Dialogue is another word for

What is another word for dialogue?

491 synonyms found


[ dˈa͡ɪ͡əlɒɡ], [ dˈa‍ɪ‍əlɒɡ], [ d_ˈaɪə_l_ɒ_ɡ]

Related words: dialogue generator, generating dialogue, dialog generator, dialogue font, dialogue maker, making dialogue, how to create dialogue, generate a conversation

Related questions:

  • What is dialogue?
  • How do i create dialogue?
  • How do i make dialogue?
  • How do i generate dialogue?

    Table of Contents

    Synonyms for Dialogue:

    • n.

      • commentary,
      • inquest,
      • exploration.

      • device,
      • jaw,
      • words,
      • establish.

      • drill.

      colloquy (noun)

      • dis-course,
      • talkfests,
      • clambakes,
      • dis courses,
      • chinfests,
      • dis course,
      • gab fests,
      • groupthinks,
      • buzz sessions,
      • dis-courses.

      consultation (noun)

      • de liberations,
      • Second Opinions,
      • de-liberation,
      • ex-amination,
      • de-liberations,
      • ex aminations,
      • ex amination,
      • ex-aminations,
      • de liberation.

      conversation (noun)

      • confabulation,
      • remarks,
      • rap.

      dialog (noun)

      • dialog.

      dialogue (noun)

      • negotiation,
      • talks.

      discussion (noun)

      • ex changes,
      • re-views,
      • de-bate,
      • ex change,
      • de bates,
      • de-bates,
      • re views,
      • re-view,
      • de bate,
      • re view.

      empty talk (noun)

      • palaver.

      interview (noun)

      • inter views,
      • call backs,
      • inter-view,
      • re-cords,
      • inter-views,
      • re cords,
      • re cord,
      • re-cord,
      • inter view.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • typescript,
      • supporting role,
      • interview,
      • buzz session,
      • orals,
      • principal character,
      • Cameos,
      • Interlocution,
      • eyeball-to-eyeball,
      • straight part,
      • walk-on,
      • earful,
      • causerie,
      • gab fest,
      • Libretti,
      • GAMS,
      • wranglings,
      • sessions,
      • silent bit,
      • Playbook,
      • minor role,
      • script,
      • talk,
      • libretto,
      • cameo,
      • straight talk,
      • Second Opinion,
      • protagonist,
      • consultation,
      • discussion,
      • chinfest,
      • leading role,
      • stock character,
      • causeries,
      • Librettos,
      • talkfest,
      • protagonists,
      • typescripts,
      • title role,
      • romantic lead,
      • Heroes,
      • playbooks,
      • clambake,
      • speech,
      • Gam,
      • colloquy,
      • groupthink.

      palaver (noun)

      • cajolery,
      • Cajoleries,
      • flummery.

      part (noun)

      • principal characters,
      • leading roles,
      • silent bits,
      • minor roles,
      • walk-ons,
      • walk ons,
      • romantic leads,
      • stock characters,
      • straight parts,
      • walk on,
      • walkon,
      • walkons,
      • supporting roles,
      • title roles.

      speech (noun)

      • doublespeak,
      • speakings,
      • vocal expression,
      • native tongue.

      tête-è-tête (noun)

      • face to face talks,
      • one on one talk,
      • intimate discussions.

      verbalization (noun)

      • verbalization.
    • v.

      talk (verb)

      • goes into a huddle,
      • collogues,
      • groupthinked,
      • keeping touch,
      • inter-acts,
      • hath meet,
      • inter acts,
      • goes in to huddle,
      • inter-faces,
      • has meet,
      • had meet,
      • was contact,
      • inter-face,
      • went in to huddle,
      • inter-faced,
      • inter faces,
      • hast a meet,
      • goes into huddle,
      • keeps in touch,
      • are in contact,
      • wast contact,
      • inter face,
      • holds discussion,
      • de-liberating,
      • went into huddle,
      • have meet,
      • inter acting,
      • are contact,
      • going in to huddle,
      • inter-act,
      • engaging conversation,
      • being contact,
      • inter viewing,
      • ex changing,
      • having meet,
      • go in to a huddle,
      • joins conversation,
      • keeping in touch,
      • keeps touch,
      • inter-viewing,
      • had a meet,
      • re-lated,
      • thrashing out,
      • inter-viewed,
      • art in contact,
      • go in to huddle,
      • carries on conversation,
      • keep touch,
      • ex-changing,
      • haddest a meet,
      • go into huddle,
      • colloguing,
      • engage conversation,
      • inter-acted,
      • groupthinking,
      • inter act,
      • hath a meet,
      • inter facing,
      • were contact,
      • kept touch,
      • thrashed out,
      • having a meet,
      • went in to a huddle,
      • joining conversation,
      • engages in conversation,
      • de liberated,
      • haddest meet,
      • joined conversation,
      • hadst a meet,
      • carried conversation,
      • engaged in conversation,
      • de-liberates,
      • was in contact,
      • inter-acting,
      • join conversation,
      • am in contact,
      • kept in touch,
      • engages conversation,
      • going into a huddle,
      • has a meet,
      • carrying conversation,
      • carries conversation,
      • hadst meet,
      • wert contact,
      • de liberating,
      • joined in conversation,
      • joins in conversation,
      • thrashes out,
      • art contact,
      • am contact,
      • going into huddle,
      • hast meet,
      • be contact,
      • going in to a huddle,
      • is contact,
      • wast in contact,
      • being in contact,
      • de liberates,
      • carry conversation,
      • were in contact,
      • inter viewed,
      • goes in to a huddle,
      • inter acted,
      • went into a huddle,
      • re late,
      • carried on conversation,
      • joining in conversation,
      • de-liberate,
      • de liberate,
      • engaging in conversation,
      • is in contact,
      • carrying on conversation,
      • engaged conversation,
      • wert in contact,
      • collogued,
      • holding discussion,
      • inter faced,
      • de-liberated,
      • held discussion,
      • ex-changed.
    • Other synonyms:

      • phonics,
      • the first person,
      • dramatic irony,
      • Deus Ex Machina,
      • storyline,
      • teaching practice,
      • CBI,
      • writer’s block,
      • anthropomorphic,
      • Programmed Instruction,
      • home schooling,
      • stream of consciousness,
      • bathos,
      • edutainment,
      • student teaching,
      • imagery,
      • worksheet,
      • personify,
      • field trip,
      • teacher training,
      • classroom,
      • poetic license,
      • direct method,
      • trope,
      • interior monologue,
      • Visual Aid,
      • blended learning,
      • confab.

      • flashback,
      • portray,
      • chat,
      • exchange,
      • characterization,
      • continuity,
      • metaphor,
      • pace,
      • allegory,
      • kill off.

      • immersion.

      • follow,
      • voice,
      • lecture.

      • lesson.

      Other relevant words:

      • reaches out,
      • thrash out,
      • dialoguing,
      • Palavering,
      • Parleyed,
      • reaching out,
      • interfaces,
      • Parleying,
      • have a meet,
      • interface,
      • go into a huddle,
      • interacting,
      • dialogued,
      • keep in touch,
      • hold discussion,
      • reach out,
      • interfacing,
      • collogue,
      • reached out,
      • Palavered,
      • carry on conversation,
      • interfaced,
      • be in contact,
      • interviewed,
      • join in conversation,
      • engage in conversation,
      • interact.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • minstrel show,
      • treat,
      • argy-bargy,
      • talking,
      • vehicle,
      • radio drama,
      • communication,
      • parley,
      • Trialogue,
      • antimasque,
      • prattle,
      • failure,
      • canvassing,
      • actor’s lines,
      • testify,
      • oral communication,
      • soap,
      • giveaway,
      • address,
      • flop,
      • argument,
      • sketch,
      • television play,
      • dramatic play,
      • opera,
      • parlance,
      • accost,
      • seminar,
      • tableau,
      • deliberation,
      • treatment,
      • say,
      • talk show,
      • gasser,
      • synergistic,
      • verbalise,
      • pastoral,
      • skit,
      • discussions,
      • miracle play,
      • bull session,
      • arbitration,
      • morality,
      • interactive,
      • huddle,
      • town meeting,
      • pageant,
      • examination,
      • interactional,
      • melodrama,
      • spectacle,
      • handle,
      • chin-wag,
      • council,
      • revue,
      • arbitral,
      • ballet,
      • Dialogize,
      • piece,
      • consideration,
      • stage show,
      • playlet,
      • convention,
      • miracle,
      • chatter,
      • Music drama,
      • forum,
      • cover,
      • open discussion,
      • tete-a-tete,
      • bomb,
      • audience success,
      • tableau vivant,
      • UY,
      • charade,
      • duodrama,
      • converse,
      • airing,
      • teleplay,
      • deliver,
      • powwow,
      • dialogues,
      • give and take,
      • serial,
      • Intercessory,
      • speak,
      • one-on-one,
      • consult,
      • situation comedy,
      • Mediatory,
      • small talk,
      • communion,
      • symposium,
      • playscript,
      • problem play,
      • part,
      • express,
      • commerce,
      • arbitrative,
      • flap,
      • panel discussion,
      • sing,
      • improvisational drama,
      • gossip,
      • colloquium,
      • exchange of views,
      • argumentation,
      • promptbook,
      • sides,
      • emit,
      • recite,
      • verbalize,
      • soap opera,
      • rap session,
      • dialectic,
      • scrutiny,
      • debate,
      • vaudeville,
      • work,
      • play,
      • review,
      • counsel,
      • show,
      • pronounce,
      • call,
      • documentary drama,
      • conference,
      • arbitrational,
      • blab,
      • synergetic,
      • success,
      • vaudeville show,
      • psychodrama,
      • happening,
      • investigation,
      • discourse,
      • masque,
      • intercourse,
      • LINEs,
      • conversation,
      • analysis,
      • text,
      • closet drama,
      • meeting,
      • drama,
      • variety show,
      • sitcom,
      • quiz show,
      • dialect,
      • extravaganza,
      • morality play,
      • chit-chat,
      • burlesque show,
      • mystery,
      • stage play,
      • Debating,
      • ventilation,
      • questions and answers,
      • broadcast drama,
      • Monodrama,
      • duologue,
      • daytime serial,
      • diplomacy,
      • sociodrama,
      • panel show,
      • HIT,
      • word,
      • repartee,
      • mystery play,
      • back-and-forth,
      • pillow talk,
      • pantomime,
      • study,
      • Collocution,
      • television drama,
      • theater of cruelty.

    How to use «Dialogue» in context?

    Dialogue is a powerful and often overlooked tool for creating story. It allows people to exchange ideas and perspectives, and can create a richer and more complex story than ever before. The key is to use dialogue in a way that makes the story more engaging for the reader.

    One of the best ways to do this is to use dialogue to show the characters interacting and debating the issues at hand. This can help to create a sense of urgency and momentum, as well as better develop the characters. It can also help to reveal hidden aspects of the characters and the story.

    dialogue can also be used to set up future scenes and plot points.

    Paraphrases for Dialogue:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
    • Forward Entailment

      • Noun, plural
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        interactive, consensus-building.
      • Proper noun, plural
        Rights, states.
      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, plural
        Conferences, LINEs, partners, contacts, NGOS, interlocutors, participants.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        negotiation, Negotiating, Trialogue, consensus-building.
      • Verb, past tense
        held, noted, said, Had, Told.
      • Verb, base form
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
        conversation, dialog, discussion, discussions, dialogs.
      • Noun, plural
        discussions, dialogs, interactions.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        conversation, dialog, discourse, discussion.
      • Adverb
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
        dialog, engage.

    Homophones for Dialogue:

    • dallas, dhu al-hijjah, deathlike, Deliquesce, doll’s house, dialyze, dollhouse, delouse, doll’s eyes, deluge, dialysis, delicious, Dhu al-Hijja, delegacy, duologue, delicacy, deadlock, dateless, dhu’l-hijjah, delius, dolichos, deluxe, dulse, dulles, deathless, De Luxe, daedalus, dialog, dialyse, dhu’l-hijja, details, dalasi.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

    • Dialogistical
    • dialogists
    • Dialogite
    • Dialogize
    • dialogs
    • Dialogue
    • (dead) set against something
    • (do you) understand?
    • -day wonder
    • D
    • d and c


    • DIALOGUE synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • DIALOGUE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — DIALOGUE synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of DIALOGUE
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for DIALOGUE

    WiktionaryRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. dialogueverb

      multilogue, monologue, introspection

    2. dialoguenoun

      A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals.

      Pearson wanted to dialogue with his overseas counterparts about the new reporting requirements.

      introspection, monologue, multilogue

    3. dialoguenoun

      The movie had great special effects, but the dialogue was lackluster.

      introspection, monologue, multilogue

    4. dialoguenoun

      A literary historian, she specialized in the dialogues of ancient Greek philosophers.

      monologue, introspection, multilogue

    5. dialoguenoun

      Once the My Computer dialogue opens, select Local Disk (C:), then right click and scroll down.

      monologue, multilogue, introspection

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. dialogue

      Conversation (Latin con, with) is, etymologically, an interchange of ideas with some other person or persons. Talk may be wholly one-sided. Many brilliant talkers have been incapable of conversation. There may be intercourse without conversation, as by looks, signs, etc.; communion is of hearts, with or without words; communication is often by writing, and may be uninvited and unreciprocated. Talk may denote the mere utterance of words with little thought; thus, we say idle talk, empty talk, rather than idle or empty conversation. Discourse is now applied chiefly to public addresses. A conference is more formal than a conversation. Dialog denotes ordinarily an artificial or imaginary conversation, generally of two persons, but sometimes of more. A colloquy is indefinite as to number, and generally somewhat informal. Compare BEHAVIOR.

      chat, colloquy, communication, communion, confabulation, conference, conversation, converse, discourse, intercourse, parley, talk

      Conversation with friends; between or among the guests; about a matter.

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.8 / 4 votes

    1. dialogue, dialog, duologuenoun

      a conversation between two persons

      talks, negotiation, dialog, duologue

    2. dialogue, dialognoun

      the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction

      talks, negotiation, dialog, duologue

    3. dialogue, dialognoun

      a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people

      «he has read Plato’s Dialogues in the original Greek»

      talks, negotiation, dialog, duologue

    4. negotiation, dialogue, talksnoun

      a discussion intended to produce an agreement

      «the buyout negotiation lasted several days»; «they disagreed but kept an open dialogue»; «talks between Israelis and Palestinians»

      negotiation, talks, duologue, dialog

    Matched Categories

      • Discussion
      • Literary Composition
      • Script
      • Talk

    Suggested Resources

    1. Dialogue

      Dialogue vs. Dialog — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Dialogue and Dialog.

    2. Dialogue

      Dialog vs. Dialogue — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Dialog and Dialogue.

    How to pronounce dialogue?

    How to say dialogue in sign language?

    How to use dialogue in a sentence?

    1. South Korean President Moon Jae-in:

      So first, the South-North Korean summit must make a good beginning, and the dialogue between the two Koreas likely must continue after we see the results of the North Korea-United States summit.

    2. Anthony Albanese:

      This moment has been a very long time in the making, yet they have shown such patience and optimism through this process. And that spirit of cooperation and thoughtful, respectful dialogue has been so important at arriving at this point in such a united fashion.

    3. Ned Price:

      We have been very clear about what we want to see happen. We are committed to the principle that dialogue will allow us to pursue our ultimate objective and that’s quite simply the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, we have no hostile intent towards the DPRK. We have been very clear about that. What we seek to do is to reduce the threat to the North Korea, to our allies in the region, and that includes the ROK( Republic of Korea or South Korea) and Japan, and we think we can do that through diplomacy with the ROK.

    4. United Nations:

      It’s not for me to speak on behalf of the Chinese authorities, this is part of a dialogue that the Secretary?General has had with Chinese authorities in the past and that he will continue to have.

    5. Tony Clark:

      I’m a former player. I owe everything to the game. So do I watch it? Do I critique it? Do I analyze it? Am I willing to have a conversation about its well-being? always have and will continue to. That’s not going to change. And I’m sure that at the end of the World Series, the dialogue that we’ve had to this point will continue.

    Translations for dialogue

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • محادثة, حوارArabic
    • dialoq, qonuşma, söhbətAzerbaijani
    • размо́ва, дыяло́г, гута́ркаBelarusian
    • диало́г, разгово́р, бесе́да, разговарямBulgarian
    • dialogarCatalan, Valencian
    • dialog, konverzace, rozhovorCzech
    • konversation, samtale, dialogDanish
    • Dialog, Gespräch, DialogfensterGerman
    • διάλογος, συνομιλίαGreek
    • dialogoEsperanto
    • diálogo, conversaciónSpanish
    • dialoog, kahekõne, vestlusEstonian
    • گفتگو, صحبتPersian
    • dialogi, vuoropuheluFinnish
    • dialogue, dialoguer, conversationFrench
    • idirphléIrish
    • seanchas, agallamh, còmhradhScottish Gaelic
    • שיחה, דו-שיחHebrew
    • बातचीत, संवादHindi
    • társalgás, beszélgetésHungarian
    • երկխոսություն, զրույց, երկխոսելArmenian
    • dialog, percakapanIndonesian
    • samtalIcelandic
    • dialogo, discorso, conversazioneItalian
    • דו שיחHebrew
    • 討論, 対話形式, 対話, 会話, カンバセーション, 話しJapanese
    • საუბარი, დიალოგიGeorgian
    • диалог, сөйлесімKazakh
    • ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆKannada
    • 대화, 회화, 對話, 會話Korean
    • сүйлөшүү, диалогKyrgyz
    • dialogusLatin
    • dialogas, pokalbisLithuanian
    • saruna, dialogsLatvian
    • ра́зговор, дијалогMacedonian
    • സംഭാഷണംMalayalam
    • яриа, үгMongolian
    • dialog, perbualan, percakapanMalay
    • samtale, dialog, konversasjonNorwegian
    • kortsluiten, dialoogvenster, dialoog, discussiëren, dialogeren, gesprekDutch
    • dialogNorwegian
    • dialog, konwersacja, rozmowaPolish
    • conversação, conversa, diálogoPortuguese
    • dialog, conversațieRomanian
    • диало́говое окно́, разгово́р, диало́г, бесе́даRussian
    • razgovor, дијалог, dijàlog, разговорSerbo-Croatian
    • konverzácia, rozhovor, dialógSlovak
    • pogovor, dialogSlovene
    • bisedë, dialogAlbanian
    • dialog, konversation, samtalSwedish
    • உரையாடல்Tamil
    • సంభాషణTelugu
    • сӯхбат, гуфтугӯ, муколамаTajik
    • การสนทนาThai
    • söhbet, gürrüňTurkmen
    • sorgu kutusu, diyalog, konuşma, sohbetTurkish
    • бесі́да, розмо́ва, діало́гUkrainian
    • بات چیت, مکالمہUrdu
    • suhbatUzbek
    • hội thoại, đối thoạiVietnamese
    • דיאַלאָגYiddish
    • 對話Chinese

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    • Ελληνικά (Greek)
    • Latinum (Latin)
    • Svenska (Swedish)
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    • Suomi (Finnish)
    • فارسی (Persian)
    • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
    • հայերեն (Armenian)
    • Norsk (Norwegian)
    • English (English)


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    Are we missing a good synonym for dialogue?

    Need another word that means the same as “dialogue”? Find 25 synonyms and 30 related words for “dialogue” in this overview.

    Table Of Contents:

    • Dialogue as a Noun
    • Definitions of «Dialogue» as a noun
    • Synonyms of «Dialogue» as a noun (25 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Dialogue» as a noun
    • Associations of «Dialogue» (30 Words)

    The synonyms of “Dialogue” are: dialog, duologue, negotiation, talks, conversation, talk, communication, interchange, discourse, argument, script, text, screenplay, speech, discussion, exchange, debate, exchange of views, head-to-head, tête-à-tête, consultation, conference, parley, interview, question and answer session

    Dialogue as a Noun

    Definitions of «Dialogue» as a noun

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dialogue” as a noun can have the following definitions:

    • A discussion intended to produce an agreement.
    • The lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction.
    • A literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people.
    • A conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film.
    • A discussion between two or more people or groups, especially one directed towards exploration of a particular subject or resolution of a problem.
    • A conversation between two persons.

    Synonyms of «Dialogue» as a noun (25 Words)

    argument An independent variable associated with a function or proposition and determining its value For example in the expression y F x x the arguments of the function F are x and x and the value is y.
    I ve had an argument with my father.
    communication The activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information.
    They could not act without official communication from Moscow.
    conference A linking of several phones or computers, so that each user may communicate with the others simultaneously.
    An international conference on the environment.
    consultation The action or process of formally consulting or discussing.
    They improved standards in consultation with consumer representatives.
    conversation The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.
    The two men were deep in conversation.
    debate An argument about a particular subject, especially one in which many people are involved.
    Last night s debate on the Education Bill.
    dialog A conversation between two persons.
    discourse A formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing.
    The language of political discourse.
    discussion A detailed treatment of a topic in speech or writing.
    We had a good discussion.
    duologue A conversation between two persons.
    exchange A move or short sequence of moves in which both players capture material of comparable value or particularly the exchange in which one captures a rook in return for a knight or bishop.
    They had a bitter exchange.
    exchange of views A workplace for buying and selling; open only to members.
    head-to-head Forward movement.
    interchange Alternation.
    There was an interchange of prisoners.
    interview A conference (usually with someone important.
    A half hour interview with the prime minister.
    negotiation Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
    A worldwide ban is currently under negotiation.
    parley A conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an armistice.
    A parley is in progress and the invaders may withdraw.
    question and answer session A sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply.
    screenplay The script of a film, including acting instructions and scene directions.
    script The social role or behaviour appropriate to particular situations that an individual absorbs through cultural influences and association with others.
    Russian script.
    speech Words making up the dialogue of a play.
    I detected a slight accent in his speech.
    talk The act of giving a talk to an audience.
    He s all talk.
    talks A speech that is open to the public.
    Talks between Israelis and Palestinians.
    text A text message.
    His economics textbook is in its tenth edition.
    tête-à-tête A private conversation between two people.

    Usage Examples of «Dialogue» as a noun

    • Passages of dialogue.
    • The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam.
    • The book consisted of a series of dialogues.
    • Interfaith dialogue.
    • They disagreed but kept an open dialogue.

    Associations of «Dialogue» (30 Words)

    chat Songbirds having a chattering call.
    She chatted to her mother on the phone every day.
    contention Heated disagreement.
    The captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries.
    contentiousness An inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious.
    controversial Marked by or capable of arousing controversy.
    Years of wrangling over a controversial bypass.
    controversy A contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement.
    The announcement ended a protracted controversy.
    conversation The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.
    The two men were deep in conversation.
    debate Argue with one another.
    John debated Mary.
    dialog The lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction.
    discourse To consider or examine in speech or writing.
    She could discourse at great length on the history of Europe.
    discuss Speak with others about something talk something over in detail have a discussion.
    We discussed our household budget.
    discussion An extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic.
    Discussions about environmental improvement.
    disputation A contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement.
    A lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request.
    dispute Have a disagreement over something.
    He had a dispute with his wife.
    enthuse Make (someone) interested and eagerly appreciative.
    Public art is a tonic that can enthuse alienated youth.
    forum A public meeting or assembly for open discussion.
    We hope these pages act as a forum for debate.
    glib Having only superficial plausibility.
    The glib phrases soon roll off the tongue.
    hassel Norwegian chemist noted for his research on organic molecules (1897-1981.
    interlocutor A person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
    interlocutory (of a decree or judgement) given provisionally during the course of a legal action.
    An interlocutory injunction.
    negotiable Open to discussion or modification.
    Negotiable bonds.
    negotiation A discussion intended to produce an agreement.
    A worldwide ban is currently under negotiation.
    parley A conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an armistice.
    They disagreed over whether to parley with the enemy.
    persuasiveness The power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty.
    polemical Of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech.
    A polemical essay.
    prompting The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
    The audience could hear his prompting.
    recitative A vocal passage of narrative text that a singer delivers with natural rhythms of speech.
    Singing in recitative.
    speaker The presiding officer of a deliberative assembly.
    The speaker at commencement.
    stagy Having characteristics of the stage especially an artificial and mannered quality.
    A stagy melodramatic voice.
    talk The act of giving a talk to an audience.
    Keep on walking and talk your way out of it.
    talker Someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous.
    He s a persuasive talker and a forceful personality.


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    Synonyms for Dialogue. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dialogue

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    Synonyms for Dialogue. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dialogue.

    Table of Contents

    1. Is the word dialogue an adjective?
    2. How do you describe a dialogue?
    3. What is the adjective of speak?
    4. What is dialogue in simple words?
    5. What is the difference between a dialogue and a conversation?
    6. What are the 3 levels of conversation?
    7. What are some examples of dialogue?
    8. What is another word for dialogue?
    9. How do you write to someone speaking?
    10. What is a good dialogue?
    11. What are the 3 characteristics of genuine dialogue?
    12. What 5 things make a good dialogue?
    13. What are the qualities of dialogue?
    14. What is the purpose of a dialogue?
    15. What is importance of dialogue?
    16. What is the importance of dialogue in our daily life?
    17. What is the power of dialogue?
    18. What are the three major function of dialogue?
    19. What is the root of the word dialogue?
    20. How can an effective dialogue happen?
    21. What are the main goals of interreligious dialogue?
    22. What attitudes are necessary for true dialogue?
    23. What is Presentness in communication?
    24. How do you engage dialogue?
    25. What is dialogic communication?
    26. What are dialogic principles?
    27. What is a dialogic approach?
    28. What is the meaning of intrapersonal communication?

    Dialogue (sometimes spelled dialog in American English) is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people, and a literary and theatrical form that depicts such an exchange.

    Is the word dialogue an adjective?

    adjective. of, relating to, or characterized by dialogue. participating in dialogue.

    How do you describe a dialogue?

    As a current literary device, dialogue refers to spoken lines by characters in a story that serve many functions such as adding context to a narrative, establishing voice and tone, or setting forth conflict. Writers utilize dialogue as a means to demonstrate communication between two characters.

    What is the adjective of speak?

    speaking. Used in speaking. Expressive; eloquent. Involving speaking. Having the ability of speech.

    What is dialogue in simple words?

    (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing. 2a : a conversation between two or more persons also : a similar exchange between a person and something else (such as a computer)

    What is the difference between a dialogue and a conversation?

    Conversation is a joint activity in which two or more participants use linguistic forms and nonverbal signals to communicate interactively. Dialogues are conversations between two participants (although the terms dialogue and conversation are often used interchangeably).

    What are the 3 levels of conversation?

    So, those are what I call the 3 Levels of Conversation — Informational, Personal/Emotional, and Relational.

    What are some examples of dialogue?

    Here are some common examples of dialogue tags:

    • He said.
    • She whispered.
    • They bellowed.
    • He hollered.
    • They sniped.
    • She huffed.
    • He cooed.
    • They responded.

    What is another word for dialogue?

    What is another word for dialogue?

    communication conversation
    talk argument
    colloquy confabulation
    chat converse
    discussion duologue

    How do you write to someone speaking?

    Use Quotation Marks to Indicate Spoken Word Whenever someone is speaking, their words should be enclosed in double quotation marks. Example: “Let’s go to the beach.”

    What is a good dialogue?

    But what is great dialogue? Great dialogue rings true and is appropriate to the speaker, and is what that person would say in those circumstances, while also furthering either the plot or your knowledge of the characters, or both; while at the same time not being tedious.

    What are the 3 characteristics of genuine dialogue?

    People speak openly, and listen respectfully and attentively. Derogatory attributions, attacks and defensiveness have no role in dialogue. Participants do not make assumptions about the motives or character of others. Questions are sincere, and driven by curiosity.

    What 5 things make a good dialogue?

    Five Things Good Dialogue Should Do

    • Reveal something about your character’s personality—directly and indirectly (also known as subtext).
    • Add to the reader’s understanding of the situation.
    • Keep the pace of the story moving forward.

    What are the qualities of dialogue?

    Dialogue doesn’t tell the readers about the characters, it shows who characters are. Four key qualities of good dialogue are that it: 1) keeps the story or novel going; 2) reveals the characters; 3) is believable; 4) interests the readers. The first and best source of the dialogue you write is your own speech.

    What is the purpose of a dialogue?

    Dialogue is your character’s reaction to other characters, and the purpose of dialogue is communication between characters.

    What is importance of dialogue?

    “Dialogue…is a way of exploring the roots of the many crises that face humanity today. It enables inquiry into, and understanding of, the sorts of processes that fragment and interfere with real communication.”

    What is the importance of dialogue in our daily life?

    It helps you make decisions about things you could possibly be having a hard time deciding on. It helps you weigh various opinions you have about things or decide if there’s something you need to change. Your internal dialogue can also be reflections of yourself, your relationships, your purpose in life, etc.

    What is the power of dialogue?

    The heart of dialogue is listening. This requires us to not just hear others’ words but to also hear our own thoughts, which can change when we are truly able to receive others’ input. But first, we must take pause in our responses to deeply consider what others are saying to us.

    What are the three major function of dialogue?

    The Functions of Dialogue Dialogue, he informs us, performs four functions: It provides information, reveals emotion, advances the plot and exposes character.

    What is the root of the word dialogue?

    The roots of the word dialogue come from the Greek words dia and logos . Dia mean ‘through’; logos translates to ‘word’ or ‘meaning’. To take it one step further, dialogue is a conversation in which people think together in relationship.

    How can an effective dialogue happen?

    This introductory session has several objectives which frame the session and allow a more effective dialogue to occur:

    1. Make the members feel as equal as possible.
    2. Give everyone a sense of guaranteed “air time” to establish their identity in the group.
    3. Set the task for the group.
    4. Legitimize personal experiences.

    What are the main goals of interreligious dialogue?

    Interfaith dialogue is an increasingly popular response to religious conflict and religious nationalism. While practitioners employ a variety of approaches, the underlying purpose of all interfaith dialogue projects is to enhance religious tolerance and promote peaceful coexistence.

    What attitudes are necessary for true dialogue?

    In order for true, effective dialogue to occur certain elements must be present:

    • Equality of participation.
    • Each person has voice and their voice is heard and equally valued.
    • No threat of retribution, judgment, or coercion is allowed and no one’s opinion “trumps” another’s.
    • No preconceived outcome.
    • Open agenda.

    What is Presentness in communication?

    Presentness. a commitment to moment and the other person in the moment with us; giving your undivided attention.

    How do you engage dialogue?

    If you have you’ve been feeling disconnected from the world, here are 11 ways to be more engaging in your conversations.

    1. Become An Active Listener.
    2. Ask Questions.
    3. Have Confidence.
    4. Put Your Phone Away.
    5. Use Reflective Listening.
    6. Begin Conversations With Open-Ended Questions.
    7. Mirror Their Actions.
    8. Get Out Of Your Head.

    What is dialogic communication?

    Dialogic communication refers to ‘any negotiated exchange of ideas and opinions’ (Kent and Taylor 1998. “Building Dialogic Relationships through the World Wide Web.” Public Relations Review 24: 321–334. doi:10.1016/s0363-8111(99)80143-x.

    What are dialogic principles?

    The Dialogic Principles are fundamental for a living organisation. The Principles are Potential, Participation, Coherence and Awareness. The extensive use of a Dialogic approach and the Dialogue Skills would realise these Principles.

    What is a dialogic approach?

    “Dialogic inquiry” is an educational approach that acknowledges the dialectic relationship between the individual and the society, and an attitude for acquiring knowledge through communicative interactions.

    What is the meaning of intrapersonal communication?

    Intrapersonal communication is defined as communicating with oneself. Some scholars define it as talking out loud to one’s self. Intrapersonal communication often is said to include one’s self-view as a mediator of intrapersonal processes and as an outcome of interpersonal communication.

    • communication
    • conference
    • conversation
    • dialog
    • discourse
    • discussion
    • exchange
    • chat
    • colloquy
    • confab
    • confabulation
    • converse
    • duologue
    • flap
    • lines
    • parlance
    • parley
    • rap
    • remarks
    • repartee
    • script
    • sides
    • interlocution
    • rap session
    • small talk

    On this page you’ll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to dialogue, such as: communication, conference, conversation, dialogue/dialog, discourse, and discussion.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING dialogue

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use dialogue in a sentence

    That fancy dialogue about expresses the legal value of the evidence for this important miracle.



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • buzz session
    • chat
    • chinfest
    • chitchat
    • clambake
    • colloquium
    • confab
    • confabulation
    • conference
    • converse
    • dialogue
    • discourse
    • discussion
    • flap
    • gab fest
    • gam
    • groupthink
    • huddle
    • palaver
    • parley
    • rap
    • rap session
    • seminar
    • talk
    • talkfest
    • chat
    • chatter
    • chitchat
    • confabulation
    • converse
    • dialogue
    • discussion
    • palaver
    • speech
    • talk
    • chat
    • chatter
    • chitchat
    • confabulation
    • converse
    • dialogue
    • discussion
    • palaver
    • speech
    • talk
    • chat
    • chatter
    • chitchat
    • confab
    • converse
    • dialogue
    • discussion
    • palaver
    • speech
    • talk
    • appointment
    • argument
    • buzz session
    • clambake
    • confab
    • conference
    • council
    • deliberation
    • dialogue
    • discussion
    • examination
    • groupthink
    • hearing
    • huddle
    • interview
    • meeting
    • second opinion
    • session
    • altercation
    • analysis
    • argument
    • argumentation
    • canvass
    • colloquy
    • confabulation
    • conference
    • consideration
    • consultation
    • contention
    • controversy
    • conversation
    • debate
    • deliberation
    • dialogue
    • discourse
    • disputation
    • dispute
    • dissertation
    • examination
    • exchange
    • excursus
    • groupthink
    • huddle
    • interview
    • meet
    • meeting
    • quarrel
    • review
    • scrutiny
    • symposium
    • ventilation
    • wrangling

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    Table of Contents




    Rhymes with Dialogue

    • analog
    • analogue
    • backlog
    • catalogue
    • epilogue
    • monologue
    • travelogue

    How do you pronounce dialogue?

    Pronounce dialogue as ˈdaɪəˌlɔg.

    US — How to pronounce dialogue in American English

    UK — How to pronounce dialogue in British English

    How to spell dialogue? Is it dialogo? Or duologue? Common misspellings are:

    • dialogo
    • duologue

    Sentences with dialogue

    Quotes about dialogue

    What is another word for dialog?

    What is another word for dialogue?

    communication conversation
    discourse interchange
    talk argument
    colloquy confabulation
    chat converse

    What is another word for conversation dialogue?

    In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dialogue, like: conversation, talk, exchange, remarks, discussion, passage, monologue, composition, soliloquy, converse and jaw.

    What is the synonym and antonym of dialogue?

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms dialogue. Antonyms: monologue, oration, soliloquy, apostrophe. Synonyms: tete-a-tete, conversation, discourse, colloquy, confabulation.

    What are two synonyms for dialogue?

    other words for dialogue

    • communication.
    • conference.
    • conversation.
    • discourse.
    • discussion.
    • exchange.
    • confab.
    • repartee.

    Can you dialogue with one person?

    Some additional key details about dialogue: Dialogue is defined in contrast to monologue, when only one person is speaking. Dialogue is often critical for moving the plot of a story forward, and can be a great way of conveying key information about characters and the plot.

    Is a dialogue only between two people?

    Dialogue is typically a conversation between two or more people in a narrative work. As a literary technique, dialogue serves several purposes. It can advance the plot, reveal a character’s thoughts or feelings, or show how characters react in the moment.

    What do you call a person in a dialogue?

    If you are taking part in a conversation, both people are talking and listening. That makes both of them interlocutors. If you are talking about one “transaction” where one person is speaking and the other listening, you could call them the speaker and the listener.

    What’s the difference between monologue and dialogue?

    Monologue is typically a tedious speech said by one person during a conversation; An absence of interaction. At work, this is when someone talks to you. In contrast, a dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.

    What makes a good dialogue?

    It should reveal relevant information about the character. The right dialogue will give the reader insight into how the character feels, and what motivates him or her to act. It must help the reader understand the relationship between the characters.

    What does monologue mean?

    English Language Learners Definition of monologue : a long speech given by a character in a story, movie, play, etc., or by a performer (such as a comedian) : a long speech made by one person that prevents anyone else from talking. See the full definition for monologue in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

    Who is a monologue person?

    The Greek root word monologos translates to “speaking alone,” and that’s a monologue: one person doing all the talking. In theatre, sometimes a character has a monologue that they perform. You might have an internal monologue where you talk to yourself to better understand some dilemma.

    What is monologue in simple words?

    a prolonged talk or discourse by a single speaker, especially one dominating or monopolizing a conversation. any composition, as a poem, in which a single person speaks alone. a part of a drama in which a single actor speaks alone; soliloquy.

    Why is it called a monologue?

    Monologue comes from the Greek words monos, which means “alone,” and Logos, which means “speech.” It is a literary device that is the speech or verbal presentation given by a single character in order to express his or her collection of thoughts and ideas aloud.

    What are the 3 types of monologue?

    • Dramatic literature.
    • Speech.
    • Soliloquy.
    • Dramatic monologue.
    • Interior monologue.
    • Monodrama.
    • Narrative.

    What are the key features of a monologue?

    A monologue is a poem that shares many features with a speech from a play: one person speaks, and in that speech there are clues to his/her character, the character of the implied person or people that s/he is speaking to, the situation in which it is spoken and the story that has led to this situation.

    What are the 3 elements of a good monologue?

    Here are my observations for a successful monologue performance.

    • Castability. Choose something in your age range and gender, where the language is colloquial and a comfortable fit for who you are.
    • Relationship.
    • Conflict.
    • Clarity.
    • Response points.
    • A Button.
    • Owning your space.

    What is the most important characteristics of a dramatic monologue?

    In a dramatic monologue, only one character speaks. The character tends to direct his emotions toward a listener who is either inferred or existing. Revealing insight into the character, a dramatic monologue constitutes the entire poem.

    What is the purpose of a monologue?

    Monologues serve a specific purpose in storytelling—to give the audience more details about a character or about the plot. Used carefully, they are a great way to share the internal thoughts or backstory of a character or to give more specific details about the plot.

    What makes a successful monologue?

    A monologue is a character talking for a long time. A great monologue will capture the audience’s attention and imagination with length and tone but cut short just at the right time. Put simply, if a monologue goes on too long the audience will get bored.

    How long should a monologue be in words?

    An effective monologue should be around one minute, or 90 seconds max. Length goes hand in hand with entertainment, because you don’t want your audience to become bored. It is far better to fill a 30 second monologue with great acting choices than to dredge on for 3 minutes of mediocre acting.

    What should you not do in a monologue?

    Select an appropriate monologue.

    • Select a monologue that shows off your diverse acting skills.
    • Select an age appropriate monologue. Avoid using something that you used several years ago.
    • Know your audition time limits.
    • Avoid a monologue that includes excessive swearing, violence, or sex.

    What should you not sing at an audition?

    Same Is Lame!

    • Any music from The Phantom of the Opera, Heathers, Hairspray, Wicked, Jekyll and Hyde and Les Misérables.
    • “My New Philosophy” from Your A Good Man Charlie Brown.
    • “Astonishing” from Little Women.
    • “Here I Am” from Little Women.
    • “Privilege To Pee” from Urinetown.
    • “Girl In 14G” by Jeanine Tesori.

    What is the effect of a monologue?

    More often than not, a monologue presents the most significant words of a scene; thus, they can be very helpful in both explaining and progressing a story’s plot and developing a scene’s mood.

    How do you deliver a monologue?

    Here is how to perform a monologue in 10 easy steps.

    1. An Opportunity to act. An audition is still acting.
    2. Perform with Confidence.
    3. Get on with it.
    4. Be ready to take direction.
    5. Minimise gestures and movement.
    6. Warm up before performing.
    7. Don’t panic about your preparation.
    8. Never look at the people you’re auditioning for.

    How do you present a dramatic monologue?

    Then, follow these tips to write your own great monologue:

    1. Start with a compelling opening line. Monologues lack action and dialogue, which can leave the audience unengaged.
    2. Present a strong point of view.
    3. Develop a storyline.
    4. Know your parameters.
    5. Wrap up with parting words.

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