: arrived at or brought to an end
One more question and we’re done.
: doomed to failure, defeat, or death
: gone by : over
The day of the circus big top is done.
: cooked sufficiently
Check to see if the meat is done.
: conformable to social convention
Example Sentences
Check to see if the meat is done.
Getting a divorce just wasn’t done at the time.
Word History
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of done was
in the 14th century
Dictionary Entries Near done
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“Done.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/done. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.
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Other forms: doner
Something that’s done is finished, through, or over — it’s no longer happening. If your final research paper is done, you’ve completed it.
You might announce at your high school graduation that you’re done with school, or listen to your sister practicing the drums and hope she’ll be done before bedtime. When food is described as done it means «ready to eat» or «thoroughly cooked.» Many Thanksgiving feasts have to wait until the turkey is done. If you’re «done for» in a video game, you’re just about to die — your fate is sealed.
Definitions of done
having finished or arrived at completion
“certain to make history before he’s
done”“it’s a
done deed”-
through, through with
ended or brought to an end
cooked until ready to serve
having been prepared for eating by the application of heat
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finished: all done for the day; cooked completely: Soup’s done.
Not to be confused with:
dun – a demand for payment
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
Past participle of do1.
1. Having been carried out or accomplished; finished: a done deed.
2. Cooked adequately.
3. Socially acceptable: Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society.
4. Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.
be done
To have finished something: Are you done with your homework yet? Are they done eating dinner?
done for Informal
Doomed to death or destruction.
done in
Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.
done′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. the past participle of do1
2. be done with have done with to end relations with
3. have done to be completely finished: have you done?.
4. that’s done it
a. an exclamation of frustration when something is ruined
b. an exclamation when something is completed
(Commerce) an expression of agreement, as on the settlement of a bargain between two parties
5. completed; finished
6. (Cookery) cooked enough: done to a turn.
7. used up: they had to surrender when the ammunition was done.
8. socially proper or acceptable: that isn’t done in higher circles.
9. informal cheated; tricked
10. done for informal
a. dead or almost dead
b. in serious difficulty
11. done in done up informal physically exhausted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
2. Nonstandard. a pt. of do1.
auxiliary verb.
3. Southern U.S. Nonstandard. (used often with a principal verb in the past tense to indicate completed action): I done told you.
a. finished; completed; accomplished: a done deal; Our work is done.
b. at a point of completion; through: When you are done, turn out the lights.
5. cooked sufficiently.
6. worn out, exhausted, or used up.
7. in keeping with acceptable behavior or practice: That sort of thing simply isn’t done.
1. done for,
a. dead or dying.
b. doomed to failure.
2. done in, very tired; exhausted.
usage: Usage guides occasionally object to done in the adjectival senses “finished” and “through,” but the meanings are standard. done was formerly used attributively (The argument between them was a done thing), but it is now more common as a complement.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | done — having finished or arrived at completion; «certain to make history before he’s done»; «it’s a done deed»; «after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up»; «almost through with his studies»
finished — ended or brought to an end; «are you finished?»; «gave me the finished manuscript» |
2. | done — cooked until ready to serve
cooked — having been prepared for eating by the application of heat |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. finished, completed, accomplished, over, through, ended, perfected, realized, concluded, executed, terminated, consummated, in the can (informal) By evening the work is done, and just in time.
2. cooked, ready, cooked enough, cooked to a turn, cooked sufficiently When the cake is done, remove it from the oven.
1. agreed, you’re on (informal), O.K. or okay (informal), it’s a bargain, it’s a deal ‘You lead and we’ll look for it.’ — ‘Done.’
done for finished (Informal) lost, beaten, defeated, destroyed, ruined, broken, dashed, wrecked, doomed, foiled, undone I thought we were all done for.
done in or up (Informal) exhausted, bushed (informal), all in (slang), worn out, dead (informal), knackered (slang), clapped out (Austral. & N.Z. informal), tired out, ready to drop, dog-tired (informal), zonked (slang), dead beat (informal), fagged out (informal), worn to a frazzle (informal), on your last legs, creamcrackered (Brit. slang) You must be really done in.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Having reached completion:
2. No longer effective, capable, or valuable:
3. Having no further relationship:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
المَقْبول إجْتِماعِيًّاتَمَّ، انْتَهىمَطْبوخمُكَمَّل
búinn, afstaîinn, fullgerîurtilbúinn; fullsteikturviîeigandi
bitirilmişdoğru olaniyi pişmişkabul görentamamlanmış
đã xong
A. PP of do 1
3. (in exclamations) done! (= agreed) → ¡trato hecho!
well done! → ¡muy bien!, ¡bravo!
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈdʌn] pp of do
to be over and done with → être fini(e) et bien fini(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
ptp of do2
(= finished) work → erledigt; (= cooked) vegetables → gar; meat → durch; cake → durchgebacken; to get something done (= finished) → etw fertig kriegen; is it done yet? → ist es schon erledigt?; done! (= agreed) → abgemacht!; a done deal (US) → eine abgekartete Sache
(Brit inf: = tired out) I’m done (in) → ich bin geschafft (inf) → or fertig
it’s not the done thing, that’s not done → das tut man nicht
(inf: = used up) the butter is (all) done → die Butter ist alle
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
(duː) – 3rd person singular present tense does (daz) : past tense did (did) : past participle done (dan) : negative short forms don’t (dount) doesn’t (ˈdaznt) , didn’t (ˈdidnt) – verb
1. used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements. Do you smoke?
2. used with a more important verb for emphasis; (I did buy a ticket but I must have lost it) ; (Do sit down) .
3. used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before. I thought she wouldn’t come, but she did.
4. used with a more important verb after seldom, ~rarely and little. Little did he know what was in store for him.
5. to carry out or perform. What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.
6. to manage to finish or complete. When you’ve done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.
7. to perform an activity concerning something. to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.
8. to be enough or suitable for a purpose. Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That’ll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?
9. to work at or study. She’s doing sums; He’s at university doing science.
10. to manage or prosper. How’s your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.
11. to put in order or arrange. She’s doing her hair.
12. to act or behave. Why don’t you do as we do?
13. to give or show. The whole town gathered to do him honour.
14. to cause. What damage did the storm do?; It won’t do him any harm.
15. to see everything and visit everything in. They tried to do London in four days.
noun – plural do’s –
an affair or a festivity, especially a party. The school is having a do for Christmas.
ˈdoer noun
a person who does something. an evildoer; a doer of good deeds.
ˈdoings noun plural
the things which a person does. He tells me about all your doings.
done (dan) adjective
1. finished or complete. That’s that job done at last.
2. (of food) completely cooked and ready to eat. I don’t think the meat is quite done yet.
3. socially accepted. the done thing.
ˌdo-it-yourˈself noun, adjective
(of) the art or practice of doing one’s own decorating, repairs etc (also DIY). I’ve just bought a book on do-it-yourself so I can try to tile the bathroom; a do-it-yourself job.
a fuss. a tremendous to-do about the missing papers.
I/he etc could be doing with / could do with
it would be better if I, he etc had or did (something). I could do with a cup of coffee.
do away with
to get rid of. They did away with uniforms at that school years ago.
do for
to kill or cause the end of. That attack of flu almost did for him.
done for
ruined, defeated or about to be killed etc. The police are coming – run for it or we’re done for!
done in
do out
to clean thoroughly. The room’s tidy – I did it out yesterday.
do out of
to prevent from getting, especially by using dishonest methods. My boss tried to do me out of a day’s holiday.
do’s and don’ts (dounts)
rules or advice for action. If you want to lose weight, I can give you a list of do’s and don’ts.
do without
to manage without and accept the lack of. We’ll just have to do without a phone; If you’re too lazy to fetch the ice-cream you can just do without; I can do without your opinion, if you don’t mind.
to do with
1. (with have) to have dealings with. I never had anything to do with the neighbours.
2. (with have) to be involved in, especially to be (partly) responsible for. Did you have anything to do with her death?
3. (with have) to be connected with. Has this decision anything to do with what I said yesterday?
4. (with be or have) to be about or concerned with. This letter is/has to do with Bill’s plans for the summer.
5. (with have) to be the concern of. I’m sorry, but that question has nothing to do with me; What has that (got) to do with him?
what are you etc doing with
1. why or how have you etc got. What are you doing with my umbrella?
2. what action are you etc taking about. What are they doing with the children during the day if they’re both working?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُكَمَّل hotový afsluttet erledigt τετελεσμένος hecho tehty fait učinjen fatto 終了した 끝난 gedaan ferdig sporządzony feito сделанный gjord เสร็จสิ้น yapılmış đã xong 完成了
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a., pp. de to do, hecho, terminado;
___ for → gastado-a, destruido-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
past participle of do1.
Nonstandard. a simple past tense of do1.
auxiliary verb
Nonstandard: South Midland and Southern U.S. (used with a principal verb in the past or, sometimes, present tense to indicate completed action): I done told you so. He done eat his lunch.
completed; finished; through: Our work is done.
cooked sufficiently.
worn out; exhausted; used up.
in conformity with fashion, good taste, or propriety; acceptable: It isn’t done.
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Which sentence is correct?
Idioms about done
- tired; exhausted.
- deprived of one’s means, position, etc.
- dead or close to death.
be / have done with, to break off relations or connections with; stop.
done for, Informal.
done in, Informal. very tired; exhausted: He was really done in after a close race.
usage note for done
4. In the adjectival sense “completed, finished, through,” done dates from the 14th century and is entirely standard: Is your portrait done yet?
half-done, adjective
Words nearby done
Donatus, Donau, Donbass, Doncaster, donder, done, donec, done deal, donee, done for, Donegal
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to done
complete, completed, concluded, consummated, depleted, drained, effected, ended, executed, exhausted, fixed, fulfilled, perfected, performed, realized, rendered, set, spent, succeeded, terminated
How to use done in a sentence
But the other thing that needs to be done is for us citizens to do.
Newspapers around Europe have also done so in solidarity with the slain.
Neither the Republican nor the Democratic party have done anything to consistently target Asian- American voters.
He made clear that he fully appreciated what the cops had done.
Because I was going more on about how things had already been done.
You need but will, and it is done; but if you relax your efforts, you will be ruined; for ruin and recovery are both from within.
Done, says he, why let fifty of our men advance, and flank them on each wing.
By the time I had done my toilette there was a tap at the door, and in another minute I was in the salle—manger.
And is this a mere fantastic talk, or is this a thing that could be done and that ought to be done?
If it took years to do it, you shall never stir out of this house till it is done.
British Dictionary definitions for done
the past participle of do 1
be done with or have done with to end relations with
have done to be completely finishedhave you done?
that’s done it
- an exclamation of frustration when something is ruined
- an exclamation when something is completed
an expression of agreement, as on the settlement of a bargain between two parties
completed; finished
cooked enoughdone to a turn
used upthey had to surrender when the ammunition was done
socially proper or acceptablethat isn’t done in higher circles
informal cheated; tricked
done for informal
- dead or almost dead
- in serious difficulty
done in or done up informal physically exhausted
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with done
In addition to the idioms beginning with done
- done deal
- done for
- done in
- done to a T
also see:
- easier said than done
- good as done
- have done (with)
- no sooner said (than done)
- not done
- over and done with
- seen one, seen them all (been there, done that)
- what’s done is done
- when all’s said and done
Also see underdo.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Defenition of the word done
- ISO 639-6 entity
- cooked until ready to serve
- having finished or arrived at completion; «certain to make history before he’s done»; «it’s a done deed»; «after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up»; «almost through with his studies»
- having finished or arrived at completion; «certain to make history before he»s done»; «it»s a done deed»; «after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up»; «almost through with his studies»
- having finished or arrived at completion
Synonyms for the word done
- complete
- completed
- ended
- finished
- made
- prepared
- ready
- through
- through with
Similar words in the done
- cooked
- done
- donetsk
- donetsk’s
- finished
See other words
- What is override
- The definition of make ineffective
- The interpretation of the word maintaining
- What is meant by be too intense
- The lexical meaning lows
- The dictionary meaning of the word lowness
- The grammatical meaning of the word lowliest
- Meaning of the word lowliness
- Literal and figurative meaning of the word lowlands
- The origin of the word finished
- Synonym for the word from beginning to end
- Antonyms for the word maintains
- Homonyms for the word from end to end
- Hyponyms for the word from first to last
- Holonyms for the word from side to side
- Hypernyms for the word in the course of
- Proverbs and sayings for the word all the way through
- Translation of the word in other languages in
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To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that it’s never done; it’s never perfect, and so it’s the process. It’s like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.
Kerry Bishe
Done is a verb and can also act as an adjective and an exclamation.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.
See the conjugation of the verb done in English.
Exclamation is an expression or voice that reflects an emotion or exaltation.
Definition of done in the English dictionary
The first definition of done in the dictionary is an expression of agreement, as on the settlement of a bargain between two parties. Other definition of done is completed; finished. Done is also cooked enough.
I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you do
they do
Present continuous
I am doing
you are doing
he/she/it is doing
we are doing
you are doing
they are doing
Present perfect
I have done
you have done
he/she/it has done
we have done
you have done
they have done
Present perfect continuous
I have been doing
you have been doing
he/she/it has been doing
we have been doing
you have been doing
they have been doing
Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.
I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did
Past continuous
I was doing
you were doing
he/she/it was doing
we were doing
you were doing
they were doing
Past perfect
I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you had done
they had done
Past perfect continuous
I had been doing
you had been doing
he/she/it had been doing
we had been doing
you had been doing
they had been doing
Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,
I will do
you will do
he/she/it will do
we will do
you will do
they will do
Future continuous
I will be doing
you will be doing
he/she/it will be doing
we will be doing
you will be doing
they will be doing
Future perfect
I will have done
you will have done
he/she/it will have done
we will have done
you will have done
they will have done
Future perfect continuous
I will have been doing
you will have been doing
he/she/it will have been doing
we will have been doing
you will have been doing
they will have been doing
The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.
I would done
you would done
he/she/it would done
we would done
you would done
they would done
Conditional continuous
I would be doing
you would be doing
he/she/it would be doing
we would be doing
you would be doing
they would be doing
Conditional perfect
I would have done
you would have done
he/she/it would have done
we would have done
you would have done
they would have done
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been doing
you would have been doing
he/she/it would have been doing
we would have been doing
you would have been doing
they would have been doing
Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.
you do
we let´s do
you do
The imperative is used to form commands or requests.
Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.
Synonyms and antonyms of done in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «done» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «done» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of done to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of done from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «done» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
đã xong
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of done
The term «done» is very widely used and occupies the 1.123 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «done» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of done
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «done».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «done» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «done» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about done
Famous quotes and sentences with the word done.
The coolest things in life are things that you have not done before. That’s the key to life: new things always.
I had always done theater during the entire six years I was with ‘CSI: Miami.’
The gaming experience on Windows Vista is going to go beyond any of the gaming consoles and anything that’s been done before.
As far as this citizen is concerned, the decision to commit men and women, who are also sons and daughters, to combat is an extraordinarily important one, and not to be done to just feel good; to be done to absolutely accomplish a mission.
The movies that I did in the ’80s were either good or bad, but I never was oppressed with any feeling — I mean, I thought it was ridiculous to play high school or college students when I was 30. But at the same time, that was really done then.
I’ve done two USO Tours, one in the Middle East and one in Asia, and spent time with the troops.
You know, every year ‘Torchwood’ has become something a little different than it was before. It’s still sci-fi, but it doesn’t just deal with spaceships and aliens all the time, because we’ve done that. Our science fiction is more psychological.
To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that it’s never done; it’s never perfect, and so it’s the process. It’s like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.
As far as I’m concerned, any work you get is because people have heard other work you’ve done.
There was a time we decided that it was songs that were done especially from my background because of the things we were dealing with, but nowadays, anybody who has a need, and can find the need, they can sing the blues.
Discover the use of done in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to done and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Getting Things Done: How to achieve stress-free productivity
In Getting Things Done David Allen teaches you how to keep a clear head, relax and organise your thoughts while implementing the methods that he has introduced at organisations like Microsoft, Lockheed and the US Department of Justice: …
All These Things I’ve Done
Sixteen year-old Anya’s parents have been murdered because her father was the head of a notorious underworld gang.
Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships
He began to see the difference between «GOTcha» (catching people doing things wrong) and «Whale Done!» (catching people doing things right). In Whale Done!
Kenneth Blanchard, Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins, 2003
The author’s secrets behind his time-management philosophy are revealed in a manual that explains how to jumpstart the day, maintain momentum, identify and eliminate time wasters, plan work realistically, increase productivity, and more.
The Damage Done: Twelve Years Of Hell In A Bangkok Prison
This is not his plea for forgiveness, nor his denial of guilt; it is the story of an ordeal that no one would wish on their worst enemy. It is an essential read: heartbreaking, fascinating and impossible to put down.
No More «I’m Done!»: Fostering Independent Writing in the …
No More «I’m Done!» demonstrates how to create a more productive, engaging, and rewarding writer’s workshop.
On the one hand, the novel’s condemnation of moderate reform helped to bring about the irrevocable break between radical intellectuals and liberal reformers; on the other, Chernyshevsky’s socialist vision polarized conservatives’ opposition …
Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, 1989
The Wind Done Gone: A Novel
In this daring and provocative literary parody which has captured the interest and imagination of a nation, Alice Randall explodes the world created in GONE WITH THE WIND, a work that more than any other has defined our image of the …
Getting the Right Things Done: A Leader’s Guide to Planning …
Organization leaders at all levels and the management teams who are responsible for strategy deployment will find this book especially insightful.
When the Killing’s Done
When the Killing’s Done is T.C. Boyle’s blistering new novel, a sweeping epic of family, ecology and the right to life — no matter what the fallout.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term done is used in the context of the following news items.
Have Bulls done enough to compete for championship?
Have Bulls done enough to compete for championship? Jabari Parker. Abel Uribe, Chicago Tribune. The return of a healthy Jabari Parker to … «Chicago Tribune, Jul 15»
Phillies done in by Kershaw’s 13 Ks in 5-0 loss to Dodgers
LOS ANGELES — Facing limited options, the Phillies turned to Adam Morgan as a starter. Having overcome injuries and surgery that cost him … «Washington Post, Jul 15»
Serena Williams ‘done with’ grunting issue
The grunting issue isn’t done with. It brought out the diva in Serena Williams after her quarter-final win over Victoria Azarenka. She was asked if … «Irish Times, Jul 15»
Top female academics say Sir Tim’s comments has done scientists a …
Two top female scientists praised by David Cameron for promoting women have said Sir Tim Hunt’s controversial comments have done the … «Telegraph.co.uk, Jul 15»
Chelsea Transfer News: Agent confirms Witsel move, defender done …
Chlesea target Axel Witsel is on his way to join AC Milan, his agent has revealed. The Premier League champions were keen on signing the … «Daily Star, Jul 15»
Transfer News: Man Utd done deal, Chelsea triple exit, Arsenal …
Keane said: «I’m really excited to be here and I’m looking forward to the new season and the challenge ahead.» Chelsea are set to loan out … «Daily Star, Jul 15»
Done Deal: Striker completes Man United move
The England youth striker spent time on loan in the season tier at Sheffield Wednesday last season and has also turned out for QPR and Wigan … «Daily Star, Jul 15»
THE LID: The Donald’s Not Done
Welcome to The Lid, your afternoon dose of the 2016 ethos… GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker announced that he’ll be going on a … «NBCNews.com, Jul 15»
Q&A: What can be done to stop pear rust?
Rust on pear trees has become a big problem locally in recent years. This tree suffers from trellis rust. (Mary Flewelling Morris). Unfortunately … «The Seattle Times, Jul 15»
Krauthammer Responds To Trump: «He’s Repeating Himself,» «I’m …
I’m done. The man’s specialty to suck oxygen, I’m going to be breathing fresh air,» Krauthammer responded. «And I do want to make an appeal … «RealClearPolitics, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Done [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/done>. Apr 2023 ».
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Crossword clues for done
- Crossword solver’s cry
- All wrapped up
- Fit for serving
- Crossed off, as a chore
- Cooked enough
- As good as ___
- «You’ve got yourself a deal!»
- «That’s that!»
- Successful crossword solver’s cry
- Ready to take out of the oven
- Ready to come off the grill
- Over and ___ with (completely finished)
- Over and __ with (completed)
- Not rare
- Jet «Look What You’ve ___»
- Having a clean plate
- Cooked and ready to serve
- [mic drop]
- «Easier said than ___»
- »Been there, ___ that»
- Word to seal a bargain
- Wiped out, with «in»
- What a «R-r-r-ring!» in the kitchen signifies
- What «It’s All Been,» to BNL
- Well-___ (not rare or medium)
- The Killers «All These Things That I’ve ___»
- Tal Bachman «And after all is said and ___»
- Ready to dish out
- Ready to be taken out of the oven
- Ready for the table
- Ready for the plate
- Puts pencil down
- Pet Shop Boys «What Have I ___ to Deserve This?»
- Over it
- Over and — with
- Out of the oven, maybe
- Out of the oven
- Onto the next thing
- Now completed
- No sooner said than ___
- No longer in the oven
- Like a fait accompli
- Jimmy Eat World «We’ve ___ nothing wrong!»
- Hands-wiping exclamation
- Half-baked twice?
- Get Up Kids «What’s said is ___ and plain to see»
- Easier said than ___
- Doomed (with «for»)
- Deal closer’s word
- Cooked all the way
- Checked off a checklist
- Bargain-sealing word
- Barenaked Ladies: «It’s All Been ___»
- Barenaked Ladies «It’s All Been ___»
- ACPT pronouncement
- AC/DC «Dirty Deeds ___ Dirt Cheap»
- «Whew, we’re through»
- «When all is said and __, . . .»
- «What’s ___ cannot be . . . »
- «Thy will be ___»
- «No harm ___»
- «May I take your plate?»
- «Look what you’ve ___!»
- «It’s a wrap!»
- «Consider it ___!»
- «Are we ___?» («Is that all?»)
- «After all is said and ___ . . . »
- «A woman’s work is never ___»
- . . 39
- ___ to death (rehashed endlessly)
- ___ for (doomed)
- Cooked through
- Fully cooked
- Spent
- Contest winner’s cry, perhaps
- Ready to eat
- Finito
- Ready to come out of the oven
- «It’s a deal!»
- Ready to come off the stove
- «It just isn’t ___»
- Ready to serve, say
- Completed
- Exhausted, with «in»
- Through
- Wrapped up
- On the back burner, perhaps
- Accomplished
- Successful solver’s cry
- Out of the oven, say
- …
- Over with
- Ready to be removed from the oven
- Ready to come out of the 109-Down
- Blackmore heroine
- Ready, in the kitchen
- «I finished»
- Finished 4)
- Sufficiently cooked
- ___ deal
- Cry made while wiping the hands
- Washed up, careerwise
- Puzzle solver’s happy shout
- All over
- All washed up
- Unable to continue
- Adequately cooked
- . . . 39
- Cooked sufficiently
- ___ to a turn
- Cooked to perfection
- Completely cooked
- Cooked to a turn
- Cry that might be appropriate at this point in the puzzle
- Anagram for node
- Consummated
- ___ for (washed up)
- Cooked; carried out
- Cooked thoroughly
- Cooked in London eatery
- Over 501
- Accomplished poet, we’re told
- Agreed it’s over
- Thoroughly cooked
- Tuckered out
- «That’s it!»
- All in
- Fit to serve
- «You got it!»
- All finished
- «And there you have it!»
- Ready to be served
- «Let’s Make a Deal» choice
- Type of deal
- «All finished!»
- All through
- One and ___
- Chef’s cry
- «That’s a wrap!»
- «Been there, ___ that»
- «I’m finished!»
- Not half-baked?
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a done dealinformal (= something that has been completely agreed)
▪ The takeover has been described as a done deal.
as good as done/finished etc
▪ The summer’s as good as over.
done an honest day’s work
▪ I bet he’s never done an honest day’s work in his life!
▪ I know I haven’t done enough revision for tomorrow’s exam.
have your hair cut/done/permed (also get your hair cut etc) (= by a hairdresser)
▪ I need to get my hair cut.
no harm donespoken (= used to tell someone not to worry about something they have done)
▪ ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you.’ ‘Don’t worry, no harm done.’
over (and done) with (=used about something unpleasant)
▪ I’m so glad the mid-term exams are over and done with.
▪ You’d better give them the bad news. Do it now – get it over with.
the groundwork has…been done
▪ Much of the groundwork has already been done.
the spadework…done
▪ Most of the spadework had been done by 1981.
be/feel hard done by
▪ Having played in the previous winning Eisenhower Trophy team with distinction I think he can feel hard done by.
▪ The idea of a passenger going without pudding and then leaving the aircraft feeling hard done by troubles them.
▪ Thomas felt hard done by, contested the will and lost.
▪ To any readers who feel hard done by or annoyed please accept my sincere apologies.
▪ You’ve every right to feel hard done by, so don’t start thinking that you’re being selfish.
been there, seen that, done that
consider it done
done to a turn
▪ Then the interviewer asked what needed to be done to turn things around.
easier said than done
had sb done sth
▪ Had we known they were going to build a road right there, we would never have bought the house.
have done with sth
▪ I wonder what Grandmother would have done with such a husband?
▪ If they had, what would they have done with the bird’s skull?
▪ She felt for Karen, but she had no idea what she would have done with her on the roster next year.
▪ This was something they could not have done with any other embassy.
▪ What Leapor would have done with the money can be surmised.
▪ What would they have done with all the money we drop every night at Convito Italiano?
▪ Why don’t we just call it New Mancunian Express and have done with it?
▪ Why don’t we just give Napoleon the keys to Berlin and have done with it?
have gone and done sth
▪ Kay’s gone and lost the car keys!
have sth ready/done/finished etc
job done
justice has been done/served
▪ He can continue to appeal, or go to some other level, until he feels justice has been done.
▪ He has successfully persuaded the crowd that justice has been done.
▪ Mr Townsend says he feels justice has been done.
▪ Mrs Alliss’ solicitor says justice has been done.
look what you’ve done!
▪ Now look what you’ve done! You’ll have to clean it up.
no sooner said than done
the damage is done
▪ Ed apologized a week later, but the damage was already done.
▪ Crew scurries to cover the lanes and approaches, but the damage is done.
▪ For the most part, the damage is done by soluble aluminium released from soil by acid water.
▪ It is when guilt lingers into adulthood that the damage is done.
▪ The concert is still reverberating in our ears and the damage is done.
▪ The symptoms are often obvious, identifiable, and even treatable before the damage is done.
▪ Well, the damage is done now.
the done thing
▪ For the great majority, the industrial co-operative is just not the done thing.
▪ I suppose it was not the done thing for a book of Rambles.
▪ It being, of course, not the done thing to drop your trousers in public.
well done!/well played!
what has sb done with sth?
▪ So what has Renault done with the latest version of its supermini?
when all’s said and done
▪ I think the hamburgers are done.
▪ The job’s almost done.
▪ Well, I’m done. I’m going home.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Doni Do»ni, n. [Tamil t?n[=i].] (Naut.)
A clumsy craft, having one mast with a long sail, used for
trading purposes on the coasts of Coromandel and Ceylon.
[Written also dhony, doney, and done.]
do do (d[=oo]), v. t. or auxiliary. [imp. did (d[i^]d); p.
p. done (d[u^]n); p. pr. & vb. n. Doing (d[=oo]»[i^]ng).
This verb, when transitive, is formed in the indicative,
present tense, thus: I do, thou doest (d[=oo]»[e^]st) or dost
(d[u^]st), he does (d[u^]z), doeth (d[=oo]»[e^]th), or doth
(d[u^]th); when auxiliary, the second person is, thou dost.
As an independent verb, dost is obsolete or rare, except in
poetry. «What dost thou in this world?» —Milton. The form
doeth is a verb unlimited, doth, formerly so used, now being
the auxiliary form. The second pers, sing., imperfect tense,
is didst (d[i^]dst), formerly didest (d[i^]d»[e^]st).] [AS.
d[=o]n; akin to D. doen, OS. duan, OHG. tuon, G. thun, Lith.
deti, OSlav. d[=e]ti, OIr. d[‘e]nim I do, Gr. tiqe`nai to
put, Skr. dh[=a], and to E. suffix -dom, and prob. to L.
facere to do, E. fact, and perh. to L. -dere in some
compounds, as addere to add, credere to trust. [root]65. Cf.
Deed, Deem, Doom, Fact, Creed, Theme.]
To place; to put. [Obs.]
—Tale of a Usurer (about 1330). -
To cause; to make; — with an infinitive. [Obs.]
My lord Abbot of Westminster did do shewe to me late
certain evidences.
—W. Caxton.I shall . . . your cloister do make.
Plowman.A fatal plague which many did to die.
—Spenser.We do you to wit [i. e., We make you to know] of the
grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia.
—2 Cor. viii.
1.Note: We have lost the idiom shown by the citations (do used
like the French faire or laisser), in which the verb in
the infinitive apparently, but not really, has a
passive signification, i. e., cause . . . to be made. -
To bring about; to produce, as an effect or result; to
effect; to achieve.The neglecting it may do much danger.
—Shak.He waved indifferently ‘twixt doing them neither
good not harm.
—Shak. -
To perform, as an action; to execute; to transact to carry
out in action; as, to do a good or a bad act; do our duty;
to do what I can.Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work.
xx. 9.We did not do these things.
—Ld. Lytton.You can not do wrong without suffering wrong.
Hence: To do homage, honor, favor, justice, etc., to
render homage, honor, etc. -
To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to
finish; to accomplish; — a sense conveyed by the
construction, which is that of the past participle done.
«Ere summer half be done.» «I have done weeping.»
—Shak. -
To make ready for an object, purpose, or use, as food by
cooking; to cook completely or sufficiently; as, the meat
is done on one side only. -
To put or bring into a form, state, or condition,
especially in the phrases, to do death, to put to death;
to slay; to do away (often do away with), to put away; to
remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do off, to take
off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form
of; to translate or transform into, as a text.Done to death by slanderous tongues. — Shak.
The ground of the difficulty is done away. — Paley.
Suspicions regarding his loyalty were entirely done
—Thackeray.To do on our own harness, that we may not; but we
must do on the armor of God. — Latimer.Then Jason rose and did on him a fair
Blue woolen tunic. — W. Morris
(Jason).Though the former legal pollution be now done off,
yet there is a spiritual contagion in idolatry as
much to be shunned.
—Milton.It [«Pilgrim’s Progress»] has been done into
verse: it has been done into modern English. —
Macaulay. -
To cheat; to gull; to overreach. [Colloq.]
He was not be done, at his time of life, by
frivolous offers of a compromise that might have
secured him seventy-five per cent. — De Quincey. -
To see or inspect; to explore; as, to do all the points of
interest. [Colloq.] -
(Stock Exchange) To cash or to advance money for, as a
bill or note. -
To perform work upon, about, for, or at, by way of caring
for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in
order, or the like.The sergeants seem to do themselves pretty well.
Mag. -
To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to
ruin; to do for. [Colloq. or Slang]Sometimes they lie in wait in these dark streets,
and fracture his skull, . . . or break his arm, or
cut the sinew of his wrist; and that they call
doing him.
(a) Do and did are much employed as auxiliaries, the verb
to which they are joined being an infinitive. As an
auxiliary the verb do has no participle. «I do set
my bow in the cloud.»
—Gen. ix. -
[Now archaic or
rare except for emphatic assertion.]Rarely . . . did the wrongs of individuals to
the knowledge of the public. — Macaulay.
(b) They are often used in emphatic construction. «You
don’t say so, Mr. Jobson. — but I do say so.» —Sir
W. Scott. «I did love him, but scorn him now.»
(c) In negative and interrogative constructions, do and
did are in common use. I do not wish to see them;
what do you think? Did C[ae]sar cross the Tiber? He
did not. «Do you love me?» —Shak.
(d) Do, as an auxiliary, is supposed to have been first
used before imperatives. It expresses entreaty or
earnest request; as, do help me. In the imperative
mood, but not in the indicative, it may be used with
the verb to be; as, do be quiet. Do, did, and done
often stand as a general substitute or representative
verb, and thus save the repetition of the principal
verb. «To live and die is all we have to do.»
—Denham. In the case of do and did as auxiliaries,
the sense may be completed by the infinitive (without
to) of the verb represented. «When beauty lived and
died as flowers do now.» —Shak. «I . . . chose my
wife as she did her wedding gown.» —Goldsmith.My brightest hopes giving dark fears a being.
As the light does the shadow. — Longfellow.
In unemphatic affirmative sentences do is, for the
most part, archaic or poetical; as, «This just
reproach their virtue does excite.» —Dryden.To do one’s best, To do one’s diligence (and the like),
to exert one’s self; to put forth one’s best or most or
most diligent efforts. «We will . . . do our best to gain
their assent.» —Jowett (Thucyd.).To do one’s business, to ruin one. [Colloq.] —Wycherley.
To do one shame, to cause one shame. [Obs.]
To do over.
To make over; to perform a second time.
To cover; to spread; to smear. «Boats . . . sewed
together and done over with a kind of slimy stuff
like rosin.» —De Foe.To do to death, to put to death. (See 7.) [Obs.]
To do up.
To put up; to raise. [Obs.]
—Chaucer. -
To pack together and envelop; to pack up.
To accomplish thoroughly. [Colloq.]
To starch and iron. «A rich gown of velvet, and a
ruff done up with the famous yellow starch.»
—Hawthorne.To do way, to put away; to lay aside. [Obs.]
—Chaucer.To do with, to dispose of; to make use of; to employ; —
usually preceded by what. «Men are many times brought to
that extremity, that were it not for God they would not
know what to do with themselves.»
—Tillotson.To have to do with, to have concern, business or
intercourse with; to deal with. When preceded by what, the
notion is usually implied that the affair does not concern
the person denoted by the subject of have. «Philology has
to do with language in its fullest sense.»
«What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah?
—2 Sam.
xvi. 10.
Douglas Harper’s Etymology Dictionary
past participle of do (v.); from Old English past participle gedon (a vestige of the prefix is in ado). U.S. Southern use of done in phrases like «he done gone to the store» is attested from 1827, according to OED: «a perfective auxiliary or with adverbial force in the sense ‘already; completely.’ » Meaning «finished» is early 15c. Slang done for «doomed» is from 1842.
1 (context of food English) ready, fully cooked. 2 In a state of having completed or finished an activity. 3 Being exhausted or fully spent. 4 Without hope or prospect of completion or success. 5 fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful. v
1 (past participle of do English) 2 (context African American Vernacular English Southern American English auxiliary verb taking a past tense English) Used in forming the perfective aspect.
n. an uproarious party [syn: bash, brawl]
the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization [syn: doh, ut]
doctor’s degree in osteopathy [syn: Doctor of Osteopathy]
[also: done, did]
adj. having finished or arrived at completion; «certain to make history before he’s done»; «it’s a done deed»; «after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up»; «almost through with his studies» [syn: through, through with(p)]
cooked until ready to serve
v. engage in; «make love, not war»; «make an effort»; «do research»; «do nothing»; «make revolution» [syn: make]
carry out or perform an action; «John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters»; «the skater executed a triple pirouette»; «she did a little dance» [syn: perform, execute]
get (something) done; «I did my job» [syn: perform]
proceed or get along; «How is she doing in her new job?»; «How are you making out in graduate school?»; «He’s come a long way» [syn: fare, make out, come, get along]
give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; «cause a commotion»; «make a stir»; «cause an accident» [syn: cause, make]
carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions; «practice law» [syn: practice, practise, exercise]
be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity; «A few words would answer»; «This car suits my purpose well»; «Will $100 do?»; «A ‘B’ grade doesn’t suffice to get me into medical school»; «Nothing else will serve» [syn: suffice, answer, serve]
create or design, often in a certain way; «Do my room in blue»; «I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest» [syn: make] [ant: unmake]
behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; «You should act like an adult»; «Don’t behave like a fool»; «What makes her do this way?»; «The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people» [syn: act, behave]
spend time in prison or in a labor camp; «He did six years for embezzlement» [syn: serve]
carry on or manage; «We could do with a little more help around here» [syn: manage]
arrange attractively; «dress my hair for the wedding» [syn: dress, arrange, set, coif, coiffe, coiffure]
travel or traverse (a distance); «This car does 150 miles per hour»; «We did 6 miles on our hike every day»
[also: done, did]
Done (18th Dye album)
Done is the debut album by 18th Dye, originally released in 1994.
The Data-based Online Nonlinear Extremumseeker (DONE) algorithm is a black-box optimization algorithm. DONE models the unknown cost function and attempts to find an optimum of the underlying function. The DONE algorithm is suitable for optimizing costly and noisy functions and does not require derivatives. An advantage of DONE over similar algorithms, such as Bayesian Optimization, is that the computational cost per iteration is independent of the number of function evaluations.
Done (song)
«Done» (stylized as «DONE.«) is a song recorded by American country music group The Band Perry. It was released in March 2013 as the second single from their second album, Pioneer. Neil and Reid Perry co-wrote the song with John Davidson and Jacob Bryant. As of August 28, 2013, the first week in which the song was no longer ranked among the top 30 selling country digital singles, the single has sold 782,000 in the United States.
Done (village)
Done is a village in India. It is situated in Mawal taluka of Pune District in the state of Maharashtra.
Usage examples of «done».
He inserted his fingers as he imagined Ben had done and discovered that her hard teeth could also hurt him.
The only roads were foot trails, since most transportation, even by the poorer farmers, was done by air.
There are some things in this world that should be done at the proper time and place, in privacy.
The man who tells me his duty was done with Ferrill’s deposition does not sound like the Harlan I knew ten months ago.
And, since Monsorlit has conveniently done away with the one weak spot, the one detectable, unmistakable weakness in a total restoration, what do you have to fear?
Jokan continued to advise what had been done, Maxil and Harlan both questioning and advising further steps.
You see, we have a radar network that would spot you miles up and while I don’t know what the Mil may have done to the internal politics of Earth, you’re sure to meet a barrage of nuclear missiles.
But, as you gentlemen are aware, the shock treatments we have used have brought the patients back to as normal a pursuit of life as possible, considering the irreparable damage done by the cerol in some cases.
Ramasan murmured, «there’ll be so much to be done — and I simply don’t know enough Hrruban — » but he dashed off before Hu Shih or Ken could reassure him.
Ken tried to mask the revulsion he felt during the process, particularly since the business was done under Todd’s fascinated eyes.
We’ve done everything they said not to do and not done practically everything they said to do.
As they grew to an age when their parents would permit it, they came to lead the Hunt and had done so now for ten years.
The breeding of horses, rescuing the beloved animal from near extinction by careful genetic husbandry, was done on nearly every ranch on the planet, both Human and Hrruban.
Not to be able to communicate with Hrriss, as he had done every day since he was six years old, made him feel empty and lost.
The tasks which I have set you over the years have been done twice as quickly by two sets of hands instead of one.
- Dictionary
- D
- Done
- US Pronunciation
- UK Pronunciation
- [duhn]
- /dʌn/
- /dʌn/
- US Pronunciation
- [duhn]
- /dʌn/
Definitions of done word
- verb done past participle of do1 . 1
- verb done Nonstandard. a simple past tense of do1 . 1
- adjective done completed; finished; through: Our work is done. 1
- adjective done cooked sufficiently. 1
- adjective done worn out; exhausted; used up. 1
- adjective done in conformity with fashion, good taste, or propriety; acceptable: It isn’t done. 1
Information block about the term
Origin of done
First appearance:
before 900
One of the 4% oldest English words
before 900; Middle English, Old English dōn; cognate with Dutch doen, German tun; akin to Latin -dere to put, facere to make, do, Greek tithénai to set, put, Sanskrit dadhāti (he) puts
Historical Comparancy
Parts of speech for Done
done popularity
A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 97% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.
Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».
Synonyms for done
adj done
- down — from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
- set — to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table.
- wrought — Archaic except in some senses. a simple past tense and past participle of work.
- drained — to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
- perfected — conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type: a perfect sphere; a perfect gentleman.
preposition done
- up — to, toward, or in a more elevated position: to climb up to the top of a ladder.
adjective done
- finished — ended or completed.
- prepared — properly expectant, organized, or equipped; ready: prepared for a hurricane.
- made — simple past tense and past participle of make1 .
- compassed — Simple past tense and past participle of compass.
- depleted — reduced or exhausted
Antonyms for done
adj done
- lively — eventful, stirring, or exciting: The opposition gave us a lively time.
- indefinite — not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number.
- incomplete — not complete; lacking some part.
- unfinished — not finished; incomplete or unaccomplished.
- perfect — conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type: a perfect sphere; a perfect gentleman.
See also
- All definitions of done
- Synonyms for done
- Antonyms for done
- Related words to done
- Sentences with the word done
- Words that rhyme with done
- done pronunciation
- The adjective of done
- The verb form of done
Matching words
- Words starting with d
- Words starting with do
- Words starting with don
- Words starting with done
- Words ending with e
- Words ending with ne
- Words ending with one
- Words ending with done
- Words containing the letters d
- Words containing the letters d,o
- Words containing the letters d,o,n
- Words containing the letters d,o,n,e
- Words containing d
- Words containing do
- Words containing don
- Words containing done
Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.0 / 1 vote
done, through, through with(p)adjective
having finished or arrived at completion
«certain to make history before he’s done»; «it’s a done deed»; «after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up»; «almost through with his studies»
cooked until ready to serve
WiktionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Used in forming the perfective aspect.
I done did my best to raise y’all.
Ready, fully cooked.
As soon as the potatoes are done we can sit down and eat.
In a state of having completed or finished an activity.
Being exhausted or fully spent.
When the water is done we will only be able to go on for a few days.
Without hope or prospect of completion or success.
He is done, after three falls there is no chance he will be able to finish.
Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful.
Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Donea kind of interjection.
The word by which a wager is concluded; when a wager is offered, he that accepts it says done.
Done: the wager?
William Shakespeare, Tempest.One thing, sweet-heart, I will ask;
Take me for a new-fashion’d mask.
—— Done: but my bargain shall be this,
I’ll throw my mask off when I kiss.
John Cleveland.’Twas done and done, and the fox, by consent, was to be the judge.
Roger L’Estrange, Fab. 133. -
Donepart. pass. of the verb.
To do.
Another like fair tree eke grew thereby,
Whereof who so did eat, eftsoons did know
Both good and evil: O mournful memory!
That tree, through one man’s fault, hath done us all to dye.
Fairy Queen, b. i. cant.
11. stanz. 47.
WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
The Data-based Online Nonlinear Extremumseeker (DONE) algorithm is a black-box optimization algorithm.
DONE models the unknown cost function and attempts to find an optimum of the underlying function.
The DONE algorithm is suitable for optimizing costly and noisy functions and does not require derivatives.
An advantage of DONE over similar algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, is that the computational cost per iteration is independent of the number of function evaluations.
Webster DictionaryRate this definition:5.0 / 2 votes
of Do
p. p. from Do, and formerly the infinitive
performed; executed; finished
it is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; — used elliptically
given; executed; issued; made public; — used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act
Etymology: [Prob. corrupted from OF. don, F. donn, p. p. of OF. doner, F. donner, to give, issue, fr. L. donare to give. See Donate, and cf. Donee.]
FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Done is the debut album by 18th Dye, originally released in 1994.
Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
dun, pa.p. of Do, often with sense of utterly exhausted: so Done up, Done out.
Rap DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Commonly said in the South in place of the verb «have». «Now all y’all done heard of me.»— C-Murder (Y’all Heard of Me ft. BG)
Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Done is ranked #24554 in terms of the most common surnames in America.
The Done surname appeared 1,018 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Done.
60.7% or 618 total occurrences were White.
28% or 286 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
6.2% or 64 total occurrences were Black.
3.2% or 33 total occurrences were Asian.
British National Corpus
Spoken Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘done’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #306
Written Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘done’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #150
How to pronounce done?
How to say done in sign language?
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of done in Chaldean Numerology is: 3
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of done in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2
Examples of done in a Sentence
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:
There are at least five senators in self-quarantine. we need to signal to the public that were ready to get this job done.
Jim Jefferies:
This is just cancel culture, the guy shouldnt have been fired, its just a couple of things back in his history. Are we going to go through everyones history, or are we going to get rid of every sketch that Saturday Night Live has done that involved race ? WALLS OF JERICHO DRUMMER ARRESTED WITH OVER 630 POUNDS OF MARIJUANA While many comedians feel that cancel culture is unfair and unjust, there are some that feel its necessary and will help the art form grow. Caley Chase, daughter of legendary comic Chevy Chase and a standup comedian herself, spoke with The Los Angeles Times about how far comedians can go. There are some bad people out there, and there are some really [ bad ] things to say, she said. Theres a line. Did you hurt someone ? Thats the line. Another.
Mark Routt:
Our estimates are that at $45-$50 WTI some of the light tight oil goes into production, when you have the front of the market lift, as it has done, it makes it that much easier to justify coming back on.
Ira Adler:
She has done really well on the debate stage. She is strong and tough, i think she could stand up to Trump.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier:
As one sees the cross on the summit, the final meters are the most difficult but also the decisive ones. That’s what has to be done here in the coming hours and days.
Popularity rank by frequency of use
Translations for done
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- فعلهArabic
- сготвен, изтощен, извършен, направенBulgarian
- HotovoCzech
- FærdigDanish
- fertig, garGerman
- τελειωμένοGreek
- faritaEsperanto
- listo, terminado, acabadoSpanish
- انجام شدهPersian
- valmisFinnish
- fait, terminé, mort, prêtFrench
- déantaIrish
- dèanta, ullamhScottish Gaelic
- rematada, feita, rematado, feito, acabado, acabadaGalician
- किया हुआHindi
- KészHungarian
- կատարածArmenian
- matangIndonesian
- fattoItalian
- בוצעHebrew
- 終わる, 済むJapanese
- ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆKannada
- 완료Korean
- factumLatin
- gatavsLatvian
- klaar, gaar, opDutch
- ferdigNorwegian
- gotowyPolish
- feitoPortuguese
- TerminatRomanian
- готовыйRussian
- klar, ute, slut, färdigSwedish
- முடிந்ததுTamil
- పూర్తిTelugu
- เสร็จแล้วThai
- tamamlamakTurkish
- зробленоUkrainian
- ہو گیاUrdu
- làm xongVietnamese
- spoujheye, comifåt, cût, fotou, fineye, convnåbe, fini, spoujhî, cûte, fotowe, presseWalloon
- געטאןYiddish
- DONEChinese
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