Definition of word car

401 Gridlock.jpg

Cars and trucks driving on a divided highway, Highway 401 in Ontario, Canada

Classification Vehicle
Industry Various
Application Transportation
Fuel source Gasoline, electricity, diesel, natural gas, hydrogen, solar, vegetable oil
Powered Yes
Self-propelled Yes
Wheels 3–4
Axles 2
Inventor Carl Benz
Invented 1886

A car or automobile is a motor vehicle with wheels. Most definitions of cars say that they run primarily on roads, seat one to eight people, have four wheels, and mainly transport people (rather than goods).[1][2]

French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered road vehicle in 1769, while Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz designed and constructed the first internal combustion powered automobile in 1808. The modern car—a practical, marketable automobile for everyday use—was invented in 1886, when German inventor Carl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Commercial cars became widely available during the 20th century. One of the first cars affordable by the masses was the 1908 Model T, an American car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company. Cars were rapidly adopted in the US, where they replaced horse-drawn carriages.[3] In Europe and other parts of the world, demand for automobiles did not increase until after World War II.[4] The car is considered an essential part of the developed economy.

Cars have controls for driving, parking, passenger comfort, and a variety of lights. Over the decades, additional features and controls have been added to vehicles, making them progressively more complex. These include rear-reversing cameras, air conditioning, navigation systems, and in-car entertainment. Most cars in use in the early 2020s are propelled by an internal combustion engine, fuelled by the combustion of fossil fuels. Electric cars, which were invented early in the history of the car, became commercially available in the 2000s and are predicted to cost less to buy than gasoline cars before 2025.[5][6] The transition from fossil fuels to electric cars features prominently in most climate change mitigation scenarios,[7] such as Project Drawdown’s 100 actionable solutions for climate change.[8]

There are costs and benefits to car use. The costs to the individual include acquiring the vehicle, interest payments (if the car is financed), repairs and maintenance, fuel, depreciation, driving time, parking fees, taxes, and insurance.[9] The costs to society include maintaining roads, land use, road congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, public health, and disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life. Traffic collisions are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.[10] Personal benefits include on-demand transportation, mobility, independence, and convenience.[11] Societal benefits include economic benefits, such as job and wealth creation from the automotive industry, transportation provision, societal well-being from leisure and travel opportunities, and revenue generation from taxes. People’s ability to move flexibly from place to place has far-reaching implications for the nature of societies.[12]

There are around one billion cars in use worldwide. Car usage is increasing rapidly, especially in China, India, and other newly industrialized countries.[13]


The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus/carrum «wheeled vehicle» or (via Old North French) Middle English carre «two-wheeled cart», both of which in turn derive from Gaulish karros «chariot».[14][15] It originally referred to any wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, such as a cart, carriage, or wagon.[16][17]

«Motor car», attested from 1895, is the usual formal term in British English.[2] «Autocar», a variant likewise attested from 1895 and literally meaning «self-propelled car», is now considered archaic.[18] «Horseless carriage» is attested from 1895.[19]

«Automobile», a classical compound derived from Ancient Greek autós (αὐτός) «self» and Latin mobilis «movable», entered English from French and was first adopted by the Automobile Club of Great Britain in 1897.[20] It fell out of favour in Britain and is now used chiefly in North America,[21] where the abbreviated form «auto» commonly appears as an adjective in compound formations like «auto industry» and «auto mechanic».[22][23]


The first steam-powered vehicle was designed by Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in China around 1672. It was a 65-centimetre-long (26 in) scale-model toy for the Kangxi Emperor that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger.[11][24][25] It is not known with certainty if Verbiest’s model was successfully built or run.[25]

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is widely credited with building the first full-scale, self-propelled mechanical vehicle in about 1769; he created a steam-powered tricycle.[26] He also constructed two steam tractors for the French Army, one of which is preserved in the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.[26] His inventions were limited by problems with water supply and maintaining steam pressure.[26] In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. It was unable to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods and was of little practical use.

The development of external combustion (steam) engines is detailed as part of the history of the car but often treated separately from the development of true cars. A variety of steam-powered road vehicles were used during the first part of the 19th century, including steam cars, steam buses, phaetons, and steam rollers. In the United Kingdom, sentiment against them led to the Locomotive Acts of 1865.

In 1807, Nicéphore Niépce and his brother Claude created what was probably the world’s first internal combustion engine (which they called a Pyréolophore), but installed it in a boat on the river Saone in France.[27] Coincidentally, in 1807, the Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz designed his own «de Rivaz internal combustion engine», and used it to develop the world’s first vehicle to be powered by such an engine. The Niépces’ Pyréolophore was fuelled by a mixture of Lycopodium powder (dried spores of the Lycopodium plant), finely crushed coal dust and resin that were mixed with oil, whereas de Rivaz used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.[27] Neither design was successful, as was the case with others, such as Samuel Brown, Samuel Morey, and Etienne Lenoir,[28] who each built vehicles (usually adapted carriages or carts) powered by internal combustion engines.[29]

Gustave Trouvé’s tricycle, the first electric automobile to be demonstrated to a public

In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouvé demonstrated a three-wheeled car powered by electricity at the International Exposition of Electricity.[30] Although several other German engineers (including Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, and Siegfried Marcus) were working on cars at about the same time, the year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car—a practical, marketable automobile for everyday use—when the German Carl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen; he is generally acknowledged as the inventor of the car.[29][31][32]

In 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had been designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made the use of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle. His first Motorwagen was built in 1885 in Mannheim, Germany. He was awarded the patent for its invention as of his application on 29 January 1886 (under the auspices of his major company, Benz & Cie., which was founded in 1883). Benz began promotion of the vehicle on 3 July 1886, and about 25 Benz vehicles were sold between 1888 and 1893, when his first four-wheeler was introduced along with a cheaper model. They also were powered with four-stroke engines of his own design. Emile Roger of France, already producing Benz engines under license, now added the Benz car to his line of products. Because France was more open to the early cars, initially more were built and sold in France through Roger than Benz sold in Germany. In August 1888, Bertha Benz, the wife of Carl Benz, undertook the first road trip by car, to prove the road-worthiness of her husband’s invention.

In 1896, Benz designed and patented the first internal-combustion flat engine, called boxermotor. During the last years of the 19th century, Benz was the largest car company in the world with 572 units produced in 1899 and, because of its size, Benz & Cie., became a joint-stock company. The first motor car in central Europe and one of the first factory-made cars in the world, was produced by Czech company Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau (later renamed to Tatra) in 1897, the Präsident automobil.

Daimler and Maybach founded Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG) in Cannstatt in 1890, and sold their first car in 1892 under the brand name Daimler. It was a horse-drawn stagecoach built by another manufacturer, which they retrofitted with an engine of their design. By 1895, about 30 vehicles had been built by Daimler and Maybach, either at the Daimler works or in the Hotel Hermann, where they set up shop after disputes with their backers. Benz, Maybach, and the Daimler team seem to have been unaware of each other’s early work. They never worked together; by the time of the merger of the two companies, Daimler and Maybach were no longer part of DMG. Daimler died in 1900 and later that year, Maybach designed an engine named Daimler-Mercedes that was placed in a specially ordered model built to specifications set by Emil Jellinek. This was a production of a small number of vehicles for Jellinek to race and market in his country. Two years later, in 1902, a new model DMG car was produced and the model was named Mercedes after the Maybach engine, which generated 35 hp. Maybach quit DMG shortly thereafter and opened a business of his own. Rights to the Daimler brand name were sold to other manufacturers.

In 1890, Émile Levassor and Armand Peugeot of France began producing vehicles with Daimler engines, and so laid the foundation of the automotive industry in France. In 1891, Auguste Doriot and his Peugeot colleague Louis Rigoulot completed the longest trip by a gasoline-powered vehicle when their self-designed and built Daimler powered Peugeot Type 3 completed 2,100 kilometres (1,300 mi) from Valentigney to Paris and Brest and back again. They were attached to the first Paris–Brest–Paris bicycle race, but finished six days after the winning cyclist, Charles Terront.

The first design for an American car with a gasoline internal combustion engine was made in 1877 by George Selden of Rochester, New York. Selden applied for a patent for a car in 1879, but the patent application expired because the vehicle was never built. After a delay of 16 years and a series of attachments to his application, on 5 November 1895, Selden was granted a US patent (U.S. Patent 549,160) for a two-stroke car engine, which hindered, more than encouraged, development of cars in the United States. His patent was challenged by Henry Ford and others, and overturned in 1911.

In 1893, the first running, gasoline-powered American car was built and road-tested by the Duryea brothers of Springfield, Massachusetts. The first public run of the Duryea Motor Wagon took place on 21 September 1893, on Taylor Street in Metro Center Springfield.[33][34] Studebaker, subsidiary of a long-established wagon and coach manufacturer, started to build cars in 1897[35]: 66  and commenced sales of electric vehicles in 1902 and gasoline vehicles in 1904.[36]

In Britain, there had been several attempts to build steam cars with varying degrees of success, with Thomas Rickett even attempting a production run in 1860.[37] Santler from Malvern is recognized by the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain as having made the first gasoline-powered car in the country in 1894,[38] followed by Frederick William Lanchester in 1895, but these were both one-offs.[38] The first production vehicles in Great Britain came from the Daimler Company, a company founded by Harry J. Lawson in 1896, after purchasing the right to use the name of the engines. Lawson’s company made its first car in 1897, and they bore the name Daimler.[38]

In 1892, German engineer Rudolf Diesel was granted a patent for a «New Rational Combustion Engine». In 1897, he built the first diesel engine.[29] Steam-, electric-, and gasoline-powered vehicles competed for a few decades, with gasoline internal combustion engines achieving dominance in the 1910s. Although various pistonless rotary engine designs have attempted to compete with the conventional piston and crankshaft design, only Mazda’s version of the Wankel engine has had more than very limited success.

All in all, it is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile and motorcycle.[39]

Mass production

Mass production at a Toyota plant in the 1950s

Large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable cars was started by Ransom Olds in 1901 at his Oldsmobile factory in Lansing, Michigan, and based upon stationary assembly line techniques pioneered by Marc Isambard Brunel at the Portsmouth Block Mills, England, in 1802. The assembly line style of mass production and interchangeable parts had been pioneered in the US by Thomas Blanchard in 1821, at the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts.[40] This concept was greatly expanded by Henry Ford, beginning in 1913 with the world’s first moving assembly line for cars at the Highland Park Ford Plant.

As a result, Ford’s cars came off the line in 15-minute intervals, much faster than previous methods, increasing productivity eightfold, while using less manpower (from 12.5 manhours to 1 hour 33 minutes).[41] It was so successful, paint became a bottleneck. Only Japan black would dry fast enough, forcing the company to drop the variety of colors available before 1913, until fast-drying Duco lacquer was developed in 1926. This is the source of Ford’s apocryphal remark, «any color as long as it’s black».[41] In 1914, an assembly line worker could buy a Model T with four months’ pay.[41]

Ford’s complex safety procedures—especially assigning each worker to a specific location instead of allowing them to roam about—dramatically reduced the rate of injury.[42] The combination of high wages and high efficiency is called «Fordism» and was copied by most major industries. The efficiency gains from the assembly line also coincided with the economic rise of the US. The assembly line forced workers to work at a certain pace with very repetitive motions which led to more output per worker while other countries were using less productive methods.

In the automotive industry, its success was dominating, and quickly spread worldwide seeing the founding of Ford France and Ford Britain in 1911, Ford Denmark 1923, Ford Germany 1925; in 1921, Citroën was the first native European manufacturer to adopt the production method. Soon, companies had to have assembly lines, or risk going broke; by 1930, 250 companies which did not, had disappeared.[41]

Development of automotive technology was rapid, due in part to the hundreds of small manufacturers competing to gain the world’s attention. Key developments included electric ignition and the electric self-starter (both by Charles Kettering, for the Cadillac Motor Company in 1910–1911), independent suspension, and four-wheel brakes.

Since the 1920s, nearly all cars have been mass-produced to meet market needs, so marketing plans often have heavily influenced car design. It was Alfred P. Sloan who established the idea of different makes of cars produced by one company, called the General Motors Companion Make Program, so that buyers could «move up» as their fortunes improved.

Reflecting the rapid pace of change, makes shared parts with one another so larger production volume resulted in lower costs for each price range. For example, in the 1930s, LaSalles, sold by Cadillac, used cheaper mechanical parts made by Oldsmobile; in the 1950s, Chevrolet shared bonnet, doors, roof, and windows with Pontiac; by the 1990s, corporate powertrains and shared platforms (with interchangeable brakes, suspension, and other parts) were common. Even so, only major makers could afford high costs, and even companies with decades of production, such as Apperson, Cole, Dorris, Haynes, or Premier, could not manage: of some two hundred American car makers in existence in 1920, only 43 survived in 1930, and with the Great Depression, by 1940, only 17 of those were left.[41]

In Europe, much the same would happen. Morris set up its production line at Cowley in 1924, and soon outsold Ford, while beginning in 1923 to follow Ford’s practice of vertical integration, buying Hotchkiss (engines), Wrigley (gearboxes), and Osberton (radiators), for instance, as well as competitors, such as Wolseley: in 1925, Morris had 41 per cent of total British car production. Most British small-car assemblers, from Abbey to Xtra, had gone under. Citroën did the same in France, coming to cars in 1919; between them and other cheap cars in reply such as Renault’s 10CV and Peugeot’s 5CV, they produced 550,000 cars in 1925, and Mors, Hurtu, and others could not compete.[41] Germany’s first mass-manufactured car, the Opel 4PS Laubfrosch (Tree Frog), came off the line at Rüsselsheim in 1924, soon making Opel the top car builder in Germany, with 37.5 per cent of the market.[41]

In Japan, car production was very limited before World War II. Only a handful of companies were producing vehicles in limited numbers, and these were small, three-wheeled for commercial uses, like Daihatsu, or were the result of partnering with European companies, like Isuzu building the Wolseley A-9 in 1922. Mitsubishi was also partnered with Fiat and built the Mitsubishi Model A based on a Fiat vehicle. Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki, Mazda, and Honda began as companies producing non-automotive products before the war, switching to car production during the 1950s. Kiichiro Toyoda’s decision to take Toyoda Loom Works into automobile manufacturing would create what would eventually become Toyota Motor Corporation, the largest automobile manufacturer in the world. Subaru, meanwhile, was formed from a conglomerate of six companies who banded together as Fuji Heavy Industries, as a result of having been broken up under keiretsu legislation.

Fuel and propulsion technologies

Low battery and motors can improve safety[43]

The transport sector is a major contributor to air pollution, noise pollution and climate change.[44]

Most cars in use in the early 2020s run on gasoline burnt in an internal combustion engine (ICE). The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers says that, in countries that mandate low sulfur gasoline, gasoline-fuelled cars built to late 2010s standards (such as Euro-6) emit very little local air pollution.[45][46] Some cities ban older gasoline-fuelled cars and some countries plan to ban sales in future. However, some environmental groups say this phase-out of fossil fuel vehicles must be brought forwards to limit climate change. Production of gasoline-fuelled cars peaked in 2017.[47][48]

Other hydrocarbon fossil fuels also burnt by deflagration (rather than detonation) in ICE cars include diesel, autogas, and CNG. Removal of fossil fuel subsidies,[49][50] concerns about oil dependence, tightening environmental laws and restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions are propelling work on alternative power systems for cars. This includes hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles. Out of all cars sold in 2021, nine per cent were electric, and by the end of that year there were more than 16 million electric cars on the world’s roads.[51] Despite rapid growth, less than two per cent of cars on the world’s roads were fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars by the end of 2021.[51] Cars for racing or speed records have sometimes employed jet or rocket engines, but these are impractical for common use.

Oil consumption has increased rapidly in the 20th and 21st centuries because there are more cars; the 1980s oil glut even fuelled the sales of low-economy vehicles in OECD countries. The BRIC countries are adding to this consumption.

As of 2023 few production cars use wheel hub motors.[52][53]


In almost all hybrid (even mild hybrid) and pure electric cars regenerative braking recovers and returns to a battery some energy which would otherwise be wasted by friction brakes getting hot.[54] Although all cars must have friction brakes (front disc brakes and either disc or drum rear brakes[55]) for emergency stops, regenerative braking improves efficiency, particularly in city driving.[56]

User interface

In the Ford Model T the left-side hand lever sets the rear wheel parking brakes and puts the transmission in neutral. The lever to the right controls the throttle. The lever on the left of the steering column is for ignition timing. The left foot pedal changes the two forward gears while the centre pedal controls reverse. The right pedal is the brake.

Cars are equipped with controls used for driving, passenger comfort, and safety, normally operated by a combination of the use of feet and hands, and occasionally by voice on 21st-century cars. These controls include a steering wheel, pedals for operating the brakes and controlling the car’s speed (and, in a manual transmission car, a clutch pedal), a shift lever or stick for changing gears, and a number of buttons and dials for turning on lights, ventilation, and other functions. Modern cars’ controls are now standardized, such as the location for the accelerator and brake, but this was not always the case. Controls are evolving in response to new technologies, for example, the electric car and the integration of mobile communications.

Some of the original controls are no longer required. For example, all cars once had controls for the choke valve, clutch, ignition timing, and a crank instead of an electric starter. However, new controls have also been added to vehicles, making them more complex. These include air conditioning, navigation systems, and in-car entertainment. Another trend is the replacement of physical knobs and switches by secondary controls with touchscreen controls such as BMW’s iDrive and Ford’s MyFord Touch. Another change is that while early cars’ pedals were physically linked to the brake mechanism and throttle, in the early 2020s, cars have increasingly replaced these physical linkages with electronic controls.

Electronics and interior

Panel for fuses and circuit breakers

Cars are typically equipped with interior lighting which can be toggled manually or be set to light up automatically with doors open, an entertainment system which originated from car radios, sideways windows which can be lowered or raised electrically (manually on earlier cars), and one or multiple auxiliary power outlets for supplying portable appliances such as mobile phones, portable fridges, power inverters, and electrical air pumps from the on-board electrical system.[57][58][a] More costly upper-class and luxury cars are equipped with features earlier such as massage seats and collision avoidance systems.[59][60]

Dedicated automotive fuses and circuit breakers prevent damage from electrical overload.


Cars are typically fitted with multiple types of lights. These include headlights, which are used to illuminate the way ahead and make the car visible to other users, so that the vehicle can be used at night; in some jurisdictions, daytime running lights; red brake lights to indicate when the brakes are applied; amber turn signal lights to indicate the turn intentions of the driver; white-colored reverse lights to illuminate the area behind the car (and indicate that the driver will be or is reversing); and on some vehicles, additional lights (e.g., side marker lights) to increase the visibility of the car. Interior lights on the ceiling of the car are usually fitted for the driver and passengers. Some vehicles also have a boot light and, more rarely, an engine compartment light.


During the late 20th and early 21st century, cars increased in weight due to batteries,[62] modern steel safety cages, anti-lock brakes, airbags, and «more-powerful—if more efficient—engines»[63] and, as of 2019, typically weigh between 1 and 3 tonnes (1.1 and 3.3 short tons; 0.98 and 2.95 long tons).[64] Heavier cars are safer for the driver from a crash perspective, but more dangerous for other vehicles and road users.[63] The weight of a car influences fuel consumption and performance, with more weight resulting in increased fuel consumption and decreased performance. The Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, a typical city car, weighs about 700 kilograms (1,500 lb). Heavier cars include SUVs and extended-length SUVs like the Suburban.

Some places tax heavier cars more: as well as improving pedestrian safety this can encourage manufacturers to use materials such as recycled aluminium instead of steel.[65] It has been suggested that one benefit of subsidizing charging infrastructure is that cars can use lighter batteries.[66]

Seating and body style

Most cars are designed to carry multiple occupants, often with four or five seats. Cars with five seats typically seat two passengers in the front and three in the rear. Full-size cars and large sport utility vehicles can often carry six, seven, or more occupants depending on the arrangement of the seats. On the other hand, sports cars are most often designed with only two seats. The differing needs for passenger capacity and their luggage or cargo space has resulted in the availability of a large variety of body styles to meet individual consumer requirements that include, among others, the sedan/saloon, hatchback, station wagon/estate, and minivan.


Result of a serious car collision

Traffic collisions are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.[10] Mary Ward became one of the first documented car fatalities in 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland,[67] and Henry Bliss one of the US’s first pedestrian car casualties in 1899 in New York City.[68] There are now standard tests for safety in new cars, such as the Euro and US NCAP tests,[69] and insurance-industry-backed tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).[70]

Costs and benefits

The costs of car usage, which may include the cost of: acquiring the vehicle, repairs and auto maintenance, fuel, depreciation, driving time, parking fees, taxes, and insurance,[9] are weighed against the cost of the alternatives, and the value of the benefits—perceived and real—of vehicle usage. The benefits may include on-demand transportation, mobility, independence, and convenience,[11] and emergency power.[72] During the 1920s, cars had another benefit: «[c]ouples finally had a way to head off on unchaperoned dates, plus they had a private space to snuggle up close at the end of the night.»[73]

Similarly the costs to society of car use may include; maintaining roads, land use, air pollution, noise pollution, road congestion, public health, health care, and of disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life; and can be balanced against the value of the benefits to society that car use generates. Societal benefits may include: economy benefits, such as job and wealth creation, of car production and maintenance, transportation provision, society wellbeing derived from leisure and travel opportunities, and revenue generation from the tax opportunities. The ability of humans to move flexibly from place to place has far-reaching implications for the nature of societies.[12]

Environmental effects

close-up of 2 exhaust pipes with whitish smoke

This exhaust gas is not the only car pollution

Cars are a major cause of urban air pollution,[74] with all types of cars producing dust from brakes, tyres, and road wear,[75] although these may be limited by vehicle emission standards.[76] While there are different ways to power cars most rely on gasoline or diesel, and they consume almost a quarter of world oil production as of 2019.[47] Both gasoline and diesel cars pollute more than electric cars.[77] Cars and vans caused 8% of direct carbon dioxide emissions in 2021.[78] As of 2021, due to greenhouse gases emitted during battery production, electric cars must be driven tens of thousands of kilometers before their lifecycle carbon emissions are less than fossil fuel cars;[79][80] however this varies considerably[81] and is expected to improve in future due to lower carbon electricity, and longer lasting batteries[82] produced in larger factories.[83] Many governments use fiscal policies, such as road tax, to discourage the purchase and use of more polluting cars;[84] and many cities are doing the same with low-emission zones.[85] Fuel taxes may act as an incentive for the production of more efficient, hence less polluting, car designs (e.g., hybrid vehicles) and the development of alternative fuels.[citation needed] High fuel taxes or cultural change may provide a strong incentive for consumers to purchase lighter, smaller, more fuel-efficient cars,[citation needed] or to not drive.[85]

The lifetime of a car built in the 2020s is expected to be about 16 years, or about 2 million km (1.2 million miles) if driven a lot.[86] According to the International Energy Agency the average rated fuel consumption of new light-duty vehicles fell by only 0.9% between 2017 and 2019, far smaller than the 1.8% annual average reduction between 2010 and 2015. Given slow progress to date, the IEA estimates fuel consumption will have to decrease by 4.3% per year on average from 2019 to 2030.[87] The increase in sales of SUVs is bad for fuel economy.[47] Many cities in Europe have banned older fossil fuel cars and all fossil fuel vehicles will be banned in Amsterdam from 2030.[88] Many Chinese cities limit licensing of fossil fuel cars,[89] and many countries plan to stop selling them between 2025 and 2050.[90]

The manufacture of vehicles is resource intensive, and many manufacturers now report on the environmental performance of their factories, including energy usage, waste and water consumption.[91] Manufacturing each kWh of battery emits a similar amount of carbon as burning through one full tank of gasoline.[92] The growth in popularity of the car allowed cities to sprawl, therefore encouraging more travel by car, resulting in inactivity and obesity, which in turn can lead to increased risk of a variety of diseases.[93]

Animals and plants are often negatively affected by cars via habitat destruction and pollution. Over the lifetime of the average car, the «loss of habitat potential» may be over 50,000 square metres (540,000 sq ft) based on primary production correlations.[94][clarification needed] Animals are also killed every year on roads by cars, referred to as roadkill. More recent road developments are including significant environmental mitigation in their designs, such as green bridges (designed to allow wildlife crossings) and creating wildlife corridors.

Growth in the popularity of cars and commuting has led to traffic congestion.[95] Moscow, Istanbul, Bogotá, Mexico City and São Paulo were the world’s most congested cities in 2018 according to INRIX, a data analytics company.[96]

Mass production of personal motor vehicles in the United States and other developed countries with extensive territories such as Australia, Argentina, and France vastly increased individual and group mobility and greatly increased and expanded economic development in urban, suburban, exurban and rural areas.[citation needed]

In the United States, the transport divide and car dependency resulting from domination of car-based transport systems presents barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods,[97] with many low-income individuals and families forced to run cars they cannot afford in order to maintain their income.[98] The historic commitment to a car-based transport system continued during the presidency of Joe Biden. Dependency on automobiles by African Americans may result in exposure to the hazards of driving while black and other types of racial discrimination related to buying, financing and insuring them.[99]

Emerging car technologies

Although intensive development of conventional battery electric vehicles is continuing into the 2020s,[100] other car propulsion technologies that are under development include wireless charging,[101] hydrogen cars,[102] and hydrogen/electric hybrids.[103] Research into alternative forms of power includes using ammonia instead of hydrogen in fuel cells.[104]

New materials which may replace steel car bodies include aluminium,[105] fiberglass, carbon fiber, biocomposites, and carbon nanotubes.[106] Telematics technology is allowing more and more people to share cars, on a pay-as-you-go basis, through car share and carpool schemes. Communication is also evolving due to connected car systems.[107]

Autonomous car

Fully autonomous vehicles, also known as driverless cars, already exist as robotaxis[108][109] but have a long way to go before they are in general use.[110]

Open source development

There have been several projects aiming to develop a car on the principles of open design, an approach to designing in which the plans for the machinery and systems are publicly shared, often without monetary compensation. None of the projects have succeeded in developing a car as a whole including both hardware and software, and no mass production ready open-source based designs have been introduced. Some car hacking through on-board diagnostics (OBD) has been done so far.[111]

Car sharing

Car-share arrangements and carpooling are also increasingly popular, in the US and Europe.[112] For example, in the US, some car-sharing services have experienced double-digit growth in revenue and membership growth between 2006 and 2007. Services like car sharing offer residents to «share» a vehicle rather than own a car in already congested neighbourhoods.[113]



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A car being assembled in a factory

The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells the world’s motor vehicles, more than three-quarters of which are cars. In 2020, there were 56 million cars manufactured worldwide,[114] down from 67 million the previous year.[115]

The automotive industry in China produces by far the most (20 million in 2020), followed by Japan (seven million), then Germany, South Korea and India.[116] The largest market is China, followed by the US.

Around the world, there are about a billion cars on the road;[117] they burn over a trillion litres (0.26×1012 US gal; 0.22×1012 imp gal) of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly, consuming about 50 exajoules (14,000 TWh) of energy.[118] The numbers of cars are increasing rapidly in China and India.[13] In the opinion of some, urban transport systems based around the car have proved unsustainable, consuming excessive energy, affecting the health of populations, and delivering a declining level of service despite increasing investment. Many of these negative effects fall disproportionately on those social groups who are also least likely to own and drive cars.[119][120] The sustainable transport movement focuses on solutions to these problems. The car industry is also facing increasing competition from the public transport sector, as some people re-evaluate their private vehicle usage.


Established alternatives for some aspects of car use include public transport such as busses, trolleybusses, trains, subways, tramways, light rail, cycling, and walking. Bicycle sharing systems have been established in China and many European cities, including Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Similar programs have been developed in large US cities.[121][122] Additional individual modes of transport, such as personal rapid transit could serve as an alternative to cars if they prove to be socially accepted.[123]

See also


  • Automotive safety
  • Car classification
  • Car costs
  • Green vehicle
  • Jaywalking
  • Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Peak car
  • Steering
  • Traffic collision


  • Car dependency
  • Effects of the car on societies
  • Environmental effects of transport
  • Externalities of automobiles
  • Fenceline community
  • Mobile source air pollution
  • Noise pollution
  • Roadway noise
  • Traffic congestion
  • Urban decay
  • Urban sprawl


  • Car-free movement
  • Carfree city
  • Congestion pricing
  • Highway revolt
  • New Urbanism
  • Smart growth
  • Transit-oriented development


  1. ^ Auxiliary power outlets may be supplied continuously or only when the ignition is active depending on electrical wiring.


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Further reading

  • Halberstam, David (1986). The Reckoning. New York: Morrow. ISBN 0-688-04838-2.
  • Kay, Jane Holtz (1997). Asphalt nation : how the automobile took over America, and how we can take it back. New York: Crown. ISBN 0-517-58702-5.
  • Williams, Heathcote (1991). Autogeddon. New York: Arcade. ISBN 1-55970-176-5.
  • Sachs, Wolfgang (1992). For love of the automobile: looking back into the history of our desires. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-06878-5.
  • Margolius, Ivan (2020). «What is an automobile?». The Automobile. 37 (11): 48–52. ISSN 0955-1328.

External links

Wikiquote has quotations related to Car.

Wikisource has original text related to this article:

Look up car in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Media related to Automobiles at Wikimedia Commons
  • Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile
  • Forum for the Automobile and Society


I’ll wait in the car.

He got into the car and drove away.

She bought a new car.

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Left with tough choices to put food on table, gas in the car or pay a medical bill, as many as 30% of patients do not fill a prescription for a cancer drug, according to an April 2022 study in the journal Health Affairs.

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O’Leary said the couple stayed awake in the car so her children could finish sleeping.

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The musician captioned the snap, which was captured in a car, with a single emoji of a woman feeding a baby with a bottle.

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Police urged drivers Wednesday to avoid a portion of Richmond Highway in Northern Virginia, where a woman armed with a handgun has barricaded herself in a car since Tuesday.

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See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘car.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

  • Afrikaans: kar (af), motorkar
  • Ahom: please add this translation if you can
  • Alabama: mobìlka
  • Albanian: makinë (sq), automobil (sq) m, kerr m (Kosovo), rrabë (Macedonia)
  • Ambonese Malay: oto
  • Amharic: መኪና (mäkina)
  • Apache:
    Western Apache: náłbill
  • Arabic: سَيَّارَة (ar) f (sayyāra)
    Egyptian Arabic: عَرَبِيَّة‎ f (ʿarabiyya)
    Gulf Arabic: سيارة‎ f (sayyāra)
    Hijazi Arabic: سَيَّارَة‎ f (sayyāra)
    Moroccan Arabic: طوموبيل‎ f (ṭumubīl)
  • Armenian: մեքենա (hy) (mekʿena), ավտոմեքենա (hy) (avtomekʿena), ավտո (hy) (avto), (colloquial)
  • Assamese: গাড়ী (gari)
  • Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: ܪܲܕܵܝܬܵܐ‎ f (radāytā), ܐܵܛܢܵܒܹܠ‎ f (āṭnābēl) (colloquial), ܣܲܝܵܪܵܐ‎ f (sayyārā) (colloquial)
  • Asturian: coche m
  • Azerbaijani: maşın, avtomobil (az)
  • Bashkir: автомобиль (avtomobil’)
  • Basque: autoa
  • Belarusian: машы́на f (mašýna), аўтамабі́ль (be) m (aŭtamabílʹ), аўтамашы́на f (aŭtamašýna), самахо́д m (samaxód), а́ўта n (áŭta), аўто́ n (aŭtó)
  • Bengali: গাড়ি (bn) (gaṛi), রথ (bn) (roth)
  • Breton: karr (br) m, gwetur (br) f
  • Bulgarian: кола́ (bg) f (kolá), автомоби́л (bg) m (avtomobíl)
  • Burmese: ကား (my) (ka:) (informal), ယဉ် (my) (yany) (formal)
  • Buryat: автомашина (avtomašina)
  • Catalan: cotxe (ca) m, automòbil (ca) m
  • Cebuano: sakyanan
  • Central Dusun: korita
  • Chechen: машен (mašen), автомобиль (avtomobilʲ)
  • Cherokee: ᏗᎦᏚᎴᏂ (digaduleni)
  • Chichewa: galimoto
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (ce1), 汽車汽车 (yue) (hei3 ce1)
    Dungan: машинэ (mašine), чичә (čičə)
    Mandarin: 汽車汽车 (zh) (qìchē),  (zh) (chē), 自動車自动车 (zh) (zìdòngchē)
    Min Nan: 自動車自动车 (zh-min-nan) (chū-tōng-chhia), 風車风车 (zh-min-nan) (hong-chhia), 汽車汽车 (zh-min-nan) (khì-chhia)
  • Coptic: ⲃⲉⲣⲉϭⲱⲟⲩⲧⲥ f (berecōouts)
  • Cornish: karr m
  • Corsican: vittura
  • Cowlitz: məšín
  • Cree: ᒧᐢᑕᑯᒌᐢ (mostakociis)
  • Czech: auto (cs) n, automobil (cs) m
  • Danish: bil (da) c, automobil (da) n or c
  • Dhivehi: ކާރު‎ sg (kāru), ކާރުތައް‎ pl (kārutak̊)
  • Dutch: auto (nl) m, wagen (nl) m, automobiel (nl) m (dated)
  • Elfdalian: bil m
  • Erzya: ардомапель (ardomapeľ)
  • Esperanto: aŭtomobilo (eo), aŭto (eo)
  • Estonian: auto (et), masin (slang)
  • Farefare: loore
  • Faroese: bilur (fo) m
  • Finnish: auto (fi)
  • French: voiture (fr) f, auto (fr) f, automobile (fr) f, char (fr) m (Canada)
  • Galician: coche (gl) m
  • Georgian: მანქანა (mankana) (colloquial), ავტო (avṭo) (colloquial), ავტომობილი (ka) (avṭomobili) (formal), ავტომანქანა (ka) (avṭomankana) (formal)
  • German: Auto (de) n, Automobil (de) n, Wagen (de) m, PKW (de) m, Karre (de) f
  • Greek: αυτοκίνητο (el) n (aftokínito), αμάξι (el) n (amáxi)
  • Greenlandic: biili
  • Gujarati: કાર (kār)
  • Hausa: mota (ha)
  • Hawaiian: kaʻa
  • Hebrew: מְכוֹנִית (he) f (m’khonít), אוֹטוֹ (he) m (óto) (colloquial)
  • Hindi: गाड़ी (hi) f (gāṛī), कार (hi) f (kār)
  • Hungarian: autó (hu), automobil (hu), kocsi (hu) (informal)
  • Hunsrik: Auto n, Karre m
  • Icelandic: bíll (is) m
  • Ido: automobilo (io)
  • Igbo: ụgbọ ala (ig)
  • Indonesian: mobil (id), otomobil (id), oto (id)
    Sundanese: wahon (id)
  • Interlingua: auto
  • Inupiaq: qamun, aksraktuaq
  • Irish: carr m, gluaisteán (ga) m
  • Isan: please add this translation if you can
  • Italian: macchina (it) f, auto (it) f, automobile (it) f, autovettura (it) f
  • Japanese:  (ja) (くるま, kuruma), 自動車 (ja) (じどうしゃ, jidōsha)
  • Kamba: ngale
  • Kannada: ಕಾರು (kn) (kāru)
  • Kashubian: aùto n
  • Kazakh: машина (kk) (maşina), автомобиль (kk) (avtomobil), автомашина (avtomaşina)
  • Khmer: ឡាន (km) (laan), រថ (km) (rŭət)
  • Khoekhoe: audos
  • Kikuyu: ngari
  • Kis: egari
  • Korean: 자동차(自動車) (ko) (jadongcha), 차(車) (ko) (cha)
  • Krio: motocar
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ئۆتۆمۆبیل (ckb) (otomobîl), سەیارە(seyare), ماشێن (ckb) (maşên), ترومبیل(trumbîl)
    Northern Kurdish: otomobîl (ku), erebe (ku), maşîn (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: автомобиль (ky) (avtomobilʹ), машина (ky) (maşina), автомашина (ky) (avtomaşina), унаа (ky) (unaa)
  • Ladino: oto, otomobil
  • Lao: ລົດ (lo) (lot), ລົດຍົນ (lot nyon), ລົດໃຫຍ່ (lot nyai), ລົດໂອໂຕ (lot ʼō tō), ໂອໂຕ (ʼō tō), ຣົຖ (rot)
  • Latin: autocīnētum n, autocurrus m, autovehiculum n, autoraeda f
  • Latvian: automašīna f, spēkrats m (informally), mašīna f
  • Lithuanian: automobilis (lt) m, mašina (lt) f
  • Louisiana Creole French: shar, oto, òdomobìl
  • Luhya: litoka
  • Lule Sami: bijlla
  • Luo: mtokaa
  • Luxembourgish: Auto (lb) n
  • Lü: ᦷᦟᧆ (lod), ᦷᦟᧆᦓᦾᧉ (lodnoay²)
  • Macedonian: кола (mk) f (kola), автомоби́л m (avtomobíl)
  • Malagasy: fiara (mg)
  • Malay: kereta (ms)
  • Malayalam: കാര് (kārŭ)
  • Maltese: karozza (mt) f
  • Maori: motokā (mi), motukā
  • Marathi: कार (kār)
  • Maricopa: tiiwamtor
  • Meru: ngari
  • Mirandese: altemoble m, carro m
  • Miriwung: goorroorij
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: автомашин (mn) (avtomašin), машин (mn) (mašin), машин тэрэг (mašin tereg)
    Mongolian: ᠠᠦ᠋ᠲ᠋ᠣᠮᠠᠰᠢᠨ (aütomasin), ᠮᠠᠱᠢᠨ (mašin)
  • Nepali: कार (ne) (kār)
  • Norman: vaituthe f (Jersey), moto m (Jersey)
  • Northern Sami: biila
  • Northern Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: bil (no) m
    Nynorsk: bil (no) m
  • Occitan: veitura (oc)
  • Ojibwe: odaabaan, waasamoowidaabaan
  • Okinawan: (くるま, kuruma)
  • Oriya: କାର୍ (or) (kar)
  • Oromo: koonkoolata
  • Osage: oðíhtą
  • Ossetian: хӕдтулгӕ (xædtulgæ)
  • Pashto: موټر (ps) m (moṭár), تېزرفتار‎ m (tezraftãr)
  • Pennsylvania German: Kaer f, Kar f
  • Persian: خودرو (fa) (xodrow), ماشین (fa) (mâšin), اتومبیل (fa) (otomobil), موتر(môtar) (Dari)
  • Pitjantjatjara: mutuka
  • Plautdietsch: Koa f, Auto (nds) n
  • Polish: samochód (pl) m inan, auto (pl) n, wóz (pl) (slang), bryka (pl) (slang), gablota (pl) (slang)
  • Portuguese: carro (pt) m, viatura (pt) f, automóvel (pt) m
  • Punjabi:
    Gurmukhi: ਗੱਡੀ (pa) (gaḍḍī)
    Shahmukhi: گَڈّی(gaḍḍī)
  • Quechua: awtu
  • Romani: vurdon m
  • Romanian: mașină (ro) f, automobil (ro) n
  • Russian: маши́на (ru) f (mašína), автомоби́ль (ru) m (avtomobílʹ), автомаши́на (ru) f (avtomašína), авто́ (ru) n (avtó) (colloquial), та́чка (ru) f (táčka) (slang)
  • Rusyn: автомобі́л m (avtomobíl)
  • Samoan: taʻavale
  • Sanskrit: कारयान (kārayāna)
  • Scots: caur, machine
  • Scottish Gaelic: càr m, carbad m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ко̏ла n pl, а̀уто n, аутомо̀бӣл m
    Roman: kȍla (sh) n pl, àuto (sh) n, automòbīl (sh) m
  • Shan: please add this translation if you can
  • Shona: motokari
  • Silesian: auto n
  • Sinhalese: මෝටර රිය (mōṭara riya)
  • Skolt Sami: autt
  • Slovak: auto (sk) n, automobil m
  • Slovene: avto (sl) m, avtomobil m
  • Somali: babuur (so) m
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: awto n
    Upper Sorbian: awto (hsb) n
  • Sotho: koloi (st), motokara
  • Southern Sami: bïjle
  • Southern Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Spanish: coche (es) m (especially Mexico, South America except Venezuela, Spain), automóvil (es) m (formal usage), auto (es) m (especially Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), carro (es) m (El Norte, Southwestern U.S., Caribbean Islands, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela), máquina (es) m (Cuba, colloquial), mueble (es) m (El Norte, Southwestern U.S., Mexico)
  • Sranan Tongo: wagi, oto
  • Sumerian: 𒄑𒇀 (gišgigir /gigir/)
  • Swahili: gari (sw) class 5/6, motokaa (sw) class 9/10
  • Swedish: bil (sv) c, automobil (sv) c
  • Tagalog: kotse (tl), batlag
  • Tajik: автомобил (avtomobil), мошин (tg) (mošin), автомошин (avtomošin), худрав (xudrav)
  • Tamil: வண்டி (ta) (vaṇṭi), வாகணம் (vākaṇam)
  • Tatar: арба (tt) (arba), автомобиль (awtomobil’)
  • Telugu: కారు (te) (kāru), బండి (te) (baṇḍi), గాడి (te) (gāḍi)
  • Thai: รถยนต์ (th) (rót-yon), รถ (th) (rót)
  • Tibetan: མོ་ཊ (mo ṭa)
  • Tigrinya: መኪና (mäkina)
  • Tongan:
  • Turkish: araba (tr), otomobil (tr), kölük (tr)
  • Turkmen: maşyyn, awtomaşyn (tk), awtomobil (tk)
  • Ukrainian: автомобі́ль (uk) m (avtomobílʹ), маши́на f (mašýna), автомаши́на (uk) f (avtomašýna), авто́ (uk) n (avtó), авті́вка (uk) f (avtívka)
  • Urdu: گاڑی‎ f (gāṛī)
  • Uyghur: ئاپتوموبىل(aptomobil), ماشىنا(mashina)
  • Uzbek: avtomobil (uz), avtomashina (uz), mashina (uz)
  • Vietnamese: xe hơi (vi), ô tô (vi), xe ô tô, xe (vi) ()
  • Vilamovian: wiöen
  • Walloon: oto (wa), vweteure (wa)
  • Welsh: car (cy) f
  • West Frisian: wein
  • White Hmong: lub fai
  • Xhosa: imoto
  • Yakut: массыына (massıına)
  • Yiddish: אויטאָמאָביל‎ m (oytomobil), אויטאָ‎ m (oyto), מאַשין‎ f (mashin)
  • Yoruba: ọkọ̀ ayọ́kẹ́lẹ́, mọ́tò, ọkọ̀
  • Zazaki: erewa
  • Zhuang: giceh, heiqci, cihung (dialectal)
  • Zulu: imoto (zu)

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I feel like we’re a very good top-10 car, but we really have to work hard and find a unique way to get these top fives.

Kurt Busch



From Anglo-French carre, ultimately related to Latin carra, carrum two-wheeled wagon, probably of Celtic origin; compare Old Irish carr.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Car is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. The year 1886 is regarded the year of birth of the modern automobile — with the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, by German inventor Karl Benz. Motorized wagons soon replaced animal-drafted carriages, especially after automobiles became affordable for many people when the Ford Model T was introduced in 1908. The term motorcar has formerly also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems. It was estimated in 2010 that the number of automobiles had risen to over 1 billion vehicles, up from the 500 million of 1986.

Definition of car in the English dictionary

The first definition of car in the dictionary is Also called: motorcar, automobile. a self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, esp one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine. Other definition of car is a conveyance for passengers, freight, etc, such as a cable car or the carrier of an airship or balloon. Car is also a railway vehicle for passengers only, such as a sleeping car or buffet car.

Synonyms and antonyms of car in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «car» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «car» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of car to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of car from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «car» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

xe ô tô

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of car


The term «car» is very widely used and occupies the 762 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «car» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of car

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «car».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «car» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «car» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about car


Famous quotes and sentences with the word car.

Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don’t let yourself believe it will happen to you.

I don’t think radio is selling records like they used to. They’d hawk the song and hawk the artist and you’d get so excited, you’d stop your car and go into the nearest record store.

A paparazzo once jumped out of a car and started running backward with me. I slowed down out of courtesy because she started drifting into the street. I reached out my hand and moved her back so she didn’t get hit by a bus.

I lived on the top of one hill and the school was at the top of another hill. Nobody ever went to school by car — we didn’t have any cars during the war. So that to and from school was itself a training.

I promise you a police car on every sidewalk.

I did 10 years of comedies and 10 years of Westerns. I really like to stay away from car chases. I prefer the more intimate film. You have a much more direct association with the emotions.

I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet. You step out of the car and it’s bedlam. Everyone’s got crazy eyes.

Every business decision I ever made I learned from my grandfather Papa Sam. He moved here from Russia when he was a boy. He worked his way up selling newspapers and ladies’ handbags, and eventually, he became Cadillac Sam, one of the biggest car dealers in Chicago.

I feel like we’re a very good top-10 car, but we really have to work hard and find a unique way to get these top fives.

You need someone to tell you how to do things like hitting your marks, or driving a car so it looks right or getting out of a car so it doesn’t take a million years of screen time.


Discover the use of car in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to car and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Car Design is a comprehensive collection of photographs from European, Japanese, and American automobile advertising campaigns of the last fifty years.


How to Make Your Car Handle

Offers instructions for tuning or modifying all car parts for improved handling, safety, and performance


Car Buying Revealed: How to Buy a Car and Not Get Taken for …

Gives advice on every aspect of purchasing a car, including determining budget limits; buying new, used, or foreign cars; negotiating a deal; and making financing arrangements.


Car: A Drama of the American Workplace

Traces the development of the 1996 Ford Taurus, and describes the interactions between designers, engineers, marketers, accountants, and manufacturing staff


Kingsley Dennis, John Urry, 2009

Top Gear’s Richard Hammond is in the driving seat for this turbo-charged tour through the nuts and bolts of car technology. Underneath the bonnet of every car there’s a lot of fast, furious, and spectacular science going on.


Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile

The book will not only cover the technological developments and manufacture of cars, but also the cultural backdrop against which the various models arose, and the enduring impact which the car has had on society as an object of curiosity, …

Although disagreements abound about the feasibility and practicality of these vehicles, this book presents the basics behind the idea of solar cars.

Want to feel as if your favorite band is performing right on top of your dashboard? Or are you more about hands-free phone access and a DVD player to entertain the kids? This book can help with either project and many others.


Car Hacks and Mods For Dummies

Well, here’s how to add what they forgot and change what bugs you! This handy guide steers you safely past warranty pitfalls, shows you what modifications are legal, provides performance tips, and helps you make your car look cool.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term car is used in the context of the following news items.

Apple and Google’s in-car technology raises ‘serious public safety …

But the increasingly elaborate screens have also sparked a broad debate about how much technology is appropriate in a car. «Daily Mail, Jul 15»

EU states call for tough new car fuel efficiency targets

The 2025 target for Europe’s car makers would be in addition to an existing one for new cars in 2021 to emit no more than an average of 95g … «The Guardian, Jul 15»

Austin Dillon walks away after car flies into catch fence in violent last …

Flying over the competition, Dillon’s car hit the catch fence with its roof, coming to an abrupt halt and flying back onto the track. The incident … «, Jul 15»

Brutally honest advert for car ‘all rusted and stinking of mackerel …

«It’s all over the road in Church Lane which will be cleaned up once the car is gone, I promise, for any residents who may be reading this. «, Jul 15»

When is the best time to buy a car?

Most car makers have rolled out next-year’s models by late August or early … Experts are quick to say that the best time to buy a car is when you … «MarketWatch, Jul 15»

Apple’s push into automotive spurs race to cash in on car-as-device …

Most recently, a report claimed Apple’s secret car project has grown so large that it’s taking a toll on other departments as Apple reassigns key … «Apple Insider, Jul 15»

Hong Kong cabbies urge government to act as Uber, car-hailing …

Hong Kong transport officials came under fire on Tuesday for failing to tackle private car drivers offering paid rides through car-hailing apps. «South China Morning Post, Jul 15»

Elsaco’s racing simulator lets you drive virtual car with vibrations and …

Engineers in the Czech Republic have built a series of racing game simulators designed to let players feel like they’re driving a real car. «Daily Mail, Jul 15»

Google Self-driving car heads to Austin

The self-driving car is a bit of tech that is coming no matter how you feel about cars with the ability to drive themselves around the streets of the … «SlashGear, Jul 15»

Six steps to choosing the best company car

Choosing a company car can be a mind-boggling experience. There are so … The best company car has a cost-effective P11d value. Sounds … «, Jul 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Car [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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1. An automobile.

2. A vehicle, such as a streetcar, that runs on rails: a railroad car.

3. A boxlike enclosure for people or cargo on a conveyance: an elevator car.

4. The part of a balloon or airship that carries people or cargo.

5. Archaic A chariot, carriage, or cart.

[Middle English carre, cart, from Old North French, from Latin carra, pl. of carrus, carrum, a Gallic type of wagon; see kers- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Automotive Engineering)

a. Also called: motorcar or automobile a self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, esp one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine

b. (as modifier): car coat.

2. a conveyance for passengers, freight, etc, such as a cable car or the carrier of an airship or balloon

3. (Railways) Brit a railway vehicle for passengers only, such as a sleeping car or buffet car

4. (Railways) chiefly US and Canadian a railway carriage or van

5. chiefly US the enclosed platform of a lift

[C14: from Anglo-French carre, ultimately related to Latin carra, carrum two-wheeled wagon, probably of Celtic origin; compare Old Irish carr]


abbreviation for

(Banking & Finance) compound annual return

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. an automobile.

2. a vehicle running on rails, as a streetcar or railroad car.

3. the part of a conveyance, as an elevator or balloon, that carries the passengers, freight, etc.

4. any wheeled vehicle.

5. Archaic. cart; carriage; chariot.

[1350–1400; < Late Latin carra (feminine singular), Latin carra, neuter pl. of carrum Celtic]



Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 the seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear, 1633.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘carriage’

Carriage is one of several nouns which are used to refer to vehicles pulled by railway engines.

In British English, a carriage is one of the separate sections of a train that carries passengers.

The man left his seat by the window and crossed the carriage to where I was sitting.

2. ‘car’

In American English, these sections are called cars.

In British English, car used to be part of the name of some special kinds of railway carriage. For example, a carriage might be called a dining car, a restaurant car, or a sleeping car. These terms are no longer used officially, but people still use them in conversation.

3. ‘truck’ and ‘wagon’

In British English, a truck is an open vehicle used for carrying goods on a railway.

…a long truck loaded with bricks.

In American English, this vehicle is called a freight car or a flatcar.

The train, carrying loaded containers on flatcars, was 1.2 miles long.

…the nation’s third-largest railroad freight car maker.

In British English, a wagon is a vehicle with a top, sides and a sliding door, used for carrying goods on a railway.

The pesticides ended up at several sites, almost half of them in railway wagons at Bajza station.

In American English, vehicles like these are usually called boxcars.

A long train of boxcars, its whistle hooting mournfully, rolled into town from the west.

A truck is also a large motor vehicle used for transporting goods by road.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. car - a motor vehicle with four wheelscar — a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; «he needs a car to get to work»

auto, automobile, motorcar, machine

renting, rental — the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car)

accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, throttle, gas, gun — a pedal that controls the throttle valve; «he stepped on the gas»

air bag — a safety restraint in an automobile; the bag inflates on collision and prevents the driver or passenger from being thrown forward

alternator — an old term for an electric generator that produces alternating current (especially in automobiles)

ambulance — a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals

auto accessory — an accessory for an automobile

automobile engine — the engine that propels an automobile

automobile horn, car horn, motor horn, hooter, horn — a device on an automobile for making a warning noise

backseat — a seat at the back of a vehicle (especially the seat at the back of an automobile)

beach waggon, beach wagon, estate car, station waggon, station wagon, waggon, wagon — a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat

fender, buffer — a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impact

bumper — a mechanical device consisting of bars at either end of a vehicle to absorb shock and prevent serious damage

jalopy, heap, bus — a car that is old and unreliable; «the fenders had fallen off that old bus»

taxi, taxicab, cab, hack — a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

car door — the door of a car

car mirror — a mirror that the driver of a car can use

car seat — a seat in a car

car window — a window in a car

compact car, compact — a small and economical car

convertible — a car that has top that can be folded or removed

coupe — a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment

cruiser, patrol car, police car, police cruiser, prowl car, squad car — a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters

electric, electric automobile, electric car — a car that is powered by electricity

fender, wing — a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud; «in Britain they call a fender a wing»

first gear, low gear, low, first — the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving

floorboard — the floor of an automobile

gas guzzler — a car with relatively low fuel efficiency

gasoline engine, petrol engine — an internal-combustion engine that burns gasoline; most automobiles are driven by gasoline engines

glove compartment — compartment on the dashboard of a car

radiator grille, grille — grating that admits cooling air to car’s radiator

hardtop — a car that resembles a convertible but has a fixed rigid top

hatchback — a car having a hatchback door

high gear, high — a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed

cowl, cowling, bonnet, hood — protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine; «there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars»; «the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the plane’s engine»

horseless carriage — an early term for an automobile; «when automobiles first replaced horse-drawn carriages they were called horseless carriages»

hot rod, hot-rod — a car modified to increase its speed and acceleration

jeep, landrover — a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain

limo, limousine — large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur

loaner — a car that is lent as a replacement for one that is under repair

automobile trunk, luggage compartment, trunk — compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools; «he put his golf bag in the trunk»

minicar — a car that is even smaller than a subcompact car

minivan — a small box-shaped passenger van; usually has removable seats; used as a family car

Model T — the first widely available automobile powered by a gasoline engine; mass-produced by Henry Ford from 1908 to 1927

automotive vehicle, motor vehicle — a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails

2. car - a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroadcar — a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; «three cars had jumped the rails»

railcar, railroad car, railway car

baggage car, luggage van — a railway car where passengers’ bags are carried

cabin car, caboose — a car on a freight train for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train

club car, lounge car — railroad car having a bar and tables and lounge chairs

freight car — a railway car that carries freight

guard’s van — the car on a train that is occupied by the guard

handcar — a small railroad car propelled by hand or by a small motor

mail car — a railway car in which mail is transported and sorted

carriage, passenger car, coach — a railcar where passengers ride

slip carriage, slip coach — a railway car at the end of the train; it can be detached without stopping the train

suspension system, suspension — a mechanical system of springs or shock absorbers connecting the wheels and axles to the chassis of a wheeled vehicle

tender — car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water

railroad train, train — public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive; «express trains don’t stop at Princeton Junction»

van — (Great Britain) a closed railroad car that carries baggage or freight

wheeled vehicle — a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people; «the oldest known wheeled vehicles were found in Sumer and Syria and date from around 3500 BC»

3. car - the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plantcar — the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant


airship, dirigible — a steerable self-propelled aircraft

compartment — a partitioned section, chamber, or separate room within a larger enclosed area

4. car - where passengers ride up and downcar — where passengers ride up and down; «the car was on the top floor»

elevator car

compartment — a partitioned section, chamber, or separate room within a larger enclosed area

elevator, lift — lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building

5. car - a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railwaycar — a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; «they took a cable car to the top of the mountain»

cable car

cable railway, funicular, funicular railway — a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars

compartment — a partitioned section, chamber, or separate room within a larger enclosed area

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



Car parts  accelerator, air bag, alternator, ammeter, anti-roll bar, ashtray, automatic choke, axle, battery, bearing, big end, body, bonnet, boot, brake, brake light, brake pad, bucket seat, bulb, bumper, camshaft, carburettor, catalytic converter, chassis, childproof lock, choke, clutch, coil, connecting rod, convertible top, cowl, crank, crankcase, crankshaft, cylinder, cylinder head, dashboard, demister, dipstick, disc brakes, distributor, distributor cap, door, door handle, driveshaft, engine, exhaust, fan, fan belt, fascia, fender (U.S. & Canad.), flywheel, fog lamp, fuel gauge, fuse, fuse box, gasket, gear, gearbox, gear lever or (U.S. & Canad.) gearshift, generator, glove compartment, grille or radiator grille, handbrake, hard top, hazard light, headlight, headrest, heater, hood, horn, hubcap, ignition, indicator, jack, light, little end, lock, luggage rack, manifold, mileometer, milometer, or (U.S. & Canad.) odometer, mud flap, numberplate, oil filter, oil pump, oil-pressure gauge, parcel shelf, parking light, pedal, petrol cap, petrol gauge, petrol tank, piston, plug, points, radiator, radius arm, rear light or (U.S. & Canad.) taillight, rear-view mirror, reversing light, roof, seat, seat belt or safety belt, shock absorber, silencer, soft top, spare wheel, speedometer, springs, sprocket, starter, steering column, steering wheel, sump, sunroof or sunshine roof, suspension, tailgate, tailpipe, tank, top, torsion bar, towbar, transmission, trim, tyre, universal joint, valve, wheel, wheel brace, wheel nut, wheel trim, window, windscreen, windscreen wiper, wing, wing mirror, wing nut

International car registration letters 

A Austria
ADN Yemen
AFG Afghanistan
AL Albania
AND Andorra
AUS Australia
B Belgium
BD Bangladesh
BDS Barbados
BG Bulgaria
BH Belize
BR Brazil
BRN Bahrain
BRU Brunei
BS Bahamas
BUR Myanmar
C Cuba
CDN Canada
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d’Ivoire
CL Sri Lanka
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
D Germany
DK Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DY Benin
DZ Algeria
E Spain
EAK Kenya
EAT Tanzania
EAU Uganda
EC Ecuador
ES El Salvador
ET Egypt
ETH Ethiopia
EW Estonia
F France
FIN Finland
FJI Fiji
FL Liechtenstein
FR Faeroe Islands
GB United Kingdom
GBA Alderney
GBG Guernsey
GBJ Jersey
GBM Isle of Man
GBZ Gibraltar
GCA Guatemala
GH Ghana
GR Greece
GUY Guyana
H Hungary
HK Hong Kong
HKJ Jordan
HR Croatia
I Italy
IL Israel
IND India
IR Iran
IRL Republic of Ireland
IRQ Iraq
IS Iceland
J Japan
JA Jamaica
K Cambodia
KWT Kuwait
L Luxembourg
LAO Laos
LAR Libya
LB Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LV Latvia
M Malta
MA Morocco
MAL Malaysia
MC Monaco
MEX Mexico
MS Mauritius
MW Malawi
N Norway
NA Netherlands Antilles
NIC Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NZ New Zealand
P Portugal
PA Panama
PE Peru
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PNG Papua New Guinea
PY Paraguay
RA Argentina
RB Botswana
RC Taiwan
RCA Central African Republic
RCB Congo Republic
RCH Chile
RH Haiti
RI Indonesia
RIM Mauritania
RL Lebanon
RM Madagascar
RMM Mali
RO Romania
ROK South Korea
ROU Uruguay
RP Philippines
RSM San Marino
RU Burundi
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Rwanda
S Sweden
SD Swaziland
SGP Singapore
SK Slovakia
SME Surinam
SN Senegal
SWA Namibia
SY Seychelles
SYR Syria
T Thailand
TG Togo
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TT Trindad and Tobago
USA United States of America
V Vatican City
VN Vietnam
WAG Gambia
WAL Sierra Leone
WAN Nigeria
WD Dominica
WG Grenada
WL St. Lucia
WS Western Samoa
WV St. Vincent and the Grenadines
YU Yugoslavia
YV Venezuela
Z Zambia
ZA South Africa
ZRE Zaire
ZW Zimbabwe

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002















bílljárnbrautavagnlestarvagn, faròegarÿmivagnbifreið




automobilio telefonasautomobilisautomobiliu stovejimo aikšteleautomobiliu stovejimo vietavagonas








ôtôtoa hành kháchxe hoixe ô tô

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈkɑːr] n

(= automobile) → voiture f, auto f
by car → en voiture
to go by car → aller en voiture
We went by car → Nous y sommes allés en voiture. car alarm, car allowance, car crash, car hire, car journey, car phone

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(esp US Rail: = tram car) → Wagen m

(of airship, balloon, cable car)Gondel f; (US, of elevator) → Fahrkorb m



car coat

nDreivierteljacke f






nAutoräuber(in) m(f), → Carjacker(in) m(f)


nAutoraub m, → Carjacking nt





Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ka?) noun

1. (American ?automo’bile) a (usually privately-owned) motor vehicle on wheels for carrying people. What kind of car do you have?; `Did you go by car?’

2. a section for passengers in a train etc. a dining-car.

3. (American) a railway carriage for goods or people. a freight car.

car park (American parking lot)

a piece of land or a building where cars may be parked.

‘car phone noun

a telephone that can be used in a car.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


?????????, ??????? auto, vuz bil, hestevogn Auto, Waggon a?t?????t?, ßa???? carro, carruaje, coche, vagón auto, junanvaunu voiture, wagon automobil, kola automobile, carrozza ??, ??? ??, ??? auto, rijtuig bil, vogn samochód, wagon carro, vagão ??????????, ????? bil, vagn ?????????????, ?????? araba, vagon toa hành khách, xe ô tô ???, ??

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. automóvil, carro;

Sp. coche;

___ accident ? accidente automovilístico.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • How much is it for a car with two people?
  • Is there a dining car on the train? (US)
    Is there a buffet car on the train? (UK)
  • Where is the dining car? (US)
    Where is the buffet car? (UK)
  • Is there a car ferry to …?
  • I want to rent a car (US)
    I want to hire a car (UK)
  • Is it an automatic car?
  • Is there a stereo in the car?
  • Do I have to return the car here?
  • What do I do if I have car trouble? (US)
    What do I do if I break down? (UK)
  • Where can I park the car?
  • Is there a parking lot near here? (US)
    Is there a car park near here? (UK)
  • Could you move your car, please?
  • My car has broken down
  • The car is near exit number … (US)
    The car is near junction number … (UK)
  • The car won’t start
  • The car is still under warranty
  • When will the car be ready?
  • I left the keys in the car
  • My car has been broken into
  • I’ve wrecked my car (US)
    I’ve crashed my car (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n coche m, carro (Amer)

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

The more he thought about it, the more E.erhard sensed the time might be exactly right for starting a car company — an E. V.-car company at that. ❋ Shnayerson, Michael (2007)

— I got a new car, which has also become my new hobby. * it’s a beautiful fast car* I have good mentors, one good one mostly, who has been there when i’m lost for answers on why it does the things i don’t want it to do. ❋ Lethalpickle (2006)

Seriously, the Exige is one super quick car * specially designed to be a track car*, and the Mustang is, well, just a run of the mill muscle car — a very good one, but still designed more for the street, than the track. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I’ll meet you at the car Krystal: ok * By paint* Kristina: Now I’m looking at for a bright pink*Looking around and notices a cute boy* Kristina: Well don’t he look good * Boy walks by and bumps Kristina* Boy: I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to*smiles at her* Kristina: it’s ok*pays for paint and goes meet her mom at the car* Krystal: why are you so smiley? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Vehicle features: ** bmw full free warranty and full free maintenance good till 50,000 miles**clean car fax and 1 owner california car** popular and hard to find jet black 2006 bmw ❋ Unknown (2009)

Vehicle features: ** bmw full free warranty and full free maintenance good till 50,000 miles**clean car fax and 1 owner california car**. well equipped with moonroof, power front seats, automatic climate control, hi-fi sound system, steptronic automatic transmission, rain sensor and auto headlight, dynamic cruise control and dark burl walnut wood trim. **test drive it today! ❋ Unknown (2009)

As they walked they at times stopped and walked again continuing their _tête-à-tête_ (which, of course, he was utterly out of) about sirens enemies of man’s reason, mingled with a number of other topics of the same category, usurpers, historical cases of the kind while the man in the sweeper car or you might as well call it in the sleeper car who in any case couldn’t possibly hear because they were too far simply sat in his seat near the end of lower Gardiner street _and looked after their lowbacked car_. ❋ James Joyce (1911)

However, I’d be very uncomfortable driving down the road with my two kids and seeing porn playing in the car in front of me (#1 son — “Hey mom, there’s a really cute dog in that car… get closer!”). ❋ Purplecigar (2004)

I think the racing car is an Indy car from the 70s. ❋ Zornhau (2010)

Somewhat disappointingly for Inspector Morse fans, Ming’s main car is a VW Passat. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The term car transport indicates the services through which a car is transported overseas or overland. ❋ Admin (2010)

Doubling down on the car is an epic fail strategy. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The average number of people in a car is around 1.2. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I ask at the personnel of Banjercito (They handle the permits) Office about importing a car permanently to Mexico and was told by that person that starting november 2009 it can be done if the car is a 2000 year model. ❋ Unknown (2009)

EDIT: apparently it’s been Photoshopped, but even so, standing in front of the car is a pretty brave gesture in itself … ❋ Dame_habonde (2009)

A [CAR] HAS [WHEELS] ❋ Mexicanos A Huevo (2017)

«[Dude]! Where’s [my car]?» ❋ Anon (2003)

Girl: «oh, you [have a nice] car»
Guy: «oh, you [noticed], [I’m flattered]…» ❋ Spleen2006 (2006)

[car ride] me ❋ Bendew (2019)

Bob: you get any a** lately?
Mike: F**k yeah, ever since I got a job and a new car the b**tches are lining up.
B**[tch]: Hey [nice car]!
Mike: [Back of the line] Ho wait your turn. ❋ Mike718 (2008)

that car was going [120] miles [per] hour [vroom] bitchh vrooom ❋ Yoooooo. (2008)

[My car] is [enormous]. ❋ Rigore (2011)

When a motorist is within [fifty] yards of the goal, one shouts «car» and the goal is removed until the car passes. There’s no need to shout ‘»[game on]» as they do in Canada, where attention spans [differ]. ❋ Alexander Thompson (2004)

«which part of [the car] is this… [the break] or [the clutch]?» ❋ Kristin Maynes (2006)

A [semi] [truck] and/or car or [SUV] ❋ Colin McLain (2007)

  • Defenition of the word car

    • ISO 639-6 entity
    • A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for land transport.
    • a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; «they took a cable car to the top of the mountain»
    • 4-wheeled motor vehicle; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; «he needs a car to get to work»
    • where passengers ride up and down; «the car was on the top floor»
    • car suspended from an airship and carrying personnel and cargo and power plant
    • a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; «three cars had jumped the rails»
    • a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway
    • a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine
    • a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad
    • where passengers ride up and down
    • the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

Synonyms for the word car

    • auto
    • automobile
    • cable car
    • carriage
    • elevator car
    • gondola
    • machine
    • motorcar
    • railcar
    • railroad car
    • railway car
    • sedan
    • sports car
    • van
    • vehicle

Similar words in the car

    • car
    • car’s
    • cara
    • cara’s
    • caracalla
    • caracalla’s
    • caracas
    • caracas’s
    • caracul’s
    • carafe
    • carafe’s
    • carafes
    • caramel
    • caramel’s
    • caramels
    • carapace
    • carapace’s
    • carapaces
    • carat
    • carat’s
    • carats
    • caravaggio
    • caravaggio’s
    • caravan
    • caravan’s
    • caravans
    • caraway
    • caraway’s
    • caraways
    • carbide
    • carbide’s
    • carbides
    • carbine
    • carbine’s
    • carbines
    • carbohydrate
    • carbohydrate’s
    • carbohydrates
    • carboloy
    • carboloy’s
    • carbonate
    • carbonate’s
    • carbonated
    • carbonates
    • carbonating
    • carbonation
    • carbonation’s
    • carboniferous
    • carbons
    • carborundum
    • carborundum’s
    • carboy
    • carboy’s
    • carboys
    • carbuncle
    • carbuncle’s
    • carbuncles
    • carburetor
    • carburetor’s
    • carburetors
    • carcase
    • carcase’s
    • carcass
    • carcass’s
    • carcasses
    • carcinogen
    • carcinogen’s
    • carcinogenic
    • carcinogens
    • carcinoma
    • carcinoma’s
    • carcinomas
    • card
    • card’s
    • cardboard
    • cardboard’s
    • carded
    • cardenas
    • cardenas’s
    • cardiac
    • cardiff
    • cardiff’s
    • cardigan
    • cardigan’s
    • cardigans
    • cardin
    • cardin’s
    • cardinal
    • cardinal’s
    • cardinals
    • carding
    • cardiogram
    • cardiogram’s
    • cardiograms
    • cardiologist
    • cardiologist’s
    • cardiologists
    • cardiology
    • cardiology’s
    • cardiovascular

Meronymys for the word car

    • accelerator
    • accelerator pedal
    • air bag
    • airship
    • auto accessory
    • automobile engine
    • automobile horn
    • bonnet
    • boot
    • buffer
    • bumper
    • cable railway
    • car door
    • car horn
    • car mirror
    • car window
    • dirigible
    • door
    • elevator
    • fender
    • fin
    • first
    • first gear
    • floorboard
    • funicular
    • funicular railway
    • gas
    • gas pedal
    • gasoline engine
    • glove compartment
    • grille
    • gun
    • high
    • high gear
    • hood
    • horn
    • lift
    • low
    • low gear
    • luggage compartment
    • motor horn
    • radiator grille
    • railroad train
    • rear window
    • reverse
    • roof
    • running board
    • second
    • second gear
    • sunroof
    • sunshine-roof
    • suspension
    • suspension system
    • tail fin
    • tailfin
    • third
    • third gear
    • throttle
    • train
    • trunk
    • window
    • wing

Hyponyms for the word car

    • ambulance
    • baggage car
    • beach waggon
    • beach wagon
    • bus
    • cab
    • cabin car
    • caboose
    • carriage
    • club car
    • coach
    • compact
    • compact car
    • convertible
    • coupe
    • cruiser
    • electric
    • electric automobile
    • electric car
    • estate car
    • freight car
    • gas guzzler
    • guard’s van
    • hack
    • handcar
    • hardtop
    • hatchback
    • heap
    • horseless carriage
    • hot rod
    • hot-rod
    • jalopy
    • jeep
    • landrover
    • limo
    • limousine
    • loaner
    • lounge car
    • luggage van
    • mail car
    • minicar
    • minivan
    • Model T
    • pace car
    • passenger car
    • patrol car
    • phaeton
    • police car
    • police cruiser
    • prowl car
    • race car
    • racer
    • racing car
    • roadster
    • runabout
    • S.U.V.
    • saloon
    • secondhand car
    • sedan
    • slip carriage
    • slip coach
    • sport car
    • sport utility
    • sport utility vehicle
    • sports car
    • squad car
    • Stanley Steamer
    • station waggon
    • station wagon
    • stock car
    • subcompact
    • subcompact car
    • suv
    • taxi
    • taxicab
    • tender
    • tourer
    • touring car
    • truck
    • two-seater
    • used-car
    • van
    • waggon
    • wagon

Hypernyms for the word car

    • automotive vehicle
    • compartment
    • motor vehicle
    • vehicle
    • wheeled vehicle

See other words

    • What is memoria
    • The definition of mare
    • The interpretation of the word bribe
    • What is meant by breakout
    • The lexical meaning braid
    • The dictionary meaning of the word born
    • The grammatical meaning of the word bodyguard
    • Meaning of the word billow
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word bible
    • The origin of the word cell
    • Synonym for the word chairman
    • Antonyms for the word conversation
    • Homonyms for the word crawl
    • Hyponyms for the word crazy
    • Holonyms for the word create
    • Hypernyms for the word creature
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word crest
    • Translation of the word in other languages danger

Other forms: cars

Your car is your automobile, your wheels, your vehicle. A car can also be another kind of moving compartment — such as a railroad car, a cable car, or a trolley car.

The word car has been around much longer than the automobile. It comes from the Latin carrus, a kind of wagon the Romans discovered from the Gauls, a European people the Romans conquered. It shows up in Italian and Spanish (carro, meaning «a car or a cart,» and it also survives in various forms in modern Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, German, and other languages. When you’re listening to your engine purr, you can thank the Gauls. And the Romans.

Definitions of car

  1. noun

    a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine

    “he needs a
    car to get to work”


    auto, automobile, machine, motorcar

    see moresee less


    show 40 types…
    hide 40 types…

    a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals

    beach waggon, beach wagon, estate car, station waggon, station wagon, waggon, wagon

    a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat

    bus, heap, jalopy

    a car that is old and unreliable

    cab, hack, taxi, taxicab

    a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

    compact, compact car

    a small and economical car


    a car that has top that can be folded or removed


    a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment

    cruiser, patrol car, police car, police cruiser, prowl car, squad car

    a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters

    electric, electric automobile, electric car

    a car that is powered by electricity

    gas guzzler

    a car with relatively low fuel efficiency


    a car that resembles a convertible but has a fixed rigid top


    a car having a hatchback door

    horseless carriage

    an early term for an automobile

    hot rod, hot-rod

    a car modified to increase its speed and acceleration

    jeep, landrover

    a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain

    limo, limousine

    large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur


    a car that is lent as a replacement for one that is under repair


    a car that is even smaller than a subcompact car


    a small box-shaped passenger van; usually has removable seats; used as a family car

    Model T

    the first widely available automobile powered by a gasoline engine; mass-produced by Henry Ford from 1908 to 1927

    pace car

    a high-performance car that leads a parade of competing cars through the pace lap and then pulls off the course

    race car, racer, racing car

    a fast car that competes in races

    roadster, runabout, two-seater

    an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat

    saloon, sedan

    a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors

    sport car, sports car

    a small low car with a high-powered engine; usually seats two persons

    S.U.V., SUV, sport utility, sport utility vehicle

    a high-performance four-wheel drive car built on a truck chassis

    Stanley Steamer

    a steam-powered automobile

    stock car

    a car kept in dealers’ stock for regular sales

    subcompact, subcompact car

    a car smaller than a compact car

    phaeton, tourer, touring car

    large open car seating four with folding top

    secondhand car, used-car

    a car that has been previously owned; not a new car


    a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats


    a sedan that has no roof over the driver’s seat


    a race car that finishes a race

    funny wagon

    an ambulance used to transport patients to a mental hospital

    gypsy cab

    a taxicab that cruises for customers although it is licensed only to respond to calls


    a minicar used as a taxicab

    panda car

    a police cruiser

    shooting brake

    another name for a station wagon

    stock car

    a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car

    type of:

    automotive vehicle, motor vehicle

    a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails

  2. noun

    a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad

    cars had jumped the rails”


    railcar, railroad car, railway car

    see moresee less


    show 24 types…
    hide 24 types…
    baggage car, luggage van

    a railway car where passengers’ bags are carried

    cabin car, caboose

    a car on a freight train for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train

    club car, lounge car

    railroad car having a bar and tables and lounge chairs

    freight car

    a railway car that carries freight

    guard’s van

    the car on a train that is occupied by the guard


    a small railroad car propelled by hand or by a small motor

    mail car

    a railway car in which mail is transported and sorted

    carriage, coach, passenger car

    a railcar where passengers ride

    slip carriage, slip coach

    a railway car at the end of the train; it can be detached without stopping the train


    car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water


    (Great Britain) a closed railroad car that carries baggage or freight


    a freight car with roof and sliding doors in the sides

    cattle car

    a freight car for transporting cattle

    coal car

    freight car with fixed sides and no roof; for transporting coal

    buffet car, diner, dining car, dining compartment

    a passenger car where food is served in transit

    flat, flatbed, flatcar

    freight car without permanent sides or roof

    gondola, gondola car

    a low flat-bottomed freight car with fixed sides but no roof

    nonsmoker, nonsmoking car

    a passenger car for passengers who want to avoid tobacco smoke

    chair car, drawing-room car, palace car, parlor car, parlour car

    a passenger car for day travel; you pay extra fare for individual chairs

    Pullman, Pullman car

    luxurious passenger car; for day or night travel

    refrigerator car

    a freight car that is equipped with refrigeration system

    sleeper, sleeping car, wagon-lit

    a passenger car that has berths for sleeping

    smoker, smoking car, smoking carriage, smoking compartment

    a passenger car for passengers who wish to smoke

    tank, tank car

    a freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk

    type of:

    wheeled vehicle

    a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people

  3. noun

    a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway

  4. noun

    the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

  5. noun

    where passengers ride up and down

    car was on the top floor”


    elevator car

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an automobile.

a vehicle running on rails, as a streetcar or railroad car.

the part of an elevator, balloon, modern airship, etc., that carries the passengers, freight, etc.

British Dialect. any wheeled vehicle, as a farm cart or wagon.

Literary. a chariot, as of war or triumph.

Archaic. cart; carriage.



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Origin of car


1350–1400; Middle English carre<Anglo-French <Late Latin carra (feminine singular), Latin carra, neuter plural of carrum, variant of carrus<Celtic; compare Old Irish carr wheeled vehicle


carless, adjective

Words nearby car

caput, capybara, Caquetà, caqueteuse, caquetoire, car, Cara, carabao, carabid, carabin, carabineer

Other definitions for car (2 of 4)

Origin of car


1375–1425; Middle English (Scots ) <Scots Gaelic cearr

Other definitions for car (3 of 4)

computer-assisted retrieval.

Origin of CAR

First recorded in 1980–85

Other definitions for car (4 of 4) Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What else does car mean?

To most of us on the outside, a car is a vehicle with a motor and four wheels. But in prison slang, your car is your crew, especially when it comes to drugs, protection, and money-making.

Where does car come from?

In prison slang, the expression car refers to a small band of prisoners who stick together, often for protection, companionship, running drugs, or making money.

The slang car dates to at least the 1990s. A group of convicts who are on good terms with one another are thought of as being in the car together. Being in the car can also refer to being in on a car‘s particular operation. If one of the prisoners has a falling out with the others, they are out of the car.

The prison car, then, is a bit like an informal gang of prisoners who spend time together and pool their resources, including drugs and money.

This car imagery has spawned lots of other related expressions. For example, by at least the 1990s, a prisoner who bought drugs for the others in the group was referred to as driving the car. Someone who used the drugs without paying for them was referred to as hitchhiking.

By 2015, prisoners referred to members of their group as a car. Your car is often based on your race, geography, or affiliated gang (e.g. a black car or an Aryan Nation car). Cars can also exert their power to domineer over other prisoners.

How is car used in real life?

Calling a group of people you’re affiliated with a car is mostly associated with prison life and culture.

Time for some RF gated community/pen/ prison slang : in my 3C – rolling in my Campbell county car , who I associate with and / or am allies with , occasionally Claiborne county, Scott county and other rural types roll with the 3C.this concludes today’s slang term of the day

— Robert ferguson (@Robferg24) April 24, 2019

On the outside, someone’s car is more commonly referred to as a gang or crew.

4 to a car @HunterMaston @JohnAKAFlash @DustinRuss_19 #PrisonSlang #KillerWorkOut #gymstatus #Crew

— TannerMaston ™️ (@TMast1331) July 8, 2013

More examples of car:

“That guy’s in the New York car. If you fuck with him, you’ll have to deal with all of them.”
—Seth Ferranti, Vice, October 2015


This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.

Words related to car

auto, automobile, bus, convertible, jeep, limousine, machine, motor, pickup, ride, station wagon, truck, van, wagon, bucket, buggy, compact, conveyance, coupe, hardtop

How to use car in a sentence

  • Focusing on end-of-lease inspections, used car inspections, and rental car return inspections first.

  • Apple has provided test versions of iOS 14—which contains a wealth of other new features including tools to organize your screen or even start your car—to some users since the summer, but is now rolling out the feature to all iPhone owners.

  • In the backseat, as our car made its way along the turnpike, I tried them, throwing the shells out the window.

  • GM has developed a new family of modular drive units called Ultium Drive that it will mix and match in cars, crossovers, SUVs, and trucks.

  • Flames that enter communities and burn up electronics, cars, and industrial equipment can release metals and chemicals.

  • The most recent issue contains detailed instructions for building car bombs, and the magazine frequently draws up hit-lists.

  • A Charlie Hebdo reporter said that security provision had been relaxed in the last month or so and the police car disappeared.

  • The offices were firebombed in 2011; no one was hurt but a permanent police car was subsequently stationed outside.

  • They all immediately dashed out to their car to catch the bad guys.

  • Father Joel Román Salazar died in a car crash in 2013; his death was ruled an accident, but the suspicion of foul play persists.

  • But, when the car came thundering down, it was crammed to the step; with a melancholy gesture, the driver declined her signal.

  • There he gave orders for the car to be put into running condition for the following morning, and returned to the hotel.

  • At six o’clock I felt once more the welcome motion of a Railroad car, and at eight was in Venice.

  • The wheezy, crazy mechanism of the car went to bits in unexpected places.

  • Mais ce n’est pas de merveille; car, comme j’ay dict, ils sont enfans.

British Dictionary definitions for car (1 of 2)


  1. Also called: motorcar, automobile a self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, esp one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine
  2. (as modifier)car coat

a conveyance for passengers, freight, etc, such as a cable car or the carrier of an airship or balloon

British a railway vehicle for passengers only, such as a sleeping car or buffet car

mainly US and Canadian a railway carriage or van

mainly US the enclosed platform of a lift

Word Origin for car

C14: from Anglo-French carre, ultimately related to Latin carra, carrum two-wheeled wagon, probably of Celtic origin; compare Old Irish carr

British Dictionary definitions for car (2 of 2)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Meaning CAR

What does CAR mean? Here you find 61 meanings of the word CAR. You can also add a definition of CAR yourself




Relationships Abbreviation Of:  computer-aided retrieval Abbreviation:  computer-aided retrieval





c. 1300, «wheeled vehicle,» from Anglo-French carre, Old North French carre, from Vulgar Latin *carra, related to Latin carrum, carrus (plural carra), originally «two-wheeled Celtic war [..]





/ˈkɑɚ/ noun plural cars car /ˈkɑɚ/ noun plural cars Learner's definition of CAR 1  : a vehicle that has four wheels and an engine and that is used for carrying passengers on roads [cou [..]





A railway wagon, especially any of the wagons adapted to carrying coal, ore, and waste underground.





See Capital Appropriation Request





a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; &amp;quot;he needs a car to get to work&amp;quot; a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; & [..]





Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation





a motor for driving from place to place





Dictionary of Internet Terms Computer systems that locate or identify data stored on microform.CAR systems rely on indexing and cross indexing,pre-assigned to the documents,to find all documents related to the AR search ‘attributes’.It would then notify the user of the whereabouts of the relevant documents.





Definition The amount of a commodity underlying a commodity futures contract. The term originates from the railroad cars that used to carry the commodities, but today the term is also used for futures [..]





Any motor car, station wagon, panel van, utility truck or similar vehicle or any other road vehicle designed to carry a load of less than one tonne and fewer than nine passengers










See: computer-aided retrieval.





Boot / Trunk: digestive system, uterus; Driving: striving towards goals / ideals; Driving with someone: carrying influence of person; Park: choice of roles or attitudes; Powerful car: Hands-on / Spiritual healer





A transportation term that refers to a railroad car or railcar.





US term for a railway carrying vehicle, e.g.»freight car» or «passenger car». In the UK the term is used to denote an electric multiple unit





A contract or unit of trading. Originally, one contract, or &quot;car,&quot; was the quantity of a commodity that would fill a railroad car. See also lot.





The enclosure that is used by passengers to travel up or down.





The load-carrying unit, including its platform, frame, enclosure, and car door or gate.





A motor-operated or electromagnetic-operated device on the car, used to u lock the hoistway door locking system or interlock.





Describes the amount of commodity underlying in a contract. Originates from the quantity measured in terms of railroad car capacities.





The following types of vehicles (including four-wheel drive vehicles) are cars: motor cars, station wagons, panel vans and utilities (excluding panel vans and utilities designed to carry a load of one [..]





(n) a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine(n) a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad(n) the compartment that is suspended from an airship a [..]





A suit of armor that grants its wearer delusions of invulnerability while depriving them of social graces.





Commercial Activity Report





Congenital articular rigidity





Computer-Assisted Reviewing — Computer-assisted reviewing (CAR) tools are pieces of software based on text comparison and analysis algorithms. They focus on differences between two documents, taking i [..]





London Underground rail vehicle.  Replaces the usual British &quot;carriage&quot; or &quot;coach&quot;.  Originated in the US because electric multiple-unit traction was imported fro [..]





Comprehensiveness, Adequacy, Representativeness





Every motor vehicle, except motorcycle and motor driven cycles, designed for carrying 10 passengers or less and used for the transportation or persons.





A part of the lift, which carries the passengers and/or other loads.





Capacity Allocation Required (CAR) FIT projects are large projects connected to the distribution or transmission system that are: Projects with more than 250 kW of rated generating capacity where the facility is connected to a less than 15 kV line Projects of 500 kW or more of rated generating capacity where the facility is connected to a 15 kV or [..]





Civil Aviation Regulation or Canadian Aviation Regulation





Capability Assessment for Readiness





The vehicle specified in this policy including the manufacturer's standard accessories forming part of the vehicle and any other accessories that your insurance provider has agreed to cover.





The car specified in this policy including the manufacturers standard accessories forming part of the car and any other accessories or modifications that we have agreed to cover.





Gold Comprehensive Car Insurance





Part of the lift or goods lift that receives the passengers and/or goods to be transported.





The load carrying unit including its platform, car frame, elevator cab, and car door or gate.





Corrective Action Report





An Ig superfamily transmembrane protein that localizes to junctional complexes that occur between Endothelial Cells and EPTHELIAL Cells. The protein may play a Role in Cell-Cell Adhesion and is the pr [..]





A sliding fitting that attaches to a track allowing for the adjustment of blocks or other devices attached to the car.





A sliding fitting that attaches to a track allowing for the adjustment of blocks or other devices attached to the car





a sliding fitting that attaches to a track allowing for the adjustment of blocks or other devices attached to the car





A sliding fitting that attaches to a track allowing for the adjustment of blocks or other devices attached to the car.





Commercial Activity Report





Companion Animal Recovery.





Civil Aviation Requirements or Regulation





seal hawk — A railroad policeman.





Civil Aviation Regulations





Civil Aviation Regulations 1988





Capital Adequacy Ratio





Contractors’ “All Risks”/Construction “All Risks”





Contractors’ “All Risks”/Construction “All Risks”





A CAR is the act of originating a corrective action. Will function as part of the CAPA concept.





  Motor vehicle for carrying passengers.





stands for Cumulative Average Return. A portfolio’s abnormal return (AR) at each time is ARt=Sum from i=1 to N of each arit/N. Here arit is the abnormal return at time t of security i. Over a win [..]





Capital Adequacy Ratio (see also CRAR)





(dated) A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal.

A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for person [..]





The most widespread of the Nicobarese languages spoken in the Nicobar Islands of India (ISO 839-3 code «caq»).





A loose quantity term sometimes used to describe the amount of a commodity underlying one commodity contract; e.g., «a car of bellies.» Derived from the fact that quantities of the product s [..] is a dictionary written by people like you and me.
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