The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!
Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.
Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).
The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.
Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.
Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.
Describing a Tiger
This post describes a tiger in a rainforest in three levels. Level 1 is for beginners, Level 3 is for intermediate learners and Level 5 is for advanced English speakers. It uses the five senses as much as possible. For much more of these types of posts, please check out my new book Writing with Stardust by clicking the book title or the images below. It comes with a spelling workbook as well.
Enough of that, however, and let us talk about tigers. At the bottom of the post are 20 interesting facts about tigers (largest tiger, worst man eaters, greatest tiger hunters etc.). First of all, let me clear something up right now. A tiger would kick a lion’s butt in a fight. I know this because I researched it and found out that the Roman civilians watching fights in the Coliseum tended to bet on the tiger and usually won. As regards a bear, you will have to read the rest of the post. Happy hunting……….
glowing, amber eyes | almost invisible | roared/growled | large and heavy head |
rippling muscles | ghost silent | fierce and savage | razor sharp teeth |
flicked his tail | leaped at me | striped fur | Bengal tiger |
deadly movements | paws like saucers | top predator | powerful legs |
prowling/creeping | flame and coal colour | powerful/fearless | I felt fear/terror |
1. A tiger has glowing, amber eyes and he is scary.
2. His muscles ripple when he walks.
3. He usually flicks his tail before he leaps at you.
4. His movements are deadly and he prowls the jungle at night. He sometimes hunts by day.
5. He is almost invisible because of his striped fur, which blends in with the trees.
6. He is as silent as a ghost and although his paws are as big as saucers, he cannot be heard.
7. His fur is a flame-and–coal mix and he is powerful and fearless.
8. Because of his razor sharp teeth and powerful legs, he is the top predator in the jungle.
9. He has a large and heavy head and his roars and growls are terrifying.
10. If you heard him up close, you would know the meaning of fear and terror.
glittering, feline eyes | melted into shadows | snarled/grunted | lumpy, blocky head |
a fluid power | phantom silent | fearsome/pitiless | carnivorous incisors |
swished his tail | pounced at me | dappled coat | Siberian tiger |
padded silently | claws like thorns | alpha animal | outsized paws |
skulking/lurking | sunrise orangebat black stripes | terrifyingmajestic | I was quivering/trembling |
The tigress is a truly majestic creature. She is the alpha animal in the jungle and for good reason. She moves with a fluid grace that no other animal can match. Padding silently, she can creep up on any creature and kill them with a single swipe of her outsized paws. Once those thorn shaped claws rip at you, it is all but over. She is phantom silent and melts into the bush like molten gold into a cast. When she finds a good ambush site, she lurks in the shadows. Then she waits for prey to pass, observing everything with her glittering, feline eyes. When her target appears, she pounces with a coiled energy that is both fearsome and pitiless.
That is why many explorers and adventurers speak of having fear in the jungle. It is a vast supermarket of food and man-meat is on the menu also. The saw-toothed leaves of the jungle drip with rain and menace alike.
Only once have I seen a tiger hunt. It was in India a few summers back and I had a bird’s eye view from the back of an elephant. I saw the tigress skulking up towards a sambar deer. Her dappled coat was sunrise-orange with bat-black stripes. She had a lumpy, blocky head with large, carnivorous incisors. I feared for the deer when she swished her tail. It was a sign she was going to attack and she did. With a mighty leap, she sprung upon the shellshocked deer. A snarl, a rip, a grunt of satisfaction and it was over. I was just glad it wasn’t me.
smouldering, chatoyant eyes | shadowed camouflage | rumbling/bellowing | convex head |
sinewy strength | wraith silent/ phantasmic | feral and implacable | giant, vampirish fangs |
whisked his tail | sprang with a coiled energy | transverse stripes | Indochinese tiger |
a balletic grace | retractile claws | apex predator | mighty forelimbs |
stalking/treading | brass-brilliant fur/like burnished copper | dauntless/indomitablecourage | sense of dreadhad a heartquake |
The beauty or the beast? It is hard to tell which is which sometimes, the tiger or the rainforest.
I have walked through jungles where the sun followed us like a lodestar through the tangled heads of the trees. It burned with a blinding exquisiteness that made you shield your eyes and bless your existence. The light was lustrous in the open spaces and seemed undistilled from heaven to earth in the lonely ones. It can seem like a laser show at times as gem clear beams filter through the trees. The warmth of it settles over your face like a silken mask and life is a golden joy. That is the thing about the seraph-light of the jungle; it can sweep down like the handloom of the gods one moment, pure and clear and long of line. Then the day lengthens and shadow and fear takes over. Pure, unadulterated fear.
I have walked through jungles where the witch-light of the shadows can unman you. The trees there were Triassic-tall with heads as thick as megaflora. They loomed over everything, silent and brooding in their leafy reverie. Their boughs were as thick as barrels and reached upwards like the despairing limbs of the damned. Hanging from them were goatees of moss, mangrove-green and swishing with a lazy spite. Pools of shadow formed under those trees and fevered eyes, glazed with hunger, lurked in the carnal-black darkness. I have seen webs which shimmered like the Star of David catching man and beast unawares at night. To see a nest of Godzilla sized spiders scurry out and become bloated from their plunder is to see too much. All the while, an amphitheatre of sounds follows you through such jungles. You have never heard such a maddening cocktail of whoops, squawks, screeches and wails. Nor would you wish to.
I have walked through jungles where the rain came down in an unrelenting torrent for weeks on end. This wasn’t the dinging, pinging rain that you might read about in a storybook. This was biblical rain. You may, quite rightly, harrumph; that rains and rainforests are expected to be bedfellows and to think otherwise is balderdash. Bah humbug, you might remark, and fiddlesticks too. Ah, but you have never walked through a jungle quite like this. This was Noahs-Ark-type rain, a cataclysm of water that fell upon us like the fountain of the gods had overflowed. When it was at its most ardent, it hammered at the waxy ferns like lunatics with pencils. When it was quieter, it sounded like a hose was sprinkling silver nails onto the plants instead of water. In between, it was like walking in a plunking, thumping asylum of sound designed to unhinge you. Our clothes stuck to us like barnacles and grated at us just as much. Our food was wet, our kindling was wet and our spirits were sunken. So much so that one of our party got to his knees, raised his arms aloft and prayed to the heavens to be turned into a dolphin and have done with it. His prayers must have been answered as the rain stopped Forrest-Gumpian-style and was not seen again. When it had finished, the jungle became a paradise on earth.
Yes. I have walked through many jungles but I have only run through one. I will never forget that morning. The jungle had a distinctive smell after a spell of heavy rain. It was a jasmine-and-gingerbread fragrance, a floral fragrance mixed with the loamy must of rotting logs. The mist drifted around the trees in phantasmal veils, slowly burning away. The light filtered through the mist with a spectral aura and we came upon a waterfall of sumptuous size and beauty. We decided to camp there as it had an Arcadian allure rare in the modern world. The infinity pool was as clear as a diamond and as polished as a lady’s mirror. A great chute of water fed this pool and the spray it threw up burned with an ornamental light when the sunbeams caught it. The water tasted seltzer fresh and some of our party went for a swim in the huge pool. Every plant with barb, hook and thorn had tried to rip at us that day and it was good to wash away our cares. The half-light of dusk had not yet arrived and we felt safe. The jungle does not care for the moods of man, however, as we were about to find out.
It started as a rumbling which we were sure was the baritone hum of the waterfall. She must have been stalking us for a while, treading behind us as silent as a wraith. I saw her first and was mesmerised. Her great, convex head poked through a bush on a ridge high above us. A pair of smouldering, chatoyant eyes scanned the party, trying to establish which among us was the easiest of prey. They were feral of gaze and implacable in their hatred of us, two bright orbs of doubloon-gold. She padded out of the vegetation with a balletic grace, shoulders bunched and muscles rippling. Her transverse stripes blended perfectly into her surroundings, breaking up her silhouette. I could see why she was the jungle’s apex predator when she flashed her giant, vampirish fangs at me. She looked deep into my soul, saw the fear, whisked her tail and sprang at me from her lofty perch.
I can tell you now, reader, you have never experienced the terror of a tigress putting you down on her menu of the day. Time slowed down and curiously, as if from a great distance, I admired her savage grandeur as she plunged down. Her colours seemed to ignite in the light, a combustible mix of ember-orange and gunpowder-black. Her mighty forelimbs descended upon me and I could see her retractile claws emerge from their furry pouches. I had a heartquake then and the flight-or-fight response kicked in. I flew. I rolled to one side and got a raking slash down my left arm for my troubles. I was only saved because her ambush height had been so great, she needed time to absorb the impact on her legs. I ran towards the camp screaming at the top of my voice. I hoped and prayed the guards were as alert as they claimed to be. Behind me, I could hear the huffing breath of the tiger come closer and then two shots rang out, followed by a volley of gunfire. I felt a clawed foot slashing my back and then it slipped away. I fell to the ground and my entire body went into convulsions. The adrenaline rush was over and my body was charging me for the price. The tigress lay dead behind me. That was my encounter with a tiger and it is one I never wish to see repeated.
I no longer see the jungle as a place of mist and mystique. I see danger lurking everywhere and the forest’s canopy seems to press down on top of me in a suffocating way. Although I still admire tigers, their burnished-copper coat is not one I wish to see again anytime soon.
1. A tiger can jump 16 feet up from a standing position.
2. He can leap 33 feet (and possibly a lot more) while on the run.
3. A tiger can hurdle a double-decker bus lengthways (if he chooses to do so!).
4. The worst man eater was the Champarat tiger who killed 436 recorded victims in Nepal and India. Jim Corbett, a famous hunter, shot it dead in 1907.
5. The biggest tiger ever recorded in the wild was 12 foot long and weighed 845lbs. It was a Siberian tiger.
6. The biggest Bengal tiger recorded was 11 feet long and weighed 857lbs.
7. There are six species of tiger alive today: Siberian, South China, Indochinese, Malayan, Sumatran and Bengal.
8. Three species have become extinct in the last 60 years: the Javan, Bali and Caspian tigers.
9. There are only about 3,500 tigers left in the wild today. There are 12,000 in captivity in the U.S alone.
10. The word ‘tiger’ comes from a Persian word (‘tigris’) meaning ‘arrow’.
11. The tiger has killed more humans than any other large cat.
12. Siberian tigers are the world’s largest tigers. Their average size is 3.5m and they weigh 300 kilograms plus.
13. The Sumatran tiger is the smallest at 2m and 200 kilograms plus.
14. Modern scientists believe that tigers have a better short term memory than humans. They have a memory dozens of times better than primates and hundreds of times better than dogs. This is probably because they are solitary and their ‘mental map’ of their territory and the habits, location and type of prey items in it needs to be very strong.
15. Lions can mate with tigers to create ‘ligers’. These are the largest cats in the world at a whopping 4m long.
16. Incredibly, they have also been known to mate with leopards in the wild.
17. Tigers have been studied imitating the call of their prey in order to lure them in. In particular, the sambar deer’s mating call has been replicated by many tigers in India.
18. Tigers live for about 25 years on average, both in the wild and captivity. Some can live for 40 years, however.
19. The greatest hunter of all time was Jim Corbett. He killed a total of 33 man-eaters between 1907 and 1938. At least three of these were leopards but we won’t hold it against him! His first hunt for a man-eater ended in the death of mankind’s greatest, known serial killer! The Champarat tiger had killed 436 RECORDED victims. This means there were probably many, many more. Even the Nepalese army had been sent out to kill it but couldn’t. They merely drove it into India where Jim Corbett was waiting……
Jim also killed the Panar leopard (over 400 recorded kills) in 1910.
He also killed the feared Radraprag leopard (126 recorded kills) in 1926.
20. The worst group of man-eaters in history were the lion pride of Njombe in Tanzania. Between 1932 and 1947, they killed at least 1,500 people and maybe as many as 2,000. A very brave hunter called George Rushby eventually killed them one by one. The worst serial killer alive today is probably a crocodile called ‘Gustave’ in Burundi. He is responsible for the deaths of at least 300 people, according to a French herpetologist called Patrick Faye who has been studying him since the late 1990’s. All efforts to capture him have failed, a film called ‘Primeval’ was made about him and he is still out there today terrorising villagers.
And finally. Who would win a fight between a bear and a tiger? A tiger can kill a sloth bear with a single swipe and has been seen to do so many times. In March, 2011 in Ankara, Turkey, a tiger reached into the lion’s enclosure and killed a lion with one swipe, severing his jugular vein. A large tiger is also intelligent enough to reach down and poke out the eye of any crocodile who tries to attack him while he is swimming. On land, he tries to flip over the crocodile in order to disembowel his soft underbelly. This behaviour has also been recorded.
Does this make the tiger the most dangerous large mammal on our planet? Probably not. A polar bear would be a very dangerous adversary for a tiger as he has fur so tough even a tiger would struggle to get through it. Who would win? Probably the polar bear but we will never know as their habitats are so different. If you have thoughts on this or on any other aspects of the post, feel free to share them with me and I will try to respond. Take care for now. Liam.
For much more of these types of posts, please check out my new book Writing with Stardust by clicking the book title.
Прилагательные, описывающие Тигра Карточки |
другие животные
1 |
сильный |
strong |
2 |
усатый |
whiskered |
3 |
полосатый |
striped |
4 |
кровожадный |
bloodthirsty |
5 |
хищный |
predatory |
6 |
гордый |
proud |
7 |
опасный |
dangerous |
8 |
грозный |
formidable |
Look at the picture. |
Посмотрите на картинку. |
You can see a tiger lying on the ground. |
Вы можете увидеть тигра, лежащего на земле. |
The tiger has round pricked ears. |
У тигра круглые торчащие уши. |
Its head is round. |
Его голова круглая. |
Its whole body is covered with stripped patterns. |
Все его тело покрыто полосатыми узорами. |
It has a big mane. |
У него большая грива. |
It has 5 fingers on its front paws with retractable claws. |
У него 5 пальцев на передних лапах с выдвигающимися когтями. |
It has four claws on its hind paws. |
У него четыре когтя на задних лапах. |
It has big and long fangs. |
У него большие и длинные клыки. |
The tail always ends with a black tip. |
Хвост всегда заканчивается черным кончиком. |
It looks graceful and peaceful. |
Это выглядит изящно и мирно. |
But it’s better not to mess with tigers. |
Но лучше не шутить с тиграми. |
They are dangerous. |
Они опасны. |
They are predators, which means they eat other animals. |
Они хищники, что означает, что они едят других животных. |
Общая информация о тигре:
Look at the picture. You can see a tiger lying gracefully on the ground. The tiger (Latin: Panthera tigris) is a species of predatory mammals of the biological family — Felidae. One of four representatives of the genus is Panthera, which belongs to the subfamily of large cats, namely (1) : lion, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard.
The tiger has round pricked ears. Its head is round. Its whole body is covered (2) with different reddish-orange stripped fur patterns. It has a mane-like heavy growth of fur around the neck and jaws and long whiskers. A tiger’s skull is similar to that of the lion, though the frontal region (3) is usually not as depressed or flattened (4). It has 5 fingers on its front paws with retractable (5) claws and four on the back paws. Its well-developed fangs (6), whose length can reach 8 cm, help tigers kill its prey. The tail always ends with a black tip and for most of its length it has rings around it. One paw of this tiger lies on top of the other.
The largest tigers are Bengali and Amur subspecies. Males of these subspecies can reach up to 2.3-2.5 m, and in some cases up to 2.9 m in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 320 kg.
Tigers have well developed (7) night vision. In the wild, tigers mainly feed on ungulates (8). A tiger can eat up to 30-40 kg of meat at one time.
Tigers hunt alone. Despite their substantial body weight tigers can reach speeds up to 60 km/hr. During the hunt tigers are able to jump to a height of 5 m and 9-10 m in length.
Tigers can carry their killed prey, holding it in its teeth or throwing the prey on the tiger’s back. In the case of hunting for large prey (gaur or Asian buffalo), the tiger can pull them on the ground. The weight of the dragged (9) prey can be up to 6-7 times of its own weight.
The ability to hunt is not an innate (10) form of behavior. Mother tigers need to teach their cubs how to do it.
Tigers are good swimmers and often bathe in ponds, lakes and rivers, thus (11) keeping cool in the heat of the day.
Amur tigers and brown bears can be a serious threat (12) to each other. There are many cases of aggressive interaction (13) between them.
Lions can breed (14) with tigers (most often the Amur and Bengal tigers) to create a hybrid subspecies called liger and tigon. The liger is a cross (15) between a male lion and a tigress. Ligers grow far larger than either parent specie.
Tigers live around 15-18 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity.
Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):
1 |
namely [ˈneɪmli] |
именно, а именно |
2 |
cover [ˈkʌvər] |
покрывать |
3 |
region [ˈriːdʒən] |
край, участок |
4 |
flatten [ˈflat(ə)n] |
сплющивать, плющить |
5 |
retractable [riˈtræktəbəl] |
убирающийся, втягивающийся |
6 |
fang [fæŋ] |
клык |
7 |
develop [dɪˈveləp] |
развивать |
8 |
ungulate [ˈʌŋɡjʊlət] |
копытный, копытное животное |
9 |
drag [dræɡ] |
тянуть, тащить |
10 |
innate [ɪˈneɪt] |
врожденный |
11 |
thus [ðʌs] |
таким образом, так |
12 |
threat [θret] |
угроза |
13 |
interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃn] |
взаимодействие |
14 |
breed [briːd] |
размножаться |
15 |
cross [krɔːs] |
помесь |
Описание тигра на английском языке
Факты проверены Текст проверен, ошибок быть не должно
Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world. Sadly, hunting and habitat loss have put populations at risk, and today their range has been reduced to around 7% of its former size.
It is most recognisable for its dark vertical stripes on orange-brown fur. Stripes are likely advantageous for camouflage in vegetation.
No two tigers have the same stripes. Since every tiger has their own pattern on their fur, they are all unique! A tiger’s tail is about half the length of its body.
Males vary in total length from 250 to 360 cm. Adults can weigh up to 320kg. They mainly feed on large mammals such as deer, wild pigs, antelope and buffalo. Tigers are solitary hunters, and generally search for food alone at night.
Tigers are good swimmers! Unlike most members of the cat family, they like water and often cool off in pools or streams.
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Перевод на русский язык
Тигры – самые большие дикие кошки в мире. К сожалению, охота и утрата среды обитания подвергли популяции риску, и сегодня их ареал сократился примерно до 7% от прежнего размера.
Он наиболее узнаваем по темным вертикальным полосам на оранжево-коричневом меху. Полосы, вероятно, полезны для маскировки на растительности.
Нет двух тигров с одинаковыми полосами. Поскольку у каждого тигра свой узор на шерсти, все они уникальны! Хвост тигра составляет примерно половину длины его тела.
В длину самцы достигают от 250 до 360 см. Взрослые особи могут весить до 320 кг. В основном они питаются крупными млекопитающими, такими как олени, дикие свиньи, антилопы и буйволы. Тигры – одиночные охотники и обычно ищут добычу в одиночестве по ночам.
Тигры – хорошие пловцы! В отличие от большинства представителей семейства кошачьих, они любят воду и часто охлаждаются в заводях или ручьях.
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What are some words to describe a tiger?
Here are some adjectives for tiger: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, hungry and unreliable, particularly hungry and unreliable, large bengal, magnificent bengal, half-grown siberian, lone saber-toothed, female saber-toothed, saber-toothed, white bengal, enraged bengal, fierce saber- …
How would you describe a tiger’s fur?
Although different species vary slightly, the base coat is generally a golden hue, the stripes ranging from dark brown or grey to black, and the underside of the tiger white. Interestingly, the skin of the tiger is also striped beneath the patterned fur.
What is a Tiger personality?
Zodiac Tiger’s Personality: Brave, Confident… People born in a year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others. But sometimes they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.
What color is a Tigers skin?
Black with orange stripes or Orange with black Stripes? Unlike most striped animals, a tiger’s skin is also striped underneath all of that fur and they are in fact orange with black stripes. Every individual tiger has its own pattern of stripes, and it is these patterns that allow us to recognise each tiger.
What are tigers afraid of?
Tigers like most animals are afraid of fire. Big cat ‘tamers’ have used fire for generations to keep tigers at bay. They are are also afraid of unfamiliar sounds and noises.
Are tiger skins illegal?
The Endangered Species Act makes buying, selling, importing, or exporting tiger fur or body parts a federal crime punishable by up to a year in prison and $50,000 in fines. Despite conservationists’ efforts to protect them, a thriving global black market for tiger parts persists.
Can I buy a tiger skin?
Under the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) 1972, gifting of tiger skin is allowed,” Devesh told TOI. Wildlife wing officials said Section 43 of the WPA, which deals with regular transfer of animals etc states that persons in possession of captive animals, trophies, articles cannot transfer or sell them.
What is a tiger skin worth?
The EIA states that it has already found examples of cat skins on sale on-line. According to the Hindustan Times one tiger rug cost $124,000, while a stuffed tiger cost $700,000. Leopard skins ranged from $100,000 to $300,000.
How much does a tiger pelt cost?
A prized pelt could fetch as much as $20,000. Because of this black market trade, tigers are, unfortunately, often worth more dead than alive, and poor people living in the tiger’s native range frequently turn to poaching to supplement their income.
How much is a tiger worth on the black market?
Unfortunately, a dead tiger might be more “valuable” than a live one. Skins can cost up to 25,000 USD on a black market. They serve as a decoration, symbol of luxury and prestige, or a frequent bribe for soldiers and high officials in Asia.
Are lion skin rugs legal?
You really need to check with US Fish and Wildlife service. I used to have an import business that dealt with these skins. Lions are Cities 1 and canbe sold legally with the appropriate permits.
Does North Korea have tigers?
They live in eastern Russia’s birch forests, and there are some in China and North Korea. It is estimated that there are around 400 to 500 Siberian tigers left in the wild….
Siberian tiger | |
Genus: | Panthera |
Species: | P. tigris |
Subspecies: | P. t. tigris |
Trinomial name |
Do Tigers kill bears?
Tigers do indeed eat bears. Siberian tigers usually kill bears by ambushing them often from behind. In a straight up face to face encounter the tiger seldom kills the bear so the ambush method is the usual method.
Which is stronger between a lion and a tiger?
The conservation charity Save China’s Tigers stated “Recent research indicates that the tiger is indeed stronger than the lion in terms of physical strength. A tiger is generally physically larger than a lion. Most experts would favor a Siberian and Bengal tiger over an African lion.”
Which Tiger is the strongest?
Although both the tiger species, the Bengal and the Siberian tigers are powerful; however, if ever a Siberian tiger fight against a Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger will win because it is bigger than the Bengal tiger and is more powerful.
Can a tiger kill a Jaguar?
The Bengal Tiger has a 100% chance of winning the battle. Fortunately for the Jaguar, it can still escape from the tiger by climbing trees and swimming in the water. With the help of stronger claws and remarkable fighting ability, the Bengal Tiger will surely defeat the Jaguar.
What dog can kill a lion?
What are the 10 dogs that fight lions? Ten dog breeds are noted for their ability to catch and kill wild ones: Rottweiler, Wolf dogs, Neopolitan and Tibetan mastiff, Boerboel dogs, Rhodesian Ridgeback, and Bloodhounds, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino, and Kangals.
What animal can kill a tiger?
Herbivores that are too big for a tiger to handle: Elephants, rhinos (although there are exceptions to that one) and hippos. Predators that can take on a big tiger in a head-on fight: Big, male brown bears, polar bears and large c.
Can a tiger kill a gorilla?
Though a gorilla is more powerful in bite force and strength a tiger would win 9 times out of 10. A tigers jump would easily reach a gorillas neck. After that a tiger breaks the gorilla’s neck and kills the gorilla.
Can a lion kill a gorilla?
Gorilla vs Lion A male lion weighs in at 420 pounds. They are approximately 8 feet long, run up to 50 miles per hour, have 1.5-inch claws and a 650psi bite force. The lion is certainly no slouch but just doesn’t have the size and strength advantage to overthrow the gorilla.
Why Tiger is not king of jungle?
Lions may face a challenge to the species’ long reign as king of the jungle, after scientists from Oxford University found that tigers have the bigger brains. “However, the tiger has bigger cranial volume than the lion. …
Can Tigers kill lions?
1 Lion can kill a Tiger easily, and if there are 2 Lions then the Tiger will actually be crying. As for 1 Lion vs Tigress, I simply can’t tell you the tragedy that is about to happen with the Tigress. 1 Lion can kill two Tigers, but with little difficulty.
Who is the Queen of the Jungle?
Who is king of forest?
The lion’s apperance makes it the King of the forest. It is believed that – “darker the hair of lion, more attractive the lion is for lioness.” A lion possess a royal look, great attitude and social pride among all other animals. The True Ruler. Lion is a ruler who rules within his specified territory.
Who is the king of animals?
Which tree is called King of Trees?
Oak trees
Why lion is called King of jungle?
Lions live in groups called prides. Lions are the kings of the jungle because of their raw power and strength. Lions fear no other animals, however, like a king lions do have enemies.
Which animal is called King of jungle?
Traditionally the lion has been crowned king of the jungle, but when one observes a lion and elephant encounter in the African wild it is clear to see that king lion has a healthy respect for elephant.
Who is the real king tiger or lion?
“It’s just that,” says Thapar, “Moreover, the lion is restricted to Gir forests (Gujrat, India), but the tiger roams all over. It is the true king of the jungle.” The tiger has been an integral part of the Indian culture and is depicted even on some seals from the Indus Valley Civilization.
Tigers are distinctive orange-and-black-striped cats that are easily recognizable and highly endangered, having been eradicated from 93% of their historic range. The nine subspecies of this animals are restricted to small pockets of Asia, and their population is estimated to be between 3,000 and 4,000 cats in the wild. Read on to learn about the tiger.
Description of the Tiger
Tigers are the largest living species of big cat. The largest subspecies are the Bengal and Siberian tigers. These cats can stand as tall as 4 ft. at the shoulder, and weigh over 800 lbs. in the wild – and even more in zoos!
They have thick fur that varies in color, but is generally a burnished orange with vertical black stripes. Their stomachs, chests, and parts of their faces are white with black stripes. The fur around the neck and chest grows thicker, but not quite as long as a lion’s mane.
Interesting Facts About the Tiger
Tigers are apex predators, and have fine-tuned anatomy and behavior for capturing large prey. From nose to their tail, these fearsome cats are perfectly adapted for hunting and survival.
- A Tiger’s Stripes – In our eyes, tiger stripes are very distinctive and bold. However, drop that pattern in a stand of tall grasses, with partial sunlight dappling through the trees and that sleek cat becomes nearly invisible. This is, of course, beneficial when stalking prey. The closer the cat can get to it’s prey before it attacks, the more likely it will catch it’s target.
- Hunting – Despite their perfect camouflage, tigers are not always successful in their hunts. Researchers estimate that only one out of every ten or twenty hunts results in a meal. This means that tigers have to choose their targets well, and hunt efficiently, if they want to survive.
- Unique Pattern – Tigers are actually the only big cats that are entirely striped. Each tiger’s stripe pattern is different from the next, and different subspecies’ stripes have different thicknesses and shapes. They even have striped skin!
- Powerful Paws – Not only are tigers’ paws equipped with long claws for grabbing prey, they are also heavily padded. This allows them to stalk through the forest almost silently. Once they find a likely target, they can leap forward twenty or thirty feet to capture their prey!
Habitat of the Tiger
The optimal habitat for tigers is located close to a water source, has lots of vegetation for cover while hunting, and plenty of prey. These are solitary hunters, so having the ability to hide in tall grasses and bushes while stalking prey is of the utmost importance.
They also prefer living in habitats with suitable den locations, such as caves, hollow trees, or very dense bushes. Different subspecies can be found in a number of forest types, including evergreen, swamp, mangrove, deciduous, thorn, and taiga. They will also occasionally inhabit rocky mountain habitats, as well as savannas and grasslands.
Distribution of the Tiger
Sadly, tigers have lost 93% of their former range in Asia. They can no longer be found in western or central Asia, Bali, Java, and around the Caspian Sea. Nowadays, small pockets of tigers can be found in India, Russia, Bangladesh, North Korea, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Sumatra.
The tiger populations in these areas are highly fragmented. This means that the tigers are separated by large expanses of land, and cannot breed with one another.
Diet of the Tiger
Tigers prefer medium and large prey items, especially ungulates, or hoofed mammals. They normally hunt animals that are 200 lbs. or more. Some of their favorite prey species include deer, buffalo, chital, nilgai, swamp deer, Indian bison, wapiti, tapir, orangutan, monkeys, camels, fish and wild boar. They will also sometimes hunt other predators like dogs, crocodiles, leopards, and sloth bears.
Tigers hunt using ambush, and will quietly stalk their prey to get close enough to capture it. Successful hunting requires skill and precision. Sometimes when tigers become injured or too old to hunt, they will resort to hunting humans. This can cause extreme conflict between native people and tigers.
Tiger and Human Interaction
Man-eating tigers are relatively rare, but still a problem in Asia. This can cause native people to become fearful and resent tigers, compounding conservation struggles. Humans have been consistently decimating tiger populations for years. Tigers are considered a top game species in Asia, and were hunted for sport as well as their fur.
Other hunting came as a result of retaliation to attacks, and to supply traditional Chinese medicine. This trade is fueled by the false belief that tiger parts have use as painkillers and aphrodisiacs. The black market trade of tiger parts and furs, fuels poaching to this day.
Tigers have not been domesticated in any way.
Does the Tiger Make a Good Pet
The tiger does not make a good pet. They are the largest cat species, and extremely powerful. These cats have been known to kill humans, and should not be owned as pets.
Tiger Care
In zoos, tigers must be provided with lots of enclosure space to exercise and interact. They are provided with a water feature as well, because tigers enjoy swimming. To keep the tigers stimulated, they are provided with environmental enrichment in the form of large toy balls, floats, branches and logs, ice blocks, puzzle toys, and more.
To better care for tigers, they are trained using positive reinforcement to participate in their own healthcare. This keeps zookeepers from having to tranquilize the tiger for checkups and some medical procedures. Tigers can be trained to stand on scales for weighing, allow their blood to be drawn, open their mouths so their teeth can be assessed, and more!
Behavior of the Tiger
Adult tigers are solitary creatures, and rarely interact with other tigers. They maintain territories, but will travel outside of these territories regularly. The territories of females will commonly overlap with males, but the territories of two males will not.
Tigers swim frequently, and will bathe in ponds, lakes, rivers, or streams. They also use water sources as an escape from the heat, and thoroughly enjoy swimming. Female cubs will establish territory close to their mothers, and slowly disperse over time. Males have territories much larger than females, and will check these territories to determine if any females are receptive to mating.
Reproduction of the Tiger
After a gestation period of 93 – 112 days, the female tiger will give birth to a litter of cubs. After 5 – 6 months the cubs are weaned off of their mother’s milk, and she will teach them how to hunt. By the time they are 11 months old, the cubs will be capable of hunting on their own. At 18 months they become fully independent, but will remain with their mother for 2 years or more.
Beliefs, Superstitions, and Phobias About the Tiger
Tigers are found quite frequently in Asian culture and mythology. They are one of the twelve creatures in the Chinese Zodiac, and are featured in a number of tales and folklore. In Buddhism, tigers are a symbol of anger, and are considered one of the Three Senseless Creatures.
The Tungusic people treat the tiger as a deity, and the Manchu people consider the tiger to be “Hu Lin,” or “the king.” It is no wonder that tigers are so prevalent in so many cultures, considering how powerful and awe-inspiring they are.
Here are some adjectives for tiger: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, hungry and unreliable, particularly hungry and unreliable, large bengal, magnificent bengal, half-grown siberian, lone saber-toothed, female saber-toothed, saber-toothed, white bengal, enraged bengal, fierce saber- …
What are words to describe babies?
150 Describing Words to Describe Babies or Toddlers
- Adorable.
- Fancy.
- Old-Fashioned.
- Unsightly.
- Delightful.
- Jolly.
- Proud.
- Witty.
What are 5 interesting facts about Tigers?
1) Tigers are the largest cat species in the world reaching up to 3.3 meters in length and weighing up to 670 pounds!
- 2) Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark vertical stripes and reddish/orange fur.
- 3) The Bengal tiger is the most common tiger.
- 4) Tigers live between 20-26 years in the wild.
How do you describe a beautiful baby?
lovable, appealing, charming, cute, sweet, enchanting, bewitching, captivating, engaging, endearing, dear, darling, precious, delightful, lovely, beautiful, attractive, gorgeous, winsome, winning, fetching, pleasing.
How do you describe a cute baby?
Adorable, cute, sweet, innocent, angelic, charming, beautiful and observant or alert. Cute, cuddly, loud, quiet, angelic, demonic, adorable, bouncy, cheerful, onery, spoiled, chummy. Depends on the baby.
What’s the best adjective to describe a tiger?
According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for “tigers” are: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, and hungry and unreliable. There are 885 other words to describe tigers listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe tigers suits your needs.
What are some descriptive words for babies and toddlers?
What are some descriptive words for Baby and Toddlers ? Here is a list of words that describe the babies and toddlers. Total number of baby words and adjectives: 317 words. Baby / toddler words are listed in alphabetical order. accomplished, active, admirable, adorable, adventurous, affectionate, alert, alluring, amazing, ambitious,
Where can I find adjectives to describe things?
Loading you some adjectives… Won’t be much longer! 🙂 Below is a list of describing words for tigers. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions!
Are there any positive adjectives to describe a child?
100+ Positive Adjectives to Describe a Child – With Free Printable Poster! Today I’m sharing a list of 100+ positive adjectives to describe a child with a free printable poster of positive adjectives. I hope you enjoy and find it helpful! You won’t find phrases like “well behaved” or adjectives like cute, handsome, or intelligent in this list.
According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for “tigers” are: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, and hungry and unreliable. There are 885 other words to describe tigers listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe tigers suits your needs.
What are some descriptive words for Baby and Toddlers ? Here is a list of words that describe the babies and toddlers. Total number of baby words and adjectives: 317 words. Baby / toddler words are listed in alphabetical order. accomplished, active, admirable, adorable, adventurous, affectionate, alert, alluring, amazing, ambitious,
What does the word resembling a tiger mean?
(pathology) In a pattern resembling tiger stripes. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the tiger. “But the characters in this book, both human and tigrine, are more nuanced.” Resembling a tiger; tigerish. (colloquial) Resembling a tiger, or an aspect of tigers Having the characteristics of a tiger
Loading you some adjectives… Won’t be much longer! 🙂 Below is a list of describing words for tigers. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions!
20 Facts You Probably Didn’t Knew About Tigers
- Tigers are the largest amongst other wild cats.
- A punch from a Tiger may kill you.
- Tigers are nocturnal animals.
- Tiger cubs are born blind and only half of the cubs survive.
- Tigers love to swim and play in the water.
- Tigers live for about 25 years.
How do you praise a cute baby?
She has a great smile!
- Soooo cute just like me.
- She has such big beautiful eyes!
- She is so cute.
- Hi..your babies here are really so cute hope you’ll add more of it soon..
- Baby is so cute, she looks like a princess, adorable!!
- OMG, that baby is so cute!!! he has gorgeous eyes.
- She is awesome!!
- So cuteee baby!!!!
How do you describe a cute baby picture?
Babies are the most precious and adorable in a way that is often very hard to describe in a single line. Anything positive and nice about the baby is taken as a compliment by the parents. You can complement on baby’s cute face, cheeks, looks, hair, lips using words like pretty, sweet, adorable, beautiful, lovely, etc.
Adjectives for Tiger: Following are the adjectives for Tiger with Meaning and Example Sentences.
1. Fierce: ferocious, savage, and vicious. (Example: The tiger was so fierce that it killed the man who tried to tame it.)
2. majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity. (Example: The tiger’s majestic appearance always awes me.)
3. noble: having or showing fine qualities or high moral character. (Example: The tiger is a noble creature that should be respected.)
4. brave: having or showing courage. (Example: The tiger was very brave in the face of danger.)
5. mighty: having great power or strength. (Example: The tiger is a mighty creature that should be respected.)
6. regal: having or showing the characteristics of a king or queen. (Example: The tiger’s regal appearance always awes me.)
>>>> Read Also: Adjectives for Lion-Words to Describe about Lion
7. stately: having a proud and dignified bearing. (Example: The tiger’s stately walk always catches my eye.)
8. mighty: having great power or strength. (Example: The tiger is a mighty creature that should be respected.)
9. proud: feeling or showing pleasure or satisfaction because of one’s own achievements, possessions, or experiences. (Example: The tiger was very proud after successfully hunted its prey.)
10. fierce: ferocious, savage, and vicious. (Example: The tiger was so fierce that it killed the man who tried to tame it.)
11. dangerous: able or likely to cause death or injury. (Example: The tiger is a dangerous animal that should be avoided at all cost.)
12. wild: living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated. (Example: The tiger is a wild animal that should be respected.)
13. ferocious: fierce and violent. (Example: The tiger was so ferocious that it killed the man who tried to tame it.)
14. aggressive: ready and willing to attack or assert oneself. (Example: The tiger is an aggressive animal that should be avoided at all cost.)
15. intimidating: making someone feel frightened or less confident. (Example: The tiger’s intimidating growl always makes me feel uneasy.)
16. threatening: making someone feel frightened or in danger. (Example: The tiger’s threatening presence always makes me feel uneasy.)
17. unsettling: making someone feel anxious or confused. (Example: The tiger’s unsettling presence always makes me feel uneasy.)
18. alarming: causing feelings of fear, worry, or anxiety. (Example: The tiger’s alarmingly loud roar always makes me feel uneasy.)
19. disturbing: upsetting or troubling someone. (Example: The tiger’s disturbing presence always makes me feel uneasy.)
20. unsettling: making someone feel anxious or confused. (Example: The tiger’s unsettling presence always makes me feel uneasy.)
Tips how to use describing words for Tiger:
Describing words are often overused and add little to a piece of writing. When you use adjectives, make sure they are serving a purpose and adding something to your work. Be selective with your adjectives and use them sparingly.
Too many adjectives will make your writing feel cluttered and can be distracting for the reader. Use only the adjectives that are absolutely necessary to paint the picture you want in your reader’s mind.
If you find yourself using the same adjective multiple times, try to find a different word with a similar meaning. This will keep your writing fresh and interesting for the reader. Thesauruses and online dictionaries can be helpful when finding alternative words.
When using adjectives, be mindful of how they are impacting the tone of your work. Make sure the adjectives you use are conveying the message you want to communicate.
>>>>> Read Also: Adjectives for Patience- Words to Describe Patience
Therefore, these are the adjectives for tiger. However, while writing about tigers, one must be extra careful as to how these adjectives are used, so as not to overuse them and clutter the writing. At the same time, these adjectives should be used in such a way that they add to the writing and do not take away from the message being conveyed.
I am James Jani here, a frequent Linguist, English Enthusiast & a renowned Grammar teacher, would love you share with you about my learning experience. Here I share with my community, students & with everyone on the internet, my tips & tricks to learn adjectives fast.
What adjectives describe a tiger?
Here are some adjectives for tiger: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, hungry and unreliable, particularly hungry and unreliable, large bengal, magnificent bengal, half-grown siberian, lone saber-toothed, female saber-toothed, saber-toothed, white bengal, enraged bengal, fierce saber- …
How would you describe a tiger?
The tiger has a muscular body with powerful forelimbs, a large head and a tail that is about half the length of its body. Its pelage is dense and heavy, and colouration varies between shades of orange and brown with white ventral areas and distinctive vertical black stripes that are unique in each individual.
What are other names for Tigers?
Synonyms for Tiger
- cat. n.
- leopard. n.
- jaguar. n.
- panther. n.
- feline. n.
- tigress. n.
- cheetah. n.
- barracuda. n.
What describes tiger in a jungle?
The tiger in the jungle is majestic. He is free and lies under the shades and hunts for prey. He moves near the water because food is in plenty there. Sometimes he growls and terrorises the villagers.
What is special about tiger?
Tigers are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet, they are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength. As the largest member of the cat family, Tigers are strong, powerful and one of nature’s most feared predators.
What describe tiger in a jungle?
What’s the best adjective to describe a tiger?
According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for “tigers” are: royal bengal, black and sallow, common, striped, half-starved bengal, and hungry and unreliable. There are 885 other words to describe tigers listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe tigers suits your needs.
Are there any positive words that start with the letter T?
There are many positive words that start with the letter T and we have worked diligently to sift through the enormous number words that start with T that are positive to bring you this list of positive T words for your reference.
Where can I find adjectives to describe things?
Loading you some adjectives… Won’t be much longer! 🙂 Below is a list of describing words for tigers. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions!
Which is the third function of the letter T?
The third function of the letter “t” comes when two Ts are combined in the middle of a word. In these instances, they tend to sound like the letter “d.” Consider the word “little.” No matter how it’s pronounced, it’s clear “t” is a fundamental and important letter in the English language.
What are some adjectives that describe a tiger?
Things tiger often describes (“tiger ________”) man, lilies, shooting, cat, hunting, beetles, eye, cats, beetle, skin, tail, fish, stripes, moths, snake, lily, maria, leader, eyes, bone, serpent, moth, head, strength, hunter, slayer, triton, poet, hunt How tiger often is described (“________ tiger”)
Are there any adjectives that start with the letter T?
Are you considering using some adjectives that start with “t?” The letter “t” has a rich history as a useful letter. The ancient Phoenicians and other tribes used “t” as the marker or signature for people who were illiterate and unable to sign their own names – just as other cultures have used the letter “x” for the same purpose.
The third function of the letter “t” comes when two Ts are combined in the middle of a word. In these instances, they tend to sound like the letter “d.” Consider the word “little.” No matter how it’s pronounced, it’s clear “t” is a fundamental and important letter in the English language.
What is the sound of the letter T?
Sound Off. The letter “t” has two, maybe three, major sounds in the English language. The first is a nice, crisp “teh” like in “time.”. This sound is made by placing the tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind the teeth and pushing a little bit of air through.
What are other names for tigers?
The tiger in the jungle would be living in freedom and with respect in the jungle. He had been confined to the cage because of which he had stopped these activities.
What is the best name for a tiger?
Good Tiger Names
- Cuddles.
- Dave.
- Cosimia.
- Diarmid.
- Freda.
- Ethelbert.
- Henith.
- Ginger.
What is another name for a female tiger?
The female tiger can be called a tiger or tigress. A young tiger is called a tiger cub.What describes the tiger in a cell?
Answer: The tiger is not comfortable in the part of the cell and it has not natural habitat and other problem. He treats the tiger imprisoned in a cell and he takes no interest in the visitors so it will be more comfortable for the people to stay and watch the tiger in zoo in a fine manner at every time.
What is the caged tiger not likely to say?
Answer. => The tiger ignores the visitors as his strength is confined to the cage. He feels sad and restless behind the concrete walls.
Can a tiger Cub kill a human?
Behavior and Temperament Tigers are large, strong, and dangerous cats. Well before their first year, a tiger cub grows big enough to push down an adult human, and it’s a very bad idea to wrestle with cubs. Even their play bites can cause serious damage and kill a human.
How Does a tiger feel in the forest?
Answer: The tiger feels slave in the concrete cell. It feels like a prisoner. It misses its freedom in the forest where it should be lurking in the shadows; stalking its prey in the long grass near water hole, where deer come to drink water and where it lurks to pounce on them.