Definition of word text processing

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P.Oxy.6.993 text transcribed.svg

In computing, the term text processing refers to the theory and practice of automating the creation or manipulation of electronic text.
Text usually refers to all the alphanumeric characters specified on the keyboard of the person engaging the practice, but in general text means the abstraction layer immediately above the standard character encoding of the target text.
The term processing refers to automated (or mechanized) processing, as opposed to the same manipulation done manually.

Text processing involves computer commands which invoke content, content changes, and cursor movement, for example to

  • search and replace
  • format
  • generate a processed report of the content of, or
  • filter a file or report of a text file.

The text processing of a regular expression is a virtual editing machine, having a primitive programming language that has named registers (identifiers), and named positions in the sequence of characters comprising the text. Using these, the «text processor» can, for example, mark a region of text, and then move it. The text processing of a utility is a filter program, or filter. These two mechanisms comprise text processing.


Since the standardized markup such as ANSI escape codes are generally invisible to the editor, they comprise a set of transitory properties that become at times indistinguishable from word processing. But the definite distinctions from word processing are that text processing proper:

  • represents «text processing utilities», not just «text editing» applications.
  • is much more «the keyboard way», as opposed to «the mouse way» (e.g. drag and drop, cut and paste) of initiating an edit.
  • is sequential access rather than random access in approach.
  • operates directly at the presentation layer rather than indirectly at the application layer.
  • works raw data that is standardized and works more openly rather than tending towards any proprietary methods.

In this way markup such as font and color are not really a distinguishing factor, because the character sequences that affect font and color are simply standard characters inserted automatically by a background text processing mode, made to work transparently by compliant text editors, yet becoming otherwise visible as text processing commands when that mode is not in effect. So text processing is defined most basically (but not entirely) around the visual characters (or graphemes) rather than the standard, yet invisible characters.


The development of computer text processing started in earnest with Kleene’s formalizing what is a regular language. Such regular expressions could then become a mini-program, complete with a compilation process, available to perform any edit, once that language was extended. Similarly, filters are extended by evolving particular options.

Basic concepts[edit]

An editor essentially invokes an input stream and directs it to the text processing environment, which is either a command shell or a text editor. The resulting output is applicable to further text processing, the final result of which is comparable to a single application of an algorithm applied once by a more sophisticated and structured computer program.

Text processing is, unlike an algorithm, a manually administered sequence of simpler macros that are the pattern-action expressions and filtering mechanisms. In either case the programmer’s intention is impressed indirectly upon a given set of textual characters in the act of text processing. The results of a text processing step are sometimes only hopeful, and the attempted mechanism is often subject to multiple drafts through visual feedback, until the regular expression or markup language details, or until the utility options, are fully mastered.

Text processing is concerned mostly with producing textual characters at the highest level of computing, where its activities are just below the practical uses of computing—the manual transmission of information.

Ultimately all computing is text processing, from the self-compiling textual characters of an assembler, through the automated programming language generated to handle a blob of graphical data, and finally to the metacharacters of regular expressions which groom existing text documents.

Text processing is its own automation.


Textual characters come in standardized character sets containing also control characters such as newline characters, which arrange text. Other types of control characters arrange the transmission, define the character sets, and perform other housekeeping tasks.

See also[edit]

  • Text editor
  • List of Unix commands

External links[edit]

  • The subject matter of the book Automatic Text Processing by Gerard Salton
  • Database with Text Processing Tools (2013-10-23)
  • Content analysis software Software for Content Analysis.
  • Text Tools Online Online Text processing tools.

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In our daily lives as programmers, we process text strings a lot. So I tried to work hard on text processing, namely the string class and regular expressions. Regular expressions are built into the language and are very tuned up for use.

Yukihiro Matsumoto





Text processing is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Text processing

In computing, the term text processing refers to the discipline of mechanizing the creation or manipulation of electronic text. Text usually refers to all the alphanumeric characters specified on the keyboard of the person performing the mechanization, but in general text here means the abstraction layer that is one layer above the standard character encoding of the target text. The term processing refers to automated processing, as opposed to the same manipulation done manually. Text processing involves computer commands which invoke content, content changes, and cursor movement, for example to ▪ search and replace ▪ format ▪ generate a processed report of the content of, or ▪ filter a file or report of a text file. The text processing of a regular expression is a virtual editing machine, having a primitive programming language that has named registers, and named positions in the sequence of characters comprising the text. Using these the «text processor» can, for example, mark a region of text, and then move it. The text processing of a utility is a filter program, or filter.

Definition of text processing in the English dictionary

The definition of text processing in the dictionary is the handling of alphabetic characters by a computer.

Synonyms and antonyms of text processing in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «text processing» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of text processing to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of text processing from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «text processing» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

procesamiento de texto

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

पाठ प्रसंस्करण

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

تجهيز النصوص

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

обработки текста

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

processamento de texto

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

পাঠ্য প্রক্রিয়াজাতকরণ

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

traitement de texte

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Pemprosesan teks

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

텍스트 프로세싱

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Processing teks

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

xử lý văn bản

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

உரை செயலாக்கம்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

मजकूर प्रक्रिया

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Metin işleme

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

elaborazione del testo

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

przetwarzanie tekstu

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

обробки тексту

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

procesare de text

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

επεξεργασία κειμένου

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

teks verwerking

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of text processing


The term «text processing» is quite widely used and occupies the 47.750 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «text processing» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of text processing

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «text processing».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «text processing» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «text processing» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about text processing


Famous quotes and sentences with the word text processing.

In our daily lives as programmers, we process text strings a lot. So I tried to work hard on text processing, namely the string class and regular expressions. Regular expressions are built into the language and are very tuned up for use.


Discover the use of text processing in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to text processing and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Text Processing in Python

A companion Web site (http: // contains source code and examples from the book. Here is some of what you will find in thie book: When do I use formal parsers to process structured and semi-structured data?


Data-intensive Text Processing with MapReduce

This book focuses on MapReduce algorithm design, with an emphasis on text processing algorithms common in natural language processing, information retrieval, and machine learning.

Jimmy Lin, Chris Dyer, 2010


Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook

The learn-by-doing approach of this book will enable you to dive right into the heart of text processing from the very first page.


Text processing: algorithms, languages, and applications

Introduction of text processing; Introduction to PL/1 for Text processing; Introduction to SNOBOL for text processing; Overview of text processing packages and applications.


Parallel Text Processing: Alignment and Use of Translation …

l This book evolved from the ARCADE evaluation exercise that started in 1995. The project’s goal is to evaluate alignment systems for parallel texts, i. e. , texts accompanied by their translation.


Inferences in Text Processing

This volume critically evaluates the present state of research in the domain of inferences in text processing and indicates new areas of research.

H. Strohl-Goebel, G. Rickheit, 1985


Computational Linguistic Text Processing: Logical Form, …

The topic of this book is the theoretical foundations of a theory LSLT — Lexical Semantic Language Theory — and its implementation in a the system for text analysis and understanding called GETARUN, developed at the University of Venice, …


Effective Awk Programming: Text Processing and Pattern Matching

It’s an excellent companion piece to the more broadly focused second edition. This book provides complete coverage of the gawk 3.1 language as well as the most up-to-date coverage of the POSIX standard for awk available anywhere.


Python 2.6 Text Processing: Beginners Guide

The easiest way to learn how to manipulate text with Python.


Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: …

CICLing 2009 marked the 10 th anniversary of the Annual Conference on
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. The CICLing
conferences provide a wide-scope forum for the discussion of the art and craft of
natural …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term text processing is used in the context of the following news items.

5 open source tools for taming text

Thankfully, open source is chock full of high-quality libraries to solve common problems in text processing like sentiment analysis, topic identification, automatic … «, Jul 15»

esProc Improves Text Processing: Fetching Data from a Batch of Files

Sometimes we need to fetch certain data from multiple files of a multi-level directory during text processing. The operation is too complicated to be well … «Smart Data Collective, Jun 15»

How to Perform, Visualize Sentiment Analysis with the WebKnox …

The WebKnox Text Processing API can scan Web pages and blocks of text, and analyze them in a variety of ways. One of the most common tasks to perform via … «ProgrammableWeb, Jul 14»

It’s a messy endeavor: Automated text processing

When I was in Australia in 2009, I learned about Leximancer, a text processing system that had its roots at the University of Queensland. I spoke with Andrew … «KMWorld Magazine, Dec 13»

PW Interview: Jacob Perkins, Text Processing API, NLP meets API

Here is an interview with Jacob Perkins, creator of text processing API and author of Python Text Processing with NLTK Cookbook. Jacob talks on why APIs help, … «ProgrammableWeb, Apr 13»

Google Chrome For iOS Gains Passbook Support, Better Text

Google Chrome For iOS Gains Passbook Support, Better Text Processing And More … integration, PDF export options, and automatic web page text recognition. «AppAdvice, Nov 12»

Top Apps for Word Processing on the iPad

My next decision was the more difficult one: Which word/text processing app(s) would I mainly use? The problem was that I had acquired over two dozen text … «The Mac Observer, May 12»


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There is no secret that data has become a new currency for businesses. The increasing use of technology has resulted in the generation of vast volumes of data.

Whether you use an app, send emails, fill in different forms, or leave a comment on social media posts, you create data containing valuable information. As many people do these, an enormous amount of data is generated every day, called big data.

Big data is a term used to describe large and complex data sets containing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Companies leverage big data to make informed decisions, improve business strategies, and take any action that results in increased revenue and profits.

However, in its raw or original form, big data is useless as it is not easily digestible. It becomes tricky to derive knowledge from big data. This is where text processing comes into play. It is the process of automating the analysis and sorting of unstructured data or electronic text and extracting value from it.

Text processing with

machine learning

help companies and business extract meaningful information from big complex data.

In this article, you will learn everything about text processing.

It is an automated process of analyzing and sorting text-based or electronic data into knowledge or valuable information. Machine learning models then use the structured data of the text for analysis, manipulating text, or generating new text.

Well, there are tools available to perform text processing. They leverage machine learning and

natural language processing

(NLP) to analyze and understand text in human language and extract knowledge from it.


machine learning applications

, like spam filtering, sentiment analysis, and many others, text processing is one of the most typical tasks.


It is an underlying process used by many applications we use every day. As we are more inclined to buy products and services online, we interact with brand owners through different channels.

This text serves as a crucial aspect for businesses to extract meaningful insights. It helps them understand how customers search for products, interact with them, what improvements they need to see in a product or service, and many others. All this information helps them deliver better service or products and ensure maximum satisfaction.

However, it becomes essential for companies to organize, analyze, and sort text-based data to derive insights from it. Hence, here comes the role of text processing. It analyzes and sorts raw data to extract useful information.

Text Processing Methods

1. Statistical Methods

Math and statistics are the heart of text processing. You can use various statistical methods to analyze and process the text.

The following are the different statistical approaches:

  • Word Frequency

This method highlights the text’s most frequently used words, phrases, or expressions. With insights from this method, it becomes easy to address issues in the text and identify success areas.

  • Collocation

This method helps identify words that commonly appear together, i.e., co-occur. A text generally consists of bigrams (two adjacent words) or trigrams (three adjacent words). The common examples of collocation are –

keeping in touch


product in the launch

, and

application under development


  • Concordance

It helps identify how a specific word is used in different contexts in a text. In short, it aids in identifying the ambiguity in human language.

For instance, we use the word ‘issue’ to address different scenarios, such as a problem, situation, supply, or topic. Here are a few examples:

  1. Problem:

    There is a severe issue with my health.

  2. Situation:

    It is an issue to deal with.

  3. Topic:

    It is a crucial issue.

  4. Supply:

    Your order has been issued.

  • TF-IDF

It is an acronym for the term frequency-inverse document frequency. It measures the importance of a word in a document. However, it is balanced by the documents containing the word.

For example, the words – ‘the’ or ‘and’ frequently appear in every document. As a result, they do not help identify topics or themes in documents. On the other side, consider a single document contains the word “RAM” multiple times. As this word is unique and found only in one document, it helps provide some meaningful information about that document.

2. Text Classification

It analyzes the content and classifies text into already-defined categories. This helps businesses automatically analyze and classify their textual content. Here are some popular text classification models:

How is text processing used?

  • Topic Analysis

It interprets and divides large sets of text into different categories of topics and themes. It eliminates the need to go through thousands of reviews on your product or service and determine the most favorite or most-talked feature. An automated model takes care of it all.

To understand topic analysis, consider you own a website like Amazon. You run a survey to understand how your service is beneficial to customers and users. It is not feasible to manually go through the thousands of responses to the survey, as it is time-consuming and intimidating.

However, the topic analysis makes it a matter of seconds. You need to define different features of your service, such as UI/UX, pricing, quality, functionality, and products. The topic analysis will automatically find the feature most loved from the survey responses.

For instance, consider one of the responses:

“I love the look and feel of the website; it is straightforward to navigate.”

The topic analysis would immediately classify it under the UI/UX category.

  • Sentiment Analysis

It understands the emotional undertones of the text and classifies them as positive, negative, or neutral. Whether a comment on a social media post, a response to a survey, or a product review, sentiment analysis determines whether they are negative, positive, or neutral. Typically, sentiment analysis assists companies in determining how their customers feel about their products or services.

For instance, if I tweeted about the airline – Air India, something like this:

“I loved the service, and the staff in the plane was accommodating.”

It is a positive tweet, but there would be numerous negative tweets.

With the help of a model to detect sentiments, you can sort all tweets into three categories – positive, negative, and neutral. The model significantly saves time. Also, it helps you focus on negative comments and respond to them as soon as possible.

  • Intent Detection

It determines the intent or goal of the text – whether it is gaining information, purchasing a product or services, or subscribing or unsubscribing from specific services.

Through intent detection, businesses can determine where their user or lead is on their buyer’s journey.

For instance, you may have found software that piqued your attention after reading all the information. You would undoubtedly want to learn more about the application, so send the following text to its provider:

“The software you offer interests me a lot and is useful. I would like to know if it offers more affordable packages?”

Intent detection classifies the above text as a

Request for Information


Let us look at another example: You buy certain accessories online from a website for your dog, and you love the products and continue using them. You would email them to get added to their newsletter to receive coupons and offers.

“Thank you for providing an amazing experience for my fur baby. I would love to be part of the newsletter to receive events, coupons, and offer.”

Intent detection will classify the email as

Subscribe to Newsletter


  • Language Classification

It uses language as a basis to classify the text.

Let us understand this with an example. Imagine you are an online retailer, making your products available worldwide. It is obvious to receive customer support tickets from different countries in different languages.

A language detection classifier classifies customer support tickets based on the languages.

The best example of this is Amazon. It is the best eCommerce platform, receiving support tickets from people from different countries. A language detection classifier sends the support tickets to the respective teams.

3. Text Extraction

It is the process of identifying valuable data from the given text. It helps find important information, such as client names, product details, prices, dates, keywords, and other valuable information.

  • Keyword Extraction

It automatically determines and extracts significant words and phrases from the text.

For instance, we generally add hashtags while we tweet or post on Instagram. Consider a cricket league. Fans will tweet about the tournament, players, etc.

The keyword extractor will analyze the hashtag expressions and determine which team in the tournament or player is most-loved.

  • Entity Extraction

It automatically identifies and obtains the name of companies, brands, people, etc., from the text.

One best example of entity extraction is determining which branches of a company receive good and bad feedback.

Text Processing Use Cases or Applications

Customer feedback and customer service are two primary text processing applications.

1. Customer Surveys and Reviews

With text processing, companies can analyze customer responses and reviews of customers. They can classify their customers as promoters, passives, or detractors based on their responses to specific products or brands. In short, companies can determine the success of customer retention.

In survey data, topic classification can determine the topics common among customers, a keyword extractor helps identify commonly-used words or phrases, and sentiment analysis to understand the perspective of customers about a product or service.

2. Support Tickets (Customer Service)

Large companies operating worldwide often allow customers to submit support tickets. So, people from different regions of the world submit support tickets in different languages. With text processing, companies can identify the ticket topic and its urgency and send it to the customer service representative that speaks the same language as the customer. When done manually, it is a time-consuming process.


Text Processing has been a boon to companies and businesses as it manages data and customer experiences, which are the lifeblood of any company.

Automating the analysis of unstructured data and deriving valuable insights help companies understand their customers’ perspectives about products or services. This helps them improve their brand and make informed decisions, leading to a company’s growth in revenue and reputation.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have any queries regarding this article.

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Word processing is the process of adding text to a word processing unit such as a computer or typewriter. The typed words are stored in the computer or word processor temporarily to allow for editing before a hard copy of the document. The term «word processing» is a fairly general term, so it may refer to several types of writing without the use of pen and paper. Typewriters, for example, process words directly onto a paper without storing the data, while computers use specific programs to store the typed data before printing.

Modified typewriters have been commonly used in the past for word processing. The typewriter would store the data — usually with the use of a computer chip — before printing the words onto a page. The person using the word processor could then check the writing for errors before printing the final draft. When computers became common in the workplace and at home, word processors became mostly obsolete, though some models are still used for a wide range of purposes, including as educational devices for students with special needs.

Typewriters create words directly on paper without storing any data.

Typewriters create words directly on paper without storing any data.

Computers have generally taken over word processing duties. The computers feature specific programs in which a person can type manuscripts of any length. The data is stored as an electronic document that can be opened, closed, saved, and edited at any time. This allows the user to make corrections or changes to a document multiple times before printing out a hard copy of the document. In many cases, the document is not printed out onto hard copy paper at all; instead, it can be used on the internet, in e-mails, or for other digital purposes.

Computers use specific word processing programs to store the typed data before printing.

Computers use specific word processing programs to store the typed data before printing.

Simpler programs, such as text editors or notepads, can be used to record text quickly without excess formatting options, such as multiple fonts or font sizes. Such programs are easy to use and do not come loaded with formatting features, such as color, multiple fonts, line spacing options, and so on. They are meant to be used for quick word processing that will not need to be formatted for presentation.

Word processing software often includes several features unavailable on typewriters or older word processors. Such features may include the ability to manipulate the layout of the text, the size and color of the font, the type of font used, line spacing, margin adjustments, and the ability to insert photos, web links, graphs, charts, and other objects directly into the document.

word processing

word processing, use of a computer program or a dedicated hardware and software package to write, edit, format, and print a document. Text is most commonly entered using a keyboard similar to a typewriter’s, although handwritten input (see pen-based computer) and audio input (as for dictation) devices have been introduced.

Word processors have various functions that allow a person to revise text without retyping an entire document. As the text is entered or after it has been retrieved, sections ranging from words and sentences to paragraphs and pages can be moved, copied, deleted, altered, and added to while displayed. As word processors have become more sophisticated, such functions as word counting, spell checking, footnoting, and index generation have been added. In addition, a document’s format—type size, line spacing, margins, page length, and the like—usually can be easily altered. To aid in these alterations, the text is displayed as it will appear when printed with indented paragraphs and lists, multiple columns, tables, etc; this is called a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) display.

Word processors are distinguished from text editors and desktop publishing systems. Text editors are designed for creating and editing computer programs. While they have features found in simple word processors, such as search and replace, that make the entry and editing of words and numbers easier, text editors provide only the most primitive facilities for text formatting and printing. Desktop publishers may include only simple word processing features but provide enhanced formatting functions, such as routines for merging text and graphics into complex page layouts.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

word processing

[′wȯrd ¦prä‚ses·iŋ]

(computer science)

The use of computers or computerlike equipment to write, edit, and format text.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

word processing

the composition of documents using a computer system to input, edit, store, and print them

Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

word processing

This article is provided by FOLDOC — Free Online Dictionary of Computing (

word processing

The creation of text documents via computer. Except for labels and envelopes, word processing software has long since replaced the electric typewriter. Advanced word processors can function as elementary desktop publishing systems. Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing application (see Microsoft Word). WordPerfect and Google Docs are also widely used (see WordPerfect Office and Google Docs).

Basic Functions

Following are the functions people use all the time when creating or editing a document:

Text Editing, Word Wrap and Centering
Text can be deleted, typed over or inserted, and words at the right margin wrap to the next line. Text can be centered between left and right margins.

Copy, Move, Search and Replace
Text can be copied or moved within the document, and any occurrence of text can be replaced with another block of text.

Layout Settings
Margins, tabs, line spacing, indents, font changes, underline, bold and italic can be set and reset anywhere within the document.

Headers, Footers and Page Numbering
Headers and footers are common text printed on the top and bottom of every page. Page numbering in Roman numerals may be available.

Templates/Style Sheets
A document layout (margins, tabs, fonts, etc.) can be stored in a template file (style sheet) and applied to a new document.

Print Preview
A document can be reviewed on screen to show exactly how it will print with page breaks, headers, footers, etc.

Spell Checker
Spelling can be checked on the fly, and common typos may be corrected automatically.

File Management
Documents can be duplicated, renamed and deleted, and folders can be created and deleted from within the program.

Image Support
Images can be merged into the document and resized. As the document content increases or decreases, the images remain anchored where they were placed.

Advanced Functions

The following functions are available in most word processors:

All word processors support columns with tab stops. However, true column capability for documents, such as resumes and theater scripts, wraps words within each column; for example, employer information on the left and work history on the right. Magazine-style columns are another structure that flows the words from the bottom of one column to the top of the next.

Footnotes and Endnotes
Footnote entries can be made at any place in the document, and the footnotes printed at the end of a page or document.

Tablesof Contents and Indexes
Tables of contents and indexes can be generated from entries typed throughout the document.

Math and Sorting
Columns of numbers can be summed and simple arithmetic expressions can be computed. Lines of text can be reordered into ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) sequence.

Mail Merge
Creates customized letters from a form letter and a list of names and addresses. The list can be created as a document or can be imported from popular database formats.

A thesaurus displays synonyms for the word at the current cursor location.

Group Print
Documents can be printed individually or as a group with page numbers consecutively numbered from the first to the last document.

Graphics vs. Text Based

All word processors today are graphics based and show an extremely close facsimile on screen of the document that will be printed. Earlier text-based DOS programs displayed the same type font and size all the time, and they were fine for typing letters and documents with a simple format. Even today, some authors still use DOS word processors running under Windows, because they are more responsive than GUI-based products and more than adequate for creative writing. See XyWrite.

Format Standards

Every major word processing program generated proprietary codes for layout settings. For example, in an old WordStar document, ^PB turned bold on as well as off. In WordPerfect, [BOLD] turns bold on, and [bold] turns it off.

Conversion programs translate documents from one format to another. If one does not exist for the required formats, multiple search & replace commands can be performed on the original. However, if the same code turns a mode on as well as off, as in the WordStar example above, the codes have to be changed manually one at a time.

The User Interface

Word processing programs have run from the ridiculous to the sublime, and some of the most awkward programs sold well. It may be difficult to tell a good one from a bad one in the beginning, because it takes time to explore a program’s nuances. Also, what is acceptable to the slow typist can be horrendous for the fast typist.

Repetitive functions such as centering and changing display attributes (bold, italic, etc.) should be a snap. Changing margins, tabs, indents and fonts should also be easy.

The most important component in word processing has nothing to do with software. The keyboard is the primary interface between the user and the machine, and the feel of the keys is critical.

Copyright © 1981-2023 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.

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