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Dementia sufferers often struggle to remember recent events, follow conversations or find the right word for something.

Симптомы заболевания легко обнаружить: больные часто изо всех сил пытаются вспомнить недавние события, внимательно следить за разговорами или найти правильное слово для чего-то.

Struggling to find the right word in a conversation or forgetting of someone’s name.

It might take longer to find the right word for something, or to recall where you put your glasses.

Вам может потребоваться больше времени, чтобы подобрать нужное слово или вспомнить, куда вы положили очки.

I can not find the right word or afraid to make mistakes.

The pause may be needed in order to find the right word, remember something temporarily forgotten, or repair a mistake.

Вероятнее всего, um используется в целях создания необходимой паузы для того, чтобы найти нужное слово, вспомнить забытую информацию или исправить ошибку.

We made polite conversation for a few minutes with Pepito, whose English was perfect, occasionally helping his father to find the right word.

Нам дали несколько минут для разговора в присутствии Пепито, который прекрасно говорил по-английски, время от времени помогая отцу найти нужное слово.

It would seem that all for whom Russian is the native language, know how to find the right word.

Казалось бы, все, для кого русский язык является родным, знают, как правильно подобрать нужное слово.

For example, a person can not find the right word, the correct answer to a question, is experiencing difficulties due to the temporary loss of memory of recent events.

Например, человек не может найти нужное слово, правильный ответ на вопрос, испытывает трудности из-за временной потери памяти о недавних событиях.

It is useless to embark on text-only therapy if the therapist struggles to find the right word to express him or herself or relies on the computer’s thesaurus when writing a letter.

Бесполезно использовать только текстовую терапию, если врач изо всех сил пытается найти правильное слово для выражения своей мысли или полагается на тезаурус компьютера при письме.

Aphasia — violated the understanding of lexical and grammatical structures of the language — the man in the minds of or did not understand addressed to him speech, or he could not properly construct a sentence or find the right word.

Афазия — нарушено понимание лексических и грамматических конструкций языка — человек в сознании либо не понимает обращенную к нему речь, либо сам не может правильно построить фразу или подобрать нужное слово.

I use the word ‘intelligence’ because it’s hard to find the right word to describe that which is very clever, but lacks the ability to feel love or compassion; and is often ruthless without ever showing emotion.

Я использую слово «интеллект», потому что трудно найти правильное слово, чтобы описать то, что очень умно, но испытывает недостаток в способности чувствовать любовь или сострадание; и часто безжалостно, не проявляя эмоций.

«I feel very, very-I’m trying to find the right word,» Dinklage said.

Other symptoms can include difficulties with thinking and problem-solving, changes to behaviour, mood and personality, becoming lost in familiar places or being unable to find the right word in a conversation

Другие симптомы могут включать изменения в поведении, настроении и личности, потерянность в знакомых местах или неспособность найти правильное слово в разговоре.

The person may lose items around the house, struggle to find the right word in a conversation or forget someone’s name, forget about recent conversations or events, get lost in a familiar place or on a familiar journey, forget appointments or anniversaries, etc.

Человек может изо всех сил пытаться найти правильное слово в разговоре, потерять что-то в доме или забыть чье-то имя, заблудиться в знакомом месте или забыть о последних разговорах или событиях, забыть о встречах или юбилеях и т. д…

Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word.

One’s searching for something and can’t find the right word.

I could never find the right word for how he feels to be with.

Sometimes she struggles to find the right word.

It’s never been easier to find the right word.

Was he… she pauses to find the right word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 49. Точных совпадений: 49. Затраченное время: 237 мс


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Word Of The Day

lingua franca

A region usually adopts a lingua franca, or common language, when its inhabitants speak many different languages or dialects.

When people hear the term lingua franca, they often think of English. Although there are millions of people worldwide who don’t speak English, it has still become the lingua franca of many regions and areas of communication. One example is aviation — for airline pilots around the world, English is the lingua franca. The term means «Frankish tongue» in Italian, a reference to the original, 11th-century lingua franca, a mixture of Italian, French, Turkish, and other Mediterranean languages.

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Commonly Confused Words
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A comprehensive guide to correct word choice

allusion / illusion / delusion

Novelists, magicians, and other tricksters keep these words busy. Novelists love an allusion, an indirect reference to something like a secret treasure for the reader to find; magicians heart illusions, or fanciful fake-outs; but tricksters suffer from delusions, ideas that have no basis in reality.

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predominate / predominant

If you win an election by a 3:1 margin, are you the predominant winner or the predominate winner?

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discreet / discrete

Discreet means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but discrete means individual or detached. They come from the same ultimate source, the Latin discrētus, for separated or distinct, but discreet has taken its own advice and quietly gone its separate way.

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Finally, a dictionary with a soul

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find the right words — перевод на русский

Let’s just say I’m here to help you find the right words.

Лучше сказать, что я помогу вам найти нужные слова.

How do I find the right words to get through to him?

Где мне найти нужные слова чтобы достучаться до него?

And I’m sorry, I can’t find the right words.

И мне жаль. Я не могу найти нужные слова.

If only I’d had a speech writer to help me find the right words to say.

Жаль, что нет человека, способного помочь мне найти нужные слова.

We’ll hire a PR firm, using a focus group to find the right words.

Мы наймём пиарщиков, используем фокус-группу, чтобы найти нужные слова.

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I tried hard to find the right words.

Я очень старался найти правильные слова.

The shotgun would ignite, and Ella Mae would scream but Robert Ford would only lay on the floor and look at the ceiling the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.

Выстрел прогремел, и Элла Мэй закричала но Роберт Форд лишь опустился на пол и смотрел в потолок и свет померк в его глазах раньше, чем он смог найти правильные слова.

I need you to help me find the right words.

Помоги найти правильные слова.

I’ve been trying to find the right words.

Я хотела найти правильные слова.

Unless we can find the right words, to explain to them. But….

Если мы не найдем правильные слова, чтобы им объяснить.

Показать ещё примеры для «найти правильные слова»…

I mean… it’s so hard to find the right words.

Я хочу сказать — очень трудно найти верные слова.

It’s important to find the right words.

Важно найти верные слова.

Maybe she’s still trying to find the right words.

Может, она всё ещё пытается найти верные слова.

I think you were afraid of not finding the right word.

Потому что вы боитесь не найти верное слово. Вот вам объяснение.

How can one be sure of having found the right word?

Как же можно быть уверенным, что нашел верное слово?

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The English Dictionary

WordReference is proud to offer three monolingual English dictionaries from two of the world’s most respected publishers—the WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English, the WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English, and the Collins Concise English Dictionary. These prestigious dictionaries contain more than 259409 words and phrases.

In addition, we offer an English verb conjugator, comprehensive collections of synonyms and collocations, and an active English Only forum. If you still cannot find a term, you can ask or search in this forum, where native English speakers from around the world love to assist others in their understanding of the English language.

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I know Ligonio, specially when you say something and can’t find the right word.- I know you understand.

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© 2008 Manuel M. Ramos CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

© 2008 Manuel M. Ramos CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Because I’m a writer, when one of my friends can’t think of the right word for what they’re trying to say, they turn to me. “You’re a writer. What’s the word I’m looking for?”

Hell if I know. What do I look like? A dictionary?

God’s honest truth: as a writer, I can never find the right word. This may surprise you. I know it surprises many of my friends. Well, you’d think I would know the right word for each job, judging from my writing skill. But in reality, my vocabulary sucks. I usually know the right word exists. I know I’ve heard it before, or read it before. It’s on the tip of my tongue. But I simply can’t think of what it is.

This is as true of English as it is of other languages that I (almost) know. I usually have little trouble with grammar, even in foreign languages, because grammar is based on a relatively small number of general rules that apply to most words and phrases and sentences, with only a few exceptions. But vocabulary, that’s 228,132 exceptions (and no real rules at all).

No wonder I never write unless I have a thesaurus on hand.

Well, that’s not completely true. When you write your first draft, you should rarely (if ever) go to a thesaurus, because you want to get your ideas out onto the page as quickly as you can. You think much faster than you can speak or type, so you want to get those thoughts flowing and then let them spill out as smoothly as possible. So you pick the first word or phrase that comes to mind, no matter how stupid it sounds, knowing that you’ll be going back and fixing it later (if you even decide to keep it).

It’s during the “later,” during the editing process, that a thesaurus really comes in handy. Because that’s when you rearrange your writing, compact your sentences, put your thoughts in a better order, and choose stronger words and phrases with which to express them.

Here are 7 online tools that I’ve used, and how you can use them to help you find the right word.

But first, a word of warning. You want to be careful not to use these tools to dig up flowery or obscure words that ought to remain buried. Your goal is to say what you want to say in the strongest, most concise form possible. So you want to find strong, specific verbs and nouns, and you want to use strong, specific imagery. Your goal is to paint a picture, not to sound like you have your nose constantly tilted up into the air. So use these tools wisely, to find the right word for the job.

  1. Thesaurus.reference.com has a good online dictionary and thesaurus. (I usually use the built-in Dictionary application on my Mac, though, because it’s readily available and does the job.) You usually know or have already chosen a word close to the one you want to use, and for these instances, a simple thesaurus may be the best tool. So you type that word into the thesaurus and look at the listed synonyms. For any synonym that’s closer to what you want to say, you look up that word also in the thesaurus, and repeat. This way, you construct a list of words that are along the lines of what you want, zeroing in closer and closer to the right word for the job.

  2. The OneLook reverse dictionary lets you look up words by their definition. This is also an invaluable tool, which I always seem to be going back to. When you know what the right word means, but you can’t think of a related word, type in the definition into the reverse dictionary, and it will show you a list of words that are related to the concept you’ve expressed.

  3. RhymeZone’s related-words search finds words that are semantically related to a word or phrase that you type in. This can be useful if you don’t have a feel for the word you want, but you know you need something better than what you already have. The related-word search allows you to start with a word or concept and go to other words using specific semantic relationships, such as synonym/antonym, more-general/more-specific, part-of/contains, used in the same context, or defined-by.

  4. Lexical FreeNet (lexfn.com) also looks up related words, based on a number of semantic relationships. It includes biographical relationships. (So you can go from “George Washington” to “commander-in-chief,” for example, or to “Benedict Arnold.”) And it also includes rhyming and anagram relationships, which you can’t disable (or at least the “disable” feature has never worked for me). Lexfn shows all the related words in a long list, by relationship, and allows you to navigate easily from one to the next.

    Lexfn can also search for double relationships. That is, it can connect two words together, in two ways: (1) by finding the “connection” paths between two words, linking one word to the next to the next in order to get from one end to the other, showing each path and all the words along it; (2) by finding the “intersection” of two words, all the words related to both within some number of links, listed in a long list. These features can be useful if you want to find a word that’s related in meaning to both of two different concepts.

  5. The Historical Dictionary of American Slang at alphaDictionary.com searches for slang terms by meaning, with limits for whatever time period you’re interested in. This of course would be useful if you want to find a vernacular term or phrase used in a particular time period in American history.

  6. The alphaDictionary site also has a a list of dictionaries of technical terms organized by field or profession. Such terms usually pop up during research, into whatever field I’m writing about. And when you need to know what a specific word or phrase means in the context of a certain specialty, you need a specialty dictionary or glossary.

  7. The American Sandbox Dictionary of Children’s Mispronounced Words can help you with ideas for your younger characters. An online lexicon is “coming soon,” as they say. But for now, they you can search the site using Google, and it’s fun to subscribe to the RSS feed to find out what pluk, smokinatroll, and blockmustard are. Out of the mouths of babes comes funny! Useful for generating ideas for endearing sayings for your children characters.

Again, you don’t want to write from a thesaurus, neither before nor after your first draft. But if you’re like me and just can’t think of the word you know you want to use, tools like this can be invaluable.

Keep writing!

You’re probably familiar with Antidote’s resources, but are you getting the most out of them? In the second of our new series of articles, “Find the Right Word,” we introduce you to the dictionary of combinations. Although sometimes overlooked, this tool is a firm favourite with those in the know. Read on to find out why.

SERIES — Find the Right Word
  1. With Synonyms
  2. With Combinations
  3. With Search by Criteria
  4. With Rhymes

What is a Combination?

In linguistics, combinations are pairs or small groups of words that frequently occur together in the corpus. More specifically, they reflect the usual or preferred association between two words, such as in the expressions solid gold, flatly refuse or conduct research.

The word combination comes from the Latin combinare, “to join two things together.” We can therefore describe them as words that commonly appear side by side.

Antidote’s Dictionary of Combinations

Our dictionary of combinations gives all the most significant lexical combinations of a word—that is, the combinations with a strong, frequent and spontaneous association in the language. They are grouped by the headword’s various meanings, if applicable, then by syntactic context (with adjective, with noun adjunct, with possessive etc.) and finally by the strength of the combination. The dictionary includes a total of 700,000 combinations, all accompanied by example sentences.

Hover over the numbered bullet points to explore the dictionary’s interface, which is shown here in Antidote Web.

Our Tricks for Fast, Effective Writing with Combinations

Choose the Most Frequent Form.

To make your message as clear as possible, or simply to avoid headaches, you might sometimes want to find the most common usage. That’s easy! This combination is shown at the top of the list. For example, we run an errand more than we do an errand, even though both are correct and synonymous.

Avoid Incorrect Usage.

Gallicisms and other examples of incorrect usage are common in spoken language, so you might find yourself in doubt when it comes to writing them. For example, do we respect the guidelines or follow the guidelines? Instead of searching for the definitions of each verb in turn, simply type guidelines into the dictionary of combinations. Only the correct version is displayed!

Do we say forge a document or fake a document? In this case, the answer isn’t immediately visible. Go to the bottom of the window and type a few letters into the text filter. All you need is “forg” or “fak” to find the answer!

You can also use the combinations to find the correct preposition. Sometimes it’s the smallest words that catch us out! So, do we cater to or cater for all your linguistic needs?

Avoid Commonplace Verbs.

The Antidote corrector underlines commonplace verbs (Style view > Vocabulary), such as the verb to have in “We’re going to have a party next weekend.” The dictionary of combinations is a goldmine for more creative ideas! To throw, to hold, to organize—the choice is yours.

Consult Definitions Without Leaving the List.

Selecting a combination gives you access, in the right-hand panel, to examples of the combination in real texts, along with references. And, as in the dictionary of synonyms, you can consult the definition of the main word in the selected combination without leaving the list. Simply click on the Definitions button underneath the examples. When it’s that easy to check the meaning, you can be sure you’re using the best choice of word!

Look to the Filters for Inspiration.

Short on ideas? Can’t find the words for an email? Browse the combinations to breathe new life into your text. Filters are especially helpful for this, and you can find them at the bottom of the window (underneath the Options button in Antidote 10). Apply filters to display only the combinations with a positive or negative value, or those with a strong or weak meaning. For example, if you want to describe beautiful flowers, use the filter to remove any negative values, such as wilted flowers.

The meaning filter sorts combinations into different intensities. If you’re looking for an adverb to go with the word increase, the strong filter suggests drastically increase, while the weak filter gives you potentially increase.

All in all, you’ll soon find the dictionary of combinations to be an essential tool—whether you’re looking for the perfect adjective, the appropriate verb or the most evocative adverb for your text. Check out the Antidote User Guide for all the details.

In the next article in our “Find the Right Word” series, we will dive into the advanced research functions. These allow you to draw on the Antidote dictionaries like a database and discover words you never knew existed.

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