Definition of the word to and too

To vs TooThe words ‘to’ and ‘too’ are homonyms, that have similar pronunciation but differ in their meanings, spelling and origin. While the word to is used in sentences to denote direction. On the other hand, the word too is used to indicate something of high degree, also or very. Now let’s take a look at the examples to understand how they differ:

  • I am too late, to attend the function.
  • Joe went to the coaching class too, to find her sister.
  • She is too confident, that she will be able to clear Civil Services Examination this time.

In the first sentence, too is used to express ‘very’, while to indicates direction. In the next sentence, to has been used to refer ‘place’, while too is used as ‘also’. Lastly, too is used to refer to ‘highly’, whereas to is used to indicate ‘goal’.

Content: To Vs Too

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Examples
  5. How to remember the difference

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison To Too
Meaning ‘To’ is used in sentences to indicate motion in a specific direction. ‘Too’ refers to a greater extent, than what is required.
Pronunciation tuː tuː
Part of speech Preposition Adverb
Followed by Verb or noun Adjective or adverb
Example I have to wake up early in the morning. This is too old fashioned.
Last Saturday, we have been to Mumbai. She is not only beautiful, but intelligent too.
Could you please mail the documents to me? Before returning from Jaipur, they visited Nahargarh fort and Jaigarh fort too.

Definition of To

The function word ‘to’ is a preposition which means ‘in the direction of’. It is commonly applied in sentences to express a purpose, show direction towards a particular point or location, i.e. destination. It can be used in sentences in the following ways:

  1. To indicate direction.
    • We went to Agra, last month.
    • I have some work to do.
  2. To highlight the recipient of something or the one who experiences something.
    • Siddharth told that to Priya and she giggled.
    • Don’t be so embarrassed, it can happen to anyone.
  3. To denote a specific time or level reached:
    • Train accident toll has risen to 10.
  4. To represent with regard to:
    • They were really nice to me.
  5. Prior to a verb, to represent that it is an infinitive:
    • She likes to play badminton.
  6. To show a relationship with the people or possessions:
    • Her brother is married to his best friend.
    • That green book on the table belongs to me.
  7. To show agreement or want:
    • Arun wants to go home.
    • I’d love to come there.
  8. With reported orders and requests:
    • Ananya told me to return the book to Daniel.
  9. Used after question words:
    • Can you tell me what to do next?
  10. To introduce a clause:
    • To meet her mom, she went all the way to London.
  11. To express a cause:
    • We are sorry to inform you that, your project is not selected.

Definition of Too

‘Too’ is an adverb which means overly or excessively. It is used when one wants to express something of high degree or intensity than needed or wanted. Let’s understand the use of too, with the help of points given below:

  1. To express more than what is required, wanted or enough:
    • The dress is too short.
    • He is too boring.
    • Your hairs are too oily.
  2. To denote also, as well or in addition to:
    • I don’t like people who talk unnecessarily and that too very loudly.
    • Don’t forget to bring the clothes and perfume too.
  3. As a replacement to very:
    • The numerical is too difficult.
    • She is too innocent.

The difference between to and too can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  1. ‘To’ implies ‘directed towards’, which can be used in sentences for indicating motion in a specific direction. Conversely, ‘Too’ means high in degree or quantity, than required or desired.
  2. While ‘to’ is a preposition which is used to show the relation between the subject with the element in the clause. As against, ‘too’ is an adverb, that is applied in sentences to modify the meaning of verb or adjective and express a degree of something.
  3. The word ‘to’ is often followed by a noun and a verb. As against, too is used before an adjective or an adverb.



  • I don’t want to join the class.
  • He gifted the pen to Monica.
  • Sonia works from 8 AM to 9 PM.


  • Kriti is too busy.
  • She had too many cookies in the evening.
  • You can join us too.

How to remember the difference

The best way to remember the difference between to and too is that while to has only one ‘o’ too has more than one ‘o’, i.e. many ‘o’s’. So, you can use too wherever you want to indicate more than enough, in excess, also, very etc., otherwise, you can use to.

These TWO words sound the same. They look almost identical. Although, do they mean the same things? If you are still debating when to use to vs too, read this guide that explains how, step-by-step.

To vs. too: what’s the difference?

To, too, and two are all homophones, which are words that sound the same (or are pronounced the same) though they have different meanings and spellings. 

Of course, two spelled this way refers to the number or quantity of having ‘two’ of something. This spelling (two) should be easiest to know when to use, just think: am I referring to the number, or something else? 

If it’s not the number, (the number that follows one, to be specific), then use the preposition to (or too, though the more common use is the former, as in the preposition).

To and too are two (see what I did there?) of the most commonly misused words in the English language ever. While they share almost the exact same spelling, other than the additional ‘o’, to and too are distinct words and mean different things in English.

Accordingly, and logically, they are used differently and in different contexts in writing. In conversation they sound the exact same, so verbally, it’s not a problem.

Word Definition
To (preposition) /to͞o,tə/ expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location).
Two (number) /to͞o/ equivalent to the sum of one and one; one less than three; 2.
Too (adverb) /to͞o/ in addition; also.

The basic difference between to and too in parts of speech is:

  • To is a preposition,
  • Too is an adverb.

How to use to

The word to is a preposition. To better understand this tricky and extremely common preposition, (to), let’s go over what prepositions do in writing on a broader level.

Prepositions are basically the glue of a sentence. They are linking words that connect parts of sentences together, and are extremely versatile and flexible parts of speech. They can be placed in various parts of sentences, and can function as adverbs, verbs or adjectives when combined with a base verb or simple word to form an infinitive. 

As you’ll see from the list below, prepositions are perhaps the most frequently used words both in writing and everyday speech.

To vs too sentence example
To vs too sentence example

Take a look at each of the following words, which are all examples of prepositions: 

  • in
  • at
  • on
  • to
  • over
  • above
  • below
  • underneath
  • beneath 
  • by 
  • next to 
  • near 
  • inside 

There are several types of prepositions, and each ‘type’ is organized by their function (in other words, what they do) in writing and communication, more generally. 

Prepositions of place, for example, which includes words such as in, on, inside, at, over, above, next, etc., are smaller words that refer to a place, or the location of something or object in a sentence or speech.

For example:

  • They will meet in the lunchroom.
  • She was waiting at the corner.
  • He left his phone on the bed.
  • Place the pen inside the drawer.

To does some serious heavy-lifting as one of the most popular prepositions in English. The word to functions as a preposition of time, movement or destination. To in its prepositional form helps express direction, motion or to specify a destination.

To vs too sentence example
To vs too sentence example

When using words that express motion or movement, the correct word choice is most likely the preposition to. Action words like walk, run, jog, drive, hike, bike, and so forth, regularly use ‘to’ to form the to-infinitive. 

See these sentences as examples:

  • I am going to the store.
  • She’ll be back later. She went to go for a run.
  • She is going to school today.
  • Are you going to McDonald’s?
  • He has gone on vacation to France.
  • She went to the bowling alley every Friday last summer.
  • I will go to bed when I am tired.
  • They will go to the zoo if they finish their errands.

To also directs or refers to the receiver of an action or verb in a sentence.

For example:

  • She’s always writing letters to the local newspaper.
  • She gave the keys to Sarah.
  • I mailed the gift to my sister last Monday.
  • I want to thank him for being so accommodating to my many requests.
  • I’ll explain to you where everything goes.
  • I am deeply grateful to my parents.
  • Who did she address the letter to?

Example sentences from

More examples:

To can be used to indicate a relationship between people, or places and things: 

  • She’s married to an Italian.
  • The Japanese ambassador to France
  • The key to the door
  • The solution to this problem

To is used to describe when someone has been affected by something or someone else, for example:

  • She is loyal to her dog.
  • What have you done to your face?

To can be used to refer to a set time period, or a range between two things:

  • Her train arrives at quarter to five.
  • It’s ten to six. We’d better leave now or we’ll be late.
  • I’d say he was 25 to 30 years old
  • I like all types of music from funk to reggae.

To also forms part of the to-infinitive. To-infinitives are verb phrases or infinitive phrases that are made up of a base form of a verb, and a particle, such as to. When to is combined with a base verb, it forms an infinitive, or specifically a to-infinitive. It is now part of the verb, and can participate in sentences as such.

To vs too sentence example
To vs too sentence example

When the preposition ‘to’ combines with a base verb, the preposition gains superpowers through osmosis and can now perform functions in grammar such as a noun, adverb, or adjective. This is why it’s so adaptive and versatile as a word in English writing and language.  

Sometimes to is placed after adjectives that describe or give information about a person’s behavior, or express thought or feelings: 

  • I cannot bear people being cruel to animals.
  • Be kind to her. You’re so nasty to her!
  • Many individuals have been loyal to the Conservative Party all their lives.

To may also be used after nouns (though this often occurs with prepositions of direction or destination.) See the following:

  • The ferry to Santander takes 12 hours.
  • Is this the bus to the stadium?
  • The door to the main office was open.
  • Is this the way to the airport?

Example sentences are from | Meanings and Definitions of Words at

As we have seen, To is an endlessly versatile preposition. It can also be placed after a verb, such as in the following sentences: 

  • We listened to that CD you lent us. It’s great.
  • I object to your remarks.
  • The bank hasn’t replied to my letter yet.

Take a look at the following examples of to-infinitives used in sentences: 

  • My parents will be happy to meet you.
  • Dolly wanted to buy that green dress.
  • The child wanted a toy to play with. 
  • “To laugh is to live profoundly.” (Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, 1979)
  • “I’m honored to be the first woman to have the opportunity to command the shuttle.” (U.S. Air Force Colonel Eileen Collins, July 1999)

See in the above sentences, each verb is in its base or simplest form, ‘meet,’ ‘buy,’ ‘play,’ and so forth; and can be modified or changed by adding a suffix; or a different ending to the stem word. 

This is an easy way to identify the base form of a word (for the most part!) 

Broadly speaking, the to-infinitive, and infinitives in general follow the noun or object of a sentence.

To vs too sentence example
To vs too sentence example

How to use too

Too is an adverb that helps describe or modify other adverbs and adjectives in a sentence or clause. The adverb too has a few distinct meanings, or senses in which it can be used in speech or writing. 

One understanding of too is similar to the meaning of words like also, or additionally, or as well

A second definition of the word too is understood as, “to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively.” (from

See the following sentences that use the adverb too:

  • Is she coming too?
  • He’s far too young to go on his own.
  • She was much too big to be carried.
  • This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me.
  • Is it too much to ask for a little quiet?
  • The dress was too tight for me.
  • It’s too late to do anything about it now.

Example sentences are from

Origin of the word “to”

The first known use of the word to was before the 12th century. To derives from the Old English, meaning “in the direction of, for the purpose of, furthermore.” To derives from the Germanic languages. 

In Review

Two is a number, to is a preposition, and too is an adverb. 

They’re all different words that mean different things. Don’t mix them up!


  1. Definition of to
  2. Definition of too
  3. Definition of preposition


  1. Linking words
  2. Homophones
  3. “Too.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Accessed 2 Oct. 2022.
  4. Origin of to
  5. To definition

Difference Between To and Too! The words ‘to’ and ‘too’ are homonyms, that have similar pronunciation but differ in their meanings, spelling, and origin. The following lesson will help you understand how they differ with ESL printable picture.

While the word “to” is used in sentences to denote direction. On the other hand, the word “too” is used to indicate something of high degree, also or very. It’s an egregious offense because the two words are quite distinct. Ready to learn the difference between “to” and “too?” Let’s get to it.

To Definition

“To” acts as an adverb or a preposition.

As an adverb, ‘To’ is used in sentences to indicate motion in a specific direction. It is commonly applied in sentences to express a purpose, show direction towards a particular point or location, i.e. destination.

As a preposition, To means toward, until.

For example:

  • Push the door to.
  • I walked to the office.

  • It fell to the ground.

  • It was on the way to the station.

  • He’s going to Paris.

  • I had my back to them, so I couldn’t see what they were doing.
  • She walked over to the window.
  • He went up to a complete stranger and started talking.
  • We’re going to town on the bus, okay?
  • We went to Prague last year.

Too Definition

“Too”, only acts as an adverb. It means “also” or “in addition.”It is used when one wants to express something of high degree or intensity than needed or wanted.

1. To express more than what is needed, suitable or enough

  • I’m too fat.
  • I can’t reach the shelf – it’s (a bit) too high.
  • It’s too hard (for me) to explain.

2. To denote in addition, also

  • I’d like to come too.
  • I love chocolate.” “Me too.”

3. As a replacement to very, or completely

  • He prefers plain food – nothing too fancy.
  • Thank you, you’re too kind.

Confused Word: To vs Too | Infographic

The Difference Between To and Too | Image

Difference Between To and Too

So Today’s Topic Is “To Vs Too” | Correct use of to and too | When should we use to or too without causing grammar mistakes? | Difference between to and too which are similar in pronunciation but a little different in spelling.

To vs too which is correct to use

Even though “to” and “too” have the same pronunciation, they have very different meanings. They are common situations of what are known as homophones, which are words that sound the same yet have different spellings and meanings. They frequently get confused in written language because of how similar they are.

  • “To” is a versatile preposition that can be used to indicate a direction, a boundary, an aim, or an outcome. It can also act as the infinitive’s marker.
  • The adverb “too” denotes “in addition,” “very,” or “excessively.”

You can quickly understand the definitions of each of these terms by looking at examples and idioms where they are used frequently. Along the way, I’ll also throw in a few tips to assist you in figuring out the best phrase to apply in any given circumstance.

“To”: Definition and examples

The word “to” appears so frequently in our language that it is practically invisible. It functions primarily as a preposition, connecting a noun phrase to another component in the sentence. It is a highly common word with various less common and more common meanings. 

The “to” preposition has many meanings:

  • Firstly, it is used as a physical activity. 

Example: Adya is going to the DB mall for shopping.

  • Adding in them, we also use the “to” preposition for determining direction.

Example: The store may be found to your right as you proceed down this street.

  • We use it as a Contact and Proximity.

Example: Priya applied ointment to his skin.

  • We also referred to it as similarity or proportion.

Example: Don’t compare me to my sibling.

  • When the following verb is an infinitive.

Example: Arpit likes to run daily at 4 in the morning at Major Dhyanchand Jhansi Stadium.

  • We use it as an Attachment, connection, response, and belonging.

Example: We danced to the song’s beat last night.

  • We also use it as an extent or degree.

Example: He was beaten to death.

  • Use it as purpose or intention.

Example: We are drinking to his victory.

  • The use of a noun or adjective.

Example: Anupam is very helpful to Prachi.

Idioms are an excellent technique to help you remember when to use each word depending on the context of a sentence, and to is frequently us

  • It takes two to tango. (One person alone isn’t responsible for a problem.) 
  • You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. (You can’t force someone to make the right decision.)

“Too”: Definition and examples

Although it is significantly more specialized than its homophone, too is still useful. This adverb has the following definitions:

  • In Addition:

Example: Radha is coming home tonight for a bachelor party, and Nitya is joining too.

  • To an extreme degree or extent. “More than it should be,” typically with a negative connotation:
  1. Robert is too sick to travel to Singapore.
  2. The couch we bought from Kapoor Furniture shop is too big for our living room.
  3. Arpit crashed into Aditya while driving because he was too close behind him. 
  4. Quinn feels, in that way, she too can help her grandparents.
  5. I was too scared to look out at the people.
  6. Only some of the attention paid to her since she was a child has made her take herself too seriously.
  7. Camping too close deprives the animals of their share.
  • Extremely, very:
  1. I can’t eat the soup yet because it’s too hot.
  2. She didn’t sound too good.
  3. It was familiar to her but too much a part of him to heal.
  4. It, too, was healed.
  5. Don’t be too hard on Howard.
  6. You’re going to be too sore from walking tomorrow.
  7. I’m too warm in this one.

Too gives a sentence vitality and intensity, yet it is frequently unnecessary. As an illustration, we may say, “it’s too hot outside,” or just “it’s hot outside.” Although the sentence loses some vitality, the meaning remains essentially the same.

Here are a few other idioms that use the word “too”:

  • You can’t have your cake and eat it too. (You can’t have everything)
  • Not a moment too soon. (Almost too soon.)
  • Too much of a good thing. (One too many.)
  • Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
  • Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
  • Too many irons in the fire.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.

How to use “to”

“To” is a preposition and a little word that can be used to express a variety of ideas. It can be used to denote a destination, a path to go, as well as a point of arrival. When you say you’re going to class tomorrow, you use it in that manner. When we want to say that a verb is an infinitive, “to” also plays a part.

When establishing a link between terms, like possession, you’ll frequently utilize to. You form bonds with people and accumulate possessions. “To” can also denote a range or length of time, like when you say it will take you five to ten minutes to complete a task.

How to use “too”

Though it doesn’t have as many meanings as to and isn’t a preposition like to, too is still a helpful little word. Instead of “besides,” “in addition,” “also,” or “as well,” you can use this. However, you can also use it for other purposes, such as to denote excess. You can claim that grammar is too difficult if you find it difficult. The word “too” is occasionally used in colloquial speech to mean “very”: That gal is too entertaining!

Do you need commas before or after Too?

When it comes to commas and adverbs, there is actually no set grammar rule. It’s more of a stylistic or personal preference to include a comma before “too” because the overall meaning typically depends on the writer’s intent. Having said that, if a comma will make your phrase clearer, use one. Overall, you can employ commas to offset “too” if it serves as an interrupter or non-restrictive clause in the middle of the sentence (I, too, love pizza). However, it is up to you whether to put a comma after too if it appears at the end of the phrase and also denotes or additionally.

When to use “to” vs “too”

When utilizing all two words, using to when it should be too, or vice versa is the most frequent error.

The simplest method to remember whether “to” or “too” should be spelt is to avoid using too many o’s when you mean to!

Additionally, a second o has come along as if to say, “Can I come, too?” This extra o serves as a reminder that too signifies “also.”

“to” late vs “too” late

The set phrase too late, in which the word “too” indicates that an amount or degree has been exceeded, is used to denote when something does not occur, someone or something does not come in time, or performs something in a timely manner.

For instance:

  • Sorry, but I think you’ve arrived too late.
  • Too little, too late was the situation.

However, this does not imply that the terms to and late will never be used together in a sentence. Although it’s unlikely, it can happen.

For instance: It is too late to pass the exams now, go to late-night parties, have fun and enjoy, nothing you can do now. 

Remembering the distinction between to and too

Since they both sound the same when you talk, you won’t really need to know which is which. Easy-peasy. When writing, things become more complicated, and even for native English speakers or seasoned writers, mixing “to” and “too” is all too tempting.

You don’t have to worry about mixing up “to” and “too” in conversation because they are pronounced the same. Writing is the problem, not reading. But you can make sure you’re using the right word in a simple approach.

Since too can also be replaced with “also,” “extremely,” or “excessively,” it is simpler to remember that too can be used in more contexts than too. Try substituting one of those words for the to you wrote if you’re unsure whether it should be a too. If it functions, you were wrong. If not, everything will be OK. To confirm that your “too’s” are truly “too’s” and not “to’s”, you can take the same action.

Here are some more useful hints to help you recall whether your word needs an additional “o” or not:

  • The versatility to exceed that of too. As a result, choosing a word to employ based on the process of elimination is simple if you only understand the meaning of too well. (If it’s not, it must be, otherwise.)
  • Remember that the words additional, exceptionally, and as well can be used in place of too. When in doubt about a term to use, try switching it out for one of these alternatives. If it functions, you ought “to” use ‘too”; if not, to is the appropriate course of action.
  • Keep in mind that you can substitute additional, remarkably, and as well for too. When in doubt, consider substituting one of these terms for the original one. If it works, you should utilize it as well; if not, “to” is the best course of action.

In a nutshell

To and too are homophones, which means they have the same sound but different spellings and distinct meanings. It can be difficult to determine when to utilize each word in the appropriate context when writing. Here are the essential components to make sure you maintain you’re to’s and too’s straight to recap everything described in the essay above:

to too
A prepositionWide range of meanings, from direction to purpose, to similarity also serves as the marker of the infinitive examples: Amit went to the store to buy groceries for daily needs. An adverb meaning: in addition, to an excessive extent; extremely, veryOften associated with an emphasis in colloquial language example: Nayan’s new puppy is too cute to handle.

Examples of “to” preposition:

1. To specify the direction or location:

The preposition “to” is frequently used to discuss a movement’s direction or ultimate destination.

  • I am going to my school, which is a few minutes far from home.
  • All of us went to Goa last week.
  • Does he still come to your farmhouse?
  • The little girl ran to her mother as soon as she saw a ghost in the street.
  • We are coming to your location in some time. Let’s wait for a while. 
  • All of us are flying to Singapore next Friday for a conference meeting.
  • Let’s walk to the Landmark hotel. It’s not that far. 
  • We all are going to the Maldives to attend a friend’s party.
  • We were flying to San Francisco on Monday for a business meeting.
  • The children arrived at the park to meet their school friends.

You’ll notice that we describe the location or destination of the movement after the preposition “to.”

2. To specify the receiver of an action:

The individual who gets something is also denoted by the preposition “to” (an object of the verb). The action verbs in this situation are frequently given, pass, transmit, write, and gift.

  • The Sahara company gave their most valuable post to her as board members see their hard work for the company’s profit.
  • Could you pass the bottle to me?
  • Last night, Jenny sent some birthday gifts to my house.
  • The company sent a legal notice to us for taking negative rumours about it on social media and articles.
  • I am writing a letter to our department faculty to improve basic needs so that the student can’t suffer. 
  • I gifted my first successful painting to my mother as she is the only one who supports me in my passion.

Keep in mind that the direct objects of the verbs come immediately after the action verbs. Between the object (item) and the object’s recipient, the preposition “to” is used (person).

Note: If the object’s receiver is put immediately after the action verb, the preposition “to” is not necessary.

  • The company gave me their most valuable post.
  • Could you pass me the bottle?
  1. As a time expression (just like until/till)

The preposition “to” can occasionally be used in place of the prepositions “until” or “till.”

  • It’s 4 hours to the start of the induction program. Let’s not wait here.
  • I’ll keep helping these poor kids to my death.
  1. FROM…… TO…… (Time Expression)

In the term, the preposition “to” is frequently employed (FROM a time expression TO another time expression). In this case, the preposition “to” denotes the destination (a time).

  • I am usually taking a class from 11 am to 5 pm.
  • The office will be closed from Friday to Sunday as a weekly holiday.
  • From the entrance to his walkout, I want all the moments to be captured for the company’s article.
  • Simar lived in Canada from 2004 to 2008 for their office work.
  • We will hang out on Sunday from 10 am to 9 pm.
  • She played the piano from ten to twelve.
  • We usually work from eight in the morning to five o’clock.
  • We are going to wait for a month more until the end of the year.
  1. Between two numbers

When illustrating the difference between two numbers, the word “to” is frequently employed.

  • The people protesting at the university campus are 50 to 70.
  • We invited 400 to 500 people in-ring ceremony.
  • This Samsung phone will cost you around twenty-five thousand to thirty thousand at the store.
  • The passing student in the class is approximately 20 to 30 only.
  • The interested people in college environmental day are 50 to 60.
  • We are recruiting freshers, but the vacant seat is 25 to 30.
  1. Between two Nouns (Direction)

With two nouns, the preposition to can occasionally be used to denote a direction. Nouns like way, road, trip, door, gate, route, entry, path, and exit are in front of “to”.

  • I don’t know the way to the railway station.
  • This is the right path to success in life.
  • That is the right way to the Red Fort.
  • Is this the door to his office?
  • The last trip to Panchmarhi was not good as I thought it would be.
  • Is this the exit to gate no.5 from the mall?
  1. After certain verbs:

After several verbs, the preposition “to” is used to denote where the action took place. The following verbs can be used after it: object, reply, talk, revert, admit, gaze ahead, etc.

  • I object to killing animals as they have the right to live too.
  • She never replies to my proposal for her.
  • The business went back to my mail right away.
  • I didn’t speak to you.
  • After a long interrogation, the man admitted to his crime.
  • I am eager to get to know some of my classmates.

Note: We can either use a standard noun or a gerund with these verbs (an ING form of a verb that works as a noun).

  • I look forward to hearing from you. (gerund)
  • I look forward to the party. (Regular noun)
  1. After certain Adjectives

A noun or pronoun is placed before some adjectives, followed by the preposition “to.” These are a few of them: savage, polite, nice, devoted, similar, unfriendly, kind, superior, inferior, attracted, limited, grateful, allergic, immune, advantageous, identical, sensitive, used, and addicted.

  • Be nice to the customers.
  • Maqbool has been loyal to our family.
  • These tastes are similar to what we had in Shalimar Bagh.
  • You are not superior or inferior to anyone.
  • My sister Jyoti is allergic to chocolates.
  • He is always rude to us.
  1. To make comparisons between two words

When comparing two items, the word “to” is used.

  • I always prefer coke to mountain dew.
  • India won the series by 5 matches to 2.
  • Anamika and I prefer dancing to singing.

Examples of “too”:

  1. Used before adjectives and adverbs to indicate that something is greater than desirable, required, feasible, etc.
  • He is far too young to go to his home on his own.
  • She was much too big to be carried.
  • This helping is too large for me as I am also a student.
  • Is it too much to ask for a little quiet for a moment?
  • Since we have no control over the situation, it is too late to take any action at this time.
  • Accidents like this happen much too often.
  • It’s too soon to say if he’ll survive or not, as he is fighting with blood cancer disease.
  • It’s only too easy for them to deny responsibility because they don’t have to answer for the circumstances.
  • The three of us were a little bit too overcrowded in the room.
  • Heart disease treatment is simply too expensive for the majority of individuals, but not for those with large money accounts.
  • Given that it is one of the greatest hospitals, many patients at AIIMS Delhi had to wait too long for an appointment.
  • To create space, she had to relocate a few items, but it wasn’t too difficult.
  • The separation of the world into zones and poles puzzled and tortured my thinking, even if I enjoyed this too.
  • He had too much pride to leave the party in the backseat and “enough” alcohol in his blood to think he could drive.
  1. Typically used to complete a phrase
  • Can I come too?
  • When I’ve finished painting the bathroom, I’m going to do the kitchen too.
  • Very
  • I’m not too sure if this is right.
  • Jenny will be only too glad to help.
  • She, too, felt nervous about leaving the puppies on their own.
  • The dress was too long to wear.
  • Natasha, I love you too much!
  • You’re going too fast.
  • Our road isn’t too bad for driving.
  • I’ve said too much to convince her.
  • Things were moving too fast.
  1. Used to discuss something that affects a condition
  • She broke her leg last weekend on her birthday too!
  1. Used to draw attention to anything, particularly your wonder, anger, or agreement with something
  • ‘He did apologize eventually.’ ‘I should think so too!’
  • ‘She gave me the money.’ ‘About time too!’

To or Too? – Conclusion

So friends, in this article, I have tried to remove the biggest confusion that comes during the use of two famous English words To and Too (To vs Too). Because these two words look similar but while writing we are not able to decide which word would be correct to use.

After reading this article carefully and completely, now you have understood, what is the main difference between to and too, When and where to use to, and When and where to use too. Also, you have understood what is the meaning of to and too (to vs too) with the correct usage.

We’ve mentioned in many of our articles that a single space or a single letter can change the meaning of a word. An example of this is good night and goodnight. When you take out the space between “good” and “night,” the word turns from a common greeting into an adjective.

Another example is breath and breathe. When you add “e” to “breath,” the noun turns into a verb.

Today, we’re going to check out another commonly confused word pairing that trips up a lot of people — and sometimes even drive grammar sticklers mad.

Two of the most mixed-up words in the English language are too and to.

What is the Difference Between Too vs. To?

Source: Keydifferences

Let’s take a look at the definition of this homophone pair to help you differentiate too and to.

Defining Too

“Too” is an adverb people use to describe something that’s “moreover, furthermore or in addition.” This word is another way of saying “as well” and “also” but typically fits more naturally at the end of the sentence.

Another usage of the term “too” would be in describing an excessive degree or extent. This word also describes something that’s beyond what’s right, fitting or desirable.

Here are example sentences:

  • Are you buying a chocolate bar from the store? I want one, too.
  • Can she come, too?
  • He, too, loves exploring caves and other destinations that are off the beaten path.
  • Don’t purchase too many shoes when you’re in Italy.
  • Maria was too distracted.

Comma Usage before Too

Don’t worry too much if you don’t see people using a comma before the word “too.” According to the Chicago Manual of Style, a comma before too is up to you.

Defining To

As a preposition, “to” is for expressing direction or motion toward a thing, place, person or point reached or approached (as opposed to from). Other uses include expressing continuity or contact, as well as a limit of extension or movement.

Check out these example sentences:

  • Michael didn’t dare to speak a word to Arnold.
  • His response to her proposal was a reluctant yes.
  • Gerald sat right next to Phoebe.
  • Have you ever been to Canada?
  • My parents wanted me to have a fulfilling life.

Bonus Guide: Defining Two

Source: Pinterest

“Two” does not get tangled up in the confusion as often as to and too. Given that people pronounce them the same, let’s look at this word as well. Two can serve as either a noun or an adjective. This word, in both instances, refers to something exactly greater than one. Hopefully, you won’t encounter too much difficulty with to vs. too vs. two.

The main difference between too vs. to is that the former only acts as an adverb whereas the latter can serve as an adverb or a preposition.

When to Use “Too” and “To”

If you want your sentence to show direction, you use the word “to.” Also, you use “to” as an infinitive verb. An infinitive is a verbal, which consists of “to + a verb.” This acts like an adverb, adjective, subject complement, direct object or subject in a sentence.

On the other hand, you use too when modifying other words. It describes or modifies verbs and can mean extremely or very.

Remembering the Difference Between To and Too

Still confused with the too vs. to dilemma? Don’t worry. We’ll give you tips to help you further differentiate these two terms.

If you mean to say “too” as in also, very or additionally, take note that the word “too” has one more “o” than the word “to.” Look at the extra “o” as meaning additional or a little extra.

You can also omit the word “too” and the sentence will still make sense. This, however, won’t be the case if you remove either of the uses for the term “to.”

You wouldn’t say, “Because I went ___ the church…” or “Because I went to the department store ___ buy…” When you read both phrases aloud, your ear picks up a dropped word (as indicated by the provided blank lines) even if your eye somehow skips them. These sentences clearly need the prepositional “to,” as well as the particle “to” to create an infinitive verb.

Can You Pass This Too vs. To Test?

Can you ace this short too vs to quiz? Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Now that we’ve discussed the difference between too vs. to, let’s test your skills. Please provide the correct word in the following:

  1. Anna asked Elsa if she wants (too, to) build a snowman.
  2. Your lip is swollen. Your eye is swollen (too, to). Is that food I served giving you an allergy?
  3. That boy is (too, to) funny.
  4. I was (too, to) late (too, to) catch the train.
  5. Do you like oranges (too, to)?
  6. It’s (too, to) cold (too, to) be outside right now.
  7. Don’t you have (too, to) much on your plate?
  8. Her mood changed from joy (too, to) sorrow.
  9. Frankie and Barbra were great musicians. MJ, (too, to), was a top singer.
  10. We like (too, to) eat popcorn in the theater, and drink sodas (too, to).

When you’re writing something, don’t forget to proofread your work carefully. This way, you can catch too vs. to errors that can confuse your readers.

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