Defined the word family

Family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purpose of the family is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Ideally, families offer predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and learn to participate in the community.[1] Historically, most human societies use family as the primary locus of attachment, nurturance, and socialization.[2][3]

Anthropologists classify most family organizations as matrifocal (a mother and her children), patrifocal (a father and his children), conjugal (a wife, her husband, and children, also called the nuclear family), avuncular (a man, his sister, and her children), or extended (in addition to parents and children, may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins).

The field of genealogy aims to trace family lineages through history. The family is also an important economic unit studied in family economics. The word «families» can be used metaphorically to create more inclusive categories such as community, nationhood, and global village.


One of the primary functions of the family involves providing a framework for the production and reproduction of persons biologically and socially. This can occur through the sharing of material substances (such as food); the giving and receiving of care and nurture (nurture kinship); jural rights and obligations; and moral and sentimental ties.[5][6] Thus, one’s experience of one’s family shifts over time. From the perspective of children, the family is a «family of orientation»: the family serves to locate children socially and plays a major role in their enculturation and socialization.[7] From the point of view of the parent(s), the family is a «family of procreation», the goal of which is to produce, enculturate and socialize children.[8] However, producing children is not the only function of the family; in societies with a sexual division of labor, marriage, and the resulting relationship between two people, it is necessary for the formation of an economically productive household.[9][10][11]

C. C. Harris notes that the western conception of family is ambiguous and confused with the household, as revealed in the different contexts in which the word is used.[12] Olivia Harris states this confusion is not accidental, but indicative of the familial ideology of capitalist, western countries that pass social legislation that insists members of a nuclear family should live together, and that those not so related should not live together; despite the ideological and legal pressures, a large percentage of families do not conform to the ideal nuclear family type.[13]


Mennonite siblings, Montana, United States, 1937

The total fertility rate of women varies from country to country, from a high of 6.76 children born/woman in Niger to a low of 0.81 in Singapore (as of 2015).[14] Fertility is low in most Eastern European and Southern European countries, and high in most sub-Saharan African countries.[14]

In some cultures, the mother’s preference of family size influences that of the children through early adulthood.[15] A parent’s number of children strongly correlates with the number of children that their children will eventually have.[16]


A German mother with her children in the 1960s

Although early western cultural anthropologists and sociologists considered family and kinship to be universally associated with relations by «blood» (based on ideas common in their own cultures) later research[5] has shown that many societies instead understand family through ideas of living together, the sharing of food (e.g. milk kinship) and sharing care and nurture. Sociologists have a special interest in the function and status of family forms in stratified (especially capitalist) societies.[17]

According to the work of scholars Max Weber, Alan Macfarlane, Steven Ozment, Jack Goody and Peter Laslett, the huge transformation that led to modern marriage in Western democracies was «fueled by the religio-cultural value system provided by elements of Judaism, early Christianity, Roman Catholic canon law and the Protestant Reformation».[18]

Much sociological, historical and anthropological research dedicates itself to the understanding of this variation, and of changes in the family that form over time. Levitan claims:

Times have changed; it is more acceptable and encouraged for mothers to work and fathers to spend more time at home with the children. The way roles are balanced between the parents will help children grow and learn valuable life lessons. There is [the] great importance of communication and equality in families, in order to avoid role strain.[19]

Multigenerational family[edit]

Historically, the most common family type was one in which grandparents, parents, and children lived together as a single unit. For example, the household might include the owners of a farm, one (or more) of their adult children, the adult child’s spouse, and the adult child’s own children (the owners’ grandchildren). Members of the extended family are not included in this family group. Sometimes, «skipped» generation families, such as a grandparents living with their grandchildren, are included.[20]

In the US, this arrangement declined after World War II, reaching a low point in 1980, when about one out of every eight people in the US lived in a multigenerational family.[20] The numbers have risen since then, with one in five people in the US living in a multigenerational family as of 2016.[21] The increasing popularity is partly driven by demographic changes and the economic shifts associated with the Boomerang Generation.[20]

Multigenerational households are less common in Canada, where about 6% of people living in Canada were living in multigenerational families as of 2016, but the proportion of multigenerational households was increasing rapidly, driven by increasing numbers of Aboriginal families, immigrant families, and high housing costs in some regions.[22]

Conjugal (nuclear) family[edit]

The term «nuclear family» is commonly used to refer to conjugal families. A «conjugal» family includes only the spouses and unmarried children who are not of age.[23][failed verification] Some sociologists[which?] distinguish between conjugal families (relatively independent of the kindred of the parents and of other families in general) and nuclear families (which maintain relatively close ties with their kindred).[24][25]

A father with his children in the United States in the 1940s

Other family structures – with (for example) blended parents, single parents, and domestic partnerships – have begun to challenge the normality of the nuclear family.[26][27][28]

Single-parent family[edit]

A single-parent family consists of one parent together with their children, where the parent is either widowed, divorced (and not remarried), or never married.[29] The parent may have sole custody of the children, or separated parents may have a shared-parenting arrangement where the children divide their time (possibly equally) between two different single-parent families or between one single-parent family and one blended family. As compared to sole custody, physical, mental and social well-being of children may be improved by shared-parenting arrangements and by children having greater access to both parents.[30][31] The number of single-parent families have been[when?] increasing, and about half of all children in the United States will live in a single-parent family at some point before they reach the age of 18. Most single-parent families are headed by a mother, but the number of single-parent families headed by fathers is increasing.[32][33]

Matrifocal family[edit]

A «matrifocal» family consists of a mother and her children.[34] Generally, these children are her biological offspring, although adoption of children occurs in nearly every society. This kind of family occurs commonly where women have the resources to rear their children by themselves, or where men are more mobile than women. As a definition, «a family or domestic group is matrifocal when it is centred on a woman and her children. In this case, the father(s) of these children are intermittently present in the life of the group and occupy a secondary place. The children’s mother is not necessarily the wife of one of the children’s fathers.»[35] The name, matrifocal, was coined in Guiana but it is defined differently in other countries. For Nayar families, the family have the male as the «center» or the head of the family, either the step-father/father/brother, rather than the mother.[34]

Extended family[edit]

Extended family with roots in Cape Town, Kimberley and Pretoria, South Africa

The term «extended family» is also common, especially in the United States. This term has two distinct meanings:

  1. It serves as a synonym of «consanguinal family» (consanguine means «of the same blood»).
  2. In societies dominated by the conjugal family, it refers to «kindred» (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.

These types refer to ideal or normative structures found in particular societies. Any society will exhibit some variation in the actual composition and conception of families.[36]

Historically, extended families were the basic family unit in the Catholic culture and countries (such as Southern Europe and Latin America),[37] and in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern Orthodox countries.[37]

Family of choice[edit]

The term family of choice, also sometimes referred to as «chosen family» or «found family», is common within the LGBT community, veterans, individuals who have suffered abuse, and those who have no contact with biological «parents». It refers to the group of people in an individual’s life that satisfies the typical role of family as a support system. The term differentiates between the «family of origin» (the biological family or that in which people are raised) and those that actively assume that ideal role.[38]

The family of choice may or may not include some or all of the members of the family of origin. This family is not one that follows the «normal» familial structure like having a father, a mother, and children. This is family is a group of people that rely on each other like a family of origin would.[39] This terminology stems from the fact that many LGBT individuals, upon coming out, face rejection or shame from the families they were raised in.[40] The term family of choice is also used by individuals in the 12 step communities, who create close-knit «family» ties through the recovery process.

As a family system, families of choice face unique issues. Without legal safeguards, families of choice may struggle when medical, educational or governmental institutions fail to recognize their legitimacy.[40] If members of the chosen family have been disowned by their family of origin, they may experience surrogate grief, displacing anger, loss, or anxious attachment onto their new family.[40]

Blended family[edit]

The term blended family or stepfamily describes families with mixed parents: one or both parents remarried, bringing children of the former family into the new family.[41] Also in sociology, particularly in the works of social psychologist Michael Lamb,[42] traditional family refers to «a middle-class family with a bread-winning father and a stay-at-home mother, married to each other and raising their biological children,» and nontraditional to exceptions to this rule. Most of the US households are now non-traditional under this definition.[43] Critics of the term «traditional family» point out that in most cultures and at most times, the extended family model has been most common, not the nuclear family,[44] though it has had a longer tradition in England[45] than in other parts of Europe and Asia which contributed large numbers of immigrants to the Americas. The nuclear family became the most common form in the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s.[46]

In terms of communication patterns in families, there are a certain set of beliefs within the family that reflect how its members should communicate and interact. These family communication patterns arise from two underlying sets of beliefs. One being conversation orientation (the degree to which the importance of communication is valued) and two, conformity orientation (the degree to which families should emphasize similarities or differences regarding attitudes, beliefs, and values).[47]

Blended families is complex, ranging from stepfamilies to cohabitating families (an individual living with guardians who are not married with step or half siblings). While it’s not too different from stepfamilies, cohabiting families pose a prevalent psychological effect on youths.[48] Some adolescents would be prone to «acts of delinquency,» and experiencing problems in school ranging from a decrease in academic performance to increased problematic behavior.  It coincides with other researches on the trajectories of stepfamilies where some experienced familyhood, but others lacking connection. Emotional detachment from members within stepfamilies contributes to this uncertainty, furthering the tension that these families may establish.[49] The transition from an old family to a new family that falls under blended families would also become problematic as the activities that were once performed in the old family may not transfer well within the new family for adolescents.[50]

Monogamous family[edit]

A monogamous family is based on a legal or social monogamy. In this case, an individual has only one (official) partner during their lifetime or at any one time (i.e. serial monogamy).[51] This means that a person may not have several different legal spouses at the same time, as this is usually prohibited by bigamy laws, (the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another[52]) in jurisdictions that require monogamous marriages.

Polygamous family[edit]

Chinese immigrant with his three wives and fourteen children, Cairns, Australia, 1904

Polygamy is a marriage that includes more than two partners.[53][54] When a man is married to more than one wife at a time, the relationship is called polygyny; and when a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. If a marriage includes multiple husbands and wives, it can be called polyamory,[55] group or conjoint marriage.[54]

Polygyny is a form of plural marriage, in which a man is allowed more than one wife .[56] In modern countries that permit polygamy, polygyny is typically the only form permitted. Polygyny is practiced primarily (but not only) in parts of the Middle East and Africa; and is often associated with Islam, however, there are certain conditions in Islam that must be met to perform polygyny.[57]

Polyandry is a form of marriage whereby a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time.[58] Fraternal polyandry, where two or more brothers are married to the same wife, is a common form of polyandry. Polyandry was traditionally practiced in areas of the Himalayan mountains, among Tibetans in Nepal, in parts of China and in parts of northern India. Polyandry is most common in societies marked by high male mortality or where males will often be apart from the rest of the family for a considerable period of time.[58]

Kinship terminology[edit]

Degrees of kinship[edit]

Family in a wagon, Lee County, Mississippi, United States, August 1935.

A first-degree relative is one who shares 50% of your DNA through direct inheritance, such as a full sibling, parent or progeny.

There is another measure for the degree of relationship, which is determined by counting up generations to the first common ancestor and back down to the target individual, which is used for various genealogical and legal purposes.[59]

Kinship Degree of relationship
by coefficient
Coefficient of
Degree of relationship
by counting generations to common ancestor
identical twins 0 100%[60] second-degree
sister / brother first-degree 50% (2×2−2) second-degree
mother / father / daughter / son[61] first-degree 50% (2−1) first-degree
half-sister / half-brother second-degree 25% (2−2) second-degree
grandmother / grandfather / granddaughter / grandson second-degree 25% (2−2) second-degree
aunt / uncle / niece / nephew second-degree 25% (2×2−3) third-degree
half-aunt / half-uncle / half-niece / half-nephew third-degree 12.5% (2−3) third-degree
first-cousin third-degree 12.5% (2×2−4) fourth-degree
half-first-cousin fourth-degree 6.25% (2−4) fourth-degree
great-grandmother / great-grandfather / great-granddaughter / great-grandson third-degree 12.5% (2−3) third-degree
first-cousin-once-removed fourth-degree 6.25% (2⋅2−5) fifth-degree
second-cousin fifth-degree 3.125% (2−6+2−6) sixth-degree


Family tree with some family members.

Family tree with other family members.

Swedish family eating, 1902

In his book Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan (1818–1881) performed the first survey of kinship terminologies in use around the world. Although much of his work is now considered dated, he argued that kinship terminologies reflect different sets of distinctions. For example, most kinship terminologies distinguish between sexes (the difference between a brother and a sister) and between generations (the difference between a child and a parent). Moreover, he argued, kinship terminologies distinguish between relatives by blood and marriage (although recently some anthropologists have argued that many societies define kinship in terms other than «blood»).

Morgan made a distinction between kinship systems that use classificatory terminology and those that use descriptive terminology. Classificatory systems are generally and erroneously understood to be those that «class together» with a single term relatives who actually do not have the same type of relationship to ego. (What defines «same type of relationship» under such definitions seems to be genealogical relationship. This is problematic given that any genealogical description, no matter how standardized, employs words originating in a folk understanding of kinship.) What Morgan’s terminology actually differentiates are those (classificatory) kinship systems that do not distinguish lineal and collateral relationships and those (descriptive) kinship systems that do. Morgan, a lawyer, came to make this distinction in an effort to understand Seneca inheritance practices. A Seneca man’s effects were inherited by his sisters’ children rather than by his own children.[62] Morgan identified six basic patterns of kinship terminologies:

  • Hawaiian: only distinguishes relatives based upon sex and generation.
  • Sudanese: no two relatives share the same term.
  • Eskimo: in addition to distinguishing relatives based upon sex and generation, also distinguishes between lineal relatives and collateral relatives.
  • Iroquois: in addition to sex and generation, also distinguishes between siblings of opposite sexes in the parental generation.
  • Crow: a matrilineal system with some features of an Iroquois system, but with a «skewing» feature in which generation is «frozen» for some relatives.
  • Omaha: like a Crow system but patrilineal.

Table of degrees of kinship.


Group photograph of a Norwegian family by Gustav Borgen ca. 1900: Father, mother, three sons and two daughters.

Father and child, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Most Western societies employ Eskimo kinship terminology.[63] This kinship terminology commonly occurs in societies with strong conjugal, where families have a degree of relative mobility. Typically, societies with conjugal families also favor neolocal residence; thus upon marriage, a person separates from the nuclear family of their childhood (family of orientation) and forms a new nuclear family (family of procreation). Such systems generally assume that the mother’s husband is also the biological father. The system uses highly descriptive terms for the nuclear family and progressively more classificatory as the relatives become more and more collateral.

Nuclear family[edit]

The system emphasizes the nuclear family. Members of the nuclear family use highly descriptive kinship terms, identifying directly only the husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, and sister. All other relatives are grouped together into categories. Members of the nuclear family may be lineal or collateral. Kin, for whom these are family, refer to them in descriptive terms that build on the terms used within the nuclear family or use the nuclear family term directly.

Nuclear family of orientation

  • Brother: the male child of a parent.
  • Sister: the female child of a parent.
  • Father: a male parent.
    • Grandfather: the father of a parent.
  • Mother: a female parent.
    • Grandmother: the mother of a parent.

Nuclear conjugal family

  • Husband: a male spouse.
  • Wife: a female spouse.
  • Son: a male child of the parent(s).
    • Grandson: a child’s son.
  • Daughter: a female child of the parent(s).
    • Granddaughter: a child’s daughter.

Nuclear non-lineal family

  • Spouse: husband or wife
    • Stepparent: a spouse of a parent that is not a biological parent
  • Sibling: sister or brother
    • Half-sibling: a sibling with whom the subject shares only one biological parent
    • Step-sibling: a child of a parent that is not a biological parent

Collateral relatives[edit]

A sibling is a collateral relative with a minimal removal. For collateral relatives with one additional removal, one generation more distant from a common ancestor on one side, more classificatory terms come into play. These terms (Aunt, Uncle, Niece, and Nephew) do not build on the terms used within the nuclear family as most are not traditionally members of the household. These terms do not traditionally differentiate between a collateral relatives and a person married to a collateral relative (both collateral and aggregate). Collateral relatives with additional removals on each side are Cousins. This is the most classificatory term and can be distinguished by degrees of collaterality and by generation (removal).

When only the subject has the additional removal, the relative is the subject’s parents’ siblings, the terms Aunt and Uncle are used for female and male relatives respectively. When only the relative has the additional removal, the relative is the subjects siblings child, the terms Niece and Nephew are used for female and male relatives respectively. The spouse of a biological aunt or uncle is an aunt or uncle, and the nieces and nephews of a spouse are nieces and nephews. With further removal by the subject for aunts and uncles and by the relative for nieces and nephews the prefix «grand-» modifies these terms. With further removal the prefix becomes «great-grand-,» adding another «great-» for each additional generation. For large numbers of generations a number can be substituted, for example, «fourth great-grandson», «four-greats grandson» or «four-times-great-grandson».

When the subject and the relative have an additional removal they are cousins. A cousin with minimal removal is a first cousin, i.e. the child of the subjects uncle or aunt. Degrees of collaterality and removals are used to more precisely describe the relationship between cousins. The degree is the number of generations subsequent to the common ancestor before a parent of one of the cousins is found, while the removal is the difference between the number of generations from each cousin to the common ancestor (the difference between the generations the cousins are from).[64][65]

Cousins of an older generation (in other words, one’s parents’ first cousins), although technically first cousins once removed, are often classified with «aunts» and «uncles».

Aggregate relatives[edit]

English-speakers mark relationships by marriage (except for wife/husband) with the tag «-in-law». The mother and father of one’s spouse become one’s mother-in-law and father-in-law; the wife of one’s son becomes one’s daughter-in-law and the husband of one’s daughter becomes one’s son-in-law. The term «sister-in-law» refers to two essentially different relationships, either the wife of one’s brother, or the sister of one’s spouse. «Brother-in-law» is the husband of one’s sister, or the brother of one’s spouse. The terms «half-brother» and «half-sister» indicate siblings who share only one biological parent. The term «aunt-in-law» is the wife of one’s uncle, or the aunt of one’s spouse. «Uncle-in-law» is the husband of one’s aunt, or the uncle of one’s spouse. «Cousin-in-law» is the spouse of one’s cousin, or the cousin of one’s spouse. The term «niece-in-law» is the wife of one’s nephew, or the niece of one’s spouse. «Nephew-in-law» is the husband of one’s niece, or the nephew of one’s spouse. The grandmother and grandfather of one’s spouse become one’s grandmother-in-law and grandfather-in-law; the wife of one’s grandson becomes one’s granddaughter-in-law and the husband of one’s granddaughter becomes one’s grandson-in-law.

In Indian English a sibling in law who is the spouse of your sibling can be referred to as a co-sibling (specificity a co-sister[66] or co-brother[67]).

Types of kinship[edit]


Patrilineality, also known as the male line or agnatic kinship, is a form of kinship system in which an individual’s family membership derives from and is traced through his or her father’s lineage.[68] It generally involves the inheritance of property, rights, names, or titles by persons related through male kin.

A patriline («father line») is a person’s father, and additional ancestors that are traced only through males. One’s patriline is thus a record of descent from a man in which the individuals in all intervening generations are male. In cultural anthropology, a patrilineage is a consanguineal male and female kinship group, each of whose members is descended from the common ancestor through male forebears.


Matrilineality is a form of kinship system in which an individual’s family membership derives from and is traced through his or her mother’s lineage.

It may also correlate with a societal system in which each person is identified with their matriline—their mother’s lineage—and which can involve the inheritance of property and titles. A matriline is a line of descent from a female ancestor to a descendant in which the individuals in all intervening generations are mothers – in other words, a «mother line».

In a matrilineal descent system, an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as her or his mother. This matrilineal descent pattern is in contrasts to the more common pattern of patrilineal descent pattern.

Bilateral descent[edit]

Bilateral descent is a form of kinship system in which an individual’s family membership derives from and is traced through both the paternal and maternal sides. The relatives on the mother’s side and father’s side are equally important for emotional ties or for transfer of property or wealth. It is a family arrangement where descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parents.[69] Families who use this system trace descent through both parents simultaneously and recognize multiple ancestors, but unlike with cognatic descent it is not used to form descent groups.[70]

Traditionally, this is found among some groups in West Africa, India, Australia, Indonesia, Melanesia, Malaysia and Polynesia. Anthropologists believe that a tribal structure based on bilateral descent helps members live in extreme environments because it allows individuals to rely on two sets of families dispersed over a wide area.[71]

History of theories[edit]

Early scholars of family history applied Darwin’s biological theory of evolution in their theory of evolution of family systems.[72] American anthropologist Lewis H. Morgan published Ancient Society in 1877 based on his theory of the three stages of human progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization.[73] Morgan’s book was the «inspiration for Friedrich Engels’ book» The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State published in 1884.[74]

Engels expanded Morgan’s hypothesis that economical factors caused the transformation of primitive community into a class-divided society.[75] Engels’ theory of resource control, and later that of Karl Marx, was used to explain the cause and effect of change in family structure and function. The popularity of this theory was largely unmatched until the 1980s, when other sociological theories, most notably structural functionalism, gained acceptance.

The nuclear family in industrial society[edit]

Family arrangements in the United States have become more diverse with no particular household arrangement representing half of the United States population.[76]

Contemporary society generally views the family as a haven from the world, supplying absolute fulfillment. Zinn and Eitzen discuss the image of the «family as haven … a place of intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanizing forces in modern society».[77]

During industrialization, «[t]he family as a repository of warmth and tenderness (embodied by the mother) stands in opposition to the competitive and aggressive world of commerce (embodied by the father). The family’s task was to protect against the outside world.»[78] However, Zinn and Eitzen note, «The protective image of the family has waned in recent years as the ideals of family fulfillment have taken shape. Today, the family is more compensatory than protective. It supplies what is vitally needed but missing in other social arrangements.»[78]

«The popular wisdom», according to Zinn and Eitzen, sees the family structures of the past as superior to those today, and families as more stable and happier at a time when they did not have to contend with problems such as illegitimate children and divorce. They respond to this, saying, «there is no golden age of the family gleaming at us in the far back historical past.»[79] «Desertion by spouses, illegitimate children, and other conditions that are considered characteristics of modern times existed in the past as well.»[79]

The postmodern family[edit]

Percentage of births to unmarried women, selected countries, 1980 and 2007[80]

Others argue that whether or not one views the family as «declining» depends on one’s definition of «family». «Married couples have dropped below half of all American households. This drop is shocking from traditional forms of the family system. Only a fifth of households were following traditional ways of having married couples raising a family together.»[81] In the Western World, marriages are no longer arranged for economic, social or political gain, and children are no longer expected to contribute to family income. Instead, people choose mates based on love.[82] This increased role of love indicates a societal shift toward favoring emotional fulfilment and relationships within a family, and this shift necessarily weakens the institution of the family.[83]

Margaret Mead considers the family as a main safeguard to continuing human progress. Observing, «Human beings have learned, laboriously, to be human», she adds: «we hold our present form of humanity on trust, [and] it is possible to lose it» … «It is not without significance that the most successful large-scale abrogations of the family have occurred not among simple savages, living close to the subsistence edge, but among great nations and strong empires, the resources of which were ample, the populations huge, and the power almost unlimited»[84]

Many countries (particularly Western) have, in recent years, changed their family laws in order to accommodate diverse family models. For instance, in the United Kingdom, in Scotland, the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 provides cohabitants with some limited rights.[85] In 2010, Ireland enacted the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010. There have also been moves at an international level, most notably, the Council of Europe European Convention on the Legal Status of Children Born out of Wedlock[86] which came into force in 1978. Countries which ratify it must ensure that children born outside marriage are provided with legal rights as stipulated in the text of this convention. The convention was ratified by the UK in 1981 and by Ireland in 1988.[87]

In the United States, one in five mothers has children by different fathers; among mothers with two or more children the figure is higher, with 28% having children with at least two different men. Such families are more common among Blacks and Hispanics and among the lower socioeconomic class.[88]

However, in western society, the single parent family has been growing more accepted and has begun to make an impact on culture. Single parent families are more commonly single mother families than single father.[89] These families sometimes face difficult issues besides the fact that they have to rear their children on their own, for example, low income making it difficult to pay for rent, child care, and other necessities for a healthy and safe home.

Furthermore, there are families that consist of two mothers, two fathers, non-binary, trans, and queer folks raising children. This is made possible due to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, adoption, and other processes.

Domestic violence[edit]

Domestic violence (DV) is violence that happens within the family. The legal and social understanding of the concept of DV differs by culture. The definition of the term «domestic violence» varies, depending on the context in which it is used.[90] It may be defined differently in medical, legal, political or social contexts. The definitions have varied over time, and vary in different parts of the world.

The Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence states that:[91]

«domestic violence» shall mean all acts of physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence that occur within the family or domestic unit or between former or current spouses or partners, whether or not the perpetrator shares or has shared the same residence with the victim.

In 1993, the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women identified domestic violence as one of three contexts in which violence against women occurs, describing it as:[92]

Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence and violence related to exploitation.

Family violence[edit]

Family violence is a broader definition, often used to include child abuse, elder abuse, and other violent acts between family members.[93]

Child abuse is defined by the WHO as:[94]

Child maltreatment, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect, includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity. Within this broad definition, five subtypes can be distinguished – physical abuse; sexual abuse; neglect and negligent treatment; emotional abuse; and exploitation.

There exists legislation to prevent and punish the occurrence of these offences. There are laws regarding familial sexual activity, which states that it is a criminal offence to have any kind of sexual relationship between one’s grandparent, parent, sibling, aunt or uncle.[95][96]

Elder abuse is, according to the WHO: «a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person».[97]

Parental abuse of children (child abuse)[edit]

Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children.[98] In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department for Children and Families (DCF) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.[99] Child abuse can occur in a child’s home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.

Parental abuse by children[edit]

Abuse of parents by their children is a common but under reported and under-researched subject. A factor why this subject is under-researched is because of the overshadowing effect caused by parents abusing their children instead. Parents are quite often subject to levels of childhood aggression in excess of normal childhood aggressive outbursts, typically in the form of verbal or physical abuse. Parents feel a sense of shame and humiliation to have that problem, so they rarely seek help and it is usually little or no help available anyway.[100][101]

Elder abuse[edit]

Elder abuse is «a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person».[102] This definition has been adopted by the World Health Organization from a definition put forward by Action on Elder Abuse in the UK. Laws protecting the elderly from abuse are similar to, and related to, laws protecting dependent adults from abuse.

The core element to the harm of elder abuse is the «expectation of trust» of the older person toward their abuser. Thus, it includes harms by people the older person knows or with whom they have a relationship, such as a spouse, partner or family member, a friend or neighbor, or people that the older person relies on for services. Many forms of elder abuse are recognized as types of domestic violence or family violence.

Forced and child marriage[edit]

Forced and child marriages are practiced in certain regions of the world, particularly in Asia and Africa, and these types of marriages are associated with a high rate of domestic violence.[103][104][105][106]

A forced marriage is a marriage where one or both participants are married without their freely given consent.[107] The line between forced marriage and consensual marriage may become blurred, because the social norms of many cultures dictate that one should never oppose the desire of one’s parents/relatives in regard to the choice of a spouse; in such cultures it is not necessary for violence, threats, intimidation etc. to occur, the person simply «consents» to the marriage even if he/she doesn’t want it, out of the implied social pressure and duty. The customs of bride price and dowry, that exist in parts of the world, can lead to buying and selling people into marriage.[108][109]

A child marriage is a marriage where one or both spouses are under 18.[110][103] Child marriage was common throughout history but is today condemned by international human rights organizations.[111][112][113] Child marriages are often arranged between the families of the future bride and groom, sometimes as soon as the girl is born.[111] Child marriages can also occur in the context of marriage by abduction.[111]

The concept of family honour[edit]

Family honor is an abstract concept involving the perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects the social standing and the self-evaluation of a group of related people, both corporately and individually.[114][115] The family is viewed as the main source of honor and the community highly values the relationship between honor and the family.[116] The conduct of family members reflects upon family honor and the way the family perceives itself, and is perceived by others.[115] In cultures of honor maintaining the family honor is often perceived as more important than either individual freedom, or individual achievement.[117] In extreme cases, engaging in acts that are deemed to tarnish the honor of the family results in honor killings. An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the perpetrators’ belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family or community, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their relatives, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, or engaging in homosexual relations.[118][119][120][121][122]

Economic issues[edit]

A family is often part of a sharing economy with common ownership.

Dowry, bride price and dower[edit]

A traditional, formal presentation of the bride price at a Thai engagement ceremony.

Dowry is property (money, goods, or estate) that a wife or wife’s family gives to her husband when the wife and husband marry.[123] Offering dowry was common in many cultures historically (including in Europe and North America), but this practice today is mostly restricted to some areas primarily in the Indian subcontinent.

Bride price, (also bride wealth or bride token), is property paid by the groom or his family to the parents of a woman upon the marriage of their daughter to the groom. It is practiced mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa, parts of South-East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia), and parts of Central Asia.

Dower is property given to the bride herself by the groom at the time of marriage, and which remains under her ownership and control.[124]

Property regimes and taxation[edit]

In some countries married couples benefit from various taxation advantages not available to a single person or to unmarried couples. For example, spouses may be allowed to average their combined incomes. Some jurisdictions recognize common law marriage or de facto relations for this purposes. In some jurisdictions there is also an option of civil partnership or domestic partnership.

Different property regimes exist for spouses. In many countries, each marriage partner has the choice of keeping their property separate or combining properties. In the latter case, called community property, when the marriage ends by divorce each owns half. In lieu of a will or trust, property owned by the deceased generally is inherited by the surviving spouse.

Rights and laws[edit]

Reproductive rights[edit]

Reproductive rights are legal rights and freedoms relating to reproduction and reproductive health. These include the right to decide on issues regarding the number of children born, family planning, contraception, and private life, free from coercion and discrimination; as well as the right to access health services and adequate information.[125][126][127][128] According to UNFPA, reproductive rights «include the right to decide the number, timing and spacing of children, the right to voluntarily marry and establish a family, and the right to the highest attainable standard of health, among others».[129] Family planning refers to the factors that may be considered by individuals and couples in order for them to control their fertility, anticipate and attain the desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births.[130][131]

The state and church have been, and still are in some countries, involved in controlling the size of families, often using coercive methods, such as bans on contraception or abortion (where the policy is a natalist one—for example through tax on childlessness) or conversely, discriminatory policies against large families (e.g., China’s one-child policy in place from 1978 to 2015) or even forced abortions. Forced sterilization has often targeted ethnic minority groups, such as Roma women in Eastern Europe,[132][133] or indigenous women in Peru (during the 1990s).[134]

Parents’ rights[edit]

The parents’ rights movement is a movement whose members are primarily interested in issues affecting parents and children related to family law, specifically parental rights and obligations. Mothers’ rights movements focus on maternal health, workplace issues such as labor rights, breastfeeding, and rights in family law. The fathers’ rights movement is a movement whose members are primarily interested in issues related to family law, including child custody and child support, that affect fathers and their children.[135]

Children’s rights[edit]

Children’s rights are the human rights of children, with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors, including their right to association with both parents, their right to human identity, their right to be provided in regard to their other basic needs, and their right to be free from violence and abuse.[136][137][138]

Marriage rights[edit]

Each jurisdiction has its own marriage laws. These laws differ significantly from country to country; and these laws are often controversial. Areas of controversy include women’s rights as well as same-sex marriage.

Legal reforms[edit]

Legal reforms to family laws have taken place in many countries during the past few decades. These dealt primarily with gender equality within marriage and with divorce laws. Women have been given equal rights in marriage in many countries, reversing older family laws based on the dominant legal role of the husband. Coverture, which was enshrined in the common law of England and the US for several centuries and throughout most of the 19th century, was abolished. In some European countries the changes that lead to gender equality were slower. The period of 1975–1979 saw a major overhaul of family laws in countries such as Italy,[139][140] Spain,[141] Austria,[142] West Germany,[143][144] and Portugal.[145] In 1978, the Council of Europe passed the Resolution (78) 37 on equality of spouses in civil law.[146] Among the last European countries to establish full gender equality in marriage were Switzerland. In 1985, a referendum guaranteed women legal equality with men within marriage.[147][148] The new reforms came into force in January 1988.[149] In Greece, in 1983, legislation was passed guaranteeing equality between spouses, abolishing dowry, and ending legal discrimination against illegitimate children.[150][151] In 1981, Spain abolished the requirement that married women must have their husbands’ permission to initiate judicial proceedings[152] the Netherlands,[153][154] and France[note 1] in the 1980s. In recent decades, the marital power has also been abolished in African countries that had this doctrine, but many African countries that were former French colonies still have discriminatory laws in their marriages regulations, such regulations originating in the Napoleonic Code that has inspired these laws.[152] In some countries (predominantly Roman Catholic) divorce was legalized only recently (e.g. Italy (1970), Portugal (1975), Brazil (1977), Spain (1981), Argentina (1987), Ireland (1996), Chile (2004) and Malta (2011)) although annulment and legal separation were options. The Philippines still does not allow divorce. (see Divorce law by country). The laws pertaining to the situation of children born outside marriage have also been revised in many countries (see Legitimacy (family law)).


Global maternal mortality rate per 100 000 live births, (2010)[157]

Family medicine[edit]

Family medicine is a medical specialty devoted to comprehensive health care for people of all ages; it is based on knowledge of the patient in the context of the family and the community, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion.[158] The importance of family medicine is being increasingly recognized.[159]

World infant mortality rates in 2012[160]

Maternal mortality[edit]

Maternal mortality or maternal death is defined by WHO as «the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes.»[161] Historically, maternal mortality was a major cause of women’s death. In recent decades, advances in healthcare have resulted in rates of maternal mortality having dropped dramatically, especially in Western countries. Maternal mortality however remains a serious problem in many African and Asian counties.[161][162]

Infant and child mortality[edit]

Infant mortality is the death of a child less than one year of age. Child mortality is the death of a child before the child’s fifth birthday. Like maternal mortality, infant and child mortality were common throughout history, but have decreased significantly in modern times.[163][164]


Parents with child statue, Hrobákova street, Petržalka, Bratislava

While in many parts of the world family policies seek to promote a gender-equal organization of the family life, in others the male-dominated family continues to be the official policy of the authorities, which is also supported by law. For instance, the Civil Code of Iran states at Article 1105: «In relations between husband and wife; the position of the head of the family is the exclusive right of the husband».[165]

In some parts of the world, some governments promote a specific form of family, such as that based on traditional family values. The term «family values» is often used in political discourse in some countries, its general meaning being that of traditional or cultural values that pertain to the family’s structure, function, roles, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals, usually involving the «traditional family»—a middle-class family with a breadwinner father and a homemaker mother, raising their biological children. Any deviation from this family model is considered a «nontraditional family».[166] These family ideals are often advanced through policies such as marriage promotion. Some jurisdictions outlaw practices which they deem as socially or religiously unacceptable, such as fornication, cohabitation or adultery.

Work–family balance[edit]

Work–family balance is a concept involving proper prioritizing between work/career and family life. It includes issues relating to the way how work and families intersect and influence each other. At a political level, it is reflected through policies such maternity leave and paternity leave. Since the 1950s, social scientists as well as feminists have increasingly criticized gendered arrangements of work and care, and the male breadwinner role, and policies are increasingly targeting men as fathers, as a tool of changing gender relations.[167]

Protection of private and family life[edit]

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides a right to respect for one’s «private and family life, his home and his correspondence», subject to certain restrictions that are «in accordance with law» and «necessary in a democratic society».[168]

Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedom of others.


An early opponent of the family was Socrates whose position was outlined by Plato in The Republic.[169] In Book 5 of The Republic, Socrates tells his interlocutors that a just city is one in which citizens have no family ties.[170][171]

The family being such a deep-rooted and much-venerated institution, few intellectuals have ventured to speak against it. Familialism has been atypically defined as a «social structure where … a family’s values are held in higher esteem than the values of the individual members of the family». Favoritism granted to relatives regardless of merit is called nepotism.

The Russian-American rationalist and individualist philosopher, novelist and playwright Ayn Rand compared partiality towards consanguinity with racism, as a small-scale manifestation of the latter.[172] «The worship of the family is merely racism, like a crudely primitive first installment on the worship of the tribe. It places the accident of birth above a man’s values and duty to the tribe above a man’s right to his own life.»[173] Additionally, she spoke in favor of childfree lifestyle, while following it herself.[172]

The family and social justice[edit]

One of the controversies regarding the family is the application of the concept of social justice to the private sphere of family relations, in particular with regard to the rights of women and children. Throughout much of the history, most philosophers who advocated for social justice focused on the public political arena, not on the family structures; with the family often being seen as a separate entity which needed to be protected from outside state intrusion. One notable exception was John Stuart Mill, who, in his work The Subjection of Women, advocated for greater rights for women within marriage and family.[174] Second wave feminists argued that the personal is political, stating that there are strong connections between personal experiences and the larger social and political structures. In the context of the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s, this was a challenge to the nuclear family and family values, as they were understood then.[175] Feminists focused on domestic violence, arguing that the reluctance—in law or in practice—of the state to intervene and offer protection to women who have been abused within the family, is in violation of women’s human rights, and is the result of an ideology which places family relations outside the conceptual framework of human rights.[176]

Global trends in family composition[edit]

Statistics from an infographic by Olivier Ballou showed that,[177]

In 2013, just over 40% of US babies were born outside marriage. The Census bureau estimated that 27% of all children lived in a fatherless home. Europe has seen a surge in child-free adults. One in five 40-something women are childless in Sweden and in Switzerland, in Italy one in four, in Berlin one in three. So-called traditional societies are seeing the same trend. About one-sixth of Japanese women in their forties have never married and about 30% of all women that age are childless.

However, Swedish statisticians reported in 2013 that, in contrast to many countries, since the 2000s, fewer children have experienced their parents’ separation, childlessness had decreased in Sweden and marriages had increased. It had also become more common for couples to have a third child suggesting that the nuclear family was no longer in decline in Sweden.[178]: 10 

See also[edit]

  • Childlessness
  • Familialism
  • Family economics
  • Household
  • Nepotism
  • Parent
  • Stepfamily
  • Voluntary childlessness


  1. ^ Although married women in France obtained the right to work without their husbands’ permission in 1965,[155] and the paternal authority of a man over his family was ended in 1970 (before that parental responsibilities belonged solely to the father who made all legal decisions concerning the children), it was only in 1985 that a legal reform abolished the stipulation that the husband had the sole power to administer the children’s property.[156]



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  • Race, Class, & Gender: An Anthology, 9th edition. Editors: Margaret L. Anderson and Patricia Hill Collins. Cengage Learning.


  • Monica McGoldrick; Nydia A. Garcia Preto; Betty A. Carter (12 June 2015). The Expanding Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family, and Social Perspectives. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-205-96806-0. Archived from the original on 17 February 2017. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  • Daly, Mary (2011). «What adult worker model? A critical look at recent social policy reform in Europe from a gender and family perspective». Social Politics. 18 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1093/sp/jxr002. PMID 21692242. S2CID 21306624.
  • Daly, Mary; Lewis, Jane (2000). «The concept of social care and the analysis of contemporary welfare states». British Journal of Sociology. 51 (2): 281–98. doi:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2000.00281.x. PMID 10905001. Archived from the original on 2019-06-29. Retrieved 2019-06-25.
  • Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (2009). The incomplete revolution: Adapting welfare states to women’s new roles. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Ferragina, Emanuele; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin (2015). «Determinants of a Silent (R)evolution:Understanding the Expansion of Family Policy in Rich OECD Countries». Social Politics. 22 (1): 1–37. doi:10.1093/sp/jxu027.
  • Forbes, Scott, A Natural History of Families, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005), ISBN 0-691-09482-9
  • Foucault, Michel (1978). The History of Sexuality: Volume I: An Introduction. (New York: Vintage Books). ISBN 978-0-679-72469-8
  • Gilroy, Paul «Identity Belonging and the Critique of Pure Sameness» in Gilroy, Paul (2000) Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Color Line, (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press), Ch. I.3, pp. 97–133
  • Goody, Jack The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe Archived 2016-05-19 at the Wayback Machine (Cambridge University Press, 1980); translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese.
  • Mock, Douglas W., More Than Kin and Less Than Kind, (Belknap Press, 2004), ISBN 0-674-01285-2
  • Schneider, David M., American Kinship: a cultural approach (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980).
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  • Chevallier, Denis (1985). «Famille et parenté: une bibliographie». Terrain (in French) (4): 77–82. doi:10.4000/terrain.2874. Archived from the original on July 24, 2008. Retrieved January 8, 2014.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Family.

Look up family in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Family.

  • «Family» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 10 (11th ed.). 1911.


The disappearance of decent-paying low-skilled jobs over the last 30 years makes it virtually impossible for a young high-school dropout to successfully support a family on a legitimate income.

Karen De Witt, Essence, August 1994

A defendant in a racketeering trial was described yesterday as a Mafia captain who had carried out a plot to kill three rivals in the Bonanno crime family.

Arnold H. Lubasch, New York Times, 30 Apr. 1987

Nobody ever came to the farm—through «the big gate,» a mile off on the pike—except kin and a family named Rawls: a widow with two daughters and a son, my only playmate.

Robert Penn Warren, Jefferson Davis Gets His Citizenship Back, 1980

It was quite an understood thing in the family that Lord Fawn must marry money.

Anthony Trollope, The Eustace Diamonds, 1871

There were a lot of families at the circus.

The show is fun for the whole family.

a death in the family

There are several doctors on his mother’s side of the family.

She wants to spend more time with her family.

After his father’s death he became the head of the family.

She’s a friend of the family.

He spent a quiet evening at home with family.

trying to find a balance between work and family

He’s devoted to his wife and family.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

The area also ranked nationally with high rates of unsheltered homelessness for multiple populations including unaccompanied youth, families with children, chronically homeless individuals and veterans.

oregonlive, 11 Apr. 2023

So many lives had been claimed by 2016, touching countless families.

Cincinnati Enquirer, The Enquirer, 11 Apr. 2023

It is owned by the billionaire Magnier family, who dominate the Irish stud industry (Queen Elizabeth once visited their nearby breeding operation, Coolmore Stud), and equine activities predominate at the property.

Klara Glowczewska, Town & Country, 11 Apr. 2023

More:’Wrap our arms around these families‘: Beshear, Greenberg react to Louisville mass shooting The other shooting victims Monday were Jim Tutt Jr., 64; Josh Barrick, 40; Juliana Farmer, 45; and Deana Eckert, 57.

Maggie Menderski, The Courier-Journal, 11 Apr. 2023

Alabama’s defense has lost eight starters to the NFL draft and was without four others Friday because of injuries to inside linebackers Deontae Lawson, outside linebackers Dallas Turner and Chris Braswell, and the absence of cornerback Kool-Aid McKinstry for a family matter.

Mike Rodak |, al, 11 Apr. 2023

The 35-year-old actress dropped several pics of herself and her family on Instagram—including husband Ryan Reynolds, her mom, and her mother-in-law—hanging out in and around a beach, looking all kinds of blissed out.

Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

Tucson police announced Monday that officers arrested a man after finding a woman dead inside her family home from a gunshot wound last week.

Andrea Ramirez, The Arizona Republic, 10 Apr. 2023

The young men may have recently turned 18 and now qualify, or have cleared up family obligations that previously stopped them from joining.

Kostiantyn Khudov, Washington Post, 10 Apr. 2023

Almost 30,000 single- and multi-family homes and businesses could benefit if approved in the coming months.

Megan Rodriguez, San Antonio Express-News, 16 Mar. 2023

City Council members unanimously supported the ordinance, which changed property use in an area previously zoned for retail and multi-family homes.

Rachel Fradette, The Indianapolis Star, 14 Mar. 2023

The residence is a multi-family home with five bedrooms and two bathrooms, according to a Zillow listing.

Haley Hersey,, 12 Mar. 2023

The fire took place in a multi-family home in Detroit, allegedly caused by the downstairs tenants’ kids lighting up a mattress in the bedroom.

Nour Rahal, Detroit Free Press, 3 Mar. 2023

The code changes also would not affect the city’s nearly 140,000 existing multi-family homes, where owners or managers can decide whether to voluntarily install EV charging.

oregonlive, 25 Jan. 2023

Four Meriden firefighters and one occupant of a multi-family home in Meriden were hospitalized after a three-alarm fire this weekend, city officials said Sunday.

Staff Report, Hartford Courant, 22 Jan. 2023

Three of the people who died lived above the third floor of multi-family dwellings, county officials said.

Bslovic, oregonlive, 7 Mar. 2023

Priorities for the state grants include rural and underserved areas not eligible for the NEVI grants, as well as low- to moderate-income areas and those with high ratios of multi-family dwellings like apartment complexes.

Mike Cason |, al, 1 Sep. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘family.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children

  • Abkhaz: аҭаацәа (ataacʷa)
  • Afrikaans: familie (af)
  • Akkadian: 𒆜𒆳 (/illatu/), 𒅎𒊑𒀀 (/imrû/), 𒁶𒌈 (/kimtu/), 𒇷𒈬 (/līmu/), 𒊓𒆷𒌈 (/salātu/)
  • Albanian: familje (sq) f, tym (sq) m (archaic)
  • American Sign Language: FAMILY
  • Amharic: ቤተሰብ (betäsäb), ቤተሰቦች (betäsäboč), ዘመድ አዝማድ (zämäd ʾäzmad)
  • Arabic: عَائِلَة (ar) f (ʕāʔila), أُسْرَة (ar) f (ʔusra), أَهْل‎ m (ʔahl)
    Egyptian Arabic: عيلة‎ f (ʿēla)
    Hijazi Arabic: عيلة‎ f (ʿēla), أَهِل‎ m (ʾahil)
    South Levantine Arabic: عيلة‎ f (ʕēle)
  • Aragonese: familha f, familia f
  • Armenian: ընտանիք (hy) (əntanikʿ)
  • Aromanian: fumealji f, fumealje f
  • Assamese: পৰিয়াল (porial)
  • Asturian: familia (ast) f
  • Avar: хьизан (x̂izan)
  • Azerbaijani: ailə (az), külfət, əyal (archaic)
  • Bashkir: ғаилә (ğailä)
  • Basque: familia (eu)
  • Belarusian: сям’я́ f (sjamʺjá), радзі́на f (radzína), сяме́йства n (sjamjéjstva)
  • Bengali: পরিবার (bn) (poribar), খানদান (bn) (khandan), গোষ্ঠী (bn) (gōśṭhi)
  • Berber:
    Tashelhit: takat f
  • Breton: familh (br) f, tiegezh (br) m
  • Bulgarian: семе́йство (bg) n (seméjstvo)
  • Burmese: မိသားစု (my) (
  • Catalan: família (ca) f
  • Chechen: доьзал (dözal)
  • Cherokee: ᏏᏓᏁᎸᎯ (sidanelvhi), ᏥᏓᎾᎷ (tsidanalu)
  • Chichewa: banja
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese:  (yue) (gaa1), 家庭 (gaa1 ting4)
    Dungan: җящя (ži͡axi͡a), җя (ži͡a)
    Mandarin:  (zh) (jiā), 家庭 (zh) (jiātíng)
    Min Nan: 家族 (zh-min-nan) (ka-cho̍k), 家庭 (zh-min-nan) (ka-têng)
  • Chuukese: famini
  • Coptic: ⲙⲉⲧⲓⲱⲧ f (metiōt)
  • Cornish: teylu m
  • Corsican: famiglia f
  • Czech: rodina (cs) f
  • Dalmatian: famalja f
  • Danish: familie (da) c
  • Dhivehi: އާއިލާ(āilā)
  • Dutch: gezin (nl) n
  • Elfdalian: familj m
  • Esperanto: familio (eo)
  • Estonian: pere (et), perekond (et)
  • Ewe: ƒome
  • Extremaduran: please add this translation if you can
  • Faroese: familja f
  • Finnish: perhe (fi)
  • French: famille (fr) f
  • Friulian: famee f
  • Galician: familia (gl) f
  • Georgian: ოჯახი (ka) (oǯaxi)
  • German: Familie (de) f
  • Gothic: 𐌺𐌿𐌽𐌹 n (kuni)
  • Greek: οικογένεια (el) f (oikogéneia)
  • Greenlandic: ilaqutakka
  • Gujarati: પરિવાર m (parivār)
  • Haitian Creole: fanmi
  • Hausa: Iyali (ha) m
  • Hawaiian: ʻohana
  • Hebrew: מִשְׁפָּחָה (he) f (mishpakhá)
  • Hindi: परिवार (hi) m (parivār), ख़ानदान m (xāndān), बाल-बच्चे m pl (bāl-bacce)
  • Hittite: 𒉺𒀭𒆪𒍑 (pa-an-ku-uš)
  • Hungarian: család (hu)
  • Icelandic: fjölskylda (is) f
  • Ido: familio (io)
  • Indonesian: keluarga (id), famili (id)
  • Ingush: дезал (dezal)
  • Interlingua: familia
  • Irish: teaghlach m, muirear m, muirín f
  • Istriot: fameîa
  • Italian: famiglia (it) f
  • Japanese: 家族 (ja) (かぞく, kazoku), (honorific) ご家族 (ja) (ごかぞく, gokazoku), 家庭 (ja) (かてい, katei)
  • Javanese: brayat (jv)
  • Kaingang: kanhkã
  • Kannada: ಆವಳಿ (kn) (āvaḷi)
  • Kazakh: от басы (ot basy), әулет (äulet), семья (semä)
  • Khmer: គ្រួសារ (km) (kruəsaa)
  • Khoekhoe: ǀkhao-khoen
  • Korean: 가족(家族) (ko) (gajok), 가정(家庭) (ko) (gajeong)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: malbat (ku), ayle (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: үй-бүлө (ky) (üy-bülö), бүлө (ky) (bülö), кодок (kodok)
  • Laboya: ela, ole dadi
  • Lao: ຄອບຄົວ (lo) (khǭp khūa)
  • Latgalian: saime f
  • Latin: familia (la) f, gens (la) f
  • Latvian: ģimene (lv) f, saime f
  • Lithuanian: šeima (lt) f, šeimyna f
  • Low German: Familige, Familge f (Paderbornisch)
  • Luganda: amaka
  • Luxembourgish: Famill f
  • Lü: ᦅᦳᧃᦵᦣᦲᧃ (kunhoen), ᦺᦑᦵᦣᦲᧃ (tayhoen)
  • Macedonian: семејство n (semejstvo), фамилија f (familija)
  • Malay: keluarga (ms), famili
  • Malayalam:കുടുംബം (ml) (kuṭumbaṃ)
  • Maltese: familja f
  • Manx: lught thie m, mooinjer f
  • Maore Comorian: wadjema class 6
  • Maori: whānau (mi) (traditional extended), whāmere (modern nuclear)
  • Marathi: परिवार m (parivār)
  • Mari:
    Western Mari: йиш (jiš)
  • Middle English: houshold, hird
  • Mingrelian: თი (ti)
  • Mirandese: família f
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: айл (mn) (ajl), овог (mn) (ovog), гэр бүл (mn) (ger bül)
  • Mòcheno: familia f
  • Navajo: hooghan hazʼą́, bił kééhashtʼíinii
  • Nepali: परिबार (paribār)
  • Northern Ohlone: suyyakma
  • Northern Sami: bearaš
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: familie (no) m
  • Occitan: familha (oc) f
  • Old East Slavic: сѣмиꙗ f (sěmija), родина f (rodina)
  • Old English: hīred m
  • Oriya: ପରିବାର (or) (pôribarô)
  • Oromo: maatii
  • Ossetian: бинонтӕ (binontæ)
  • Pashto: کورنۍ‎ f (koranëy), عايله (ps) f (‘āyela), خاندان (ps) m (xānadān), فاميل (ps) m (fāmil)
  • Pennsylvania German: Familye f
  • Persian: خانواده (fa) (xânevâde), خاندان (fa) (xândân), فامیل (fa) (fâmil), عائله(‘â’ele)
  • Plautdietsch: Famielje f
  • Polish: rodzina (pl) f
  • Portuguese: família (pt) f
  • Punjabi:
    Gurmukhi: ਟੱਬਰ (pa) m (ṭabbar), ਪਰਿਵਾਰ m (parivār), ਖ਼ਾਨਦਾਨ m (xāndān)
    Shahmukhi: ٹبر‎ m (ṭabbar), پروار‎ m (parivār), خاندان‎ m (xāndān)
  • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
  • Rapa Nui: hare
  • Romani: famìlija f
  • Romanian: familie (ro) f
  • Romansch: famiglia f
  • Russian: семья́ (ru) f (semʹjá), семе́йство (ru) n (seméjstvo), фами́лия (ru) f (famílija) (archaic or stilted, usually means «surname»)
  • Rusyn: фами́лія f (famýlija), роди́на f (rodýna)
  • Sanskrit: कुल (sa) n (kula)
  • Scots: faimlie, faimily
  • Scottish Gaelic: teaghlach m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: по̀родица f, оби́тељ f
    Roman: pòrodica (sh) f, obítelj (sh) f
  • Shan: ၼႃႈႁိူၼ်း (shn) (nāa hóen)
  • Sichuan Yi: (jiet)
  • Sicilian: famigghia (scn) f
  • Sindhi: خاندان (sd) (xândân)
  • Sinhalese: පවුල (pawula)
  • Slovak: rodina (sk) f
  • Slovene: družina (sl) f
  • Somali: xaas (so)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: familija f
  • Southern Altai: биле (bile)
  • Spanish: familia (es) f
  • Swahili: familia (sw) class n
  • Swedish: familj (sv) c, hushåll (sv) n
  • Tabasaran: хизан (ꭓizan)
  • Tagalog: pamilya, mag-anak
  • Tajik: оила (tg) (oyila), хонавода (tg) (xonavoda), хонадон (xonadon)
  • Tamil: குடும்பம் (ta) (kuṭumpam)
  • Taos: ȕ’únemą
  • Tarantino: famigghie f
  • Tatar: гаилә (tt) (ğailä), семья (sem’ya)
  • Telugu: కుటుంబము (te) (kuṭumbamu)
  • Thai: ครอบครัว (th) (krɔ̂ɔp-kruua)
  • Tibetan: ཁྱིམ་ཚང (khyim tshang), མི་ཚང (mi tshang)
  • Turkish: aile (tr), ocak (tr), kodak
  • Turkmen: maşgala
  • Tuvan: өг-бүле (ög-büle), өг-ишти (ög-işti)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎌𐎔𐎃 (špḫ)
  • Ukrainian: сім’я́ f (simʺjá), роди́на (uk) f (rodýna), сіме́йство n (siméjstvo)
  • Urdu: خاندان‎ m (xāndān), پروار‎ m (parivār)
  • Uyghur: ئائىلە (ug) (a’ile)
  • Uzbek: oila (uz), xonadon (uz)
  • Venetian: faméja f, fameja (vec)
  • Vietnamese: gia đình (vi) (家庭 (vi))
  • Volapük: famül (vo)
  • Walloon: famile (wa) f
  • Welsh: teulu (cy), teuluoedd (cy) m pl
  • West Frisian: famylje (fy)
  • White Hmong: tsev neeg
  • Xhosa: umndeni class 3/4
  • Yakut: кэргэн (kergen)
  • Yapese: tabinaw
  • Yiddish: משפּחה (yi) f (mishpokhe), משפחה‎ f (mishpukha)
  • Yucatec Maya: ch’i’ibalil
  • Zhuang: ranz
  • Zulu: umndeni class 3/4

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 (făm′ə-lē, făm′lē)

n. pl. fam·i·lies


a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.

b. The children of one of these groups: She raised a large family.

c. A group of persons related by descent or marriage: My whole family, including my cousins, gets together once a year. See Usage Note at collective noun.

2. People in the same line of descent; lineage: comes from an old Virginia family.

3. Obsolete All the members of a household living under one roof.

4. A locally independent organized crime unit, as of the Cosa Nostra.


a. A group of like things; a class: the family of brass instruments.

b. A group of individuals derived from a common stock: the family of human beings.

6. Biology A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order and above a genus. A family usually consists of several genera.

7. Linguistics A group of languages descended from the same parent language, such as the Indo-European language family.

8. Mathematics A set of functions or surfaces that can be generated by varying the parameters of a general equation.

9. Chemistry

a. A group of elements with similar chemical properties.

b. A vertical column in the periodic table of elements.

10. Physics Any of the three generations of elementary fermions.


1. Of or having to do with a family: family problems.

2. Being suitable for a family: family movies.


in the family way


[Middle English familie, from Latin familia, household, servants of a household, from famulus, servant.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈfæmɪlɪ; ˈfæmlɪ)

n, pl -lies

1. (Sociology)

a. a primary social group consisting of parents and their offspring, the principal function of which is provision for its members

b. (as modifier): family quarrels; a family unit.

2. one’s wife or husband and one’s children

3. one’s children, as distinguished from one’s husband or wife

4. (Genetics) a group of persons related by blood; a group descended from a common ancestor. Compare extended family

5. all the persons living together in one household

6. any group of related things or beings, esp when scientifically categorized

7. (Biology) biology any of the taxonomic groups into which an order is divided and which contains one or more genera. Felidae (cat family) and Canidae (dog family) are two families of the order Carnivora

8. (Biology) ecology a group of organisms of the same species living together in a community

9. (Linguistics) a group of historically related languages assumed to derive from one original language

10. (Law) chiefly US an independent local group of the Mafia

11. (Mathematics) maths a group of curves or surfaces whose equations differ from a given equation only in the values assigned to one or more constants in each curve: a family of concentric circles.

12. (General Physics) physics the isotopes, collectively, that comprise a radioactive series

13. in the family way informal pregnant

[C15: from Latin familia a household, servants of the house, from famulus servant]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈfæm ə li, ˈfæm li)

n., pl. -lies,
adj. n.

1. parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not.

2. the children of one person or one couple collectively.

3. the spouse and children of one person.

4. any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

5. all those persons considered as descendants of a common progenitor.

6. a group of persons who form a household, esp. under one head.

7. the staff, or body of assistants, of an official: the presidential family.

8. a group of related things: the halogen family of elements.

9. a group of people who are generally not blood relations but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals.

10. Biol. the usual major subdivision of an order or suborder in the classification of plants, animals, fungi, etc., usu. consisting of several genera.

11. Ling. the largest category into which languages related by common origin can be classified with certainty. Compare stock (def. 12), subfamily (def. 2).

12. a local unit of the Mafia or Cosa Nostra.


13. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a family: a family trait.

14. belonging to or used by a family.


a. suitable or appropriate for adults and children: a family amusement park.

b. not containing obscene language: a family newspaper.


in a or the family way, pregnant.

[1350–1400; Middle English familie < Latin familia]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



A group of organisms ranking above a genus and below an order. See Table at taxonomy.

The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


— First referred to the servants of a household and then to both the servants and the descendants of a common ancestor. It comes from Latin familia, «household; household servants,» which came from another Latin term, famulus, «servant.» It was not until 1667 that the term was used specifically for parents and their children.

See also related terms for servants.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 an assembly of objects with some common feature; a body of servants in a house; the members of a family. See also clan, set.

Examples: family of curves, 1741; of gladiators; of languages, 1875; of legends; of myths; of servants, 1722; of thieves, 1749; of yews, 1731.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. family - a social unit living togetherfamily — a social unit living together; «he moved his family to Virginia»; «It was a good Christian household»; «I waited until the whole house was asleep»; «the teacher asked how many people made up his home»

household, menage, home, house

broken home — a family in which the parents have separated or divorced

conjugal family, nuclear family — a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner

extended family — a family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood relatives

foster family — the family of a fosterling

foster home — a household in which an orphaned or delinquent child is placed (usually by a social-service agency)

menage a trois — household for three; an arrangement where a married couple and a lover of one of them live together while sharing sexual relations

social unit, unit — an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; «the coach said the offensive unit did a good job»; «after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit»

2. family - primary social groupfamily — primary social group; parents and children; «he wanted to have a good job before starting a family»

family unit

kin group, kindred, kinship group, clan, kin, tribe — group of people related by blood or marriage

mates, couple, match — a pair of people who live together; «a married couple from Chicago»

man and wife, married couple, marriage — two people who are married to each other; «his second marriage was happier than the first»; «a married couple without love»

child, kid — a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age; «they had three children»; «they were able to send their kids to college»

parent — a father or mother; one who begets or one who gives birth to or nurtures and raises a child; a relative who plays the role of guardian

sib, sibling — a person’s brother or sister

3. family - a collection of things sharing a common attributefamily — a collection of things sharing a common attribute; «there are two classes of detergents»

category, class

grammatical category, syntactic category — (grammar) a category of words having the same grammatical properties

substitution class, paradigm — the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another)

aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage — several things grouped together or considered as a whole

brass family — (music) the family of brass instruments

violin family — (music) the family of bowed stringed instruments

woodwind family — (music) the family of woodwind instruments

stamp — a type or class; «more men of his stamp are needed»

declension — a class of nouns or pronouns or adjectives in Indo-European languages having the same (or very similar) inflectional forms; «the first declension in Latin»

conjugation — a class of verbs having the same inflectional forms

denomination — a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money; «he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations»

histocompatibility complex — a family of fifty or more genes on the sixth human chromosome that code for proteins on the surfaces of cells and that play a role in the immune response

superphylum — (biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and below a class or subclass

4. family - people descended from a common ancestorfamily — people descended from a common ancestor; «his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower»

kinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, family line, sept, folk

people — members of a family line; «his people have been farmers for generations»; «are your people still alive?»

homefolk — the people of your home locality (especially your own family); «he wrote his homefolk every day»

house — aristocratic family line; «the House of York»

dynasty — a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family

gens, name — family based on male descent; «he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name»

blood line, bloodline, ancestry, lineage, pedigree, stemma, line of descent, parentage, blood, origin, descent, stock, line — the descendants of one individual; «his entire lineage has been warriors»

5. family - a person having kinship with another or othersfamily — a person having kinship with another or others; «he’s kin»; «he’s family»

kin, kinsperson

affine — (anthropology) kin by marriage

relative, relation — a person related by blood or marriage; «police are searching for relatives of the deceased»; «he has distant relations back in New Jersey»

6. family — (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; «sharks belong to the fish family»

Bunyaviridae — a large family of arboviruses that affect a wide range of hosts (mainly vertebrates and arthropods)

Filoviridae — a family of threadlike RNA viruses that cause diseases in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees)

Togaviridae — a family of arboviruses carried by arthropods

Flaviviridae — a family of arboviruses carried by arthropods

Arenaviridae — a family of arborviruses carried by arthropods

Rhabdoviridae — a family of arborviruses carried by arthropods

Reoviridae — a family of arboviruses carried by arthropods

bacteria family — a family of bacteria

protoctist family — any of the families of Protoctista

Endamoebidae, family Endamoebidae — a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract

fish family — any of various families of fish

chordate family — any family in the phylum Chordata

bird family — a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings

amphibian family — any family of amphibians

reptile family — a family of reptiles

arthropod family — any of the arthropods

mammal family — a family of mammals

coelenterate family — a family of coelenterates

ctenophore family — a family of ctenophores

worm family — a family of worms

mollusk family — a family of mollusks

family Panorpidae, Panorpidae — a family of insects of the order Mecoptera

Bittacidae, family Bittacidae — a family of predacious tropical insects of the order Mecoptera

echinoderm family — a family of echinoderms

biological science, biology — the science that studies living organisms

taxon, taxonomic category, taxonomic group — animal or plant group having natural relations

order — (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families

form family — (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure

subfamily — (biology) a taxonomic category below a family

tribe — (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily

genus — (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species

moss family — a family of mosses

liliopsid family, monocot family — family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed

dicot family, magnoliopsid family — family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination

fungus family — includes lichen families

plant family — a family of plants

fern family — families of ferns and fern allies

7. family - a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activitiesfamily — a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities

crime syndicate, syndicate, mob

gangdom, gangland, organized crime — underworld organizations

Cosa Nostra, Maffia, Mafia — a crime syndicate in the United States; organized in families; believed to have important relations to the Sicilian Mafia

8. family - an association of people who share common beliefs or activitiesfamily — an association of people who share common beliefs or activities; «the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family»; «the church welcomed new members into its fellowship»


association — a formal organization of people or groups of people; «he joined the Modern Language Association»

koinonia — Christian fellowship or communion with God or with fellow Christians; said in particular of the early Christian community

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. relations, people, children, issue, relatives, household, folk (informal), offspring, descendants, brood, kin, nuclear family, progeny, kindred, next of kin, kinsmen, ménage, kith and kin, your nearest and dearest, kinsfolk, your own flesh and blood His family are completely behind him, whatever he decides.

3. ancestors, forebears, parentage, forefathers, house, line, race, blood, birth, strain, tribe, sept, clan, descent, dynasty, pedigree, extraction, ancestry, lineage, genealogy, line of descent, stemma, stirps Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.

4. species, group, class, system, order, kind, network, genre, classification, subdivision, subclass foods in the cabbage family, such as Brussels sprouts

«You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them» [Desmond Tutu address at enthronement as archbishop of Cape Town]
«The family — that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape» [Dodie Smith Dear Octopus]
«All happy families are alike, but every unhappy one is unhappy in its own way» [Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina]

«Blood is thicker than water»

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. A group of usually related people living together as a unit:

2. A group of people sharing common ancestry:

3. One’s relatives collectively:

4. One’s ancestors or their character or one’s ancestral derivation:

ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, descent, extraction, genealogy, line, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, seed, stock.


Of or relating to the family or household:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


أُسْرَهعائِلَةعائِلَهفَصيلَه نَباتيَّه أو حَيَوانيَّهنَسْل، آل












genealogijos medisgiminėgimstamumo reguliavimasšeimašeimyna

bērni un sievadzimtaģimeneģimenes-saime






gia đinhgia đình

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈfæmli ˈfæmɪli]

n (= relatives) → famille f
the Cooke family → la famille Cooke
a family of five → une famille de cinq personnes
to start a family → fonder une famille

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(of plants, animals, languages etc)Familie f; the family of mandie Menschheit

attrFamilien-; family businessFamilienunternehmen nt; a family friendein Freund/eine Freundin des Hauses or der Familie; the family housedas Haus der Familie; a family houseein Einfamilienhaus nt; the family silverdas Tafelsilber; she’s in the family way (inf)sie ist in anderen Umständen; family conferenceFamilienrat m; family resemblanceFamilienähnlichkeit f; family valuesFamilienwerte pl, → familiäre Werte pl



family butcher

n D. Crosby, Family ButcherD. Crosby, Fleischermeister; our/the familyunsere/die Stammfleischerei

family circle


(US Theat) → zweiter Rang

family company

nFamilienunternehmen ntor -betrieb m

family credit

n (Brit) Sozialleistung für Geringverdiener, um das Familieneinkommen auf einen Mindestbetrag anzuheben

Family Division

n (Brit Jur) für Familienrecht zuständige Abteilung des obersten Gerichts, → ˜ Familiengericht nt

Family Health Services Authority

n (Brit) regionale Gesundheitsbehörde, → ˜ Gesundheitsamt nt

family hotel

nFamilienpension f

Family Income Supplement

n (dated)Beihilfe f(zum Lebensunterhalt) (für Familien)

family planning clinic

nFamilienberatungsstelle f

family reunion

nFamilientreffen nt

family room


(Brit) (in pub) für Kinder zugelassener Raum in einem Lokal (in hotel) → Familienzimmer nt


adjin Haushaltsgröße; car, packetFamilien-; houseEinfamilien-

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈfӕməli) plural ˈfamilies noun

1. (singular or plural) a man, his wife and their children. These houses were built for families; The (members of the) Smith family are all very athletic; (also adjective) a family holiday.

2. a group of people related to each other, including cousins, grandchildren etc. He comes from a wealthy family; (also adjective) the family home.

3. the children of a man and his wife. When I get married I should like a large family.

4. a group of plants, animals, languages etc that are connected in some way. In spite of its name, a koala bear is not a member of the bear family.

family planning

controlling or limiting the number of children that people have especially by using a means of contraception. a family planning clinic.

family tree

(a plan showing) a person’s ancestors and relations.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عائِلَة rodina familie Familie οικογένεια familia perhe famille obitelj famiglia 家族 가족 gezin familie rodzina família семья familj ครอบครัว aile gia đình 家庭

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. familia;

___ manpadre de familia;

___ nameapellido;

___ practicepráctica de ___;

___ therapyterapia de ___.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I’m here with my family
  • I want to reserve a family room
  • I’d like to reserve a family room (US)
    I’d like to book a family room (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj familiar; n (pl -lies) familia; dysfunctional — familia disfuncional; extended — familia extendida; — member familiar mf; — planning planificación f familiar; — practice medicina familiar or de familia; — treeárbol genealógico or familiar

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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I believe that we can, in a deliberate way, articulate the kind of people we want to become. We can articulate the culture that we would want to exist in our family, and you can then, as the rest of life happens to you, you can utilize those things to help you become the kind of person you want to be.

Clayton Christensen



From Latin familia a household, servants of the house, from famulus servant.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Family is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




In human context, a family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence/shared consumption. Members of the immediate family may include a spouse, parent, brother and sister, and son and daughter. Members of the extended family may include grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew and niece, or sibling-in-law. In most societies the family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologists most generally classify family organization as matrifocal; conjugal; avuncular; or extended family in which parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent’s family. As a unit of socialization, the family is the object of analysis for anthropologists and sociologists of the family. Sexual relations among the members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo. «Family» is used metaphorically to create more inclusive categories such as community, nationhood, global village and humanism. Genealogy is a field which aims to trace family lineages through history. Family is also an important economic unit studied in family economics.

Definition of family in the English dictionary

The first definition of family in the dictionary is a primary social group consisting of parents and their offspring, the principal function of which is provision for its members. Other definition of family is one’s wife or husband and one’s children. Family is also one’s children, as distinguished from one’s husband or wife.


Synonyms and antonyms of family in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «family» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «family» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of family to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of family from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «family» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

gia đình

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of family


The term «family» is very widely used and occupies the 526 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «family» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of family

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «family».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «family» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «family» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about family


Famous quotes and sentences with the word family.

Having gone through what I went through, watching my family be torn to shreds and my children suffer immensely, I can’t be the agent of doing that to someone else. I can’t be the agent of causing someone to go to prison.

A lot of my material was based on my family.

Anything that you can become obsessed with, and you do so much that you don’t do the things you need to do with family, friends, school, job — that can be an addiction. And texting absolutely can qualify.

Choosing to be in the theatre was a way to put my roots down somewhere with other people. It was a way to choose a new family.

Happy Days was about a family… although the show was shot in the 70s, it was about a family in the 50s. I realized that kids were watching their parents grow up and the parents were watching themselves grow up. That was the key to the success of our show.

I put my friends and family first. I’m really just a normal thirteen-year-old girl who has a different hobby than most girls my age. Acting is kind of an extracurricular activity.

Indeed, I was so afraid to dishonour my friends and family by my indiscreet actions, that I rather chose to be accounted a fool, than to be thought rude or wanton.

I believe that we can, in a deliberate way, articulate the kind of people we want to become. We can articulate the culture that we would want to exist in our family, and you can then, as the rest of life happens to you, you can utilize those things to help you become the kind of person you want to be.

I do go back to Brazil once a year. I miss my family.

In my family, if I talk back to my dad, I get in trouble.


Discover the use of family in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to family and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Drawn largely from Ba Jin’s own experience, Family is the story of the Kao family compound, consisting of four generations plus servants; it’s essentially a picture of the conflict between old China and the new tide rising to destroy it, as …


Family Socialization and Interaction Process

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Talcott Parsons, Robert F. Bales, 1956


The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks …

Presents a behind-the-scenes look at the Roberston family, documenting the teenage romance and marriage of Willie and Korie Robertson, their success as a multi-million dollar hunting equipment business, and their rise to stardom on reality …

Willie Robertson, Korie Robertson, 2012


Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in …

Follows two teenagers coming of age in the midst of the Bronx drug trade as they experience budding sexuality, teen parenthood, and gang identity in a social examination of the challenges of family life in the face of violence.

Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, 2003


A Sociology of Family Life

Explores the growing diversity of family life and new sociological thinking about ‘family’, parenting, childhood and personal life. Presents a comprehensive assessment of recent research and theory.


Family Frames: Photography, Narrative, and Postmemory

«Published 1997 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Reissued by the author, 2012.»— T.p. verso.



This is only one of the remarkable concepts explored by Gary Becker in his landmark work on the family. Becker applies economic theory to the most sensitive and fateful personal decisions, such as choosing a spouse or having children.


Reading the Family Dance: Family Systems Therapy and …

John V. Knapp is Professor of English, with a joint appointment in modern literature and in teacher education, at Northern Illinois University. Kenneth Womack is Assist

John V. Knapp, Kenneth Womack, 2003


Calming the Family Storm: Anger Management for Moms, Dads, …

A practical guide to help families deal effectively with anger includes strategies for anger control, problem solving techniques to avoid conflict, and a tool kit for discipline without anger.

Gary D. McKay, Steven A. Maybell, 2004


Life in the Gang: Family, Friends, and Violence

Although the book focuses on the individual, organizational, and institutional aspects of gang membership, it also explores gang members’ involvement with other school and neighborhood structures.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term family is used in the context of the following news items.

Jeb Bush Draws on Family Dynasty for Fund-Raising Efforts

In his early months as a candidate, Jeb Bush seemed unsure of how tightly to embrace the family mantle, dodging questions about the record of … «New York Times, Jul 15»

Judge: Family of Mexican teen shot by border patrol agent can sue

In the Texas case, a federal appeals court found the family of another Mexican teen killed by an agent cannot sue in the United States. «Fox News, Jul 15»

Motherlode | An Adult Stepson Moves In, and a Solid Family Wobbles

asked my 21-year-old-son, Tracey, after our first family dinner together in four years. My husband gave me a look that said, You don’t the have … «New York Times, Jul 15»

Shark-shaped shadow gets up close and personal with Tenn. family

PORTLAND, Tenn. (WKRN) – A Portland family wasn’t sure they saw a shark while vacationing in Florida, but they weren’t going to take any … «, Jul 15»

Ice caves victim ‘beautiful, inside and out’ says family

The family of a young woman killed in the Big Four Ice Caves … That’s what ultimately brought the family to Snohomish County’s Big Four Ice … «, Jul 15»

Tennessee family released unharmed after harrowing kidnapping

Kidnappers released the family of a SmartBank executive after forcing the father to rob a bank. The FBI is investigating whether or not the … «Christian Science Monitor, Jul 15»

When should you give money to a family member?

Deciding how much money to give family members can be a problem for everyone from parents wondering whether to let grown children live at … «Chicago Tribune, Jul 15»

Missing ex-TCNJ assistant provost presumed dead by family after …

«This is a devastating, huge loss not only for our family but for the Trenton community,» Peter Donohue said. «Pat dedicated his entire life to … «, Jul 15»

Family remembers couple that died during Memorial Day floods

For the first time, we’re hearing from the family of a couple that died during the Memorial Day floods. They’re opening up about their loss as city. «KHOU, Jul 15»

Girl missing from Near North Side reunited with family

She has since been found and returned to her family, police said Friday morning. Article 1 of 5 . UP NEXT: Several big U.S. cities see homicide … «Chicago Sun-Times, Jul 15»


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