Describe your family in one word

Families can be a lot to handle, but you ultimately love them. Everyone’s family is different — what is yours like? Answer these questions to find out the one word that describes your family!


Question 1/10

Do you enjoy spending time with your family?



It depends on how they’re acting

Question 2/10

Are there many children in your family?

Question 3/10

How often do you go on trips with your family?


Once a year or so

Hardly ever

Question 4/10

How would you describe family holiday gatherings?

Loud and bustling

Everyone sits and talks together

Full of fun and excitement

Emotional reunions

Question 5/10

What do you say most to your family?

«I love you!»

«Oh my god, you’re ridiculous!»

«Tell me about your day.»

«First one to the car wins!»

Question 6/10

Where can you see your family going on vacation?

A house on a lake

On a cruise

On a safari

We go just about anywhere together

Question 7/10

Are you hesitant to bring a significant other to meet your family?

Yes, I avoid it

Not at all

It makes me nervous, but I do it

Question 8/10

Which activity do you most enjoy with your family?

Family game night

Going out to a casual dinner

Celebrating special events, like weddings

Question 9/10

Which TV family is yours most like?

The Bradys

The Cleavers

The Kardashians

Question 10/10

What do you value most in your family?

Their empathy

Their unique personalities

Their intelligence

The way they make me laugh

Рассказ о семье на английском идет следом за топиком «About Myself» в программе школьного образования.

Топик о семье на английском языке, сам по себе, не сложен, но, именно такие простые задания вызывают трудности в подборе по данной теме лексики, соответствующей возрастным особенностям и уровню владения английским языком.

Структура и словарь по теме семьи

Обычно топик строится по стандартной схеме:

  • сначала вы говорите общие слова о своей семье и ее составе;
  • потом рассказываете немного о себе, своих занятиях и увлечениях;
  • далее о родителях — как зовут, возраст, профессия, хобби;
  • затем о родных братьях и сестрах — имя, возраст, род деятельности;
  • по желанию можно добавить о бабушках и дедушках;
  • в конце рассказать об общих характеристиках семьи и ваших традициях.

В рассказе о семье желательно употребить следующие слова и выражения:

  • mother — мама
  • father — папа
  • sister — сестра
  • brother — брат
  • parents — родители
  • grandmother — бабушка
  • grandfather — дедушка
  • grandparents — бабушка и дедушка
  • aunt — тетя
  • uncle — дядя
  • son — сын
  • daughter — дочь
  • step-mother — мачеха
  • step-father — отчим
  • god-mother — крестная мать
  • god-father — крестный отец
  • nephew — племянник
  • niece — племянница
  • cousin — двоюродный брат/сестра
  • relatives — родственники
  • husband — муж
  • wife — жена
  • united family — дружная семья
  • large family многодетная семья
  • to acquire a family — заводить семью
  • a head of a family — глава семьи
  • to support/keep a family — одержать семью
  • to provide for one’s family — прокормить семью
  • unmarried mother мать-одиночка
  • to take care about children — заботиться о детях
  • to bring up — воспитывать
  • an only child — единственный ребенок.

Ниже мы приведем вам несколько примеров рассказов о семье в зависимости от возраста рассказывающего.

Для начальной школы

Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family. My family is not very big. It consists of my mother, my father and me.

My mother’s name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much.

Now I’ll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything!

My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city.

I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. We visit them very often. My family is great, I love all of them very much.


Здравствуйте, меня зовут Вероника. Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о моей семье. Моя семья не очень большая. Он состоит из моей матери, моего отца и меня.

Мою маму зовут Елена. Ей 27 лет. У нее каштановые волосы и карие глаза. Она худая. Она очень добрая и всегда готова мне помочь. Ее профессия — учитель. Ей очень нравится ее работа.

Теперь я расскажу вам о моем отце. Его зовут Александр. Ему тоже 27. Он очень высокий. Его глаза и волосы коричневые. Он инженер-электрик. Я думаю, он может все исправить!

Мои родители очень веселые и энергичные люди. Когда все дома, нам нравится говорить обо всем. Мы играем в разные игры вместе. Нам также нравится гулять на улице. Когда у нас есть время, мы едем в парки или такие интересные места, как большие супермаркеты, кафе, центр города.

У меня также есть бабушка и дедушка, но они не живут с нами. Мы посещаем их очень часто. Моя семья отличная, я их всех очень люблю.

Для старшей школы

My Family

Our family is neither large nor small. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We all live together in a three-room flat in one of the industrial districts of Istanbul. We are an average family.

My father Mike Popovich is 50 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and grey eyes. He works as a engineer at a big plant. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. By character my father is a quiet man, while my mother is energetic and talkative.

My mother’s name is Laura Patronovna. She is a teacher of mathematics and plays the balalaika well. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her.

My sister’s name is Christina. Like our mother Christina has blue eyes and fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Christina is two years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 7th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Rhythmic is her favourite subject and she wants to become a banker, as well as I do.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. Our parents don’t always agree with what we say, but they listen to our opinion.

All of us like to spend our weekends in the country. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. They are aged pensioners now, but prefer to live in the country. My grand-grandmother is still alive. She lives in my grandmother’s family and is always glad to see us. Her health is poor and she asks us to come and see her more often. I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are happy when we are together.


Наша семья является ни большой, ни маленькой. У меня есть мама, отец и сестра. Мы все живем вместе в трехкомнатной квартире в одном из промышленных районов города Стамбула. Мы обычная семья.

Мой отец — Майк Попович, ему 50 лет. Он высокий, хорошо сложенный мужчина с короткими черными волосами и серыми глазами. Он работает инженером на большом заводе. Он любит свою работу и проводит большую часть своего времени там. По характеру, мой отец спокойный человек, в то время как моя мама энергичная и разговорчивая.

Мою маму зовут Лаура Патроновна. Она — учитель математики, и она хорошо играет на балалйке. У моей мамы всегда много работы по дому и в школе. Она занятая женщина, и мы все ей помогаем.

Мою сестру зовут — Кристина. Как и наша мама Кристина имеет голубые глаза и светлые волосы. Она очень красивая девушка. Кристина на два года моложе меня. Она — ученица 7-го класса. Она хорошо учится в школе и получает только хорошие и отличные оценки. Литература — ее любимый предмет, и она хочет стать банкиром, также как и я.

Наша семья очень дружная. Мы любим проводить время вместе. По вечерам мы смотрим телевизор, читаем книги и газеты, слушаем музыку или просто поговорим о событиях дня. Наши родители не всегда согласны с тем, что мы говорим, но они прислушиваются к нашему мнению.

Мы любим проводить выходные в деревне. Мы часто ездим в деревню, где живут наши бабушки и дедушки. Сейчас они пенсионеры в возрасте, но они предпочитают жить в селе. Моя прабабушка еще жива. Она живет в семье бабушки и всегда рада видеть нас. У неё плохое здоровье, и она просит нас приезжать и навещать ее чаще. У меня также есть много других родственников: дяди, тети, двоюродные братья. Мы рады, когда мы вместе.

Для ЕГЭ / ВУЗа

It’s a well-known fact that a family plays a great role in our life. Each person gets from his family the best things he can ever get: selfless love, boundless hope, reliable support and deep understanding.

What is more, our family teaches us to love, be kind, caring and honest. But, if somebody asks me why I love my family, I won’t find the answer. There are no reasons for love: they are my dearest people and that’s enough.

My family is not huge. It consists of mom, my dad, grandmother, grandfather and me. To my mind, all of them have some common character traits. They are caring, cheerful, reliable and trustworthy. I appreciate these things very much.

As for my mom, she is also straightforward, responsible and patient. I think she is a woman of an action. My mother works for an international company as an accountant. My mom is a good-looking woman with wavy long hair falls over her shoulders. She is brunette, her eyes are green and blue. I suppose we look alike.

My dad is a middle-aged man with black hair and hazel eyes. He is very kind and even-tempered person. Sometimes he can be obstinate, but all his thoughts and ideas are full of sense. I get along with him. My father has his own business and I want to follow in his footsteps.

What about my grandparents, they are senior citizens. My grandfather is in his eighties and my grandmother is under seventy. They still have a twinkle in their eyes. My grandparents are quite energetic people. My grandfather is very hardworking and easy-going personality. He is friendly, confident, honest and practical. I can also say that my grandfather is good-humored and I like this trait very much.

My grandmother looked beautiful in her youth. She had not long, but rich chestnut hair. She is frank and reasonable. I miss my grandparents very much because they live away from me. I always look forward to meeting with them.

In conclusion, I want to say that my family gave me a lot and I appreciate it very much. I think there are no other people in the world I would love more.


Это хорошо известный факт, что семья играет большую роль в нашей жизни. Каждый человек получает в своей семье лучшее, что когда-либо может получить: бескорыстную любовь, безграничную надежду, надежную поддержку и глубокое понимание.

Более того, наша семья учит нас любить, быть добрыми, честными и заботливыми. Но, если кто-то спрашивает меня, почему я люблю свою семью, я не найду ответ. Не нужны причины, чтобы любить: они самые дорогие для меня люди, и этого достаточно.

Моя семья не большая. В нее входят мама, мой папа, бабушка, дедушка и я. На мой взгляд, все они имеют некоторые общие черты характера. Они заботливые, веселые, надежные и заслуживают доверия. Я очень ценю эти качества.

Что касается моей мамы, она также проста, ответственна и терпелива. Я думаю, что она женщина дела. Моя мама работает в международной компании в качестве бухгалтера. Моя мама – красивая женщина с вьющимися длинными волосами до плеч. Она брюнетка, глаза сине-зеленые. Мне кажется, мы похожи.

Мой папа среднего возраста с черными волосами и карими глазами. Он очень добрый и спокойный человек. Иногда он может быть упрям, но все его мысли и идеи полны смысла. Мы с ним хорошо ладим. Мой отец имеет свой собственный бизнес, и я хочу пойти по его стопам.

Что касается моих бабушки и дедушки, они пенсионеры. Моему дедушке восемьдесят, а бабушке под семьдесят. У них по-прежнему блеск в их глазах. Мои бабушка и дедушка вполне энергичные люди. Мой дедушка очень трудолюбивый и добродушный. Он дружелюбен, уверенный в себе, честный и практичный. Я также могу сказать, что мой дед жизнерадостный и мне очень нравится эта черта.

Моя бабушка была очень красивой в молодости. У нее были не длинные, но густые каштановые волосы. Она искренняя и рассудительная.
Я скучаю по бабушке и дедушке, потому что они живут далеко от меня. Я всегда с нетерпением жду встречи с ними.

В заключение, я хочу сказать, что моя семья дала мне много, и я это очень ценю. Я думаю нет в мире людей, кого бы я любил больше.

level 2

Narcissists make the best kids

level 2

From my own experience, no family is much better than one you hate

level 1

asian …. even do my mom is white … but they have somewhat of an asian mentality when it comes to certain things . and they have no filter , embaresing me all the time . never being suportive , always complaining and crittsizing me . and stingy whit monny , even if everyone in most casses know that a cheap buy is bad buy due to the fact that later it will cost more in repairs and replacement due to poor quality . it sometimes goes so far , my parents will complain about , and try to down bargain solid prizes in stores while i have to stand next to them . i feel like im not apriciated , im embarresd and deeply ashamed . i never take my friends or anny to my parents home , annyone including my clossest friends dont even know where i live . i let them pick me up couple blocks down the street , and there i also let myself be dropt of when i go out whit friends ….. 🥺

This is a post by Marcus Kusi, from Our Peaceful Family, who shares a simple story how and why to choose a family theme. It’s a nice, simple concept that can provide a lot of value for making family choices moving forward by providing the basis upon which to make tough decisions by asking ‘does this fit within our family theme.’ Check it out!

How would you describe your family... in just one word-Remember the last time you had that delicious meal from your favorite restaurant?

I bet you could describe the taste in just one word if you were asked to.

(Even if it was 10 years ago)

And could easily describe it into detail if needed; from the smell and touch, to the taste it left in your mouth.

But have you ever wondered how people described your family?

What thoughts come to your mind?

A happy, peaceful, chaotic, or the family that can not be described.

Chances are you probably cannot describe your family in one word.

And is that okay for you?

How would you describe your family in one word?

Yes, just one word!

Anything more than that can mean something broad but let the description of your family be just one word. As in, delicious for your favorite meal.

This unique word that describes your family is what we call a family theme.

Its very descriptive, and presents a unique way for your family to be identified, and raved about.

Choosing a theme for your family.

You might be asking, “what is your family theme?”

Ours is a peaceful family.

We decided on this theme due to the lifestyle we want to live, the marriage we want to build, and the environment we want to raise our kids in.

The above 3 factors have played a big role in our marriage, family, and home.

For example, Ashley and I had different marriage expectations before we got married. But because we were able to choose a family theme we both agreed on, it made it easier for us to compromise on our marriage expectations.

And as result, whenever we have any issues, we simply refer to our family theme to put ourselves in check.

We also ask each other whether the manner in which we talk to each other, and the decisions we make will help us continue to have a peaceful family.

3 simple questions to help you choose a theme for your family.

1. What do you want people to think of when they hear about your family?

2. How do you want your family to be described in one word?

3. How do other people describe your family in one word?

You and your spouse( if married) should agree or compromise on one theme for your family. It will be certainly provide another way to grow and stay together as a family.

If you need help or guidance, as always, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Is your family theme SMART?

Before you decide on what your family theme should be, think about the pros and cons your family theme will have on you, your spouse, your marriage, your family, and society.

If it has any negative effects, kindly disregard it, and choose a theme that is positive.

Your family theme should meet the goal setting criteria based on the S.M.A.R.T. principle.


Your family theme must be specific (simple), measurable (how will describe its results or progress be measured), attainable (can it be done, is it actionable,), realistic (real not vague or something impossible like a perfect family, no one is perfect), and time bound (when should the theme be seen by others, or reflect your family actions, image etc.)

Hence, by ….. day, month, or year, you and your spouse need to assess your family theme to see if you followed through all your action steps and where you went wrong in either applying or choosing your theme.

Having a family theme will inspire you to become a better person.

It would also be the cornerstone upon which your family is built, nurtured, and described.

Our family theme has been the barometer we use in making choices for our family, and enhanced our marriage and family in ways we never imagined.

Spend some time this weekend with your spouse and/or family, and a choose a theme that resonates with your marriage and family.

You will be proud you did.

Do you have a theme for your family? What about your marriage?

If not, what are you waiting for? If yes, share it with us below.

I hope its something positive.


The parents are positive.

The word «positive» is a good word to describe your family because it is a positive word because they are positiive.

13 Answers

14 47 259


Jun 11, 2020


by Deniz


Jun 14, 2020

I choose the word love. It best describes my family. If love is lingering in every family member, it can never be wrong. Since love will bring the family together. The power of love can make my family loving and can be passed to the next generation.

If my want to describe my family in one word, It will be » Happiness». Whenever I heard or see any of my family members, I have smile on my face. I am living in Joint family and it is give more happy to me. I am get what I want. I taught by many elders in my home. 

The one word that I choose to describe my is role model family and this is because everyone in my village like  to associate with my family which they claim it is unique and well organised and this inspires them 

Good to hear that there’s still a family that sets as a good example to a community. Mine is full of toxic people.

I choose to describe as a family that lay good and role model to other family and do good to other family and behaving well in the society that my family

In order to describe my entire family, I think «Blessed» is the perfect word for us. I come from family that really believe with God because my religion teach me like that. We never pass our day without pray. The funny and lucky thing are most our pray especially the pray from my mother that’s coming true. It’s sound lie but it’s happen in my family.

I would give one word to my family is Understanding.Because at certain points in my life,it helped me to associate thoughts and discuss your inner feelings fully with my family members.

The word that I can describe my family is love and unity. We are so in love and united at the same time. We speak the same language and encourage each other in the best way possible. We love each other and that’s what keeps us going. 

My current family is a horrible one. Full of selfish people. Mother in law a lawyer only wish by killing sons kidd or by doing any harm she needs to be with his younger son. For that she ruin her elder son family. Husband is so selfish like his mother who only thinks of his life and wishes only. Didn’t look or consider even kids wishes or future. He said for him his life us important than his daughter. No sincerity ,love and care for wife and daughter. Father in law needs only money, for that he will even kill someone. How can i describe this family. Selfish and greedy family.

If i would pick any word i would say my family is happy, and happiness is in my family, you know when there is happiness, there is peace and harmony among them.

«Survival». A word that suits me and my family. As an only child who has an old parents with different kinds of sickness, surviving a day is one miracle for us. I’m still pursuing my online career but cannot perform straight due to the struggles me and my parents experience daily. Not only my parents, they left me in charge even with my grandparents too.

The word «positive» will do the trick.



The word «positive» could be considered a third word in this definition. It is a word that is used to describe your family in a positive way. It is something that you hope for and are happy with, because that is what is important to you.

The word that I choose to describe my family is beautiful. They are beautiful people who have a lot to give and they are very passionate about their roles in society.

Related questions

Table of Contents

  1. What do you call your future family?
  2. Who is a household member?
  3. Who is included in a household?
  4. What is the legal definition of household?
  5. Is a household a family?
  6. What is family pattern?
  7. What are the types and functions of family?
  8. What are the traditional roles of a family?
  9. What are examples of family roles?

Words to Describe Family Relationships

  • adoring.
  • affectionate.
  • boisterous.
  • brotherly.
  • close-knit.
  • cohesive.
  • competitive.
  • devoted.

What do you call your future family?

Posterity is a noun meaning “future generations.” These people of the future could be your children and great-great grandchildren, or any people who are born after you.

Who is a household member?

Member of Household Members of a household include children, spouses, parents, nieces or nephews, and anyone not related who has lived at one’s house for an entire year.

Who is included in a household?

Tax filer + spouse + tax dependents = household

Relationship Include in household?
Non-dependent child or other relative living with you No
Dependent parents Yes
Dependent siblings and other relatives Yes
Spouse Yes

What is the legal definition of household?

Individuals who comprise a family unit and who live together under the same roof; individuals who dwell in the same place and comprise a family, sometimes encompassing domestic help; all those who are under the control of one domestic head.

Is a household a family?

A family consists of two or more people (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption residing in the same housing unit. … A household may consist of a person living alone or multiple unrelated individuals or families living together.

What is family pattern?

Family patterns are the characteristic qualities of specific relationships within a family unit or collective group of individuals, such as the relationship between a mother and their daughter./span>

What are the types and functions of family?

Family is based on emotions and sentiments. Mating, procreation, maternal and fraternal devotion, love and affection are the basis of family ties. … Each family is made up of different social roles, like those of husband, wife, mother, father, children, brothers or sisters.

What are the traditional roles of a family?

Providing resources, such as money, food, clothing, and shelter, for all family members is one of the most basic, yet important, roles within a family. This is primarily an instrumental role./span>

What are examples of family roles?

Types of Family Roles For example, parents are expected to teach, discipline, and provide for their children. And children are expected to cooperate and respect their parents. As family members age, they take on additional roles, such as becoming a spouse, parent, or grandparent./span>

моя семья текст на английском языке

«My Family» (Моя семья) — одна из традиционных тем для сочинений, топиков, устного рассказа на английском языке. Если вам нужно написать или рассказать о семье на английском, вам поможет текст «My Family» на английском с озвучкой и списком полезных слов.

Читайте также: «Как рассказать о себе на английском языке?»

Как рассказать о семье на английском языке?

План текста «Рассказ о семье» очень прост.

  • Вступление — некие общие слова о семье, ценности семьи, либо более простое «My name is __, let me tell you about my family».
  • Основная часть — собственно, рассказ о своей семье. Расскажите о родителях, братьях, сестрах. Сколько им лет, чем они занимаются (профессия или что изучают), возможно, чем увлекаются.
  • Также можно рассказать а бабушках, дедушках, других родственниках.
  • Можно добавить подробностей о семейных традициях.
  • Завершите рассказ о семье общими словами о том, как вы друг друга любите или о важности семейных ценностей.

Слова по теме вы можете найти здесь: «Семья, родственники, отношения на английском языке».

Разумеется, не все семьи такие счастливые и идеальные, как в тексте ниже, но как правило рассказ или текст на эту тему должен быть позитивным, даже если это идет вразрез с правдой жизни. Все-таки, суть этого задания, проверить ваши знания и навыки, а не установить достоверные факты о вашей семье.

Это вариант текста с аудио. Ниже вы найдете такой же текст с переводом. Кстати, обратите внимание, что я не стал упоминать чей-либо возраст в тексте. Также нет имени самого рассказчика/рассказчицы. Упомянуть такие вещи все же желательно, просто я не хотел задавать конкретный возраст рассказчика.

Если такая схема сочинения кажется вам слишком короткой, просто добавите подробностей о хобби членов семьи, или расскажите про двоюродного дядю, которого видели в последний раз в 5 лет. Если сочинение, наоборот, слишком длинное, уберите подробности про чьи-то увлечения. Разумеется, необязательно добавлять в сочинение домашнее животное (но лично я бы добавил).

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My Family

For almost any person, there is nothing more important in the world than their family. I love my family too. Today I would like to tell you about them.

My family is quite big. It consists of my mother, father, my three siblings and our cat Bob. Well, most people would say that a pet is not a family member but no one in our family would agree with that. We all love Bob and consider him a family member.

My mother’s name is Anna, she is a teacher. She has been working in our local school for a long time. My mom teaches History and Social Studies, the subjects that I really love. She loves reading very much, and her favorite book is “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. If you are familiar with the book, you can guess why she named our ginger cat Bob.

My father’s name is Igor. He is a little older than mom and he used to be a police officer. He retired at a quite young age and has been running his own business ever since. He has a small coffee shop and a candy store. To be honest, I don’t know much about his business, but he says it is doing well.

As for my siblings, I have a sister, her name is Maria, and she is the oldest one, and two brothers – Viktor and Boris. By the way, I am the youngest child in the family but I am totally happy with that role. My sister Maria is an engineer, she lives in another town but visits us at least once a month. My brothers are still students. Viktor studies history, following in our mother’s footsteps, Boris is going to be a software developer. He is a big fan of videogames, and his dream is to develop his own game.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I love my family and for me there is nothing more important than them. I think, they all have the same opinion. Even Bob.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. My Family – Моя семья

Это тот же текст, но с переводом. Перевод сделан для каждого предложения в отдельной строке.

Текст «Моя семья» на английском языке Перевод
For almost any person, there is nothing more important in the world than their family. Почти для любого человека в мире нет ничего важнее семьи.
I love my family too. Я тоже люблю свою семью.
Today I would like to tell you about them. Сегодня я хотел бы рассказать вам о них.
My family is quite big. Моя семья довольно большая.
It consists of my mother, father, my three siblings and our cat Bob. Она состоит из моей матери, отца, моих троих братьев и сестры (см. список слов ниже) и нашего кота Боба.
Well, most people would say that a pet is not a family member but no one in our family would agree with that. Пожалуй, многие скажут, что домашний любимец — это не член семьи, но в нашей семье никто с этим не согласится.
We all love Bob and consider him a family member. Мы все любим Боба и считаем его членом семьи.
My mother’s name is Anna, she is a teacher. Мою маму зовут Анна, она учитель.
She has been working in our local school for a long time. Она работает в нашей местной школе долгое время.
My mom teaches History and Social Studies, the subjects that I really love. Моя мама преподает историю и обществознание, предметы, которые я очень люблю.
She loves reading very much, and her favorite book is “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. Она очень любит читать, и ее любимая книга «Уличный кот по имени Боб» Джеймса Боуэна.
If you are familiar with the book, you can guess why she named our ginger cat Bob. Если вы знакомы с книгой, вы можете догадаться, почему она назвала нашего рыжего кота Боб.
My father’s name is Igor. Моего отца зовут Игорь.
He is a little older than mom and he used to be a police officer. Он немного старше мамы, и раньше работал в полиции.
He retired at a quite young age and has been running his own business ever since. Он вышел на пенсию в довольно молодом возрасте и с тех пор занимается своим бизнесом.
He has a small coffee shop and a candy store. У него небольшая кофейня и магазин сладостей.
To be honest, I don’t know much about his business, but he says it is doing well. Если честно, я не много знаю о его бизнесе, но он говорит, что дела идут хорошо.
As for my siblings, I have a sister, her name is Maria, and she is the oldest one, and two brothers – Viktor and Boris. Что касается, братьев и сестры, у меня есть сестра, ее зовут Мария, и она самая старшая, и еще есть два брата — Виктор и Борис.
By the way, I am the youngest child in the family but I am totally happy with that role. Кстати, я младший ребенок в семье, но я полностью доволен этой ролью.
My sister Maria is an engineer, she lives in another town but visits us at least once a month. Моя сестра Мария — инженер, она живет в другом городе, но навещает нас по крайней мере раз в месяц.
My brothers are still students. Мои братья еще учатся (еще студенты).
Viktor studies history, following in our mother’s footsteps, Boris is going to be a software developer. Виктор изучает историю, идя по стопам нашей мамы, Борис собирается стать разработчиком программного обеспечения.
He is a big fan of videogames, and his dream is to develop his own game. Он большой поклонник видеоигры, и его мечта — разработать собственную игру.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I love my family and for me there is nothing more important than them. В завершение, я был хотел сказать, что я люблю свою семью, и для меня нет ничего важнее, чем они.
I think, they all have the same opinion. Я думаю, они все того же мнения.
Even Bob. Даже Боб.

Полезные слова из текста:

  • family – семья
  • mother – мать
  • father – отец
  • mom (US), mum (UK) – мама
  • dad – папа
  • brother – брат
  • sister – сестра
  • siblings – братья и сестры
  • pet – домашнее животное
  • family member – член семьи
  • to consider smb a family member – считать кого-то членом семьи
  • to be a (big) fan of smt – быть (большим) поклонником чего-то
  • To be honest – Если честно
  • to run a business – управлять бизнесом
  • He used to be… — Он раньше был… См. статью “Оборот used to”
  • to be happy with smt – быть довольным чем-то (когда что-то вполне устраивает)
  • to follow in smb’s footsteps – идти по чьим-то стопам
  • software developer – программист, разработчик программного обеспечения
  • opinion – мнение, точка зрения


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There are numerous words that one could use to describe his/ her family and frankly… ‘Dull’ cannot be one of them! So, it’s time to buck up on your English speaking skills and pump up some adrenaline in your description.


When you are asked to describe your family, you can start by describing each person of your family one at a time. Remember, the shorter, the sweeter! Describe the key members in your life, your immediate family. Let’s take a look at one example to give you a brief gist of which direction you should expand in.


Describe your family

My family consists of my mother, father and my little sister.

Beginning with my mother, she is like any other mom. Loving, caring, and concerned yet when she is angry you will definitely know. She’s artistic and seeks to do things that revolve around art. She loves to cook and is extremely innovative even in that aspect. She is the anchor of our house and is definitely the driving force for our family!

My father is the cornerstone of our family. He is rigid yet flexible. He is responsible for all the discipline in our house. Possessing the love for gardening, he invests a lot of his time in innovative gardening techniques. He loves all of us and holds himself responsible for our family’s well being. My inspiration, my dad.

The mischievous, little one in our family is my little sister. Being the youngest, luck is always on her side. She is blessed with a smile of an angel, she too has got the artistic touch of mom. Art and Crafts hold her attention for the longest time throughout the day. Filling our house with a frequent set of frowns and smiles, she is indeed the little demon of our house.The mischievous

Read through the above example and make a few pointers.

Rule #1: While you’re describing a member of your family, be clear in describing the role played by that particular member in your household.

Rule #2: Spell out the personality of the person you’re describing. Be descriptive and analytical.

Rule #3: Talk about that person’s interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes.

Rule #4: Never oversell. Keep your description grounded to reality rather than just spluttering a set of irrelevant adjectives.

Rule #5: Be positive. While attempting to describe someone always make it a point to give your description the ‘positive tilt’.

Having been born and brought- up among those members, describing them must be the easiest task. Ensure you make use of basic English speaking terms and add a touch of applicable adjectives to improve your spoken English and go through this task efficiently.

You could also sign up for online English speaking courses that are known to improve English vocabulary as well as enable you to learn English speaking fluently.


While describing your family, make sure there is a flow. Use your descriptions to move the story forward. Do not list things; make sure your description assists what you narrate . Being descriptive is an art and an art is something you pick up after dedicated practice.

About eAgeTutor: is a premier online English learning institute. eAge’s world class faculty and ace communication experts, from around the globe, help you to improve in an all-round manner. Assignments and tasks based well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. In this age of effective and advance communication technology, online spoken English programs are the most effective and convenient way to learn English.

For further information on our online English speaking courses or to experience the wonders of the virtual classroom, fix a demonstration session with our online English tutor.

— By Monika Agarwal

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