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executed by suspending by the neck: He was hanged at dawn.
Not to be confused with:
hung – fastened from above with no support from below; suspended: She hung up her clothes.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
Past tense and past participle of hang. See Usage Note at hang.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Mentioned in
- antependium
- append
- arras
- ask for it
- ask for trouble
- aweigh
- banana tree
- bent hang
- bulk large
- clinging
- coat hanger
- cowbell
- curtain
- dangle
- dangling
- dangly
- depend
- dossal
- dossel
References in classic literature
They have bound him and taken him to Nottingham Town, and ere I left the Blue Boar I heard that he should be hanged tomorrow day.»
So David strode forth, and when he came up to the pilgrim, he saluted him and said, «Good morrow, holy father, and canst thou tell me when Will Stutely will be hanged upon the gallows tree?
«Now, out upon thee, young man,» cried the Palmer, «that thou shouldst speak so when a good stout man is to be hanged for nothing but guarding his own life!» And he struck his staff upon the ground in anger.
«You are going to be hanged. ‘Tis a very simple matter, gentlemen and honest bourgeois!
I am going to have you hanged to amuse the vagabonds, and you are to give them your purse to drink your health.
It was an Irishman that hanged him last night, at eight o’clock.
Higginbotham’s corpse were not yet discovered by his own family, how came the mulatto, at above thirty miles’ distance, to know that he was hanging in the orchard, especially as he had left Kimballton before the unfortunate man was hanged at all?
There was a white hart that lived in that forest, and if anyone killed it, he would be hanged, she said.
Let us leave this armour hung up on some tree, instead of some one that has been hanged; and then with me on Dapple’s back and my feet off the ground we will arrange the stages as your worship pleases to measure them out; but to suppose that I am going to travel on foot, and make long ones, is to suppose nonsense.»
that is their mean yet mighty byword of reproach — the watchword with which they assassinated, hanged, and made away with Concini; and if I gave them their way they would assassinate, hang, and make away with me in the same manner, although they have nothing to complain of except a tax or two now and then.
«Sire,» replied Richelieu, «rest assured that Particelli, the man to whom your majesty refers, has been hanged.»
I think, if they bring me out to be hanged to-morrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weight upon the finisher of the sentence.»
Dictionary browser
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- hang by a hair
- hang by a thread
- hang down
- hang fire
- hang glide
- hang glider
- hang gliding
- hang in
- hang on
- hang on to
- hang out
- hang over
- Hang Seng Index
- hang time
- hang together
- hang up
- hang with
- hangability
- hangable
- hangar
- hangar queen
- hangbird
- Hang-by
- Hangchow
- hangdog
- hanged
- hanger
- hanger steak
- hanger-on
- hangfire
- hang-glide
- hang-glider
- hang-gliding
- hangi
- hanging
- hanging chad
- Hanging compass
- hanging fly
- Hanging garden
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- hanging geranium
- hanging glacier
- hanging indentation
- hanging indention
- hanging pawn
- Hanging rail
- Hanging side
- Hanging sleeves
- Hanging stile
- hanging valley
- hanging wall
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- Hangchou
- Hangchou Wan
- Hangchow
- Hangchow
- Hangchow
- Hangchow Bay
- Hangchow China
- Hangchow China
- Hangchow China
- Hangchow, china
- Hangchow, china
- Hangchow, china
- hangdog
- hangdog
- hangdog
- hangdog expression
- hangdog expression, a
- hangdog expressions
- hangdog look
- hangdog look, a
- hangdog looks
- hangdogly
- hangdogly
- Hangdogs
- Hangdogs
- Hangdogs
- Hange
- Hange
- Hange
- Hange
- hanged
- hanged 10
- hanged 5
- hanged a BA
- hanged a few on
- hanged a huey
- hanged a leg
- hanged a louie
- hanged a ralph
- hanged behind
- hanged by
- hanged by a nail
- hanged by the eyelids
- hanged down
- Hanged drawn and quartered
- Hanged drawn and quartered
- hanged drawn, and quartered
- hanged five
- hanged for a sheep (as well) as a lamb, (may) as well be
- hanged for a sheep (as well) as a lamb, (might) as well be
- hanged for a sheep as a lamb
- hanged for a sheep as a lamb, may as well be
- hanged for a sheep as a lamb, might as well be
- hanged from
- hanged hat
- hanged her hat
- hanged his hat
- hanged if I know
- hanged if I know!
- hanged in
- Hanged in chains
- ▼
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 hang /hæŋ/USA pronunciation
n. [countable* usually singular]
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 hang
hang′a•ble, adj.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: hang /hæŋ/ vb (hangs, hanging, hung /hʌŋ/)
‘hanged‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect.
He hung his head in shame.
To cause (something) to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger, hinges or the like.
Hang those lights from the ceiling.
to hang a door
To execute (someone) by suspension from the neck.
The culprits were hanged from the nearest tree.
To be executed by suspension by one’s neck from a gallows, a tree, or other raised bar, attached by a rope tied into a noose.
You will hang for this, my friend.
(used in maledictions) To damn.
To loiter, hang around, to spend time idly.
Are you busy, or can you hang with me? I didn’t see anything, officer. I was just hanging.
To exhibit (an object) by hanging.
To apply (wallpaper or drywall to a wall).
Let’s hang this cute animal design in the nursery.
To decorate (something) with hanging objects.
Let’s hang the nursery with some new wallpaper.
To remain persistently in one’s thoughts.
To prevent from reaching a decision, especially by refusing to join in a verdict that must be unanimous.
One obstinate juror can hang a jury.
To stop responding to manual input devices such as keyboard and mouse.
The computer has hung again. Not even pressing <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del> works. When I push this button the program hangs.
To cause (a program or computer) to stop responding.
The program has a bug that can hang the system.
To cause (a piece) to become vulnerable to capture.
If you move there, you’ll hang your rook.
To be vulnerable to capture.
In this standard opening position White has to be careful because the pawn on e4 hangs.
Of a pitcher, to throw a hittable off-speed pitch.
имперфект пр. вр. от гл. to hang (вешать)
Guy Fawkes was tortured and hanged.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > hanged
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged
hanged up
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged up
Новый англо-русский словарь > hanged
hanged up
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > hanged up
1) зависать; 2) приводить к зависанию
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > hanged
hanged up
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > hanged up
завис; привел к зависанию; приведенный к зависанию
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > hanged
hanged up
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > hanged up
повесил; повешенный; висел
English-Russian big medical dictionary > hanged
hanged up
English-Russian big medical dictionary > hanged up
hanged if one does
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > hanged if one does
hanged man
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > hanged man
hanged rudder
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > hanged rudder
hanged fiber-optic cable
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged fiber-optic cable
hanged if I know
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged if I know
hanged if I will
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged if I will
hanged key
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged key
hanged man
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged man
hanged rudder
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hanged rudder
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
hanged — hanged, hung In standard usage, the past tense and past participle of hang is hanged with reference to capital punishment and hung in other meanings. So curtains and pictures are hung but a convicted murderer is (or was) hanged. The distinction… … Modern English usage
hanged — hanged; un·hanged; … English syllables
hanged — (hăngd) v. Past tense and past participle of hang. See Usage Note at hang. * * * … Universalium
hanged — (adj.) put to death by hanging, late 15c., pp. of HANG (Cf. hang). As an expletive, from 1887 … Etymology dictionary
hanged — It was disclosed that a young white official had been found hanged to death in his cell (New York Times). Hanged to death is a tautology. So too, for that matter, are starved to death and strangled to death. The writer was correct, however,… … Dictionary of troublesome word
hanged — /hæŋd/ (say hangd) verb 1. past tense of hang. –adjective 2. subjected to the punishment of hanging: the hanged man. –phrase 3. be hanged, Colloquial (used in emphatic assertions): be hanged if I care; I ll be hanged if I ll go …
Hanged — Hang Hang (h[a^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hanged} (h[a^]ngd) or {Hung} (h[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hanging}. Usage: The use of hanged is preferable to that of hung, when reference is had to death or execution by suspension, and it is also more… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hanged — See hanged, hung … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
hanged — , hung People are hanged; objects are hung … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
hanged if, I’ll be — Emph. negative. ♣ Hanged if I will! I won t under any circumstances! … A concise dictionary of English slang
Hanged, Drawn And Quartered — Supplice de Hugues le Despenser (manuscrit de Froissart) … Wikipédia en Français
hanged up — перегружаться труднореализуемыми бумагами
hanged key — ключ, не имеющий выходных контактов с общей точкой; «подвешенный» ключ
hanged man — повешенный; висельник
hanged rudder — подвесной руль; навесный руль
hang by — висеть на волоске; прихлебатель; прихвостень
hang-by — прихлебатель; прихвостень; нахлебник
hang on — оставлять телефон включённым; продолжать звучать; неотрывно следить
hang up — приостанавливать сплав леса по какой-либо причине; причина раздражения
hung up — положение инвестора, ценные бумаги которого упали в цене; задержавшийся
hang-up — причина нервозности; зависание; провал
hang it — убирайтесь к чёрту!
hang in — упорно настаивать; упорствовать; держаться
to hang — вешать
hang off — не решаться; отлынивать; отставать
hung ham — провесная ветчина; провесной окорок
hang-dog — пристыжённый; виноватый
hang out — раскрыть истину; раскрыть правду; сопротивляться
hung net — посаженная сеть
kip hang — вис согнувшись
toe hang — вис завесом носками
hang on! — а) не уходите!; б) не вешайте трубку!
hang-off — навешивание туш на подвесной путь; навешивание на подвесной путь
hang-out — раскрытие всей правды
hang low — висеть низко
let hang — свешивать
hang back — не решаться; колебаться; идти сзади
hang over — остаться незаконченным; страдать от похмелья; висеть над головой
hung jury — суд присяжных, не выработавший единого решения
foot-hang — вис носками
foot hang — вис носками
ещё 20 примеров свернуть
He hanged for his crimes.
Он был повешен за свои преступления.
He was hanged for murder.
Его повесили за убийство.
I am to be hanged in chains.
Меня закуют в цепи и подвесят.
He was hanged for his crimes.
Он был повешен за свои преступления.
His tongue is hanged well enough.
У него достаточно хорошо подвешен язык.
The murderer was hanged on Friday.
Убийца был повешен в пятницу.
He hanged himself with a guitar string.
Он повесился на гитарной струне.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Her coat hung on a peg by the door.
The miasma of defeat hung over them.
The cloud of suspicion hangs over her
This cabinet door doesn’t hang right!
They hung a mobile over the baby’s bed.
Her hair hung limp around her shoulders.
The shirt hung down almost to his ankles.
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Другие формы слова:
- hang hung