Describe friendship in a word

30+ Phrases and expressions about friendship for English learners

12 min

Created: August 2nd, 2022Last updated: March 31st, 2023

Phrases and expressions about friendship


A friend in need is a friend indeed – how often have you heard this idiom? It is one of the best expressions of friendship that describe your closest person. And, more important – one of the most truthful. Having a genuine friend by your side regarding the situation is a real treasure.

The English language is truly rich in beautiful quotes and metafors. Whether you want to describe your best buddy or send them a message about something – there are a lot of proverbs and idioms to choose from. And in this article, we collected the most exciting and pleasant friendship metaphors and expressions. So keep reading, if you don’t want to miss all the goods!

Expressions about friendship: words to describe a best friend 
Words to describe a best friend

A best friend is a person that is always here for you. You can laugh together and cry together, discuss your favorite TV shows, give and take pieces of advice, and have a lot of fun anytime you see each other. And there are many best friend analogies in English you can use to describe your comrade.

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed

This phrase means that if a person helps you when you’re in trouble, they are really your friend. It comes from an old English proverb: “A friend is not known till he is needed.” And you should know that even though there are hundreds of friendship proverbs in English, this one remains the most widespread worldwide. For example:

I’m so grateful to my friend for helping me when I was in trouble. He is a real friend indeed.

  • Bestie, BFF, soulmate

These three abbreviations stand for “best friend forever,” “best friend forever,” and “soulmate.” These friendship analogies are used informally between people to express their strong bond. For example:

I’ve been besties with Emily since we were five.

I’m so happy to have found my BFF – we just get each other!

  • My other half

This phrase is often used to describe a spouse or romantic partner. But you can also use these metaphors for friendship with someone you feel very connected to. For example:

I don’t have any siblings, but my best friend is like a sister to me. She’s my other half.

  • A friendship like no other

This expression is used to describe a very special and unique friendship. It’s the kind of friendship you will never forget and always be unique to you. For example:

My friendship with Sarah is like no other. We’ve been through so much together, and I know she will always be there for me.

  • A friend at court

A friend at court is someone who has favor with those in power. This person may be able to help you out in times of need or get you access to influential people. For example: 

If I don’t get this job, I will ask Stanley for help. He has always been a friend at court, so he will probably help me deal with the interview. 

  • A shoulder to cry on

This friend slang is often used to describe someone willing to listen to someone else’s problems and offer support. This person is typically seen as a reliable and trustworthy confidant who will not judge the other person or tell others about their problems. For example:

When I broke up with my boyfriend, I called Sarah immediately. She has always been a shoulder to cry on for me. 

  • Bosom friends

Bosom friends typically refer to two people who are very close, have a lot in common, and confide in each other. It can also refer to two people who are in a romantic relationship. For example:

Mike and I have been bosom friends since kindergarten.

  • Fair-weather friend

This expression is opposite to the previous one. A bosom friend is someone who is always here for you. And this idiom about friendship describes someone who is only your friend when the weather is good or when things are going well for you. They aren’t there for you when you need them the most. For example:

Nancy is a good girl, but she is a fair-weather friend. She is never here when I’m at my lowest.

  • What goes around comes around

These words associated with friendship are often used to describe the idea of karma, or that what you do will come back to you eventually. It means that good things will happen to you if you are a good friend and help others. For example: 

I always try to be nice to people because I believe in the saying, “what goes around, comes around.” 

  • Close-knit

This idiom describes a group of people who are very close to each other, like a family. Such friendships are rare and should be cherished.

  • Friends in high places

These words are often used to describe a friendship with someone who is influential or powerful. It can be a great way to get ahead in life, but it is also a sign of true loyalty if your friend remains by your side even when they are no longer helpful to you.

  • To strike up a friendship

It is a great way to describe how you can become friends with someone. Sometimes it happens spontaneously, and sometimes you have to put in a little effort. But either way, it is always a great feeling when you find a new friend.

These are only some of the many expressions about friendship in English. Of course, there are also more general terms that you can use to describe your friends. But these more specific terms can add color and flavor to your conversations about the people closest to you. So don’t forget to try our unique best friend idioms next time you see your buddies!

Inspiring Friendship Quotes

Inspiring Friendship Quotes

Having a friend is an inspiring feeling. When you know that among billions of people, there is a special someone that can be with you when you need it, you feel like everything is possible. And in Shakespeare’s language, many beautiful quotes describe this feeling. 

  • «Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up,» by Thomas J. Watson.

This quote means that you should be friends with people who inspire you and make you want to be a better person. These are the kind of friends that will help you grow and reach your potential.

  • «Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness,» by Euripides.

This quote is about how true friends are there for you during the tough times, not just when things are going well. These are the people you can rely on and who will support you no matter what.

  • «We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up… after I finish laughing,» by Unknown.

It is a funny quote about friendship that shows how friends are always there for each other, even when they make mistakes. They will help you up, but they might laugh at you first!

Long Distance Friendship Quotes

Even though friends can be apart, their connection is always strong. And these long-distance friendship expressions and quotes are the best proof of that!

  • «True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable,» David Tyson Gentry.

This quote shows that even when friends are far away from each other, they still have a deep connection. And this connection does not need words to be expressed – it is felt on a deeper level.

  • «The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart,» by Elisabeth Foley.

This phrase describes the feeling of being able to live your own life and pursue your goals while still connecting to your friend on a deep level. And this is what true friendship is all about – being able to grow and change while still being there for each other.

  • «A friend is someone who knows you and loves you just the same,» Elbert Hubbard.

This metaphor for friendship is an excellent reminder that even though friends can be apart, their love is always strong. And this is what makes a fellowship so unique – the knowledge that there is someone who loves you no matter what.

  • «The distance doesn’t matter; it is the heart that matters,» Anonymous. 

It is a lovely expression of long-distance friendship. It shows that your connection remains strong even if you are miles away from your friend. And this is what makes the company so unique.

Funny Friendship Idioms For Best Friends

Funny Friendship Idioms

  • A friend in need is a pain in the neck, but a pain in the neck is better than no neck at all

It is a great way to describe how annoying it can be to have a friend who always needs something from you. But even though they can be a pain, it is better than not having them in your life.

  • Two peas in a pod

You can use these words to describe a friendship with someone who is very much like you. When we spend a lot of time with a person, we gradually begin to behave the same way in certain situations. It is in such cases that this expression is used.

  • As thick as thieves

These words related to friendship typically mean that the people involved are close, like family. The phrase is often used to describe friends who would do anything for each other or partners who are incredibly loyal to each other.

  • To bury the hatchet

It is another example of great idioms about friends. Even between the closest comrades, arguments and misunderstandings sometimes occur. If you have been fighting with your comrade, this is a great way to make up and start fresh.


Bonus! 5+ Friendship Metaphors

Best friend metaphors are a perfect way to describe your feelings to a person using beautiful literary comparisons. They can be fun, cute, or sweet, but they have one thing in common: they tell your friends how much they mean to you.

  • A Good Friend is like a four-leaf Clover

A four-leaf clover is a rare and unique thing. And so is a good friend! It is one of the best metaphors for friendship. It describes how lucky you are to have found such a particular person in your life.

  • Friendship is a Flower. You need to water it Regularly.

This nice metaphor about a friend is an excellent reminder that even the closest relations need to be nurtured and cared for. Like a flower, friendship needs attention and effort to grow and stay strong.

  • Friendship is a Shelter in the Storm

It is one of the best metaphors about friendship. It is a beautiful way to describe how fellowship can provide comfort and support during difficult times. Friends are always there to help you weather the storm when the going gets tough.

  • You are the Cheese to my Macaroni

This metaphor is a fun way to describe how perfect two friends can be for each other. Like macaroni and cheese, friends are a classic combination that always goes together perfectly.

  • Friends are like Wine. They Get Better with Age

This metaphor is a great way to describe how friendships can get better and stronger over time. Just like fine wine, camaraderie gets better with age. And just like wine, friends are always there to make life more enjoyable.

  • A True Friendship is like Riding a Bike

A true friendship is built on trust and mutual understanding. Like riding a bike, friends can rely on each other to keep them balanced and moving forward.

  • A Friend is like a Mirror

Friends can help us to see ourselves more clearly. Just as a mirror reflects our own image back to us, friends can help us to understand ourselves better.

  • Friendship is like a circle that never ends

This metaphor is a great way to describe how friendships can last forever. Just as a circle has no beginning or end, true friendships also last forever.

How can idioms about friendship help you to learn English?

As you can see, many different expressions and words are associated with friendship in English. And each of them can help you understand and learn the language better. By understanding the meaning of these idioms, you will be able to use them in your conversations. It will help you to sound more natural and fluent when speaking English.

Studying idioms about friendship can also help you better understand English-speaking countries’ cultures and values. Friendship is an integral part of life in many cultures, and by understanding these idioms, you will be able to learn more about the way friends interact with each other in different countries.

In addition, learning words to describe friendship will allow you to understand native speakers better. When you hear someone use one of these expressions, you will know what they mean precisely. It can help you to follow along in conversation more easily. So don’t be afraid to start using these friend idioms in your following conversation. With a bit of practice, you’ll sound like a native speaker in no time! You can also practice how to pronounce phrases and expressions about friendship with this video.

More Information: Learn to easily find ways to describe your best friend with Promova

There are still hundreds of friendship quotes, idioms, and expressions. How could you remember them all? Luckily, there is a solution! The Promova app is a great way to learn English using just your mobile phone!

All you have to do is to find the application in the App Store and download it to your device. By doing this, you will access many exclusive lessons, learn new words, and find the best ways to describe your best buddy. So if you want to impress your friends with some freshly-learned idioms, don’t hesitate and get the Promova application right now!


What is friendship in beautiful words?

The dictionary defines a friend relationship word as a relationship between two people who are emotionally close to each other. But this definition doesn’t capture what friendship is all about. Friends are the people we turn to when we need someone to talk to.
They’re the people we rely on when we need support or advice. They’re the people who make us laugh when we’re feeling down. In short, friends are the people who make our lives better. Friendship is one of the essential things in our lives because friends make us happy, help us when we’re in trouble, and stick by us no matter what.

How to describe a day out with your best friend?

A day out with your best friend is one of the most fun things you can do. You can spend the day doing whatever you want, and you don’t have to worry about anything else. You can just relax and enjoy each other’s company. It’s a great way to spend some quality time together, and it’s a great way to make some memories.

What is the best message for a friend?

The best message for a friend is one that is heartfelt and sincere. A statement that comes from the heart will always be appreciated and will mean so much more than anything else. So, if you want to send a message to your buddies that will really make them smile, take some time to write something from the heart, use some exciting friends idioms, and rest assured that they will be as pleased as you.

How are expressions of caring different from expressions of friendship?

When we care about someone, we usually feel compassion or love for them. These emotions inspire us to help them in some way or make them happy. When we are friends with someone, we usually feel affection or closeness for them. These emotions make us want to spend time with them and confide in them. Although both caring and friendship are important, they play different roles in our lives.

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Я твой хороший друг 

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг,

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг.

When the road looks rough ahead

Когда видно, что предстоит тяжёлый путь,

And you’re miles and miles

И ты за многие мили

From your nice warm bed

От своей тёпленькой постельки,

You just remember what your old pal said

Просто помни, что сказал твой старый приятель:

Boy, you’ve got a friend in me

Парень, я твой хороший друг.

Yeah, you’ve got a friend in me

Да, я твой хороший друг.

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг,

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг.

If you’ve got troubles, I’ve got ’em too

Если у тебя трудности, я разделю их с тобой.

There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you

Нет ничего, что я бы не сделал для тебя.

We stick together and can see it through

Я с тобой, и я могу тебя выручить,

Cause you’ve got a friend in me

Потому что я твой хороший друг,

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг.

Some other folks might be

Другие могут быть

A little bit smarter than I am

Немного умнее, чем я,

Bigger and stronger too

А ещё – больше и сильнее.


Может быть

But none of them will ever love you

Но никто из них не будет любить тебя

The way I do, it’s me and you

Так, как я. Это мы с тобой.

Boy, and as the years go by

Парень, годы будут идти,

Our friendship will never die

А наша дружба будет жить вечно.

You’re gonna see it’s our destiny

Ты увидишь: это наша судьба.

You’ve got a friend in me

Я твой хороший друг,

You’ve got a friend in me

Words that Describe a Good Friendship

Maybe you are preparing a speech for a special occasion or composing a toast for your best friend’s wedding. No matter what the reason, you will certainly find suitable words to describe a friendship in the following lists.

Words that Describe a Good Friendship

Have you ever thought of what friendship really means? / Friends are there when you need them, whether to comfort, support, congratulate, or just listen.

Here is a list of words that describe a good friendship: affable, affectionate, amiable, amicable, attentive, available, believable, brave, caring, cheerful, considerate, cordial, discerning, easygoing, empathetic, faithful, forgiving, funny, generous, gentle, giving, good listener, heartfelt, honest, humorous, kind, loving, loyal, nice, optimistic, punctual, reliable, responsible, sensitive, sincere, sociable, sweet, sympathetic, tactful, thoughtful, trustworthy, truthful, warm, warm-hearted, winning, and wonderful.

Dale Carnegie Wrote the Book

Dale Carnegie wrote one of the first ever self-help books called How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1937. In the book he explains how to handle people, make them like you, and how to influence them. He stresses the importance of:

  • Not criticizing or complaining, but giving honest opinions

  • The need to smile, remembering their name, and being sincerely interested in people with whom you want to make friends.

  • Being a good listener, getting them to talk about themselves, and then continuing the conversation about things that interest them.

Dale Carnegie had many words that describe a good friendship and advice on making friends. He also shows the importance of a positive attitude, and that can help you make friends. Here is a sampling of his wisdom.

  • The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.

  • When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.

Слова, которые описывают хорошую дружбу

Может быть, вы готовите речь для особого случая или сочиняете тост за свадьбу своего лучшего друга. Независимо от причины, в следующих списках вы наверняка найдете подходящие слова для описания дружбы .

Слова, которые описывают хорошую дружбу

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, что на самом деле означает дружба? /. Друзья там, когда они вам нужны, будь то утешение, поддержка, поздравление или просто слушание.

Вот список слов, которые описывают хорошую дружбу: приветливый, ласковый, дружелюбный, дружелюбный , внимательный, доступный, правдоподобный, смелый, заботливый, веселый, внимательный, сердечный, проницательный, добродушный, чуткий, верный, прощающий, веселый, щедрый, нежный, дающий, хороший слушатель, сердечный, честный, с чувством юмора, добрый, любящий, верный, приятный, оптимистичный, пунктуальный, надежный, ответственный, чувственный, искренний, общительный, сладкий, отзывчивый, тактичный, вдумчивый, заслуживающий доверия, правдивый, теплый, теплый Сердечный, победный и замечательный.

Дейл Карнеги написал книгу В 1937 году Дейл Карнеги написал одну из первых книг о самопомощи « Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей». В книге он объясняет, как обращаться с людьми, делать их такими же, как вы, и как влиять на них. Он подчеркивает важность:

  • Не критиковать или жаловаться, но давать честные мнения

  • Нужно улыбаться, помнить свое имя и искренне интересоваться людьми, с которыми вы хотите подружиться.

  • Быть хорошим слушателем, заставить их говорить о себе, а затем продолжить разговор о вещах, которые их интересуют.

У Дейла Карнеги было много слов, которые описывают хорошую дружбу и советы о том, как подружиться. Он также показывает важность позитивного отношения, и это может помочь вам подружиться. Вот образец его мудрости.

  • Королевская дорога к сердцу человека — поговорить с ним о том, что он больше всего ценит.

  • Когда имеешь дело с людьми, помни, что ты имеешь дело не с существами логики, а с эмоциями.

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

From best friend to deadliest enemy, and all the variations between. This page will help you learn some common English words and phrases to describe friendship.

BFF (best friends forever)

best mate = your best friend.

a good friend = someone in your “inner circle” of friends.

to be really close to someone = be good friends with

pal = friend (UK slang)

buddy (best buddy) = friend (mainly US English)

to go back years = to know someone for a long time: “Steve and I go back years.”

an old friend = a friend you’ve known for a long time: “He’s an old friend of Dave’s.”

a friend of the family / a family friend = someone close to your family: “John was an old family friend.”

a trusted friend = someone you can trust

a childhood friend = a friend from when you were very young

a circle of friends = all the friends in your group: “She’s got a great circle of friends.”

be just good friends = when you want to say you’re only friends with someone of the opposite sex: “We’re not going out. We’re just good friends, that’s all.”

More casual friendships

penpal / epal = someone you know from corresponding / writing: “Find a penpal on our Penpals forum!”

someone you know from work (or another interest group): “Andy? Oh, he’s someone I know from work.”

someone you know to pass the time of day with = someone you know to say “hello” to.

casual acquaintance = someone you don’t know very well: “She’s just a casual acquaintance of mine.”

a friend of a friend = someone you only know because they’re a friend of one of your friends. “Dave’s a friend of a friend.”

a mutual friend = someone that two people know: “Karen’s a mutual friend of both me and Rachel.”


classmate = someone in your class at school.

workmate = someone you work with

flatmate (UK English) roommate (US English) = someone you share a flat or house with

soul mate = someone you’re very close to because you share the same opinions and beliefs

Not good friends

on-off relationship = where you’re sometimes friendly, and sometimes not: “Cath and Liz have an on-off relationship.”

fair-weather friend = a friend who’s never around when you need help: “She’s only a fair-weather friend.”

a frenemy = someone who’s a friend and an enemy at the same time.

Other expressions

strike up a friendship with = make friends with someone

be no friend of = not like someone / something: “I’m no friend of his!”

have friends in high places = know important / influential people: “Be careful what you say. He’s got friends in high places.”

What are some descriptive words for Friendship?

Here is a list of words that describe Friendship.

Total number of Friendship words and adjectives: 77 words

Friendship words are listed in alphabetical order.

Laid Back,
Warm Hearted,

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Friendship Descriptive Words

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