Definition of the word consisted


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intr.v. con·sist·ed, con·sist·ing, con·sists

1. To be made up or composed: New York City consists of five boroughs. See Usage Note at include.

2. To have a basis; reside or lie: The beauty of the artist’s style consists in its simplicity.

3. To be compatible; accord: The information consists with her account.

[Latin cōnsistere, to stand still, to be composed of : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + sistere, to cause to stand; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (intr)

1. (foll by of) to be composed (of); be formed (of): syrup consists of sugar and water.

2. (foll by: in or of) to have its existence (in); lie (in); be expressed (by): his religion consists only in going to church.

3. to be compatible or consistent; accord

[C16: from Latin consistere to halt, stand firm, from sistere to stand, cause to stand; related to stāre to stand]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to be made up or composed (usu. fol. by of): This cake consists mainly of sugar, flour, and butter.

2. to be comprised or contained (usu. fol. by in): The charm of Paris does not consist only in its beauty.

3. to be compatible, consistent, or harmonious (usu. fol. by with).

4. Archaic. to exist together.

[1520–30; < Latin consistere to stand together, stand firm =con- con- + sistere to cause to stand, reduplicative v. akin to stāre to stand]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: consisted
Gerund: consisting

I consist
you consist
he/she/it consists
we consist
you consist
they consist
I consisted
you consisted
he/she/it consisted
we consisted
you consisted
they consisted
Present Continuous
I am consisting
you are consisting
he/she/it is consisting
we are consisting
you are consisting
they are consisting
Present Perfect
I have consisted
you have consisted
he/she/it has consisted
we have consisted
you have consisted
they have consisted
Past Continuous
I was consisting
you were consisting
he/she/it was consisting
we were consisting
you were consisting
they were consisting
Past Perfect
I had consisted
you had consisted
he/she/it had consisted
we had consisted
you had consisted
they had consisted
I will consist
you will consist
he/she/it will consist
we will consist
you will consist
they will consist
Future Perfect
I will have consisted
you will have consisted
he/she/it will have consisted
we will have consisted
you will have consisted
they will have consisted
Future Continuous
I will be consisting
you will be consisting
he/she/it will be consisting
we will be consisting
you will be consisting
they will be consisting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been consisting
you have been consisting
he/she/it has been consisting
we have been consisting
you have been consisting
they have been consisting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been consisting
you will have been consisting
he/she/it will have been consisting
we will have been consisting
you will have been consisting
they will have been consisting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been consisting
you had been consisting
he/she/it had been consisting
we had been consisting
you had been consisting
they had been consisting
I would consist
you would consist
he/she/it would consist
we would consist
you would consist
they would consist
Past Conditional
I would have consisted
you would have consisted
he/she/it would have consisted
we would have consisted
you would have consisted
they would have consisted

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. consist — originate (in); «The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country»

lie in, dwell, lie

exist, be — have an existence, be extant; «Is there a God?»

2. consist — have its essential character; be comprised or contained in; be embodied in; «The payment consists in food»; «What does love consist in?»

be — have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); «John is rich»; «This is not a good answer»

3. consist — be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; «Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end»

correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check — be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; «The two stories don’t agree in many details»; «The handwriting checks with the signature on the check»; «The suspect’s fingerprints don’t match those on the gun»

4. consist — be composed of; «The land he conquered comprised several provinces»; «What does this dish consist of?»


be — have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); «John is rich»; «This is not a good answer»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



consist in something lie in, involve, reside in, be expressed by, subsist, be found or contained in His work as a consultant consists in advising foreign companies.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To have an inherent basis:

2. To be compatible or in correspondence:

accord, agree, check, chime, comport with, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally.

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


يَتَكَوَّن مِن

skládatskládat sesouprava

bestå af


samanstandasamanstanda af



biti sestavljen


…-den oluşmak

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= have as its essence) to consist in somethingin etw (dat)bestehen; his happiness consists in helping otherssein Glück besteht darin, anderen zu helfen

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kənˈsist) verb

(with of) to be composed or made up. The house consists of six rooms.

conˈsistency noun

the degree of thickness or firmness. of the consistency of dough.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


vt. consistir; estar formado de; constar de.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


that account consists with the information in the other reports

Recent Examples on the Web

Bertillon’s mug shot consisted of two photographs—one facing the camera, the other in profile—attached to a written description of physical features and certain measurements, such as the size of someone’s ear or foot.

Ellen Wexler, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Apr. 2023

However, the final panel lineup ended up consisting of Josh Lucas, Dawn Olivieri, Wendy Moniz and Mo Brings Plenty.

Stephanie Wenger, Peoplemag, 3 Apr. 2023

The layoffs will cost the company about $15 million, consisting of $8.8 million in severance payments and other employee benefits, plus about $6.5 million in costs related to finding outplacement services and other requirements of the Warn Act, a U.S. law covering mass layoffs.

Aaron Gregg, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

In the 1800s, an invention called the planimeter consisted of a little wheel, a shaft, and a linkage.

Charles Platt, WIRED, 30 Mar. 2023

The second season will arrive in 2024 and consist of another round of 10 episodes.

Lesley Goldberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 29 Mar. 2023

White flour, in contrast, is stripped down and consists primarily of starch (long strings of glucose molecules).

Bryant Stamford, The Courier-Journal, 23 Mar. 2023

Its $74 billion credit portfolio was highly concentrated, consisting primarily of loans to tech startups, as well as their founders and managers.

Shawn Tully, Fortune, 15 Mar. 2023

The first several years of my working life passed in a haze of fluorescent office light and breakfasts consumed any time between 4 and 10 am consisting entirely of caffeine pills, Pepsi Max and coffee.

Holly Thomas, CNN, 2 Mar. 2023

The most basic consist of mounded earth.

Thomas Page, CNN, 18 July 2022

Most of the unscheduled feedings (i.e. snacks and desserts) that Kenyan runners partake of consist of fresh fruit.

Matt Fitzgerald, Outside Online, 27 July 2015

Classified as Ourasphaira giraldae, the ancient microfungi consist of branching filaments attached to bulbous structures.

Gemma Tarlach, Discover Magazine, 22 May 2019

The typical types of output today from generative AI consist of output that is purely text or that is pure art.

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But that ignores how much of the content on other platforms like Instagram and TikTok consist of Twitter screenshots!

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These pillows consist of an organic cotton cover filled with buckwheat hulls that can be removed or added to adjust the height and level.

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By 2030, Porsche hopes to have more than 80 percent of its sales consist of EVs.

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See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘consist.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Предложения со словом «consisted»

My environment consisted of living with family, friends, and homeless shelters.

Моё окружение состояло из членов семьи, друзей и жителей ночлежек.

This little bump was unique and indicated that we were seeing an unexpectedly large number of collisions whose debris consisted of only two photons, two particles of light.

Она была уникальной и указывала на то, что мы наблюдали неожиданно большое число столкновений, осколки которых состояли лишь из двух фотонов — двух частиц света.

The van consisted of young horsemen from the Five Families.

Авангард состоял из молодых кавалеристов, принадлежащих Пяти Домам.

His breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs and fried chicken.

Его завтрак состоял из яичницы — болтуньи и жареной курицы.

The next block consisted of tall, narrow tenement buildings.

Следующий квартал был застроен высокими и узкими многоквартирными домами.

Later the family would gather for Easter lunch or dinner, which in England traditionally consisted of roast spring lamb with mint sauce, potatoes and green peas.

Потом семья будет собираться на Пасхальный обед или ужин, который в Англии традиционно состоял из жареного весна ягненка с мятным соусом, картофеля и зеленого горошка.

He found there a well-trained company, which consisted mainly of the employees of the Imperial household.

Он нашел там хорошо обученную труппу, которая состояла в основном из слуг Императорской семьи.

The food consisted of rather bland dishes, weighted heavily towards starches.

Пища состояла из довольно простых блюд, с сильным креном в сторону высокого содержания крахмала.

Evidently, the Fall of Straumli Realm consisted of taking over key elements in that civilization’s power structure.

Очевидно, что падение царства Страум состояло в захвате ключевых элементов властных структур данной цивилизации.

Much of the force consisted of mercenaries, gathered from all over the lower city-states.

Большая часть войска состояла из наемных солдат, собранных по множеству мелких вольных городков.

The platforms consisted of little more than shells with fusion and Hazeltine propulsion systems.

Платформы состояли всего лишь из контейнеров с горючим и систем Хейзелтайна для создания поступательного движения.

Auxiliary power consisted of a net of batteries and solar collectors.

Запасной источник энергии состоял из сети солнечных батарей и аккумуляторов энергии.

Its outside walls consisted of a series of steps gradually ascending toward a flat top.

Его стены представляли собою ступени, восходящие к плоской вершине.

The king’s city of Bela now consisted of three walls that ringed the city at nearly equal distances from its center castle grounds.

Сейчас в столице было три кольца стен, которые располагались примерно на одинаковом расстоянии от замка.

The facility consisted of a single structure that housed the warehouse, factory, and offices.

Комплекс представлял собой единое здание, в котором находились производственные, складские и административно — бытовые помещения.

His tools had not consisted of incantation and the demons of night.

Оружием ему служили вовсе не заклинания или демоны ночи.

The land between consisted of low, rolling hills covered with planar bushy growths, purple or deep bluish green.

Между домами тянулись невысокие пологие холмы, поросшие ровными рядами кустарников — от лиловых до темно — сине — зеленых.

His face consisted of hard flat planes and it was somehow evident that he never smiled.

На суровом лице с жесткими чертами казалась невозможной улыбка.

Her kitchen consisted of a hot plate and a microwave oven sitting atop a painted chest of drawers.

Убранство кухни состояло из обогревателя и микроволновой печи, стоявшей на буфете.

My universe consisted of her face and the terror its presence inspired.

Мой мир сжался до ее лица и ужаса, им внушаемого.

Unfortunately we’d had to kill the other triumvirate that consisted of a vamp, a werewolf, and a necromancer.

К сожалению, нам пришлось убить другой триумвират, состоявший из вампира, вервольфа и некроманта.

The lower slopes had consisted of porous, volcanic stone, piled here and there in great mounds of slag.

Нижние склоны горы представляли собой пористый вулканический камень, повсюду громоздились шлаковые осыпи.

His anger consisted of a most unpleasant feeling of being found out!

Ярость вызвало у него весьма неприятное ощущение того, что его разоблачили.

Brother Candle’s military experience consisted of having been present at the Black Mountain Massacre.

Весь военный опыт брата Светоча заключался в его присутствии при резне у Черной горы.

And then there was Nathan. the repair-man, whose real job consisted of watching over the gear in the bunker.

Был еще Натан, ремонтник, чья подлинная работа заключалась в надзоре за оборудованием в бункере.

The premises consisted of two ramshackle houses joined together by an underground passage.

Он состоял из двух маленьких домиков, соединенных между собой подземным переходом.

The stores consisted mostly of stuff that couldn’t be put to-gether into a decent meal.

Содержимое кладовой в основном состояло из провизии, для приготовления сносной пищи не подходящей.

Breakfast consisted of coffee, toasted bread, and a lump of hard cheese.

Завтрак ограничился кофе, несколькими тостами и куском засохшего сыра.

His crew had consisted of a navigator, an engineer, and a medical officer.

Его команда состояла из штурмана, инженера и врача.

Jeff’s job consisted of helping hoist the sails, polishing the brass portholes, and climbing up the ratlines to the lower spreader to furl the sails.

Джефф должен был помогать поднимать паруса, протирать иллюминаторы и держать линь при сворачивании парусов.

The next file consisted of Engine-printed copies of several letters from a Mr. Copeland, of Boston.

Следующая папка содержала распечатанные тексты нескольких писем от некоего бостонца, мистера Коупленда.

Legislative power under the Constitution was vested in Parliament which consisted of the King, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Законодательная власть по Конституции принадлежала парламенту, который состоял из королевы, палаты представителей и сената.

Procurement from Sudan consisted primarily of construction materials and services and transport services.

Закупки в Судане в основном касались строительных материалов, услуг и транспортных услуг.

It consisted of a president, an executive secretary and four members, and was serviced by a large secretariat.

Этот комитет состоит из председателя, исполнительного секретаря, четырех членов и хорошо укомплектованного секретариата.

Disasters have consisted of tropical cyclone disturbances with powerful cyclone winds and torrential rains, entailing devastation and major floods.

Стихийные бедствия, обрушивающиеся на Мадагаскар, представляют собой тропические циклоны с мощными ветровыми вихрями и проливными дождями, которые влекут за собой значительные разрушения и наводнения.

In June 2006, she represented Singapore in the World Philharmonic Orchestra, which consisted of accomplished musicians from top orchestras all over the world.

В июне 2006 года она представляла Сингапур во Всемирном филармоническом оркестре, в состав которого вошли музыканты ведущих оркестров из разных стран мира.

The Millennium Summit consisted of three days of plenary meetings, with two meetings held each day.

На Саммите тысячелетия было три дня пленарных заседаний, по два заседания в день.

Human dignity consisted in the capacity to forgive.

Человеческое достоинство заключается в том, чтобы уметь прощать.

Furthermore, the report states that his injuries consisted of a stab wound to the chest.

Кроме того, в заключении указывается, что нанесенная ему травма представляла собой ножевое ранение в грудную клетку.

It consisted of two keynote speeches and two moderated panel discussions.

В ходе этого симпозиума выступили два основных докладчика и состоялось два групповых обсуждения под председательством ведущего.

The Workshop consisted of two panels.

В рамках семинара — практикума работали две группы.

The registration process for land rights claims consisted of two stages.

Что касается процедуры регистрации претензий на земельные права, то она включает два этапа.

The Special Panels consisted of two Trial Panels and one Appeals Panel, each composed of two international judges and one East Timorese judge.

Специальные коллегии состояли из двух судебных коллегий и одной апелляционной коллегии в составе двух международных судей и одного судьи из Восточного Тимора каждая.

The protests consisted in organized rallies on the main roads and spontaneous gatherings of youths throwing stones at the security forces.

Протесты представляли собой организованные шествия по центральным магистралям и спонтанные сборища молодых людей, метавших камни в сотрудников служб безопасности.

The Panel found that many of the claims for restart costs consisted of the cost of repairing or replacing tangible assets in order to resume business.

Группа пришла к выводу о том, что многие претензии в отношении расходов на возобновление деятельности охватывают расходы на ремонт или замену материального имущества с целью возобновления деловых операций.

The most substantive difference between CESCR and the other expert bodies consisted in the manner in which their members were elected.

Наиболее существенная разница между КЭСКП и другими экспертными органами заключается в порядке избрания их членов.

The unacceptable generalization which consisted of linking Islam to terrorism should be rejected.

В связи с этим недопустимы огульные заявления, в которых мусульманская религия ассоциируется с терроризмом.

Field activities in Bolivia consisted of detailed glacio-geological mapping, drilling, pitting and laboratory analyses.

В Боливии полевые работы включали в себя составление подробных гляциальных и геологических карт, бурение, отрыв шурфов и лабораторный анализ.

In most cases, their role had consisted in issuing death certificates that concealed the true cause of death.

В большинстве случаев их роль заключалась в выдаче свидетельств о смерти, в которых скрывалась истинная причина смерти.

The receiver consisted of the antenna, Starman chipset, audio amplifier, speakers, monitor and serial interface.

Приемник состоит из антенны, набора микросхем, усилителя звуковой частоты, громкоговорителей, монитора и последовательного интерфейса.

The receptor approach consisted of three elements: legitimacy; cultural fluidity; and indigenous reform.

Подход с позиций теории рецепторов предполагает три составляющие : легитимность; культурную адаптацию и туземную реформу.

It is consisted of outer and inner parts. There is space filled by water between them.

Он состоит из двух рубашек: внешней и внутренней, между которыми находится пространство, заполненное водой.

The marine works consisted of vessel repair facilities and an artificial harbour.

Морские сооружения состояли из судоверфи и искусственной гавани.

The action taken to deal with this situation consisted in setting up reception facilities and adopting security measures.

Принятые с этой целью меры заключались в создании структур по приему и в обеспечении безопасности.

Undeclared sites inspected by the UNSCOM 158 team consisted of Special Republican Guard facilities and a residence used in the past for procurement activities.

Необъявленные объекты, обследованные группой ЮНСКОМ — 158, включали объекты республиканской гвардии особого назначения и жилой объект, использовавшийся в прошлом для закупочной деятельности.

It consisted of the following three parts: the monitor, the applications, and the interfaces.

Она состоит из следующих трех частей: монитор, прикладные программы и интерфейсы.

Known locally as Moose Juice, it consisted of equal parts Moose Brand beer and ethyl alcohol.

Он состоял поровну из пива марки Лось и этилового спирта.

The remains consisted only of a very few small bones weighing no more than 19.4 grams and were in bad condition.

Останки состояли лишь из очень небольшого числа фрагментов костей весом не более 19,4 грамма, да и те были в плохом состоянии .

In 2004, the National Discrimination Tribunal prohibited a comprehensive school in Helsinki from forming classes that consisted exclusively of immigrant pupils.

В 2004 году Национальный трибунал по вопросам дискриминации запретил одной из общеобразовательных школ в Хельсинки комплектовать классы исключительно учащимися из числа иммигрантов.

By 2008, Movchan says, up to 70% of the Russian budget either directly or indirectly consisted of hydrocarbon export revenues.

К 2008 году, как говорит Мовчан, до 70% российского бюджета прямо или косвенно были связаны с прибылью, получаемой от экспорта углеводородов.

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The letter consisted of three short lines.

Письмо состояло из трёх коротких строчек.

The cake consisted of flour, butter, eggs and sugar.

Пирог готовился из муки, масла, яиц и сахара.

The sample consisted of 98 secondary school teachers.

Выборка состояла из девяносто восьми учителей средней школы.

The bulk of the lambs consisted of this season’s drop.

Основная часть ягнят представляла собой помёт этого года..

The structure consisted of a series of arches.

Конструкция состояла из системы дуг.

Our homework consisted of ten problems to solve.

Наша домашняя работа заключалась в решении десяти задач.

The reward consisted in three stone busts of Hermes.

Наградой были три каменных бюста Гермеса.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The audience consisted mainly of teenagers.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

consist  — состоять, заключаться в, совпадать, состав

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use consisted in a sentence?
  2. What is consisted synonym?
  3. How do you use consist or consists in a sentence?
  4. What does consisted or consist of?
  5. Is consisted of synonym?
  6. What is the synonym of make laugh?
  7. What to write instead of will be?
  8. What to say instead of I will?
  9. Is it a tendency of or to?
  10. What is the opposite of tendency?
  11. What is the opposite of Contumelious?
  12. What is having a tendency?
  13. What do you call a person who makes everyone happy?
  14. What is a word for someone who laughs a lot?
  15. What’s another word for pay attention?

1. To be made up or composed: New York City consists of five boroughs. See Usage Note at include. 2. To have a basis; reside or lie: The beauty of the artist’s style consists in its simplicity.

How do you use consisted in a sentence?

Consisted sentence example

  1. Her side of the conversation consisted of a short series of no’s. …
  2. The drive consisted of two tire tracks worn into the grass. …
  3. The main floor consisted of common areas and wide halls lined with massive windows.

What is consisted synonym?

Words Related to consisted. equaled. (or equalled), matched, paralleled.

How do you use consist or consists in a sentence?

A molecule consists of atoms and their bonds. Consist is often used in the past tense, so you’re likely to hear it used in a sentence like “the game consisted of fourteen players and one stick.” But you can use it in the present tense too.

What does consisted or consist of?

There is no preposition, “of” which follows. It is simply “consists of“, “consist of“, “consisted of”, “consisting of” and “comprises“, “comprise”, “comprised” and “comprising”. For example; “The board consists of eleven experts” will mean the same as “The board comprises eleven members”.

Is consisted of synonym?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for consist of, like: include, be composed of, comprise, involve, embody, consist and contain.

What is the synonym of make laugh?

To entertain, or to cause to laugh or smile. divert. charm. please. amuse.

What to write instead of will be?

Will‘ and ‘shall‘ mean that you will definitely, or be sure to, do what it is you have in mind. If you are not sure of doing whatever it is, you can use ‘may’ — which is not definite. ‘Might‘ means the same as ‘May’ in some cases, if it is indefinite. One can say “I might see you tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.” …

What to say instead of I will?


  • bestow.
  • commit.
  • devise.
  • endow.
  • entrust.
  • grant.
  • hand down.
  • hand on.

Is it a tendency of or to?

a tendency (for someone/something) to do something: There’s a tendency for a new manager to make changes. have a tendency to do something: You have a tendency to avoid arguments.

What is the opposite of tendency?

tendency. Antonyms: disinclination, aversion, repulsion, contravention, deviation, divergency, tangency, divarication, opposition, renitency, reluctance, prevention, neutralization, termination.

What is the opposite of Contumelious?

Opposite of showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect. polite. respectful. civil. mannerly.

What is having a tendency?

A tendency is an inclination to do something. For example, dogs have a tendency to bark at strangers and the mail man. We all have tendencies: things we’re inclined to do, or like to do, or just can’t help doing. Morning people have a tendency to get up early.

What do you call a person who makes everyone happy?

23 Adjectives and Idioms to Describe People Positively in English. A bubbly personality. someone who is very happy, perky, and often optimistic. A ray of sunshine. a happy person who makes others happy; to be warm, kind, bright; someone who is a delight to be around.

What is a word for someone who laughs a lot?

synonyms for lots of laughs carefree. cheerful. chipper. enjoyable. festive.

What’s another word for pay attention?

What is another word for pay attention?

listen heed
attend pay heed
be attentive concentrate on
give heed take heed
take note hang on

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