Dessert word in french

  • 1

    десе́рт; сла́дкое ◄-‘ого►;

    on l’a privé de dessert — его́ оста́вили без сла́дкого;
    au dessert il y eut plusieurs toasts — мно́го то́стов бы́ло произнесено́ за десе́ртом

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > dessert

  • 2

    Dictionnaire français-russe des idiomes > dessert

  • 3

    БФРС > dessert

  • 4

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > dessert

  • 5

    Mini-dictionnaire français-russe > dessert

  • 6
    pour dessert

    Dictionnaire français-russe des idiomes > pour dessert

  • 7
    fromage et dessert


    все, что душе угодно

    Dictionnaire français-russe des idiomes > fromage et dessert

  • 8
    couteau à dessert

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > couteau à dessert

  • 9
    cuiller à dessert

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > cuiller à dessert

  • 10
    fromage et dessert

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > fromage et dessert

  • 11
    vin de dessert

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > vin de dessert

  • 12

    БФРС > десертный

  • 13

    БФРС > десерт

  • 14

    БФРС > третье

  • 15



    être à couteaux tirés avec… — быть на ножах с…

    second [deuxième] couteau — 1) второстепенная роль 2) актёр на второстепенных ролях 3) второстепенное лицо, приспешник



    4) зоол.

    БФРС > couteau

  • 16

    БФРС > cuiller

  • 17

    БФРС > fromage

  • 18


    двухлетнее, трехлетнее и т.д. вино — vin de deux, de trois, etc. ans

    старое вино, выдержанное вино — vin vieux, vin de derrière les fagots

    БФРС > вино

  • 19



    дорога ложка к обеду погов. — tout est bien qui vient à point nommé

    БФРС > ложка

  • 20

    глава, страница третья — chapitre m, page f trois

    третье сентября, третьего сентября — le trois septembre

    в третьи руки — en main tierce, à une tierce personne


    БФРС > третий

См. также в других словарях:

  • dessert — [ desɛr ] n. m. • 1539 aussi « action de desservir la table »; de 2. desservir 1 ♦ Vx Dernier service d un repas, comportant fromages, pâtisserie, fruits. « Un dessert sans fromage est une belle à qui il manque un œil » (Brillat Savarin). 2 ♦ Mod …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dessert — Des*sert , n. [F., fr. desservir to remove from table, to clear the table; pref. des (L. dis ) + servir to serve, to serve at table. See {Serve}.] A service of pastry, fruits, or sweetmeats, at the close of a feast or entertainment; pastry,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dessert — Sn Nachtisch erw. stil. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. dessert m. (älter: desserte), zu frz. desservir abtragen , zu frz. servir aufwarten, dienen und de , dis , aus l. servīre dienen, Sklave sein , neben l. servus m. Diener, Sklave .… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • dessert — Dessert. s. m. Le fruit & tout ce qu on a accoustumé de servir à table avec le fruit. On avoit apporté le dessert, du dessert. un bon dessert. on estoit au dessert. nous n avons point de dessert. Il vieillit, & les gens polis disent, Le fruit …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • dessert — DESSERT. s. m. Le fruit et tout ce qu on a accoutumé de servir à table avec le fruit. On avoit apporté le dessert, du dessert, un bon dessert. On dit plus communément, Le fruit. [b]f♛/b] Un ancien proverbe dit, Entre Pâque et la Pentecoûte, le… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • Dessert — Dessert, Nachtisch; bei großen Mahlzeiten muß dieser auf das Reichste und Geschmackvollste geordnet und zubereitet sein. Er ist der Schmuck der Tafel, und besteht meistentheils aus Confitüren, Eis. Früchten und süßem Backwerk aller Art und jeder… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • dessert — DESSERT: Regretter qu on n y chante plus. Les gens vertueux le méprisent : «Non ! non ! pas de pâtisseries ! Jamais de dessert !» …   Dictionnaire des idées reçues

  • dessert — c.1600, from M.Fr. dessert (mid 16c.) last course, lit. removal of what has been served, from desservir clear the table, lit. un serve, from des remove, undo (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + O.Fr. servir to serve (see SERVE (Cf. ser …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dessert — Dessert: Die Bezeichnung für »Nachtisch« wurde Mitte des 17. Jh.s aus frz. dessert, (älter:) desserte entlehnt. Das frz. Wort gehört zu desservir »die Speisen abtragen«, einer Gegenbildung mit dé… (lat. dis; vgl. ↑ dis…, ↑ Dis…) zu frz.… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • dessert — [n] sweet treat cake, candy, confection, cookie, frozen dessert, frozen treat, fruit, ice cream, last course, pastry, pie, pudding, sweet, sweet course, tart; concept 457 …   New thesaurus

  • Dessert — (fr., spr. Deffähr), was bei Mahlzeiten zu Ende derselben, mehr um den Geschmacksinn noch zu befriedigen, als zur eigentlichen Sättigung, auf die Tafel gesetzt u. genossen wird, es besteht solches aus Früchten (bes. feineren Obstarten),… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Even caramel or chocolate can make your dessert a unique flavor.

Même caramel ou chocolat peut faire votre dessert une saveur unique.

This homemade dessert is homogeneous and the layers are clearly visible.

Le dessert maison est homogène et les couches sont bien visibles.

This culinary experience will be completed with a dessert and coffee.

Cette expérience culinaire sera complétée par un dessert et le café.

Dinners are composed of three courses plus dessert quite generous.

Les dîners sont composés de trois plats et un dessert assez généreux.

The dessert everywhere began to be accompanied by a hookah.

Le dessert a commencé à être accompagné partout par le narguilé.

It can easily accompany your meal, from aperitif to dessert.

Peut facilement accompagner votre repas de l’apéritif au dessert.

We believe that every meal should be followed by dessert.

Nous croyons que chaque repas doivent être suivis de desserts.

This dessert develops vegetable and floral flavours with a fermented note.

Ce dessert développe des arômes végétaux et floraux avec une note fermentée.

At the cafeteria they serve three different kinds of dessert.

À la cafétéria ils servent trois différents types de dessert.

It should be appreciated slowly over dessert or as an aperitif.

Il doit être apprécié lentement au dessert ou comme apéritif.

The dessert! will leave a beautiful memory of our hospitality.

Le dessert! laissera un beau souvenir de notre hospitalité.

Often eaten as dessert, it provides vitamins without calories.

Souvent consommé comme dessert, il apporte des vitamines sans calories.

This tasty apple dessert is prepared using simple ingredients.

Ce dessert gourmand aux pommes est préparé avec des ingrédients simples.

The product can be crushed into porridge or dessert.

Le produit peut être broyé en bouillie ou en dessert.

From the set-up to dessert, everything was flawless.

De la mise en place aux desserts tout était impeccable.

The stunner is the magnificent dessert accompanied by a gigantic decorative mushroom.

La palme revient au somptueux dessert accompagné d’un champignon décoratif géant.

Includes a romantic sunset cruise and a beautiful candlelight dessert.

Comprend une croisière romantique et un beau dessert aux chandelles.

The spectacular dinners, with its first, second and dessert.

Les dîners spectaculaires, avec son premier, deuxième et dessert.

Coffee (possibility to change the dessert for cake).

Café (possibilité de changer le dessert pour gâteau).

The following year, the activity of dessert preparations began.

L’année suivante, l’activité des préparations pour desserts commença.

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Suggestions that contain dessert

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Our English word dessert comes from a French word meaning “to remove what has been served” or de-serve: desservir.

Consequently, Why do the British call everything pudding?

The simple explanation is that Brits use the word ‘pudding’ to refer to dessert. If they are going to serve you an actual pudding they will specify the type of pudding – for example, sticky toffee pudding or rice pudding. … And so the lines between the word dessert and the word pudding became blurry.

Also question is, Why is a dessert called dessert?

The word “dessert,” which is the participle of the French desservir, meaning “to clear the table,” was first written in 1539, and referred to the delicate candied fruits and nuts that dinner guests would snack on in the aftermath of a grand meal, such as that of the princess in Ferrara.

Besides What is a fancy word for dessert? Synonyms of dessert

  • candy,
  • junket,
  • sweet,
  • sweetmeat.

Also, How do you say desert in French?

If you’re talking about a desert in French, “le désert,” you pronounce the S like a Z since there’s only one S. It sounds a little bit like “le DAY-ZAIR.” (Careful, the t is silent. See the link above!)

What do British call biscuits and gravy?

There is no direct equivalent of the dish ‘biscuits and gravy’. The American versions of those two items just aren’t either biscuits or gravy to us. There are some rough equivalent of US biscuits, a savoury scone or Irish soda bread may well be the closest.

23 Related Questions and Answers Found

What do British call cookies?

Biscuit (UK) / Cookie (US)

In the US, cookies are flat, round snacks made of sweet dough. In the UK, these are generally called biscuits, although people do call the bigger, softer kind cookies, too.

What do they call a biscuit in England?

What do the Brits call the breakfast item that Americans know as biscuits? In England, « biscuits » are what Americans call « cookies ». What do the Brits call the breakfast item that Americans know as biscuits? The item that Americans call a ‘biscuit’ and eat for breakfast is entirely an American invention.

What is the purpose of dessert?

Their presence on the menu makes us feel satisfied after a meal, and compensates for low blood sugar. The desire to improve your mood by ingesting sugar can also be a factor. Sweet snacks increase our production of the so-called hormone of happiness.

What is the difference between desert and dessert?

desert/ dessert

A desert is a hot and dry place like the Sahara, but add an s and some whipped cream and you have a dessert, a sweet treat to eat. Dessert has two s’s because you always want two. … A desert (DEH-zert) is dry, but to desert (deh-ZERT) is to leave someone high and dry.

What are benefits of dessert?

Here’s why dessert can be good for you, according to science.

  • It Lowers Your Blood Pressure. …
  • It Protects You From Strokes. …
  • It Will Satisfy Your Cravings. …
  • It Can Limit Your Sugar and Fat Intake. …
  • It Will Inspire You To Be Active.

What is a dessert lover called?

You can say they have a sweet tooth. It isn’t much shorter but it conveys the idea of people who have a craving for sweets. sweet tooth (noun) – a craving or fondness for sweet food Merriam-Webster.

How do you compliment a dessert?

  1. The cake was beautiful and so tasty. Working with you was a pleasure! …
  2. Thank you so much for your beautiful creation!! It was a real work of art!! …
  3. The cake was FANTASTIC!!! I have to tell you, the flavor was out of this world. …
  4. [The Discus fish] cake was AMAZING! …
  5. The cake was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!

What is a dessert shop called?

A pâtisserie (French pronunciation: [pɑtisʁi]) is a type of Italian, French or Belgian bakery that specializes in pastries and sweets, as well as a term for these types of food.

How do you say jungle in French?

French translation of ‘ jungle

  1. (= forest ) jungle f.
  2. (= complicated area) jungle f. a jungle of complex rules une jungle de règles complexes.
  3. (= cruel world) jungle f.

How do you say desert in other languages?

In other languages desert

  1. American English: desert /ˈdɛzərt/
  2. Arabic: صَحْرَاء
  3. Brazilian Portuguese: deserto.
  4. Chinese: 沙漠
  5. Croatian: pustinja.
  6. Czech: poušť
  7. Danish: ørken.
  8. Dutch: woestijn.

Why do British call cookies biscuits?

The word biscuit derives from the Latin bis, meaning twice, and coctus, meaning cooked. The term came into use in 14th century England to describe a confection that is baked and then dried out, to produce a hard, flat item that goes soft over time and delicious when dipped in a cup of tea.

What do British people call fries?

In the UK we have a worryingly high number of words for different types of potato foods. We call French fries just fries, and thicker-cut fries that come from a chip shop are called chips.

Why do the English say bloody?

In British slang, bloody means something like “very.” That’s bloody brilliant! Things that are literally bloody have blood on them or are made of blood. … To bloody something is to cover it in blood: « I will bloody your nose if you say that again! » It comes from the Old English blodig, from blod, or « blood. »

What is toilet paper called in England?

The bundle is known as a toilet roll, or loo roll or bog roll in Britain. There are other uses for toilet paper, as it is a readily available household product. It can be used like facial tissue for blowing the nose or wiping the eyes.

What do English people call chocolate chip cookies?

In the U.K., a cookie specifically refers to a chocolate chip cookie. Anything else would be called a “biscuit.” Biscuits aren’t the chewy cookies you’d find in American bakeries, but have a crisper texture, like shortbread, or a snap. It’s a fact that British bacon tastes better—and here’s why.

What do they call cake in England?

20 Words and Phrases to Know Before You Watch The Great British Baking Show. You say cookie, we say biscuit; you say plastic wrap, we say cling film; you say sponge and mean the thing you clean with, and we mean a lovely cake.

Editors. 18 – Last Updated. 44 days ago – Authors. 2

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I bought you dessert for your birthday. You love it.

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Je t’ai acheté de la pâtisserie pour ton anniversaire, je sais t’aimes ça.

Frozen dessert with Quercy Melon, Strawberry.


That dessert, you were talking about, how’s it?

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Dessert Poire belle Hélène was named after operetta.

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a donné son nom à un dessert


la poire attribué à Escoffier.

Sagu is a dessert typical of southern Brazil.

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Le sukalki est un plat typique du Pays basque.

This dessert is popular in South Africa.

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Le plat est populaire en Chine.

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Ce plat peut être servi chaud

Assemble the Dessert Drum to the Bowl. Figure 1.


Dessert of curd cheese, pineapple and oat or.


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Fraicheur de fromage blanc, ananas et avoine ou.


Three-course dinners(starter, main course, dessert) at our panoramic restaurant.


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Dîners 3 plats(entrée, plat, dessert) dans notre restaurant panoramique.


Does she really eat dessert for breakfast?

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Mange-t-elle vraiment des gâteaux au petit déjeuner?

Free dessert with purchase of any adult main course.


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Pour l’achat d’un plat principal de votre choix,


Please note that the Dessert function is a pressure cook function.


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Veuillez noter que la fonction Dessert(Dessert) est une fonction de cuisson à la pression.


An excellent aperitif or as a dessert wine.


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Parfait au dessert, c’est aussi un excellent apéritif.


Try Koko Dairy Free’s Coconut Dessert with Raspberries made from coconut for.


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Essayez Koko Dairy Free Délice de Coco à la Framboise pour un délicieux.


Your dessert for the next six months.

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Ton déssert pour les six prochains mois.

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The dessert Not Just Grill is about


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My weakness is dessert. Cream, butter, anything with fat.

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They are the only manufacturers of the town’s traditional dessert:»Los Libricos.


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Les seuls fabricants de la sucrerie typique de la ville, les Libricos.


This gourmet dessert will amaze you.


Dark chocolate dessert with roasted peanuts& coconut mousse.


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Entremets au chocolat noir, cacahuètes grillées et mousse coco.


Dessert with mascarpone& coffee flavoured


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Would you like dessert before or after dinner?

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Tu veux ton déssert avant ou après le dîner?

Dessert: Selection from the pastry Chef.


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She has created exquisite dessert experiences enjoyed by discerning clientele.


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Elle a créée de superbes experiences sucrées, appréciées par une clientèle connaisseuse.


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Time: 0.0276





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