Description of the word picture

Other forms: pictures; pictured; picturing

Use the verb picture if you want people to imagine something vividly in their minds. If your story about your principal and some chickens is descriptive enough, your friends can picture the whole incident.

A picture is also a piece of art made by painting or drawing, like the pictures by famous artists you see in a museum. In a book, a picture is an illustration that accompanies the text, often in a child’s picture book. You can also call a photograph a picture. Your dad might take so many pictures on vacation that it seems like you spent your entire childhood hiding from his camera.

Definitions of picture

  1. noun

    a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface

    “they showed us the
    pictures of their wedding”


    icon, ikon, image

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    bitmap, electronic image

    an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels


    a monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color

    collage, montage

    a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image

    foil, transparency

    picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector

    computer graphic, graphic

    an image that is generated by a computer


    the images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject


    a small picture inserted within the bounds or a larger one

    likeness, semblance

    picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing

    cyclorama, diorama, panorama

    a picture (or series of pictures) representing a continuous scene

    reflection, reflexion

    the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material)

    CAT scan, scan

    an image produced by scanning

    echogram, sonogram

    an image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography (reflections of high-frequency sound waves); used to observe fetal growth or to study bodily organs


    chiaroscuro painting or stained glass etc., in shades of grey imitating the effect of relief

    Identikit, Identikit picture

    a likeness of a person’s face constructed from descriptions given to police; uses a set of transparencies of various facial features that can be combined to build up a picture of the person sought


    a montage that uses photographic images

    portrait, portrayal

    any likeness of a person, in any medium

    lantern slide, slide

    a transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector

    overhead, viewgraph

    a transparency for use with an overhead projector

    type of:


    a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

  2. noun

    graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface

    pictures hang in the Louvre”



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    an abstract painting


    painting depicting a city or urban area


    an unskillful painting


    a painting created with paint that is made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder


    a painting produced by spreading paint with the fingers

    icon, ikon

    a conventional religious painting in oil on a small wooden panel; venerated in the Eastern Church


    painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery

    illumination, miniature

    painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)


    painting done in a range of tones of a single color

    mural, wall painting

    a painting that is applied to a wall surface

    nude, nude painting

    a painting of a naked human figure

    oil painting

    a picture painted with oil paints


    the reappearance in a painting of an underlying image that had been painted over (usually when the later painting becomes transparent with age)

    sand painting

    a painting done by Amerindians (especially Navaho); made of fine colored sands on a neutral background

    seascape, waterscape

    a painting of the sea (as distinguished from a landscape)


    a semiabstract painting

    still life

    a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers


    a Tibetan religious painting on fabric

    trompe l’oeil

    a painting rendered in such great detail as to deceive the viewer concerning its reality

    water-color, water-colour, watercolor, watercolour

    a painting produced with watercolors

    canvas, canvass

    an oil painting on canvas fabric


    a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster


    a watercolor executed with opaque watercolors mixed with gum

    wash, wash drawing

    a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other

    type of:

    graphic art

    the arts of drawing or painting or printmaking

  3. noun

    illustrations used to decorate or explain a text

    “the dictionary had many


    pictorial matter

  4. verb

    show in, or as in, a picture

  5. noun

    a situation treated as an observable object

    “the political
    picture is favorable”



  6. noun

    a clear and telling mental image

    “he had no clear
    picture of himself or his world”


    impression, mental picture

  7. noun

    a graphic or vivid verbal description

    “too often the narrative was interrupted by long word

    “the author gives a depressing
    picture of life in Poland”


    characterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, word picture, word-painting

  8. noun

    a typical example of some state or quality

    “the very
    picture of a modern general”

    “she was the
    picture of despair”

  9. verb

    imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind


    envision, fancy, figure, image, project, see, visualise, visualize

    realise, realize, see, understand

    perceive (an idea or situation) mentally

    visualise, visualize

    form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract

  10. noun

    a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material


    exposure, photo, photograph, pic

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    a photograph of a muscular man in minimal attire

    black and white, monochrome

    a black-and-white photograph or slide


    photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.


    a photograph of an attractive woman in minimal attire


    a photograph or video taken at close range


    a photograph made by an early photographic process; the image was produced on a silver plate sensitized to iodine and developed in mercury vapor

    blowup, enlargement, magnification

    a photographic print that has been enlarged


    a single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film


    a photograph that is printed on smooth shiny paper


    a photograph of a person’s head

    hologram, holograph

    the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography


    a photograph taken from a distance


    photograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)

    arial mosaic, mosaic, photomosaic

    arrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture

    mug shot, mugshot

    a photograph of someone’s face (especially one made for police records)


    a photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work

    photographic print, print

    a printed picture produced from a photographic negative


    a photograph taken with the help of a microscope

    radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagram, skiagraph

    a photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)

    shot, snap, snapshot

    an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera

    spectrogram, spectrograph

    a photographic record of a spectrum

    stereo, stereoscopic photograph, stereoscopic picture

    two photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together


    a static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes)

    telephoto, telephotograph

    a photograph made with a telephoto lens


    a photograph transmitted and reproduced over a distance

    time exposure

    a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time


    a photograph whose edges shade off gradually

    wedding picture

    photographs of bride and groom and their friends taken at their wedding

    scene, shot

    a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film


    a photograph that you take of yourself, typically with a digital camera


    moving or still pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed


    a radiogram produced by radiation emitted by the specimen being photographed


    a photograph from which the background has been cut away


    a photocopy made on a Photostat machine


    a trial photographic print from a negative

    radiophoto, radiophotograph

    a photograph transmitted by radio waves

    X ray, X-ray, X-ray photograph, X-ray picture, roentgenogram, x-ray

    a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis

    visible speech

    spectrogram of speech; speech displayed spectrographically


    a scene that is filmed but is not used in the final editing of the film


    a short evocative scene, as in a film or play

    type of:


    a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

  11. noun

    the visible part of a television transmission

    “they could still receive the sound but the
    picture was gone”



  12. noun

    a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement


    film, flick, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, pic, picture show

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    a movie that is made to be shown on television

    feature, feature film

    the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater

    final cut

    the final edited version of a movie as approved by the director and producer

    home movie

    a film made at home by an amateur photographer

    collage film

    a movie that juxtaposes different kinds of footage

    coming attraction

    a movie that is advertised to draw customers


    a movie featuring shooting and violence

    short subject

    a brief film; often shown prior to showing the feature

    docudrama, documentary, documentary film, infotainment

    a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

    cinema verite

    a movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a director

    film noir

    a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters

    skin flick

    a pornographic movie

    rough cut

    the first print of a movie after preliminary editing

    silent movie, silent picture, silents

    a movie without a soundtrack

    slow motion

    a movie that apparently takes place at a slower than normal speed; achieved by taking the film at a faster rate

    talkie, talking picture

    a movie with synchronized speech and singing

    3-D, 3D, three-D

    a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance

    musical, musical comedy, musical theater

    a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing

    Western, horse opera

    a film or novel about life in the western United States during the period of exploration and development

    animated cartoon, cartoon, toon

    a film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence


    a short film and commentary about current events


    a short pornographic film shown in a small coin-operated booth

    type of:

    product, production

    an artifact that has been created by someone or some process


    a social event involving a public performance or entertainment

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘picture’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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В рамках ВПР в 7 классе, да и ранее в программах обучения английскому языку часто встречается задание по описанию картинки. «Ничего сложного!» — скажете вы. А вот и нет! Просто сказать «I see trees so green, red roses too…» — уже недостаточно. Оказывается, есть определённые шаблоны описания картинок, которым следует придерживаться. Об этом ниже.

Шаблон описания картинки на английском

Описание картинки можно схематично представить, как ответы на вопросы:

  • Где и когда? (where and when the photo was taken)
  • Кто/что? (whatwho is in the photo)
  • Какой?
  • Что делает и как? (what is happening)
  • Ваше отношение к фото

Данные компоненты можно менять местами в зависимости от вашего желания и конкретной картинки. Давайте разберем каждый компонент в отдельности.

Где и когда?

В начале описания неплохо бы рассказать об истории картинки / фото, если вы ее знаете. Когда фотография была сделана? При каких обстоятельствах.

Ответ можно начать следующим образом:

  • You know, I am fond of photography and I keep my best photos in my album. Please, have a look at this one. I took this photo last year in Greece. — Вы знаете, я увлекаюсь фотографией и храню свои лучшие фото в альбоме. Пожалуйста, взгляните на этот снимок. Я сделал его в прошлом году в Греции.

фото для описания на английском

Если вы не знаете деталей, то можете предположить:

  • It was (probably) taken inside / outside. — Возможно, она сделана в помещении / на улице.
  • In this picture the action is taking place in (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.). — На этой картинке действие происходит в (доме, зале, спортзале, бассейне, парке и т.д.).
  • The photo/picture shows — Фото/картинка показывает.
  • It wastaken by/in  — Она была сделана. Она была нарисована.
  • It’s a black-and-white/coloured photo. — Это черно-белая/цветная картинка.


Начинаем с основного акцента картинки. Что на первом плане? Что на второстепенном?

  • In the picture I can see..  — На картинке я могу видеть…
  • There’s / There are — Здесь есть
  • In the background you can see — На заднем плане вы можете видеть…
  • In the foreground there is … — На переднем плане…

Можно использовать более сложные фразы с предлогами места:

  • at the top/bottom of the picture — наверху/внизу картинки
  • in the middle of the picture — в середине картинки
  • on the left/right of the picture — слева/cправа картинки
  • next to — рядом
  • in front of — спереди
  • behind — сзади
  • near — рядом
  • on top of — наверху
  • under — под

Если что-то непонятно, можно использовать фразы:

  • It looks like a — Это выглядит как…
  • It might be a — Это возможно…
  • Hecouldbe — Он мог бы быть
  • Maybe, it’s a — Возможно это…


Тут перечисляем все характеристики внешности людей и свойства предметов, изображенных на картинке.

  • The girl / boy looks like she/he is about … years old. — Девочке / мальчику около … лет.
  • She / he has … eyes and dark / fair hair — У неё / него … глаза и тёмные / светлые волосы.
  • The girl / boy is wearing … — Девочка / мальчик одет в …
  • I guess she / he is quiet and kind. — Мне кажется, что она / он спокойный и добрый.

Описание одежды можно скомбинировать с описание погоды.

  • It looks like a sunny day outside. — Похоже, на улице солнечный день.
  • I don’t think it’s very warm though. They both are wearing thick sweaters. — Хотя не думаю, что здесь очень тепло. На них обоих толстые свитера.
  • It’s sunny though I can see their shadows on the ground. — Солнечно, хотя я вижу их тени на земле.
  • I think it must be warm weather. — Думаю, сейчас теплая погода.
  • The sun’s shining. — Светит солнце.
  • The gold court looks very green. — Золотой двор выглядит очень зеленым.
  • I can see trees in the background and a bit of blue sky. — Я вижу деревья на заднем плане и немного голубого неба.
  • It looks very peaceful. — Выглядит очень спокойно.

Что делает и как?

Все действия описываем во времени Present Continuous:

  • The man is …smiling.- Мужчина улыбается.
  • The people are …working. — Люди работают.
  • It’s raining. — Идет дождь
  • Looking at these people / this girl / this boy I get the impression that they are/ she is / he is … (having dinner; watching a film; doing their homework etc.) — Глядя на этих людей/эту девочку/этого мальчика создаётся впечатление, что они/она/он… (смотрит фильм, делает домашнюю работу и т.д.).

Ваше отношение к фото

  • I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. — Мне понравилось картинка, потому что атмосфера дружелюбная.
  • I like this picture as it is bright and colorful, full of positive emotions, and it makes me think of summer / winter / autumn / spring. — Мне понравилось картинка, потому что она яркая и красочная, полна позитивных эмоций, и напоминает мне лето, зиму, осень, весну и т.д.

Примеры описания картинки / фото на английском

Вариант 1

In this picture I see a young woman lying on the grass, smiling and listening to music with headphones.

She seems to be in her early twenties. She’s got long blond hair and a charming smile. She’s wearing a white T-shirt. She could be listening to some energetic rock music, because she looks happy and engaged. Maybe she is listening to the best album of her favourite singer and is singing along. By the way, it can be even not music at all. She could be listening to a humorous audiobook that makes her smile. She may be listening to an audiocourse, learning a foreign language and trying to repeat the phrase after the speaker.

I can see an engagement ring on her finger. Perhaps she has just got engaged and is trying to choose the song for the first dance with her fiancé during the wedding ceremony. I know how hard it can be because I’m getting married in August and I’ve been listening to various songs, trying to choose those to be played on my wedding day. I fall asleep with my headphones on and spend my working hours in a similar pair of headphones, not to irritate my fellow-workers with my music.


На этой картинке я вижу девушку, лежащую на траве, улыбающуюся и слушающую музыку в наушниках.

На вид ей двадцать с небольшим. У нее длинные светлые волосы и очаровательная улыбка. Она одета в белую футболку. Возможно, девушка слушает энергичную рок-музыку, потому что-она выглядит счастливой и поглощенной музыкой. Может быть, она слушает лучший альбом любимого исполнителя и подпевает. Кстати, она может слушать вовсе и не музыку. Может быть, она слушает юмористическую аудиокнигу и именно поэтому улыбается. Возможно она слушает аудиокурс для изучения иностранного языка и пытается повторить фразу за диктором.

На пальце у нее кольцо, подаренное в честь помолвки. Возможно, она недавно обручилась и выбирает песню для первого танца молодоженов во время свадебной церемонии. По себе знаю, как это трудно, потому что я выхожу замуж в августе и слушаю разные песни, пытаясь выбрать те, которые будут звучать на моей свадьбе. Я засыпаю в наушниках и сижу в наушниках на работе, чтобы не надоедать коллегам своей музыкой.

Вариант 2

This picture shows a seaside resort in summer. The weather is hot that’s why the beach is full of people. There are no clouds in the sky and it looks light blue. Аs for the sea, it is a bit rough, I can see the waves, so the light wind is probably blowing.

In the foreground just a bit to the right there is a big merry-go-round. I can guess that a lot of children are riding horses there. They may be laughing, shouting, in other words, they are having fun.

Another kind of attraction is situated to the left of the first one. It looks smaller and at first sight you can suppose that it is a merry-go-round, too. But if you look closer, you can see that it might be a kiosk with some food or souvenirs because people are standing around probably looking for something to buy.

The beach is very crowded. The people are lying on the sand and swimming in the sea. In the background I can make out the outline of a white pier which stands out against the blue sky.

As for me, I enjoyed a lot describing this cheerful picture. This sunny beach makes me feel optimistic because in a few weeks I hope I will be enjoying swimming in the sea, too.


На этой фотографии изображен морской курорт летом. Погода жаркая, поэтому на пляже много людей. На небе нет облаков, оно выглядит светло-голубым. А что касается моря, то здесь немного неспокойно, я вижу волны, так что, наверное, дует легкий ветерок.

На переднем плане, чуть правее, большая карусель. Могу предположить, что там много детей катаются на лошадях. Они могут смеяться, кричать, другими словами, им весело.

Еще одна достопримечательность находится слева от первой. Выглядит меньше, и на первый взгляд можно подумать, что это тоже карусель. Но если вы присмотритесь, то увидите, что это может быть киоск с едой или сувенирами, потому что люди стоят вокруг, вероятно, ищут что-нибудь купить.

Пляж очень многолюдный. Люди лежат на песке и купаются в море. На заднем плане я могу различить контур белого пирса, который выделяется на фоне голубого неба.

Что касается меня, мне очень понравилось описывать эту веселую картину. Этот солнечный пляж вселяет во меня оптимизм, потому что я надеюсь, что через несколько недель я тоже буду получать удовольствие от купания в море.

Вариант 3

In this picture, I can see people giving gifts to each other. They must be a family: a couple with two children and an older couple, who are probably a grandmother and a grandfather. It must be Christmas time as there is a Christmas tree in the background on the right.

In the middle of the picture, we can see a girl and her grandmother. The woman is wearing glasses and has gray hair. She hasn’t received a gift yet, she is giving a big box to a boy, sitting next to her. He is looking gratefully at his granny.

His parents on the right side are looking into each other’s eyes and smiling.

The girl is opening her gift box and seems to be very excited to see what is inside.

On the left, there is a man, probably a husband of the older woman. He is waiting for his turn to give his present.

All people are wearing light-colored clothes on top. The men are standing, the rest are sitting on a cozy sofa in a spacious, light room.

Everybody seems to be happy and enjoy the family moment.


На этой картинке я вижу, как люди дарят друг другу подарки. Они должны быть семьей: пара с двумя детьми и пара постарше, вероятно, бабушка и дедушка. Должно быть, Рождество, так как на заднем плане справа изображена рождественская елка.

В середине картинки мы видим девочку и ее бабушку. Женщина в очках, у нее седые волосы. Она еще не получила подарка, она дарит большую коробку мальчику, сидящему рядом с ней. Он с благодарностью смотрит на свою бабушку.

Его родители справа смотрят друг другу в глаза и улыбаются.

Девушка открывает свою подарочную коробку и, кажется, очень взволнована, увидев, что внутри.

Слева мужчина, вероятно, муж пожилой женщины. Он ждет своей очереди сделать подарок.

Сверху все люди одеты в светлую одежду. Мужчины стоят, остальные сидят на уютном диване в просторной светлой комнате.

Кажется, что все счастливы и наслаждаются семейным моментом.

Описание картинки в ЕГЭ

Описание картинки для ЕГЭ по сути мало чем отличается от шаблона выше. Единственное, дополнительно могут стоять вопросы про личное отношение к фото, почему вы его выбрали и т.п.

Вот несколько вариантов описания фото для ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Вариант 1

описание фото для егэ

Well, I have chosen photo number 1. Look at this. I took it last year when I have a big holiday with my friends in Phuket. In the picture you can see a very popular beach Nai Harn. There is clear blue water, green mountains and yellow sand. There we walked with my friends Anna and Viktor and enjoyed such a sunny and hot day. I decided to take this photo because it is a really wonderful place for me. I wanted to keep this time in my memory. I would like to show you this picture because I know that you like sea and beautiful beaches. Maybe it will inspire you to go to Phuket. That’s all I wanted to say.


Что ж, я выбрала фото №1. Посмотри на это. Я сделал его в прошлом году, когда у меня большой отпуск с друзьями на Пхукете. На фото очень популярный пляж Най Харн. Здесь чистая голубая вода, зеленые горы и желтый песок. Там мы гуляли с моими друзьями Анной и Виктором и наслаждались таким солнечным и жарким днем. Я решил сделать это фото, потому что это действительно чудесное место для меня. Я хотел сохранить это время в своей памяти. Я хочу показать вам эту фотографию, потому что знаю, что вам нравится море и красивые пляжи. Может быть, это вдохновит вас поехать на Пхукет. У меня все.

Вариант 2

I’ve chosen photo number 1/2/3.
You know that I am a regular traveler. From time to time, I visit exotic countries where I usually go windsurfing, diving, and the like.

Well, this photo I took last year when I was on my holidays in Vietnam. That was a wonderful trip full of extreme actions and unforgettable experience. During my trip I was taking lots of pictures, but this one is my favorite.

You can see wonderful yellow fish in the foreground of this photo. In the background you can see rocks of various size and shape.

Actually, nothing much is happening in the photo. Some fish are swimming by in the depth of the see. Besides, the sun is trying to shine through but only some specks of light can be seen.

Why do I keep this photo in my album? Well, I have a lot of pictures from underwater but this one is special. The fish look very unusual and admirable, and I keep this photo as a striking demonstration of diversity and uniqueness of sea life.

I decided to show the picture to you because I’d like to share my impressions from diving with you. I want you to see how beautiful the bottom of the sea may be and what unusual things you are faced there with.

Well, I hope you understand my feelings and how much I’m into traveling and diving. By the way, next year I am going to visit Vietnam one more time. Don’t you want to join me? If yes, then we will discuss everything next time. Now we have to go to school.


Я выбрала фото номер 1/2/3.
Знаете, я регулярно путешествую. Время от времени я езжу в экзотические страны, где обычно занимаюсь виндсерфингом, дайвингом и тому подобным.

Ну, это фото я сделал в прошлом году, когда отдыхал во Вьетнаме. Это была прекрасная поездка, полная экстремальных действий и незабываемых впечатлений. Во время поездки я делал много снимков, но этот — мой самый любимый.

На переднем плане фотографии вы видите чудесных желтых рыбок. На заднем плане можно увидеть камни разного размера и формы.

Собственно на фото ничего особенного не происходит. В глубине моря проплывает какая-то рыба. Кроме того, солнце пытается просвечивать, но видны лишь некоторые блики.

Почему я храню это фото в моем альбоме? Ну, у меня много фотографий из-под воды, но эта особенная. Рыбы выглядят очень необычно и достойно восхищения, и я сохраняю это фото как яркую демонстрацию разнообразия и неповторимости морской жизни.

Я решил показать вам картинку, потому что хочу поделиться с вами своими впечатлениями от дайвинга. Я хочу, чтобы вы увидели, насколько красивым может быть морское дно и с какими необычными вещами вы там сталкиваетесь.

Что ж, надеюсь, вы понимаете мои чувства и то, как я люблю путешествовать и нырять. Кстати, в следующем году я собираюсь еще раз посетить Вьетнам. Разве ты не хочешь присоединиться ко мне? Если да, то все обсудим в следующий раз. Теперь пора в школу.

Вариант 3

So I choose photo number 2.

This photo was taken last summer when I and my father went to our favourite lake to do some fishing during the weekend.
In the foreground of the picture we can see me and my dad smiling as we have caught the biggest fish I have ever seen. Here I am wearing light clothes as that summer was extremely hot. In the background of the picture we can see an almost deserted beach as only local people know about this place.

In this picture my father is sitting on his knee while I am standing. We are holding the fish we caught several minutes before. The sun is shining so brightly that my father is wearing sunglasses.

I decided to keep this photo so that I could remember that amazing weekend and that great experience. I can open it and remember every detail of it any time I want.

So as you are choosing what to do on the forthcoming weekend, I decided to show you this picture. Maybe you will be inspired to do something like that. That is all I wanted to say.


Итак, я выбираю фото №2.

Это фото было сделано прошлым летом, когда мы с отцом пошли на наше любимое озеро, чтобы порыбачить на выходных.
На переднем плане картины мы видим меня и моего отца, улыбающихся, когда мы поймали самую большую рыбу, которую я когда-либо видел. Здесь я ношу легкую одежду, потому что то лето было очень жарким. На заднем плане картины мы видим почти безлюдный пляж, о котором знают только местные жители.

На этой фотографии мой отец сидит на коленях, а я стою. Держим рыбу, которую выловили несколько минут назад. Солнце светит так ярко, что мой отец носит солнцезащитные очки.

Я решил сохранить это фото, чтобы запомнить те замечательные выходные и те замечательные впечатления. Я могу открыть его и вспомнить каждую деталь в любое время, когда захочу.

Итак, пока вы выбираете, чем заняться в предстоящие выходные, я решил показать вам эту картинку. Может быть, вас вдохновят на что-то подобное. Это все, что я хотел сказать.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ pik-cher ]

/ ˈpɪk tʃər /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.: I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.

any visible image, however produced: pictures reflected in a pool of water.

a mental image: a clear picture of how he had looked that day.

a particular image or reality as portrayed in an account or description; depiction; version.

a tableau, as in theatrical representation.

  1. a movie: He signed a three-picture deal to star in the new franchise.
  2. pictures, Older Use. movies collectively, as an art; cinema: So, you want to be in pictures?

a person, thing, group, or scene regarded as resembling a work of pictorial art in beauty, fineness of appearance, etc.: She was a picture in her new blue dress.

the image or perfect likeness of someone else: He is the picture of his father.

a visible or concrete embodiment of some quality or condition: the picture of health.

a situation or set of circumstances: the economic picture.

the image on a computer monitor, the viewing screen of a television set, or a motion-picture screen.

verb (used with object), pic·tured, pic·tur·ing.

to represent in a picture or pictorially, as by painting or drawing.

to form a mental picture of; imagine: He couldn’t picture himself doing such a thing.

to depict in words; describe graphically: He pictured Rome so vividly that you half-believed you were there.

to present or create as a setting; portray: His book pictured the world of the future.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of picture

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English, from Latin pictūra “the act of painting, a painting,” equivalent to pict(us) (past participle of pingere “to paint” ) + -ūra noun suffix; see paint, -ure


pic·tur·a·ble, adjectivepic·tur·a·ble·ness, nounpic·tur·a·bly, adverbpic·tur·er, noun

mis·pic·ture, verb (used with object), mis·pic·tured, mis·pic·tur·ing.self-pic·tured, adjectiveun·pic·tured, adjective


picture , pitcher

Words nearby picture

pictography, Pictor, pictorial, pictorialism, pictorialize, picture, picture book, picture card, picture disc, picturegoer, picture hat Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


Where does picture come from?

A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. But what about the word picture? We’re not going to write a thousand words on picture—although we could. Believe us when we say we could. So, here’s a briefer word picture (see what we did there?) on the origin of this versatile word.

In its most general sense, a picture is a visual representation of something, especially in the form of a painting, drawing, photograph, or the like. A picture can also refer to a mental image, among other senses. One meaning of picture, as a verb, is “to represent something in a picture or pictorially”—pictorial being a related adjective form variously used to refer to pictures.

The word picture entered English around 1375–1425, borrowed directly from the Latin word pictūra, “the act of painting, a painting.” The word is based on pict(us), the past participle of the verb pingere, meaning “to paint.” The verb could also mean “to draw, embroider, represent,” among other senses. The second part of pictūra is -ūra, a noun suffix represented as -ure in English. See our entry at –ure to learn more about this suffix.

Dig deeper

The meaning of the word picture has been very stable in English. Just as it originally did in the late 1300s, a picture can still refer to a drawing or painting— whether it’s your kid’s crayon-scrawled family portrait on your fridge or Leonardo DaVinci’s Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Both are masterpieces, as far as we’re concerned. Please note, though, that when referring to formal or professional works, we often use the name of the medium (painting, photograph, film), with picture referring to more informal or amateur creations.

But picture has also been remarkably adaptable, readily lending itself to images created by new technologies: photography, cinema, TV, and all the pictures we take on our smartphones and post on social media.

The word movie—it’s easy to forget in an age of Netflix streaming and viral TikTok videos—is shortened from the phrase moving picture. And what are digital images composed of? Tiny pixels. That word is based on pix, a variant of pics, a common shortening of picture. A picture, we might say today, is worth (many) thousands of pixels.

Did you know … ?

As we noted in the previous section, picture ultimately comes from the Latin verb pingere. Picture is not the only word English gets from this root, however.

Pingere evolved into the Old French peindre, whose past participle was peint, source of the English paint and related forms. That means a painting, etymologically speaking, is a picture.

Did you know these words are also rooted in the Latin pingere, “to paint”?

  • depiction
  • pigment
  • pimento
  • pinto

Words related to picture

account, art, cartoon, copy, depiction, description, drawing, figure, icon, image, impression, painting, photo, photograph, piece, portrait, portrayal, print, report, sketch

How to use picture in a sentence

  • Exclude the blue states, and the economic picture shifts dramatically.

  • However, a complete picture of their clinical effect remains unclear.

  • It also seems like the legacy of the Olympic Games is completely left out of the picture.

  • Smith shared a picture of him setting next to Hubert—a monumental occasion considering the two hadn’t sat down with each other in 27 years.

  • Those pictures can really boost your memory of this material.

  • The same picture emerges from middle class men in the U.S., Canada, and the Nordic countries.

  • That was accomplished by cops such as the one whose picture was clutched so tightly by his widow on Sunday.

  • There is just no way of selling this picture with an innocent defense like, “she just asked for a snap.”

  • I noticed a picture of her daughter, who was my classmate, and out of curiosity visited her page.

  • We want to give the families and the other cops, too, as clear a picture as we can.

  • She looked from the picture to her daughter, with a frightful glare, in their before mild aspect.

  • Each picture bore a label, giving a true description of the once-honoured gem.

  • And sure enough when Sunday came, and the pencil was restored to him, he promptly showed nurse his picture.

  • Mr. Agnew saw the picture, recognised its merit, and wrote a cheque for the full amount asked.

  • A furious controversy concerning this picture had arisen among art critics.

British Dictionary definitions for picture


  1. a visual representation of something, such as a person or scene, produced on a surface, as in a photograph, painting, etc
  2. (as modifier)picture gallery; picture postcard Related adjective: pictorial

a mental image or impressiona clear picture of events

a verbal description, esp one that is vivid

a situation considered as an observable scenethe political picture

a person or thing that bears a close resemblance to anotherhe was the picture of his father

a person, scene, etc, considered as typifying a particular state or qualitythe picture of despair

a beautiful person or sceneyou’ll look a picture

a complete image on a television screen, comprising two interlaced fields

  1. a motion picture; film
  2. (as modifier)picture theatre

the pictures mainly British and Australian a cinema or film show

get the picture informal to understand a situation

in the picture informed about a given situation

verb (tr)

to visualize or imagine

to describe or depict, esp vividly

(often passive) to put in a picture or make a picture ofthey were pictured sitting on the rocks

Word Origin for picture

C15: from Latin pictūra painting, from pingere to paint

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with picture

In addition to the idiom beginning with picture

  • picture is worth a thousand words, one

also see:

  • get the message (picture)
  • in the picture
  • pretty as a picture
  • take a picture
  • the picture

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

How to describe a picture in English?

You could be asked to talk about a picture in the IELTS test. Or in any other test.

You may also need to talk about a picture as part of a presentation or in conversation.

It’s a useful skill to have in English. It helps you to describe things you can see very clearly to others.

So, let’s take a look at how to do it.

Introducing The Main Picture

When talking about the picture or photograph, the first thing you want to say is a general description of it.

You do not need to go into detail immediately. Just introduce what the picture is of — or who it is of — and say one or two sentences about it.

So, if you were talking about the picture above, you might say:

This is a picture of a man. He is jumping in the air and it looks like he is on a beach somewhere.

That is a perfect introduction to the picture. Even if we cannot see the picture, we have a very clear idea of what the picture is in our mind.

You could also say:

This picture shows a man in a pair of shorts. He is on the beach and he is jumping up very high.

If you are introducing a photograph that you took yourself, then you can say this:

I took this picture when I was on vacation with my friend in Greece. He was feeling very happy that day, laughing and jumping around on the beach. So I took a picture of him just as he jumped in the air.

You don’t need to think of details or make it too complex.

Just give a brief introduction of what the picture is, who the person is, what they are doing and where they are.

That is all you need to say at this stage.

The Main Subject

Now you can talk about the main subject of the picture in detail.

The main subject of the picture could be a person or an object. It could be an animal too.

Usually, a picture has a subject. That is the next thing you talk about.

If the Subject is a Person or People

If the subject is a person or people, you need to describe them.

Talk about:

  • what the people are doing
  • what they look like
  • the appearance on their face
  • the clothes they are wearing

If you know the person in the picture — or you took the photograph — you need to add more information.

  • who the person is
  • when the picture was taken
  • where you were
  • what you were doing

So, if we use the first picture as an example we could say the following:

He is a young black man. He is jumping up high. He looks very happy because he is smiling and has a cheerful expression on his face.

He is just wearing a pair of shorts and it looks like he is on a beach somewhere.

Now if you took the picture, you could say this:

This is a picture of my friend Alex. We were on holiday in Greece last summer and we went to the beach. We were walking on the beach and Alex started jumping around on the sand.

As he jumped into the air, I took a picture of him.

But It Could Be A Picture Of An Object

If it’s an object you need to think about the following things:

  • what object can you see?
  • can you name the object?
  • can you describe the object?
  • what about the surroundings of the object?

Take a look at the picture above of the house below.

How to talk about this?

We could say:

This is a picture of a red house. It looks like it is in the middle of a field, probably the countryside. The house is red and the windows are painted white. The house looks kind of small and it also looks empty. I don’t think anyone lives in this house.

In this description, I mention the red house — so we know what it is and what colour it is.

I mention the surroundings — a field and maybe the countryside.

Then I give more description of the house — the colour, the windows and the size.

I also say that I think the house is empty. It doesn’t matter if the house is empty or not — this is just my opinion.

But if I took the picture, I could add more detail.

I could say:

  • where I took the picture
  • when I took the picture
  • why I took the picture

In short, add a little story to the description.

It could sound something like this:

I was walking near my parents’ house. They live in a small town and as I walked across these fields, I saw this house in the middle of nowhere.

It was in the summer, and I just looked at this strange house and had a strong desire to take a picture of it.

But What If The Picture Is Of An Animal?

If the picture is of an animal, you can use similar ways you use to describe a person.

  • what the animal is doing
  • what it looks like
  • the appearance on the animal’s face

Now take a look at the picture of the dog below.

We could talk about it like this:

This is a picture of a dog. I don’t know what kind of dog it is, but it has very short hair and has a light brown colour.

It looks like someone has caught the attention of the dog and it’s raising its paw at the person. Its ears are raised too, like the dog is excited or listening to something.

In this description, I say what the animal is — a dog.

Then a give a brief description of the dog — its hair and colour.

Then I talk about what the dog is doing and why. I also mention the dog’s ears.

If you took the picture yourself, you need to add some elements of story.

  • what relationship do you have with the animal? (People often take pictures of their own pets)
  • where you were at the time of the picture
  • when you took it

It might look something like this:

This is my dog, Bingo. Me and my brother were playing with him in my backyard a few weeks ago and I took this picture just as he raised his paw. My brother was about to throw a ball for Bingo.

Now we have more of a story attached to the picture of the dog.

We know the dog’s name and we know he is male.

Plus, we have some more detail of where it happened and who was there.

Talking About The Background

Once you have described the main subject — the person, the object or the animal — then you have to describe the background.

You can give a general description of the background — just as you do with the main subject of the picture — then you can go into detail.

So if we look at the man jumping on the beach again, what can we see in the background?

You can describe the background generally like this:

In the background, there is a beach and a large part of the picture is the blue sky. There are some clouds in the sky. And if we look at the beach, we can see some people in the far distance.

That is all you need to say. You mention the main things you can see in the background:

  • the beach
  • the sky
  • some clouds
  • people on the beach

No need to talk about anything else at this stage.

Let’s look at the picture of the red house again.

Now this picture is a little different. Because we need to talk about the background and the foreground.

The foreground is the part of the picture that is at the front.

In this picture of the house, we need to talk about that too.

So we could say:

In the background, it is mostly sky. The sky looks overcast and grey. And the house is standing on a field. We can see green fields all around the house and in the foreground too.

And at the very front of the picture — out of focus — there are some flowers.

And finally, let’s look at the picture of the dog. There is not much to see, but we still have to describe what is there.

We could say:

In the background, it looks like a wooden fence and a gate behind the dog. And the dog is sitting on a section of concrete. Maybe it is a backyard of someone’s house. There are some cracks in parts of the concrete.

That is all we need to say for each of the three pictures. When you first start to describe the background, just give a brief introduction to what you can see. It is enough.

The next thing we can do is talk about it in detail.

How To Talk About The Details

Once you give your introduction to the background, you can talk about it in more detail.

Let’s look at the man on the beach again.

To talk about the sky might be a little difficult. But we can say what we think or feel about it.

And we can add some more detail when talking about the people on the beach. And if we look clearly, we can see the sea and maybe two or three boats on the sea.

So we could say this:

The sky is very blue, and there are very few clouds. I think this picture must have been taken in the summer. It just looks hot to me.

And there are quite a few people in the background. I can see one man lying down on the sand — maybe he is sunbathing.

The other people are wearing beach clothes — shorts and t-shirts.

And in the far distance, I can see the sea. And on the sea, there are two or three boats, it is not very clear. One boat looks like it has a very high sail.

If you cannot see something very clearly in the picture, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter if you say two or three boats, for example. No one is going to correct you on this.

Just say what you can see.

What about the picture of the red house?

Again, just try to describe what you can see.

You might say something like this:

The house looks like it is built on a ridge on one of the fields. The ground rises up slightly in front of the house. And in the background, it looks like the land is rising down again in the opposite direction.

There is nothing on the grass. Only grass. No flowers or anything else there.

But there are flowers in the foreground. They are white. I don’t know what kind of flowers they are, as they are out of focus.

And between the grass and the flowers, it looks like a path. The ground is grey, and it goes from one side of the picture to the other.

Notice in this section, I said what is not on the grass — nothing, only grass, no flowers or anything else.

It is perfectly acceptable to say what is not in the background, but you cannot just say there is nothing here, nothing there, nothing over there.

The way I say there is nothing is that I focus on one subject of the picture — the grass — and then say what I cannot see on it. Because often we do see things on grass — flowers, birds and the occasional cow.

So that covers how to talk about the main subject and the background. But all three of these pictures are quite simple — just one main object and a plain and simple background with not much going on.

What if the picture was more complex?

How To Describe A Picture with More Complex Details

How to describe a picture that has more content and more details?

Take a look at the picture below.

Notice all the different things in it?

Think about these questions before you begin to talk about the picture.

  • what is this a picture of?
  • how could you describe this picture in two or three sentences?
  • what is the main subject of the picture?
  • what is in the background?
  • what is in the foreground?

Let’s try to answer all of these questions now.

What Is This A Picture Of?

This is a picture of a woman in a kitchen. The kitchen is white and very modern and has a lot of space. The woman is making something on the stove.

So that’s a basic description of what we can see in the picture. This is an ideal introduction, and it tells us everything we need to know for the beginning.

What Is The Main Subject Of The Picture?

There is a woman in the centre of the picture. She is standing behind a stove and she is stirring something in a pot on top of the stove. She seems happy as she is smiling. And she is wearing a thick grey cardigan.

That tells us a great deal about the main subject. It’s very clear and simple.

What Is In The Background?

Now this is where it gets a little complicated…

Unlike the previous pictures which have a very simple background, this picture has more things in it — plus they are in different parts of the picture.

This is where we use phrases like:

  • to the left
  • to the right
  • at the bottom
  • at the top
  • in the top right corner

Let’s look at an example of how to describe the background.

In the background of the picture, we can see the kitchen. Directly behind the woman is a counter — and on the counter is a sink.

There are also some books on the counter. To the far left of the picture, we can see a few books stacked together. There is a small orange-coloured object holding the books in place.

And at the other end of the counter, there are a few more books leaning against a cabinet.

Above the counter are some cupboards. They all have white doors. It looks like there are five of them in total. There are some more cupboards below the counter.

The sink looks like it is made of stainless steel. We can see the tap above the sink.

In the background, to the right, there is a cabinet. In the cabinet is an oven and what looks like a microwave oven, too. They both look like very modern designs and they are both silver.

That gives a very clear description of what we can see in the background of the picture.

Notice that the description is all in order of location. It doesn’t jump from one part of the background to another.

So it talks in order of:

  • the counter
  • what is on the counter
  • the left of the counter
  • the right of the counter
  • above the counter
  • below the counter
  • the sink
  • the right of the background and what we can see there

This is the best way to describe details in a picture. Do not jump from one part of the picture to another as it sounds confusing to the listener.

What Is In The Foreground?

And then you describe the foreground. It doesn’t matter if you describe the background or the foreground first. But make sure you stick to one part and describe all of that before moving to the next part.

You can use the same phrases as you used to talk about the background.

Let’s take a look at an example:

In the foreground, there is a shelf. It is white and l think it is made of marble.

There are a few objects on the shelf.

To the far left, there is a bowl of lemons. The bowl is white and there are many lemons in it — maybe more than ten. Behind the bowl of lemons, and to the left, is an orange-coloured pepper mill.

And then to the far right of the shelf, there are some green vegetables. The vegetables look very leafy.

Just to the left of the vegetables, and closer to the middle of the shelf, are three ceramic pots. They are all white and have light-brown lids.

Now there may be some vocabulary that you don’t know in the above description — words such as:

  • marble
  • peppermill
  • leafy
  • ceramic
  • lids

But you should get a clear idea of how to use phrases such as:

  • far left
  • behind
  • to the left
  • far right
  • middle

These are the kind of words and phrases that can help you explain where things are in the picture.

And if you follow the steps like that, you should be able to describe any picture at all!

But what if you don’t know the name of the objects you are describing?

How To Describe Things You Don’t Know The Name Of

If you see something in the picture and you know what it is in your own language, but you don’t know how to say it in English — don’t worry!

You can talk around it.

This gives you the opportunity to talk more and use more English. This is perfect if you are doing the IELTS speaking test!

Let’s take the picture of the kitchen and apply this technique.

In the last part, we talked about the foreground. Let’s try again — but this time we will talk around the objects we don’t know the name of.

In the foreground, there is a shelf. It is white. I don’t know the name of the material the shelf is made from, but it is a kind of stone. People often use it in their home as it looks beautiful.

To the far left of the picture, there is a bowl. Inside the bowl is a lot of fruit. I can’t remember the name of this fruit, but it is yellow and has a very bitter taste. People often use it for cooking and you can make tea with it as well. Inside the bowl are ten of these fruits.

And behind the bowl is another thing I don’t know the name of. You can often find this in a kitchen. People use it to make pepper into very small pieces. You turn the top and the pepper comes out the bottom in tiny little pieces.

Do you get the idea?

By describing things this way, you will find that you can actually talk for much longer.

And the examiner may give you extra marks for doing this too!

Talk About Your Impressions And Thoughts Of The Picture

A good thing to do when describing any picture is to give your thoughts on the picture.

There is no right or wrong answer when doing this, as you are just expressing your personal opinions. But it is a valuable thing to do, especially if you are in the IELTS speaking test.

Let’s go through all the pictures and look at some examples.

The Beach Picture

I really like this picture. I like the way the man is jumping in the air and I like the big smile on his face. It just looks like a really happy and positive photograph.

And it looks like really nice weather in the picture too. It looks like it must be a hot day and the sun shining brightly.

No wonder the man is smiling!

The Red House Picture

This place looks very bleak to me. Even on a nice summer day, it seems like it would be desolate and not an inviting place.

And the red house is empty, which makes the place seem even more bleak.

In the daytime, this place may be okay, but I don’t think I would like to be there at night. I imagine the house would be pretty scary at night.

The Dog Picture

The dog in the picture looks so nice. His fur looks really silky. I bet he’s a really friendly dog, I just have a good feeling about him.

The Kitchen Picture

This picture doesn’t look like a real photograph at all. It looks like advertising. No one has a kitchen like that in real life. And the woman is wearing a thick cardigan in the kitchen. Do people wear clothes like that if they are cooking? It doesn’t seem right.

And the rest of the kitchen is so neat and tidy. My kitchen is not like that. I don’t know any kitchen that looks like that!

Remember — you don’t have to say what you think the examiner wants to hear. You can just be honest and say what comes into your mind.

Notice in the dog picture description, the speaker is saying things about the dog — how they imagine the dog to be in real life.

Of course, they don’t know the dog, so how could they know?

But it doesn’t matter. You can just give your opinion of what you think the dog is like in your imagination.

Describe The Picture By Telling A Story

If you are showing someone a picture or making a presentation using a photograph that you took yourself, then you can tell a story about it.

People love to hear stories, and by showing a picture that you took yourself, this is the perfect opportunity to tell the story.

We looked at some short story introductions earlier, but let’s look in more detail.

The Beach Picture

I took this picture of my friend Alex when we went on holiday last year. We went to this great beach, and the weather was just fantastic.

Alex was in a really good mood that day and was jumping around on the sand.

As he jumped in the air, I grabbed my camera and took a picture of him. It just shows him at the right angle as he is smiling and leaping in the air.

The Dog Picture

I was with my friend and my dog, Bingo. It was a few weeks ago, and Bingo wanted to play with us. My friend had a ball and threw it at Bingo for him to catch it.

He was just about to throw the ball, and I took a picture of Bingo.

The Red House Picture

I was out in a field near where my friend lives. He lives in the countryside and this house sat in the middle of a field. I asked him if anyone lived there and he said no. He said the house has been empty for as long as he can remember.

It didn’t look very inviting. There was no glass in the windows and inside was completely empty.

If it is your picture, you must have a story to tell about it. And if you are doing a presentation using a photograph, then telling a story to accompany it is a great thing to do.

Please read my article on How To Tell A Story for more advice about using story and storytelling.


Describing a picture or photograph should be easy. As long as you describe the picture in order, you should be fine.

Just remember the order:

  • the main subject
  • the background
  • the foreground
  • the details of other objects, people or things in the picture
  • your thoughts or opinions
  • a story

If you follow these steps, you should be able to describe or talk about any picture in English.

Take a look at some pictures on the internet and try to describe them by yourself right now. The more you practice, the more you will improve.

And remember — let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


I hung the picture on the wall.

The book has a lot of pictures.

Draw a picture of your house.

The staff looked at the financial picture of the company.

The overall economic picture is improving.


I can still picture the house I grew up in.

I can’t picture changing jobs at this point in my life.

Picture what it would be like if you didn’t own a car.

Can you picture him as a teacher?

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Director Todd Phillips also shared the photo, along with a separate picture of Joaquin Phoenix, who plays the Joker.

Emily Zemler, Rolling Stone, 6 Apr. 2023

The bat’s record price was achieved thanks in part to being photo matched to a picture of Ruth in action during the 1921 season, his second with the New York Yankees.

Jace Evans, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

The multi-photo post started with a picture of Sims posing next to one of her old friends.

Tracey Harrington Mccoy, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

And in the 1950s and 1960s, the Association itself branched out from its lunchtime talk model, which was pitched at urban elites, to a wider picture of who was part of the democratic public, reaching a broader audience through the Great Decisions program.

Andrew Lanham, The New Republic, 5 Apr. 2023

Toyota teases the 2024 Toyota Tacoma with a picture of the mid-size truck’s tailgate.

Greg S. Fink, Car and Driver, 5 Apr. 2023

After the shutter button is pressed, Samsung uses advanced multi-frame processing to combine multiple images into a single picture and AI to automatically adjust the photo as necessary.

Samantha Kelly, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

Those views of Trump, along with still pictures of him during the arraignment, turned political and legal commentators into facial-expression and body-language experts.

David Bauder, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023

Said there was a wood engraving by the artist Paul L. Kershaw in the bathroom showing a black-and-white picture of the Cairngorms and a bite of Shepherd’s words.

Ailsa Ross, Longreads, 4 Apr. 2023

With a flat roof, midcentury furniture, and pops of pink, the Airbnb (pictured above!) was the perfect mix of 1960s design and today’s Barbiecore fad.

Kelsey Mulvey, House Beautiful, 7 Apr. 2023

Two years later, the studios are boasting one of Europe’s largest LED walls (pictured) as revenues soar and a small but significant profit is being made.

Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 4 Apr. 2023

Choosing Steel Low-carbon steel is fine for most projects, but high-carbon, S7 tool steel (pictured) is better for shaping implements that need to hold an edge.

Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2023

Set a potted plant such as Asiatic jasmine (pictured) or clematis next to it.

Jill Gleeson, Country Living, 31 Mar. 2023

Available in seven fun colors from pink (pictured) to neon green, you’re bound to find a style that matches your vibe.

Elizabeth Berry, Good Housekeeping, 30 Mar. 2023

The stunt itself, dropping a visual album with no notice whatsoever, is taken straight out of 2013’s Beyoncé release playbook, while the name of the album, Festival, is already reminiscent of Renaissance, while Ni’Jah is also pictured riding a horse in a form of chain mail.

Lester Fabian Brathwaite,, 23 Mar. 2023

Several are captured sitting or lying alone on sofas, while others are pictured with pets or female relatives.

Oscar Holland, CNN, 23 Mar. 2023

In 2011, more robots hit the market, including the Vgo from Vgo Communications and the Jazz from French company Gostai (pictured below).

Erico Guizzo, IEEE Spectrum, 22 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘picture.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


a work of art, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.; portrait; movie; any visual image; a person or thing resembling another closely: the very picture of her mother

Not to be confused with:

pitcher – a container for holding and pouring liquids: a pitcher of cream; a person who pitches: a baseball pitcher

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




1. A visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed, or otherwise rendered on a flat surface.

2. A visible image, especially one on a flat surface or screen: the picture reflected in the lake; focused the picture on the movie screen.


a. A vivid or realistic verbal description: a Shakespearean picture of guilt.

b. A vivid mental image.

4. A person or object bearing a marked resemblance to another: She’s the picture of her mother.

5. A person, object, or scene that typifies or embodies an emotion, state of mind, or mood: Your face was the very picture of horror.

6. The chief circumstances of an event or time; the situation: How does the new boyfriend figure in the picture?

7. A movie.

8. A tableau vivant.

tr.v. pic·tured, pic·tur·ing, pic·tures

1. To make a visible representation of: In this photo, the mayor is pictured with several aides.

2. To form a mental image of; visualize: I pictured my grandfather as a young man coming to America.

3. To describe vividly in words; make a verbal picture of: pictured their heroism in glowing language.

[Middle English, from Latin pictūra, from pictus, painted, past participle of pingere, to paint; see peig- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.





a. a visual representation of something, such as a person or scene, produced on a surface, as in a photograph, painting, etc

b. (as modifier): picture gallery; picture postcard. pictorial

2. a mental image or impression: a clear picture of events.

3. a verbal description, esp one that is vivid

4. a situation considered as an observable scene: the political picture.

5. a person or thing that bears a close resemblance to another: he was the picture of his father.

6. a person, scene, etc, considered as typifying a particular state or quality: the picture of despair.

7. a beautiful person or scene: you’ll look a picture.

8. (Broadcasting) a complete image on a television screen, comprising two interlaced fields

9. (Film)

a. a motion picture; film

b. (as modifier): picture theatre.

10. (Film) the pictures chiefly Brit and Austral a cinema or film show

12. get the picture informal to understand a situation

13. in the picture informed about a given situation

vb (tr)

14. to visualize or imagine

15. to describe or depict, esp vividly

16. (often passive) to put in a picture or make a picture of: they were pictured sitting on the rocks.

[C15: from Latin pictūra painting, from pingere to paint]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpɪk tʃər)

n., v. -tured, -tur•ing. n.

1. a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, or photograph.

2. any visible image, however produced.

3. a mental image.

4. a graphic or vivid account or description.

5. a tableau, as in theatrical representation.

7. a person, thing, group, or scene regarded as resembling a work of pictorial art in beauty, fineness of appearance, etc.

8. the image or perfect likeness of someone else: She is the picture of her father.

9. a visible or concrete embodiment of some quality or condition: the picture of health.

10. a situation or set of circumstances: the economic picture.

11. the image on a television screen, motion-picture screen, or computer monitor.


12. to represent in a picture or pictorially, as by painting or drawing.

13. to form a mental picture of; imagine.

14. to depict in words; describe graphically.

[1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin pictūra the act of painting, a painting =pict(us) (past participle of pingere to paint) + -ura -ure]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


— Ultimately from Latin pingere, «paint.»

See also related terms for paint.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: pictured
Gerund: picturing

I picture
you picture
he/she/it pictures
we picture
you picture
they picture
I pictured
you pictured
he/she/it pictured
we pictured
you pictured
they pictured
Present Continuous
I am picturing
you are picturing
he/she/it is picturing
we are picturing
you are picturing
they are picturing
Present Perfect
I have pictured
you have pictured
he/she/it has pictured
we have pictured
you have pictured
they have pictured
Past Continuous
I was picturing
you were picturing
he/she/it was picturing
we were picturing
you were picturing
they were picturing
Past Perfect
I had pictured
you had pictured
he/she/it had pictured
we had pictured
you had pictured
they had pictured
I will picture
you will picture
he/she/it will picture
we will picture
you will picture
they will picture
Future Perfect
I will have pictured
you will have pictured
he/she/it will have pictured
we will have pictured
you will have pictured
they will have pictured
Future Continuous
I will be picturing
you will be picturing
he/she/it will be picturing
we will be picturing
you will be picturing
they will be picturing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been picturing
you have been picturing
he/she/it has been picturing
we have been picturing
you have been picturing
they have been picturing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been picturing
you will have been picturing
he/she/it will have been picturing
we will have been picturing
you will have been picturing
they will have been picturing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been picturing
you had been picturing
he/she/it had been picturing
we had been picturing
you had been picturing
they had been picturing
I would picture
you would picture
he/she/it would picture
we would picture
you would picture
they would picture
Past Conditional
I would have pictured
you would have pictured
he/she/it would have pictured
we would have pictured
you would have pictured
they would have pictured

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. picture - a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surfacepicture — a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; «they showed us the pictures of their wedding»; «a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them»

ikon, icon, image

bitmap, electronic image — an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels

chiaroscuro — a monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color

collage, montage — a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image; «he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map»

transparency, foil — picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector

computer graphic, graphic — an image that is generated by a computer

iconography — the images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject; «religious iconography»; «the propagandistic iconography of a despot»

inset — a small picture inserted within the bounds or a larger one

likeness, semblance — picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing

cyclorama, diorama, panorama — a picture (or series of pictures) representing a continuous scene

reflection, reflexion — the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material); «he studied his reflection in the mirror»

representation — a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

CAT scan, scan — an image produced by scanning; «he analyzed the brain scan»; «you could see the tumor in the CAT scan»

echogram, sonogram — an image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography (reflections of high-frequency sound waves); used to observe fetal growth or to study bodily organs

2. picture - graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surfacepicture — graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface; «a small painting by Picasso»; «he bought the painting as an investment»; «his pictures hang in the Louvre»


abstraction — an abstract painting

cityscape — painting depicting a city or urban area

daub — an unskillful painting

distemper — a painting created with paint that is made by mixing the pigments with water and a binder

finger-painting — a painting produced by spreading paint with the fingers

graphic art — the arts of drawing or painting or printmaking

ikon, icon — a conventional religious painting in oil on a small wooden panel; venerated in the Eastern Church

landscape — painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery

miniature, illumination — painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

monochrome — painting done in a range of tones of a single color

mural, wall painting — a painting that is applied to a wall surface

nude, nude painting — a painting of a naked human figure

oil painting — a picture painted with oil paints

pentimento — the reappearance in a painting of an underlying image that had been painted over (usually when the later painting becomes transparent with age)

sand painting — a painting done by Amerindians (especially Navaho); made of fine colored sands on a neutral background

waterscape, seascape — a painting of the sea (as distinguished from a landscape)

semi-abstraction — a semiabstract painting

still life — a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers

tanka — a Tibetan religious painting on fabric

trompe l’oeil — a painting rendered in such great detail as to deceive the viewer concerning its reality

watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour — a painting produced with watercolors

3. picture - a clear and telling mental imagepicture — a clear and telling mental image; «he described his mental picture of his assailant»; «he had no clear picture of himself or his world»; «the events left a permanent impression in his mind»

mental picture, impression

image, mental image — an iconic mental representation; «her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate»

4. picture — a situation treated as an observable object; «the political picture is favorable»; «the religious scene in England has changed in the last century»


situation, state of affairs — the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; «the present international situation is dangerous»; «wondered how such a state of affairs had come about»; «eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation»- Franklin D.Roosevelt

5. picture — illustrations used to decorate or explain a text; «the dictionary had many pictures»

pictorial matter

illustration — artwork that helps make something clear or attractive

6. picture - a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movementpicture — a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; «they went to a movie every Saturday night»; «the film was shot on location»

motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, pic, picture show, film, flick

product, production — an artifact that has been created by someone or some process; «they improve their product every year»; «they export most of their agricultural production»

sequence, episode — film consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a movie

credit — an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; «the credits were given at the end of the film»

subtitle, caption — translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen

credits — a list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run at the end of the film)

telefilm — a movie that is made to be shown on television

scene, shot — a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film

feature film, feature — the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater; «the feature tonight is `Casablanca'»

final cut — the final edited version of a movie as approved by the director and producer

home movie — a film made at home by an amateur photographer

collage film — a movie that juxtaposes different kinds of footage

coming attraction — a movie that is advertised to draw customers

shoot-’em-up — a movie featuring shooting and violence

short subject — a brief film; often shown prior to showing the feature

docudrama, documentary, documentary film, infotainment — a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

cinema verite — a movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a director

film noir — a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters; «film noir was applied by French critics to describe American thriller or detective films in the 1940s»

skin flick — a pornographic movie

rough cut — the first print of a movie after preliminary editing

silent movie, silent picture, silents — a movie without a soundtrack

slow motion — a movie that apparently takes place at a slower than normal speed; achieved by taking the film at a faster rate

talkie, talking picture — a movie with synchronized speech and singing

3D, 3-D, three-D — a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance

show — a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; «they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway»

musical, musical comedy, musical theater — a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing

dub — provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language

synchronise, synchronize — make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action; «synchronize this film»

film, shoot, take — make a film or photograph of something; «take a scene»; «shoot a movie»

videotape, tape — record on videotape

reshoot — shoot again; «We had to reshoot that scene 24 times»

7. picture - the visible part of a television transmissionpicture — the visible part of a television transmission; «they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone»


telecasting, television, TV, video — broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; «she is a star of screen and video»; «Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done» — Ernie Kovacs

visual communication — communication that relies on vision

8. picture - a graphic or vivid verbal descriptionpicture — a graphic or vivid verbal description; «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»

characterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, word picture, word-painting

description, verbal description — a statement that represents something in words

epithet — descriptive word or phrase

portrait, portraiture, portrayal — a word picture of a person’s appearance and character

9. picture — a typical example of some state or quality; «the very picture of a modern general»; «she was the picture of despair»

typification, exemplification — a representational or typifying form or model

10. picture - a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slidepicture — a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material

photo, photograph, pic, exposure

beefcake — a photograph of a muscular man in minimal attire

black and white, monochrome — a black-and-white photograph or slide

blueprint — photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.

cheesecake — a photograph of an attractive woman in minimal attire

closeup — a photograph taken at close range

daguerreotype — a photograph made by an early photographic process; the image was produced on a silver plate sensitized to iodine and developed in mercury vapor

blowup, enlargement, magnification — a photographic print that has been enlarged

frame — a single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film

glossy — a photograph that is printed on smooth shiny paper

headshot — a photograph of a person’s head

hologram, holograph — the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography

longshot — a photograph taken from a distance

microdot — photograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)

arial mosaic, photomosaic, mosaic — arrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture

mug shot, mugshot — a photograph of someone’s face (especially one made for police records)

photocopy — a photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work

photographic print, print — a printed picture produced from a photographic negative

photomicrograph — a photograph taken with the help of a microscope

radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagram, skiagraph, radiogram — a photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)

representation — a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

snapshot, snap, shot — an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera; «my snapshots haven’t been developed yet»; «he tried to get unposed shots of his friends»

spectrogram, spectrograph — a photographic record of a spectrum

stereoscopic photograph, stereoscopic picture, stereo — two photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together

still — a static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes); «he wanted some stills for a magazine ad»

telephoto, telephotograph — a photograph made with a telephoto lens

telephotograph — a photograph transmitted and reproduced over a distance

time exposure — a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time

vignette — a photograph whose edges shade off gradually

wedding picture — photographs of bride and groom and their friends taken at their wedding

scene, shot — a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film

Verb 1. picture - imaginepicture — imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind; «I can’t see him on horseback!»; «I can see what will happen»; «I can see a risk in this strategy»

envision, fancy, visualize, image, figure, visualise, see, project

realize, see, understand, realise — perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; «Now I see!»; «I just can’t see your point»; «Does she realize how important this decision is?»; «I don’t understand the idea»

visualise, visualize — form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract; «Mathematicians often visualize»

conceive of, envisage, ideate, imagine — form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; «Can you conceive of him as the president?»

2. picture — show in, or as in, a picture; «This scene depicts country life»; «the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting»

depict, show, render

artistic creation, artistic production, art — the creation of beautiful or significant things; «art does not need to be innovative to be good»; «I was never any good at art»; «he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully»

interpret, represent — create an image or likeness of; «The painter represented his wife as a young girl»

illustrate — depict with an illustration

map — depict as if on a map; «sorrow was mapped on the mother’s face»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. representation, drawing, painting, portrait, image, print, illustration, sketch, portrayal, engraving, likeness, effigy, delineation, similitude drawing a small picture with coloured chalks

2. photograph, photo, still, shot, image, print, frame, slide, snap, exposure, portrait, snapshot, transparency, enlargement I saw his picture in the paper.

7. personification, model, embodiment, soul, essence, archetype, epitome, perfect example, exemplar, quintessence, living example Six years after the operation, he remains a picture of health.


1. imagine, see, envision, visualize, conceive of, fantasize about, conjure up an image of, see in the mind’s eye She pictured herself working with animals.

2. represent, show, describe, draw, paint, illustrate, portray, sketch, render, depict, delineate The goddess Demeter is pictured holding an ear of wheat.

3. show, photograph, capture on film Betty is pictured here with her award.

«One picture is worth ten thousand words» [Frederick R. Barnard Printers’ Ink]

«Every picture tells a story»

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



One exactly resembling another:


1. To form mental images of:

conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, fantasize, image, imagine, see, think, vision, visualize.

2. To present a lifelike image of:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


رَمْزشيءٌ جَميل، صورَة!صُورَةصورَة كاميراصورَة مَرسومَه، لَوْحَه


billedefilmforestille sigfotoindbegrebet






ljósmyndmyndmynd, málverk, teikninggreinileg lÿsinggullfalleg sjón


pateikti informacijąpaveiksliukasportretastikras pavyzdysturėti informaciją


ako obrázok







Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= imagine) → s’imaginer
He could picture all too easily the consequences of being caught → Il ne pouvait s’imaginer que trop aisément les conséquences qu’il y aurait à être pris.
I would never have pictured this as her home → Je ne me serais jamais imaginé sa maison comme ça.
to picture sb doing sth → s’imaginer qn en train de faire qch
He pictured Claire waiting for him → Il s’imaginait Claire en train de l’attendre.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




picture desk

n (Press) → Bildreaktion f

picture editor

n (Press) → Bildredakteur(in) m(f)


n (TV, Comput) → Bild-in-Bild nt

picture library

nBildarchiv nt

picture messaging

n (Telec) → Picture Messaging nt

picture postcard

nAnsichts(post)karte f

picture rail

nBilderleiste f

picture researcher

nBildbeschaffer(in) m(f), → Pictureresearcher(in) m(f)

picture search

n (on video) → Bildsuchlauf m



picture window

nAussichtsfenster nt

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. n

c. (Cine) → film m inv
to go to the pictures (esp Brit) → andare al cinema

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpiktʃə) noun

1. a painting or drawing. This is a picture of my mother.

2. a photograph. I took a lot of pictures when I was on holiday.

3. a cinema film. There’s a good picture on at the cinema tonight.

4. (with the) a symbol or perfect example (of something). She looked the picture of health/happiness.

5. (with a) a beautiful sight. She looked a picture in her new dress.

6. a clear description. He gave me a good picture of what was happening.


to imagine. I can picture the scene.

put (someone) / be in the picture

to give or have all the necessary information (about something). He put me in the picture about what had happened.

the pictures

the cinema. We went to the pictures last night, but it wasn’t a very good film.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


صُورَة obraz billede Bild εικόνα imagen kuva image slika immagine 사진 afbeelding bilde obraz quadro картина bild รูปภาพ resim tranh 图画

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. fotografia; lámina; retrato.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • Would you take a picture of us, please?

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Describing a picture, an image, or a photo can be helpful for people with visual impairments to see it through you. Also, in many English exams (FCE, TOEIC, PTE, etc.), you may need to describe pictures in English. Finally, and most importantly, as an ESL learner, describing pictures in English can be a great way to practice and develop your general English skills.

To describe a picture in English, maintain a logical structure to keep the description naturally connecting. Start with the context & setting (time and place), then the position of the objects & the characters and their actions. While describing pictures in English, use modals and adverbials to talk about possibilities when unsure about anything.

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Ask WH Questions & Answer Them to Describe a Picture

To describe a picture in English, you may ask yourself a few WH questionsOpens in a new tab.and then try to answer them. If you can arrange the answers in a logical structure, the full description will sound like a story. Here are some sample questions:

  • What is this picture about? (Context)
  • What is the setting of the picture? (Time & Place)
  • What are the positions of the characters or the objects in the picture? (Left/right, up/down, etc.)
  • What are the characters doing in the picture? (Standing, walking, talking, etc.)

Sample Picture for Description

Look at the above picture and observe minutely. Now, Answer the above WH questions, collect all the information, and organize it logically. Throughout the next part of the post, We’ll learn to describe a picture step by step. To do so, we’ll take the above picture as a sample. To get the full description of the above picture (Sample Picture), read the post till the end.

Describe What the Picture Is About

Imagine you are describing a picture to a person who has visual impairments. How would you start?

The best way to start describing a picture is by giving an idea of what the picture is about. Give a concise general description that you see apparently at a glance. You don’t need to go into details at the beginning of a picture description.

Here are some example sentences that can help you start the description of the picture.

  • The picture shows some people buying clothes from a clothes shop.
  • In the picture, four people are standing in a clothing store, one is a salesperson, and three are customers.     
  • The picture is about a cloth shop. Some customers are checking different items.
  • This is a picture of a clothing store with three customers and one salesperson.
  • The picture tells us it’s a clothing store, and a salesperson is talking to a customer. And some other customers are checking different items.
  • There are four people in the picture. One of them is a salesperson, and the other three are customers.

Describe the Setting of the Picture

Setting refers to the time and place of a picture. However, you may not always understand the time. But it’s pretty obvious that you can have an idea of a place.

While describing a place, you first give a general idea and then point out every minute detail. Let’s describe the setting of the sample picture above. Generally, you can say this is a clothing store.

But, you can also give some specific information about the store by using descriptive adjectives to give someone a clear idea. For example, you can say “a small clothing store” or “a well-decorated boutique.”

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To describe the setting, especially the place, you should try to draw the same picture with words so that one can clearly see the picture through your eyes with the help of your comments.

By using vivid visual imageryOpens in a new tab., your description of the place in the picture can be recognized or understood even if someone has never seen it before.  

Describe the Positions of the Subjects in the picture

To describe a picture, you must talk about the positions of different characters and objects. Use specific words/phrases, such as left, right, up, down, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, center/middle, etc., to give a precise, detailed position of something in the picture.

Remember! There are uses of prepositions before those words. The following photo shows how to use correct prepositions while giving detail about a picture.

Words/Phrases to Describe Positions

Now, let’s see some example sentences using the preposition.

  • In the center of the picture is a counter where a salesperson is talking to a customer.
  • At the top, there are some scarves on the hangers.
  • On the left is a collection of dresses, and a customer is checking them.
  • On the right is a collection of dresses, and a lady thinks about what she can pick.

Describe the Objects in the Picture

While describing a picture, there can be so many objects. You are expected to describe just the most important things. You don’t need to go for detailed descriptions for every object you see.

Suppose in the sample picture, there are a collection of dresses. Instead of talking about every dress, you can say that dresses are kept on hangers on the left.

Yet, you can talk about the category of the dresses as a whole, but it’s not necessary to talk about the color and type of each dress.

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Describe the Characters in the Picture

Like objects, you may need to describe the characters. Characters can be of different types: a person or other animals. To describe a personOpens in a new the picture, you may talk about their sex and appearance.

While talking about their appearance, mention the dresses and some notable physical features like height, overall build, hair, etc. You can also talk about their age.     

Now, look at the sample picture. What can you see about the characters? Here are some example sentences.

  • One of the customers is a blonde. She is wearing white pants and a blue top.
  • The salesperson is wearing glasses.
  • The other customer is wearing a t-shirt.

Describe What the Characters Are Doing

Describing the actions of the characters is one of the most significant things. It would be best if you talked about what is happening in the picture and what the characters are doing in the picture. All these must be in the present continuous tense.

Let’s see some examples.

  • In the picture, a salesperson is talking to a customer.
  • The other customer is probably looking for a suitable dress.
  • A customer is maybe trying to negotiate the price.

7 More Tips to Make Your Description More Comprehensive

  • If you are unsure about anything in the picture, describe them with modal auxiliary verbs. Example:
    1. It could be a picture of a shopping center.
    2. It is maybe a paddy field.
  • You can also use some probability adverbials when you are unsure about anything. Adverbials of probability include probably, possibly, perhaps, etc.
  • Rather than being subjective while describing a picture, you should do it objectively.
  • You can talk about your association with the picture to make it sound natural. For example, if you clicked a photo by yourself, you could share the story of how you took this photo and then describe it. You can also say what this photo reminds you of.
  • If you can’t recognize anything in the photo or lack the vocabulary to express and describe what you see, you can bring some analogies with everyday things to help express yourself well.
  • Make comparisons when necessary. Suppose there are two boys in the picture. One is wearing a shirt, and another a Punjabi. You can draw a comparison. Example:
    1. The boy on the left is wearing a white shirt, whereas the other boy is wearing a blue Punjabi.
  • You can speculate about the picture to make the description more interesting. For example, suppose a photograph shows green countryside. You can speculate that it’s a Bangladeshi village. Or if there is a snowy hill, you can speculate it is Switzerland.

Sample Full Description of a Picture in English

We have already learned the ways to describe a picture in English. Now, let’s try to describe the following picture.

Picture to Describe in English

The photo shows a place covered with green grasses and a hill in the background. It seems to be a sunny day.
In the center of the picture is a complete office desk with a chair, table, computer, file cabinet, etc. There is a safe beside the table, and on top of that, there is a tub. On the right, there are some green tees. In the top left corner, there are some trees, but they are not green because they don’t have leaves.
We can see green grass on the ground that gives a very fresh vibe. Probably someone has become frustrated with the urban industrial life and thus shifted the office desk to the green.

In Conclusion

Describing a picture requires detailed observation. The more you observe, the more you’ll be able to find important things in the picture. As a result, your description will be enriched with minute details.

Try to draw the same picture with your words that someone has clicked or painted.

Thanks for reading!

Happy learning!

В этом посте я приведу несколько примеров описания картинок для ВПР в 7 классе по английскому языку. Перевод прилагается.

Эти фотографии я взял из Решу ВПР. В конце поста я приложил ссылки на дополнительные описания картин.

Начнем с плана описания картинок.

План описания картинок на английском языке для ВПР в 7 классе

Я разработал следующий план:

  • вступление (вступительные слова)

I’d like to describe picture one — Мне бы хотелось описать картинку номер один

  • кого мы видим на картинке

In the picture I can see a girl — На фотографии я вижу девочку

  • место, где фото было сделано (в помещении или на улице / на природе)

The picture was taken outside — Фотография была сделана на природе

  • место действия (конкретное место)

The action is taking place in the park — Действие происходит в парке

  • переход к тому, что человек делает на картинке (looking at the picture, I can see; действие описываем в Present Continuous)

Looking at the picture, I can see that the girl is running — Глядя на картинку, я вижу, что девочка бегает

  • внешность человека (обычно это одежда. подсказка: если не знаете как описать одежду, говорите casual clothes, formal clothes, summer clothes, winter clothes, autumn clothes, spring clothes)

The girl is dressed in casual clothes — Девочка одета в повседневную одежду

  • возраст человека (прикиньте, сколько человеку лет)

The girl is about ten years old — Девочке около десяти лет

  • нравится ли картинка или нет (всегда говорите, что нравится)

I like the photo — Мне нравится фотография

  • почему (скажите, что действие на картинке вам нравится и, возможно, вы сами этим занимаетесь)

The photo is great because I love running too — Фото отличное потому, что я тоже обожаю бегать!

Теперь давайте перейдем к клише, примерам и шаблонам описания картинок на английском для ВПР в 7 классе.

Описание Photo 1. Девочка на лошади рядом с домом машет и улыбается в камеру

Девочка на лошади рядом с домом машет и улыбается в камеру

Девочка на лошади рядом с домом машет и улыбается в камеру
I would like to describe picture number one. In the picture we can see a girl. The photo was taken outside. In the photo the action is taking place next to a block of flats. Looking at the girl, I can see that she is riding a horse. She is smiling and waving her hand at the photographer. The girl looks like she is 7 years old. She is wearing casual jeans clothes. The girl looks sporty and she seems to be very energetic. I like the picture because I can see that the girl is enjoying what she is doing. Looking at this picture, I want to ride a horse too!


Я хотел бы описать картинку номер один. На фотографии мы видим девочку. Фотография была сделана на улице. На фотографии действие происходит рядом с многоквартирным домом. Глядя на девочку, я вижу, что она едет на лошади. Она улыбается и машет рукой фотографу. На вид девочке 7 лет. Она одета в повседневную джинсовую одежду. Девочка выглядит спортивно и кажется очень энергичной. Мне нравится эта фотография, потому что я вижу, что девочка получает удовольствие от того, что делает. Глядя на эту фотографию, я тоже хочу покататься на лошади!

Описание Photo 2. Девушка смотрит в планшет на диване

Девушка смотрит в планшет на диване

Девушка смотрит в планшет на диване
I’d like to describe picture number two. In the picture we can see a woman. The picture was taken inside. In the photo the action is taking place in a room. Looking at the woman, I can see that she’s sitting on the couch. She’s busy with her tablet. The woman looks like she’s 30 years old. She’s wearing a white sweater and jeans. The woman looks interested. I like the picture because I also love spending time with my tablet. I do it all the time.


Я хотел бы описать картинку номер два. На фотографии мы видим женщину. Снимок сделан в помещении. На фотографии действие происходит в комнате. Глядя на женщину, я вижу, что она сидит на диване. Она занята своим планшетом. На вид женщине около 30 лет. На ней белый свитер и джинсы. Женщина выглядит заинтересованной. Мне нравится эта фотография, потому что я тоже люблю проводить время со своим планшетом. Я делаю это постоянно.

Описание Photo 3. Улыбающийся мужчина в очках с рюкзаком стоит с красной книгой в парке рядом с домом

Улыбающийся мужчина в очках с рюкзаком стоит с красной книгой в парке рядом с домом

Улыбающийся мужчина в очках с рюкзаком стоит с красной книгой в парке рядом с домом
I want to describe photo number three. In the photo we can see a man. The picture was taken outside. The weather is nice. In the picture the action is taking place close to a house. The are a few trees around. Maybe the man is in the park. Looking at the photo, I can see that the man is holding a red book. He is smiling. The man is wearing a T-shirt and jeans. He is also wearing glasses and a backpack. The man looks like he is 30 years old. He looks nice. I like this picture because the man spends his free time reading. I enjoy reading too!


Я хочу описать фотографию номер три. На фотографии мы видим мужчину. Фотография была сделана на улице. Погода хорошая. На фотографии действие происходит рядом с домом. Вокруг несколько деревьев. Возможно, мужчина находится в парке. Глядя на фотографию, я вижу, что мужчина держит в руках красную книгу. Он улыбается. Мужчина одет в футболку и джинсы. На нем также очки и рюкзак. На вид мужчине 30 лет. Он выглядит хорошо. Мне нравится эта фотография, потому что мужчина проводит свое свободное время за чтением. Я тоже люблю читать!

Я разработал новый крутой гайд по описанию картинок на английском для ВПР в 7 классе. Смотрите прямо сейчас!

Как описать картинку на английском для ВПР в 7 классе на максимальный балл

Немного слов о том, как преуспеть в описании фотографии для ВПР в 7 классе по английскому языку:

1.Выбирайте ту картинку для описания, которая максимально вам понятна. Имеется в виду то, что вы можете:

  • отличить место действия;
  • пол человека;
  • его возраст;
  • его внешность;
  • и то, чем он занимается.

Эти моменты не всегда понятны на некоторых картинках, что делает их сложными для описания.

2.Обязательно расскройте все пункты плана, которые я привел в начале статьи.

3.Постарайтесь набрать 7 предложений в вашем описании. Это довольно просто, если следовать пунктам плана.

4.Выучите все пункты плана и клише их описания, чтобы подставить их в выбранную вами картинку.

5.Используйте Present Continuous для описания того, что происходит на картинке. Например:

  • the girl is running — девочка бегает;
  • the boy is smiling — мальчик улыбается;
  • she is walking — она гуляет;
  • they are sitting — они сидят;
  • they are looking into the camera — они смотрят в камеру;
  • the person is doing nothing — человек ничего не делает.

6.Используйте такие грамматические конструкции, как:

  • инфинитив (I want to tell you that I like the picture very much — Я хочу сказать вам, что мне очень нравится картинка);
  • герундий (I like spending time outside — Я люблю проводить время на улице);
  • причастие (Looking at the photo, I can say that… — Глядя на фото, я могу сказать, что…).

Они сделают речь более насыщенной и позволят получить высший балл.

7.Составьте ваше высказывание и проговорите его про себя столько раз, сколько получится за полторы минуты для подготовки. Так вы будете увереннее.

8.Не спешитеГоворите плавно, четко и размеренно.

9.Если вы сделали ошибку при описании картинки, не пугайтесь. Используйте следующие фразы, чтобы поправить себя:

  • I’m sorry, this is not what I wanted to say — Извините, это не то, что я хотел сказать;
  • Let me rephrase that — Позвольте мне перефразировать это;
  • I made a mistake, I was meaning to say that — Я сделал ошибку, я намеревался сказать, что.

Эти фразы можно сказать сразу после того, как вы сделали ошибку.

10.Если вы вдруг забыли, что нужно сказать дальше, а время идет, используйте фразы-филлеры. Они заполнят пустой промежуток, пока вы думаете, что сказать дальше. Фразами-филлерами могут быть:

  • Okay, give me a second to think — Так, дайте мне секунду подумать;
  • I need to think about what to say next — Мне надо подумать о том, что сказать дальше;
  • I need a moment to gather my thoughts — Мне нужно какое-то время, чтобы собраться с мыслями.

Еще больше описаний картинок для ВПР в 7 классе по английскому языку

Ознакомьтесь с дополнительным описанием фотографий по ссылкам ниже:

  1. Описание картинки для ВПР в 7 классе — (Девочка сидит на заборе и смотрит в телефон, Рыжий мальчик звонит по старому телефону на фоне ковра)
  2. ВПР 7 класс. Английский. Описание фото — (Мальчик в фартуке стоит на кухне со шваброй, Мужчина в рубашке гуляет по улице возле забора)
  3. Английский. ВПР 7 класс. Фотоописание — (Улыбающаяся женщина в красном свитере в магазине, Мальчик с гитарой сидит на кровати на переднем плане, а девочка играет на пианино на заднем плане)
  4. ВПР 7 класс. Описание фото на английском — (Мальчик катается на лошади, Мальчик и девочка вместе играют на пианино)
  5. Как описать картинку для ВПР в 7 классе 
  6. Подготовиться к ВПР 7 по английскому — (Девочка в магазине выбирает продукты, Девушка сидит за столом в кафе, Девушка разговаривает по телефону на улице, Мальчик стоит в костюме пирата у елки с подарками, Девочка стоит со шваброй в классе, Мальчик держит на руках собаку, Девочка в оранжевом платье с роликами на ногах сидит на лавочке в парке, Девочка с пылесосом убирается в комнате, Девочка-повар готовит на кухне, Девочка держит рыжего кота, Мальчик на природе с кроликами)
  7. Описание фото: ВПР 7 класс, английский (Девочка пишет, Женщина в гамаке с книгой, Мальчик у доски)
  8. Описание картинки ВПР 7, Задание 3 №961 — (Девочка стоит у доски и думает, Женщина-тениссистка фотографирует себя на корте, Мальчик собирает пазлы)
  9. ВПР 7. Описание фото. Задание 3 №135 — (Женщина в спортзале на тренажере, Мужчина бежит по дороге, Женщина в супермаркете)
  10. Описание фото. Задание 3 №138, ВПР 7 — (Женщина катается на лыжах, Мужчина играет в теннис, Мальчики играют в хоккей)
  11. Описание фото. ВПР 7, Задание 3 №140 — (Девушка сидит за столом, приставила кулаки к вискам и кричит, Мальчик читает книгу за столом, Мальчик сидит на книгах и читает книгу)
  12. Описание фото. ВПР 7. Задание 3 № 960 — (Девочка, одетая в традиционно русскую одежду, сидит в кресле у елки и держит мишку в руках, Улыбающаяся девочка поймала рыбу на удочку, Пожилой мужчина в библиотеке держит книгу в руках и смотрит в камеру)
  13. Описание фото: туристка делает селфи
  14. Описание фото: мальчик за столом
  15. Описание фото: лыжник в лесу
  16. Готовые описания фото, ВПР 7 английский — (Улыбающаяся женщина фотографирует зимний лес, Улыбающаяся девочка сидит за кухонным столом с тетрадками, учебниками и ноутбуком, Улыбающийся мужчина играет в волейбол на улице)
  17. Примеры описания фото, ВПР 7 английский — (Мужчина в библиотеке держит книги и куда-то идет, Женщина гуляет в парке, Мужчина-врач улыбается в больнице)
  18. Описание фото на английском из РешуВПР 7 — (Девушка стоит у холста с палитрой в руке и рисует, Девушка выбирает одежду в магазине, Мальчик сидит в телефоне за столом)
  19. Описание трех фото для ВПР 7, английский — (Улыбающийся мальчик лежит на кровате и слушает музыку с телефона в наушниках, Улыбающаяся женщина сидит на пледе в парке, скрестив ноги, Врач в больнице со стетоскопом на шее показывает знак окей)
  20. Пример описания картинки на английском — (Девочка надувает мыльные пузыри в комнате, Девочка в лесу держит ягоды в руке)
  21. ВПР, 7 класс, английский, описание фото — (Девушка на кухне проверяет, готов ли суп, Мальчик лежит на надувном матрасе в речке и показывает пальцы вверх)
  22. Фотоописание для ВПР по английскому — (Девушка в парке поднимает желтые листья с земли осенью, Задумавшийся мужчина сидит на кухне за столом, на котором лежит тарелка с едой)
  23. Как описать картинку для ВПР в 7 классе — (Девочка в розовом платье сидит на детском стуле с мишкой, Женщина в светло-синем пиджаке и белых брюках показывает что-то на доске)
  24. Готовое описание картинки на английском — (Женщина в фартуке и перчатках моет окно тряпкой, Девочка с цветочками в волосах лежит перед книгой, опираясь на руки)
  25. Английское описание картинки для ВПР 7 — (Женщина смотрит на одежду. Она думает и выбирает, что надеть, Мальчик смотрит на синего попугая, который сидит на его левом плече)
  26. I’d like to describe picture number (Мужчина в белой футболке сидит и читает книгу; Девочка держит щенка в руках на природе)
  27. Описать картинку на английском пример (Девушка с пакетами рядом с елкой зимой; Мужчина-повар смотрит отчет и разговаривает по телефону на кухне)
  28. Описание картинки на английском, ГДЗ (Улыбающаяся девочка читает синюю книгу за столом; Девочка в розовом платье играет на флейте на природе)
  29. Описать картинку на английском ВПР 7 класс (Женщина в красном свитере держит бутылку в самолете; Мужчина разговаривает по телефону в аэропорте)
  30. Как описать картинку для ВПР в 7 классе по английскому (Девочка катается на ледянке с горки зимой; Девушка с лошадью в лесу зимой)
  31. Описание фото на английском | ВПР 7 класс (Девушка в синем бегает в парке; Мальчик лежит на кровати с планшетом)
  32. План описания фото для ВПР в 7 классе (Девочка в зеленой безрукавке с зеленым мячом в зале; Девушка выбирает одежду)
  33. Описать фото. ВПР. 7 класс. Английский (Мальчик у доски)
  34. Гайд по Описанию Картинок на Английском (Девочка в парке кормит голубей осенью; Девушка-художник с палитрой и кисточкой в руках и с мольбертом на заднем плане)
  35. Описание картинки ВПР 7 класс 2023 (Мальчик у доски решает примеры (1+2 =, 1+1 = 2); Девушка наряжает елку в комнате; Мужчина читает красную книгу на диване)
  36. Как описать картинку в 7 классе ВПР 2023 (Мальчик с геймпадом (контроллером) в руках играет в приставку на телевизоре; Больная девочка лежит в кровати рядом со столом с лекарствами и градусником; Женщина сидит на лавочке на природе и что-то читает)
  37. Как описать картинку: ВПР, 7 класс, английский (Мальчик в рубашке с короткими рукавами и наушниками сидит за компьютером; Мальчик сидит на траве в парке, а рядом лежит собака; Мечтательная девочка лежит на полу в новогоднем свитере и шапке рядом с елкой и что-то пишет)
  38. Описать картину на английском ВПР 7 класс (Мальчик играет в машинки; Мальчик собирает постройку из камней на пляже; Улыбающаяся женщина ест за столом)
  39. Описание картинки на английском: ответы (Английский язык. Всероссийская проверочная работа. 7 класс. Типовые задания. 25 вариантов. Ватсон Е.Р. Картинки: Девочка выбирает книги в библиотеке; Женщина взвешивает продукты в продуктовом магазине; Девочка на лошади)
  40. ВПР, 7 класс, английский, описание фото (Девочка закрыла глаза руками, дети играют в прятки; Мальчик что-то пишет за столом в классе; Раздраженная женщина за столом перед компьютером)
  41. Фотоописание на английском, ВПР 7 класс (Мальчик сидит на дереве у реки; Мужчина в магазине показывает батон хлеба / колбасы; Мальчик ест суп)
  42. Описание картинки на английском: ВПР 7 (Девочка с котом на подоконнике; Женщина в магазине с полной тележкой продуктов; Мужчина / женщина в саду)
  43. ВПР по английскому, 7 класс, описание картинок (Девушка занимается гимнастикой на гимнастическом мяче; Девочка пишет за столом с лампой и глобусом; Парень играет в мяч с собакой на природе)
  44. ВПР 7 класс, английский, описать картинку (Девочка сидит под зонтиком; Девушка красит стакан; Девочка сидит на Красной площади)
  45. Как описать картинку на английском для ВПР в 7 классе (Девушка сидит на полу и занимается растяжкой; Девушка в купальнике стоит на одной ноге на пляже; Девушка обнимает кота рядом с елкой)
  46. Шаблон описания картинки ВПР 7 класс (Повар готовит блюдо; Девочка лежит на ковре и что-то пишет; Девушка с камерой на улице)
  47. ВПР 7 Класс | Английский | Фотоописание (Девочка с подарками рядом с елкой; Женщина кормит лошадь сеном; Мальчик строит пирамиду изо льда)
  48. Как описать фото, ВПР 7 класс (Девочка рисует красками на холсте; Мальчик что-то ест зимой; Мальчик поймал рыбу)
  49. Описание картины, ВПР 7 класс, английский (Женщина-ветеринар гладит собаку в ветеринарной клинике; Женщина-фотограф фотографирует аэродром на фоне самолета; Ребенок сидит на качели)
  50. Клише описания картинки | ВПР 7 класс (Женщина выбирает продукты в магазине; Уставшая женщина изучает книги; Ребенок с ведерком и совком играет с песком)
  51. Описание картинки на английском | ВПР 7 (Мальчик лежит на кровати и читает книгу под одеялом; Мальчик решает примеры у доски; Женщина катается на коньках на катке)
  52. Описание картинки | Ватсон | ВПР 7 класс (Девочка облокотилась на подоконник и смотрит в окно; Мальчик играет в пляжный волейбол; Девочка катается на ватрушке с горки зимой)
  53. Тест 17 | Описание картинки | Ватсон | ВПР 7 (Девочка рисует мелком на асфальте; Девочка катается на лыжах в лесу; Мальчик ест бургер)
  54. Подготовиться к ВПР 7 | Описание картинки | English (Девочка катается на горных лыжах; Женщина выбирает продукты в магазине; Девочка читает книгу на природе)
  55. Как описывать картинку на английском, 7 класс (Мальчик с чемоданом ждет поезда на железнодорожной станции; Мальчик играет с машинками на столе; Мальчик плывет по реке на байдарке)
  56. Описание фотографии на английском | Клише (Мальчик в наушниках слушает музыку; Девочка с фотоаппаратом; Мужчина в пиджаке смотрит отчеты на работе)
  57. Картинки для описания | ВПР, 7 класс (Мальчик нырнул в бассейн; Мальчик катается на велосипеде; Мальчик играет в снежки)
  58. Описание картинки на английском | ВПР 7 класс (Мальчик держит собаку на руках зимой; Женщина поливает цветы; Мальчик сидит в самолете)
  59. Найти описание картинки | ВПР 7 класс (Мальчик лежит на диване и читает книгу; Мальчик играет в баскетбол; Девушка с листьями в парке)
  60. Попросить описание картинки | ВПР 7 класс (Девочка ест десерт; Девочка катается на скейтборде на одной ноге; Мальчик собирает цветочки в парке)
  61. Получить описание картинки | ВПР 7 класс (Мальчик жмет руку роботу; Ребенок катается на роликах; Повар приготовил бургеры)

Об описании фото для ВПР в 7 классе по английскому

📢 Узнайте больше об описании фото и подготовке к ВПР по английскому языку. Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное индивидуальное занятие к хорошему репетитору по английскому. Наши ученики делают существенный прогресс в изучении языка уже после первого урока. Убедитесь в этом сами!

Вы также можете посмотреть другие описания фото. Я собрал внушительную коллекцию. 

EnglishPicture Description


Picture description is a written caption that describes the essential information in an image. 

Picture descriptions can define photos, graphics, gifs, and video — basically anything containing visual information. 

Elements of Picture Description 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Layout 
  3. Describing people 
  4. Atmosphere of picture 
  5. Your opinion, feelings, emotions 
  6. Comparison of pictures 

1. Introduction

Vocabulary used in introduction: 

In the picture I can see……. 

The picture shows…….. 


This is a picture of…………. 

There is/are ……….in the picture. 

The picture is from………… 


In the picture, I can see a sunny countryside. 


The picture shows the countryside in summer. 

2. Layout


In the foreground, we can see some people on bikes. 

In the foreground, we can see some people on bikes. 


In the background we can see some mountains. 

In the background we can see some mountains. 


In the middle of the picture there are some huge stones. 

In the middle of the picture there are some huge stones. 


On the right there is an armchair. 
On the left there are frames on the wall. 

On the right there is an armchair. 

On the left there are frames on the wall. 

3. Describing People

You should answer the following questions: 

  • How many people are there? 
  • Who are they? 
  • What are they doing? 
  • What are they wearing? 
  • How are they feeling? 



There are three people in the picture. 

There are three people in the picture. 


I think they are friends. 

I think they are friends. 


Kids are playing in the park. 

Kids are playing in the park. 

4. Atmosphere of The Picture 

  • Positive 
  • Funny  
  • Pleasant 
  • Unusual 
  • Strange 
  • Relaxed 
  • Nervous 
  • Happy 
  • Sad 
  • Boring 
  • Quiet 
  • Loud 
  • Crazy 
  • Excited 



The atmosphere of this picture is positive as people are smiling. 

The atmosphere of this picture is positive as people are smiling. 


The atmosphere of the above picture is negative as people are shouting at each other. 

The atmosphere of the above picture is negative as people are shouting at each other. 

5. Your Opinion

Vocabulary used in your opinion: 

  • I think that….. 
  • In my opinion…. 
  • It seems to me that …… 
  • Perhaps…… 
  • Maybe….. 



I think the people in the picture are on a holiday because……. 

I think the people in the picture are on a holiday because……. 


In my opinion the woman in the picture is sad because……. 

In my opinion the woman in the picture is sad because……. 

6. Comparison 



Both the pictures show party, but the party in picture A takes place inside whereas the party in picture B takes place outside. 


The weather in picture A is more pleasant than picture B.

The weather in picture A is more pleasant than picture B. 

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