Dictionary end of word

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    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > end-of-word

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > end-of-word

  • 3
    end of word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end of word

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end-of-word

  • 5

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > end-of-word

  • 6

    Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > end-of-word

  • 7

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > end-of-word

  • 8
    end-of-word character

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > end-of-word character

  • 9
    end-a-word operator

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end-a-word operator

  • 10
    end-of-word char

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    end-of-word character

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end-of-word character

  • 12
    end-of-word pulse

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end-of-word pulse

  • 13
    end-of-word character

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > end-of-word character

  • 14
    end-of-word pulse

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > end-of-word pulse

  • 15
    end-of-word character

    English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > end-of-word character

  • 16
    end-of-word character

    English-Russian base dictionary > end-of-word character

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    end-of-word character

    English-Russian information technology > end-of-word character

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    end-of-word char

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science > end-of-word char

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    end-of-word character

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science > end-of-word character

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    I [end]


    конец, окончание

    — by the end of smth
    — end
    — in the end
    — put an end to smth
    — come to an end
    — there was no end to questions
    — it’s not the end of the world
    — end justifies the means
    — have something at one’s finger ends
    — make both ends meet


    (1.) Русскому конец в сочетаниях счастливый (плохой, смешной) конец рассказа соответствует в английском языке существительное ending — a happy (bad, funny) ending: the play (the book, the story) has a happy (bad) ending в пьесе (книге, рассказе) счастливый (плохой) конец. (2.) Русское сочетание «в конце чего-либо» в английском языке соответствует предложному сочетанию at the end of smth: at the end of the street (of the sentence, of the corridor). Сочетание in the end, в отличие от at the end of smth, соответствует русским «наконец, в конце концов»: in the end I got what I wanted в конце концов я добился того, чего хотел

    II [end]

    кончать, заканчивать, кончаться

    The road ends here. — Дорога здесь кончается.

    All is well that ends well. — Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. /Добрый конец — всему делу венец.

    Death ends all things. — Смерть не спросит, придет да скосит. /У смерти все равны.

    end well

    — end in smth
    — word eighth ends in th
    — day ends


    (1.) Глагол to end в своих разных значениях употребляется в разных предложных конструкциях to end in smth, to end with smth, to end by smth: the word depth ends in «th» слово depth оканчивается на «th»; he ended the lecture with a quotation он заключил/закончил лекцию цитатой; the concert ended with this song в заключение концерта была исполнена эта песня; we talked of various things and we ended by playing some music мы поговорили о разных вещах и под конец кое-что сыграли. (2.) See finish, v; USAGE (3.), (5.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > end


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Word Alive — was a large student Christian held each year at the Skegness, UK Butlins site, during the Easter holiday period. The conference was organised by Spring Harvest, UCCF and Keswick Convention as part of the Spring Harvest bible conference. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Word ladder — is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll, the author of books such as Alice s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass . It was originally known as a doublet or word links .RulesThe player is given a start word and an end word. In… …   Wikipedia

  • End time — End time, End times, or End of days are the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions and in doomsday scenarios in various other non Abrahamic religions. In Abrahamic religions, End times are often depicted as a time of tribulation …   Wikipedia

  • Word Association — is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together.How to playOnce an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all… …   Wikipedia

  • Word wrap — or line wrap is the feature, supported by most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of automatically replacing some of the blank spaces between words by line breaks, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be …   Wikipedia

  • Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives — Word Is Out Theatrical release poster Directed by Mariposa Film Group Peter Adair Nancy Adair Andrew Brown Rob Epstein …   Wikipedia

  • End-user development — (EUD) is a research topic within the field of computer science, describing activities or techniques that allow people who are not professional developers to create or modify a software artifact. A typical example of EUD is programming to extend… …   Wikipedia

  • end|ing — «EHN dihng», noun. 1. the last part; end: »The story has a sad ending. SYNONYM(S): conclusion, completion, termination. 2. death. 3. a letter or letters added at the end of a word or stem to change its meaning or to indicate its grammatical… …   Useful english dictionary

  • end — [n1] extreme, limit borderline, bound, boundary, butt end, confine, cusp, deadline, edge, extent, extremity, foot, head, heel, limitation, neb, nib, point, prong, spire, stub, stump, tail, tail end, term, terminal, termination, terminus, tip, top …   New thesaurus

  • Word golf — (also called a word chain) is a game, a version of Word Ladders, in which one word is turned into another through a process of substituting single letters. A new English word must be formed each time a letter is replaced, and players score points …   Wikipedia

  • End — End, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ending}.] 1. To bring to an end or conclusion; to finish; to close; to terminate; as, to end a speech. I shall end this strife. Shak. [1913 Webster] On the seventh day God ended his work. Gen. ii …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Words Ending in J, Q, V, End, and How

The J, Q, and V tiles in games like Scrabble and Words With Friends are notoriously tough to play. Sure, there’s JO, which is great for hooking, or QI and ZA. But, if the tiles don’t lie right, what kind of words end in V, Q, or J?

Which words end with END?

Most of these words ending in END are either bingoes or six letters long. For every SPEND, UPEND, and WEND, there are twice as many longer words. They include: DIVIDEND, REVEREND, PORTEND, DESCEND, and BARTEND, among three dozen others.

Which words end with HOW?

There aren’t many. Some of the long words include ROADSHOW, PEEPSHOW, SALCHOW, and AIRSHOW There are only three four-letter words that end with HOW: SHOW, DHOW, and CHOW.

Which three-letter words end in J?

There are only three three-letter words ending in J. They are: RAJ, HAJ, and TAJ. In fact, there are only seven words in total that end in J. the other four are: HADJ, HAJI, SVARAJ, and SWARAJ. The three-letter words are good for getting rid of the J in the end game when you don’t have an O to make JO.

Eye Rhymes

Eye rhymes are words that have the same spelling at the end of the word, but the sound of the end of the word is not the same. This Tool could be used to identify eye rhymes.

Example: Words ending with ough

  • off sound: cough, trough
  • uff sound: tough enough,rough
  • ew sound: through
  • ow sound: plough
  • owe sound: although, borough, bough, dough, furlough,though, thorough

Half Rhymes

Half rhymes, also known as sprung rhymes, have the same ending consonants in the words.

Example: Words ending with rst

  • burst
  • first
  • thirst
  • worst

Scrabble / Crosswords

This search may be helpful in Scrabble or Crosswords by answering the following type of questions:

  • Find all words ending in nt (or some other sequence of letters).
  • Find all 7 letter words ending with rt
  • Find all 4 or 5 letter words that end with ws.


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конце слова

конец слова

конце слов

конце этого слова

конца слова

конец слов

Russian nouns each have a gender — either feminine, masculine or neutral, indicated by spelling at the end of the word.

Русские существительные имеют полы — женственные, мужские или нейтральные, обозначенные орфографией в конце слова.

Which two sounds can you hear at the end of the word?

Note: Aramaic is written from right to left, so an Aleph is added to the end of the word.

Примечание: арамейский текст написан справа налево, поэтому алаф добавляется в конец слова.

He says, so the end of the word Mother is what.

Он говорит, что, таким образом, конец слова матери есть что.

Many of the AI’s errors were small, such as missing an «s» at the end of the word.

При этом многие ошибки можно были незначительными — например, программа пропускала «s» в конце слов.

Usage of ъ at the end of the word in the 18th century

Использование ъ на конце слов в русском языке в 18 веке

The peculiarity of the human brain’s perception of the printed text is such that during reading a person fixes only the beginning and the end of the word.

Особенность восприятия человеческим мозгом печатного текста такова, что во время чтения человек фиксирует только начало и конец слова.

After a while, a long vowel appeared at the end of the word, and the word began to sound like Hindi, i.e. India.

Через некоторое время на конце слова появился долгий гласный и, и слово стало звучать как хинди, т.е. Индия.

Teacher: What do you hear at the end of the word?

If a letter’s shape changes at the end of the word, is that a different letter?

Если символ изменен в конце слова, является ли он другой буквой?

Don’t forget the -ue at the end of the word!

If a letter’s shape changes at the end of the word, is that a different letter?

Если написание буквы, стоящей в конце слова, изменяется, она становится другой буквой?

«O» in an unstressed syllable which comes before the stressed vowel or at the end of the word is pronounced as a sound which is similar to a short [a].

Гласная о в безударном слоге, который стоит перед ударным или в конце слова, произносится как звук, похожий на короткую [а].

«ed» endings are pronounced «t» if the end of the word sounds like

«Ed» endings произносится «t», если конец слова звучит так

For example «U.R.» had to be turned into any word by adding letters at the start and end of the word, while replacing the dots with a letter. «U.R.» could be «current» for example.

Например «У.Р.» должно быть повернуто в любое слово путем добавление писем в начале и конце слова, пока заменяющ точки на письмо.

The Phonetic structure of the word in the Udehe language is characterized by vocalism: confluences of consonants are met neither in the beginning nor at the end of the word.

Фонетическая структура слова в удэгейском языке характеризуется вокалистичностью: стечения согласных не встречаются ни в начале, ни в конце слова.

This echo is used if the Visarga (in the end of the word, obviously) belongs to a word placed at the end of a sentence.

Это эхо используется, если Visarga (безусловно, в конце слова) принадлежит слову, стоящему в конце предложения.

The script was composed of three basic types of signs: logograms, representing words; phonograms, representing sounds; and determinatives, placed at the end of the word to help clarify its meaning.

Сценарий состоял из трех основных типов знаков: логограммы, представляющие слова; фонограммы, представляющие звуки; и определители, помещенные в конце слова, чтобы помочь прояснить его значение.

In addition, this language does not use capital letters, but writing the same letter can be different depending on the beginning, middle or end of the word that it is used in.

в этом языке отсутствуют заглавные буквы, но написание одно и той же буквы может отличаться в зависимости от того в начале, в середине или в конце слова она находится,

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 61. Точных совпадений: 61. Затраченное время: 113 мс


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List words that end with

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to search for words ending with some letters?

The tool allows to find a word (or verb, common name, adjective, etc.) ending with certain letters (the last letters are in suffix). To list words finishing in pattern X?X, use letters and wildcards such as ?

Example: Search for words ending with ART gives: ABCOULOMB, etc.

Example: Find words ending with A?T gives: ACCIDENT, ALCHEMIST, ANCIENT etc.

The software can search for common names or verbs as well as proper names or city names according to the chosen dictionary.

What is the list of words ending with…?

In English:

Words that end with A 26000 words
Words that end with B 1900 words
Words that end with C 24000 words
Words that end with D 61000 words
Words that end with E 98000 words
Words that end with F 2000 words
Words that end with G 40000 words
Words that end with H 12000 words
Words that end with I 8500 words
Words that end with J 210 words
Words that end with K 7300 words
Words that end with L 32000 words
Words that end with M 16000 words
Words that end with N 53000 words
Words that end with O 7400 words
Words that end with P 4700 words
Words that end with Q 230 words
Words that end with R 35000 words
Words that end with S 260000 words
Words that end with T 34000 words
Words that end with U 2000 words
Words that end with V 680 words
Words that end with W 1900 words
Words that end with X 2200 words
Words that end with Y 51000 words
Words that end with Z 1100 words

What is the list of common suffixes in English?

-able, -ible, -acy, -al, -ance, -ence, -ate, -dom, -en, -er, -or, -esque, -ful, -ic, -ical, -ify, -fy, -ious, -ous, -ish, -ism, -ist, -ity, -ty, -ive, -ize, -ise, -less, -ment, -ness, -ship, -sion, -tion, tri-, -y

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Have you ever heard the folk wisdom: “Metal is recognized by its ringing and people by their word”? It is
100% true.
A rich vocabulary, flexibility in the choice of words during the conversation and the ability to find
the exact lexical units indicate a
person’s cultural level and erudition.

When does the need to find words by final letters arise?

  • When solving crossword puzzles.
  • When participating in a game like “Scrabble”.
  • For the selection of rhymes in the process of writing poetry.
  • In order to expand your vocabulary.

Word Search by Letters

This page is designed for these purposes. In the section you will find free tools for word search in
accordance with this criterion. Enter the
letters you know in the empty boxes. Set the length of the word or leave it arbitrary. In a few seconds you
will get a list of words that satisfy the search request.

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