Describe me in one word game

10 Questions


By Bhawnakul19 | Updated: Jul 23, 2022

| Attempts: 5721


One Word To Describe Me Quiz - Quiz

Are you finding that one word that describes you and your inner personality? Check out this «One word to describe me quiz,» and we will tell what that one word is. A person’s character has the power to build them in the community or leave them to live as loners without knowing why. How do you think people view you? Take the quiz below and find just one word that covers who you are. All the best, and remember to be yourself!

You May Get


You don’t care about what others think of you, and you stand out in the crowd! You don’t like to argue, have a free spirit, and love to do things independently!


Everyone counts on you to do something for them because you always listen to them and take things seriously!

& many more results.
Start this quiz to find your result.

  • 1. 

    Other people want to: - ProProfs

    Other people want to:

    • A. 

      Comfort You

    • B. 

      Be you

    • C. 

      Marry You

    • D. 

      Love you

  • 2. 

    Your crush talks to you for the first time about a problem. How do you react? - ProProfs

    Your crush talks to you for the first time about a problem. How do you react?

    • A. 

      I listen him and try to help him.

    • B. 

      I look at the ground.

    • C. 

      I laugh make feel him better with some practical jokes.

    • D. 

      I tell him to do one certain thing to help him out.

  • 3. 

    What kind of sport do you like? - ProProfs

    What kind of sport do you like?

    • A. 

      Peaceful kind of

    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      Volley ball

  • 4. 

    Which word is most least like you? - ProProfs

    Which word is most least like you?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 5. 

    How do you feel about clubbing? - ProProfs

    How do you feel about clubbing?

    • A. 

      I’m dying for everybody to see me in my new outfit.

    • B. 

      Only if we get there and leave when I say.

    • C. 

      I’m in the middle of a great novel — I’ll pass.

    • D. 

      Too much crowd. I have never been there. 

  • 6. 

    Your neighbor’s house is on the fire  so you. - ProProfs

    Your neighbor’s house is on the fire  so you.

    • A. 

      Call 911

    • B. 

      Interviewed for the news

    • C. 


    • D. 

      Why should I bother?

  • 7. 

    What is your weakness? - ProProfs

    What is your weakness?

    • A. 

      Refusing to grow up

    • B. 

      My shyness

    • C. 

      Being a pushover

    • D. 

      Being too much honest sometimes shuts all the doors.

  • 8. 

    Your best friend’s boyfriend is cheating on her. What will you do?

    • A. 

      Nothing, it’s their personal matter.

    • B. 

      I will tell everything to my best friend.

    • C. 

      I don’t know. Oh God, it’s too difficult to choose.

    • D. 

      I will confront that boy and then tell everything to my best friend.

  • 9. 

    How organized are you?

    • A. 

      Very much

    • B. 

      I am totally a mess.

    • C. 

      A little bit organized.

    • D. 

      It depends on the situation.

  • 10. 

    What job would be good for you?

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Social worker

    • C. 

      Motivational speaker

    • D. 


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About This Quiz

All of us are the sum of many parts, one of the things that makes people so cool and interesting is how different all of us are. Still though, when it comes to people that know us well, they think of one thing about us first and foremost. If we were to go up to your significant other or your best friend and asked them to describe you in one word, what would it be? Now don’t forget, we are talking about people that like you here, otherwise, the word might be a lot different.

Are you known by all as a leader who never quits? Are you courageous, having faced long odds and defeated them? Are you kind to all that you meet? Are you so affected by the world around you would people describe you as sensitive? Are you so funny that people would forget about all of your other characteristics?  Do you have a strong sense of justice of what is right and wrong? There are a whole lot of people in the world, and there are a whole lot of words that can be used to describe each of them. Take this quiz to find the word that might describe you best.

Got sent this wee game from a pal today. I’m not one for silly email games — they are a waste of time when you are trying to productively waste time… but this ones pretty good:

One Word

Describe me in one word — just one.
Send it to me (only me), then forward this email to your friends
and see how many strange things people think about you.

Reply it’s fun!

I sent this out to a few friends at work and, so far, I have received 4 responses:

iPod / honest / farter / complex

I think these responses are fascinating and I’m going to extend the reach of the game.

I am pleased with the honest comment. I try to live an honest life and with this friend, I have been brave enough to tell her things she maybe didn’t want to hear but did appreciate once she heard them.

I am not pleased with the farter comment… People will forget your good deeds… sometimes your bad deeds will be forgiven… but fart once and you’re an outcast FOREVER!!!

Complex is cool — there are many strings to my bow.

However, iPod is the most interesting one. I am an evangelical iPod user! I am a huge Apple fanboy and obviously this has made an impression. It also shows what is first in my life (or, at least, what is apparently first) and that’s a wee bit embarassing. Why? It would appear that I am more gung-ho for Apple than I am for my faith. Does this mean that Steve Jobs is my idol (should that be iDol???) instead of my Lord?


If you’re looking for some of the best describing games, then you’re certainly in the right place. Stay tuned for the best describe the word ESL activities, along with lesson plans, worksheets and more.


Describe games

Let’s get into the best describing words games for English learners.

#1: Describing Words Board Game

In real life, I love to play board games which is why I like to bring some into my classroom as well. It’s easy to make your own for just about topic, grammatical point or vocabulary set, including describing words.

In this case, fill the board with common objects that students might know. Then, when they land on that square, they have to say 1-3 (depending on the level) words or statements about that object. For example, pencil:

  • It’s made of wood.
  • A pencil is hard.
  • It has a sharp point.

If the student can come up with the required words/statements, they get to stay on that spot. Find out more about how to make your own ESL board games:

#2: Speaking Bingo Describing Activity

A nice way to give students some practice with describing things is to play this speaking Bingo game. Regular Bingo is fun but it doesn’t have a lot of educational value to it. Instead of just saying the word, I like to describe it instead to make it a more challenging listening activity, as well as vocabulary one.

Better yet, it’s possible to have students describe the words instead of you! Try it out:

#3: Using Relative Clauses to Describe Things or People

Using a relative clause (He is a person who…) or a reduced relative clause (This is the man I saw…) to describe people or things is very common. In this activity, students have to give hints to other people in their group about a secret object or person. The other students have to guess who or what is it.

Have a look here to find out more:

#4: ESL Comparatives Quiz

Comparative adjectives are a nice way to describe a lot of things! Have a look at this simple online quiz to try out with your students:

#5: Guessing Game Warm-Up

This is a simple party game that I’m sure you’ve played before. You get a sticky note with a secret person or thing on it and then have to ask questions to the other people at the party to try to figure out what it is.

To work on describing things, I play this game with a bit of a twist. Instead of asking questions, I get people to give hints to the person. For example, someone might have Barrack Obama at their secret person. They could give hints such as:

  • It’s a man
  • He’s American
  • He’s a politician
  • He was a former president
  • Etc.

Try it out with your students:

#6: Taboo Describe Game

Here’s another party game that you may have played before. Traditionally, there is a secret word that you have to describe but you can’t use a list of other closely related words.

I’ve adapted it for my English learners to make it slightly easier. They still have to describe a secret word but I don’t use the banned list of related words. Find out more here:

p.s. It can be super helpful to laminate the words to recycle from class to class. Here are some top options: Best laminators. 

#7: Just a Minute

If you want to challenge your students, try out this speaking activity. Bring some different objects into the classroom and put students into pairs. Take out the first object and set a timer for one minute. One person in each group has to describe the object for one minute without stopping. Then, use a different object and the other person tries the same task.

It’s also possible to do this activity without objects but instead use things like:

  • Hometown
  • Family
  • Favourite thing
  • Most delicious food
  • Etc.

Have a look here for more information:

#8: Hot Potato Describe Game

This is a fun game to try out if you want to inject some excitement into the classroom. Students pass around the potato (or another object) until the timer goes off or the music stops. Whoever is holding the potato when this happens has to do a task of some kind.

In this case, show the student a flashcard or other object and have them make 1-3 statements (depending on the level) to describe the object. For example, a cat.

  • It’s black and white.
  • It has soft fur.
  • It looks sleepy.

Find out more about this fun ESL game here:

#9: Word Association

This activity is a nice way to focus on word families. Have a look here for all the details:

#10: Puzzle Finder Activity

This is a fun ESL speaking and listening activity that focuses on teamwork as well as describing common vocabulary words. It’s a flexible activity that can be adapted to many different kinds of things. Basically, students have to describe their puzzle pieces to others to help decide if they have a match. Check it out:

#11: TOEIC Speaking Test: Describe the Picture

Most English proficiency speaking tests have a section where students have to describe a picture of some kind. There is certainly specific vocabulary related to this that can help our students get the best possible score. If I’m teaching students who are likely to take these kinds of tests in the future, I like to teach them how to describe a picture by doing some sample tests. Here are a few to try out:

#12: Current Events Presentation Project

With some of my more advanced students, I like to do a current events presentation project. It’s challenging because students often have to learn a bunch of new vocabulary words that they may not be familiar with because they often aren’t found in ESL textbooks.

As part of the project, they have to describe the event and then talk about why it’s important. It’s a describing activity but of a different sort than most of the other ones on this list. Try it out and I think you’ll like the results as much as I did:

#13: Describing Places

A common topic that involves lots of adjectives and descriptions is for places. For example, describing a city. Here are some of the best ideas for this popular unit that is found in most ESL textbooks:

#14: Song for Describing People

When I teach kids, I always like to use some songs and chants in my classes. They help make grammar and vocabulary far more memorable and I sometimes even catch students singing along to them between classes. This always makes me feel like I’ve done a good thing!

Have a look on YouTube and you’ll be able to easily find something for the age and level of students that you teach.

#15: ESL Adjective Games and Activities

Using adjectives are necessary for describing things. Here are some of the best ESL adjective activities to consider trying out:

#16: What are you Cooking? (Describing Food)

This is an engaging 4-skills ESL activity that’s perfect for adults. Students have to make a 3-course menu from ingredients chosen by another group. Then, they have to make a presentation to try to convince others that their menu is the best. This is where descriptive words come in! Have a look here to find out more:

What are you Cooking? A 4-Skills ESL Activity

#17: English Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

These kinds of adjectives are very helpful for describing just about anything. A comparative compares two things (The dog is bigger than the cat) while a superlative talks about only one thing (That’s the fluffiest cat in my neighbourhood). There are lots of interesting comparative/superlative activities to try out with your students:

#18: Describe and Draw a Picture

This is a fun activity for kids as well as adults that usually has some hilarious results. It’s for describing people ESL. Find some pictures of monsters or aliens. Then, one student has to describe what they see to the other student who has to draw it. When they’re done, they can compare the two pictures. Find out more:


Describe the word game

#19: Picture Prompt

This is a nice warmer activity or to use as a review at the end of class. Find an interesting picture that has a number of target vocabulary words. Then, elicit some of those from the students. What you can do with this depends on the level of the students. Beginners may say a single word while more advanced students can make sentences. Or, even write a story based on what they see. Check out all the options:

#20: Flip-Chart Vocabulary Review Describe Game

This is a fun review game that helps students practice describing the word. The first team chooses one person to be in the hot seat. Then, the team has to describe the secret words to that person who guesses what it is. They try to get as many words as possible in a minute. I generally allow one pass per round. I play 3-5 rounds with different people in the hot seat. Have a look here for more information:

#21: Postcards ESL Writing Activity

On a postcard, people often describe places or events. Check out this simple activity:

#22: Show and Tell

This isn’t just for kids! Show and Tell is a fun ESL activity for all ages. I have students bring in one of their favourite things or a picture/PowerPoint slide if it’s too big. Then, they have to describe to the class about their thing in 1-2 minutes. After that, I have a question/answer time. It’s fun and interesting to see a bit about the student’s hobbies or home life. More information here:

#23: Dictogloss

This is a challenging listening activity for higher-level students. Find (or write) a passage filled with lots of descriptive words. It might be someone talking about their hometown, or their favourite hobby.

Then, put students into pairs and read it out at a faster than normal pace. Students have to take notes and then try to recreate what they heard. Read it again and students do the same thing. After that, they can compare what they have with the original. Find out more details here:

#24: Describing Yourself Toiler Paper Icebreaker

You’ve maybe done this icebreaker activity before? You have to take a certain number of toilet paper squares and then say a true statement about yourself for each one that you have. I like to mix things up a bit and allow some follow-up questions too. Check it out:

#25: ESL Clothes Quiz

Try out this fun game that describes clothes:

#26: I’m an Alien

This is a fun describe game that you can use with kids. Pretend that you’re an alien from another planet and don’t know anything about happens on Earth. Students have to tell you everything you need to know to survive. To focus on describing words, pretend that you don’t know what basic things and students have to describe these things to you. Try out this fun ESL activity:

#27: ESL Describing Game

Write down 10-20 words randomly on the whiteboard (more ideas here: Whiteboard Activities). They should be related to a certain topic that you want to review (sports, animals, food, etc.). Then, put students into pairs and the first student has to choose a word and describe it to their partner. When their partner guesses, they switch roles and play again.


Games where you describe a word.

#28: Five Senses Vocabulary Activity

Try out this versatile activity that can be done either through speaking or listening and alone or in groups. Bring in a common object like an orange and then students have to think of descriptive words related to the 5 senses to describe the object. It’s challenging but fun and I think your students will enjoy it as much as mine do! Find out more:

5 Senses ESL Vocabulary Activity

#29: ESL Fruit and Vegetable Quiz

Check out this simple online quiz that describes fruit and veggies:

Describing Words Worksheets

Describing worksheets are perfect for an in-class assignment or for homework. Here are some of the best ones to consider:

English Worksheets

ISL Collective

ESL Flow

Describing Words Lesson Plans

If you’re a teacher, then you’ll know what a huge time-saver it can be to have ready-made lesson plans at your fingertips. Here are some of the best ESL describing lesson plans to check out:

Lingua House

Your Dictionary

Did you like these ESL Describe Games?

Then you’re going to love this book over on Amazon: 39 ESL Vocabulary Activities for Teenagers and Adults. The key to better English classes is a wide variety of interactive, engaging and student-centred activities and games and this book will help you get there in style.

Pick up a copy of 39 ESL Vocabulary Activities to keep on the bookshelf in your office to use as a handy reference guide. Or, take the digital version with you to your favourite coffee shop for some lesson planning on the go. Whatever the case, get ready for some ESL teaching awesome in your life,

Head over to Amazon to find out more about the book today:


Have your say about these Describing Games and Activities

What’s your top pick for a describe the word game or activity? Is it one of the options from this list or do you have your eye on another one? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear from you.

Also be sure to give this article a share on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. It’ll help other busy English teachers, like yourself, find this useful resource?

5 Senses ESL Activity for Vocabulary, Writing or Speaking

Last update on 2022-10-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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