Describing word that starts with s

descriptive_words_letter_sWhat Are Some Descriptive Words That Start With S?

Here is a list of Descriptive Words that begin with Letter S.

Total letter S words: 254 words

Words are listed in alphabetical order.


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Describing Words Starting With S! These words are very useful in English when you want to describe a person or a thing with letter S. These words with S will help you to improve your English.

Describing Words That Start With S

  • Sallowish
  • Stiff
  • Somber
  • Select
  • Shining
  • Sapphire
  • Sapient
  • Sinister
  • Sharpened
  • Shy
  • Scientific
  • Sandy
  • Saddled
  • Specific
  • Snarling
  • Soggy
  • Schematic
  • Stressful
  • Sufficient
  • Seditious
  • Sensual
  • Symmetrical
  • Splintered
  • Seedy
  • Sanctimonious
  • Seatless
  • Supportive
  • Scalding
  • Scotch
  • Smoggy
  • Senior
  • Seabound
  • Sloppy
  • Seared
  • Saucy
  • Stubborn
  • Sessional
  • Secretarial
  • Seamless
  • Self-Reliant
  • Scamp
  • Sardonic
  • Senile
  • Scenic
  • Stunning
  • Senseful
  • Scanty
  • Submissive
  • Skittish
  • Scandalous
  • Savory
  • Scratched
  • Scrawny
  • Sturdy
  • Socratic
  • Sisterly
  • Scared
  • Seaworthy
  • Sedative
  • Sluggish
  • Sole
  • Snide
  • Self-Assured
  • Skinny
  • Sacred
  • Spectacular
  • Sappy
  • Segmented
  • Spunky
  • Soft
  • Sadistic
  • Sanctified
  • Subordinate
  • Satellite
  • Seldom
  • Subdued
  • Strategic
  • Sickly
  • Speedy
  • Systematic
  • Seated
  • Smart
  • Scruffy
  • Stable
  • Sage
  • Spacious
  • Describing Words That Start With T
  • Sure
  • Sensible
  • Self-Absorbed
  • Skeptical
  • Set
  • Shrill

Positive Describing Words With S

  • Sizable
  • Salmon
  • Screaming
  • Snarky
  • Snappy
  • Successful
  • Sorry
  • Spastic
  • Soaring
  • Subversive
  • Sincere
  • Stability
  • Sustainable
  • Skilled
  • Saddened
  • Smiling
  • Smelly
  • Snobby
  • Sore
  • Seasoned
  • Supple
  • Serene
  • Stranded
  • Satire
  • Spontaneous
  • Superb
  • Stumbling
  • Specialist
  • Shady
  • Scant
  • Sexual
  • Scrubbed
  • Sparkling
  • Sullen
  • Superior
  • Spasmodic
  • Sick
  • Snooty
  • Spirited
  • Seventh
  • Stimulating
  • Stingy
  • Scorching
  • Soothing
  • Stagnant
  • Stubby
  • Serving
  • Shabbiest
  • Swift
  • Sickening
  • Shooting
  • Sickened
  • Senseless
  • Sanitary
  • Shocking
  • Shabby
  • Secure
  • Scraggly
  • Shifty
  • Savable
  • Scholarly
  • Skillful
  • Sidelined

Descriptive Words Starting With S

  • Saintly
  • Sheepish
  • Simplified
  • Scummy
  • Shiny
  • Secret
  • Scholastic
  • Showy
  • Smartest
  • Secretive
  • Seemly
  • Spattered
  • Sane
  • Surprised
  • Social
  • Smirking
  • Supreme
  • Stilted
  • Straight
  • Sensational
  • Slimy
  • Seagoing
  • Spiritless
  • Steadfast
  • Shabbier
  • Stark
  • Sinless
  • Shrieking
  • Salaried
  • Septic
  • Salty
  • Self-Centered
  • Stylish
  • Seductive
  • Scarred
  • Sanded
  • Sentient
  • Segregated
  • Short-Tempered
  • Sassy
  • Stuttering
  • Sham
  • Spineless
  • Salvageable
  • Stereotyped
  • Stinging
  • Savant
  • Stunned
  • Spiritual
  • Slender
  • Signatory
  • Stately
  • Significant
  • Softening
  • Soothed
  • Super
  • Sensuous
  • Snobbish
  • Sublime
  • Sheer
  • Savvy
  • Spiteful
  • Sided
  • Subservient
  • Special
  • Softhearted
  • Saccharine
  • Savage
  • Sabbatical
  • Shameful
  • Scrumptious
  • Selfless
  • Scented
  • Sneaky
  • Scathing
  • Scary
  • Shuttered
  • Satisfactory
  • Suave
  • Suitable
  • Scaly
  • Staid
  • Spoiled
  • Strict
  • Samaritan
  • Sociopathic
  • Straggly
  • Standard
  • Sparse
  • Scheduled
  • Seven
  • Seasick
  • Self-Disciplined
  • Slow
  • Sharp
  • Shrewd
  • Scratchy
  • Sequestered
  • Safe
  • Sarcastic
  • Sweet
  • Sedentary
  • Silly
  • Samoan
  • Squirrelly
  • Swanky
  • Sketchy
  • Sad
  • Selfish
  • Scintillating
  • Snoring
  • Substantiated
  • Smudged
  • Silver
  • Studious
  • Shallow
  • Scornful
  • Smarter
  • Splattered
  • Shelled
  • Stale
  • Sighted
  • Self-Directed
  • Single
  • Salvaged
  • Satin
  • Stern
  • Sympathetic
  • Splendid
  • Survivable
  • Serious
  • Self-Evident
  • Selected
  • Standing
  • Sentimental
  • Smokeless
  • Secretory
  • Seaside

Describing Words Beginning With S – Flashcards

describing words starting with s

describing words starting with s 4 describing words starting with s 3 describing words starting with s 2

About The Author

Below find descriptive words that start with s. This page may interest those looking for s words adjectives and s describing words.

Starting with SA: sable, sabulous, saccharic, sacchariferous, saccular, sacerdotal, sacral, sacramental, sacred, sacrificial, sacrilegious, sacrosanct, sad, saddle-backed, saddleback, safe, saffron, sagacious, sage, sagittal, sagittate, said, sainted, saintly, salable, salaried, salary, salicaceous, salient, saliferous, salivary, sallow, salmon, salmonoid, salt, saltant, saltatorial, saltatory, saltigrade, saltish, salty, salubrious, salutary, salutatory, salvage, samarskite, same, samite, sanatory, sanctified, sanctimonious, sanctitude, sand-blind, sandy, sane, sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, sanguinolent, sanious, sanitarian, sanitary, santalaceous, sapid, sapient, sapiential, sapindaceous, sapless, saponaceous, saporific, saporous, sapotaceous, sapphire, sappy, saprophagous, sarcoid, sarcous, sardonic, sartorial, satellite, satiate, satiny, satisfactory, saturable, saturant, saturated, saturnine, saucy, saurian, saving, savory, saw-toothed,

SC: scabby, scabious, scabrous, scalable, scalariform, scald, scalene, scaly, scandent, scandic, scansorial, scant, scantling, scanty, scaphoid, scapular, scarce, scarlet, scary, scattering, schematic, scheming, scholastic, schooling, sciatic, sciential, scientific, scincoid, scintillant, scirrhous, scissile, sciurine, sciuroid, sclerosed, sclerotic, sclerous, scornful, scorpaenoid, scotch, scoundrel, scraggy, scrannel, scrappy, scratch, scratchy, scrawny, scrimp, scriptural, scrofulous, scrophulariaceous, scrub, scrubby, scrumptious, scrupulous, scrutable, sculpturesque, scummy, scurrile, scurrilous, scurvy, scutate, scutiform,

SE: sea-island, seaboard, seafaring, seagirt, seagoing, seamanlike, seamy, searching, seasick, seasonable, seasonal, seaward, seaworthy, sebaceous, sebacic, sebiferous, secant, secco, seclusive, second, second-class, second-rate, secondary, secondhand, secret, secretarial, secretive, secretory, sectional, sectorial, secular, secund, secure, sedate, sedentary, sedimentary, seductive, sedulous, seedy, seek, seeming, seemly, seen, seer, seesaw, segmental, segregate, seldom, select, selective, selenious, self, self-acting, self-assured, self-conscious, self-consistent, self-contained, self-educated, self-evident, self-existent, self-important, self-indulgent, self-made, self-moving, self-possessed, self-regulated, self-reliant, self-righteous, self-satisfied, self-seeking, self-sufficient, self-taught, selfish, selfless, selfsame, sematic, semblable, semiannual, semicentennial, semicircular, semiconscious, semidiurnal, semifluid, semiliquid, semilunar, semimonthly, seminal, seminary, semiotic, semivitreous, semiweekly, sempiternal, senary, senatorial, senescent, senile, senior, sensational, senseless, sensible, sensitive, sensor, sensory, sensual, sensuous, sentential, sentient, sentimental, sepaloid, separable, sepia, septal, septate, septempartite, septenary, septennial, septic, septicidal, septilateral, septuple, sepulchral, sequacious, sequent, sequential, sequestered, sere, serene, serial, seriate, sericeous, serious, serous, serpentiform, serpentine, serried, serviceable, servient, servile, sessile, set, setaceous, setiform, seven, sevenfold, seventeen, seventeenth, seventh, seventieth, seventy, severable, several, severe,

SF: sfumato,

SG: sgraffito,

SH: shabby, shadowy, shady, shag, shaggy, shaky, shallow, sham, shamefaced, shameful, shameless, shanty, shapeless, shapely, sharp, sharp-set, sharp-sighted, sharp-witted, sheen, sheeny, sheepish, sheer, shelled, shellproof, shelving, shiftless, shifty, shine, shingly, shiny, ship-rigged, shipping, shipshape, shivery, shoal, shock, shocking, shoddy, shooting, shopworn, shoreless, short, short-lived, short-winded, shorthorn, shortsighted, shot, showery, shrapnel, shrew, shrewd, shrewish, shrieval, shrill, shroud-laid, shrubby, shut, shy,

SI: sib, sibilant, sic, sick, sickening, sickly, side, sideling, sidelong, sidereal, sight-seeing, sighted, sightless, sightly, signal, signatory, significant, silent, siliceous, silicic, silicious, siliculose, silk-stocking, silken, silky, silly, silvan, silver, silvern, silvery, simian, similar, simon-pure, simple, simple-hearted, simple-minded, simplistic, simulate, simultaneous, sincere, sinewy, sinful, singing, single, single-breasted, single-handed, single-hearted, single-minded, singsong, singular, sinister, sinistral, sinistrorse, sinistrous, sinless, sinuate, sinuous, sinusoidal, siren, sisterly, sitting, six, sixfold, sixpenny, sixteen, sixteenth, sixth, sixtieth, sixty, sixty-fourth, sizable, sized,

SK: skeleton, sketchy, skew, skewbald, skilful, skill-less, skilled, skillful, skim, skimp, skin-deep, skinny, skittish, skittle, skyward,

SL: slab, slack, slangy, slant, slattern, slatternly, slaty, slavish, sleazy, sleek, sleeping, sleepless, sleepy, sleety, sleigh, slender, slick, slider, sliding, slight, slighting, slim, slimsy, slimy, slink, slinky, slipper, slippery, slippy, slipshod, slobbery, slope, sloppy, slothful, slough, slovenly, slow, slow-witted, sluggard, sluggish, slumberous, slushy, sly,

SM: smacking, small, smallish, smaragdine, smart, smirk, smock, smokeless, smoking, smoky, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, smoothbore, smoothing, smug, smutty,

SN: snaggy, snail-paced, snaky, snappish, snappy, sneaking, snide, snobbish, snotty, snow-blind, snow-white, snowy, snub-nosed, snuffy, snug,

SO: so-called, so-so, soapy, soar, soaring, soave, sober, sober-minded, social, sodden, soft, soft-finned, soft-spoken, soggy, soi-disant, sola, solanaceous, solar, soldering, soldierly, sole, solemn, solid, solidary, solifidian, solitary, soluble, solute, solvable, solvent, somatic, sombrous, some, sometime, sometimes, somniferous, somnolent, sonant, songful, soniferous, sonorous, soon, soothfast, sooty, soporific, soppy, sordid, sore, soricine, sorrel, sorry, sostenuto, sot, sottish, soul, soulless, sound, sounding, soundless, soupy, sour, south, southerly, southern, southernly, southernmost, southpaw, southward, southwest, southwesterly, sovran,

SP: spaceless, spacial, spacious, spadiceous, span-new, spaniel, spanking, spare, sparing, sparkling, sparoid, sparry, sparse, spasmodic, spastic, spathic, spathose, spatial, spavined, speaking, special, specific, specious, speckled, spectacled, spectacular, spectral, specular, speechless, speedy, spellbound, spelling, spendthrift, spent, spermatic, spermic, sphenoid, spheroidal, sphery, sphincter, sphygmic, spiccato, spiculate, spicy, spiky, spinal, spindling, spineless, spiniferous, spinning, spinous, spiny, spiral, spirited, spiritless, spiritoso, spiritual, spiritualist, spirituous, spiry, spiteful, splanchnic, splashy, splay, spleenful, spleeny, splendent, splendid, splendiferous, splenetic, splenic, split, spoken, spongy, spontaneous, spoony, sporadic, sporting, sportive, spotless, spotted, spotty, spousal, sprag, spread-eagle, sprightly, springy, spruce, sprung, spry, spumescent, spunky, spurious,

SQ: squab, squalid, squally, squamosal, squamulose, square, squashy, squat, squeamish, squiffy, squint, squint-eyed,

ST: stable, staccato, stack, stage-struck, stagnant, stagnate, stagy, staid, stainless, stale, stalky, stammel, stamping, stanch, standard, standing, stank, stannary, stannic, staple, star-crossed, star-spangled, starboard, starch, starchy, stark, starlight, starlike, starred, starry, starting, starveling, statant, state, stated, stateless, stately, stationary, stationery, statued, statuesque, statutable, statutory, steadfast, steady, stealthy, steamy, stearic, steep, steering, stelliform, stellular, stenophyllous, stentorian, step-up, sterculiaceous, stereotyped, sterile, sterling, stern, sternmost, sternutatory, stertorous, sthenic, sticky, stiff, stiff-necked, still, stillborn, stilliform, stilly, stilted, stimulant, stinging, stingy, stinking, stipendiary, stipitate, stipulate, stirring, stochastic, stock, stock-still, stockish, stocky, stodgy, stogy, stolid, stomatic, stone-blind, stone-dead, stone-deaf, stony, stopped, store, storied, stormy, stound, stour, stout, straight, straight-out, straightforward, strained, strait, strait-laced, strange, strangulate, strapping, straticulate, stratiform, stray, streaky, streaming, streamline, streamy, strenuous, stressful, strict, strident, stridulous, strigose, striking, stringed, stringendo, stringent, stringy, striped, strobilaceous, strong, strong-minded, strophic, structural, strumpet, strut, struthious, strutting, strychnic, stubbed, stubborn, stubby, stuck-up, studied, studious, stuffy, stumpy, stunning, stupefacient, stupendous, stupid, sturdy, styliform, stylish, stylistic, stylographic, styptic,

SU: suable, suave, subacid, subacute, subalpine, subaltern, subalternate, subarctic, subastral, subaxillary, subcartilaginous, subcelestial, subclavian, subconscious, subcutaneous, subdiaconate, subdued, suberic, subglacial, subjacent, subject, subjective, subjunctive, sublimate, sublime, subliminal, sublingual, sublittoral, submarine, submaxillary, submerse, submersed, submiss, submissive, submultiple, subordinate, subscript, subsequent, subservient, subsidiary, subsistent, substantial, substantive, substitutive, substrate, subtile, subtle, subtonic, subtorrid, subtractive, subtropical, suburban, subversive, successful, successive, succinct, succinic, succulent, succursal, such, sucking, suctorial, sudatory, sudden, sudoriferous, sudorific, sufferable, suffering, sufficient, suffocate, suffragan, suffruticose, sugared, sugary, suggestive, suicidal, suitable, sulky, sullen, sulphurate, sulphuric, sulphurous, sultry, summary, sumpter, sumptuary, sumptuous, sun-dried, sundry, sunken, sunless, sunlit, sunny, sunproof, sunshine, superable, superabundant, superb, supercilious, supereminent, supererogatory, superficial, superfine, superfluous, superfuse, superhuman, superincumbent, superintendent, superior, superjacent, supermundane, supernal, supernatant, supernatural, supernumerary, superphysical, supersensible, supersensitive, supersensual, superstitious, supervisory, supine, supple, suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory, supply, supportable, supposititious, suppositive, suppressive, supralapsarian, suprarenal, supreme, sural, surbased, surculose, surd, sure, sure-footed, surgical, surgy, surly, surpassing, surplus, surprising, surreptitious, surrounding, susceptible, susceptive, suspect, suspense, suspensive, suspensory, suspicious, sustentacular, susurrant, susurrous,

SW: swaddling, swallow-tailed, swampy, swart, swarth, swarthy, swash, sweaty, sweeping, sweet, sweet-scented, swell, swift, swimming, swingeing, swinish, swollen,

SY: sylvan, symmetrical, sympathetic, sympetalous, symphonic, symphonious, symposiac, syncarpous, synchronous, synclastic, synergetic, synergistic, synonymous, synsepalous, syntonic, systaltic, systemic.

2 comments to Describing words that start with s

To describe

When describing someone, there are countless words to choose from, but today we’re focusing on words that start with the letter “S.” These words can be used to describe a person’s personality, appearance, or behavior. Here are just a few examples.

  • Strong: This word is often used to describe someone physically fit and able to lift heavy weights or perform other feats. However, it can also be used to describe someone who is mentally or emotionally strong and able to handle difficult situations with grace and determination.
  • Sensitive: A sensitive person is someone who is in tune with the feelings and needs of others. They may be good listeners and can pick up on subtle cues that others might miss.
  • Smart: A smart person is someone intelligent and quick-witted. They may excel academically or have a wide range of knowledge on various topics.
  • Successful: This word is often used to describe someone who has achieved a high level of success in their career or personal life. They may have accomplished a lot and be respected and admired by others.
  • Supportive: A supportive person is always there to help and encourage others. They may offer words of encouragement or practical assistance when needed.
  • Sincere: A sincere person is genuine and honest. They are not insincere and pretend to be someone or something they are not. They are genuine.
  • Stylish: A stylish person has a good sense of fashion and knows how to put together an attractive and polished look. They may be trendsetters or have a unique sense of style.

These are just a few examples of words that start with “S” that can be used to describe someone. Whether you’re writing a character description for a story or trying to describe a friend or loved one, these words can help you paint a vivid picture of the person you’re describing.

Welcome to the world’s most useful collection of adjectives that start with S!

Every one of these S adjectives was carefully chosen to be included here because the letter S is so common and there are so many adjectives beginning with S, so we didn’t want this list to be overwhelming.

Therefore we have purposefully only included words that you will find in common use and excluded obscure and unused words. We hope this means that this list will be the most useful to you.

Using adjectives with S at the start you can describe anything and everything.

From positive to negative, to describing a person, place or thing, you will find here so many descriptive words that start with S for you to use in text messages, when paying a compliment, writing a social media post, a thank you or greeting card, during an interview, in an email or in any other situation you can imagine.

In order to make this long list easier to navigate we have created three sections for you to choose from below.

  • All adjectives starting with S
  • Adjectives that start with S to describe a person
  • Positive adjectives that start with S

Adjectives Starting With With S

adjectives starting with s

  • saccharine
  • sacred
  • sacrificial
  • sacrilegious
  • sad
  • saddened
  • safe
  • sagacious
  • saintly
  • salacious
  • salient
  • salt
  • salted
  • salty
  • salubrious
  • salvageable
  • salvaged
  • same
  • sanctimonious
  • sandy
  • sane
  • sanguine
  • sanitary
  • sappy
  • sarcastic
  • sardonic
  • sartorial
  • sassy
  • satin
  • satiny
  • satiric
  • satirical
  • satisfactory
  • satisfied
  • satisfying
  • saucy
  • savage
  • savory
  • savvy
  • scalding
  • scaly
  • scandalous
  • scant
  • scanty
  • scarce
  • scared
  • scarred
  • scary
  • scathing
  • scattered
  • scenic
  • scented
  • scheduled
  • schematic
  • scholarly
  • scholastic
  • scientific
  • scintillating
  • scorching
  • scornful
  • Scottish
  • scrabbled
  • scraggly
  • scrappy
  • scratched
  • scratchy
  • scrawny
  • screaming
  • screeching
  • scribbled
  • scriptural
  • scruffy
  • scrumptious
  • scrupulous
  • sculpted
  • sculptural
  • scummy
  • sea
  • adjectives that start with T
  • sealed
  • seamless
  • searching
  • searing
  • seasick
  • seasonable
  • seasonal
  • secluded
  • second
  • secondary
  • second-hand
  • secret
  • secretive
  • secular
  • secure
  • secured
  • sedate
  • seditious
  • seductive
  • seedy
  • seeming
  • seemly
  • seething
  • seismic
  • select
  • selected
  • selective
  • self-absorbed
  • self-aggrandizing
  • self-assured
  • self-centered
  • self-confident
  • self-directed
  • self-disciplined
  • self-effacing
  • self-indulgent
  • self-interested
  • selfish
  • selfless
  • self-reliant
  • self-respect
  • self-satisfied
  • sellable
  • semiconscious
  • semiofficial
  • semiprecious
  • semi-professional
  • senior
  • sensational
  • senseless
  • sensible
  • sensitive
  • sensual
  • sensuous
  • sentimental
  • separate
  • sequential
  • serendipitous
  • serene
  • serial
  • serious
  • serpentine
  • serrated
  • serviceable
  • seven
  • seventh
  • several
  • severe
  • shabbiest
  • shabby
  • shaded
  • shadowed
  • shadowy
  • shady
  • shaggy
  • shaky
  • shallow
  • shamefaced
  • shameful
  • shameless
  • shapeless
  • shapely
  • sharp
  • sharpened
  • shattered
  • shattering
  • sheepish
  • sheer
  • adjectives that start with R
  • sheltered
  • shifty
  • shimmering
  • shining
  • Shintoist
  • shiny
  • shivering
  • shivery
  • shocked
  • shocking
  • shoddy
  • short
  • short-lived
  • shortsighted
  • short-tempered
  • short-term
  • showy
  • shrewd
  • shrieking
  • shrill
  • shut
  • shy
  • sick
  • sickened
  • sickening
  • sickly
  • side-splitting
  • signed
  • significant
  • silent
  • silky
  • silly
  • silver
  • silver-tongued
  • simian
  • similar
  • simple
  • simpleminded
  • simplified
  • simplistic
  • simultaneous
  • sincere
  • sinful
  • single
  • single-minded
  • singular
  • sinister
  • sinuous
  • sisterly
  • six
  • sixth
  • sizable
  • sizzling
  • skeptical
  • sketchy
  • skilled
  • skillful
  • skimpy
  • skin-deep
  • skinny
  • skittish
  • sky-blue
  • slanderous
  • slanted
  • slanting
  • sleek
  • sleeping
  • sleepless
  • sleepy
  • slender
  • slick
  • slight
  • slim
  • slimy
  • slippery
  • sloped
  • sloping
  • sloppy
  • slothful
  • slow
  • slow-moving
  • sluggish
  • slushy
  • sly
  • small
  • smaller
  • smallest
  • small-minded
  • small-scale
  • small-time
  • small-town
  • smarmy
  • smart
  • smarter
  • smartest
  • smashing
  • smeared
  • smelly
  • smiling
  • smoggy
  • smoked
  • smoky
  • smooth
  • smothering
  • smudged
  • smug
  • snaky
  • snapping
  • snappish
  • snappy
  • snarling
  • sneaky
  • snide
  • snippy
  • snobbish
  • snoopy
  • snooty
  • snoring
  • snotty
  • snow-white
  • adjectives that start with M
  • snug
  • snugly
  • soaked
  • soaking
  • soaking wet
  • soaring
  • sober
  • sociable
  • social
  • socialist
  • sociological
  • soft
  • softhearted
  • soggy
  • solar
  • soldierly
  • sole
  • solemn
  • solicitous
  • solid
  • solitary
  • somatic
  • somber
  • some
  • sonic
  • sonly
  • soothed
  • soothing
  • sophisticated
  • sordid
  • sore
  • sorrowful
  • sorry
  • soulful
  • soulless
  • soundless
  • sour
  • south
  • southeasterly
  • southern
  • southwestern
  • spacious
  • Spanish
  • spare
  • sparing
  • sparkling
  • sparkly
  • sparse
  • spasmodic
  • spastic
  • spatial
  • spattered
  • special
  • specialist
  • specialized
  • specific
  • speckled
  • spectacular
  • spectral
  • speculative
  • speechless
  • speedy
  • spellbinding
  • spendthrift
  • spherical
  • spicy
  • spiffy
  • spiky
  • spinal
  • spine-chilling
  • spineless
  • spiral
  • spiraled
  • spirited
  • spiritless
  • spiritual
  • spiteful
  • splashing
  • splashy
  • splattered
  • splendid
  • splintered
  • spoiled
  • spoken
  • spongy
  • spontaneous
  • spooky
  • sporadic
  • sporting
  • sports manly
  • spotless
  • spotted
  • spotty
  • springy
  • sprite
  • spry
  • spurious
  • squalid
  • squandered
  • square
  • squashed
  • squashy
  • squatting
  • squawking
  • squealing
  • squeamish
  • squeezable
  • squiggly
  • squirming
  • squirrelly
  • stable
  • stackable
  • stacked
  • staggering
  • stagnant
  • stained
  • stale
  • stanch
  • standard
  • standing
  • standoffish
  • starched
  • star-crossed
  • stark
  • startled
  • startling
  • starving
  • stately
  • static
  • statistical
  • statuesque
  • status
  • statutory
  • adjectives that start with N
  • staunch
  • steadfast
  • steady
  • stealth
  • steaming
  • steamy
  • steel
  • steely
  • steep
  • stereophonic
  • stereotyped
  • stereotypical
  • sterile
  • stern
  • sticky
  • stiff
  • stifled
  • stifling
  • stigmatic
  • still
  • stilled
  • stilted
  • stimulating
  • stinging
  • stingy
  • stinking
  • stinky
  • stirring
  • stock
  • stodgy
  • stoic
  • stony
  • stormy
  • stout
  • straggly
  • straight
  • straightforward
  • stranded
  • strange
  • strategic
  • streaked
  • street
  • strenuous
  • stressful
  • stretchy
  • strict
  • strident
  • striking
  • stringent
  • striped
  • strong
  • stronger
  • strongest
  • structural
  • stubborn
  • stubby
  • stuck-up
  • studied
  • studious
  • stuffed
  • stuffy
  • stumbling
  • stunned
  • stunning
  • stupendous
  • sturdy
  • stuttering
  • stylish
  • stylistic
  • suave
  • subconscious
  • subdued
  • subject
  • subjective
  • sublime
  • subliminal
  • submissive
  • subordinate
  • subsequent
  • subservient
  • substantial
  • substantiated
  • substitute
  • subterranean
  • subtitled
  • subtle
  • subversive
  • successful
  • successive
  • succinct
  • succulent
  • such
  • sudden
  • suffering
  • sufficient
  • sugary
  • suggestive
  • suitable
  • sulky
  • sullen
  • sumptuous
  • sunny
  • super
  • superabundant
  • superb
  • supercilious
  • superficial
  • superhuman
  • superior
  • superlative
  • supernatural
  • super-sensitive
  • supersonic
  • superstitious
  • supple
  • supportive
  • supposed
  • suppressive
  • supreme
  • sure
  • sure-footed
  • surgical
  • surly
  • surmountable
  • surprised
  • surprising
  • surrealistic
  • survivable
  • susceptible
  • suspected
  • suspicious
  • sustainable
  • swaggering
  • swanky
  • swaying
  • sweaty
  • sweeping
  • sweet
  • sweltering
  • swift
  • swinish
  • swishing
  • swollen
  • swooping
  • syllabic
  • symbiotic
  • symbolic
  • symmetrical
  • sympathetic
  • symptomatic
  • synergistic
  • synonymous
  • syntactic
  • synthetic
  • systematic

adjectives that begin with s

Adjectives That Start With S To Describe A Person

  • sad
  • saintly
  • sane
  • sarcastic
  • satisfied
  • scholarly
  • scientific
  • Scottish
  • secure
  • seductive
  • self-absorbed
  • self-assured
  • self-centered
  • self-confident
  • self-interested
  • selfish
  • selfless
  • self-reliant
  • self-satisfied
  • sellable
  • senior
  • sensational
  • senseless
  • sensitive
  • sentimental
  • serious
  • Shintoist
  • shocked
  • short
  • short-tempered
  • shrewd
  • sick
  • silly
  • simpleminded
  • sincere
  • sinful
  • single
  • single-minded
  • skilled
  • sleeping
  • sleepy
  • slender
  • slick
  • adjectives that start with K
  • slim
  • sly
  • small
  • smart
  • smartest
  • sneaky
  • snotty
  • soaked
  • sober
  • sociable
  • softhearted
  • Spanish
  • special
  • spectacular
  • speechless
  • spineless
  • spirited
  • spiritless
  • spiteful
  • splendid
  • spoiled
  • spooky
  • stable
  • star-crossed
  • startled
  • steaming
  • sterile
  • stern
  • straight
  • strange
  • strong
  • strongest
  • stubborn
  • stuck-up
  • studious
  • stunned
  • stunning
  • stylish
  • suave
  • submissive
  • successful
  • super
  • superb
  • superior
  • super-sensitive
  • supreme
  • suspected
  • sweet

Positive Adjectives That Start With S

  • saccharine
  • sacred
  • sacrificial
  • sacrilegious
  • safe
  • sagacious
  • saintly
  • salient
  • salubrious
  • salvageable
  • salvaged
  • sanctimonious
  • sane
  • sanguine
  • sanitary
  • sappy
  • sartorial
  • satisfactory
  • satisfied
  • satisfying
  • savvy
  • scenic
  • scented
  • scheduled
  • schematic
  • scholarly
  • scholastic
  • scientific
  • scintillating
  • scrumptious
  • scrupulous
  • sculpted
  • seamless
  • secure
  • secured
  • seductive
  • seemly
  • select
  • selected
  • self-assured
  • self-confident
  • self-directed
  • self-disciplined
  • self-effacing
  • self-indulgent
  • selfless
  • self-reliant
  • self-respect
  • self-satisfied
  • sellable
  • semiconscious
  • senior
  • sensational
  • sensible
  • sensitive
  • sensual
  • sensuous
  • sentimental
  • serendipitous
  • serene
  • serious
  • serviceable
  • shapely
  • sharp
  • sharpened
  • sheer
  • sheltered
  • shimmering
  • shining
  • shiny
  • showy
  • shrewd
  • side-splitting
  • significant
  • silky
  • silver
  • silver-tongued
  • simple
  • simpleminded
  • adjectives that start with J
  • simplified
  • simplistic
  • sincere
  • single-minded
  • sisterly
  • sizable
  • skilled
  • skillful
  • skinny
  • sleek
  • slender
  • slim
  • smart
  • smarter
  • smartest
  • smashing
  • smiling
  • snug
  • snugly
  • soaring
  • sober
  • sociable
  • social
  • sociological
  • soft
  • softhearted
  • soldierly
  • solicitous
  • solid
  • sonly
  • soothed
  • soothing
  • sophisticated
  • spacious
  • sparkling
  • sparkly
  • spatial
  • special
  • specialist
  • specialized
  • specific
  • speckled
  • spectacular
  • speedy
  • spellbinding
  • spiffy
  • spiral
  • spiraled
  • spirited
  • spiritual
  • splendid
  • spontaneous
  • sporting
  • sports manly
  • spotless
  • springy
  • sprite
  • spry
  • stable
  • standard
  • standing
  • stately
  • statistical
  • statuesque
  • status
  • staunch
  • steadfast
  • steady
  • stealth
  • still
  • stilled
  • stimulating
  • stoic
  • straight
  • straightforward
  • strategic
  • striking
  • strong
  • stronger
  • strongest
  • studied
  • studious
  • stunning
  • stupendous
  • sturdy
  • stylish
  • stylistic
  • suave
  • subdued
  • subject
  • sublime
  • subliminal
  • subsequent
  • substantiated
  • subtle
  • successful
  • successive
  • succinct
  • sufficient
  • suitable
  • sumptuous
  • sunny
  • super
  • superabundant
  • superb
  • superhuman
  • superior
  • superlative
  • supernatural
  • supersonic
  • supple
  • supportive
  • supreme
  • sure
  • sure-footed
  • surmountable
  • surrealistic
  • survivable
  • suspected
  • sustainable
  • swanky
  • sweeping
  • sweet
  • swift
  • symbolic
  • symmetrical
  • sympathetic
  • synergistic
  • synonymous
  • systematic
  • adjectives that start with B

What a spectacular, splendid and superior achievement you’ve made by reaching the end of this collection of adjectives that begin with S! Were you able to find the perfect adjectives with S to describe whatever was in your mind? We sure hope so.

As is evident from this huge list, there are so many good adjective words starting with S that you could use this letter to be descriptive with pretty much everything in the world.

Whether you came here in search of some S adjectives to describe a person positively, needed to find just the right S adjective for a poem, are playing a word game or more, it is our wish that you found precisely what you needed and that the perfect words will always be here for you to discover!

Describing Words That Start With S! Here you will learn all cool, best, cute, awesome describing words that begin with S. In our daily English conversation describing words play an important role. So, you must learn these descriptive words starting with S.

Table of Contents

Describing Words That Start With S

  • Sensual
  • Sage
  • Shining
  • Sappy
  • Systematic
  • Symmetrical
  • Self-Reliant
  • Seabound
  • Seatless
  • Schematic
  • Snarling
  • Senseful
  • Sapphire
  • Sessional
  • Soggy
  • Sanctimonious
  • Sufficient
  • Splintered
  • Spectacular
  • Seldom
  • Self-Assured
  • Describing Words That Start With T
  • Smart
  • Seared
  • Seedy
  • Snide
  • Sardonic
  • Soft
  • Sisterly
  • Seamless
  • Scamp
  • Satellite
  • Sadistic
  • Sensible
  • Scared
  • Select
  • Socratic
  • Seditious
  • Scruffy
  • Scotch
  • Segmented
  • Seated
  • Sedative
  • Sure
  • Scientific
  • Scalding
  • Supportive
  • Skittish
  • Sharpened
  • Shy
  • Stressful
  • Sturdy
  • Spacious
  • Smoggy
  • Senior
  • Sallowish
  • Scandalous
  • Saucy
  • Sandy
  • Somber
  • Sickly
  • Savory
  • Set
  • Self-Absorbed
  • Strategic
  • Stubborn
  • Sanctified
  • Scratched
  • Submissive
  • Stable
  • Senile
  • Scrawny
  • Specific
  • Speedy
  • Subdued
  • Sluggish
  • Stunning
  • Seaworthy
  • Saddled
  • Sacred
  • Spunky
  • Sinister
  • Sapient
  • Skinny
  • Secretarial
  • Scenic
  • Subordinate
  • Shrill
  • Sole
  • Stiff
  • Scanty
  • Sloppy
  • Skeptical

Positive Describing Words With S

  • Sincere
  • Saddened
  • Supple
  • Smiling
  • Superior
  • Seventh
  • Sparkling
  • Stumbling
  • Shocking
  • Stubby
  • Shooting
  • Scrubbed
  • Salmon
  • Senseless
  • Sore
  • Spastic
  • Stagnant
  • Sidelined
  • Soothing
  • Snarky
  • Stranded
  • Shifty
  • Swift
  • Superb
  • Sexual
  • Secure
  • Subversive
  • Skillful
  • Successful
  • Shabby
  • Shady
  • Smelly
  • Spasmodic
  • Sanitary
  • Specialist
  • Snooty
  • Serving
  • Serene
  • Soaring
  • Seasoned
  • Snobby
  • Stimulating
  • Sick
  • Scholarly
  • Satire
  • Stability
  • Sickened
  • Scorching
  • Spirited
  • Shabbiest
  • Screaming
  • Sullen
  • Savable
  • Spontaneous
  • Sickening
  • Stingy
  • Skilled
  • Snappy
  • Sustainable
  • Scraggly
  • Sizable
  • Scant
  • Sorry

Descriptive Words Starting With S

  • Serious
  • Scented
  • Spiritless
  • Scathing
  • Saccharine
  • Sinless
  • Sensational
  • Self-Directed
  • Secret
  • Straight
  • Spineless
  • Snobbish
  • Smokeless
  • Selfless
  • Sharp
  • Savvy
  • Sweet
  • Sublime
  • Sparse
  • Savage
  • Sanded
  • Standing
  • Savant
  • Simplified
  • Smarter
  • Seasick
  • Stylish
  • Samoan
  • Significant
  • Special
  • Septic
  • Safe
  • Social
  • Saintly
  • Seemly
  • Soothed
  • Sneaky
  • Scarred
  • Shiny
  • Suave
  • Salty
  • Sad
  • Stately
  • Self-Evident
  • Sociopathic
  • Sensuous
  • Softening
  • Smartest
  • Scornful
  • Sentient
  • Sheer
  • Stale
  • Shrieking
  • Seven
  • Splendid
  • Segregated
  • Scintillating
  • Spiritual
  • Scheduled
  • Sketchy
  • Scummy
  • Satisfactory
  • Studious
  • Stilted
  • Staid
  • Super
  • Sided
  • Scrumptious
  • Seaside
  • Strict
  • Scaly
  • Steadfast
  • Survivable
  • Scholastic
  • Salvaged
  • Sheepish
  • Sequestered
  • Shrewd
  • Samaritan
  • Slow
  • Sabbatical
  • Spiteful
  • Sympathetic
  • Squirrelly
  • Secretive
  • Surprised
  • Supreme
  • Softhearted
  • Secretory
  • Sarcastic
  • Salaried
  • Selected
  • Splattered
  • Substantiated
  • Shelled
  • Standard
  • Sighted
  • Scratchy
  • Sedentary
  • Slimy
  • Spattered
  • Sane
  • Stern
  • Stereotyped
  • Signatory
  • Sassy
  • Suitable
  • Stuttering
  • Straggly
  • Slender
  • Silver
  • Showy
  • Single
  • Smirking
  • Scary
  • Shallow
  • Swanky
  • Shabbier
  • Subservient
  • Spoiled
  • Salvageable
  • Silly
  • Seductive
  • Seagoing
  • Satin
  • Stinging
  • Sham
  • Shuttered
  • Stunned
  • Self-Disciplined
  • Stark
  • Snoring
  • Short-Tempered
  • Smudged
  • Selfish
  • Self-Centered
  • Shameful
  • Sentimental

Describing Words Beginning With S- Infographics

positive describing words with s

descriptive words with s describing words starting with s

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Describing words that start with s! When you’re trying to think of a word that starts with “s,” what do you typically think of? Many people might say “sinister” or “snake-like.” While both of those words are definitely descriptive, they’re not the only ones. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring a few different words that start with “s” and discussing what makes them so special. So, if you’re looking for some new vocabulary words to spruce up your writing or conversation skills.

  • Semisynthetic
  • Splintered
  • Successful
  • Sinister
  • Senior
  • Spontaneous
  • Sufferable
  • Sensational
  • Sporadic
  • Sufficient
  • Singular
  • Sissy
  • Satirical
  • Sneezy
  • Steepish
  • Seventieth
  • Superordinate
  • Senile
  • Spongy
  • Suety
  • Semilunar
  • Spirited
  • Substantiated
  • Semimonthly
  • Spiritless
  • Substantiative
  • Seagoing
  • Soviet
  • Studded
  • Shoeless
  • Sinuate
  • Shelfy
  • Surplus
  • Schismatical
  • Somatosensory
  • Stoppable
  • Seamy
  • Spacious
  • Stumpy
  • Semitropical
  • Splotched
  • Suchlike
  • Shuttered
  • Sinistrorsal
  • Shy
  • Shivery
  • Sententious
  • Sprightly
  • Sulfurized
  • Sintered
  • Sensationalistic
  • Sporogenous
  • Suffocative
  • Semisolid
  • Splenetic
  • Suburbanized
  • Semisweet
  • Splenic
  • Subversive
  • Simplex
  • Siamese
  • Sibilant
  • Sciatic
  • Sonic
  • Straggling
  • Semisoft
  • Splendiferous
  • Suburbanised
  • Semiskilled
  • Splendid
  • Suburban
  • Seedless
  • Spectrometric
  • Subgross
  • Semirigid
  • Splayfooted
  • Subtropical
  • Sibylline
  • Sacerdotal
  • Scapose
  • Slanted
  • Soignee
  • Squatting
  • Stirring
  • Suspected
  • Satisfied
  • Scalloped
  • Sniffy
  • Sodden
  • Stellate
  • Stingless
  • Several
  • Shattered
  • Supersaturated
  • Sure
  • Sick
  • Saucy
  • Snoring
  • Stepwise
  • Seeable
  • Spectrographic
  • Subfusc
  • Simplistic
  • Shellproof
  • Shirty
  • Sequent
  • Sunburned
  • Serbian
  • Sunless
  • Sedulous
  • Serrulate
  • Spectral
  • Subdural
  • Superfine
  • Semipublic
  • Splayfoot
  • Subtropic
  • Sensory
  • Sprawling
  • Suitable
  • Shakedown
  • Supposable
  • Shodden
  • Schmalzy
  • Somniferous
  • Stormbound
  • Scholarly
  • Somnific
  • Stormproof
  • Shifty
  • Sisterly
  • Selfsame
  • Spic
  • Sublunary
  • Seductive
  • Spectacular
  • Subdued
  • Sculptural
  • Southeastward
  • Stripy
  • Serial
  • Sunstruck
  • Sicilian
  • Sessile
  • Superlative
  • Sanguinary
  • Slumbery
  • Stark
  • Symmetrical
  • Sericeous
  • Suntanned
  • Serene
  • Sunrise
  • Saintlike

Describing Words Starting with S

  • Sleepyheaded
  • Staccato
  • Swedish
  • Sanitized
  • Smallish
  • Starring
  • Symptomatic
  • Sedimentary
  • Speckless
  • Subcutaneous
  • Sabine
  • Setose
  • Skint
  • Square
  • Supernal
  • Surrogate
  • Saclike
  • Slanting
  • Squatty
  • Suspensive
  • Sedgy
  • Speckled
  • Subcortical
  • Saxicoline
  • Soapy
  • Stiff
  • Sibyllic
  • Seditious
  • Spectacled
  • Subduable
  • Scoundrelly
  • Sorbed
  • Stratified
  • Shorthand
  • Saving
  • Snuffling
  • Stern
  • Sedgelike
  • Specked
  • Subconscious
  • Shut
  • Shocking
  • Scholastic
  • Somnolent
  • Stormy
  • Seamless
  • Spaciotemporal
  • Stumbling
  • Shady
  • Supplicant
  • Sedentary
  • Specious
  • Subclinical
  • Secretory
  • Speakable
  • Subacute
  • Shuddery
  • Seagirt
  • Sovereign
  • Stuck
  • Salvadorean
  • Sloped
  • Standard
  • Swishy
  • Shortish
  • Sanitised
  • Small
  • Starred
  • Symphonious
  • Serious
  • Superannuated
  • Sear
  • Spacy
  • Stunned
  • Shrubby
  • Sedative
  • Specific
  • Subclavian
  • Scoreless
  • Sophomore
  • Stranded
  • Shivering
  • Scrabbled
  • Sorbefacient
  • Stravinskian
  • Septal
  • Summary
  • Sickly
  • Semiotical
  • Spiteful
  • Subterminal
  • Scented
  • Soluble
  • Stomatal
  • Savory
  • Snug
  • Sternutative
  • Simplified
  • Sedate
  • Specifiable
  • Subatomic
  • Sickened
  • Sempiternal
  • Spoiled
  • Sudanese
  • Secured
  • Specialized
  • Subartesian
  • Scopal
  • Sophistic
  • Strained
  • Scorbutic
  • Sophistical
  • Strait
  • Saprozoic
  • Smoothed
  • Stative
  • Synergistic
  • Scots
  • Sopranino
  • Strategic
  • Sectarian
  • Speaking
  • Subalpine
  • Scalar
  • Shameful
  • Socialized
  • Stilled
  • Supranational
  • Shaky
  • Supposed
  • Shelflike
  • Surpliced
  • Secure
  • Specialistic
  • Subarctic
  • Saltlike
  • Slippery
  • Stalinist
  • Swinging
  • Separable
  • Spruce
  • Sulphuric
  • Shining
  • Scotomatous
  • Serous
  • Soppy
  • Straplike
  • Supercilious
  • Shipshape
  • Showy
  • Simple
  • Sacrosanct
  • Slaughterous
  • Squeezable
  • Svelte
  • Shuha
  • Seafaring
  • Southwestward
  • Stubby
  • Simpleminded
  • Sceptred
  • Somalian
  • Stoneless
  • Sabbatical
  • Seventeenth
  • Skinnerian
  • Squamulose
  • Supernormal
  • Surrealistic
  • Sacrificeable
  • Slatey
  • Squeaky
  • Sustentacular
  • Seaborne
  • Southwestern
  • Stubborn
  • Sea
  • Southwesterly
  • Stubbly
  • Sizable
  • Sculpturesque
  • Southerly
  • Strong
  • Saltish
  • Slippered
  • Stalemated
  • Swingeing
  • Secular
  • Specialist
  • Subaqueous
  • Sectorial
  • Specialised
  • Subaquatic
  • Shingly
  • Satisfying
  • Scaly
  • Snippy
  • Sodding
  • Stemless
  • Stingy
  • Severe
  • Shattering
  • Superscript
  • Surefooted
  • Saxatile
  • Soaking Wet
  • Sticky
  • Schizophrenic
  • Some
  • Storeyed
  • Shockable
  • Sickish
  • Sizeable
  • Sectional
  • Special
  • Subaltern
  • Secretive
  • Spayed
  • Subacid
  • Secretarial
  • Spavined
  • Suave
  • Septate
  • Summational
  • Shoed
  • Scalelike
  • Scant
  • Societal
  • Softish
  • Stimulant
  • Stipendiary
  • Shapeless
  • Sheepish
  • Supraorbital
  • Surly
  • Seljuk
  • Spicate
  • Submarine
  • Sellable
  • Spick
  • Submergible
  • Semiweekly
  • Spoilable
  • Suctorial
  • Scummy
  • Southern
  • Stroppy
  • Salmon
  • Slimy
  • Stale
  • Swimming
  • Sepulchral
  • Sunbaked
  • Sapless
  • Smelly
  • Starving
  • Synchronal
  • Sapiential
  • Smeared
  • Startling
  • Syncarpous
  • Saponaceous
  • Smiling
  • Statant
  • Synchronic
  • Septuple
  • Sumptuous
  • Seamanlike
  • Sozzled
  • Studious
  • Salvadoran
  • Slivery
  • Stanch
  • Swishing
  • Serviceable
  • Superfluous
  • Sainted
  • Sleepy
  • Stable
  • Sweaty
  • Sabbatarian
  • Setaceous
  • Skimpy
  • Squalid
  • Superlunary
  • Surprising
  • Shamanist
  • Supposititious
  • Shiftless
  • Scatty
  • Solo
  • Stomachal
  • Scattershot
  • Solitary
  • Stoloniferous
  • Selfish
  • Spherical
  • Sublittoral
  • Silky
  • Sidelong
  • Samoan
  • Slouchy
  • Stannous
  • Sybaritic
  • Senseless
  • Sporting
  • Suffrutescent
  • Sissyish
  • Short
  • Sericultural
  • Super
  • Saprobic
  • Smoldering
  • Static
  • Syndetic
  • Septrional
  • Sumptuary
  • Sentimental
  • Springlike
  • Sulky
  • Sanative
  • Sloughy
  • Staphylococcal
  • Sycophantic
  • Sanguine
  • Slumbrous
  • Starkers
  • Sympathetic
  • Scrub
  • Soured
  • Strict
  • Saxicolous
  • Soaring
  • Stifled
  • Semantic
  • Spicy
  • Submersed
  • Scalable
  • Semipolitical
  • Shambolic
  • Social
  • Splattered
  • Stillborn
  • Subtle
  • Suppurative
  • Saharan
  • Sleepless
  • Stabilising
  • Swazi
  • Sclerotic
  • Soothing
  • Straightlaced
  • Scintillant
  • Sonorous
  • Straight
  • Scentless
  • Solvable
  • Stomatous
  • Sensorial
  • Spotted
  • Suggestible
  • Senecan
  • Spoken
  • Sudden
  • Sinhala
  • Shoreward
  • Scaphoid
  • Soigne
  • Stipulatory
  • Separated
  • Spumy
  • Sultry
  • Selected
  • Spermous
  • Sublingual
  • Savourless
  • Snugly
  • Sternutatory
  • Shaggy
  • Supportable
  • Semestral
  • Spiderlike
  • Submersible
  • Semestrial
  • Spiderly
  • Submissive
  • Semiabstract
  • Spidery
  • Subnormal
  • Saturated
  • Scandalous
  • Snobbish
  • Soft
  • Stemmatic
  • Stinking
  • Sexagenarian
  • Shaven
  • Supersensitised
  • Surface
  • Seriocomical
  • Superabundant
  • Semicomatose
  • Spineless
  • Subordinating
  • Semiconductive
  • Spinnbar
  • Subscript
  • Seasonable
  • Sparing
  • Stuporous
  • Silklike
  • Sappy
  • Smoky
  • Statewide
  • Syncretistic
  • Sarcoid
  • Smudged
  • Status
  • Synoicous
  • Shod
  • Scientific
  • Sonly
  • Straggly
  • Scorching
  • Sophisticated
  • Straitlaced
  • Sincere
  • Silken
  • Satellite
  • Snarling
  • Steamed
  • Synthetical
  • Sarcolemmal
  • Smudgy
  • Statute
  • Synonymous
  • Second
  • Spatial
  • Stylistic
  • Semiparasitic
  • Splanchnic
  • Subterranean
  • Siberian
  • Sepaline
  • Springy
  • Sullen
  • Scrotal
  • Sour
  • Striate
  • Salvific
  • Sloshed
  • Standpat
  • Swooping
  • Shrieking
  • Scrofulous
  • Soupy
  • Stretchy
  • Shrimpy
  • Sixfold
  • Saxon
  • Sobering
  • Stifling
  • Sandy
  • Sluggish
  • Starchy
  • Symbolical
  • Satyric
  • Snoopy
  • Stenotic
  • Sexist
  • Supersensitized
  • Sentient
  • Springless
  • Sulfurous
  • Scalene
  • Sociological
  • Stimulating
  • Semiotic
  • Spirituous
  • Subsurface
  • Shagged
  • Supplicatory
  • Siouan
  • Singsong
  • Scaleless
  • Scandinavian
  • Socialistic
  • Softhearted
  • Stilted
  • Stinting
  • Shaped
  • Shed
  • Supraocular
  • Surgical
  • Semiannual
  • Servile
  • Spiffing
  • Subocean
  • Superhuman
  • Sharpened
  • Surd
  • Scrivened
  • Soundproof
  • Stretched
  • Shiny
  • Savvy
  • Soaking
  • Stertorous
  • Scurfy
  • Southernmost
  • Structural
  • Sensitive
  • Spotless
  • Sugary
  • Scaley
  • Sociopathic
  • Stimulative
  • Sharp
  • Supreme
  • Sesquipedalian
  • Superjacent
  • Semiaquatic
  • Spiffy
  • Suboceanic
  • Sallow
  • Slimed
  • Stainless
  • Swift
  • Semiarid
  • Spikelike
  • Subocular
  • Saline
  • Slighting
  • Stainable
  • Sweptback
  • Semiautomatic
  • Spiky
  • Suborbital
  • Singhalese
  • Sanctionative
  • Slovenian
  • Star
  • Syllabled
  • Sciolistic
  • Sonsy
  • Straightaway
  • Saporous
  • Smoggy
  • Stateless
  • Synclinal
  • Siliceous
  • Skeletal
  • Sandpapery
  • Slubbed
  • Starchlike
  • Symbolic
  • Seasonal
  • Sparkling
  • Sturdy
  • Searching
  • Spangled
  • Stunning
  • Schizoid
  • Sombre
  • Stoppered
  • Sandalled

Describing Words Starting with S

  • Slow
  • Starched
  • Sylvan
  • Settled
  • Supernatant
  • Seared
  • Spangly
  • Stunted
  • Sceptered
  • Solvent
  • Stone
  • Singing
  • Scalding
  • Scandent
  • Socialist
  • Softheaded
  • Stilly
  • Stinky
  • Sisterlike
  • Scruffy
  • South
  • Striking
  • Sexual
  • Supervisory
  • Saudi
  • Snorty
  • Stereo
  • Safe
  • Slavic
  • Squinting
  • Swart
  • Shameless
  • Shavian
  • Supranormal
  • Surficial
  • Sinkable
  • Scatological
  • Silicious
  • Solicitous
  • Stoichiometric
  • Skeptical
  • Sinuous
  • Shimmering
  • Scenic
  • Solomonic
  • Stomachic
  • Saved
  • Snuff
  • Sterling
  • Shadowed
  • Supplementary
  • Sanious
  • Slushy
  • Starlike
  • Sympetalous
  • Silvan
  • Sensorimotor
  • Spotty
  • Suggestive
  • Separate
  • Spry
  • Sulphurous
  • Sketchy
  • Scriptural
  • Soundless
  • Stretchable
  • Sinistrorse
  • Silver
  • Sad
  • Slav
  • Squiffy
  • Swaggering
  • Semicentennial
  • Spindly
  • Subordinated
  • Sensible
  • Sportive
  • Suffusive
  • Simulated
  • Sanctimonious
  • Slovakian
  • Staple
  • Syllabic
  • Schoolboyish
  • Sonant
  • Stout
  • Seventeen
  • Supernaturalistic
  • Sardonic
  • Snaky
  • Steady
  • Syntactic
  • Sexy
  • Supine
  • Selective
  • Spheric
  • Subliterary
  • Scabby
  • Sobersided
  • Stigmatic
  • Seven
  • Supernatural
  • Silly
  • Shopworn
  • Shakeable
  • Supportive
  • Seminiferous
  • Spiritual
  • Substantive
  • Seminude
  • Spiritualist
  • Substitutable
  • Semiopaque
  • Spiritualistic
  • Substitute
  • Seminal
  • Spiritous
  • Substantival
  • Scrimy
  • Sounding
  • Stretch
  • Semicentenary
  • Spinal
  • Subordinate
  • Scurrilous
  • Southmost
  • Struggling
  • Sensitising
  • Sporty
  • Sugarless
  • Sensitised
  • Sportsmanlike
  • Sufi
  • Scornful
  • Soporiferous
  • Strange
  • Shot
  • Seychellois
  • Supperless
  • Saute
  • Snowbound
  • Stereotypic
  • Shrewish
  • Sarcosomal
  • Snafu
  • Steadfast
  • Synovial
  • Scarred
  • Soled
  • Stodgy
  • Scurvy
  • Southward
  • Strung
  • Salvaged
  • Slopped
  • Standing
  • Swollen
  • Semiterrestrial
  • Splinterproof
  • Succinct
  • Sevenfold
  • Supernaturalist
  • Sacrilegious
  • Scarlet
  • Slaty
  • Sole
  • Squeamish
  • Stocky
  • Susurrous
  • Sapphire
  • Scrabbly
  • Smokeless
  • Sordid
  • Statesmanlike
  • Stravinskyan
  • Syncretic
  • Scythian
  • Southwest
  • Stubbled
  • Sealed
  • Sown
  • Studied
  • Serologic
  • Superb
  • Scrimpy
  • Soundable
  • Stressful
  • Saccadic
  • Scapular
  • Skittish
  • Solanaceous
  • Squarish
  • Stochastic
  • Surrounding
  • Sacrificial
  • Slatternly
  • Squealing
  • Susurrant
  • Sacral
  • Slapdash
  • Squawking
  • Suspicious
  • Sinitic
  • Sanitary
  • Sly
  • Starlit
  • Symphonic
  • Shortsighted
  • Scabrous
  • Sociable
  • Still
  • Shamanistic
  • Suppressive
  • Silvern
  • Silverish
  • Shifting
  • Sheetlike
  • Shelvy
  • Surpassing
  • Seraphic
  • Sundry
  • Skewed
  • Sensual
  • Sprawly
  • Sulcate
  • Separative
  • Squab
  • Sumerian
  • Seaworthy
  • Spartan
  • Styleless
  • Selfless
  • Sphingine
  • Sublunar
  • Septicemic
  • Summery
  • Seventy
  • Superpatriotic
  • Satisfactory
  • Snide
  • Steerable
  • Saccharine
  • Satiated
  • Skyward
  • Sneak
  • Squashed
  • Stearic
  • Survivable
  • Systematic
  • Sacculate
  • Sheeplike
  • Slack
  • Squashy
  • Surmisable
  • Susceptible
  • Schmaltzy
  • Sometime
  • Storied
  • Signed
  • Significant
  • Sapiens
  • Smart
  • Starting
  • Synaesthetic
  • Sizzling
  • Sapid
  • Smarmy
  • Starry
  • Symptomless
  • Shrinkable
  • Schoolgirlish
  • Songful
  • Stouthearted
  • Sarcastic
  • Smothering
  • Statuesque
  • Synoecious
  • Salty
  • Slippy
  • Stalkless
  • Swingy
  • Sinhalese
  • Sagittate
  • Sleek
  • Squishy
  • Swaybacked
  • Saintly
  • Sleeved
  • Stackable
  • Sweeping
  • Sagittal
  • Sleazy
  • Squirrelly
  • Swayback
  • Sign
  • Seamanly
  • Spacey
  • Stuffed
  • Shinto
  • Sisyphean
  • Sheer
  • Surmountable
  • Scathing
  • Solemn
  • Stoical
  • Skillful
  • Sagittiform
  • Sleeping
  • Stabilised
  • Swaying
  • Silvery
  • Sadistic
  • Slavelike
  • Squint
  • Swanky
  • Same
  • Slothful
  • Stannic
  • Swordlike
  • Sassy
  • Snappish
  • Stealth
  • Syntagmatic
  • Sebaceous
  • Spasmodic
  • Stylised
  • Skilful
  • Sacculated
  • Slanderous
  • Squat
  • Suspect
  • Shona
  • Simian
  • Savoury
  • Soaked
  • Steroidal
  • Shakable
  • Supporting
  • Saprophytic
  • Smoothbore
  • Statistical
  • Synergetic
  • Secluded
  • Spastic
  • Stylish
  • Scribbled
  • Sound
  • Stressed
  • Sinful
  • Serrated
  • Shopsoiled
  • Superfatted
  • Skilled
  • Salable
  • Sleeveless
  • Stacked
  • Sweet
  • Seedy
  • Specular
  • Subhuman
  • Seamed
  • Spacial
  • Stuffy
  • Similar
  • Schismatic
  • Somatogenic
  • Stonyhearted
  • Silent
  • Side
  • Shrunken
  • Seeing
  • Speculative
  • Subjacent
  • Screwy
  • Soulless
  • Streptococcic
  • Shriveled
  • Sikh
  • Seeming
  • Speechless
  • Subject
  • Saturnine
  • Snobby
  • Stenosed
  • Sexagesimal
  • Supersensitive
  • Simultaneous
  • Secondary
  • Spatiotemporal
  • Stylized
  • Shoddy
  • Sceptical
  • Somali
  • Stoned
  • Salacious
  • Slender
  • Stagey
  • Sweetheart
  • Satisfiable
  • Sniffly
  • Stellar
  • Severable
  • Superposable
  • Salubrious
  • Slipshod
  • Stalwart
  • Swinish
  • Screwball
  • Soulful
  • Streptococcal
  • Sage
  • Slavonic
  • Squirming
  • Swashbuckling
  • Sensate
  • Spooky
  • Suffering
  • Serflike
  • Sunset
  • Sadducean
  • Sapient
  • Semiliterate
  • Slaveless
  • Smashing
  • Spirant
  • Squinched
  • Startled
  • Substantial
  • Swank
  • Synaptic
  • Skanky
  • Single
  • Scarecrowish
  • Soldierlike
  • Stocked
  • Screechy
  • Soughing
  • Strep
  • Similiar
  • Screeching
  • Sottish
  • Strenuous
  • Semitransparent
  • Split
  • Succulent
  • Salaried
  • Slick
  • Stagflationary
  • Sweetish
  • Senescent
  • Spongelike
  • Sudsy
  • Shoaly
  • Semipermanent
  • Splashing
  • Subterraneous
  • Semipermeable
  • Splashy
  • Subtitled
  • Saleable
  • Slicked
  • Staggering
  • Swell
  • Salient
  • Sliding
  • Stagnant
  • Swelled
  • Sidearm
  • Sequential
  • Sunburnt
  • Serological
  • Supercharged
  • Sinless
  • Semitropic
  • Splitting
  • Such
  • Sclerosed
  • Soothed
  • Straightforward
  • Screaming
  • Sotho
  • Streetwise
  • Semitic
  • Splintery
  • Succinic
  • Schematic
  • Shintoist
  • Somatogenetic
  • Stony
  • Scheduled
  • Somatic
  • Stonelike
  • Serpentine
  • Supercritical
  • Scattered
  • Solid
  • Stolid
  • Serrate
  • Supererogatory
  • Saliferous
  • Slighted
  • Staid
  • Sweltry
  • Screaky
  • Soteriological
  • Street
  • Sinistral
  • Scrubbed
  • Sourish
  • Strident
  • Sculpted
  • Southeastern
  • Striped
  • Scrawny
  • Sorry
  • Streamlined
  • Senegalese
  • Spondaic
  • Sudorific
  • Significative
  • Salientian
  • Slight
  • Stagy
  • Sweltering
  • Sarcolemmic
  • Smug
  • Statutory
  • Synoptic
  • Salverform
  • Sloppy
  • Standoffish
  • Swooning
  • Salivary
  • Slim
  • Stained
  • Sweptwing
  • Saurian
  • Snotty
  • Stereoscopic
  • Shipboard
  • Sham
  • Suppositious
  • Shadowy
  • Suppliant
  • Shapely
  • Suprasegmental
  • Shrill
  • Scratchy
  • Sorrowing
  • Streaky
  • Satiable
  • Snarly
  • Steaming
  • Syrian
  • Salutary
  • Slithery
  • Staminate
  • Swish
  • Satin
  • Sneaking
  • Steel
  • Systemic
  • Sabertoothed
  • Scarce
  • Skinny
  • Solar
  • Squandered
  • Stock
  • Surreptitious
  • Sacred
  • Slapstick
  • Squeaking
  • Sustained
  • Showery
  • Sane
  • Slumberous
  • Staring
  • Symmetric
  • Satanic
  • Snappy
  • Stealthy
  • Synthetic
  • Seemly
  • Speedy
  • Subjective
  • Sarawakian
  • Smoothened
  • Statuary
  • Synesthetic
  • Sartorial
  • Snapping
  • Steadying
  • Syntactical
  • Servomechanical
  • Superior
  • Servo
  • Superincumbent
  • Serried
  • Superficial
  • Sensuous
  • Spread
  • Sulfuretted
  • Sabbatic
  • Satiny
  • Skinless
  • Sneaky
  • Squally
  • Steely
  • Surreal
  • Systolic
  • Sacramental
  • Slaphappy
  • Squawky
  • Sustainable
  • Saprophagous
  • Smooth
  • Stationary
  • Synecdochic
  • Shredded
  • Scratched
  • Sorrowful
  • Streaked
  • Seething
  • Spellbinding
  • Subjugable
  • Scrubby
  • Soused
  • Strikebound
  • Scrumptious
  • Southbound
  • Stringent
  • Scrappy
  • Sorrel
  • Straying
  • Sandaled
  • Slovenly
  • Starboard
  • Syllogistic
  • Segmental
  • Spellbound
  • Subjunctive
  • Sixpenny
  • Scalic
  • Socratic
  • Stinging
  • Sitting
  • Semiliquid
  • Spiraling
  • Substandard
  • Semidark
  • Spinose
  • Subsequent
  • Semihard
  • Spiraled
  • Subsonic
  • Semiempirical
  • Spiny
  • Subsidiary
  • Semiformal
  • Spiral
  • Subsidised
  • Semidetached
  • Spinous
  • Subservient
  • Sensorineural
  • Spousal
  • Suicidal
  • Seasoned
  • Sparkly
  • Stuttering
  • Situated
  • Singable
  • Searing
  • Spanish
  • Stupendous
  • Sapphirine
  • Smoking
  • Statesmanly
  • Syncretical
  • Scraggy
  • Sororal
  • Stray
  • Seismal
  • Spendable
  • Sublimate
  • Sapphic
  • Smoked
  • Stately
  • Syncopated
  • Schoolwide
  • Seaward
  • Songlike

Describing Words Starting with S

  • Sparse
  • Stovepiped
  • Stygian
  • Semiprivate
  • Splay
  • Subtractive
  • Sanguineous
  • Slummy
  • Starless
  • Sympatric
  • Saddened
  • Slaveholding
  • Squiggly
  • Swampy
  • Sigmoidal
  • Sepaloid
  • Sprite
  • Sulphuretted
  • Savage
  • Snub
  • Sterilised
  • Shaded
  • Supplemental
  • Sidereal
  • Sentential
  • Sprigged
  • Sulfuric
  • Savorless
  • Snuffly
  • Sternal
  • Sidesplitting
  • Sideways
  • Seismic
  • Spendthrift
  • Sublimated
  • Sinewy
  • Septic
  • Summative
  • Sarcolemnous
  • Smutty
  • Staunch
  • Synoptical
  • Scrupulous
  • Southeast
  • Stringy
  • Seismologic
  • Spent
  • Sublime
  • Scintillating
  • Sonsie
  • Straightarrow
  • Seismological
  • Spermatic
  • Sublimed
  • Sable
  • Set
  • Skintight
  • Squared
  • Superlunar
  • Surrounded
  • Signal
  • Shintoistic
  • Seraphical
  • Sunken
  • Sere
  • Sunny
  • Semite
  • Splinterless
  • Successive
  • Shimmery
  • Sextuple
  • Superstitious
  • Salvageable
  • Sloping
  • Standby
  • Swiss
  • Shallow
  • Suppositional
  • Sinusoidal
  • Sandlike
  • Slowgoing
  • Starchless
  • Symbiotic
  • Secret
  • Spatulate
  • Suasible
  • Sissified
  • Sauteed
  • Snowy
  • Sterile
  • Shabby
  • Supple
  • Seasick
  • Spare
  • Stupid
  • Secondhand
  • Spattered
  • Styptic
  • Sightless
  • Seriocomic
  • Superable
  • Sickening
  • Sardinian
  • Scottish
  • Snakelike
  • Soprano
  • Steadied
  • Strategical
  • Synsemantic
  • Shrewd
  • Sheltered
  • Scraggly
  • Sore
  • Straw
  • Select
  • Spermicidal
  • Subliminal
  • Sexless
  • Supersonic
  • Satyrical
  • Snooty
  • Stentorian
  • Scanty
  • Semiconducting
  • Soggy
  • Spinnable
  • Stippled
  • Subordinative
  • Separatist
  • Spurious
  • Sumatran
  • Seventh
  • Supernumerary
  • Satiric
  • Sneering
  • Steep
  • Scared
  • Soldierly
  • Stockinged
  • Sagacious
  • Saponified
  • Sequined
  • Skimmed
  • Slavish
  • Smitten
  • Squabby
  • Squinty
  • Stated
  • Sundried
  • Surprised
  • Swarthy
  • Synchronous
  • Singaporean
  • Satiate
  • Snazzy
  • Steamy
  • Syrupy
  • Sightly
  • Shocked
  • Scary
  • Soleless
  • Stoic
  • Sigmoid
  • Scotch
  • Soporific
  • Strapless

Describing Words Starting with S Describing Words Starting with Sescribing

Table of Contents

  1. What is a good describing word that starts with S?
  2. What words that start with S?
  3. What is a 7 letter word starting with S?
  4. What are 6 letter words that start with S?
  5. What is a 8 letter word that starts with S?
  6. Which is the world’s largest word?
  7. What are 4 letter words that start with S?
  8. What 4 letter word starts with S and ends with O?
  9. What starts with S and ends with a?
  10. What starts with S and ends with H?
  11. What is a 3 letter word that starts with S?
  12. What’s a 3 letter word that starts with AS?
  13. How many words are there that start with S?
  14. What’s a 3 letter word that starts with O?
  15. What is a 6 letter word starting with O?
  16. What is a describing word that starts with O?
  17. What word starting with O can I use to describe a great person?
  18. What is the bad O word?
  19. What are bad words that start with O?
  20. Is the word Frick a bad word?
  21. How do you spell excellent?

Keep making your way through s-adjectives in alphabetical order with this continued list of 25 more interesting options.

  • sleek – glossy and smooth.
  • sleepy – tired, in need of sleep.
  • sly – sneaky, cunning.
  • smart – intelligence; possessing quick-wit.
  • smelly – having an unpleasant odor.
  • sneaky – deceptive; underhanded.

What words that start with S?

5 letter words that start with S

  • saber.
  • sabin.
  • sable.
  • sabot.
  • sabra.
  • sabre.
  • sacks.
  • sacra.

What is a 7 letter word starting with S?

7-letter words starting with S

Saadian Saanens
sacella sachems
sachets sackage
sackbut sackers
sackful sacking

What are 6 letter words that start with S?

6-letter words starting with S

Saadhs Saamis
Saddar sadded
sadden sadder
saddhu saddle
saddos Sadean

What is a 8 letter word that starts with S?

8-letter words starting with S

Saadians Saaremaa
Saccones saccoses
saccular saccules
sacculus sacellum
sachemic sacheted

Which is the world’s largest word?


What are 4 letter words that start with S?

4-letter words starting with S

Saab saad
saft saga
sage sago
sags sagy

What 4 letter word starts with S and ends with O?

four letter words that start with the letter s and ending with o

  • sago.
  • seco.
  • sego.
  • shmo.
  • shoo.
  • sijo.
  • silo.
  • skeo.

What starts with S and ends with a?

Six letter words that start with S and end with A

saliva salvia samosa
scilla sclera scotia
senora serosa sheila
sierra siesta silica
spirea squama stadia

What starts with S and ends with H?

9 letters words starting with ‘s’ and ending with ‘h’


What is a 3 letter word that starts with S?

3-letter words starting with S

SAA sab
sac sad
sae sag
sai saj
sal sam

What’s a 3 letter word that starts with AS?

3-letter words starting with AS

ash ask
asl ASM
ASO asp
asr ass

How many words are there that start with S?

There are 74992 words that start with S.

What’s a 3 letter word that starts with O?

3 letter words that start with O

  • oaf.
  • oak.
  • oar.
  • oat.
  • oba.
  • obi.
  • obs.
  • obv.

What is a 6 letter word starting with O?

6-letter words starting with O

oafish oakers
obsign obtain
obtect obtend
obtest obtund
obtuse obvert

What is a describing word that starts with O?

List of Adjectives That Start With O

  • oafish – clumsy; uncultured.
  • obedient – obeying or willing to obey; submissive.
  • obese – very fat; stout; corpulent.
  • objectionable – disagreeable; offensive.
  • obliging – ready to do favors; helpful; courteous; accommodating.
  • oblique – slanting.
  • obnoxious – very unpleasant.

What word starting with O can I use to describe a great person?

Positive Adjectives That Start With O For example, a person can be outstanding, open-minded, openhearted, optimistic and more.

What is the bad O word?

off rotten, decayed, poor quality. bad and off. objectionable offensive, unpalatable. bad and objectionable. obnoxious unpalatable.

What are bad words that start with O?

List Of Negative Words That Starts With O

Number List Of Negative Words That Starts With O
1 Obese
2 Object
3 Objection
4 Objectionable

Is the word Frick a bad word?

So no, it is not “a swear.” It is a similar-sounding word substituted for a vulgar term, when using the actual vulgar term would be inappropriate.

How do you spell excellent?

Correct spelling for the English word “excellent” is [ˈɛksələnt], [ˈɛksələnt], [ˈɛ_k_s_ə_l_ə_n_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

At the risk of sounding like a word nerd, I think S adjectives are fricking awesome.

Words like sumptuous and saccharine, sacrosanct and sagacious.

Seriously, the list of epic adjectives starting with S just goes on and on and on.

But, at the same time, there’s also a whole bunch of adjectives for S that, in my opinion, you don’t really need to know.

How often are you going to say words like salubrious and sedulous in every day conversation? Not a lot, right?

If ever.

So, I wanted to put together a list of useful adjectives beginning with S to help out anybody who, for one reason or another, is hunting for the perfect adjective that starts with S. Maybe you’re writing an essay, short story, or just trying to improve your vocabulary…

Whatever the case, this post should prove useful!

Read on for a list of 150 describing words starting with S.

 150 adjectives starting in S is a lot! So, to help you find what you’re looking for, I decided to break it up into sections.

The first set of “adjectives s” are my favourites, but from there we’ll get into s adjectives that describe someone, or that are common, positive, short, and so on!

My Favourite Adjectives Starting S

1. Serendipitous

2. Stupendous

3. Spacious

4. Stormy

5. Squeamish

6. Speechless

7. Soulful

8. Sketchy

9. Slanderous

10. Shamefaced

11. Sheepish

12. Seamless

13. Sacred

14. Scientific

15. Scraggly

Super Common S Adjectives

16. Super

17. Sudden

18. Straight

19. Straightforward

20. Subtle

21. Spicy

22. Scary

23. Serious

24. Specific

25. Stressful

26. Smooth

27. Sharp

28. Sweet

29. Silent

30. Simple

Short Adjectives Beginning with S

31. Soft

32. Still

33. Sly

34. Sad

35. Snug

36. Sour

37. Sore

38. Sane

39. Sick

40. Shy

41. Shut

42. Sole

43. Slim

44. Safe

45. Spry

Double-Barrelled Descriptive Words Starting with S

46. Self-reliant

47. Self-indulgent

48. Star-crossed

49. Self-effacing

50. Short-lived

51. Semi-professional

52. Short-term

53. Side-splitting

54. Skin-deep

55. Sky-blue

56. Slow-moving

57. Small-scale

58. Sure-footed

59. Snow-white

60. Spine-chilling

Long Describing Words Starting with S

61. Sophisticated

62. Spontaneous

63. Stereotypical

64. Substantiated

65. Surmountable

66. Sentimental

67. Sanctimonious

68. Satisfactory

69. Scintillating

70. Sensational

71. Spectacular

72. Stimulating

73. Sustainable

74. Systematic

75. Sociological

Descriptive Words That Start With S to Describe Someone

76. Stylish

77. Saintly

78. Shrewd

79. Silly

80. Sleepy

81. Stern

82. Sincere

83. Scholarly

84. Smart

85. Sensitive

86. Seductive

87. Special

88. Sociable

89. Soft-hearted

90. Successful

Positive Adjectives Starting with S

91. Striking

92. Stoic

93. Splendid

94. Sensible

95. Studious

96. Strong

97. Single-minded

98. Smashing

99. Self-disciplined

100. Satisfying

101. Selfless

102. Spirited

103. Self-confident

104. Secure

105. Scrumptious

Negative Adjective That Starts with S Ideas

106. Spoiled

107. Stuck-up

108. Self-absorbed

109. Sarcastic

110. Spineless

111. Sneaky

112. Short-tempered

113. Senseless

114. Selfish

115. Sinful

116. Strange

117. Scathing

118. Scornful

119. Shabby

120. Shameful

Onomatopoeic Adjective Starting with S Ideas

121. Sticky

122. Sluggish

123. Succulent

124. Smudged

125. Snappy

126. Slippery

127. Serene

128. Stuttering

129. Snarling

130. Slick

131. Sizzling

132. Suave

133. Swift

134. Succinct

135. Squawking

Lovely Miscellaneous Adjectives for the Letter S

136. Scenic

137. Shimmering

138. Sisterly

139. Soaring

140. Spellbinding

141. Sublime

142. Scandalous

143. Swanky

144. Scorching

145. Scruffy

146. Secretive

147. Shadowy

148. Sheepish

149. Simplistic

150. Silky

Remember These First-Rate Adjectives for S

Adjectives starting with S are some of the most common in the English language.

The result?

There are some absolutely awesome S adjectives to use in your writing!

With any luck, this long list of useful adjectives starting with S will make it easier to pick out the perfect one for whatever you happen to need it for.

One final thing:

Consider bookmarking this article for later. Keeping it handy should mean you’re never short of an adjective that starts with S again!

Did you find an adjective that begins with S you like? Read these next:

253 Describing Words That Begin With The Letter S — Describe Web

Letter S is located near the end of the modern English alphabet, having many words that start with this letter, here you have a list of such words.

  • Sneaky
  • Simultaneous
  • Shallow
  • Short
  • Spectacular
  • Sharp
  • Spoken
  • Surging
  • Shameful
  • Sinuous
  • Satisfying
  • Sulky
  • Secretive
  • Sweaty
  • Snug
  • Speedy
  • Solitary
  • Scarce
  • Submissive
  • Symbolic
  • Same
  • Stingy
  • Scholastic
  • Skillful
  • Sentimental
  • Stupid
  • Stylish
  • Stiff
  • Solid
  • Scroungy
  • Sedate
  • Stretchable
  • Skinny
  • Silent
  • Standard
  • Sudden
  • Starving
  • Scientific
  • Spooky
  • Sublimating
  • Soluble
  • Social
  • Slippery
  • Superb
  • Steep
  • Sensible
  • Snaking
  • Sincere
  • Shy
  • Straight
  • Synonymous
  • Squishy
  • Selfish
  • Satanic
  • Satisfied
  • Southern
  • Spotted
  • Statuesque
  • Summery
  • Superior
  • Sedulous
  • Stubborn
  • Sumptuous
  • Supreme
  • Split
  • Smiley
  • Shiny
  • Spacial
  • Sizable
  • Singed
  • Shady
  • Six
  • Steady
  • Shapely
  • Solidified
  • Shapeless
  • Spanish
  • Smug
  • Sickly
  • Spotty
  • Suppressed
  • Sensuous
  • Shameless
  • Square
  • Swanky
  • Serene
  • Sandy
  • Savory
  • Smoky
  • Silky
  • Safe
  • Sloppy
  • Singular
  • Scared
  • Sacrilegious
  • Sticky
  • Seductive
  • Swift
  • Sour
  • Sketchy
  • Soft
  • Specific
  • Senseless
  • Solo
  • Shocking
  • Sequential
  • Seasonal
  • Steadfast
  • Soulful
  • Seventeen
  • Sound
  • Slim
  • Shivering
  • Sacrificial
  • Saucy
  • Sardonic
  • Shaped
  • Sober
  • Suave
  • Sunny
  • Sultry
  • Savvy
  • Smooth
  • Splendid
  • Seemly
  • Secure
  • Sanctimonious
  • Surprised
  • Slick
  • Scrawny
  • Separate
  • Spiffy
  • Sensitive
  • Secret
  • Sleepy
  • Stinking
  • Snotty
  • Sensual
  • Supportive
  • Secondary
  • Spontaneous
  • Stormy
  • Spotless
  • Strong
  • Stealthy
  • Stupendous
  • Senior
  • Sleek
  • Sturdy
  • Sunken
  • Sensational
  • Somber
  • Slow
  • Sliced
  • Systematic
  • Serious
  • Sweet
  • Smart
  • Slovenly
  • Stoic
  • Sacred
  • Steamy
  • Sanguine
  • Salient
  • Strange
  • Sassy
  • Sore
  • Sopping
  • Sly
  • Shocked
  • Snowy
  • Sadistic
  • Substantial
  • Smelly
  • Supplementary
  • Sabbatical
  • Sinkable
  • Scrappy
  • Slimy
  • Scintillating
  • Shaggy
  • Spurious
  • Sleepless
  • Silly
  • Snobbish
  • Studious
  • Springy
  • Sleazy
  • Squeamish
  • Smokey
  • Sugary
  • Serrated
  • Showy
  • Scary
  • Sable
  • Solemn
  • Snooty
  • Stale
  • Subdued
  • Sorry
  • Serial
  • Sad
  • Sophisticated
  • Scandalous
  • Superstitious
  • Simple
  • Small
  • Soggy
  • Stinky
  • Stereotyped
  • Second
  • Sporty
  • Sorrowful
  • Snaky
  • Spiritual
  • Slight
  • Soaked
  • Severe
  • Spongy
  • Special
  • Sedentary
  • Sinister
  • Satirical
  • Superfluous
  • Smiling
  • Sarcastic
  • Squeaky
  • Selective
  • Salty
  • Surreptitious
  • Smoggy
  • Spiteful
  • Superficial
  • Sympathetic
  • Successful
  • Sane
  • Sluggish
  • Sociable
  • Supercilious
  • Scattered
  • Silver
  • Screeching
  • Super
  • Simplistic
  • Soaking
  • Slender
  • Snobby
  • Shabby
  • Sick
  • Single
  • Sinful
  • Skilled
  • Spicy

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