Definition if word dense

  • 1

    1) пло́тный; густо́й; компа́ктный;

    2) ча́стый; густо́й;

    3) тупо́й, глу́пый



    пло́тный, непрозра́чный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dense

  • 2

    dense atmosphere

    плотная атмосфера

    dense upper clouds

    плотный верхний слой облака

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > dense

  • 3


    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > dense

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > dense

  • 5

    dense 1. плотный, густой; 2. дремучий

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > dense

  • 6


    dense плотный; компактный; dense texture плотная ткань; dense ignorance глубокое невежество; dense population высокая плотность населения dense тупой, глупый dense фото плотный, непрозрачный dense частый; густой; dense forest густой лес dense частый; густой; dense forest густой лес dense плотный; компактный; dense texture плотная ткань; dense ignorance глубокое невежество; dense population высокая плотность населения dense плотный; компактный; dense texture плотная ткань; dense ignorance глубокое невежество; dense population высокая плотность населения dense плотный; компактный; dense texture плотная ткань; dense ignorance глубокое невежество; dense population высокая плотность населения

    English-Russian short dictionary > dense

  • 7

    dens прил.
    1) а) плотный;
    густой, частый б) хим. плотный (о консистенции и структуре химического вещества) oxygen is quite a dense gas ≈ кислород — довольно плотный газ Syn: compact
    2) а) тупоголовый, тупой, глупый Syn: foolish, silly, thick-headed б) вопиющий, непомерный, чрезвычайный, полнейший( о степени безграмотности, необразованности, невежественности) Syn: profound, intense, impenetrable, crass
    3) мат. плотный ( о множестве)
    4) фото непрозрачный, плотный
    плотный, компактный;
    густо или часто расположенный — cloth of * texture плотная ткань — * forest густой лес — * crowd большая /плотная/ толпа — a district * with population многонаселенный район — * stand /crop/ (сельскохозяйственное) сомкнутое насаждение;
    густой стеблестой;
    загущенная культура( усилительно) глубокий, крайний, полнейший — * stupidity непроходимая тупость;
    бестолковость — * ignorance полнейшее невежество — * darkness непроницаемая темнота, густой /плотный/ мрак( разговорное) тупой, глупый — * head глупая голова — * fellow совершенный осел, непроходимый тупица (оптика) плотный, непрозрачный (электроника) компактный — * circuitry (профессионализм) компактный или плотный монтаж
    dense плотный;
    dense texture плотная ткань;
    dense ignorance глубокое невежество;
    dense population высокая плотность населения ~ тупой, глупый ~ фото плотный, непрозрачный ~ частый;
    dense forest густой лес
    ~ частый;
    dense forest густой лес
    dense плотный;
    dense texture плотная ткань;
    dense ignorance глубокое невежество;
    dense population высокая плотность населения
    dense плотный;
    dense texture плотная ткань;
    dense ignorance глубокое невежество;
    dense population высокая плотность населения
    dense плотный;
    dense texture плотная ткань;
    dense ignorance глубокое невежество;
    dense population высокая плотность населения

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dense

  • 8

    1. a густой; плотный, компактный; густо или часто расположенный

    2. a усил. глубокий, крайний, полнейший

    3. a разг. тупой, глупый

    4. a опт. плотный, непрозрачный

    5. a элк. компактный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. close (adj.) close; compact; crowded; impenetrable; solid; tight

    2. heavy (adj.) copious; heavy; lush; luxuriant; profuse; rank; thick

    3. stupid (adj.) beefheaded; beef-witted; beetleheaded; blear-eyed; blear-witted; blockheaded; blockish; chuckleheaded; doltish; dull; dumb; duncical; fatheaded; goosey; half-witted; hammerheaded; ignorant; imbecilic; moronic; numskulled; pinhead; pinheaded; simple; stupid; thickheaded; thick-witted

    Антонимический ряд:

    smart; sparse; thin

    English-Russian base dictionary > dense

  • 9


    1. густой; плотный, компактный; густо часто расположенный

    dense forest [fog] — густой лес [туман]

    dense crowd — большая /плотная/ толпа

    dense stand /crop/ — а) сомкнутое насаждение; густой стеблестой; б) загущённая культура


    глубокий, крайний, полнейший

    dense stupidity — непроходимая тупость; бестолковость

    dense darkness — непроницаемая темнота, густой /плотный/ мрак

    dense fellow — совершенный осёл, непроходимый тупица

    4. 1)

    плотный, непрозрачный

    НБАРС > dense

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > dense

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > dense

  • 12



    1) плотный; сжатый; густой, частый


    2) густой, плотный; непрозрачный

    Oxygen is quite a dense gas. — Кислород — довольно плотный газ.




    тупоголовый, тупой, глупый


    4) информативный; трудный для понимания

    5) крайний, чрезмерный, вопиющий


    Англо-русский современный словарь > dense

  • 13

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > dense

  • 14

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dense

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > dense

  • 16

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > dense

  • 17


    1) плотный; компактный; dense texture плотная ткань; dense ignorance глубокое невежество; dense population высокая плотность населения

    2) частый; густой; dense forest густой лес

    3) тупой, глупый

    4) phot. плотный, непрозрачный



    * * *

    * * *

    густой, плотный

    * * *

    [ dens]
    густой, плотный; дремучий, непрозрачный; частый; компактный; тупой, глупый, недогадливый

    * * *















    * * *

    1) а) плотный
    б) хим. плотный
    2) а) тупоголовый
    б) вопиющий, непомерный, чрезвычайный, полнейший

    Новый англо-русский словарь > dense

  • 18

    1. плотный
    2. плотное огнеупорное изделие
    3. плотная
    4. густой

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > dense

  • 19

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > dense

  • 20

    Английский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > dense


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • dense — [ dɑ̃s ] adj. • fin XIVe; lat. densus « épais » 1 ♦ Qui est compact, épais. Brouillard dense. ⇒ impénétrable. Le feuillage dense des arbres. ⇒ abondant, serré, touffu. ♢ Une foule dense, nombreuse et rassemblée. Circulation très dense. 2 ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dense — Dense, a. [L. densus; akin to Gr. ? thick with hair or leaves: cf. F. dense.] 1. Having the constituent parts massed or crowded together; close; compact; thick; containing much matter in a small space; heavy; opaque; as, a dense crowd; a dense… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dense — [dens] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: densus] 1.) made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together = ↑thick dense undergrowth/forest/woodland/jungle etc ▪ A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest. ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dense — [ dens ] adjective * ▸ 1 with close things/people ▸ 2 smoke/gas: thick ▸ 3 person: stupid ▸ 4 not easy to understand ▸ 5 substance: heavy 1. ) with a lot of trees, plants, or leaves growing close together: dense undergrowth a ) containing a lot… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dense´ly — dense «dehns», adjective, dens|er dens|est. 1. closely packed together; thick: »a dense forest, a dense fog. Dense patches of briers are difficult to walk through. SYNONYM(S): compact, close …   Useful english dictionary

  • dense — dense; dense·ly; dense·ness; su·per·dense; con·dense; …   English syllables

  • dense — DENSE. adj. des 2 g. Terme didactique. Épais, compacte, dont les parties sont serrées. Corps dense. L eau est plus dense que l air. Il est opposé à Rare …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • dense — early 15c., from M.Fr. dense and directly from L. densus thick, crowded; cloudy, perhaps from PIE root *dens dense, thick (Cf. Gk. dasus hairy, shaggy ). Sense of stupid is first recorded 1822 …   Etymology dictionary

  • dense — DENSE. adj. de tout genre. Epais, compacte, dont les parties sont serrées. Corps dense. l eau est plus dense que l air …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • dense — [dens] adj. denser, densest [ME < L densus, compact < IE base * dens , thick > Gr dasys, thick (used of hair), Hittite dassuš, strong] 1. having the parts crowded together; packed tightly together; compact 2. difficult to get through,… …   English World dictionary

  • dense — [adj1] compressed, thick close, closeknit, compact, condensed, crammed, crowded, heaped, heavy, impenetrable, jammed, jampacked*, massed, opaque, packed, packed like sardines*, piled, solid, substantial, thickset; concept 483 Ant. open, scattered …   New thesaurus



: marked by compactness or crowding together of parts



: having between any two elements at least one element

The set of rational numbers is dense.


: demanding concentration to follow or comprehend


: having high or relatively high opacity (see opacity sense 2)

a dense photographic negative


Choose the Right Synonym for dense

stupid, dull, dense, crass, dumb mean lacking in power to absorb ideas or impressions.

stupid implies a slow-witted or dazed state of mind that may be either congenital or temporary.

stupid students just keeping the seats warm

dull suggests a slow or sluggish mind such as results from disease, depression, or shock.

monotonous work that leaves the mind dull

dense implies a thickheaded imperviousness to ideas.

crass suggests a grossness of mind precluding discrimination or delicacy.

a crass, materialistic people

dumb applies to an exasperating obtuseness or lack of comprehension.

too dumb to figure out what’s going on

Example Sentences

They cut a path through the dense jungle.

a dense tangle of wires

a dense cluster of stars

That part of the city has a dense population of immigrants.

A dense mass of spectators filled the courtroom.

In the movie, she plays his kind but somewhat dense aunt.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

What is the healthiest vegetable?:Here are some great nutrient-dense options What is the healthiest nut?:Add these two to your daily diet for cognitive benefits and much more Is white rice healthy?

Clare Mulroy, USA TODAY, 9 Apr. 2023

The company has stores in all 50 states, with the most in population-dense areas in California, Texas, New Jersey and Florida.

Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN, 21 Mar. 2023

The City by the Bay has been named the most restaurant-dense city in the country.

Lauren Dana Ellman, Travel + Leisure, 19 Mar. 2023

Amid an art installation created by Chanakya and its School of Crafts, Chiuri showed one of her most embroidery-dense collections to date, rich with silks and jewel tones and shown in an achingly pretty progression of color and texture.

Rachel Tashjian, Harper’s BAZAAR, 31 Mar. 2023

Throughout the trial, bombshell testimony from Paltrow and Sanderson has engaged the jury, while hours of jargon-dense medical testimony has tested their endurance.

Sam Metz, ajc, 30 Mar. 2023

To appeal to the eight-member jury, Paltrow’s attorneys will confront decisions about how to balance the jargon-dense testimony of medical experts with that of family members and acquaintances.

CBS News, 28 Mar. 2023

To appeal to the eight-member jury, Paltrow’s attorneys will confront decisions about how to balance the jargon-dense testimony of medical experts with that of family members and acquaintances.

Sam Metz,, 28 Mar. 2023

Sanderson and his four-member legal team have dispersed themselves across the courtroom to reenact the crash for the jury, whose members have perked up after days of yawning through jargon-dense medical testimony.

Sam Metz, Anchorage Daily News, 24 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘dense.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Latin densus; akin to Greek dasys thick with hair or leaves

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of dense was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near dense

Cite this Entry

“Dense.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged



From Middle French dense, from Latin dēnsus, from Proto-Indo-European *dens- (thick, dense).


  • (Received Pronunciation, US) IPA(key): /dɛns/
  • Rhymes: -ɛns


dense (comparative denser, superlative densest)

  1. Having relatively high density.
    Synonym: solid
  2. Compact; crowded together.
    Synonyms: compact, crowded, packed; see also Thesaurus:compact
    Antonyms: diffuse; see also Thesaurus:diffuse
  3. Thick; difficult to penetrate.
    Synonyms: thick, solid
    Antonym: thin
    • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XIII, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      And Vickers launched forth into a tirade very different from his platform utterances. He spoke with extreme contempt of the dense stupidity exhibited on all occasions by the working classes. He said that if you wanted to do anything for them, you must rule them, not pamper them.

  4. Opaque; allowing little light to pass through.
    Synonyms: cloudy, opaque; see also Thesaurus:opaque
    Antonyms: clear, diaphanous, see-through, translucent, transparent; see also Thesaurus:transparent, Thesaurus:translucent
  5. Obscure, or difficult to understand.
    Synonyms: abstruse, difficult, hard, incomprehensible, obscure, tough; see also Thesaurus:incomprehensible
    Antonyms: clear, comprehensible, easy, simple, straightforward, understandable; see also Thesaurus:comprehensible
  6. (mathematics, topology) Being a subset of a topological space that approximates the space well. See the Wikipedia article on dense sets for a mathematical definition.
    Antonym: meager
  7. (of a person) Slow to comprehend; of low intelligence.
    Synonyms: dumb, slow, stupid, thick; see also Thesaurus:stupid
    Antonyms: bright, canny, intelligent, quick, quick-witted, smart; see also Thesaurus:intelligent


  • (crowded together): diffuse, few and far between (of things as opposed to one thing), scattered, sparse, rarefied (scientific, to describe gases)

Derived terms[edit]

  • dense array
  • dense blazingstar
  • dense-in-itself


having relatively high density

  • Albanian: i dendur (sq)
  • Arabic: كَثِيف(kaṯīf), غَلِيظ(ḡalīẓ)
  • Armenian: խիտ (hy) (xit)
  • Azerbaijani: qalın (az), sıx (az)
  • Belarusian: густы́ (be) (hustý), шчы́льны (be) (ščýlʹny)
  • Bengali: ঘন (bn) (ghon)
  • Bulgarian: гъст (bg) (gǎst), плъ́тен (bg) (plǎ́ten)
  • Burmese: ထူ (my) (htu)
  • Catalan: dens (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin:  (zh) (), 稠密 (zh) (chóumì),  (zh) (nóng)
  • Czech: hustý (cs)
  • Danish: kompakt, tæt
  • Dutch: dicht (nl)
  • Esperanto: densa
  • Estonian: tihe
  • Even: ног (nog)
  • Finnish: tiheä (fi)
  • French: dense (fr)
  • Galician: denso, basto
  • Georgian: ხშირი (xširi), მჭიდრო (mč̣idro)
  • German: dicht (de)
  • Greek: πυκνός (el) (pyknós)
    Ancient: πυκνός (puknós), σπιδνός (spidnós)
  • Hebrew: עבות עָבֹת (he) (‘avót)
  • Hindi: घना (hi) (ghanā)
  • Hungarian: sűrű (hu)
  • Icelandic: þéttur (is)
  • Irish: dlúth
  • Italian: denso (it)
  • Japanese: 濃い (ja) (こい, koi),  (ja) (mitsu)
  • Kazakh: қалың (kk) (qalyñ)
  • Khmer: ជុក (km) (cuk), ក្រាស់ (km) (krah)
  • Korean: 짙다 (ko) (jitda)
  • Kyrgyz: калың (ky) (kalıŋ), жыш (ky) (jış)
  • Lao: ຖີ່ (thī), ແໜ້ນ (nǣn), ທຶບ (thưp)
  • Latin: dēnsus
  • Latvian: blīvs
  • Lithuanian: tankus, tirštas
  • Macedonian: густ (gust)
  • Malay: padat (ms), tebal (ms)
  • Maori: pururua (of vegetation), whakaapi, apiapi
  • Middle English: sad
  • Mongolian: нягт (mn) (njagt)
  • Nanai: лугди
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: tett
  • Occitan: dens (oc)
  • Pashto: ټينګ(ṭing)
  • Persian: چگال (fa) (čegâl), غلیظ (fa) (ğaliz)
  • Polish: gęsty (pl), szczelny (pl)
  • Portuguese: denso (pt)
  • Romanian: dens (ro)
  • Russian: густо́й (ru) (gustój) (viscous), пло́тный (ru) (plótnyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: гу̑ст
    Roman: gȗst (sh)
  • Slovak: hustý
  • Slovene: góst (sl)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: gusty
  • Spanish: denso (es)
  • Swedish: tät (sv)
  • Tajik: зич (zič), ғализ (ġaliz), ғафс (tg) (ġafs)
  • Thai: แน่น (th) (nɛ̂n), ทึบ (th) (tʉ́p)
  • Tibetan: མཐུག་པོ (mthug po)
  • Turkish: yoğun (tr), sık (tr), kalın (tr)
  • Turkmen: ýygjam, goýy
  • Ukrainian: густи́й (uk) (hustýj), щі́льний (uk) (ščílʹnyj)
  • Urdu: گهنا(ghanā)
  • Uzbek: zich (uz), qalin (uz), tigʻiz (uz)
  • Vietnamese: đặc (vi), dày đặc (vi), chặt (vi)
  • Zazaki: qalın c

compact; crowded together

  • Armenian: խիտ (hy) (xit), թանձր (hy) (tʿanjr)
  • Bulgarian: плъ́тен (bg) (plǎ́ten), компа́ктен (bg) (kompákten)
  • Czech: hustý (cs)
  • Danish: tæt
  • Finnish: tiheä (fi), tiivis (fi), taaja (fi), sankka (fi)
  • Galician: compacto, basto
  • German: dicht (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: πυκνός (puknós)
  • Hiligaynon: garót, magarót
  • Italian: (please verify) denso (it)
  • Latin: spissus
  • Macedonian: збиен (zbien)
  • Maori: apiapi, whakaapi, whakaapi, pururua (of vegetation)
  • Middle English: sad
  • Pashto: ګڼ(gëṇ)
  • Polish: zwarty (pl), zbity (pl)
  • Portuguese: compacto (pt), denso (pt)
  • Russian: пло́тный (ru) (plótnyj), компа́ктный (ru) (kompáktnyj)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: gusty
  • Spanish: compacto (es), macizo (es)
  • Swedish: tät (sv), kompakt (sv)
  • Vietnamese: dày (vi), dày đặc (vi)

thick; difficult to penetrate

  • Armenian: խիտ (hy) (xit), թանձր (hy) (tʿanjr)
  • Bulgarian: гъст (bg) (gǎst)
  • Danish: tæt
  • Finnish: tiheä (fi), tiivis (fi)
  • Galician: denso
  • German: dicht (de)
  • Italian: (please verify) denso (it)
  • Macedonian: густ (gust)
  • Maori: pururua (of vegetation)
  • Middle English: sad
  • Portuguese: denso (pt), espesso (pt)
  • Russian: густо́й (ru) (gustój)
  • Slovene: góst (sl)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: gusty
  • Spanish: denso (es), espeso (es)

obscure, or difficult to understand

Translations to be checked

  • Hebrew: (please verify) צפוף (he) (tzafuf)
  • Ido: (please verify) densa (io)
  • Mandarin: (please verify) 高密度的, (please verify) 浓密的; (please verify) 稠密的; (please verify) 密集的; (please verify) 不透明的; (please verify) 愚蠢的, (please verify) 理解能力差的
  • Turkish: (please verify) yoğun (tr)


dense (plural denses)

  1. A thicket.


  • Denes, Edens, Sneed, denes, edens, needs, sende, sneed



From densa +‎ -e.



  1. densely



Borrowed from Latin densus.


  • IPA(key): /dɑ̃s/


dense (plural denses)

  1. dense


  • condenser
  • densité

Further reading[edit]

  • “dense”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



dense f pl

  1. feminine plural of denso



From dēnsus (dense, close, frequent) +‎ (adverbial suffix).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈden.seː/, [ˈd̪ẽːs̠eː]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈd̪ɛnse]


dēnsē (comparative dēnsius, superlative dēnsissimē)

  1. closely, in rapid succession


  • dēnseō
  • dēnsō
  • dēnsus


  • dense”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • dense”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • dense in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette




  1. third-person plural imperative of dar combined with se

Other forms: denser; densest

When woods are dense, the trees grow close together. When fog is dense, you can’t see through it. And if someone calls you dense, they think nothing can get into your thick skull.

Dense comes from the Latin densus which means thick and cloudy. In general, the word means packed tight and gives the sense that something is difficult to get through. Text can be dense in two different ways: when the words are packed closely together on the page, and when the text is filled with big words and complicated thoughts. Either way, reading dense text is just no fun.

Definitions of dense

  1. adjective

    having high relative density or specific gravity

    dense as lead”



    of comparatively great physical weight or density

  2. adjective

    permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter

    dense smoke”


    heavy, impenetrable


    relatively dense in consistency

  3. adjective

    hard to pass through because of dense growth

    dense vegetation”




    not admitting of penetration or passage into or through

  4. adjective

    slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity

    dense he never understands anything I say to him”


    dim, dull, dumb, obtuse, slow


    lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, dens·er, dens·est.

having the component parts closely compacted together; crowded or compact: a dense forest; dense population.

stupid; slow-witted; dull.

intense; extreme: dense ignorance.

relatively opaque; transmitting little light, as a photographic negative, optical glass, or color.

difficult to understand or follow because of being closely packed with ideas or complexities of style: a dense philosophical essay.

Mathematics. of or relating to a subset of a topological space in which every neighborhood of every point in the space contains at least one point of the subset.



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Origin of dense

1590–1600; <Latin dēnsus thick; cognate with Greek dasýs


densely, adverbdenseness, nounnon·dense·ness, nounsu·per·dense, adjective

ul·tra·dense, adjective

Words nearby dense

denouement, denounce, de novo, Denpasar, dens, dense, densify, densimeter, densitometer, density, density function Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to dense

heavy, impenetrable, opaque, solid, dull, simple, thick, close, close-knit, compact, condensed, crammed, crowded, heaped, jammed, jam-packed, massed, packed, piled, substantial

How to use dense in a sentence

  • All seven worlds are almost identical to each other but slightly less dense than Earth, the team reports in the February Planetary Science Journal.

  • The third planet is nearly the wispiest of the whole system, less dense than Jupiter.

  • The holes mean the mattress is less dense, though, and might not last as long.

  • In the rush to convince people that electric vehicles are a practical alternative to gas-guzzlers, most of the focus has been on boosting their range by creating ever more energy-dense batteries.

  • If you want to eat healthfully, a better approach is to prioritize nutrient-dense foods—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, healthy oils, and lean proteins—without vowing to only eat these foods.

  • He had a special knife designed to cut the dense loaf, and a ceremony to precede cutting the cake.

  • The narrowest piece of land was at Panama, but it was covered in dense, mountainous jungle.

  • For those in the dense forests, beaches, and towns of West Africa, it is a real threat.

  • These days they are occasional meteorological irruptions, white river mists, not dense and toxic industrial pea-soupers.

  • In the dense atmosphere of tobacco and conspiracy, one hot topic has been the death penalty.

  • No trail was so obtuse, no thicket so dense that members of that regiment would not track them to their lair.

  • The road on which the Federals were marching was narrow and on each side lined with dense underbrush.

  • The advance had to be carefully made, for the country was rough, wooded, and covered with a dense undergrowth of bushes.

  • Not having completed the loading of his gun, Tom hastily rode behind a dense bush, and concealed himself as well as he could.

  • Tom jumped behind a bush, and as they passed tried to fire, but the foliage was so dense that he failed to get a good aim.

British Dictionary definitions for dense


thickly crowded or closely seta dense crowd

thick; impenetrablea dense fog

physics having a high density

stupid; dull; obtuse

(of a photographic negative) having many dark or exposed areas

(of an optical glass, colour, etc) transmitting little or no light

Derived forms of dense

densely, adverbdenseness, noun

Word Origin for dense

C15: from Latin densus thick; related to Greek dasus thickly covered with hair or leaves

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

If, then, what we call a dense body is so by reason of the presence of many qualities, that plenitude of qualities will be the cause [of the inhibition]. ❋ Plotinus (1952)

Agent Orange was the code name of a herbicide developed for the military to prohibit enemy concealment in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enemy could hide. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Well-educated professionals and creative workers who live together in dense ecosystems, interacting directly, generate ideas and turn them into products and services faster than talented people in other places can. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Once covered in dense forests, Elasha Biyaha is far enough from the capital to avoids the regular shelling between al Shabaab, a militant group believed to have al Qaeda ties, and African Union-backed government troops. ❋ Abdinasir Mohamed (2010)

The closest I got was trying to find my car after ice fishing in dense fog — everything was white. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Masked warrior had pated dust on body, disappear in dense smother and fog. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Public transport is great in dense population areas, but less so outside of them, to the point where if your outside the city, you have to drive. ❋ Unknown (2009)

“Interactive individuals sacrifice something by locating in dense tracts.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

We’ve enveloped world in dense chain of supermarkets with global trade, we can eat food from around the world. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Carsharing is only practical in dense central city areas where car ownership is low and transit use is high. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The dynamic balcony offers a solution for compact apartments in dense urban areas. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In this day and age here in dense Seattle we can’t just have streets serve cars alone. ❋ Unknown (2010)

[O] fficials on Tuesday said that a pheasant hunter from Alaska shot and killed a sow grizzly in dense brush east of U.S. Highway 89 and about 8 miles north of Choteau on Monday …. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Or to elaborate on another, what if innovation and investment occurs at a more rapid pace because of activities conducted by elites in dense cities? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Karl Hansen «Sergeant Pepper»; it’s easy to imagine Cameron writing a plot for «Avatar» after having red Hansens novel; soldiers «protecting» exploatation of Titan inhabited by genetically engeneered humans — creatures taller than average Homo sapiens and able to «glide» in dense atmosphere. ❋ Unknown (2010)

That’s good news, but it leaves about 50 million addresses that Census workers must check out — most in dense city neighborhoods, minority communities and rural spots. ❋ Unknown (2010)

“That residents living in dense census tracts have fewer confidants.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine — a million zillion sight gags on the theme of «Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all!» ❋ Unknown (2009)

Readers who love living in dense, walkable, bikable close-in neighborhoods might watching the greatest rant against suburbs of all time in this TED Talk by James Kunstler: www. … ❋ Unknown (2010)

If you had to [read this] definition several times to [understand] it — and you still don’t really understand it, it is [because you are] dense. ❋ Unicornmoans (2010)

[People] are [really] dense. ❋ Lilmissjessi (2003)

Water isn’t very dense, with an [approximate] 1.[00] g/[mL].
Ryan is very dense. He makes a fool of herself daily!
… is a dense. ❋ Urbandictionarytom (2015)

[Tim]: [How are you] watching that song while reading that book?
Me: Obviously I’m listening to the song while [reading the book].
Oh man it’s getting really dense in here. ❋ LoOped (2011)

Dealer: Here you go man.
Pothead: Are you sure this is an eighth?
Dealer: Yea,it’s really dense man.
Pothead: Well let me whip out my scale. (Places [nugs] [on scale]. Scale reads 2.[7g].
Dealer: I’m sure it’s dried a little.
Pothead: Yeah right. (Knocks dealer to the floor) ❋ Twibbix (2004)

[MY NIGGA] [THAT SHIT] [DENSE] ❋ Butthole1961 (2011)

C [Au].! [milk] comes from [COWS] not the supermakets!! stop being dense! ❋ Teee Heee (2008)

[Caty]: So has he [catched] on that you like him yet?
Helen: Sigh…no..[Peter’s] so dense.. ❋ Nomnomnomcake:D (2011)

Oh my god, your so [dense]. I bet even if he [kissed] you you would [be like],»He hates me?» ❋ SortOfSmart101 (2016)

I cant believe she [cheated on] him and didn’t tell him for month, she thought everything would be okay, shes [sooo] [dense]. ❋ *Taylor_Kimi* (2006)



adj. dens·er, dens·est


a. Having relatively high density.

b. Crowded closely together; compact: a dense population.

2. Hard to penetrate; thick: a dense jungle.


a. Permitting little light to pass through, because of compactness of matter: dense glass; a dense fog.

b. Opaque, with good contrast between light and dark areas. Used of a photographic negative.

4. Difficult to understand because of complexity or obscurity: a dense novel.

5. Slow to apprehend; thickheaded.

[Middle English, from Latin dēnsus.]

dense′ly adv.

dense′ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. thickly crowded or closely set: a dense crowd.

2. thick; impenetrable: a dense fog.

3. (General Physics) physics having a high density

4. stupid; dull; obtuse

5. (Photography) (of a photographic negative) having many dark or exposed areas

6. (General Physics) (of an optical glass, colour, etc) transmitting little or no light

[C15: from Latin densus thick; related to Greek dasus thickly covered with hair or leaves]

ˈdensely adv

ˈdenseness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. dens•er, dens•est.

1. having the component parts closely compacted together; crowded or compact: a dense forest.

2. stupid; slow-witted; dull.

3. intense; extreme.

4. relatively opaque; transmitting little light, as a photographic negative, optical glass, or color.

5. difficult to understand because of being closely packed with ideas or complexities of style.

[1590–1600; < Latin dēnsus thick; akin to Greek dasýs]

dense′ly, adv.

dense′ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. dense — permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter; «dense smoke»; «heavy fog»; «impenetrable gloom»

impenetrable, heavy

thick — relatively dense in consistency; «thick cream»; «thick soup»; «thick smoke»; «thick fog»

2. dense — hard to pass through because of dense growth; «dense vegetation»; «thick woods»


impenetrable — not admitting of penetration or passage into or through; «an impenetrable fortress»; «impenetrable rain forests»

3. dense — having high relative density or specific gravity; «dense as lead»

heavy — of comparatively great physical weight or density; «a heavy load»; «lead is a heavy metal»; «heavy mahogany furniture»

4. dense — slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; «so dense he never understands anything I say to him»; «never met anyone quite so dim»; «although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick»- Thackeray; «dumb officials make some really dumb decisions»; «he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse»; «worked with the slow students»

dumb, slow, obtuse, dim, dull

stupid — lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. thick, close, heavy, solid, substantial, compact, compressed, condensed, impenetrable, close-knit, thickset a large, dense forest
thick light, thin, scattered, transparent, sparse

3. obscure, deep, complex, profound, abstract, enigmatic, esoteric, incomprehensible, arcane, unfathomable, abstruse His prose is wordy and dense.

4. stupid (Informal) slow, thick, dull, dumb (informal), crass, dozy (Brit. informal), dozy (Brit. informal), stolid, dopey (informal), moronic, obtuse, brainless, blockheaded, braindead (informal), dumb-ass (informal), dead from the neck up (informal), thickheaded, blockish, dim-witted (informal), slow-witted, thick-witted He’s not a bad man, just a bit dense.
stupid quick, bright, alert, clever, intelligent

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Having all parts near to each other:

3. Lacking in intelligence:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


بَليد، غَليظ الدِّماغكَثيفكَثِيف





òéttur, samòjappaîurtregur, òunnur








đậm đặc


[dens] ADJ (denser (compar) (densest (superl)))

1. (= thick) [forest, vegetation, fog] → denso, espeso; [crowd] → nutrido; [population] → denso

2. [Phys] [liquid, substance] → denso

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdɛns] adj

(= thick) [foliage, forest] → dense; [crowd] → dense; [smoke] → dense

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)

prose, language, style, book, film (= concentrated)gedrängt; (= over-complex)überladen

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[dɛns] adj (-r (comp) (-st (superl))) (fog) → denso/a, fitto/a; (forest, crowd) → fitto/a; (fur) → folto/a (fam) (person, stupid) → tonto/a, ottuso/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dens) adjective

1. thick and close. We made our way through dense forest; The fog was so dense that we could not see anything.

2. very stupid. He’s so dense I have to tell him everything twice.

ˈdensely adverb

very closely together. The crowd was densely packed.

ˈdensity noun

1. the number of items, people etc found in a given area compared with other areas especially if large. the density of the population.

2. the quantity of matter in each unit of volume. the density of a gas.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كَثِيف hustý tæt dicht gedrängt πυκνός denso, espeso tiheä dense gust denso 密集した 밀집한 compact ugjennomtrengelig gęsty denso густой tät หนาแน่น sık đậm đặc 稠密的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. denso-a, espeso-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

плотный, густой, дремучий, компактный, тупой, частый, непрозрачный, глупый


- густой; плотный, компактный; густо или часто расположенный

cloth of dense texture — плотная ткань
dense forest [fog] — густой лес [туман]
dense crowd — большая /плотная/ толпа
a district dense with population — многонаселённый район
dense stand /crop/ — с.-х. а) сомкнутое насаждение; густой стеблестой; б) загущённая культура

- усил. глубокий, крайний, полнейший

dense stupidity — непроходимая тупость; бестолковость
dense ignorance — полнейшее невежество
dense darkness — непроницаемая темнота, густой /плотный/ мрак

- разг. тупой, глупый

dense head — глупая голова
dense fellow — совершенный осёл, непроходимый тупица

- опт. плотный, непрозрачный
- элк. компактный

dense circuitry — проф. компактный или плотный монтаж

Мои примеры


dense forest — густой лес  
dense population — высокая плотность населения  
dense fog — густой туман  
dense photographic negative — плотный негатив  
dense poverty — крайняя степень нищеты  
dense / heavy / thick fog — густой туман  
dense / thick forest — густой лес  
dense jungle — заросли джунглей, густые джунгли  
dense mass (of smoke) — плотная завеса (дыма)  
reasonably dense packing — достаточно плотная укладка  

Примеры с переводом

The track led through dense forest.

Дорожка вела через дремучий лес.

Oxygen is quite a dense gas.

Кислород — довольно плотный газ.

The fog is so dense, you can only make out the obscure shape of trees.

Туман настолько густой, что можно различить лишь смутные очертания деревьев.

They cut a path through the dense jungle.

Они срезали путь через густые джунгли.

The darkness was so dense that the sight could not penetrate it.

Темнота была такой плотной, что взгляд не мог пробиться сквозь неё.

The swamp was surrounded by dense woodland.

Болото было окружено плотным лесом.

How dense a fold of danger nets him round. (Tennyson)

Как крепко сжимает его кольцо опасности.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The men’s lanterns pierced through the dense mist.

A dense mass of spectators filled the courtroom.

The spray from the falls is so dense that you can hardly see.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

densely  — плотно, густо, компактно, скученно
density  — плотность, густота, удельный вес, скученность, компактность, тупость, глупость

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): denser
прев. степ. (superlative): densest

Dense has two formal meanings, and one more that is more informal. When you describe things as dense, you will use the formal meanings of the adjective. If you want to describe a person as dense, you are getting to the informal use of the word.

The Meanings of Dense

1. Closely compacted, with many particles or materials in a small space.

2. A text, lecture, or other material with information that has a lot of information that the reader or listener needs to understand.

3. (Informal) A person that is not very smart, and takes a while to realize things that should be common sense.

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1. Definition: Volume and Mass

For the most part, dense is used as the first definition. This is especially true with science, when you talk about the relationship between the volume of something (how big it is) and its mass (how heavy it is).

A good example of demonstrating something very dense and something that is not, is to compare two objects of roughly the same size. If you have a paperweight, you know that it will be quite heavy for its size.

That means it is dense. If you look at the box that the paperweight came in, you will hold something that is not dense at all – mainly because it is full of air.

2. Definition: Information

This is a similar concept if you are dealing with an informational thing. Whether it is a text, lecture, movie, or something else, it can hold a lot of knowledge.

If you find yourself struggling to keep up, it is likely that you are reading a very dense book, for example.

You can also determine whether something is dense by seeing how many pages of notes it generates while you read, listen, or watch it; if you are able to summarize every detail into just one page, it might not be very dense.

However, if you read 5 pages and end up with 3 pages of notes, it is dense.

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3. Definition: Person

Saying that a person is dense is usually not a nice thing. It generally means that they are slow to understand something and lack common sense.

If you have been teaching a group of 10 children, for example, and 9 of them understand something you teach them, the tenth one might be a bit dense if no one can explain the concept in a way that can get them to understand.

Example Sentences

  • Objects that float are less dense than water.
  • Since helium is less dense than air, helium balloons will fly in the sky.
  • The reading for class this week was so dense; I had to spend 5 hours reading everything!
  • Paul wants to read more nonfiction books but they are always so dense.
  • I can’t believe that Jim has not realized Amy’s crush on him; he is so dense!
  • Polly was afraid that her son was dense but her worries turned out to be unfounded.

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What does the word dense mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word dense is an adjective that means thick or opaque. In a slang sense, it means of low intellect. Many things can be dense: dense fog, leaves in a dense forest, in mathematics or general physics to refer to the denseness of matter, dense vegetation, dense smoke, a sense optical glass that lets through little light, dense traffic, a dense philosophical essay, dense articles on classical learning, a dense movie, a dense mattress, Jupiter the dense third planet, dense team reports, nutrient-dense foods like legumes, lean proteins, healthy oils and whole grains, a dense part of the city, dense impenetrable gloom, dense thick woods, a dense aunt, dense slow students, dense dumb officials, a esense population of immigrants, dense fur, a high density or high relative density in a quantity of matter that affects its specific gravity, a dense clous of smoke, dense dark areas with a good contrast for photography, a dense heavy metal with compactness of matter, a dense glass with a great physical weight in a given area, a dense number of items at a register, density of the population, the density of a gas in a unit of volume, dense sets and more.

Many different languages also contain words that mean dense. You may notice that many of these translations of dense look and sound similar to one another. These are called cognates, which are words of different languages that look and sound alike while also retaining a similar meaning. These are often formed when two words or languages have the same root or language of origin. This list of translations of the word dense is provided by Word Sense but you could also find them in a Spanish dictionary unabridged 8th edition, German dictionary 7th edition, Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary Unabridged 12th Edition, or Italian dictionary 1st edition.

  •  Lower Sorbian: gusty‎
  •  Pashto: ټينګ‎ (ṭing)
  •  Turkish: yoğun‎
  •  Finnish: tiheä‎
  •  Persian: چگال‎ (čegâl)
  •  Polish: gęsty‎ (masc.)
  •  Spanish: denso‎ (masc.)
  •  Japanese: 濃い‎ (こい, koi), 密‎ (mitsu)
  •  Danish: kompakt‎
  •  German: dicht‎
  •  Latvian: blīvs‎
  •  Maori: pururua‎ (of vegetation)
  •  Macedonian: густ‎
  •  Irish: dlúth‎
  •  Portuguese: denso‎
  •  Vietnamese: đặc‎
  •  Russian: пло́тный‎, густо́й‎ (viscous)
  •  Armenian: խիտ‎
  •  Mandarin: 密‎ (mì), 稠密‎ (chóumì), 濃‎, 浓‎ (nóng)
  •  Bulgarian: гъст‎ (gǎst)
  •  Catalan: dens‎
  •  Slovene: góst‎ (masc.) ‎

See if you can figure out what languages the below words are in!

بِكَثافَه на гъсто densamente hustě dicht tæt πυκνά densamente tihedalt tankis blīvums ketumpatan dichtheid egenvekt þunnur stupido 頭の鈍い stulbs bodoh stompzinnig dum estúpido kõva peaga dense עָבוֹת घना bujan gust sűrű lebat þéttur együgyű bodoh tregur blīvums kepadatan dichtheid tetthet tebal dicht tett тъп estúpido hloupý dum αργόστροφος corto πυκνότητα densidad tihedus تراکم tyk πυκνός espeso nechápavý schwer bukas aprobežots begriff tykhovedet tirštas biezs tihedus چگالی tankumas biezums trög โง่ ahmak ความหนาแน่น yoğunluk 密集度 густота tonto gedrängt digtheid كَثافَه гъстота densidade hustota die dichte heavy mahogany furniture kompakt หนาแน่น yoğun อย่างหนาแน่น yoğun olarak 密集地 густо samþjappaður fitto kalın kafalı 愚鈍的 дурний كَثيف гъст denso hustý dicht tæt انبوهی tiheys densité צפיפות घनत्व zbijenost sűrűség kepadatan þéttleiki densità blīvi sangat padat dicht tett gęsto greek dasýs غلظت tiheys densité צפיפות घनत्व gustoća stompsinnig zbijeno sűrűn rapat mjög þétt densamente びっしりと 촘촘히 tankiai biezi احمق denso des густой hustý gost gust tät kompakthet gęstość جنگلی densidade densitate плотность hustota gostota gustina täthet digtheid كَثافَه плътност densidade hustota die dichte vægtfylde πυκνότητα densidad phys tett tępy احمق estúpido tâmpit тупой nechápavý omejen glup dum نږدى densamente compact плотно husto gosto gusto tätt torpe ottuso tupoglav ograničen 밀집한 tetthet gęstość غلضت densidade densitate плотность hustota gostota gustina densitet blīvs tykk غليظ beschränkt superl begriffsstutzig kepekatan eðlismassi densità 密度

What are synonyms and antonyms of dense?

There are many different words and phrases that a person can choose to use in place of the word dense. These are called synonyms, which are defined as words and phrases with the same definition as another word or phrase. Learning synonyms is a great way to expand your English vocabulary and avoid repeating yourself. This list of synonyms of dense is from Power Thesaurus.

  •  mindless
  •  slow
  •  tight
  •  thick
  •  dim-witted
  •  uncomprehending
  •  populous
  •  imperceptive
  •  substantial
  •  half-witted
  •  congested
  •  half-assed
  •  lush
  •  solid
  •  lumpish
  •  impermeable
  •  massed
  •  thicker
  •  blockheaded
  •  witless
  •  luxuriant
  •  chowderheaded
  •  soupy
  •  moronic
  •  lunkheaded
  •  slow-witted
  •  serried
  •  simpleminded
  •  heavy
  •  lamebrained
  •  birdbrained
  •  crammed
  •  rigid
  •  unperceptive
  •  jungly
  •  slow on the uptake
  •  murky
  •  profuse
  •  dull-witted
  •  simple
  •  obtuse
  •  blockish
  •  stupid
  •  unyielding
  •  idiotic
  •  close-packed
  •  ignorant
  •  insensitive
  •  pea-brained
  •  impenetrable
  •  stiff
  •  dimwitted
  •  firm
  •  unintelligent
  •  vacuous
  •  condensed
  •  stolid
  •  opaque
  •  bovine
  •  brainless
  •  close
  •  concentrated
  •  compact
  •  packed
  •  dim
  •  abundant
  •  compressed
  •  piled
  •  imbecilic
  •  tightly packed
  •  bushy
  •  dozy
  •  foolish
  •  brain-dead
  •  muttonheaded
  •  impassable
  •  crowded
  •  closer
  •  dumb
  •  wooden-headed
  •  fatheaded
  •  cretinous
  •  compacted
  •  doltish
  •  dull
  •  rank
  •  empty-headed
  •  thickheaded
  •  daft
  •  overgrown
  •  exuberant
  •  blind
  •  thick-witted
  •  dopey
  •  concrete
  •  fatuous
  •  vapid
  •  hard
  •  boneheaded
  •  thickset

There are also many different words that have the opposite meaning as the word dense. These opposite words are called antonyms, which are another quick and easy way to expand your English language vocabulary. This list of antonyms is also provided by Power Thesaurus. 

  •  brilliant
  •  open
  •  thin
  •  scattered
  •  akamai
  •  artful
  •  astute
  •  fast
  •  wise
  •  penetrable
  •  perceptive
  •  insightful
  •  all skin and bones
  •  canny
  •  intelligent
  •  light
  •  brainy
  •  smart
  •  sparse
  •  active
  •  adroit
  •  agile enough
  •  academic
  •  well-versed
  •  airy
  •  shrewd
  •  acute
  •  loose
  •  apt
  •  clever
  •  advanced
  •  amusing
  •  nimble
  •  quick
  •  alive
  •  sagacious
  •  absorbing
  •  liquid
  •  almost empty
  •  facile
  •  bright
  •  animated
  •  alert
  •  agile
  •  well educated
  •  on the ball
  •  quick-witted
  •  glittering
  •  transparent
  •  sharp

Overall, the word dense (adj.) means thick or opaque. It is also a slang term for lacking intelligence.


  1. Dense definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary 
  2. dense: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense 
  3. Dense synonyms – 1 702 Words and Phrases for Dense | Power Thesaurus 
  4. Dense antonyms – 455 Opposites of Dense | Power Thesaurus 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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