Define the word primary


The economy was the primary focus of the debate.

The family is the primary social unit of human life.

The primary function of our schools is to educate our young people.

We just started our primary flight training.

The book is based mainly on primary sources rather than secondary sources.

Recent Examples on the Web

In a Quinnipiac University poll of GOP primary voters released Tuesday, Trump received 46% of Republican support while DeSantis garnered 32% of support.

Mabinty Quarshie, USA TODAY, 24 Mar. 2023

According to an October 2022 survey by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, 40 percent of baby boomer workers expect Social Security to be their primary source of retirement income.

Robyn A. Friedman, Sun Sentinel, 23 Mar. 2023

Angry mountain residents trapped by snow ask why help took so long March 8, 2023 Independents such as Sheckter and McCarthy agree the weather service should be the public’s primary source of weather information.

David Wharton, Los Angeles Times, 23 Mar. 2023

But Republican primary voters will be quick to punish any candidates who are too eager to throw Trump under the bus.

Patrick T. Brown, CNN, 23 Mar. 2023

Its six reactors still need power to cool nuclear fuel, and were relying on only a primary source Wednesday, the IAEA said.

Hanna Arhirova, Chicago Tribune, 22 Mar. 2023

Its six reactors still need power to cool nuclear fuel and were relying on only a primary source Wednesday, the IAEA said.

Hanna Arhirova,, 22 Mar. 2023

Its six reactors still need power to cool nuclear fuel, and were relying on only a primary source Wednesday, the IAEA said.

Hanna Arhirova, Anchorage Daily News, 22 Mar. 2023

Subscribe But Mowrey could soon lose his platform, and millions of young TikTok users their primary source of news and information, as Congress and the Biden administration mull taking steps to ban TikTok over growing national security concerns.

Grace Segers, The New Republic, 21 Mar. 2023

Those investigations concern efforts to undo the 2020 election results as well as the possible mishandling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Top Republicans, including some of Trump’s potential rivals in next year’s GOP presidential primary, have criticized the case against him.

Michael R. Sisak, Eric Tucker, Dallas News, 5 Apr. 2023

The GOP gubernatorial primary also includes two other statewide officials — Secretary of State Mac Warner and state Auditor J.B. McCuskey — as well as state Del. Moore Capito, who is GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito’s son.

Bridget Bowman, NBC News, 4 Apr. 2023

Those investigations concern efforts to undo the 2020 election results as well as the possible mishandling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Top Republicans, including some of Trump’s potential rivals in next year’s GOP presidential primary, have criticized the case against him., 4 Apr. 2023

Top Republicans, including some of Trump’s potential rivals in next year’s GOP presidential primary, have decried the case against him.

Terry Spencer And Will Weissert, Chicago Tribune, 3 Apr. 2023

Top Republicans, including some of Trump’s potential rivals in next year’s GOP presidential primary, have decried the case against him.

Terry Spencer, Fortune, 3 Apr. 2023

Supporters of Kelly are hoping the indictment will fire up the GOP base like the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home the day before Wisconsin’s August GOP gubernatorial primary did.

Scott Bauer, Journal Sentinel, 31 Mar. 2023

In February, Republican consultant Jeff Roe told Fox News Sunday that the GOP primary was a two-person race.

Matthew Continetti, National Review, 25 Mar. 2023

Reading between the lines Given DeSantis’ position as the Republican seen as most likely to overtake Trump in the GOP primary, his rival candidates Trump and Haley are using his stance on Ukraine to diminish his standing in the hopes of making his loss their gain.

Rafi Schwartz, The Week, 17 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘primary.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

первичный, основной, начальный, главный, первичная обмотка, основной цвет


- первоначальный; самый ранний; первый

primary source — первоисточник
primary amputation — мед. ампутация, произведённая в первые 24 часа
primary care — первая помощь
primary health worker — фельдшер
primary stage of civilization — начальная /самая ранняя, первичная/ ступень цивилизации

- спец. первичный

primary rocks — геол. первичные /первозданные/ породы
primary element — хим. первичный элемент
primary carbon — хим. первичный углеродный атом
primary current — эл. ток в первичной обмотке
primary cell — эл. гальванический элемент

- простой, исходный

primary goods /products/ — сырьё, сырьевые материалы
primary producing countries — страны, производящие сырьё /производители сырья/

- начальный, элементарный

primary education /instruction/ — начальное обучение
primary trainer — учебный самолёт (для начальной лётной подготовки)

- основной, важнейший; главный

- профилирующий (о продукции предприятия)

primary to the industry — профилирующий для данной отрасли промышленности

- корневой

primary word — корневое слово

- основной

primary accent /stress/ — фон. главное ударение
primary meaning — основное /первичное/ значение

- мат. примарный


- что-л. имеющее первостепенное значение
- первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование (сторонников какой-л. партии) для определения кандидатов на выборах

closed primary — закрытые предварительные выборы (с проверкой права голосующих на участие в них)
open primary — открытые предварительные выборы
run-off primary — второй тур предварительных выборов (на голосование ставятся две кандидатуры, получившие большинство голосов)

- предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов (обыкн. с участием сторонников одной партии)
- зоол. маховое перо первого порядка
- эл. первичная обмотка (трансформатора)
- физ. первичный электрон; первичная частица
- геол. палеозой, палеозойская эра

Мои примеры


primary cause — основная причина  
primary / simple / fundamental colours — основные цвета  
primary console — основной пульт  
to funnel resources into primary education — делать инвестиции в начальное образование  
primary infection — первичная инфекция  
primary intent — основное намерение, основной умысел, основная цель  
a near win in the primary — очень вероятная победа на выборах  
the primary stage of civilization — примитивная стадия цивилизации  
primary goods / products — сырьевые материалы, сырьё  
primary market — основной рынок, главный рынок  

Примеры с переводом

Their primary objective is to make money.

Их основная цель — заработать денег.

Security is a primary need.

Главное — обеспечить безопасность.

Her primary goal is to get a college degree.

Её основная цель — получить высшее образование.

Personal safety is of primary importance.

Личная безопасность имеет первостепенное значение.

The primary channel of transmission of culture is the family.

Основной канал передачи культурных ценностей — это семья.

I was a classroom helper at the local primary school.

Я работал помощником учителя в местной начальной школе.

Five years ago he retired from his headship at Bookwell Primary School.

Пять лет назад он ушёл с должности директора начальной школы Буквела на пенсию.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the service.

…a loyal cadre of peregrine workers who follow the presidential candidate from primary to primary…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

primarily  — в первую очередь, прежде всего, главным образом, первоначально, сначала

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): primary
мн. ч.(plural): primaries

  • 1

    English-Russian SQL Server dictionary > PRIMARY

  • 2

    primary [ˊpraɪmǝrɪ]

    1) что-л., име́ющее первостепе́нное значе́ние



    перви́чные, предвари́тельные вы́боры, голосова́ние для определе́ния кандида́та па́ртии на вы́борах

    3) основно́й цвет



    плане́та, враща́ющаяся вокру́г со́лнца



    палеозо́йская э́ра

    1) основно́й; важне́йший, гла́вный;

    2) первонача́льный, перви́чный;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > primary

  • 3

    primary 1. первоначальный, первичный; 2. основной, главный; 3. маховое перо первого порядка

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > primary

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > primary

  • 5


    of primary importance первостепенной важности; primary needs самые насущные потребности; primary right приоритет primary важнейший primary голосование для выставления кандидатов на выборах primary (что-л.), имеющее первостепенное значение primary (что-л.), имеющее первостепенное значение primary вчт. исходный primary исходный primary основной, важнейший, главный primary основной; важнейший, главный; primary colours основные цвета; the primary planets планеты, вращающиеся вокруг солнца primary основной primary основной цвет primary геол. палеозойская эра primary эл. первичная обмотка (трансформатора) primary вчт. первичное выражение primary амер. первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование для определения кандидата партии на выборах primary (амер.) первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование для определения кандидата партии на выборах primary вчт. первичный primary первоначальный, первичный; primary school общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет) primary первоначальный, первичный primary первоначальный primary астр. планета, вращающаяся вокруг солнца primary предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов primary предварительные выборы primary биол. простейший primary простой of primary importance первостепенной важности; primary needs самые насущные потребности; primary right приоритет primary основной; важнейший, главный; primary colours основные цвета; the primary planets планеты, вращающиеся вокруг солнца primary rocks геол. первичные породы; primary products сырье; primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье primary rocks геол. первичные породы; primary products сырье; primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье products: primary primary сырье primary primary сырьевые материалы of primary importance первостепенной важности; primary needs самые насущные потребности; primary right приоритет primary rocks геол. первичные породы; primary products сырье; primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье primary первоначальный, первичный; primary school общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет) school: primary primary начальная школа

    English-Russian short dictionary > primary

  • 6

    1. сущ.
    1) обыкн. мн. что-л. основополагающее, первостепенной важности Syn: fundamental
    2) астр. планета солнечной системы Syn: primary planet
    3) а) основной цвет Syn: primitive, primary colour б) восприятие основного цвета
    4) амер. а) предварительные выборы б) голосование для выставления кандидатов от своей партии на выборы в) предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов closed primary contested primary direct primary divisive primary open primary preferential primary presidential primary uncontested primary
    5) электр. первичная обмотка( трансформатора)
    6) геол. палеозойская эра
    2. прил.
    1) а) первоначальный, первичный primary electron ≈ первичный электрон the primary stage of civilization ≈ примитивная стадия цивилизации primary rocks ≈ первичные породы Syn: primitive б) исходный, непроизводный, элементарный primary goods ≈ сырьевые материалы, сырье primary products ≈ сырье Syn: initial в) самый ранний, начальный, первый primary tooth ≈ молочный зуб primary school ≈ начальная школа Syn: milk tooth
    2) основной;
    базисный, важнейший, ведущий, главный primary purpose ≈ основная цель primary task ≈ первоочередная задача primary device ≈ основное устройство primary necessities ≈ предметы первой необходимости Security is a primary need. ≈ Обеспечение безопасности это самая важная необходимость. primary planet ≈ планета солнечной системы primary right ≈ приоритет Syn: chief, main, basic, fundamental
    3) непосредственный, прямой primary sources of information ≈ сведения из первоисточника Syn: direct, firsthand
    4) предварительный, подготовительный primary instruction ≈ предварительная инструкция
    5) биол. простейший
    что-л. имеющее первостепенное значение (американизм) первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование (сторонников какой-л. партии) для определения кандидатов на выборах — closed * закрытые, предварительные выборы ( с проверкой права голосующих на участие в них) — open * открытые предварительные выборы — run-off * второй тур предварительных выборов (на голосование ставятся две кандидатуры, получившие большинство голосов) предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов (обыкн. с участием сторонников одной партии) (зоология) маховое перо первого порядка (электротехника) первичная обмотка( трансформатора) планета солнечной системы (в отличие от спутников) (физическое) первичный электрон;
    первичная частица (геология) палеозой, палеозойская эра начальная школа школа для детей в возрасте от 5 до 11 лет( в Англии) первоначальный;
    самый ранний;
    первый — * source первоисточник — * amputation (медицина) ампутация, произведенная в первые 24 часа — * care первая помощь — * health worker фельдшер * stage of civilization начальная /самая ранняя, первичная/ ступень цивилизации (специальное) первичный — * rocks( геология) первичные /первозданные/ породы — * element( химическое) первичный элемент — * carbon( химическое) первичный углеродный атом — * current( электротехника) ток, в первичной обмотке — * cell (электротехника) гальванический элемент простой, исходный — * goods /products/ сырье, сырьевые материалы — * producing countries страны, производящие сырье /производители сырья/ начальный, элементарный — * education /instruction/ начальное обучение — * trainer учебный самолет( для начальной летной подготовки) основной, важнейший, главный — * necessities предметы первой необходимости — * policy основная политическая линия — * resourses сырьевые ресурсы — * wing переднее крыло( у насекомого) ;
    маховое крыло( у птицы) — * need насущная необходимость — * activity (экономика) основной род занятий — * fire position( военное) основная огневая позиция — * target( военное) основная цель;
    цель первой очереди — * armament( военное) основное вооружение;
    (морское) артиллерия главного калибра — a matter of * importance вопрос первостепенной важности — our * concern наша первоочередная задача профилирующий (о продукции предприятия) — * to the industry профилирующий для данной области промышленности корневой — * word корневое слово основной — * accent /stress/ (фонетика) главное ударение — * meaning основное /первичное/ значение (математика) примарный
    of ~ importance первостепенной важности;
    primary needs самые насущные потребности;
    primary right приоритет
    primary важнейший ~ голосование для выставления кандидатов на выборах ~ (что-л.), имеющее первостепенное значение ~ (что-л.), имеющее первостепенное значение ~ вчт. исходный ~ исходный ~ основной, важнейший, главный ~ основной;
    важнейший, главный;
    primary colours основные цвета;
    the primary planets планеты, вращающиеся вокруг солнца ~ основной ~ основной цвет ~ геол. палеозойская эра ~ эл. первичная обмотка (трансформатора) ~ вчт. первичное выражение ~ амер. первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование для определения кандидата партии на выборах ~ (амер.) первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование для определения кандидата партии на выборах ~ вчт. первичный ~ первоначальный, первичный;
    primary school общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет) ~ первоначальный, первичный ~ первоначальный ~ астр. планета, вращающаяся вокруг солнца ~ предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов ~ предварительные выборы ~ биол. простейший ~ простой
    of ~ importance первостепенной важности;
    primary needs самые насущные потребности;
    primary right приоритет
    ~ основной;
    важнейший, главный;
    primary colours основные цвета;
    the primary planets планеты, вращающиеся вокруг солнца
    ~ rocks геол. первичные породы;
    primary products сырье;
    primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье
    ~ rocks геол. первичные породы;
    primary products сырье;
    primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье products: primary ~ сырье primary ~ сырьевые материалы
    of ~ importance первостепенной важности;
    primary needs самые насущные потребности;
    primary right приоритет
    ~ rocks геол. первичные породы;
    primary products сырье;
    primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье
    ~ первоначальный, первичный;
    primary school общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет) school: primary ~ начальная школа

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > primary

  • 7

    Англо-русский технический словарь > primary

  • 8

    1. [ʹpraım(ə)rı]

    1. что-л. имеющее первостепенное значение

    1) первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование () для определения кандидатов на выборах

    2) предварительное предвыборное собрание для выдвижения кандидатов (

    с участием сторонников одной партии)

    3. = primary colour


    маховое перо первого порядка

    6. = primary planet


    первичный электрон; первичная частица


    палеозой, палеозойская эра

    9. = primary school

    2. [ʹpraım(ə)rı]

    1. первоначальный; самый ранний; первый

    primary election = primary I 2, 1)

    primary assembly /meeting/ = primary I 2, 2)

    primary stage of civilization — начальная /самая ранняя, первичная/ ступень цивилизации

    3. простой, исходный

    primary goods /products/ — сырьё, сырьевые материалы

    primary producing countries — страны, производящие сырьё /производители сырья/

    4. начальный, элементарный

    primary education /instruction/ — начальное обучение

    5. 1) основной, важнейший; главный

    1) корневой

    2) основной

    primary accent /stress/ — главное ударение

    primary meaning — основное /первичное/ значение

    НБАРС > primary

  • 9

    1. a первоначальный; самый ранний; первый

    2. a спец. первичный

    3. a простой, исходный

    4. a начальный, элементарный

    5. a основной, важнейший; главный

    6. a профилирующий

    7. a лингв. корневой

    8. a лингв. мат. примарный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. direct (adj.) direct; firsthand; immediate; immediatefirst-hand

    2. first (adj.) aboriginal; capital; cardinal; chief; dominant; earliest; first; foremost; highest; initial; key; leading; maiden; main; major; original; outstanding; paramount; pioneer; pre-eminent; premier; primal; prime; primeval; primevous; primitial; primitive; principal; top; underivative; underived

    3. fundamental (adj.) basal; basic; beginning; bottom; elementary; foundational; fundamental; opening; ordinate; radical; rudimentary; underlying

    4. original (adj.) earliest; initial; original; pioneer; prime; primeval; primitive

    Антонимический ряд:

    following; indirect; inferior; last; later; posterior; secondary; subordinate; subsequent; ultimate

    English-Russian base dictionary > primary

  • 10



    1) главное, основное, первостепенной важности


    2) основной цвет


    а) праймериз, первичные выборы, внутрипартийные выборы

    — contested primary
    — direct primary
    — divisive primary
    — open primary
    — preferential primary
    — presidential primary
    — uncontested primary




    маховое перо первого порядка



    палеозойская эра



    1) первоначальный, первичный


    2) исходный, простой

    primary goods / products — сырьевые материалы, сырьё


    3) начальный, элементарный

    4) основной; базисный, важнейший, главный

    Security is a primary need. — Главное — обеспечить безопасность.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > primary

  • 11

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > primary

  • 12

    convoluted primary nozzle

    изогнутое сопло основного контура

    primary area boundary

    граница основной зоны

    primary element of structure

    основной элемент конструкции

    primary filter

    фильтр грубой очистки

    primary fuel nozzle

    форсунка первого контура подачи топлива

    primary fuel starting manifold

    первый топливный коллектор

    primary great circle

    главная ортодромия

    primary radar

    первичный радиолокатор

    primary radio facilities

    первичные радиосредства

    primary runway

    основная ВПП

    primary static pressure source

    основной источник статического давления

    primary structural member

    силовой элемент конструкции

    primary training

    начальная подготовка

    traffic advisory against primary radar targets

    консультативное сообщение о воздушной обстановке, регистрируемой на первичной РЛС

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > primary

  • 13

    1) что-л. имеющее первостепенное значение



    предварительные выборы, голосование



    предварительное, первичное собрание для поддержки кандидата от данной партии

    2) основной, важнейший

    confer on smb. primary responsibility for smth.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > primary

  • 14

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > primary

  • 15

    1) что-л., имеющее первостепенное значение



    первичные, предварительные выборы, голосование для определения кандидата партии на выборах

    3) основной цвет

    4) astr. планета, вращающаяся вокруг солнца



    первичная обмотка (трансформатора)

    1) первоначальный, первичный; primary school общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет); primary rocks


    первичные породы; primary products сырье; primary producing countries страны, производящие сырье

    2) основной; важнейший, главный; primary colours основные цвета; the primary planets планеты, вращающиеся вокруг солнца; of primary importance первостепенной важности; primary needs самые насущные потребности; primary right приоритет

    * * *

    (a) изначальный; основной; первичный; первоначальный; профилирующий

    * * *

    что-л. основополагающее, первостепенной важности

    * * *

    [pri·ma·ry || ‘praɪmərɪ]
    что-либо основополагающее; первостепенной важности; основной цвет, первичная обмотка; планета, палеозойская эра
    первоначальный, первичный, начальный, простейший, основной, важнейший, главный, преимущественный

    * * *


















    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) обыкн. мн. что-л. основополагающее, первостепенной важности
    2) астрон. планета солнечной системы
    3) а) основной цвет
    б) восприятие основного цвета
    4) амер.
    а) предварительные выборы
    2. прил.
    1) а) первоначальный
    б) исходный
    в) самый ранний
    2) основной; базисный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > primary

  • 16

    первоначальный ; первичный ; элементарный ; главный ; основной ; сырьевой ; ? primary accounting ; ? primary activity ; ? primary deposits ; ? ; ? primary exporting countries ; ? primary commodities ; ? primary goods ; ? primary incomes ; ? primary input

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > primary

  • 17

    1. профилирующий
    2. первый (о контуре ядерного реактора)
    3. первоначальный (о варианте)
    4. первичная часть (линейного электродвигателя)
    5. палеозой
    6. основной (о ресурсах)
    7. исходный (о материале)
    8. важнейший (о вопросе)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > primary

  • 18

    Англо-русский словарь по робототехнике > primary

  • 19

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > primary

  • 20

    первый; относящийся к первому контуру; первичный (экстракт)

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > primary


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Primary — Pri ma*ry, a. [L. primarius, fr. primus first: cf. F. primaire. See {Prime}, a., and cf. {Premier}, {Primero}.] 1. First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original. [1913 Webster] The church of Christ, in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • primary — pri·ma·ry 1 / prī ˌmer ē, mə rē/ adj 1: of first rank, value, or importance 2: belonging to the first group or order in successive divisions, combinations, or ramifications pri·mar·i·ly /prī mer ə lē/ adv primary 2 n pl …   Law dictionary

  • primary — primary, primal, primordial, primitive, pristine, primeval, prime mean first in some respect (as order, character, or importance). Something primary comes first in the order of development or of progression. Sometimes the term means little more… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Primary — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Primary» Sencillo de The Cure del álbum Faith Publicación 17 de marzo de 1981 (Reino Unido) Formato …   Wikipedia Español

  • primary — pri‧ma‧ry [ˈpraɪmri ǁ meri] adjective 1. main or most important: • Its primary business is developing and marketing new software. • The primary problem for the airlines is the recession. • It uses coal as its primary source of fuel. 2 …   Financial and business terms

  • primary — [prī′mer΄ē, prī′mə rē] adj. [ME prymary < L primarius < primus, first: see PRIME] 1. first in time or order of development; primitive; original; earliest 2. from which others are derived; fundamental; elemental; basic 3. designating colors… …   English World dictionary

  • Primary — Single par The Cure extrait de l’album Faith Face A Primary Face B Descent Sortie 17 mars 1981 Enregistrement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • primary — late 15c., of the first order, from L. primarius of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, from primus first (see PRIME (Cf. prime) (adj.) ). Primary color is first recorded 1610s; primary school is 1802, from Fr. école primaire. The Paris… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Primary — Pri ma*ry, n.; pl. {Primaries}. 1. That which stands first in order, rank, or importance; a chief matter. [1913 Webster] 2. A primary meeting; a caucus. [1913 Webster] 3. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird s wing.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • primary — / prime [adj1] best, principal capital, cardinal, chief, crackerjack*, dominant, excellent, fab*, first, first class*, greatest, heavy, highest, hot*, leading, main, number one*, paramount, primo*, state of the art*, stellar, top, top of the… …   New thesaurus

  • primary — primary/secondary qualities …   Philosophy dictionary

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ prahy-mer-ee, -muh-ree ]

/ ˈpraɪ mɛr i, -mə ri /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal: his primary goals in life.

first in order in any series, sequence, etc.

first in time; earliest; primitive.

of, relating to, or characteristic of primary school: the primary grades.

constituting or belonging to the first stage in any process.

of the nature of the ultimate or simpler constituents of which something complex is made up: Animals have a few primary instincts.

  1. original; not derived or subordinate; fundamental; basic.
  2. (in scholarly studies) pertaining to or being a firsthand account, original data, etc., or based on direct knowledge, as in primary source; primary research.

immediate or direct, or not involving intermediate agency: primary perceptions.

Sociology. (of social values or ideals) conceived as derived from the primary group and culturally defined as being necessary to the welfare of the individual and society.

Ornithology. pertaining to any of the set of flight feathers situated on the distal segment of a bird’s wing.

Electricity. noting or pertaining to the circuit, coil, winding, or current that induces current in secondary windings in an induction coil, transformer, or the like.


  1. involving or obtained by replacement of one atom or group.
  2. noting or containing a carbon atom united to no other or to only one other carbon atom in a molecule.


  1. (of a derivative) having a root or other unanalyzable element as the underlying form: The word «dole» is a primary derivative formed by modification of «deal,» and «phonograph» is a primary derivative from «phono-» and «-graph.»
  2. (of Latin, Greek, Sanskrit tenses) having reference to present or future time.Compare secondary (def. 10).

noun, plural pri·ma·ries.

something that is first in order, rank, or importance.

U.S. Politics.

  1. Also called primary election. a preliminary election in which voters of each party nominate candidates for office, party officers, etc.Compare closed primary, direct primary, indirect primary, open primary.
  2. a meeting of the voters of a political party in an election district for nominating candidates for office, choosing delegates for a convention, etc.; caucus.

Ornithology. a primary feather.

Electricity. a winding in a transformer or the like that carries a current and that induces a current in secondary windings.


  1. a body in relation to a smaller body or smaller bodies revolving around it, as a planet in relation to its satellites.
  2. the brighter of the two stars comprising a double star.Compare companion1 (def. 6).

verb (used with object), pri·ma·ried, pri·ma·ry·ing.

U.S. Politics. to challenge or oppose (the incumbent) in a primary election, usually for strong ideological reasons (often used in passive constructions): The congressman was primaried by a more conservative candidate.

verb (used without object), pri·ma·ried, pri·ma·ry·ing.

U.S. Politics. to run as a candidate in a primary election.



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Origin of primary

First recorded in 1425–75; (adjective) late Middle English, from Latin prīmārius “of the first rank, chief.” See prime, -ary

synonym study for primary

historical usage of primary

The English adjective primary is a direct borrowing from the Latin adjective prīmārius “very important, leading, chief, excellent, first-rate.” Prīmārius is a pretty obvious derivation of prīmus “leading, foremost, furthest out, extreme, earliest, first” and the adjective and noun suffix -ārius, the ultimate source of the English suffix -ary. Prīmus is formed from the Proto-Indo-European root per, which has many modifications and extensions, and whose fundamental meaning “forward, in front, through” is the base of many adverbs, prefixes, and prepositions. Variants of the root per appear in the Latin prefix, adverb, and preposition prae-, prae “in front, ahead” (adopted as pre- in English) and prō-, prō, implying forward motion, making an opening, priority in time or importance (source of English pro- ). Variants of per appear in Greek prōtos “first” (as in English protein and proton ) and in Germanic (Old English) forma, formest, forth, furthra, fyrst (English former, foremost, forth, further, first ).


pri·ma·ri·ness, nounpost·pri·ma·ry, adjectivesub·pri·ma·ry, adjective

Words nearby primary

primal scream, primal therapy, primaquine, primaries, primarily, primary, primary accent, primary care, primary cell, primary color, primary colour Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to primary

constitutional, dominant, elementary, essential, fundamental, immediate, initial, leading, main, prime, principal, underlying, vital, central, chief, first, primitive, simple, direct, earliest

How to use primary in a sentence

  • The primary piece of Clubhouse’s user recommendation engine relies on access to your contacts.

  • She says they would benefit the entire region, but primary El Salvador because the Legislative Assembly has either blocked or ignored.

  • His primary concern, however, is helping lift Schalke from the bottom of the Bundesliga.

  • The commission’s primary collection method is to send letters, but they weren’t sent on time and, in some cases, weren’t sent at all, the audit found.

  • It is also documented that coyotes are a primary predator of urban Canada goose nests.

  • Scruff believes that sex is not the primary concern of users.

  • He has picked pre-primary brawls with Christie, Perry, and Marco Rubio.

  • “You try to always scratch where the itch is,” Huckabee said about his campaigning and rhetoric in the 2008 primary.

  • Even then, most of us doubted he would show up and actually sign the papers allowing him to enter the 1992 New Hampshire primary.

  • It was Dec. 20, 1991, the deadline for the New Hampshire primary.

  • Besides this fundamental or primary vibration, the movement divides itself into segments, or sections, of the entire length.

  • What the ear hears is the fundamental pitch only; the overtones harmonize with the primary or fundamental tone, and enrich it.

  • That—and no existing institution and no current issue—is the primary concern of the present age.

  • He also instituted primary schools in every commune, and started an cole Normale for the training of teachers.

  • Primary anemia is that which progresses without apparent cause.

British Dictionary definitions for primary


first in importance, degree, rank, etc

first in position or time, as in a series

fundamental; basic

being the first stage; elementary

(prenominal) of or relating to the education of children up to the age of 11

(of the flight feathers of a bird’s wing) growing from the manus

  1. being the part of an electric circuit, such as a transformer or induction coil, in which a changing current induces a current in a neighbouring circuita primary coil
  2. (of a current) flowing in such a circuitCompare secondary
  1. (of a product) consisting of a natural raw material; unmanufactured
  2. (of production or industry) involving the extraction or winning of such products. Agriculture, fishing, forestry, hunting, and mining are primary industriesCompare secondary (def. 7), tertiary (def. 3)


  1. (of an organic compound) having a functional group attached to a carbon atom that is attached to at least two hydrogen atoms
  2. (of an amine) having only one organic group attached to the nitrogen atom; containing the group NH 2
  3. (of a salt) derived from a tribasic acid by replacement of one acidic hydrogen atom with a metal atom or electropositive group


  1. derived from a word that is not a derivation but the ultimate form itself. Lovable is a primary derivative of love
  2. (of Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit tenses) referring to present or future timeCompare historic (def. 3)

geology relating to magmas that have not experienced fractional crystallization or crystal contamination

noun plural -ries

a person or thing that is first in rank, occurrence, etc

(in the US)

  1. a preliminary election in which the voters of a state or region choose a party’s convention delegates, nominees for office, etcSee also closed primary, direct primary, open primary
  2. a local meeting of voters registered with one party to nominate candidates, select convention delegates, etc

Full name: primary election

any of the flight feathers growing from the manus of a bird’s wing

a primary coil, winding, inductance, or current in an electric circuit

astronomy a celestial body around which one or more specified secondary bodies orbitthe sun is the primary of the earth

Word Origin for primary

C15: from Latin prīmārius of the first rank, principal, from prīmus first

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for primary

Relating to a primary color.

Relating to plant tissues or growth derived from the apical meristem in the tips of roots and shoots, whose cells divide and elongate to cause the plant to grow lengthwise.

  1. Relating to or having a carbon atom that is attached to only one other carbon atom in a molecule.
  2. Relating to an organic molecule, such as an alcohol, in which the functional group is attached to a primary carbon. A primary alcohol, for example, has the hydroxyl (OH) group attached to the last carbon in a chain.
  1. Arising first and spontaneously, as a disease, disorder, or tumor, and not as a result of a known medical condition or injury.
  2. Relating to the first set of teeth that develops in humans.

Relating to the initial medical care given by a healthcare provider to a patient, especially in a setting of ambulatory, continuous care, and sometimes followed by referral to other medical providers. Compare secondary tertiary.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

I think your question is, if the primary ends tomorrow, what happens to Obama’s * primary* money. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Since the energy in the two circuits will be practically the same, it follows _that the ratio between the current in the primary and that in the secondary will be equal to the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary to the number of turns in the primary_. ❋ George Patterson (1910)

The primary art is writing; —primary, if we regard the purpose abstracted from the different modes of realizing it, those steps of progression of which the instances are still visible in the lower degrees of civilization. ❋ Unknown (1909)

In telephony, where the currents are not simple periodic currents, and where the variations in current strength take place at different rates, such a law as that just stated does not hold for all cases; but it may be stated in general that _the induced currents will be of higher voltage and smaller current strength than those of the primary in all coils where the secondary winding has a greater number of turns than the primary_, and _vice versâ_. ❋ George Patterson (1910)

I use the term «primary» because the change process actually requires you make several changes, which means making supplement goals. ❋ Patricia Ferrone (2011)

So the phrase «primary caregiver» was added to the bill. ❋ Unknown (2011)

I personally dislike using the term primary care for internists, because of the misuse of this word. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In the cables, the U.S. said it was concerned that North Korea helped one of its lenders, Tanchon Commercial Bank, which it describes as the «primary financial agent behind the DPRK’s weapons programs,» to funnel money from Syria and Iran through Arab Bank. ❋ Thomas Catan (2011)

She said EPA intends to study the issue and take action to enforce the law if it has evidence of violations and if states, which she called the «primary» enforcers, do not act. ❋ Ryan Tracy (2011)

Politically, it probably makes sense, because his endorsement could put Hutchison over the top by securing the most uber-whacko votes in the primary, and since Democrats can’t get their act together to find another Ann Richards, the primary is the only bit that will matter. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I dont think the lack ofa primary is all bas though. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But they better do something to get the people that do not have them immediate access to getting a needed document. 8 days before the primary is awfully short period of time when they never had to do this before. ❋ Unknown (2008)

So let’s see the primary is his practice run for the general election and his general election will be his practice run to get into the White House … ❋ Unknown (2008)

The great thing about this primary is the mirroring of the Presidential primary that is provides. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Obama should be looking ahead to November and his inevitable showdown with McCain because this primary is all but over. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I am sorry but if you do not think this primary is about race but you better take a good look. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Missing in the national coverage of yesterday’s Indiana primary is the razor thin win by Democrat Jill Thompson Long to win her party’s nomination for governor. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This primary is about delegates and not popular votes. ❋ Unknown (2008)

To think that Democrats wouldn’t vote for Obama in the general because they didn’t vote for him in the primary is the unfortunate result of elementary thinking. ❋ Unknown (2008)

You must complete [primary school] before you may attend [secondary school].
A secondary planet [orbits] a primary. ❋ Downstrike (2004)

Yo [dhat] [ho] is not da primary, he got a [biotch] at home ❋ Nyc Nice (2007)

I promise to primary any [politician] who votes against [Social Security], [Medicare], or Veterans’ Benefits. ❋ Hot East (2013)

I [flew] on Primaris Airlines last week to [London] and the [service] was great. ❋ Mm (2003)

[So what] is your [primary]? What [reality] you want to create? ❋ Ronald R.J. Cools (2007)

Primaris [owned] Dajuda ❋ Unknown (2002)

There are a few «tiebreaker» scenarios:
-Tiebreaker 1: When multiple meats are on a sandwich, as with a club (ham, turkey, bacon), the highest quantity meat becomes the Primary Meat.
-Tiebreaker 2: If multiple meats are present in the same quantities, the meat which provides the most flavor becomes the Primary Meat. In our example above of a [club sandwich] with ham, turkey [and bacon], if there are 2 fingers of each meat, then bacon would become the Primary Meat.
(Exceptions to this case would be flavored meats such as cajun turkey, [smoked ham]) ❋ Kremz (2012)

«Yo, how was the sex last night?»
«She was being annoying, so I used the [primary lotus] on her.»
«[Damn, Guy] [sensei] would be proud.» ❋ Weebdefinitions (2018)

«Okay, you like Josh, [Andrew] and Nick???»
«[Yup], but Josh is my [primary crush].» ❋ Missscarr (2009)

[Damn], I [miss] [primary school] ❋ Duuude2010 (2010)

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