Dictionary hear the word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

But when man fails to hear the word… are obliged to take action.

Но когда человек не способен слышать Слово, мы вынуждены применять науку действия.

When people hear the word fingerprints, they mostly think of fingers.

Когда люди слышат слово отпечатки пальцев, они в основном думают о пальцах на руках.

Despite the fact that you can often hear the word nihilists, not everyone knows what it means.

Несмотря на то, что достаточно часто можно услышать слово нигилисты, не все знают, что оно означает.

It wasn’t enough to hear the word once.

We often hear the word «destiny».

We hear the word «culture» often.

When people hear the word ozone they immediately…

Как только слышишь слово остров, то сразу представ…

When people hear the word «observatory», the majority associate it with the place for observation of astronomical phenomena.

Когда люди слышат слово «обсерватория», большинство ассоциирует его с местом, где проводят наблюдения за астрономическими явлениями.

We used to see something big and smoking when we hear the word «power station» and usually characterize it with pollution.

Мы привыкли видеть что-то большое и дымящееся, когда слышим слово «электростанция» и обычно характеризуем его с загрязнением.

Many of us think of two adjectives when we hear the word «ceiling»: flat and white.

Многие из нас думают о двух прилагательных, когда мы слышим слово «потолок»: плоский и белый.

When we hear the word extremist, we have an association of a person who threatens the lives of others.

Когда мы слышим слово экстремист, у нас возникает ассоция человека, который угрожает жизни других.

Most home business owners hear the word «marketing» and they hide their checkbooks or start breathing a rapidly from fear.

Большинство владельцев домашнего бизнеса слышат слово «маркетинг», и они скрывают свои чековые книжки или начинают быстро дышать от страха.

Most people think of illegal drugs when they hear the word «addiction».

Большинство людей думают о незаконных наркотиках, когда они слышат слово «наркомания».

When we hear the word «feudalism», it often misleads us.

Когда мы слышим слово «феодализм», оно часто вводит нас в заблуждение.

When you hear the word «kiwi,» you probably think about a fruit.

Когда вы слышите слово «киви», то, вероятно, думаете о фрукте.

When we hear the word «inmate» the first association is prison.

Когда мы слышим слово «заключенный» первая ассоциация — тюрьма.

When people hear the word «but,» they tend to stop listening.

Когда люди слышат слово «но» они, как правило, прекращают слушать.

When we hear the word «money», we immediately imagine different pieces of paper with numbers and special symbols.

Когда мы слышим слово «деньги», машинально в воображении появляются бумаги с разными цифрами и символами.

When I hear the word «respect,» I think of treating everyone the same.

Когда я слышу слово «уважение», я думаю о лечении подобного подобным.

We hear the word «recession» more frequently in the news.

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that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.

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Итак слушайте слово Господне, хульники, правители народасего, который в Иерусалиме.

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Что первое всплывает в Вашем воображении когда вы слышите слово» Мадагаскар»?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Что вам мгновенно приходит на ум, когда вы слышите слово« церковь»?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Если я больше никогда не услышу слово» кольцо», это будет очень скоро.

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Therefore hear the word of


LORD, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem.

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Итак слушайте слово Господне, хульники, правители народа сего, который в Иерусалиме.

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Look, when people hear the word«fraternity» these days, what do they think of?

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Слушай, сейчас когда люди слышат слово» братство», О чем они думают?



house of


king of Judah, hear the word of



But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

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When most people hear the word«Cardio», their mind automatically pictures jogging,

or threadmills, or stationnary bikes.

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Когда большинств люди слышат слово» cardio», их разум автоматически изображает jogging,

или threadmills, или stationnary bikes.

Now when we hear the word refuge, we automatically go to this metaphorical sense.

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Теперь, когда мы слышим слово убежище, мы автоматически перейти к этому метафорическом смысле.

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He said to her, Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it.

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But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

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Предложения с «hear words»

What it was she did not know but she listened desperately, her eyes on his brown face, hoping to hear words that would dissipate her fears.

Она не знала, что именно, и в отчаянии ловила каждое слово Ретта, не спуская глаз с его смуглого лица, надеясь услышать слова , которые рассеют ее страхи.

When they read words , hear words , or even imagine words .

Когда они читают слова , слышат их или даже воображают слова .

The next time you hear the word cancer, I want you to add to the emotions: hope.

Когда вы вновь услышите слово «рак», я бы хотел, чтобы к вашим эмоциям добавилась ещё одна — надежда.

I want to hear more on this, because the very words global governance are almost the epitome of evil in the mindset of a lot of people on the alt-right right now.

Я хотел бы развить эту тему, потому что само выражение глобальное правительство означает чуть ли не воплощение зла в представлении многих альтернативных правых.

Sadly, about 40 percent of us will hear those three words within our lifetime, and half will not survive.

К сожалению, примерно 40% из нас услышат эти слова в течение своей жизни, и половина из них не выживет.

Because I ask you, how many of us are surprised today when we hear the stories of a bombing or a shooting, when we later find out that the last word that was uttered before the trigger is pulled or the bomb is detonated is the name of God?

Многие ли из вас удивляются сегодня, слушая истории о взрывах и стрельбе, узнав, что последним произнесённым словом перед спуском курка или взрывом было имя Бога?

You know, every time I hear or say the word asking, I am in high school again.

Знаете, каждый раз, когда я слышу или произношу слово asking, я снова становлюсь школьницей.

She stared at me and she said, I don’t want to hear another word about this.

Она посмотрела на меня и сказала: Я не хочу слышать ни слова об этом.

If you’re like most people, when you hear the words Our organization is going to start a transformation, you’re thinking, Uh-oh.

Большинство людей, услышав фразу Мы начинаем оптимизацию компании, сразу думают: Ой — ой.

I didn’t hear a word you said.

Я не расслышала, что ты сказал.

Didn’t you hear a word of what bailey said?

Ты вообще не слушал то, что говорила Бэйли?

Scarlett did not hear the rest of the laughing words .

Скарлетт уже не слышала конца этой со смехом произнесенной фразы.

What do you imagine when you hear this word?

Что вы представляете, когда вы слышите это слово ?

She doted on Niallad, and would hear no words said against him.

Она обожала Ниаллада и не желала слышать ни одного слова , направленного против него.

Emel whispered softly in Hedi’s ear, but she did not hear his words .

Эмель что — то шептал на ухо Хеди, но она не слышала ни слова .

I never thought that I would ever hear you utter those words with a straight face.

Никогда бы не подумала, что ты будешь произносить эти слова с серьезным выражением лица.

He wanted to know every word that was spoken between them, wanted to hear every nuance in Renard’s voice.

Он хотел слышать каждое слово из их разговора, уловить любой оттенок интонации Ренара.

What words I did not hear, but I understood that the caller wanted the Drusilla to come on deck.

Мне не удалось разобрать слов, но я поняла, что посетитель просит госпожу выйти на палубу.

Because we’re too deafened by the din of our bodies to hear God’s Word.

Потому что наше собственное тело так оглушает нас, что мы не слышим слова Божьего?

He said something, but Heidel ran again and did not hear the words .

Он проговорил что — то, но Хейдель снова побежал и не слышал слов.

I couldn’t hear the words , but she sounded unnaturally confident.

Я не расслышала, что она сказала, но звучало все неестественно уверенно.

He could not make out the words , but he could hear the panic in their shouts.

Слов различить офицер не мог, но в криках явно звучали панические ноты.

I would love to hear him say those words .

Я бы с удовольствием послушал, как он произносит эти слова .

First day he could walk, he threw them straight in the dustbin and wouldn’t hear a word I said not to.

Как только смог ходить, выбросил в мусорное ведро, не слушая уговоров.

Hear a full text, and hear replacement words .

Прослушайте весь текст целиком, а также отдельные слова — варианты замены.

We need to hear a few parting words from our guest of honor.

Мы должны услышать прощальные слова нашего почетного гостя.

Perhaps you can hear it in the words I’m speaking even now.

Может быть, вы это слышите в словах , которые я произношу сейчас.

So here’s what I’m gonna do, and when I’m through telling you, I only want to hear two words .

Вот что я собираюсь сделать, и когда я договорю, я хочу слышать только два слова .

You know I paid her cell bill so I could call her phone and hear her say the same 6 words every day?

Ты знаешь я оплатил её телефон поэтому я могу позвонить ей и услышать как она говорит одни и те же 6 слов каждый день?

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words , when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

А если кто не примет вас и не послушает слов ваших, то, выходя из дома или из города того, отрясите прах от ног ваших.

In other words , all sorts of communication devices are telling us the stories of countries, whether or not the countries concerned want people to hear those stories.

Другими словами , информацию о стране передают все виды связи независимо от того, хочет страна этого или нет.

People with colored hearing actually see colors when they hear the sounds of words or letters.

Люди с цветным слухом фактически видят цвета, когда они слышат звуки слов или букв.

They will not hear any more harsh words from the US about their regimes’ contempt for democracy, freedom, or human rights.

Они не будут больше слышать резких осуждений из США об отсутствии в их режимах демократии, о свободе или правах человека.

Until that time, I don’t want to hear another word breathed about it in this building or outside it.

А до этого момента, я не хочу слышать ни единого слова об этом в этом здании или вне него.

How effective words can be, particularly if two hundred thousand people gather in a square to hear them!

Слова могут быть действительно эффективными, особенно если двести тысяч человек собираются на площади, чтобы их услышать!

My Lord, it gladdens my heart to hear these words .

Милорд, моё сердце радуется, слыша эти слова .

Four words you will never hear from the NFL.

Этих слов ты никогда не услышишь от НФЛ.

I don’t want to hear another word about Reform Corp or Masterson Construction ever again.

Я не хочу ничего больше слышать о Реформ Корп или Мастерсон Констракшн когда — либо.

Robert, when people hear the word Wodehouse, they think the voice of the upper-class twit and that it’s a world of silly asses and country houses.

Роберт, когда люди слышат Вудхауз, они сразу вспоминают про рупор тупиц из высшего сословия, этого мира загородных поместий и богатых идиотов.

What do you think of when you hear the words , Sudden Valley?

О чём ты думаешь, когда слышишь Стремительная Впадина?

The word Forestier made his ears tingle. He dreaded to hear it, and felt himself redden when he did so.

Слово Форестье терзало ему слух; он боялся его услышать и чувствовал, что краснеет, когда слышал его.

I can still hear my dear old dad repeating those words as he beat me up because he’d found a copy of Fiesta under my mattress.

Я все еще слышу , как мой старик повторяет эти слова , побивая меня, потому что нашел копию Фиесты у меня под кроватью.

You think I want his whingeing to be the last words I hear on this Earth?

Думаешь, его нытьё я хотела бы услышать напоследок?

A floor-length curtain hung from the lintel, through which he could hear every word of their conversation.

С притолоки опускалась до полу портьера, из — за которой были слышны от слова до слова их разговоры.

But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words , then that should have turned them from their evil way, and the evil of their doings!

Но если бы они послушали моего совета, и дали моим близким услышать мои слова , то это отвело бы их от пути зла и зла в их деяниях!

“If she ’d just get rid of that cat, I’d speak to her again!” Ron said angrily. “But she’s still sticking up for it! It’s a maniac, and she won’t hear a word against it!”

Если она выкинет своего кота, я сразу начну с ней разговаривать! — яростно выпалил Рон. — Но она же вцепилась в него, как сумасшедшая, и ничего слышать не хочет!

Occasionally, in the moments of apathy which alternated with transparent wakefulness, Rubashov’s lips moved, but Gletkin could not hear the words .

Иногда, охваченный апатией, Рубашов безмолвно шевелил губами.

But never let me hear any one say a word against her, implying any more serious imputation than that she now needs the counsel of some kind and gentle woman.

Но никогда не говори мне, что кто — то порочит ее и обвиняет в чем — то недостойном. Ей необходим совет доброй и чуткой женщины.

She so longed to hear him say it in words , longed to speak words herself that would provoke a confession, but she dared not.

Ей так хотелось услышать это от него, так хотелось сказать это самой, чтобы вызвать его на откровенность, но она не осмеливалась.

That’s not a word you often hear among the heather.

Это слово не часто услышишь среди вереска.

Bitter are the speeches Calhoun is constrained to hear-heartbreaking the words now showered upon him.

Колхауну приходится выслушать много горького: она осыпает его словами , полными ненависти.

The meeting in the next room was still going, but Gabrielle didn’t have to hear another word.

Совещание в соседней комнате продолжалось, но Гэбриэл уже не хотела и не могла слушать.

Hear then, oh king, the words which were Mitten more than 150 years ago, for these are the words of the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz.

Послушай , о Царь, слова , которые были написаны более150летназад, ибо это слова пророка Исаии, сын Амоса.

Because we’re too deafened by the din of our bodies to hear God’s Word.

Потому что наше собственное тело так оглушает нас, что мы не слышим слова Божьего?

But if you hear it, listen, a four-worded wave speech.

Но когда вы слышите это, четырёхсоставное волнообразное высказывание.

I am very glad to hear it, said Dorothea, laughing out her words in a bird-like modulation, and looking at Will with playful gratitude in her eyes.

Мне очень приятно это слышать , — ответила Доротея со смехом, звонким, как птичья трель, и с шаловливой благодарностью во взгляде.

Rachel did not hear another word he said.

Дальше Рейчел уже не слушала.

Alice said, You better not let her hear you talk words like that.

Вот услыхала бы тебя Фей, — сказала Алиса.

You could stay a very long time at Faye’s before you would hear an ugly or suggestive word spoken.

У Фей редко можно было услыхать скверное или сальное слово .

His jeering words passed over her head and she did not even hear them.

Она даже не уловила издевки в его словах — это не дошло до ее сознания.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), heard [hurd], /hɜrd/, hear·ing.

to perceive by the ear: Didn’t you hear the doorbell?

to learn by the ear or by being told; be informed of: to hear news.

to listen to; give or pay attention to: They refused to hear our side of the argument.

to be among the audience at or of (something): to hear a recital.

to give a formal, official, or judicial hearing to (something); consider officially, as a judge, sovereign, teacher, or assembly: to hear a case.

to take or listen to the evidence or testimony of (someone): to hear the defendant.

to listen to with favor, assent, or compliance.

(of a computer) to perceive by speech recognition.

verb (used without object), heard [hurd], /hɜrd/, hear·ing.

to be capable of perceiving sound by the ear; have the faculty of perceiving sound vibrations.

to receive information by the ear or otherwise: to hear from a friend.

to listen with favor, assent, or compliance (often followed by of): I will not hear of your going.

(of a computer) to be capable of perceiving by speech recognition.

(used as an interjection in the phrase Hear! Hear! to express approval, as of a speech).


What Is The Difference Between The Words «Hear» And «Listen»?

See, everybody says they want to be heard. But, in actuality, they want to be listened to.




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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of hear

First recorded before 950; Middle English heren, Old English hēran, hīeran; cognate with Dutch horen, German hören, Old Norse heyra, Gothic hausjan; perhaps akin to Greek akoúein (see acoustic)

synonym study for hear

1, 2. Hear, listen apply to the perception of sound. To hear is to have such perception by means of the auditory sense: to hear distant bells. To listen is to give attention in order to hear and understand the meaning of a sound or sounds: to listen to what is being said; to listen for a well-known footstep.


hear·a·ble, adjectivehear·er, nounout·hear, verb (used with object), out·heard, out·hear·ing.re·hear, verb, re·heard, re·hear·ing.

un·hear·a·ble, adjective


1. hear , here2. heard , herd

Words nearby hear

Healy, Heaney, HEAO, heap, heaping, hear, hear a peep out of, hear a pin drop, can, heard, Heard and McDonald Islands, Heard Island and McDonald Islands

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to hear

attend, get, listen, overhear, pick up, read, determine, discover, find out, gather, learn, receive, see, understand, apprehend, auscultate, catch, descry, devour, eavesdrop

How to use hear in a sentence

  • It feels like all season, you’ve heard over and over that the Clippers had a championship-caliber roster, and the franchise itself was not shy about confirming that.

  • There have been, like, two or three from what I’ve heard, but I haven’t seen it.

  • Secular people have values too, she said, and hearing politicians and parties speak to those values can motivate them to get more politically involved.

  • That’s because you’ll be hearing from us on Thursdays, starting today.

  • A Pew Research Center survey released this week found that 47 percent of Americans had heard of the theory, up from just 23 percent in March.

  • One wants speech to be free, but one doesn’t actually want to hear it.

  • Or has the see and hear and speak-no-evil stance of the Republican House persuaded him that he is in the clear?

  • Do as Tumblr has done and scrub her last words off the Internet—erase everything she wanted the world to hear.

  • Betrayal…you can hear it…betraying the thing he loves for a cheap bit of film publicity.

  • Every other band I had been in had been pretty loud, you could never hear the vocals.

  • Liszt looked at it, and to her fright and dismay cried out in a fit of impatience, «No, I won’t hear it!»

  • But I hope at least to play to him a few times, and what is more important, to hear him play repeatedly.

  • And although we gabbled freely enough, MacRae avoided all mention of the persons of whom I most wished to hear.

  • “And the matter of the will was all disposed of by the probate judge today, I hear,” said the judge, his hand on the door.

  • Above all, he was amazed to hear me talk of a mercenary standing army in the midst of peace and among a free people.

British Dictionary definitions for hear

verb hears, hearing or heard (hɜːd)

(tr) to perceive (a sound) with the sense of hearing

(tr; may take a clause as object) to listen todid you hear what I said?

(when intr, sometimes foll by of or about; when tr, may take a clause as object) to be informed (of); receive information (about)to hear of his success; have you heard?

law to give a hearing to (a case)

(when intr, usually foll by of and used with a negative) to listen (to) with favour, assent, etcshe wouldn’t hear of it

(intr foll by from) to receive a letter, news, etc (from)

hear! hear! an exclamation used to show approval of something said

hear tell dialect to be told (about); learn (of)

Derived forms of hear

hearable, adjectivehearer, noun

Word Origin for hear

Old English hieran; related to Old Norse heyra, Gothic hausjan, Old High German hōren, Greek akouein

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with hear

In addition to the idioms beginning with hear

  • hear a peep out of
  • hear a pin drop, can
  • hear from
  • hear of
  • hear oneself think, can’t
  • hear out

also see:

  • another county heard from
  • hard of hearing
  • never hear the end of
  • not have it (hear of it)
  • unheard of

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

References in classic literature

And I may tell you that we old men, who have no children of our own, feel our hearts growing warm when we hear words like those.»

good!/ Are your ears open, /Isanusis/, ye who hear words that come not from the tongue?»

Well, it’s always pleasant to hear words of wisdom.»

«I listen and listen; I hear words, but I never get at any meaning; he talks about the environs of Paris when he discusses the human heart and» [lays down his pen and goes to the stove] «declares he backs the devil’s game when it is a question of Russia and Boulogne; now what is there so clever in that, I’d like to know?

On the irrigation sector the Chief Minister said that once the ongoing irrigation projects were completed, «Nobody is going to hear word drought in the state or see it».

Though Mr Beeton talks of the ambitious plans for the port, there is no doubt he will be more anxious than most to hear word of a workable and agreed plan for the future.

Before others in town hear word of a looming scandal, she must call upon all of her hard-won survival skills to save herself from ruin.

The power of social networking sites have proven to be a mighty ally for Filipinos here who kept a virtual vigil right from the beginning of super typhoon Haiyan, hoping to hear word from their loved ones in the ravaged provinces of the central Philippines.

The owner of a UAE ship that has been hijacked by Somali pirates said they have yet to hear word from the crew.

«We’re hoping to hear word on whether we will receive a permit and we hope it will be within weeks, but that’s not guaranteed,» he says.

He didn’t realise that he wouldn’t hear word of him for three years.

«Then I put up the post yesterday evening, just to get it going to see if I would hear word back.

Meanwhile, Trapattoni has yet to hear word from Stephen Ireland, Steve Finnan and Andy O’Brien regarding their potential return to the international fold.

She said: «They have written off to the House of Commons before Christmas about and it is expected to take six weeks to hear word back.»

Angel is waiting to hear word that Arsenal want him — and how much Villa are looking for him.

Idioms browser

  • hear (something) through the grapevine
  • hear a peep from/out of (someone)
  • hear a peep out of
  • hear a pin drop, can
  • hear a pin drop, one/you could
  • hear about
  • hear about (someone or something)
  • hear crickets
  • hear from
  • hear from (one)
  • hear ill of (someone)
  • hear of
  • hear of (someone or something)
  • hear oneself think, can’t
  • hear out
  • hear something on the grapevine
  • hear something through the grapevine
  • hear tell
  • hear tell of (something)
  • hear tell that (something is the case)
  • hear the call of the wild
  • hear the end of (someone or something)
  • hear the last of (someone or something)
  • hear things
  • hear through
  • hear word
  • hear word (from someone or something)
  • hear, hear
  • hear, hear!
  • hear/see the end/the last of somebody/something
  • hear/see the last of somebody/something
  • heard (of) such a thing
  • hearing
  • hearing impaired
  • hearing things
  • hearing-impaired
  • hearken
  • hearken back to (something)
  • hearken to
  • hearken to (someone or something)
  • heart
  • heart (someone or something)
  • heart and soul
  • heart attack
  • heart goes out to, one’s
  • heart in it, have one’s
  • heart in one’s mouth, have one’s
  • heart in one’s mouth, to have one’s
  • heart in the right place, have one’s
  • heart in the right place, to have one’s
  • heart misses a beat

Full browser

  • hear the end of them
  • hear the end of us
  • hear the end of you
  • hear the grass grow
  • hear the grass growing
  • hear the last of
  • hear the last of (someone or something)
  • hear the last of her
  • hear the last of him
  • hear the last of it
  • hear the last of me
  • hear the last of one
  • hear the last of somebody
  • hear the last of something
  • hear the last of them
  • hear the last of us
  • hear the last of you
  • Hear the other side
  • hear the the last of somebody
  • hear the the last of something
  • Hear the Word Ministries
  • hear them out
  • hear themselves think
  • hear things
  • hear think
  • hear through
  • hear through the grapevine
  • Hear Us Emerging Sisters
  • hear us loud and clear
  • hear us out
  • hear word
  • hear word (from someone or something)
  • hear word from
  • hear you loud and clear
  • hear you out
  • Hear Your Music Anywhere
  • hear yourself think
  • hear! hear!
  • hear! hear!
  • hear! hear!
  • hear, hear
  • hear, hear
  • hear, hear
  • hear, hear!
  • hear-by dates
  • hear/see the end of somebody/something
  • hear/see the end/the last of somebody/something
  • hear/see the last of somebody/something
  • hearable
  • hearable
  • hearablely
  • hearables
  • hearables
  • heard
  • heard
  • heard
  • heard
  • heard
  • Heard & McDonald Islands
  • heard ’em all
  • heard (of) such a thing

услышать, слышать, слушать, заслушивать, выслушивать, узнавать, услыхать, внимать


- слышать, услышать

to hear a loud sound — услышать громкий звук
there was nothing to be heard — ничего не было слышно
I heard him laugh /laughing/ — я слышал, как он смеялся
I heard my name mentioned — я слышал, как назвали моё имя
I cannot hear myself speak — (так шумно, что) я не слышу собственного голоса
he that hath ears to hear, let him hear — библ. имеющий уши да услышит

- слышать, обладать слухом

she can’t hear very well — она не очень хорошо слышит

- слушать, внимать

to hear a famous singer [violinist] — слушать знаменитого певца [скрипача]

- слушать регулярно, быть регулярным слушателем (радиопередач, лекций, проповедей и т. п.)

to hear a course of lectures — слушать курс лекций

- школ. спрашивать

to hear a lesson — спрашивать задание /урок/
to hear a pupil his lesson — спрашивать урок у ученика

- заслушать официально или публично; выслушать (делегацию, свидетеля и т. п.)

to hear a deputation — принять /выслушать/ делегацию

- юр. слушать, разбирать дело (на судебном заседании)

the case was heard last week — дело слушалось на прошлой неделе

- услышать, узнать

- (from) получать известие, сообщение

how often do you hear from your brother? — как часто пишет вам ваш брат /вы получаете известия от своего брата?/
let me hear from you — напиши мне; дай мне знать о себе
we hear regularly from one another — мы регулярно переписываемся
he has not been heard of since — с тех пор о нём ни слуху ни духу
we hear from our representative — офиц. наш представитель сообщает нам
hoping to hear from you — канц. в ожидании вашего письма /ответа/

- согласиться на (что-л.); внять (чьим-л. просьбам и т. п.)

Мои примеры


the unadulterated nonsense that you sometimes hear from political pundits on TV — чистейшая бессмыслица, которую мы иногда слышим от политических экспертов по телевизору  
to hear / try a case — заслушивать судебное дело  
to hear all the chit-chat and gossip — выслушать все слухи и пересуды  
ability to hear — способность слышать  
to hear the demurrer’s reasons — выслушивать аргументы того, кто сомневается  
glad to hear it — рад это слышать  
to hear mass — посещать обедню  
to hear witnesses — заслушивать свидетелей  
you’ll hear of it — вам за это попадёт  
to hear testimony — слушать, заслушивать свидетельские показания  
to hear smth. from smb.’s lips — услышать что-л. из чьих-л. уст  

Примеры с переводом

Speak up, we can’t hear you.

Говорите громче, мы вас не слышим.

Can you hear me?

Ты меня слышишь?

Do you hear that music?

Слышишь эту музыку?

He is dull of hearing.

Он плохо слышит.

I hear the baby crying.

Я слышу, что малыш плачет.

Hear! Hear!

Правильно! Правильно! (возглас, выражающий согласие с выступающим)

We wouldn’t hear of it.

Мы об этом и слушать не хотим.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…didn’t stick around to hear the gruesome details of the car accident…

She had two weeks to sit it out while she waited to hear if she had got the job.

…in his narcissism, he just assumed that everyone else wanted to hear the tiny details of his day…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hear out — выслушать, давать высказаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

hearer  — слушатель
hearing  — слушание, слух, разбирательство, слышащий
hearth  — очаг, камин, домашний очаг, под, горнило, топка, под печи, каменная плита под очагом
hearty  — сердечный, обильный, искренний, здоровый, крепкий парень, моряк
mishear  — ослышаться
overhear  — подслушивать, нечаянно услышать
rehear  — вновь слышать, слушать вторично
hearable  — слышимый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hear
he/she/it: hears
ing ф. (present participle): hearing
2-я ф. (past tense): heard
3-я ф. (past participle): heard

Other forms: heard; hearing; hears

When you hear, you perceive a noise made by someone or something — like a person’s voice, the song of a bird, or the torturous sound of a ticking clock on a sleepless night.

While hear generally means to perceive a noise, it has several senses, including to listen carefully, as to a story. If you hear from someone, they have contacted you in some way, such as by phone call, email, or even snail mail. A judge will also hear a case when she presides over a trial. And when you hear the news, you’ve gotten information or found something out. But you didn’t hear it from me.

Definitions of hear

  1. verb

    perceive (sound) via the auditory sense

  2. verb

    receive a communication from someone

    heard nothing from our son for five years”

  3. verb

    get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

  4. verb

    listen and pay attention

    “We must
    hear the expert before we make a decision”


    listen, take heed

  5. verb

    examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process

    “The jury had
    heard all the evidence”



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transitive verb


: to perceive or become aware of by the ear

didn’t hear what she said

thought I heard them leave



: to listen to with attention : heed

would not hear my side of the story




: to give a listening to legal arguments in : to give a legal hearing to



: to take testimony from

intransitive verb


: to have the capacity of perceiving sound : to be able to become aware of sound



: to gain information : learn

tired of hearing about his problems


: to receive communication

haven’t heard from her lately


: to entertain the idea

used in the negative


often used in the expression Hear! Hear! to express approval (as during a speech)


Example Sentences

Do you hear that music?

I couldn’t hear a word of what he said over all that noise.

I thought I heard him leave.

Would you turn the volume up a little? I can’t hear.

I heard her in concert a few years ago.

Have you ever heard Wagner sung in English?

The committee will hear witnesses today.

I hear he’s leaving town.

I don’t know what happened. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.

I’ve heard it said that smoking is bad for your health.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Then, get ready to hear some screams as the ice water hits them.

Leah Campano, Seventeen, 8 Apr. 2023

To hear Newton Howard tell it, that concept of transformation, of humans and machines creating new possibilities together, is what compelled him to commission two giant Transformers statues and place them in front of his Georgetown home.

Theresa Vargas, Washington Post, 8 Apr. 2023

McGarey listens to the cues from her dreams, such as that little girl climbing up the mango tree, in hopes of her tune landing on the ears of someone who needs to hear it—much like her own message about aging and finding joy.

Alexa Mikhail, Fortune Well, 8 Apr. 2023

To hear more from two home-schooling moms, click here.

Megan Myers, Fox News, 8 Apr. 2023

The idea, Powell Jobs told the Washington Post, was to allow readers to hear from Jobs himself.

Morgan Hines, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that was put on its emergency docket, allowing a 12-year-old trans girl, Becky Pepper-Jackson, to continue to participate on a girls’ track and field team.

L’oreal Thompson Payton, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

Put simply, this exuberant LP is the ode to queerness that so many need to hear right now.

Stephen Daw, Billboard, 7 Apr. 2023

Approximately 200 football coaches will be at UO this weekend to hear from Dan Lanning and his staff as well as Los Angeles Chargers coach Brandon Staley and offensive coordinator Kellen Moore, Kansas City defensive line coach Joe Cullen and Dallas Cowboys special teams coordinator John Fassel.

oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘hear.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English heren, from Old English hīeran; akin to Old High German hōren to hear, and probably to Latin cavēre to be on guard, Greek akouein to hear

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of hear was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near hear

Cite this Entry

“Hear.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hear. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on hear

Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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