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Word Of The Day

lingua franca

A region usually adopts a lingua franca, or common language, when its inhabitants speak many different languages or dialects.

When people hear the term lingua franca, they often think of English. Although there are millions of people worldwide who don’t speak English, it has still become the lingua franca of many regions and areas of communication. One example is aviation — for airline pilots around the world, English is the lingua franca. The term means «Frankish tongue» in Italian, a reference to the original, 11th-century lingua franca, a mixture of Italian, French, Turkish, and other Mediterranean languages.

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Commonly Confused Words
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A comprehensive guide to correct word choice

allusion / illusion / delusion

Novelists, magicians, and other tricksters keep these words busy. Novelists love an allusion, an indirect reference to something like a secret treasure for the reader to find; magicians heart illusions, or fanciful fake-outs; but tricksters suffer from delusions, ideas that have no basis in reality.

read more >

predominate / predominant

If you win an election by a 3:1 margin, are you the predominant winner or the predominate winner?

read more >

discreet / discrete

Discreet means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but discrete means individual or detached. They come from the same ultimate source, the Latin discrētus, for separated or distinct, but discreet has taken its own advice and quietly gone its separate way.

read more >

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1.fascism 1.RSVP
2.RSVP 2.for
3.for 3.fascism
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5.c/o 5.a
6.a 6.c/o
7.zesty 7.zesty
8.R.I.P. 8.NB
9.stereotype 9.stereotype
10.feedback 10.feedback

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Where can I search for words using descriptive sentences? For example, now I’m looking for a word meaning «to purify (by hand) a quantity of grain and take away anything that isn’t good grain.»

How could I get words like that? I know it in my first-language, but I don’t have a classic version of it to use in automatic translators.

Maybe a search engine that uses content words from my description and offers words that could mean the same with their dictionary definitions. Nothing I’d tried in (translate.)google.com gave me the desired result.


An example dictionary that I use is (Oxford’s Word-Power Dictionary). It’s not for the purpose of the question but for clarification.

Oxford’s has a 3,000 word list of ‘bare-bone-essentials.’ It contains the most-used words in English and all of the grammatical operators. Ideally, these are the words necessary for a learner to use an English-English dictionary such as Oxford’s. The descriptions of words in Oxford’s rely on this list for definitions.

An electronic (web-based) dictionary for word-meaning-search should have a larger list (maybe 10,000) and use a thesaurus to down-level difficult words a user may use in the search then, using all content words in the search phrase, present a list of words whose definitions seem appropriate. Another regular dictionary may be used from there.

  • Example:

    Search query: «to use hands to purify a quantity of grain taking away anything that isn’t good grain.»

    Content Words: «use-hands; purify; quantity-of-grain; taking-away; anything; isn’t; good-grain»

    Filtered: «use-hands; clean; quantity-of-seeds; take-away;anything; not-good-grain»

    Words: «1; 2; 3; 4» that use the content words to varying degrees.

And that’s a five minutes’ work!

PS. Sorry about the delay; connection problems…

How do I use OneLook’s thesaurus / reverse dictionary?

OneLook lets you find any kind of word for any kind of writing.
Like a traditional thesaurus, you
can use it to find synonyms and antonyms, but it’s far more flexible.
Describe what you’re looking for with a single word, a few words,
or even a whole sentence. Type in your description and hit
Enter (or select a word that shows up in the autocomplete preview)
to see the related words.
You can order, filter, and explore the
words that come back in a variety of creative ways.

Here’s a video which
goes over some of the basics.

What are some examples?

Exploring the results

Click on any result to see definitions and usage examples tailored to your search,
as well as links to follow-up searches and additional usage information when available.
OneLook knows about more than 2 million different
words and expressions covering every topic under the sun.
Try exploring a favorite topic for a while and you’ll be surprised
how much new stuff there is to learn!

Ordering the results

Your results will initially appear with the most closely related word shown first,
the second-most closely shown second, and so on.
You can re-order the results in a variety of different ways, including
alphabetically, by length, by popularity, by modernness, by formality, and by other
aspects of style. Click the
box that says «Closest meaning first…» to see them all.
(Here’s a short video about sorting and filtering
with OneLook Thesaurus.)

Filtering the results

You can refine your search by clicking on the «Advanced filters» button
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a certain starting letter, number of letters, number of syllables, related
concept, meter, vowel sound, or number of syllables.
Read more details on filters if you’re interested in how they work.

I’m only looking for synonyms! What’s with all of these weird results?

For some kinds of searches only the
first result or the first few results are truly synonyms
or good substitutions for your search word.
We highlight these results in yellow.
Beyond that, the results are meant to inspire you to consider similar words and adjacent
concepts. Not all of the results will make sense at first, but they’re all
connected with your search in some way. We’d rather give you too many options than
too few. If you’re unsure of a word, we urge you to click on
it to check its definitions and usage examples before using it in your Oscars
acceptance speech or honors thesis.

What are letter patterns?

If you know some letters in the word you’re looking for, you can enter a pattern instead of, or in addition to, a description. Here are how
patterns work:

  • The asterisk (*) matches any number of letters.
    That means that you can use it as a placeholder for any part of a word or phrase.
    For example, if you enter blueb* you’ll get all the terms that start with «blueb»; if you enter
    you’ll get all the terms that end with «bird»; if you enter
    you’ll get all the terms that contain the sequence «lueb»,
    and so forth. An asterisk can match zero letters, too.

  • The question mark (?) matches exactly one letter.
    That means that you can use it as a placeholder for a single letter
    or symbol. The query l?b?n?n, 
    for example, will find the word «Lebanon».

  • The number-sign (#) matches any English consonant.
    For example, the query tra#t finds the word «tract» but not «trait».

  • The at-sign (@) matches any English vowel (including «y»).
    For example, the query abo@t finds the word «about» but not «abort».

  • NEW! The comma (,) lets you combine multiple patterns into one.
    For example, the query ?????,*y* finds 5-letter words
    that contain a «y» somewhere, such as «happy» and «rhyme».

  • NEW! Use double-slashes (//) before
    a group of letters to unscramble them (that is, find anagrams.)
    For example, the query //soulbeat will find «absolute»
    and «bales out»,
    and re//teeprsn will find «represent» and «repenters».
    You can use another double-slash to end the group and put letters you’re sure of to the
    right of it. For example, the query //blabrcs//e will find «scrabble».
    Question marks can signify unknown letters as usual; for example, //we???
    returns 5-letter words that contain a W and an E, such as «water» and «awake».

  • NEW! A minus sign () followed by some letters at the end of a pattern means «exclude these letters». For example, the query sp???-ei finds 5-letter words that start with «sp» but do not contain an «e»or an «i», such as «spoon» and «spray».

  • NEW! A plus sign (+) followed by some letters at the end of a pattern means «restrict to these letters». For example, the query *+ban finds «banana».

  • On OneLook’s main search or directly on OneLook Thesaurus, you can combine patterns and thesaurus lookups
    by putting a colon (:) after a pattern and then typing
    a description of the word, as in
    ??lon:synthetic fabric and the other examples above.

Other ways to access this service:

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  • If you use Google Docs, the thesaurus is integrated into the free OneLook Thesaurus Google Docs Add-On as the «Synonyms» button. (Wildcard patterns are not yet suppoerted by this add-on.)
  • If you regularly use the main OneLook site, you can put colon (:) into any OneLook search box,
    followed by a description, to go directly to the thesaurus.
  • If you’re a developer, the Datamuse API gives you access to the core features of this site.

Is this available in any language other than English?

The same interface is now available in Spanish at OneLook Tesauro
as a beta version. More languages are coming!

How does it work?

We use a souped-up version of our own Datamuse API,
which in turn uses several lingustic resources described in the «Data sources» section
on that page. The definitions come from Wiktionary,
Wikipedia, and WordNet.
Here are some known problems
with the current system.

Much gratitude to Gultchin et al for the algorithm behind the «Most funny-sounding» sort order.

Profanity and problematic word associations

If you’re using this site with children, be forewarned you’ll
find profanity and other vulgar expressions if you use OneLook frequently.
(We take an unflinching look at how words have actually been used; scrubbing out
hurtful wordswould be a disservice to everyone.)

Some of the thesaurus results come from a statistical analysis of the
words in a large collection of books written in the past two
centuries. A handful of times we’ve found that this analysis can lead
us to suggest word associations that reflect racist or harmful
stereotypes present in this source material. If you see one of these,
please know that we do not endorse what the word association implies.
In egregious cases we will remove it from the site if you
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No personally identifying information is ever collected on this site
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Who’s behind this site and where can I send my comments and complaints feedback?

OneLook is a service of Datamuse.
You can send us feedback here.

The sunburst logo (🔆) is the emoji symbol for «high
brightness», which we aspire to create with OneLook. (The
graphic came from the open-source Twemoji

Get clear definitions and audio pronunciations of words, phrases, and idioms in British and American English from the three most popular Cambridge dictionaries of English with just one search: the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, and the Cambridge Business English Dictionary.

Browse the English Dictionary

Or, browse the Cambridge Dictionary index

Key features

The Cambridge English Dictionary is based on original research on the unique Cambridge English Corpus, and includes all the words at CEFR levels A1–C2 in the English Vocabulary Profile. It’s ideal for anyone preparing for advanced-level Cambridge Exams or IELTS.

Get clear, simple definitions from the British, American, and Business dictionaries with just one search!

Hear the words spoken in British and American English

Thousands of real examples show how words are used

Guidewords take you to the exact meaning you are looking for

The Smart Vocabulary helps you expand your vocabulary with related words and phrases

Ideal for intermediate to advanced learners of English (CEFR levels A2–C2)

Based on the Cambridge English Corpus — a database of over 2 billion words


The dictionaries that you can search together as English on this Cambridge Dictionary website are:

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 4th Edition

Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary

Cambridge Business English Dictionary

Word of the Day



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the main offices of an organization such as the army, the police, or a business company

About this

  • 1
    the meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the meaning of a word

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    determine the meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > determine the meaning of a word

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    explain the meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > explain the meaning of a word

  • 4
    make out the meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make out the meaning of a word

  • 5
    strain the meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > strain the meaning of a word

  • 6
    the example helps to bring out the meaning of the word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the example helps to bring out the meaning of the word

  • 7
    the secondary meaning of a word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the secondary meaning of a word

  • 8
    (the) secondary meaning of a word

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) secondary meaning of a word

  • 9
    to learn the meaning of the word

    узнать (менять/изменять) значение слова

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to learn the meaning of the word

  • 10
    get at the meaning

    English-Russian base dictionary > get at the meaning

  • 11
    example helps to bring out the meaning of the word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > example helps to bring out the meaning of the word

  • 12
    obscure the meaning of the word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > obscure the meaning of the word

  • 13
    play upon the meaning of the word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play upon the meaning of the word

  • 14
    to look up the meaning of the word

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to look up the meaning of the word

  • 15

    1. n часто речь, разговор, слова

    2. n размолвка, ссора

    high words — разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор

    3. n замечание, совет

    4. n тк. вести; известие, сообщение

    5. n тк. обещание, заверение

    6. n рекомендация, совет

    7. n тк. приказ, приказание

    8. n пароль, пропуск

    пословица, поговорка

    9. n слух, молва

    10. n рел. Слово господне

    11. n рел. Слово, бог-слово, Христос

    12. n рел. муз. театр. текст, слова; либретто; текст

    control word — управляющее слово; командное слово; команда

    13. n вчт. код; кодовая группа; группа символов

    symbol word — слово обозначающее символ; название символа

    14. n вчт. биол. кодовое слово

    in a word — одним словом, короче говоря

    in the words of … — говоря словами такого-то …

    on the word — как только было сказано; без промедления; тут же, сейчас же

    15. v выражать словами; подбирать слова, выражения; формулировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. expression (noun) affirmation; assertion; asseveration; comment; declaration; designation; expression; locution; remark; statement; term; utterance; vocable

    4. order (noun) behest; bidding; charge; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; injunction; instruction; mandate; order

    5. password (noun) catchword; countersign; password; shibboleth; signal; watchword

    6. pledge (noun) assurance; commitment; guarantee; pledge; warrant

    8. report (noun) account; advice; buzz; communication; cry; gossip; grapevine; hearsay; information; intelligence; message; murmur; news; on-dit; report; rumble; rumor; rumour; scuttlebutt; speerings; talk; tattle; tidings; tittle-tattle; whispering

    10. express (verb) couch; express; formulate; phrase; put; style; voice

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > word

  • 16

    1. n значение; смысл

    2. n арх. намерение, цель, замысел

    3. a значительный; выразительный

    4. a имеющий намерение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. meaningful (adj.) expressive; knowing; meaningful; poignant; pointed; significant

    2. acceptation (noun) acceptation; definition; denotation; gist; idea; import; intent; interpretation; message; point; purport; sense; significance; significancy; signification; sum and substance; understanding; value

    3. end (noun) aim; animus; design; end; goal; intendment; intent; intention; object; objective; plan; purpose; target; view

    4. adding up to (verb) adding up to; connoting; counting; denoting; expressing; importing; intending; mattering; signifying; spelling; weighing

    5. meaning (verb) aiming; contemplating; designing; intending; meaning; planning; projecting; proposing; purposing

    English-Russian base dictionary > meaning

  • 17

    1. [ʹmi:nıŋ]

    1. значение; смысл

    a word with six meanings — слово, имеющее шесть значений

    double meaning — двоякое значение; двусмысленность

    what is the meaning of all this? — что всё это значит?

    to understand smb.’s meaning — понять, что кто-л. хочет сказать

    their conversation had not the remotest meaning for him — он совершенно не понимал, о чём они говорят

    there is a central core of meaning in every novel — в каждом романе имеется центральная тема


    намерение, цель, замысел

    2. [ʹmi:nıŋ]

    1. (много)значительный; выразительный

    meaning look — многозначительный /выразительный/ взгляд

    2. имеющий намерение

    НБАРС > meaning

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > word

  • 19



    значение, смысл

    The word has many meanings. — У этого слова много значений

    — learn the meaning of the word
    — illustrate the meaning of the phrase
    — look up the meaning of the word
    — know the meaning of smth

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > meaning

  • 20

    1. сущ. значение;
    смысл to misconstrue a meaning ≈ неправильно понимать accepted meaning ≈ общепринятое понимание clear meaning ≈ ясное/понятное значение in the accepted meaning of the word ≈ в обычном значении слова with meaning ≈ многозначительно basic meaning ≈ основное значение connotative meaning ≈ коннотативное значение, коннотация equivocal meaning ≈ двусмысленность figurative meaning ≈ образное, переносное, метафорическое значение literal meaning ≈ буквальное, прямое значение obscure meaning ≈ темное, неясное значение grammatical meaning ≈ грамматическое значение lexical meaning ≈ лексическое значение referential meaning ≈ референциальное значение Syn: implication, import, sense, significance, signification, purport, respect
    2. прил.
    1) значащий;
    (много) значительный;
    выразительный Syn: significant, expressive
    2) имеющий цель, намерение
    значение, смысл — the * of a word значение слова — a word with six *s слово, имеющее шесть значений — multiple * многозначность — double * двоякое значение;
    двусмысленность — what is the * of all this? что все это значит? — to understand smb.’s * понять, что кто-л. хочет сказать — their conversation had not the removest * for him он совершенно не понимал, о чем они говорят — you haven’t got my * вы меня не поняли — with * многозначительно — full of * многозначительный — there is a central core of * in every novel в каждом романе имеется центральная тема( устаревшее) намерение, замысел( много) значительный;
    выразительный — * look многозначительный /выразительный/ взгляд имеющий намерение
    double ~ двоякое значение double ~ двусмысленность
    meaning pres. p. от mean ~ выразительный ~ значащий;
    (много) значительный;
    выразительный ~ значащий, выразительный ~ значение;
    with meaning многозначительно ~ значение, смысл ~ вчт. значение ~ значение ~ многозначительный ~ смысл
    procedural ~ вчт. процедурная семантика
    ~ значение;
    with meaning многозначительно

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > meaning

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • The Meaning of Liff —   …   Wikipedia

    • The meaning of Wallington — The meaning of WallingtonWallington, a common English place and family name, has two main known meanings coming from two different time periods, one is from the anglo saxon invasion of Albion and the Norman conquest of England.Anglo saxon… …   Wikipedia

    • The Meaning of Meaning — Although the original text was published in 1923 it has been used as a textbook in many fields including linguistics, philosophy, language, cognitive science and most recently semantics. The book has been in print continuously since 1923. The… …   Wikipedia

    • Meaning (philosophy of language) — The nature of meaning, its definition, elements, and types, was discussed by philosophers Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. According to them meaning is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they mean (intend …   Wikipedia

    • not know the meaning of the word — (not) know the meaning of the word if you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone does not know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or they have no experience of that activity. Work? He… …   New idioms dictionary

    • know the meaning of the word — (not) know the meaning of the word if you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone does not know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or they have no experience of that activity. Work? He… …   New idioms dictionary

    • not know the meaning of the word — informal behave as if unaware of the concept referred to or implied Humanity? You don t know the meaning of the word! * * * not know the meaning of (the word) see ↑meaning • • • Main Entry: ↑know …   Useful english dictionary

    • know the meaning of something — know/not know/the meaning of something informal phrase used for emphasizing how much or how little you understand something Hungry? You don’t know the meaning of hunger. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you know, understand or agreesynonym ways of… …   Useful english dictionary

    • know the meaning of — (something) : to understand (something) because you have experienced it I know the meaning of loneliness. [=I know what it is like to be lonely] often used in negative statements Those people don t know the meaning of hard work. often used in an… …   Useful english dictionary

    • Midnight and the Meaning of Love —   …   Wikipedia

    • not know the meaning of — (the word) see ↑meaning • • • Main Entry: ↑know …   Useful english dictionary

    Find out the meaning of these words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the words with the opposite meaning.

    unfriendly − friendly

    unwell − _

    untidy − _

    informal − _

    unlucky − _

    unpleasant − _

    impolite − _

    unknown − _

    independent − _

    unlike − _

    to unzip − to _

    to undo − to _


    Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. Describing the Family. Номер №31


    Перевод задания
    Узнай значение этих слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем. Произнесите слова с противоположным значением.
    недружелюбный − дружелюбный
    плохо − _
    неопрятный − _
    неформальный − _
    неудачливый − _
    неприятный − _
    невежливый − _
    неизвестный − _
    независимый − _
    не похожий − _
    распаковать − _
    отменить − _


    unfriendly − friendly

    unwell − well

    untidy − tidy

    informal − formal

    unlucky − lucky

    unpleasant − pleasant

    impolite − polite

    unknown − known

    independent − dependent

    unlike − like

    to unzip − to zip

    to undo − to do

    Перевод ответа
    недружелюбный − дружелюбный
    плохо − хорошо
    неопрятный − опрятный
    неформальный − формальный
    неудачливый − удачливый
    неприятный − приятный
    невежливый − вежливый
    неизвестный − известный
    независимый − зависимый
    не похожий − похожий
    распаковать − упаковать
    отменить − сделать

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