Describing word for africa

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

Africa is sometimes nicknamed the “Mother Continent” because it is the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Humans and their ancestors lived in Africa for more than 5 million years. Africa, the second largest continent, is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

Africa is a unique continent among all the 7 continents of the world. Africa has a very diverse culture. It is rich in cultural heritage and diversity, rich in natural resources and offers breathtaking tourist attractions.

Famed for its stunning wildlife, Africa’s outstanding natural beauty makes it a joy to explore, and its captivating historical and cultural attractions mean there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Africa is considered to be the second largest continent in the world with a total area of ​​about 11 million square miles, which is 5.7% of the earth’s surface and 20% of the total land surface of our planet.

Following are common adjectives we use while describing African:

Contemporary Federated
Abellan Francophone
African-American Humid
Afrikaner Independent
Afro-American Interlacustrine
Afro-Asian Intertropical
Afrocentric Liberated
Aggri Modern
Aids Multilingual
Algerian Multiracial
Antiapartheid Neocolonial
Apartheid Nonracial
Arabian Northeastern
Arabic Northwest
Arctogeal Northwestern
Arid Number
Atlantic Out
Australopithecine Postcolonial
Bantu Precolonial
Barbaric Premodern
Belgian Proconsular
Benighted Racist
Benue Renascent
Boskop Resurgent
Botha Rural
Capsian Sahellan
Carthaginian Savage
Casted Savannah
Catarrhine Semiarid
Caucasian Southeast
Coastal Southwest
Colonial Southwestern
Congolese Speaking
Continental Subequatorial
Coral Subtropical
Darkest Today
Deepest Tribal
Democratic Uncivilized
Dryland Undivided
Emergent Unexplored
Equatorial Unitary
Equinoctial United
Faraway Untamed

Africa Description Paragraph

Africa owns a huge share of the world’s natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. About 30 percent of the world’s mineral reserves, eight percent of the world’s natural gas and 12 percent of the world’s oil reserves are located in Africa.

Africa’s rich history and culture is so diverse that it varies not only between countries, but also within regions and countries. The culture of each ethnic group holds together an authentic social structure of traditional practices and rituals, art, music and oral literature through which identities are constructed.

Five facts about Africa

  • Africa is the second largest continent on earth. …
  • Between1500-2000 languages are spoken in Africa. …
  • Africa is the source of the world’s longest river. …
  • Africa is home to the world’s oldest university. …
  • The richest man is African.
  • The biggest worst desert in the world is in Africa.

12 most beautiful places in Africa

  • Victoria Falls. 
  • Pyramids of Giza. 
  • Sidi Bou Said. 
  • Sossusvlei. 
  • Djenne Mosque. 
  • Table Mountain. 
  • Lake Malawi. 
  • Zanzibar Archipelago. 
  • Sahara dunes
  • Rwenzori Mountains
  • Gondar
  • Serengeti National Park

Quick Links

  1. Wolof Language Words for Beginners
  2. Ewe Language Words for Beginners

Describing Africa

At the end of this four-step lesson, you will know how to use essential vocabulary for talking about the African continent in a fair and objective manner.

There are four steps that you have to go through in this Describing Africa lesson. You should do one step a day to achieve better results.

STEP ONE (QUIZ): Adjectives for describing Africa

Do these Adjectives give an objective view of Africa? What other Adjectives would you use to talk about the African continent?

One falsehood hides a thousand truths. The picture below shows how Africa is often depicted in the media. Which Adjectives are negative? Which Adjectives are positive? You can use a dictionary to define the words that are not familiar to you.

English Worksheets, Vocabulary-ADJECTIVES FOR DESCRIBING AFRICA, Learn English With Africa, October 2016

It is important to be as truthful as possible as far as place descriptions are concerned. If we have one narrative about a place, we tend to forget all the diversity and uniqueness that this place has.


Question 1: The opposite word of ‘UNEDUCATED’ is ‘EDUCATED’. Find the antonyms for the following words:


(The answer to CHALLENGE QUESTION ONE is at the beginning of CHALLENGE QUESTION TWO)

Well done for finishing STEP ONE.

STEP TWO: Adjectives for describing landscapes

Africa has a variety of landscapes that nature lovers like to photograph and describe. Look at the picture below and observe what type of Adjectives have been used. Using a good dictionary, define the vocabulary that you do not understand.

English Worksheets, Vocabulary-ADJECTIVES FOR DESCRIBING AFRICAN LANDSCAPES, Learn English With Africa, October 2016

Could you find other Adjectives to fill in the empty spaces in the middle row? Was this difficult?

If you were to choose five words to use from the picture, what would they be?

Our choice is:

  1. Breathtaking: The Atlas Mountains offer breathtaking views from the top.
  2. Stunning: Sapitwa Peak on Mount Mulanje, the highest massif in Central Africa, is simply stunning for visitors and locals alike.
  3. Lush: Lush vegetation is a characteristic of tropical forests.
  4. Jagged: She took many pictures of the jagged mountains to show to her friends back home. 
  5. Sprawling: The sprawling valley was a stunning sight for everyone.

You can now click on the link below to listen to the pronunciation of all the words in the Adjectives for Describing African Landscapes worksheet . You can also use this Describing Africa pronunciation worksheet for guidance.

Practise your pronunciation 

Make sure you repeat the words several times for better memorisation.

You can also do the How to Describe Africa Word Search below as a way of learning more new vocabulary. The more words you will have in your vocabulary ‘bank account’, the better you will speak. You will be able to communicate efficiently and effectively.

English Worksheets, Word Search-HOW TO DESCRIBE AFRICA-Learn English With Africa, October 2016

The PDF versions of this document are here:

  •  Word Search: How to Describe Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016 (PDF without answers)
  • Word Search: How to describe Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016 (PDF with answers)

You are really doing well. Keep it up!

Now you are ready for the second CHALLENGE.


(The answer to CHALLENGE QUESTION ONE is:)


Question 2: We have five words that end with -ING in the Adjectives for Describing African Landscapes worksheet. What are they? Can you find five other Adjectives that also end with -ING and can be used to describe Africa? You can use a dictionary or the Internet to accomplish this task.

(The answer to CHALLENGE QUESTION TWO is at the beginning of CHALLENGE QUESTION THREE)

Well, well, well. Good job for finishing STEP TWO of this Describing Africa lesson. Let’s move on to the other stage. We are glad you are making progress.

STEP THREE: Adjectives for describing places in Africa

The picture below has Adjectives that you can use to describe different types of places in Africa.

English Worksheets, Vocabulary-ADJECTIVES FOR DESCRIBING PLACES IN AFRICA, Learn English With Africa, October 2016

As the image shows, not all places in Africa look alike. The North is different from the South and the East cannot resemble the West. Africa comprises 54 nations with distinct features and appearance. Africa is not a country.

Study the picture again and find the missing words in the middle row. Avoid using commonplace words like ‘BIG’ and ‘SMALL’.

Afterwards, you can show off your skills by making sentences with ten words from the worksheet. Yes, you can do it. It’s that simple and uncomplicated!

We had fun creating the sentences below. Enjoy!

  1. Traditional: Traditional houses, typically with thatched roofs, can be found in most rural areas of Africa.
  2. Modern: Modern cities such as Luanda are abundant in Africa.  We just don’t see enough of them on TV.
  3. Bustling: African markets are usually bustling with life. Many people come from far to sell their goods to regular customers who are always on the lookout for a good bargain. 
  4. Busy: You should cross busy roads with caution.
  5. Wild: Lions are only found in wild protected areas. Please rest assured, these wild beasts will not take leisurely strolls in the city. 
  6. Upmarket: Wealthy people live in upmarket neighbourhoods. Real estate prices in these areas are usually expensive and out of reach.
  7. Wind-swept: Wind-swept areas are prone to drought and famine.
  8. Luxurious: There are more and more luxurious hotels and beach resorts in Africa. 
  9. Crowded: Streets can be really crowded when there is a special event in the area.
  10. Decrepit: Life is tough in decrepit townships. Many people struggle to make ends meet.

You can read your sentences aloud to someone for practice. If someone can correct your intonation, that is even better!

Here are more pronunciation exercises. You can use this Describing Africa pronunciation worksheet for guidance.

Practise your pronunciation

Hey! That is is incredible. Keep learning. You will be surprised by all that you are able to say and write by the end of the year. CONSISTENCY is the key.

Why not do the Crossword Puzzle below for more practice? It is not easy so you can use a dictionary or a thesaurus for help. It is more than doable. You will be glad after you have finished it.

English worksheets (Crossword Puzzle: How to Describe Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016)

You can download the PDF versions of the puzzle here:

  • Crossword Puzzle: How to Describe Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016 (PDF without answers) (PDF)
  • Crossword Puzzle: How to describe Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016 (With answers) (PDF)


(The answer to CHALLENGE QUESTION TWO is:)


Question 3: Find the synonyms for the following words that can be found in the Adjectives for Describing Places in Africa worksheet.

  • Traditional
  • Modern
  • Bustling
  • Busy
  • Wild
  • Upmarket
  • Crowded
  • Open
  • Luxurious
  • Decrepit


You have finished STEP THREE of this Describing Africa lesson. WOW! Keep learning!

STEP FOUR: Adjectives for describing life in Africa

You are already doing the last step! Wow, that’s great! You will make it (Don’t worry, be happy-Do you remember this song?). Well, let’s go back to serious business.

The picture below has some more Adjectives for describing Africa . This should be easy after all that you have done in the previous STEPS. Make sure you define all the unknown words with the help of a dictionary. The more efforts you make, the better you get:)) We are talking from experience.

English Worksheets, Vocabulary-ADJECTIVES FOR DESCRIBING LIFE IN AFRICA, Learn English With Africa, October 2016

What do you think of the different images? Are they inspiring, beautiful, strange, mouth-watering, etc? We like using pictures because we can say so much about them.

What do you think of the use of images of fruits to describe life in Africa? Can you think of other fruits that we can use to describe continents, and not just Africa?

The photographs were so inspiring that we thought of writing a paragraph in which the narrator talks about his or her fond memories about Africa.

Here it is:

My heart is filled with rich and pleasant memories of my childhood. I often relive those precious moments when life was funny and surprising at the same time. It was not hard then. We were full of colourful dreams and ambitions. We sailed through the sweet and sour episodes of our lives with nonchalance.

We avoided the spiky detours with skill. We were passionate about everything: the juicy stories we told each other, the delicious fruits we shared, the hot afternoons we hated because we could not stay outside to play flaye and run in the open. Life was fun then. We could be anything we wanted. Where are those solid dreams, those tangible aspirations, those quenchable desires? They are still there. They still live in us. We can become anything we want. Life is miraculous.

What about writing the same type of paragraph, using your childhood memories as inspiration. You can use a different tone if you wish. Read your sentences aloud when you write so that you can feel the music and rhythm of your words. Pay attention to spelling and grammar of course.

You will know that you have succeeded when you enjoy reading the paragraph you have written to your family, friends or teachers. And that’s it.

Good luck and have fun with English!

Now you can do the last CHALLENGE. We hope that you are not too tired.




Question: Find the names of the fruits in the picture. That’s difficult, we know :-() but it’s a nice exercise to do and you will learn quite a lot.


  • Vocabulary: Adjectives for Describing Life in Africa, Names of Fruits, Learn English With Africa, October 2016 (PDF)

Congratulations for finishing all the steps of this Describing Africa lesson. You can now have a well-deserved treat!

Until next time!

Further Exploration: (Describing Africa)


  • 26 stunning spots of Africa
  • 50 amazing places to see in Africa

Describing Africa: More worksheets to download:

  • Vocabulary: Adjectives for Describing African Landscapes, Learn English With Africa, October 2016
  • Vocabulary: Adjectives for Describing Places in Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016
  • Vocabulary: Adjectives for Describing Life in Africa, Learn English With Africa, October 2016


Advanced Short Story (alt No More_Novel_Learn English With Africa_2020)

Table of Contents

  1. How do you write in African?
  2. How do I write an ISBN for Africa?
  3. How do you write a rhetorical device about Africa?
  4. What are 5 words to describe Africa?
  5. What food is Africa famous for?
  6. Who is richest woman in Africa?
  7. Which country is rich in Africa?
  8. Which is the poorest country in Africa 2020?
  9. Which is the safest country in Africa?
  10. What is the most dangerous city in Africa?
  11. Which is the cheapest city to live in Africa?
  12. Which country is the most expensive in Africa?
  13. Which is the best country to work in Africa?
  14. What is the most common job in Africa?
  15. Which job has highest salary in Africa?
  16. What is the dangerous place in Africa?
  17. Which country is most beautiful in Africa?
  18. What’s the wealthiest city in Africa?
  19. Which countries in Africa are not safe to visit?

Africa is the second largest continent in the world. It makes up about a fifth of the world’s land. It is surrounded by large areas of water. There are 54 fully recognised and independent countries in Africa, and 14.7% (1.216 billion) of the world’s population lives there.

How do you write in African?

Always use the word ‘Africa’ or ‘Darkness’ or ‘Safari’ in your title. Subtitles may include the words ‘Zanzibar’, ‘Masai’, ‘Zulu’, ‘Zambezi’, ‘Congo’, ‘Nile’, ‘Big’, ‘Sky’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Drum’, ‘Sun’ or ‘Bygone’. Also useful are words such as ‘Guerrillas’, ‘Timeless’, ‘Primordial’ and ‘Tribal’.

How do I write an ISBN for Africa?


How do you write a rhetorical device about Africa?

The main rhetorical devices used by Binyavanga Wainaina in “How to Write about Africa” are satire and irony.

What are 5 words to describe Africa?

Here are some adjectives for africa: french equatorial, british central, western equatorial, coastal, western, senegal western, floor-to-ceiling deepest, portuguese southern, central equatorial, equatorial and southern, eastern equatorial, central inter-tropical, yellow hot, captive thorough, belgian, italian and …

What food is Africa famous for?

15 of Africa’s favorite dishes

  • Pap en vleis/Shisa nyama, South Africa. Feast your eyes on these succulent steaks.
  • Piri piri chicken, Mozambique. Stop.
  • Jollof rice and egusi soup, Nigeria.
  • Bunny chow, South Africa.
  • Kapenta with sadza, Zimbabwe.
  • Chambo with nsima, Malawi.
  • Namibian venison, Namibia.
  • Muamba de Galinha, Angola.

Who is richest woman in Africa?

As of 2015, Folorunsho Alakija is listed as the second most powerful woman in Africa after Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and the 87th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes….

Folorunso Alakija
Nationality Nigerian
Occupation Businesswoman
Net worth US$1.0 billion (January 2020)

Which country is rich in Africa?


Which is the poorest country in Africa 2020?

Over half of the nations in Africa are considered to be the poorest in the world….The ten poorest countries in Africa, with their GDP per capita, are:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo ($785)
  • Burundi ($808)
  • Liberia ($867)
  • Niger ($1,153)
  • Malawi ($1,172)
  • Mozambique ($1,266)
  • Eritrea ($1,434)
  • South Sudan ($1,503)

Which is the safest country in Africa?

10 of the Safest Places to Visit in Africa in 2020/2021

  1. Rwanda. Rwanda is arguably the safest country in Africa, which is immediately apparent upon arrival in the relaxed and sophisticated capital Kigali.
  2. Botswana.
  3. Mauritius.
  4. Namibia.
  5. Seychelles.
  6. Ethiopia.
  7. Morocco.
  8. Lesotho.

What is the most dangerous city in Africa?

That’s according to a February 2021 article on the local website Independent Online. Pretoria, Durban, Johannesburg, Pietermaritzburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town are “ranked among a global top 20 of the most dangerous cities”, the article says, citing the Crime Index by City 2021.

Which is the cheapest city to live in Africa?

What are the cheapest cities to visit in Africa? The most affordable cities for travel in Africa are currently Dahab (Egypt), Aswan (Egypt), Luxor (Egypt), Alexandria (Egypt), and Tangier (Morocco).

Which country is the most expensive in Africa?

Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia, ranked as the most expensive city to live in Africa as of 2021, considering consumer goods prices. The Ethiopian capital obtained an index score of 58.92, followed by Abidjan, in the Ivory Coast, with 55.73.

Which is the best country to work in Africa?

Recent economic gains have seen Mauritius bypass South Africa to become Africa’s most vibrant and competitive economy. According to a World Bank Report, Mauritius is the best country in Africa for doing business.

What is the most common job in Africa?

10 Most Sought After Jobs in Africa

  • Agriculture. Africa’s largest economic sector is agriculture, accounting for 15% of the continent’s GDP.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Mining.
  • Service Sector.
  • Banking and Finance.
  • Information and Communication Technology.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Transportation and Logistics.

Which job has highest salary in Africa?

  • Petroleum Engineers – 72,600 Rands in an Year.
  • Management Consultants – 392,000 and 672,000 Rands per Annum.
  • Actuary – 598,055 Rands per Annum.
  • Air Traffic Controller – 583,450 Rands per Year.
  • Chartered Accountant – 434,191 Rands per Year.
  • These are the top ten highest paying professions in South Africa in 2021.

What is the dangerous place in Africa?

Somalia, South Sudan and Central African Republic are considered as the most dangerous countries in Africa in 2020, according to the Global Peace Index.

Which country is most beautiful in Africa?

the 5 most beautiful African countries

  • Cameroon.
  • South Africa (40 years ago)
  • Cameroon.
  • Kenya (40 years ago)
  • Cameroon.

What’s the wealthiest city in Africa?

city of gold, Johannesburg

Which countries in Africa are not safe to visit?

Here’s a closer look at the five “Do Not Travel” countries in Africa, and why officials consider them too dangerous for travel.

  • Central African Republic. Reason for Level 4 Designation: Crime, Civil Unrest, Kidnapping or Hostage Taking.
  • Libya.
  • Mali.
  • Somalia.
  • Sudan.
  • South Sudan.
  • preslaverynoun«
  • remixnoun«
  • underdevelopverb«
  • orientalenoun«
  • saharannoun adj«
  • safarisnoun«
  • circumnavigatingverb«
  • redivivanoun«
  • proconsularadj«
  • johnathan«
  • renascentadj«
  • romananoun«
  • decolonisedverb«
  • comorosnoun«
  • precolonialadj«
  • protectoratenoun«
  • circumnavigateverb«
  • penguinnoun«
  • francophonenoun«
  • awakesverb«
  • circumnavigatedverb«
  • swazilandnoun«
  • intertropicaladj«
  • djiboutinoun«
  • decolonizedverb«
  • unchainedverb adj«
  • recolonizenoun«
  • burkinanoun«
  • decolonizeverb«
  • orientateverb«
  • recolonizingverb«
  • oceanianoun«
  • anglophonenoun«
  • ungovernableadj«
  • csisnoun«
  • subregionnoun«
  • balkanizeverb«
  • bombingsnoun verb«
  • reconquersverb«
  • divestmentnoun«
  • equatorialnoun adj«
  • australenoun«
  • reinventingverb«
  • burundinoun adj«
  • circumnavigatesverb«
  • confidentialadj«
  • postcolonialadj«
  • counterterrorismnoun«
  • decolonizingverb«
  • sempernoun«
  • darkestadj«
  • botswananoun«
  • sout«
  • beninnoun«
  • evangeliseverb«
  • rediscoveredverb«
  • drylandnoun«
  • incrementalismnoun«
  • vandalnoun«
  • occidentalenoun«
  • christianiseverb«
  • cameroonnoun«
  • christianizeverb«
  • algerianoun«
  • romanticizesverb«
  • democratizingverb«
  • civiliseverb«
  • angolanoun«
  • saharanoun«
  • occidentalnoun adj«
  • christianizingverb«
  • demosnoun verb«
  • evangelizeverb«
  • stagnatedverb«
  • capricornnoun«
  • australopithecusnoun«
  • wostnoun«
  • lesothonoun«
  • coloniseverb«
  • safarinoun«
  • evangelisingverb«
  • collidedverb«
  • tropicaladj«
  • rejoinsverb«
  • depopulatingverb«
  • australnoun adj«
  • predatedverb«
  • centalnoun«
  • kilimanjaronoun«
  • nordicnoun adj«
  • pretorianoun«
  • soothnoun«
  • vidalnoun«
  • colonizeverb«
  • predatesverb«
  • underdevelopedverb adj«
  • neocolonialadj«
  • namibianoun«
  • civilizeverb«
  • lagsnoun verb«
  • southnoun adj adv«
  • friskingnoun verb«
  • depopulateverb«
  • basutolandnoun«
  • couthadj«
  • industrializeverb«
  • recreatingverb«
  • thomsonnoun«
  • envisioningnoun verb«
  • mozambiquenoun«
  • northeasternadj«
  • capetownnoun«
  • southernadj«
  • apartheidnoun«
  • picadornoun«
  • durbannoun«
  • ernnoun«
  • zimbabwenoun«
  • subtropicaladj«
  • johannesburgnoun«
  • southwestnoun adj adv«
  • ltdnoun«
  • colonisedverb adj«
  • gabonnoun«
  • benightedverb adj«
  • hostedverb«
  • evangelizingverb«
  • tanzanianoun«
  • reconnectingverb«
  • exploresverb«
  • whereabout«
  • australasianoun«
  • niloticnoun adj«
  • zambianoun«
  • ramonanoun«
  • revisitedverb«
  • bantunoun adj«
  • telnoun«
  • southeasternadj«
  • centralenoun«
  • southernmostadj«
  • totalledverb«
  • underpopulatedadj«
  • sahelnoun«
  • delbertnoun«
  • accededverb«
  • marginalizeverb«
  • straddlesnoun verb«
  • colonizingverb«
  • eritreanoun«
  • westnoun adj adv«
  • briefingnoun verb«
  • bastnoun«
  • americasnoun«
  • northwesternadj«
  • inlandadj adv«
  • plaguingverb«
  • eurasianoun«
  • colonisingverb«
  • boastsnoun verb«
  • southwesternnoun adj«
  • madagascarnoun«
  • eastnoun adj adv«
  • gambianoun«
  • gallonoun«
  • kenyanoun«
  • northeastnoun adj adv«
  • antarcticanoun«
  • colonizedverb adj«
  • partitionedverb«
  • northwestnoun adj adv«
  • sudannoun«
  • orthnoun«
  • ethiopianoun«
  • reconquerverb«
  • ghananoun«
  • northnoun adj adv«
  • trendedverb«
  • globalizingverb«
  • subcommitteenoun«
  • edenicadj«
  • mauritiusnoun«
  • ravagingnoun verb adj«
  • riftnoun«
  • semiaridadj«
  • landingsnoun verb«
  • soughverb«
  • olduvainoun«
  • mcgrawnoun«
  • civilisingverb«
  • malawinoun«
  • africadj«
  • mauritanianoun«
  • touredverb«
  • isaknoun«
  • crossroadsnoun«
  • protectoratesnoun«
  • resurgentadj«
  • tunisianoun«
  • reconqueredverb«
  • regnumnoun«
  • todaynoun adv«
  • romanticizeverb«
  • coincidedverb«
  • unspoiltadj«
  • illegallyadv«
  • easternadj«
  • ugandanoun«
  • southernoun«
  • afrikaansnoun adj«
  • centralnoun adj«
  • afrikanersnoun«
  • colonialnoun adj«
  • dakarnoun«
  • phrasebooknoun«
  • rommelnoun«
  • totaledverb adj«
  • northernnoun adj«
  • abstainedverb«
  • portuguesenoun adj«
  • senegalnoun«
  • sthnoun«
  • teemsverb«
  • hamiticnoun«
  • livrenoun«
  • afflictingverb«
  • suffersverb«
  • reconqueringverb«
  • emergentadj«
  • privatizingverb«
  • yearbooknoun«
  • weetnoun«
  • eastwardsnoun adv«
  • equinoctialnoun adj«
  • underwentverb«
  • confrontsverb«
  • savannanoun«
  • urbanizingverb«
  • aboundsverb«
  • birdienoun verb«
  • uninhabitableadj«
  • civilizingverb«
  • ecosocnoun«
  • southeastnoun adj adv«
  • starvesverb«
  • animistnoun adj«
  • hararenoun«
  • romanticizingverb«
  • escalatedverb«
  • plunderingnoun verb adj«
  • somalianoun«
  • contemporarynoun adj«
  • seychellesnoun«
  • muhammedannoun«
  • upwellingverb«
  • farawayadj«
  • abidjannoun«
  • liberateverb«
  • unboundverb adj«
  • negroidnoun adj«
  • windhoeknoun«
  • femmesnoun«
  • togonoun«
  • savannahsnoun«
  • cookbooknoun«
  • depopulatedverb adj«
  • laggedverb«
  • correspondentnoun adj«
  • alphabeticaladj«
  • squadronnoun«
  • populatingverb«
  • asianoun«
  • borderingverb«
  • wildestadj«
  • decolonizationnoun«
  • motherlandnoun«
  • liberianoun«
  • whitestadj«
  • consortiumnoun«
  • invadesverb«
  • emailnoun verb«
  • devastateverb«
  • institutenoun verb«
  • arannoun«
  • medalnoun«
  • westernnoun adj«
  • cotenoun«
  • uncivilisedadj«
  • bureaunoun«
  • desolatedverb«
  • nigerianoun«
  • westernizedverb«
  • engulfingverb«
  • zairenoun«
  • belgiannoun adj«
  • dummynoun verb adj«
  • invadeverb«
  • camerounnoun«
  • mainlandnoun«
  • novanoun«
  • bisectsverb«
  • posesnoun verb«
  • christianizedverb«
  • insightnoun«
  • blessverb«
  • owesverb«
  • punicnoun adj«
  • addisnoun«
  • maghrebnoun«
  • inhabitingverb«
  • rebornadj«
  • invadedverb«
  • regionnoun«
  • redeemverb«
  • malinoun«
  • romanticizedverb«
  • comprisesverb«
  • blackestadj«
  • lacksnoun verb«
  • fashioningnoun verb«
  • competitivenessnoun«
  • untamedadj«
  • fetenoun verb«
  • touringverb«
  • randnoun«
  • modernizeverb«
  • attestsverb«
  • unlockingverb«
  • belongsverb«
  • aridadj«
  • predateverb«
  • ravagedverb adj«
  • embassynoun«
  • tribaladj«
  • exemplifiesverb«
  • throughoutadv«
  • inventingverb«
  • explodesverb«
  • hernnoun«
  • p.o.noun«
  • rwandanoun«
  • ravagenoun verb«
  • zanzibarnoun«
  • continentaladj«
  • diasporanoun«
  • subjugateverb«
  • vasconoun«
  • byzantinenoun adj«
  • northwardsnoun adv«
  • blacknoun verb adj«
  • watchersnoun«
  • wistnoun«
  • carthaginiannoun adj«
  • accountedverb«
  • riddingverb«
  • ltd.noun«
  • savagenoun verb adj«
  • via«
  • southwardsnoun adv«
  • inhabitsverb«
  • faredverb«
  • recollectingverb«
  • celebratesverb«
  • tanganyikanoun«
  • presbyteriannoun«
  • rethinkingverb«
  • seminarnoun«
  • torridadj«
  • digestnoun verb«
  • roundingnoun verb«
  • congonoun«
  • commonwealthnoun«
  • editedverb adj«
  • ruraladj«
  • libyanoun«
  • crisscrossedverb adj«
  • withdrewverb«
  • mamanoun«
  • vestnoun verb«
  • tropenoun«
  • morocconoun«
  • deepestadj«
  • breweriesnoun«
  • afflictsverb«
  • telecomnoun«
  • afflictverb«
  • cowrienoun«
  • unexploredadj«
  • continuesverb«
  • northernmostadj«
  • watchnoun verb«
  • corpsnoun«
  • hmsnoun«
  • conjuresverb«
  • inhabitverb«
  • regionaladj«
  • rehabilitatingverb«
  • forumnoun«
  • brightestadj«
  • canadnoun«
  • exploitingverb«
  • overlandadj«
  • mungo«
  • remakingnoun verb«
  • companynoun verb«
  • modemnoun«
  • evangelisticadj«
  • islamicadj«
  • betrayedverb«
  • bbcnoun«
  • chadnoun«
  • confrontingverb«
  • encompassesverb«
  • roamedverb«
  • screamsnoun verb«
  • initiativenoun adj«
  • muslimnoun adj«
  • dancesnoun verb«
  • bypassedverb«
  • spendsverb«
  • uncivilizedadj«
  • bansnoun verb«
  • argusnoun«
  • possessesnoun verb«
  • mythicaladj«
  • westernmostadj«
  • conferencenoun«
  • besettingverb«
  • picnoun«
  • conquerverb«
  • airwaysnoun«
  • facingnoun verb«
  • dossiernoun«
  • narratingverb«
  • withdrawsverb«
  • prehistoricadj«
  • savannasnoun«
  • liberatingverb«
  • underscoresnoun verb«
  • heathennoun adj«
  • imaginingverb«
  • exportedverb«
  • speakingnoun verb adj«
  • embarksverb«
  • regenerateverb adj«
  • enjoysverb«
  • unifyverb«
  • summitnoun verb«
  • invadingverb adj«
  • convergedverb«
  • occupiesverb«
  • mediterraneannoun adj«
  • beckonsverb«
  • partitioningnoun verb«
  • plummetedverb«
  • publicationsnoun«
  • sometimeadj adv«
  • redeemingverb adj«
  • intensifiedverb adj«
  • visitedverb«
  • capenoun«
  • modernizingverb«
  • deterioratedverb«
  • facesnoun verb«
  • outsidenoun adj adv«
  • jutsnoun verb«
  • independentnoun adj«
  • nairobinoun«
  • plaguedverb«
  • quarterlynoun adj adv«
  • subjugatedverb adj«
  • surinamenoun«
  • traditionaladj«
  • amountedverb«
  • reclaimverb«
  • ngonoun«
  • exploringverb«
  • swahilinoun«
  • rediscoververb«
  • tripledverb«
  • modernnoun adj«
  • rebelledverb«
  • rehabilitateverb«
  • demonstratesverb«
  • ancestraladj«
  • siftedverb«
  • portrayverb«
  • cameroonsnoun«
  • clandestinelyadv«
  • coastedverb«
  • peakedverb adj«
  • unspoiledadj«
  • teemedverb«
  • moslemnoun adj«
  • bahrainnoun«
  • reportnoun verb«
  • colanoun«
  • onlineadj«
  • mythicadj«

loomed, transforming, racialism, taliban, retaliated, wast, craton, vanishing, sub, berber, recovery, afr, sri, impoverished, adorned, pagan, dismantled, pleistocene, sparked, millennium, africa, mohammedan, ranked, visiting, pavilion, wert, eastward, ethiopian, inhabited, reversing, caribbean, urban, cassava, remains, conquering, bloemfontein, linking, ssa, subjugating, participates, roman, bordered, colonialist, stemmed, atlantic, militarily, fluctuated, reconstructing, campaign, portraying, worsened, ancient, isbn, emerging, dahomey, exploit, zulu, penetrated, dominates, depended, separates, meets, twixt, medallions, relegate, ibadan, propel, sorghum, idealize, prides, sudanese, undermined, partnership, impinged, engulfed, circa, aiding, kalahari, populate, epitomizes, immanuel, declined, conquered, counts, malaria, timeless, exemplify, remake, rejoined, sweeping, unilaterally, toward, benefited, browed, waned, coastal, typifies, pliocene, during, redeemed, spain, devastated, news, reclaiming, recognises, emancipate, syndicate, arab, reveals, barbaric, opted, emerged, experienced, remotest, subscribes, miocene, offers, liberated, urgently, continents, beckoned, pan, consumes, reforming, chartered, towards, witnessed, cis, lacked, explore, remained, multilingual, diplomatically, reshape, defies, appropriates, illustrates, faso, thailand, robbing, welcomes, marginalized, entrapped, scipio, aflame, dominate, rugby, portrays, antedates, whither, aids, french, malagasy, integrate, achebe, latin, depict, speaks, peopled, differed, ruled, ratified, settler, attest, revisit, excluding, indigenous, ablaze, subduing, intervened, around, theological, prosperous, needs, plundered, participated, notably, produces, inner, sings, vis, rhodesia, stricken, became, index, differs, lies, conserving, embarked, integrating, ines, stretches, wins, uniting, itself, divides, necessitates, pam, multidisciplinary, overran, competed, primeval, sanctions, emancipating, averaged, h.m.s., corroborates, revisiting, relies, australia, brandenburg, subcommittees, idyllic, magazine, constitutes, primitive, abstract, enslaved, comprised, tropic, underlines, changing, dates, resolving, alone, leaving, internationalized, egypt, divide, revolves, british, mandela, moorish, reinsurance, penetrate, usa, hiv, hating, abstaining, denatured, programme, partition, migrated, explored, presents, newsletter, independence, unite, robbed, colonialism, transform, ensured, depicting, contributes, grew, rounded, prior, ridden, conciliation, regenerating, capitulated, unified, division, pristine, banned, exacerbate, survive, reflects, separating, attracts, feminist, harbored, crossed, interacted, within, centered, quos, tended, recreate, began, exporting, receives, engulf, diverged, rescuing, raided, developing, suggests, quintessential, remembered, multiracial, receded, untrodden, economically, tackling, stretching, idealized, awaits, united, geographically, suffered, connects, necessitated, royal, fund, exploited, evangelical, exotic, consisted, coasting, internationally, representing, discovers, beloved, provides, periodicals, constituted, middle, cooperation, freeing, diary, dating, interior, bolstered, ocean, faced, symbolizes, looms, europe, derives, elude, niger, affecting, african, lepidus, merges, revolved, accelerate, languished, leave, world, deserves, mother, comprising, round, belonged, humid, stands, undeveloped, bulges, posits, resulted, enslave, highlights, spanned, argentina, envision, continent, launched, tobago, collapsed, enslaving, emerges, visit, illuminates, including, surrendered, barbarous, desertification, covering, contributed, wild, succumbed, native, afrikaner, dividing, publishing, helping, thrived, redefine, accra, trans, oriental, phantom, leprosy, uncharted, dwindled, century, mandate, traversed, evokes, traverse, kills, discovering, update, connecting, aspires, traversing, confirms, spanning, brazzaville, inside, unesco, strengthening, currently, postwar, lagging, save, mission, empower, wildlife, between, competes, situate, seethed, revolted, northward, battleship, posed, extricate, inherited, concerning, testifies, scorching, hypothesis, rebuild, foundered, games, depriving, represents, hast, unveiled, america, adopts, desolating, presaged, uplift, reportedly, gained, decimated, shrank, specialist, conquers, raises, originated, undermine, joins, medieval, kampala, studying, trembles, overrun, functioned, telex, website, crossing, coincides, basel, rallied, strengthen, rice, pillage, yearly, bicycle, abounded, industrializing, emphasises, downtrodden, furnishes, aboard, threatens, movement, lowland, desk, dell, maize, pastoral, prompted, elevate, begins, trip, over, foundation, rebuilding, ashanti, regarding, rifles, insular, policy, reached, federation, consultants, brazil, fao, sponsored, dubbed, starving, sweden, dependencies, police,

imagined, transvaal, crippling, pioneered, regards, centre, uplifting, comprise, desmond, boasted, ical, relied, portrayed, compares, posit, focuses, swept, aedes, rid, ranks, assisting, exhibits, roaming, tour, titled, until, left, tourism, feudal, peoples, embodying, embattled, overtaking, solidarity, abound, sunny, tends, attracted, trebled, depicts, kenyatta, characterise, canary, afflicted, undertakes, registered, forested, recedes, explaining, compared, texaco, westwards, unicef, culminated, afghanistan, misunderstood, remembering, consulate, solve, spawned, generally, bibliography, plague, ended, symbolize, lasted, someday, primordial, fulani, tota, responded, authentic, drought, beyond, reinforces, vichy, evolved, enable, tend, dominated, led, addressing, privatization, quit, prospered, reshaping, rests, visits, entered, earns, regenerated, excepted, modernized, fell, italian, venezuela, lightest, desperately, torn, canada, owed, epic, targeting, continued, savannah, versus, characterizes, includes, awakening, reacted, hosting, enhance, preyed, persisted, divided, skirting, cooperated, est, tours, imaginary, shows, ending, indicates, journal, series, penetrating, department, forgetting, extends, assist, seeks, unlike, project, german, research, gripped, nus, crosses, map, pacified, republic, emancipated, resembles, alleviating, lutheran, distant, convened, restoring, kruger, befell, permanently, confront, holds, shaping, boer, celebrating, scored, renamed, paralleled, global, monsoon, leone, populated, technical, overtake, consists, ost, showed, haunt, uppsala, roam, respectively, subgroup, combined, urbanized, sierra, characterize, signed, saving, expedition, loved, exports, wrest, bears, undermining, supplied, through, loses, reaching, nowadays, viewed, generates, managing, heralded, infiltrating, impacted, bleeding, malaysia, especially, include, bout, embraces, viewing, highlighted, worldwide, played, skirted, entailed, devastating, deepened, references, insights, new, shortly, surpass, hovers, biodiversity, seeing, arguably, except, specialists, encircle, diagnosed, offshore, refused, ambiguous, requires, tackle, before, raiding, undertook, dark, won, pillaged, evacuate, under, showing, reach, gandhi, tor, appears, reporting, docked, socialist, act, symbolizing, nyasaland, unitary, joined, hemisphere, opens, invoking, cambridge, museum, researching, proclaiming, erupted, governing, accounts, swarthy, reconsidered, del, alongside, encompassing, contains, quadrupled, preparing, covers, help, crumbled, struggled, sees, retains, alleviate, manifests, evoke, yielded, berlin, broadcasting, celebrate, adopted, free, development, provoked, represent, constitute, degraded, bushmen, imperial, mining, both, gdp, ignore, flourished, disintegrated, excludes, resembled, recovers, discussing, occurred, destroying, featured, plunder, leadership, improving, trade, 1990s, excels, importing, affords, surrounding, someplace, particularly, colonization, dominating, colombia, pacific, spec, affects, increased, entering, committee, embracing, investments, tanker, strives, mysterious, depends, abandon, suggest, affected, signaled, customs, cup, draining, acacia, beset, unfolded, threatening, mobile, stems, remoter, helped, unknown, lobby, 170, memoir, exclude, governance, 145, underscored, reconstruct, loves, proved, ussr, qualifies, recapture, came, restore, geographic, 190, finds, rob, xli, real, meant, abandoning, maintains, oppressed, saudi, subdue, achieves, regions, thrives, affect, fares, homeland, despite, embrace, disrupted, enhancing, islam, develop, freed, literate, fulfils, bringing, antedated, governed, collections, whereby, elevating, supports, 155, cocoa, total, belong, hit, harbours, solving, announces, rescue, liberation, departed, expanded, depicted, drifted, old, seems, guinea, afro, movements, coordinating, untouched, rose, jennifer, switzerland, govern, started, nearby, officially, whereas, possessed, despised, irrespective, countries, unchanging, traverses, shifted, farthest, aboriginal, seemed, examines, averages, relegated, trinidad, infested, soared, locate, voted, infiltrate, fueled, benefiting, astride, perpetuate, boycott, financing, enjoyed, comes, mapping, contrasts, quitting, bangladesh, temperate, handbook, hopeless, defied, transformed, flowed, 175, bulletin, comprehensive, see, becomes, ignores, specifically, archaeology, devalued, resolve, outnumbered, 165, tomorrow, nile, ranged, understanding, historically, encompassed, preaches, overspread, anymore, exacerbated, ceased, sou, ivory, glorified, offered, circled, rally, 103, prize, indicate, 135, rested, injured, signalled, carve, reaffirmed, introducing, annually, swedish,

southward, assailed, embraced, interpreting, constitution, looks, putting, announced, 239, initiated, subdued, vol, maps, exhibit, onto, describing, uruguay, 137, provided, pacify, u.s.a., 106, witwatersrand, yemen, albania, overcoming, extending, infiltrated, lends, subvert, aimed, winning, represented, primal, transplanted, quitted, herald, failed, denying, workshop, understand, included, although, arose, build, fits, swart, operates, envisioned, boosted, victorian, agriculture, defend, dept, 113, introduction, adjusted, fights, linked, exceeded, 107, unity, bank, placing, cross, continue, treat, organised, weft, crippled, imported, remembers, differ, conforms, heritage, revival, 115, appeared, along, famine, hate, illustrate, 116, survived, unites, aga, converting, keywords, presenting, 102, algiers, 109, reveal, reaches, hosts, 108, took, database, 238, entitled, pursues, focused, network, suffer, 125, relates, chose, penetrates, remain, spans, facilitated, invented, resisted, travel, harbors, astern, infrastructure, enters, incorporate, media, 130, secretariat, channel, imposes, radio, traded, 180, received, 114, groundnuts, christian, altogether, wrested, unscathed, performing, chile, blaming, feed, ushered, saw, oman, reducing, revealed, connect, compiled, industrialized, 105, serves, 144, unifying, atlas, foreword, intends, considers, grows, phoenician, cio, synod, joining, rep, keeping, triggered, spanish, survey, aluminium, moves, 140, produced, classical, livingstone, neglecting, imports, habitat, evolves, 160, ian, revive, no., fragmented, surpassed, 1960s, correspondents, surround, mattered, farm, gets, called, exterminated, income, nigel, 235, ismail, enter, convert, trekking, encircling, purports, isolate, combines, zealand, africans, lift, renewal, mention, hinged, 1980s, created, 101, falls, 112, campaigns, abolishes, harness, fostered, betraying, originates, glorify, leaves, command, remote, turkey, namely, agreed, conserve, recognizes, needed, highlight, hinges, mussulman, outnumber, subjecting, claim, respecting, refuses, describe, persists, beneath, without, denies, regained, para, neglected, struggles, tame, threatened, perceive, appealed, weaken, politically, http, promote, ecuador, reminds, writing, satyagraha, link, reflect, hottest, pilot, encounter, refugee, inter, indonesia, barbarian, proves, enabling, doubled, challenges, migrate, economies, gave, backward, omitting, mohammedanism, upon, forever, preserve, held, experiencing, developed, 277, ukraine, flooded, fighting, 104, amongst, launch, frontier, against, enabled, occupied, flocked, meridional, cretaceous, numbered, inhospitable, mainly, precambrian, corporation, mirrors, influencing, sought, 120, goes, e.g., rainfall, ignored, cyprus, u.s., fought, routinely, consider, faded, blame, sandra, retained, arabic, lay, improve, somewhere, little, achieved, day, nay, draws, approaching, claimed, explain, invites, 366, economic, sultry, stalled, discusses, welcomed, occupying, moved, deprived, demonstrate,

You can’t really describe Africa without talking about the animals, the beautiful sunsets and sunrises, the lush green landscape during the rainy seasons, the sweeping savannas, the pure gorgeousness of it all. … Africa has the friendliest people, always with smiles to greet you and a kind word.

What words describe Africa?

Here are some adjectives for africa: french equatorial, british central, western equatorial, coastal, western, senegal western, floor-to-ceiling deepest, portuguese southern, central equatorial, equatorial and southern, eastern equatorial, central inter-tropical, yellow hot, captive thorough, belgian, italian and …

How would I describe Africa?

Africa is sometimes nicknamed the “Mother Continent” due to its being the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Humans and human ancestors have lived in Africa for more than 5 million years. Africa, the second-largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.

What is Africa known for?

Africa is known for Mount Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls, Nile river, and game reserves such as the Maasai Mara and Serengeti. Africa is also famous for its diverse ethnic groups, Egyptian Pyramids, the Sahara Desert, Mining, and for being the second driest, and the poorest continent in the world.

What are 5 facts about Africa?


What is unique about Africa?

Africa is the world’s hottest continent with deserts and drylands covering 60% of land surface area (e.g. Kalahari, Sahara and Namib). Africa is the world’s second driest continent (after Australia). Africa has approximately 30% of the earth’s remaining mineral resources.

How do you say hello in Africa?

South Africa

  1. Zulu: Sawubona (Hello)
  2. Xhosa: Molo (Hello)
  3. Afrikaans: Hallo (Hello)
  4. English: Hello.


How old is Africa?

The oldest formed about 3.4 billion years ago, the second some 3 to 2.9 billion years ago, and the third some 2.7 to 2.6 billion years ago. Some of the oldest traces of life are preserved as unicellular algae in Precambrian cherts of the Barberton greenstone belt in the Transvaal region of South Africa.

What is the beauty of Africa?

Africa is home to vast deserts, tropical rain forests, rugged mountains, and fertile grasslands. It’s abundance in these is unsurpassed in any other continent. Another beautiful sight in this immense continent are Mount Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria.

What is the capital of Africa?

The least populous capital city in Africa is Maseru in Lesotho, with a population of 14,000. The least populous capital city in Africa is Maseru in Lesotho, with a population of 14,000.

Zimbabwe – Harare.

Country Capital
Seychelles Victoria
Sierra Leone Freetown
Somalia Mogadishu
South Africa Pretoria

Why is Africa so beautiful?

Africa is famous for its beautiful sights and cities, unsurpassed natural wonders, dramatic coastline, amazing wildlife, luscious forests and unforgettable architecture. The continent has a unique culture and heritage and it is full of unbelievably wide-ranging and beautiful places to visit.

What food is Africa famous for?

15 of Africa’s favorite dishes

  • Pap en vleis/Shisa nyama, South Africa. Feast your eyes on these succulent steaks. …
  • Piri piri chicken, Mozambique. Stop. …
  • Jollof rice and egusi soup, Nigeria. …
  • Bunny chow, South Africa. …
  • Kapenta with sadza, Zimbabwe. …
  • Chambo with nsima, Malawi. …
  • Namibian venison, Namibia. …
  • Muamba de Galinha, Angola.


Is Africa a rich or poor country?

Africa is considered the poorest continent on Earth. Almost every second person living in the states of sub-Saharan Africa lives below the poverty line. Particularly affected by poverty in Africa are the weakest members of society, their children and women.

Who Found Africa?

European exploration of Sub-Saharan Africa begins with the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, pioneered by the Kingdom of Portugal under Henry the Navigator.

What do Africans call Africa?

Alkebu-lan “mother of mankind” or “garden of eden” This is the real and true Africa feeling. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians.

Who named Africa?

Some believe that the word “Africa” came from the Romans, who named the land they discovered on the opposite side of the Mediterranean after a Berber tribe living in the Carthage area (now modern-day Tunisia). Different sources give different versions of the tribe’s name, but the most popular is Afri.

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