Describe your character in one word

Each of us is a complex human being. We have our strengths and weaknesses, our past, dream,s our friends and role models. Each of us is unique, and it may take more than 1,000 words to give at least a somehow accurate description of any person in the world. Still, it would be only somehow accurate. 

What to do, however, when hiring managers ask you to describe yourself with the help of one word only? That’s really a tricky situation. They typically expect to hear your greatest strength, or something that is really characteristic for you, something that makes you stand out from the other job applicants in the hiring process. But it’s a silly question indeed, because one word does never tell the entire story

Silly or not, you may get this question in your interview. And you should not remain silent, or think for five minutes before you pick the one word that describes you better than anything else. I put together a list of 100 words, each of them telling something about a person, and divided it to ten groups. Let’s see if you can find your winner in my selection.

100 sample answers to “Describe yourself in one word” interview question

  • Ambitious, bold, creative, positive, passionate, empathic, transparent, honest, resilient, humble.
  • Leader, follower, manager, coach, technician, engineer, teacher, winner, entertainer, entrepreneur.
  • Indescribable, unique, me, nobody, complicated, complex, human, mother, father, loner.
  • Athlete, artist, musician, painter, player, gamer, builder, destroyer, gunner, victim.
  • Dreamer, idealist, philosopher, realist, optimist, pessimist, poet, soul, brain, heart.
  • Tall, young, old, experienced, inexperienced, learner, pupil, short, healthy, fit.
  • Crazy, unpredictable, superhero, lunatic, demon, God, devil, archangel, joker, ace.
  • Responsible, detail-oriented, skilled, flexible, elaborate, adaptable, sociable, listener, talker, alive.
  • Nervous, confident, brilliant, forgiving, unprepared, prepared, strong, excited, happy, undecided.
  • Lost, unemployed, thriving, struggling, hoping, praying, trying, dreaming, screaming, nothing.

What you pick means a lot to you–either in good or bad way

Be careful about your choice. It indicates (at least in the eyes of the interviewers) what matters the most to you. Let me give you a few examples. If you pick a role, or a name of a profession you have or field you studies (manager, engineer, teacher, programmer, etc), it shows that work is really important to you, that it is what you think about the most, and perhaps even live for. Not a bad choice for most hiring managers.

If you pick a character ability–some strength (empathic, responsible, honest, etc), it suggest that you built your identity around this ability, and consider it the greatest asset you can offer to your next employer. This can work work, especially if you pick something fitting to the job description, or for the the company culture.

Is it okay to pick a weakness?

Maybe you feel like a victim, or really unlucky in your life. Or you are just a dreamer, still waiting for your opportunity to realize your ambitions. Or you feel lonely, deserted, or almost a nobody.

I have complete understanding for your feelings. Who says that he never experienced something similar is lying. All of us have some bad days. However, you should focus on something positive in a job interview. Nobody wants to hire an employee who will walk around the office with their head bent, pitting themselves, or even seeding negativity in their colleagues.

Referring to your emotion or condition when it comes to interviewing is another interesting idea

Why not saying that you are excited, or enthusiastic? It is always good if the hiring managers get an impression that the interview is important to you, that you are happy to be where you are. You can describe these feelings when they ask you to describe yourself in one word.

After all, our emotions change, so do our roles in life. Hence it is fine to pick something fleeting, something that describes who you are, or how you feel, in the exact moment when they ask the question. If the interview isn’t going well, or you flopped some questions, you can even pick unprepared, or nervous for your answer.

Experiment with unconventional answers when you have nothing to lose

Interview is a sales talk, and you should try to tell them something that makes a good impression, that show you in the best possible light. However, if the “sales talk” hasn’t been going well up to this point, if you feel that your chances are getting slimmer with each next question, you can try your luck with something unconventional, or even bizarre.

When you find yourself in a situation when you have nothing to lose, why not characterize yourself as crazy, alive, or as an ace, an idealist, or even as a soul? Such a choice allows for a lot of options when they ask you to elaborate on your answer.

And even if they do not ask you to elaborate on your strange choice, it is definitely something they will remember long time after the end of your interview. It’s better when they remember you in any association, than when they forget you five minutes after the end of your interview, perhaps because you told them the same things everyone else did…

If they give you a chance, you should elaborate on your answer

One word is not really enough, but initially that’s what you should say. Because it’s also a test of your ability to follow instructions and orders, so one word is one word, and if you say three or opt for an entire sentence, you are losing points in this interview.

However, if there’s a moment of silence once you tell your word, you may ask whether they do not want you to elaborate on your characteristic, on the one word you picked. And that’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for, a chance to explain how the characteristic will help you in your new job, or why the one is so important, so special to you, that you picked it from the huge selection of words that characterize your character, life, and attitude…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Check also sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities?
  • What would you do if you saw a co-worker stealing a small item or giving food to someone without paying?
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?
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Matthew Chulaw

Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. He helps job seekers from all walks of life to pursue their career goals, and to prepare for their interviews. He is the founder of website.

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August 15, 2012 by Characters

Most of the time, we exert ourselves to make our characters as deep and dimensional as we can. Because the best characters are usually those who are complex and even dichotomous, writers want to create characters who demonstrate all the contradictory intricacies of real-life humans. That said, and despite our best efforts, we’re never going to be able to truly pull this off. If for no other reason than because of the space and time limitations of a story, our characters are always going to be far less multifaceted than are real people. (Actually, when you come right down to it, we have no choice but to simplify our characters, since if we tried to present all the contradictions of a real human being, our readers would end up bewildered…)

In recognizing this limitation, we can actually use it to strengthen our characters and, more importantly, strengthen our readers’ perception of them. Today, I want you to do something really far out and think about your character. (I know, I know, that’s a big stretch for all of you writer types). What I want you to think about is how you would define your characters if you had to limit your definition to just one word.

Of course, this one word is not going to cover all the bases when it comes to this character. Well-drawn characters will always offer more than just one dimension. But, usually, we can narrow them  down to particular traits that sum up the essence of their personalities.

For example, Heathcliff is vengeful, Han Solo is sarcastic, Scarlett O’Hara is conniving.

If you’re familiar with these characters, then you know there’s much more to them than just this. But these are the traits that largely define these characters, and because their authors concentrated on these traits until they became larger than life, these are the traits for which we remember these characters. These are the traits that make them memorable.

And who among us doesn’t want to create a character that is just as enduring?

Wordplayers, tell me your opinions! What one word best defines your characters? Tell me in the comments!

Owning a personality that can win hearts is of-course the most important factor to make it through any of the roasting (or not so-roasting) interviews. A personality with the charm that most of the hiring managers look for makes it easy for people to impress upon the interviewers at the very first stance. Personality is not just about the way you carry yourself in and out of the inter-view room but, it is also about what you left in the room. Were you able to make a mark on the conscience of the interviewer with the help of your personality? If yes, then to what and extent and of what type?

Your character traits, values, behavior, and everything that you exhibit in front of the interviewers represent your personality. And you are judged mostly based on the type of personality that you carry inside the interview-room. So, it becomes quite apparent on part of the interviewer to ask about your personality from your end itself. And it should come with no surprise to you if you are asked the question on your personality right at the starting of your interview.

This may prove to be a good opportunity for you to start the interview on a positive and impressive note from your side. But, the opportunity can be leveraged only when you are fully prepared to tackle this question.

What Interviewer is trying to judge?

Describing oneself is not something that people face much trouble during the interviews. But, the problem arises when the interviewers specifically mention about the number of words or adjectives to be used while answering this question. Why do interviewers do this? Why do they want to ask about your personality from you when you have mentioned everything on your resume? Here are some of such reasons:

1. To know about you: As the question, it is hinting that the interviewer is asking about you to know about you. The panel is only interested in knowing the personality that you will bring to their organization and whether or not such a kind of personality welcomed at their workplace.

2. To hear your views on you: The matter is not just what ‘you are’. But also, what you think you are and how you take your personality t to be. Many people garner many praises from their friends, peers, etc. but may not be happy at all with the traits those they are carrying.

3. What type of employee you will be: This is a great question any interviewer can ask in an interview to know what type of employee the candidate will turn out to be. After knowing your views on your personality traits, this can easily be assessed.

4. Do you fit in the job-role: Your answer to this question will let the interviewer know about your mentality regarding the work? He or she will get to know what you think about success. They will evaluate if you suit the job role being offered or not; do you possess the qualities required by their organization or not?

So, because of all the above-mentioned reasons, this becomes imperative for the candidate to think about the question and prepare answers for it days before he or she has to face the interview. But, how? The rest of the article will help you to do that.


This is the kind of question that can be molded or twisted by the interviewer in whatever way he or she wants. The question may go like-
1. Describe yourself/ your character traits.
2. Tell us something about your personality.
3. Say a few words for yourself.
4. Tell us two/three words that best describe you.
5. What five words best describe you?
6. How do you see yourself as a person?
And many more……

The form being any, a well-prepared answer will help you to get through this question easily. What will help you to have a good answer? How will you get to know about what qualities to mention? The following tips will help you in finding them out:

1. Study about the job post
In addition to learning about what hard skills are required for the job you are applying to, you also need to know the soft skills or personality traits those employers are looking for candidates to have. You can find such qualities in the job-description section itself. Select the traits from there which align with your personality.

2. Know about other employees of the company: In addition to the qualities that your job-position requires you may also get in contact with a few of the people who are already working in the organization. This will help you to know about what traits of personality do the company values.

3. Get the feedback: You can also go to your peers, colleagues, friends, and others and can have their perspective about you as well. Many times it happens that you may not know yourself as some others may do. Your previous organization buddies will surely be of great help in this regard.

4. Introspection: The last but not the least, you need to introspect yourself. What do you feel about yourself? How you take your personality to be. What trait is it that you are most proud of? Is it that you are hard-working or is it that you are loyal or is it that you can handle pressure easily? Which quality is it and why?

Tips on what to include and what to avoid

About what to INCLUDE:

There are certain tricks to enhance the beauty of your answer and to tell the answer more convincingly. The following tips will help you to prove a well-thought answer about any kind of question on your personality:

1. Select the traits that relate to the job: You may be good at many things outside the work-sphere, but at your interview, you need to mention the qualities that will make you an asset for the company. For example, if you are good at talking to the people then do mention that you can handle clients with ease at work.

2. Illustrate the traits: Take care of the fact that you need to elaborate on the soft skills those you hold to the interviewer. Otherwise, your answer will seem to be incomplete. For example, if you mention that you are honest, do relate the company and job requirements with it.

3. Attach a story: Robe more illustrative about your qualities you should also try to attach a short story with your answer. You can mention how have you believed these to be your best traits; why you believe them to be your best and how have they helped you in your job earlier?

4. Choose the right words: When you are asked to describe yourself in a few words then you have to be cautious about the kind of words those you choose to speak in front of the interviewers. A few of the qualities like integrity, adaptability, professionalism, teamwork, and team player prove to be more attractive qualities for an interviewer.

Things to AVOID:

Many candidates do a lot of mistakes while answering such questions, maybe due to over-excitement that they feel while talking about their positive side or maybe because they are not prepared. Reason being any you are advised to ignore the following common mistakes while answering to this particular question:

1. Being too honest: You have to be honest with your answer but not a hundred percent. That may affect your candidature. For example, you may think you are good at mathematics but if you are applying for some job-post that doesn’t require any maths job to be performed then you must mention something else that is related to your job.

2. Don’t choose too general words: Qualities like hard-working, generous, etc. are too general and every second candidate would be ready with such words. So, think deeper about some specific traits those you hold. Go accurate and specific.

3. Ignore negative words: You may represent some negative points to be your good-quality trait but just try to use more positive words in your answer. For example- don’t say that you are stubborn rather say that you are focused on your work.

4. Avoid certain characteristics or words: There may be words that may be of no use for the job; you are advised to completely ignore such words or traits. These words may sound arrogant to the interviewer. Take this question as an opportunity and utilize it completely to turn the interview in your favor.

Preparing your answer:

Now, after getting clear on the content of your answer; structuring the answer is another area to be stressed upon by you. You can’t just simply go on mentioning one or two words about yourself and then wait for the interviewer to take on the conversation. You have to elaborate on those words. How will you do so, read the following points:

1. Mention about the quality: Start by mentioning the trait that is valued by the company and that relates to the job profile you are applying to. Focus on the attribute that will enhance the strength of your candidature.

2. Elaborate about it: Do explain the trait that you mentioned. If you mention professionalism to be your trait; mention why it describes you. State that why you consider it to be the most valued attribute of yourself. How do you think it will help the organization after they hire you?

3. Attach a story: Along with the elaborative answer to this question, attach a short story about how this trait benefitted you in the past. You may choose to talk about how it helped you in your previous workspace. For example: if you say your self-disciplined nature sets you apart from others then you can mention any incident where these traits of yours benefitted you and your organization.

Sample Answers:


As to answer this question I would say that I am a problem solver. And it’s not just what I feel myself to be but the others as well. I have introspected and settled with this term for myself. Being a customer service person, I was required to handle many of the clients with their grievances, complaints, and dissatisfaction. My goal, when I used to speak to a customer, is to resolve their issues as quickly as possible and as effectively as possible. For me, customer satisfaction was a priority and in-fact it should be because they create our market and have some expectations from us which should be met efficiently. So I hold this confidence to say that I am a problem-solver by nature.


I am good at analyzing problems and concepts. In the shot, I have a good analytical mind and that is the trait that has helped me to come this far in my career. I am good when it comes to analyzing a problem and also in offering solutions for various problems. During my previous job, I was required to complete a certain number of tasks within a short time frame. There, I was helped a lot with this character trait of mine. I analyzed the whole situation, prioritized a few of my tasks, gathered all the information and help available, and started working out. Later, I was praised by my senior in a meeting for handling all the stuff so well.


To describe myself in one single word, I would say I am an extremely organized person’. I like doing things in a proper efficient manner. The level where I feel myself to be satisfied with any work-done is quite higher than others and so; I always try to achieve that level. To reach there I work harder than every time I fail. This attribute served me pretty well during my last job. I and my team were working on some project and since I give attention to every minute detail of a project, I came across a mistake that would have cost a lot to the company. My timely attention helped the company to save a huge amount.


To sum up my personality in five words that I feel best to describe me are optimistic, focused, resilient, ambitious, and generous. These are the traits that I have not acquired overnight but throughout my journey here. Studying in a college was full of struggles for me because my father is a farmer and to afford fees for this course and college was very tough for my family. That period taught me generosity and staying positive. It was my focus and determination that made me through that phase and made me eligible to apply in your prestigious company. I appreciate all the opportunities that came my way and the journey that taught me so much.


I think my resiliency defines me the best. I am a resilient person. There were many situations in my life, in-fact everyone has such incidences in his or her life when things don’t feel right. The situation doesn’t favor you or actions are not as what you have had planned. But I believe in staying positive about the future and bounce back as quickly as possible. I think there is no point in repenting over what has happened. Being human, getting back on track soon, and trying out new ways to get through tough times is the best option available and I always choose that way. I do not hesitate in giving another shot or another try to solve the problems.


‘Passionate’ describes my personality in a way that no other word does. Every employer looks forward to hiring someone who would do their work sincerely and timely. And all the employees are supposed to be so. But, the ones who are passionate are notches ahead in terms of dedication and their loyalty to their employer. And I will hold these same feelings for the organization I will be working for at any point in time. My passion makes me committed to the quality of the work that I deliver to my company. I love what I do and this fuels my passion which in turn derives positive feelings for my work.


Ambitious people reach farther than others in the same field. This is what I believe in and so, being ambitious is what I consider to be my personality. For success and growth, personally and professionally, the person has to be ambitious. And I am the same. The person has to have some goals, ambitions, and targets in his or her life that are to be achieved. The unfulfilled goals will fuel him or her to a great extent. An ambitious employee is always desired at the workplace because they continuously seek to improve themselves as well as others around them. Just like this, I too always look forward to opportunities to perform better and better every time.


I would say, I am an extrovert and I not only enjoy being an extrovert but this quality helps me a lot in my personal as well as professional sphere. Extroverts like me are naturally out-going. I am conversational and find a talk or some to make my way into people’s groups, which once would be a bunch of strangers to me. Talking about the professional sphere, the quality helped me a lot during my previous jobs as a sales executive and customer service person. I was required to handle customers in the friendliest manner possible. Being an extrovert helped me mostly in kicking off some projects with new clients of the company.


After thinking a lot about it and having a viewpoint of many people who know me, I would like to call myself a born ‘leader’. There are certain people who themselves take on the role of being a leader of the group and I am such a person. I have the skill and quality to lead people and manage them quite well. I was head of various societies of my colleagues like the placement committee, cultural committee, and the commerce society. I have handled many students under me without much difficulty. I believe in boosting the morale and motivation level of my team members. I like helping people and I find this task easy when I lead the group. I may or may not be in the leadership position by authority but I will always love to help and motivate my team members.


I am a result-oriented person. I always keep the bigger picture in my mind. That means I always keep my eyes on the goal and accordingly take various decisions of achieving that goal. The goals may make me work overtime during day and night but I will make sure that the goals are achieved. I not only focus on the bigger goals but the smaller goals are equally important for me. The major goal is to be broken in various minor goals and those minor goals are to accomplish with the same sincerity as any major goal. I like to keep track of how far or near to my goals I ma and that alter the plans accordingly so that the goals are achieved well in time and effectively.

Чтобы описать черты характера человека, или personality traits, нужен богатый лексический запас из разнообразных прилагательных и идиом. Такая лексика сделает вашу речь интереснее и поможет донести информацию до собеседника как можно точнее. Ниже вы найдете слова, которые помогут описать основные черты характера.

Читайте также: Как описать внешность человека на английском языке: лексика, примеры с переводом

Лексика по теме «Характер человека» на английском

Существует большое количество прилагательных для описания личности человека и у каждого слова свой оттенок. Начнем по порядку: поговорим о базовой лексике, касающейся индивидуальности человека. Носители языка различают два слова: personality и character. Используя слово personality, они говорят о врожденных качествах личности — тех, что со временем никуда не денутся и никогда не изменятся. Под словом character подразумевается набор качеств, приобретенных в результате какого-то опыта. Между понятиями personality и character очень тонкая грань, ощутить которую можно только в контексте. Вот несколько примеров:

  • You resemble your mother both in looks and personality. — Ты похожа на маму и внешне, и характером.
  • John showed a really strong character in that challenging situation. — Джон продемонстрировал по-настоящему сильный характер в ситуации, полной вызовов.

Traits или inner qualities — внутренние черты человека, свойства характера. На поведение и характер влияют values — ценности, thoughts — мысли, feelings — чувства и actions — действия. Многие люди считают, что на характер также влияет дата рождения и знак зодиака — zodiac sign. Вы можете использовать разнообразные синонимы к слову character. Так в словаре американского английского Merriam Webster собраны следующие способы сказать о характере человека: identity, individualism, individuality, personality, self-identity и selfhood.

Как спросить о характере человека

Чтобы узнать кого-то получше, задать вопросы о личности и характере, используйте популярные выражения:

  • What kind of person is he? — Что он за человек?
  • What are they like? — Что они за люди?
  • How would your best friend describe you? — Как бы тебя описал лучший друг?
  • What is your zodiac sign? — Кто ты по знаку зодиака?
  • What are your life values? — Какие у тебя ценности?
  • How would you describe your personality? — Как бы ты описал себя?
  • How do you react to trouble? — Как ты реагируешь на трудности?
  • What is your attitude toward other people? — Как ты относишься к другим людям?

Слова, описывающие характер человека

Когда мы описываем характер, или personality traits, нам не обойтись без разнообразных прилагательных, раскрывающих темперамент и особенности человека. Чтобы быть точным в своих описаниях и оригинальным, можно не только перечислять прилагательные, но также разбавлять свою речь современными яркими конструкциями и выражениями.

  • a man amongst men — выдающийся человек, яркий, выделяющийся среди других;
  • man of means — состоятельный человек;
  • he always backs me up — всегда постоит за меня;
  • stickler for the rules — приверженец правил;
  • wet blanket, killjoy — человек, который вечно чем-то недоволен и портит настроение другим;
  • not like to be stuck in one place — не любит оставаться на одном месте;
  • not be satisfied with easy answers — не довольствуется простыми ответами;
  • be brimming with great ideas — полный идей;
  • dried-fish woman — девушка, которая предпочитает быть одна и отказывается от романтических отношений;
  • as fit as a fiddle — в отличной физической форме.

Прилагательные для описания характера человека

А теперь давайте разберем самые распространенные прилагательные для описания личностных качеств и ответа на вопрос «What kind of person are you?»

Положительные качества

  • brave — храбрый;
  • clever — умный;
  • easy-going — общительный;
  • go-getter — целеустремленный;
  • friendly — дружелюбный;
  • funny — веселый;
  • generous — щедрый;
  • wise — мудрый;
  • smart — умный;
  • neat — аккуратный;
  • kind — добрый;
  • polite — вежливый;
  • popular — популярный.

If someone asks me «What kind of person are you?», I will say «easy-going, kind and generous couch potato. — Если кто-то спросит меня: «Какой ты человек?», я отвечу: «Легкомысленный, добрый и щедрый домосед».

Отрицательные качества

  • chatty — болтливый;
  • arrogant — высокомерный;
  • coward — трус;
  • moody — с переменчивым настроением;
  • mean — жадный;
  • nervous — нервный;
  • rude — грубый;
  • selfish — эгоистичный;
  • silly — глупый.

I try avoiding arrogant people and not working with selfish and nervous colleagues. — Я стараюсь избегать высокомерных людей и не работать с эгоистичными и нервными коллегами.

Посмотри, как можно использовать новые слова на практике:

  • My Best Friend: как описать друга на английском
  • About Myself: как написать сочинение «О себе» на английском
  • Эссе-описание члена семьи на английском: описываем внешность и характер

Слова для выражения отношения к жизни

Также ознакомьтесь со способами рассказать о своем отношении к жизни и ответить на вопрос «What is your attitude toward life?»

Положительные качества

  • active — активный;
  • down-to-earth — приземленный, практичный;
  • optimistic — оптимистичный;
  • relaxed — спокойный, расслабленный;
  • open — открытый;
  • stoic — мужественный;
  • outgoing — дружелюбный;
  • broad-minded — с широкими взглядами;
  • cheerful — неунывающий;
  • cooperative — открытый к сотрудничеству;
  • curious — любопытный.
  • earnest — искренний;
  • patient — терпеливый;
  • tactful — тактичный.

— Tell me your three traits demonstrating your attitude to life. — The first quality is curious, the second one is open and the third one is down-to-earth. — Назовите три черты, демонстрирующие ваше отношение к жизни. — Первое качество — любознательность, второе — открытость и третье — приземленность.

Отрицательные черты

  • pessimistic — пессимистичный;
  • vicious — злой;
  • passive — пассивный;
  • querulous — ворчливый, недовольный;
  • lazy — ленивый;
  • jealous — ревнивый;
  • boring — скучный;
  • dull — унылый.

When you are scrolling news in social media, you become vicious, passive and dull. Stop doing it. — Когда вы прокручиваете новости в социальных сетях, вы становитесь злобным, пассивным и скучным. Перестаньте это делать.

Отношение к людям

Прилагательные и существительные, которые помогут рассказать о своем отношении к людям (attitude to other people).

Положительные качества

  • extroverted — открытый, активный;
  • introverted — замкнутый;
  • reliable — надежный;
  • careful — заботливый;
  • friendly — дружелюбный;
  • talkative — разговорчивый;
  • bossy — властный;
  • polite — вежливый
  • supportive — поддерживающий;
  • generous — щедрый;
  • decisive — решительный;
  • good-mannered — хорошо воспитанный;
  • diplomatic — дипломатичный.

What are the main qualities of your future husband? I dream of meeting an extroverted, reliable and careful man of his words. — Каковы основные качества вашего будущего мужа? Я мечтаю встретить экстравертного, надежного и внимательного мужчину, который держит свое слово.

Отрицательные черты

  • pushy — назойливый;
  • smug — самодовольный;
  • self-congratulatory — самодовольный;
  • proud — гордый;
  • deceitful — лживый;
  • cruel — жесткий;
  • jealous — ревнивый;
  • venal — продажный;
  • soft — мягкий;
  • unfriendly — недружелюбный;
  • ill-mannered — плохо воспитанный.

Deceitful people should remember that lies always come true. — Обманщикам следует помнить, что ложь всегда всплывает на поверхность.



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Прилагательные, описывающие волевые качества

  • stubborn — упрямый;
  • determined — целеустремленный;
  • motivated — мотивированный;
  • sharp — хваткий;
  • crafty — пронырливый;
  • resourceful — изобретательный;
  • serious — серьезный;
  • indifferent — безразличный;
  • purposeful — прогрессивный.

I try to be determined, motivated and crafty. These qualities help me achieve my goals. — Я стараюсь быть решительным, целеустремленным и ловким. Эти качества помогают мне добиваться своих целей.

Описываем умственные способности, кругозор

  • intelligent — умный;
  • slow — несообразительный;
  • dim — бестолковый;
  • shrewd — проницательный;
  • gifted — одаренный;
  • independent — независимый;
  • broad-minded — c широким кругозором;
  • quick-witted — сообразительный;
  • rational — рациональный;
  • sensible — разумный;
  • witty — остроумный
  • creative — творческий.

Yesterday I watched the first episode of «The Big Bang Theory» and fell in love with that rational, intelligent and gifted doctor Sheldon Cooper. —  Вчера я посмотрела «Теорию большого взрыва» и влюбилась в этого рационального, умного и одаренного доктора Шелдона Купера.

Прилагательные, описывающие отношение к деньгам и собственности

  • neat — аккуратный;
  • sober-minded — здравомыслящий;
  • worldly — практичный;
  • spiritual-minded — одухотворенный;
  • greedy — жадный;
  • avid — алчный;
  • insatiable — ненасытный;
  • thrifty — бережливый;
  • frugal — экономный;
  • provident — предусмотрительный;
  • parsimonious — скупой;
  • prudent — расчетливый;
  • abstemious — умеренный;
  • canny — хитрый, практичный;
  • wasteful — расточительный;
  • lavish — щедрый;
  • prodigal — расточительный, чрезмерный.

You shouldn’t be so wasteful. I don’t mean that you have to be greedy, but now you behave too lavishly. — Ты не должен быть таким транжирой. Я не имею в виду, что ты должен быть жадным, но сейчас ты ведешь себя слишком расточительно.

Как выразить отношение к работе

  • hard working — трудолюбивый;
  • self-disciplined — дисциплинированный;
  • industrious — работящий;
  • plodding — усидчивый;
  • operose — деятельный;
  • lazy — ленивый;
  • indolent — праздный;
  • slothful — инертный;
  • idle — слоняющийся;
  • sluggish — медлительный;
  • shiftless — беспомощный;
  • supine — бездеятельный;
  • lubberly — неуклюжий;
  • slack — вялый;
  • truant — праздный;
  • work-shy — уклоняющийся от работы.

Be hardworking, self-disciplined and plodding. These traits help you move mountains. — Будьте трудолюбивы, самодисциплинированны и упорны. Эти черты помогут вам сдвинуть горы.

Прилагательные, описывающие эмоциональное состояние

  • diverted — отвлеченный;
  • engaged — увлеченный;
  • cheerful — бодрый;
  • confident — уверенный;
  • content — довольный;
  • delighted — восхищенный;
  • euphoric — эйфоричный;
  • exhilarated — радостный;
  • glad — радостный;
  • amicable — дружелюбный;
  • anxiety-free — расслабленный;
  • blissful — блаженный;
  • calm — спокойный;
  • fuming — неистовый;
  • furious — яростный;
  • hot-tempered — вспыльчивый;
  • hot-headed — разгоряченный;
  • intolerant — нетерпеливый;
  • irritated — раздраженный;
  • mad — безумный;
  • outraged — возмущенный;
  • provoked — спровоцированный;
  • raging — яростный;
  • annoyed — раздраженный;
  • appalled — потрясенный;
  • dismayed — разочарованный;
  • dissatisfied — недовольный.

Having a rest help you stay anxiety-free, well-balanced and cheerful. — Отдых поможет вам оставаться спокойным, уравновешенным и жизнерадостным.

Характер и темперамент

Приверженцы теории темпераментов верят, что определенному типу людей свойственен схожий набор реакций и склонностей. Согласно этой теории, холерик — человек настроения, сангвиник — отличный приятель, а меланхолики и флегматики сдержанны и пассивны. Давайте посмотрим, как можно описать каждый темперамент на английском.

Sanguine person — сангвиник

A sanguine person is even-tempered and friendly. He or she is the life and soul of the party. They are full of energy and optimism. — Сангвиник — человек уравновешенный и дружелюбный. Он или она — душа любой компании. Они полны энергии и оптимизма.

Как еще можно описать сангвиника:

  • easy-going — легкий в общении;
  • party animal — король вечеринок;
  • die-hard — крепкий орешек;
  • sociable — коммуникабельный;
  • tolerant — толерантный;
  • inquisitive — любопытный.

Choleric person — холерик

A choleric person is a man of moods. They are joyous and active, but often impulsive and bad-tempered. — Холерик — это человек настроения. Они жизнерадостны и активны, но часто импульсивны и вспыльчивы.

Больше прилагательных о холерике:

  • ambitious — амбициозный;
  • irritable — раздражительный;
  • impulsive — импульсивный;
  • energetic — энергичный;
  • active — активный.

Phlegmatic person — флегматик

A phlegmatic person is reserved and peaceful. They don’t get on well with unknown people that’s why they have a few friends. — Флегматики сдержанны и спокойны. Они не очень хорошо ладят с незнакомыми людьми, поэтому у них мало друзей.

Характер флегматика можно описать так:

  • non-communicative — малообщительный;
  • an introvert — интроверт;
  • reliable — надежный;
  • well-balanced — уравновешенный;
  • preferring solitude — предпочитающий уединение;
  • intuitive — с развитой интуицией.

Melancholic person — меланхолик

A melancholic person is sensible and sensitive. They are broad-minded, penetrating and subtle. — Меланхолик чувствителен и восприимчив. Они обладают широким кругозором, проницательны и тонки.

Описать меланхолика помогут следующие прилагательные:

  • delicate — тонкий, деликатный;
  • fragile — хрупкий;
  • vulnerable — ранимый;
  • restless — беспокойный;
  • thin-skinned — ранимый;
  • deep — глубокий;
  • sensible — рассудительный;
  • sensitive — чувствительный;
  • acute — тонкий, проницательный;
  • harmonious — гармоничный.

Названия черт характера, близкие по значению, но с различной оценкой

Будь осторожен со следующими прилагательными: они похожи по значению, но имеют разную оценку (позитивную или негативную).

  • warm / cool-tempered, hard-nosed — теплый, приветливый / жесткий, неприветливый;
  • generous / greedy, avid — щедрый / жадный
  • brave, courageous / cowardly — храбрый, отважный / трусливый
  • polite / discourteous — вежливый / грубый
  • calm, even-tempered / quick-tempered, impetuous — спокойный, уравновешенный / вспыльчивый, импульсивный.

Английские идиомы для описания характера

Идиомы — еще один способ ярко передать свою мысль через устойчивое выражение. Главное, будьте уверены, что хорошо понимаете его значение и контекст, в котором можно использовать. Собрали для вас универсальные идиомы для описания характера человека:

  • a social butterfly — привлекательный, умный и творческий. Он общается или дружит со всеми, порхая от человека к человеку, как бабочка.
  • a know-it-all — всезнайка, обычно с негативным оттенком; тот, кто утверждает, что знает все, а также пренебрегает советами.
  • yes-man — человек без собственного мнения, подхалим, который всегда соглашается со своим политическим лидером или начальством на работе;
  • a cheapskate — скупой или прижимистый; тот, кто пытается избежать оплаты расходов или затрат.
  • a big mouth — болтун, не способный сохранить чужую тайну.
  • culture vulture — ценитель культуры; человек, сильно интересующийся искусством.
  • a creature of habit — человек привычки; человек, который всегда делает одни и те же вещи одним и тем же способом.

Описание члена семьи

О себе

Описание друга

Как описать внешность

Hey guys, Arven here!

I want to play a game with you. :iconjigsawplz:

No, really, I had this idea in mind for a while, and thought now was as good a time as ever to put it into work :)
I was studying a little character design, and I’ve often stumbled across overly-elaborate, extremely complex characters.
Now, while complexity is an awesome thing and makes for really deep characters and whatnot, I think it would be also very, very, VERY hard to synthesize such characters into a few lines.

So I picked a couple of my characters and tried to come up with a single word/theme that could describe them more or less entirely, or I picked the adjective that most represented their personality. And, mind you, it was really tricky! I just couldn’t decide which one to pick.
Here we go:

C.Y. (Chakra) = Self-Control

Africa (Africa) = Survival

Aznor (Azarian Stories) = Sensitiveness

And hey look! All my words begin with S XD

I thought it would be interesting to share this little game with whoever feels like trying it :D
But, like any game, this has rules too^^

:bulletred: Post a comment where you use a SINGLE word or theme to describe your character(s).

:bulletgreen: Please DON’T write a monologue! I know your character is extremely well developed and one word just doesn’t seem enough to describe it, but that’s exactly what makes the game hard! ONLY ONE WORD that best represents each character!

:bulletblue: To avoid kilometric comments, please pick only a MAX OF FIVE CHARACTERS to describe!

:bulletyellow: Enjoy yourselves!

I’m really eager to read what you guys come up with :D

Thanks for playing,


(Commissions, closed for now)

:bulletred:CHOOSE THE PAPER:

-Regular white A4:

(Picture), (Example) $0
-Brown A5: (Picture), (Example) $1
-Bristol A4, white, red or purple: (Picture), (Example) $1
-Black A4: (Picture), (Example) $0,50
-Marble A4: (Picture), (Example) $2
-Scroll-pattern A4 (Type 1): (Picture) $2
-Scroll-pattern A4 (type 2): (Picture) $2
-Ivory A4 (Type 1): (Picture) $2
-Ivory A4 (Type 2 «Antique-laid»): (Picture), (Example) $4
-Flower-pattern A4: (Picture), (Example) $1,50
-Frame-pattern A4: (Picture) $0,50


:bulletgreen:CHOOSE THE STYLE:

:bulletyellow:CHOOSE THE SPECIES: 

:bulletwhite:CHOOSE THE FORM: 




These features can be added to your commission.

(Example) +$4
-«Block» type: (Example) +$7,50
-Full: (Example) +$12

-Dragon wings:

(Example) +$1,50 per pair
-Feathered wings: (Example) +$2,50 per pair

Additional characters:
-Additional Feral character: +$4 per character
-Additional Anthro or Human character: +$7 per character

Speed drawing video: $6

-To zone 1 (Europe): $ 5
-To zone 2 (Africa, the Americas, Asia): $ 8
-To zone 3 (Oceania): $ 11

:bulletblack:READY MADE PACKAGES: 

These packages illustrate some of the most commonly requested commissions, with all options already selected and final price already calculated.

Full body coloured and shaded Feral Canine/Feline, NO BACKGROUND:

(Example) $13

Full body coloured and shaded Feral Canine/Feline, FULL BACKGROUND:

(Example) $25

Full body coloured and shaded Anthro Canine/Feline, NO BACKGROUND: $15,50

Full body coloured and shaded Anthro Canine/Feline, FULL BACKGROUND:

(Example) $27,50

Portrait (Realistic-style headshot) of Feral Canine/Feline, coloured and shaded: $23

Bust (Realistic-style headshot) of Anthro Canine/Feline, coloured and shaded: $25,50

Full colour comic page, with 6 panels and backgrounds:

(Example) $81


These commissions come in special format and are standalone. They cannot be summed to «EXTRAS».

Up to six panels included in price. Backgrounds NOT included. For addition of more panels and backgrounds, please refer to the fees below

Lineart (inked):
-Lines only:

(Example) $21
-Shaded lineart: $30

-Flats: $35

(Example) $45

Backgrounds for comic page: $6 for each panel
Additional panels after the 6th: $10 for each panel

COVER (coloured only):
-For CD: $18
-For book/comic:

(Example) $26

(Inked only):

(Example) $10

(coloured only) $14

For a SINGLE character or species.

Additional character in the SAME reference sheet: $7 per character

(coloured only) $12

(coloured only) $14

(Digital only)
-50×50 (for profile): $5
-100×50 (for group): $7,50
-Animated (any size): $12

Of your character (sketch only)
$2 per doodle

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Posted by

Willow Park

5 months ago



r/TheOwlHouse - Describe your favorite character in one word and I’ll try to guess who it is


98% Upvoted


level 1

· 5 mo. ago

The Collector

Commenters: Gay!

OP: 😰


level 2


· 5 mo. ago



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level 2

· 5 mo. ago

«Depressed» or «mommy issues»


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level 2

· 5 mo. ago

I was about to write that but i realized…. that’s gonna be hard to guess


level 2

· 5 mo. ago

Willows parents


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· 5 mo. ago

Bard Coven



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Op · 5 mo. ago

Willow Park



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level 2

· 5 mo. ago



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· 5 mo. ago



level 2

· 5 mo. ago

Hunter Noceda

Describes half the characters


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level 2

Op · 5 mo. ago

Willow Park



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level 1

· 5 mo. ago

Hunter Noceda



level 2

Op · 5 mo. ago

Willow Park



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A subreddit for the Disney fantasy-comedy series with a dark side created by Dana Terrace called The Owl House.

Created Feb 23, 2018


Weirdos sticking together


Practicing Wild Magic

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