Dictionaries of word endings

Words Ending in J, Q, V, End, and How

The J, Q, and V tiles in games like Scrabble and Words With Friends are notoriously tough to play. Sure, there’s JO, which is great for hooking, or QI and ZA. But, if the tiles don’t lie right, what kind of words end in V, Q, or J?

Which words end with END?

Most of these words ending in END are either bingoes or six letters long. For every SPEND, UPEND, and WEND, there are twice as many longer words. They include: DIVIDEND, REVEREND, PORTEND, DESCEND, and BARTEND, among three dozen others.

Which words end with HOW?

There aren’t many. Some of the long words include ROADSHOW, PEEPSHOW, SALCHOW, and AIRSHOW There are only three four-letter words that end with HOW: SHOW, DHOW, and CHOW.

Which three-letter words end in J?

There are only three three-letter words ending in J. They are: RAJ, HAJ, and TAJ. In fact, there are only seven words in total that end in J. the other four are: HADJ, HAJI, SVARAJ, and SWARAJ. The three-letter words are good for getting rid of the J in the end game when you don’t have an O to make JO.

Eye Rhymes

Eye rhymes are words that have the same spelling at the end of the word, but the sound of the end of the word is not the same. This Tool could be used to identify eye rhymes.

Example: Words ending with ough

  • off sound: cough, trough
  • uff sound: tough enough,rough
  • ew sound: through
  • ow sound: plough
  • owe sound: although, borough, bough, dough, furlough,though, thorough

Half Rhymes

Half rhymes, also known as sprung rhymes, have the same ending consonants in the words.

Example: Words ending with rst

  • burst
  • first
  • thirst
  • worst

Scrabble / Crosswords

This search may be helpful in Scrabble or Crosswords by answering the following type of questions:

  • Find all words ending in nt (or some other sequence of letters).
  • Find all 7 letter words ending with rt
  • Find all 4 or 5 letter words that end with ws.




1. A conclusion or termination.

2. A concluding part; a finale: a happy ending.

3. Grammar The final morpheme added to a word base to make an inflectional form, such as -ed in walked.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. the act of bringing to or reaching an end

2. the last part of something, as a book, film, etc

3. (Linguistics) the final part of a word, esp a suffix

4. (Chess & Draughts) chess another word for endgame

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɛn dɪŋ)


1. the final or concluding part; conclusion.

2. a bringing or coming to an end; termination; close.

3. death; destruction.


a. a morpheme at the end of a word, esp. an inflection, as the -s in cuts.

b. any final word part, as the -ow in window.

[before 1000]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. ending — the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme); «I don’t like words that have -ism as an ending»


morpheme — minimal meaningful language unit; it cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units

postfix, suffix — an affix that is added at the end of the word

inflectional ending, inflectional suffix — an inflection that is added at the end of a root word

2. ending — the act of ending something; «the termination of the agreement»

termination, conclusion

abort — the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed; «I wasted a year of my life working on an abort»; «he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area»

demonetisation, demonetization — ending something (e.g. gold or silver) as no longer the legal tender of a country

change of state — the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics

tone ending, release — (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone

mop up, windup, completion, culmination, closing — a concluding action

retirement — withdrawal from your position or occupation

relinquishing, relinquishment — the act of giving up and abandoning a struggle or task etc.

breakup, dissolution — the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)

overthrow — the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)

adjournment, dissolution — the termination of a meeting

dismission, sacking, liberation, firing, dismissal, release, discharge, sack — the termination of someone’s employment (leaving them free to depart)

destruction, devastation — the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists

kill, putting to death, killing — the act of terminating a life

abolishment, abolition — the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery); «the abolition of capital punishment»

liquidation, settlement — termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities

drug withdrawal, withdrawal — the termination of drug taking

closedown, shutdown, closing, closure — termination of operations; «they regretted the closure of the day care center»

extinguishing, quenching, extinction — the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning; «the extinction of the lights»

fade, disappearance — gradually ceasing to be visible

abortion — termination of pregnancy

defusing, deactivation — the act of deactivating or making ineffective (as a bomb)

discontinuance, discontinuation — the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption (temporary or permanent)

3. ending — the point in time at which something ends; «the end of the year»; «the ending of warranty period»


last, death — the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; «she stayed until his death»; «a struggle to the last»

demise, dying, death — the time when something ends; «it was the death of all his plans»; «a dying of old hopes»

period — the end or completion of something; «death put a period to his endeavors»; «a change soon put a period to my tranquility»

point in time, point — an instant of time; «at that point I had to leave»

year-end — the end of a calendar year; «he had to unload the merchandise before the year-end»

close, finis, last, stopping point, finale, finish, conclusion — the temporal end; the concluding time; «the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell»; «the market was up at the finish»; «they were playing better at the close of the season»

cease — (`cease’ is a noun only in the phrase `without cease’) end

tail end, tail — the time of the last part of something; «the fag end of this crisis-ridden century»; «the tail of the storm»

last gasp — the point of death or exhaustion or completion; «the last gasp of the cold war»

expiration, expiry, termination — a coming to an end of a contract period; «the expiry of his driver’s license»

terminal point, terminus ad quem, limit — final or latest limiting point

4. ending — event whose occurrence ends something; «his death marked the ending of an era»; «when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show»

conclusion, finish

happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent — an event that happens

final stage, end, last — the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; «the end was exciting»; «I had to miss the last of the movie»

final result, outcome, resultant, termination, result — something that results; «he listened for the results on the radio»

foregone conclusion, matter of course — an inevitable ending

demolition, wipeout, destruction — an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

omega, Z — the ending of a series or sequence; «the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end»—Revelation

stop, halt — the event of something ending; «it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill»

triumph, victory — a successful ending of a struggle or contest; «a narrow victory»; «the general always gets credit for his army’s victory»; «clinched a victory»; «convincing victory»; «the agreement was a triumph for common sense»

defeat, licking — an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest; «it was a narrow defeat»; «the army’s only defeat»; «they suffered a convincing licking»

beginning — the event consisting of the start of something; «the beginning of the war»

5. ending — the last section of a communication; «in conclusion I want to say…»

close, closing, conclusion, end

anticlimax, bathos — a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one

section, subdivision — a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); «he always turns first to the business section»; «the history of this work is discussed in the next section»

epilog, epilogue — a short passage added at the end of a literary work; «the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters»

epilog, epilogue — a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play

peroration — (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration; «he summarized his main points in his peroration»

coda, finale — the closing section of a musical composition

recital, yarn, narration — the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events; «his narration was hesitant»

speech, address — the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience; «he listened to an address on minor Roman poets»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun finish, end, close, resolution, conclusion, summing up, wind-up, completion, finale, termination, culmination, cessation, denouement, last part, consummation The film has a Hollywood happy ending.
start, opening, source, birth, origin, starting point, onset, preface, inauguration, inception, commencement

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. A concluding or terminating:

cease, cessation, close, closing, closure, completion, conclusion, consummation, end, end of the line, finish, period, stop, stopping point, termination, terminus, wind-up, wrap-up.

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.






endalok, endir, niîurlag






kết cục

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɛndɪŋ] n

[slavery, apartheid, sanctions, hostilities] → fin m
ending of a relationship → rupture f
the ending of their relationship → la fin de leur relation

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(end) noun

1. the last or farthest part of the length of something. the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); (also adjective) We live in the end house.

2. the finish or conclusion. the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we’ll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).

3. death. The soldiers met their end bravely.

4. an aim. What end have you in view?

5. a small piece left over. cigarette ends.


to bring or come to an end. The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?

ˈending noun

the end, especially of a story, poem etc. Fairy stories have happy endings.

ˈendless adjective

1. going on for ever or for a very long time. endless arguments.

2. continuous, because of having the two ends joined. an endless chain.

at a loose end

with nothing to do. He went to the cinema because he was at a loose end.

end up

1. to reach or come to an end, usually unpleasant. I knew that he would end up in prison.

2. to do something in the end. He refused to believe her but he ended up apologizing.

in the end

finally. He had to work very hard but he passed his exam in the end.

make (both) ends meet

not to get into debt. The widow and her four children found it difficult to make ends meet.

no end (of)

very much. I feel no end of a fool.

on end

1. upright; erect. Stand the table on end; The cat’s fur stood on end.

2. continuously; without a pause. For days on end we had hardly anything to eat.

put an end to

to cause to finish; to stop. The government put an end to public execution.

the end

the limit (of what can be borne or tolerated). His behaviour is the end!

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


اِنْتِهَاء konec slutning Ende κατάληξη final lopetus final završetak conclusione 結末 결말 einde slutt zakończenie final окончание slut ตอนจบ son kết cục 结尾

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. final; terminación, conclusión.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

From the Author

This dictionary was written primarily to enhance the enjoyment in playing the game of Scrabble® and Words with Friends®, although poets, rhymers, players of crossword puzzles and other word games may also find it useful.

In our family, Scrabble is a game we play for our enjoyment and amusement. As such, we are not opposed to modifying the rules to increase our enjoyment. For example, we might modify the number of tiles each player might have. Less experienced players would have more; while more experienced players would have less. This is an especially helpful practice when playing with an exchange student whose English is developing. At other times, if we want a fast game, every player will play with extra tiles, perhaps nine or ten.

And, we enjoy playing with a dictionary. We use a dictionary not because we want to challenge our opponent, but because we want to learn new words, find the perfect fit for a triple word score, reduce frustration when our memories are working slowly, and we’ve just come to enjoy playing that way.

The design for this dictionary evolved over a period of years. I kept notes on the size of words we typically made, what kind of situations posed difficulties in finding words, and great scoring opportunities missed.

There were four major observations.First, as casual players, we rarely created words in a single turn which were more than five letters long in total, unless it was done with a prefix such as ex, de, re, pre or un, or a suffix such as ed, ing, s or y. At the same time, most dictionaries are filled with lots of words longer than five letters. This causes visual clutter which is not only time consuming, but makes it harder to find words you might be able to actually use. In addition, the probability of being able to make some words is extremely small, for example, zyzzyva (a tropical weevil). The odds of having the only z, both y’s, both blanks (for the other two z’s), and a v is astronomical. This, of course, is an extreme example, and The Backwords Dictionary has its share of improbables, but by limiting the dictionary to words with a maximum of five letters, it is useful for its purpose.The second observation, and the one for which the dictionary is named, is that about 35-40% of the time, a player wants to create a word ending in a specific letter. This, however, is not the way we traditionally think, and, not to mention, this is not the way dictionaries are sorted. In other words, in many situations, conventional dictionaries are not arranged in an easy to use manner. This dictionary solves that problem by sorting on the last letter of the word. Of course, you will still need a conventional dictionary for the 35-40% of the time you need a word beginning with a specific letter. (The other 20-30% are words where the focus letter is neither the first or the last.)The third observation is that certain letters present special challenges. These are J, Q, X, and Z. These are the highest point value letters and, since there is only one of each, it is natural to want to optimize the opportunity. Hence, each of those letters has a chapter for all the words which have the individual letter, regardless of the position — first, last, or somewhere in the middle.The fourth observation was that often a significant number of points could be scored with just two or three letters. Typically there were two parts to this observation: taking advantage of a difficult to get at multiple value square and, making two or even three words simultaneously. The key is two letter words. They let you fit into tight spots, and, if you can run a couple of them alongside another word, you will often get a surprising number of points. Knowing two letter words is also very valuable at the end of the game when you want to use up your tiles, but don’t want to settle for just two points.

Purists may reject the idea of using a dictionary, but for us it is a lot of fun.

I hope you enjoy the game from this different perspective.

Richard Ekstrom
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


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List words that end with

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

How to search for words ending with some letters?

The tool allows to find a word (or verb, common name, adjective, etc.) ending with certain letters (the last letters are in suffix). To list words finishing in pattern X?X, use letters and wildcards such as ?

Example: Search for words ending with ART gives: ABCOULOMB, etc.

Example: Find words ending with A?T gives: ACCIDENT, ALCHEMIST, ANCIENT etc.

The software can search for common names or verbs as well as proper names or city names according to the chosen dictionary.

What is the list of words ending with…?

In English:

Words that end with A 26000 words
Words that end with B 1900 words
Words that end with C 24000 words
Words that end with D 61000 words
Words that end with E 98000 words
Words that end with F 2000 words
Words that end with G 40000 words
Words that end with H 12000 words
Words that end with I 8500 words
Words that end with J 210 words
Words that end with K 7300 words
Words that end with L 32000 words
Words that end with M 16000 words
Words that end with N 53000 words
Words that end with O 7400 words
Words that end with P 4700 words
Words that end with Q 230 words
Words that end with R 35000 words
Words that end with S 260000 words
Words that end with T 34000 words
Words that end with U 2000 words
Words that end with V 680 words
Words that end with W 1900 words
Words that end with X 2200 words
Words that end with Y 51000 words
Words that end with Z 1100 words

What is the list of common suffixes in English?

-able, -ible, -acy, -al, -ance, -ence, -ate, -dom, -en, -er, -or, -esque, -ful, -ic, -ical, -ify, -fy, -ious, -ous, -ish, -ism, -ist, -ity, -ty, -ive, -ize, -ise, -less, -ment, -ness, -ship, -sion, -tion, tri-, -y

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    • See Also:
      • endemic
      • Ender
      • Enderby Land
      • endergonic
      • endermic
      • Enders
      • endgame
      • endgate
      • endhand
      • Endicott
      • ending
      • endive
      • endless
      • endlong
      • endmost
      • endnote
      • endo-
      • endobiotic
      • endoblast
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      • endocarditis
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

end•ing /ˈɛndɪŋ/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. the final or concluding part;
    end:The best part of the book is the ending.
  2. Grammara part at the end of a word, esp. a suffix, such as the -s in cuts.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(ending),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a bringing or coming to an end;
    close:Putting away the Christmas ornaments marked the ending of the season.
  2. the final or concluding part;
    conclusion:a story with a happy ending.
  3. death;
  4. Grammara morpheme, esp. an inflection, at the end of a word, as -s in cuts.
  5. Grammar(not in technical use) any final word part, as the -ow of widow.
  • Middle English endyng, Old English endung. See end1, —ing1 bef. 1000

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

ending /ˈɛndɪŋ/ n

  1. the act of bringing to or reaching an end
  2. the last part of something, as a book, film, etc
  3. the final part of a word, esp a suffix

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

end1 /ɛnd/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. the last part;
    extremity:the two ends of a rope; the west end of town.
  2. a point that indicates the full extent of something;
    limit:walked from end to end of the city.
  3. the concluding part;
    last point:We are finally at the end of winter.
  4. an intention or aim:using evil means to achieve their ends.
  5. an outcome;
    a result:What will be the end of all this arguing?
  6. death, destruction, or ruin:This means the end of our hopes.
  7. a piece or part left over;
    remnant:threw the end of his cigarette over the side.
  8. a share or part:She takes care of the business end, and I take care of the public relations.


  1. to (cause to) come to an end;
    terminate: [no object]The concert ended and the crowd went home. The book ends on page 364.[+ object]The chairman ended the meeting at ten o’clock.
  2. to form the end of:[+ object]Those remarks ended her speech.
  3. to cause the death or destruction of:[+ object]The fire ended their lives.
  4. to surpass or go beyond:[noun + to + ~ + all]a storm to end all storms.
  5. end in, [+ in + object] to result:The battle ended in a victory.
  6. end up, [no object] to reach a final state or condition:I ended up tired, hungry, and broke.[+ up + verb-ing]We ended up parking many blocks away.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. final or ultimate:The end result is the same.


  1. Idioms at the end of one’s rope or tether, at the end of one’s resources, patience, or strength.
  2. Idioms end to end, in a row with ends touching:to line up the playing cards end to end.
  3. Idioms go off the deep end:
    • to lose emotional control;
      behave irrationally.

  4. Idioms in the end, finally;
    after all:We kept coming back to that car and in the end we bought it.
  5. Idioms keep or hold one’s end up, [no obj] to perform one’s part or share adequately:If you can hold your end up we’ll finish on time.
  6. Idioms make (both) ends meet, to manage to live on one’s income:trying to make both ends meet with two jobs.
  7. Idioms no end, very much or many:We were pleased no end by the enthusiastic response.
  8. Idioms on end:
    • with one end down;
      upright:to stand a box on end.
    • continuously:to talk for hours on end.

  9. Idioms put an end to, [+ object] to terminate;
    finish:Let’s put an end to this constant arguing.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(end),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. the last part or extremity, lengthwise, of anything that is longer than it is wide or broad:the end of a street; the end of a rope.
  2. a point, line, or limitation that indicates the full extent, degree, etc., of something;
    bounds:kindness without end; to walk from end to end of a city.
  3. a part or place at or adjacent to an extremity:at the end of the table; the west end of town.
  4. the furthermost imaginable place or point:an island at the very end of the world.
  5. termination;
    conclusion:The journey was coming to an end.
  6. the concluding part:The end of her speech had to be cut short because of time.
  7. an intention or aim:to gain one’s ends.
  8. the object for which a thing exists;
    purpose:The happiness of the people is the end of government.
  9. an outcome or result:What is to be the end of all this bickering?
  10. termination of existence;
    death:He met a horrible end.
  11. a cause of death, destruction, or ruin:Another war would be the end of civilization.
  12. a remnant or fragment:mill end; ends and trimmings.
  13. a share or part in something:He does his end of the job very well.
  14. Textilesa warp thread running vertically and interlaced with the filling yarn in the woven fabric.
  15. Sport[Football.]
    • either of the linemen stationed farthest from the center.
    • the position played by this lineman.

  16. Sport[Archery.]the number of arrows to be shot by a competitor during one turn in a match.
  17. Sport[Cricket.]a wicket, esp. the one where the batsman is taking a turn.
  18. Sporta unit of a game, as in curling or lawn bowling.
  19. Philosophy[Kantianism.]any rational being, regarded as worthy to exist for its own sake.
  20. Gameseither half of a domino.
  21. [Knots.]the part of a rope, beyond a knot or the like, that is not used.
  22. Idioms at loose ends, without an occupation or plans;
    uncertain:He spent two years wandering about the country at loose ends.
  23. Idioms at one’s wit’s end, at the end of one’s ideas or mental resources;
    perplexed:I’m at my wit’s end with this problem.Also, at one’s wits’ end. 
  24. Idioms end for end, in reverse position;
    inverted:The cartons were turned end for end.
  25. Idioms end on, with the end next to or facing:He backed the truck until it was end on with the loading platform.
  26. Idioms end to end, in a row with ends touching:The pipes were placed end to end on the ground.
  27. Idioms go off the deep end, [Informal.]to act in a reckless or agitated manner;
    lose emotional control:She went off the deep end when she lost her job.
  28. Idioms in the end, finally;
    after all:In the end they shook hands and made up.
  29. Idioms keep or hold one’s end up, to perform one’s part or share adequately:The work is demanding, but he’s holding his end up.
  30. Idioms make an end of, to conclude;
    stop:Let’s make an end of this foolishness and get down to work.
  31. Idioms make ends meet, to live within one’s means:Despite her meager income, she tried to make ends meet.Also, make both ends meet. 
  32. no end, [Informal.]very much or many:They were pleased no end by the warm reception.
  33. Idioms on end:
    • having the end down;
      upright:to stand a box on end.
    • continuously;
      successively:They talked for hours on end.

  34. Idioms put an end to, to cause to stop;
    finish:The advent of sound in motion pictures put an end to many a silent star’s career.
  35. the end, [Slang.]the ultimate;
    the utmost of good or bad:His stupidity is the end.


  1. to bring to an end or conclusion:We ended the discussion on a note of optimism.
  2. to put an end to;
    terminate:This was the battle that ended the war.
  3. to form the end of:This passage ends the novel.
  4. to cause the demise of;
    kill:A bullet through the heart ended him.
  5. to constitute the most outstanding or greatest possible example or instance of (usually used in the infinitive):You just committed the blunder to end all blunders.


  1. to come to an end;
    cease:The road ends at Rome.
  2. to issue or result:Extravagance ends in want.
  3. to reach or arrive at a final condition, circumstance, or goal (often fol. by up):to end up in the army; to end as a happy person.


  1. final or ultimate:the end result.
  • Gmc *anthjá-; akin to Sanskrit ánta- end
  • bef. 900; Middle English, Old English ende; cognate with Old Frisian enda, Middle Dutch e(i)nde, Old Saxon endi, Old High German anti, German Ende, Old Norse endi(r), Gothic andeis end

ender, n. 

    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged tip, bound, limit, terminus.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged End, close, conclusion, finish, outcome refer to the termination of something.
      End implies a natural termination or completion, or an attainment of purpose:the end of a day, of a race; to some good end.Close often implies a planned rounding off of something in process:the close of a conference.Conclusion suggests a decision or arrangement:All evidence leads to this conclusion; the conclusion of peace terms.Finish emphasizes completion of something begun:a fight to the finish.Outcome suggests the issue of something that was in doubt:the outcome of a game.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See aim. 

(end),USA pronunciation v.t. [Brit. Dial.]

  1. British Termsto put wheat, hay, or other grain into a stack or barn.
  • perh. variant of dialect, dialectal in to harvest (Old English innian to lodge, put up). See inn 1600–10


  1. var. of endo- before a vowel:endameba.


  1. endorsed.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

end /ɛnd/ n

  1. the extremity of the length of something, such as a road, line, etc
  2. the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object
  3. the extreme extent, limit, or degree of something
  4. the most distant place or time that can be imagined: the ends of the earth
  5. the time at which something is concluded
  6. the last section or part
  7. a share or part: his end of the bargain
  8. (often plural) a remnant or fragment (esp in the phrase odds and ends)
  9. a final state, esp death; destruction
  10. the purpose of an action or existence
  11. either of the two defended areas of a playing field, rink, etc
  12. a section of play from one side of the rink to the other
  13. at an endexhausted or completed
  14. come to an endto become completed or exhausted
  15. get one’s end awayslang to have sexual intercourse
  16. in the endfinally
  17. keep one’s end upto sustain one’s part in a joint enterprise
  18. to hold one’s own in an argument, contest, etc
  19. make ends meet, make both ends meetto spend no more than the money one has
  20. no end, no end ofinformal (intensifier): I had no end of work
  21. on endupright
  22. without pause or interruption
  23. the endinformal the worst, esp something that goes beyond the limits of endurance


  1. to bring or come to a finish; conclude
  2. to die or cause to die
  3. (transitive) to surpass; outdo: a novel to end all novels
  4. end it allinformal to commit suicide

See also end upEtymology: Old English ende; related to Old Norse endir, Gothic andeis, Old High German endi, Latin antiae forelocks, Sanskrit antya last

ˈender n

ending‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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: something that constitutes an end: such as


: one or more letters or syllables added to a word base especially in inflection


Example Sentences

I didn’t like the book’s ending.

Common verb endings in English are “-s,” “-ed,” and “-ing.”

You can often recognize an English adverb by its “-ly” ending.

Recent Examples on the Web

What did Cheryl think of the ending?

Yvonne Villarreal, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

To me, the ending signifies the power in a mother’s sacrifice and unconditional love.

Kathleen Newman-bremang, refinery29.com, 5 Apr. 2023

The website no longer has the .com ending and has since changed its address to a server based out of the United States, according to a Google search by CBS News.

Cara Tabachnick, CBS News, 5 Apr. 2023

Sunrise is the platonic ideal of a date movie, elevating meet-cute fantasy to swoon-worthy romantic heights through two heady performances and a beguiling ellipses of an ending.

A.a. Dowd, Chron, 4 Apr. 2023

The similarities to Rahal’s 2016 Texas victory – the fifth-closest in series history (0.008 seconds) in a drag race of an ending with James Hinchcliffe and Tony Kanaan – are striking.

Nathan Brown, The Indianapolis Star, 3 Apr. 2023

But if that cycle is happening again, then the ending of Succession’s fourth and final season just grew even hazier.

Lauren Puckett-pope, ELLE, 3 Apr. 2023

Rodriguez told Vanity Fair that moviegoers will be shocked at the ending.

Zack Sharf, Variety, 31 Mar. 2023

Early on Matthew makes clear that this story won’t have the Utopian ending dreamed up by Bob and Sheryl.

Casey Schwartz, New York Times, 27 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘ending.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of ending was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near ending

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“Ending.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ending. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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a bringing or coming to an end; termination; close: Putting away the Christmas ornaments marked the ending of the season.

the final or concluding part; conclusion: a story with a happy ending.

death; destruction.

Grammar. a morpheme, especially an inflection, at the end of a word, as -s in cuts.

(not in technical use) any final word part, as the -ow of widow.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of ending

before 1000; Middle English endyng,Old English endung.See end1, -ing1


un·end·ing, adjectiveun·end·ing·ly, adverb

Words nearby ending

end game, endgate, end grain, endhand, Endicott, ending, end in itself, endive, end leaf, endless, end line

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is an ending?

An ending is a conclusion, as in I like stories with a happy ending.

An ending is also a time when something is finishing or nearing completion, as in I’m ending my school career with all As. 

An ending is the opposite of a beginning and is used to mean the conclusion of something. Movies have endings. So do civilizations, like the Roman Empire. We even sometimes refer to a person’s death as an ending. Endings and the reasons or events surrounding them are often intensely studied or debated.

Example: I liked the book until the terrible ending where the villain won in the last chapter.

Where does ending come from?

The first records of the term ending come from before the year 1000. It ultimately comes from the Old English endung. Ending combines the verb end, meaning “to finalize or complete,” and the suffix -ing, which turns a verb into a noun that expresses action. An ending is the point at which something is performing a last action or when something is reaching its finish.

Ending is the final moments or period of time when something is finishing. For example, the last inning of a baseball game is the game’s ending. An ending can be long or short. It is sometimes unclear when an ending begins, such as with empires or kingdoms that last hundreds or thousands of years.

Ending is sometimes used to mean “end,” but the two words mean slightly different things. Typically, an end is the exact point at which something is over, while an ending can be a longer period of time during which something is concluding.

For example, when someone says “the end of a book” they usually mean the final chapter or final paragraph. However, the ending of a book could mean several chapters, depending on how long the conclusion takes.

This is the reason that we say “the end of the road” when we mean the point where the road stops.

Did you know … ?

How is ending used in real life?

Ending is an extremely common word that refers to the time that something is concluding or finishing.

How 2020 started How it’s ending pic.twitter.com/htAn99lmua

— byweff 🎄HAPPY YULETIDE🎄 (@byletri) December 22, 2020

that 800 years is pretty important. i’d say the time of the ending of the roman empire is a pretty damn important part of history

— 🌙 VVitch of FANGmar 🌙 (@gwrthryfel) August 15, 2013

1.445 million vinyl albums were sold in the US in the week ending December 17, marking the biggest vinyl sales week in Soundscan history. #1 seller was @taylorswift13’s ‘folklore’.

— chart data (@chartdata) December 22, 2020

Try using ending!

Which of the following is most likely to contain the ending of a novel?

A. the first chapter
B. the middle chapters
C. the last chapter

Words related to ending

closure, completion, denouement, finale, outcome, period, resolution, catastrophe, cessation, close, consummation, culmination, dissolution, epilogue, expiration, finish, lapse, omega, stop, summation

How to use ending in a sentence

  • It was a flat ending to a nine-play, 70-yard drive, during which Tampa Bay quarterback Tom Brady hit wide receiver Mike Evans for 31 yards.

  • The extended cut was originally released after BioWare faced backlash for the controversy surrounding the game’s endings, which players felt did not reflect their in-game choices up until that point.

  • As I sat for hour after hour, trying to put words to these experiences, I struggled with the fact that there was no ending.

  • While there is much to enjoy in “The Rib King,” the ending goes off the rails a bit, with too many minor characters and plot points introduced too swiftly.

  • The ending was particularly painful, but the ride was electric.

  • For many years afterward it was a never-ending topic of conversation, and is more or less talked of even to this day.

  • And more than that—the world is ending because of the changes that many of us see as positive.

  • The blast was so strong,” he said, “we thought the world was ending.

  • Why is the ‘Kroll Show’ ending its hilarious run after only three seasons?

  • Later, as I was writing the book, I discovered the power of another reason for ending my book, basically, in 1978.

  • My station was on the right of the line, where the breastwork, ending in a redoubt, was steep and high.

  • Certainly there are no five miles equal in rugged grandeur to those beginning just below and ending above West Point.

  • In the operations ending in Ulm the second corps formed part of the left wing.

  • From an active state of resistance the ego traversed a descending curve ending in absolute passivity.

  • This is the proper ending to every demand for an encore in “Le Grillon,” and it never fails to bring one.

British Dictionary definitions for ending


the act of bringing to or reaching an end

the last part of something, as a book, film, etc

the final part of a word, esp a suffix

chess another word for endgame

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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The highest scoring words ending with A

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with a,
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Top words ending with A Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
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zyzzyva 43 42
hypoxia 22 21
cerveza 21 23
bazooka 22 23
buzukia 22 25
mazurka 22 24

2,298 Scrabble words ending with a

8 Letter Words That End in A

  • abdomina13
  • abrachia15
  • abscissa12
  • academia13
  • aceldama13
  • achillea13
  • acidemia13
  • aciduria11
  • adularia9
  • adynamia14
  • agenesia9
  • agnomina11
  • agraphia14
  • agrypnia14
  • akinesia12
  • albizzia28
  • algaroba11
  • alleluia8
  • alopecia12
  • amberina12
  • ambrosia12
  • amphibia17
  • amygdala15
  • anabaena10
  • anaconda11
  • analecta10
  • analemma12
  • anaphora13
  • anasarca10
  • anathema13
  • anecdota11
  • angelica11
  • anoopsia10
  • anorexia15
  • anoxemia17
  • antefixa18
  • anthelia11
  • anthemia13
  • anthodia12
  • antidora9
  • antisera8
  • apimania12
  • apologia11
  • arapaima12
  • arboreta10
  • arethusa11
  • armonica12
  • arythmia16
  • asphyxia23
  • aspirata10
  • asthenia11
  • astigmia11
  • asyndeta12
  • ataraxia15
  • atheroma13
  • atrophia13
  • aubretia10
  • aubrieta10
  • auricula10
  • automata10
  • avifauna14
  • ayurveda15
  • azotemia19
  • azoturia17
  • babirusa12
  • babushka19
  • bacteria12
  • baidarka15
  • ballista10
  • bandanna11
  • baptisia12
  • barathea13
  • barranca12
  • basilica12
  • battalia10
  • bauhinia13
  • bedsonia11
  • berretta10
  • bethesda14
  • bignonia11
  • birretta10
  • blastema12
  • blastoma12
  • blastula10
  • boltonia10
  • borrelia10
  • botanica12
  • braciola12
  • branchia15
  • brassica12
  • bregmata13
  • britzska23
  • bronchia15
  • brouhaha16
  • brucella12
  • buddleia12
  • cabresta12
  • cabretta12
  • cabrilla12
  • cachexia22
  • cachucha20
  • calabaza21
  • calamata12
  • calcanea12
  • calcaria12
  • calctufa15
  • caldaria11
  • calisaya13
  • calvaria13
  • calyptra15
  • cambogia15
  • camellia12
  • campagna15
  • capitula12
  • capoeira12
  • caponata12
  • capybara17
  • caracara12
  • caragana11
  • carnauba12
  • carpalia12
  • cathedra14
  • cattleya13
  • cavatina13
  • cecropia14
  • celomata12
  • cercaria12
  • chalazia22
  • champaca19
  • chaqueta22
  • charisma15
  • chatchka22
  • chickpea21
  • chimaera15
  • chloasma15
  • cinchona15
  • cisterna10
  • claustra10
  • clitella10
  • coccidia15
  • cocinera12
  • cocobola14
  • collegia11
  • colluvia13
  • collyria13
  • coloboma14
  • columnea12
  • comatula12
  • conferva16
  • contagia11
  • contessa10
  • continua10
  • copremia14
  • coxalgia18
  • credenda12
  • credenza20
  • criteria10
  • ctenidia11
  • cubicula14
  • cuticula12
  • cymbidia18
  • czarevna22
  • czaritza28
  • dahabiya17
  • decennia11
  • dementia11
  • demerara11
  • dentalia9
  • diarrhea12
  • diaspora11
  • diastema11
  • dicentra11
  • dichasia14
  • diplegia12
  • diplopia13
  • djellaba18
  • dracaena11
  • dulciana11
  • dulcinea11
  • dyslexia19
  • dyspnoea14
  • dystaxia19
  • dystocia14
  • dystonia12
  • dystopia14
  • earthpea13
  • ecclesia12
  • effluvia17
  • egomania11
  • empanada13
  • encaenia10
  • endameba13
  • endostea9
  • enigmata11
  • entameba12
  • ependyma16
  • ephemera15
  • epicedia13
  • epifauna13
  • epimysia15
  • epopoeia12
  • equiseta17
  • erythema16
  • estancia10
  • esthesia11
  • etcetera10
  • eupepsia12
  • euphoria13
  • exonumia17
  • fanegada13
  • fantasia11
  • fenestra11
  • feterita11
  • fibrilla13
  • flabella13
  • flagella12
  • flotilla11
  • focaccia17
  • foramina13
  • frittata11
  • furcraea13
  • galabiya14
  • galleria9
  • gambusia13
  • gammadia14
  • gardenia10
  • gastraea9
  • gastrula9
  • gelsemia11
  • gematria11
  • gerardia10
  • gesneria9
  • glabella11
  • gladiola10
  • glaucoma13
  • gliomata11
  • glossina9
  • gloxinia16
  • golconda12
  • golgotha13
  • guerilla9
  • gymkhana21
  • gymnasia14
  • gynaecea14
  • gynaecia14
  • gynoecia14
  • habanera13
  • hacienda14
  • hamartia13
  • haphtara16
  • haplopia15
  • hatteria11
  • hematoma15
  • hemiolia13
  • hepatica15
  • hepatoma15
  • herbaria13
  • hiragana12
  • hordeola12
  • hospitia13
  • hydrilla15
  • hyphemia21
  • hyponoia16
  • hypopnea18
  • hysteria14
  • icekhana17
  • insignia9
  • insomnia10
  • intarsia8
  • intifada12
  • ischemia15
  • japonica19
  • javelina18
  • jipijapa26
  • kalamata14
  • kalyptra17
  • kamaaina14
  • katakana16
  • katchina17
  • kavakava22
  • keratoma14
  • kielbasa14
  • labrusca12
  • lavalava14
  • leucemia12
  • leukemia14
  • levodopa14
  • linguica11
  • linguisa9
  • lipomata12
  • listeria8
  • lithemia13
  • lymphoma20
  • madrassa11
  • magnesia11
  • magnolia11
  • maharaja20
  • maiolica12
  • majolica19
  • malaroma12
  • malvasia13
  • mamaliga13
  • mammilla14
  • mandioca13
  • mantilla10
  • mantissa10
  • manubria12
  • marchesa15
  • marinara10
  • mariposa12
  • marsupia12
  • mausolea10
  • mazaedia20
  • mazourka23
  • mbaqanga22
  • mechitza24
  • melanoma12
  • melodica13
  • menstrua10
  • meshugga15
  • mesoglea11
  • miasmata12
  • miliaria10
  • mollusca12
  • monstera10
  • moussaka14
  • movieola13
  • mozzetta28
  • mridanga12
  • mycetoma17
  • myotonia13
  • myxameba24
  • myxedema23
  • myxomata22
  • nonquota17
  • occipita14
  • oedemata11
  • oiticica12
  • oliguria9
  • omnivora13
  • opercula12
  • operetta10
  • opuscula12
  • palestra10
  • palladia11
  • palpebra14
  • panatela10
  • pancetta12
  • panetela10
  • panmixia19
  • panorama12
  • parabola12
  • paranoea10
  • paranoia10
  • parhelia13
  • parosmia12
  • pashmina15
  • pellagra11
  • penumbra14
  • peponida13
  • perfecta15
  • petechia15
  • phelonia13
  • photopia15
  • piassaba12
  • piassava13
  • pignolia11
  • pitahaya16
  • pizzeria28
  • placenta12
  • planaria10
  • plethora13
  • plumeria12
  • pollinia10
  • polygala14
  • polypnea15
  • polyuria13
  • postcava15
  • predella11
  • presidia11
  • proforma15
  • progeria11
  • protozoa19
  • prunella10
  • psoralea10
  • pterygia14
  • puerpera12
  • putamina12
  • pycnidia16
  • pyoderma16
  • pyorrhea16
  • qindarka22
  • quadriga19
  • quillaia17
  • quillaja24
  • quinella17
  • quiniela17
  • rachilla13
  • radialia9
  • ramtilla10
  • rendzina18
  • reptilia10
  • responsa10
  • reticula10
  • retinula8
  • rhizobia22
  • rostella8
  • rutabaga11
  • sacraria10
  • salsilla8
  • santeria8
  • sapremia12
  • sarmenta10
  • sastruga9
  • sayonara11
  • scabiosa12
  • schemata15
  • sciatica12
  • scleroma12
  • scolioma12
  • scotopia12
  • scrofula13
  • scutella10
  • semicoma14
  • semigala11
  • seminoma12
  • semolina10
  • senorita8
  • sensilla8
  • sensoria8
  • septaria10
  • serenata8
  • shigella12
  • shillala11
  • silicula10
  • simaruba12
  • sinfonia11
  • sonatina8
  • spartina10
  • spirilla10
  • sporozoa19
  • stapelia10
  • stemmata12
  • sterigma11
  • stigmata11
  • stoccata12
  • stokesia12
  • stomodea11
  • stotinka12
  • strobila10
  • stromata10
  • strontia8
  • subphyla18
  • subpoena12
  • subtopia12
  • suburbia12
  • swastica13
  • swastika15
  • sympodia16
  • symposia15
  • syncytia16
  • synergia12
  • synkarya18
  • syntagma14
  • tamandua11
  • tamboura12
  • tapadera11
  • taqueria17
  • tegmenta11
  • tegumina11
  • tenacula10
  • tentoria8
  • teratoma10
  • terraria8
  • terrella8
  • theriaca13
  • thiotepa13
  • thiourea11
  • tithonia11
  • tokonoma14
  • tortilla8
  • tourista8
  • toxaemia17
  • trachoma15
  • trapezia19
  • traumata10
  • trichina13
  • triennia8
  • trifecta13
  • triforia11
  • trihedra12
  • triptyca15
  • tristeza17
  • trochlea13
  • tsarevna11
  • tsaritza17
  • tzarevna20
  • tzaritza26
  • ultimata10
  • umbrella12
  • undersea9
  • unguenta9
  • uredinia9
  • urinemia10
  • uropygia14
  • vaccinia15
  • valencia13
  • velamina13
  • vendetta12
  • veratria11
  • veronica13
  • vertebra13
  • vesicula13
  • vestigia12
  • vibrissa13
  • victoria13
  • viewdata15
  • vinifera14
  • virtuosa11
  • viscacha18
  • vivipara16
  • vizcacha27
  • wahconda17
  • weigelia12
  • wistaria11
  • wisteria11
  • xanthoma20
  • yokozuna24
  • ytterbia13
  • zarzuela26
  • zastruga18
  • zirconia19
  • zoogloea18
  • zoomania19
  • zygomata23

7 Letter Words That End in A

  • abomasa11
  • aboulia9
  • abrosia9
  • acantha12
  • acapnia11
  • accidia12
  • acequia18
  • acerola9
  • acholia12
  • acicula11
  • acrasia9
  • acromia11
  • actinia9
  • addenda10
  • adenoma10
  • aecidia10
  • aerobia9
  • agnosia8
  • agrapha13
  • alameda10
  • albizia18
  • alfalfa13
  • alforja17
  • algebra10
  • allodia8
  • alluvia10
  • althaea10
  • alumina9
  • amanita9
  • amboina11
  • amboyna14
  • amentia9
  • ammonia11
  • amnesia9
  • amphora14
  • ampulla11
  • amreeta9
  • anaemia9
  • analgia8
  • anchusa12
  • ancilla9
  • anergia8
  • angaria8
  • angioma10
  • anhinga11
  • anopsia9
  • anosmia9
  • antenna7
  • aphagia13
  • aphasia12
  • aphelia12
  • aphonia12
  • aplasia9
  • apraxia16
  • apteria9
  • aquaria16
  • arabica11
  • araroba9
  • arcadia10
  • archaea12
  • arietta7
  • armilla9
  • arugola8
  • arugula8
  • ascidia10
  • astasia7
  • asteria7
  • atalaya10
  • atemoya12
  • atresia7
  • aureola7
  • babesia11
  • baccara13
  • baklava16
  • baklawa16
  • bandana10
  • bandora10
  • banksia13
  • barilla9
  • barista9
  • basidia10
  • bazooka22
  • begonia10
  • begorra10
  • beretta9
  • bhangra13
  • bidarka14
  • biennia9
  • biretta9
  • bisnaga10
  • biznaga19
  • boffola15
  • bohemia14
  • bolivia12
  • bologna10
  • bonanza18
  • bothria12
  • brachia14
  • bravura12
  • breccia13
  • britska13
  • britzka22
  • bubinga12
  • bulimia11
  • bumelia11
  • bursera9
  • buzukia22
  • cabbala13
  • cabomba15
  • cadenza19
  • caesura9
  • caldera10
  • camelia11
  • camisia11
  • camorra11
  • canasta9
  • candela10
  • candida11
  • canella9
  • cannula9
  • cantala9
  • cantata9
  • cantina9
  • canzona18
  • caramba13
  • carbora11
  • carioca11
  • cascara11
  • cassaba11
  • cassata9
  • cassava12
  • cassena9
  • cassina9
  • catalpa11
  • catawba14
  • cavalla12
  • cedilla10
  • celesta9
  • celosia9
  • cementa11
  • cerebra11
  • cerveza21
  • chachka21
  • chalaza21
  • chalupa14
  • chamisa14
  • charkha19
  • chiasma14
  • chimera14
  • cholera12
  • chrisma14
  • chutzpa23
  • ciboria11
  • cingula10
  • cithara12
  • clarkia13
  • coagula10
  • cochlea14
  • codeina10
  • comitia11
  • commata13
  • conidia10
  • copaiba13
  • coquina18
  • corbina11
  • cordoba12
  • coremia11
  • corolla9
  • corpora11
  • corrida10
  • cortina9
  • corvina12
  • cotinga10
  • crapola11
  • curacoa11
  • curcuma13
  • curiosa9
  • cymatia14
  • cypsela14
  • czarina18
  • damiana10
  • daphnia13
  • decidua11
  • dejecta17
  • deliria8
  • deodara9
  • deutzia17
  • dhourra11
  • dicamba14
  • digamma13
  • dilemma12
  • diluvia11
  • diorama10
  • diploma12
  • diptera10
  • diptyca15
  • dogmata11
  • dongola9
  • dracena10
  • drachma15
  • drosera8
  • duodena9
  • dyspnea13
  • dysuria11
  • echidna13
  • ecthyma17
  • ectopia11
  • ectozoa18
  • edemata10
  • emerita9
  • emporia11
  • empyema16
  • encomia11
  • enemata9
  • entasia7
  • entozoa16
  • ephedra13
  • episcia11
  • erotica9
  • eugenia8
  • euglena8
  • eulogia8
  • eupnoea9
  • excreta16
  • exempla18
  • exhedra18
  • exordia15
  • exotica16
  • extrema16
  • exurbia16
  • falbala12
  • farinha13
  • favella13
  • fazenda20
  • felucca14
  • fermata12
  • fibroma14
  • filaria10
  • fimbria14
  • fistula10
  • fontina10
  • formica14
  • formula12
  • foveola13
  • freesia10
  • frenula10
  • fuchsia15
  • furcula12
  • fusaria10
  • galabia10
  • galanga9
  • galatea8
  • galleta8
  • gallica10
  • ganglia9
  • gangsta9
  • gastrea8
  • gazania17
  • gerbera10
  • germina10
  • giardia9
  • gingiva12
  • glomera10
  • godetia9
  • gondola9
  • gonidia9
  • gordita9
  • gorilla8
  • grandma11
  • grandpa11
  • granita8
  • granola8
  • gravida12
  • guarana8
  • gummata12
  • gynecia13
  • haftara13
  • haggada13
  • halacha15
  • halakha17
  • hammada15
  • hariana10
  • harissa10
  • helluva13
  • hemiola12
  • hetaera10
  • hetaira10
  • hexapla19
  • himatia12
  • hosanna10
  • hryvnia16
  • hymenia15
  • hypogea16
  • hyponea15
  • hypoxia22
  • ignatia8
  • ikebana13
  • illuvia10
  • imperia11
  • impresa11
  • indicia10
  • indusia8
  • inedita8
  • inertia7
  • infanta10
  • infauna10
  • ingesta8
  • inocula9
  • ipomoea11
  • jellaba16
  • kabbala15
  • kachina16
  • kalimba15
  • katcina13
  • katsura11
  • keitloa11
  • kerygma17
  • khalifa17
  • kithara14
  • kopiyka20
  • labella9
  • lambada12
  • lamella9
  • lantana7
  • lasagna8
  • latakia11
  • latilla7
  • lemmata11
  • lempira11
  • leucoma11
  • leukoma13
  • lingula8
  • lixivia17
  • lobelia9
  • locusta9
  • logania8
  • lomenta9
  • lordoma10
  • macchia16
  • macumba15
  • madeira10
  • madonna10
  • madrasa10
  • madrona10
  • magenta10
  • magmata12
  • mahatma14
  • mahonia12
  • majagua17
  • malacca13
  • malanga10
  • malaria9
  • mandala10
  • mandola10
  • manilla9
  • manioca11
  • maquila18
  • maranta9
  • marasca11
  • maremma13
  • marimba13
  • markkaa17
  • marsala9
  • mascara11
  • mastaba11
  • matilda10
  • maxilla16
  • mazurka22
  • medulla10
  • megilla10
  • melisma11
  • melodia10
  • meropia11
  • meshuga13
  • mestiza18
  • metazoa18
  • micella11
  • militia9
  • minorca11
  • minutia9
  • mochila14
  • mojarra16
  • momenta11
  • monarda10
  • morphia14
  • mousaka13
  • moviola12
  • mozetta18
  • myalgia13
  • mycelia14
  • myeloma14
  • myomata14
  • nandina8
  • naphtha15
  • narcoma11
  • neuroma9
  • neurula7
  • nigella8
  • nirvana10
  • noncola9
  • noumena9
  • novella10
  • ocarina9
  • olestra7
  • oogonia8
  • ootheca12
  • opuntia9
  • oquassa16
  • organza17
  • osmunda10
  • ossetra7
  • osteoma9
  • ostraca9
  • ostraka11
  • otalgia8
  • ouguiya11
  • oversea10
  • ovipara12
  • oxymora19
  • paisana9
  • palabra11
  • palmyra14
  • panacea11
  • pandora10
  • pandura10
  • panocha14
  • papilla11
  • paprica13
  • paprika15
  • pareira9
  • parerga10
  • partita9
  • pastina9
  • patagia10
  • patella9
  • pavlova15
  • peculia11
  • peloria9
  • pembina13
  • pergola10
  • peridia10
  • perilla9
  • perinea9
  • persona9
  • petunia9
  • philtra12
  • piasaba11
  • piasava12
  • piccata13
  • pignora10
  • pinnula9
  • pintada10
  • piragua10
  • piranha12
  • piscina11
  • planula9
  • platina9
  • plectra11
  • plugola10
  • podagra11
  • podesta10
  • pogonia10
  • polenta9
  • polynya15
  • polyoma14
  • precava14
  • prepupa13
  • primula11
  • pronota9
  • propria11
  • propyla14
  • prosoma11
  • pteryla12
  • pudenda11
  • puparia11
  • purpura11
  • pyaemia14
  • pygidia14
  • pyrexia19
  • pyxidia20
  • quassia16
  • querida17
  • quinela16
  • quinina16
  • ramenta9
  • rasbora9
  • ratafia10
  • refugia11
  • regalia8
  • regatta8
  • regmata10
  • replica11
  • residua8
  • retsina7
  • rhizoma21
  • rhodora11
  • ricksha16
  • ricotta9
  • rikisha14
  • riviera10
  • robusta9
  • rosacea9
  • rosaria7
  • roseola7
  • rotunda8
  • rubella9
  • rubeola9
  • rufiyaa13
  • sambuca13
  • samsara9
  • sangria8
  • santera7
  • saphena12
  • sarcina9
  • sarcoma11
  • sardana8
  • satsuma9
  • savanna10
  • saxtuba16
  • scandia10
  • scapula11
  • scholia12
  • scopula11
  • scotoma11
  • sedilia8
  • senhora10
  • senopia9
  • sequela16
  • sequoia16
  • seriema9
  • seringa8
  • sestina7
  • sevruga11
  • shicksa16
  • shortia10
  • signora8
  • silesia7
  • siliqua16
  • sinopia9
  • solaria7
  • solatia7
  • spatula9
  • spectra11
  • specula11
  • spicula11
  • spinula9
  • spiraea9
  • spirula9
  • splenia9
  • squilla16
  • sraddha12
  • stamina9
  • stasima9
  • sthenia10
  • stomata9
  • stretta7
  • striata7
  • subarea9
  • subidea10
  • subpena11
  • subtaxa16
  • succuba13
  • sudaria8
  • sultana7
  • syconia12
  • synovia13
  • syringa11
  • taffeta13
  • talaria7
  • talooka11
  • tamasha12
  • tambala11
  • tambura11
  • tampala11
  • tantara7
  • tapioca11
  • tartana7
  • taverna10
  • tegmina10
  • tempera11
  • tempura11
  • tequila16
  • tessera7
  • tilapia9
  • timpana11
  • titania7
  • toccata11
  • tombola11
  • tomenta9
  • tostada8
  • toxemia16
  • trachea12
  • trehala10
  • tritoma9
  • trymata12
  • tsarina7
  • tuatara7
  • tuatera7
  • turista7
  • tympana14
  • tzarina16
  • uraemia9
  • urethra10
  • vaccina14
  • valonia10
  • valvula13
  • vanilla10
  • variola10
  • vascula12
  • vedalia11
  • velaria10
  • veranda11
  • verbena12
  • verruca12
  • vexilla17
  • viatica12
  • vicugna13
  • vincula12
  • viremia12
  • viscera12
  • vivaria13
  • wakanda15
  • weigela11
  • whoopla15
  • wommera14
  • woodsia11
  • woomera12
  • yamalka16
  • yamulka16
  • yeshiva16
  • zamarra18
  • zareeba18
  • zelkova23
  • zemstva21
  • zenaida17
  • zingara17
  • zooecia18
  • zooglea17
  • zorilla16
  • zyzzyva43

6 Letter Words That End in A

  • abasia8
  • abelia8
  • abolla8
  • abulia8
  • acacia10
  • acedia9
  • adnexa14
  • aftosa9
  • agenda8
  • aggada9
  • ahimsa11
  • alaska10
  • albata8
  • alexia13
  • alodia7
  • alpaca10
  • althea9
  • alumna8
  • amarna8
  • amoeba10
  • amrita8
  • amusia8
  • anemia8
  • angina7
  • angora7
  • annona6
  • anopia8
  • anoxia13
  • anuria6
  • aphtha14
  • apnoea8
  • aporia8
  • arcana8
  • areola6
  • argala7
  • arista6
  • armada9
  • arnica8
  • arriba8
  • arroba8
  • asrama8
  • asthma11
  • ataxia13
  • atonia6
  • aucuba10
  • aurora6
  • axilla13
  • azalea15
  • bacula10
  • balata8
  • balboa10
  • banana8
  • baryta11
  • beflea11
  • beluga9
  • bemata10
  • bertha11
  • bhakta15
  • bilboa10
  • boccia12
  • bodega10
  • bonita8
  • brahma13
  • bregma11
  • buckra14
  • buddha13
  • bugsha12
  • buqsha20
  • bushwa14
  • cabala10
  • cabana10
  • caeoma10
  • calesa8
  • cambia12
  • camera10
  • camisa10
  • cancha13
  • canola8
  • canula8
  • capita10
  • cardia9
  • carina8
  • casaba10
  • casava11
  • casita8
  • cassia8
  • catena8
  • cedula9
  • centra8
  • cesura8
  • chacma15
  • chaeta11
  • chakra15
  • challa11
  • charka15
  • chimla13
  • choana11
  • cholla11
  • chorea11
  • chroma13
  • chukka19
  • chuppa15
  • cicada11
  • cicala10
  • cinema10
  • citola8
  • clivia11
  • cloaca10
  • codeia9
  • concha13
  • contra8
  • coppra12
  • copula10
  • cornea8
  • cornua8
  • corona8
  • coryza20
  • cowpea13
  • crania8
  • crissa8
  • crista8
  • cuesta8
  • cumbia12
  • cupola10
  • cupula10
  • curara8
  • dagoba10
  • dahlia10
  • datcha12
  • datura7
  • deflea10
  • dharma12
  • dharna10
  • dhoora10
  • dhurna10
  • duenna7
  • eczema19
  • egesta7
  • eidola7
  • ejecta15
  • elodea7
  • eluvia9
  • elytra9
  • encina8
  • enigma9
  • entera6
  • epizoa17
  • errata6
  • eupnea8
  • eureka10
  • exacta15
  • exedra14
  • exuvia16
  • facula11
  • fajita16
  • fanega10
  • farina9
  • fascia11
  • favela12
  • fecula11
  • fedora10
  • feijoa16
  • femora11
  • ferula9
  • fibula11
  • fiesta9
  • flauta9
  • fraena9
  • frusta9
  • fulcra11
  • funkia13
  • fusuma11
  • galena7
  • gambia11
  • geisha10
  • gelada8
  • genera7
  • geneva10
  • glioma9
  • gloria7
  • glossa7
  • goanna7
  • gotcha12
  • gramma11
  • grampa11
  • grappa11
  • gringa8
  • guinea7
  • gyttja17
  • halala9
  • halloa9
  • hamada12
  • haniwa12
  • hawala12
  • hegira10
  • hejira16
  • hernia9
  • hilloa9
  • holloa9
  • hoopla11
  • hryvna15
  • hulloa9
  • hutzpa20
  • hyaena12
  • hydria13
  • iguana7
  • impala10
  • indaba9
  • intima8
  • ischia11
  • jacana15
  • jarina13
  • jejuna20
  • jerboa15
  • jicama17
  • jojoba22
  • judoka18
  • jugula14
  • kabaka16
  • kabala12
  • kabaya15
  • kahuna13
  • kalmia12
  • kamala12
  • kanaka14
  • kerria10
  • kinara10
  • kinema12
  • kishka17
  • koruna10
  • kwacha18
  • kwanza22
  • labara8
  • lacuna8
  • laguna7
  • lambda11
  • lamina8
  • latina6
  • latria6
  • lexica15
  • ligula7
  • likuta10
  • limina8
  • lingua7
  • lipoma10
  • lithia9
  • lochia11
  • loggia8
  • lorica8
  • lumina8
  • lunula6
  • lustra6
  • macula10
  • maffia14
  • makuta12
  • maltha11
  • manana8
  • manila8
  • mantra8
  • mantua8
  • maraca10
  • marina8
  • markka16
  • masala8
  • maxima17
  • mazuma19
  • medaka13
  • medina9
  • medusa9
  • megara9
  • melena8
  • metepa10
  • mezuza26
  • miasma10
  • mimosa10
  • minima10
  • mizuna17
  • modica11
  • morula8
  • mucosa10
  • muleta8
  • murrha11
  • myopia13
  • myrica13
  • myxoma20
  • nagana7
  • nausea6
  • nebula8
  • nepeta8
  • nomina8
  • novena9
  • numina8
  • nutria6
  • nympha16
  • obelia8
  • ochrea11
  • oedema9
  • omenta8
  • optima10
  • organa7
  • orisha9
  • oscula8
  • osetra6
  • ottava9
  • paella8
  • pagoda10
  • pajama17
  • pakeha15
  • pakora12
  • palapa10
  • pallia8
  • panada9
  • panama10
  • papaya13
  • papula10
  • parura8
  • pataca10
  • patina8
  • payola11
  • pelota8
  • pennia8
  • pereia8
  • peseta8
  • pesewa11
  • phobia13
  • piazza26
  • picara10
  • pinata8
  • pineta8
  • pirana8
  • piraya11
  • pitaya11
  • plasma10
  • pleura8
  • pneuma10
  • poisha11
  • posada9
  • prajna15
  • protea8
  • psylla11
  • purana8
  • pyemia13
  • pyjama20
  • pyrola11
  • pyuria11
  • qabala17
  • quagga17
  • qualia15
  • quanta15
  • quelea15
  • quinoa15
  • quinta15
  • quokka23
  • quotha18
  • radula7
  • raffia12
  • ramada9
  • rambla10
  • ramona8
  • ranula6
  • raphia11
  • realia6
  • redowa10
  • regina7
  • remora8
  • remuda9
  • reseda7
  • retina6
  • rhumba13
  • ristra6
  • rostra6
  • rugola7
  • rugosa7
  • rumina8
  • salina6
  • saliva9
  • salvia9
  • samara8
  • samosa8
  • sancta8
  • sapota8
  • satara6
  • schema13
  • scilla8
  • sclera8
  • scoria8
  • scotia8
  • scrota8
  • semina8
  • seneca8
  • senega7
  • senora6
  • serosa6
  • sharia9
  • sheila9
  • shelta9
  • sherpa11
  • shiksa13
  • sienna6
  • sierra6
  • siesta6
  • sifaka13
  • silica8
  • sistra6
  • smegma11
  • somata8
  • sonata6
  • spirea8
  • squama17
  • sradha10
  • stadia7
  • stanza15
  • stella6
  • stemma10
  • sterna6
  • stigma9
  • strata6
  • stroma8
  • struma8
  • subsea8
  • sulpha11
  • synura9
  • taenia6
  • taffia12
  • taluka10
  • tantra6
  • tapeta8
  • tarama8
  • tarsia6
  • telega7
  • tephra11
  • terbia8
  • thoria9
  • thulia9
  • torula6
  • trauma8
  • trivia9
  • troika10
  • tundra7
  • tunica8
  • ultima8
  • ungula7
  • urania6
  • uredia7
  • uremia8
  • utopia8
  • valuta9
  • vesica11
  • vicuna11
  • vimina11
  • vizsla18
  • vomica13
  • womera11
  • yakuza22
  • yantra9
  • yautia9
  • yttria9
  • zanana15
  • zareba17
  • zariba17
  • zenana15
  • zeugma18
  • zinnia15
  • zoaria15
  • zoecia17
  • zonula15
  • zoysia18
  • zygoma21

5 Letter Words That End in A

  • abaca9
  • abaka11
  • abaya10
  • aboma9
  • aceta7
  • adyta9
  • aecia7
  • agama8
  • agita6
  • agora6
  • agria6
  • ajiva15
  • ajuga13
  • akela9
  • aliya8
  • aloha8
  • alpha10
  • alula5
  • ameba9
  • amiga8
  • amnia7
  • anima7
  • antra5
  • aorta5
  • apnea7
  • areca7
  • arena5
  • arepa7
  • aroma7
  • asana5
  • asyla8
  • atria5
  • babka13
  • bacca11
  • baiza16
  • balsa7
  • banda8
  • barca9
  • belga8
  • betta7
  • biota7
  • bohea10
  • boyla10
  • brava10
  • braza16
  • bubba11
  • bulla7
  • bunya10
  • burka11
  • burqa16
  • bursa7
  • bwana10
  • caeca9
  • calla7
  • canna7
  • ceiba9
  • cella7
  • ceria7
  • cesta7
  • chela10
  • chica12
  • china10
  • chola10
  • chufa13
  • cilia7
  • circa9
  • cnida8
  • coala7
  • cobia9
  • cobra9
  • cocoa9
  • colza16
  • comma11
  • conga8
  • copra9
  • coria7
  • costa7
  • cotta7
  • crura7
  • culpa9
  • cuppa11
  • curia7
  • dacha11
  • dagga8
  • delta6
  • derma8
  • dicta8
  • dobla8
  • dobra8
  • dogma9
  • dolma8
  • donga7
  • donna6
  • dorsa6
  • doula6
  • douma8
  • doura6
  • drama8
  • dulia6
  • dumka12
  • durra6
  • edema8
  • enema7
  • entia5
  • erica7
  • etyma10
  • extra12
  • facia10
  • faena8
  • fanga9
  • fatwa11
  • fauna8
  • fella8
  • feria8
  • finca10
  • flora8
  • flota8
  • folia8
  • fossa8
  • fovea11
  • frena8
  • galea6
  • gamba10
  • gamma10
  • ganja13
  • garda7
  • gemma10
  • genoa6
  • genua6
  • gleba8
  • gonia6
  • grama8
  • grana6
  • guava9
  • gumma10
  • gutta6
  • gyoza18
  • haika12
  • halma10
  • halva11
  • hamza19
  • hansa8
  • henna8
  • herma10
  • hijra15
  • holla8
  • honda9
  • hooka12
  • hosta8
  • huzza26
  • hydra12
  • hyena11
  • hypha16
  • infra8
  • ixora12
  • jagra13
  • jnana12
  • junta12
  • kalpa11
  • kappa13
  • karma11
  • kasha12
  • kheda13
  • kibla11
  • koala9
  • koppa13
  • korma11
  • krona9
  • kurta9
  • labia7
  • labra7
  • lamia7
  • larva8
  • laura5
  • lehua8
  • lemma9
  • lepta7
  • liana5
  • libra7
  • limba9
  • limpa9
  • linga6
  • llama7
  • logia6
  • loofa8
  • louma7
  • luffa11
  • lutea5
  • lycea10
  • lycra10
  • lyssa8
  • lytta8
  • mafia10
  • magma10
  • mamba11
  • mamma11
  • manga8
  • mania7
  • manna7
  • manta7
  • maria7
  • marka11
  • massa7
  • matza16
  • mbira9
  • mecca11
  • media8
  • mensa7
  • menta7
  • micra9
  • mikra11
  • milia7
  • milpa9
  • mirza16
  • mocha12
  • moira7
  • momma11
  • moola7
  • mudra8
  • mulla7
  • murra7
  • musca9
  • myoma12
  • naira5
  • nakfa12
  • nappa9
  • ninja12
  • noria5
  • nubia7
  • nucha10
  • nyala8
  • ocrea7
  • oidia6
  • omasa7
  • omega8
  • opera7
  • ossia5
  • ostia5
  • pacha12
  • paisa7
  • palea7
  • pampa11
  • panda8
  • panga8
  • parka11
  • pasha10
  • pasta7
  • penna7
  • pepla9
  • perea7
  • phyla13
  • pieta7
  • pilea7
  • pinna7
  • pinta7
  • pitta7
  • pizza25
  • playa10
  • plaza16
  • plena7
  • plica9
  • podia8
  • polka11
  • poppa11
  • presa7
  • prima9
  • pruta7
  • pucka13
  • pukka15
  • punka11
  • purda8
  • quota14
  • raita5
  • reata5
  • recta7
  • redia6
  • regma8
  • regna6
  • retia5
  • rhyta11
  • riata5
  • rioja12
  • ruana5
  • rumba9
  • sabra7
  • sacra7
  • saiga6
  • salpa7
  • salsa5
  • samba9
  • sanga6
  • sauna5
  • scena7
  • schwa13
  • scuba9
  • scuta7
  • selva8
  • senna5
  • sensa5
  • sepia7
  • septa7
  • shiva11
  • sigla6
  • sigma8
  • signa6
  • silva8
  • sirra5
  • softa8
  • sorta5
  • spica9
  • sputa7
  • stela5
  • stoma7
  • stria5
  • stupa7
  • sulfa8
  • summa9
  • sunna5
  • supra7
  • surra5
  • sutra5
  • sutta5
  • sylva11
  • tabla7
  • tafia8
  • taiga6
  • tanga6
  • tanka9
  • tazza23
  • tecta7
  • tegua6
  • telia5
  • tenia5
  • terga6
  • terra5
  • tesla5
  • testa5
  • tetra5
  • theca10
  • theta8
  • thuja15
  • thuya11
  • tiara5
  • tibia7
  • tikka13
  • tinea5
  • tonga6
  • torta5
  • trona5
  • tryma10
  • tsuba7
  • ulama7
  • ulema7
  • ultra5
  • umbra9
  • uncia7
  • urbia7
  • usnea5
  • uvula8
  • vacua10
  • vanda9
  • varia8
  • varna8
  • veena8
  • vesta8
  • vigia9
  • villa8
  • vinca10
  • viola8
  • virga9
  • vista8
  • vitta8
  • vodka13
  • voila8
  • volta8
  • volva11
  • vulva11
  • walla8
  • wicca12
  • wirra8
  • wisha11
  • xenia12
  • yenta8
  • yerba10
  • yucca12
  • yurta8
  • zamia16
  • zanza23
  • zebra16

4 Letter Words That End in A

  • abba8
  • acta6
  • agha8
  • agma7
  • alba6
  • alfa7
  • alga5
  • alma6
  • amia6
  • anga5
  • anna4
  • anoa4
  • ansa4
  • anta4
  • aqua13
  • area4
  • aria4
  • asea4
  • atma6
  • aura4
  • baba8
  • bema8
  • beta6
  • bima8
  • bola6
  • bora6
  • bota6
  • buna6
  • bura6
  • caca8
  • casa6
  • ceca8
  • chia9
  • coca8
  • coda7
  • cola6
  • coma8
  • coxa13
  • cyma11
  • dada6
  • data5
  • deva8
  • dita5
  • diva8
  • dona5
  • dopa7
  • duma7
  • dura5
  • epha9
  • etna4
  • eyra7
  • fava10
  • feta7
  • fila7
  • flea7
  • fora7
  • gaga6
  • gala5
  • gama7
  • geta5
  • giga6
  • glia5
  • haha10
  • hila7
  • hora7
  • hoya10
  • hula7
  • hyla10
  • idea5
  • ilea4
  • ilia4
  • ilka8
  • inia4
  • iota4
  • isba6
  • ixia11
  • java14
  • jota11
  • juba13
  • juga12
  • jura11
  • kaka12
  • kana8
  • kapa10
  • kata8
  • kava11
  • kina8
  • kiva11
  • kola8
  • kora8
  • kuna8
  • lama6
  • lava7
  • leva7
  • lima6
  • lipa6
  • lira4
  • loca6
  • lota4
  • luma6
  • luna4
  • mama8
  • mana6
  • mara6
  • masa6
  • maya9
  • mega7
  • mesa6
  • meta6
  • mica8
  • mina6
  • mola6
  • mora6
  • moxa13
  • mura6
  • myna9
  • nada5
  • nala4
  • nana4
  • napa6
  • nema6
  • nipa6
  • noma6
  • nona4
  • nota4
  • nova7
  • obia6
  • odea5
  • ohia7
  • okra8
  • olea4
  • olla4
  • orca6
  • orra4
  • ossa4
  • paca8
  • papa8
  • para6
  • pica8
  • pika10
  • pima8
  • pina6
  • pita6
  • plea6
  • proa6
  • puja13
  • pula6
  • puma8
  • puna6
  • pupa8
  • raga5
  • raia4
  • raja11
  • raya7
  • rhea7
  • rota4
  • ruga5
  • saga5
  • sera4
  • seta4
  • shea7
  • shwa10
  • sika8
  • sima6
  • skua8
  • soba6
  • soca6
  • soda5
  • sofa7
  • soja11
  • sola4
  • soma6
  • sora4
  • soya7
  • stoa4
  • suba6
  • sura4
  • taka8
  • tala4
  • tapa6
  • taxa11
  • tela4
  • tepa6
  • toea4
  • toga5
  • tola4
  • tora4
  • tuba6
  • tufa7
  • tuna4
  • ulna4
  • ulva7
  • urea4
  • ursa4
  • uvea7
  • vara7
  • vasa7
  • vela7
  • vena7
  • vera7
  • viga8
  • vina7
  • visa7
  • vita7
  • viva10
  • weka11
  • whoa10
  • yoga8
  • yuca9
  • yuga8
  • zeta13
  • zoea13
  • zona13

FAQ on words ending with A

What are the best Scrabble words ending with A?

The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with A is Zyzzyva, which is worth at least 43 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word ending with A is britzka, which is worth 22 points.
Other high score words ending with A are
zemstva (21),
chutzpa (23),
hypoxia (22),
cerveza (21),
bazooka (22),
buzukia (22),
mazurka (22).

How many words end in A?

There are 2,298 words that end with A in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
535 are 8 letter
640 are 7 letter
468 are 6 letter
389 are 5 letter
213 are 4 letter
41 are 3 letter
12 are 2 letter

How many two letter words end with A?

There are 12 two letter words that end with the letter A.
They are

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