Define the word responsibilities

Ministerial officers may be required, in some cases to act at their peril as to _civil_ responsibilities, but as to _criminal responsibilities_ never. ❋ Anonymous (N/A)

These tour preparations have included but were not limited to such diverse elements as a marathon of hair dyeing, testing and charging of electronic devices, wrapping up dayjob responsibilities in favor of next week’s dayjob responsibilities*, and shopping like a madwoman for travel supplies — plus a few clothes that might trick people into thinking I’m a moderately civilized adult. ❋ Basswhooper (2009)

The real plus to selling the house and its time responsibilities, is that we have been able to see far more of MX and what it has to offer. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Any officer who thinks that the office of constable gives him rights, rather than responsibilities, is in the wrong job. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

The Obama administration has proposed taking all consumer protection responsibilities from the existing regulators and consolidating them in one new agency, so that consumers are not consistently an afterthought. ❋ Unknown (2009)

That separation of responsibilities is part of the reason Mexican consulates sometimes (often?) give out wrong information about aduana matters. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When I told the den mother about him, she scoffed and said I take my block-captain responsibilities too seriously. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Agreed with what the others said — the father has agreed to certain responsibilities in order for his son to receive probation. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I understood what he was doing, that he had certain responsibilities as Democratic leader, he said. ❋ The Huffington Post News Team (2010)

Adding public education to their staple of responsibilities is ludicrous. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But UTV Media, owner of BBC 5 Live rival TalkSport, said it was relatively straightforward for the BBC to showcase less popular sports during the biggest multidiscipline event ever staged in the UK.UTV called on the corporation to «grasp its longer-term responsibilities to support a permanent legacy for the Olympics». ❋ Unknown (2011)

One of his responsibilities is to sell the AMRAAM, an assignment that puts to good use the story of his killer sortie over Pristina, when he lit up the snowy night with that MiG. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«You can’t have a car until you show more responsibility!» — The Parents
«[WTF]?! [All I do] all day is [sleep]!» — Me ❋ Wonderboy (2004)

[Responsibility] should be avoided unless you know the risk and are willing to take the [blame] for failing. Opportunity hides inside this risk, for if you succeed you will get «CREDIT» for success and [dodge] the ‘BLAME» for failure. ❋ Spiritual-Master (2022)

«Why won’t you try and act [responsible]?» -dad
«I’ll [whoop] [yo ass]»
-also dad ❋ Larry Gadon (2019)

I hate taking [responsibility] for accidents. It’s [not my fault] that something I have [no control] over happened. If it was completely under my control and it happened, that would be one thing. Something you have no control over is a different story to me. ❋ Durango (2006)

[President Bush] says he «takes full responsibility for the mistakes in [tactics] that have failed to secure the safety of [Baghdad]». However, the guy is still president! ❋ James1000 (2007)

A poor example:
Martin: [Hello John].
John: btw taht was a response, [rigt]??/?
Martin: Yes. Yes it was. ❋ Requisite (2008)

[John]: [Hi]!
[Gary]: no response ❋ KiloWhiskay (2014)

Joe:» Hey, [would you like to] go out, or do you have a boyfriend?»
[Missy]:»I am seeing someone-kinda.»
Joe: «It sounds like [the dude] can’t handle responsibility.» ❋ Lexie Girl (2008)

Hym «Yeah, tell me more about my civic responsibility as I’m being [gaslit] by a one-eyed senator…. Hello? Nothing? I have a civic responsibility to make things better for people who refuse to even acknowledge my existence? Aside from the shrink, a senator is the last fucking person on the planet to be doing that in from of millions of people. You whole class, your entire upper echelon of society is just millionaires paying millionaires to continue being millionaires. And the barrier to entry? Arbitrary. People being denied [due process] and not being elevated based on merit? What are you doing about any of that? Nothing. What am I getting in exchange for my taxpayer dollars other than told to shut up and go [fuck myself]? Work at a fucking church. For all I know, the church is stealing my fucking ideas too! I don’t know that I’m not already working for the church. Quit being a [contrarian] and work at a church.» ❋ Hym Iam (2022)

The [liberals] say that society has to [take responsibility] for wiping the [bum’s] nose, because he is not responsible for himself. This misses the point that he is a bum BECAUSE he refused to take responsibility. ❋ Sneaky Snyde (2005)

A responsibility is a particular obligation for which an individual is to be held accountable, in order to remain upstanding member of a group or community. Good examples of responsibility, include the requirement for a student to complete all of the necessary coursework to graduate on time with the rest of his class, and the need for a parent to provide a good home for his or her children.. To explore this concept, consider the following responsibility definition.

Definition of Responsibility


  1. The state of being accountable for something or someone that is under one’s control.
  2. An instance of being responsible; a burden of obligation.
  3. The person or thing for which another is responsible.


1780-90            Latin respondere

What is Responsibility

Responsibility is the burden someone is obligated to fulfill in order to meet a particular need. Someone’s level of meeting his responsibilities shows how trustworthy he is, particularly if he consistently meets his responsibilities. The act of an athlete showing up on time for football practice is an example of responsibility. Responsibility can also be used to describe the person or thing for which someone is responsible. For instance, a child is his parent’s responsibility, or keeping track of a company’s finances is a bookkeeper’s responsibility.

Social Responsibility

The idea of social responsibility is a theory in which everyone in society must fulfill their civic duties. What this means is that the actions of each person in any given society should be motivated by a desire to benefit society as a whole. Social responsibility is founded on a system of ethics, in which any decisions made, or actions taken, should be ethically considered. Undertaking an action or decision that is harmful to society or the environment in any way, would be considered socially irresponsible.

Morality helps people draw a line between what is right and what is wrong. Social fairness, then, is determined by the majority to be “right,” though what is considered to be “right” does not always equal “fair.” Ultimately, however a person chooses to act in the face of social responsibility, the overall outcome must be beneficial to society. The individual must accept the fact that the action he takes – or the decision he makes – may not be  beneficial to him personally, but so long as it is beneficial to his peers, then that is the right thing to do.

Corporate Responsibility

Examples of responsibility include a business giving away a portion of the company’s profits to charity, or taking on “greener” initiatives in an effort to benefit the environment.

Businesses find that having a strong sense of corporate responsibility actually attracts more business. Customers are drawn to companies that are passionate on similar issues. If a customer cares about the environment, and a company has just announced its intentions of pursuing “greener” methods of doing business, then that customer will probably be drawn to doing business with that company.

The environment, in particular, is a major focal point of corporate responsibility because it affects all of society. Businesses, no matter their size, tend to leave larger carbon footprints than any other group, so whatever measures they implement in order to reduce that affect are beneficial to the society surrounding that business, as well as the world as a whole.

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is self-explanatory, in that it is the act of taking responsibility for:

  • The things one says or does
  • The actions one undertakes
  • Taking care of one’s business and obligations

Those who have a strong sense of personal responsibility do not blame others for things that go wrong, depend on others to do the things that they should be doing, or attempt to justify the things they’ve done wrong with an excuse. Responsible people own up to their mistakes, and accept full responsibility for their obligations.

Personal responsibility can also be described as a person’s “response-ability,” meaning their capability of responding to, or meeting and fulfilling, the challenges that are presented to him. Someone who is said to have a high level of personal responsibility is also considered to be a person of good character, with high moral and ethical standards. When someone has a low level of personal responsibility, he may play the victim, and blame others or circumstances for how he felt or acted in a situation.

Victims tend to feel powerless, dependent on others, entitled, apathetic, fearful, and doubtful in difficult situations. People with a higher level of personal responsibility are more likely to stand up to and conquer trials of adversity. The victim is at the mercy of the events that happen around him, while another who approaches such situations proactively, in order to defeat them, are considered to have a greater sense of personal responsibility.

Fiduciary Responsibility

Fiduciary responsibility is the legal obligation that a person or organization has to act in the best interests of another person or organization. A fiduciary is any person or group that is legally responsible for controlling and managing another person or group’s assets or other interests. Those who have fiduciary responsibility include such people as investment managers, stockholders, partners in business, bankers, attorneys, trustees, and even parents who are responsible for their children’s finances.

For someone to accept fiduciary responsibility, he acknowledges that he is being given the highest possible level of trust, as he takes on the handling another person’s finances or assets. While fiduciaries are legally responsible for those assets, the assets do not belong to them. Instead, fiduciaries are provided with a legal document that allows them to manage the assets for a specified period of time, or for a very specific purpose.

Fiduciaries must act solely in the principle’s, or clients’, best interests, rather than their own. Fiduciaries must ensure that they are working to avoid any potential conflicts of interest, and that they do not receive any profits whatsoever from the relationship, no matter whether those profits would be direct or indirect. This is not to say that there cannot be some form of pay or reimbursement built into the contract, but the fiduciary cannot undertake any actions in his role as fiduciary for his own benefit. Fiduciaries must consistently act in harmony with the standards imposed on them by society, and the law.

Civic Responsibility

Civic responsibility is the responsibility imposed on societal members, simply by belonging to that society. It is directly tied to a person’s involvement with the community’s functioning, in its government, and even in its associations. People show civic responsibility when they take action on matters relating to politics, the environment, and the economy, for instance.

The strength of a society directly correlates to the effectiveness of the democracy and philanthropy that exists within that community. These things are related to the civic responsibility undertaken by its members. In the United States, it is because Americans participate in civic responsibility that everyone is able to uphold the democratic values written into the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

These values include freedom, justice, equality, tolerance, and due process of law. The point of civic responsibility is to encourage citizens to participate in social issues, and to become willingly responsible for matters that affect the community and the government.

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal responsibility is a difficult term to define because it means different things to different people, depending on the circumstances involved. However, the one thing that everyone can usually agree on is that fiscal responsibility almost always involves the developing of strategies for managing debt and minimizing spending, to create a balanced budget.

Some believe that fiscal responsibility is knowing when and where to cut debt, while others feel that it’s about eliminating debt entirely while simultaneously making financial plans for the future. Still others believe that fiscal responsibility is the ability to control debt, and that the debt does not necessarily need to be reduced, only managed. While people can be fiscally responsible at an individual level, the term is more often applied to the bigger numbers involved in corporate spending and government finances.

Corporate Responsibility Example in a Human Rights Violation

In the 1990s, Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., which had previously proclaimed its strong commitment to corporate responsibility on its website, came under fire by the people of Nigeria. The company, in league with several others, was accused of helping the Nigerian government to violate international customs law.

Esther Kiobel was one of several peaceful protestors who had organized to object to Royal Dutch’s presence in the Ogoniland region of Nigeria. Kiobel and the other petitioners alleged that they or their relatives were killed, tortured, held prisoner, forced into exile, and deprived of their property by the Nigerian government because of their protest efforts.

Kiobel and the others accused Royal Dutch of being in agreement with the Nigerian government’s alleged violation of the protestors’ human rights, filing a civil lawsuit attempting to pin responsibility on Royal Dutch and the others. The companies’ response was that the law used to bring the company before a U.S. Court, the Alien Tort Statute, should not apply to this case, and that Kiobel’s attempt to tie the alleged events that occurred in Nigeria to the United States was weak at best.

Kiobel and the others lost in District Court, so they appealed. Royal Dutch fought the appeal, arguing that corporations should not be held responsible for civil liability. Kiobel argued the exact opposite, that corporate actors should be held just as liable for what had allegedly happened as private parties could have been. The Second Circuit Court, however, affirmed the dismissal of Kiobel’s lawsuit.

The case eventually made its way up to the Supreme Court. The Court issued a unanimous decision affirming the Second Circuit, reasoning that there was nothing within the “text, history, or purpose” of the Alien Tort Statute that indicated that it could be applied to matters that took place outside the U.S. This meant that Kiobel would only be permitted to sue in the U.S. if she and her fellow protestors could provide strong evidence as to why the United States should be directly tied to their claim.

Related Legal Terms and Issues

  • Philanthropy – The practice of offering charitable donations of money and time to help make others’ lives better.
  • Carbon Footprint – The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted due to use of fossil fuels by any one person, group, or company.
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  • 1

    responsibility n


    area of responsibility

    зона ответственности

    assume responsibility

    принимать на себя ответственность

    operator’s responsibility

    ответственность эксплуатанта

    shipper’s responsibility

    ответственность грузоотправителя

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > responsibility

  • 2

    responsibility [rɪˏspɒnsəˊbɪlətɪ]


    1) отве́тственность;

    а) на свою́ отве́тственность;

    б) по со́бственной инициати́ве

    2) обя́занность; обяза́тельство




    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > responsibility

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > responsibility

  • 4

    Politics english-russian dictionary > responsibility

  • 5

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > responsibility

  • 6

    2) обязанность, обязательство

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > responsibility

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    claim responsibility for smth.

    confer responsibility on smb.

    decline all responsibility for smth.

    relieve smb. of responsibility

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > responsibility

  • 8


    allocate responsibility распределять ответственность Cabinet responsibility ответственность кабинета министров Cabinet responsibility ответственность правительства common financial responsibility общая финансовая ответственность (ЕЭС) confer responsibility возлагать ответственность criminal responsibility уголовная ответственность delegate responsibility передавать полномочия diminished responsibility ограниченная ответственность family responsibility семейная ответственность financial responsibility финансовая ответственность government responsibility государственное обязательство heavy responsibility большая ответственность incurring responsibility принятие на себя ответственности joint and several responsibility обязательство с ответственностью совместно и порознь, обязательство с солидарной ответственностью joint financial responsibility совместная финансовая ответственность limited responsibility ограниченная ответственность maintenance responsibility ответственность за содержание maintenance responsibility ответственность за техническое обслуживание managerial responsibility административная ответственность medical responsibility ответственность врача members’ responsibility ответственность членов minimum responsibility минимальная ответственность ministerial responsibility ответственность министра on one’s own responsibility на свою ответственность; to take (или to assume) the responsibility взять на себя ответственность on one’s own responsibility по собственной инициативе partial responsibility неполная ответственность responsibility ответственность; a position of responsibility ответственное положение release from responsibility освобождать от ответственности responsibility обязанности; обязательства responsibility обязанность responsibility обязательство responsibility ответственность; a position of responsibility ответственное положение responsibility ответственность responsibility платежеспособность responsibility амер. платежеспособность take responsibility брать ответственность на себя on one’s own responsibility на свою ответственность; to take (или to assume) the responsibility взять на себя ответственность without responsibility не неся ответственности

    English-Russian short dictionary > responsibility

  • 9

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > responsibility

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    rɪsˌpɔnsəˈbɪlɪtɪ сущ.
    1) а) ответственность( за что-л.) to accept, assume, shoulder, take, take on (a) responsibility ≈ взять на себя ответственность to admit, claim responsibility ≈ брать ответственность за что-л. to bear, exercise( the) responsibility ≈ нести (бремя, груз, тяжесть) ответственности to disclaim responsibility ≈ снимать (с себя) ответственность, снимать (с себя) полномочия to dodge, evade, shirk responsibility ≈ избегать, уклоняться от ответственности to share( the) responsibility ≈ разделять ответственность awesome responsibility ≈ большая ответственность collective responsibility ≈ коллективная ответственность grave, great, heavy, terrible responsibility ≈ тяжелые обязанности, большая ответственность personal responsibility ≈ личная ответственность responsibility lies with smb. ≈ ответственность лежит на ком-л.. on one’s own responsibility Syn: amenability б) ответственность, подотчетность (перед кем-л.) The company has a responsibility to its shareholders. ≈ Компания несет ответственность перед своими пайщиками.
    2) обязанность;
    обязательство clear responsibility ≈ ясная ответственность (четко очерченный круг обязанностей, за которые кто-л. несет ответственность) She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously. ≈Она отнеслась к своим обязанностям медицинской сестры очень серьезно. Everyone has the responsibility to pay taxes. ≈ Каждый должен платить налоги. It was her responsibility that all members be/should be notified. ≈ Она отвечала за то, чтобы все члены были извещены Syn: obligation
    3) ответственное отношение;
    надежность He has no sense of responsibility. ≈ У него нет чувства ответственности.
    4) амер. платежеспособность;
    ответственность — criminal * уголовная ответственность — a post /a position/ of * ответственный пост — on one’s own * на свою ответственность;
    по собственной инициативе — to assume /to accept, to take/ a * взять на себя ответственность — to decline all * for smth. снять с себя всякую ответственность за что-л. — the * rests with the author ответственность лежит на авторе;
    ответственность несет автор обязанность, обязательство — heavy responsibilities тяжелый обязанности;
    большая ответственность — to be relieved of a * быть освобожденным от обязательства подопечный надежность (американизм) платежеспособность
    allocate ~ распределять ответственность
    Cabinet ~ ответственность кабинета министров Cabinet ~ ответственность правительства
    common financial ~ общая финансовая ответственность( ЕЭС)
    confer ~ возлагать ответственность
    criminal ~ уголовная ответственность
    delegate ~ передавать полномочия
    diminished ~ ограниченная ответственность
    family ~ семейная ответственность
    financial ~ финансовая ответственность
    government ~ государственное обязательство
    heavy ~ большая ответственность
    incurring ~ принятие на себя ответственности
    joint and several ~ обязательство с ответственностью совместно и порознь, обязательство с солидарной ответственностью
    joint financial ~ совместная финансовая ответственность
    limited ~ ограниченная ответственность
    maintenance ~ ответственность за содержание maintenance ~ ответственность за техническое обслуживание
    managerial ~ административная ответственность
    medical ~ ответственность врача
    members’ ~ ответственность членов
    minimum ~ минимальная ответственность
    ministerial ~ ответственность министра
    on one’s own ~ на свою ответственность;
    to take (или to assume) the responsibility взять на себя ответственность on one’s own ~ по собственной инициативе
    partial ~ неполная ответственность
    ~ ответственность;
    a position of responsibility ответственное положение
    release from ~ освобождать от ответственности
    responsibility обязанности;
    обязательства ~ обязанность ~ обязательство ~ ответственность;
    a position of responsibility ответственное положение ~ ответственность ~ платежеспособность ~ амер. платежеспособность
    take ~ брать ответственность на себя
    on one’s own ~ на свою ответственность;
    to take (или to assume) the responsibility взять на себя ответственность
    without ~ не неся ответственности

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > responsibility

  • 11


    to accept [assume, shoulder, take, take on] a responsibility — взять на себя ответственность

    to bear [exercise] responsibility — нести ответственность

    to dodge [evade, shirk] responsibility — избегать, уклоняться от ответственности

    The manager has overall responsibility for the welfare of the workers in his department. — Руководитель несет ответственность за благополучие сотрудников отдела.

    The company has a responsibility to its shareholders. — Компания несет ответственность перед своими пайщиками.

    He has no sense of responsibility. — У него нет чувства ответственности.





    обязанность, обязательство

    He finds the responsibilities of being managing director too heavy. — Он считает свои обязанности управляющего директора слишком тяжелыми.

    It is the worker’s responsibility to notify their supervisor of any injury as soon as it is practicable. — Работник должен сообщить управляющему о полученной травме как можно быстрее.

    She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously. — Она отнеслась к своим обязанностям медицинской сестры очень серьезно.

    It was her responsibility that all members should be notified. — Она отвечала за то, чтобы все получили извещение.



    * * *

    Ответственность. Обязанность. Обязательство. Платежеспособность.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > responsibility

  • 12

    ответственность; обязанность

    — assume responsibility for

    — relieve responsibility of

    — relinquish responsibility of

    English-Russian military dictionary > responsibility

  • 13




    grave / great / heavy / terrible responsibility — большая ответственность

    to accept / admit / assume / claim / shoulder / take / take on (the) responsibility — взять на себя ответственность

    to bear / exercise (the) responsibility — нести бремя, груз, тяжесть ответственности

    to dodge / evade / shirk responsibility — избегать, уклоняться от ответственности

    Responsibility lies with me. — Ответственность лежит на мне.


    б) ответственность, подотчётность

    The company has a responsibility to its shareholders. — Компания несёт ответственность перед своими пайщиками.

    2) обязанность; обязательство

    She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously. — Она относится к своим обязанностям медицинской сестры очень серьёзно.

    Everyone has the responsibility to pay taxes. — Каждый должен платить налоги.

    It was her responsibility that all members be / should be notified. — Она отвечала за то, чтобы все члены были оповещены.


    3) ответственное отношение; дисциплинированность; надёжность

    He has no sense of responsibility. — У него нет чувства ответственности.



    платёжеспособность; солидность

    Англо-русский современный словарь > responsibility

  • 14



    That’s not my responsibility. — Это не входит в круг моих обязанностей.

    He has many responsibilities. — У него много обязанностей.

    great responsibility

    — collective responsibility
    — grave responsibility

    — on one’s own responsibility
    — accept a responsibility
    — take the responsibility for the consequences
    — admit responsibility
    — bear responsibility
    — disclaim responsibility
    — dodge responsibility
    — evade responsibility
    — share responsibility


    Значение существительного responsibility ассоциируется с тяжелой ношей или грузом, который надо нести или который может давить. Этот образ в явном виде проявляется в ряде слов и словосочетаний: His arrival took a load off my mind. Когда он приехал, у меня, как груз с плеч свалился. /Его приезд освободил меня от ответственности. I don’t want to be a burden to you; you have your hands full without me. Я не хочу быть вам обузой, у вас и без меня дел по горло. It was a great weight/load off my mind. Тяжелый груз свалился у меня с плеч. He laid down his duties of/as a President. Он сложил свои обязанности президента. I have been saddled with a lot of extra work. Я был загружен массой дополнительной работы. The house was a millstone around my neck. Дом висел на мне тяжелым грузом. I have been left holding the baby. Ответственность за ребенка осталась за мной. We well have our crosses to bear. Нам придется нести свой крест. Everyone has to bear/to carry his cross. Каждый должен нести свой крест

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > responsibility

  • 15

    1. n ответственность

    2. n обязанность, обязательство

    3. n подопечный

    4. n надёжность

    5. n амер. платёжеспособность

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accountability (noun) accountability; amenability; answerability; blame; burden; charge; commitment; committal; contract; culpability; custody; duty; imperative; liability; obligation; office; trust

    2. reliability (noun) capability; capacity; creditability; dependability; efficiency; loyalty; reliability; stability; trustworthiness

    English-Russian base dictionary > responsibility

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    1) ответственность

    The owner of a piping installation shall have overall responsibility for compliance with this Code Владелец трубопроводной системы несет всю полноту ответственности за соблюдение настоящих Правил;

    2) обязанность; обязательство

    3) (


    ) круг обязанностей (сотрудника, должностного лица)

    4) сфера компетенции; предмет ведения

    it is your / our responsibility to… в вашей / нашей компетенции сделать что-л.

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > responsibility

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    1. ответственность

    a post /a position/ of responsibility — ответственный пост

    on one’s own responsibility — а) на свою ответственность; б) по собственной инициативе

    to assume /to accept, to take/ a responsibility — взять на себя ответственность

    to decline all responsibility for smth. — снять с себя всякую ответственность за что-л.

    the responsibility rests with the author — ответственность лежит на авторе; ответственность несёт автор

    2. обязанность, обязательство

    heavy responsibilities — тяжёлые обязанности; большая ответственность

    3. подопечный

    4. 1) надёжность

    НБАРС > responsibility

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    1) ответственность

    2) обязанность, обязательство

    3) амер. платёжеспособность

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > responsibility

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > responsibility

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > responsibility


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См. также в других словарях:

  • responsibility — re‧spon‧si‧bil‧i‧ty [rɪˌspɒnsˈbɪlti ǁ rɪˌspɑːn ] noun 1. [uncountable] when someone is officially in charge of something and has to make decisions about it: responsibility for • In his new post, he will assume responsibility for all the company …   Financial and business terms

  • Responsibility — may refer to:* Responsibility assumption, in spirituality and personal growth * Cabinet collective responsibility, a constitutional convention in governments using the Westminster System * Collective responsibility (doctrine), a doctrine that… …   Wikipedia

  • responsibility — I (accountability) noun accountableness, amenability, answerability, bounden duty, boundness, burden, chargeability, commitment, compulsion, culpability, duty, encumbrance, engagement, imperative duty, liability, obligation, obligatoriness,… …   Law dictionary

  • responsibility — [n1] accountability, blame albatross*, amenability, answerability, authority, boundness, burden, care, charge, constraint, contract, culpability, duty, encumbrance, engagement, fault, guilt, holding the bag*, importance, incubus, incumbency,… …   New thesaurus

  • Responsibility — Re*spon si*bil i*ty (r?*sp?n s?*b?l ?*t?), n.; pl. { ties} ( t?z). [Cf. F. responsabilit[ e].] 1. The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation. [1913 Webster] 2. That for which anyone is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • responsibility — condition of being responsible, 1787, from RESPONSIBLE (Cf. responsible) + ITY (Cf. ity). Related: Responsibilities …   Etymology dictionary

  • responsibility — ► NOUN (pl. responsibilities) 1) the state or fact of being responsible. 2) the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization. 3) a thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal… …   English terms dictionary

  • responsibility — [ri spän΄sə bil′ə tē] n. pl. responsibilities 1. condition, quality, fact, or instance of being responsible; obligation, accountability, dependability, etc. 2. a thing or person that one is responsible for …   English World dictionary

  • responsibility — n. accountability obligation 1) to accept, assume, shoulder, take, take on (a) responsibility 2) to bear, exercise; share (the) responsibility 3) to dodge, evade, shirk responsibility 4) an awesome; clear; grave, great, heavy, terrible (colloq.)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • responsibility — noun 1 being responsible ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, full, total ▪ awesome, big, enormous, grave, great, heavy …   Collocations dictionary

  • responsibility */*/*/ — UK [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlətɪ] / US [rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlətɪ] noun Word forms responsibility : singular responsibility plural responsibilities Get it right: responsibility: Notice the spelling of responsibility, which is spelled with an i , not an a : Wrong:… …   English dictionary

a sermon on the joys and responsibilities of married love — проповедь о радостях и обязанностях в супружеской любви  
the discharge of the college’s legal responsibilities — выполнение законных обязанностей колледжа  
decanal responsibilities — обязанности декана, обязанности старшего священника  
a set of responsibilities — круг обязанностей  
to thrust new responsibilities upon her — «навесить» на неё новые обязанности  
functional responsibilities — функциональная ответственность  
job responsibilities — должностные обязанности  
allocation of responsibilities — распределение обязанностей  
to shirk responsibilities — увиливать от ответственности  
shirk responsibilities — увиливать от ответственности  
resources commensurate with the responsibilities — средства, соразмерные с обязательствами  
responsibilities of consortium member — обязанности члена консорциума  

The job carries heavy responsibilities.

Работа предполагает большую ответственность.

You cannot abscond from your responsibilities.

Вы не можете уклоняться от своих обязанностей.

The janitor has many responsibilities.

У сторожа /дворника/ много обязанностей.

They share the responsibilities of parenting.

Они делят между собой родительские обязанности.

They tend to evade their responsibilities.

Они стремятся уклониться от исполнения своих обязанностей.

He found himself fettered by responsibilities.

Он оказался связанным обязательствами.

Strict guidelines delimit his responsibilities.

Его обязанности ограничены строгими директивами.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

She accused him of evasion of his responsibilities.

Her responsibilities multiplied when she was promoted.

Her responsibilities were multiplied by the promotion.

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Britannica Dictionary definition of RESPONSIBILITY



the state of being the person who caused something to happen

  • He accepted full responsibility for the accident. [=he admitted that the accident was his fault]

  • The boys denied any responsibility for the damage to the fence.

  • A terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the bombing.


a duty or task that you are required or expected to do


  • The janitor has many responsibilities.

  • Mowing the lawn is your responsibility.

  • She has to deal with a lot of family and work responsibilities.

  • It is your responsibility to give the company two weeks notice if you decide to leave.

  • A teacher’s most important responsibility is to help her students. = A teacher’s first responsibility is to/toward her students.


  • In her new position, she will have much more responsibility.



something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.

  • We have a responsibility to protect the environment.

  • The government’s responsibility is to serve the public.



the state of having the job or duty of dealing with and taking care of something or someone

  • The principal has responsibility for 450 students and a staff of 35.



the quality of a person who can be trusted to do what is expected, required, etc.

  • She is completely lacking in responsibility.

  • The boy developed a sense of responsibility with his first job.

on your own responsibility

◊ To do something on your own responsibility is to do it without being told to and to accept the blame if it has a bad result.

  • He changed the schedule on his own responsibility.

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