1. Serving as or conforming to an established or accepted measurement or value: a standard unit of volume.
2. Widely recognized or employed as a model of authority or excellence: a standard reference work.
3. Acceptable but of less than top quality: a standard grade of beef.
4. Normal, familiar, or usual: the standard excuse.
5. Commonly used or supplied: standard car equipment.
6. Linguistics Conforming to models or norms of usage admired by educated speakers and writers: standard pronunciation.
a. An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion. See Synonyms at ideal.
b. An object that under specified conditions defines, represents, or records the magnitude of a unit.
a. The commodity or commodities used to back a monetary system.
b. The set proportion by weight of gold or silver to alloy metal prescribed for use in coinage.
a. A degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment: Their quality of work exceeds the standards set for the field.
b. Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely recognized or employed, especially because of its excellence.
c. A set of specifications that are adopted within an industry to allow compatibility between products.
d. A requirement of moral conduct: the standards of polite society.
4. A flag, banner, or ensign, especially:
a. The ensign of a chief of state, nation, or city.
b. A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation.
c. An emblem or flag of an army, raised on a pole to indicate the rallying point in battle.
d. The colors of a mounted or motorized military unit.
5. Chiefly British A grade level in elementary schools.
6. A pedestal, stand, or base.
7. The large upper petal of the flower of a pea or related plant. Also called banner, vexillum.
8. One of the narrow upright petals of an iris.
9. A shrub or small tree that through grafting or training has a single stem of limited height with a crown of leaves and flowers at its apex.
10. Music A composition that is continually used in repertoires: a pianist who knew dozens of Broadway standards.
[Middle English, flag, banner, standard measure (perhaps from the use of flags as points of reference in battle) , from Old French estandard, flag marking a rallying place, from Frankish *standhard, probably originally meaning standing firmly, steadfast : *standan, to stand; see stā- in Indo-European roots + *hard, firm, hard; see kar- in Indo-European roots.]
stan′dard·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. an accepted or approved example of something against which others are judged or measured
2. (often plural) a principle of propriety, honesty, and integrity: she has no standards.
3. a level of excellence or quality: a low standard of living.
4. (Heraldry) any distinctive flag, device, etc, as of a nation, sovereign, or special cause
5. (Military)
a. any of a variety of naval or military flags
b. the colours of a cavalry regiment
6. (Military) a flag or emblem formerly used to show the central or rallying point of an army in battle
7. (Heraldry) a large tapering flag ending in two points, originally borne by a sovereign or high-ranking noble
8. (Economics) the commodity or commodities in which is stated the value of a basic monetary unit: the gold standard.
9. (Units) an authorized model of a unit of measure or weight
10. (Units) a unit of board measure equal to 1980 board feet
11. (Banking & Finance) (in coinage) the prescribed proportion by weight of precious metal and base metal that each coin must contain
12. an upright pole or beam, esp one used as a support
13. (Furniture)
a. a piece of furniture consisting of an upright pole or beam on a base or support
b. (as modifier): a standard lamp.
14. (Botany)
a. a plant, esp a fruit tree, that is trained so that it has an upright stem free of branches
b. (as modifier): a standard cherry.
15. (Music, other) a song or piece of music that has remained popular for many years
16. (Botany) the largest petal of a leguminous flower, such as a sweetpea
17. (Education) (in New Zealand and, formerly, in England and Wales) a class or level of attainment in an elementary school
18. of the usual, regularized, medium, or accepted kind: a standard size.
19. of recognized authority, competence, or excellence: the standard work on Greece.
20. (Linguistics) denoting or characterized by idiom, vocabulary, etc, that is regarded as correct and acceptable by educated native speakers. Compare nonstandard, informal
21. (Cookery) Brit (formerly) (of eggs) of a size that is smaller than large and larger than medium
[C12: from Old French estandart gathering place, flag to mark such a place, probably of Germanic origin; compare Old High German stantan to stand, Old High German ort place]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈstæn dərd)
1. something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison.
2. an object regarded as the most common size or form of its kind.
3. a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment.
4. an average or normal quality, quantity, or level: The work isn’t up to his usual standard.
5. standards, the morals, ethics, customs, etc., regarded generally or by an individual as acceptable.
6. the authorized exemplar of a unit of weight or measure.
7. a certain commodity in or by which a basic monetary unit is stated: gold standard.
8. the legally established content of full-weight coins.
9. the prescribed degree of fineness for gold or silver.
10. Brit. a class or grade in elementary schools.
11. a musical piece of sufficiently enduring popularity to be made part of a permanent repertoire, esp. a popular song.
12. a flag indicating the presence of a sovereign or public official.
13. a flag or emblematic figure used as a rallying point for an army, fleet, etc.
a. any of various military or naval flags.
b. the colors of a mounted military unit.
15. a long, narrow, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices and personal to an individual or group.
16. something that stands or is placed upright.
17. an upright support.
18. a long candlestick or candelabrum used in a church.
19. a plant trained or grafted to have a single, erect, treelike stem.
20. a distinct petal, larger than the rest, of certain flowers; a vexillum.
21. serving as a basis of weight, measure, value, comparison, or judgment.
22. of recognized excellence or established authority: a standard reference book.
23. usual or customary.
24. manual; not electric or automatic: standard transmission.
25. conforming in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc., to the usage of most educated native speakers and widely considered acceptable or correct. Compare nonstandard (def. 2).
26. officially approved; authorized.
27. (of meat, esp. beef or veal) of or designating a grade immediately below select or good.
[1125–75; Middle English < Old French, probably < Frankish *standord (compare German Standort standing-point), conformed to -ard -ard]
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
An exact value, a physical entity, or an abstract concept, established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results. A fixed quantity or quality.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
a quantity of timber, 1858; a body of troops kept in reserve, 1297; a company of cavalry.
Examples: standard of apparel (suit of clothes), 1630; a standard of feathers (a set of plumes), 1578; a cornet or standard of horsemen, 1580.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. A tree or shrub pruned and trained with a clean stem.
2. The upright petal at the back of pea or bean flower.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | standard — a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; «the schools comply with federal standards»; «they set the measure for all subsequent work»
criterion, touchstone, measure benchmark — a standard by which something can be measured or judged; «his painting sets the benchmark of quality» earned run average, ERA — (baseball) a measure of a pitcher’s effectiveness; calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitched GPA, grade point average — a measure of a student’s academic achievement at a college or university; calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted procrustean bed, procrustean rule, procrustean standard — a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality yardstick — a measure or standard used for comparison; «on what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment?» medium of exchange, monetary system — anything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth in a particular country or region system of measurement, metric — a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic graduated table, ordered series, scale, scale of measurement — an ordered reference standard; «judging on a scale of 1 to 10» standard of measurement, gauge — accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared baseline — an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared; «the established a baseline for the budget» norm — a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical; «the current middle-class norm of two children per family» |
2. | standard — the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; «they live by the standards of their community»
criterion control condition, control — a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment; «the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw» ideal — the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attain design criteria — criteria that designers should meet in designing some system or device; «the job specifications summarized the design criteria» |
3. | standard — a board measure = 1980 board feet
capacity measure, capacity unit, cubage unit, cubature unit, cubic content unit, cubic measure, displacement unit, volume unit — a unit of measurement of volume or capacity |
4. | monetary standard value — the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable; «the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world» gold standard — a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold silver standard — a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of silver bimetallism — a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by stated amounts of two metals (usually gold and silver) with values set at a predetermined ratio |
5. | standard — an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support); «distance was marked by standards every mile»; «lamps supported on standards provided illumination»
post — an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position; «he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them» |
6. | banner flag — emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design oriflamme — a red or orange-red flag used as a standard by early French kings |
Adj. | 1. | standard — conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; «windows of standard width»; «standard sizes»; «the standard fixtures»; «standard brands»; «standard operating procedure»
normal — conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; «serve wine at normal room temperature»; «normal diplomatic relations»; «normal working hours»; «normal word order»; «normal curiosity»; «the normal course of events» nonstandard — varying from or not adhering to a standard; «nonstandard windows»; «envelopes of nonstandard sizes»; «nonstandard lengths of board» |
2. | standard — commonly used or supplied; «standard procedure»; «standard car equipment»
common — having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual; «the common man»; «a common sailor»; «the common cold»; «a common nuisance»; «followed common procedure»; «it is common knowledge that she lives alone»; «the common housefly»; «a common brand of soap» |
3. | standard — established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; «a standard reference work»; «the classical argument between free trade and protectionism»
orthodox — adhering to what is commonly accepted; «an orthodox view of the world» nonstandard — not standard; not accepted as a model of excellence; «a nonstandard text» |
4. | standard — conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; «standard English» (American); «received standard English is sometimes called the King’s English» (British)
received linguistics — the scientific study of language nonstandard — not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community; «a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups»; «the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech»- A.R.Dunlap |
5. | standard — regularly and widely used or sold; «a standard size»; «a stock item»
stock regular — in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; «his regular calls on his customers»; «regular meals»; «regular duties» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
2. criterion, measure, guideline, example, model, average, guide, pattern, sample, par, norm, gauge, benchmark, yardstick, touchstone systems that were by later standards absurdly primitive
1. usual, normal, customary, set, stock, average, popular, basic, regular, typical, prevailing, orthodox, staple It was standard practice for them to advise in cases of murder.
usual strange, unusual, extraordinary, exceptional, abnormal, irregular, uncommon, singular, atypical
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Fabric used especially as a symbol:
banderole, banner, banneret, color (used in plural), ensign, flag, jack, oriflamme, pennant, pennon, streamer.
2. A means by which individuals are compared and judged:
3. One that is worthy of imitation or duplication:
1. Having or arising from authority:
2. Being of no special quality or type:
average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried, formulaic, garden, garden-variety, indifferent, mediocre, ordinary, plain, routine, run-of-the-mill, stock, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
gunnfáni, veifastaîallstaîlaîurviîmiîun
atitikti reikalavimusgyvenimo lygiskaro ženklaslaikytis standartoneatitikti reikalavimų
chuẩntiêu chuẩn
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
standard assessment task
n (Brit Sch) standardisierter schulischer Test in einem Kernfach
n → Fahnenträger(in) m(f); (fig also) → Bannerträger(in) m(f) (old)
standard button
n (Comput) → Standardschaltfläche f
standard letter
n → Formbrief m
standard pronunciation
n → Standardaussprache f
standard software
n → Standardsoftware f
standard time
n → Standardzeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
2. adj (size, quality) → standard inv; (reference book) → classico/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈstӕndəd) noun
1. something used as a basis of measurement. The kilogram is the international standard of weight.
2. a basis for judging quality, or a level of excellence aimed at, required or achieved. You can’t judge an amateur artist’s work by the same standards as you would judge that of a trained artist; high standards of behaviour; His performance did not reach the required standard.
3. a flag or carved figure etc fixed to a pole and carried eg at the front of an army going into battle.
(accepted as) normal or usual; The Post Office likes the public to use a standard size of envelope.
ˈstandardize, ˈstandardise verb
to make or keep (eg products) of one size, shape etc for the sake of convenience etc.
ˌstandardiˈzation, ˌstandardiˈsation nounˈstandard-bearer noun
a person who carries a standard or banner.
be up to / below standard
to (fail to) achieve the required standard. Her work is well up to standard.
standard of living
the level of comfort and welfare achieved in any particular society.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ قِيَاسِيّ, مِقْياس normální, úroveň standard, standard- Standard, üblich καθιερωμένος, πρότυπο nivel, normal taso, vakio- norme, standard standard, standardan standard 標準, 標準の 표준, 표준의 norm, standaard- standard, standardisert standard, standardowy padrão стандарт, стандартный standard, standardmässig ซึ่งเป็นมาตรฐาน, มาตรฐาน standart chuẩn, tiêu chuẩn 标准, 标准的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. estándar, norma, criterio, pauta a seguir; lo normal, lo usual o común;
___ deviation → desviación ___;
___ error → error ___;
___ of care → atención o cuidado ___;
___ procedure → procedimiento ___, procedimiento usual establecido.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- A standard class cabin
- A standard transmission, please (US)
A manual, please (UK)
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj & n estándar m, norma; gold — estándar de oro (Ang), prueba diagnóstica definitiva; — of care estándar or norma de atención or cuidado
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Standard may refer to:
- Colours, standards and guidons, kinds of military signs
- Standard (emblem), a type of a large symbol or emblem used for identification
Norms, conventions or requirements[edit]
- Standard (metrology), an object that bears a defined relationship to a unit of measure used for calibration of measuring devices
- Standard (timber unit), an obsolete measure of timber used in trade
- Breed standard (also called bench standard), in animal fancy and animal husbandry
- BioCompute Standard, a standard for next generation sequencing
- De facto standard, product or system with market dominance
- Gold standard, a monetary system based on gold; also used metaphorically for the best of several options, against which the others are measured
- Internet Standard, a specification ratified as an open standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force
- Learning standards, standards applied to education content
- Standard displacement, a naval term describing the weight and status of a warship
- Standard language, a particular variety of a language accepted as the institutionalized norm in a community
- Standard solution, in chemistry, a solution of known concentration
- Standard of care, the degree of prudence and caution required of an individual who is under a duty of care
- Technical standard, an established norm or requirement about technical systems
- International standard, standards suitable for worldwide use
- Open standard, a standard that is publicly available
- Standard operating procedure, a step-by-step instruction to achieve a desired result
- Standardization, the process of establishing technical standards
- Standards organization, an entity primarily concerned with maintaining standards
- Standard-gauge railway (SGR)
- Standard algorithms, long-taught methods of computation such as long division
- Standard deviation, a statistical measure of variation
- Standard score, a statistics term
- Standard part function, used to define the derivative of a function
- Standard Young tableaux, a type of combinatorial object
- Standardized rate, a statistical measure of any rates in a population
- Standard-type battleships produced by the U.S. Navy
- Standard Missile
- Standard operating procedure, an established method of accomplishing a task
- United States Military Standard, a specification used to help achieve standardization objectives by the U.S. Department of Defense
United States[edit]
- Standard, Illinois
- Standard City, Illinois
- Standard, California
- Standard, Indiana
- Standard, LaSalle Parish, Louisiana
- Standard, Vernon Parish, Louisiana
- Standard, West Virginia
Other places[edit]
- Standard, Alberta, Canada
Arts, entertainment, and media[edit]
- The Standard (band), an American indie rock band
- The Standard, a rap trio formed by Nas, Common and Q-Tip
Musical terms and concepts[edit]
- Standard (music), the most popular and enduring songs from a particular genre or style
- Adult standards, a radio format that includes pop standards
- Jazz standards, musical compositions which are an important part of the musical repertoire of jazz musicians, in that they are widely known, performed, and recorded by jazz musicians, and widely known by listeners
- List of blues standards, blues songs that have attained a high level of recognition
- Pop standards, particularly the songs comprising the Great American Songbook
- Standard (Scandal album), the fifth studio album by Japanese pop rock band, Scandal
- Standard (Witness album), a gospel music album by Witness
- Standards (Sonny Clark album), 1998
- Standards (Lloyd Cole album), a 2013 rock album by Lloyd Cole released
- Standards (Grant Green album), a 1998 album by jazz guitarist Grant Green first released in Japan in 1980 as Remembering
- Standards (Into It. Over It. album)
- Standards, Vol. 1, a 1983 album by jazz pianist Keith Jarrett
- Standards, Vol. 2, a 1985 album by jazz pianist Keith Jarrett
- Standards (Lee Morgan album), a 1998 album by jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan released on the Blue Note label
- Standards (Tortoise album), the fourth album by the American post-rock band Tortoise
- Standards (Ken Vandermark album), 1995
- Standards (Seal album), a 2017 album by Seal
- Standards (Bernie Worrell album), solo album by former Parliament-Funkadelic keyboardist Bernie Worrell
- Standards, music album by Blaggards
- The Standard (Tommy Flanagan album), a 1980 album by The Super Jazz Trio
- The Standard (Take 6 album), a 2008 album by Take 6
- The Standards, a 2013 studio album by Gloria Estefan
- «Standard» (The View song), a song by The View
- «Standards», a song by The Jam from the album This Is the Modern World
- Standard (magazine), a defunct Serbian magazine
- Der Standard, an Austrian newspaper
- Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard, a Scottish newspaper
- London Evening Standard, a London newspaper often referred to as «The Standard»
- Mornington Standard, newspaper of Frankston, Victoria
- Standard (Frankston), a later name
- The Port Melbourne Standard newspaper of Port Melbourne, Victoria
- The Standard (Port Melbourne) an earlier name
- Standard (Thailand), a defunct weekly newspaper published in Thailand
- St. Catharines Standard, a St. Catharines, Ontario, newspaper
- Toronto Standard online newspaper, also an historical (1848–1849) paper
- The Standard (Hong Kong), a business newspaper in Hong Kong
- The Standard (Kenya), a Kenyan newspaper
- The Standard (Zimbabwe), a weekly newspaper in Zimbabwe
- The Weekly Standard, an American neoconservative magazine, sometimes abbreviated as The Standard
- The Standard (TV series), a television series
- FK Standard Sumgayit, a former Azeri association football team
- Standard Liège, a Belgian association football team that is often abbreviated as Standard
- Standard (1904 automobile) (1904–1906), an American automobile
- Standard (1911 automobile) (1911–1912), a German automobile
- Standard (1912 automobile) (1912–1923), an American automobile manufactured in Butler, Pennsylvania
- Standard (Indian automobile) (1957–1987), mostly based on the British Standard cars
- Standard (Italian automobile) (1906–1908), an Italian automobile manufactured by the Fabbrica Automobili Standard of Torino
- Standard Electric (automobile) (1911-1915) an American electric automobile manufactured in Jackson, Michigan
- Standard Motor Company (1903–1963), an English car and aircraft manufacturer
- Standard Motor Products, a manufacturer and distributor of aftermarket automotive parts
- Standard Six (1909–1910), an American automobile manufactured in St Louis, Missouri
- Standard Steam Car (1920–1921), an American steam car manufactured by the Standard Engineering Company of St Louis, Missouri
- Standard Superior, and automotive manufacturer, e.g., of the Standard automobile (1933–1935, 1950–1954), produced from 1933 to 1935 by Standard Fahrzeugfabrik of Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Standard transmission, a type of transmission used in motor vehicles
- FAI Standard Class, for glider competition
- Prue Standard, glider
Other businesses[edit]
- American Standard Companies, a global provider of air conditioning systems and services, bath and kitchen products, and vehicle control systems
- Standard Bank, one of South Africa’s largest financial operators
- Standard Fruit Company, an American company
- Standard Glass and Paint Company Building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Polk County, Iowa
- Standard Hotel, a hotel chain originating in Los Angeles
- Standard Insurance Company, an American insurance and financial company
- Standard Oil (1863–1911), a large integrated oil producing, transporting, refining, and marketing organization
- Standard Steel Casting Company, an American company
- Standard Talking Machine Company, an early twentieth century record label
- The Standard, Copenhagen, a restaurant complex in central Copenhagen, Denmark
- The Standard, East Village, a hotel in New York City
- The Standard, High Line, a hotel in New York City
Computing and technology[edit]
- Standards (software)
- Standard cell, a voltage reference, or a building block for electronic integrated circuits
Plants and plant husbandry[edit]
- Standard (tree), a type of fruit tree form
- Coppice with standards, the retention of some mature trees in a wood mainly of trees which are coppiced
Other uses[edit]
- Standard (typeface)
- Standard (warez), rules for unauthorized public release of copyrighted material
See also[edit]
Wikiquote has quotations related to Standard.
- Canon (disambiguation)
- Industry standard (disambiguation)
- National standards (disambiguation)
- Standardbred, an American horse breed best known for its ability in harness racing
- Standart (disambiguation)
- STD (disambiguation)
- The Standard (disambiguation)
- Usual (disambiguation)
By modern standards, the house is just too small.
This book is the standard by which all others must be judged.
a window of standard width
The movie was a pretty standard romantic comedy.
The word is considered standard.
Recent Examples on the Web
Our goal is to create an experience for the student-athletes, Conference USA and the fans that matches the premium standard of Huntsville.
—Paul Gattis |, al, 7 Apr. 2023
The demands of self-government call on all citizens to appreciate sound standards of ethical conduct — and then do our best to live by them.
—Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune, 7 Apr. 2023
Even by the light-speed standard of social media, Olaplex had a fast rise—and suffered an even quicker backlash.
—Chavie Lieber,, 6 Apr. 2023
The crowd was small, by the standards of New York City protests, which routinely draw thousands.
—Michael R. Sisak, Eric Tucker, Dallas News, 5 Apr. 2023
Craftsmen observe the highest standards of quality.
—Isiah Magsino, Town & Country, 5 Apr. 2023
Mental health support is now a standard of care.
—Michael Bush, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023
The crowd is small, by the standards of New York City protests, which routinely draw thousands.
—Kathryn Watson, CBS News, 4 Apr. 2023
Instead, faced with falling standards of living after a generation of stagnation, workers are taking strike action out of despair rather than hope.
—Jane Holgate, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023
In addition to seeking better residual rates, writers want higher minimum pay rates and better financial security in an industry that is far more likely to order a 10-episode season than the 22-episode season that was standard when broadcasters dominated the medium.
—R.j. Rico, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2023
All-wheel drive is standard with the hybrid powertrain, too.
—Drew Dorian, Car and Driver, 7 Apr. 2023
Accelerated approval means a drug doesn’t have to go through all the levels of testing in humans that are required for the standard approval process.
—Jen Christensen, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023
While Google says no algorithms were involved in their recent mass layoffs, the approach seems to run counter to standard People Ops processes, in which these conversations would be filtered by local managers.
—Dan Hynes, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023
This pair of running shoes are available in 15 different colors and in both standard and wide fits.
—Ravi Davda, Health, 6 Apr. 2023
Most models offer standard and heavy-duty washes, but some appliances actually have high-temperature and sanitization cycles, too.
—Camryn Rabideau, Popular Mechanics, 6 Apr. 2023
Breakfast was usually standard: flat white coffee and Greek yogurt or overnight oats mixed with whey protein and fruit.
—Men’s Health, 5 Apr. 2023
The larger battery charges from 10-80% in 43 minutes on a public, 400-volt fast charger, which is standard for an EV of its price and battery size.
—Emily Dreibelbis, PCMAG, 5 Apr. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘standard.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Other forms: standards
A standard is an ideal or set of criteria that you use to judge things against. Colleges have certain standards for applicants, like a minimum SAT score or an above average grade point average.
If you complain that the soup isn’t up to your standard, you’re comparing it to an ideal and finding it lacking. (Just don’t be surprised if the chef then «accidentally» spills it in your lap.) The economy used to work by the gold standard, where one dollar equaled a fixed amount of gold. A standard can also be a military flag or banner on a pole. Or a popular old song that’s considered a classic.
Definitions of standard
a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
“the schools comply with federal
criterion, measure, touchstone
see moresee less-
- show 22 types…
- hide 22 types…
a standard by which something can be measured or judged
ERA, earned run average
(baseball) a measure of a pitcher’s effectiveness; calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitched
GPA, grade point average
a measure of a student’s academic achievement at a college or university; calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
procrustean bed, procrustean rule, procrustean standard
a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality
a measure or standard used for comparison
medium of exchange, monetary system
anything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth in a particular country or region
graduated table, ordered series, scale, scale of measurement
an ordered reference standard
gauge, standard of measurement
accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared
an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared
a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
legal tender, stamp, tender
something that can be used as an official medium of payment
the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender
the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used
Beaufort scale, wind scale
an international scale of wind force from 0 (calm air) to 12 (hurricane)
a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
logarithmic scale
scale on which actual distances from the origin are proportional to the logarithms of the corresponding scale numbers
Mercalli scale
a scale formerly used to describe the magnitude of an earthquake; an earthquake detected only by seismographs is a I and an earthquake that destroys all buildings is a XII
Mohs scale
a scale of hardness of solids; talc is 0 and diamond is 10; ordering is determined by which substance can scratch another substance
Richter scale
a logarithmic scale of 1 to 10 formerly used to express the magnitude of an earthquake on the basis of the size of seismograph oscillations
moment magnitude scale
a logarithmic scale of 1 to 10 (a successor to the Richter scale) that enables seismologists to compare the energy released by different earthquakes on the basis of the area of the geological fault that ruptured in the quake
temperature scale
a system of measuring temperature
wage scale, wage schedule
a schedule of wages paid for different jobs
type of:
metric, system of measurement
a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
the ideal in terms of which something can be judged
“they live by the
standards of their community”-
see moresee less-
control, control condition
a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment
design criteria
criteria that designers should meet in designing some system or device
type of:
the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attain
control, control condition
the value behind the money in a monetary system
monetary standard
see moresee less-
gold standard
a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold
silver standard
a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of silver
a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by stated amounts of two metals (usually gold and silver) with values set at a predetermined ratio
type of:
the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable
gold standard
conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind
“windows of
standard width”“standard sizes”
standard fixtures”“standard brands”
“standard operating procedure”
conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal
constructed with standardized units or dimensions allowing flexibility and variety in use
conforming to a standard or pattern
prescribed by or according to regulation
standardised, standardized
brought into conformity with a standard
established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence
standard reference work”-
mainstream, orthodox
adhering to what is commonly accepted
authoritative, classic, classical, definitive
of recognized authority or excellence
basic, canonic, canonical
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality
casebook, textbook
according to or characteristic of a casebook or textbook; typical
criterial, criterional
serving as a basis for evaluation
mainstream, orthodox
commonly used or supplied
“standard procedure”
“standard car equipment”
having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual
regularly and widely used or sold
standard size”-
in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle
conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers
standard English» (American)”-
judged to be in conformity with approved usage
(language) having the form used by ancient standard authors
a board measure = 1980 board feet
an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support)
“distance was marked by
standards every mile”“lamps supported on
standards provided illumination”see moresee less-
type of:
an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position
any distinctive flag
see moresee less-
a red or orange-red flag used as a standard by early French kings
type of:
emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
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Meaning standard
What does standard mean? Here you find 129 meanings of the word standard. You can also add a definition of standard yourself
1 |
0 Rule and/or procedure specifying characteristics that must be met for a product to be sold in a country’s domestic market, typically to protect health and safety. When a standard puts foreign pro [..]
2 |
0 standardRelationships Narrower Term: content standard convention data structure standard data value standard de facto standard de jure standard descriptive standard guideline technical standard Related Term [..]
3 |
0 standardA flag or banner carried into battle on a pole.
4 |
0 standardThat which is established as a measure or model to which others of a similar nature should conform.
5 |
0 standardtechnical directive Technical specification, usually in the form of a document available to the public, drawn up with the consensus or general approval of all interests affected by it, based on the co [..]
6 |
0 standardSee reference material, standard material
7 |
0 standardOften used to mean InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice for Performing a General Home Inspection, or the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties.
8 |
0 standardThe metric, specification, gauge, statement, category, segment, grouping, behavior, event or physical product sample against which the outputs of a process are compared and declared acceptable or unac [..]
9 |
0 standardA mandatory requirement, code of practice or specification approved by a recognized external standards organization, such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
10 |
0 standardNorme
11 |
0 standardmid-12c., «flag or other conspicuous object to serve as a rallying point for a military force,» from shortened form of Old French estandart «military standard, banner.» According t [..]
12 |
0 standard1620s, «serving as a standard,» from standard (adj.). Earlier it meant «upright» (1530s). Standard-bred «bred up to some agreed-upon standard of excellence» is from 1888.
13 |
0 standard«weight, measure, or instrument by which the accuracy of others is determined,» late 14c., from standard (n.1) «military standard, banner,» a particular use in English of this word [..]
14 |
0 standardAn item’s characteristic or set of characteristics generally accepted by the manufacturers and users of the item as a required characteristic for all such items.
15 |
0 standardA document that recommends a protocol, interface, type of wiring, or some other aspect of a system. It may even recommend something as general as a conceptual framework or model (e.g., a communication [..]
16 |
0 standardflag or emblem used as a rallying sign in a battle.
17 |
0 standardA standard is a flag or banner which could be embroidered or painted. Standards were sometimes decorated with a family crest, the emblem of a guild, or the symbol of a patron saint of a city or countr [..]
18 |
0 standardA specific statement of the rules and constraints governing the naming, contents, and operations of deliverables. The rules and constraints are designed to support specific objectives. [D01897]
19 |
0 standardAn acknowledged, popular piece of music in the jazz repertory.
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0 standardBandwidth
21 |
0 standard1. A synonym for specification. 2. A component or way of accomplishing a task that is so frequently and widely used that is seems to be part of a specification.
22 |
0 standardor “norm”; a rule for how user interfaces should be designed for given tasks, users, and contexts. User interface standards are usually encoded in style guides and are available for every major op [..]
23 |
0 standardA tree or shrub that has been trained to a certain height with a long bare stem and foliage at the top.
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0 standardA plant that’s trained, through pruning or staking, to the form of a tree.
25 |
0 standardA tree or shrub growing on an erect stem of full height.
26 |
0 standardA shrub or herb grown with an erect main stem so that it forms or resembles a tree.
27 |
0 standard(1) A tree or shrub with 1.5 to 2m (5-6ft) of bare trunk beneath the branches. (2) Uppermost petals of a pea-flower or iris.
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0 standardStandard size plants are either grown on their own roots or grafted onto a different rootstock. Either method should not limit the plant from reaching the mature height for its species.
29 |
0 standardA small tree commonly produced by grafting a weeping or dwarf form on a trunk of the desired height. An upright single-stemmed plant as grafted tree roses; an upright petal as in many members of the pea family. Starch
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0 standardA plant pruned so that it consists of a single bare, vertical stem, atop which a shaped mass of foliage, usually globular, is maintained.
31 |
0 standardAtree or shrub that is grown on a single trunk, usually grafted to create a small garden tree.
32 |
0 standardconforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; &quot;windows of standard width&quot;; &quot;standard sizes&a [..]
33 |
0 standardAn acknowledged measure of comparison that is widely recognised or employed, especially because of its excellence.
34 |
0 standardAgreed attributes and processes designed to ensure that a product, service or method will perform consistently at a designated level
35 |
0 standardDefinition A widely accepted way of doing something.
36 |
0 standardGuideline documentation that reflects agreements on products, practices, or operations by nationally or internationally recognized industrial, professional, trade associations or governmental bodies. Note: This concept applies to formal, approved standards, as contrasted to de facto standards and proprietary standards, which are exceptions to this [..]
37 |
0 standarda document, or an object for physical comparison, for defining product characteristics, products, or processes, prepared by a consensus of a properly constituted group of those substantially affected [..]
38 |
0 standardA professional pronouncement promulgated by the Internal Audit Standards Board that delineates the requirements for performing a broad range of internal audit activities, and for evaluating internal audit performance.
39 |
0 standardStandards are recipes, methods, ingredients, measuring tools, and equipments that are used to produce consistent results in a particular product in home baking. Standards are a great help to both manu [..]
40 |
0 standardDefinition A technology or product that has achieved a level of market saturation such that nearly everyone in that particular market relies upon it.
41 |
0 standardA basis for evaluating the worth of something and how it should be. It is just like a general idea regarding; how things could be. It is a value, norm or a positive expectation.
42 |
0 standardA criterion or reference point against which quality can be judged.
43 |
0 standardklalish
44 |
0 standardAn acceptable level or criterion according to which something is compared, measured, or judged. Also refers to an amount, extent, quality, pattern, criterion, etc., fixed by usage or convention or est [..]
45 |
0 standard1 : something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model, example, or point of reference [the of the reasonable person] 2 : something established by authority as a rule for the .. [..]
46 |
0 standardA standard is a document that defines the characteristics of a product, process or service, such as dimensions, safety aspects, and performance requirements.
47 |
0 standardRefers to a model, example or rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality, established by authority, custom or general consent. It is also defined as a criterion, gauge or yard [..]
48 |
0 standardA tree or shrub which has a tall, bare stem several feet long before the first branches. Standard fruit trees usually have a 6-foot (1.8m) trunk, standard roses
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0 standardA widely known and accepted measurement or weight used as a basis for a system of measurements.
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0 standardStandard samples are aliquots of calibration specimens containing predetermined quantities of the analyte. The response of each standard, along with the standard’s predetermined concentration, is used to construct a standard curve. From this standard curve, sample concentrations can be computed using the response from the sample.
51 |
0 standardAn e-learning specification established as a model by a governing authority such as IEEE
52 |
0 standardSpecifications produced by accredited associations, such as ANSI, ISO, SIA, ETSI or NIST. In the United States the use of standards is typically optional and multiple standards can be developed on the [..]
53 |
0 standardA reference for comparative measurements of color and other physical attributes.
54 |
0 standardThis is a resolution of 203 x 98 dpi.
55 |
0 standardAn election in which voters select candidates for political office.
56 |
0 standardA tune universally accepted and played by many Jazz musicians. Many standards are tin pan alley and Broadway songs from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Others are strictly Jazz compositions. A professional Jazz musician is expected to know many, many standards.
57 |
0 standardStandard is defined as «that which is established by authority, custom, or general consent, as a model or example; criterion; test.» Engine Mfrs. Ass’n v. S. Coast Air Quality Mgmt. Dis [..]
58 |
0 standard(n) a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated(n) the ideal in terms of which something can be judged(n) a board measure = 1980 board feet(n) the value b [..]
59 |
0 standardA document that specifies a technological area with a well-defined scope, usually by a formal standardization body and process.
60 |
0 standardAmerican standard of 1776. A snake with thirteen rattles, about to strike, with the motto DONT TREAD ON ME.
61 |
0 standard(Size of) varied according to the rank of the person who bore them. The standard of an emperor was eleven yards in length; of a king, nine yards; of a prince, seven yards; of a marquis, six and a half [..]
62 |
0 standardA document, or an object for physical comparison, for defining product characteristics, products, or processes: prepared by a consensus of a properly constituted group of those substantially affected [..]
63 |
0 standardA document, or an object for physical comparison, for defining product characteristics, products, or processes, prepared by a consensus of a properly constituted group of those substantially affected and having the qualifications to prepare the standard for use.
64 |
0 standardA reference object used as a basis for comparison or calibration. — A concept established by authority, custom or agreement to serve as a model or rule in the measurement of quantity or the establishm [..]
65 |
0 standardA rule, condition, or requirement describing the following information for products, systems, services or practices: classification of components, specification of materials, performance, or operation [..]
66 |
0 standardInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards) are developed through an international consultation process, the "due process", which involves interested individuals and organisations from around the world.
67 |
0 standardA single tree grown as an individual amongst coppice. A large nursery grown tree produced for amenity planting.
68 |
0 standardbroadly refers to statements of expectations for student learning, which may include content standards, performance standards, and benchmarks. In the K-12 arena, standards generally describe content, [..]
69 |
0 standardn. norma; estándar, fijo
70 |
0 standardA level or measure of achievement; a statement of performance or outcome criteria. See also competency standard.
71 |
0 standardA statement framed within the context of a functional area or professional preparation program designed to provide practitioners with criteria against which to judge the quality of the programs and se [..]
72 |
0 standardSee breed standard.
73 |
0 standarda solution containing a known, precise concentration of an element or chemical compound, often used to calibrate analytical chemistry measurement devices.
74 |
0 standardQuality Oolong only: below average
75 |
0 standardA basis of value established for the measure of quantity, weight, extent or quality, e.g. weight standards, standard Solutions, methods, techniques, and procedures used in Diagnosis and therapy.
76 |
0 standardA standard is a way of manufacturing products or performing processes that has gained precedence over other approaches and become largely standardised. Engineering and methodological standards are par [..]
77 |
0 standardStandard measurements of cubic content of the wood from northern forests. The Saint-Petersburg standard is the most commonly used, and is equal to 165 cft or 4.67m3, which corresponds to 2.3 to 2.4t f [..]
78 |
0 standardSee breed standard.
79 |
0 standardThe officially recognized written description of an ideal specimen of a specific breed. This is the document judges are tasked to interpret when judging in the breed ring, [..]
80 |
0 standardthe official blueprint for a breed.
81 |
0 standardgenerally favored by editors and professional writers in moderately formal to very formal language registers.
82 |
0 standardA document approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use of a prescribed set of rules, conditions, or requirements (Toth, 2000).
83 |
0 standardA variety of a language which by virtue of historical accident has become the leading form of the language in a certain country. As a result of this, the standard may be expanded due to the increase i [..]
84 |
0 standardSee «Royal Standard.»
85 |
0 standardA breed standard.
86 |
0 standardSee Section 3(1) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. Must be specified in a TGO or the BP. A general standard that applies to all products of a particular dosage form. A specific standard of medicines refers to a particular dosage form of particular active ingredient(s).
87 |
0 standardEstablished method for staff to follow, which ensures food and food processes remain safe.
88 |
0 standardDocument, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body (responsible for standards and regulations), that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for a [..]
89 |
0 standardA physical or chemical quantity whose value is known exactly, and thus is used to calibrate instruments or standardize measurements. Also called a reference.
90 |
0 standardAccepted set of norms, guidelines or best practices for processes or products, against which organizations can be certified for partial or full conformance. For example, ISO/IEC 19770 is the internati [..]
91 |
0 standard«Standard» or «standards» means such measure of quality or purity for air or for any waters in relation to their reasonable or necessary use as may be established by the commission [..]
92 |
0 standard, sb. the upright stick of a kite.
93 |
0 standardIncluded in the official Perl distribution, as in a standard module, a standard tool, or a standard Perl manpage.
94 |
0 standardStandard means criteria set for usage or practices; a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging.
95 |
0 standardThe term “standard,” or “technical standard,” as cited in Public Law 104-113, includes all of the following: (1) Common and repeated use of rules, conditions, guidelines, or characteristics for products or related processes and production methods; and related management systems practices; (2) the definition of terms; classification of compo [..]
96 |
0 standardStandard that sets forth rules, conditions, guidelines, and characteristics of data and mission products supporting business processes
97 |
0 standardStandard that documents methodologies and practices to design and implement information sharing technology capability into systems, thereby enabling Interoperability
98 |
0 standardIncluded in the official Perl distribution, as in a standard module, a standard tool, or a standard Perl manpage
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0 standard(With a capital S:) n. The ANSI/ISO C Standard, ANSI X3.159-1989 or ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (see question 11.1). adj. Refers to something which is compatible with that Standard.
100 |
0 standard1. Something established by custom, agreement, or authority as a basis for comparison. 2. A physical embodiment of a unit. In general it is not independent of physical conditions, and it is a true emb [..]
101 |
0 standardA statement established by consensus or authority that provides a benchmark for measuring quality and that is aimed at achieving optimal results.
102 |
0 standardA plant pruned so that it consists of a single bare, vertical stem, atop which a shaped mass of foliage, usually globular, is maintained.
103 |
0 standardA quality, measure or reference point established as a rule or model by authorities, custom or general consent, against which things can be evaluated or should conform.
104 |
0 standardThat which is established as a measure or model to which others of a similar nature should conform, or technical specification, usually in the form of a document available to the public, drawn up with [..]
105 |
0 standardAs used in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), a document that has been developed and established within the consensus principles of the ASTM and that meets the approval requirements of ASTM procedures and regulations. The term "standard" serves as an adjective in the title of documents, such as test methods, practi [..]
106 |
0 standardIn home baking, this refers to recipes, measuring tools, ingredients, methods, and equipment that are used to produce a defined product with consistent results to assist manufacturers or consumers.
107 |
0 standardCommon specifications established to ensure interoperability of technology. For example, …
108 |
0 standardAn energy conservation measure determined by DOE to be applicable to a particular agency or agencies. Once established as a standard, any variance or decision not to adopt the measure requires a waive [..]
109 |
0 standardhabitat:
110 |
0 standarda legally enforceable value for maximum concentrations or emissions of a substance for the protection of the environment or human health cf guideline
111 |
0 standardPayments under this plan are fixed and made for up to 10 years.
112 |
0 standardSell a fixed quantity of impressions or clicks.
113 |
0 standardThe requirements that serve as the basis for comparison
114 |
0 standardA classic styled upright motorcycle with focus on no frills function. Styling is not a main objective on these bikes. They tend to be less powerful than sport bikes but more powerful than cruisers.
115 |
0 standardA vertical tube in scaffolding.
116 |
0 standardStandard size plants are either grown on their own roots or grafted onto a different rootstock. Either method should not limit the plant from reaching the mature height for its species.
117 |
0 standardStandards in the warez scene are defined by groups of people who have been involved in its activities for several years and have established connections to large groups. These people form a committee, [..]
118 |
0 standardStandard may refer to:
119 |
0 standardThe Standard was an American automobile manufactured between 1904 and around 1908. Successor to the US Long Distance, it was a 25hp four with wooden side-entrance bodywork. It sold for $3500.
120 |
0 standardThe Standard was an Italian automobile manufactured from 1906 until 1908 by the Fabbrica Automobili Standard of Torino. The company produced a 10/14 hp four-cylinder which was sometimes marketed unde [..]
121 |
0 standardThe Standard was an Italian automobile manufactured from 1906 until 1908 by the Fabbrica Automobili Standard of Torino. The company produced a 10/14 hp four-cylinder which was sometimes marketed unde [..]
122 |
0 standardThe Standard was a German automobile manufactured between 1911 and 1912. The car was produced at Berlin-Charlottenburg using a rotary valve engine built by Henriod, which was unreliable and had not b [..]
123 |
0 standardThe Standard was an American automobile manufactured in Butler, Pennsylvania from 1912 until 1923.
124 |
0 standardStandard is an Indian brand of automobile which was produced by Standard Motor Products of India Limited (SMPIL) in Madras from 1951 to 1988. Indian Standards were variations of vehicles made in the U [..]
125 |
0 standardIn music, a standard is a musical composition of established popularity, considered part of the «standard repertoire» of one or several genres. Even though the standard repertoire of a given genre con [..]
126 |
0 standardStandard is the name of two different magazines published in France and in Serbia. The French quarterly culture and fashion magazine Standard is published in Paris since 2004. The Serbian weekly newsm [..]
127 |
0 standardStandard is the fifth studio album by Japanese pop rock band, Scandal. The album was released on October 2, 2013 by Epic Records Japan. It is available in three different editions, Complete Production [..]
128 |
0 standardA standard or standard hundred was a measure of timber used in trade.The standard varied in number, size and composition from country to country so the term is usually proceeded by the region or port [..]
129 |
0 standardStandard, released in 1993 on A&M Records, is a gospel music album by American urban contemporary gospel group Witness. At the time of the album’s release, original members Tina Brooks and Yolanda [..]
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