Describe your university in one word

my university текст на английском

«My University» (мой университет) — одна из типичный тем сочинений, топиков по английскому языку. Здесь вы найдете текст об университете на английском языке с переводом и аудио, а также список полезных слов из текста. Сначала идет вариант «текст + аудио», ниже — «текст + перевод». Возможно, вам также будут интересны статьи:

  • «School» — слова на тему школы на английском.
  • Education in the UK — текст на английском об образовании в Великобритании.

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Choosing a higher education path is always hard. You need to make sure that you study something you like and you really want to make a career in this field. I am going to tell you about my university, and why I chose it.

Right now, I am studying Business Administration and Management program at the faculty of Economics. It lasts for 3 years, and when I finish it I will get a bachelor’s degree. After that, I am planning to apply for a master’s degree which is 2 more years. I study for this degree at the University of Pecs. It is a huge University with many campuses and dormitories. I am not a freshman; I am a sophomore. That is why I already know a lot of things about higher education. At the beginning of each semester, you have to enroll in your course. After that you register for the compulsory and optional subjects. You can choose from a great number of elective courses. You can do absolutely anything from yoga to programming If you choose to. After you finish your studies, you can calculate your GPA, it is the average of your marks during the semester. If you have it above 4, you can apply for different scholarships and grants.

Studying at the university is so much fun because you meet a lot of unique people. But do not think it is easy. Only the best graduates receive jobs at international companies, so take your time and study hard. During your education, it is a good idea to apply for different internships to get some valuable experience.

Overall, university is a nice place to be in, and I hope you will get to your dream university, and after that you will get your dream job.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. My University — Мой университет

Это тот же текст на тему «My University» плюс перевод.

Текст на английском Перевод
Choosing a higher education path is always hard. Выбирать высшее образование всегда трудно.
You need to make sure that you study something you like, and you really want to make a career in this field. Вам нужно убедиться в том, что вы изучаете что-то, что вам нравится, и вы действительно хотите делать карьеру в этой области.
I am going to tell you about my university, and why I chose it. Я расскажу вам о моем университете и о том, почему я его выбрал.
Right now, I am studying Business Administration and Management program at the faculty of Economics. Прямо сейчас я изучаю бизнес-администрирование и менеджмент на факультете экономики.
It lasts for 3 years, and when I finish it I will get a bachelor’s degree. Курс длится три года, и когда я закончу его, я получу степень бакалавра.
After that, I am planning to apply for a master’s degree which is 2 more years. После этого я планирую подать заявление на получение степени магистра — это еще два года.
I study for this degree at the University of Pecs. Я учусь для получения этой степени в Печском университете (прим.: в Венгрии).
It is a huge University with many campuses and dormitories. Это огромный университет с множеством кампусов и общежитий.
I am not a freshman; I am a sophomore. Я не первокурсник, я учусь на втором курсе.
That is why I already know a lot of things about higher education. Вот почему я уже знаю многое о высшем образовании.
At the beginning of each semester, you have to enroll in your course. В начале каждого семестра вам нужно поступить на ваш курс (начать обучение).
After that you register for the compulsory and optional subjects. После этого вы регистрируйтесь на обязательных и выборочных предметах.
You can choose from a great number of elective courses. Вы можете выбрать из большого числа факультативных курсов.
You can do absolutely anything from yoga to programming If you choose to. Вы можете заниматься совершенно чем угодно, от йоги до программирования, если таким будет ваш выбор.
After you finish your studies, you can calculate your GPA, it is the average of your marks during the semester. После завершения учебы, вы можете подсчитать свой GPA — это средняя оценка в течение семестра.
If you have it above 4, you can apply for different scholarships and grants. Если она выше 4, вы можете подать заявление на получение различных стипендий и грантов.
Studying at the university is so much fun because you meet a lot of unique people. Учиться в университете — очень весело, потому что знакомишься с множеством уникальных людей.
But do not think it is easy. Но не думайте, что это просто.
Only the best graduates receive jobs at international companies, so take your time and study hard. Только лучшие выпускники получают работу в международных компаниях, так что не спешите и учитесь хорошо.
During your education, it is a good idea to apply for different internships to get some valuable experience. Во время учебы, было бы  неплохой идеей поучаствовать в различных стажировках, чтобы получить ценный опыт.
Overall, university is a nice place to be in, and I hope you will get to your dream university, and after that you will get your dream job. В целом, университет — это хорошее место, и я надеюсь, что вы поступите в ваш университет мечты, а после этого найдете работу мечты.

Полезные слова:

  • higher education – высшее образование
  • to make a career – делать карьеру
  • faculty – факультет
  • bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра
  • master’s degree – степень магистра
  • dormitory (сокр. dorm) – общежитие
  • freshman – первокурсник
  • sophomore – второкурсник
  • semester – семестр
  • to enroll in the course – учиться на курсе (изучать какой-то предмет)
  • compulsory – обязательный
  • optional – необязательный, опциональный
  • elective course – факультативный курс
  • scholarship – стипендия (частичное или полное финансирование учебы)
  • to graduate from – заканчивать (учебное заведение), выпускаться
  • graduate (разг. grad) – выпускник
  • internship – стажировка
  • dream job – работа мечты


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I chose University of Buckingham because the facilities provided there are second to none and I liked the approach the university takes regarding my course. While researching my options for universities, I joined several forums on social media and other websites, and I was recommended this university almost unanimously. I happen to know a friend of mine who lives in London and she personally endorsed their medicine programme as a few of her own family members have graduated from there.
While browsing the university’s website, I was impressed with the facilities and the GMC accreditation and the Gold award in TEF. The faculty is evidently well qualified and well experienced, and it would be a delight to study under them. I would consider myself highly privileged if I got the chance to study here and I am quite confident I will give my best in becoming a rising star of my batch.
I got attracted towards medicine largely owing to my aunt. She is an anesthesiologist in Pakistan. Before coming to Riyadh, we were very close, and I would spend too much time in her study room and her library. I loved being surrounded by shelves full of medical books and the medical equipment. I believe that is how I fell in love with medicine.
I think my desire to help people stemmed from me taking care of my younger sister from an early age. Consequently, I grew up, being almost a second mother for her and hence developed my inability to see suffering, be it in my sister or others.
My aunt once suggested me to become a doctor. Although I did not give it much thought at that time, her remark stuck with me over the years and I started to seriously ponder over it. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of pursuing medicine as a career path. Perhaps the greatest part of being a doctor is when you save someone’s life. I used to read stories about how tedious and grueling an operation would be and how doctors would spend long hours in the O. R. but if they were able to save their patient’s life, there is an indescribable catharsis, intensified by breaking the good news to the family. I have long cherished a wish to experience that feeling myself. Being a doctor aligns perfectly with my long-term career goals.
Although I wanted to be a doctor, my passion is baking. My mother would always designate the task of preparing desserts to me.
I would spend hours deciding the ingredients and the quantity needed for the dish. I would meticulously decorate the dish. I remember once when I was baking a cake for a party of 10 people. I had planned to bake a 3-pound cake, but my sister wanted me to bake a 5-pound cake because she thought it would be insufficient. I disagreed as I thought the richness of the cake would compensate the amount. As it turned out, I was right and not only was my cake a huge success, but we also had some leftover cake.
My whole experience with baking made me realise that I was quite a detail orientated person and I expected perfection from myself. Coupled with my innate desire to help people, I realised MBBS would be an ideal career path for me.
Growing up I would never miss an episode of Grey’s Anatomy and House M. D. Although I hardly understand the medical terms they used, I was engrossed in their whole world. I would google what diseases they were talking of and I would cross check their accuracy.
If I got the opportunity to pursue my desired career path in medicine, I would first go for the Certificate in Medical Foundation Studies (1 year) programme in order to establish a thorough understanding of the fundamentals. Once I have cleared this programme, I would enroll myself in the MB CHB Medicine programme which has a duration of 4. 5 years. Following this, I would then be able to fully devote myself to my ultimate career choice, i. e to study in the Master of Surgery (MSurg) programme, which is of 2 years. The road ahead is, admittedly, an unimaginably daunting one yet I firmly believe that I would not only be able to keep up with the coursework but also revel in it and come out of it, shining with success.
I have chosen this particular direction because I have always wanted to be a Cardio surgeon. If I were asked why I specifically want to be a Cardio surgeon, I would not be able to give a proper answer. Perhaps it is because I have always been fascinated with the internal mechanisms and the workings of heart which is, as we all know, one of the most vital organs of the body. Yet, out of all organs, heart has always exerted a mysterious pull on me. I have always been intrigued by its poetic mysteries and the knowledge that I would be able to literally save someone’s life resonates deeply with me. It was in Grade 6 that I first encountered the Heart as a subject in my academics and needless to say, I devoured that chapter with my eyes until I had learned everything by heart (ironically)
I mentioned that I would be ready to face the challenges head on because I am quite passionate about this field. I hope to attain a deep understanding of even the minutest workings of the body, and I hope to develop my instinct, through a combination of vast knowledge and experience, to correctly diagnose and come up with a proper solution to problems. Going through all the curriculums of the Medical programmes, I saw that my goals were closely aligned with the curriculum of MB CHB programme in particular.
My exposure to medical books has been limited to my schoolbooks yet I made certain that I would never forget what I had learnt.
I dearly hope to get the opportunity to study in University of Buckingham and become a doctor. It is my dream to see my parents being proud, beyond comprehension, of me. I understand that I have a long and arduous road ahead, yet I am mentally prepared to overcome all challenges and obstacles that are thrown across my path and emerge victorious. If I am able to achieve my goals, I am quite certain that I would ace in my field and be an example for my family and others to follow, and strictly adhering to my values.

I chose

of Buckingham

the facilities provided there are second to none and I liked the approach the

takes regarding my course. While researching my options for

, I

several forums on social media and other websites, and I

was recommended




. I happen to know a friend of mine who




endorsed their

as a few of her

family members have graduated from there.

While browsing the

website, I

was impressed

with the facilities and the GMC accreditation and the Gold award in TEF. The faculty is


well qualified and well experienced, and it would be a delight to

under them. I would consider myself


privileged if I

the chance to

I am

confident I will give my best in becoming a rising star of my batch.


attracted towards


owing to my aunt. She is an anesthesiologist in Pakistan.

coming to Riyadh, we were

close, and I would spend too much time in her

room and her library. I

being surrounded

by shelves full of

books and the

equipment. I believe

that is

how I fell in

with medicine.

my desire to

stemmed from me taking care of my younger sister from an early age.


, I grew up, being almost a second mother for her and


developed my inability to

suffering, be it in my sister or others.

My aunt once suggested me to become a

. Although I did not give it much

at that time, her remark stuck with me over the years and I



ponder over it. The more I

about it, the more I liked the

of pursuing

as a

. Perhaps the greatest part of being a

is when you save someone’s life. I

to read stories about how tedious and grueling an operation would be and how

would spend long hours in the O. R.

if they were

to save their patient’s life, there is an indescribable catharsis, intensified by breaking the

news to the family. I have long cherished a wish to experience that feeling myself. Being a



with my long-term


Although I wanted to be a

, my passion is baking. My mother would always designate the task of preparing desserts to me.

I would spend hours deciding the ingredients and the quantity needed for the dish. I would


decorate the dish.

remember once when I was baking a

for a party of 10


had planned to bake a 3-pound


my sister wanted me to bake a 5-pound


it would be insufficient.

disagreed as I

the richness of the

would compensate the amount. As it turned out, I was right and not

was my

a huge success,




leftover cake.

My whole experience with baking made me

that I was

a detail orientated person and I

perfection from myself. Coupled with my innate desire to

, I

would be an ideal

for me.

Growing up I would never miss an episode of Grey’s Anatomy and

M. D. Although I hardly understand the

terms they

, I

was engrossed

in their whole world. I would google what diseases they were talking of and I would cross

their accuracy.

If I

the opportunity to pursue my desired


, I would


go for the Certificate in



in order to establish a thorough understanding of the fundamentals. Once I have cleared this

, I would enroll myself in the MB CHB

which has a duration of 4. 5 years. Following this, I would then be



devote myself to my ultimate

choice, i. e to

in the Master of Surgery (


, which is of 2 years. The road ahead is,


, an


daunting one



believe that I would not



up with the coursework


revel in it and

out of it, shining with success.

I have chosen this particular direction

I have always wanted to be a Cardio surgeon. If I

were asked

why I


want to be a Cardio surgeon, I would not be

to give a proper answer. Perhaps it is

I have always

been fascinated

with the internal mechanisms and the workings of

which is, as we all know, one of the most vital organs of the body.

, out of all organs,

has always exerted a mysterious pull on me. I have always

been intrigued

by its poetic mysteries and the knowledge that I would be



save someone’s life resonates


with me. It was in Grade 6 that I


encountered the

as a subject in my academics and needless to say, I devoured that chapter with my eyes until I had learned everything by




I mentioned that I would be ready to face the challenges head on

I am

passionate about this field. I hope to attain a deep understanding of even the minutest workings of the body, and I hope to develop my instinct, through a combination of vast knowledge and experience, to


diagnose and

up with a proper solution to problems. Going through all the curriculums of the

, I

that my goals were


aligned with the curriculum of MB CHB

in particular


My exposure to

books has

been limited

to my schoolbooks

I made certain that I would never forget what I had




hope to

the opportunity to


of Buckingham and become a

. It is my dream to

my parents being proud, beyond comprehension, of me. I understand that I have a long and arduous road ahead,

I am mentally prepared to overcome all challenges and obstacles that

are thrown

across my

and emerge victorious. If I am

to achieve my goals, I am

certain that I would ace in my field and be an example for my family

to follow, and


adhering to my values.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Мой университет/ My University с переводом на русский язык.

My University Мой университет
My name is Alexey Ushakov. I’m 18 years old. I would like to say some words about my university. I live and study in Krasnodar. It is a large city in the southern Russia. It is located on the Kuban River and is the administrative center of Krasnodar region. Меня зовут Алексей Ушаков. Мне 18 лет. Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о своем университете. Я живу и учусь в Краснодаре. Это большой город на юге России. Он расположен на реке Кубань и является административным центром Краснодарского края.
There are many universities and colleges in Krasnodar and the city is full of students. However, I chose to study in one of the biggest universities in the city, the Kuban State University. My branch is philology and I’m going to become a teacher of foreign languages. KubSU was founded in September 1920. Since then it has trained over 100,000 specialists, including a large number of foreign students. In 1994 KubSU was ranked by the Russian government as one of the leading institutions of higher education in the country. В Краснодаре есть много университетов и колледжей и город полон студентов. Тем не менее, я решил учиться в одном из крупнейших университетов города, Кубанском государственном университете. Моя отрасль филология и я собираюсь стать учителем иностранных языков. КубГУ был создан в сентябре 1920 года. С тех пор он подготовил более 100 тысяч специалистов, в том числе и большое количество иностранных студентов. В 1994 году КубГУ был награжден правительством России как одно из ведущих высших учебных заведений в стране.
I am currently a student of this university and I’m proud of it. I know that many teenagers dream of studying here but the entrance exams are not easy. В настоящее время я студент этого университета, и горжусь этим. Я знаю, что многие подростки мечтают обучаться здесь, но вступительные экзамены не из легких.
I had to study hard to become a student of this university. At the moment, I’m also a member of Student Union Committee and I take active part in everyday student life. Our Committee is responsible for the improvement of student facilities, coordinating such student events as concerts, sport events, fund-raising activities, volunteer work, etc. Я усиленно учился, чтобы стать студентом этого университета. На данный момент, я также являюсь членом Комитета студенческого союза и принимаю активное участие в повседневной студенческой жизни. Наш комитет отвечает за улучшение условий для студентов, за координацию таких студенческих мероприятий, как концерты, спортивные мероприятия, мероприятия по сбору средств, волонтерская работа и т.д.
KubSU is also a member of the European and Eurasian University Associations. That’s why we often have international conferences held at the university. There are also frequent international programs based on educational exchange. Last year, for example, I had a chance to go to England as a member of such exchange but I still had a couple of exams to pass. So, I decided to postpone this opportunity. I hope I can participate in this program next year. КубГУ также является членом Европейской и Евразийской ассоциаций университетов. Вот почему у нас в университете часто проходят международные конференции. Существуют также частые международные программы, основанные на образовательном обмене. В прошлом году, например, у меня была возможность поехать в Англию в качестве участника такого обмена, но мне нужно было сдать ещё несколько экзаменов. Поэтому я решил отложить эту возможность. Надеюсь, что я смогу участвовать в этой программе в следующем году.

 I think everybody knows that education is necessary to be successful in our life. I would like to work in the field of physical culture and sports in future and to become a professional sportsman and a basketball coach. To get my profession I need a university graduation. So after finishing school I passed the entrance exams and entered Chuvash State Pedagogical University, the faculty of physical education. It will be a long course – five years of hard and constant studies: lectures, seminars, practical classes and test periods. The academic year lasts for 10 months and there are vacations twice a year: in winter and summer.  I feel proud of my faculty as among its graduates are the winners of many Olympic games and  the world champions.

 The University is very old, it was founded in 1930 in the centre of the capital of Chuvash Republic – Cheboksary city. It was named for the talented Chuvash teacher Ivan Yakovlev. The establishment has developed rapidly since then, now it has become one of the largest universities of Russia. Today it gives students an opportunity to choose higher and post-graduate educational programs for 42 professions. The education is provided by qualified specialists, professors and doctors. There are 12 full-time faculties at the University which enroll more than 6000 students.   There are the faculties of Music and Art, Foreign languages, Psychology, Science, History and Philology, Pre-school education and many others. The University includes 6 academic buildings with spacious classrooms, a modern library, a reading-room, well-equipped laboratories and workshops, computer rooms, gymnasiums and dining-rooms.

 I’m sure that studying at Chuvash State Pedagogical University will give me much knowledge, in theory and practice, and prepare me for effective and interesting work.



 Думаю, все знают, что образование необходимо для того, чтобы быть успешным в жизни. Я бы хотел работать в сфере физкультуры и спорта в будущем и стать профессиональным спортсменом и тренером по баскетболу. Для получения профессии мне нужно окончить университет. Поэтому после окончания школы я сдал вступительные экзамены и поступил в Чувашский Государственный Педагогический Университет, на факультет физического образования. Это будет длинный курс – пять лет усердной и постоянной учебы: лекций, семинаров, практических занятий и зачетных сессий. Академический год длится 10 месяцев, и дважды в году есть каникулы: зимой и летом. Я чувствую гордость за свой факультет, так как среди его выпускников есть победители многих Олимпийских игр и мировые чемпионы.

 Университет очень старый, он был основан в 1930 году в центре столицы Чувашской республики – города Чебоксары. Он был назван в честь талантливого чувашского учителя Ивана Яковлева. Учреждение быстро развивалось с тех пор, сейчас оно стало одним из крупнейших университетов России. Сегодня оно предоставляет студентам возможность выбрать высшие и послевузовские образовательные программы по 42 профессиям. Образование дают квалифицированные специалисты, профессора и доктора. В университете имеется 12 очных факультетов, на которые зачислено более 6000 студентов. Есть факультеты музыки и искусства, иностранных языков, психологии, науки, истории и филологии, дошкольного образования и многие другие. Университет состоит из 6 академических зданий с просторными классами, современной библиотекой, читальным залом, оборудованными лабораториями и мастерскими, компьютерными залами, спортзалами и столовыми.

 Я уверен, что обучение в ЧГПУ даст мне много знаний, в теории и практике, и подготовит меня к эффективной и интересной работе.


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