Definition word bank account

bank account

банковский счет, счет в банке



deposit account, savings account, checking account, current account 1), foreign currency account, dormant account, joint account, tiered rate account, interest rate, account holder, account history, bank statement 1)

* * *

банковский счет (текущий, депозитный или сберегательный);
current account 2;

* * *

банковский счет

* * *

банковский счет

* * *

Банки/Банковские операции

банковский счет

счет в банке, на котором отражаются все расчеты банка с клиентом или партнером

Англо-русский экономический словарь.


Смотреть что такое «bank account» в других словарях:

  • bank account — ➔ account1 * * * bank account UK US noun [C] ► BANKING an arrangement with a bank in which the customer puts in and takes out money and the bank keeps a record of it: »How much is there in your bank account? »Wages can be deposited directly into… …   Financial and business terms

  • bank account — bank ac,count noun count * an arrangement with a bank that allows you to keep your money there and to pay money in and take money out: We ll pay the money directly into your bank account. open a bank account (=start it): They re encouraging… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bank account — bank accounts N COUNT A bank account is an arrangement with a bank which allows you to keep your money in the bank and to take some out when you need it …   English dictionary

  • bank account — bank ac.count n an arrangement between a bank and a customer that allows the customer to pay in and take out money ▪ I d like to open a bank account for my son …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bank account — n. A sum placed in a bank by a customer that is available to be withdrawn upon the customer’s request. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • bank account — bank′ account n. bus account 7) • Etymology: 1790–1800 …   From formal English to slang

  • bank account — ☆ bank account n. money deposited in a bank and subject to withdrawal by the depositor …   English World dictionary

  • Bank account — A bank account is a financial account with a banking institution recording the financial transactions between the customer and the bank and the resulting financial position of the customer with the bank. Bank accounts may have a positive or… …   Wikipedia

  • bank account — noun a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals (Freq. 1) he moved his bank account to a new bank • Hypernyms: ↑account, ↑business relationship • Hyponyms: ↑giro account, ↑checking account, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank account — / bæŋk əˌkaυnt/ noun an account which a customer has with a bank, where the customer can deposit and withdraw money ● to open a bank account ● to close a bank account ● How much money do you have in your bank account? ● If you let the balance in… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • bank account — / bæŋk əˌkaυnt/ noun an account which a customer has with a bank, where the customer can deposit and withdraw money ● to open a bank account ● to close a bank account ● How much money do you have in your bank account? ● If you let the balance in… …   Marketing dictionary in english

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded. Each financial institution sets the terms and conditions for each type of account it offers, which are classified in commonly understood types, such as deposit accounts, credit card accounts, current accounts, loan accounts or many other types of account. A customer may have more than one account. Once an account is opened, funds entrusted by the customer to the financial institution on deposit are recorded in the account designated by the customer. Funds can be withdrawn from loan loaders.

The financial transactions which have occurred on a bank account within a given period of time are reported to the customer on a bank statement, and the balance of the accounts of a customer at any point in time is their financial position with the institution.

Nature of a bank account[edit]

In most legal systems, a deposit of funds in a bank is not a bailment — that is, the actual funds deposited by a person in a bank cease to be the property of the depositor and become the property of the bank. The depositor acquires a claim against the bank for the sum deposited but not to the actual cash handed over to the bank. In accounting terms, the bank creates («opens») an account in the name of the depositor or a name directed by the depositor in which the amount received by it is recorded as a transaction. The deposit account is a liability of the bank and an asset of the depositor (the account holder).

On the other hand, a bank can lend some or all of the money it has on deposit to a third party/s. Such accounts, generally called loan or credit accounts, are subject to similar but reverse principles of a deposit account. In accounting terms, a loan account is an asset of the bank and a liability of the borrower. Loan accounts may be unsecured or secured by the borrower, and they may be guaranteed by a third person, with or without security.[1]

Each financial institution sets the terms and conditions for each type of account it offers, and when a customer applies for the opening of an account, and accepted by the institution, they form the contract between the financial institution and the customer in relation to the account.

The laws of each country specify how bank accounts may be opened and operated. They may specify who may open an account, for example, how the signatories can identify themselves, deposit, withdrawal limits among other specifications.

The minimum age for opening a bank account is most commonly 18 years of age. However, in some countries, the minimum age to open a bank account can be 16 years, and accounts may be opened in the name of minors but operated by their parent or guardian. In general, it is unlawful to open an account in a false name.

Account structure[edit]

From the customer’s point of view, bank accounts may have a positive, or credit balance, when the financial institution owes money to the customer; or a negative, or debit balance, when the customer owes the financial institution money.[1]

Broadly, accounts that hold credit balances are referred to as deposit accounts, and accounts opened to hold debit balances are referred to as loan accounts. Some accounts can switch between credit and debit balances.

Some accounts are categorized by the function rather than nature of the balance they hold, such as savings account, which routinely are in credit.

Financial institutions have an account numbering scheme to identify each account, which is important as a customer may have multiple accounts.

Types of accounts[edit]

Each financial institution has its own names for the various accounts it offers to customers, but these can be categorised as:

  • Deposit
    • Transactional account
      • Checking account
      • Current account
    • Personal
    • Transaction deposit (USA)
  • Savings
    • Individual (UK)
    • Time deposit (Bond) / Fixed deposit
      • Certificate of deposit (USA)
    • Tax-exempt special savings account (TESSA) (UK)
    • Tax-Free Savings Account (Canada)
    • Money-market
  • Other types
    • Loan
    • Joint
    • Low-cost
    • Numbered
    • Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) (USA)

See also[edit]

* Bank card number

  • Banking in Switzerland
  • Bank secrecy
  • Bank statement
  • Chart of accounts
  • Financial privacy
  • International Bank Account Number
  • Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  • International Organization for Standardization
    • ISO 639
    • ISO 3166
    • ISO/IEC 7064
    • ISO/IEC 7812
    • ISO 9362
    • ISO 13616
    • ISO 15924
  • Money laundering
  • Telephone banking


  1. ^ a b «What is debit balance? definition and meaning». Archived from the original on 2020-09-29. Retrieved 2013-12-17.

bank account


Funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

bank account


1. (Banking & Finance) an account created by the deposit of money at a bank by a customer

2. (Banking & Finance) the amount of moneys credited or debited to a depositor at a bank

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. -count•ed, -count•ing. n.

1. an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative.

2. an explanatory statement of conduct, as to a superior.

3. a statement of reasons, causes, etc., explaining some event.

4. reason; basis: On this account I’m refusing your offer.

5. importance; worth; value; consequence: things of no account.

6. estimation; judgment: In his account it was a miracle.

7. an amount of money deposited with a bank, as in a checking or savings account.

8. an accommodation extended to a customer permitting the charging of goods or services.

9. a statement of financial transactions.

10. a formal record of the debits and credits relating to a particular person, business, etc.


a. a business relation in which credit is used.

b. a customer or client, esp. one carried on a regular credit basis.


12. to give an explanation (usu. fol. by for).

13. to answer concerning one’s conduct, duties, etc. (usu. fol. by for).

14. to provide a report on money received, kept, and spent.

15. to cause (usu. fol. by for): The heat accounts for our discomfort.


16. to regard; consider as: I account myself well paid.

17. to assign or impute (usu. fol. by to).


1. call to account,

a. to hold accountable; blame.

b. to ask for an explanation of.

2. give a good account of oneself, to behave or perform well.

3. hold to account, to consider responsible and answerable.

4. on account, as an installment or a partial payment.

5. on account of,

a. by reason of; because of.

b. for the sake of.

6. on no account, under no circumstances; absolutely not.

7. on someone’s account, for the sake of someone.

8. take account of,

a. to consider; make allowance for.

b. Also, take into account. to notice.

9. turn to account, to derive profit or use from.

[1225–75; Middle English ac(c)ount(e), ac(c)ompte < Anglo-French, Old French aco(u)nte, acompte. See ac-, count1]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

: an account with a bank created by the deposit of money or its equivalent and subject to withdrawal of money (as by check or passbook)

thought it wise to put his savings in a bank account

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“Bank account.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Автоматический перевод

банковский счет, счет в банке, расчетный счет, банковские реквизиты

Перевод по словам

bank  — банк, банка, берег, крен, вал, банковский, банковый, накреняться, запруживать
account  — счет, расчет, отчет, приходиться, отчитываться, бухгалтерский


It made a dent in my bank account.

Это нанесло серьёзный ущерб моему банковскому счёту.

They opened an offshore bank account.

Они открыли оффшорный банковский счет.

My salary is paid into my bank account.

Моя зарплата выплачивается на мой банковский счёт.

My wife and I have separate bank accounts.

У нас с женой отдельные банковские счета.

The money was lodged in a Swiss bank account.

Деньги были размещены в швейцарском банке.

I drew down my bank account just paying for tuition.

Одной только платы за обучение хватило, чтобы истощить мой банковский счёт.

I am intimately acquainted with the state of my bank account.

Я хорошо знаком с состоянием своего банковского счёта.

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