Describe america in one word

The breaking news story over the weekend was the alleged Pentagon leak of classified documents containing «TOP SECRET» U.S. intelligence about Ukraine and other foreign operations. Are the documents genuine? What do they actually contain? As Glenn said on radio Monday, «We don’t know.» Regardless of whether the documents are fabricated or genuine, there will be major ramifications from the leak.

In the craziness of the news cycle, it can be difficult to stay on top of this particular story. Below, you will find the seven things you NEED to know about the leaked document story, from the content of the documents to why you should care about the leak at all.

How were the classified documents first discovered?

The classified documents were originally published on Discord, an online messaging forum, often used for video gaming.

SOPA Images / Contributor

The classified documents were first published on a Discord channel in March. The posts included pictures of the documents, rather than a PDF of the documents themselves, indicating the publisher obtained physical copies. The posts were public for several weeks before being detected. The New York Times was the first publication to shed light on the documents.

What documents were leaked?

General Milley, is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

The leaked documents appear to consist of briefing slides prepared by the U.S. military’s Joint Staff between February and March 2023. This has been confirmed by NBC, NPR, the New York Times, and all other media outlets that received access to the documents. There are only several dozen leaked documents, much less than Edward Snowden’s several-thousand-document leak in 2013.

The briefing slides include information gleaned from an array of U.S. intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees U.S. spy satellites. Some of the documents carry the label NOFORN, which prohibits the information from being shared with foreign partners. Many of the documents are labeled as «Top Secret,» the highest level of confidentiality.

What’s in the documents?

Ukrainian army volunteers pose on Driver Tank Trainers.

Leon Neal / Staff | Getty Images

Some of the documents include details about the war in Ukraine, such as maps of Ukraine, charts on where troops are concentrated, and what kinds of weapons are available to them. One page labeled «Top Secret» is titled «Status of the Conflict as of 1 March» and contains a detailed battlefield summary on that particular day. It’s not clear why those particular documents are emerging now more than a month after they were prepared.

The documents also repeatedly reference information based on secret signals intelligence, also called, «electronic eavesdropping,» which is a vital pillar of U.S. intelligence-gathering.

The documents also repeatedly reference information based on secret signals intelligence

According to NBC, a former U.S. intelligence official said the now-published documents could cause significant damage to U.S. intelligence if Moscow is now able to cut off the sources used for electronic eavesdropping.

What other intelligence was breached?

Putin greets Turkish President Erdogan. According to the leaked documents, Russia aims to buy weapons from Turkey, a NATO member.

Anadolu Agency / Contributor | Getty Images

Below are key highlights of the «Top Secret» U.S. intelligence referenced in the documents, per NBC, which had access to 50 of the documents:

1. Russia’s private mercenary organization, the Wagner Group, seeks to purchase weapons from NATO member Turkey. The group is also considering recruiting additional convicts to fight against Ukraine.

2. Several documents include satellite imagery of damage to Russian targets from Ukrainian strikes in February, including an “assembly area” which caused “severe damage.» The strikes were carried out with the help of U.S. intelligence, according to the document. If true, Russia could interpret the information as a direct act of war by the U.S.

The strikes were carried out with the help of U.S. intelligence.

3. According to multiple intelligence sources, the battle for Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region will likely be “stalemate” through 2023 in order to exhaust Russian units.

4. A document marked “secret” says Ukrainian bombs equipped with U.S. guidance systems, known as Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMs, have failed recently. They attribute this to bomb fuses failing to arm themselves correctly and GPS signal issues. It also speculates that Russian jamming efforts could be at play.

5. A Feb. 28 document assesses “pathways” for Israel, who is currently neutral in regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, to provide “lethal aid” to Ukraine. These «pathways» might be more accurately described as hypothetical scenarios to explore how the U.S. can manipulate international events to pressure Israel into supplying aid to Ukraine.

These «pathways» … explore how the U.S. can manipulate international events to pressure Israel.

6. More intelligence cited in the documents says South Korea has concerns about providing artillery shells to the U.S. to replenish America’s supplies, which are critically depleted.

7. Finally, the intelligence cited says Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency encouraged its staff to take part in anti-government protests that have swept Israel, which Israel has since vehemently denied.

Are the documents genuine?

Ukrainian President Zelensky accuses Russia of being involved with the Pentagon leak.

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

Military analysts say the documents appear genuine. However, there is speculation that the original versions were likely altered in some places, causing suspicion of outside interference.

For example, one chart in the briefing says the Ukrainian death toll is around 71,000, a figure that is considered plausible. However, the same chart also lists the Russian fatalities at 16,000 to 17,500, which is believed to be much higher.

Though neither side has released their overall casualty figures, some suspect that someone has interfered with the original document to minimize the Russian death toll. Ukraine says Russia is involved, aiming to make their death toll appear smaller and, consequently, their war effort to appear stronger than it actually is.

Some suspect that someone has interfered with the original document to minimize the Russian death toll.

Moreover, the chart with the death toll allegedly is printed on a black background, while all other charts on the same slide are printed on a white background, raising more suspicions of interference. It’s not yet clear how valuable the information is to the Russian military.

Who published the documents?

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

It is not yet known who published the documents and how they acquired them. The two most likely scenarios are that the documents were leaked from the Pentagon or stolen. If they were leaked, it would be one of the most significant intelligence leaks in U.S. history. Though some speculate that Russia is involved, there is no conclusive evidence.

Why does the leak matter?

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

This leak has major consequences regardless of whether Russia is involved or not. If the documents are genuine, then that could mean Russia and our enemies have accurate intel on the U.S.’s intelligence acquisition tactics. Moreover, the documents contain damning evidence of the U.S.’s direct involvement in Ukraine’s front against Russia, which Russia could interpret as an act of war. Will they retaliate?

If the documents are indeed fabricated by Russia, then that could mean Russia is attempting to frame the U.S. with justifiable cause for Russia to declare war. Moreover, it bolsters the appearance of Russia’s war effort and weakens the U.S.’s international standing—both with its allies and its enemies.

Joe Biden fumbles to describe America in one word, watch video

US President Joe Biden. AP

US President Joe Biden has yet again grabbed eyeballs for fumbling while describing America in one word. In the video that has gone viral, Biden can be seen saying that America could be defined in one single word. However, when he attempts to do so, he ends up saying, «Asufutimaehaehfutbw.»

Have a look at the clip here:

The short clip begins with Biden saying that he had a single word that would describe America perfectly. But then, the President forgets the word and fumbles mid-speech. Vice President Kamala Harris could also be seen standing beside him.

The video has gone viral with over 7 million views and tons of likes. While some were sympathetic towards the US President, others pointed out how Biden’s on stage fumbles were becoming too common.

Reacting to it a user wrote that Biden required a reboot.

The second user was unable to believe that this happened for real.

“God Bless America” wrote another.

A user remarked that this could be a ringtone.

Another user said that the President was right as America was the land of chaos and disorder.

Expressing a similar thought, a user wrote, «That’s actually pretty accurate, if you really think about it.»

A user made a reference to Rahul Gandhi who is often mocked as ‘Pappu’ and wrote, «Pappu of America.»

Earlier, in April, it was an awkward moment for the US President after he had finished his speech and turned right to handshake but there was no one else sharing the stage with him. The 79-year-old President was at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University when this incident took place.

Biden even looked lost on the stage as he bizarrely turned his back to the audience after ending his speech.

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level 1

I thought the title was satire. Nope. Lord help us.

level 2

I thought he was going to say fucked, but instead it sounded something like foozifuhuuuuuu

level 2

You know what he said reminds me what an AI would say. They would say something that makes no sense whatsoever.

level 1

what the hell was he trying to say there and what does traveling in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jingping have fuck all to do with a supreme court justice being appointed?

level 2

The «Official» white house twatter account said the word he was stumbling over was «Possibilities» but Dementia Joe’s addled brain side-tracked and went into an already-debunked claim that he travelled the Himalayas with Ji 17,000 miles.
Turns out, if you add up all the travel of both Dementia Joe AND ALSO Ji, for that year, the combined amount still wouldn’t add up to 17,000.

level 2

His brain is mush that’s what it has to do with it.

level 2

Why can’t he verify it as a fact?

That is not a normal thing to say about oneself.

level 2

It sounds like he was trying to say the sentence he eventually got out. I could sort of make out «foothills.» I think be fully intended to go straight to that story without saying what word described America.

level 1

Did he actually say this? Just how far gone is he?

level 2

I watched it live and my jaw dropped

level 2

Seriously, how can we envoke the 25th amendment? Is there anything we can do as citizens? This has honestly gone way further than a laughable gaffe or slight stutter. This man is in serious mental decline and people on both sides of the aisle are aware. I’m serious. What can we do?

level 2

Well, he was elected 81 million people with single digit IQ’s… «Thank. Thank….thank you…». While 81 morons clapped their hands to Pervert Joey.

level 1

81,000,000 votes! Muahahahaa

The White House celebrated newly appointed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on Friday. The ceremony took place in the Rose Garden and was attended by “Jackson’s family, the president and first lady, and vice president and second gentleman attended the Rose Garden ceremony Friday, along with a number of Biden cabinet secretaries, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and more,” Fox News reports.

“The first really smart decision I made in this administration,” Biden said Friday. “This is not only a sunny day. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. This is going to let so much shine, sun shine on so many young women. So many young black women, so many minorities.”

The president added it is “a moment of real change in American history.”

Biden also said. “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word,” then proceeded to tell a story about being in the Himalayas with xi Jinping.

“I was in the the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him. That’s when we traveled 17,000 miles when I was vice president. I don’t know that for a fact.”

Watch the clip above.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) scream "Build the Wall" as U.S. President Joe Biden delivers the State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress in the U.S. Capitol's House Chamber March 01, 2022 in Washington, DC.



That’s the word that most commonly came up when Monmouth University pollsters asked Americans to describe the United States in just a single word.

That sense of division was present in 1 out of every 10 respondents’ answers when included with related words like “polarized,” “conflicted” and “fractured.”

Other commonly mentioned words included “confused,” “chaos,” “disappointing” and “mess.”

As you likely have figured out, Americans’ word choices here tended to lean negative. In fact, three-quarters (76%) of respondents used negative words to describe the state of the US, while only 15% used positive ones.

That’s indicative of other poll questions aimed at gauging the mood of the country.

In that same Monmouth poll, Americans were asked if they thought the country was on the right track or headed in the wrong direction. Just 24% said the right direction, while a whopping 73% said the wrong track.

That sourness about how the US is doing has clear reverberations in the electorate. If voters feel generally unhappy about the country, history suggests they will take it out on the party that controls Washington.

And at the moment, the Democrats control the White House, Senate and House.

What’s even more concerning for Democrats – from President Joe Biden on down – is that it’s not at all clear how they can change Americans’ perceptions of the state of the country between now and Election Day.

The Point: Elections are often decided by how the public, collectively, feels. And right now, it doesn’t feel too good.

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