Designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental maps

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designing word trees and spidergram

designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental ‘maps’ of vocabulary areas. Look atthe list of terms in the box and put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The first one has been done for you.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Проектирование слово деревья и spidergrams может помочь вам создать собственного психического «карты» лексики областей. Посмотрите на список терминов в поле и поместить каждое из них в соответствующем месте на дереве слова ниже. Первый из них было сделано для вас.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


проектирование слов деревьев и спайдер может помочь вам создать свои собственные ментальные карты » словаря областей. Посмотрите Atthe список терминов в поле и положить каждый из них в соответствующем месте на дереве слова ниже. Первый из них было сделано для вас.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


разработка слово деревья и spidergrams поможет вам создать собственные душевные «карты» словарь районах.посмотрите на список терминов в поле, и каждый в надлежащем месте на слово дерево ниже.первое было сделано для тебя.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

  • His university years were the happiest y
  • Happiness likes silence
  • у меня лежит в портфеле
  • стейк хорошей прожарки без крови
  • quick Letz go
  • Boyle zor gunde cok isterdim yaninda ola
  • Вчера я смотрел
  • it is raining a lot in autumn
  • The cabinet is headed by the Prime Minis
  • Moscow Zoo is the larges and oldest zoos
  • What continent is France in
  • Moscow Zoo is the larges and oldest zoos
  • Перестройка дома повлечет за собой больш
  • Apex vesicae
  • (A)I am twenty-four years old and am abo
  • new gersey
  • (A)I am twenty-four years old and am abo
  • Happiness likes silence
  • В моей комнате шкаф для одежды
  • looner oi later
  • стейк хорошей прожарки без крови
  • Им по семь лет
  • Noda trunci
  • The television set is evidently the most

word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental
‘maps’ of vocabulary areas. Look at the list of terms in the box and
put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The
first one has been done for you.

expandable memory ALU DIMMs hard drive RAM computer brain byte DVD
system clock keyboard mouse gigahertz printer megabyte webcam

a computer

friend has asked you to recommend a computer that suits his needs.
He needs to be able to access the Internet, play games and work with
graphics, music and video files. Write an email describing its
technical features and saying why you recommend it.

for an online task.

Unit page

  1. Type,
    click and talk! 22

  2. Capture
    your favourite image 27

  3. Display
    screens and ergonomics 32

  4. Choosing
    a printer 37

  5. Devices
    for the disabled 42


In this module, you will:

  • describe
    input and output devices.

  • identify
    the different keys on a keyboard and explain their functions.

  • distinguish
    between facts and opinions in advertisements.

  • learn
    how to understand the technical specs of digital cameras, printers
    and display devices.

  • learn
    and use the superlative form of adjectives.

  • practise
    recommending the most suitable display device for particular

  • learn
    how to understand and give instructions and advice for the use of
    computers and monitors.

  • compare
    different types of printer.

  • learn
    and use discourse connectors.

  • learn
    about what sort of input/output devices disabled people can use.

Type, click and talk!

Interacting with your computer

the description of input devices and then label the pictures (1-8)
with words from the text.

the pieces of hardware which allow us to enter information into the
computer. The most common are the keyboard
the mouse.
can also

with a computer by using one of these: a light
a microphone.

input devices

Listen to a computer technician describing three input devices.

which devices he’s talking about.

_L 2 3

Ё Listen
again and complete these extracts.

  1. This
    device is enter information into the computer.

  2. it may also function keys and editing keys special purposes.

  3. This is a device the cursor and selecting items on the screen.

  4. It
    usually two buttons and a wheel.

  5. the user activate icons or select items and text.

  6. It detecting
    light from the computer screen and is used by pointing it directly

screen display.

  1. It the
    user answer multiple-choice questions and …


click and talk!

functions and features

at the HELP box and then use

the notes below to write a

of the Sony PlayStation 3 controller.

PlayStation 3 controller


  • control
    video games

  • hold
    it with both hands, use thumbs to handle directional sticks and
    face buttons


  • six-axis
    sensing system (capable of sensing motion in six directions: up,
    down, left, right, forwards and backwards)

  • wireless
    controller (Bluetooth)

  • USB
    mini port and cable for wired play and automatic battery charging

pairs, choose one of these input devices and describe its functions
and features. Try to guess which device your partner is describing.



the listening, the mouse was described using for

is a device for
cursor and selecting items on the screen.

are other ways of describing a device’s function:

  • used
    + to
    infinitive It’s
    to control

  • relative
    pronoun + verb

is a device which
controls …

  • relative
    pronoun + used
    infinitive This
    is a device
    to control

  • work

by detecting
from the computer screen.


can describe features like this:

optical mouse has
optical sensor instead of a ball underneath.

usually features
buttons and a wheel.

it to a USB port.

wireless mouse works/operates

user to
multiple-choice questions and…


on a portable PC



























mouse allows you to (1) the cursor and

around the screen very quickly. Making the same movements with the
arrow keys on the keyboard would

much longer. As you (2) the mouse

your desk, the pointer on the screen moves in the same direction.The
pointer usually looks like an l-bar, an arrow, or a pointing hand,
depending on what you are doing.

mouse has one or more buttons to communicate with the computer. For
example, if you want to place the insertion point or choose a menu
option, you just

(3) (press
and release) on the mouse

and the option is chosen.

mouse is also used to (4) text and

on the screen. You can highlight text to be deleted, copied or
edited in some way.

mouse is widely used in graphics and design. When you want to move
an image, you position the pointer on the object you want to move,
press the mouse button,

(5) the image to a new location on

screen. Similarly, the mouse is used to change the shape of a
graphic object. For example, if you want to

a square into a rectangle, you (6)

corner of the square and stretch it into a rectangle.

mouse is
also used

start a program or open a document:
you put the pointer on the file name and

(7) on
the name — that is, you rapidly press

release the mouse button twice.


THe c*T



Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

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Central processing unit (CPU)

-I Control unit 1

Arithmetic logic unit (ALUl

] PC Registers

~ 10101010101010111

Ma·n memory

010 a a 0101 1 11 a a a 101


10101011111010101 , , , 4 ~ , , ,

bus 10111011111011101

a , a a a a 0101 010 a a a a I I

Fig. 1: Organization of a simple computer; the CPU is built into a single microprocessor chip

Language work: defining relative clauses

Look at the HELP box and then complete the sentences below with suitable relative pronouns. Give alternative options if possible. Put brackets round the relative pronouns you can leave out. , That’s the computer I’d like

to buy.

2 Core 2 Duo is a new I ntel processor contains about 291 million


3 A web master is a person designs, develops and maintains a website.

4 A bus is an electronic pathway carries signals between

computer devices.

5 Here’s the DVD you lent me!

6 Last night I met someone works for GM as a software engineer.

HELP box Defining relative clauses

• We can define people or things with a defining (restrictive) relative clause. We use the relative pronoun who to refer to a person; we can also use that.

A blogger is a person who/that keeps a web log (blog) or publishes an online diary.

• We use the relative pronoun which (or that) to refer to a thing, not a person.

This is built into a single chip which/ that executes program instructions and coordinates the activities [hat rake place within the computer system.

• Relative pronouns can be left out when they are the object of the relative clause.

The main circuit board (which/ that) you have inside your system is called the motherboard.

Page 19: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

How memory ;s measured Read the text and then answer these questions.

1 How many digits does a binary system use?

2 What is a bit?

3 What is a collection of eight bits called?

4 What does ASCII stand for?

5 What is the purpose of ASCII?

Bits and bytes Computers do all calcu!ations using a code made of just two numbers — 0 and 1. This system is called binary code. The electronic circuits in a digital computer detect the difference between two states: ON (the current passes through) or OFF (the current doesn’t pass through) and represent these states as 1 or O. Each 1 or 0 is called a binary digit, or bit.

Bits are grouped into eight-digit codes that typically represent characters (letters, numbers and symbols). Eight bits together are called a byte. Thus, each character on a keyboard has its own arrangement of eight bits, For example, 01000001 for the letter A, 01 00001 a for B, and 01000011 for C.

One bit

Computers use a standard code for the binary representation of characters. This is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, or ASCII — pronounced f :£ski/. In order to avoid complex calculations of bytes, we use bigger units such as kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes.

We use these units to describe the RAM memory, the storage capacity of disks and the size of a program or document.

Note: bit is pronounced Iblt!; byte is pronounced Ibaltl

1, 10 , I ,100 …

I 101000011 I Unit of memory Abbreviation Exact memory amount

Example of a byte

Binary digit bit, b 1 or 0

Byte B 8 bits









1,024 bytes (210)

1,024 KB, or 1,048,576 bytes (21(1)

1,024 MB, or 1,073,741,824 bytes (2’J)

1,024 GB, or 1,099.511,627,776 bytes (2010)

B Complete these descriptions with the correct unit of memory. 1 A is about one trillion bytes — about as much text as the books and

magazines in a huge library.

2 A is about one million bytes — about as much text as a 300-page novel.

3 A

4 A

5 A

is about one thousand bytes — equivalent to one sheet of A4.

is about one billion bytes — about as much text as 1,000 books.

can store a single character, such as the letter h or number 7.

Page 20: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

A PC system Complete this diagram of a PC system. Look at Units 1, 2 and 3 to help you.

I PC system I t I I I (1) l 1(2) I

Programs, Mechanical and e.g. graphics package, electroniCleqUiPment

web browser

Physical units

I (3) II Main memory I I (4) t attached to the

The ‘brain’ of the I I computer


I (5) (6) II Output devices (7)

II ROM I . Keyboard (9) (10)

(8) Printer DVDdrive Flash drive

In pairs, compare your answers.

Ii:J listen to a teacher explaining the diagram to her class and check your answers.

Your ideal computer system Make notes about the features of the computer that you would most

like to have. Think about the features in the box.


CPU Speed Optical disc drives Wireless connectivity Minimum/maximum RAM

Monitor Ports and card memory slots Hard disk Software

Cl ln pairs, describe your ideal computer system. Give reasons for your choices.

Useful language It’s gOL ..

It’s very fast. It runs at …

The standard RAM memory is . . . and it’s expandable …

The hard disk can hold …

I need a large, flat LCD screen because …

As for the Internet, …

Page 21: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 In a computer shop C Imagine you are in a

computer shop. Choose five things that would improve your digital life. In pairs, compare your choices.

You want to buy a computer. Think of three basic features that will make a big difference to your choice. In pairs, compare your choices.

c ., Listen to two people making enquiries in a computer shop. Do they buy anything?

. listen again and complete the product descriptions.


Processor speed 2.33GHz


Hard drive capacity

DVD drive included? Yes

Operating system

Includes internet sohware




Processor speed


Hard drive capacity

DVO drive included?

Operating system

Includes internet software

Price £ 1 ,029

Page 22: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


E ~ Listen again and complete the extract from the conversation.

Assistant: Do you need any (1) , Paul: Urn, yes, we’re looking for a Mac computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

Assistant: Yes, sure. If you’d like to come over here.

Paul: What different (2) are there?

Assistant: At the moment we’ve got these two models: the iMac, which is a desktop computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (3) at 2.33 gigahertz, and the portable MacBook, which has a processor (4) at 2.0 gigahertz. Core Duo technology actually means two cores, or processors, built into a single chip, offering up to twice the speed of a traditional chip.

Sue: So they’re both very (5) which has more RAM?

, then. And which one has more memory? I mean,

Assistant: Well, the iMac has two gigabytes of RAM, which can be (6) up to three gigabytes, and the MacBook has one gigabyte, expandable to two gigabytes. It all depends on your needs. The iMac is (7) for home users and small offices. The Mac Book is mOl’e (8) if you travel a lot.

Language functions in a computer shop Look at the language functions in the HELP box and then correct one mistake in each of these sentences. Decide which functions are being expressed in each sentence.

1 The Ulysses SO is a power. expandable computer that offers high-end graphics at a low price.

2 A laptop is likely to be more expensive than the equivalent desktop, but a laptop is less practical if you travel a lot.

3 Where’s the storage capacity of the hard drive?

4 I’m looking a desktop PC that has good graphics for games.

5 Do you need the help?

6 And how many does the PDA cost?

7 This workstation is a Pentium processor with dual-core technology, 1,024 gigabytes of RAM, and 1 terabyte of disk space.

HELP box language functions useful to a sales assistant

• Greeting and offering help Good morning. Do you need any help?

• Giving technical specifications (specs) The MacBook has a processor running at 2.0 gigahertz. The iMac has two gigabytes of RAM. They feature a camera built into the display.

• Describing Both computers are very fast and reliable.

• Comparing The MacBook is more practical if you travel a lot. PDAs are cheaper than laptops but laptops are more powerful.

language functions useful to a customer

• Explaining what you are looking for We’re looking for a personal computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

• Asking for technical specs What’s the storage capacity of the hard drive? Do they have a DVD drive?

• Asking the price How much do they cost? How much;s it?

Page 23: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Role play — buying a computer CI Work in pairs. One of you wants to buy a computer, the other is the shop assistant. Use the prompts and product descriptions below to role play the conversation.

Shop assistant Customer

Greet the customer and offer help.

Explain what you are looking for.

Show the customer two possible models.

Ask for some technical specs.

Give technical specs (describe the processor, RAM and storage capacity). Compare the two different models.

Ask about any further technical specs (DVD drive, monitor, communications, etc.).

Give the information required. Compare the two models.

Ask the price.

Answer. and mention any final details that might persuade the customer to buy the computer.

Toshiba Satellite ( .iiiiiiii ……. laptop 2.OGHz Core 2 Duo processor

2GB RAM expandable to 4GB l I 60GB hard drive Super Mun.i drive (double layer) 15.4″ wide XGA d!splay Wireless LAN,Wi-Fi compliancy

£ I ,099 .

Decide which computer to buy or leave the shop.

Dell desktop PC AMD Ath lon at 2.4GHz 1 GB RAM expandable to 4GB 320GB hard d ri ve DVD+/-RW dr ive 17″ LCD monitor


Palm TX handheld Intel 312MHz ARM-based proceSSor 128 MB Hash memory (non -volatite) Support for memory cards 320×480 TFT touch screen Wi-Fi and Bluetooth lith;um-;o» batte’ll £216

4 Choosing the right computer .., Listen to four people talking about their computer needs and take notes.

In pairs, read the descriptions from the computer shop website and choose the most suitable computer for each person. Give reasons for your choices.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Sun workstation

Two AMD Opteron processors at 3.0GHz

4GB RAM; 32GB maximum

1 terabyte hard drive and dual DVD drive

19″ Sun TFT flat-panel LCD

Supports several graphics formats

Allows you to handle your toughest technical, scientific, and business-critical applications

Supports Solaris, Windows and Linux


Page 24: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

, .



1!.:i:!J’8uying II compute,

Gateway C·120 convertible notebook

Inlel Core 2 Duo ULV processor at l06GHz

12.1 · WXGA TFT touch screen

Gateway Executive stylus pen


BOGB serial ATA hard drive

DVO-ROM drive (optical ova burner)

Integrated modem and Bluelooth

Windows Vista Home Premium

Thin and lightweight (1.17″, 2.4 kg)


Sony Vaio AR laptop (VGN-AR51 E)

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor at 2GHz


200GB hard drive

DVD+I-RW optical drive

17″ WXGA high-definition LCD screen

Memory Stick slot

Three USB 2.0 porls

Integrated wireless LAN

Buill-in ‘Motion Eye’ digital camera

Lithium-ion battery

Windows Vista Ultimate


Dell I»spiro» 53t desktop PC

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor


Dell 22″ Wide Flat Panel

256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT video card

1.0TB Hard Drive

l6x DVD+/· RW Drive

Integrated 7 1 Channel High Definition Audio

Windows Vista Home Premium

Optional features: Windows Media Center, integrated TV Tuner, and a Blu-ray disc drive for high-definiton content

From £849

B Look at the notes you made about your ideal computer system in Unit 3 task 6 (page 151. What did you want? Look again at the descriptions of the computers above and choose the one that is closest to your ideal. In pairs, discuss your choices.

.& ..

Page 25: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Vocabulary tree Designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental ‘maps’ of vocabulary areas. Look at the list of terms in the box and put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The first one has been done for you.

PfOCt:350f ROM expandable memory ALU DIMMs RAM computer brain byte DVD system clock mouse gigahertz printer megabyte webcam

Recommending a computer

hard drive keyboard registers

m A friend has asked you to recommend a computer that suits his needs. He needs to be able to access the Internet, play games and work with graphics, music and video files. Write an email describing its technical features and saying why you recommend it.

Now visit an online task.

Page 26: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Page 27: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Interacting with your computer Read the description of input devices and then label the pictures (1-8) with words from the text.

Input devices are the pieces of hardware which allow us to enter information into the computer. The most common are the keyboard and the mouse. We can also

interact with a computer by using one of these: a light pen, a scanner, a trackball, a graphics tablet, a game controller or a microphone.


2 3 4

6 7 8

2 Describing input devices A . listen to a computer technician describing three input devices. Write which devices he’s talking about.


B ~ Listen again and complete these extracts. 1 This device is

2 … it may also

3 This is a device

4 It usually

5 … the user

enter information into the computer.

function keys and editing keys special purposes.

the cursor and selecting items on the screen.

two bunons and a wheel.

activate icons or select items and text.

6 It detecting light from the computer screen and is used by pointing it directly at the screen display.

7 It the user answer multiple-choice Questions and.

Page 28: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Describing functions and features A Look at the HELP box and then use the notes below to write a description of the Sony PlayS tat ion 3 controller.

Sony PlayS tat ion 3 controller Functions

• control video games

• hold it with both hands, use thumbs to handle directional sticks and face buttons


• six·axis sensing system (capable of sensing motion in six directions: up, down, leh. right, forwards and backwards)

• wireless controller (Bluetooth)

• USB mini port and cable for wired play and automatic battery charging

Bar code reader

B Ol in pairs, choose one of these input devices and describe its functions and features. Try to guess which device your partner is describing.

Touchpad on a portable PC

HELP box Describing functions

In the listening, the mouse was described using for + gerund:

This is Q device for controlling the cursor and selecting items on the screen.

There are other ways of describing a device’s function:

• used + to + infinitive It’s used to control .

• relative pronoun + verb This is a device which controls .

• relative pronoun + used + to + infinitive This is a device which/ that is used to control …

• work by + gerund It works by detecting light from the computer screen.

Describing features

We can describe features like this:

An optical mouse has an optical sensor instead of a ball underneath.

It usually features cwo buttons and a wheel.

You can connect it to a USB porro

A wireless mouse works/operates withour cables.

It allows the user to answer multiple-choice questions and …

Webeam Touch screen

Page 29: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


4 The keyboard A Label the picture of a standard keyboard with the groups of keys (1 -5). , Cursor control keys include arrow keys that move the insertion point up, down, right and left.

and keys such as End, Home, Page Up and Page Down, which are used in word processing to move around a long document.

2 Alphanumeric keys represent letters and numbers. as arranged on a typewriter.

3 Function keys appear at the top of the keyboard and can be programmed to do special tasks.

4 Dedicated keys are used to issue commands or to produce alternative characters, e.g. the Or’ key or the Aft key.

S A numeric keypad appears to the fight of the main keyboard. The Num Lock key is used to switch from numbers to editing keys.

B Match the descriptions (1 — 8) with the names ofthe keys (a-h). Then find them on the keyboard. , A long key at the bottom of the keyboard Each time it is pressed,

it produces a blank space.

2 It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands.

3 It works in combination with other keys. For example, you press this key and C to copy the selected text.

4 It removes the charaaer to the left of the cursor or any selected text.

5 It produces UPPER CASE characters.

6 It produces UPPER CASE leners, but it does not affect numbers and symbols.

7 It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in tabulations and data fields).

8 They are used to move the cursor, as an altemative to the mouse.

A PC-compatiblekeyboord

a arrrow keys

b return/enter

c Caps Lock

d shift

e tab

f space bar

9 backspace

h etrl

Page 30: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

I )




5 Mouse actions Complete this text about the mouse with verbs from the box.

click double-click drag

Mouse actions A mouse allows you to (1) the cursor and move around the screen very quickly. Making the same movements with the arrow keys on the keyboard would take much longer. As you (2) the mouse on your desk, the pointer on the screen moves in the same direction. The pointer usually looks like an I-bar, an arrow, or a pointing hand, depending on what you are doing.

A mouse has one or more buttons to communicate with the computer. For example, if you want to place the insertion point or choose a menu option, you just (3) (press and release) on the mouse bunon, and the option is chosen.

The mouse is also used to (4) text and

grab select move control

items on the screen. You can highlight text to be deleted, copied or edited in some way.

The mouse is widely used in graphics and design. When you want to move an image, you position the pointer on the object you want to move, press the mouse button, and (5) the image to a new location on the screen. Similarly, the mouse is used to change the shape of a graphic object. For example, if you want to convert a square into a rectangle, you (6) one corner of the square and stretch it into a rectangle.

The mouse ;5 also used ro starr a program or open a document: you put the pointer on the file name and (7) on the name — that is, you rapidly press and release the mouse button twice.

Gooo. NolV, ~A-r Tt1E MOv<.>€ OVER. «T\E: C~iT rOoO DIS- COI,)

ANO DOvotE / CLicK·

Page 31: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

-6 Speech recognition systems

You talk, it types — speech

recognition software lets youoperare

computers by voice command

A ~ Listen to an interview with Anne Simpson, an expert in voice input technologies and tick (y’) the features she mentions.

Speech recognition systems:

o need a good sound card and a microphone.

o can take dictation with accuracy.

o allow you to create and compile a computer program.

o allow you to execute programs and navigate around menus using voice commands.

o allow you to surf the Web by speaking.

o allow you to design graphics.

B ~ listen again and answer these questions. 1 What do people usually use to communicate with a computer?

2 How do you get the best results from speech recognition software?

3 What rate of accuracy is possible with the software?

4 How can you train the software to be more accurate?

5 What kinds of words aren’t in the software’s dictionary?

C Ol in groups, discuss these questions. 1 What are the benefits of speech recognition software?

2 What kind of tasks would you find speech recognition useful for?

3 Who would benefit most from advances in speech recognition technology?

4 What is the future of this kind of technology? Do you think it will ever be possible to control your computer using only your thoughts?

Page 32: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 The eyes of your computer A In pairs, discuss how many ways there are of capturing an image on a computer.

B Read the text and see how many things from your list are mentioned.

C Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 Which device is used to input text and graphic images from a printed page?

2 How does a scanner send information to the computer?

3 How do digital cameras store photographs?

4 What feature allows mobile phone users to take pictures?

5 Which device would you use to take digital video?

6 What kind of software is used to manipulate video clips on the computer?

The eyes of your computer What does a scanner do? A scanner ‘sees’ images and converts the printed text or pictures into electronic codes that can be understood by the computer. With a flatbed colour scanner, the

paper with the image is placed face down on a glass screen, as with a photocopier. Beneath the glass are the lighting and measurement devices. Once the scanner

is activated, it reads the image as a series of dots and then generates the digitized image that is sent to the computer and stored as a file.

The scanner operates by using three rotating lamps, each of which has a different coloured filter: red, green

and blue. The resulting three separate images are combined into one by appropriate software.

What does a digital camera do? A digital camera takes photos electronically and converts

them into digital data (binary codes made up of 1 sand Os), It doesn’t use the film found in a traditional camera;

instead it has a special light-sensitive Silicon chip.

Photographs are stored in the camera’s memory card before being sent to the computer. Some cameras can also be connected to a primer or a TV set to make viewing images easier. This is usually the case with camera phones — mobile phones with a built-in camera.

What does a camcorder do? A camcorder, or digital video camera, records moving pictures and converts them into digital data that can

be stored and edited by a computer with special video editing software.

Digital video cameras are used by home users to create

l~i’ mwi’ ,~1’a; at 0′ jJl~~.:lJIi.J1’id’11; Ii?

computer art and video


They are also used to send live video images via the Internet. In this

case they are called web cameras, or webcams.

Page 33: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

A handheld scanner (or scanning text, bar codes and handwritten numbers

A slide scanner

Scanners ~ Listen to a conversation between Vicky Cameron, an Information Technology (IT) lecturer, and one of her students, and complete the student’s notes.

~ used lol’ 5c().l’l’efS loS Si…mi…o.f 1::.0 I::.ho.l::. V’Sed l.1′ a.

Z. ~ SCClVled l.~ loS 5er.t. 1::.0 I:..he ~fe. ~ CM ~I:..e lol::..

3 1 0 SCo.r’ l::.e)<.. l::. . ~ I’eed specloa.1 sofb..xv-e ca.lled

4- Fc:l::.bed SCCVV’ers Co.r’ SCM

S S Ilock SCGVl’efS Ole V’Sed 1:..0 SCM

Facts and opinions A What is the difference between facts and opinions? Complete these definitions. 1 are real, objective information.

2 usually include emotive words and subjective sta tements.

B Read these advertisements and underline the facts and€rc~the opinions.

ColourScan XR from Sunrise

The ColourScan XR from Sunrise is a flatbed scanner with 1.200 dots per inch (dpi) of resolution and 9″xlS» of scanning area.

Just think of the possibilities. You can enter data and graphic

images directly into your applications (word processors or databases). You can get crisp, clean scans for colour compositions, video and animation work.

The ColourScan XR comes complete with its own image-capture software, which allows for colour and grey retouching. And it’s easy to use. What more could you want for only £79? It couldn’t be cheaper.

In the field of flatbeds, the ColourScan XR is the clear winner.

S,,,nPress DF

The Scan Press DF is a self-calibrating flatbed scanner with 2,400 dpi of resolution. You can scan everything from black and white to 24-bit colour. The package includes a hardware accelerator for J PEG compression and decolllpression. J PEG technology ~ave~ disk space by compressing images by l1p to SO to 1.

In creating the Scan Press DF, we have chosen the most adv:lnced technology to give- you the besr scans with the least etTort. It produces images with high colour definition and sharpness. And it comes with OCR softw:lre and Adobe Photosbop, so you can manipulate :Ill the images you capture.

The SCIIl Press DF is a fantastic machine that you will love working with. And at only ,.(309, an excellent investment.


Page 34: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit 6

In small groups, compare your answers and decide about the following. , Which text uses more persuasive language?

2 Which text is more factual or objective?

Language work: superlatives Apart from catchy slogans and other

persuasive techniques, advertisements often use the superlative form of adjectives and adverbs. Read the following examples from advertisements for input devices. What can you say from these examples about how superlatives are formed? Look at the HELP box to check your answers. 1 We have chosen the most advanced

technology … 2 The fastest personal scanner … 3 The most revolutionary computer peripheral … 4 The best scans with the least effort …

Complete these sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Always buy the (fast)

scanner with the (high) resolution you can afford.

2 They have created the (revolutionary) camera to date.

3 FotoFinish is the (easy) photo editing software for your d igital camera.

4 This scanner gives you the (good) scans with the

(little) effort.

5 Our university has bought the (modern) computer equipment.

HELP box Superlatives

• We form the superlative of one­syllable and most two-syllable adjectives by adding -est.

cheap —+ the cheapest clever —+ the cleverest

• Some two-syllable adjectives (including those ending in -jng, -ed. -ful and — less) form the superlative with the most/ least.

advanced —+ the most advanced

• Adjectives with three or more syllables also take the most/ least

fantastic —+ the most fantastic powerful —+ the least powerful

• But two syllable adjectives ending in -y (for example, noisy) take -est and the y changes to i.

noisy —+ the noisiest

• Note the irregular forms:

good —+ the best bad —+ the worst little —+ the least

(with amounts, not size)

r e in pairs, discuss who or what you think is: 1 the most difficult computer game you’ve ever played.

2 the most exciting film you’ve ever seen.

3 the funniest programme on TV.

4 the most dangerous computer virus.

5 the best blogger or webmaster on the Web.

6 the most popular web browser.

Page 35: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 Language work: suffixes A Look atthe HELP box and then use suitable suffixes to make adjectives or nouns from these words. In some cases, you can make more than one word. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 colour

2 profession

3 photograph

4 wire

5 blur

6 innovate

7 underexpose

B Complete these sentences with the ~ord in brackets and one of these noun suffixes: -t;on, -eT, -ing, -logy, -ness. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 Kodak is a (manufacture)


2 To avoid red eyes, use the camera’s red eye (reduce) feature.

HELP box Suffixes

• Suffixes change the class of the root word. For example, by adding the suffix -ai, the noun digit is changed into the adjective digital. Suffixes can help you tell if a word is a noun, an adjective or a verb.

Common adjectival suffixes are: -y, -able, -ible, -ive, -ai, -ed, -ful, -ie, -less, -ing

Common noun suffixes are: -er, -or, -ion, -tion, -ation, -me nt, -ness, -ity, -ant, — logy, -ing, -y, -ure, -sion

• When using suffixes, always check in your dictionary to see if you need to change any other letters.

scan ……… scanner (double n)

of photographic and imaging

3 (Crop) a photograph means cutting out the parts of an image you don’t need.

4 The (sharp) of a photograph is a combination of resolution and acutance — the ability to represent clear edges.

S Digital (techno) is evolving so rapidly that some cameras have a resolution of 12 mega pixels — that’s 12 million pixels.

Page 36: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

6 Press release: a digital camera Complete the press release with words from the box.

colour mega pixels

Kodak has introduced the EasyShare M753 digital camera, with 7.0


(1) resolution, a huge 2.S·inch LCD screen, and a professional 3x (2) zoom lens. It is the first camera to incorporate proprietary Kodak Pertect Touch Technology.’ At the touch of a button, this innovative feature creates better, (3) pictures by bringing out detail in shadows without affecting

video optical

.. —

brighter reduction

lighter areas. It’s ideal for underexposed pictures caused by shooting beyond the flash range or in adverse lighting conditions.

The M753 uses the exclusive Kodak Colour Science chip for phenomenal image quality with rich (4) and accurate skin tones. Seventeen programmed scene modes (e.g. party, fireworks, children) and five colour modes (high, low, natural, sepia, and black and white) help capture the besl (5) with the least effort.

Other features include cropping, auto picture rotation , digital red-eye (6) , and blurry picture alerl . For capluring more than just slill pictures, the camera also features high-quality (VGA) (7) capture and playback.

7 Describing a camera In pairs, describe your digital camera, webcam or video camera. Think about

these questions.

• What do you use the device for?

• Why did you buy that particular make/model?

• What are your favourite functions?

• What improvements would you make to the device?

Page 37: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Your computer screen C In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What type of display do you have: a

cathode ray tube or an LCD flat screen?

2 What size is the screen?

3 How can you change the picture using the controls?

4 Can you watch TV on your PC monitor?

An Apple Moc flot screen monitor

2 How screen displays work Complete these definitions with words from the box. Then read the text on

page 33 and check your answers.







resolution pixel aspect ratio colour depth video adapter plasma screen

— the smallest unit on a display screen or bitmapped image (usually a coloured dot)

— an expansion card that generates the video signal sent to a computer display

— the width of the screen in proportion to its height

— also called gas discharge display

— the number of pixels contained in a display. horizontally and vertically

— the number of bits used to hold a colour pixel; this determines the maximum number of colours that can be displayed

Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 What do CRT and LCD stand for?

2 How is the screen size measured?

3 What technology is used by active-matrix LCOs?

4 Which unit of frequency is used to measure the brightness of a display?

5 What substance produces light and colour when hit by electrons in a CRT monitor?

6 What are the three advantages of OLEO displays?

Page 38: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

How screen displays work Displays, often called monitors or screens, are the most·used output device on a computer. They provide instant feedback by showing you text and graphic images as you work or play.

Most desktop displays use liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or Cathode Ray Tube (CRn technology, while nearly all portable computing devices, such as laptops, incorporate LCOs. Because of their slimmer design and lower energy consumption. LCD monitors (also called flat panel or flat screen displays) are replacing CRTs.

Basic features Resolution refers to the number of dots of colour, known as pixels (picture elements). contained in a display. It is expressed by identifying the number of pixels on the horizontal and vertical axes. A typical resolution is 1024×768.

A pixel is a combination of red, green and blue subpixels

Two measurements describe the size of your display: the aspect ratio and the screen size. Historically. computer displays, like most televisions. have had an aspect ratio of 4:3 — the width of the screen to the height is four to three. For widescreen LCD displays. the aspect ratio is 16:9. very useful for viewing DVO movies. playing games and displaying multiple windows side by side. High· definition TV also uses this format. The viewable screen size is measured diagonally. so a 19″ screen measures 19″ from the top left to the bottom right.

Unit 7

Inside the computer there is a video adapter. or graphics card. which processes images and sends signals to the monitor. CRT monitors use a VGA (video graphics adapter) cable, which converts digital signals into analogue signals. LCD monitors use a OVI (digital video interface) connection.

Colour depth refers to the number of colours a monitor can display. This depends on the number of bits used to describe the colour of a single pixel. For example. an old VGA monitor with an 8·bit depth can generate 256 colours and a $uperVGA with a 24·bit depth can generate 16.7 million colours. Monitors with a 32·bit depth are used in digital video, animation and video games to get certain effects.

Display technologies An LCD is made of two glass plates with a liquid crystal material between them. The crystals block the light in different quantities to create the image. Active-matrix LCOs use TFT (thin film transistor) technology. in which each pixel has its own switch. The amount of light the LCD monitor produces is called brightness or luminance. measured in cd/m2 (candela per square metre).

A CRT monitor is similar to a traditional TV set. It contains millions of tiny red, green and blue phosphor dots that glow when struck by an electron beam that travels across the screen and create a visible image.

PCs can be connected to video projectors, which project the image onto a large screen. They are used for presentations and home theatre applications.

In a plasma screen, images are created by a plasma discharge which contains noble (non-harmful) gases. Plasma TVs allow for larger screens and wide viewing angles. making them ideal for movies.

Organic Light-Emitting ~iodes (OLEOs) are thin-film LED displays that don’t require a backlight to function. The material emits light when stimulated by an electrical current. which is known as electroluminescence. They consume less energy, produce brighter colours and are flexible — i.e. {hey can be bent and rolled up when they’re not being used.

Page 39: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Choosing the right display device A ., Listen to five customers in a computer shop describing their display device needs. Which device (a-e) would you recommend to each person? In pairs, discuss your choices and give reasons for them.

NEC MultiSyn LCD Monitor

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Screen size: 17″

Resolution: 1280x 1 024 (5XGA)

Aspect ratio: 5:4

Brightness: 400 cd/m]

Cambridge­Hitachi interactive whiteboard

Allows interaction with a projected computer image

Board size: 78″

Connected to the PC via USB

Pointing device: cordless pen

Portable projector

DLP (Digital light Processing) technology

Resolution: 1024×768

Projection screen

Speaker 4


Dell UltraSharp LCD monitor

Widescreen 24″ flat panel

Resolution: 1920×1200

Colour support: 16.7 miUion

Multiple video inputs, flash­card slots and USB ports

Pioneer SO .. Plasma TV

Resolution: 1280×768 (XGA)

Blu-ray Disc recorder

5.1 surround sound system (Five audio channels plus one subwoofer)

B Cl ln pairs, discuss which of the display devices you would most like to own. Give reasons for your choice.

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Unit 7

4 Ergonomics

Ergonomics — the srudy of how people interact safely and efficiently wirh machines and rheir work conditions

A ~ Listen to Tony Clark, an expert in computer ergonomics, talking to some office workers about health and safety. What health problems associated with computer use do the office workers mention?

B ., Listen again and complete these extracts.

1 Get a good chair, one that your lower back and is

2 Make sure your feet rest firmly

3 Position the keyboard the work surface …

4 … position the monitor at, or just below,

or on a footrest.

your elbows, with your arms

S You should sit at from the front of the monitor. about 50 to 70 centimetres away.

6 … a kind of stand that lets you move the monitor at the correct angle and height.

, so you can use It

C Match the extracts above (1-6) with the correct parts of the diagram (a-f).


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5 Language work: instructions and advice A Look at the HELP box and then complete these health and safety guidelines with should/shouldn’t. 1 If you type a tot at your computer each

day, you buy an ergonomic keyboard; it can help reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury.

2 You place your mouse within easy reach and support your forearm.

3 If you decide to build your own PC, protect yourself from electric shocks. You

touch any components unnecessarily.

4 You always use a copyholder if you are working from

HELP box Instructions and advice

• We use the imperative to give instructions.

Get an adjustable chair.

Don’t put your monitor in front of a window.

• We use should and shouldn’t + infinitive to give advice or to talk about what we think is a good or bad idea.

You should look down or [he monitor, not up.

You shouldn’t use a monitor thoes fuzzy or distorts the image.

• We can also give advice by using set phrases like It’s a good idea to or It’s a bad idea to + infinitive.

It’s a good idea to have a monicor with a cilt­and-swive/stand.

documents. The best poSition is between the screen and the keyboard, or at (he same height as the screen; this can reduce neck, back and eyestrain.

S Irresponsible disposal of electronic waste can cause severe environmental and health problems. You just throw your old monitor or video system into the bin.

B C In pairs, practise giving advice about how to use a monitor safely using should/shouldn’t or It’s a good/bad idea to. Look at these guidelines for help. 1 Don’t open the monitor. It’s dangerous.

2 Don’t stare at the screen for (ong periods of time.

3 Position the monitor at eye level or just below.

4 leave enough space behind the monitor for unobstructed movement.

5 Don’t sit near the sides or back of CRT monitors. Use LCD screens instead — they’re free from radiation.

6 Keep the screen clean to prevent distorting shadows.

6 An ergonomic school or office m You have been asked to write a list of guidelines for making your school or office more ergonomic. look at the definition of ergonomics at the bottom of page 35 and then write an email to your teacher/manager explaining your guidelines. Consider 1-8 below. 1 Physical layout of the work site: desk areas, computer equipment, filing cabinets, etc.

2 Lighting (overhead lights, desk lamps), glare and ventilatton

3 Computer and office furniture: ergonomic chairs and desks

4 User-friendly and ergonomic devices: keyboards, mice, monitors, wrist rests, copyholders, etc.

5 Location and features of telephones

6 Layout of cables and switches for a wired network

7 Wireless internet access and wireless network

8 Maintenance and technical repairs

Page 42: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Types of printer A How many types of printer can you think of? Make a list.

B Read the article on page 38 and then label the types of printer (1 -5). Which types of printer aren’t pictured?

The quality (resolution) of the images goes up (0 ],400 dots per inch (dpi)


Provides high qualifY output: a resolurion of 1,200-2,400dpi


print head

Provides high quality for linework (lines and curves)


The resolution depends on the number of pins


Provides the highest resolution: more than 3,000 dpi


Page 43: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition







Printing is the final stage in creating a document. Sil1((‘ the r~lllts yOll can obtain with different types of printer will vary substantially, her(‘ is a guide to help you decide which one is most suitable for your Ileeds.

Til bc.~i’l witll. you should take into accoum that pnnters vary in cost, speed, print quality, and other factors 511ch (/J’ noise or printing method. Technology is evolving so quickly that there is always a princer for eveTY application or need.

Dot-matrix printers use pins to print the dots required to shape a character. They can print text and graphics; however, they produce relatively low resolution output — 72 to [80 dots pcr inch (dpi).Thcy

arc used to print Illlliti-p:m forms. self-copying paper and continuous-form labd~.They arc slower than laser

printers (Sl·t· below) but much cheaper.

Inkje t printers operate by projecting small ink droplets OntO paper to form the required image. Colour and hues are created by the precise mixing of cyan. magt;.’nta. yellow and black inks. Inkjets afe fairly fast. quiet, and not as expensive as laser

printers. Nevertheless, you can still expect high quality n’sults bmlllse then’ are some inkjet printers on the 11llrket with a resolution of 2.400 dpi.

Laser printers produce output at great speed and with a very high resolution of 1,200-2.400 dpi. They scan the image with a laser beam and transfer it to paper with a special ink powder called toner. They are constantly being improved. In terllls of

speed and image quality, laser primers are preferred by experts for various reasons;Jor insral/re, they haw a wider range of scalable fOllts than inkjets, can emulate different language systems, and can produce high­quality graphics; however, rht.)’ are still expensive for home users.

Thernlal transfcr printers are used to produce

colour images by transferring a wax-based ink onto the pap~r. They 3re popular for printing bar

codes, labels and medium-resolution graphics.

lmagesetters produce very high-resolution output (up to 3,540 dpi) on paper or on the acwal film for making {he printing plates. In addition, they are extremely fast. Imagescttl:fS arc Illost often Llsed in desktop publishing (DT P).Although they produce

the highest quality output, they have one iruportam disadvantage: they are toO (:xpensive for homes or

~Imll offices.

In modern lithographic priming. images are created on a DTP computer and rilm Output directly to tilt’ printing plates, without requiring

film as an intermediate step. This tl:chnology is called computer to plate, or C TP, and the machine used is called a platesetter .

Fillnl/)» we have plotters. Plotters use ink and fine pens held in a carriage to draw very detailed designs

on paper. They are llsed for constrllction plans, engineering drawings and other technical illustrations. Nowadays. traditional plotters are being repbccd with wide-forrn:1.t inkjets.

C Find words in the article with the following meanings. 1 designs and images used in magazines, books, etc. (lines 10-15)

2 output quality, measured in dots per inch (lines 10-15)

3 a particular colour within the colour spectrum (lines 15-20)

4 an ink. powder used in laser printers and copiers (lines 25-30)

5 set of characters that can be resized (enlarged or reduced) without introducing distortion (lines 30-35)








6 a rectangular pattern of black lines of magnetic ink printed on an objea so that its details can be read by a computer system (lines 35-40)

7 surface that carries a reproduction of the image, from which the pages are printed (lines 45-50)

8 in-between: middle (lines 50-55)

Page 44: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit .

2 Language work: connectors 1 A Look at the HELP box and then put the words in italics from the article on page 38 into the correct column of the table.

Giving examples Listing/Sequencing Giving reason/cause

B Try to add some more connectors to each column. How do you say these connectors in your language?

Connectors 1

Connectors are linking words and phrases which join ideas and help us organize our writing. Connectors can be used for giving examples, listing or sequencing, and giving reason or cause .

… for instance, rhey have a wider range of …

To begin with, you 5houfd rake inro account thar prinrer5 vary in C05t …

Some common connectors appear in irafic5 in the article on page 38. For more on other uses of connectors, see Unit 11.

c m Write a paragraph describing the printer(s) you use at home or at work. Try to use some connectors. Think about these aspects: type, speed, resolution, print quality, memory, cost, print consumables (ink cartridges etc.).

3 Choosing the right printer A In pairs, choose the most suitable printer for each of these situations. Give reasons for your choices. 1 You want to print documents, web pages and occasional photographs at home.

2 A small company needs a printer which will be shared by various users on a local area network (LAN)

3 A professional team of architects and engineers need to create accurate representations of objects in technical drawings and CAD.

4 A graphic arts business needs a printer to produce catalogues, brochures and other publications.

B In pairs, describe the features of your ideal printer.

Page 45: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

. I

4 Multi-function printers


A ~ listen to an extract from a consumer technology pod cast about multi-function printers. What two disadvantages of multi-function printers are mentioned?

B ., Listen again and answer these questions. 1 What is a multi-function printer?

2 Why are multi-function printers $0 popular?

3 What is the main advantage of PictBridge technology?

4 Apart from sheets of paper, what other things can multi-function printers print?

5 What software do you usually get when you buy a multi-function printer?

6 What advice does Mr Kelly give on ink cartridges?

7 What type of device does he recommend for home users?

8 What type of device does he recommend for businesses?

Language work: comparatives Look at the HELP box and then complete these sentences using the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. 1 A laser printer is generally (quiet)

than a low-cost inkjet printer.

2 Multi-function printers are now only slightly (expensive) than -conventional primers, and offer much (great)


3 The print quality of this network printer is noticeably (good) than any inkjet, and as (good) as Similar laser primers.

4 The Agfa platesetter is (reliable) and (easy) to use than most primers

of its type.

S Your printer is only as (good) as the paper you use.

6 The final result is always (accurate) than the original image.

7 An imageserter is (heavy) than a laser printer.

HELP box Comparatives

• We form the comparative of one­syllable adjectives by adding -er.

slow -.. slower

Inkjet printers are slower than laser printers, but much cheaper.

• Two-syllable adjectives usually take more/less.

modern -.. more modern

They’re designing a more modern version or the moment.

• Adjectives ending in -y (for example, noisy) take -er and the y changes to i.

Dor-matrix printers ore noisier chon inkjets.

• We form the comparative of adjectives with three or more syllables by adding more/ less.

versOfile -.. more versOfile

. they’re cheaper and more versatile than swndalone products.

• Note the irregular forms:

good —+ better bad —+ worse litrle —+ less

If you wont better results, you’ll need specialized software.

• Equality is expressed by using as … as. Difference can be shown by using not as … as.

ThiS is as fast as many other printers in its closs.

Inkjets are not as expensive as laser printers .

Page 46: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

6 Reading quiz — printer adverts A In pairs, read the adverts and then answer these questions. See who in your class can finish first. , How many inkjet printers are advertised?

2 Which printer would you recommend to someone who wants to print advertising graphics?

3 If you have the w ide-format printer from Vutek. what kinds of material can you print on?

4 Which technology lets you print directly from your digital camera without needing a computer in between?

5 A page description language, or POL. describes how to print the text and pictures on the page. Can you find two laser printer languages?

6 What is the resolution of the Brother HL Network Colour laser Printer?

7 How fast is the Brother Hl Network Colour Laser Printer?

Canon Compact Photo Printer SELPHY CP750 Photo Printer

An inkjet photo printer with a 2.4″ colour LCD for easy viewing, editing and printing of perfect borderless photos. With PictBridge, you can print directly from digital cameras, memory cards or camera phones (via IrDA or optional Bluetooth unit) without connecting to a Pc.

Resolution: 300×300 dpi

Software: Easy-PhotoPrint

Dimensions: 179×127.1×63 mm

Weight: 960g

The Vutek UltraVu II 5330 provides the ultimate combination of highest print speed and best print quality in a five-metre printer. • Wide-format professional inkjet printer • Prints on a wide variety of substrates, including vinyl, and pressure-

sensitive paper, mesh and textiles • VUTEK low Friction Kit allows for difficult material5to be run more ea5ily • Prints up to 16.4 feet (5 metres) wide • Up to 330 dpi resolution produces images that

are sharp, cri5p and consistent

• Prints up to 2,130 square feet (207 square metres) per hour

• Applications: banners, exhibition graphics, bus shelte~, etc.

Brother HL Network Colour Laser Printer The HL·4040(N delivers the perfect balance of quality, workgroup, colour A4 laser printing.

It boasts outstanding colour output: 2,400 dpi class colour printing with exceptionally crisp, high·resolution text and graphics driven by Brother’S exclusive printing enhancement technologies.

Print Speed: up to 31 ppm (pages per minute) mono, 8 ppm colour (A4)

Compatibility: PCL and PostScript languages

Paper tray capacity: 250 sheets

Memory size: 64MB

High-speed USB

B ErJ A friend has emailed you asking for advice about which printer to buy, the Canon SELPHY CP750 or the Brother HL Network Colour Laser Printer. Write an email to your friend comparing the two printers. Use the HELP box on page 40 to help you.

Page 47: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


1 Assistive technology A C In pairs, look at the words in the box and use as many of them as you can to describe the photos. You will not need all the words.

blind person motor~impaired person screen magnifier Braille printer adaptive switch touch screen

adapted keyboard on-screen keyboard voice recognition system screen-pointing device screen reader pneumatic switch (sip and puff)

Page 48: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit ‘

B In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What sort of difficulties do you think are experienced by computer users with limitations of viSion

or mobility?

2 What types of device could be helpful to blind users?

3 How can a person with mobility limitations communicate with a computer?

2 Computers for the disabled A Read the text and find the following. 1 the laws which ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities in the USA and the UK

2 how the blind student in the photo interacts with the machine

3 the systems which type on the screen what is being said in meetings

4 the type of software which reads printed material. recognizes the text and then sends it to the PC

5 the system which is activated by the user’s eye movements

6 the switch which can be used by someone with quadriplegia

7 the function of voice recognition devices

Com uters for the disabled Computers have taken a dominant role in our society, meaning most jobs now require access to computers and the Internet. But what happens if a person is blind, deaf or motor-disabled? They needn’t worry. The latest assistive technology is designed to help them use computers and do their jobs in the office, learn at school, or interact with their families at home. In addition, new laws oblige companies to adapt the to accommodate disabled people. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the UK’s Disability Discrimination Act make it illeqal for . . employers to discriminate against people with disabilities.

To work effectively, most blind users need to have their computers adapted with technologies such as Braille, screen magnifiers, speech synthesis and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

Braille keyboards have Braille lenering on keyboard overlays, allowing the blind user to easily identify each key. For output, there are printers, called Braille embossers, that produce tactile Braille symbols on both sides of a page at h;gh speed.

For someone with limited but usable vision, a screen magnifier may be appropriate. This type of software can enlarge text and images appearing on the screen by up to 16 times.

A Braille embosser prints a hard copy of a text document in Braille

A speech synthesis system is used to read aloud the work on the computer. It has a speech synthesizer, which produces the audio output, and a screen reader — the program which reads aloud text and menus from word processors, databases and the Web.

OCR uses a flatbed scanner and specialized OCR software to read printed material and send the text to the computer. The PC can then produce a copy of the text in Braille, a magnified copy, or a version that can be read aloud by a speech synthesis system.

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Deaf computer users can overcome many communication difficulties with the aid of visual alerts, electronic notetakers and textphones. Visual alerts are indicators that alert the deaf user when they receive new mail or when there is a system error. So instead of hearing a sound, the user is alerted by a blinking menu bar or by a message on the screen. Electronic notetakers use software that types a summary of what is said in meetings onto the computer screen.

Textphones allow the deaf to type and read phone conversations. They are also caned TDDs (Telephone Devices for the Deaf) or nvs (TeleTypewriters). They can be used in combination with relay services, where an operator says what the text user types, and types what a voice phone user says. Deaf people can also communicate via SMS and instant messaging.

A textphone

Motor-impaired workers unable to type on a standard keyboard can employ expanded or ergonomic keyboards, on-screen keyboards, adaptive switches and voice recognition systems.

A specialized keyboard for children with physical disabilities

On-screen keyboards are software images of a keyboard that appear on the screen and may be activated with a trackball, touch screen, screen-pointing device, or eye movements. In an eyegaze system, the keys on the virtual keyboard are activated by the user’s eyes when they pause on a key for two or three seconds.

£yegaze technology consists of a video camera and image processing software, which determines the eye’s gazepoint on the screen

Switches come in many shapes and sizes. They are operated by muscle movements or breath control. For example, a pneumatic switch — known as a sip and puff — allows someone with quadriplegia to control the PC by puffing and sipping air through a pneumatic tube. People with quadriplegia can also use Sip and puff joysticks.

Finally, there’s voice recognition, which allows the computer to interpret human speech, transforming the words into digitized text or instructions.

Page 50: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


B Complete the crossword with words from the text on pages 43-44.


2 An keyboard presents a graphic representation of a keyboard on the desktop screen and allows people with mobility impairments to type data using a joystick or a pointing device.

4 Visual allow deaf users to be notified of incoming mail or error messages without hearing a tone.

6 A screen makes the computer screen more readable for users with poor vision.

7 A system of reading and writing using raised dots, which enables blind people to read by touch.


I’ I I

r’ 1



Unil 9


I I r,-


f-l f-

.,- f- r-I— I— f-

11 I— L- ~


1 Unlike a standard telephone, a has a small screen and a keyboard that transcribes a spoken voice as text. It is used for text communication via a telephone line, ideal for people who have hearing or speech difficulties.

HELP box

3 A Braille is an impact printer that prints text as Braille, by punching dots onto paper.

S A speech synthesizer is used in conjunction with a screen to convert screen contents into spoken words.

Language work: noun phrases A Look at the HELP box and then the noun phrases 1-6. Decide what type of modifier (a-d) is placed before the ‘head’ in each case. 1 disabled worker a adjective

2 rehabilitation engineer b present participle

3 employee’s abilities c ‘s genitive

4 adapted keyboard d noun

5 voice-activated computer

6 pointing device

B Explain the noun phrases in A.

Example: disabled worker = a worker who is disabled

Noun phrases

A noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun as its head. This noun can be accompanied by a modifier that gives information about the head.

modifier head speech recognition compatible computer

A noun phrase can function as the subject or object of a verb. It can contain the following range of modifiers:

• adjectives I have a porrable compurer. :::: a computer which is portable

• present participles I use this drawing program. = a program that draws

• ‘5 genitive The files are on the director’s computer. = the computer which belongs

to the director

• nouns I need to buy Q colour SCQnner. = a scanner which uses colour



Page 51: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

4 Assistive technologies for the blind A ~ listen to an interview with Mike Hartley, the director of the Assistive Technology Project for the Blind in Washington DC. Make notes about these topics.

3 -n-..t dl..ff~re.r.c.e. bl.b … ~ … f ..oi…c;.e. ,e.CO::Y’iJ: .. i…()I’ 0I’d

SlXlI!.ch ~hc.5<.5:

5 C~L»S de;~Iopi..»‘S ~sb .. _ I::.. .. c~


A Braille computer keyboard

Small-Talk Ultra, Q talking computer from GW Micro, which includes Window-Eyes — Q screen reader for the blind

B ~ In pairs, help each other to improve your notes and then listen again to make sure you have included all of the important information.

5 Investing in assistive technologies ~ Your school/company has decided to invest some of its annual IT budget in assistive technology. Write an email to your director of studies I manager, summarizing the different technologies available and the kind of people they can help. If possible, use the Internet to find suppliers of these technologies in your country.

Now visit an online task.

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Page 53: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

A 3.5″ floppy drive and diskette

A floppy disk

1 Types of magnetic drive A Look at the pictures and descriptions below and find the following. 1 the name of the hard drive on a PC platform

2 the type of hard drive that plugs into a socket at the back of a computer

3 the system that works in sequential format

4 the size and storage capacity of a floppy disk


The inside ofa hard drive

A portable external

External hard drives

Magnetic tapes and drive

drive uses 3.5″ disks, which

Most pes have one internal hard are connected to the USB or

FireWire pon of the computer. They can be as small as a wallet but can have as much capacity as internal drives; they are typically used for backup or as secondary storage.


can Store 1.44MB of data; it is usually assigned to the A:. drive. Floppy drives are becoming increasingly rare.

drive. usually : drive. It is used to store the operating system, the programs and the user’s files in a convenient way. A hard drive can hold hundreds of gigabytes of data.

B Complete these sentences with words from the box.

writes data on tapes. It is sequential-access — i.e. to get to a particular point on the tape, it must go through aU the preceding points. Tapes can hold hundreds of gigabytes of data and are used for data coUe<tion, backup and archiving.

capacity storage archiving hold secondary

1 There are basically three types of magnetiC device available to the computer user — hard drives, diskettes and tapes.

2 The of a 3.5″ floppy disk is only 1.44MB.

3 Hard drives can hundreds of times more data than floppy disks.

4 A portable hard drive is a good choicS for storage.

5 Magnetic tapes are used for information that you no longer need to use regularly.

2 Buying a portable hard drive A ~ Sue (see Unit 4) wants to buy a new drive. Listen to her conversation with the sales assistant. Does she buy anything?

B ~ listen again and answer these questions. 1 What is the storage capacity of the Iomega eGo

portable hard drive?

2 How much information can be stored on the Edge DiskGo model?

3 Which hard drive is good for mobile professionals?

4 How much does the Iomega eGo drive cost?

5 How much does the Edge DiskGo cost?

The Iomega eGo porrable hard drive.

Page 54: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

nit 10

3 Magnetic storage A Read the text and then identify a sector and a track in Fig. 1.

B Read the text again and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1 A hard drive spins at the same speed as a floppy disk drive.

2 If you format a hard drive that has files on it, the files will be deleted.

3 Hard drives cannot be partitioned to run separate operating systems on the same disk,

4 Seek time and transfer rale mean the same thing.

S Disk drives are not shock resistant, especially in operating mode.

Magnetic storage Magnetic storage devices store data by magnetizing particles on a disk or tape.

A floppy disk is so called because it consists of a flexible sheet of plastic, coated with iron oxide— a magnetizable material. A floppy disk drive spins at 360 revolutions per minute (rpm), 50 it’s relatively slow. However, a hard drive spins at over 7,200 rpm and stores data on a stack of metal rotating disks called platters. This means you can store much more data and retrieve information much faster.

The inside of a hard drive

New disks need to be formatted before you can use them, unless they come preformatted from the manufacturer. When the disk is formatted, the operating system (aS) organizes the disk surface into Circular tracks and divides each track into sectors. The as creates a directory which will record the specific location of files. When you save a file, the as moves the read/write head of the drive towards empty sectors, records the data and writes an entry for the directory. Later on, when you open that file, the as looks for its entry in the directory, moves the read/write heads to the correct sector, and reads the

Fig. J

file in the RAM area. However, formatting erases any existing files on a disk, so do not format disks on which data that you don’t want to lose is stored.

The as allows you to create one or more partitions on your hard drive, in effect dividing it into several logical pans. Partitions let you install more than one operating system (e.g. Windows and Unux) on your computer. You may also decide to split your hard drive because you want to store the as and programs on one partition and your data files on another; this allows you to reinstall the as when a problem occurs, without affecting the data partition.

The average time r … required for the readl write heads to move and find data is called seek time (or access time) and it is measured in milliseconds (ms); most hard drives have a seek time of 7 to 14 ms. Don’t

Toshiba’s 1.8′ hard drive; mini hard drives are used in small gadgets, such as

POAs and wrisrwarches

confuse this with transfer rate — the average speed required to transmit data from the disk to the CPU, measured in megabytes per second.

How to protect your hard drive

• Don’t hit or move the computer while the hard drive is spinning. Hard drives are very sensitive to vibration and shocks, especially when they are operating; when the read/write head touches the rotating disk, it can scratch and damage the disk surface. This is known as head crctsh.

• You shouldn’t turn your computer off and on quickly. Wait at least ten seconds to ensure that the drive has stopped spinning.

• Check your hard drive regularly for logical and physical errors. To check and repair a drive, you can use a disk diagnosis utility like Windows ScanDisk.

• To minimize the risk of data loss or corruption, you should install an up-to-date virus scanner. You should also back up your hard drive regularly.

Page 55: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

C Match these words (1-5) with the definitions (a-e).








read/write head

head crash

back up

a a file system that defines the structure for keeping track of the files

b the part of a drive that reads and records data on a disk

( to make a copy of data or software in case the original disk is damaged

d initialized; when the tracks and sectors on magnetic disks are set

e a serious disk malfunction; when the read/write head touches the rotating disk

4 Language work: precautions A Look at the HELP box and then match the instructions (1-6) with the pictures (a-f). 1 Do not expose discs to heat or direct sunlight.

2 Check for viruses before opening files you receive from the Web or via email.

3 Make backup copies of your files.

4 Don’t shake or move the computer violently while the hard drive is spinning.

5 Keep your discs away from water and humidity.

6 Hold discs by the edges, or by one edge and the centre hole.

HELP box Precautions

• We use the imperative to give precautions and warnings.

Check your hard drive regularly for logical and physical errors .

. .. formatting erases any existing files on a disk, 50 do not format disks on which data thor you don’t want ro lose is scored.

• We use should + infinitive without to to give advice or to talk about what we think is right.

. you should install an up-co» date virus scanner.

• We use shouldn’t + infinitive without to to give advice or to talk about what we think is wrong.

You shouldn’t tum your compurer off and on quickly.

Page 56: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unh l.

B In pairs, discuss what you should or shouldn’t do to protect your data. Use the suggestions below.

Example: discs on top of each other (stack) You shouldn’t stock discs on top of each other. I Don’t stock discs on ropofeach other.

, your anti-virus program regularly, since new viruses are created everyday (update)

2 discs in a protective case (store)

3 passwords and security devices to protect confidential information (use)

4 on discs with permanent marker pens (write)

s the disc into the disc drive carefully (insert)

6 floppies or hard drives near magnets; they can damage the data stored on them (leave)

Note: disc (optical media); disk (magnetic storage media)

5 Word building Look at the words in the boxes. Are they nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs? Write n, v, adj or adv next to each word and then complete the sentences below. For more about word building, see Unit 12.

magnet magnetism

magnetic magnetize

magnetically magnetized

, is the science of magnetic phenomena and properties.

2 Floppy disks and hard drives are storage devices.

3 Data is recorded on a disk in the form of spots called bits.

fragment defragmenter

fragmentation fragmented

4 After you create, delete and modify a lot of files, the hard drive becomes , with bits and pieces spread all over the disk.

S slows down the speed at which data is accessed because the disk drive has to work harder to find the parts of a file stored in many different locations.

6 To reorganize your hard drive, you can use a disk optimizer or ; this will reorder your files into continuous


In a fragmented disk, a file is stored in non-Continuous secrors

In a defragmented disk, a file is slored in neighbouring sectors

6 Explaining hard drive precautions m A friend has sent you an email explaining that she has just lost all of the information on her PC because of a head crash. Write a reply explaining the following. • Why the head crash happened

• What precautions she should take with her new PC to avoid similar problems in the future

• What steps she could take to back up her files

Page 57: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 CDs and DVDs

A In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What do CD and DVD stand for?

2 What is the main advantage of using DVDs instead of CDs?

B How do you say these expressions in your language? 1 optical disc

2 laser beam

3 backward-compatible

C .., Paul (see Unit 4) wants to buy some blank discs. Listen to his conversation with the sales assistant and check your answers to A.

o ~ Listen again and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1 A DVD is an optical digital disc that can

be used for video, audio and data storage.

2 The dimensions of a CD and a DVO are the same: 1.3 mm thick and 13 em in diameter.

3 The data on a DVD is read with a laser beam.

4 A basic DVD can hold 3.7 gigabytes.

5 You need a hard drive to read DVOs.

6 DVD-Video discs can hold full-length movies.

7 A DVD Writer is not compatible with old CD-ROMs.

Note: disc (optical media); disk (magnetic storage media)

2 Optical discs and drives

A Read the text on page 53 and find the following. 1 the advantages and disadvantages of optical discs over magnetic disks

2 the storage capacity of a double-sided, dual layer DVD

3 the difference between a DVD burner and a DVD recorder

A avo drive wirh disc

4 the feature of a portable DVD player which allows the user to play different formats

5 two possible successors to DVDs

6 where the Blu-ray format gets its name from

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Optical discs and drives Optical discs can store data at much higher densities than magnetic disks. They are therefore ideal for multimedia applications where images, animation and sound occupy a lot of disc space. Furthermore, optical discs are not affected by magnetic fields. meaning that they are secure and stable. and can be transported through airport metal detectors without damaging the data. However, optical drives are slower than hard drives.

CDs and DVDs

At first sight, a DVO is similar to a CO. Borh discs are 120 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick. They also both use a laser beam to read data. However, they are very different in internal structure and data capacity. In a DVD, the tracks are very close together, thus allowing more tracks. The pits in which data is stored are al10 smaller. so there are more pits per track. As a result. a CD can hold 6SQ-700MB, whereas a basic DVD can hold 4.7GB.ln addition. a DVO can be double-sided and dual layer. with a capacity of 17GB.

=—~c::.-__ «, Close-up of a CD


Close-up of a DVD

CDs come in three different formats:

• CD-ROMs (read-only memory) are read-only units. meaning you cannot change the data stored on them (for example. a dictionary or a game).

• CO-R (recordable) discs are write-once devices which let you duplicate music COs and other data CDs.

• CO-RW (rewritable) discs enable you to write onto them many times. just like a hard disk.

OVOs also come in several formats:

• OVO-ROMs are used in OVO computer drives. They allow for data archiving as well as interactive content (for example. an encyclopedia or a movie).

• DVO-R or OVO+R can only be recorded on once.

• OVO-RW or OVO+RW discs can be erased and re­used many times. They are used to back up data files and to record audio and video.

The DVD drive used in computers is also called a OVO burner because it records information by burning via a laser to a blank OVD disc. However, a OVO recorder typically refers to a standalone unit which resembles a video cassette recorder. New OVO recorders can play all CO and OVO formats. There are also portable DVD players — handheld devices which let you watch movies or TV, play games and listen to music. wherever you are. They come with a built-in OVO drive and widescreen (rectangular 16:9 format) LCD display. They usually support multi-format playback — that is. they can play many file formats. including DVO-video. DivX. CD audio discs, MP3 music and JPEG images.

HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs

These two competing formats are expected to replace current DVO as the standard for watching movies at home. On one side are Toshiba. Microsoft and the DVO Forum. who support the High Definition-DVD (HO­OVO). Sony. Panasonic. Samsung. JVC and many movie studios are behind the Blu-ray format.

~ -.. —

A Sony Blu-ray disc

A Blu-ray disc has a capacity of 25GB (single layer), 50GB (dual layer) and 100GB (four layer). Unlike DVDs, which use a red laser to read and write data, Blu-ray uses a blue­violet laser. hence its name. Blu-ray discs can record and play back high-definition television and digital audio, as well as computer data.

Page 59: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Read the text again and make notes about the features of CDs, DVDs and Blu­ray discs.

Capacity and formats Possible uses CD



3 Language work: connectors 2 A Look at these extracts from the text and put the words in italics into the correct column of the table.

1 They are therefore ideal for multimedia app.lications .

2 Furthermore, optical discs are not affected by magnetic fields.

3 However, they are very different in internal structure and data capacity.

4 As a resul t , a CD can hold 650-700MB, whereas a basic OVO can hold 4.7GB.

5 In addit ion, a OVD can be double-sided and dual layer .

Indicating addition Making contrasts Explaining the results or effects of something

B Look at the HELP box and check your answers. How do you say these connectors in your language?

C Choose the correct word in brackets to complete these sentences. 1 (Although/Consequently) CDs and DVDs are similar in size

and shape, their data structure is very different.

2 DVDs hold more data than CDs. The pits burnt into the disc are smaller than on a CD, and the tracks are closer together. (On the other hand / As a result), DVDs can have up to four recording layers.

3 A Blu-ray disc drive costs a lot of money (but/so) you should use it carefully.

4 Blu-ray is expected to replace DVD over the coming years (because/besides) it offers much greater storage capacity.

5 Both Blu-ray (and / in addition) HD-DVD devices are backward-compatible with current CDs and DVDs, meaning you can play your old discs on the new players.

6 Sony has invested millions of dollars in the development of Blu-ray technology. The success of Blu -ray is (whereas/ therefore) vital for the company’s future.

HELP box Connectors 2

In addition to the uses of connectors covered in Unit 8, we also use connectors for the following purposes:

• Indicating addition furthermore in addition besides moreover and

• Making contrasts however whereas although but on the other hand

• Explaining the resul ts or effects of something therefore as a result so thus consequently because

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4 Choosing storage devices In pairs, look at the products in the computer catalogue and choose the most

suitable device for the purposes (1-6). Give reasons for your choices. Try to use some connectors from the HELP box on page 54.

1 to keep the operating system and the programs on a home computer

2 to watch a movie on a plane or in the back seat of a car

3 to hold your favourite phows and music

4 to make backup copies and to tranSpOH files between computers in a big company

5 to hold historical records in the National library

6 to read, write and re-write high-definition video and TV

Seagate hard drive

Superfast 8ms hard drive. Capacity ranges from 80GB to 1 TB.

Iomega portable hard drive

160GB, 2.5″ external hard drive. An affordable way to back up all your data, from business documents to emails.

LaCie eve drive

16x OVO writer with free Nero OVO burning software. Can play and record both OVO+R and OVO-R discs, plus their rewritable counterparts, as well as all types of CO.

Panasonic portable eve player

8″ portable LCD DVD Player with Car Kit. Compatible with DVD-Video, CD, JPEG image CD and MP3-lormaHed audio CD.

Sony Blu-ray disc drive

Sony’s Vaio AR laptop is the first portable Blu-ray studio, which includes a Blu-ray disc drive and a TV tuner, alongside a 17″ widescreen display and a 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor.

Toshiba USB flash drive

High-speed 16GB pen drive with a built-in MP3 player. Plugs directly into any USB connection.

Sony’s Voio ARlaprop

For this use, the … is the most appropriate because …

The … has … so I’d choose it for …

However, … is good for … because …

In a big company, it would be a good idea to …

Well. that depends on …

f agree / f disagree.

Page 61: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 Format wars ri Read these posts from a forum about the topic of’Blu-ray versus HO-DVO’ and then add your response, giving your opinion on the topic.



HD-OVO and Blu-ray formats display movies in full high-definition resolution, but they are incompatible; HO-DVO cannot play the Btu-ray discs, and vice versa. People say that Btu-ray discs can hold more data and video, but that they are more expensive and complex. Who will be the winner in this format battle?

Consumers ezine, March 10th at 5:40 pm

Samsung and Toshiba are selling hybrid players that can play both formats. Sony and NEG are also releasing dual-format players. This may be the end of the format war. Will both sides produce a unified standard?, March 15th at 12:30 am

I hate format wars. This situation reminds me of the Beta versus VHS war in the early days of the video market. and more recently DVD-R versus DVD+R. I don’t want to invest money in equipment that quickly becomes obsolete or incompatible. Why can’t someone create a universal player that plays a1 formats, from CDs to high-definition video discs?

Posted by Adam, March 15th at 4:15 pm


.. ..

Page 62: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Flash-based gadgets

Flash memory is used in many handheld devices. Match the descriptions (1-6) with the pictures (a-f).

1 This handheld console lets you play games stored on ROM game cards, which have a small amount of flash memory to save user data, for example high scores.

2 This flash memory card is used as ‘digital film’to store images on a digital camera.

3 This wireless LAN card allows laptop and PDA users to access the Internet from any Wi-Fi access pOint.

4 This USB flash pen drive is the latest mobile drive for your computer.

5 It looks like an ordinary watch, but this USB drive from Edge Tech can store up to 1 GB of flash memory. It will let you save and transfer your photos, songs and data files easily.

6 This flash-based player provides everything you need to play music and store data on the go. It also comes with a built-in FM radio and voice recorder.






2 Memory in a flash! A Look at the title of the text on page 58. Why is it a suitable title for an article about flash memory? Read the first paragraph of the text to find out.

B Read the whole text and answer these questions. 1 What is flash memory?

2 What are the differences between RAM memory and flash memory?

3 What can devices which use multi-level cell technology do?

4 What are the differences between flash drives and external hard drives?

5 What is the advantage of using U3 technology in flash drives?

6 How much data can a flash memory card hold?

7 What is the name of the flash card created by Sony for its digital cameras?

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Memory in a flash! Flash memory is a type of non-volatile memory that can be electronically erased and reprogrammed. Its name was invented by Toshiba to express how much faster it could be erased — ‘in a flash’, which means

5 ‘very quickly:

Unlike RAM, which is volatile, flash memory retains the information stored in the chip when the power is turned off. This makes it ideal for use in digital cameras, laptops, network switches, video game

10 cards, mobile phones and portable multimedia players. In addition, it offers fast read access times (although not as fast as RAM), with transfer rates of 12MB per second Unlike ROM chips, flash memory chips are rewritable, so you can update programs via

15 software.

Inside the chip, data is stored in several floating gate transistors, ca\ed cells. Each eel( traditionally stores one bit of data (1 = erased and 0 = programmed), New devices have a multi-level cell structure so

20 they can store more that one bit per cell. The chips are constructed with either NOR or NAND gates. NOR chips function like a computer’s main memory, while NAND works like a hard drive. For example, in a camera, NOR flash contains the camera’s internal

2S software, while NAND flash is used to store the images.

Flash memory is used in several ways:

• Many pes have their BIOS (basic inpuuoutput system) stored on a flash memory chip so it can

30 be updated if necessary.



Modems use flash memory because it a\ows the manufacturer to support new protocols.

USB flash drives are used to save and move MP3s and other data tiles between computers. They are more eaSily transported than external hard drives because they use solid-state technology, meaning that they don’t have fragile moving parts that can break if dropped. However, USB flash drives have less storage capacity than hard drives.


• New U3 smart drives a\ow users to store both applications and data. They have two drive partitions and can carry applications that run on the host computer without requiring installation.

• Flash memory cards are used to store images on cameras, to back up data on POAs, to transfer games in video consoles, to record voice and music on MP3 players or to store

so movies on MP4 players. They are as sma\ as a stamp, and capacity can range from 8MB to several gigabytes. The only limitation is that flash cards are often not interchangeable between devices. Some formats include:

5S CompactFlash, Secure Digital. MultiMedia Card, miniSO card, and xD-Picture Card. Sony has its own product ca\ed the Memory Stick, used in its digital still cameras, video camcorders and the PlayStation Portable. The photos stored in a

60 digital camera can be offloaded to a computer via cable or wirelessly. Another option is to have a flash card reader permanently connected to your PC; you simply eject the card from the camera and put it into the reader instead of

65 having to plug the camera in.

The futu re of hard drives may be hybrid hard drives. Hybrid hard drives

70 combine a magnetic hard disk and flash memory into one device. This allows computers to boot, or

7S start, more quickly, and also reduces power consumption.

SanDisk’5 card readers read and write to just about every

flash memory card

C Find words or phrases in the text with the follOWing meanings. 1 permanent; able to hold data without power (lines 1-5)

2 able to be rewritten many times (lines 10-15)

3 different sections of a disk drive or storage area (lines 40-45)

4 to make a copy of a tile so that the original is not lost (lines 45-50)

5 transferred to another device (lines 60-65)

6 a peripheral device that reads and writes flash memory cards (lines 60-65)

7 a product that integrates twO different technologies (lines 65-70)

Page 64: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


3 Language work: word building A Look at the HELP box and then, using affixation, conversion and compounding, try to make as many words as you can from blog, mail and print. Use a dictionary and the Internet to help you.

blog mail print bfogger (a person who writes to maif (the verb form) printout (the pages a blog) produced by the printer)

B Choose the correct word in brackets to complete this description of a digital voice recorder. Use a dictionary to help you.

Olympus WS-320M digital voice recorder SLim, attractive, and highLy functional, the Olympus WS-320M digital voice recorder packs 1GB of internal flash memory into its 1 (lighted/tightweight/lighten) housing, letting you record up to 277 hours of high-quality audio in WMA

format. Irs ideal for 2 (record/recordable/recording) notes or long lectures, interviewing people, or capturing song ideas before they disappear. As an added bonus, the WS-320M can store up to 266 WMA or MP3 songs for high-quality stereo 3 (player/ playback/playoff).

The WS-320M features five separate file 4 (folds/ folding/folders), capabLe of holding 199 fiLes each. so you can organize nearly 1,000 fiLes by subject, theme or other category. Users also have the choice of four recording modes: HQ for high-quality audio. lP and SP for extended recording times. and ST HQ for stereo recording. And thanks to the voice 5 (activation/activate/active) option, users don’t need to press a single button to start recording — the WS-320M will record as soon as the built-in microphone picks up sound.

Perhaps the most convenient feature, however. is the built-in USB 6 (connector/connect/connected), which eliminates the need for a USB cable. Once this is connected. you can 7 (downloadable/download/ upload) music files, images or documents from your PC, in effect turning the recorder into a small hard drive. You can even transfer voice recordings to your computer for 8 (store/storage/storeroom) or multimedia use.

HELP box Word building

We can create new words from existing words in three main ways:

• Affixation (adding a prefix or suffix)

Adding a prefix: volatile _ non-volatile date _ updare

Adding a suffix: erase _ erasable insrall _ insrallotion

• ConverSion (turning a noun into a verb, or a verb into a noun, etc.)

network (noun) _ (0 network (verb)

We networked all the Ks in the office, We created a network of all the Ks in rhe office.

• Compounding (puning two or more words together)

hand + held ___ handheld

I bought a new handheld lost week.

Compounds can be written as two separate words (flash card), as two words joined with a hyphen (solid­state), or as one word (handheld). Unfortunately, there are no rules. and some compounds even change spelling over time. For example, web site began as two words, then became hyphenated (web-site) and is now written as one word — website. Always check your dictionary or Google if you are not sure.

In pronunciation, compounds normally have the main stress on the first part, and the secondary stress on the second part, for example ‘video ,game.

Page 65: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

4 Describing flash drives A ., listen to a salesperson at his stand at a consumer electronics show describing two flash products to a potential customer. Which product (a or b) is the visitor most interested in?

a The Dragon flash drive

b The Dragon MP4 player

B . Listen again and tick (tI’) which features the salesperson mentions for each device.

Features Dragon flash drive Dragon MP4 player

Back up computer data 0 Transport files between pes 0 Audio and video playback 0 FM radiO tuner 0 Voice recorder 0 Games 0

c ~ listen again and answer these questions. 1 What is the storage capacity of the Dragon flash drive?

2 How do you connect it to the computer?

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 According to the salesperson, what are the advantages of a USB flash drive over a DVD or an external hard drive?

4 Some portable media players are also known as MP4 players. Why?

5 What is the screen size of the Dragon MP4 player?

6 How long does the banery last?

An MP4 player USB drives are rypically designed to attach to a key ring, 5Uch a5 (he

Cruzer Freedom USB flQ5h drive

256 III’

Page 66: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

D CJ In pairs, choose a flash-based device that you own and describe it. Use the Useful language box and the features and questions from the listening text to help you.

Useful language It has a storage capacity of …

It features . . . and .. .

E m You have received a text from a fr iend at a computer show. Write a short reply.

It supports multiple formats: … and .. .

You can … and .. .

Hi. At the computer show in town. Need

Its battery life is .. .

a new media ptayer. What’s the difference between MP3 & MP4 players? What features should I look for? Thanks!

5 Vocabulary revision Solve the dues and complete the puzzle. Look at Units 10-‘2 to help you.


4 Thousandth of a second, abbreviated to ms, used to measure the access time of hard drives.

6 Floating gate transistors are called in flash memory technology.

7 Prefix meaning very large or one rhousand million.

11 Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

12 Capable of being deleted.


1 Concentric ring on the surface of a disc when the disc is formatted.

2 memory retains its data when the power is switched off.

3 CD-RW means Compact Disc

5 Abbreviation of digital versatile diSc.

8 To write information on a disk or storage area.

., ,-‘—

~ I’ 1

• 1 1 ‘- —

9 Type of external bus or connector that plugs into the computer.

10 The physical mechanism that accepts, reads and writes data on a disk.

Now visit online task.

, 1

I’ —

..- -/— » —

— —







Page 67: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


• •


T e operating system OS)

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

learn about the function of the operatmg system.

learn about the features of a graphical user interface, or GUl.

practise usmg the correct determiners with countable and uncountable nouns.

learn how to summarize a wntten text … — .- • •••• • • . . . . — . learn how to give and follow instructions.

study the baSIC features and applications of spreadsheets and databases.

practise forming and pronouncing plurals.

• x

Page 68: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

GUI 0 eratin s stems The term user interface refers to the standard procedures that the user follows in order to interact with a computer. In the late 19705 and early 80s, the way users accessed computer systems was very

5 complex. They had to memorize and type a lot of commands just to see the contents of a disk, to copy files or to respond to a single prompt. In fact, it was only experts who used computers, so there was no need for a user-friendly interface.

10 In 1984, Apple produced the Macintosh, the first

computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUll . Macs were designed with one clear aim: to facilitate interaction with the computer. A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows, another

15 operating system based on graphics and intuitive

tools. Nowadays, computers are used by all kinds of people, and as a result there is a growing emphasis on accessibility and user-friendly systems.

A GUI makes use of a WIMP environment w indows, 20 icons, m enus and p ointer. The background of the

screen is called the desktop, which contains labelled pictures called icons. These icons represent files or folders. Double-clicking a folder opens a window which contains programs, documents. or more

25 nested folders. When you are in a folder, you can launch a program or document by double-clicking the icon. or you can drag it to another location. When

you run a program, your PC opens a window that lets you work with different tools. All the programs have a

30 high level of consistency. with Similar tool bars. menu bars, buttons and dialog boxes. A modern OS also

provides access to networks and allows multitasking, which means you can run several programs — and do various tasks — at the same time.

35 The most popular operating systems are:

• The Windows family — designed by Microsoft and used on most PCs. The most recent version is Windows Vista.

• Mac as — created by Apple and used on 40 MaCintosh computers.

• Unix — a multi-user system, found on mainframes and workstations in corporate installations.

• Linux — open-source software developed under the GNU General Public License. This means

45 anybody can copy its source code, change it and distribute it. It is used in computers, appliances

• and small devices.

• Windows Mobile — used on most POAs and smart phones (PDAs incorporating mobile

so phones).

• Palm OS — used on Palm handheld devices.

• RIM — used on BlackBerry communication devices. Developed by Research In Motion.

• The Symbian OS — used by some phone makers, 55 including Nokia and Siemens.

These computer platforms differ in areas such

as device installation, network connectivity or compatibility with application software.

D Translate these terms and expressions into your own language. Use a dictionary or the Internet to help you. 1 user interface (line 1)

2 procedures (line 2)

3 commands (line 6)

4 tools (line 16)

5 desktop (line 21)

6 nested folders (line 25)

7 launch a program (line 26)

8 source code (line 45)

Page 69: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

• b




Unit .J

E Label the interface features (a-j) on the screenshot of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system with words in bold from this list.

• desktop: the background screen that displays icons and folders

• window: a scrollable viewing area on screen; it can contain files or folders

• icon: a picture representing an object; for example, a document, program, folder or hard drive icon

• folder: a directory that holds data, programs and other folders

• menu bar: a row of words that open up menus when selected

• drop-down (pull-down) menu: a list of options that appears below a menu item when selected

• scroll bar: a horizontal or vertical bar that is clicked and dragged in the desired direction

• dock: set of icons at the bottom of the screen that give you access to the things you use most

f 9

r —» — h ‘1 II —, — —- » __ w __ N —

~ !II’ .. __ N __ «0 … _ ..

.’ j

F Compare the Mac OS X user interface with a Windows or Linux interface. What are the similarities and differences? Which features do you prefer from each interface?

3 Windows Vista A Listen to a podcast interview with Bill Thompson, a program developer, and answer these questions. 1 Why is Windows so popular?

Give two reasons.

2 Which Windows Vista edition is aimed at high-end PC users, garners and multimedia professionals?

Windows Vista 1.. __________ ==

Page 70: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B ., Listen again and complete this fact file.

Windows Vista editions Other features Internet and security Windows programs

(1) is The user interface has been Internet Explorer is more The most popular is still designed for users with basic redesigned with new icons reliable and secure. (8) , needs, such as email and and a new

The Security Centre includes a suite that indudes the

internet access. (4) (9) an (6)

Word; an email program; the Home Premium is for program called Windows advanced home computing It offers support for the latest Defender, and a firewall that

Excel spreadsheet program; and the and (2) technologies, from DVD protects your computer from (10)

The BUSiness edition is ideal creation to (7)

program, PowerPoint. for (3)


The Ultimate edition is the most complete.

4 Language work: countable and uncountable nouns A look at the HELP box and decide if these nouns from the fact file in 38 are countable, uncountable or either, depending on the context. Write C, U, or C and U.

user edition

email entertainment

computing interface

spyware icon technology security

HELP box Countable and uncountable nouns

• Countable nouns are people or things that we can count. They have a singular and a plural form (e.g. file,

program, system, application).

• Uncountable nouns are things that we can’t count. They have no plural form (e.g . software, music, robotics, multimedia, networking, storage).

A lor of software rhese days is open-source. Not: A 10f of joftwarej rhese days ~ open-source.

• Some words are countable in many languages but uncountable in English, and are used with a singular verb (e.g. advice, damage, equipment, furniture, research, news, progress, homework).

The advice he gave me was very useful.

• Countable nouns must have a determiner (a, the, my, this, etc.) in the Singular, although this is not necessary in the plural.

I deleted the file yesterday. I lost more than 300 files when my computer crashed.

We use a before a consonant sound and an before a vowel. The definite article the means you know which one/ones f mean.

An icon is a small graphic. The icons on rhe roo/bar are used fo ..

• We don’t use alan with uncountable nouns.

Not: c7 i’obotio

• We don’t use the in generalizations with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns.

I like music. Not: I like tM music. Computer programs are expensive. Not: ~ computer programs are expensive.

• Countable and uncountable nouns take different determiners.

Many, few, a few only go with countable nouns.

There are many versions of Windows Vista.

Much, little, a little, a great deal of only go with uncountable nouns.

I have a little time free this afternoon if you want to meet.

Page 71: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

.. Unlt U

B Complete this text with Of an, the or nothing.

______ ‘:l

Linux is (1) operating system and it was initially created as (2) hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel· was released in 1994. (3) Kernel, at the heart of all Linux systems, is developed and released under GNU General Public License, and its source code is freely available to everyone.

Apart from the fact that it’s freely distributed, (4) Linux’s functionality, adaptability and robustness has made it the main alternative for proprietary Unix and Microsoft operating systems. IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other giants of the computing world have embraced Linux and support its ongoing development. More than (5) decade after its initial release, Linux is being adopted worldwide, primarily as (6) server platform. Its use as a home and office desktop operating system is also on the rise. The operating system can also be incorporated directly into (7) microchips in a process called (8) embedding, and it is increasingly being used this way in appliances and devices.

·The Kernel provides a way for software and other parts of the OS to communicate with hardware.

5 Writing a summary [D Summarize the text on page 64 in 90- 100 words. Follow these steps:

1 Read the text again.

2 Underline the relevant information in each paragraph.

3 Make notes about the main points. Leave out details such as examples.

• T

4 Make sentences from the notes and link the sentences with connectors (and, bur, because, therefore, etc.).

5 Write your first draft.

6 Improve your first draft by reducing sentences. For example:

• Cut out unnecessary phrases Macs were designed … ith eme de(J(O’if»‘. to facilitate interaction with the computer.

• Omit qualifying words (adjectives or modifying adverbs) very complex

• Transform relative clauses into -ing participle clauses Double-clicking a folder opens a window which contains programs, documents or . Double-clicking a folder opens a window containing programs, documents or .

7 Write the final version of your summary. Don’t forget to check the spelling and grammar.

Page 72: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Word processing features


A ~ In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What is a word processor?

2 What kind of tasks do people use word processors for?

3 How many different word processing programs can you name? Which do you think is the most popular?

B Look at this screenshot from Microsoft Word and translate the labelled features and functions into your own language.

Typeface FormattingToolbar Menu Bar Increase Indent

,lor ‘» II> .)11

Toolb<ir —-I r~:~~£l~~~,’~~+:~,,· toni . ., , …. Header

Bold text



foIr Fred Jones 15 CaUis Road le(‘ds LS2 6JU

Dear «If Jones,

7 Union Street Glasgow GO; 3TA

We are pleased to inform you that an updated version of rop Project is now available. To obtain copy. simply call us and we’U send you, absolutely hee, the latest

-:::’;’;~~~;::;»»» with the new range of SunRise machines and the latest software prodocts. There are spedal offers for all 00′ clients. including the book The basics of budgeting and balancing your finances. To order by phone. caU 01332 8430477. To order via the Internet. visit our ~bsite at:

You.s sincerely.

Barry Stephens

Drawing tools Insert picture



Inserted picture

C Complete these sentences with the correct features and functions above.

1 The Standard listS the icons to save or print a document. spell check, etc The Toolbar is the area for changing font. alignment, indentation, etc

2 A font consists of three elements: bold at 10 points.

. type style and type size. For example, Palatino

3 Type style refers to a visual characteristic of a typeface. for example B for and U for underlined.

,I for

4 If you need to change indentation — the space between the page margin and where the text aligns — you can dick the Increase or Decrease buttons.

5 The and commands allow you to specify customized texts at the top and bottom of every page.

Page 73: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unil 14

2 Word Sudoku In pairs, read the instructions and complete the puzzle.


This Word Sudoku is a variation on the normal Sudoku.lnstead of using the numbers 1 to 9, we are using words and icons. There are nine WP functions and their equivalent icons, so we are playing with nine pairs. In order to complete the grid, you can use each (unction or the equivalent icon only once in each row, each column, and in each of the 3×3 boxes. The icons can only be used in the coloured boxes.

Word processing functions and icons

— Align Left == l<l,. Print Preview

iii! Insert Table ffi •

•• Drawing i4


Drawing Columns

Align l eft




Insert Hyperli nk



Insert Hyperlink





Insert Table



Insert Table

Print Preview

Insert Hyperlin k

Insert Hyperlink






Insert Hyperlink

Page 74: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 The Cut and Paste technique A ~ listen to two friends, Anna and Ben, talking about how to move text in Word. How many steps are involved in carrying out the Cut and Paste task?

B ~ listen again and complete the dialogue.

Copy Paste Clear


( ut

Anna: Ben, do you know how I can move this paragraph? I want to put it at the end of this page.

Ben: Er … I think so. (1) to move. (2)

Anna: (3) 7

, use the mouse to select the text you want choose the Cur command from the Edit menu.

Ben: Yes. The selected text disappears and goes onto the clipboard (4) you find where you want the text to appear and you click to position the insertion point there.

Anna: Mm, OK. Is that (5)

Ben: Yes, if that’s where you want it. (6) menu, or hold down Or! and press V. (7) has appeared in the right place.

Anna: OK, I’ve (8)


. Is that (9)

, choose Paste from the Edit , check that the text


Ben: Yes, that’s it. If you make a mistake, you can choose Undo from the Edit menu, which will reverse your last editing command

Anna: Brilliant! Thanks a lot.

Ben: That’s OK, it’s my pleasure.

How to edit text Cut

~ document in window

Moving text is a process of cutting and pasting, as if you were using scissors and glue

How to edit text

Clipboard (temporary storage inside computer)

in window

How to edit text

Page 75: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


Unit 14

4 Language work: giving and following instructions

HELP box

A look at the HELP box and then correct six mistakes in this dialogue. A: I need a photo for my curriculum vitae. How do I insert one into this Word document?

s: Well, now choose Insert on the Menu bar.

A: As this?

s: Yes. From the Insert menu, select Picture. As you can see, this displays a drop-down menu with different options: Clip An, From File, From Scanner, (hart, etc. Select From File and you’ll get a dialog box.

A: OK. I’ve done that now. What last?

S: OK. Now I navigate your hard drive’s contents and find the picture that you want to insert.

A: Aight.l’d like to include this one.

S: OK, good. Now click Insert and the phorograph will be inserted into your document.

A: Here it is. Is that w rite?

B: Yes. First, right-click with the mouse and select Format Picrure to adjust the size and other properties.

A: Brilliant, thanks!

-,;;rtl _ , .. ……… .. P’9t~ …

… . -. Cl» 0itIJ …. ··

‘ …. «»,. ,.

~ … — .. .. -.. «»»

,,… — … ~ J «} . ~ . i..) ::l

• I • ~.». Iii . , . ‘» , … , … , ….. .

• ,j} !;JI>M .•.

IGl ~»» .. , • .. from~»‘C-….. ., /jIwDr..-..o

~ ..-.. ~ … ‘» ~_0Wt ill «‘»

Giving instructions Following instructions

• To give instructions, we use the imperative form of the verb and sequence words such as first, next, then, after that, finally, etc.

First, use the mouse ro seleer the text. Then choose the Cut command (rom the Edit menu. Next, choose Paste from {he Edit menu. Finally, check that the text has appeared in the right place.

We can also use the present simple with you.

Now you find where you want the [ext to appear and you click to position the insertion point

• If you want to check that you have understood instructions, you can use expressions !ike: like this? Is that right?

• If you want to signal that you are ready to move on to the next step, you can use expressions like: OK, I’ve done that now. What next?

• If you want to ask if the process is completed, you can use expressions like: Is that everything? Anything else?

B Complete these instructions for how to Copy and Paste in Word with verbs from the box.

click (x2) select position right-click drag

1 First, the text you wish to copy. To select text. the mouse over the portion of the text that you want to copy. This part should then be highlighted.

2 Then on the (opy icon on the Standard Toolbar. This copies the selected text to an invisible clipboard.

3 Next, the cursor where you want the text to appear.

4 Finally, the Pasre icon. This inserts the content of the clipboard at the insertion point. As well as the icons on the toolbar, you can use the keys Ctrl+ (for (opy, and Crrl+Vfor Pasce. These options also come up if you the selected text.

Page 76: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


c [[) Write instructions for using Find and Replace based on this dialog box.

o ~ Work in pairs. Student A: Give your partner instructions on Creating a document and saving it on disk. Student B: Give

8 00 Find u.d Repine

: rlncI ~ GoTo l

B ( ReplKt Al l ) ( RtPI … « ) ( c..nul ) —your partner instructions on How to insert a picture from the Web into a Word document. Use words and expressions from the HELP box on page 71.

5 WPtools A Scan the descriptions of three WP tools (1 — 3) — a spell checker, an online thesaurus and a grammar checker — and match them with the dialog boxes (a-c).

• o • G 1—‘;;;;j- _ .. _— — —j, ….. ~ ,

» -.,—…j .. — •

— I!l

‘— — : <—) — ) — ——0 __ •

‘II§@! — • —-~ — — ~ I —……. — ~, .—-• I —-

Many word processors include an online ( —Spell checkers can be used [0

compare words in the program’s dictionary to those used in the user’s document. The spell checker points out any words it cannot match, notifies the user, and allows them to make any changes; it even suggests possible correct spellings. like a conventional thesaurus, this database of words contains definitions and suggestions of words with similar and opposite meanings. A word may be spelled correctly but still be wrong (too instead of two, for instance).

e thesaurus with which users can look up different words to use in similar instances. Their power comes not from knowing every grammatical rule, but from questioning the writer about certain parts of the text. Some even include information about pronunciation and the history of a word.

( — )

This is a good first step at proofing a document because it can find many common errors, but users will still need to proofread documents to ensure complete accuracy.

Grammar checkers are applications that attempt to check more than just o spelling. They count words in sentences to flag possible run-on sentences. They look for words that show possible conflicts between verbs and subjects, and they offer advice about corrections. Grammar checkers are a step beyond spell checkers, but they are still not a substitute for a human editor. However, this does not mean that all the words in the document are spelled correctly. They give the writer another chance to think about what he or she has written. The computer can alert writers to problems that wouldn’t be obvious to them otherWise.

B Read the descriptions more carefully. Find three sentences that have been printed in the wrong text and decide where they should go.

C Correct the three mistakes in this sentence and decide if they would be found by the spell checker or the grammar checker.

Mail merge combine a form leter with a database file to create customized copys of the letter.

Page 77: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Spreadsheet programs A In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What is a spreadsheet?

2 What are spreadsheets used for?

B Look at the worksheet and label a, band c with column, row and cell. Then answer these questions. 1 What types of data can be keyed into a cell?

2 What happens if you change th~ value of a cell?


This worksheet shows rhe income and expenses of a company. Amounts are given in Smillions. The terms worksheet and spreadsheet are

often used interchangeably. However, technically, a worksheet is a collection of cells grouped on

a single layer of the file. A spreadsheet refers to both the computer program rhat displays data in

rows and columns, and to the table which displays numbers in rows and columns.

a b

‘» no u. -… …

‘» m .~ on m, m


1< >

c ~ Listen to Lucy Boyd giving a training course on basic Excel and check your answers to A and B.

D ~ Listen again and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1 A spreadsheet displays information in the form of a table with a lot of columns and rows.

2 In a spreadsheet you can only enter numbers and formulae.

3 You cannot change the width of columns.

4 Spreadsheet programs can generate a variety of charts and graphs.

5 Spreadsheets cannot be used as databases.

E look at the worksheet above and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. 1 The value of the cell (12 is the result of applying the formula C5-00.

2 The value of cell 85 is the result of adding the value in cells 82 and 83.

3 If you type the value 800 in (3, the value in cells (5 and (12 will be recalculated.

F In pairs, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of showing the information above as a graph, rather than as a worksheet.

Graphic representation of the worksheet above

= ,~



• ~

. ~, .-

Page 78: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

2 An invoice, a business letter and a fax A Spreadsheets are also used to generate invoices. Complete the invoice below with words from the box. If you have a spreadsheet program, try to produce a similar invoice.

Quantity Description Price VAT (value added tax) Product Grand total Company

Name: Ruth Atkinson (1) Address: 38 High Street, Galway Media Market Telephone: 5 742 9165 Fax: 1 662 2367

Date: 16 May 2008

(2) (3) (4) (5)

Ulysses Classic 2GB of RAM, 1TB HO 4 850€ 3,400€

Flat LCD screen Colour 19″ 4 HOE 680€

Portable Ulysses 2GB of RAM, 250GB HD 2 975€ 1,950€

05 database DBMS, relational database 1 245€ 245€

Antidote lP Anti-virus, anti-spyware 6 60€ 360€

l aser printer CQ 2,400 dpi, PostScript 1 230€ 230€

Sub-tota l 6,865€

(6) (21%) 1,441€

(7) 8,306€

B Look at this letter which accompanies the invoice. Complete the letter with phrases from the box_

Yours sincerely I am writing to Dear Ms Atkinson We would be grateful if you could

Ruth Atkinson 38 High Street Galway


I am enclosing Please contact us

16 May 2008

(2) confirm that we have sent you four desktop pes plus screens, two laptops and a laser printer, along with a 05 database, and an anti-virus program for each of the computers. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

(3) (4) bank account through the Internet.

two copies of your invoice. make your payment by cheque or directly to our

We are also delighted to inform you that we are offering our clients an online course called A paperless office, free of charge. (5) if you require any further information.


Ian Pegg

Page 79: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Ur’lil «

c m Imagine you are Ruth Atkinson. When you try to use the laser printer, it gives continuous error messages. You are also having problems installing the database. Write a fax to Media Market to complain. Ask for a new printer and an upgraded version of the database. Look at the Useful language box to help you.


To: Media Market

Fax: 1 662 2367

From: Ruth Atkinson

Subject: Faulty products

Dear Mr Pegg.

Number of pages: 1

Please call if you experience any transmission problems.

Useful language I am writing to complain about… . .. doesn’t work I am unable to …

3 Databases A In groups, make a list of as many possible applications for databases as you can think of.

Example: Companies use databases ro store information . ~oO:O

abouc customers, suppliers and their own perSln~n~e!/ ~~~~~O~~(,~»»‘~»»~§~~~~~~_, )t.y’ ,..—, coro.n»,,,,,,O B Look at the illustration, J)<!>l’l—‘ which represents a DtPt:C] (;ornm1Ilion:c:J

database file. Can you Record 1 identify a record and a field?

C Read the text on page 76 and check your answers to B.

A representation of Q database file

Page 80: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

• II Databases

A database is a colrection of related data, and the software used in databases to store, organize and retrieve the data is called the database management system, or DBMS. However. we often use the word database to cover both meanings. A database can manage any type of data, including text, numbers, images, sound, video and hyperlinks (links to websites).

Information is entered into the database via fields. Each field holds a separate piece of information, and the fields are grouped together in records. Therefore, a record about an employee might consist of several fields which give their name, address, phone number, date of birth, salary and length of employment with the company.

Records are grouped together into files which hold large amounts of information. Files can easily be updated -you can always change fields, add new records or delete old ones. An electronic database is much faster to consult and update than a card index system and occupies a lot Jess space. With the right software, you can keep track of stock, sales, market trends, orders and other information that can help your company stay successful.

A database program lets you create an index — a list of records ordered according to the content of certain fields. This helps you to search the database and sort

records into numerical or alphabetical order very quickly. Modern databases are relational — that is, they are made up of related files: customers and orders, vendors and purchases, students and tutors, etc. Two database files can be related as long as they have a common field. A file of students, for example, could include a field called Tutor 10 and another file with details of the tutors could include the same field. This key field can be used to relate the two files. Databases like Oracle, DB2 and MySQL can manage these relationships.

A database query function allows you to extract information according to certain conditions or criteria. For example, if a managing director wanted to know all the customers that spend more than €8,QOO per month, the program would search on the name field and the money field simultaneously.

The best database packages also include network facilities, which can make bUSinesses more productive. For example, managers of different departments can have direct access to a common database. Most aspects of the program can be protected by user-defined passwords and other security devices. For example, if you wanted to share an employee’s personal details but not their commission, you could protect the commission neld.

o Complete these statements about databases using information from the text. 1 A database management system is used to

2 Information is entered into a database via

3 Each field holds

4 Updating a file means

5 Some advantages of a database program over a manual filing system are:

6 Access to a common database over a network can be protected by using

E Solve the clues and complete the puzzle. 1 A collection of data stored in a PC in a systematic way.

2 A unit of a database file made up of related fields.

3 A single piece of information in a record.

4 A database maintains separate, related

1 1 1 ,

‘I , files, but combines data elements from the files for queries and reports.


5 Some companies have several computers sharing a database over a

6 To look for speCific information, for example the name of an employee.

7 To classify records into numerical or alphabetical order.

, •

S A tool that allows you to extract information that meets certain criteria.


F In pairs, discuss what fields you would include in a database for your music collection.

Page 81: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

…………….. —————————-Un!! U

4 Language work: plurals A Look at the HELP box and then write the plural of these words. 1 client 5 fax

2 key 6 salary

3 Query 7 mouse

4 businessman 8 virus

HELP box Plurals

• In most cases, we form the plural in English by adding -5.

record —. records

• If a word ends in -S, -sh, -x or -ch, we add -es.

address —-. addresses index —.. indexes

• If a word ends in a consonant + y, the y becomes i and we add -es.

company -.—… companies facility —-. facilit ies

• However, if the y follows a vowel, we add only -5.

birthday __ birthdays

• There are several irregular plural forms:

man/woman ~ men/women child __ children analysis __ analyses formula —+ formulae (or formulas) criterion __ criteria mouse-+- mice

• The -s is pronounced as:

Is! aher one of these sounds: Ip/, I I/. IkJ, / f! or Ie! (e.g. amounts, hyperlinks)

II zJ aher one of these sounds:/s/, IzJ. IJ/ , !If I or Id-y (e.g. businesses, devices, images)

Iv in most other cases (e.g. files, fields, cusromers, columns)

B Put the plurals into the correct pronunciation column.

databases passwords lsi /Jzi lzi laptops graphs orders switches taxes networks tables packages spreadsheets systems

5 Software at home and at work C In pairs, find out as much as you can about the software your partner uses at home or at work. Ask about spreadsheet programs, databases, word processors, videoconferencing, business accounting, email, and web browsers. look at the Useful language box to help you.

Now visit an online task.

Useful language What kind of spreadsheet program do you use?

What do you use it for?

Do you use it at home or at work?

Whats your favourite, .. ?

What features do you like most about it?

Howdoyou … ?

Page 82: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Inter et security


Page 83: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Internet basics

A In pairs. discuss how you would define the Internet.

B CI Make a list of all the things you can use the Internet for.

C Listen to a conversation between a customer buying a PC and a safes assistant. Why do you think the sales assistant has to explain so much about the Internet?

D ., Listen again and complete the customer’s notes.

Also V>.eed .<‘In C.C-COlAnt w,»th «‘n (3) Conl’lc.ctfo», for eo MOhth!»! fee.}.

If 1?OI4 Nt:ll’lt to c.on/,(!.cf» 101>5 of COMplAf»ers wf»f’hOl/lf W;;{i-.g cAbles, 1011’/ C(!!h lASt!. A

(4) rOMter,

W,»-Fi» w;:es (7)

rt:!II-‘1!J1! dr»srf)JII’ICe.<;.

1111″n!J$ «lOlA c»»»’ do (>J-1 Me Il’IterPOer.


‘Web’ or ‘I»,f»er»,e’l-‘? the Web: hl/fge co/lect»(ol’l 0((7)

sf»ored On corv.PlAters «,II over the WQrld. 171e I»,f»erher. Me he-Mar/:. Nfl/eM

COhhCCf>5 Po/I Me COW-PlAter5.

2 Internet FAQs


A Read Part 1 of the Internet FAQs on page 80 and choose the correct answers. 1 The Internet was

a invented in the mid-90s. b popular in the 1960s. c probably created in the USA.

2 Which term describes any fast, high-bandwidth connection?

a broadband b dial-up connection c Wi-Fi connection

3 The power-line Internet provides broadband access through

a telephone lines. b satellites. c electrical power lines.

4 Which device converts computer data into a form that can be transmitted over phone lines?

a ADSL b a mobile phone c a modem

5 The standard protocol that allows computers to communicate over the Internet is called

a an IP address. b TCP/IP. c HTIP.

6 The geographical region covered by one or several access points is called a

a wireless access point. b hotspot. c wireless network device.

Page 84: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Internet FAQs: Part 1

How old ;s the Internet (the Net)? When was it created? It’s hard to say exactly. The research that led to what we now know as the Internet was begun in the 19605.

Who created the Internet? Again, it’s hard to say exactly who created it. The initial research was carried out by the Advanced Research Projects Agency in America, funded by the US government.

Did the Internet become popular quickly? II took many years for the Internet to become popular around the world. It’s only really since the mid-90s that the Internet has been a part of our daily lives.

How do you get online? To gel connected, you need a computer, the right connection software and a modem connected to the phone line. You also need an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP), which acts as a gateway between your PC and the rest of the Net.

How fast are today’s internet connections? Today, ISPs offer a broadband, high-speed connection. The most common types are cable — offered by local cable TV companies — and ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) , which works through phone lines. They are both faster than the traditional dial-up telephone connection. Broadband access is also offered by some electricity networks. This competing technology, known as power-line Internet, provides low-cost access via the power plug, but is still in development.

How long has broadband existed? Since the late 1990s.

How much does broadband access cost? It depends on which company you choose. Nowadays, some companies even offer free broadband.

Why do you need a modem? A modem (modulator/demodulator) converts digital signals into analogue signals so that data can be transmitted across the phone or cable network.

What does TCP/IP mean? The language used for data transfer on the Internet is known as TCP/IP (t ransmission control protocol! Internet protocol). This is like the internet operating system. Every computer connected to the Net is identified by a unique IP address.

Are there other ways of accessing the Internet? Other methods of internet access include Wi-Fi , satellite, mobile phones and TV sets equipped with a modem. Wi-Fi-enabled laptops or PDAs allow you to con,neet to the Net if you are near a wireless access point, in locations called hotspots (for example, a Wi-Fi cafe, park or campus). Satellite services are used in places where terrestrial access is not available (for example, on ships at sea). High-end mobile phones provide access through the phone network.

B In pairs, discuss which of the internet systems (1-6) you would use to do the tasks (a-f). Then read Part 2 of the FAQs on page gland check your answers. 1 Email

2 The Web

3 Newsgroups

4 Chat and 1M

5 FTP 6 Telnet

a transfer files from the Internet to your hard drive

b send a message to another person via the Internet

c have a live conversation (usually typed) online

d connect to a remote computer by entering instructions, and run a

program on it

e take part in public discussion areas devoted to speCific topics

f download and view documents published on the Internet

… …

Page 85: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit 11

Internet FAQs: Part 2


Email lets you exchange messages with people all over the world. Optional attached files can include text, pictures and even audio and animation. A mailing list uses email to communicate messages to all its subscribers — that is, everyone that belongs to the list.

Which email program is the best? Outlook Express is a popular program, but many users use web-based email accounts such as Hotmail.

The Web

The Web consists of billions of documents living on web servers that use the HTTP protocol. You navigate through the Web using a program called a web browser, which lets you search, view and print web pages.

How often are web pages updated? It depends entirely on the page. Some are updated thousands of times a day.

Chat and Instant Messaging (1M)

Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.


FTP, or f ile t ransfer protocol , is used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network. Nowadays, this feature is built into Web browsers. You can download programs, games and music files from a remote computer to your hard drive.


Telnel is a protocol and a program used 10 log onto remote computer systems. It enables you to enter commands that will be executed as if you were entering them directly on the remote server.


Newsgroups are the public discussion areas which make up a system called Usenet. The contents are contributed by people who post articles or respond to articles, creating chains of related postings called message threads. You need a news reader to subscribe to newsgroups and to read and post messages. The newsreader may be a stand-alone program or part of a web browser.

How many newsgroups are there? There are approximately 30,000 active newsgroups.

Where can you find newsgroups? Your newsreader may allow you to download the newsgroup addresses that your ISP has included on its news server. An alternative to using a newsreader is to visit web forums instead, which perform the same function but without the additional software.

C Find words and phrases in Part 2 with the following meanings.

7 a jYsrem used rodf5I/JbvlE’lwAIlJ)/om?l?ydffCYCI?(J«ami7e» ,Jrarrce (ril tmOiTparagraph/

2 a program used for displaying web pages (in The Web paragraph)

3 to connect to a compu ter by typing your username and password (in Tefnel paragraph)

4 a series of interrelated messages on a given topic (in Newsgroups paragraph)

5 a program for reading Usenet newsgroups (in Newsgroups paragraph)

Page 86: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Language work: questions A look at the HELP box and then make a question about Sue Clarke for each of her answers.


I’m 23 years old.


l’m an online researcher.


I use the Internet to find information requested by dients.


I’ve been doing this job for six months.


I graduated from university in 2006.

HELP box QUestions

• In questions, we normally place the auxiliary verb before the subject.

Are there ocher ways of accessing the Internet?

• If there is no other auxiliary, we use do/does (present simple) or did (past simple).

Did the Internet become popular quickly?

• There are many question words in English which we use to find out more information than just yes or no.

People Who created the Internee?

Things What does TCPIIP mean? Which email program is the best?

Place Where can you find newsgroups?

Time When was it created? How often are web pages updated? How long has broadband existed?

Reason Why do you need a modem?

Quantity How much does broadband access cost? How many newsgroups are there?

Manner How do you get online?

Others How fast are raday’s internet connections? How old is the Internet?

Sue Clarke

B In pairs, make questions using these prompts. Then practise asking and answering the questions.

Examp!e: When llirst I use the Internet When did you first use the Internet?

1 What type of internet connection I have at home?

2 How fast / your internet connection?

3 How much / pay for broadband access?

4 How often / access the Internet?

5 Which email program / use?

6 Who / send email to?

7 Do I use your mobile phone to access the Internet?

8 Do / use the Internet in public spaces using Wi-Fi?

9 Do / play games online?

10 How many newsgroups / subscribe to?

Page 87: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

4 Email features A Read the text and find the following.

1 the place where your ISP stores your emails

2 the type of program used to read and send email from a computer

3 the part of an email address that identifies the user of the service

4 the line that describes the content of an email

5 the computer file which is sent along with an email message

6 facial symbols used to indicate an emotion or attitude

7 the name given to junk mail

B m Write a reply to Celia’s email below.

Email features When you set up an account with an Internet Service Provider, you are given an email address and a password. The mail you receive is stored on the mail server of your ISP — in a Simulated mailbox — until you next connect and download it to your hard drive.

There are two ways to get email over the Internet. One is by using a mail program (known as an email client) installed on your computer, for example Eudora or Outlook Express. The other way is to use web~based email, accessible from any web browser. Hormail and Gmail are good examples.

You can make the message more expressive by including emoticons, also called smileys. For example, ;-) for wink, :-) for happy, :-0 for surprised, :-0 for laughing, etc. You may also like to add a signature file, a pre-written text file appended to the end of the message. The name given to unsolicited email messages is spam.

The anatomy of an email The domain name or network address — that is, the mal/server where the account is located. The final part adds information about it for example com = company, The header

To: name and address of the recipient

The username (a person’s name or nickname)

The @sign, which means at

.. e .. __ -,-.,. <:»—=- ~~~7-~­~— ~’t»l.OO'»

rOo • …..-‘

uk = United Kingdom, fr = France, etc.

From: name and address of the —-‘>,- — . —

-… ~-. -~ .-. -j


Subject:ropicof the message

Attachment: files added to the message

1 I-

Hi John,

I have to prepare a project for my English class about the history of the Internet and how it’s used in our day~to~day lives. Do you have any thoughts about what I should include? I’ve included my first thoughts here as an attachment. Could you send me some more ideas?

All the best


II ……..-. The body

contains the me5Sage itself

Page 88: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 A typical web page A look at the screenshot of a typical web page. How many of the features (a-k) can you say in English?

a b f



.­.—0 _


—-_ …. , ……. -«,-..,,,-

A screenshor from Internet Explorer 7, a leading web browser.

B Read the text and label the features on the screenshot with the terms in bold.

A typical web page At the top of the page is the URl address. URl means Uniform Resource Locator — the address of a tile on the Internet. A typical URllooks like this:

h tip}

In this URL, hrrp:ll means Hypert ext Transfer Protocol and teUs the program to look for a web page. www means world wide web. is the domain name of the server that hosts the website — a company based in the UK; other top-level domains are .com (commercial site), .edu (education), .org (organization) or .net (network); radio is the directory path where the web

page is located. The parts of the VRl are separated by . (dot), / (slash) and: (colon). Some sites begin ftp://,a fi le t ransfer p rotocol used to copy flies from one computer

to another.

The tool bar shows all the navigation icons, which let you go back one page or go forward one page. You can

also go to the home page or stop the current transfer when the circuits are busy.

Tab buttons let you view different sites at the same time, and the built-in search box helps you look for information. If the feed button lights up, it means

the site offers RSS feeds, so you can automatically receive updates. When a web page won’t load, you can

refresh the current page, meaning the page reloads (downloads again). If you want to mark a website address

so that you can easily revisit the page at a later time, you can add it to your favourites (favorites in American English), or bookmark it. When you want to visit it again you simply dick show favourites .

On the web page itself. most sites feature clickable image links and clickable hypertext links. Together, these are known as hyper/inks and take you to other web

pages when clicked.

c ~ Listen to three internet addresses and write them down. 1



Page 89: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

2 The collectives of cyberspace A Read the article and find websites for the following tasks. 1 to search for information on the Web

2 to buy books and DVDs

3 to participate in political campaigns

4 to view and exchange video dips

5 ro manage and share personal phoros using tags

6 to buy and sell personal items in online auctions

7 to download music and movies, sometimes illegally

Tour the Collectives of Cyberspace

Unit n

The Internet isn’t just about email or the Web anymore, Increasingly, people onhne are taking the power of the Internet back into their own hands.They’re posting opinions on online journals — weblogs, or blogs; they’re organizing political rallies on they’re trading songs on illegal file-sharing networks; they’re vOlunteenng articles for the online encyclopedia W ikipedia; and they’re collaborating with other programmers around the world. l1’s the emergence of the ‘Power of Us’.Thanks to new technologies such as blog software, peer-to-peer networks, open-source software, and wiklS, people are getting together to take collective action like never before.

.. .. —.. 1 eBay, for Instance. wouldn’t exist without the

— — .——1 61 miUion active members who hst. sell, and buy miJlions of Items a week. But less obVIOUS is that the whole marketplace runs on the trust created by eBay’s unique feedback system, by which buyers and sellers rate each other on how well they carried out their half of each transaction. Pioneer e-tailer Amazon encourages aU kinds of customer participation in the site — including the ability to sell items alongside Its own books, CDs,

— ,

-~.-___ ‘1″_

—-«. DVDs and electronic goods. MySpace and Facebook are the latest phenomena In social networking, attraCting millions of unique visitors a month. Many are music fans, who can blog. email friends, upload photos, and generally socialize. There’s even a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents, called Second Life, where real companies have opened shops, and pop stars such as U2 have performed concerts.

Some sites are much more specialized, such as the photo-sharing site Flickr. There, people not only share photos but also take the time to attach wgs to

… — —~===-a~

ES _.,—— —

their pictures, which help everyone else find photos of, for example. Florence, Italy. Another successful example of a site based on user-generated content is You Tube, which allows users to upload, view and share movie clips and music videos, as well as amateur videoblogs. Another example of the collective power of the Intemet is the Google search engine. Its mathematical formulas surf the combined judgements of minions of people whose websites link to other sites. When you type justin Timberlake Into Google’s search box and go to the star’s offiCial website, the site is listed first because more people are telling you it’s the most relevant Justin Timberlake site — which it probably is.

Skype on the surface looks like software that lets you make free phone calls over the Internet — which it does. But the way it works is extremely clever. By using Skype, you’re automatically contributing some of your PC’s computing power and Internet connection to route other people’s calls. It’s an extension of the peer-to-peer network software such as BitTorrent that allow you to swap songs — at your own risk if those songs are under ~opyright. Bit Torrent is a protocol for transferring music, films, games and podcasts. A podcast is an audio -ecording posted online. Podcasting denves from the words iPod and broadcastmg,You can find podcasts about ~Imost any topic — sports. music, politics, etc. They are dlstnbuted through RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds Nhich allow you to receive up-to-date Information Without haVing to check the Site for updates. BitTorrent )l»eaks the files Into small pieces. known as chunks. and distributes them among a large number of users; when

IOU download a torrent, you are also uploading it to another user. Adapred from BusinessWeek online

Page 90: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Read the article again and match the sentence beginnings (1 — 5) with the correct endings (a-e).

1 A weblog , or blog, is an electronic journal a web pages on a particular subject.

2 A peer-to-peer system allows

3 You can use a search engine to find

4 BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol used

5 RSS keeps you constantly informed

b for downloading files over the Internet.

c users to share files on their computers,

d about fresh, new content on your favourite websites.

e that displays in chronological order the postings of one or more people.

C Find words in the article with the following meanings. 1 open-source, editable web pages (lines 5-10)

2 the same as electronic rerailer, or onhne store (lines 10-15)

3 a blog that includes video (lines 25-30)

4 a program that allows you to make voice and video calls from a computer (lines 30-35)

5 an audio broadcast distributed over the Internet (lines 35-40)

D EiZl Write is short article (80-120 words) for your school/university/work newsletter about the latest internet phenomena (MySpace, eBay, etc.). Talk about any other sites you think are important or will be important in the future.

3 Language work: collocations 2 A look at the HELP box on page 87 and then match the words on the left (1-6) with the words on the right (a-f) to make collocations. There may be more than one possible answer. 1 online

2 take

3 email

4 upload

5 portable

6 official

a friends

b photos

c action

d website

e encyclopedia

f player

B In pairs, make sentences using the collocations above.

C Find the collocations in these sentences and say what type they are. 1 Once you are online, you can browse the Web, visit chat rooms or send and receive emails.

2 Instant messaging can be a great way to communicate with friends.

3 This software may not be fully compatible with older operating systems.

4 Most webcams plug into a USB port.

S This highly addictive game will keep you playing for hOUfS.

6 Companies are starting to use virtual reality on their websites.

Page 91: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit «

HELP box Collocations 2 • adverb + adjective

A collocation is a pair or group of words that are often used together. For example, we say make phone calls, not do phone calls.

highly sensitive information freefy available on the Web

• adjective + noun

Here are some common types of collocation: mathematical formulas up-ta-date information

• verb + noun {see Unit 1} The word online often collocates with other words and can function as adjective or adverb.

surf the Web download music

• verb + particle hack into a computer log onto a bank account

Adjective: They post opinions on online journals.

Adverb: A podcasr is an audio recording posted online.

4 E-commerce and online banking A Listen to two extracts from a monthly pod cast called Money Matters. What is each speaker talking about?

Speaker 1 Speaker 2

B Listen again and make notes under these headings.

~pea~er I ~pea~er 2 — ihin9~ ?«lpt. blli Oflint. 11if’l£j~ ~ou ,an do …. ith onlint. ban: if19

‘5tt.p& for Wjifl9 onliflt.

fruaufiol1& fruaufioll&

C Complete the extracts with words from the box

authorization fake internet auction shopping cart browse log in steal

1 Occasionally I also buy things on sell things to the highest bidder.

sites such as eBay, where people offer and

2 First you enter a site dedicated to e-commerce and

3 Then you put the items you want to buy into a virtual you select the products and buy with a credit card.

their products,

— a program that lets

4 You may have to with a username and a password ..

5 … for some transactions, you will be required to use a TAN, a transaction number.

6 Be aware of phishing — you may receive emails claiming to be from your bank and asking for personal information or account details in an attempt to your identity,

D ~ Listen again and check your answers.

Page 92: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 Language work: the prefixes e- and cyber-look at the HELP box and then complete these sentences. 1 A is an employee who

uses his company’s internet connection during work hours to chat with friends. play games. etc.

2 An is a postcard sent via

the Internet.

3 An is a small magazine or newsletter published online.

4 Ina you can use computers with internet access for a fee.

S Examples of include internet fraud, digital piracy, theft of confidential information, etc.

6 In the future, all elections will be carried out using

7 You can now sign legal documents online using an

8 will revolutionise the way we take exams.

9 can be used on some

HELP box The prefixes e- and cyber-

• The e- prefix means electronic, and we add it to activities that take place on computers or online, for example e-business/ e·commerce — business conducted over the Internet. Other examples include: e·card, e· learning, e·zine, e·voting, e·signature, e·assessment, e·cash, e· book and e·pal .

There are often spelling variations, with or without a hyphen, so always check your dictionary.

• The cyber· prefix comes from cybernetics, and we use it to describe things related to computer networks, for example cybercafe — an internet cafe. Other examples include: cybercrime, cyberculture, cyberslacker and cyberspace.

websites instead of real money to make purchases. It reduces the risk of fraud.

lO An is like the paper version, but in digital form.

6 What do you use the Web for? In pairs, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers.

1 What is your favourite search engine to find information on the Web’Why’

2 Do you download music or video clips from the Web? Do you pay for them?

3 Do you buy things online? Is it bener to buy online or go to a shop?

4 Have you ever listened to the radiO or watched TV online?

5 Do you use the Web to do school/university assignments or projects? How?

Page 93: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Online chatting In pairs, discuss these questions. . Windows Live·

1 What is your favourite way to chat on the Internet?

2 How much time do you spend charring?

Windows Live Messenger is one of the world’5 most popular chat programs

3 00 you give out personal derails in chat rooms? Why should you be careful about this?

2 Virtual meetings A Read the text and match the headings (1 — 5) with the gaps at the start of each paragraph (a- e). 1 Cheap calls over the Internet

2 Virtual worlds and online communities

3 Chat rooms on the Web: join the crowd!

4 Real-time videoconferencing

5 Private chats with 1M services

A Yldeocon(erenClng system combmes data. voICe and Video

Virtual meetin 5


Imagine you want to assemble a group of people from around the world for a brainstorming session. (onferencing programs such as NetMeeting or CU­SeeMe allow virtual workgroups to communicate

5 via the Internet. To videoconference, you’ll need a webcam. Participants see each other’s faces in small windows on their monitors and hear each other’s voices on the computer speakers. You can use just audio, video and audio Simultaneously, or the screen-

10 sharing capability to collaborate on documents without audio or video.


Internet telephony, also known as VolP (Voice over Internet Protocol), almost eliminates long-distance phone charges, allowing you to call nearly anywhere

15 in the world for the price of a local call. If you have flat-rate internet access, you can’t beat the price — it’s practically free.

With internet telephony, you can make a voice call from your computer to another person’s computer,

20 land line, or mobile phone, You can download telephony software such as Skype or Net2Phone from the Net, and it’s even free!


People also use more traditional chat conferencing or bulletin board systems (BBSs) to communicate

25 online. Note that during chat sessions, participants type messages to each other rather than communicate by voice. Chat software can be used on the Web with your browser to conduct online chat sessions with other users and can accommodate

30 between 50 and 1,000 users simultaneously. Some companies even use chat conferencing on their websites to facilitate communication with customers.

Page 94: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


Chat rooms can be good venues to meet people and discuss topics of mutual interest. But what if you

35 want to chat privately with a friend, family member or business colleague?Then Instant M essaging, or 1M,

is the way to go. Many 1M services now offer audio and video capabilities, so if you have a microphone and a webcam. you can chat and see who you’re

40 talking to. The four most popular 1M services afe leo and AIM (from AOL), Windows Live Messenger, and

Yahoo! Messenger. They aU work similarly. First. you enrol in the service by creating a username — which

is also your screen name — and a password. Next, you 45 build what is known as a buddy ((st — a list of people

that you want to communicate with. When any of the contacts on your list is online, you can start a private chat with that person.

How do you know who’s online? When you launch 50 your 1M software, it connects with the service’s 1M

server and logs you on. The server checks your buddy list to see if any of your contacts are also logged on. Your list updates to show who is currently online. By clicking on a name you can send text-based

55 messages to that person. After you type your note and click on the Send button, the message travels to the 1M server, then immediately forwards to your

buddy’s computer. This all happens in realtime

— instantly.


60 You can also chat in incredible 3-D worlds that are built by other users, for example Second Life. In these virtual reality environments you can play 3-D games and interact with other users via avatar

identities. Avatars are 3-D graphical representations 65 of the participants.

Avotars can run, jump, fly. dance and even enable you to express emotions

Paragraphs a- d adapted from

B Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 Why is videoconferencing so useful for virtual workgroups?

2 What special hardware and software do you need to videoconference?

3 Which technology enables people to make phone calls over the Internet?

4 What is the difference between web chat rooms and Instant Messaging?

5 How do you log on to an 1M server?

C Find terms in the text with the following meanings. 1 at a fixed price (lines 15-20)

2 a central system that provides information about whether users are online and passes instant

messages between them (lines 35-40)

3 a friend list or contact list (Jines 45-50)

4 happening immediately and without delay (lines 55-60)

5 artifiCial reality; a 3-~ space generated by the computer (lines 60-65)

6 characters used when interacting with people online (lines 60-65)

Page 95: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Netiquette A In pairs, do this netiquette quiz. Read about netiquette rules on the Web if necessary.

1 Netiquette, or net etiquette, is a general code of behaviour for communicating online.

o True

o False


o the message is very important.

o you’re shouting.

3 What should you avoid doing in chat rooms?

o Being respectful

o Giving out personal or financial information

4 Spamming means

o posting stupid comments in chat rooms.

a posting unsolicited advertising messages.

5 Before asking questions in a chat room or posting messages to forums, you should always

o read the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

o introduce yourself and post a test message.

6 Avoid flame wars. Flames are

o angry responses or offensive comments.

o people who break the rules of netiquette.

7 Keep messages short and to the point, and check spelling and grammar.

o True

o False

B Have you ever experienced bad netiquette?Tell your partner what happened.

4 Rufree4achat?

… …

A Rewrite this 1M chat, using full forms instead of abbreviations. Then look at the HELP box on page 92 to check your answers.

Abby: BTW, where r u going for ur holiday? By the way, where are you going for your holiday?

Sue: Girona. Have u been?

Abby; Yes. I went 2 Girona last summer.

Sue: Did u have a good time?

Abby: It’s great, IMO. How r u going 2 travel?

Sue: We’re flying.

Abby: Where r u staying?

Sue: In a youth hostel.

Abby: Ie. lOW, the cheapest place possible!

Sue: LOll Yes. BTW, any recommendations?

Abby: Let me think. I’ll send u a msg ASAP.

Sue: TIA!

Abby: Got 2 go. BFN!

Page 96: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Rewrite this 1M chat using abbreviations.








By the way, are you free on Saturday?

Sure — it would be good to meet face to face. Shall we go for a coffee?

Good plan. Cafe Moka makes the best coffee, in my opinion.

It’s the closest to your house in other words!

Laughing out loud! Yes, you’re right! But the coffee really is good.

See you at 4?

Great. Bye for now.

c t:J In pairs, practise having an online conversation. Write a short note and give it to your partner. Use abbreviations as necessary. Your partner will write a short response and give it back to you. Continue the conversation and try not to talk. Choose one of these topics. • Your plans for the weekend

• What you did last night

• Your holiday plans

• What happened at school/work today

• Music/TV/TheWeb

o In pairs, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 Which program do you use to chat with friends?

2 Do you use abbreviations when you chat online or when you send text messages?

3 Do you use voice or video while chatting? How?

4 Have you ever used the Internet to make cheap caBs?

5 Does Instant Messaging distract you from work?

6 00 you use your real name or a nickname in chat rooms?

7 Do you talk to strangers during web chats? Why shouldn’t you?

8 Would you ever go on a date with somebody you’d met on the Net?

HELP box Chat abbreviations

We often use abbreviations in online chats and Instant Messaging. Some common examples are:

ASAP As soon as possible BBS Be back soon BFN Bye for now BTW By the way F2F Face to face GL Good luck H&K Hug and kiSS Ie I see ILU I love you IMO In my opinion lOW In other words LOL laughing out loud TIA Thanks in advance msg Message ur your/you’re 2 to 4 for b be c see r are u you

It’s OK to use chat abbreviations, but try not to rely on them too much -they can make a conversation difficult to follow. They are also very informal.



Computer Dot i ng

Page 97: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 At a cybercafe

A In pairs, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 Do you ever go to cybercafes?

2 What servl:E- would y, III ‘x,.:

B ., Listen to an interview with Daniel Sturdy, the manager of a cybercafe in London. Does Daniel like where he works?

c .., Listen again and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1 A cybercafE I’, a cafe where yOll can have deee .. ‘) to the Internet and related ‘(vice’

2 You .:an talk {u p4 lple ver the In(erf'»l»‘f using Internet tE ephony at Daniel’s cafe 3 They don’t help people who have

problems while using thp Internet.

4 Using a compuTer with internet access costs £2 per hour Or £80 for a week

S At lhp momm( they ve got a 101 of International customers.

6 You have to PdY long-distance phone rates on the Internet.

7 In the cafe area YOll can Sit, drmk :offee and chat te people.

<l, (ybercafE

6 Plan your own cybercafe

A C In small groups, plan how you would open a cybercafe in your town. Consider these areas.

• Money needed

• Type of customer

• location

• Services you will offer (just Intern..,t acce)s? food dnd drink. ~ newc,p3pp rs and magaZines? tutorials ?)

• Furni ture and decoration

• How to create a nice atmc sphf’re (music hghtinq. pllvate area’ etC .1

• Wha t type of hardware and software you need

• What type of Internet connection you need

• How much you will charge

• A name and slogan for your cYbf’rcafe

B Present your plan to the class, using PowerPoint if possible.

Page 98: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Dna/ert

A ~ In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What is a hacker?

2 How easy do you think it is to infiltrate the Internet and steal sensitive information?

3 How can you protect your computer from vi ruses and spyware?

B Match the captions (1-4) with the pictures (a-d). 1 A secure website can be recognized in two ways: the address bar shows the letters hrrps and a

closed padlock or key is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

2 You have to type your username and password to access a locked computer system.

3 This program displays a message when it detects spyware and other unwanted software that may compromise your privacy or damage your computer.

4 Private networks use a software and/or hardware mechanism called a fi rewall to block unauthorized traffic from the Internet.

~ -x-. _.-…. y-® Rh’ ….. 1’1″»»,,1 Of PO’,,»hNy un-,’Iid SOl’lwlf, Internet

«-__ ….. _»» «too.-.• Ionp ll ___ __ —


-.,..,.—_ … _— .. -…—. -0— —_. — —

o —-+

Wanted leque~t



I D https:/Iwww.bankinter.(om/

2 Security and privacy on the Internet

A ~ Read the text quickly and see how many of your ideas from 1 A Question 3 are mentioned.

B Read the text more carefully and answer these questions. 1 Why is security so important on the Internet?

2 What security features are offered by Mozina Firefox?

3 What security protocol is used by banks to make online transactions secure?

4 How can we protect our email and keep it private?

5 What methods are used by companies to make internal networks secure?

6 In what ways can a virus enter a computer system?

7 How does a worm spread itself?

Page 99: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unll «

Security and privacy on the Internet There are many benefits from an open system like the Internet, but one of the risks is that we are often exposed to hackers, who break into computer systems just for fun, to steal information, or to spread viruses (see note below). So how do we go about making our online transactions secure?

Security on the Web Security is crucial when you send confidential information online. Consider, for example, the process of buying a book on the Web. You have to type your credit card number into an order form which passes from computer to computer on its way to the online bookstore. If one o( the intermediary computers is infiltrated by hackers, your data can be copied.

To avoid risks, you should set all security alerts to high on your web browser. Mozilla Firefox displays a lock when the website is secure and allows you to disable or delete coo ki es — small files placed on your hard drive by web servers so that they can recognize your PC when you return to their site.

If you use online banking services, make sure they use digital certificates — files that are like digital identification cards and that identify users and web servers. Also be sure to use a browser that is compliant with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a protocol which provides secure transactions.

Email privacy Similarly, as your email travels across the Net, it is copied temporarily onto many computers in between. This means that it can be read by people who illegally enter computer systems.

The only way to protect a message is to put it in a sort of virtual envelope — that is, to encode it with some form of encryptio n. A system designed to send email privately is Pretty Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman.

Network security Private networks can be attacked by intruders who attempt to obtain information such as Social Security numbers, bank accounts or research and business reports. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyse the risks and provide solutions. The most common methods of protection are passwords for access control, firewa lls, and encryption and decryptio n systems. Encryption changes data into a secret code so that only someone with a key can read it. Decryption converts encrypted data back into its original form.

Malware protection Malware (malicious software) are programs designed to infiltrate or damage your computer, for example viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware. A virus can enter a PC via a disc drive — if you insert an infected disc — or via the Internet. A worm is a self-copying program that spreads through email attachments: it replicates itself and sends a copy to everyone in an address book. A Trojan horse is disguised as a useful program; it may affect data security. Spyware collects information from your PC without your consent. Most spyware and adware (software that allows pop-ups — that is, advertisements that suddenly appear on your screen) is included with ‘free’ downloads.

If you want to protect your Pc’ don’t open email attachments from strangers and take care when downloading files from the Web. Remember to update your ant i-virus software as often as possible, since new viruses are being created all the time.

Note: Originally, all computer enthusiasts and skilled programmers

were known as hackers, but during the 1990s, the term hacker

became synonymous With cracker — a person who uses technology for

criminal aims. Nowadays, people often use the word hacker to mean

both things. In the computer industry, hackers are known as white hat, and crackers are called black hors or dorkside hockers.

C Solve the clues and complete the puzzle. , 1 Users have to enter a

access to a network. to gain

2 A protects a company intra net from outside attacks.

3 A is a person who uses their 6

computer skills to enter computers and networks illegally.

4 can infect your files and corrupt your hard drive.

, ,

• , I ,

5 You can download from the Net; this type of software is available free of charge but protected by copyright.

6 Encoding data so that unauthorized users can’t read it is known as

7 This company uses techniques to decode (or decipher) secret data.

8 Most is designed to obtain personal information without the user’s permission.

Page 100: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 Safety online for children A ., Listen to an interview with Diana Wilson, a member of the Internet Safety Foundation. Which answers (a or b) best describe what she says? 1 Parents should make children aware of

a the benefits and risks of the Internet.

2 A web filter program can be used to

b the risks of the Internet.

a prevent access to sites with inappropriate content .

b rate web content with labels (similar to the way movies are rated).

3 If kids spend too much rime online or suffer from internet addiction, paren ts should

a stop them using the Internet. b look for help from specialists.

B ., Listen again and complete the interviewer’S notes.

Risks Mompulotll~11 of children

InvaSions of (1)

DistributIOn of mdecent or

Solutions There are websdes (4)

at children.

Internet (5) pr09rams let

(2) matenal

Violence and racist (3)

parents block object Ionable webslt es.

W’ebsttes should (~)

4 The history of hacking

content with a label. from child-friendly to

overJ8 only.

A Read Part 1 of the text and answer these questions. 1 Which hacking case inspired the film War Game5?

2 When did LoptainZap hack into the Pentagon?

3 Why was Nicholas Whitely arrested in 1988′

4 How old was the hacker that broke inro the US defence computer in 1989′

Th e history of hacking — Pa rt 1

1971 — John Draper discovered that a whistle offered in boxes of Cap’n Crunch breakfast cereal perfectly generated the 2.600Hz signal used by the AT&T phone company. He started to make free calls. He was arrested in 1972 but wasn’t sent to prison.

1974 — Kevin Mitnick, a legend among hackers, began hacking into banking networks and altering the credit reportS of his enemies. He didn’t expect that his most famous explOit — hacking into the North American Defense Command in Colorado Springs — wo uld inspire the film War Games in 1983.

198 1 — Ian Murphy, a 23-year-old known as Captain Zap on the networks. hacked into the White House and the Pentagon.

1987 — The IBM international network was paralysed by a hacker’s Christmas message.

1988 — The Union Bank of Switzerland almost lost £32 millio n to hackers. Nicholas W hitely was arrested in connection with virus spreading.

1989 — A fifteen-year-old hacker cracked the US defence computer.

199 1 — Kevin Poulsen. known as Dark. Dante on the networks, was accused of stealing military files.

Page 101: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B In pairs, discuss which of the cases in Part 1 you had heard of. Which do you think is the most important?

5 Language work: the past simple

A Look at the HELP box and then complete Part 2 of the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box .

show • p read steal launch anempt r)Vt Wfitf» bf’ infect affect

The history of hacking — Part 2

1992 — David l Smith ( I) prosecuted for writing the Melissa virus. which was passed in Word files sent via email.

1997 — The German Chaos Computer Club (2) bank accountS.

on TV how to obtain money from

2000 — A Russian hacker (3)

A Canadian hacker (4) Yahoo! and Amazon.

(0 extort $ 100,000 from online music retailer CD Universe.

a massive demal of serVICe attack against websites like

The ILoveYou virus, cleverly disguised as a love lener. (5) so qUickly that email had to be shut down in many companies.The worm (6) image and sound files with a copy of itself.

200 I — The Code Red worm (7) tens of thousands of machines.

2006 — Hackers (8) the credit card details of almost 20,000 AT&T online customers.


However. subscribers to itS service (9) (not) ..

HELP box Past simple

• We use the past simple to talk about a complete action or event which happened at a specific time in the past.

Past ———~I—— Now Hr began hacking rn 1914.

• Wt form the past ‘impll of regular VE’rbs by adding — (e)d to th infinitivi

)hn I >raper discovered that a whl ,(/

WE form qUI iti >n and n ‘gatives u~ ing did/ didn’t

Wh:’n did Captain Zap hack inrc th Pentagon. He didn’t expect thaI hi m( )~t famt…u~ expi it

.. • Thew are many verbs which are irregular in the past


Kevin Mitnick began hacking into

For a list of irregulM ‘rbs, see page 166.

Wf forrr quesliop’ dnd negatives for irregUlar verbs in (he amr way d’ for regular u:,rbs. rhe exception s be ;/C» lk lowl

Nh n did ~, rM/ln

didn ‘t begin ) r

• W f rr»» p~’ pas~ be thl past pdlt Ip’

begin hat ‘king tntt

‘9 mil ‘4

with the past simple Of

ItiM ‘nterr at rJ, was paralysed by hack, r5-r· wasn’t sent tt pfl J’l.

Why was Ni ~hoJas Whiffly arrested in 1998?


Page 102: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Read these landmarks in the history of the Internet and prepare at least five questions in the past simple.

Example: What happened in 1969? Wha{ did Ray Tomlinson do in 197/?

1969 — The US Defense Department establishes ARPANET, a network connedmg research centres.

1971 — Ray Tomlinson of B8N Invents an email program to send messages across a network. The @ Sign IS chosen for Its at meaning,

1981 — IBM sells the first IBM Pc. BITNET provides email and file transfers to univerSities.

1982 — TCP/IP is adopted as the standard language of the Internet.

1988 — Jarkko Olkannen develops the system known as Internet Relay Chat (IRe).

1991 — CERN (Consed Europ~en pour 10 Recherche NuctecIJre) creates the World Wide Web,

1998 — The Internet 2 network is born. It can handle data and Video at high speed but 15 not a public network.

1999 — Online bankmg. e-commerce and MP3 music become popular.

2001 — Napster, whose software allows users to share downloaded mUSIC, maintains that It does not perpetrate or encourage music piracy. However, a Judge rules that Napster’s technology IS an Infringement of music copyright

2004 — Network Solutions begins offering lOO-year domain registration.

2006 — Amencans spend over $100 billion shopping online.

C In pairs, ask and answer your questions.

6 Internet issues A In small groups, look at the list of cybercrimes and discuss these questions. 1 Which -rimes are the most dangerous?

2 Is it fair or unfair to pay for the songs. Videos. books or articles that you download? Should copyright infringement be allowed online7

3 What measures can be taken by governments to stop cybercrime?

4 Do you think governments have the right to censor material on the Internet?

5 Persona! information such as our address, salary, and civil and criminal records is held in databases by marketing companies. Is our.privdCY in danger?


• Piracy the lIegal :opy and dis!ribution of copyrighted software. games or music files

• Plagiarism and theft of intellectual property pretending that someone else’s work is your own

• Spreading of malicious software

• Phishing (password hJrVeslUlg fishing) getting passwords for online bank accounts or credit card numbers by using emails that look like they are from real organizations, but are in fact fake; people beti ~ve the messagl» IS from their ban~ and send their security details

• IP spoofing making on'» computer look like another in order to gain unauthorized access

• Cyberstalking onlin harassment or abuse, mainly in chat rooms or newsgroups

• Distribution of indecent or offensive material

B Write a summary of your discussion on PowerPoint and present it to the rest of the class.

II Now visit for an online task.

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Page 104: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Computer graphics

A C In pairs, look at the computer graphics (a-d) and discuss these questions. 1 Which of these <:omputer graphics are three dimensional (3-D)?

2 What drE’ the advantages of creating 3-D images?

3 Which types of professional might use the computer graphic, (a—d)?

4 Who el::.e uses computer graphics in their job? How do they use them?

B Read the text on page 101 and check your answers to 3 and 4 in A.

C Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 What are the differ~nces between raster graphics and vector graphics?

2 WhKh graphics fill’ formats are- mentioned? 3 What IS c. )mpositinq?

4 What do~’s CAD stand for7

5 What afe the benefits of using graphics in the car industryi’

6 What tyPF of graphics ~ohware is used to make maps or 3-D models of the Earth?

1 Who use» computer animation? How?

Page 105: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Computer graphics Computer graphics are picture!. and drawings plOduced by computer. There are two main categories:

Raster graphics or bitmaps are stored as a collection of pixels. The sharpness of an image depends on the density of pixels. or resolution For example, text or pictures that are scaled up that is. made bigger ~ may show jagged edges. Paint and photo-editing programs like Adobe Photos hop focus on [he manipulation of bitmaps. Popular raster formats are JPEG GIF and TIFF

Vector graphics represent images through the use of geometric objects, such as lines, curves and polygons, based on mathematical equations, They can be changed or scaled without losing quality. Vector data can be handled by drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or Macromedia Freehand. EPS is the most popular file format for exchanging vector drawings.

<] Bitmap graphin art composed of pixels. each of whICh contaim specific colour informati In

Vector graphicl ~ f consist of {XJmr~ lines and curv(

which, when , combined. can

~ • form complex W ) objects ,

Almost all computer users use some form of graphics. Home users and professional artists use image-editing programs to manipulate images. For example, you can add filters (speCIal effects) to your favourite photos, or you can composite images. (om positing is combining pans of different images to create a single image. Graphic artists and deSigners use draWing programs to create freehand draWings and illustrations for books or for the Web. Businesspeople use presentation graphics to make information more interesting visually ~ graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways of communicating with clients than lists of figures. Electrical engineers use graphics to design circuits in order to present data in a more understandable form. Mechanical engineers use CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to develop, model and test car designs before the actual pans are made. This can save a lot of time and money.

Unil l O

CAD is also used In the aerospace, architecture and industrial sectors to design everything from aeroplanes and buildings to consumer products. Designers start a project by makinq a wireframe a representation showing the oullinl If aU edges In a transparent drawing. They then sp+ ify and fill the surfaces to give the appearance of a -0 solid object with volume. This s known as solid modelling Next. they add paint, colc ur and filters to achi’ ‘v~ th . d!’sired ‘look and feel’ this i’ called texturing {he object. nnally, they render the object to make it look real. Rendering includes lighting and shading as well as effects that simulate shadows and reflections.

Smooth ~ shading part

of the fendt!(mg P»Xe'»~

<l A wireframe model of a [ea{XJt

Computer art, or digital art, is used in adverts and TV programmes. Artists and scientists use special graphic applets to create amazing fracta ls Fractals are geometrical patterns that are repeated at small scales to generate irregular shapes, some of which describe objects from nature. Government agencies use GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to understand geographic data and then plan the use of land or predict natural disasters. Cartographers use GIS to make detailed maps. Animators use computer animation software to create animated cartoons or add effecfs in movies and video games.

A fractal

Page 106: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

o Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (a- f). 1 r’ )!uti a ,ptal eht: ts 11- at arb appli ‘d t ,pi lures 2



t1 ~r’

b a technique that qpnE’rale’ realistic rene(ion~ shadows and nighl gl!S

C yt metl 031 figurro with )reCial prOPl’rtit». 4 wireframe d irregular)r unevE’p 5 rendenn 1 e 1/- number of pixels in m magl 6 fr al tal f rl drawing)f a model by usinq features like edges or contour lines

E In pairs, discuss which application of computer graphics you think is the most important or useful. Give reasons for your answers.

2 Language work: the -ing form A Look at the HELP box and decide if the -ing forms in these sentences are gerunds, present participles or adjectives. Write g, pp or Q .

1 ;Jent;’rdH graph ~s by p ~rf HrTllng mathemdtlCdl calculations on data.

2 Businessppople USE’ graphics to !TIdke inf, Irrnat:on more Inter I ;Iing VI ually.

3 Graphs and di39fam~ car be more effective WiWS of CO’l’lmUn arlng With clients rhan lists of flgure~

4 Sh I’ desrgl ing -3 vgc for th(‘ oml. any.

5 If, need te make a preSenlJtJ )11, sug9~ uSing PowerP )int

6 ThE Internf’t IS an ‘twork linking other ,tv )I~

B Correct the mistakes in these sentences. There are seven mistakes in total.

lmputer :;11 Imdt’ I. thl f}f( -ess )f :rr’atl ob)1 ts whi<..h meve across the :n I

2 Tex/Ufll7′] Illvolves add paint. :olour dnd niter’ to dl .. wlPgs and ,::le’slqr

3 You c m open th~ (olour palr’te by cltek on hf’ or ri ;,pending C )fI

4 CAlI rm qrams are very fast at to perfunT drawinq functlon~

5 A Jf tm ~nd nonf’Y r. sdved by t~t a car design before to make the product.

6 — (I nder rt: (>1′ to he t?chni’1ues U» d to makt; reahstil. image

HELP box

The -ing form


Rendering 1 fighting m shading designing m lput


rendering II ‘rur j 1 bl

lighting lod shading


designing p ‘2 ! !»>drrl(

(/- ‘i’l an ‘<1

() ‘»,orew IQr m showing

» amazing ar iJ’- [lv<::

-HI q tA, s:

lh ·f I J~fb

» uy U j

‘1 K’II h. )f

,u , ~ rh n e ~nl

Compositing )m(nn n,J (X ~ I; :J1’fe e f n 1e

a ‘J’>

• ~ It -r

‘»‘» combining {. a

, enjoy editing r:

p ‘p

‘Oif{ C1′ m /’

by making m

• A, .,

() involves painting 10 drawing meJ,


II Will If!: {E g. avoid fancy fin ish give up hate imagine involve keep look forward to mind suggest enjoy ‘

Page 107: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 The toolbox A .., Listen to an extract from an online tutorial about graphics programs and answer these questions. 1 What a (( Ibm In grap! Ih,· arE

2 What are graphics primli «e~?

3 What son of olTrlbure5. or LhJractefistics, an bl:’ used In grapnlca( object’ ~ 4 What :j(‘es trail 01 1(1 rr. r

B .., Listen again and complete this extract from the web version of the tutorial.

Graphics programs usuatly have a toolbox — a collection of drawing and (1) tools that enable you to type, (2) , draw. paint, edit, move, and view images on the computer.

The basic shapes which are used to (3) graphical objects are caUed primitives. These are usuaUy geometric, such as tines between two points. arcs, circles. polygons, ellipses and even text . Furthe rmore. you can specify the attn»butes of each primitive. such as its colour, line type, fill area, interior style and so on.

The various tools in a toolbox usualLy appear together as pop·up icons in a menu or palette. To use one, you

activate it by (4) on it. For example, if you want to (5) a rectangle, you activate the rectangle tool. and the pop·up options give you the possibility of (6) rectangles with square or rounded corners.

You can transform an object by transLating. (7) or scaling it. Translation means moving an object to a different location. Rotation is (8) the object around an axis. for exampLe, you may need to rotate an object 90 or 180 degrees to fit the draWing. (9) is making the object larger or smaller,

.. C Match the tools from the Photoshop toolbox (1 — 10) with the functions (a-j),

1 [hD t_ · Marque, se!ect tool • out do. ‘n the dimell ,jar of a pictur~

2 ‘ …. , Move ( )! b ,elect a partICular parr 01 an Image (you an :h )SE Mferent shapes for s lect.on)

3 ~ Croptl )1 c fil In an area With a …. aloUl

4 l1J Paintbrush, p ‘nl d antral the foreground and background eiliour

10,1 ErasE’r e selpet <1 «peClfIC colour In a photo

5 f magnify areas vf an unage when you ar dOlr:1

6 ~ Paint bu ket 10,E detaile j work

[I] -ype t<Y 9 delele the pall of the p(uure you :lrag Ii ov ‘f 7 h in~err {ext into your document

8 I J’J Colour pICKer (Eyedropper) draw and patnt In different shdpes ilnd patl€ms

9 [3J zoom j Jve a ,Ie! tJ n or entire laYl’r by jraggll J It with your mouse

10 Colour toc Is and palette

• •

Page 108: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


4 Choosing graphics software

C Work in pairs. Student A chooses a task from the list (1 — 6) and describes it. Student B chooses the most appropriate graphics software for the task (a- f) and gives reasons for his or her choice. Swap roles. Look at the text on page 101 and the Usefu//anguage box to help you. 1 tv edit ard retouch photos

2 to create illustrations and drawings for a magazine

3 to prepare slideshows for training sessions or conferences

4 to make mechanical designs and architectural plans

5 to (reate dynamic simulations and specIal effects for films, TV. advertisements dnd game ..

6 to analyse geographic data and make maps

a Computer animation software, for example 3-0 StudiO Max

b C:.t) software for example ArcVt.ew

c Presentation software, for example Power Point

d A lAD package. for example AutoCAD

e Vector graphics software, for example ~re(>hand

f A paint anj imagt..~-editjng program for example Phoroshop

5 Describing graphics

Useful language If I need to . . «‘ what software would you recommend?

For that kind of task, the best thing wouldbe …

It allows you to .». and .••

I wouldn’t recommend … because …

A good program ofrhis type is …

look at the images (1 — 4), which show the stages involved in drawing a plane using computer software. Write a short description of stages 2, 3 and 4. Look at the text on page 101 and the Usefu//anguage box to help you.

Thl.~ first Image shows a wlreframe m Jdf-~ pwhably maat;’ u.smg (AD

software. A wlrefml11l! Is a drawiny with edges and contour lines. Thr p(}rt~ of (he plan(‘ore shown m different colauf’.> (VIolet, gr(‘Pf), blup elC}.

Useful language This picture shows …

In this (next) stage.

The designer has used .. .

This stage is called.

Rendering techniques include …

As a finishing touch, …

.ohd n Ide»mg Texturing the modi» Rendering

Page 109: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

I Unit 21 ;besktop pu~lish ing

1 What is desktop publishing? A In pairs, discuss these questions.

1 What kind of documents can be produced with a desktop publishing system?

2 Page layoul software is thE key component of a dcsk[Op pub ,shing sysrem. Which file type’) can be imported into d page layout program?

B Read the text and check your answers to A.

What is desktop publishing? Desktop publishing (DTP) refers to the use of computers to design and publish books, brochures, newsletters, magaZines and other printed pieces. OTP

is really a combination of several different processes including word processing, graphic design, information deSign, output and pre-press technologies, and sometimes image manipulation.

OTP centres around a page layout program Typically, a layout program is used to import texts created in word processing programs; charts and graphs from

spreadsheet programs; drawings and illustrations created In CAD, drawing or paint programs: and photographs. The program is then used to combine and arrange them all on a page. It is this ability to manipulate so many different items and control how they are used that makes layout sohware so popular and useful. However. modern word processors also have publishing capabitities, meaning thl’ line separating such programs from OTP ‘)()ftware is becoming less clear. In general, though,

powerful new publishing systems use high-quality scalable fonts and give you control over typographic features such as kerning (adjusting the spaces between leners to achieve even, consistent spacing). Another key feature of OTP software is text flow the ability to put text around graphic objects in a variety of ways.

Once composed, OTP documents are printed on a Jaser printer or on a high-resolution imagesetter (see Unit 8). For transfer to a commerCial printer, the document’

are generally saved in their native page layout format

(such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress) or as PDF files. PDF stands for Portdble Do:ument Format and allows people to view, search and print documents exactly as the publisher intended· you don’t need to have the

sohware and fonts used to create il. PDF files can be published and distributed anywhere: in print, attached to ernail, posted on websites, or on DVD. To open a PDf file, only the AdobP Acrobat Reader (a free download) is required.

In modern commercial printing, OTP files are output directly to the printing plates without using film as an intermediate step. This n ‘W technology j~ known

as Computer-To-Plate CTP) or direct to plate. and the machine that generates plates for a printing press is carted a pJatesetter . CTP machines are expensM. so most people take their files to a service bureau a company that speCializes in printing other people» files. Service bureaux offpr a full range of scanning and printing solutions.

C Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 What type of :.oftware I’ USI~ for th€: :reation of DTP do< unl ~nt~7

2 What are three differences between orp software and word processors?

3 What is a PDF and what can it do]

4 Which program do you need to view a PDF document?

5 Why do people send their DTP files to service bUieaux.?

Page 110: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

o Find words in the text with the following meanings. 1 shaPl’, ~tyh· and size of d typeface for example Courier at l Opt

2 the procE’ss of adjusting {he space betweep characters

3 featurE thdt enable, you to wrap text aroulld imagE». on Ihr- pagl 4 (Y’. tal surface!:. that ~arry rhp imagl» to be primed

S a machine that create’ the printing prafes

E C In pairs. discuss the question What Is desktop publishing? in as much detail as you can. Then look back at the text on page lOS to see how much you remembered.

2 Language work: order af adjectives

A Look at the HELP box and then make phrases using the words In the correct order.

HELP box

Examplf’ ,ImputE» programmer / y,Junq / ‘ lever

r.J C «VI»‘I, young C’ )nlputer pmqrommer

1 lftwdrp I dt ,krop publishing I ‘JsedriendJy

2 hardWd(€’ ompany / reliab!e young

3 Gprrnan Induwy I graph)1 design

4 word pr()(«ssing f dPplication~ m( tjern

S ‘ ny / r,»‘w I mu~ player / porrable

Order of adjectives

• Adjectives usually (orne befofe thE.’ nOun (atso known as the headword)

hey give you conrrol over typogrophk featuru.

For rransfer ro a commercial printer, rhe d()(ument IS

• However, adjectiVes come after certain verbs {e.g. be, look. become. seem sound), complementing the subject of the sentence.

erp machmes QI’e exptmsiw.

• AdJ€’Ctlves can also complement the object of the sent!:»nce

ThiS maKes layout 50frware populo, and useful

• This 1′» the usual order of adjectives before a noun:

Opinion POwerful high Quality

Description new scalablp thin





Purpose publishing

Headword systems (onts

plates printing

AdJective,> dIP ordered from the most subjective (e.g nice) to the most objective (e.g. silicon)

Srand names {Mkrosoft, Sony, etc) are conSidered ad)£»ctlves of origin/place

tf there IS more than one adJfftlvP 10 a sentence, they dre usually separdted by commas, unless the adjective forms an intE’gl al part of the headword (A fanW5Tlc, thin Sony MPl player)

Page 111: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unil :n

B Translate these sentences into your own language. How does the use of adjectives differ from English? Think about word order and whether the form of the adjective changes or not. 1 DTP refers to the use of personal computers to produce high-quality printed documenrs. 2 A page layout application is used to import text from word proceSsing programs and pinures

from painting and drawing programs.

3 In modern commercial printing. DTP files are output directly to the printing plates.

C In pairs, choose an object in your classroom or office and think of three words to describe it. Put the words into the COrrect order and make a sentence.

Example: PC black, old, DELL On my desk I’ve gal an old, block. OELL PC

3 Steps in a DTP publication A look at this extract from an online tutorial for DTP publishing. Put the steps in the creation of a DTP document (a-f) into the correct order.

1 0 2 0 3 D 4 0 S O 6 0

o First. the DTP designer decides the basic form of the document (the type of document, general design, colour, fonts, images required, etc.).

4:) The last step is to take the files to a service bureau, which witt print the publication.

G To create the DTP document, the designer begins by selecting a template or by specifying the settings of a new document (the page size, margins, columns. paragraph styles, master pages, etc.) .

e When the text has been edited, the designer imports the pictures and uses precise tools to position, scale, crop and rotate all the items.

o The next step is to type the text directly or to import it from a word processing program like Word or WordPerfect.

o Once the file is composed and saved, the designer has to prepare it for printing, which involves verifying the colour specification, creating a Postscript or PDf file, exporting the file in HTML format for the Web, checking proofs, etc.

B ~ Listen to the audio from the online tutorial and check your answers to A.

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C Label the features ofthis page designed with Adobe InDesign (1 — 6) with words from the box.

toolbox layout of master pages dimensions guide horizontal ruler scanned photo

. — .. _—- …… » . — .: .: . , ~ … «. . •• ~ ,~n,., ~~a a»’gr

4 5

4 Writing a letter A Although most written communication these days is carried out by email. letters are still appropriate for more formal correspondence. Look at this letter. What is the writer asking for?

G The Editor El Independiente Moratin, 7 28006 Madrid Spain

Q Dear Sir/ Madam.

o Rhondda High SchooL 31 Prospect Place. Cardiff. Wales

o 28th March 2008

o We are writing to ask if you can help us with our school project. We are doing a survey of the major newspapers in the European Union to find out which computer systems and desktop publishing programs they use.

o We wouLd be very grateful if you couLd te[ us which hardware. graphic design and page layout software you use at fl Independiente. CouLd you also tell us how Long your onLine edition has been running for? Thank you very much in advance.

f) We look forward to hearing from you. o Yours faithfu[y.


Katherine Powell, student representative

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B Match the parts of the letter (a- h) with the descriptions (1-8). 1 lliJ For example, 28th March 2008. or 28 March 2008 or 28/ 03/2008

2 0 This is usually in the top right corner of the lettl’r, but an t, In th CI’ntrl if It’ a pnnted It;’tterhead.

3 0 ltate tho:> reason for writing: l am Weore writing to.. . We ore currently …

4 0 This sh .uld bI in ludpd on th~ -It han j .i. If th page, b ,fore tht· greeting.

S 0 Start with Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Mrl Mrs/Ms … v ~ Ms if yr u .](f'» not surE. Iflh n ip ‘nt s married or not. It is often b.~st to USI Ms a’ Mrs em dU’)t’ )ffencl;:

6 0 Mak{: any request: or ask any qUljti >0 … you r «ed to: We would be grateful if you could . . . , Could you also …

7 0 Request further contact. if necessary We I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us by .. .

8 0 If you have started the letter with the person’s name (for example, Dear Mr Robinson), then end with Yours sincerely. If you do nor know thE’ nJme of the recipipnt, end with Yours falrhfully

C Write a letter to a local newspaper, asking for information about the hardware they use in their production, the page layout software they use, and the data communications systems they use. Use A and B above to help you.

5 E-publishing versus paper publishing A look at this web extract about e-publishing. What examples of e-publishing can you find in the text?

Publishing has existed in its current form for centuries. Ever since paper was first invented, human beings have found ways of using it to pass on messages to each other. Books, magazines and newspapers are now part of our everyday lives, but with the invention of the Internet and the speed of new technologica l advances, the world of publishing is changing. Online newspapers and magazines, blogs, and even e … book readers are changing the way we get information. But wilt we ever stop picking up a good old … fashioned newspaper? E· publishing versus paper publishing — who will win?

B Work in teams. Team A prepares a list of the advantages of traditional publishing over e-publishing. Team B prepares a list of the advantages of e-publishing over traditional publishing. Use your dictionary, the Internet and your teacher to help you.

c C Debate your ideas. Which team has the most convincing position?

Anf»·book, ihe ele( frofl/e equivalent

of a primed hook.


Page 114: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Multiple forms of media

In pairs, discuss these questions.

1 What different types of content are combined in multimedia applications?

2 How many products :an you think of that incorporate multimedia 7

Make a list.

2 Components and system requirements A .., Listen to a sales assistant in a computer shop explaining to a customer system requirements needed to run multimedia software. Which answers (a or b) best describe what she says? 1 Multimedia is defined as

a the integration of video Jnd telecommunications with traditional computing.

b the integration of text. graphics, audio, video and antmation in a single application,

2 With multimedia encyclopedias,

a you have more fun but you learn more slowly.

b you get much more involved than with print encyclopedias,

3 Interactive games

a use multimedia and virtual reality features.

b do not require much RAM memory.

B ., Listen again and complete this diagram of a multimedia system.

I Multimedia system

Hard ware Software


CPU and a lot of RAM



large hard drive


DVD drive (3)

card Stereo (4)

or 15)


Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime

Adobe Flash for (7)


Audia, video and (8)


Hypermedia databases

CD and DVD (9)


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Unit 21

3 Multimedia magic! A Read the text and match the headings (1-4) with the gaps atthe start of each paragraph (a-d). 1 Sound, MusiC, MIDI

2 Products full of pictures, action and :,Dund

3 Creating and editing movies

4 The potential of multimedia

Multimedia magic!

• Multimedia applications are used in all sorts of fields, For example, museums, banks and estate agents often have information kiosks that use multimedia; companies produce training programs on optical discs; businesspeople use Microsoft PowerPaim to create. slideshows; and teachers use multimedia to make video projects or to teach subjects like art and music. They have all found that moving images and sound can involve viewers emotionally as well as inform them, helping make their message more memorable.

The power of multimedia software resides in hypertext, hypermedia and interactivity (meaning the user is involved in the programme). If you click on a hypertext link, you can jump to another screen with more information about a particular subject. Hypermedia is Similar, but also uses graphics, audio and video as hypertext elements,


As long as your computer has a sound card, you can use it to capture sounds in digital format and play them back. Sound cards offer two important capabilities: a built~in stereo synthesizer and a system called MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface, which allows electroniC musical instruments to communicate with computers, A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) lets you mix and record several tracks of digital audio.

MIDI DHows your compufer (ocommunicore With electronic keyboards and orherdevices

You can also listen to music on your PC, or transfer It to a portable MP3 player. MP3 is short for MPEG audio layer 3, a standard format that compresses audio files. If you want to create your own MP3 flies from CDs, you must have a CD ripper, a program that extracts music tracks and saves them on disk as MP3s.

Audio is becoming a key element of the Web. Many radiO stations broadcast live over the Internet using streaming audio technology, which lets you listen to audio in a continuous stream while it is being transmitted. The broadcast of an event over the Web, for example a concert, is called a webcast Be aware that you won’t be able to play audio and video on the Web unless you have a plug-in like RealPlayer or QuickTime.


Video is another important part of multimedia. Video computing refers to recording, manipulating and storing video in digital format jf you wanted to make a movie on your computer, first you would need to capture images with a digital video camera and then transfer them to your computer. Next, you would need a video editing program like iMovie to cut your favourite segments, re-sequence the clips and add transitions and other effects. Finally, you could save your movie on a OVO or post it on websites like YouTube and Google Video,


Multimedia is used to produce dictionaries and encyclopedias. They often come on OVOs, but some are also available on the Web. A good example is the Grolier Online Encyclopedia, which contains thousands of articles, animations, sounds, dynamic maps and hyper/inks. Similarly, the Encyclopedia Britannica is now available online, and a concise version is available for iPods, POAs and mobile phones. Educational courses on history, science and foreign languages are also available on ova. Finally, if you like entertainment, you’ll love the latest multimedia Video games with surround sound, music soundcracks, and even him extracts.

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B Correct t he technical mistakes in these sentences. 1 MultimE’dia training software is distribu ted on magnetic disks.

2 You m …. >d tt. have MIDI on your computer to hear speech and music.

3 A ,tereo synthesizer allows your computer to communicate with electronic mUSical instrumpnls.

4 A ([ ripper converts CDs [0 live streams.

5 ht En ~yr )p~dia Britannica is only availabl on ‘WC’

C Match the words (1- 5) with the definitions (a- e ).

1 hypE’rtext 2 hYf-llo’fri ledid

3 streaming

4 WE’bccls

5 video editing

a the process of manipulating vidE’O images

b text with link~ whilh tdke you to other pages

c a technique for playing sound and video files while they’re downloading

d a live event broadcast over the Internet

e a form of enriched multimedia which allows an interactive and dynamil linking of visual and audio elements

4 Language work: conditional sentences A Look at t he HELP box and then complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If you (bring) your iigital VI if _amera, we carl makE- a movie on my P{

2 You ….. on·t be abl!.: to play those video files if you (not have) [he correct plUg-Ill

3 If {he marketing manager (have) PowerPoint. she could make more «,ffective presf’ntatiom.

4 If I could afford it. I (buy)

5 If I had the moneY,1 (invest)

HELP box Conditional sentences

We u~ Jnditional ~ntenCE-. to express that the <J II,)n In t~ rr lin I,Jl eln nly take place if a :ertaip C)f jill In (ul ‘ IIt~ (see b low II examples).1hey are tntrodu I~ by if, unless md as long as Unless mE-am if » …… and as long as meal prmidedlprovidinq ([hat:

. IU I'»)’t b at; t» P oJ’ aodio und VIdeo )f) the Web unless .y( f a •• a p … q in like Reo/Playe, Of OwckTime

y( d( ‘t ~ Ne a plug-in

-r-herl:;» arE- I.vvO type of conditi mal sentence.

• The first (onnlttor £11 ~for rt’al or possiblE situations)

If A happens (present simple)

B will happen (will in positive or negative -I- verb)

If you like f!nlerlUinrnen(, you will love the lares( mulTimedia vl(k~)g(JInp~

a new game console.

in some new mul timedia soh ware.

In the main clause, we can also have a modal (for example. can or must) or an imperative.

If }’tIU want to :reate your own MP3 files from your CLlc

you must hove a (0 r;p{Jf.?f.

• .,., E’ f and condilional (for more hypo[he[lcal ~ituatiorl’ ,

If A happ ‘f ‘d B 1 auld happen (past simple) would in positive or negative t verb)

If you wonted to mak(; a m lviI’ on your mmputer, fint y{ ~u would you’d f! ~ed co

In thE:- mJin clause, we can also use other modals (e.g. could, should. might), depending on the meaning.

If the verb be appears in the if clause, we ohen USE­were instead of was, even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it

If I were you, I’d get a new MP 3 playeT.

Page 117: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

8 C In pairs, discuss these questions. Use the second conditional. What would you do if

1 you had a digital video camera?

If I had a d,girol video camera, I’d

2 you had a home recording srud;’)?

3 you couldn’t afford an iPod bUl YOll wanted In MP3 playC’r7

4 you won the lottery?

5 S(lIneone stoiA your lapl()p?

5 Applications of multimedia


A Match the descriptions (1 — 5) with the pictures (a-e). 1 Virtual reality

2 DI ,tan …. £:- ,~arnlng

3 A business presentation

4 A touch s( reen information kiosk

5 Aro MMS mobile phone

B C In pairs, discuss how multimedia is used in the situations above and then present your ideas to the rest of the class. Look at the Useful language box to help you.

• b

d e

Useful language In dIstonce learning. trNJIrImedIa Is used to ‘»

Information IdosIcs Idle adIIanIage of lIIull/lliedia In «‘* to .. In vlrIUaIldIJI/he use of IfIIIIrim«IIa GIIaws ,.,., to ..

With 3G mobile phones, ,.,., alii

Slide _tatlons In~a wldelllllgeofm«lla, sudras ..

c D A friend who writes a b/ag has asked you to contribute a post about the use of multimedia now and in the future. Write a post (80-120 words) summarizing what multimedia is. what it can do. and your predictions for what it might be able to do in the future. Try to use at least two conditional sentences.

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1 A typical home page

The Yahoo! h’)mpPGg(‘

n In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 Why j( Imp, hal Nebsitt

2 «»hat ~ «. difft-len:E- bt:twc-‘n a ‘lilt iu dnd:3 weopayp7

3 Who! ~ d home paqe]

4 Vl h,.. ~ blag Dr ~ ~r’ Inal yo. ,t ite:’ r .ri~ the homp pagr> [‘.’ your partner . — -._— …. __ …. _-

0 -10 -.. -.—­.-& -.­Q —

«‘­It —…. -,,-,,­,- —5 -«J ‘-…. ‘1’ __

— -­.—. _ .. -._—

YAHOO’ UK.,.»,.,.. — -..-~-

—. —

-_ ….. —

o …. _,

Hit «»»»‘» 0< …… «»kefl’ a. … _ .. _» .. a….­_011 .. _-.. -.. _w •• ____ -. .- -… ..-.­ao_. __

….. — ……… -1Ioa __ _

• • «:::» — — !IS ,:::::..::-.:.:;: — -‘ F..-.,._ .. ~_ ._-_ ….. -‘ _’ _ _ _ Il’ . __ … …. __ ._»»-· EU..,..~ ___ …..

. s.: ………. .. _ _ » ….. ‘ _ 1.1(«‘—‘ __ __

-.- .. _. —-«-

— «»-~I «‘» —

o.oc. ___ ……

,_ ……. ‘-IatI~v_Ot YIIhoo’ M..-e L_ ‘ __

2 Web page design

A Read the text on page’ ‘5 and find the following , 1 the language used to crerlte web ,lo :uments

2 [h tYIJ<;: vf ;, … ,f~ …. all= that IL y»U d~ qn u2b PdgE ~ • .’irhout writing HTML c >des

3 thE: format invented by Adobe (0 distribute text files over the Internet

4 metr., J of displaying multiple HTML doclJlnenrs in the same browser window

5 three ammon gr,)phiCs formats u~»‘d on website’

6 thrEe f..l pular formats used to ,(Olt Jnd play back video

Page 119: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Web page design HTML and web editors The CodE bI’hlnd m 1St web pages I~ HTMl hypertext markup Lmguage) w~ ch .;:on ,ists of commands tailed tags Tags are placed around pi ~s of text to rell the w,’b browser how to display text or pictures. You can view the source HTML code of a web page by choosing the Paqe Source option in your web browser. But you needn’t learn HTML in order to build your own website, Instead, you can use a word processor with web design capabilities or a dedicated web editor like Macromedia DreamweavE’r or Microsoft FrontPage, Web editors are user-friendly and ‘WYSIWYG (What You See Is Whar YOLI Get). Different buttons and menu items let you design a page without wnting HTMl.

HTMl files have this basic structure:

•• start with <HTMl>

have heading text that begins with <HEAD>, which has a title enclosed between tags and ends with </H EAD>

have body text tha t starts wi th <BODY>, where you place the contents of the actual document (i.e. text, images, links, etc.) and ends with </SDDY>

end with </HTMl>

You can create links to other web pages by using the tag <A HREF .. -filename->ilctive te)[t</A>

Some ba5i, HTMI oUlce xif

M,’ Hobbin

Marina’s web page

I lib I.>IIK md t~ …. I can pby 1,# Sp • • ,h» …. =-xi I lo.,.~ Ubli dlllK1l1 IIir.·f a wOIIIII … «‘ … ., bul lll) r»owllt «VOlt IS rootb.

ttl.». nv.4Iu … IlIIud!- at PoiIroKI 5,.,;-. qB:. MIKk1d M~ !’.owllt ,;nll!«l.;! • t MaIbs. Play. ct, Ae-ooaubu .'» EIIBm. I han I’Iudttd EIl!lolb fOi 1m Y_~ 10 k fuftn I wolklllk, 10 bf .u _

M». (a’.IlI1tt (ICy ZIInI&on … 1I1l&11tK1~fuI~ luodau and l ut~ w~b ~OO 000 whab~iIIII~ IIld on .- 2000 Yea» oj: ~I~· ~fusams. o.~ and Jews 1r.»eO lo..rClia «1)Ca(~rOl IlUll)’ nubu M:II Itlllfauoll>l fOl’IL< II ~ «»» ~ lyk . lllc Pi.­J.!!9lli, lud 11K’ clwlWtt ell»nc l .. of Ill< peovk

HTML fil(‘ displayed as a web page

Web page elements There are a number of different elements that you can use on a web pagL

Unit l)

• Text displayed In a ‘ldnety of fonts and zes. M’ It <t flh ‘lr(: 3 ~ilat In t ….. ‘ • formats: HTML )1 PDF (th4

portablE docum nt f } that can be viewed with Acrob, It /paderl

• Background th underlying L llours and pattelns )f a wee pagE

• Tables with umns and rows, used to POSIII m image~ and text on a P:lgE

• Frames rectangular areas that allow the display 01 different pages in thE same browser window

• Cascading Style Sheet s ((55) a mechanism for adding styles to web documents. You could use HTML code to specify the font, text styles and background colour, Nowadays. however. It is more common !O USf>

-S5, This makE it ~asy to apply pre<;entation changes across a wl’b itt

• Graphics, clip art, icons, background templates, wallpaper, and transparent images camrr If»‘ forn lat’ :Ire .jpg ,oint phptogr3phi ~xPl’rtsgroup idt’al tl pi :tures With mar.y 0 r~ .gif (graphi ·s Int>:’wha lqi

format) idE’al for picturE 11th fewer :olours. and .png {partabl n ‘tw )f~ gr,lrh wh :h suppans IE m Ir colours,

• Hyperlinks highlighted text or pictures (button image maps. etc) that act as links to orher pages. If y( want to share information with people, you can use RSS feeds and provide readers with a link to the feed. RSS allows subscribers to receive updates of blogs, news. podcasts, E’tc. BeforE’ going live. you should check tloar all the links work,

Audio, video and animation Many website no …. In :orparate audio files, and If you’re designing a site you may like to insert song~ podo<,t’ etc The mo common audio formats diE, .wav Window~ lave audi furmat) • . ra (RealAudio tel afl j

.mp3 ~MPEG· Audi ayl r-3).

Full~ motion video IS I~ In these formats: .avi audi ide( Inter! aVe .mov (QUI -Hime movie) and .mpg

(IT ovinq pi lHt’ E q) ‘r t group).

If you wafl l to Ir ~(t 1m ~thing ;p!’ :Ial inroyolr w ‘b pagps. you on USE’ .Adobl Flash to indudi interactive animations and streaming audio Additionally, you

an insert Java applet: small programs that enable II’ creation of inreractlve flips. Animations are made up of a series of independent pictures put together in sequence to look like moving pictures. To see or hear all these filp’s. you must have the right plug~in , an auxiliary program that expands the capabilities of your web browser.

Page 120: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Read the text again and then match the sentence beginnings (1 — 6) with the correct endings (a- f). 1 Instruction in HfMl

2 ao:;cading Style Shl’ets are the way

3 A hypedink is any clickable text,

4 A plug· in I! a ~mdll program

5 ava applet~ arE’ used to pr( Wide

6 RSS feeds are summaries of web content

a im~g(‘» or bunon thai take you to another pla(E’ on the Web.

b used for handling audio, vldE’O dnd animation files.

c are called rags.

d interactive features to web applicattons.

e to dpnne the presentation )f web page’ from fonts and colours to paq€’ layout.

f published in the Really Simp’€’ Syndication format for download.

Language work: modal verbs A Underline all the modal verbs in the text on page 115 and then look at the HELP box. Which modal verb from the HELP box does not appear in the text? Can you think of any other modal verbs?

HELP box Modal verbs

We U’ (Ill V~ rbs to add extra meaning to the main … erb They are followed by infinitive

without to, Modal verbs are used in the following ways:

• Tr E’xprE. a PO’ ibihty

You can· could use Adobe f ‘ash to inlludr interactive animations.

You may like v insert 50nq~ p lCiCOH5, etc

Ih pri’:f «rDreamweaver might godown next momh.

Can and could are ohen interchangeable who ‘n talk ng about possibi {y. May

and might drE’ used to express weaker possibilities and often come before thl: verb like TO mean It /5 possible you will like.

• To d51 for r~rmissi()n

Can/Could/May I use your mobile phone?

May is more formal than can or could

• To talk about ability

T’heyare ‘coking for artisr< wh can dr(w and delgn web pages,

Could ~ the past lense of can and is used to tal~ about ability in the past.

• To talk doout obligati.m )r ne<:e iity

To seeor hear all These files, you must have The righT plug-m.

yuu needn’t ‘am HTML m orot( tl bwoJ .Yl Jur t)wr wt’bsite.

Needn’t means don’t need to or don’t have to and I~ u~ed to express a lack of obligation.

10 g,vE: advice (SE’l Unit )

Before going live, you should check that all (he links work

Page 121: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

U»,t Zl

B Complete these sentences with suitable modal verbs from the HELP box. There may be more than one possible answer. 1 With Java, I n Iud, )me aHraniv{: bann4’r’ In my web’ itE-

2 With a web editor, you create- a web document easily_

3 These days, you learn how to use complicated Hl ML codes. Modern web design software is user-friendly and (onverts 3 vi~ Jal layout into HTMl ode.

4 Once live, you updd(~ your webSite regularly.

5 To view a PDF file, you have Adobe Acrobat Reader.

6 Websites with graphics are more inviting than those written in plain text, 50 you like to Insert some graphics into your documpnt~

7 I U~I your laptop,» f» ::od tl print )ut this report.

C In pairs, discuss at least two things 1 you .an now d4 m Ire easily bl _ause of the Intl’rnet.

2 you .:ould do better if you had a fa5ter internet :onnectil)n

3 that may/might happen to the Internet in the next ten years.

4 you must consider when dpsigning a web’>ite.

5 you should take inti account when (h~lsing whIch P’ fO buy.

4 Designing a website A In pairs, think about your favourite websites and discuss these questions. 1 Do you like the way they are designed? Give reasons for your answer.

2 What elements do you think a good webSite should have] Make a list

B ., Listen to an interview with a web designer describing how to design a website and put these steps into the correct order.

o Write and format the text

ITl Decide the :ontem and strUCture for the website

o Publish the website

o Insert computer graphics and sounds

o Keep the website updated

o Link related pages to each other using hyperlinks

A weh deSigner at w(Jrk

Page 122: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

c ., listen again and decide whether these design guidelines are right or wrong. Tick the correct box.

Right Wrong 1 Plan YG … Nt’b»tE’ ..::arefuHy. 0 0 2 Use d web editor. It wilt IT ake It eaSier to create your pages. 0 0 3 Imer! photos )1 animations JUS! to make the pages look attra((ive 0 0 4 du:> ~ Jrgf> r tJmberof grdphlcs ~ yvur pages. 0 0 5 Ust- very bright colours. 0 0 6 Put a lot t ink~ on one page 0 0 7 Check ff- 31 all the links on your web pdge!:. dfE’ corrE»( ! 0 0 8 Once rhe yare puhlished, update your pages n’guldrlv 0 0

D In small groups, collect information about your college or company and design a home page for it. Follow the instructions from the interview with the web designer.

5 8/ogs A I In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What I~ a blog

:2 Whi -~, bl(lqs do you read r(:gularly?

B look at the screenshot from, a popular gaming blog. Can you see any design differences between blogs and normal websites?

C Imagine you wanted to start your own blog.ln pairs, discuss these questions.

, Why W( lid you star your A scfepnshOI ‘forn «,»,,’.fp’sre,ODff.CGcu1 own blog to write a diary 0f your thoughts or to share your expertise on a particular topic]

:2 What tYPf>!t of m ~ia would you include text, pt )tos, vldpo, audio including poeh asts)7

3 Would you Insert links to other blogs?Whlch ont::’;?

4 Would you focus on a particular subjec t or have d mix of several topics?

5 W~ :h I!E’ W )uld you use to hi ,t y( ur bloq~

o m Write an entry for the blog you’ve described in C (80-100 words). Introduce the blog to the world and talk about why you’ve started it.

Ii Now visit an online task.

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Programming A Cl ln pairs, discuss what you think programming is.

B Look at the definition of programming in the Glossary. Is it similar to yours?

Steps in programming A Match the words (1 — 5) with the definitions (a- e). 1 flowchart

2 source code

3 compiler

4 machine code

5 debugging

a Program instructions written in a particular computer language

#indude <stdio.h>

main( )


printf{«good morningn»);


This C program tells rhe compuTer fO print the

message ‘good morning’

b The techniques of detecting and correcting errors (or bugs) which may occur in programs

c A diagram representing the successive logical steps of the program

d A special program which converts the source program into machine code — the only language understood by the processor

e The basic instructions understood by computers; it consists of 1 s and Os (binary code)

B . listen to Andrea Finch, a software developer, talking to a group of students on a training course about how a program is written and check your answers to A.

C Listen again and put these steps into the correct order.

o Write instructions in a programming language

o Prepare documentation

OJ Understand the problem and plan a solution

o Make a flowchart of the program

o Compile the program (to turn it into machine code)

o Test and debug the program

D m listen again and make detailed notes. In pairs, use your notes to write a short explanation of what each step in C means.

Page 125: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit 24

3 Computer languages A Read the text. How many high-level computer languages are mentioned?

Computer languages Unfortunately for us, computers can’t understand spoken English or any other natural language. The only language

they can understand directly is machine code, which consists of 1 5 and Os (binary code),

Machine code is too difficult to write. For this reason, we use symbolic languages to communicate instructions to the computer. For example, assembly

languages use abbreviations such 35 ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions. The program is then

translated into machine code by a piece of software called an assembler. Machine code and assembly languages are called low-level languages because they are closer to the hardware. They are quite complex

and restricted to particular machines. To make the programs easier to write, and to overcome the problem

of intercommunication between different rypes of computer, software developers designed high- level languages. which are closer to the English language. Here are some examples:

• FORTRAN was developed by IBM in 1954 and is still used for scientific and engineering applications.

• COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed in 1959 and is mainly used for business applications.

• BASIC was developed in the 960s and was widely used in microcomputer programming because it was easy to learn. Visual BASIC is a modern version of the

old BASIC language, used to build graphical elements such as buttons and windows in Windows programs.

• PASCAL was created in 1971. It is used in universities to teach the fundamentals of prog ramming.

• C was developed in the 980s at AT&T. It is used to write system software. graphics and commercial applications. C++ is a version of C which incorporates object-oriented programming: the programmer concentrates on particular things (a piece of text. a

graphic or a table, etc.) and gives each object functions which can be altered without changing the entire program. For example. to add a new g raphics format . the programmer needs to rework just the graphics object. This makes programs easier to modify.

• Java was designed by Sun in 1995 to run on the Web. Java applets provide animation and interact ive features on web pages. (See Unit 25)

Programs written in high-level languages must be translated into machine code by a compiler or an

interpreter. A compiler t ranslates the source code into object code — that is, it converts the entire program into machine code in one go. On the other hand. an interpreter translates the source code line by line as the program is running.

High-level language (BASIC, C, Jaya, etc.)

Compiler or Interpreter



Machine code (binary)


It is important not to confuse programming languages with markup languages, used to create web

documents. Markup languages use instructions, known as markup tags, to format and link text liles. Some examples include:

• HTML, which allows us to describe how information will be displayed on web pages.

• XML, which stands for EXtensible M arkup Language. While HTML uses pre-den ned tags, XML enables us to denne our own tags; it is not limited by a fixed set of


• VoiceXML, which makes Web content accessible via voice and phone. VoiceXML is used to create voice

applications that run on the phone, whereas HTML is used to create visual applications (for example, web pages).


< name> Andrea Finch </ name>

< homework> Write a paragraph describing the ( language </homework>


In rhis XML example we have creared rwo new rags: <name> and <homework>

Page 126: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Read the text again and answer these questions. , Do computers understand human languages? Why? I Why not?

2 What is the function of an assembler?

3 Why did software developers design high-level languages?

4 Which language is used to teach programming techniques?

5 What is the difference between a compiler and an inrerpreter?

6 Why are HTML and VoiceXML called markup languages?

C Complete these sentences with a computer language from the text. 1 allows us to create our own togs to describe our data better. We aren’t constrained

by a pre-defined set of tags the way we are with HTML.

2 IBM developed processing.

in the 1950s. It was the first high-level language in data

3 applets are small programs (hat run automatically on web pages and let you watch animated characters, play games. etc.

4 is the HTML of the voice web. Instead of using a web browser and a keyboard, you interact with a voice browser by listening to pre-recorded audio output and sending audio input through a telephone.

5 This language is widely used in the bUSiness community. For example, the statement ADD VAT to NET-PRICE could be used in a program.

4 Word building Look at the words in the boxes. Are they nouns, verbs or adjectives? Write n, vor adj next to each word. There may be more than one possible answer. Complete the sentences with words from the boxes.

program programmers programming programmable

1 is the process of writing a program using a computer language.

2 A computer is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to do a speCific task.

3 Most computer make a plan of the program before they write it.

4 A keyboard allows the user to configure the layout and meaning of the keys.

compile compiler compilation

5 Programs written in a high-level language require machine code, the language understood by the processor.

— that is, translation into

6 A source program is convened into machine code by software called a

7 Programmers usually their programs to generate an object program and diagnose possible errors.

bug debug debugger debugging

8 Any error or malfunction of a computer program is known as a

9 A is a program used to test and other programs.

10 The process of going through the code to identify the cause of errors and fixing them is called


Page 127: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 Language work: the infinitive A Look at the HELP box and then make sentences using these prompts. 1 not easy / write instruC(ions in COBOL

Ir5 not easy to write instructions in COBOL.

2 expensive / set up a data-processing area

3 advisable / test the programs under different conditions

4 unusual! write a program that works correctly the first time it’s tested

5 important / use a good debugger to fix errors

6 easy / learn Visual BASIC

B Choose the correct words (a-c) to complete these sentences. 1 We use high-level languages

because machine code is too difficult , understand and debug.

a read b reading c to read

2 t went on the course how to be a berter programmer.

a learn b to learn c for to learn

3 I’m not interested in computer language.


a learn b learning

4 He refuses

C to learn

the project with me.

a do b doing c todo

5 The engineers warned the employees not the cables.

a touch b touching c to touch

6 They may not to the conference.

a come b coming c to come

7 Spyware can make your PC

Unil l4

HELP box The infinitive

The infinitive with to is used in the (ollowing ways:

• To express purpose

We use symbolic languages to communicate instructions to the computer. (- in order to communicate … )

Not: … for to communicate

• After adjectives

BASIC was widely used in the past because it was easy to learn.

Machine code is too difficult to write. (= not easy enough to write)

• After certain verbs (e.g. afford, demand, plan, agree, expect, promise, appear, hope, refuse, arrange, learn, try, decide, manage)

A lot of companies are now trying to develop voice applications for web access.

• After the object of certain verbs (e.g. advise, encourage, allow, expect, tell, ask. invite, want, enable, order, warn)

HTML allows us to describe how information will be displayed on web pages.

The bare infinitive (without to) is used in the following ways:

• After modal verbs (e.g. can, could, may, might, will, would, must, should)

Unfortunately, computers can’t understand spoken English.

High-level languages must be translated inro machine code.

• After the object with the verbs make and let

Programs make computers perform speCific tasks.

more slowly.

a perform b performing c to perform

8 This program is too slow the simulation.

a do b to do c for doing

Page 128: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

C. In pairs, discuss something 1 ‘I j It II n

2 yl.,. …. ‘J ,J 1 Lk u , w. ,

3 y~ •• unl t) h 10 II 1<)Iy .. ]1

4 j }d I’ )me me’o .II) t ‘I<m buylnq ne v

S y. j )(peCI tl) t…. n …. udf’d with In }f IIU < , k p

6 if ‘n )wltl 1 •• .’1 lPlJ ‘>t

V;sual BASIC and Vo;ceXML

Work in pairs. Student A reads about Visual BASIC, Student B reads about VoiceXMl. Try not to look at your partner’s text. Complete your part of the table.

Visual BASIC ~ n

dr ,~ d by Mrcrc ;oft BASIC ,t, d<

‘y, Ir tructlon JJ»f Visual rL r. tl> the echnlQl u)e («] {( ]fJI uri {Mg( e n)tl d it lor ( tr I( ‘0 «»‘ r»lt Imetfae €I en -to y .. JLJ t}( ~. e·define<i lbJPCh

)uch as ‘»>utt( «‘), 0. «nJ dldllX) 1 }XP’ It en bles ~ r( I·Jmmpr tl) ernie I’ll/al «Iy 01

Windrw dP~ Won

Visual BASIC

Wh<:ll jOf’S v 31 BA’ / V,)I( KMI t-1nd fc

Whf’n -lola- It de -.Ie oped r

Wln1 s. sel )1 ‘

VoiceXMl f’ j

tpnSlb eo M-3fkUP congLJdqf’1 lCXX> to ,ak web «C Itt rt» he elpl- …. me F lr In Dr t It J

…. Ie n ogl tlon l-c I tput, 11 … e II c(dPd 1l’ 0 0 ,-en! md t. x'» tl pee AI pi (otlvn’

• e p.. «11- where y.)U car hel’lr m.,l.tlln ‘lbc t spo·t’ ne.’L tl ffi( etc

• €.I-enabled Intrdl t (;…nvate ne-TWO KJI

• E’ e c )mrr. fee

• JPpklf( es onlrolll j by VI)rce


B Ask your partner about the other language and complete the table.


Page 129: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


1 Java applets A Match the examples of Java programs, known as applets, (a- e) with the descriptions (1-5). 1 This Land Rover applet allows you to change the look of the vehicle.

2 The Pythagoras theorem applet gives the proof of the Pythagorean theorem without words. It allows you to manipulate triangles and go through the steps of the geometrical proof.

3 The Jman for Java applet permits medical researchers to view sequential MRI (Magnetic Resonance Images) of the brain.

4 An analogue clock applet displays the time according to the web user’s computer and lets you set the colours and style of the hands and numbers.

5 A banner applet displays graphic images on websites in order to advertise products or services.


b d

B Match the terms (1-5) with the definitions (a- e). 1 Java

2 applet

3 plug-in

4 platform-independent

5 object-oriented programming

a an auxiliary program that enables web browsers to support new content, for example animation

b software that can run on any operating system

c an island in Indonesia, coffee (in American slang), and a programming language for internet applications

d a computer programming technique that allows the creation of objects that interact with each other and can be used as the foundation of others; used to create graphical user interfaces

e a small Java applicat ion, usually designed to run automatically within a web page


… «b

< F

Java The Java logo

Page 130: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

~ TheJava/anguage A These statements about Java are all false. Read the text and correct them. 1 Java was invented by Microsoft.

2 With the interpreter, a program is first converted into Java bytecodes.

3 Java is not compatible with most computing platforms.

4 The Java language is single-threaded, one part executing at a time.

S Java has no competitors.

6 Flash files are called animations.

The Java language Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, specially designed to run on the Web. Java programs (called applets) let you watch animated characters and moving text, play music, and interact with information on the screen (for example, control

animations and select options).

Characteristics of the Java language Java is an object-oriented language, similar to (++,

but more dynamic and simplified to eliminate possible programming errors. A Java program is both compiled and interpreted (see Unit 24). First. the source code (a file with a .java extension) is compiled and converted into a format called bytecode (a file with a .class extension), which can then be executed by a Java interpreter (see Fig. 1). (am piled Java code can run on most computers because there are Java interpreters, known as Java

Virtual Machines, for most operating systems.

Java is multi-threaded, meaning a Java program can have multiple threads (parts) — that is, many different

things processing independently and continuously. This enables the program to make the best use of available (PU power.


Fig. I

Why is Java popular? Most programmers like Java because it allows them to write applets which make web pages more interactive and attractive. They can create graphical objects (for example, bar charts and diagrams) and new controls (for example, check boxes and push buttons with special properties). A web page that uses Java can have sounds that play in real time, music that plays in the background, cartoon-style animations, real-time video and interactive


The Java Micro Edition platform (Java ME) is used in mobile devices. It provides flexible tools to create applications that run on mobile phones, PDAs, TV set­top boxes and printers. Nowadays, most phones are configured to use Java games.

Alternatives to Java One alternative to Java is Microsoft’s C#, pronounced ‘( sharp; a ,NET language based on C++ with elements from Visual Basic and Java. There are no substantial differences between C# and Java. When sohware developers do measurements on pieces of code, sometimes Java is faster, sometimes CIf is.

Another competitor is Adobe Flash technology, which supports graphics, a scripting language called ActionScript, and the streaming of audio and video. Flash is used to create animation and advertisements,

to integrate video into web pages, and to develop rich internet applications such as portals. Flash files, traditionally called flash movies, have a .swf file extension. They may be an object on a web page or be played in the stand-alone Flash Player.

Page 131: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unlt ]:5

B Match the words (1 — 6) with the words (a- f) to make technical terms from the text. 1 Java 4 web a applet d system

2 operating 5 source b page e object

3 programming 6 graphical c code f language

C Complete the sentences with words from the box.

interpreted animated configured used pronounced object-oriented compiled

1 Java lets you watch

2 Java is an

characters on web pages.

language, similar to C++ but more dynamic.

3 First, the source code of a Java program is into an intermediate format caned byrecode. This is then by any system possessing a Java interpreter.

4 The Java ME platform is widely in mobile devices.

5 Nowadays, most mobile phones are to use Java games.

6 Microsoft’s ( Ii is a simpl ified version of ( and (++ for the Web. It’s ‘( sharp’.

3 Language work: the -ed form A Look at the HELP box and then put these verbs into the correct column.

stopped asked III

described decided produced called watched executed published object-oriented programmed persuaded configured converted arranged designed

HELP box The -edform

We use the -ed form in the following ways:

• To make the past simple (affirmative) of regular verbs

Sun Microsysrems developed Java in 1995.

Remember that not all verbs in the past simple end in -ed. See page 166 for a list of irregular verbs. See Unit 19 for more about the past simple.

• To make the past participle of regular verbs

Flash is used CO creaceanimacion.

Idl /ld/

• To make the adjectival form of some verbs

Java applerslet you watch animated characters.

The -ed is pronounced as:

• It! after voiceless sounds: Ip/, Ik/, 19/, lsI, If I, IIlor Itf/. (e.g. developed, ralked. pronounced)

• Idl aher voiced sounds: fbi, Ig/, 1M, lv, Ivl. Idy, I II, Ir/; nasal consonants: Iml, Inl, IT]/; and vowels (e,g. compiled, designed, simplified)

• lid! after 11/ or I dJ (e.g. interpreted, multi-threaded)

Page 132: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

B Complete this extract from a lecture handout about Java with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

call be begin can decide rename have support develop base

The idea for started in 1990, w hen a team of software engineers at Sun Microsystems ( I) 10 create a language for a handheld device that could control ;tnd interact w ith various kinds of electronic appliances, ranging from Nintendo Game Boys to VCRs and TV set-top boxes. They (2) an object-oriented programming bnguage that one of the engineers, James Gosling, (3 ) Oak. afl<;:f the trce outside his window. The device even (ti) 3n animated character named /Jllke, who would go on to hecome Java’s mascot.

With the advent of the Web in 1993. the comp~my made a web browser (5) on the Oak language. i..:lter on. th is was adapted to the Internet and (6) jm’a. The 1.0 version of Java was officially introduced by Sun in May 1995.

At that time. web pages (7) only dispby text , pictures and hyperlinks. With the arrival of Java, web designers (8) able to include animation and interactive programs on web pages. The first major appliGliion createcl with jav;J was Ihe Hot java browser. The j ava language (9) to :Ht ract serious attention from the internet community and was soon ( 10) by Netscape Navigator and MS Internet Explorer. Today. Jav~ is ~ hot technology that runs on multiple platforms. including small carcls, embeclcled devices. mobile phones and computers.

C Listen to an extract from the lecture and check your answers to C. listen carefully to the pronunciation of the verbs that end in -ed.

4 Your experience with computers A Make notes about the different stages in your computer history. Add more stages if you want to.

Example: 1990: Played my first computer game. It was.

Possible stages:

• First computer game

• First computer lesson at school/college

• First programming language learnt

• First sohware used

• First computer course/qualification

• First job Involving computers

• First steps on the Internet

• First chat online

B Ask a partner about their computer history. Look at the Useful language box to help you.

Useful language When did you first … ?

How long ago did you … ?

How old were you when … ?

I started … in …

I learnt … when I was …

I didn’t use the Internet unril …

Page 133: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 IT professionals

A Complete these definitions with jobs from the box.

software engineer computer security specialist blog administrator help desk technician webmaster DTP operator hardware engineer network administrator

1 A

2 A

3 A

4 A publication.

S A network.

6 A

7 A

8 A by email or over the phone.

designs and develops IT devices.

writes computer programs.

edits and deletes posts made by contributors [Q a blog.

uses page layout software to prepare electronic files for

manages the hardware and software that comprise a

designs and maintains websites.

works with companies to build secure computer systems.

helps end-users with their computer problems in person,

B ~ Listen to four people on a training course introducing themselves and talking about their jobs. Which job in A does each person do?

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

2 Job advertisements

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

A tdI ln pairs, read the two job advertisements on page 130 and tick (01) the most important qualities and abilities (1-10) for each job. Add more to the list if you can. Which three things do you think are most important for each job?

Senior programmer DTP operator

1 logical reasoning 0 0 2 patience and tenacity 0 0 3 being good with figures 0 0 4 imagination 0 0 S sel f-discipline 0 0 6 accuracy 0 0 7 leadership skills 0 0 8 efficiency 0 0 9 creativity 0 0

10 drawing skills 0 0

B &:21 Discuss if you would like to apply for one of the jobs. Give reasons for your answers.

Page 134: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

DIGITUM-UK SENIOR PROGRAMMER required by OIGITUM­UK. a leading supplier of business systems to the insurance industry.

You will be able to work on the full range of software development activities — analysis. design. coding testing. debugging and Implementation At least two years’ expenence 01 COBOL or C++ 15 necessary_

As we are active In Europe. fluency in French Italian or another European language is desirRble

DonI miss ttllS opportunity to learn new skills and develop your career.


You can visit our website at www.digitum·

OTP operator required for a leading finandal magazine. We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years’ experience in design and layout. Skills in Photos hop, freehand or Illustrator an advantage.

Ability to work in a team and to tight deadlines is vital.

Please apply in writing, with ev and samples of your work, to Tom Parker, Production Manager, Financial Monthly, Stockton Street, london EC1A 4WW Or apply online:

Apply now

C Look at the online profile for Charles Graham. Which of the jobs above is most appropriate for him?

Charles Graham 22 years old Professional summary I graduated in 2004 with A levels in English , Art and Maths, and went on to do a course in graphic design and page layout at Highland Art School. Since 2006 I’ve been a graphic designer for Promo Print, a company specializing in publishing catalogues and promotional material, and have used Adobe InOesign and other OTP software .

3 A letter of application A Read the letter of application on page 131 and answer these questions. 1 WhiCh job is Sarah Brown applying for?

2 Where did she see the advertisement?

3 How long has she been working as a software engineer?

4 What type of programs has she written?

5 When did she spend three months in Spain?

Page 135: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Dear Mr Scott,

I am writing to apply for the position of Senior Programmer. which was advertised on 28th March in The Times.

I graduated in May 2002 and did a work placement with Bntish Gas as part of my degree. Before taking my present Job I worked for a year with NCR. I stayed in this job (I) March 2004.

(2) the last three years I have been working as a software engineer for Intelligent Software. I have designed four programs in COBOL for commercial use, and (3) January I have been writing programs in C for use In large retail chains. These have been very successful and we have won several new contracts In the UK and Europe on the strength of my team’s success.

Two years (4) I spent three months in Spain testing our programs and also made several visits to Italy. so I have a basic knowledge of Spanish and Italian. I now feel ready (or more responsibility and more challenging work and would welcome the opportunity to leam about a new industry.

I enclose my curriculum vitae. I will be available for an interview at any time.

t look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely.

B Look atthe HELP box and then complete the letter with fOf, since, ago or until.

4 A job interview

HELP box for, since, ago, until

• We use for to refer to a period of time. I’ve lived in Liverpool for five years.

• We use since to refer to a point in time. I’ve been unemployed since May 2005.

• We use ago with the past simple to say when something happened. We put ago after the time period. / gor married five years ago.

• We use until to mean up [Q a certain time. /stayed at high school until I was 18.

., Chris Scott, the Personnel Manager at Digitum-UK, is interviewing Sarah Brown. Listen to part of the interview and complete his notes.

Name: Sarah Drown


Degree In (/)

(Aston University)

Languages l3aSIC Spanish and Italian

WorA- experience:

NCR (2) Soffw’are for


(one year)

Programs for (‘/)

Database A-nowledge. (5)

Present joh WOrA-S for Intelligent

Software wn»flng programs In CODOL


‘Reasons for apply;ng:


Page 136: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

5 Language work: the present perfect A Look at the HELP box and then choose the correct words in brackets to complete these sentences. 1 He (‘S never liked /’s never been liking) Maths.

2 They rve worked j’ve been working) on the project all day.

3 John (‘s used /’s been using) the computer for hours — he looks really tired.

4 How many emails (have you written / have you been writing) today?

5 She (‘S written /’s been writing) this essay since 9 o’dock.

6 They (‘ve interviewed j’ve been interviewing) live candidates today.

HELP box Present perfect simple

We form the present perfect simple with have!has + past participle.

I’ve used Microsoft Access for many years. I haven’t used Microsoft Access for years.

We use this tense to talk about:

• States that staned in the past and continue to the present.

Since 2006, I’ve been a compurer opermor for PromoPrinr.

• Past actions that continue to the present, where we put an emphasis on quantity (how many). I have designed four programs in COBOL.

• Personal experiences, especially with ever and never.

Have you ever worked with databases? I’ve never worked with databases.

Present perfect continuous

We form the present perfect continuous with haveJhas been + present participle.

Since January I’ve been writing programs in C.

We use this tense to talk about:

• Actions which started in the past and are still happening.

For the last three years I’ve been working as a software engineer for Intelligent Software.

• Past actions that continue to the present, where we put an emphasis on duration (how long).

She’s been working al/ morning.

Contrast with the past simple

We use the past simple to talk about events that happened at a speCific time in the past that are now finished.

‘ graduated in May 2003. Not: : htJ’II~ gradutJt~d in I stayed in this job until March 2004. Two years ago, I spent three months in Spain.

B Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or past simple. 1 She (be) a software engineer since 2004.

2 After graduation I (work) for a year with NCR.

3 (you ever work)

4 I (lose)

5 I (send)

as an IT consultant?

myPDA. my CV last Monday. Have you received it yet?

Page 137: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Make questions using these prompts. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1 ever / live Of work in another country]

2 ever / have a bad job interview!

3 ever I do a ob you hated?

4 how long Istudy English?

5 how long I use (omputers?

6 how many emails / receive raday?

7 how many jobs I apply for this year]

Applying for a job El Look at the job

advertisement for a web master at eJupiter. Maria Quintana is interested in applying. Use her curriculum vitae on page 155 to write a letter of application. Follow these steps:

Paragraph one: reason for wri ting / am writing to apply for the position of . ..

Paragraph t wo: education and training I graduated in (date) … , completed a course in …

Paragraph three: work experience For the post X years I have been … Since X, have been …

Paragraph four: personal skills

.. Vacancies at

Webmaster We are seeking a Webmaster for, a company dedicated to e-commerce.

The successful candidate will manage our website. You will be responsible for making sure the web server runs properly. monitOring the traffic through the site. and designing and updating our web pages.

Experience of using HTMl and Java is essential. Experience of Adobe PDF and Photoshop is an advantage. The successful candidate will also have knowledge of web editors — MS FrontPage or equivalent.

Send your CV and a covering letter to Jame5 Taylor; eJupiter Computers. 37 Oak Street. London SW10 6XY

‘spent X months in (country) …• so I have know/edge of (foreign languages). lean …

Paragraph five: reasons why you drc applying for this job I now feel ready to … and would welcome rhe opportunity to …

Paragraph six: closing / availability for interview I enclose . . . flook forward to ‘» , will be available for an interview …

Write your own CV in English, using Maria’s CV as a guide.

Think of your ideal job and write a letter of application for it. If you prefer, look on the Internet for real jobs and practise applying for those.

iii Now visit for an online task.

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• •

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1 Information and communications technologies (lCT)


A In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What is an leT system?

2 How many types of I(T system can you think of? Make a list.

3 How can a PC be connected to another computer?

B Label the pictures (1-7) with the leT systems and services in the box.

GPS Call centre Digital radio Teletext Wearable computer Digital TV

I !

2 3 4

6 7

C Complete these sentences with words and phrases from B and then read the text on page 136 to check your answers.

1 Digital Audio Broadcasting, or DAB, is the technology behind . DAB is intended to replace FM in the near future.

2 are designed to be worn on the body or integrated into the user’s clothing.

3 Most existing TV sets can be upgraded to

4 My grandfather is 75 and he still watches weather forecasts and sports results .

by connecting a digital decoder.

on TV to find out share prices,

5 I work in a . I receive incoming calls with information inquiries. I also make outgOing calls for telemarketing.

6 Please complete this form and send it by or normal mail.

7 I have a navigation system in my car but I don’t use it very ohen. My town is small and I know it well.

Page 140: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Channels of communication

What are telecommunications? Telecommunications refers to the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. Information is transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, television, satellite, or computer networks. Examples could be two people speaking on their mobile phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client, or even someone reading the teletext pages on TV. But in the modern warld, telecommunications mainly means transferring information across the Internet, via modem, phone lines or wireless networks.

Because of telecommunications, people can now work at home and communicate with their office by computer and telephone. This is called teleworking. It has been predicted that about one third of all work could eventually be performed outSide the workplace. In call centres. assistance or support is given to customers using the telephone, email or online chats. They are also used for telemarketing, the process of selling goods and services over the phone.

Digital TV and radio In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in satellite and digital transmission. Digital TV is a way of transmitting pictures by means of digital signals, in contrast to the analogue signals used by traditional TV. Digital TV offers interactive services and pay multimedia — that is, it can transmit movies and shows to TV sets or PCs on a pay-per-view basis. It is also widescreen, meaning programmes are broadcast in a native 16:9 format instead of the old 4:3

format. Digital TV provides a better quality of picture and sound and allows broadcasters to deliver more channels.

Digital Terrestrial TV is received via a set·top box, a device that decodes the signal received through the aerial. New technologies are being devised to aHow you to watch TV on your mobile. For example, OMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) and OVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast-Handheld) can send multimedia (radio, TV and data) to mobile devices.

Audio programs (music, news, sports, etc.) are also transmitted in a digital radio format called DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting).

Mobile communications Thanks to wireless connectivity, mobile phones and BlackBerrys now let you check your email, browse the Web and connect with home or company intra nets, all without wires.

The use of GPS in cars and PDAs is widespread, so you can easily navigate in a foreign city or find the nearest petrol station. In the next few years, GPS chips will be incorporated into most mobile phones.

Another trend is wearable computers. Can you imagine wearing a PC on your belt and getting email on your sunglasses? Some devices are equipped with a Wireless modem, a keypad and a small screen; others are activated by voice. The users of wearable technology are sometimes even called cyborgs! The term was invented by Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline in 1960 to describe cybernetic organisms — beings that are part robot, part human.

o Read the text again and find the following. 1 the device that allows PCs to communicate over telephone lines

2 the practice of working at home and communicating with the office by phone and computer

3 the term that refers to the transmission of audio signals (radio) or audiovisual signals (television)

4 five advantages of digital TV over traditional analogue TV

5 two systems that let you receive multimedia on your mobile phone

6 the term that means without wires

7 devices that deliver email and phone services to users on the move

S the meaning of the term cyborg

Page 141: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

2 Language work: the passive A Look at the HELP box. How do you make the passive in your language?

1:tl!~m~I~H~O=:W different is it to English? 1:t3S:a!i,t:1 The passive • Past continuous passive

We form the passive with the verb be + the past participle of the main verb. When we mention the agent, we use by.

My TV was being repaired, so I couldn’t warch the match.

• Present perfect passive

The passive is ohen used in technical writing to give an objective tone.

It has been predicted that about one third of all work could eventually be performed outSide the workplace.

• Present simple passive Information ;s transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, TVor …

• Present continuous passive

• Past perfect passive The system had been infected by a virus.

• Future simple passive

New technologies are being devised to allow you to watch TVan your mobile.

In the next few years, GPS chips will also be incorporated into most mobile phones.

• Modal verbs in the passive

• Past simple passive The term cyborg was invented by M Clynes and N Kline in 1960.

It has been predicted that about one-third of all work could eventually be performed outside the workplace.

B Read the a rticle and unde rl ine all the examples of the passive. What tenses are they?

A HACKER has been sent to jai l fo r fraudulent use of credit card numbe rs. Nicholas Cook, 26, was arrested by police officers ncar a bank cashpoint last momh.

Eight months earlier, he had been caught copyi ng hundreds of computer


programs illegally. After a n official inqui ry, he was accused of sortwarc piracy and fined [5,000.

It is reported that in the last few years Cook has been sending malwarc (ma licious software) to phone operators and attacking mobile phones to steal business and personal

—-~ —-~

information. Cook has now been sentenced to three years in prison for steali ng passwords and obtaining money by credit card fraud.

Government officials say that new anti-hacking le!,rislation will be introduced in the EU next year.

C Complete these sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Microp rocessors (make) of silicon.

2 Call centres (use) to deal wi th telephone enquir ies.

3 In recent yea rs, most mobile phones (equip) with Bluetooth.

4 GPS (develop) in the 1970s as a military navigation system.

5 Sorry about the mess — the computers (replace) at the moment.

6 In the near future, the In ternet (access) more frequently from PDAs and mobile phones than from desktop computers.

7 Networks (can connect) via satellite.

8 I had to use my laptop this morning while my PC (fix)

Page 142: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

3 VolP technology

A ~ Listen to an interview with Sue Reid, a specialist in telecommunications. What is her prediction about the future ofVolP?

B . Listen again and answer these questions. 1 What exactly is VoIP?

2 Does the recipient need any special equipment?

3 What is an ATA? What is its function?

4 Whar is rhe advantage ofWi-Fi phones over mobile phones? 5 Do you need to have a VolP service provider?

6 What is spit?

A wireless VolP phone

c t:21 Using the diagram, explain VolP technology in your own words.


Wi-Fi phone


ATA modem

Wireless access point



Wi-Fi phone

Page 143: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit .27

4 Mobile phones lCD screen Brand Built-in camera Changeable faceplate

A Label the mobile phone with features from the box.

SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) Wireless support Keypad Ringtone







B ~ In pairs, describe your mobile phone. Use A and the Useful language box to help you.

Useful language My phone is a … It’s got a … With the .. , ; I can … The best feature ;s … I never use the. .. I mostly use it for …

c ~ In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 How much money do you spend on your mobile?

2 Can you send MMS (multimedia messages) from your mobile?

3 00 you access the Internet from your mobile? Which sites do you visit?

4 Can you listen to music and watch TV on your mobile?

5 00 you use your mobile phone for business? 00 you think it is secure to carry out financial transactions via mobile phones?

6 Do you ever use your phone while driving?

7 Have you ever had to use your phone in an emergency?

8 Do you think that prolonged use of mobile phones can affect our health (for example cause fatigue and headaches, emit radiation, excite brain celis, etc.)?

An Apple iPhone combines three products — a mobile phone, on iPod, and on internet device wirh email, web browsing, maps and searching

o ,«=·1 Write a summary of the discussion in C as if you were posting it on a blog. Show your summary to other members of your class so that they can add comments.

Page 144: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Small networks A In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What is a computer network?

2 What are the benefits of LJsing networks?

B . listen to an extract from a lecture on networks and answer these questions. 1 What does LAN stand for?

2 Where are LANs usually located?

3 What is the difference between a wired LAN and a wireless LAN.

C Listen again and label the elements of this LAN.

(1)A wired and wireless LAN


Desktop computer



u ====~ Desktop computer Printer





Desktop computer

, (6)

Gaming console



Page 145: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit 11

2 Networking FAQs

A Look at the FAQs (i-vi) without reading the whole text. In pairs, try to answer as many of the questions as you can.

B Read the whole text and answer these questions. 1 What does PAN stand for?

2 What is a network protocol?

3 How do you log on [0 an Internet Service Provider?

4 WiMAX is a type of wireless network. What is it used fo r?

5 What equipment do you need to set up a w ireless LAN?

6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks?

Networking FAQs i How many types of network are there? Networks are classified according to different criteria:

• Geographical area: PANs (Personal Area Networks) typically include a laptop, a mobile phone and a PDA; lANs cover a building; MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks) cover a campus or a city; WANs (Wide Area Networks) cover a country or a continent

• Architecture: In a client-server network. a computer acts as a server and stores and distributes information to the other nodes, or clients. In a peer­to-peer network, all the computers have the same capabilities — that is, share files and peripherals without requiring a separate server computer.

• Topology, or layout: In a bus network, all the computers are connected to a main cable, or bus. In a star network. all data flows through a central hub, a common connection point for the devices in the network. In a ring network. all devices are connected to one another in a continuous loop, or ring.

• Network protocol : This is the language, or set of rules, that computers use to communicate with each other. Networks use different protocols. For instance, the Intemet uses TCPjIP.

ii How do I install a wired modem router? A modem router is a device that connects your computer or home LAN to the Internet.

• Plug one end of Ihe phone cord directly inlo a phone jack, and the other end into the ADSL port on the router.

• Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into your computer’s network port and the other end into an Ethernet port on the router.

• Turn on your computer. To set up, or configure, the router, you’ll need to input some parameters, for example your ISP’s name and phone number.

NOTE: A router has various Ethernet ports, so you can connect various pes to the router via Ethernet cables. If you already have a hub or switch connecting a tAN, you only need one cable to connect the hub to the router.

iii How do I log on to the Internet Service Provider?

You need to type in your usemame and password. Once you are online, you can get email, look for information on the Web, look up IT words in didionaries, try out new software, and sign up for RSS feeds, newsletters, etc. It is important that you remember to log off after using the Internet. An open line increases the risk of viruses, and hackers might break into your computer to steal confidential data.

iv What is wireless networking? Wired networks are linked by Ethernet cables, phone lines and high-speed fibre optic cables. Wireless networks, however, use electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, to transmit data. These are the main types of wireless networks:

• Satellites — for long dLstances • WiMAX — for connecting Wi-A hotspots • Wi-Fi — for medium-range distances • Bluetooth — for short distances • GSM — for mobile phones

v What do I need to set up a home wireless LAN?

You’ll need computers equipped with a wireless adapter or wireless card, a wireless access point (a wireless router) and a broadband internet connedion.

vi Which is better, a wired or wireless LAN? Wired LANs are more difficult to install, but they are cheaper, faster and more reliable. Wireless networks let you move, or roam, from one access point to another, but they are less secure and subject to interference.

.. ..

Page 146: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Computer 2

… • … ~ . . ‘ .’ • • •• copyof .- file.doc

In a basic network, two computers are connected by cable to allow file sharing.

WANs cover a large geographic area, like a country or even multiple countries. They are built by large telecommunication companies. The largest WAN in existence is {he Internet.



Wi-Fi is the srandard technology for building wireless LANS and public hotspots. Bluetooth networks allow handhelds, mobile phones and other devices to communicate over short disrances. Cellular networks

In many homes, Ethernet cables are used to connect computers. Phone or cable TV lines then connect the home LAN to the ISP. Much of (he Internet uses high-speed fibre optic cable (0 send data over long distances, are used in mobile phone communications. .. …

C In pairs, do this network quiz. See which pair can finish first. 1 This network typically consists of two or more local area networks, covering a large geographical


a LAN b WAN c Intranet

2 This type of network does not have a dedicated server; all the computers are independent.

a peer-to-peer b client-server c Metropolitan Area Network

3 On this topology, all devices are connected to the same circuit, forming a continuous loop.

a star b ring c bus

4 The language used by computers to communicate with each other on the Internet is called

• Ethernet. b ADSL c TCP/IP

5 Which cables are used to transfer information for the Internet over long distances at high speeds?

a telephone lines b Ethernet cables ( fibre optic cables

6 Which device allows several computers on a local network to share an internet connection?

a an ADSL port b a router ( an Ethernet port

7 Which device serves as a common connection point for devices in a wireless network?

a wireless access pOint b wired router ( wireless adapter

8 Bluetooth is a wireless technology that uses radio waves to transmit data over

a long distances. b medium-range distances. ( short distances (ten metres or less).

Page 147: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unil ZI

3 Language work: phrasal verbs A look at the HELP box. Do you have the equivalent of phrasal verbs in your language? How do you say the phrasal verbs in the HELP box?

HELP box Phrasal verbs

• The meaning of some verbs with particle (ohen called phrasal verbs) can be easily understood from its two parts.

Look at the photos.

A network consists of two or more.

Separate networks are linked over a public network, the Interner.

• However. many phrasal verbs have an idiomatic meaning, not predictable from the meaning of its parts.

carry (= transport); carry out (= execute)

Computers carry out the programs

• Certain particles have similar meanings, regardless of the verb (on/off. in/ out, etc.).

turn on / switch on (= start the operation of something) turn off / switch off (= stop the operation of something)

• Other common phrasal verbs in computing include:

plug into (= connect) Plug one end of rhe phone cord into the phonejack. set up (= establish) What do I need to set up a wireless LAN? sign up (= register, enrol in a service) Once connected. you can sign up for RSS feeds, newsletters, etc. tryout (= test Of use experimentally) You can tryout new software on their site.

find out (= learn, discover) Search the Web to find out more information about WiMAX. take up (= occupy) Fibre optic cables take up less space rhan copper cables. make up (= constitute, form) Several LANs connected rogether make up a WAN. fill in (= write the necessary information) You need to fill in this online form.

• When the verb has a preposition associated with it, the preposition must precede the object:

You can look for information on the Web. (not: Jook iflfol’ffltfliOfl for)

Hackers might break into your PC. (not· b~tJk )oUt PE into)

When the particle is an adverb, it can precede or follow the direct object:

You need to type in your username I … type your username in . You can look up words in a dictionary / … look words up in a dictionary. Turn on thecompurer. / Turn (he computer on.

If the direct object is a pronoun, the: particle must follow it

You need to type it in. (not: typ~ in It)

B Complete these sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the HELP box.

1 To join the club,

2 TheCPU

3 Digital music

4 Thousands of networks

this form and send it to our office.

all the basic operations on the data.

a lot of space — about 10MB for every minute of stereo sound.

the Internet.

5 You can use newsgroups to about the latest trends. customer needs. etc.

Page 148: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

C Match the questions (1 — 6) with the answers (a- f).

1 Why was the hacker arrested?

2 Is it OK to log on to my bank account using public computers in a cybercafe?

3 How do I set up an internet connection at home?

4 Can I download software from yOUf site?

5 How can I add video to instant messaging?

6 What do I need to do to sign up for a Yahoo! email account?

a Yes, but always remember to log off after you’ve ended your session.

b Yes, you can even try the programs out for a period before you buy them!

c Because he broke into a computer system and stole confidential data.

d Simply install this program and plug the webcam into your computer.

e You need to install the software for your router. Follow the instructions provided by yOUf ISP. probably in the form of a .pdf file on a CD.

f You have to create a username and password and then give some personal details.

4 WANs and satellites A D Prepare a description of the network below to present to the rest of the class. Use PowerPoint if possible. Use the Useful language box, t he HELP box on page 143 and the text on pages 141 — 142 to help you.

Useful language The diagram represents/shows … This network;s made up of I consists of … Two networks are connected via .. . The computers are linked up to .. . The satellite receives signals from … The signals are sent on to …

,… ________________________ …..1 The purpose of … is to …

Telephone lines



Fibre optic cable

Yiirel<,ss router

Central computer PDA PDA Centra l computer PC

B Cl Present your description to the rest of the class.

Page 149: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Game platforms A C In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 Do you play video games?

2 What are your favourite games? Make a list.

B Label the pictures (a- f) with the types of game in the box.

PC games Console games Arcade games Handheld games Mobile phone games

Massively multi player online games

C Video games are played on a variety of electronic devices, or platforms. Complete these sentences with game platforms from the box and types of game from B.

Personal computer Video game consoles Portable gaming devices 3G mobile phones

» • • . .’ b

1 are played on . such as the Sony PS3 or Microsoft Xbox 360. In the past, these electronic devices were just connected to a standard TV or video monitor; now they can also be connected [Q the Net, via cables or wirelessly.

2 are played on , such as the Sony PSP and the Nintendo OS. You can also play games on some graphing calculators and watches.

3 Don’t worry if you don’t have a game console. You can still play on a

. The graphics are even more impressive if you have a high· resolution monitor. You can buy games on CDs and DVDs, or download them from the Internet.

4 allow you to play against other users in other parts of the world using the Internet — something unique to electronic gaming. Players connect to a game server hosted by an ISF! a game company, or an individual enthusiast.

S Some are programmed d to run natively on the chip of

. For instance, Snake is installed on many Nokia phones. Many Java-based games are also available via download.

6 are played on coin-operated machines, typically installed in restaurants, bars and amusement arcades. For example, you can fly an aircraft or a spaceship using a joystick.


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Page 150: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

D C In pairs, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 Which is your favourite game platform? What advantages and disadvantages does it have over

other game platforms?

2 Which game platform would you most like to own?

3 Do you play games on your mobile phone? What is the experience like?

2 Game genres A How many different game genres can you think of? In pairs, make a list and then read the text to see how many genres from your fist are mentioned.

Game genres There are so many different genres and mixes of genres that it’s difficult to put each game into a specific category. In the following article we’ll cover the basic genres that differentiate between games.

5 The First-person shooter (FPS) and Action genres are currently the most popular. Games like Half-Life, Halo and Call of Duty are the most popular games in the FPS category. For Action, in novative titles like the Grand Theft Auto series, Gears of War and Splinter

10 Cell are huge successes.

The Rote-playing game (RPG ) genre has remained strong throughout the entire history of console and PC gaming. Current hits like Final Fantasy XII, Oblivion and the Knights of the Old Republic series

15 are aU based on RPG roots. The recent development of massively mult/player online RPGs has been made possible by widespread broadba nd access, allowing gamers to play internationally with thousands of people across the globe in a constant virtual world.

20 Adventure games and Puzzle games remain strong despite bei ng limited in scope and technology. The new concept of party games — where people play together in multiplayer mode — has recently injected new life into this genre. Titles like Zelda and Wario-

25 Ware are familiar names.

Sports games are an increasingly popu lar portion of the gaming industry. Electronic Arts (EA) have been making games licensed from t he NBA, NFL and MlB for over a decade. Anot her sector of the Sports

30 industry is the entire raci ng sub-genre. Massive hits like the Burnout and Need for Speed series are hugely exciting, and the crashes can be realistic and terrifying.

Halo 3 is very popular on rhe Xbox console; millions of people also play the game online

The SimuLation genre has enjoyed wild success, 35 including the best-selling PC games of all time: The

Sims & The Sims 2. The entire Sims series, designed by Maxis, is dominant in this ge nre. Jet fighter and flying sims are also importa nt types of simulation game.

40 Strategy is a genre mai nly restricted to PC, largely because the mouse and keyboard are central to gameplay. There are a few good Strategy games for console, however. Big names in Strategy include Warcraft III, Starcraft, Command and Conquer and

45 Warhammer 40,000.

fina lly, we have the Fighting genre. Developed from early hit games like Street Fighter II, Fighting games have enjoyed a renaissance as they’ve been updated fully to include 3-D characters and arenas. Titles

50 li ke Dead or Alive, Tekken and Soul Calibur are big favourites.

So what kind of game player are you? Cha nces are that if you’re a PC gamer, you prefer FPS, RPG, Simulation, and Strategy games. The console gamer

55 typically enjoys Sports, Racing, Fighting, RPGs, and a few FPS titles. Of cou rse, many people own both a console and a Pc. therefore combining the best of both worlds. • …

Page 151: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unit H

B These statements about gaming are all false. Read the text again and correct them. 1 Role-playing games are currently the most popular.

2 Massively multiplayer online RPGs have been made possible by widespread internet access.

3 Oblivion is an Action game.

4 The Sims series is the least popular in the Simulation category.

5 Strategy games are mainly restricted to game consoles.

6 Warcraft belongs to the Fighting genre.

7 Console gamers typically prefer Simulation and Strategy games.

C Find words or phrases in the text with the following meanings. 1 now; at this time or period (lines 5-10)

2 existing or happening in many places and/or among many people (lines 15-20)

3 in spite of; notwithstanding (lines 20-25)

4 more and more (lines 25-30)

5 a smaller category within a particular genre (lines 30-35)

6 big successes (lines 30-35)

7 sold in very large numbers (lines 35-40)

8 modernized (lines 45-50)

D ~ In pairs, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your answers. 1 What is your favourite and least favourite genre of game?

2 What are your favourite games? Describe them to your partner.

3 Language work: adverbs A Look at the HELP box on page 148 and then complete these sentences with the adverbial form of the words in brackets. 1 Simulation games are (wide) used in both universities and businesses.

2 Massively multiplayer online RPGs have (recent) due to faster internet connections.

3 Strategy is a genre (main) restricted to PC

become more popular, mainly

4 Video games often come with a clear set of motivatIon tools, such as scores and moving to higher levels when a player performs (good)

5 Cheap PCs don’t process data (fast) enough to support high-end games.

B Are the words in bold adjectives or adverbs? Write adj or adv.

1 Atari’s platform was the most popular early video game console, and many developers emulated Atari games to attract customers.

2 The chess game ended early, at the 2411 move.

3 On the TPS Report gaming blog, you will find reviews, a forum and a monthly podcasr.

4 The podcast is broadcast monthly.

5 You have to work hard to succeed in the gaming industry.

6 Some experts say that hard work makes people happy.

Page 152: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

HELP box Adverbs

• We use adverbs to give information about an action. Adverbs of manner, time and place describe how, when or where something happens.

They’ve been updated fully to include 3-Dcharaaers. (= manner, Le. how)

The Action genre of games is currently (he most popular. (= rime, l.e. when)

.. allowing garners to play internationally .. (= place, I.e. where)

We also use adverbs to modify adjectives.

Sports games are an increasingly popular portion of the gaming industry.

• We usually form an adverb by adding ·Iy to an adjective.

typical —… typically

The console gamer typically enjoys Sports, …

• With adjectives ending in -y, we change the y to i before adding the ending . Iy.

easy -.. easily The Nintendo Wi; connects easily to the Internet.

• Note that not aU words that end in ·Iy are adverbs. These words are adjectives: friendly, deadly, lovely, lonely.

• The adverb from good is well.

His French is very good. He speaks French well.

• Some words have the same form as an adjective and an adverb (e.g. fast, hard, early, late, daily, monthly).

New games require a fast processor. (= adjective) The processor speed relfs you how fast your PC executes instructions. (= adverb)

4 Present and future trends in gaming

A ~ listen to an interview with Matt Robinson, the administrator of the TPS Report gaming bJog. How many game platforms does he mention?

B ~ These statements about video games are all false. listen to the interview again and correct them.

1 Video games are popular because they are fun and addictive.

2 Well-known Hollywood actors appear in video games.

3 The Nintendo Wi; is aimed at hardcore garners.

4 It’s free to play World of Warcraft.

5 Holography is an advanced form of photography that uses lasers to produce two-dimensional images.

6 In the future, gesture recognition systems wilt produce photo-realistic images.

Page 153: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Unil H

C . Listen again and complete these extracts from the interview with adverbs. 1 With a game you are in control of the action.

2 Games are now even more life-like and anractive.

3 A lot of modern games draw inspiration from films and even TV

4 Their released Wii console has an inexpensive, simplistic, pick up ‘n’ play feel to it.

5 Wii is the most popular of the three machines.

6 Logging onto an separate universe to meet and play alongside your friends has enormous attraction.

7 Mobile gaming has been about easy, simplistic 2-0 games.

o ~ In pairs, discuss if you agree with everything that Matt says in h is inte rview about the future of gaming. What are your own predictions?

5 The pros and cons of gaming A e ln pairs, look at the stateme nts about gaming (1- 4) and say if you agree or disagree with them. Give reasons for your answers. 1 TV and video games are amusing and can be educational. But tOO much of this kind of

entertainment can be addictive and make children become accustomed to violence.

2 Massively multi player online games are interactive and fun.

3 Video games have negative effects on children and distract them from school and homework.

4 Modern games and simulations offer a great deal of adventure and challenge. In addition, they can teach skills such as strategic thinking, interpretative analysis and problem solving.

B lE3 Write an essay called The pros ond cons of gaming (80- 120 words). Use these steps and the Vsefullonguoge box to help you. • The opening (paragraph one):

Present the topic in one or two sentences.

• The body (paragraphs two and three):

Give pros (arguments in favour) with facts and examples. Give cons (arguments against) with facts and examples.

• The d osing (paragraph four):

Summarize your main ideas and give your opinion.

Useful language To add arguments: In addition. . . . Furthermore, .. ‘

To introduce opposing ideas: On the one hand, … On the other hand, ‘» Some people say .. . Others say… However, …

To express opinions: In my opinion, … I believe that … It seems to me that … It’s clear that …

To conclude: In conclusion, .» To sum up, … In short, …

Page 154: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

1 Future trends A ~ In pairs, discuss these questions. 1 What do you think a trend is?

2 What trends in I(T do you think will affect our lives in the future? Make a list.

B Match the texts (1-5) with the pictures (a-e). Which trends from your list in A are mentioned?

a b

c d

By all accounts, nanotechnology — the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules — is going to have a huge impact on both business and our daily lives. Nana devices are measured in nanometres (one billionth of a metre) and are expected to be used in the following areas.

• Nanocomputers: Chip makers will make tiny microprocessors with nanotransistors, ranging from 60 to 5 nanometres in size.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making intelligent machines and programs. The term originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: ‘A machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person: A typical AI application is robotics. One example is ASIMO, Honda’s


• Nanomedicine: By 2020, scientists believe that nana-sized robots, or nanobots, will be injected into the body’s bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level.

• Nanomaterials: New materials wi(( be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes, which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. They will be incorporated into all kinds of products, for example stain-resistant coatings for clothes and scratch-resistant paints for cars.

intelligent humanoid robot. Soon, engineers will have built different types of android, with the form and capabilities of humans. Another AI application is expert systems — programs containing everything that an ‘expert’ knows about a subject. In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.

Page 155: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

~»i’ you are about to take a holiday in Europe. You walk out to the garage and talk to your car. Recognizing your voice, the car’s doors unlock. On the way to the airport. you stop at an ATM. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks you in the eye, recognizes the pattern of your iris and allows you to withdraw cash from your account.

When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to that of suspected

Ubiquitous computing, also known as pervasive computing. is a new approach in which computer functions are integrated into everyday life, often in an invisible way. Ubiquitous devices can be anything from smart phones to tiny sensors in homes. offices and cars, connected to networks, which allow information

In the ideal smart home, appliances and electroniC devices work in sync to keep the house secure. For example, when a regular alarm system senses that someone is breaking into the house, it usually alerts the alarm company and then the police. A smart home system would go further, turning on the lights in the home and then sending a text message to the owner’s phone. Motorola Homesight even sends images captured by wireless cameras to phones and pes.

criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and the gate opens. You’re on your way.

Does it sound futuristic? Well, the future is here. Biometrics uses computer technology to identify people based on physical characteristics such as fingerprints, faCial features, voice, iris and retina patterns.

Adapted from the Richmond Times-Dispatch

to be accessed anytime and anywhere — in other words, ubiquitously. In the future people will interact naturally with hundreds of these smart devices (objects containing a microchip and memory) every day, each invisibly embedded in our environment and communicating with each other without cables.

Smart homes can remember your living patterns, so if you like to listen to some classical music when you come home from work, your house can do that for you auwmatically. They will also know when the house is empty and make sure all appliances are turned off. All home devices will be interconnected over a home area network where phones, cable services, home cinemas, touch screens, smart mirrors and even the refrigerator will cooperate to make our lives more comfortable.

Adapted from www.businessweekcom

C Read the texts again and answer these questions.

, Which unit of measurement is used in nanotechnology?

2 What are the advantages of nanotubes over regular materials?

3 What will doctors use expert sysfems for?

4 What features are analysed by biometrics?

5 Which trend refers to computers embedded in everyday devices. communicating with each other over wireless networks7

6 What will the alarm system do jf someone breaks into a smart home?

7 How will devices be interconnected inside the smart home?

o Find words in the texts with the following meanings.

1 a microscopic robot, built with nanotechnology (text 1)

2 a robot that resembles a human (text 2)

3 biological identification of a person (text 3)

4 integrated; inserted inra (text 4)

5 electrical devices, or machines. used in the home (text 5)

E ~ Write a suitable caption for each picture on page 1 SO.

Page 156: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

2 RFIDtags A Listen to Sarah Wood, an leT teacher, giving a class about RFID tags. Which definition (a-c) best describes RFID? a a smart technology worn on the user’s body

so that they can email and access the Web

b a technology that uses radio waves and chip-equipped tags to automatically identify people or things

c a technology that uses microchips and bar codes to track people or things at a distance

B ~ Listen again and decide which answers (a or b) are correct.

1 RFID stands for

a Radio Frequency Identification.

b RadiO Frequency Identification Download.

2 Radio tags

a can only be attached to or embedded into products.

b can be attached to or embedded into products, animals and humans.

3 Active RFID tags

a have a communication range of several hundred metres.

b have a communication range of five metres.

4 RFID chips

a will help us track ordinary objects like car keys or books.

b won’t be able to locate objects when they are lost or stolen.

5 Radio tags may be implanted under the skin

a to confirm a patient’s identity and cure illnesses.

b to give doctors instant access to a patient’s medical history.

6 According to consumer organizations, RFIO tags

a could be used to track consumers or to steal a person’s identity.

b are secure and private; there is no need for concern.

An RF/O micro chip

c ~ In pairs, discuss how secure you think RFID is. Do you agree with the consumer organizations or the manufacturers? Give reasons for your answers.

Page 157: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition


3 Language work: future forms

HELP box Future forms

A Look at the HELP box and then choose the correct words in brackets to complete these sentences. 1 In the future_ I hope we (‘II have ‘rl g( ng te have lobJts In tr __ h )ml tl heir: u~ Wlt~ th


2 Hey, Nick, be careful. you (‘re gl ing te. spi I J’II :.pill) that coffee on th (omputer l

3 It’s John’s birthday next week. We (‘II givf> I’re 91.in9 to give) him a mobile phonl

4 My laptop has crashed!

Don’t worry.! (,II lend I’m going to lend) you mine

5 The Internet (will probably change lis pfObably goinq to change) the publishing Industry in the way that TV changed the movie indusllY

6 futurists predict that smart technology (will be I is going to be) incorporated into fabrKs, so you’ll be able to email from your coatt

W( oJ~ be going to ~rt. in th(l following way.

WE LJ~ thl rut, rE impl will /won’t ‘erbl in thE • 0 d! :rib fLl1 Ir~ It I ‘ntl -S

tlJlluwing Vva’l~.

• To fT’akr- pr~di .tl- m «Idl~n.t: that )rn’tll 19 WI

…. don’t hav pr» em happen

NO()(ltx>11 will be injected In(( ihe bodys bl’)( .JmelfTl

to trwt di 1se’

• Te talk ab- IUt hOpt’s and promises, especially with thr word~ expect think hope and probably

fhf-‘y hope thar peoplt will interact naturally vvlt/1 hundreds of sman dev, :es 01 a (lme.

• To describe dn instant decision, often when w~ make an offer

Uf€ I’ll help you wilh your homework..

• To talk ab tit fal ts that w ill ineVitably happen

She’ ll be 2 I /0 May.

‘it. going to write L k about Jb,qUlfl JS

mp Ilirg.

• u malo. pn didi 111′) W! ‘1::»- yOI ha pf’ I’

v’id(>f’ _e ttldt rnethlnq q< inq tl hap~

By I JII W:. ~oum~ nonotf'(hn logy is going to have ruyp impo(~ on bu~m «Sl and our daily IVI

W(; u~e th~ future continuou5 will be -ing f >Ifl )i II, wrb) [0 talk dbout dltions in progre’ at a ~pecin rime if’ the future.

In a few yean, dOc. rors will be using exp~'( ~ysrem~ t( diagnt}}e Illne)Se~

We use til futurt- PI’rfect (will have + past palllcipl ) 0 talk :lbout -til ns fu h J at a sp ific tim<? in tt-on future

xm enq/O ‘f’ will have built different fYf>j ) 01 QI -frOId.

B Complete these sentences with the correct future form of the verb in brackets. Use the future continuous or future perfect. 1 Thanks to I(T, by the year W: 0 WE (find) :ures for t~ _ IT aj

diseases of our time,

2 In twenty years’ time, some people (live) inside a computerized colony_

in space, perhaps

fOi IBM. 3 By this time next week, I (work)

4 By this time next month, I (buy) wanting to buy for months.

that BlackBerry that I’VE’ bE’ ‘n

5 Scientists predict that in twenty years’ time nearly everyone (live) in smart houses.

Page 158: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

C In pairs, discuss these predictions. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers. Look at the Usefu//anguage box to help you. 1 Sor It’ Jdy, we’ll bl tJlklng to omputt’rs naturally, like friends

2 Mlcroc.hlps Implanted In our drms will serve as ID cards and contain our medical records.

3 Robots will1edrn to build themselves, without human help.

4 ~rnJrt home» will be VOice activated

5 Lomputers will be ubiqUitous and almost InVl’;iblp pm bedded IntO our homes and «BIIra ‘BWiI..-Inteqratpd Into our lives Whet. 1

I’m notSfft will I compfeteIytlg(ee/diStIgree with 4 Making predictions

A Write your own predictions about these topics. • Work/Jobs

txafllplc By the year 2030, human labour in industry will have been replaced by robots. Your prediction

• Money

[xarnple Cash will be replaced by electronic money. Your pr(‘dlctlon

• Education

Exarnpl ‘ By the end of this century, every student in every school will have a Pc. Your predl( t,on

• The Internet

E xarnple People in every country will have high-speed access to the Internet within five years. Your pred,.. tlon’

B In pairs, compare your predictions. Find out more about your partner’s predictions.

Now visit ict for an online task.

.:r GuE5S::r JU5f CAN’T PACE TilE fl)1/)RE

Page 159: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

Curriculum vitae Personal information

Name: Maria Quintana

Address: Avda Seneca, 5, Madrid 28040

Telephone: 00 34 91 5435201

Email: [email protected]

Date of birth: 28/07/82

Education and Training





Work experience

January 2006 -present

May 2005 -December 2006

IT skills

Online dipLoma in web-based technology for business.

(ourse in web design at the Cybernetics College, london: HTML Java and Macromedia Dreamweaver

Course in computer hardware and networking at the Cybernetics College, london

Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Madrid

Part-time Webmaster at; responsible for updating the site and using Adobe Flash to create animations

IT consultant at Media Market. speciaLizing in e-commerce and IT strategies

Knowledge of multiple computer pLatforms (Windows, Mac and Linux); strong database skills (including the popular open source MySQl database); complete understanding of graphics formats and Cascading Style Sheets

Personal skills Social and organizational skills Good communication skills

languages Spanish mother tongue; English (Cambridge CAE); Arabic (fluent)

Hobbies and Interests Web surfing, listening to music and travelling

References Miguel Santana, Manager, Sam Jakes, Lectu rer, Cybernetics College

Page 160: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

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Page 161: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

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cable modem «kc ,h;’l l ,lIlalldcm ‘ A IT’ xj( Ij! !gld, I ‘f, tllfClJgh (lb nine call centre /’ 1.. ;, :1 , ~cnt;l A ,(I I

wI h,j’ np lIy» ilpvy … pfUV10. I,ll I, ~)fselloadvtnl

Ll’ j,)f , t. ‘it-ph :m carbon copy (Cc) ‘ku:h:1O ,)..npi Addl

lh eel» ,u

Cascading Style Sheets i(55)

, ~

«»» )..a:, ‘ lic ,dll) ,’tuII ,fi:l A. ~ ~tyle

on cathode ray tube (CRT) ‘ka.1bt)t.1 ,rei ,tJu:h

f< ~ ‘!»n r wlh fI j~ ‘I ‘<.1,Q ~lldbJe

1(‘( , oc 1m l’ -.erg’. ,the It..; ~n’l them to err II col IU ‘E rJ

Iglli I • VI ~A DI(ure ,s formed,

CO ripper ‘» i:di: ‘ n p;>.’ II A proqr’lnl h)t _!ren’ (1,U’ Ir,u «, ,mel <«JII£’~ Ihc>m )n <t l1

CO-R ‘,,,i:di: ‘u:, nAwlI!<«on ~I lwhl<.h yOj,illl ,ii’ I J~ dl1d,I.JI,I( h ,h. 1 for

1 ‘>(1(/. f/’ )lri(Jb

CD-ROM ‘, ,,i :di: ‘ rmW I A «f d-only'(J, an gy( J h q. J, J~I(r(‘(j.)n

~fI Ir If'< It ,d· >n ; m )1)’

CD-RW , ~ i :di: ,u: ‘lh haIJu: A IlhJI >W~ d, ‘wr, II: d, ~!< Pd, 1(1

M’ ,) mil If W ‘ob cell .. d ‘ IAI lin I ,md


cell phone ‘ ~cI.f;’l()n AI 1(‘ In fI~fo. ‘n’ ~ enT’l )f1~flom hl

m.xt h 91 base I whl(h dlVl… h ‘Ie K1

AlIA’Y’11 CC,

d ‘,1.

-d ~It

central processing unit (cPUI » ~cnt raf · pr.lO~c»ll) ,Ju:nll 11 If pn IV .. P Ih III puf’ [1 llJi ,! JIf’rlhtJ’ nrO»1<r

» (1 ,tli JrI hme )01< In Jr J Ih re ,t(

character .» Ii :~ r;)lil;) , n A ~yf1’lbo aVdllab tl)( «yboimttlt’tter rl’Hnllf’flll bl,mk’ilolle) chatt f:c[ r1 A rl’.ll-[I01′ Int~>fdt I.

)f1 ‘f’ 1[1 In I’r [f·, 11 » ,’rno:’ chat room ‘ If:c[ ,ru:ml n A -har:rlt’i wher.!’

‘(‘ rnn w,th wh Jlh(‘r n 11’,.11


chip ‘- ‘fI P, I A [ Y x )1 lain 1<

u :xeHc o x )lacom)U

Chip and Pin ,lflP ,’I!nd ‘pm A we Ie Nllh (‘(]’ j ‘f’ d I

q o+,JymcllJ !c a )11 p:>n

IIr ….

click lhl IX.

‘» client program » k1;II ,)nl , pr;l(~ra:m n 1 … , )’Ix.. j C 1

)I~ d’ it

client-serve r ‘klnl» nl ,»J:v;J nA»l(‘ we k IV. 1.l(I(‘Hp!O~r,Tl , o II. 1 In )f! lolll

‘fli nUl

R y ITl (1,’pl<I’Jle clip art ‘ ldl P ,u:I ‘ clipboard I’k ll pha:d

I (lfolphl ,lholl y< u

(OBOl l’ buhnl ‘ n

h’ 1′]lng plJc(‘ 101 t. IU 1 Jl)1 wr Il»<.l

ilh leW’ Oro]f, Tl nlng ~an:lm ,Iyu d

I ,t II’,.. , (,1′> ,10 JITl < ‘ t 1’/f’

coding ‘k;’)(KhIJ ‘I’ » WI :1 ,I, Jt

colour depth ‘ 1i ,b ,d … pO n nUTlJ£.’r)1

«I’ p. TI ~

, .r a cofourpafen e ‘bla ,p::I.)I TI )e(:

.1< colour picke r ‘ 1i ,,1;) ,(l lb A

~ 1a p » » column «kl l.:onl 14 II’t’rtlcall n II Xl’

«‘) 3 «t> J(

command k;, ‘nIu:nu, I ‘~If JC )n 1/

compact disc (CD) ‘blll ,pid! ‘tlI’k n ‘>Il «‘VI ~ 0 ,!!,

Ie I n. ‘JY II’S( elp ‘J I~ Irom «~UMI Ie { IMR

compatible kam’p.ct lh.,1 111J 11 ,IU’y , ej,_, (f’)j p'( f.lln to work Wllt1 an ‘.,(> ,j(>

P’ qri TWlP ~,jf{ mp b .llh ‘~Yljn

fI r lilt 1(11 ‘lW re PI x ~m liP ~o IIp lib Ihey ,tt ~m r:I~ ! a fo n •

compiler k.:o m’p:llla ‘ Asp JI P . dfl It mien’ ~ ~I WI1tE’fl 1 a I in

b teo j{‘»Tl lin(‘

compositing ‘) ‘p,.,,»111 » 0 ‘ » . , :’IInJp

J’ compression ) ‘pref:ln

r :ld1


h P e aile J 1

• Y tie’> h

computer security special ist kam ,pju:t.) «, ‘kjuar;, ti ,’pcf;,I»1 )WI



computer-aided design (CAD) k;lI11 ,pj U: t :’l ,CIU ld » , ‘»un ‘ III )m’llfT PO lal ~’p udw,

·.an j

. » I I Id (t ,I’ «fyll

h,)m~afSandplolll 1″t,ul!’ I l:l

computer-to-plate (CTP) kam,pju :l ;) 1:1 ‘p le ll n An I h :;y 1 rr

xnrr I PIUlI, f, …,11.’ t1′ )1 J P

.g ntrr I


configuration bn,f1tF,’ rc lf.) (1 n IP lpJle y'»T

configure kan ‘ r l~p v tx

, ::: 1.1 P 1

console game ‘knn JOI ,!jClm A.

control unit ICU) mp

k;:.n ‘lr’-‘I)I ,ju:m t h 0’ t’f It Tl

» «

n~1 TfJd h

II ry ~d j(‘ ~1~1r

cookies ‘liu lii/ » ‘1ollirile u’)€'(lt-JIi youholvel • fltn

st,~u;e fcrr o,t d d’ urh :llsk cracker «kra: Ii .), An .. iJ

II;’ {, tem ‘I 1 ‘1, (.

j.; I Q,l I iJ’ If’

crash kr;cfl l r A ‘II [‘ to iT,

crop krnl’

h t rlE’ 2 d

‘» hacke r

» cursor control keys , k ~: :1 l.)n’l r.-‘>u l , ~i :1


~ ey l’1at h cl n

~t» an He, 1(. y ~u I .. tJr j


CU·SeeMe » i : ,ju: ,.,i: ‘ nil :

OC'» II. )/0(’11

cybercafe ‘ »’ IIi;>a,l.dcl A )I.)ce tr» .t,

cybercrime ‘~;ui;>J , liralm » 0< ‘,11 d Nt’l cyberculture «~alha , lillf;l u en I(

,I ,It

cybe rslacker 1′ ~:lIh.) , ~I:c l.l ‘» Arl 111’ !V

)fl ‘)(‘ )fllf’C)n q «rl IIIQ I jr; It . h Win hI lC’!., IJ~

cyberspace I’ ~ath;},»rc l ‘ n» Ie m )flQ It 1 — hi r1( «C_:’I lncer r.:IN

I, I II rtu ….. orl j I )» » cyberstalking » ~al»a , .. [ .’1 :)..11) nUt

Ib rri ,tv In «‘1.)1 T n



‘»alha:y ,fit elm iflVl nJN.i<J1OE: , l6)t

~dn l,ib»lClh

, , :Ie r b


da la I’della » » X< .»

‘by » » «

data processing «della ,pr;)O,c,»)

,n , h

q ,at }!1 i-Ila )1 ta ,TI ,»’Jp’ ‘_lb m

data transfer rate ‘ ,dCIl,) ‘t flCn»f-J: ,re ll II Ip ,d «hi 1 lId 1 1 b Ir 1~ 1l (‘(] dr to .li,·)I)(, ()iWllll(» … i

m ,, r d

database » dc l lahc l ~ : )1 ttlJct !’ld

database program » dl.’ l lJhel ~ ,pr.luyr;cm n ‘pu pr If’ 1 I)’ «(

Page 162: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

I( I 1011, 4.n :l 1 d{ar)(>~ ht>:I, ‘lC

debug ,eJi: ‘h.,q l v ,. <

debugger ,Ji: ‘blp «

P ‘» debugging r, Ji: ‘t. ·’911) r

, t

de<ryption tll ‘knrI;1n The p; col 1(‘ a

dedicated keys ‘tl(‘Ulk..-1 1 III ,kl:1 .. 0 t(


I , ~ I /1<.1

desk accessory ,tl..-,k :tk » c:tri A mill JI_ [he IIpp, M. nu ‘~d

, II plo!’JI III h Yl

r Jill Wlltl h v’ 1(1


desktop PC ‘tlc klllrpi: ,»: ‘ r ct

mp Iii’ ‘iC l( 1{‘ ,,.

desklop publishing (DTP) r ,hltIII)

lU, w( ).:


device driver JI’ ;U, ,tlmt .) «,p Q Jfl

» 0

dial-up connection It

‘dill.ll ‘ [1 k,l ,nckI :t1l IQ.JC;’ WI «It> J tDdl. llPJI an 10 lln’f’rrtL

«If» n k:JoMll an 101hk AI ‘)l

dialog box ‘tl.u.)lnq ,hnk, A n£’ )(

ro 11 1(‘ digital -JuJ:;u;)i It I{‘ SV’ ‘(‘ ,

P II r, ‘ )n,by ne, ‘:11(11 J, .. r. «Ihel’ (1′ IfId l’-

‘)., Je digital camera ,(lId311:t1 ‘ k.em.)r’) , n A

,t, ‘t … III 0 ~Iti Ie 1m

)L j I » JII r ll<r.’Y (0111 J.

digital certificate

» ,duJ311:t1,;)’1II1bl A

IIf»I ~ ~


digital radio ,dld311 :.1 ‘relrJl:I): 1 It: i .. cal In rr:

10;.1 wn l/OU

digital TV ,tlltl :; I1:.1 ti :»‘ i: n 4. w y

digital video camera r:. A

m ::I’ll JI .. ,dld:;II;’!! ‘ , uJ i:l1 ,k,cni;’! o IT Nln~ lIT,

I( .,lal», ( jd

digitize ‘d ld :;lIall ‘v trmsl.’I11 «0 I 11 I 110» lJly

il’ I,al,bepu)( :I by ~

‘1- II Ie j’q Il»‘.m q(> lIli ,1 ,j

directory til ‘rekl ;’! ri .’ 11 IrI <l lphabell JI n jlsk AI;o know

at disk drive ‘d»k ,dr-II'» ie, Ih’ II

MaOl il d

d, Q 1./Ildl k~),md’o/IIC

, HUft’ jo ‘I jll

disk partitioning «Jt’k pu: ,III;lnll) n ‘h (11 fa C 10;. II’: ;:I

W w), ach .drtlt)rl h )t’

lllVC’ ThIS MIIICU -y Uo;(

st TKl e ‘lan Jfl I fin] ~n Jve 0 ‘If> pafll1l0 I for-

.’11 )w Ih I )II

display ,tlf’picl 1 n’ ft’elC m)ll 2 Id r. Ih on. iIr sCle ….

OivX ‘dlvc A, lor-mil! J oj (orTlOff’ an I ! Jlt )I’ ‘N, ‘f:wel Ih «oJ, I Dockdok A Mi Ilf( ,h

Ih Ihln~» y.

., — Jl » t l»’Ill)1 Ih ‘r II n ~ 10

domain name Id:.’mclO ,nc lnll » A n lie tll,)1 ltlh~ ‘In tinq I (VVOO IT

P ~Pdlkdt. IJ!’ ‘ ·, ,» 1J,l ‘ «‘I!leVit’1! Jdl< _ hapi/www Ib — 11 p.31 <IT th ‘I I)m) IS Ih m)S ot.> J suu!jom lin), lhe p II

}n he Ilgl , (.(0111 hI» 110S gc le , OJ P 1m Iy :k alnl: h c oc Ilv(eg Ie hal

k fr 111 jK; ‘Igdc )f ~ l, h IH :>f 0 11:Jllon (I )Il Imm lei J ~)(O :liZall,n _e,Jfofe:lu t

)1′ n n£’ III An

• dot-matrix ,Jnt ‘mellrtt. … A ~Ipm

dot-matrix printer ,dnt ,mellnk, ‘rnnt;), ~, ‘i r ‘a, rry,f:lc»

·,11<» rR CO «» 1 , IdtJl’l>.

doubleelick .» J ,h;:oI ,!.. II t. vT p ~ lei ‘!tb tic 3nlU IWI I»rd , ,

download ! ,daon ‘I;:o(1lI >1 lpul~ te ¥(IU! .,.n(OTlputlf (on).11[

W,(t upload d rag ‘dr;£~j’ -)b WI ,~

Ih usp • d!,w

1 , t, )(k 01 h’x[ CI ~n , bUII)n nd Ih 110vl I)lf(l thE’ b J» In P'( ~

Dreamweaver ,dri:m ‘wi: ;’! ,AI dn ,A(I V ~1!1byM.K»’nt ,

drop-down menu lrl , tl

,drop ,datln ‘mc nJu: II» ,b ‘J’oIoi nel fT ld~ : wnfl 1U

DTPoperator ,’Ji:li:’ri : ,np;)rCII;) If’flE’O

p. ;o!lware )fej).lr(‘ II:’ ~llor

dual-core processor ,dju:al ,k :’l: ‘ rr;)l)l.»,;) wo x l; n 11’1

‘0 OVO ,di: vi: ‘di: , r» lit l’y .,; .. Ie ~ V 1ro

11 J~ Opl techno;y 10 ‘f rc: It’ OU :lIe Visual rr JI loll W, ric’ 0

‘,Idl «Os ., he I! )Idea ’11 ‘II dE’S, w -c II AbJS ‘[

,j l,h d4 j til IV’ iVI ,hltd

‘C’ DVD burner ‘-, tli:v i:di: ‘ n:!:n,’ , n A DVD dllY€ Ihdl h (1 Illlonr I’,’ bUlflill’J via» Id<,(‘[ Ie I b an~ ‘ … dl’

DVO-R ,di:vi:di: ‘u: ‘ I( I bdlr> m.

to. It ~ , .. ( «. d ddt,

DVD-ROM ,di:vi:di: ‘roOl n» IP :l )r»V 11 IU <:,1 :III.., lor [iJI,

tetl Ie 1f’1″»)t (e.g 1

» DVD-RW ‘,dia’i:di: ,u: ‘d»blju: A » , fr m’7V1£’5 m:lt. )

e e Bay ‘i:hcl ‘» «II? XI In 1( h)p’ fq

YOlllnhuy»lCiof’ h ,.

e -book ‘i:buk ..fee In fp.lfl

I PIt-e-card ‘i:k(J:d ‘ Ad QI .p» 1(

e-cash ‘i:k:cI ‘ IMr ~ydv tbl d~~n

n «, u.t’d llt-«l, ‘l’llfIC-

e-commerce ,i:’knm3:’ It’ bUyl’ ~ al ‘j

10′ ploduct’ , II edit «edl l ‘If 10 (rr 9! Id 1 llre(l)fI Il’!{‘~[ Indqfilphi W,’ , ~n’Jwne:litinJ It 11f1 ‘ ~l H~ ,I. mdo, lPY, UI, ‘I(l P.NI’

e-Iearning ‘, i: ‘ I3: nl l) ‘ n InSlru( I,)n v np

email ‘ i:mcllJ n 1 A, f. Ily wrlteh )W~ u,.e )<, q! rr Igl,»~. ~11y’ s».o I )1

Jfl ‘OJ 2 v lL ld, Tl sagetoy m email address l’ i:mCII ,) ,drcv 1 A In W

d’ ,11 .., ~nd~! od efT ~II Thl~

[email protected]’lele:>n -,et

fl’ … use r. [email protected] 1

a n’l Iie’VICe _vJdel, ~ j t Of I it»tw k PfOVIC

emallelient ‘i:lllc!l ,klal;,nl ‘ A PfOJI 11 01 » tr».., e

embedded Im’ho:dld d/

‘II emoticon I’m;KJllkon,’ smiley encryptlO ‘ ~nl’l v

x, «» td I

encryption ‘ II1 ‘ knpI;)fl’ ‘prr, … Iq 10nil» 11119111, n n x jfOln.

lIJPf1;ryr 101 Idp >w,nd’.)I» If)Olliln r, IWlf~’ :ur!y.p.lrtK )llywtWl 10′»(1

ltir1(‘l1t’al ()I'» Mion J{ ~~ :fe{l carel rumh~I’

e-pal » i:r~cl! n A ‘»end you wr,’ en 31110 eraser ‘ I’ reI7:’ ,A 01 used 10 delor> the )JII

‘II 0 JfP you dray II ClVt»

ergonomics ,:I:g:t’onmlk, nTI1~stu-jyo’ pi’ I lyanJe Illyw

ill NO!.. -.c4 )fl

e-slgnature ,i: » ‘gn;:otI:o, lThe «‘I:.1r

nl I j·wnnen lr’

e -tailer » i:lc ll ;, Anel(‘C fOlIC relillie 0

Ethernet ‘ i:O;:oncl r A 1e»lodo (> In’ IIAN iN 1h nt 1

Qabt pe M! I )fT 1- «(‘ Etheme por ~ I~: ne to emal •

,H … ‘t»»»..—«)I,….,b ~Id

Excel Ik ‘w1. A I’ e’ p :x,. an Irom , ~» ellecute ‘Ck»‘lkju:I v p!’lf’)lm lac l l n

qaplf ilir j,lh(‘~3Il’

‘»‘ expandable Ik » p.cnd;,b;,1 1 Jpgf,ldl’abl ‘I( I IE , In For E’~arnpl RAM I~

«p,md<lbl, In m ,I (I )mrlJ l f’f~ whi «h m l!

y(II’ In, ·!dl’~II<ld’lp usually )nt»ne,1Iti IICU hOdrd,c, ‘(lduolm Imem Tloy


expansion card Ik ‘ ~r:cnI;,n ,ku:d ‘I'» pI d,,» b Jld .dllb Ins.elte<.ilr,IJ

1’1) idil kf'<;oul’~

Page 163: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

memory, and network capabihtl€’s: the same as expansIOn board. expansion slots «» ‘ ,pren!an ,slot ‘» n The coonectors that allow the u!oer to install e)(pansioo card~ to impr~ the compute(~ perfOfm.)oce.

eyegaze system l’a lger7 ,~ r .. t amI n A system act,vated by tll£o u!oer’s eye movements,

e-zine l’i:7;:nl n An electronic magazrne.

F FAQ l ,cfcl ‘kju:1 n Frequently Asked Questions, a file or web page containing ans-.wfS to questions asked by internet u~rs or visitors to a webSite,

fax If :ek .. 1 n A facsimile machine that operates by scannrng a paper document so that the image is sent to a receiving machine which produces a copy of the anginal fibre optic communication /,fa l b;, ,opt rk ka, mju:nr ‘kc r!anl n A way of transmitt ing infO/matlon at high·speed by sending light through an optical fibre (made of glass or plastic). Fibre optic cables ar£’ uSPd to transm,t internet. cab(> TV and phone signals, field lri:ldJ n Aunil of informat’on in a re<:ord.ln a databilw, InfO/malion is £’ntered via fields.. file I falll n 1 A co!lE’CtiQn of r€’Cords in a database. 2 A ~ion of Informallon stored on disk a document Of a program.

file server I’fa l l ,»‘-J:val n A fast computE’f that Slores the programs and data files shared by users in a network.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) I,fall ,trren .. f:!: ‘praut aknll n A standard forltansferring file~ from on£’ comput£’r to dnotll£or over a network,

filter !’fl ltal n A speoal effect that can bf> apphl’d to pictures.

filtering program I’ fllt ano ,praugncm/ n Software deSigned to restrict the access to specific aspects of the Web

Find and Replace I, fal nel :md n ‘pic i sl n A command that let~ you find a word or phrase in a document and change 1110 new text.

Firefo)( l ‘ fal afnk.J n A web bromel, part of the open· source MOlilla prOJect.

firewall /’faldwJ:I! n A software and/or hardware deviCe that allow~ limited access to an int£’rnal network from the Net. This prevents Intruders from stealif9 or destroying confidential data firmware I’ f :! :m …. cal n Permanent software In~lIuctloo~ contained In Ihe ROM flame I flclm! n An angry or Insulting comment on d diSCUSSion group.

Flash IrtxII n 1 The Adobe’ Flash Playe-r, 2 The Adobe Flash Prof~siOnal multimedia authoring program, uSPd to create anlmallons and supports a scripting language called Actionxripl. and Ih£’ streaming of audiQ and Video,

flash card reader Nhc! ,ko:d ,ri:dal n A devICe that reads and writes a nash memory card,

flash drive l’ fI.e! ,dntlvl n A USB Storage device, small enough to fit on a key ring, uSPd to store and transport computer data

flash memory I ,fhe! ‘mem aril n A type of non·volat ile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed

flatbed scanner !’ flrel bed ,skren!)/ n A scanner wi th a gla~s scanning sur face on which objects ale placed; similar to a phOIOCoplE’f.

fiat-rate internet l, ft’Clrelt ‘ In anl’ l l n Access to the lmernet at any time of the ddY, at a fixed and cheap lar,ff.

Flickr l’fllk;)1 n A w!»bs,te wll£ore U!oers can share photos. floppy disk » flnpi , dl~k’ n A d’~k made 01 a flex,bIe plastic mate»al upon whICh data is stored OIl magnetIC HolCks.. Also known ol~ ol

diskefte. A floppy d,sk drive uses 3.S» dl’>ks

flowchart / ‘flaut!O:I ‘ n A diagram which show~ the logiCal steps of a computer program folder /’ fauldal n A dlretlOly that hold .. programs, data files and other folders.

font Ifonll nTh£’ shape. style and size of a particular typeface, e.g Tlmes Bold at 10pt footer I’fulal n Customized le)(t primed in thp bottom margin of d document

format I’fJ:mret / l nThe layout of a document. including page numbers, line spac(>s, margins, paragraph alignment, headPlS and footers, etc. 2 format a disk v To prepare a disk for use Whpn a disk is ini t ialized, the operating system marks trach and sectors on It> surface.

formatting toolbar 1’f:>: Ill:CII IJ ,I u:loo:1 n A loolbar With icons that allow you to ed’i and style your text. For e)(ample, you can changp font. align le)(I, incffOa<,£’ or dt’Crpase indentatIOn etc

formula I’ f:>:l11jJI ;,/ n A rruthemat’cal (>quatlOll that helps you cakulate and dMlyse data.

FORTRAN I’fJ :1 ra!ni n The hr~t hlgh·l~ p!»ogramming language and complier. developed ,n 1954 by IBM. Today, ‘t ‘s SI,II uSE’d in mathematiCs, scie!lCt’, and Pfl9’net’III’Ig. ~hof for FORmula TRAN5Im.)(J

fractals I’rrrekt J17) n Geometncal patlern~ that are repeated at small scalf:’!, to gen£’rilt£’ irregular shapes, some of wh,ch d .. oibe obwcts from nalure.

fragmentation l ,frll’gmall ‘ lel!ani n The condition of a hard disk in which fiks dre d’lided into p ieces scanerf’d around the di,k. This occur~ naturally dfter creating, deleting and modifying many files, When the operating system cannot lind enough contiguous sp.:!ce to store a complete file, the file is divided InlO SPVeral separated fragments. As disk fragmemallon increases, disk efficiency starts de<:fea~ing

frames I frc lm7) n 1 Rectangular areas that allow the dl~ay of different pages in The SdfTlE»

browser window. 2 Single piCtures In films.

Freehand I’fri:h:l’ ndl n A Ma(fomt>d’d program for creating ve<:tOf graphICs, whICh use geometrical primiti~ such as poenti, Ion , curves and poIyqOlls to represenllm.Jg!:’!o.

freeware !’ fn:».,!’a’ n Softwaft’ that IS aV.l,ldble free of charge, but prOle ·ted by copyright,

FrontPage I, fr » nt ‘ peIU;) ‘n A web ed’ior from Microsoft, uSPd for destgl’llng web page!..

function /’ f,,!)k!:,»1 n A ready·to·use formula that helps you perform a ~pe, ialiled cdlculatlon, e·9· SUM. A.o’£RAGE. etl function keys I’f «rJ k!;)n ,ki: tJ n Keys that dPpear at the top of tilt> keybodrd and Coln be progfammed 10 do special tasks.

G gadget I’g:cd311 ! n A small hardware deVice. Synonymous with gizmo (slang),

gamecontroller l’gclnl kJn,t raulal n A device used 10 control video gamt>

game genre l,ge l lll ‘3u:nr;) n A Spi’ the type or category of game. For example. a game 11’1

which the player wives puzzles wl)Uld fallintu Ihe Puzzle game genre. Othf’J genr~s dIe ACtiO 1,

Adventure, Flght,ng. First·pers )tt’. r’Jle-play,ng, Simulation, Sport~, Sirdtegy, •

game platform ,gelm ‘pla:l b :nll n Ar e e<:Honl( devICe on whICh» ido.>o gJI re pldyed. bamples are person< computer~ ‘d game consolt>s.

Geographic Information System (GIS) ‘d3i:a,grreflk mfa’mclIan , ~htJm n A typ of graphiCs software that allows us tt’ analy’ geographiC datil and then ma~e ma~. pi In tilt use of land, predict natural disa~ter’, ell

gigabyte I’glQ;,baltl n 1,024 megJbytes.

glgahertz l’glg;)h3:t ~I n A unil of one thousarxl million hertz, or cycles per SE’COf’Id, used to measure proce~sor speed, Global Positioning System (GPS) l,glaub;)1 P;) ‘ZI!JnllJ , sl~taml n A navigation syslem formed by variOUS satellites orbiting th edrth and therr corresponding receivers on th£’ earth. II allows GPS receilf:’rs to d(>terrnlne their 100 at ion, ~p!!’ed and directlOl

Google I’gu:gJl/ 1 n A popular search £’nglfE» on the Web 2 v To search the WelJ ior


grammar checker I’grremJ ,t!ckJ n A ooftware utility thai analyses lhe grarnf’lldr ‘1 d wfllten text

graphical user interface (GUI ,.grreflkal ‘ju: ;r:a , mt;,fel~1 n A usedflenaly ,nterf … bd~ 0’ I graphiCS. A GUI uses,) WIM~ erWOfoomem: WindOWS. IConS, menus and po,nter. Typ,cal eKilmples are the M~~ 0<;, and M,ue soft WindOWS.

graphics tablet I’grrefrk .. ,t;cbl .) t nAn Illput device which allows the user to enter dra …. ‘nljs and sketches into a computer

H hacker I’ h:ckal n Someone who Invades a r1etwork’s privacy Originally, dll sk,lIed programmers were known 3S hacker’;, but in the 1990s, the term became synonymous With crarker, a person who breaks SE’CUflty ell computers. Today, the general public use~ hacker for both. In the computer Industry. hack r~ are known as while hats and Clacker’ as bla! ‘I hall )1 dar~ ide hackers..

handheld game I’ha’ndhcld ,gclml n A gamr pldyed on portable gaming deviL’ ~ h a~ Ihl Sony PSP and !he Nintendo D~

handheld scanner «hrendhc1d , .. k.enJ n A _annef that 15 fl»lOIed by hand, ,dpal f .aptunng small pictures, Iog~ and bol XI!

hard disk I’ha:d ,dr .. k/ n See hard drive

hard drive /’ ho:d ,dral vl n A magnet’! ‘>too 91 deVIce that reads and wr,tf:’!, datd on ml»l, d,~ks (called platters) inside a sealed CJst’ A hdrd drive is commonly known as a hard d’5~ Strictly speaking, drive refers to the entire unit, containing mult,ple platters, a read/write head and a motor, While hard disk refers to th(> storage medium itself.

hardware I’ hu:d», cal n The physical un,ts which make up a computer system. See software hardware engineer I’ ho :dwc;, end31 ,nlaln Someone who designs and develops IT device’ header I’ hedal n Customized te~t printed In th~ top margin of a document

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help desk technician I’ help ,dc~k tck ,llIf;:ml n Somf:’OnE’ who helps end USE’rs wltl1 then compUTer problems in person, by l»mdll or over tile phone.

hertz Ih:l:t,1 n A unit of frequency equal to one Y1 e pef se<:ond. named after Heinflch Hem:

high-level language l ,h»1 ,lcv;)1 ‘la:rJy …. Idy n A )guage in wh .h each statement represe-nts «VI ral machine CI)(l’f InSlrlKtiOns. e.g. COROL. or C. homednema I ,haun! ‘ .. In;:’l11 ;)/ n A system that tfle~ to reproduce the cif1E»ma experience

I tnE'» home. It is al~o called home theaTre and Iyplcally IncludE».. a large· screen TV. a hi-fi sy~lem Wllh speak{‘fs for surround Y>Und. and a [)II( ff d( r home page » h;)(Jm ,peldy n , The first page on a webSIte. Ih<lt usudlly contains links 10 other ~),)ges 2 The default starl’up page on whICh a wf’b browser starts.

host h;)(J .. t n A lompotf’f contaIning datil or programs that other I )mpoter~ can access VIii a

‘twork or modem hotspot «hOI ~pn t n The grographiC boundilry

JVpred by a Wi-FI wlrele~s acce% poInt.

HTML /,c l tfli!cm ‘cll n The language used 10 (redle hYPE’rte~t documenlS (e.g. web pages); ,hort for Hyper/ext Mafkup Language. HTML tags ,(‘rlfti:cmcl ‘ta:gz/ n The code’

>l’d l( define-te~t fonl~. fOfmat pafaglaph~ add f1~ eTC HTML lag’ dIe surrounded by thE’ angll»

br.;.:kets < and

HTIP ‘,cllfti:ti: ‘pi: f nThe method by whICh web pages dre transferred from d webSi te to your PC; httpdppearsal the beginmng of web Iddre «S and means hypertexT Iramfer prolocol

hybrid hard disk ,h:llbnd ‘ho:d , d l ~kJ n A h LId di~k With integrclled flash mt’ffiO/y.

IE’ndPd for I)I’W dptopS and mobi PC~

hyper1ink ,,’halpJlllJkl n A te~1. Image 01

bunon thaI. when dickPd, lakes you 1001ht’r de~llniltlons on the Web.

hypermedia l’haLpJmi:dial n A form of enfLched mult imedia which suppom linking Cjrdph’cs. ‘>Ound. and yldeo elements in addition t{ text element’

hypertext ‘halp;)tchl ‘ n TE’kt thaI Cont,llns «~,, to lther docum ntl

icon 1′:1J konl n A pICture replesen ting an obJ(‘Ct, such a document. program, folder or hard disk

ICT system ,ll l,i:li: ‘, I, I’:>lnl n A system that uses Infounatl >n and communications I, ‘Chnologie’s.

1M server 1,_ITcm » :J:va! n A central sy~lem thai providE’S presence Information about onl ine uo;ers, and passes instant messages between ‘h m iMac » ;um;ck/ n A dE’sktop computer from Apple. Intended for hofll’ ;chooi and small

«»»» imagesetter /’ rm ld3″ ctJI n A professional pl»lnter that generates high·resolution output on paper or microfilm.

inch IlIIfl n The equivalent of 2.S4 cm. or /2.27 POint’ It is rep!eSE’nted by the symbol»

indentation l, rndcn ‘tcIJanl n The space Ut>tw!:'{>n 1hE’ paqe margins and where the text alig!1s.

InDesign /’ rndrZU In! n A desktop publishing program created by Adobe System!..

ink cartridge 1’lljk ,ko:t rldy n A replaceable container that holds the ink of an inkjet printer

inkjet printer I’ Iljkd3ct ,pnnt a! n A printer that generates an Image by spraying tiny drops of Ink at the pa~f By heating the Ink Within the Pflnt head, Individual drops are e~pelled to make a matrix of dots on the paper.

input /’ In(>01/ 1 n The process of transfel rlng information into the memory from a peripheral UOll 2 v To transfer data, or program InstrUctlon~, into the compuler.

input devices I’ Inpot dl , val~ I zJ n Un,ts of hardware which allow Ihe u:;.er 10 enter ,nfO/matlon Into the computer. e.g. the keyboard, mouse. voice recognitIon deVICes. etc.

Instant Messaging (1M) l ,tn,l;)nt ‘mc’oId311J1 n Exchanging texI mE'»ssages In real·tlme belween two or mOlE’ people logged into 1M services such as AIM. Windows live Messenger and Yahool Messenger. Modern 1M servicE».. also have audiO and video capab t

Intel /’ Int cl l n ThE> company that deSigns and produces the processors used in most Pes

Intel Core 2 Duo /, lntel ,k :>; ,I u: ‘llju!;)u/ nTechnOlogy thdt includes IwO cores, or processors. Into a single ChiP, offerrng tWICe the speed of a traditional chip.

interactive whiteboard /lOt ;l,a-kt IV ‘waltbJ:dI n A touch’sensitlve prOjection ,.creen lhat allcwtS the u~er to control a computer d,rectly, by touchIng the board instead of u~ing a keyboard. Used ,n presentation si tuations such as teaching

interface I’ rnt ;lfc,,1 n Channels arid coollol cirCUits which provide a connectIon betWl!en the :PU and the perlpheral~. See also user interface

Internet »’ Int ;)ncll n A global network of comput{‘f networks whICh offers servICes such as email, file (an~fer, oollne chats, newsgroups, and information retrieval on the Web. It evolved from the Arpanet of the 70s and uses the TCP/IP protocol.

internet auction I, rnl;)nct ‘J: kf.:ml n A we~lte on whiCh bids are rf,ce,ved and transmitted electronically.

Internet Explorer f, mtanct Ik ‘ ~pb:;)» n A popular web brOwSE’r from Microsoft.

Internet Service Provider liSP) f ,mt anet I,::;,: V I ~ pr»JU, VUJd;)} n The company which gives you access to the Internet.

inlernet telephony 1,lnt;)nct 11 ‘ lcf;)ni/ n See VolP

internet TV 1, InIJnct ti : ‘ vi :1 n A TV <oet u~ as an Imernet deviCe.

interpreter h n’t ::;,:prtt ;)/ n A special program that translates the source code line by line, as the program is running

Intranet /’ Int r;:,nct l n A company network that u:;.es public Internet software but rrukes the website only acc~slble to employees and authorized U<oel~

invoice l’ lnvJI'» n A document Showing lhE’ items pUf(ha’>ed. quantities. prices, etc.. and requesting Ddymem for a credit order.

IP address 1:1I’pi: ;:’,drcsl n A number which idemifies a computer on the Inlernet Every computer OI»lthE’ Net has a uniquE'» IP ilddres~ e.g.

IP spoofing / at ,pi: » pu:fllJl n Making one compuler look II~e another to gain unaulhoflzed access

iPhone /’alf;)(Jn! n A device from Apple Ihat combines three products in one: an iPod, a mobile phone and an internel communicator.

iPod 1′:l lpodl n A family of portable media players from Apple. Popular models include the iPod Nane, the tPod Shuffle-and the full-sized ,Pod that can also be used as a portable hard di~

iTunes /’allju:ntJ n A program from Apple that et~ yrYoJ play and organize musk and vidf:’O nles. on computer or on an iPod. With an Inlernel connection, iTunes can also connect to the iTunes Store in order to download purchased mUSI . vid€»os and lXldcasts.

J Java I’d3u;V;)/ nThe programming language from Sun Microsystems for bUilding internet applications. Java programs (called applelS) let you watch animated charac ters and moving te~t. play mu~ic.. etc.

Java ME l,d3U:V;:’ e ‘mi:1 n The Jdlla platform. Ml(ro Ed,llon, uY’d to create appll(ation~ thaI lun on mobile phones. PDAs. TV :;.et·tup bo~~ and pflnters. For example, many phones are configuled to use Java games.

joystick l ‘d3:l»1Ikl n An input devicewilh a ver t ical lever. used in computer games.

JPEG I’d3Clpcgl n A standard for compressing and decompresSing image files, developed by the Jolm PhotographiC Expert~ Group. A jpg extenSion IS added 10 many Image files on lhe Web.

K kerning / ‘k :!:n l IJI n The plOCesS of adjusting the spaces between leter~ to achieve even. conSistent letter spacing

keyboard I’ki:bJ:dI n A set of k~ on a terminal or computer, including Ihe stan<lard Iypewrller k»‘Y~ (for leners and numlx>rsl. funClOn keys and seve/al special keys.

kilobit I’kll ;)bJ I I n One thousand bits.

kiiobyte / ‘k ll;)b,HII n A unit for medsuring the I1l€’mory or disk space in fhousands of bytes. AI’>O called k Equals 1.024 bytes.

L laptop l ‘ la:pl opl n A small type of portable compuler.

laser printer l’ lclz;) ,prlnta! n A pnmer Ihat uses a lasel beam to fix the ink (toner) to the papel.

lightpen 1’111 11 pen! n A highly :;.en~ltlve photo­elecltl( device which uses the screen as the positioning reference. The user can paiS the pen over the surface of the screen to draw or modify images displayed on Ihe screen.

link 111IJkl n See hyperlink

link up {, liok ‘ … pI v To form a connectIon 11″

orde-r 10 opelate together.

Unux I’llnJbl n Operi-source software developed under the GNU General Public liCense. This means anybody can copy its source code, change It and distribute it

liquid crystal display I ,lrkwld ‘knst;)1 dJ , ~plc ll n A fla t-screen display made of two glass plates with a liquid CI)’Stal material between them. The cryslals block the light In differem quantilies 10 Cfeale the IrnogE’.

Active-matrrx LCOs use TFT (th,» film tranSistor) technology. p!’oducing very sharp images.


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lithium-ion battery 1,I IOiam ,alan ‘ba:t aril n A type of a battery composed of li thium, a metallic chemical €’lemem. used in PDAs. camefas and mobile phones. load 1I:KKl1 vTo read program Instructions Into the main memory

local area network (LAN) 1,I;)Obi ,caria ‘nct w:J:kJ n A group of computer devic~ imerconnected within a ~mall ph)’SICal area, like a home or office oollding.

log in/on 1, log ‘m/l,log ‘ onl O’Togaln acc~sto a computer system or nelwork

log out/off 1, log ‘aull’ ,log ‘or! vTo Sign off; to end a computer session. The opposite of log in/on. login/logon l ‘log lw I ‘logonl n The process of identifying yourself when entering a computer sys tem or network. You usually type your user name and password

low-level language 1,1:lU ,lcv;)1 ‘ l,crJ9wrd3r’ » A programming language that Is IIery close to machme language. See assembly language

M Mac OS I, ma:k ;)O’e!>! n An operating system created by Apple and used on Macintosh computers.

MacBook f m;ckbuk/ n A Macintosh notebccl: compuler

machine code Ima’Ii:n ,k;)U(IJ n Bmary code numbers; the only language Ihal computers can understand directly

magnetic storage devices /ma:Y,nctrk ‘ .. t -:l: nd3 dr, vUlsr.,) n dt>vices that store data by magnetiZing particles on a disk Of tape (e.g. hard drive. tape drive).

magnetic tape /ma:y ,ncllk ‘ tcrp! n A sequential SIOIage device used fOI data collectioo, backup and archiving. A tape conSISts of a magnetiC coatmg on a thin plastic Sl!Ip.

mail merging / ‘mcil ,1ll:s:d3IU/ n ThE’ process of combining a dalaww file Wi th a word processor to personalize a standard letter

mail server I’merl ,’:S:v;)/ n The computer where your Internet Service PrOVidE’r Stores your emails.

mailbox I’mc rlbok,’ n The place-where your email program SIOf~ new email for you.

mail ing Iist l’mc rllrJ , 11 ~t l n A system used to d,stfloote email to many different SUbscflbers at once. main memorY /, mcln ‘mcl1l;)riJ nThe seclon which holds the Instructions and data currently bel»9 processed; also referred to as the .mmedlQreoccf’S! noreOf Infernal memory. PC make- use of (WQ types of main memory: RAM «,d ROM Macintosh /’ma:k Int nil n A popular computer from Apple. Inuoduced in 1984; the first computer WIth a graphICal user interface.

mainframe I’mclnfrClm/ n The largE’St and most ~rfuj type of computer. Mainframes proce-ss enormous amounts of data and ale used In large installations.

malware /’m:clwc;)/ n Malicious software. created 10 damage computer data. It includes viruses, worms. TrOjan horses and spywale.

markup language / ‘mo:k»p ,Itcl)gwrdy » A computer la»9uage that uses instruCllons, called markup tags, to format and link web documents.

marquee select tools Imo:,ki: ~ r ‘ lckl ,1U :17J n Tools used to selt»Ct a particular part of an image.

master page l’mo:sta ,pc rdy» A page you d~ign which can be applied to any document page. You can place text and picture boxes. headers and footers, and page rules. e-te. 00 a maSlet page, which ensures a consistent look on all pag~.

media player I’mi:dia ,plCl ai n Software Ihat plays audio, video or animation files.

megabit l’mcgablt l n A milllOf»l binary digitS (1,024 kilobits).

megabyte I’mcgabaltl n 1,024 kilobytes.

megahertz I’mcgah:s:t ‘» n A unit of a m.lhon cycles per se<ond. ~ to measure proc~sor ,peed

megapixel /’ mcgaprkscl/ n One million pixels.

memory card l’mcnl»Jri ,ko:d/» A removable module used to store imag~ 10 digital cameras, to record voice and mUSiC on MP3 playels, or to back up data on PDAs. They are made up of flash memory chips (e.g. CompartFlash, SPcurf’ Digital). See flash memory

menu bar I’rncnju: ,00:/ n A row of words at the top of the screen that open up menus when selectf’d. message threads I’me’ld3 ,Ured.,) n A !.ElliE’S of interrelated mess.ages on a given topic

microchip l’malkratIIp/ n See ch ip

Microsoft Access I, rnarkrasoft ‘,cksc.J n A relational database managemem sy~lem.

Microsoft Office I,m:ukra,nf, ‘of I» n An integrated package- that,nc::lude!o <;orTlE’

combination of Word. Excel. PowerPomt, Acc~s and Outlook. along with va{iou~ internet and otoo utilities.

MIDI I’mldiJ n A standard for conOE'(lIng computers and muslCallnSlrumems. MIDI fil~ contain the .midi elltenslor), short for Musicol Imtrumenl Digitallnterface. millisecond I’mrh»ck;mdi n One thou~ndth ofa second

mobile (phone) /’maubarl/ n (US: cell phone) A phone connf:>Cted to the telephone system by radiO, rather than by a wife

modem l ‘m;)U(jernl n A device that corwem the digital signals used by computers Into thp analogue 5ignals used by the telephOne lines, thus allOWing access to the Internet. ShOlt for M()()ulalarIDEModula/or. modem-router I’m;)U(jcm ,rll:l aI n A device that connects various computers (e.g. a home LAN) to the Int{>fne.

monitor I’monrt al n An output device With a screen on which WOlds Of PIClur~ can be shown. Also called a display screen. motherboard l’mt.tbb:J:di n The main circuil board of a computer. whICh cOflt;llns the procesSOf, memory chip’ expansion slots and controlle-rs for periphelals. conf)f>(ted by buses.

[email protected] /mau»,,»Asma!! input deviCe used to 5pecify the posltioo of the cursor Of to make choices from menus. A mechanical mouse has a rubber 01 metal bal! underneath that IS mllro by the user. An oplical mouse use~ light (a laser) to detect the mouse·s movement. and can be wired 01 wireless

MP3 / ,cmpi : ‘Ori:1 n 1 A standilrd format that compresses mUSIC files, enabling them to be transmitted over the Net more eaSily. 2 A file containing a SClog 01 other audio data that is encoded using the MP3 standard

MP3 player Icmpi: ‘Ori: ,pICI;)/ n A dig!lal music player that supports the MP3 format

MP4 player l empi:’b:r ,plctal n A portable media player thaI plays video in the MPEG-4 format. It is like an MP3 player that can play video

«»‘ MPEG I’empcg/ n A standard for compl~~lng and decompre-sSlng IIicIeo files; developed by Ihe Moving Pictur~ Experts Group. mUlti-format playback /m … lti,r::l:ma:t ‘plclba:kI n The feature- of a media player that makes it compatible With many file formats, ilXluding DVD-vldeo. DlvX. MP3 music Of JPEG Images.

multi-funct ion printer Im … 1t i ,f»‘l)kI;)n ‘prrnt a! nAn ·all-In-one· device that can work as a printer. a scanner, a fax and a photocopier.

multimedia l ,m»lt i’mi:dial n The integration of text, graphics. audio. video and anrmation In a Single application.

multitasking l’m»h i ,to :sk rl)/ n The exe.:ullon of sE’veral tasks at the same time

multi-threaded I’m»lt i ,Orcdld/ adl Refers to a computer program that has multiple threads (parts). i.e. many different things processing indf’pendently and continuously. This enables the program to make the best use of available -PU power

MySpace! l’mar~pcl»‘; nA soclJI networklnq Silt.’ that allows users to share messages. In{el~ts. blog!, phOlos, mUSIC and videos WIth fflf»nds

N nanobot /’nren;)O,bot / n A mlCff cop lobot. built by means of nanorechnology nanocomputer l, n:cn:lUI,.am ‘pju :t ;)’ n A mc :ule·slzed computer, the,ire of a grain of sand. e.g. a Quantum computer. a DNA computer, etc.

nanotechnology l, na:n;)Otck ‘nol.xl3l-‘ n ThE scie-nce of making small dE’Vi(~ from singl atoms and molecules.

nanotube /’ n:cn;)t),tju:bl n Extremely small tube mad!? from pure carbon. Nanotubes i1f<‘ !?~pected to be used in the developmpnt of materials for buildings, cars, airplanes, clothes. etc.

netiquette I’nctlkcll «‘Net etiqUf’lIe’; good manners when communicaTl»9 online

NetMeeting /’ ncl ,mi:tr!) » AVolP and vld, conff>rt’!Xing program from M’crosoft

Netscape Navigator I,nct o;kcrp ‘ n1C rycll;) n A web brOW’Rr developed by Nel’ a~

ommunications network i’ net w:J:kJ n A sy!otem of )(Tlput1;’r deVI’ or·nodes’ (e.g. PC5 and pllnters) IfIf»ICOf»If»M»C.ted so thaI infOfmal W» and resoorCE , can be shared by a largE umbel Qi users network administrator I,nct …. :J: I,. -.xI’mlflr~t rcltai n Someone wl»lr mdnagt’s tilt’ hardware and software that compuS€’ a r¥.’twork

newsgroups I’ nj u:zgru:p,1 n The publ dl ;cussion areas which make up Usenf’!. The COntents are COf1!ributed by people who §f’m artICles (messages) or respond to artldf’l.

newsreader I’nju:z,ri:da/ n A program that reads and sends articles to newsgroups.

nickname l’nlknclm/ n A name used by a participant on mailing lim or chat sessiom in~tead of the real name.

node InJOdl n Any computer devl(f’ in a nE'(work

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non-volatile memory Inon, VOI;)tllIJ ‘mcm;)ril n Permanent memory, able to hold data Without power. ROM and Flash memory are examples of non-volatile memory.

notebook computer !, naolbllk k;)m ‘pju:t;)1 n A light, pClItable computer that is generally thinner Ihan a laptop. numeric keypad Inju :,mcnk ‘ki:pa:dI n A small key section that appears to the right of Ihe main keyboard and contdins numeric and editing keys.

o object-oriented programming l, obd3rkt ,;,:ricntld ‘pr;)ugf(crnlfjl n A technique Ihal dllows Ihecreation of objects that inteldct with edch other and can be used as the foundation of olhers. Used to develop graphical user Interfaces.

offline 1,0f’l<lI nl ad, Of adv Not connected to the Internet

online l’ onlarnl ad;orad»,Connected to the Internet. online banking /, onlarn ‘b:Cl)k llJ / n Performing (ran’lodctions and payments through a bank’s website Also known as IflIemer banking onscreen keyboard l on,skri:n ‘ki:b;):dI n A graphic representation of a keyboard on the computN ‘>Creen, allowing people with mobility problems to type data using d JOYStick or pointing device_

open-source !’JupJn ,:<.J:s! ad; Refers to the source code (of software) that is free and available to anyone who would like to use it or modlfyi!

operating system !’Op;)rclt rl) ,~r~t;)ml n A set of programs that control the hardware and software of a computer system. Typical functions include handling input/oulput operaIJons, running programs and organizing tiles on disks. optical character recognition I, opt Ik;)1 ‘ka:r;)kt;) rcbg,nII;)nl n Technology that allows computers to recognize text Input into a system wllh d scanner. After a Pdge has been >Cdnned, an OCR program identities fonts, styles and graphic areas.

optical disc I,nptrbl ‘dl~kl (] A sloragedevice in which data is recorded as micro<,(opic ‘pits’by a laser beam. The data is read by photoelectric sensors which do not make active contact With the storage medium.

output !’alltput! l n The results produced by a computer. 2 v To transfer information from a CPU to an output device.

output devices /’ ,101 pot dr , V<lrS lzJ n The units of hardware which display the results produced by the computer (e.g. plotters, primers, monitors).

P .pdf I,pi:di:’cfl n A portable document form<lI from Adobe, commonly used to distribute text tiles oller Ihe Inlernet, and read with Acrobat Reader.

page description language I,PCld3 dr ‘s krrrf;)n ,Ja:IJQwld31 n A computer language that de’>Cribes how to print the te)( dnd images on each page of the document Page-layout program !,pcld3 ‘lcraut ,pr;)ugncml n Application software used to Import texts and i!iuslfations, and to combine and arrange them all on a page; e.g. Adobe InDesign or QualkXPless.

paint bucket I’ pew t ,bAk l tl n A tool used to fill in an area with it COIOUL

Palm as i,pu:m ;»)o ‘cs! n An operating system used on Palm hand-held devices.

palmtop !’JXI:mt up! n A hand-held personal computer. Pascal /pa:s’ka:l! fI A high-level language created In 1971, named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal. Its highly structured design facilitates the rapid locatioll and correction of coding errors, Today, it’s used in universities to teach the fundamentals of programming.

password !’ po:sw:.I:dI n A secret word which must be entered before access is given to it computer system or website. paste IpCl~t l liTo Insert a copy 01 text or graphics, held in the computer’s memory, at a chosen position of a document.

PC I ,pi: ‘~i:f n A personal compulet», which carries out processing on a single chip. PCs ale often classitied by size and portability: desktop PCs. laptops, tablet PCs and PDAs. PC game I,pbi: ‘ge rm! n A game played on a personal compuler.

peer-to-peer I,PI:l 1:1 ‘pI;)1 n A network architecture in which all the computers have Ihe ‘Iodme capabilities, i.e. share files and p€’lIpherals, without requirrng a separate server computer. peer-to-peer file-sharing l, pI;) t~ ,PI;) ‘fall,IC;)W)! n A form ofP2P networking which eliminates Ihe need for cemral servers, allOwing all computers to communicate and shale resource$ (music files, videos, etc.) as equals.

pen drive !’pcn ,dnllvl n See flash drive

peripherals Ip-:J’ r rf;)r:llzl n The units attached to the computer, classified into three types: input devices, output devices and storage devices.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) !, PJ:~an;)1 ,d ld3rl:l1 a’sls t :lnt l n A tiny computer which can be held in one hand. The term PDA refer~ 10 a variety of hand-held devices, palmtops and pocket PCs. For input, you type at a small keyboard or use a stylus. II can be used as a personal olganizer, a mobile phone 01 an internet device.

phishing I’f IfllJl n Getling passwords of online bank accounts or credit card numbers by using emalls that look like real organizations, but are in Idct fake; short for ptmword horvesling fishing. phosphor I’fnsf;,! n The material or su~tance of the CRT screen that lights up when struck by an elecHon beam.

Photoshop l’ f:llJt;)uIopl n An image manipulallon program developed by Adobe Systems.

PictBridge I’PI kbndJi n A technology developed by Canon Ihatlets you print images from a memory card in a digital camera or a camera phone directly to the printer (no computer is neceS’lodfy).

piracy !’ p:llf;)sil n The illegal copying and distribUlion of copyrighted programs and files.

pixel l’ plk~;)JI n The smaliest unit on a display ‘>Creen or bitmapped Image (usually a coloured dot).

plasma screen I’ pJ:czm:l ,~ kri:nl n A display that generales images by a plasma discharge, which contains noble. non-harmful gases. It allows for larger screens and wide viewing angles. platesener t plelt sct;)! n A machine that create-s the printing plates.

platform-independent l,pl1et f:j :m mdl ‘pend:mtJ ad) Refers to software that can lun on any computer system. platter !’pla:t;,! n A magnetiC plate, or disk, that constitutes part of a hard disk drive. There may be only one or several planers in a drive.

PlayStation l ‘pic l ,sl elf ;)nl n A video game console from Sony.

plotter I’plnt:ll n A graphics output device which is used to make variOUS types of engineering drawings.

plug-ins l’pIAQ l n7) n Special programs which extend the capabilities of a web browsel so that it can handle audio, video, 3D and animation elements. podcast I’ pooku: stl n An audio recording that Is distributed by subscription (paid or unpaid) over Ihe Internet uSing RSS feeds, for playback on mobile devices and PCs: COlOed from iPOO and broadCAST point /pJrnt l n A unit used to measure font types and Ihe dislance between basehne-s, A point is a subdivision of a pica: there are 12 points in a pica and 72.27 points in an inch.

pointer l’ pJlnt;)/ n 1 A small picture that follows the mouse movements. 2 The cursor which locates the insertion point on the screen, i.e. indicales where the next c)oraCler will be displayed

port /p;): I ! n A socket or channel in Ihe rear panel of the computer into which you can plug a wide range of peripherals: modems, scanners, digital cameras, etc. See USB port.

portable DVD player l, p;);I;)bal di:vi: ‘di: ,picl;)1 n A handheld device with a built·in OVD drive and a screen.

portable hard drive !,p»J:t;)bJI ‘hu :d ,dralvl n An external hard drive that is connected to the USB or FireWire port of the computer.

portable media player l,p;,:t;)b;,J ‘mi:di a ,p1cl ;)/ n A handheld device that plays audio and video files.

PostScript !’ paosskrrpt! n A page descnption or graphin language developed by Adobe Systems. A PostScripl font is any font defined in this language, e.g. TImes or Helvetica power-line internet l ,p:w;)lar n ‘rnl Jnct! n A technology that provides low-cost internet access via the power plug.

PowerPoint I’ pau;)pJJntl n A presentatron graphics program from Microsoft

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) I,pn t i ,gild ‘pnvJ~ i! n A freeware program, wnllen by Phil Zimmerman, designed to send email privately primary colours f, pralm;)ri ‘kAI:lzJ n These are red, green and blue (AGB) in computers. Compare with the colours conSidered ba~ic in inks (magenta, yellow and cyan).

primitives I’pnm It IV7.l n The basic shapes used to construct graphical objects: lines, polygons, etc. print preview I,pnnt ‘pri:v ju:! n A function that shows how pages will look when printed.

printer I’prrnt;)/ n An output device which convem data into printed form. The output from a printer is referred to as a print·out Of hard copy­

printer driver I’pnnt;) ,dralv;)! n A program installed to control a particular type of printer printing plate ! ,prrnt rn ‘pIClt! n A metal 5urface that carlies the image 10 be printed.

processor !’ pr:’lO~c~;)’ n The chip that processe~ the inslfuctions prOVided by the software See central processing unit (CPU).

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program I’pmogra:rnl n A wt of instructions that tells the compuler how to do a speCific task. The ta~k can IX’ anytlw19 from tile- solution to a Maths problem to the productiOn of a graphics p.Kkage.

programmer I’pr:lOQra:rnai n Someone who wntes computer programs. programming l’pr,wgra.’1ll10f n The process of Willing iI progrilm USII»Ig iI computE’f IiInglklge. protocol l’ pr;)O ;)Knll n A set of rules whICh determine the format~ by which informatiOn may be exchanged between dIfferent systems, proxy I’ pmk,il n A computer <‘(orver which controls the traffic between thE’ Internet and a private network.

Q QuarkXpress ! ,kwu: k lk’~p rc,! n A page I,wout application produced by Quark

query I’ kw loril n A r(‘Quest for data; in a ddlabase, a functiOn Ihal illlow~ you to extract data accordIng to cenaln condItions or cnteflil.

QuickTime /’ kw lk l arrnl n Software from Apple that E’nabk-s users to play. edIt, and mdnlpulale multlmedid file~,

R radio tags I’rc ldi;)O ,t:t:g7) n MIcrochips attached 10, or embedde<! intO, pt’odu(ts. animals or people. fOf the purpoloe of IdentIfication

radio-frequency identification (RFIO) » rc ldi;)1.1 ,fr i: k …. ;)nh i aldenll f l ‘ ke IJ;ml n Technology thai uses rad,o waves and chip· equipped taqs (calle<! RFIO tags) to automatically Identify people or thll'»I9~ random access memory (RAM) I,rrend;)m ‘ a: k ~c~ ,meOl;)ril n The part 01 thE’ maIn memOly which stores informmion temporanly whIle you are working. RAM requires a continuous power supply to retaIn Informalion. Compare WIth ROM

raster graphics I’m :, t ;) ,yra; fll» ,I n Images ~lOred and displayed as pIxels. which (dn become diStorted when manlDulated. Also called b,t·mapped qrophics. read-only memory (ROM) / ,r i:d’ ;)Onl i , rncm~ril n Chip~ 01 memory contaInIng ,nformatIon which IS plesent and jX’rmanenl AlSO known a~ fllrnworc read/write head I,r i:d ,rail ‘hed/ n The pan of a di~k drive Ihat reads lind WlltE’S dala on a magnC’li disk.

RealPlayer l ‘n alpICI.)/ n A medIa pktyer, created by Real~tworks. Ihal pklys a vaflety of audio and vieiro IOfmat~.

real -time 1′ r1;)1talml adl Refers 10 something live, Simultaneous (withOUI delay). e.g real’lIme chat.

reboot I r i: ‘bu : tl vTo restartlhe computer

record I’reb:dI n A unit of a file conSisting of a number of interrelated data elemt>nts (fiE’lds),

register l’rcd31’1,-./ n The componenl In the plocessor or other chip whICh holds the instruction from the memory whIle it b beIng eXE’Cuted

re lational database Irr ‘ lc lfafl ;)1 ,dcll abc l'» n A datdbase ~ystem thdt maintdlns separate, related files (tables), but combine~ data elements from the filE’S for queries and reports,

rendering l’rcnd;)TlfJI n A technique thdt generates realistic renE’Cllons, shadows and highlights.

resolution l, rt’7al’u:fanl nThe maxImum number of pixels in the herllerllal and vefllCa! dllectiQrls of tilt> loCreen; alloO ref .. rs to the numlX’r of pixt’ls per l/»ICh, rewritable I r i: ‘ ral l ;,hll ad, Able to he le-wnllt>-n

many tImes.

right dick I ,mlt ‘ k l l k! v To p!e~s dnd 1t>lE>aloe Ih right button on a I'»l100’>1;»: thiS acllon d»plJys a list of commands

RIM Inml n An ope-rallng ~tem u<,ed on BlackBerry communICatIon devi(~ deve-lopt’d by Research tn Motion.

ring topology 1, 111) t n ‘pnl:xl3il n One 01 tht> three principal topologies for a LAN. in which all deviCes are Interconnecte<! in iI continuous loop, or ring

ringtone I’not ;xml n A dIgital sound hie played by a telephone to announce an Incoming call. ripping / ‘nplljl n Converl lllQ music tracks flOm a CD the MP3 format

rotation Ir;) ‘ICl f ;)nl n TUfOlng an objE’CI around its axis.

router I’ ru:t al n A dE»Vlce used to transmil d,lt.1 bet……een two ComputE’fS or n!»tworks. See al’>O moclem-router and wirefess router

routine Iru:’ t i:nI n A pIece of od!’ whlfh performs a speCific task In the operdtion of a program or systE’m.

row Ir;:,ol n A hOflzomalliot> of boxe … labE’ :eel with a numlX’r, in a sprt’ad~t program.

RSS feed lu:e~ ‘c~ ,fi:dI n A web leed format that allows su~ribers to rl'(eM upjatt’S of bIog~ news. po(ka~ts. etl

run a program I» … n a ‘pr;)Uyr:cml 1’10 execute a specific program: to U<,f’. plog/dm

5 save I ‘c i 1’1 v To copy InformatIon from tht’ RAM to a storage df’ViCE

scale I skclll v 1 To mJgrl’ly or shrink a parlcul,u font. 2 To make an objE’CtlargE’r or sml1l1er in any dlrE’Ction

scan I, krenl v To digitile an imagE’ by pa~Silly I! through a scanner.

scanner 1 ‘!> ~ :cn ;)1 n An Input device that scans (reads) the Image as a SE’fll»S of dots and introouces the informatlOll into the computE’r memory screen magnifier r , k r i:n ,rmt:gnlf:II;)1 n Software Ihal enlarges te~t and Imdgh on the saeen. makIng the contE’n{ mOfe leadabl fOl U’iE’rs WIth low viSIOn.

screen reader i’,k r i:n ,ri :da n Sohwl1re lOt th blind that convert’ .It lOllI. lt’ ltO ~po~ words

screen saver r ~lrj:n , ,c rva r A Pfc..g1am that darkens the screen ilftt’f vou h»VE’ not worked for SE’Vt’fal mlnutel DesIgned to prOtect an unchanging imagE from burning intO the S{f(‘t’n

screen size I’ .. kri :n » all} n The vIewIng area of a monitor; measured dlagon.llly. in IIlche~ scroll /, kr;)01I v To move a document in its window by uSlf19 scroll bars so that lext in another part of Ihe document is vis ibte.

scroll bar I’sli.r;){Jl ,bu:1 n A hOfILontal or vertical bar COntaining a box that i~ (licked and dragged to the dE’sired dirE’Ction,

search IS:J :l f l vTo look lor specific informatIon

search engine /’ s:J: t f ,cnd31nl n A program that allow~ users to search a large databa;e of web addresses and intE’roet resources, Examples ilre Google and Yahoo’

Second Ufe I. ~ck,)nd ‘hu ff n A 3·0 VIrtual world on the Internet, entirely built and, lwned by It~ restdems.

SKtor /’~ckl;) n A part of a II kk on a magr ‘tiC d ,

seek time l’,i: l ,ta lm! n Tn ilveragt:’ t,me required fOf the lead/wI,te head 01″ disk dr’ve 10 m IVE’ ilnd access data. mea~ured ,n mIl ,secr.>flds. AI ‘<l ween (Iffif’

setup /,WI ‘»pl vToinslalldnd mtigurt’ hardware or software

set·topbo» I»et ,t op ‘bok, nAdt Plhat connects to a TV and to an ext,-,rnal source 01 sIgNI (e.g. a satellite diSh or cable TV) and converts the signal intO content thf>n d,,>pl~~ on the TV screen.

setup l’wl»pl n The way In whICh a pregr,lm )r deVICe IS configured

shareware l ‘f c;)wc;,1 n Soffware dlsfibuled similarly 10 freeware. but requI!lng payment alter a trial period, Also known as ‘try beforE’ you buy’ software

shopping cart I’JOPII) ,ku: tl n Sohware thai lets you (hoose products from a webSIte and proces’>E’s the order through thE’ pl1ymPflI galeway

sign up » <;’:lI n ‘»I» v To register in a IVlce

signature » ‘Ignatf~ n A flit> WIth per>onal informatIon that IS automat,cdlly an, _hoed aIlhe’ end ,,( an emaIl meso age. silicon chip ‘ » ll l;)n ,tflP ‘I A deVICe made up )f a semi—<onducting maten )01. wh ·tl ontalns a set of integrated (irCUI!S

simulation !, ~’mja’ Ie I J;)!ll n Lr 19′ ClO’p>Jlt’1

models (plograms) to imltale leal fE’ or rru .. t’ pred tlOns.

sip-and-puff ,’ IP ,a!nd ‘p» f ‘ n A E'(hnoloqy that allows someonE’ with quadriplegia!O contlOl the computer by SIPPing and pulfmg a,r through a mouth-comrolled lube or JOyStICk

site /,;] lt ‘ n See website

Skype ! , kalpl n A program thatl1l1ows you h)

make voICe and vidro calls from a campul!’r

slide scanner I’ ~ J a ,d » kren;, ‘ n A dev» u…ed to an 3Smm slides or film negatlv .11>0 ‘;11 d

a film ‘Kannel

smart device r ‘ ll1u:t dl , v:lf ~1 n An ob ~t containing a microchip and mem( y,

smart home ~mo:t ,h;)Om n A r )r»nE’ wherE» all It .yst!’ms (security. !ighIS. appr f’IC~

ITS. audio·vldeo deviCes. etc.1 «re 1/l1( Lonnf'(te-d to allow the automal md rfill Itl’ )fItral)f the hl)ll1E’.

smart phone ,mo :t ,f ;)On ‘n A mobl phi rw WIth advanced functions, provl,j’nq -iOICe

rVlet’ as well as any comblilation of email, lex! ml ~glng, web access, vo,ee re<.:order Cdffi’:!’l’a. M~ TV or video player and organizer

smileys 1’l>mal li:7 1 n Faces madelrom punctUdtlon characters 10 express emOllOl»l5 In email messages, e.g.:·) fOf happy. olm surpn’>E’d, etc. Also called emoll(OIJS.

software I’ , ofw.:;) / nThe sel of program instructIOns that 11’11 th~ computE»r whatlodo, See hardware

software engineer I ‘,ufwc;) cnd3 I ,J1I;)/ n Som(>Qne who willes computer programs. alS<) known as programmer or programmer rlnrl/yl. Solaris 1,;) ‘ lu :n~1 n A Unix-basP’d operating system, developed by Sun Mi(fosy~tE’ms. which runs on SPARC computer~ and aIr r wOf~statlon~.

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solid modeling /,sohd ‘modahlJ! n A technique for represf’nling ~hd OOje<:ts. this includes SpI?(ifying and tining the surfaces to give the apPPilrance of a ]-0 SOlid OOje<:t with volume,

sort I .. ,,:tl v To -Iassify; to reorder data into a n€’wsequence,

sound card r ‘lwnd ,ko:dl n An expansion card that Pfoces~ audIO sigN I~; also caUed a sound board.

source code !’ .. :>;, ,bod! n 1 Computer Instructions written in a high-level language like C )r Pa~aL 2 Thto HTML code~ of a wt’b page.

spam Isp:rml n UnsoliCited, junk eITld11

spamming /’spa:mllJI n PoSling unsolicited advertl’ InglTlE sages speaker «~ pi:lo: ;)/ n A d€’vice thai provides

lund OUtput. al~ called a loudspeaker A pair of ~pt’aker. uSlJally plug intO the computer’s sound «d

speech-synthesizer I, ~ pi:tf ‘, rnO;)..a17’} ‘ n A device that produces audiO output.

spell checker I’ ~pc ,Ifck;)/ n A utilily 10 correct typing mistakes

spit «pI! n Sp.1m lunwanted messagt’s) CNef


spooler /’ ,pu:b/ n A Ulility which makes it IX )~Ibk !O send one document to the pllnter Iby ‘!ating a lemporary lile for It) so IhaT fhe JS€’r ‘an work on ilnother

spreadsheet r «llrcdJi:f l n A program for fmal! ‘al planning which allows the u~ 10 maly»», InformattOn Pfesemed in tabular fOfm. by man’pulating rows and columns.

spyware I’ »palwc;)/ n A type of software Ihat ~ts Information from your computer wilhout

v 1.11 -.osent.

standard toolbar 1’~ la:.nd;)(1 ,t u:lbo:1 n A lOW 01 icons that, when clicked, aCtivate ceflain

)mrnands of a pt»ogram For example. in a W{{d proces~or, It al~ ~ 10 save 01 pl»int d dr cument. Include d hyperlink, check the ~pel lng, etc

star topology I, ~ I u: I o’poJ;xt3il n One of the thrf» pl»IflClp<«1 topologies fOf a LAN _ In WhICh a,l data OOW through a central hub, a common :onnection point for the devices on the network

storage del/ice /’.»t J:nd3 dl , val~1 n A hdrdware dE v I used to IE’l:ord and store ddta. e.g a hard dl~~ DVO Of flash memory cald,

store » IJ:I v To copy data from the COmputer’s ‘nternal memOfy to a StOfogE’ device, such as a d,~~ tape Of flash melTlOl’y card.

st reaming !’~ 1 ri:mlUI n A te(hnlQue for l!ansmlwng sound dnd video so that It can be P» ~ssed as a continuous stream. The files are played ‘Nhl’~ they are downloadlOg

stylus I’ ~ta l l;)» n A pen-shaped tool th<lt IS u~ed to draw imdges or point menus on p/»es ,ure·sens,tlve ~reens leg on PDAs).

subject !’sAbd3lkl l n The line that desc/lbE>s [he «Intent of an email

subroutine 1′ »Abru: ,1 i:nJ n A set of instructions which perform~ it ‘>pecific functIOn of the pU’9l am.

surf I … ;d ! vTa navigate and ‘>earch 101 information on the Web

Symbian OS !,~lmbi:j;)n ;)(J ‘esl n An operating system u~ed by )ffiE» phon~ makers. including Nokia and Siemens,

system clock 1′ ~I»I,}m ,kink! n A clock that mea~ules md sYI»Khronizes the flow of data.

system software l’SI~lam ,~orwe;)/ nThe programs that controllhe basrc functions of a computer, eg operating systems, programming softwafe, device duvels and utilities.

T lablet PC /, l rebbt pi:’,>i:1 n A type of notebook computer that has an LCD ~feen on which you can wllte with a stylus Of digital pen. The screen can be eaSily folded or rOtated

te lecommunications I , t ell b, mju: n I ‘kclf ~m7J n The Ifansmls!>ion of signals Oller a distance for the purpose of communiCation.

telegraph I’ tc hgro:fI n A communications system that transmits and receives simple electromagnetic Impulses. A me5sage tranSfMted by telegraph ~ a telegram. telemarketing /’ Iell ,mu; kIt IIJI n The process 01 selling goods and services ave! the telephone. teletext I’ tchtcksl l n A melhod of communicating ,nfOfmatiOn by using TV signals. An eXlfa signal is broadcast with the TV piCture afld Ifanslated into Text on the screen by a decoder,

teleworking ! «Ch ,W3:k llJl n The pt»acllce of working at home and communicating with Ihe office by phOnE’ and computer. Also called ,elecommuting, Telnet !» c!net! n A PJotcxol and a program which is used to log directly into remOle computer systems. This enables you to run programs kepi on them and edit flies difectly terabyte /’!t / n 1,024 gigabytes.

terminal /’ t :J:m!n:>J/ nA hardware device, often equipped with a keyboard and a I/id~ screen. Ihfough which data can be entered Of displayed

text flow I’ lcht ,ri.)U/ n A feature that enables you to wrap text around images on the page. textphone l’ tck~ 1 f:){ml n A phone With a smal! screen and a keyboard that transcribes spoken voiCe as text; It is used by people With heaflng Of speech difficulties,

texturing !’1 ck’itf;)nol n Adding paint. colour and filters to an object In order to achieve a given look and feel

thermal t ransfer printer 1,03: n1;)1 ‘t rren~f3: ,prrnt;)/ n A printt’f thaT produces colour images by adhpring wax-based ink onto papef.

thesaurus tOl ‘SJ:(;)V n A utility fot searching synonyms and antonyms

three-dimensional (J-D) I,Ori:dl’mcnJ;)n;)1I ad} HaVlf191hree dl/Tlensions eg, wldth,length, and depth. 3-D draWings fepreS£>nt obtects more accurately,

tilt-and-swivel stand I, tllt ,lend , .. wlv;)1 ‘~ ‘:cndl n A kind of stand lhallels you move the monitor up Of around, so you can use it althe righl angle and height

toner I’ t :lOn;v n A special ink powder used in copy machines and Ia~f printer!>.

toolbar /’ tu: lbo:/ n A row of icons en a computer screen that, when clicked, activate Certain functions of a PJogram. Toolbars are used in programs like MS WOld Of as add·ens for web browselS (e.g. the Google tool bar).

toolbox 1’1 u:lbok,1 n A collection of draWing and painting tools,

topology I I D’pDbd3i1 n The layout 01 shape of a netVYOfk. See bus_ star and ring topologies

touch screen !’tAtf ,skri:nJ n A d isplay screen that is sensitive to the touch of a finger or Stylus. Used in PDAs_ portable game consoles. and many ty~ of infom13tion kiOSk.

touch pad I’ IAIJ,pa:.dI n A poinllng device consisting of a soh pad which is senSitive to tinger movement or pressure_ Used on portable 1′(,

track Ilrreid n An area marked on the surface of a disk. When a disk is Initialized, the operating system divides its surface Into circulal tracks, each DOe containing several sector~. Tracks and ~tors are used 10 organiZe the information stOfed 0fI dIsk.

trackball ! ‘lra:lo:b.J:V n A stationary dl»vlCe that works Ilkea mouse turned upsidedown. The ball spins ffeely to contrallhe fJlOIl?fTlent of the curSOI on the scleen. Used in lapwps i1nd CAD workstations.

translation II r:cnz’ lclf:Jnl n MOIlng an obJE’Ct to a different location.

Trojan horse 1,1 raod3;)n ‘h.J:sl n Malicious software disguised as a useful program.

two-dimensional12-D) 1, 1 u:dl’mcnf;)n;)V ad! Hillring only rwo dimenSIOns. length and width 2-D drawings look flat

type style I’ laip ,slall/ lI A visual characteristic of a typeface, e,g. plain text, Italic. bold, etc.

typeface I’ tlup,fclsJ n The design of a set of pfinted chalacters. such as Arial and Courier, The words typeface and (om ilfe used Interchangeably. but the typeface IS the pllmary d~ign, while the font is the particular use of a typeface, such as the size leg, 12 POintS) and style (e.g. normal. Itotic, bold).

u Undo l … n’du :1 n A command that reverses or erases the tast editing change done to the document

Uniform Resource locator (URL) I, ju:nlf;):m n ‘z.:»l :s 1~,kc l l;)/ nThe addressofa ~Ieon the Internet, e.g.

UNIX l’ju:n lk!.1 n An opetal!ng system, designed by Bell laboratories in the USA. found on mainframes and workstations in corporale InStallations.

update I … p’dc,t l vTo make somethIng more modern or suitable fOf use now by adding information or changing ilS design.

upgradable / … p’greld;)bV odjCan be upgraded Of expanded

upgrade l … p ‘grcldI v To acid or replace hardware or software in order to expand the computer’s power.

upload IAp’I:lOdI v To send tiles 10 a cenlfaJ, often remote computer. Compare with download.

US8 /, ju:cs’bi:1 n A Universal Serial 8us, a hardware Interface that allows penpheral devices (diSC dliV5, modems, cameras, etc.) to be easily connected 10 a computer,

USB pon Ij u :cs’bi: ,p.J:11 n A USB socket on a computer deYICe into whiCh you can plug a USB cable

Usenet I ‘j u :znctl n A large collection of discussion areas lcalled news,groups) on the Intemet

userinterface I, ju:z;) ‘ rnt;)fcI~ n The slandard procedures fOf interaction with specific computers.

user. friendly l, ju : 7.~ ‘frcndlil adj A sy~tem that is easy to learn and easy 10 use

username I’ju :z;)ne lml n 1 the part of an email address that rdentlfies the user of the service. 2 The name you use to identify yourself when you log OI1to a computer system Of neTWOfk; also called user 10.


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utility Iju~ ‘ t II;)til n A small program designed to improve the performance of the system, System utility refers to a diverse field COVf’ring anything from software dMigned 10 help)’Ou back up your hard disk or locate files. to dnti-virus progrdm~ 01 rOUllne~ used by lhe sy<.otem.

V Vector graphics I’vekt:) ,gr:cfrk .J n Imcl9E»S represented through the use of geomelfic ob,iects such as tille’>, CUI~ and polygons. based on mathematical «‘CIuattOns. They can be changed or scaled Without losing Quality,

video adapter I’vrdi :KJ a,drepl;)/’ n A expansion card that proce~~s images and sends the video signa~ to thE» mOllltor; also called video graph -s board

video editing /,v rdi:)o ,cd rt l OI nThe process of manipulating video Images,

video projector /’ vrdiao pra,d3ckt a/ n A device that prOjects images on a large screen uSing a lens system,

videoblog I’ vldiaohlogl n A blog that Include5 video videoconferencing /’vrdiau, konfarallt su,ll n A technology thaI allows organizations to create VIrtual meetlllgs With participants In multiple locations. enabling the-m to talk to and o;ee eiKh other.

virtual interface I, v3~tIu;)J ‘ mt :)fc r,,1 n A type of interfdce based on vlnual reality techlllQUE The user puts on a heold-moumed display, and uses data gtOVf’S and other devices which make you feel as if you are In a 3·0 world virtual reality I, vl:tIu ;,1 ri ‘:cl ;) t il n A computer·generated sp.:tCe in which the U€’r Interacts with artificial objects through 3·D computer SimulatiOn, This is done by using sensory perrpheral’>. such as data gloves and head-mounted displays. !O giV(> the feeling of being immersed into an illusion,uy. yet sensate, world

virus I’ valrao;,/ n A piece of software which attaches Itself to a file. Once you fun an infected program, the v»us quickly spread$ to the system files and other <,()ftwdre. Some vilu€’S can deslroy Ihe contents of hard disks.

VlsuaIBASIC/,vr3u:)1 °bcr’tki n A high-level pr-ogramming language, developed by Microsoft in 1990. used to create graphiCal user interfiKes In WindOWS applICations

VolP N:Jrp/ n Voice over Imeff)(>t Pl’otocol, which allOM you to make phone calls USIng the Imernet Instead of the regular phone hnes. voice re<ognition l,v:Jr<; rcbg’nrI;ml n A technology thai allow~ computl’fs to imerpret human speech, ConvertIng spoken wOfds into digitized text or instrUCtions.

VoiceXMl /,v:JI’> chem’cV n A markup language which makes web content acc~slble via voice and phOne. Short for Voice ExtenSIbk> Malkup language

volatile memorY /,vol;,tall ‘mem:)ril n Temporary memory (e.g. RAM); It doesn’t hold its contents Without power,

W wearable computer I, wCJrabJI bm’pju:t;)/ n A computer thaI is worn on the body,Of integrated into Ihe user’s clothing

Web Iw eb! n A network of documents that works in a hypelleKt envllonmenl. i.e. using lext that contains hnks to other documents. It’s also

known as the WOIId Wrde Web. VW{W or Wl By using a special program known as a browser. you can find information on nearly any tOPIC you can Imagine

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAil f, wcb aksesa’bll:)li r,nII:)ll vl n A pro O'{‘ thattfIE to make the Web iKCM iblt> 10 peepl! wilh disabilities.

web editor I’v.cb ,edit ;)/’ n Software thallt’t; you design web pages WIthout wrIting HTMl codes.

web page l’wcb ,pcrdy n An individual documenl OfIlhe Web. Identified by Its own unique URL Web page~ contain different elements, such as lext. pICtures., etc.

webcam I’ ….. ebka!ml n A web camera u’>ed 10 send live video Images via thE’ Interr1f’t,

webcast ing I’webko: !> trrJ’ n Sending audiO and video live over the Internet.

webmaster I’wcb,mo: <; t :’ll n Someone responsible for designing, deVE’loping, marketing or maintaining websites

website f’ ….. cb~nrl l n A collection of web pages (usually Including a homl’page), set up by an organilatlon Of an Individual. WhICh ar€’ usually stored on the same server. The paqes are all inked together; you can move from ont> paqe to another by clicking on words 01 pt ‘IUres cal ed hyper/inks wide area network (WAN) I, ward ,c:)ria ‘net w l :kl n A network tnat extE’fds outsrd~ a building or small area. For long dl~tance communications. LAN5 are u~ually cOflnected into a WAN, The Largest WAN is thE» Internet

Wi-fi I’warfarl n A lerm from theW,·fi Alliance. which certifies that flE’tWOl’k deviCes comply WIth the IEEE 802.11 wlfelMs specificatlOfls. A typical Wi-Fi setup contains one or more Wifeless ilCCE points (base stations) and vallous Comput!:’r devices acting a~ chents. Wi-fi phone I, wllIflll ‘ r:)On! n A mobile phone that can switch from the cellular network to a wireless VolP network and vice versa

Wii Iwi:1 n A Video game console from Nintendo, introduced In 2006. wiki I’ wl ki:/ n A collaborative webSite whose content can be edited by anyone who ha~ access to it, e.g. WlkiWikiWeb, W,klpedia. etc.

WiMAX 1′» almrehl n A technology that enables lhe delivery of wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and ADSl. shOlt for Worldwidl’lnreroperablhlyfor Ml(rowoV(‘ Access. window /’wlndau/ n A scrollable viewing area on screen. which can contain files Of fold!’r …

Windows l’wrnd:)Oz/ n The operating sy<.otem from Microsoft thatluns on fl1O’>t PCs. The most recent versiOns are Window; 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Windows Mobile l,wrnd:KJ7 ‘m:KJb..1rll n An operating system used on many PDAs and smartphones. Windows Vista I, w l nd;)!J]. ‘v r ~t ;v n The /lE’w Windows. released in 2007.11 Includes !.eCurrW improvements. a new graphical U$er interface. and new ways of $earching information wired / wal;xll ad) Equipped with a ~ystem of wires (cables),

wireframe I, wOlla ‘ frcllll/ n The drawing of a model by tracing features like edgE’S or contour lines.

wireless l’wfl lalasl ad) Having no wires; wlti100l the use of cables,

Wireless access point (WAP) I,war.)b , ‘rek,c’ ,p :untf n A devICe that connects Wile! ‘ss communication deviCe5 logethe-r ( form a wife s~ netWOl’k

wireless adapter I, warala» a’drept.) n A dE’1I1 e thataddswrrel connectivity!. a1 ,mputPr or POA.I! is attiKhed via a PC card ,,[ a SB porI Th(>1(‘ dre thlee main types of wtlele~s adapt»r’): Blu(‘ooth, cellular (for mobiles) and Wt·F (for laptops and desktop Pes) wireless LAN l ,w ar.)l a, ‘Iren «A Wit area netWOlk.linking t’NO or more )mpull’r wilhout cables.

wireless network /, waI JIJ~ ‘ ncl w:d.!» Any type of network that uses electromagnt·tl wal'(«;, such as rddlO waves. to transmit data Thesp are the main types: satellites for long distances, WiMAX for connectingWi·Fi hOhpot» WI-FI for medium-range distances, Bluetooth for shOll distances. and GSM for mobile phOfles. wireless rOUler I, warala:. ‘ru:t ,) n A de ,lICe which allows computelS to communicaw via radoO walles, Also called w’rl’Io ,ocr, rx nr 01

ba51′ Horion.

Word IWl:dI n A WOtd pr-OCE’ISOf lu «,t M )It

word processor I’w3:d ,prao:.c,> ‘} ‘ nAn app! cation tnal manipulates le.t and produces document~ SUItable fnr printing

word wrap /’w3:d ,ra;p nAn edlrlng 13< Ilrty wh :h automallcall}’ mOVf’S a word 10 tn n-‘J(I hne if there is flOt enough space fo Ih -ampl >le ‘NOrd OIl the cUllent IIrn

workstation l’ w l :k,s t erIJnI n 1 A high· peffo.mance computer, typically u’·~ tor graphl(~. CAD. software development lfld ;cientlnc applications, 2 Any )mputer connected to a nel’NOlk

World Wide Web /,wl:ld ,w<lld ‘wenl n W.b worm fW3:mf n A self·copying program thJ1 spreads through email attachments; II replicares itself and sends a copy to everyonE’ in cl contJct list.

X Xbox 360 I,cksbok s ,Ori: ‘.,rk»t i ‘ n A VldE’O game console from Mlcrosofl

XMl /,ckoic m’cI/ n ExtenSible Markup language. While HTMl uses pre·defm{‘d IdQl»

XML allows us 10 create our own t<l9~ to benel’ di cflbe-data

y Yahoo! I jo: ‘hu: n A leading oIIeb perlJI With a mix of news, entertainment and ‘(‘ shopping, as well as search engine ,me»,,,,1 directory. enlall and 1M serVICes.

YouTube I’ju:tju:bl n A popular wE’b~lte whrch lets users upload, View. and share Video (lop!..

Z .zip fZIp! n An extension that Identiftes compressed files. To decompress them you need a shareware program like WinZip.

zoom 17u:ml n A tool u~ed to magnlfy,lreit~ of an image when you are doing clo€’, detailed work

Page 170: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

These are the most important irregular verbs. They can be divided into the following groups (A-E):

A All three forms the same C Past simple = Past participle cont. Base Past simple Past Translation Base Past simple Past Translation

participle participle

bet bet bet hear heard heard ……………. coSt cost cost hold held held

cut cut cut …. .. ………… keep kept kept

hit hit hit lay laid laid

hurt hurt hurt lead led led

set set set learn learnt learn t

let let let leave left left ……………… put put put lend lent lent ………………

shut shut shut light lit lit

spread spread spread lose lost lost ………………

read read Iredl read Iredl make made made

mean meant meant ……………… B Base = Past simple

meet met met ………………

Base Past simple Past Trans/ation pay paid paid participle

say said said ……………… beat beat beaten

sell sold sold ………………

C Past simple = Past participle send sent Sent

shine shone shone Base Past simple Past Translation

participle shOot shot shot

bend bent bent sit sat sat ………………

bleed bled bled sleep slept slept …………….. ……………..

bring brought brought spend spent spent ………….. _.

build bUilt built ……………… stand stood stood

buy bought bought stick stuck stuck ………………

catch caught caught strike struck struck

deal dealt dealt sweep swept swept ………………

reed red red teach taught taught

reel felt (elt tell told told

fight fought rought think thought thought ………………

find found found understand understood understood ………………

get got got win won won ………………

hang hung hung

have had had

Page 171: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

DBase = Past participle E All three forms different cont. Base Past simple Past Trans/arion Base Past simple Past Translation

pa rticiple participle

become became become …………. give gave given

come came come …………. go went gone run ran run grow grew grown

hide hid hidden

know knew known

E All three forms different lie lay lain

Base Past simple Past Translation overwrite overwrote overwritten

particip le ride rode ridden

arise arose arisen ……… ring rang rung ………

awake awoke awoken rise rose risen

be was/were been see saw seen begin began begun shake shook shaken

bite bit bitten show showed shown

blow blew blown shrink shrank shrunk

break broke broken sing sang sung

choose chose chosen ……….. sink sank sunk do did done ………. speak spoke spoken draw drew drawn steal stole stolen

drink drank drunk swear swore sworn

drive drove driven swim swam swum ……… eat ate eaten take took taken

rail rell fallen tear tore torn

ny new flown …………. throw threw thrown

forbid forbade forbidden wake woke woken

forget forgot forgotten wear wore worn

forgive forgave forgiven withdraw withdrew withdrawn

freeze froze frozen ………. write wrote written

Page 172: Infotech English for Computer Users - Student's Book 4th Edition

AOSl Asymmetric ‘9 ‘tdl OVO-/+RW Digital Ver~tilf» Disc- LAN Local Area NetWOfk RSl repetillVf.’ strain injUry «-Ib<.nber lne Rewritabll laser light Amplification by RSS Really ‘>imple Syndical’

AI Ar!lncia! Intelligence DVO DigItal Versaille Disc or DigItal Stimulated Emission of Radiation Rich Site Summary AIM AOllnstant Mes~nger Video Disc LCD liquid-Crystal Display ALU ArithmetIC logIC Unit OVO-R DIgital Versatde Dlsc- LISP liSt Processing SORAM Synchronov~ Dyn. AMO Advanced MICro [)(.v,ces Re<:ordable Random Acce5~ Mt’rTI(lI’y ASCII Ameflcan Standard Code for OVO·ROM DigItal Versatile Disc· .mov QuickTIme movie SIM (card) Sub’>CribE’r Idenl InformJtlon Intercl1.’1ngE’ ReJd Only Memory

Mac Macintosl1 computer Module AT&T AmerIcan lelephonl & OVI DigItal Video Interface

MAN Metropolitan Area Network SMS ShOll Mes~ge S€’rVI({ Te-l ‘9IJph compony

MB Megabyte (l,024 kilobyte-s) SMTP Simple Mail Transfer I ATA Analogue Telephone AdaptUf EEPROM E :uically Erasable

MHz Megahertz SOL Structured Query lang ATM Automated Tellt’r MachIne Programmable ROM

MIDI Musical Instrument DigItal SSl 5e<ure- 5ocke-ts layer AVI AudiO Video Intl’dace EPS Encapsulated PostScript

Interfa<e SXGA Super XGA (E~tende<

MIPS MillOn Instructions Per Graphics Arlay) BASIC Beq,nners AI purpQ5e FAO Frequently Asked Questions )econd Symbolic Instruct,on Code FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation

MMS Multimedia messages TAN TranSJ<tlOf) AuthofiZat BBS Bulletin Board System FTP FileTransferProtocol Modem MOdulator/DfModulator Number Bce: B Ind carbon (or courtesy) MP3 MPEG-I Ldyer-3 Audio TB Terabyte (1,024 gigabyte wpy GB Gtgabyte (1.024 mt’qabytes)

MPEG Moving Pictures Expens TCPJIP TransmiSSIOn Corme BIOS BaSI( Input/Output System GHz Gigahertz Group Protocol J Internet Protocol bit binary digit GIF Graphic Intercnange Format ms mitti~ond TFT Thin Film TranSistor (diS bps bitS pel second GIS Geographic Information TIFF Tagged Image File Fou

System NIC NetWOlk Inlerface Card

CAD Computer·Alded Dt>sign GNU «‘u’s Not UNIX NUl Network User identifier UMTS Univt’fsal Mobile Cc: Carbon (or COUrtesy) copy GPS Global PosltlOnlll(J S)’5tem TelecommunICations Systen CCO Charge-Couplt'(! Devices GSM Globdl System for Mobile OCR OptICal Character Recognition URl Uniform Resource Loea CO Comp.Kt Disc communication

OLE MiCrosoft’s Objecllinking and USB UniVf’rsal Seflal Bus cd/m2 C-Indela pef ~udre metre GUI Grdphlcal US(‘{ IntE’fface Embedding standard CO-R Compoct Disc-Recordable OLEO Dfgank light-Emltllng VAT Value Added Ta~ CO-ROM Compact Di~-R€’ad Only HOD Hard Disk Drive Diodes (display) VCR Videocassette Recorder M.;omory HO-OVO High Definltion·Digital OOP Objl»(t Oriented Programming VOU Visual Display UnIt CO-RW Compact Oisc·Rewfltablf» VersatilE> Oi~k

OS Operatll’l9 S~tem VGA Video Graptllc_s Adapte CERN -onsell EurOpf’en pour la HOTV High·definition ‘TeleVIsion VoiceXML VOice ExtenSIble Re<nprcne Nucleaire HP Hewletl’PilCkard • pdf portable document format L,mguage COBOL COmmon Business· HTML Hypertext Markup language PAN Personal Area Network VolP Voice over Internet Prc Orlt’ntE’d language HTIP Hypelext Tramfer Protocol PC 1 Personal Computer; 2 Program VRMl Virtual Reality Mocleli. CPU _entral ProcessIng Unit Hz Hertz Counter Malkup) language CRT Cathode Ray Tube PCl Pnnter COfltrollanguage CSS Cascading Style Sheets 1I0 lnputJOutput POA Personal Digital A5sistanl .wav Windows wave audiO f CTP Computer To PIJte IBM International BUSI/1(‘5S POL Page Description language W3 ~ Web In Glossary CU .ontr( Unl MachinE’S

PGP PrellY Good Privacy WAI Web Acc~slblilty InlUdt ICO I Seek You PIN Personalldentiflc:ation Number WAN Wide- Area Network.

DAB D9ltal AudiO Broadcasting ICT Information and pillet picture element WAP 1 wireless access point DAW DigItal AudIO Wor!(s,tatlon Communications Technologies

png portabtt> network graphic 2 Wireless Application PrOt()( DBMS Database Management 1M Instant M5SJglng

ppm pages pel m,nute Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity System IP Imerl»lE’f Protocot

PPP Point to Pain! Protocol WiMAX Worldv’nde Interope DOR Double Data Rilte (RAM) IR Instruction RegiSter fOf MIcrowave Access DlMM Dual In-line Memory Module IrOA Infrared Data ASSOCiat ion

.ra RealAudio nil’ WIMP Window,lcon, Menu ( OLP Digltal·light pfocessing ISP Intemet Service ProvIder mouse) and Pointer

OMB DIgItal MultImedIa IT InformatIOn lechnoloqy RAM Random Access Memory WP Word Proc~slng

Broadcasl!ng RGB Red, Green. Blue WWW WorldWldeWeb

ONS Domain Name Sy~tem JPG (or JPEG) JOint PnOtographiC RFIO Radio·Frequency

WYSIWYG What You See Is II identification You Get dpl dotS per inch E~pemGroup RIM Research In Motion

DTP Ot>~ktop PubUshlng RIP Raster Image ProcesSOl

XGA Extende(l Graphic~ Arrd OTTV Digital Terr5tflallelev;~ion k 1 kilo, used to denote a thousand; RISC Reduced Instruction Set

OVB-H OIgital Video Broadcast- 2 1,024 bytes Computer XML ExtenSible Markup lJn(

Handhe-Id KB kilobyte (1,024 bytes) ROM Read Only Memory

WXGA Wide- XGA (E~tended Graphics Array)

rpm Ievolutioos pef minute

Central processing unit (CPU)


Control unit


Arithmetic logic unit (ALUl Registers

PC ~



Ma·n memory

010 a 111 a

0101 a a 101 a , a a a a 0101 010 a a a a I I


10101011111010101 , , , ,








Fig. 1: Organization ofa simple computer; the CPU is built into a single microprocessor chip

Language work: defining relative clauses

HELP box Defining relative clauses

Look at the HELP box and then complete the sentences below with suitable relative pronouns. Give alternative options if possible. Put brackets round the relative pronouns you can leave out. ,

That’s the computer to buy.


Core 2 Duo is a new Intel processor contains about 291 million transistors.


A web master is a person designs, develops and maintains a website.


A bus is an electronic pathway carries signals between computer devices.


Here’s the DVD


Last night I met someone works for GM as a software engineer.

A blogger is a person who/that keeps a web log (blog) or publishes an online diary.

I’d like

you lent me!

We can define people or things with a defining (restrictive) relative clause. We use the relative pronoun who to refer to a person; we can also use that.

We use the relative pronoun which (or that) to refer to a thing, not a person.

This is built into a single chip which/ that executes program instructions and coordinates the activities [hat rake place within the computer system. •

Relative pronouns can be left out when they are the object of the relative clause.

The main circuit board (which/ that) you have inside your system is called the motherboard.

How memory ;s measured Read the text and then answer these questions. 1 How many digits does a binary system use? 2 What is a bit? 3

What is a collection of eight bits called?


What does ASCII stand for?

5 What is the purpose of ASCII?

Bits and bytes Computers do all calcu!ations using a code made of just two numbers — 0 and 1. This system is called binary code. The electronic circuits in a digital computer detect the difference between two states: ON (the current passes through) or OFF (the current doesn’t pass

Computers use a standard code for the binary representation of characters. This is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, or ASCII — pronounced f :£ski/. In order to avoid complex calculations of bytes, we use bigger units such as

through) and represent these states as 1 or O. Each 1 or 0

kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes.

is called a binary digit, or bit.

We use these units to describe the RAM memory, the storage capacity of disks and the size of a program or document.

Bits are grouped into eight-digit codes that typically represent characters (letters, numbers and symbols).

Eight bits together are called a byte. Thus, each character on a keyboard has its own arrangement of eight bits, For example, 01000001 for the letter A, 01 00001 for B, and 01000011 for C.

Note: bit is pronounced Iblt!; byte is pronounced Iba ltl


1, 10 , I ,100 …

One bit




Example of a byte

Unit of memory


Exact memory amount

Binary digit

bit, b

1 or 0



8 bits



1,024 bytes (210)



1,024 KB, or 1,048,576 bytes (21(1)



1,024 MB, or 1,073,741,824 bytes (2’J)



1,024 GB, or 1,099.511,627,776 bytes (2010)

B Complete these descriptions with the correct unit of memory. 1

A is about one trillion bytes — about as much text as the books and magazines in a huge library.



is about one million bytes — about as much text as a 300-page novel.

3 A

is about one thousand bytes — equivalent to one sheet of A4.


is about one billion bytes — about as much text as 1,000 books.


5 A

can store a single character, such as the letter h or number 7.

A PC system Complete this diagram of a PC system. Look at Units 1, 2 and 3 to help you.












Mechanical and electroniCleqUiPment

e.g. graphics package, web browser



PC system

Main memory




The ‘brain’ of the computer




I (5)







Output devices


(7) (10)



Physical units attached to the computer



Flash drive

In pairs, compare your answers.


listen to a teacher explaining the diagram to her class and check your answers.

Your ideal computer system Make notes about the features of the computer that you would most like to have. Think about the features in the box. CPU



Optical disc drives

Wireless connectivity

Ports and card memory slots

Hard disk

Minimum/maximum RAM


Cl ln pairs, describe your ideal computer system. Give reasons for your choices.

Useful language It’s gOL .. It’s very fast. It runs at … The standard RAM memory is . . . and it’s expandable … The hard disk can hold … I need a large, flat LCD screen because … As for the Internet, …


In a computer shop

C Imagine you are in a computer shop. Choose five things that would improve your digital life. In pairs, compare your choices.

You want to buy a computer. Think of three basic features that will make a big difference to your choice. In pairs, compare your choices.

c ., Listen to two people making enquiries in a computer shop. Do they buy anything?

. listen again and complete the product descriptions.


Processor speed 2.33GHz

RAM Hard drive capacity DVD drive included? Yes Operating system

Includes internet sohware Price


Processor speed RAM Hard drive capacity

DVO drive included?

Operating system Includes internet software

Price £ 1,029




Listen again and complete the extract from the conversation.

Assistant: Do you need any (1) Paul:


Urn, yes, we’re looking for a Mac computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

Assistant: Yes, sure. If you’d like to come over here. Paul:

What different (2)

are there?

Assistant: At the moment we’ve got these two models: the iMac, which is a desktop computer at 2.33 gigahertz, and the with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (3) at 2.0 gigahertz. Core Duo portable MacBook, which has a processor (4) technology actually means two cores, or processors, built into a single chip, offering up to twice the speed of a traditional chip. Sue:

So they’re both very (5) which has more RAM?

, then. And which one has more memory? I mean,

up to three Assistant: Well, the iMac has two gigabytes of RAM, which can be (6) gigabytes, and the MacBook has one gigabyte, expandable to two gigabytes. It all depends on your needs. The iMac is (7) for home users and small offices. if you travel a lot. The Mac Book is mOl’e (8)


Language functions in a computer shop Look at the language functions in the HELP box and then correct one mistake in each of these sentences. Decide which functions are being expressed in each sentence. 1 The Ulysses SO is a power. expandable computer that offers high-end graphics at a low price. 2

A laptop is likely to be more expensive than the equivalent desktop, but a laptop is less practical if you travel a lot.

HELP box language functions useful to a sales assistant •

Greeting and offering help Good morning. Do you need any help?

Giving technical specifications (specs) The MacBook has a processor running at 2.0 gigahertz. The iMac has two gigabytes of RAM. They feature a camera built into the display.

Describing Both computers are very fast and reliable.

Comparing The MacBook is more practical if you travel a lot. PDAs are cheaper than laptops but laptops are more powerful.


Where’s the storage capacity of the hard drive?


I’m looking a desktop PC that has good graphics for games.

language fu nctions useful to a customer


Do you need the help?


And how many does the PDA cost?

Explaining what you are looking for We’re looking for a personal computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

Asking for technical specs What’s the storage capacity of the hard drive? Do they have a DVD drive?

Asking the price How much do they cost? How much;s it?

7 This workstation is a Pentium processor with dual-core technology, 1,024 gigabytes of RAM, and 1 terabyte of disk space.


Role play — buying a computer

CI Work in pairs. One of you wants to buy a computer, the other is t he shop assistant. Use the prompts and product descriptions below to role play the conversation.

Shop assistant


Greet the customer and offer help. Explai n what you are looking for. Show the customer two possible models.

Ask for some technical specs. Give technical specs (describe the processor, RAM and storage capacity). Compare the two different models. Ask about any further technical specs (DVD drive, monitor, communications, etc.). Give the information required. Compare the two models.

Ask the price. Answer. and mention any final details that might persuade the customer to buy the computer. Decide which computer to buy or leave the shop.

Toshiba Satellite (

.iiiiiiii……. laptop 2.OGHz Core 2 Duo processor 2GB RAM expandable to 4GB I 60GB hard drive Super Mun.i drive (double layer)


15.4″ wide XGA d!splay Wireless LAN,Wi-Fi compliancy

£ I ,099



Dell desktop PC A MD Ath lon at 2.4G Hz 1GB RAM expandable to 4GB 320GB hard d ri ve DVD+/-RW d r ive 17″ LCD m onitor


Palm TX handheld Intel 312MHz ARM-based proceSSor 128 MB Hash memory (non -volatite) Support for memory card s 320×480 TFT touch screen Wi-Fi and Bluetooth lith;um-;o» batte’ll


Choosing the right computer .., Listen to four people talking about their computer needs and take notes. In pairs, read the descriptions from the computer shop website and choose the most suitable computer for each person. Give reasons for your choices.

Speaker 1

Speaker 3

Speaker 2

Speaker 4 Sun workstation Two AMD Opteron processors at 3.0GHz 4GB RAM; 32GB maximum 1 terabyte hard drive and dual DVD drive 19″ Sun TFT flat-panel LCD Supports several graphics formats Allows you to handle your toughest technical, scientific, and business-critical applications Supports Solaris, Windows and Linux £3,249

1!.:i:!J’8uying II compute,

Gateway C·120 convertible notebook


Inlel Core 2 Duo ULV processor at l06GHz 12.1 · WXGA TFT touch screen

Gateway Executive stylus pen 1024MB DDR2 SDRAM BOGB serial ATA hard drive

DVO-ROM drive (optical

ova burner)

Integrated modem and Bluelooth Windows Vista Home Premium

Thin and lightweight (1.17″, 2.4 kg) £805


Sony Vaio AR laptop (VGN-AR51 E) Intel Core 2 Duo Processor at 2GHz 2GB DDR2 SDRAM

200GB hard drive DVD+I-RW optical drive 17″ WXGA high-definition LCD screen Memory Stick slot Three USB 2.0 porls Integrated wireless LAN Buill-in ‘Motion Eye’ digital camera Lithium-ion battery Windows Vista Ultimate


Dell I»spiro» 53t desktop PC AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3072MB DDR2 SDRAM Dell 22″ Wide Flat Panel 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT video card 1.0TB Hard Drive l6x DVD+/· RW Drive Integrated 7 1 Channel High Definition Audio Windows Vista Home Premium Optional features: Windows Media Center, integrated TV Tuner, and a Blu-ray disc drive for high-definiton content

From £849

B Look at the notes you made about your ideal computer system in Unit 3 task 6 (page 151. What did you want? Look again at the descriptions of the computers above and choose the one that is closest to your ideal. In pairs, discuss your choices.




Vocabulary tree Designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental ‘ maps’ of vocabulary areas. Look at the list of terms in the box and put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The first one has been done for you. PfOCt:350f RAM


ROM expandable memory computer brain byte DVD



ALU DIMMs system clock



hard drive

keyboard registers

Recommending a computer


A friend has asked you to recommend a computer that suits his needs. He needs to be able to access the Internet, play games and work with graphics, music and video files. Write an email describing its technical features and saying why you recommend it. Now visit an online task.


Interacting with your computer Read the description of input devices and then label the pictures (1-8) with words

from the text. Input devices are the pieces of hardware which allow us to enter information into the computer. The m ost common are the keyboard and the mouse. We can also


interact with a computer by using one of these: a light

pen, a scanner, a trackball, a graphics tablet, a game controller or a microphone.








Describing input devices A

. listen to a computer technician describing three input devices.

Write which devices he’s talking about. ‘ 2 3



Listen again and complete these extracts.

1 This device is

enter information into the computer.

2 … it may also

function keys and editing keys

3 This is a device 4 It usually 5

special purposes.

the cursor and selecting items on the screen. two bunons and a wheel. activate icons or select items and text.

… the user

6 It detecting light from the computer screen and is used by pointing it directly at the screen display. 7 It

the user

answer multiple-choice Questions and.


Describing functions and features A Look at the HELP box and then use

the notes below to write a description of the Sony PlayS tat ion 3 controller.

HELP box Describing functions In the listening, the mouse was described using

for + gerund: This is Q device for controlling the cursor and selecting items on the screen. There are other ways of describing a device’s function: •


+ to + infinitive

It’s used to control .

Sony PlayS tat ion 3 controller Functions control video games

hold it with both hands, use thumbs to handle directional sticks and face buttons

relative pronoun

+ verb

This is a device which controls . •

relative pronoun + used + to + infinitive This is a device which/ that is used to control … work by + gerund

It works by detecting light from the computer screen.


six·axis sensing system (capable of sensing motion in six directions: up,

Describing features

down, leh. right, forwards and backwards)

We can describe features like this:

wireless controller (Bluetooth)

USB mini port and cable for wired play and automatic battery charging

An optical mouse has an optical sensor instead of a ball underneath. It usually features cwo buttons and a wheel. You can connect it to a USB porro A wireless mouse works/operates withour cables.

B Ol in pairs, choose one of these input devices and describe its functions and features. Try to guess which device your partner is

It allows the user to answer multiple-choice questions and …


Bar code reader

Touchpad on a portable PC


Touch screen


The keyboard A Label the picture of a standard keyboard with the groups of keys (1 -5). ,

Cursor control keys include arrow keys that move the insertion point up, down, right and left. and keys such as End, Home, Page Up and Page Down, which are used in word processing to move around a long document.

2 Alphanumeric keys represent letters and numbers. as arranged on a typewriter. 3

Function keys appear at the top of the keyboard and can be programmed to do special tasks.


Dedicated keys are used to issue commands or to produce alternative characters, e.g. the Or’ key or the Aft key.

S A numeric keypad appears to the fight of the main keyboard. The Num Lock key is used to switch from numbers to editing keys.


A PC-compatiblekeyboord

B Match the descriptions (1 — 8) with the names ofthe keys (a-h). Then find them on the keyboard. ,

A long key at the bottom of the keyboard Each time it is pressed, it produces a blank space.


It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands.

c Caps Lock


It works in combination with other keys. For example, you press this key and C to copy the selected text.

e tab


It removes the charaaer to the left of the cursor or any selected text.

9 backspace


It produces UPPER CASE characters.

h etrl


It produces UPPER CASE leners, but it does not affect numbers and symbols.


It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in tabulations and data fields).


They are used to move the cursor, as an altemative to the mouse.


arrrow keys

b return/enter

d shift f

space bar



Mouse actions Complete this text about the mouse with verbs from the box. click







Mouse actions A mouse allows you to (1) the cursor and move around the screen very quickly. Making the same movements with the arrow keys on the keyboard would take much longer. As you (2) the mouse on your desk, the pointer on the screen moves in the same direction. The pointer usually looks like an I-bar, an arrow, or a pointing hand, depending on what you are doing.

A mouse has one or more buttons to communicate with the computer. For example, if you want to place the

insertion point or choose a menu option, you just (3) (press and release) on the mouse

The mouse ;5 also used ro starr a program or open a

text and

Gooo. NolV,

The mouse is widely used in graphics and design. When you want to move an image, you position the pointer on the object you want to move, press the mouse button, and (5) the image to a new location on the screen. Similarly, the mouse is used to change the shape of a graphic object. For example, if you want to convert a square into a rectangle, you (6) one corner of the square and stretch it into a rectangle. document: you put the pointer on the file name and (7) on the name — that is, you rapidly press and release the mouse button twice.

bunon, and the option is chosen. The mouse is also used to (4)

items on the screen. You can highlight text to be deleted, copied or edited in some way.


OVER. «T\E: C~iT





I )




Speech recognition systems A ~ Listen to an interview with Anne Simpson, an expert in voice input technologies and tick (y’) the features she mentions. Speech recognition systems:

o need a good sound card and a microphone. o can take dictation with accuracy. o o o allow you to surf the Web by speaking.

allow you to create and compile a computer program. allow you to execute programs and navigate around menus using voice commands.

o allow you to design graphics. B



What do people usually use to communicate with a computer?


How do you get the best results from speech recognition software?

listen again and answer these questions.

3 What rate of accuracy is possible with the software? 4

How can you train the software to be more accurate?


What kinds of words aren’t in the software’s dictionary?

C Ol in groups, discuss these questions.

You talk, it types — speech

recognition software lets youoperare computers by voice command


What are the benefits of speech recognition software?


What kind of tasks would you find speech recognition useful for?


Who would benefit most from advances in speech recognition technology?


What is the future of this kind of technology? Do you think it will ever be possible to control your computer using only your thoughts?


The eyes of your computer A In pairs, discuss how many ways there are of capturing an image on a computer. B Read the text and see how many things from your list are mentioned. C Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 Which device is used to input text and graphic images from a printed page? 2

How does a scanner send information to the computer?


How do digital cameras store photographs?


What feature allows mobile phone users to take pictures?

5 Which device would you use to take digital video? 6

What kind of software is used to manipulate video clips on the computer?

The eyes of your computer What does a scanner do? A scanner ‘sees’ images and converts the printed text or pictures into electronic codes that can be understood by the computer. With a flatbed colour scanner, the paper with the image is placed face down on a glass screen, as with a photocopier. Beneath the glass are the lighting and measurement devices. Once the scanner is activated, it reads the image as a series of dots and then generates the digitized image that is sent to the computer and stored as a file. The scanner operates by using three rotating lamps, each of which has a different coloured filter: red, green and blue. The resulting three separate images are combined into one by appropriate software.

Photographs are stored

in the camera’s memory card before being sent to the computer. Some

cameras can also be connected to a primer or a TV set to make viewing images easier. This is usually the case with camera phones — mobile phones with a built-in camera.

What does a camcorder do? A camcorder, or digital video camera, records moving pictures and converts them into digital data that can be stored and edited by a computer with special video editing software. Digital video cameras are used by home users to create l~i’ mwi’ ,~1’a;

at 0′ jJl~~.:lJIi.J1’id’11; Ii?

computer art and video conferencing.

What does a digital camera do? A digital camera takes photos electronically and converts them into digital data (binary codes made up of 1sand Os), It doesn’t use the film found in a traditional camera; instead it has a special light-sensitive Silicon chip.

They are also used to send live video images via the Internet. In this case they are called web cameras, or webcams.


Scanners ~

Listen to a conversation between Vicky Cameron, an Information Technology (IT) lecturer, and one of her students, and complete the student’s notes. ~ used lol’ 5c().l’l’efS loS Si…mi…o.f 1::.0 I::.ho.l::. V’Sed l.1′ a.

Z. ~ SCClVled l.~ loS 5er.t. 1::.0 I:..he

A handheld scanner

(or scanning text, bar codes and handwritten numbers



~fe. ~ CM ~I:..e lol::..

SCo.r’ l::.e).eed .J-1

Me Il’IterPOer.



‘Web’ or ‘I»,f»er»,e’l-‘? the Web: hl/fge co/lect»(ol’l 0((7) sf»ored On corv.PlAters «,II over the WQrld. 171e I»,f»erher. Me he-Mar/:. Nfl/eM COhhCCf>5


Po/I Me


Internet FAQs A Read Part 1 of the Internet FAQs on page 80 and choose the correct answers. 1 The Internet was a invented in the mid-90s.

b popular in the 1960s.

c probably created in the USA.

2 Which term describes any fast, high-bandwidth connection? a broadband

b dial-up connection

c Wi-Fi connection

3 The power-line Internet provides broadband access through a

telephone lines.

b satellites.

c electrical power lines.

4 Which device converts computer data into a form that can be transmitted over phone lines? a ADSL

b a mobile phone

c a modem

5 The standard protocol that allows computers to communicate over the Internet is called a an IP address.



6 The geographical region covered by one or several access points is called a a wireless access point.

b hotspot.

c wireless network device.

Internet FAQs : Part 1 How old ;s the Internet (the Net)? When was it created? It’s hard to say exactly. The research that led to what we now know as the Internet was begun in the 19605. Who created the Internet? Again, it’s hard to say exactly who created it. The initial research was carried out by the Advanced Research Projects Agency in America, funded by the US government.

Did the Internet become popular quickly? II took many years for the Internet to become popular around the world. It’s only really since the mid-90s that the Internet has been a part of our daily lives. How do you get online? To gel connected, you need a computer, the right connection software and a modem connected to the phone line. You also need an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP), which acts as a gateway between your PC and the rest of the Net.

How fast are today’s internet connections? Today, ISPs offer a broadband , high-speed connection. The most common types are cable — offered by local cable TV companies — and ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) , which works through phone lines. They are both faster than the traditional dial-up telephone connection. Broadband access is also offered by some electricity networks. This competing technology, known as power-line Internet, provides low-cost access via the power plug , but is still in development.

How long has broadband existed? Since the late 1990s.

How much does broadband access cost? It depends on which company you choose. Nowadays, some companies even offer free broadband.

Why do you need a modem? A modem (modulator/demodulator) converts digital signals into analogue signals so that data can be transmitted across the phone or cable network.

What does TCP/IP mean? The language used for data transfer on the Internet is known as TCP/IP (t ransmission control protocol! Internet protocol). This is like the internet operating system. Every computer connected to the Net is identified by a unique IP address.

Are there other ways of accessing the Internet? Other methods of internet access include Wi-Fi , satellite, mobile phones and TV sets equipped with a modem. Wi-Fi-enabled laptops or PDAs allow you to con,neet to the Net if you are near a wireless access point, in locations called hotspots (for example, a Wi-Fi cafe, park or campus). Satellite services are used in places where terrestrial access is not available (for example, on ships at sea). High-end mobile phones provide access through the phone network.

B In pairs, discuss which of the internet systems (1-6) you would use to do the tasks (a-f). Then read Part 2 of the FAQs on page gland check your answers. Email


transfer files from the Internet to your hard drive

2 The Web


send a message to another person via the Internet

3 Newsgroups


have a live conversation (usually typed) online

4 Chat and 1M 5 FTP


connect to a remote computer by entering instructions, and run a




program on it e

take part in public discussion areas devoted to speCific topics


download and view documents published on the Internet


Unit 11

Internet FAQs: Part 2 Email Email lets you exchange messages with people all over the world. Optional attached files can include text, pictures and even audio and animation. A mailing list uses email to communicate messages to all its subscribers — that is, everyone that belongs to the list.

Which email program is the best? Outlook Express is a popular program , but many users use web-based email accounts such as Hotmail.

The Web The Web consists of billions of documents living on web servers that use the HTTP protocol. You navigate through the Web using a program called a web browser, which lets you search , view and print web pages.

How often are web pages updated? It depends entirely on the page. Some are updated thousands of times a day.

Chat and Instant Messaging (1M) Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.

FTP FTP, or f ile t ransfer p rotocol , is used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network . Nowadays, this feature is built into Web browsers. You can download programs, games and music files from a remote computer to your hard drive.

Telnet Telnel is a protocol and a program used 10 log onto remote computer systems. It enables you to enter commands that will be executed as if you were entering them directly on the remote server.

Newsgroups Newsgroups are the public discussion areas which make up a system called Usenet. The contents are contributed by people who post articles or respond to articles, creating chains of related postings called message threads. You need a news reader to subscribe to newsgroups and to read and post messages. The newsreader may be a stand-alone program or part of a web browser.

How many newsgroups are there? There are approximately 30,000 active newsgroups.

Where can you find newsgroups? Your newsreader may allow you to download the newsgroup addresses that your ISP has included on its news server. An alternative to using a newsreader is to visit web forums instead , which perform the same function but without the additional software.

C Find words and phrases in Part 2 with the following meanings. 7 a jYsrem used rodf5I/JbvlE’lwAIlJ)/om?l?ydffCYCI?(J«ami7e» ,Jrarrce (ril tmOiTparagraph/ 2 a program used for displaying web pages (in The Web paragraph) 3

to connect to a compu ter by typing your username and password (in Tefnel paragraph)


a series of interrelated messages on a given topic (in Newsgroups paragraph)


a program for reading Usenet newsgroups (in Newsgroups paragraph)


Language work: questions A look at the HELP box and then make a question about Sue Clarke for each of her answers. 1

I’m 23 years old. 2

l’m an online researcher. 3 I use the Internet to find information requested by dients.

4 I’ve been doing this job for six months.

5 I graduated from university in 2006.

Sue Clarke

HELP box Place


Where can you find newsgroups?

In questions, we normally place the auxiliary verb before the subject.

Time When was it created? How often are web pages updated? How long has broadband existed?

Are there ocher ways of accessing the Internet?

If there is no other auxiliary, we use do/does (present simple) or did (past simple).

Reason Why do you need a modem?

Did the Internet become popular quickly? •

There are many question words in English which we use to find out more information than just yes or no.

Quantity How much does broadband access cost? How many newsgroups are there?

People Who created the Internee?

Manner How do you get online?

Things What does TCPIIP mean? Which email program is the best?

Others How fast are raday’s internet connections? How old is the Internet?

B In pairs, make questions using these prompts. Then practise asking and answering the questions. Examp!e: When llirst I use the Internet

When did you first use the Internet?


What type of internet connection I have at home?


How fast / your internet connection?


How much / pay for broadband access?


How often / access the Internet?

5 Which email program / use? 6

Who / send email to?


Do I use your mobile phone to access the Internet?


Do / use the Internet in public spaces using Wi-Fi?


Do / play games online?

10 How many newsgroups / subscribe to?


Email features A Read the text and find the following. 1

the place where your ISP stores your emails


the type of program used to read and send email from a computer


the part of an email address that identifies the user of the service


the line that describes the content of an email


the computer file which is sent along with an email message


facial symbols used to indicate an emotion or attitude

7 the name given to junk mail



Write a reply to Celia’s email below.

Email features When you set up an account with an Internet Service Provider, you are given an email address and a password. The mail you receive is stored on the mail server of your ISP — in a Simulated mailbox — until you next connect and

download it to your hard drive. There are two ways to get email over the Internet. One is by using a mail program (known as an email client) installed on your computer, for example Eudora or Outlook Express. The other way is to use web~ based email, accessible from any web browser. Hormail and Gmail are good examples. You can make the message more expressive by including emoticons, also called smileys. For example, ;-) for wink, :-) for happy, :-0 for surprised, :-0 for laughing, etc. You may also like to add a signature file, a pre-written text file appended to the end of the message. The name given to unsolicited email messages is spam.

The anatomy of an email The header

To: name and address of the recipient From: name and

The username (a person’s name or nickname)

The domain name or network address — that is, the mal/server where the account is located. The final part adds information about it for example com = company, uk = United Kingdom, fr = France, etc.

The @sign, which means at

-.. ~-. -~ .-. -j

.. e .. __-,-.,. drrl(

() ‘»,orew IQr m showing

need te make a preSenlJtJ )11, uSing PowerP )int











A, ()

involves painting

10 drawing



g. avoid fancy fin ish give up hate imagine involve keep look forward to mind suggest enjoy ‘ II

Will If!: {E



The toolbox A .., Listen to an extract from an online tutorial about graphics programs and answer these questions. 1 What

a (( Ibm



Ih,· arE

2 What are graphics primli «e~? 3


What son of olTrlbure5. or LhJractefistics, an bl:’ used In grapnlca( object’ ~ What :j(‘es trail 01 1(1 rr. r

B .., Listen again and complete this extract from the web version of the tutorial. Graphics programs usuatly have a toolbox — a collection of drawing and (1) tools , draw. that enable you to type, (2) paint, edit, move, and view images on the computer. The basic shapes which are used to (3) graphical objects are ca Ued primitives. These are usuaUy geometric, such as tines between two points. arcs, circles. polygons, ellipses and even text. Furthe rmore. you ca n specify the attn»butes of each primitive. such as its colour, line type, fill area, interior style and so on. The various tools in a toolbox usualLy appear together as pop·up icons in a menu or palette. To use one, you

activate it by (4) on it. For example, if you want to (5) a rectangle, you activate the rectangle tool. and the pop·up options give you the possibility of (6) rectangles with square or rounded corners. You can transform an object by transLating. (7) or scaling it. Translation means moving an object to a different location. Rotation is (8) the object around an axis. for exampLe, you may need to rotate an object 90 or 180 degrees to fit the draWing. (9) is making the object larger or smaller,



C Match the tools from the Photoshop toolbox (1 — 10) with the functions (a-j), 1

[hD t_ · Marque,

se!ect tool

out do. ‘n the dimell ,jar of a pictur~

b ,elect a partICular parr 01 an Image (you an :h )SE Mferent shapes for s lect.on)

2 ‘ …. , Move ( )! 3


Croptl )1

c fil In an area With a . . aloUl



Paintbrush, p ‘nl



10,1 ErasE’r

6 7



9 [3J zoom 10

e selpet reason for writing: l am We ore writing to.. . We ore currently … This sh .uld bI in ludpd on th~

-It han j

.i. If th page, b ,fore tht· greeting.

Start with Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Mrl Mrs/Ms … v ~ Ms if yr u .](f'» not married or not. It is often b.~st to USI Ms a’ Mrs em dU’)t’ )ffencl;:

surE. Iflh n ip ‘nt s

Mak{: any request: or ask any qUljti >0 … you r «ed to: We would be grateful ifyou could …, you also … Request further contact. if necessary We I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact

Could 7


us by .. . 8


If you have started the letter with the person’s name (for example, Dear Mr Robinson), then end with Yours sincerely. If you do nor know thE’ nJme of the recipipnt, end with Yours falrhfully

C Write a letter to a local newspaper, asking for information about the hardware they use in their production, the page layout software they use, and the data communications systems they use. Use A and B above to help you.


E-publishing versus paper publishing A look at this web extract about e-publishing. What examples of e-publishing can you find in the text?

Publishing has existed in its current form for centuries. Ever since paper was first invented, human beings have found ways of using it to pass on messages to each other. Books, magazi nes and newspapers are now part of our everyday lives, but with the invention of the Internet and the speed of new technologica l advances, the world of publishing is changing. Online newspapers and magazines, blogs, and even e . . book readers are changing the way we get information. But wilt we ever stop picking up a good old . . fashioned newspaper? E· publishing versus paper publishing — who will win?

B Work in teams. Team A prepares a list of the advantages of traditional publishing over e-publishing. Team B prepares a list of the advantages of e-publishing over traditional publishing. Use your dictionary, the Internet and your teacher to help you.


Debate your ideas. Which team has the most convincing position? Anf»·book, ihe ele( frofl/e equivalent of a primed hook.



Multiple forms of media In pairs, discuss these questions. 1

What different types of content are combined in multimedia applications?


How many products :an you think of that incorporate multimedia 7

Make a list.


Components and system requirements A .., Listen to a sales assistant in a computer shop explaining to a customer system requirements needed to run multimedia software. Which answers (a or b)

best describe what she says? 1 Multimedia is defined as a

the integration of video Jnd telecommunications with traditional computing.


the integration of text. graphics, audio, video and antmation in a single application,

2 With multimedia encyclopedias,



you have more fun but you learn more slowly.


you get much more involved than with print encyclopedias,

Interactive games


use multimedia and virtual reality features.

b do not require much RAM memory.


B . , Listen again and complete this diagram of a multimedia system.

Multimedia system

Hard wa re

Software Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime



CPU and a lot of RAM

Adobe Flash for (7)

DVD drive





monitor large hard drive


Audia, video and



or 15)

software Hypermedia databases

CD and DVD (6)



Unit 21


Multimedia magic! A Read the text and match the headings (1-4) with the gaps atthe start of each paragraph (a-d). 1

Sound, MusiC, MIDI


Products full of pictures, action and :,Dund

3 Creating and editing movies 4 The potential of multimedia

Multimedia magic!

• Multimedia applications are used in all sorts of fields, For example, museums, banks and estate agents often have information kiosks that use multimedia; companies produce training programs on optical discs;

businesspeople use Microsoft PowerPaim to create. slideshows; and teachers use multimedia to make video projects or to teach subjects like art and music.

They have all found that moving images and sound can involve viewers emotionally as well as inform them,

helping make their message more memorable. The power of multimedia software resides in hypertext, hypermedia and interactivity (meaning the user is involved in the programme). If you click on a hypertext link, you can jump to another screen with more information about a particular subject. Hypermedia is Similar, but also uses graphics, audio and video as hypertext elements,

b As long as your computer has a sound card, you can use it to capture sounds in digital format and play them back. Sound cards offer two important capabilities: a built~in stereo synthesizer and a system called MIDI, or M usical Instrument Digital Interface, which allows electroniC musical instruments to communicate with computers, A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) lets you mix and record several tracks of digital audio.

MIDI DHows your compufer (ocommunicore With electronic keyboards and orherdevices

You can also listen to music on your PC, or transfer It to a portable MP3 player. MP3 is short for MPEG audio layer 3, a standard format that compresses audio files. If you want to create your own MP3 flies from CDs, you must have a CD ripper, a program that extracts music tracks and saves them on disk as MP3s. Audio is becoming a key element of the Web. Many radiO stations broadcast live over the Internet using streaming audio technology, which lets you listen to audio in a continuous stream while it is being transmitted. The broadcast of an event over the Web, for example a concert, is called a webcast Be aware that you won’t be able to play audio and video on the Web unless you have a plug-in like RealPlayer or QuickTime.

c Video is another important part of multimedia. Video computing refers to recording, manipulating and storing video in digital format jf you wanted to make a movie on your computer, first you would need to capture images with a digital video camera and then transfer them to your computer. Next, you would need a video editing program like iMovie to cut your favourite segments, re-sequence the clips and add transitions and other effects. Finally, you could save your movie on a OVO or post it on websites like YouTube and Google Video,

d Multimedia is used to produce dictionaries and encyclopedias. They often come on OVOs, but some are also available on the Web. A good example is the Grolier Online Encyclopedia, which contains thousands of articles, animations, sounds, dynamic maps and hyper/inks. Similarly, the Encyclopedia Britannica is now available online, and a concise version is available for iPods, POAs and mobile phones. Educational courses on history, science and foreign languages are also available on ova. Finally, if you like entertainment, you’ll love the latest multimedia Video games with surround sound, music soundcracks, and even him extracts.

B Correct t he technical mistakes in these sentences. 1

MultimE’dia training software is distribu ted on magnetic disks.


You m….>d tt. have MIDI on your computer to hear speech and music.


A ,tereo synthesizer allows your computer to communicate with electronic mUSical instrumpnls.


A ([ ripper converts CDs [0 live streams.


ht En ~yr )p~dia Britannica is only availabl on ‘WC’

C Match t he words (1- 5) with the definitions (a- e ). 1

2 3 4

a the process of manipulating vidE’O images

hypE’rtext hYf-llo’fri ledid streaming WE’bccls

5 video editing


text with link~ whilh tdke you to other pages


a technique for playing sound and video files while they’re downloading


a live event broadcast over the Internet

e a form of enriched multimedia which allows an interactive and dynamil linking of visual and audio elements


Language work: conditional sentences A Look at t he HELP box and then complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. your iigital VI if


If you (bring)


You …..on·t be abl!.: to play those video files if you (not have)

3 If {he marketing manager (have) presf’ntatiom. 4

_amera, we carl makE- a movie on my P{ [he correct plUg-Ill

PowerPoint. she could make more «,ffective

If I could afford it. I (buy)

a new game console.

5 If I had the moneY,1 (invest)

in some new mul ti media soh ware.

HELP box Conditional sentences Jnditional ~ntenCE-. to express that the rr lin I,Jl eln nly take place if a :ertaip C)f jill In (ul ‘ IIt~ (see b low II examples).1hey are tntrodu I~ by if, unless md as long as Unless mE-am if » …… and as long as meal prmidedlprovidinq ([hat:

In the main clause, we can also have a modal (for example. can or must) or an imperative.

We u~ des

distribute text files over the Internet

metr., J of displaying multiple HTML doclJlnenrs in the same browser window


three ammon gr,)phiCs formats u~»‘d on website’


thrEe f..l pular formats used to


Jnd play back video

Unit l)

Web page design HTML and web editors The CodE bI’hlnd m 1St web pages I~ HTMl hypertext markup Lmguage) w~ ch .;:on ,ists of commands tailed tags Tags are placed around pi ~s of text to rell the w,’b browser how to display text or pictures. You can view the source HTML code of a web page by choosing the Paqe Source option in your web browser. But you needn’t learn HTML in order to build your own website, Instead, you can use a word processor with web design capabilities or a dedicated web editor like Macromedia DreamweavE’r or Microsoft FrontPage, Web editors are user-friendly and ‘WYSIWYG (What You See Is Whar YOLI Get). Different buttons and menu items let you design a page without wnting HTMl. HTMl files have this basic structure:

•• start with have heading text that begins with , which has a title enclosed between tags and ends with have body text tha t starts wi t h , where you place the contents of the actual document (i.e. text, images, links, etc.) and ends with end with You can create links to other web pages by using the tag ilctive te)[t

Some ba5i, HTMI oUlce


Marina’s web page

M,’ Hobbin I lib I.>IIK md t~. . . . I can pby 1,# Sp • • ,h» …. =-xi I lo.,.~ Ubli dlllK1l1 IIir.·f a wOIIIII … «‘…., bul lll) r»owllt «VOlt IS rootb.

Text displayed In a ‘ldnety of fonts and zes. M’ It

-S5, This makE it ~asy to apply pre the echnlQl


u)e («] {(

en bles ~ r( I·Jmmpr tl) ernie I’ll/al «Iy 01 Windrw dP~


c(dPd 1l’ AI pi (otlvn’

Wh to ,ak web

he elpl- …. me F lr In Dr t It …. Ie n ogl tlon l-c I tput, 11 … e II

]fJI uri {Mg( e n)tl d it lor ( tr I( ‘0 «»‘ r»lt Imetfae €I en -to y .. JLJ t}( ~. e·define

Обновлено: 13.04.2023

Our world improves every day. People invent new things that save us every moment. Just imagine your life without mobile phones, microwaves, coffee machines and many other things.

I would like to speak about computers and all possibilities this thing gave us.

First of all, people are able to communicate with no problems through skype, messengers and emails. We can pass the messages immediately from Russia to America, from Australia to Africa just in few seconds. It is very convenient and useful.

Another good thing is internet. Today internet is one encyclopedia that has all kind of information about everything and everybody. In few seconds you can find population of any country, favorite song and a book in Chinese. We use internet and don’t even think how useful it is.

Computer helps many pupils and students to prepare homework, diplomas and final reports. I use it everyday to be sure that I am ready for a lesson.

Another good thing is computer entertains us. Music, games, films and things like this help us with pastime. If you use it smart, you can relax, but sometime it is more disadvantage.

Computer takes a lot of time. We watch movies non-stop, play computer games and often we have dependence. Children and adults are crazy about it. As well as social networks that take a lot of our time.

Still I guess any person can use it smart with no addiction. In this situation I see only advantages.

Плюсы и минусы использования компьютера

Безусловно, в связи с масштабным распространением компьютера в быту, у нас появилось много возможностей, которые ранее были осложнены или вовсе не доступны. На мой взгляд, появление компьютера значительно упростило жизнь человека, но, как известно, во всём должен присутствовать баланс.
Ведь чересчур много хорошего может превратиться в совсем плохое. Большим достоинством с появлением компьютера следует считать доступность практически к любой полезной информации, которую можно получить в интернете.

Но познания в глобальной сети далеко не ограничены только положительными ресурсами.Конечно, нельзя не сказать об облегчении рабочего процесса. Можно легко оформлять какие-либо иллюстрации, печатать текста, создавать слайд-шоу и монтировать видеоролики. Таким образом, компьютерные технологии позволили развить массу новых профессий, востребованных и до сегодняшнего дня. К сожалению, такие возможности технологий также породили интернет-мошенников, готовых зарабатывать на доверчивых пользователях Всемирной паутины.

Минусы компьютера

К сожалению, компьютер формирует нагнетающую обстановку в связи с чрезмерным его использованием. Это создаёт ряд проблем и даже заболеваний. Снижение зрения, нарушение осанки, электромагнитные излучения – это лишь только малая часть вреда от компьютера.

Компьютер – отличное изобретение человечества, давайте не будем забывать друг друга, чаще встречаться и общаться вживую, гулять на природе, заниматься спортом. Ведь компьютер никогда не сможет сделать главного в вашей жизни – заменить вам близкого и родного человека.

За и против компьютеров

Наш мир становится лучше каждый день. Люди изобретают новые вещи, которые выручают нас буквально каждый момент. Только представьте нашу жизнь без мобильных телефонов, микроволновок, кофе машин и всего подобного.

Я бы хотела поговорить о компьютерах и всех возможностях, которые он нам даёт.

Ещё одна полезная вещь- интернет. Сегодня интернет — это своеобразная энциклопедия, которая имеет все виды информации обо всем и всех. За несколько секунд вы можете определить численность населения в любой стране, найти любимую песню или книгу на китайском языке. Мы пользуемся интернетом постоянно и даже не подозреваем, как это здорово.

Компьютер помогает многим ученикам и студентам в подготовке домашних заданий, дипломов и финальных отчетов. Я пользуюсь им каждый день, чтобы тщательно подготовиться к урокам.

А ещё компьютер развлекает нас. Музыка, игры и фильмы и всякое такое помогает нам проводить досуг. Если вы пользуетесь компьютером разумно, вы можете расслабиться, но порой это и недостаток.

Компьютер занимает много времени. Мы смотрим фильмы не переставая, играем в компьютерные игры и часто попадаем в зависимость. Дети и взрослые просто сходят с ума от всего этого. А ещё социальные сети занимают много времени. Все же я предполагаю, что человек может пользоваться компьютером разумно и без зависимостей. А так я вижу только преимущества.

Сочинение 0284. (B). Компьютер: за и против

Гаевая Дарья. Гимназия, Раменское, Московская область, Россия Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Мой мир.

Computers were invented many years ago, but we began to use them recently. The technical progress is constantly developing. People always create new computer technologies. The computer has become a part of our daily life. Many people use computers at work, school, and at home, but we have not yet realized the advantages and disadvantages of the computer.

On the one hand, computers help us and make our life easier. We can solve many problems using them. We can buy clothes, food and, even cars. This device has replaced typing machines, cinema, and record players. We can draw pictures with the help of various special programs,do difficult math operations, or design. Computers are used in every scientific sphere. They help to develop physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and other areas of science.

On the other hand, the latest thing today is the Virtual Reality. People live in this reality and forget about real life. They can speak to each other, fall in love, enjoy life only in social Networks. Moreover, small children play computer games too much. It’s harmful for children’s psychology. An international group of psychologists have suggested recently that anyone who surfs the Internet for long periods is clinically ill and needs a medical treatment. In addition, computer radiation is dangerous for human health.

To sum it up, people must understand that the computer is a useful device, but they should think how and for how many hours to use it. We should spend less time using the computer. We shouldn’t forget about real life and other activities.

Компьютеры были изобретены много лет назад, но мы начали использовать их совсем недавно. Технический прогресс постоянно развивается. Люди создают новые компьютерные технологии. Компьютер стал неотъемлемой частью нашей повседневной жизни. Многие люди используют компьютеры на работе, в школе и дома, но мы еще не осознали все преимущества и недостатки компьютера.

С одной стороны, компьютеры помогают нам и облегчают нашу жизнь. Мы можем решить многие проблемы, используя компьютер. Мы можем купить одежду, еду и даже автомобиль. Это устройство заменило печатную машину, кино и проигрыватель. Мы можем рисовать картины при помощи специальных программ, производить точные математические операции, или заниматься дизайном. Компьютеры используются в каждой научной сфере. Они помогают развивать физику, химию, биологию, математику и другие области науки.

С другой стороны, последним нововведением сегодня является виртуальная реальность. Люди живут в этой реальности и забывают о настоящей жизни. Они могут говорить друг с другом, влюбляться, развлекаться только в социальных сетях. Кроме того, маленькие дети играют в компьютерные игры слишком много. Это вредно для детской психики. Международная группа психологов доказала недавно, что любой, кто использует Интернет в течение длительного времени клинически болен и нуждается медицинской помощи. К слову, компьютерное излучение опасно для здоровья человека.

Подводя итог, люди должны понимать, что компьютер является полезным устройством, но необходимо думать, как и сколько часов им пользоваться. Мы должны тратить меньше времени, используя компьютер. Не должны забывать о реальной жизни и других времяпрепровождениях.

Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds, 2011-2012

Плюсы во взаимоотношениях:

  • компьютер вызывает положительный интерес к технике;
  • компьютер развивает творческие способности;
  • компьютер полностью захватывает сознание ребенка;
  • компьютер устраняет страх перед техникой;
  • компьютер формирует психологическую грамотность к овладению ПК;
  • компьютер развивает воображение, моделируя будущее;
  • компьютер воспитывает внимательность, сосредоточенность;
  • компьютер помогает овладеть в быстром темпе чтением, письмом и т. д.;
  • компьютер тренирует память, внимание;
  • компьютер развивает быстроту действий и реакции;
  • компьютер воспитывает целеустремленность.

Мне нравится работать за компьютером потому что я могу легко найти нужную мне информацию, записать, что-то в документах и это не потеряется. Я могу общаться с людьми в социальных сетях. Если я затрудняюсь сделать какое-либо задание учителя, я могу легко найти примерное выполнение поставленной задачи.

Минусом моего время провождения за компьютером является то, что большую часть своего свободного времени я провожу за компьютером. Я начала плохо учиться т.к. много времени общаюсь с друзьями по Интернету и мне уже лень делать уроки. Я стала более агрессивной, потому что каждый день часто вижу эту агрессию в социальных сетях. У меня ухудшилась осанка, болят глаза, я стала ленивее, чем была раньше. Я прекратила читать книги любимых авторов.

Правила пользования компьютером Компьютеры в нашей жизни очень нужны, особенно при работе с каким-либо документом, но порой они нас сильно затягивают, и мы не контролируем свои действия.

Преимущества компьютеризации

Еще несколько десятилетий назад сложно было бы представить себе школьника, который выполняет домашнее задание с использованием интернета. Эпоха современных технологий кардинально изменила отношение детей и взрослых к компьютерам, они стали основным источником получения информации, применяются для отдыха и развлечения, просмотра фильмов и прослушивания музыки. Техника незаменима во всех отраслях промышленности и хозяйства.

Оценивая плюсы и минусы ПК, стоит отметить, что первоначально они были созданы для избавления человека от выполнения однообразной работы. При помощи современного оборудования и новейших программ удалось оптимизировать рабочие процессы, повысить производительность труда, а в некоторых случаях это удается сделать даже при сокращении численности персонала.

С момента разработки первой электронно-вычислительной машины прошло менее 100 лет, она была изобретена в 1946 году и работала только на английском языке. Плюсы и минусы компьютера весом почти 28 тонн были очевидны. Агрегат эксплуатировался для упорядочения огромных объемов данных и в качестве числового интегратора. Постепенно аппарат усовершенствовался и адаптировался для решения более сложных математических задач.

В отличие от первых ЭВМ современные персональные компьютеры имеют компактные размеры, обладают практически безграничными возможностями в зависимости от установленного программного обеспечения. Последним словом техники стали ноутбуки — удобные и легко транспортируемые аппараты, позволяющие выполнять задачи в любом месте и при этом получать доступ к интернету. Очевидными преимуществами использования техники можно назвать:

  • хранение больших массивов данных, их упорядочение и сортировка;
  • оперирование огромными объемами информации в виде иллюстраций, текстовых документов, видеоматериалов;
  • ускорение поиска нужных сведений;
  • быстрая передача данных из любой точки мира через интернет;
  • связь между пользователями в режиме реального времени в любую удобную для них минуту;
  • возможность применения полезных программ и сервисов для выполнения бытовых и деловых задач.

Как мобильная связь и телевидение, компьютеризация затронула все сферы жизнедеятельности человека. Но при этом недооценивается ее влияние на физическое и психическое здоровье.

Think of three basic features that will make a big difference to your choice. In pairs, compare your choices.

cE Listen to two people making enquiries in a computer shop. Do they buy anything?

Listen again and complete the product descriptions.

Processor speed 2.33GHz

Hard drive capacity . .

DVD drive included? Yes Operating system

Includes internet software Price

Hard drive capacity . DVD drive included? Operating system

Includes internet software Price £1,029

Ll-Listen again and complete the extract from the conversation.

Assistant: Do you need any (1). . . ?

Um, yes, we’re looking for a Mac computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

Assistant: Yes, sure. If you’d like to come over here.

What different (2).

Assistant: At the moment we’ve got these two models: the iMac, which is a desktop computer

with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (3). at 2.33 gigahertz, and the

portable MacBook, which has a processor (4). at 2.0 gigahertz. Core Duo

technology actually means two cores, or processors, built into a single chip, offering up to twice the speed of a traditional chip.

Sue: So they’re both very (5). then. And which one has more memory? I mean,

which has more RAM?

Assistant: Well, the iMac has two gigabytes of RAM, which can be (6). up to three

gigabytes, and the MacBook has one gigabyte, expandable to two gigabytes. It all

depends on your needs. The iMac is (7) __________ for home users and small offices.

The MacBook is mope (8). if you travel a lot.

Language functions in a computer shop

Look at the language functions in the HELP box and then correct one mistake in each of these sentences. Decide which functions are being expressed in each sentence.

1 The Ulysses SD is a power, expandable computer that offers high-end graphics at a low price.

2 A laptop is likely to be more expensive than the equivalent desktop, but a laptop is less practical if you travel a lot.

3 Where’s the storage capacity of the hard drive?

4 I’m looking a desktop PC that has good graphics for games.

5 Do you need the help?

6 And how many does the PDA cost?

7 This workstation is a Pentium processor with dual-core technology, 1,024 gigabytes of RAM, and 1 terabyte of disk space.

Language functions useful to a sales assistant

• Greeting and offering help

Good morning. Do you need any help?

• Giving technical specifications (specs)

The MacBook has a processor running at 2.0 gigahertz.

The iMac has two gigabytes of RAM. They feature a camera built into the display.

Both computers are very fast and reliable.

The MacBook is more practical if you travel a lot.

PDAs are cheaper than laptops but laptops are more powerful.

Language functions useful to a customer

• Explaining what you are looking for

We’re looking for a personal computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

• Asking for technical specs

What’s the storage capacity of the hard drive? Do they have a DVD drive?

• Asking the price

How much do they cost? How much is it?

Role play — buying a computer

Work in pairs. One of you wants to buy a computer, the other is the shop assistant. Use the prompts and product descriptions below to role play the conversation.

Greet the customer and offer help.

Show the customer two possible models.

Give technical specs (describe the processor, RAM and storage capacity). Compare the two different models.

Explain what you are looking for. Ask for some technical specs.

Ask about any further technical specs (DVD drive, monitor, communications, etc.).

Give the information reguired. Compare the two models.

Answer, and mention any final details that might persuade the customer to buy the computer.

Decide which computer to buy or leave the shop.

2.0GHz Core 2 Duo processor 2GB RAM expandable to 4GB 160GB hard drive Super Multi drive (double layer) 15.4″ wide XGA display Wireless LAN,Wi-Fi compliancy

Dell desktop PC

AMD Athlon at 2.4GHz 1GB RAM expandable to 4GB 320GB hard drive DVD+/-RW drive 17″ LCD monitor

Palm TX handheld

Intel 312MHz ARM-based processor 128 MB Flash memory (non-volatile) Support for memory cards 320×480 TFT touch screen Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Lithium-ion battery £216

Choosing the right computer

АС Listen to four people talking about their computer needs and take notes. In pairs, read the descriptions from the computer shop website and choose the most suitable computer for each person. Give reasons for your choices.

Two AMD Opteron processors at 3.0GHz

4GB RAM; 32GB maximum

1 terabyte hard drive and dual DVD drive

19″ Sun TFT flat-panel LCD

Supports several graphics formats

Allows you to handle your toughest technical, scientific, and business-critical applications

Supports Solaris, Windows and Linux

Gateway C-120 convertible notebook

Intel Core 2 Duo ULV processor at 1,06GHz 12.1″ WXGA TFT touch screen Gateway Executive stylus pen 1024MB DDR2 SDRAM 80GB serial ATA hard drive DVD-ROM drive (optical DVD burner) Integrated modem and Bluetooth Windows Vista Home Premium Thin and lightweight (1.17″, 2.4 kg) £805

Sony Vaio AR laptop (VGN-AR51E)

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor at 2GHz

200GB hard drive

DVD+/-RW optical drive

17″ WXGA high-definition LCD screen

Memory Stick slot

Three USB 2.0 ports

Integrated wireless LAN

Built-in ‘Motion Eye’ digital camera

Windows Vista Ultimate

Dell Inspiron 531 desktop PC

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor


Dell 22″ Wide Flat Panel

256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT video card

1.0TB Hard Drive

16x DVD+/- RW Drive

Integrated 7.1 Channel High Definition Audio

Windows Vista Home Premium

Optional features: Windows Media Center, integrated TV Tuner, and a Blu-ray disc drive for high-definiton content

В |PLook at the notes you made about your ideal computer system in Unit 3 task 6 (page 15). What did you want? Look again at the descriptions of the computers above and choose the one that is closest to your ideal. In pairs, discuss your choices.

Designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental ‘maps’ of vocabulary areas. Look at the list of terms in the box and put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The first one has been done for you.

processor ROM expandable memory ALU DIMMs hard drive
RAM computer brain byte DVD system clock keyboard
mouse gigahertz printer megabyte webcam registers

Recommending a computer

EHjA friend has asked you to recommend a computer that suits his needs. He needs to be able to access the Internet, play games and work with graphics, music and video files. Write an email describing its technical features and saying why you recommend it.

A: I’m great. I know you’re very good with computers, and I’m just about to buy one. So I really need your help.

B: Actually, computers perform lots of functions. You can play video games, watch films, listen to music, send emails, surf the Internet and use them for many other things.

B: Well, smartphones, radio, newspapers and magazines, and even television are certainly no match for a computer because it’s the fastest device on the planet providing us with the most acute information and support in all aspects of life. Besides, it can store vast amounts of data and connect us to the Internet where you can find various books, films, pictures and anything to your liking.

B: I think the average price of the computer is about thirty or forty thousand rubles but there are both cheaper and more expensive options.

B: You know, you can buy it in almost any digital and household appliances store like DNS and Eldorado or order it online.

B: I suppose you could buy a laptop instead as is portable and has neither a system unit nor a huge monitor. Plus, it handles everyday tasks with a bang and runs a wide range of apps.

А: Замечательно. Я знаю, что ты очень хорошо разбираешься в компьютерах, а я как раз собираюсь его купить. Так что мне очень нужна твоя помощь.

В: На самом деле компьютеры выполняют множество функций. Ты можешь играть в видеоигры, смотреть фильмы, слушать музыку, отправлять электронные письма, искать информацию в Интернете и использовать их для многих других целей.

В: Ну, смартфоны, радио, газеты и журналы и даже телевидение, безусловно, не могут сравниться с компьютером, потому что это самое быстрое устройство на планете, предоставляющее нам самую точную информацию и поддержку во всех аспектах жизни. Кроме того, он может хранить огромные объемы данных и подключать нас к Интернету, где ты можешь найти различные книги, фильмы, фотографии и все, что тебе нравится.

В: Я думаю, что средняя цена компьютера составляет около тридцати-сорока тысяч рублей, но есть как более дешевые, так и более дорогие варианты.

В: Знаешь, ты можешь его купить практически в любом магазине цифровой и бытовой техники, таком как DNS и Эльдорадо, или заказать его онлайн.

В: Я полагаю, ты мог бы вместо него купить ноутбук, поскольку он портативный, и у него нет ни системного блока, ни огромного монитора. Кроме того, он отлично справляется с повседневными задачами и запускает широкий спектр приложений.

B: Well, you can do a lot of things with computers like working or entertaining yourself. You can play computer games and watch different shows and movies.

B: You can’t surf the Net with a TV or chat with other people. Besides, it’s bigger than smartphone, for example.

B: Yes, you are right. But it will work longer than other mass media and it’s more convenient. You can also find not very expensive computers, usually they are sold on the Internet.

B: Ну, ты можешь делать много вещей за компьютером, например, работать или развлекать себя. Ты можешь играть в компьютерные игры и смотреть различные шоу и фильмы.

А: Понятно. Почему бы мне не купить телевизор вместо этого? Каковы преимущества по сравнению с другими видами средств массовой информации?

B: Ты не можешь сидеть в интернете в телевизоре или общаться с другими людьми. Кроме того, он больше, чем смартфон, например.

B: Да, ты прав. Но он будет работать дольше, чем другие средства массовой информации, и он более удобный. Также можно найти не очень дорогие компьютеры, обычно они продаются в Интернете.

A: Fine, thank you. You know, I`m thinking of buying a computer. I`ve heard that you`ve got one. Can you help me, please?

B: Of course. It allows me to find and store big amount of data. I use different programmes and applications to make projects, write essays and create different types of documents. I often surf the Internet in search of necessary information.

B: I use it for communication. I use Skype, e-mail and social networks to get in touch with my friends and relatives, who live far away.

B: Well… First of all, it gives you fast and easy access to any source of information. You can watch any film or programme at any time. You can read electronic versions of magazines, newspapers and listen to the radio. You can read any book online, and you don`t have to go to the library or to the shop to borrow or to buy it. You don`t need to go anywhere to get in touch with your friends. So, it`s really convenient.

B: I think, it should have enough operating memory, a big screen, a disk drive and a convenient keyboard. It`s better to consult an expert.

A: Oh, thanks a lot for your help! You`ve convinced me, that a computer is a useful device. I think, I`ll buy one.

A: Отлично, спасибо. Знаешь, я подумываю о покупке компьютера. Я слышал, что у тебя есть компьютер. Ты можешь мне помочь, пожалуйста?

B: Конечно. Он позволяет мне находить и хранить большой объем данных. Я использую различные программы и приложения для создания проектов, написания эссе и создания различных типов документов. Я часто пользуюсь интернетом в поисках необходимой информации.

B: Я использую его для общения. Я использую Skype, e-mail и социальные сети, чтобы связываться со своими друзьями и родственниками, которые живут далеко.

В: Ну. во-первых, компьютер предоставляет тебе быстрый и легкий доступ к любому источнику информации. Ты можешь посмотреть любой фильм или программу в любое время. Можно читать электронные версии журналов, газет и слушать радио. Ты можешь прочитать любую книгу в интернете, и тебе не нужно идти в библиотеку или в магазин, чтобы взять или купить ее. Тебе не нужно никуда идти, чтобы связаться с друзьями. Так что, это действительно удобно.

B: Думаю, в нем должно быть достаточно оперативной памяти, большой экран, дисковод и удобная клавиатура. Лучше проконсультироваться со специалистом.

A: O, спасибо большое за помощь! Ты убедил меня, что компьютер-полезное устройство. Я думаю, что куплю компьютер.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Сочинение по английскому на тему компьютер

Данное сочинение по английскому на тему Компьютер затрагивает важную тему, ведь люди столько времени проводят за компьютерами, которые являются важными помощниками человека. Сочинение поможет ученикам старших классов потренировать свои навыки по английскому языку. Топик по английскому языку на тему Компьютер поможет качественно и быстро выполнить домашнее задание, понять структуру сочинений и то, как их надо писать.

Topic «Computers in our lives

The role of the computer in our lives is currently growing from day to day. It can be explained by the fact that computers help people to do their work much more easily and quickly. Computers can be characterised, as very comfortable, reliable and accurate. The biggest advantage is the price of computers, they are quite cheap. They give people very quick and quality information, so in such a way people don’t have to spend their time, turning leaves of dozens of books. Computers are easy to use, so you don’t have to be a genius to be able to work on it. And even if it is hard for you to learn it, you can buy some videos and books that will help you to do it.

In today’s world, computers are used nearly in all branches of industry. Even in that one that are dangerous and harmful to human health. Scientists can’t imagine space research without using computers. Today computers can diagnose very severe illnesses and help to carry out operations.

Using a computer you can search something on the internet. It has many advantages. You can exchange information electronically. The Internet users can enjoy online media and they can help other people to solve their problems. It expands our knowledge and stimulates our curiosity. Using the internet, you can meet different and interesting people. The internet also informs us about new trends. It provides us the possibility to talk with our friends online. The Internet helps us to use less television and watch only those films, which we want.

The computers have some disadvantages. Computer viruses are very dangerous. Such computer viruses can delete all files that are in your computer.

But in my opinion, computers are very useful and necessary in our lives. Despite some disadvantages, I think that a computer is the very important machine. I am sure that the computers have a great influence on our lives.

Топик «Компьютеры в нашей жизни»

Изо дня на день роль компьютеров в нашей жизни увеличивается. Это можно объяснить тем фактом, что компьютеры помогают людям делать их работу намного легче и быстрее. Компьютеры очень удобные, надежные и точные. Самым большим преимуществом является то, что цена на компьютеры невысока. Они находят людям информацию очень быстро и качественно, и не надо тратить свое время, перелистывая дюжины книг. Компьютеры и просты в использовании, и не надо быть гением, чтобы уметь работать нанем. И, даже если вам тяжело научитьсяэтому, вы можете купить видеоматериалы и книги, которые помогут вам сделать это.

В современном мире компьютеры используются почти во всех отраслях производства.Даже в тех, которые опасны и вредны для человеческого здоровья. Ученые не могут представить себе исследование космоса без использования компьютеров. В наши дни компьютеры могут диагностировать очень тяжелые болезни и помогают проводить операции.

Используя компьютер, ты можешь найти что-то в интернете. В этом есть много преимуществ. Вы можете обмениваться информацией в электронном виде. Пользователи интернета могут наслаждаться онлайн информационными средствами и помогать другим людям в решении их проблем. Он расширяет наши знания и стимулирует нашу любознательность. Используя интернет, вы можете знакомиться с разными интересными людьми. Интернет также оповещает нас о новых трендах. Он дает нам возможность говорить с нашими друзьями онлайн. Интернет позволяет нам использовать меньше телевидения и смотреть только те фильмы, которые мы хотим.

У компьютеров есть некоторые недостатки. Компьютерные вирусы очень опасны. Такие компьютерные вирусы могут удалить все файлы, которые есть на вашем компьютере.

Но, по моему мнению, компьютеры очень полезны и необходимы для нашей жизни. Несмотря на некоторые недостатки, я думаю, что компьютер – это очень важный механизм. И я уверен, что компьютеры очень сильно влияют на нашу жизнь.

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