloq. | colloquies |
Coloss. | (in the Bible) Colossians |
Com. | common |
Com. | commission |
Comb. | combination(s) |
comb. form | combining form |
Combs. | combinations |
Comm. | commerce, in commercial usage |
Comm. | common |
Comm. | commentary |
Comm. | commission |
Comm. | committee |
Commandm. | commandment |
Commend. | commendation |
Commerc. | commercial |
Commiss. | commission |
Comm. Law | commercial law |
Commonw. | commonwealth |
Communic. | communication(s) |
comp. | comparative |
comp. | compound, composition |
Comp. | companion |
Comp. | company |
Compan. | companion(s) |
Comp. Anat. | comparative anatomy |
compar. | comparative |
Compar. | comparative |
Compend. | compendium, compendious |
compl. | complement |
Compl. | complete |
Compos. | composition |
conc. | concerning |
Conc. | concise |
Conch. | conchology |
Concl. | conclusion |
concr. | concrete(ly) |
Conf. | conference |
Conf. | confession |
Confid. | confidential |
Confl. | conflict |
Confut. | confutation |
Congr. | congress |
Congreg. | congregation |
Congress. | congressional |
conj. | conjugation |
conj. | conjunction |
Conn. | Connecticut |
cons. | consonant |
Consc. | conscience |
Consecr. | consecrated, consecration |
Consid. | consideration(s) |
Consol. | consolation |
const. | construction, construed with |
Constit. Hist. | constitutional history |
Constit. | constitution(al) |
Constr. | construction |
Contemp. | contemporary |
Contempl. | contemplation |
contempt. | contemptuous(ly) |
Contend. | contending(s) |
Content. | contention |
Contin. | continuation |
contr. | contracted, contraction |
contr. | contrasted (with) |
Contradict. | contradiction |
Contrib. | contribution |
Controv. | controversial |
Controv. | controversy |
Conv. | convention |
Convent. | convention |
Conversat. | conversation |
Convoc. | convocation |
Cor. | (in the Bible) Corinthians |
Cornw. | Cornwall |
Coron. | coronation |
Corr. | correspondence |
corresp. | corresponding (to) |
Corresp. | correspondence |
Counc. | council |
Courtsh. | courtship |
cpd. | compound |
Craniol. | craniology |
Craniom. | craniometry |
Crim. | criminal |
Crim. Law | criminal law |
Crit. | critical |
Crit. | criticism |
Crt. | court |
Crts. | courts |
Cryptogr. | cryptography |
Crystallogr. | crystallography |
Ct. | count |
Ct. | court |
Cumb. | Cumberland |
Cumberld. | Cumberland |
Cumbld. | Cumberland |
Cycl. | cyclopaedia |
Cytol. | cytology, cytological |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
D |
Dan. | (in the Bible) Daniel |
dat. | dative |
Dau. | daughter |
D.C. | District of Columbia |
Deb. | debate |
Dec. | December |
Declar. | declaration |
Ded. | dedicated |
Ded. | dedication |
def. | definite |
def. | definition |
Def. | defence |
Deliv. | deliverance |
dem. | demonstrative |
Demonstr. | demonstration |
Dep. | department |
Dep. | deputy |
Depred. | depredation |
Depredat. | depredation |
Dept. | department |
Derbysh. | Derbyshire |
deriv. | derivative (in etymologies) |
derog. | derogatory |
Descr. | description, descriptive |
Deut. | (in the Bible) Deuteronomy |
Devel. | development |
Devonsh. | Devonshire |
dial. | dialect |
Dial. | dialect |
Dict. | dictionary |
Diffic. | difficult, difficulty |
dim. | diminutive |
Direct. | direction |
Dis. | disease(s) |
Disc. | discourse |
Discipl. | discipline |
Discov. | discovery |
Discrim. | discrimination |
Discuss. | discussion |
Diss. | dissertation |
Dist. | district |
Distemp. | distemper |
Distill. | distilling |
Distrib. | distribution |
Div. | divinity |
Div. | division |
Divers. | diversity |
Dk. | Duke |
Doc. | document(s) |
Doctr. | doctrine |
Domest. | domestic |
Durh. | Durham |
dyslog. | dyslogistic |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
E |
e. | east |
E. | east, eastern |
E. Afr. | East Africa(n) |
E. Angl. | East Anglia(n) |
E. Anglian | East Anglian |
East Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
east. | eastern (dialect) |
Eccl. | ecclesiastical |
Eccl. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccles. | ecclesiastical |
Eccles. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccl. Hist. | ecclesiastical history |
Eccl. Law | ecclesiastical law |
Ecclus. | (in the Apocrypha) Ecclesiasticus |
Ecol. | ecology, ecological |
Econ. | economics, economic(al) |
ed. | edition |
Ed. | edition |
Ed. | Edward |
E.D.D. | English Dialect Dictionary |
Edin. | Edinburgh |
Edinb. | Edinburgh |
Educ. | education, education(al) |
Edw. | Edward |
E.E.T.S. | Early English Text Society |
Egypt. | Egyptian |
Egyptol. | Egyptology |
E. Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
Electr. | electricity, electric(al) |
Electr. Engin. | electrical engineering |
Electro-magn. | electro-magnetism |
Electro-physiol. | electro-physiology |
Elem. | element(s), elementary |
Eliz. | Elizabeth |
Elizab. | Elizabethan |
ellipt. | elliptical(ly) |
Emb. | embassy |
Embryol. | embryology, embryologic(al) |
e. midl. | east midland (dialect) |
emph. | emphatic(ally) |
Encycl. | encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic |
Encycl. Brit. | Encyclopaedia Britannica |
Encycl. Metrop. | Encyclopaedia Metropolitana |
Eng. | England, English |
Engin. | engineering |
Englishw. | Englishwomen |
Enq. | enquiry |
Ent. | entomology, entomological |
Enthus. | enthusiasm |
Entom. | entomology, entomological |
Entomol. | entomology, entomological |
Enzymol. | enzymology |
eOE | (in dates) early Old English |
Ep. | epistle |
Eph. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Ephes. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Epil. | epilogue |
Episc. | episcopacy |
Epist. | epistle |
Epit. | epitaph |
Equip. | equipment |
erron. | erroneous(ly) |
Esd. | (in the Apocrypha) Esdras |
esp. | especially |
Ess. | essay(s) |
Essent. | essential |
Establ. | establishment |
Esth. | (in the Bible) Esther |
Ethnol. | ethnology |
etym. | etymology |
etymol. | etymological(ly) |
Etymol. | etymology, etymological |
euphem. | euphemistic(ally) |
Eval. | evaluation |
Evang. | evangelical |
Even. | evening |
Evid. | evidence |
Evol. | evolution, evolutionary |
Ex. doc. | executive document |
Exalt. | exaltation |
Exam. | examination |
exc. | except |
Exch. | exchange |
Exch. | exchequer |
Exec. | execution |
Exec. | executive |
Exerc. | exercise(s) |
Exhib. | exhibition, exhibit(s) |
Exod. | (in the Bible) Exodus |
Exped. | expedition |
Exper. | experiment, experimental |
Explan. | explanation |
Explic. | explication |
Explor. | exploration |
Expos. | exposition, expository |
Ezek. | (in the Bible) Ezekiel |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
F |
f. | feminine |
f. | folio |
Fab. | fable(s) |
fam. | familiar(ly) |
Fam. | family |
famil. | familiar(ly) |
Farew. | farewell |
Feb. | February |
fem. | feminine |
Ff. | folios |
Fifesh. | Fifeshire |
fig. | figurative(ly) |
fl. | floruit, ‘flourished’ |
Footpr. | footprint |
Forfarsh. | Forfarshire |
Fortif. | fortification |
Fortn. | fortnightly |
Found. | foundation(s) |
Fr. | father |
Fr. | French |
Fr. | from |
Fragm. | fragment(s) |
Fratern. | fraternity |
freq. | frequently |
Friendsh. | friendship |
Fund. | fundamental(s) |
Furnit. | furniture |
fut. | future |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
G |
Gal. | (in the Bible) Galatians |
Gard. | garden, gardening |
Gastron. | gastronomy |
Gaz. | gazette |
Gd. | good |
gen. | general(ly) |
gen. | genitive |
Gen. | general |
Gen. | (in the Bible) Genesis |
Geo. | George |
Geog. | geography |
Geogr. | geography, geographic(al) |
Geol. | geology, geologic(al) |
Geom. | geometry, geometric(al) |
Geomorphol. | geomorphology |
Ger. | German |
gerund. | gerundial |
Glac. | glacier(s) |
Glasg. | Glasgow |
Glos. | Gloucestershire |
Gloss. | glossary |
Glouc. | Gloucestershire |
Gloucestersh. | Gloucestershire |
Gosp. | gospel(s) |
Gov. | government |
Govt. | government |
Gr. | grammar |
Gram. | grammar |
Gramm. Analysis | grammatical analysis |
Gt. | great |
Gynaecol. | gynaecology |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
H |
Hab. | (in the Bible) Habakkuk |
Haematol. | haematology |
Hag. | (in the Bible) Haggai |
Hampsh. | Hampshire |
Handbk. | handbook |
Hants. | Hampshire |
Heb. | Hebrew |
Heb. | (in the Bible) Hebrews |
Hebr. | (in the Bible) Hebrews |
Hen. | Henry |
Her. | heraldry |
Herb. | herbalism |
Heref. | Herefordshire |
Hereford. | Herefordshire |
Herefordsh. | Herefordshire |
Hertfordsh. | Hertfordshire |
Hierogl. | Hieroglyphic |
hist. | historical |
Hist. | history, historic(al) |
Histol. | histology, histologic(al) |
Hom. | homilies |
Horol. | horology |
Hort. | horticulture, horticultural |
Hos. | (in the Bible) Hosea |
Hosp. | hospital |
Househ. | household |
Housek. | housekeeping |
Husb. | husbandry |
Hydraul. | hydraulic |
Hydrol. | hydrology, hydrological |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
I |
Ichth. | ichthyology |
Icthyol. | icthyology |
Ideol. | ideology, ideological |
Idol. | idolatry |
Illustr. | illustrated, illustration(s) |
Imag. | imaginary, imagination |
imit. | imitative |
Immunol. | immunology |
imp. | imperative |
imperf. | imperfect |
impers. | impersonal |
impf. | imperfect |
Impr. | impression(s) |
Impr. | imprint |
Impr. | improved |
improp. | improper(ly) |
Inaug. | inaugural |
Inclos. | inclosure |
Ind. | India(n) |
ind. | indicative |
ind. | indirect |
Ind. | industry |
indef. | indefinite |
indic. | indicative |
indir. | indirect |
Industr. | industrial |
Industr. Rel. | industrial relations |
infin. | infinitive |
infl. | influenced |
Infl. | influence |
Innoc. | innocence, innocent |
Inorg. | inorganic |
Inq. | inquiry |
Inst. | institute, institution |
instr. | instrumental |
Instr. | instruction |
int. | interjection |
Intell. | intelligence, intelligent |
Intellect. | intellectual |
Interc. | intercourse |
interj. | interjection |
Interl. | interlude |
Internat. | international |
Interpr. | interpretation |
interrog. | interrogative |
intr. | intransitive |
intrans. | intransitive |
Intro. | introduction |
Introd. | introduction, introductory |
Inv. | inventory, inventories |
Invent. | invention(s) |
Invent. | inventory, inventories |
Invertebr. | invertebrate, invertebrated |
Invert. Zool. | invertebrate zoology |
Investig. | investigation |
Investm. | investment |
Invoc. | invocation |
Ir. | Irish |
Irel. | Ireland |
iron. | ironically |
irreg. | irregular(ly) |
Isa. | (in the Bible) Isaiah |
Ital. | Italian |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
J |
Jahrb. | Jahrbuch |
Jam. | (in the Bible) James |
Jam. | (in author names) Jamieson |
Jan. | January |
Jap. | Japanese |
Jas. | James |
Jas. | (in the Bible) James |
Jer. | (in the Bible) Jeremiah |
joc. | jocular(ly) |
Josh. | (in the Bible) Joshua |
Jrnl. | journal |
Jrnls. | journals |
Jud. | (in the Bible) Judges |
Judg. | (in the Bible) Judges |
Jul. | July |
Jun. | June |
Jun. | junior |
Jurisd. | jurisdiction |
Jurisdict. | jurisdiction |
Jurispr. | jurisprudence |
Justif. | justification |
Justific. | justification |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
K |
K. | king |
Kent. | Kentish |
Kgs. | (in the Bible) Kings |
King’s Bench Div. | King’s Bench Division |
Kingd. | kingdom |
Knowl. | knowledge |
Kpr. | keeper |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
L |
l. | line |
Lab. | laboratory |
Lam. | (in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lament | lamentation |
Lament. | (in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lanc. | Lancashire |
Lancash. | Lancashire |
Lancs. | Lancashire |
Lang. | language |
Langs. | languages |
Lat. | Latin |
Ld. | Lord |
Lds. | Lords |
Lect. | lecture(s) |
Leechd. | leechdom |
Leg. | legend(s) |
Leicest. | Leicestershire |
Leicester. | Leicestershire |
Leicestersh. | Leicestershire |
Leics. | Leicestershire |
Let. | letter |
Lett. | letters |
Lev. | (in the Bible) Leviticus |
Lex. | lexicon |
Libr. | library |
Limnol. | limnology |
Lincolnsh. | Lincolnshire |
Lincs. | Lincolnshire |
Ling. | linguistic(s) |
Linn. | Linnean |
lit. | literal(ly) |
Lit. | literary, literature |
Lithogr. | lithography |
Lithol. | lithology |
Liturg. | liturgy |
ll. | lines |
lOE | (in dates) late Old English |
Lond. | London |
LXX | Septuagint |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
M |
m. | masculine |
Macc. | (in the Apocrypha) Maccabees |
Mach. | machinery, machine(s) |
Mag. | magazine |
Magn. | magnetism, magnetic |
Mal. | (in the Bible) Malachi |
Man. | manual |
Managem. | management |
Manch. | Manchester |
Manip. | manipulation |
Manuf. | manufacturing, manufacture(s) |
Mar. | March |
masc. | masculine |
Mass. | Massachussets |
Math. | mathematics, mathematical |
Matt. | (in the Bible) Matthew |
Meas. | measure |
Measurem. | measurement |
Mech. | mechanics, mechanical |
med. | medieval |
Med. | medicine, medical |
Medit. | meditation |
Mem. | memoir(s) |
Merc. | mercury |
Merch. | merchant(s) |
Metall. | metallurgy |
Metallif. | metalliferous |
Metallogr. | metallography, metallographic(al) |
Metallogr. | metallography |
Metamorph. | metamorphosis |
Metaph. | metaphysics |
metaphor. | metaphorical(ly) |
Meteorol. | meteorology, meteorologic(al) |
Meth. | method(s) |
metr. gr. | metri gratia |
Metrop. | metropolitan, metropolis |
Mex. | Mexican |
Mic. | (in the Bible) Micah |
Mich. | Michigan |
Microbiol. | microbiology |
Microsc. | microscopic(al) |
midl. | midland(s) (dialect) |
Mil. | military |
Milit. | military |
Min. | mineralogy |
Mineral. | mineralogy, minaralogic(al) |
Misc. | miscellaneous, miscellany |
Miscell. | miscellany |
mispr. | misprinted |
mod. | modern |
Mod. | modern |
Monum. | monument |
Morphol. | morphology |
MS. | manuscript |
MSS. | manuscripts |
Mt. | mount(ain) |
Mtg. | meeting |
Mts. | mountains |
Munic. | municipal |
Munif. | munificence |
Munim. | muniment |
Mus. | music, musical |
Mus. | museum |
Myst. | mystery |
Myth. | mythology |
Mythol. | mythology |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
N |
n. | neuter |
n. | north |
n. | noun |
N. | north, northern |
N. Afr. | North Africa(n) |
Nah. | (in the Bible) Nahum |
N. Amer. | North America(n) |
Narr. | narrative |
Narrat. | narrative |
Nat. | natural |
Nat. Hist. | natural history |
Nat. Philos. | natural philosophy |
Nat. Sci. | natural science |
Naut. | nautical |
Nav. | naval |
Nav. | navigation |
Navig. | navigation |
N. Carolina | North Carolina |
N. Dakota | North Dakota |
n.e. | north-eastern (dialect) |
N.E. | north-east, north-eastern |
N.E.D. | New English Dictionary |
Neh. | (in the Bible) Nehemiah |
Neighb. | neighbour(s), neighbourhood |
Nerv. | nervous |
Neurol. | neurology, neurologic(al) |
Neurosurg. | neurosurgery |
New Hampsh. | New Hampshire |
Newc. | Newcastle |
Newspr. | newsprint |
N. Ir. | Northern Irish |
N. Irel. | Northern Ireland |
No. | number |
nom. | nominative |
Non-conf. | nonconformist(s) |
nonce-wd. | nonce-word |
Nonconf. | nonconformist(s) |
Norf. | Norfolk |
north. | northern (dialect) |
Northamptonsh. | Northamptonshire |
Northants. | Northamptonshire |
Northumb. | Northumberland, Northumbrian |
Northumbld. | Northumberland |
Northumbr. | Northumbrian |
Norw. | Norwegian |
Norweg. | Norwegian |
Notts. | Nottinghamshire |
Nov. | November |
ns. | nouns |
N.S. Wales | New South Wales |
N.S.W. | New South Wales |
N.T. | New Testament |
Nucl. | nuclear |
Num. | (in the Bible) Numbers |
Numism. | numismatics |
n.w. | north-western (dialect) |
N.W. | north-west, north-western |
N.Y. | New York |
N.Z. | New Zealand |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
O |
Obad. | (in the Bible) Obadiah |
Obed. | obedience |
obj. | object, objective |
Obj. | object(s) |
obl. | oblique |
obs. | obsolete |
Obs. | obsolete |
Observ. | observation(s) |
Obstet. | obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. | obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. Med. | obstetric medicine |
occas. | occasionally |
Occas. | occasional |
Occup. | occupation(al) |
Occurr. | occurrence |
Oceanogr. | oceanography, oceanographic(al) |
Oct. | October |
OE | (in dates) Old English |
O.E.D. | Oxford English Dictionary |
Off. | official, office |
Offic. | official |
Okla. | Oklahoma |
Ont. | Ontario |
Ophthalm. | ophthalmology |
Ophthalmol. | ophthalmology, ophtalmologic(al) |
opp. | opposed (to), the opposite (of) |
Oppress. | oppression |
Opt. | optics |
Orac. | oracle(s) |
Ord. | order(s) |
Ord. | ordinance(s) |
Org. | organic |
Organ. Chem. | organic chemistry |
Org. Chem. | organic chemistry |
orig. | origin(al)(ly) |
Orig. | original |
Orkn. | Orkney |
Ornith. | ornithology |
Ornithol. | ornithology, ornithologic(al) |
Orthogr. | orthography |
O.T. | Old Testament |
Outl. | outline |
Oxf. | Oxford |
Oxfordsh. | Oxfordshire |
Oxon. | Oxfordshire |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
P |
p. | page |
pa. | past |
Pa. | Pennsylvania |
Palaeobot. | palaeobotany |
Palaeogr. | palaeography |
Palaeont. | palaeontology |
Palaeontol. | palaeontology, palaeontologic(al) |
pa. pple. | passive participle, past participle |
Paraphr. | paraphrase, paraphrased |
Parasitol. | parasitology |
Parl. | parliament, parliamentary |
Parnass. | Parnassus |
pass. | passive(ly) |
pa. t. | past tense |
Path. | pathology, pathologic(al) |
Pathol. | pathology, pathologic(al) |
Peculat. | peculation(s) |
Penins. | peninsula |
perf. | perfect |
Perf. | perfect, perfection |
perh. | perhaps |
Periodontol. | periodontology, periodontologic(al) |
pers. | person(al) |
Pers. | Persian |
Pers. | personal |
Persec. | persecution(s) |
personif. | personified |
Perthsh. | Perthshire |
Pet. | (in the Bible) Peter |
Petrogr. | petrography, petrographic(al) |
Petrol. | petrology, petrologic(al) |
pf. | perfect |
Pharm. | pharmacology |
Pharmaceut. | pharmaceutical |
Pharmacol. | pharmacology, pharmacological |
Phil. | philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phil. | (in the Bible) Philippians |
Philad. | Philadelphia |
Philem. | (in the Bible) Philemon |
Philipp. | (in the Bible) Philippians |
Philol. | philology, philologic(al) |
Philos. | philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phoen. | Phoenician |
phonet. | phonetic(ally) |
Phonol. | phonology |
Photog. | photography |
Photogr. | photography, photographic(al) |
phr. | phrase |
Phrenol. | phrenology |
Phys. | physiology |
Physical Chem. | physical chemistry |
Physical Geogr. | physical geography |
Physiogr. | physiography |
Physiol. | physiology, physiologic(al) |
Pict. | pictorial |
Pict. | picture(s) |
pl. | plural |
plur. | plural |
poet. | poetic(al) |
Poet. | poetical |
Pol. | politics, political |
Pol. Econ. | political economy |
Polit. | politics, political |
Polytechn. | polytechnic(al) |
pop. | popular(ly) |
Pop. | popular |
Porc. | porcelain |
Port. | Portuguese |
poss. | possessive |
poss. | possible, possibly |
Posth. | posthumous(ly) |
Postm. | postmaster |
Pott. | pottery |
ppl. | participial |
ppl. a. | participial adjective |
ppl. adj. | participial adjective |
ppl. adjs. | participial adjectives |
pple. | participle |
pples. | participles |
P. R. | public records |
pr. | present |
Pract. | practical |
Pract. | practice |
prec. | preceding |
pred. | predicate |
predic. | predicate, predicative(ly) |
Predict. | prediction |
pref. | prefix |
Pref. | preface |
Preh. | prehistoric |
Prehist. | prehistory, prehistoric |
prep. | preposition(al) |
Prerog. | prerogative |
pres. | present |
Pres. | present |
Presb. | Presbyterian |
Presb. | presbytery |
Preserv. | preservation |
pres. pple. | present participle |
Prim. | primer(s) |
Princ. | principle(s) |
Print. | printing |
priv. | privative |
prob. | probably |
Probab. | probability, probabilities |
Probl. | problem |
Proc. | proceedings |
Prod. | product(s) |
Prol. | prologue |
pron. | pronoun |
pron. | pronunciation |
pronunc. | pronunciation |
Pronunc. | pronunciation |
prop. | properly |
Prop. | property, properties |
propr. | proprietary |
Pros. | prosody |
prov. | proverb(ial)(ly) |
Prov. | proverb |
Prov. | (in the Bible) Proverbs |
Provid. | providence(s) |
Provinc. | provincial |
Provis. | provisional |
pr. pple. | present participle |
Ps. | (in the Bible) Psalms |
pseudo-arch. | pseudo-archaic |
pseudo-dial. | pseudo-dialect |
pseudo-Sc. | pseudo-Scots |
Psych. | psychology |
Psychoanal. | psychoanalysis |
Psychoanalyt. | psychoanalytic |
Psychol. | psychology, psychologic(al) |
Psychopathol. | psychopathology, psychopathologic(al) |
Pt. | part |
Publ. | public |
Publ. | publication |
Purg. | purgatory |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Q |
Q. | quarterly |
Q. | queen |
Q. Eliz. | Queen Elizabeth |
Qld. | Queensland |
Quantum Mech. | quantum mechanics |
Queen’s Bench Div. | Queen’s Bench Division |
quot. | quotation |
quots. | quotations |
q.v. | quod vide, ‘which see’ |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
R |
R. | royal |
Radiol. | radiology |
R.A.F. | Royal Air Force |
R.C. | Roman Catholic(ism) |
R.C. Church | Roman Catholic Church |
Reas. | reason(s) |
Reb. | rebellion |
Rebell. | rebellion |
Rec. | record(s) |
Reclam. | reclamation |
Recoll. | recollection |
Redempt. | redemption |
redupl. | reduplicating |
Ref. | reference |
Ref. | reformation |
refash. | refashioned, refashioning |
refl. | reflexive |
Refl. | reflection(s) |
Refus. | refusal |
Refut. | refutation |
reg. | regular |
Reg. | register |
Regic. | regicide |
Regist. | register |
Regr. | register |
rel. | related |
rel. | relative |
Rel. | relating |
Relig. | religion, religious |
Reminisc. | reminiscence(s) |
Remonstr. | remonstrance |
Renfrewsh. | Renfrewshire |
Rep. | report |
repr. | representative, representing |
Reprod. | reproduction, reproductive |
Rept. | report |
Repub. | republic |
Res. | research |
Resid. | residence, residential |
Ret. | return |
Retrosp. | retrospective |
Rev. | review |
Rev. | revised |
Rev. | (in the Bible) Revelation |
Revol. | revolution |
Rhet. | rhetoric |
rhet. | rhetorical(ly) |
Rhode Isl. | Rhode Island |
Rich. | Richard |
R.N. | Royal Navy |
Rom. | Roman |
Rom. | (in the Bible) Romans |
Rom. Antiq. | Roman antiquities |
Ross-sh. | Ross-shire |
Roxb. | Roxburgh |
Roy. | royal |
Rudim. | rudiment(s) |
Russ. | Russia, Russian |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
S |
s. | south |
S. | south, southern |
S. Afr. | South Africa(n) |
Sam. | (in the Bible) Samuel |
Sask. | Saskatchewan |
Sat. | Saturday |
Sax. | Saxon |
sc. | scilicet, ‘understand’ or ‘supply’ |
Sc. | Scottish, Scots |
Scand. | Scandinavia, Scandinavian |
S. Carolina | South Carolina |
Sch. | school |
Sci. | science(s), scientific |
Scot. | Scottish |
Scotl. | Scotland |
Script. | scripture |
Sculpt. | sculpture |
S. Dakota | South Dakota |
s.e. | south-eastern (dialect) |
S.E. | south-east, south-eastern |
Seismol. | seismology |
Sel. | selected |
Sel. comm. | select committee |
Select. | selection |
Sept. | September |
Ser. | series |
Serm. | sermon(s) |
Sess. | session |
Settlem. | settlement |
Sev. | several |
Shakes. | Shakespeare |
Shaks. | Shakespeare |
Sheph. | shepherd |
Shetl. | Shetland |
Shropsh. | Shropshire |
sing. | singular |
Soc. | society |
Sociol. | sociology, sociological |
Som. | Somerset |
Song of Sol. | (in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Song Sol. | (in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Sonn. | sonnet |
south. | southern (dialect) |
sp. | spelling |
Span. | Spanish |
spec. | specifically |
Spec. | special |
Spec. | specimen(s) |
Specif. | specification(s) |
Specim. | specimen(s) |
Spectrosc. | spectroscopy |
SS. | saints |
St. | Saint |
St. | street |
Staff. | Staffordshire |
Stafford. | Staffordshire |
Staffordsh. | Staffordshire |
Staffs. | Staffordshire |
Stand. | standard |
Stat. | statistical |
Statist. | statistical |
Stock Exch. | stock exchange |
str. | strong |
Stratigr. | stratigraphy, stratigraphical |
Struct. | structure, structural |
S.T.S. | Scottish Text Society |
Stud. | studies |
subj. | subject |
subj. | subjunctive |
Subj. | subject(s) |
subjunct. | subjunctive |
subord. | subordinate |
subord. cl. | subordinate clause |
Subscr. | subscription |
Subscript. | subscription |
subseq. | subsequent(ly) |
subst. | substantive(ly) |
suff. | suffix |
Suff. | Suffolk |
superl. | superlative |
Suppl. | supplement, supplementary |
Supplic. | supplication(s) |
Suppress. | suppression |
Surg. | surgery, surgical |
Surv. | survey, surveying |
Sus. | (in the Apocrypha) Susanna |
s.v. | sub verbo, ‘under the word’ |
s.w. | south-western (dialect) |
S.W. | south-west, south-western |
syll. | syllable |
Symmetr. | symmetrical |
Symp. | symposium |
Syst. | system |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
T |
t. | tense |
Taxon. | taxonomy, taxonomic |
techn. | technical |
Techn. | technical |
Technol. | technology, technological |
Tel. | telegraph |
Telecomm. | telecommunications |
Telegr. | telegraph |
Telegr. | telegraphy, telegraphic(al) |
Teleph. | telephony, telephonic |
Teratol. | teratology |
Terminol. | terminology, terminological |
Terrestr. | terrestrial |
Test. | testament |
Textbk. | textbook |
Theat. | theatre, theatrical |
Theatr. | theatre, theatrical |
Theol. | theology, theological |
Theoret. | theoretical |
Thermonucl. | thermonuclear |
Thes. | thesaurus |
Thess. | (in the Bible) Thessalonians |
Tim. | (in the Bible) Timothy |
Tit. | (in the Bible) Titus |
Topogr. | topography, topographic(al) |
tr. | translation, translating |
Trad. | tradition, traditional |
Trag. | tragedy |
trans. | transitive |
Trans. | transaction(s) |
transf. | transferred sense |
transl. | translation, translating |
Transl. | translation |
Transubstant. | transubstantiation |
Trav. | travel(s) |
Treas. | treasurer, treasury |
Treat. | treatise |
Treatm. | treatment |
Trib. | tribune |
Trig. | trigonometry |
Trigonom. | trigonometry |
Trop. | tropical |
Troub. | troublesome |
Troubl. | troublesome |
Typog. | typography |
Typogr. | typography |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
U |
U.K. | United Kingdom |
ult. | ultimately |
Univ. | university |
unkn. | unknown |
Unnat. | unnatural |
Unoffic. | unofficial |
unstr. | unstressed |
Urin. | urinary |
U.S. | United States |
U.S.A.F. | United States Air Force |
U.S.S.R. | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
usu. | usually |
Utilit. | utilitarian |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
V |
v. | verb |
Va. | Virginia |
Vac. | vacation |
Valedict. | valediction |
var. | variant |
varr. | variants |
vars. | variants |
vb. | verb |
vbl. | verbal |
vbl.n. | verbal noun |
vbl. ns. | verbal nouns |
vbs. | verbs |
Veg. | vegetable |
Veg. Phys. | vegetable physiology |
Veg. Physiol. | vegetable physiology |
Venet. | Venetian |
Vertebr. | vertebrate |
Vet. | veterinary, veterinary science |
Vet. Med. | veterinary medicine |
Vet. Path. | veterinary pathology |
Vet. Sci. | veterinary science |
Vet. Surg. | veterinary surgery |
Vic. | Victoria |
Vict. | Victoria |
Vind. | vindication, vindicated |
Vindic. | vindication, vindicated |
Virg. | virgin(s) |
Virol. | virology |
viz. | videlicet, ‘namely’ |
Voc. | vocabulary |
Vocab. | vocabulary |
Vol. | volume |
Vols. | volumes |
Voy. | voyage(s) |
v.r. | variant reading |
v.rr. | variant readings |
vulg. | vulgar(ly) |
Vulg. | vulgar |
Vulg. | Vulgate |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
W |
w. | west |
W. | west, western |
W. Afr. | West Africa(n) |
Warwicksh. | Warwickshire |
wd. | word |
Wd. | word |
west. | western |
Westm. | Westminster |
Westmld. | Westmoreland |
Westmorld. | Westmoreland |
Westmrld. | Westmoreland |
Will. | William |
Wilts. | Wiltshire |
Wiltsh. | Wiltshire |
W. Ind. | West Indies, West Indian |
W. Indies | West Indies |
Wis. | Wisconsin |
Wisd. | wisdom |
Wisd. | (in the Apocrypha) Wisdom of Solomon |
wk. | weak |
Wk. | week |
Wk. | work |
Wkly. | weekly |
Wks. | works |
Wonderf. | wonderful |
Worc. | Worcestershire |
Worcestersh. | Worcestershire |
Worcs. | Worcestershire |
Writ. | writing(s) |
W. Va. | West Virginia |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Y |
Yearbk. | yearbook |
Yng. | young |
Yorks. | Yorkshire |
Yorksh. | Yorkshire |
Yr. | year |
Yrs. | years |
top | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Z |
Zech. | (in the Bible) Zechariah |
Zeitschr. | Zeitschrift |
Zeph. | (in the Bible) Zephaniah |
Zoogeogr. | zoogeography |
Zool. | zoology, zoological |
Abbreviations in the Russian-English Dictionary
Common | ||
сокращение | abbr | abbreviation |
винительный падеж | acc | accusative |
прилагательное | adj | adjective |
администрация | ADMIN | administration |
наречие | adv | adverb |
сельское хозяйство | AGR | agriculture |
анатомия | ANAT | anatomy |
архитектура | ARCHIT | architecture |
автомобиле́льне дело | AUT | automobiles |
вспомогательный глагол | aux vb | auxiliary verb |
авиа́целя | AVIAT | aviation |
биология | BIO | biology |
ботаника | BOT | botany |
британский английский | BRIT | British English |
химия | CHEM | chemistry |
коммерция | COMM | commerce |
компостер | COMPUT | computing |
союз | conj | conjunction |
строительство | CONSTR | construction |
сражение | cpd | compound |
кулинария | CULIN | culinary |
дательный падеж | dat | dative |
склоняется | decl | declines |
определённый артикль | def art | definite article |
уменьшительное | dimin | diminutive |
экономика | ECON | economics |
электроника | ELEC | electricity |
оси́бренно | esp | especially |
и тому подобное | etc | et cetera |
междометие | excl | exclamation |
женский род | f | feminine |
в переносном значении | fig | figurative |
родительный падеж | gen | genitive |
география | GEO | geography |
геометрия | GEOM | geometry |
безличный | impers | impersonal |
несовершенный вид | impf | imperfective verb |
несклоняемое | ind | indeclinable |
неопределённый артикль | indef art | indefinite article |
разговорное | inf | informal |
грубо | inf! | offensive |
инфинитив | infin | infinitive |
творительный падеж; | instr | instrumental |
неизменяемое | inv | invariable |
неправ́вильный | irreg | irregular |
лингвистика | LING | linguistics |
мы́ситный ладе | loc | locative |
мужской род | m | masculine |
субстантивированное | m/f/nt adj | adjectival noun |
математика | MATH | mathematics |
медицина | MED | medicine |
военный термина | MIL | military |
музыка | MUS | music |
имя существительное | n | noun |
морское термин | NAUT | nautical |
именительный падеж | nom | nominative |
существительное во множественном числе | npl | plural noun |
средний род | nt | neuter |
числительное | num | numeral |
себя | o.s. | oneself |
раздельный | part | partitive |
пренебрежительное | pej | pejorative |
совершенный вид | perf | perfective verb |
фотография | PHOT | photography |
физика | PHYS | physics |
физиология | PHYSIOL | physiology |
множественное число | pl | plural |
политика | POL | politics |
страдательное причастие | pp | past participle |
предлог | prep | preposition |
местоимение | pron | pronoun |
предложный падеж | prp | prepositional |
психология | PSYCH | psychiatry |
Проше́душе ври́мы | pt | past tense |
железнодорожный термин | RAIL | railways |
религия | REL | religion, church service |
кто́-неуд | sb | somebody |
просвещение | SCOL | schooling, schools and universities |
единственное число | sg | singular |
что-нибудь | sth | something |
подлежащее | subj | subject |
превосходная степень | superl | superlative |
техника | TECH | technology |
теле (свя3ь) | TEL | telecommunications |
театр | THEAT | theatre |
телевидение | TV | television |
типографский термин | TYP | printing |
американский английский | US | American English |
обычно | usu | usually |
глагол | vb | verb |
непереходный глагол | vi | intransitive verb |
глагольное слобочетание | vt fus | inseparable verb |
переходный глагол | vt | transitive verb |
зоология | ZOOL | zoology |
зарегистрированный | ® | registered trademark |
вводит культурный эквивалент | ≈ | introduces a cultural equivalent |
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Fundamental » All languages » English » Shortenings » Abbreviations
English abbreviated words or groups of words.
- Category:English scribal abbreviations: English abbreviations used by scribes.
- Category:English sigla: English letters or symbols standing for words, word parts or common sequences of letters.
Contents (Top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
aa | ab | ac | ad | ae | af | ag | ah | ai | aj | ak | al | am | an | ao | ap | aq | ar | as | at | au | av | aw | ax | ay | az |
ba | bb | bc | bd | be | bf | bg | bh | bi | bj | bk | bl | bm | bn | bo | bp | bq | br | bs | bt | bu | bv | bw | bx | by | bz |
ca | cb | cc | cd | ce | cf | cg | ch | ci | cj | ck | cl | cm | cn | co | cp | cq | cr | cs | ct | cu | cv | cw | cx | cy | cz |
da | db | dc | dd | de | df | dg | dh | di | dj | dk | dl | dm | dn | do | dp | dq | dr | ds | dt | du | dv | dw | dx | dy | dz |
ea | eb | ec | ed | ee | ef | eg | eh | ei | ej | ek | el | em | en | eo | ep | eq | er | es | et | eu | ev | ew | ex | ey | ez |
fa | fb | fc | fd | fe | ff | fg | fh | fi | fj | fk | fl | fm | fn | fo | fp | fq | fr | fs | ft | fu | fv | fw | fx | fy | fz |
ga | gb | gc | gd | ge | gf | gg | gh | gi | gj | gk | gl | gm | gn | go | gp | gq | gr | gs | gt | gu | gv | gw | gx | gy | gz |
ha | hb | hc | hd | he | hf | hg | hh | hi | hj | hk | hl | hm | hn | ho | hp | hq | hr | hs | ht | hu | hv | hw | hx | hy | hz |
ia | ib | ic | id | ie | if | ig | ih | ii | ij | ik | il | im | in | io | ip | iq | ir | is | it | iu | iv | iw | ix | iy | iz |
ja | jb | jc | jd | je | jf | jg | jh | ji | jj | jk | jl | jm | jn | jo | jp | jq | jr | js | jt | ju | jv | jw | jx | jy | jz |
ka | kb | kc | kd | ke | kf | kg | kh | ki | kj | kk | kl | km | kn | ko | kp | kq | kr | ks | kt | ku | kv | kw | kx | ky | kz |
la | lb | lc | ld | le | lf | lg | lh | li | lj | lk | ll | lm | ln | lo | lp | lq | lr | ls | lt | lu | lv | lw | lx | ly | lz |
ma | mb | mc | md | me | mf | mg | mh | mi | mj | mk | ml | mm | mn | mo | mp | mq | mr | ms | mt | mu | mv | mw | mx | my | mz |
na | nb | nc | nd | ne | nf | ng | nh | ni | nj | nk | nl | nm | nn | no | np | nq | nr | ns | nt | nu | nv | nw | nx | ny | nz |
oa | ob | oc | od | oe | of | og | oh | oi | oj | ok | ol | om | on | oo | op | oq | or | os | ot | ou | ov | ow | ox | oy | oz |
pa | pb | pc | pd | pe | pf | pg | ph | pi | pj | pk | pl | pm | pn | po | pp | pq | pr | ps | pt | pu | pv | pw | px | py | pz |
qa | qb | qc | qd | qe | qf | qg | qh | qi | qj | qk | ql | qm | qn | qo | qp | qr | qs | qt | qu | qv | qw | qx | qy | qz | |
ra | rb | rc | rd | re | rf | rg | rh | ri | rj | rk | rl | rm | rn | ro | rp | rq | rr | rs | rt | ru | rv | rw | rx | ry | rz |
sa | sb | sc | sd | se | sf | sg | sh | si | sj | sk | sl | sm | sn | so | sp | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw | sx | sy | sz |
ta | tb | tc | td | te | tf | tg | th | ti | tj | tk | tl | tm | tn | to | tp | tq | tr | ts | tt | tu | tv | tw | tx | ty | tz |
ua | ub | uc | ud | ue | uf | ug | uh | ui | uj | uk | ul | um | un | uo | up | uq | ur | us | ut | uu | uv | uw | ux | uy | uz |
va | vb | vc | vd | ve | vf | vg | vh | vi | vj | vk | vl | vm | vn | vo | vp | vq | vr | vs | vt | vu | vv | vw | vx | vy | vz |
wa | wb | wc | wd | we | wf | wg | wh | wi | wj | wk | wl | wm | wn | wo | wp | wq | wr | ws | wt | wu | wv | ww | wx | wy | wz |
xa | xb | xc | xd | xe | xf | xg | xh | xi | xj | xk | xl | xm | xn | xo | xp | xq | xr | xs | xt | xu | xv | xw | xx | xy | xz |
ya | yb | yc | yd | ye | yf | yg | yh | yi | yj | yk | yl | ym | yn | yo | yp | yq | yr | ys | yt | yu | yv | yw | yx | yy | yz |
za | zb | zc | zd | ze | zf | zg | zh | zi | zj | zk | zl | zm | zn | zo | zp | zq | zr | zs | zt | zu | zv | zw | zx | zy | zz |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
English case citation abbreviations (0 c, 616 e)
English syllabic abbreviations (0 c, 123 e)
English three-letter abbreviations (0 c, 353 e)
English two-letter abbreviations (0 c, 11 e)
English five-letter abbreviations (0 c, 5 e)
English four-letter abbreviations (0 c, 86 e)
English scribal abbreviations (0 c, 4 e)
English sigla (0 c, 2 e)
Pages in category «English abbreviations»
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,845 total.
(previous page) (next page)
- %age
- %ile
- %p
- &
- +
- +ve
- .ovl
- /s/
- 0-G
- 0th
- 1 Chr
- 1 Chron.
- 1 Cor
- 1 Cor.
- 1 Jn
- 1 KG
- 1 Kgs
- 1 Macc.
- 1 Pet.
- 1 Sam.
- 1 Thess.
- 1 Tim.
- 1000th
- 100th
- 10ber
- 10th
- 10th Cir.
- 11th
- 11th Cir.
- 121
- 128th note
- 12ga
- 12mo
- 12th
- 13th
- 14th
- 15th
- 16th
- 17th
- 18mo
- 18th
- 19th
- 1d
- 1der
- 1derful
- 1drfl
- 1ESS
- 1FR
- 1L
- 1LT
- 1NF
- 1OT
- 1st
- 1st Cir.
- 1stly
- 2
- 2 Chr
- 2 Chron.
- 2 Cor.
- 2 Joh.
- 2 Kgs
- 2 Macc.
- 2 Pet.
- 2 Sam.
- 2 Thess.
- 2 Tim.
- 2,4-DNPH
- 2-D
- 2-IC
- 20/20
- 20th
- 21st
- 224
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 24-7
- 24/7
- 24th
- 25/8
- 25th
- 26.2
- 26th
- 27th
- 28th
- 29th
- 2A
- 2d
- 2D
- 2d Cir.
- 2dly
- 2e
- 2faced
- 2fold
- 2morrow
- 2mrw
- 2nd
- 2ndly
- 2NF
- 2OT
- 2ry
- 2WW
- 2ᵈˡʸ
- 3 Kgs
- 3-D
- 30th
- 31st
- 32mo
- 32nd
- 33rd
- 34th
- 35th
- 36th
- 37th
- 38th
- 39th
- 3d
- 3D
- 3d Cir.
- 3DES
- 3dly
- 3FTx
- 3G
- 3L
- 3OT
- 3R
- 3rd
- 3rd wheel
- 3rdly
- 3some
- 3TG
- 3ᵈˡʸ
- 4 Kgs
- 4-FA
- 40th
- 41st
- 42nd
- 43rd
- 44th
- 45th
- 46th
- 47th
- 48th
- 49th
- 4BBB
- 4D
- 4G
- 4th
- 4th Cir.
- 4to
- 4tw
- 50th
- 51st
- 52nd
- 53rd
- 54th
- 55th
- 56th
- 57th
- 58th
- 59th
- 5G
- 5th
- 5th Cir.
- 60th
- 61st
- 62nd
- 63rd
- 64th
- 65th
- 66th
- 67th
- 68th
- 69th
- 6th
- 6th Cir.
- 70th
- 71st
- 72nd
- 73rd
- 74th
- 75th
- 76th
- 77th
- 78th
- 79th
- 7ber
- 7th
- 7th Cir.
- 80th
- 81st
- 82nd
- 83rd
- 84th
- 85th
- 86th
- 87th
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