Define the word approached

Мои примеры


he approached me for information — он обратился ко мне за сведениями  
train approached at full swing — поезд приближался на всех парах  
near-approached asteroids — астероиды, проходящие близко к Земле  
limit approached from the left — предел при стремлении переменной к точке слева  
limit approached from the right — предел при стремлении переменной к точке справа  

Примеры с переводом

The children shut up when their father approached.

При приближении отца дети резко замолчали.

The days lengthened as summer approached.

По мере приближения лета, дни становились всё длиннее.

The cat approached the baby cautiously.

Кошка осторожно подошла к малышу.

He approached the job with missionary zeal.

Он подошел к работе с миссионерским (завидным) рвением.

A cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar.

В баре к нему подошла дёшево одетая женщина.

The horse relaxed its course as it approached me.

При приближении ко мне лошадь замедлила свой бег.

The snake slithered away as we approached.

Когда мы подошли, змея уползла.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The lamb bleated as I approached.

The sky blackened as the storm approached.

He approached her with slow, deliberate steps.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

approach  — подход, приближение, доступ, подходить, приближаться, обращаться
approachable  — доступный, достижимый, охотно идущий навстречу
approaching  — наступающий, стремящийся
approachless  — недоступный, недосягаемый



v. ap·proached, ap·proach·ing, ap·proach·es


1. To come near or nearer, as in space or time: Spring approaches.

2. Sports To make an approach, as in golf.

1. To come or go near or nearer to: approached the tunnel.

2. To come close to, as in appearance, quality, or condition; approximate: The performance approaches perfection.

3. To make a proposal or overtures to with a specific end in view: approached the administration for a raise.

4. To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread; approached the issue from a historical perspective.


1. The act of approaching: the approach of night.

2. A fairly close resemblance; an approximation.

3. A way or means of reaching something; an access: an approach to the bridge.

4. The method used in dealing with or accomplishing: a logical approach to the problem.

5. An advance or overture made by one person to another.

6. Sports

a. The golf stroke following the drive from the tee with which a player tries to get the ball onto the putting green.

b. The steps taken prior to executing a competitive maneuver, as by a diver before diving forward from a springboard or by a bowler before delivering the ball.

c. The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball.

[Middle English approchen, from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiāre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin propius, nearer, comparative of prope, near; see per in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. to come nearer in position, time, quality, character, etc, to (someone or something)

2. (tr) to make advances to, as with a proposal, suggestion, etc

3. (tr) to begin to deal with: to approach a problem.

4. (tr) rare to cause to come near


5. the act of coming towards or drawing close or closer

6. a close approximation

7. the way or means of entering or leaving; access

8. (often plural) an advance or overture to a person

9. a means adopted in tackling a problem, job of work, etc

10. (Aeronautics) Also called: approach path the course followed by an aircraft preparing for landing

[C14: from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiāre to draw near, from Latin prope near]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to come nearer to: The car approached the curb.

2. to come within range for comparison: As a poet he can’t approach Keats.

3. to make contact with: approached the company with an offer.

4. to begin work on; set about: to approach a problem.


5. to come nearer: A storm approaches.


6. an act or instance of approaching.

7. close approximation; nearness: a fair approach to accuracy.

8. a means of access: the approaches to a city.

9. the method used or steps taken in setting about a task.

10. the course to be followed by an aircraft in making a landing.

[1275–1325; < Anglo-French, Old French a(p)rocher < Late Latin adpropiāre= ad- + propius nearer]

ap•proach′er, n.

ap•proach′less, adj.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


If you approach something, you get nearer to it.

He approached the front door.

…Nancy heard footsteps approaching the galley.

Be Careful!
Approach is not followed by ‘to’. You do not say, for example, ‘He approached to the front door‘.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: approached
Gerund: approaching

I approach
you approach
he/she/it approaches
we approach
you approach
they approach
I approached
you approached
he/she/it approached
we approached
you approached
they approached
Present Continuous
I am approaching
you are approaching
he/she/it is approaching
we are approaching
you are approaching
they are approaching
Present Perfect
I have approached
you have approached
he/she/it has approached
we have approached
you have approached
they have approached
Past Continuous
I was approaching
you were approaching
he/she/it was approaching
we were approaching
you were approaching
they were approaching
Past Perfect
I had approached
you had approached
he/she/it had approached
we had approached
you had approached
they had approached
I will approach
you will approach
he/she/it will approach
we will approach
you will approach
they will approach
Future Perfect
I will have approached
you will have approached
he/she/it will have approached
we will have approached
you will have approached
they will have approached
Future Continuous
I will be approaching
you will be approaching
he/she/it will be approaching
we will be approaching
you will be approaching
they will be approaching
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been approaching
you have been approaching
he/she/it has been approaching
we have been approaching
you have been approaching
they have been approaching
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been approaching
you will have been approaching
he/she/it will have been approaching
we will have been approaching
you will have been approaching
they will have been approaching
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been approaching
you had been approaching
he/she/it had been approaching
we had been approaching
you had been approaching
they had been approaching
I would approach
you would approach
he/she/it would approach
we would approach
you would approach
they would approach
Past Conditional
I would have approached
you would have approached
he/she/it would have approached
we would have approached
you would have approached
they would have approached

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. approach - ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situationapproach — ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; «his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons»; «an attack on inflation»; «his plan of attack was misguided»

plan of attack, attack

conceptualization, formulation, conceptualisation — inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally

avenue — a line of approach; «they explored every avenue they could think of»; «it promises to open new avenues to understanding»

2. approach - the act of drawing spatially closer to somethingapproach — the act of drawing spatially closer to something; «the hunter’s approach scattered the geese»

coming, approaching

movement, move, motion — the act of changing location from one place to another; «police controlled the motion of the crowd»; «the movement of people from the farms to the cities»; «his move put him directly in my path»

access — the act of approaching or entering; «he gained access to the building»

closure, closing — approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; «the ship’s rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision»

landing approach — the approach to a landing field by an airplane

run-up — the approach run during which an athlete gathers speed

3. approach - a way of entering or leavingapproach — a way of entering or leaving; «he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge»


entrance, entranceway, entryway, entree, entry — something that provides access (to get in or get out); «they waited at the entrance to the garden»; «beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral»

way — any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; «he said he was looking for the way out»

4. approach - the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landingapproach — the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing

approach path, glide path, glide slope

air lane, skyway, airway, flight path — a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another

approach pattern, traffic pattern, pattern — the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; «the traffic patterns around O’Hare are very crowded»; «they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted»

5. approach - the event of one object coming closer to anotherapproach — the event of one object coming closer to another


motion, movement — a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something

6. approach - a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of othersapproach — a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; «she rejected his advances»

feeler, overture, advance

proffer, proposition, suggestion — a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; «it was a suggestion we couldn’t refuse»

7. approach - the temporal property of becoming nearer in timeapproach — the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; «the approach of winter»

approaching, coming

timing — the time when something happens

8. approach — a close approximation; «the nearest approach to genius»

similarity — the quality of being similar

9. approach - a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting greenapproach — a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green; «he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green»

approach shot

golf, golf game — a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes

golf shot, golf stroke, swing — the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it

chip shot, chip — (golf) a low running approach shot

pitch shot, pitch — a high approach shot in golf

Verb 1. approach - move towardsapproach — move towards; «We were approaching our destination»; «They are drawing near»; «The enemy army came nearer and nearer»

draw near, near, come near, come on, draw close, go up

come, come up — move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; «He came singing down the road»; «Come with me to the Casbah»; «come down here!»; «come out of the closet!»; «come into the room»

come near, approach — come near in time; «Winter is approaching»; «approaching old age»

drive up — approach while driving; «The truck entered the driveway and drove up towards the house»

bear down on, bear down upon — sail towards another vessel, of a ship

edge in, edge up — push one’s way into (a space)

close — draw near; «The probe closed with the space station»

crowd, push — approach a certain age or speed; «She is pushing fifty»

2. approach — come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character; «This borders on discrimination!»; «His playing approaches that of Horowitz»

border on

approximate, come close — be close or similar; «Her results approximate my own»

converge — approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit

3. approach — begin to deal with; «approach a task»; «go about a difficult problem»; «approach a new project»

go about, set about

face, face up, confront — deal with (something unpleasant) head on; «You must confront your problems»; «He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes»

act, move — perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); «think before you act»; «We must move quickly»; «The governor should act on the new energy bill»; «The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel»

4. approach - come near in timeapproach — come near in time; «Winter is approaching»; «approaching old age»

come near

come, come up — move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; «He came singing down the road»; «Come with me to the Casbah»; «come down here!»; «come out of the closet!»; «come into the room»

get on — grow late or (of time) elapse; «It is getting on midnight—let’s all go to bed!»

approach, draw near, near, come near, come on, draw close, go up — move towards; «We were approaching our destination»; «They are drawing near»; «The enemy army came nearer and nearer»

5. approach - make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestionapproach — make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; «I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters»

hit — pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to; «He tries to hit on women in bars»

accost, come up to, address — speak to someone

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. move towards, come to, reach, near, advance, catch up, meet, come close, gain on, converge on, come near, push forward, draw near, creep up on When I approached they fell silent.

2. make a proposal to, speak to, apply to, appeal to, proposition, solicit, sound out, make overtures to, make advances to, broach the matter with When he approached me about the job, my first reaction was disbelief.


4. way, means, course, style, attitude, method, technique, manner, procedure, mode, modus operandi We will be exploring different approaches to information-gathering.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To come near in space or time:

Idioms: come close to, draw near to.

2. To come near, as in quality or amount:

3. To bring an appeal or request, for example, to the attention of:

Obsolete: sue.

4. To go about the initial step in doing (something):

begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake.


1. The act or fact of coming near:

2. A method used in dealing with something:

3. A preliminary action intended to elicit a favorable response:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إقْتِرابتَوَجُّـه، تَوَدُّد، تَقَرُّبمَدْخَل، مَنْفَذ، طَريقيَقْتَرِبيَقْتَرِبُ

přiblížit sepřístuppříchodpokus

adganganflyvningankomstdet at nærme sighenvendelse



közelítmegkörnyékezmegközelítmegközelítésodavezető út

aîkoma, aîkomuleiîkoma, òaî aî e-î nálgastleita til; reyna viînálgast



artėjantisartinimasisbandymas kreiptisbandymas užkalbintipriartėti


bližati sepribliževanjeprihodpristop

närma (sig)stunda


đến gần

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




[person, vehicle, plane, train] → approche f

[season, summer, winter, event] → approche f

(access route)accès m
approach to sth (= access, path) → accès de qch
The path serves as an approach to the house → Le chemin sert d’accès à la maison.
Troops secured the approaches to the city
BUT Les troupes ont protégé les abords de la ville.

(= way of dealing with sth) (to problem, issue)approche f
his approach to the problem → son approche du problème

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= come near)sich nähern (+dat); (Aviat) → anfliegen; (in figures, temperature, time) → zugehen auf (+acc), → sich nähern (+dat); (in quality, stature) → herankommen an (+acc); (fig)heranreichen an (+acc); to approach thirtyauf die dreißig zugehen; to approach adolescence/manhoodins Pubertätsalter/Mannesalter kommen; the train is now approaching platform 3der Zug hat Einfahrt auf Gleis 3; something approaching a festive atmosphereeine annähernd festliche Stimmung

(= make an approach to) person, committee, organizationherantreten an (+acc)(about wegen), angehen (about um), ansprechen (→ about wegen, auf +acchin); I haven’t approached him yetich habe ihn daraufhin noch nicht angesprochen, ich bin damit noch nicht an ihn herangetreten; he is easy/difficult to approacher ist leicht/nicht leicht ansprechbar

(= tackle) question, problem, taskangehen, herangehen an (+acc), → anpacken



Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. vt

b. (with request) to approach sb about sthrivolgersi a qn per qc

3. n

a. (act) → l’avvicinarsi m, avvicinamento
at the approach of night → all’avvicinarsi della notte

c. (access) → accesso
the northern approaches to the city → le vie d’accesso a nord della città

d. (proposal, inquiry, about a job, project) → proposta; (to committee, department) → presa di contatto
to make an approach to sb → contattare qn
to make approaches to sb (amorous) → fare degli approcci or delle avances a qn

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈprəutʃ) verb

to come near (to). The car approached (the traffic lights) at top speed; Christmas is approaching.


1. the act of coming near. The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.

2. a road, path etc leading to a place. All the approaches to the village were blocked by fallen rock.

3. an attempt to obtain or attract a person’s help, interest etc. They have made an approach to the government for help; That fellow makes approaches to (= he tries to become friendly with) every woman he meets.

apˈproachable adjective

1. friendly.

2. that can be reached. The village is not approachable by road.

apˈproaching adjective

the approaching dawn.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَقْتَرِبُ přiblížit se tilgang nähern (sich) πλησιάζω aproximarse lähestyä approcher pristupiti avvicinarsi 近づく 접근하다 naderen nærme (seg) zbliżyć się aproximar-se приближаться närma (sig) เข้าใกล้ yaklaşmak đến gần 接近

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. [avenue] acceso, entrada; [words] las palabras acertadas; método; [decision] las medidas necesarias;

vr. acercarse, aproximarse;

vt. abordar; acercarse-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n abordaje m; surgical — abordaje quirúrgico

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


To approach is to get near something. An airplane is cleared for a final approach just as the wheels approach the landing strip.


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To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer.



To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to approximate.

as he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.



To come near to in place, time, character or value; to draw nearer to.

«Would counsel please approach the bench?» asked the judge.

He approached the age of manhood.

Еще значения (4)



To make an attempt at (solving a problem or making a policy).



To speak to, as to make a request or ask a question.



To take approaches to.



To bring near; to cause to draw near.

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Approach comes from the Latin word appropriare which means «go nearer to.» You can physically approach something, like a waiter going to a table. Or, you can approach a subject, usually one you’re a little nervous about — like a new employee might approach her boss about getting a raise. Time can also approach, like winter, midnight, or even old age.

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The Collaborative International Dictionary


Approach Ap*proach», v. i. [imp. & p. p. Approached; p. pr.
& vb. n. Approaching.] [OE. approchen, aprochen, OF.
approcher, LL. appropriare, fr. L. ad + propiare to draw
near, prope near.]

  1. To come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to
    advance nearer.

    Wherefore approached ye so nigh unto the city?
    Sam. xi. 20.

    But exhorting one another; and so much the more, as
    ye see the day approaching.
    —Heb. x. 25.

  2. To draw near, in a figurative sense; to make advances; to
    approximate; as, he approaches to the character of the
    ablest statesman.


Usage examples of «approached».

Itkovian’s remaining soldiers approached, tense, driven into watchful silence by the conjurations rising on all sides.

As they approached the tower’s entrance a leather-armoured masked figure appeared in the gaping doorway.

Quick Ben’s unease deepened, but he approached the glow none the less.

Paran approached, walking cautiously so as to hide the pain within him.

Harllo quickly clambered down from the carriage and approached her with a broad smile.

The slow canter at which she approached eased the captain’s nerves somewhat, though it was clear that both she and the Barghast on the hill had spotted something ahead.

Hetan and Harllo approached from one side, hastily tucking in clothing.

The Shield Anvil slowed his horse as he approached his right-flanking riders.

She joined their ranks, spoke with Sidlis, who nodded and approached the Shield Anvil.

She approached, settled down to lift his massive head, rest it against her lap.

As they approached a rise, a row of T’lan Imass emerged to stand along its crest, backs to Itkovian and his riders.

Heavy boots approached, unfortunately coming to a halt directly in front of her, blocking out the morning sun.

Rain clouds approached from the north, obscuring the mountains beyond.

Above the grey wreaths rode the white flags of seagulls, their faint cries the only sound to reach Toc and Lady Envy as the group approached the city’s inland gates.

One figure separated himself from the others and approached the trio of Grey Swords.

Table of Contents

  1. What is approach example?
  2. How do you use the word approached in a sentence?
  3. How do you use the word approach?
  4. What is another word for approached?
  5. What type of word is approached?
  6. What is the root word of approached?
  7. What kind of verb is approach?
  8. How do you create an approach?
  9. What is approach in present tense?
  10. How do you use fast approach in a sentence?
  11. What is a sentence for under?
  12. What is the fast approach?
  13. What does nearing mean?
  14. Is nearing in a sentence?
  15. What is the superlative word of nearer?
  16. What’s the opposite of nearer?
  17. How do you use nearer in a sentence?
  18. What is the comparative form of near?
  19. What is the sentence of portion?
  20. How do you use deliberately in a sentence?
  21. What is the meaning of deliberately in one word?
  22. What are examples of deliberately?

to come near or nearer to: The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection. to come near to in quality, character, time, or condition; to come within range for comparison: As a poet he hardly approaches Keats. to present, offer, or make a proposal or request to: to approach the president with a suggestion.

What is approach example?

Approach means to move close to something. When you see an intersection coming up and you drive closer and closer to it, that is an example of approach. verb.

How do you use the word approached in a sentence?

Approached sentence example

  • He approached her favorite chair.
  • As they approached the building, a large group of people came out whooping and yelling.
  • “Jonny, hon, let me tell you one thing,” she said and approached close enough she was certain no one else could overhear her.
  • She approached him, glaring up at him.

How do you use the word approach?

There are doubts as to the usefulness of this approach .

  1. They had to approach the castle through thick swamps.
  2. He didn’t approach the front door at once.
  3. Two broad types of approach can be identified.
  4. My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
  5. He has a thoughtful approach to his work.

What is another word for approached?

Approached Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for approached?

advanced came
arrived came close
come close came near
come near came nearer
come nearer came up

What type of word is approached?

verb (used with object) to come near or nearer to: The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.

What is the root word of approached?

Approach comes from the Latin word appropriare which means “go nearer to.” You can physically approach something, like a waiter going to a table.

What kind of verb is approach?

approach. [intransitive, transitive] to come near to someone or something in distance or time We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching. Winter is approaching. The time is fast approaching when we will have to make a decision.

How do you create an approach?

The important thing to note is that most approaches involve the same steps:

  1. Plan the overall strategy, approach, and team structure.
  2. Define the project requirements.
  3. Design interaction and visual concepts and evolve them into detailed specifications.
  4. Develop, test, and refine the solution.

What is approach in present tense?

approach ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
I/you/we/they approach
he/she/it approaches
present participle approaching
past tense approached

How do you use fast approach in a sentence?

The fast-approaching fifth world would have to be no different, if those who survived to begin again did not understand this. All the stresses and strains of the fast-approaching wedding finally took their toll on her and she suddenly felt tired to the bone.

What is a sentence for under?

reducing the traffic load at the circle. Hamilton Township approved a construction project under which the modifications at the circle completed by 2015, at a site that the township’s engineer describes as having an average of an accident a week.

What is the fast approach?

FAST is an approach where we look to ensure that we have the right Focus, Accountability, Simplicity and Transparency, as this will help us look to get the desired results. Focus. When it comes to employee engagement, we need to ensure that we have the right focus.

What does nearing mean?

/nɪr/ to get close to something in distance, time, or state: I’m pleased to say the project is nearing completion.

Is nearing in a sentence?

It was already nearing eight o’clock. They must be nearing their destination. She pushed him away at the nearing voice. It was nearing noon when the emperor reached the front with the Young Guard, whom he had personally hurried forward.

What is the superlative word of nearer?

Nearest is the superlative form of near.

What’s the opposite of nearer?

What is the opposite of nearer?

further farther
opposite far
other that
more other

How do you use nearer in a sentence?


  1. The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh.
  2. The nearer to church, the farther from God.
  3. She moved nearer, her long silk skirt rustling around her.
  4. We moved our chairs a little nearer.
  5. ‘Don’t forget the camera.
  6. We are no nearer an agreement than we were six months ago.
  7. She took a step nearer to the barrier.

What is the comparative form of near?

Near can also be used as an adjective. The adjective near has comparative and superlative forms ending in –er and –est. She is a near relative of mine. They are our near and dear ones.

What is the sentence of portion?

He gives a small portion of his earnings to charity every payday. I put a portion of my salary into a savings account each month to use for our summer vacation. I like this restaurant; they give you enormous portions of food at a very reasonable price.

How do you use deliberately in a sentence?

Use “deliberately” in a sentence | “deliberately” sentence…

  1. Deliberately making people suffer is immoral.
  2. A man is deliberately designed to be mortal.
  3. I know you think I did it deliberately, but I assure you I did not.
  4. She has been deliberately left off the guest list.
  5. They have deliberately locked us out.

What is the meaning of deliberately in one word?

slowly and carefully: Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one. More examples. It is believed that the building was set on fire deliberately. I deliberately didn’t have lunch so that I would be hungry tonight.

What are examples of deliberately?

Deliberately is defined as done on purpose. An example of deliberately used as an adverb is in the sentence, “He deliberately disobeyed me,” which means that he disobeyed me on purpose. Taking one’s time, slowly and carefully. After being called upon, he strode deliberately up to the blackboard.

  • Dictionary
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  • Approached


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [uhprohch]
    • /əˈproʊtʃ/
    • /əˈprəʊtʃ/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [uhprohch]
    • /əˈproʊtʃ/

Definitions of approached word

  • verb with object approached to come near or nearer to: The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection. 1
  • verb with object approached to come near to in quality, character, time, or condition; to come within range for comparison: As a poet he hardly approaches Keats. 1
  • verb with object approached to present, offer, or make a proposal or request to: to approach the president with a suggestion. 1
  • verb with object approached to begin work on; set about: to approach a problem. 1
  • verb with object approached to make advances to; address. 1
  • verb with object approached to bring near to something. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of approached

First appearance:

before 1275

One of the 13% oldest English words

1275-1325; (v.) Middle English a(p)prochen < Anglo-French, Old French a(p)rocher < Late Latin adpropiāre, verbal derivative, with ad- ad-, of Latin propius nearer (comparative of prope near), replacing Latin appropinquāre; (noun) late Middle English approche, derivative of the v.

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Approached

approached popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 95% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

According to our data about 51% of words is more used. This is a rare but used term. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people.

Synonyms for approached

adjective approached

  • solicited — to seek for (something) by entreaty, earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.: He solicited aid from the minister.

Antonyms for approached

verb approached

  • retreated — the forced or strategic withdrawal of an army or an armed force before an enemy, or the withdrawing of a naval force from action.
  • avoided — to keep away from; keep clear of; shun: to avoid a person; to avoid taxes; to avoid danger.
  • departed — Departed friends or relatives are people who have died.
  • went — Archaic. a simple past tense and past participle of wend.
  • left — of, relating to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the west when the subject is facing north (opposed to right).

See also

  • All definitions of approached
  • Synonyms for approached
  • Antonyms for approached
  • Related words to approached
  • Sentences with the word approached
  • Words that rhyme with approached
  • approached pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with a
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  • Words starting with appro
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  • Words starting with approached
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  • Words containing appr
  • Words containing appro
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Definitions For Approached


  • To move or become near or nearer to something or someone
  • To move or become near or nearer in time to something
  • To get close to (an amount or level)


  • A way of dealing with something : a way of doing or thinking about something
  • The act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something : the act of approaching : an act or occurrence in which something comes nearer
  • The act of speaking to someone for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)

English International (SOWPODS)

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Words with Friends

The word Approached is worth 20 points in Scrabble and 22 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Approached in a Sentence

  • The cat approached the baby cautiously.
  • Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.
  • We are approaching the end of the fiscal year.
  • Trying a more healthy approach
  • The cat made a cautious approach.
  • The quiet afternoon was interrupted by the approach of a motorboat.

Antonyms for Approached

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. Approached

    of Approach

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘APPROACHED’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #3362

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘APPROACHED’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #4162

How to pronounce APPROACHED?

How to say APPROACHED in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of APPROACHED in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of APPROACHED in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6

Examples of APPROACHED in a Sentence

  1. Mark Zaid:

    When this started to become an issue in November, with the lease provision, I said find me a plaintiff and I ’ll take the case. Scott Rome is a business lawyer in D.C. Rome approached me and said Scott Rome could get some restaurants.

  2. Rakim Mayers:

    We’re in a foreign country, we’re approached by two strangers with aggressive behavior: ten months ago when I was with my cousin … I was stabbed in my face by strangers.

  3. Eric Adams:

    This was an intentional murder. This individual approached the two men, one at a time, you see him looking around, making sure no one was around, kicking the homeless person to make sure they were not asleep and just assassinated him, it was just something you would not imagine would take place in New York City.

  4. Samantha Grant:

    I have been approached to sell the rights.

  5. James Cason:

    We had a cipher code clerk go to a bar and be approached by a good looking person, when the wife of the (head of Marine detachment) went on vacation, two blondes knocked on the door and asked if he wanted company.

Popularity rank by frequency of use



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from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of approach.


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  • When the end of his term approached he threw his influence in favor of the nomination of Mr. William H. Taft,

    Theodore Roosevelt

  • As the end of the term approached, she had written very little, and for the first time in her life, she faced the prospect of failure.

    NPR Topics: News

  • Intelligentsia National Production Manager Sean McMahon tells the A.V. Club that the label approached the coffee company just to tell them how much they liked Intelligentsia’s product, and the relationship grew from there.

    Pitchfork: Latest News

  • Yeah, as the end of his term approached they started to ditch him, but they’re neocons.

    Sadly, No!

  • Revenue shortfalls during the first two and a half years of his term approached $6 billion, forcing him to cut spending and scrap some campaign promises.

    The Roanoke Times: Home page

  • The crossing lights came on, barricades dropped and the train approached and slowed at the Tualatin stop.

    Jack Bog’s Blog: September 2009 Archives

  • As Martin approached the disrupted field he was taken aback by the beauty he beheld, for as long as the web had lasted, perhaps the last 300 years, and as long as he had Crawling it, he had never before seen such intense light.

    365 tomorrows » 2009 » June : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day

  • The basic question approached is as follows: «Was the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council a rupture or was it in continuity with the liturgical tradition of the ages?»

    Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory

  • Given the revelation that Brown fought for a golf course over the rescue worker aid, ThinkProgress again approached Brown for comment today:

    Think Progress » Brown stands by supporting a tax-subsidized golf course over 9/11 rescue workers.

  • Steve Martin approached his stints as Oscar host in 2001 and 2003 like a guy who had taken a religious vow not to pander or suck up to his audience, both the star-studded one inside the Kodak Theater and the millions tuning in globally.

    Steve Martin: The bone-dry humor in his Oscar past just needs a little gravy |

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APPROACHED has a SCRABBLE points total of 20.


APPROACHED has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 22.


APPROACHED has a WORDFEUD points total of 23.


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