пораженный, тронутый, напускной, жеманный, задетый, растроганный, неестественный
прилагательное ↓
- страдающий (чем-л.); поражённый (болезнью)
affected with gout [with rheumatism] — страдающий подагрой [ревматизмом]
- находящийся под влиянием (чего-л.)
everyone felt affected by the war — война коснулась всех
- взволнованный, растроганный
affected by the sad news — расстроенный печальной вестью
- показной; притворный, нарочитый; неестественный
affected manners — жеманство; ломание
affected smile — деланная /натянутая/ улыбка
affected airs — жеманство, манерничанье; аффектация
- выдуманный, ложный
her affected noble pedigree — благородное происхождение, которое она себе приписывает
their affected wealth — несуществующее /выдуманное/ богатство
- вычурный, претенциозный (о языке, стиле)
- предрасположенный, расположенный, настроенный, склонный (к чему-л.)
well affected toward a cause [a project] — поддерживающий какое-л. дело [какой-л. проект]
I am well affected towards her — я к ней хорошо отношусь
- уст. ценимый, уважаемый, любимый
a novel much affected by our grandparents — роман, который так любили наши бабушки и дедушки
Мои примеры
business affected with a public interest — бизнес, затрагивающий публичные интересы
affected by influenza — подхвативший грипп
that peculiar costume that he affected — тот необычный костюм, который ему очень нравился
mind affected by drug — рассудок, расстроенный наркотической интоксикацией
smb.’s lungs are affected — затронуты легкие
affected with gout — страдающий подагрой
well affected toward a cause — поддерживающий какое-л. дело
involvement of affected employees — участие затрагиваемых работников
mind affected by drink — рассудок, расстроенный опьянением
person affected — потерпевший
Примеры с переводом
We were all deeply affected by her death.
Мы все были глубоко тронуты ее смертью.
He has never affected to be surprised.
Он никогда не разыгрывал удивление.
His costume was eccentric and affected.
Его одеяние было экстравагантным и неестественным.
The famine affected half the continent.
Голод охватил половину континента.
As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.
Саймон, как обычно, притворялся, что ему невыносимо скучно.
The illness affected her sense of taste.
Болезнь затронула её чувство вкуса.
…affected laughter at the boss’s jokes…
…неискренний /притворный/ смех над шутками босса…
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He was similarly affected
Clean the affected area with an antiseptic.
Just about everybody will be affected by the tax increases.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
disaffected — недовольный, недружелюбный, нелояльный
affect — влиять, затрагивать, затронуть, аффект
affection — привязанность, любовь, влияние, воздействие, влечение, склонность, болезнь
unaffected — незатронутый, искренний, непринужденный, неподдельный, нетронутый
affecting — затрагивающий, трогательный, волнующий, впечатляющий
affectless — безрезультатный, бесплодный, напрасный, неэффективный, недейственный, недействительный
affectedly — притворно, жеманно
- С русского на:
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- Грузинский
- Иврит
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- Казахский
- Каталанский
- Корейский
- Латинский
- Латышский
- Македонский
- Малайский
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- Марийский
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- Немецкий
- Нидерландский
- Норвежский
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- Португальский
- Румынский, Молдавский
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- Тагальский
- Тамильский
- Турецкий
- Украинский
- Урду
- Финский
- Французский
- Хинди
- Хорватский
- Чешский
- Чувашский
- Шведский
- Эрзянский
- Эстонский
affected [əˊfektɪd]
1) тро́нутый; заде́тый
2) находя́щийся под влия́нием (by — чего-л.)
3) поражённый боле́знью
affected [əˊfektɪd]
неесте́ственный, показно́й, притво́рный; жема́нный
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > affected
affected pвоздействоватьна.неестественный см. также affect
Персональный Сократ > affected
affected by
Персональный Сократ > affected by
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > affected
[əʹfektıd]1. страдающий (); поражённый ()
affected with gout [with rheumatism] — страдающий подагрой [ревматизмом]
2. (by)
1) находящийся под влиянием ()
2) взволнованный, растроганный
[əʹfektıd]1. 1) показной; притворный, нарочитый; неестественный
affected manners — жеманство; ломание
affected smile — деланная /натянутая/ улыбка
affected airs — жеманство, манерничанье; аффектация
2) выдуманный, ложный
her affected noble pedigree — благородное происхождение, которое она себе приписывает
their affected wealth — несуществующее /выдуманное/ богатство
3) вычурный, претенциозный ()
2. предрасположенный, расположенный, настроенный, склонный ()
well affected toward a cause [a project] — поддерживающий какое-л. дело [какой-л. проект]
ценимый, уважаемый, любимый
a novel much affected by our grandparents — роман, который так любили наши бабушки и дедушки
НБАРС > affected
1. a страдающий; поражённый
2. a находящийся под влиянием
3. a взволнованный, растроганный
4. a показной; притворный, нарочитый; неестественный
5. a выдуманный, ложный
6. a вычурный, претенциозный
7. a предрасположенный, расположенный, настроенный, склонный
8. a уст. ценимый, уважаемый, любимый
Синонимический ряд:
1. genteel (adj.) genteel; la-di-da; mincing; stilted; too-too
2. interested (adj.) concerned; implicated; interested; involved
3. moved (adj.) impressed; influenced; inspired; moved; overwhelmed; stirred; struck; swayed; tender; touched
4. precious (adj.) alembicated; artificial; chichi; overnice; overrefined; precieux; precious; pretentious
5. self-conscious (adj.) conscious; mannered; self-conscious
6. unnatural (adj.) assumed; falsified; feigned; imitated; insincere; pretended; put-on; simulated; spurious; unnatural
7. acted (verb) acted; assumed; bluffed; counterfeited; faked; feigned; posed; pretended; put on; shammed; simulated
8. carried (verb) affected; carried; got/got or gotten; impacted; impressed; influenced; inspired; moved; struck; swayed; touched
9. frequented (verb) frequented; haunted; hung around; hung out; resorted
Антонимический ряд:
English-Russian base dictionary > affected
affected p. p. от affect affected находящийся под влиянием (by — чего-л.) affected неестественный, показной, притворный; жеманный affected пораженный болезнью affected тронутый; задетый affected by adverse conjuncture испытывающий влияние неблагоприятной конъюнктуры
English-Russian short dictionary > affected
воздействовал на; пораженный; затронутый; подвергаться воздействию; затрагиваться
English-Russian big medical dictionary > affected
Англо-русский технический словарь > affected
1) подверженный / подвергающийся (воздействию чего-л.;
, тепла, излучения
и т.д.
2) (
) касающийся; затрагивающий
notify all affected workers известить / предупредить всех рабочих, которых это может коснуться / к которым это относится
3) (собират.) тот, о котором идет речь
4) находящийся под воздействием чего-л. (как правило, потенциально опасного или нежелательного)
English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > affected
- нарушенный
- затронутый
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > affected
повреждённый, нарушенный, поражённый
Англо-русский строительный словарь > affected
̈ɪəˈfektɪd I прил.
1) тронутый;
2) находящийся под влиянием( by — чего-л.)
3) пораженный болезнью II прил. неестественный, показной, притворный;
жеманный Syn: formalстрадающий;
пораженный (болезнью) ;
— * with gout страдающий подагрой находящийся под влиянием;
— everyone felt * by the war война коснулась всех взволнованный, растроганный;
— * by the sad news расстроенный печальной вестью показной;
притворный, нарочитый;
— * manners жеманство;
— * smile деланная улыбка;
— * airs жеманство, манерничанье;
аффектация выдуманный, ложный;
— her * noble pedigree благородное происхождение, которое она себе приписывает;
— their * wealth несуществующее богатство вычурный, претенциозный( о стиле, языке) предрасположенный, расположенный, настроенный, склонный;
— well * toward a cause поддерживающий какое-л дело;
— I am well * towards her я к ней хорошо отношусь (устаревшее) ценимый, уважаемый, любимый;
— a novel much * by our grandparents роман, который так любили наши бабушки и дедушкиaffected p. p. от affect ~ находящийся под влиянием (by — чего-л.) ~ неестественный, показной, притворный;
жеманный ~ пораженный болезнью ~ тронутый;
задетыйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > affected
I [ə’fektɪd]
2) взволнованный, задетый
[ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]affected[/ref]
II [ə’fektɪd]
1) показной, притворный
2) манерный, жеманный, неестественный
Англо-русский современный словарь > affected
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > affected
повреждённый; нарушенный; поражённый
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > affected
adversely affect performances
отрицательно влиять на характеристики
affect airworthiness
влиять на летную годность
affected components replacement
замена поврежденных элементов
affect flight operation
способствовать выполнению полета
affect the regularity
влиять на регулярность
affect the safety
влиять на безопасность
English-Russian aviation dictionary > affected
affected I
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > affected I
affected II
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > affected II
affected by
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > affected by
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Affected — Af*fect ed ([a^]f*f[e^]kt [e^]d), p. p. & a. 1. Regarded with affection; beloved. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] His affected Hercules. Chapman. [1913 Webster] 2. Inclined; disposed; attached. [1913 Webster] How stand you affected to his wish? Shak. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
affected — affected; un·affected; … English syllables
affected — [adj1] deeply moved or hurt emotionally afflicted, altered, changed, compassionate, concerned, damaged, distressed, excited, grieved, impaired, impressed, influenced, injured, overwhelmed, overwrought, sorry, stimulated, stirred, sympathetic,… … New thesaurus
affected — index bogus, formal, grandiose, histrionic, inclined, interested, orgulous, orotund, pretentious ( … Law dictionary
affected — (adj.) pp. adjective from AFFECT (Cf. affect) (v.2); 1530s in the now obsolete sense favorably disposed (preserved in DISAFFECTED (Cf. disaffected)); meaning artificially displayed is recorded from 1580s … Etymology dictionary
affected — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ artificial and designed to impress. DERIVATIVES affectedly adverb … English terms dictionary
affected — affected1 [ə fekt′id] adj. [pp. of AFFECT1] 1. attacked by disease; afflicted 2. influenced; acted upon 3. emotionally moved or touched affected2 [a fekt′id, əfekt′id] adj. [pp. of … English World dictionary
affected — affected1 /euh fek tid/, adj. 1. acted upon; influenced. 2. influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease. 3. (of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved; touched: She was deeply affected by their generosity … Universalium
affected — I. /əˈfɛktəd / (say uh fektuhd) adjective 1. acted upon; influenced: the affected group. 2. influenced injuriously; impaired; attacked, as by climate, disease or pollution, etc.: *It only takes a small quantity of oil to create a mammoth… …
Affected — Affect Af*fect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Affected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Affecting}.] [L. affectus, p. p. of afficere to affect by active agency; ad + facere to make: cf. F. affectere, L. affectare, freq. of afficere. See {Fact}.] 1. To act upon; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
affected — adjective Date: 1587 1. inclined, disposed < was well affected toward her > 2. a. given to or marked by affectation < spoke in an affected manner > b. assumed artificially or falsely ; pret … New Collegiate Dictionary
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
af·fect·ed 1
1. Acted upon, influenced, or changed.
2. Emotionally stirred or moved.
3. Infected or attacked, as by disease.
af·fect·ed 2
1. Assumed or simulated to impress others: an affected accent.
2. Speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.
3. Disposed or inclined.
af·fect′ed·ly adv.
af·fect′ed·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
adj (usually postpositive)
1. deeply moved, esp by sorrow or grief: he was greatly affected by her departure.
2. changed, esp detrimentally
[C17: from affect1 + -ed2]
1. behaving, speaking, etc, in an artificial or assumed way, esp in order to impress others
2. feigned: affected indifference.
3. archaic inclined; disposed
[C16: from affect2 + -ed2]
afˈfectedly adv
afˈfectedness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(əˈfɛk tɪd)
1. acted upon; influenced.
2. harmed or impaired, as by climate or disease.
3. (of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved.
(əˈfɛk tɪd)
1. characterized by affectation or pretension.
2. assumed artificially; feigned: an affected Southern accent.
3. inclined or disposed: to be well affected toward the speaker’s cause.
4. held in affection; fancied: a novel much affected by our grandparents.
af•fect′ed•ly, adv.
af•fect′ed•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | affected — acted upon; influenced
moved, stirred, touched, affected — being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; «too moved to speak»; «very touched by the stranger’s kindness» unaffected — undergoing no change when acted upon; «entirely unaffected by each other’s writings»; «fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment» |
2. | studied — produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation; «a studied smile»; «a note of biting irony and studied insult»- V.L.Parrington unaffected — free of artificiality; sincere and genuine; «an unaffected grace» |
3. | affected — being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; «too moved to speak»; «very touched by the stranger’s kindness»
affected — acted upon; influenced emotional — of more than usual emotion; «his behavior was highly emotional» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. pretended, artificial, contrived, put-on, assumed, mannered, studied, precious, stiff, simulated, mincing, sham, unnatural, pompous, pretentious, counterfeit, feigned, spurious, conceited, insincere, camp (informal), la-di-da (informal), arty-farty (informal), phoney or phony (informal) She passed by with an affected air and a disdainful look.
pretended real, natural, genuine, unaffected, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal)
2. touched, influenced, concerned, troubled, damaged, hurt, injured, upset, impressed, stirred, altered, changed, distressed, stimulated, melted, impaired, afflicted, deeply moved Staff at the hospital were deeply affected by the tragedy.
touched cured, untouched, unaffected, unmoved, unharmed, unconcerned, uninjured
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Not genuine or sincere:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
[əˈfektɪd] ADJ
1. (= pretentious) [person, manner, accent] → afectado
2. (= feigned) [remorse, enthusiasm] → fingido
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[əˈfɛktɪd] adj [air] → affecté(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[əˈfɛktɪd] adj → affettato/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
a. afectado-a, que padece de una enfermedad física o de un sufrimiento emocional;
___ by → ___ por.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Something that’s affected is influenced or acted upon. If a bottle of ointment says «apply to the affected area,» you should put the medication only on the parts of your skin that touched the poison ivy.
One of the most common vocabulary mix-ups is effect and affect: effect is usually a noun, and affect is usually a verb that means «to influence» of «act upon.» Affected is the adjective form of the verb. After a flood, affected homeowners might try to get insurance. A sad movie might leave you deeply affected. The word can also refer to behavior that’s done only to impress someone: if you’re acting affected, you might use big, fake melodramatic gestures.
Definitions of affected
acted upon; influenced
deeply or markedly affected or influenced
smitten, stricken, struck
(used in combination) affected by something overwhelming
infatuated with or enthralled by the theater especially the desire to act
likely to be affected by something
be affected with an indisposition
affected by or overcome with wonder
moved, stirred, touched
being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
moved, stirred, touched
of more than usual emotion
deeply affected by a strong feeling
speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
agonistic, strained
struggling for effect
artificial, contrived, hokey, stilted
artificially formal
constrained, forced, strained
lacking spontaneity; not natural
(used of style of speaking) overly embellished
having unnatural mannerisms
(of a voice) affectedly mellow and rich
produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
agonistic, strained
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘affected’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Leinart laughs with his friends about the parallels with his favorite TV show, but he’s sensitive about the perception that he’s an affected socialite.
—Michael Silver, Sports Illustrated, 23 July 2007
… he accused the literary establishment of eschewing good clean writing and advancing affected, artsy prose instead.
—Judith Shulevitz, New York Times Book Review, 9 Sept. 2001
Without this fraught boundary between old money and new, between inherited and affected tastes, some of our greatest writers would have had to find something else to write about.
—E. B. Harper, Civilization, June/July 2000
With a workmanlike thoroughness, they alter their diction and mannerisms for each new role—for example, Kidman drops her voice at least half an octave and adopts a suitably tailored upper-class accent to portray an affected starlet who carries a teddy bear to surreptitious trysts.
—Celia Wren, Commonweal, 26 Feb. 1999
affected laughter at the boss’s jokes
with her pinkie extended, the four-year-old held her tiny teacup in that affected manner that some women have
See More
That someone could die simply from hearing his name affected him so deeply that he changed his life completely, gave up everything destructive, and became a monk. ❋ Nawang Khechog (2010)
This section shall not be construed to prohibit a person whose resignation from office has become effective from qualifying as a candidate for another office during the unexpired portion of the term affected by the resignation, nor shall it apply to any incumbent elective officer who seeks re-election to the same office or to any other public office during the final year of the term to which he has been so elected. ❋ Unknown (2005)
English, and after exchanging a few sentences with M. Vansittart, he cried, «Tiens! mais c’est un petit Francais;» but the other boys laughed so unmercifully at what they termed my affected accent, that in self-defence I adopted an ultra-British pronunciation, made intentional mistakes, and, in order to conform to type, punctiliously addressed our venerable instructor as ❋ Frederick Spencer Hamilton (1892)
He’s using this term ‘affected‘ to cloud the interpretation. ❋ Patrick White (2011)
In her case, however, treatment was complicated as Herceptin affected her heart. ❋ Goran Mijuk (2010)
Technology now touching almost every aspect and sphere of life the one this has considerably affected is the world of gambling. ❋ Unknown (2010)
The only reason why moms are affected is that they stay home for years and the most complicated thing they have to handle is probably the microwave oven. ❋ Unknown (2009)
One guy, and the idea that his habeas rights were affected is still in question. ❋ Unknown (2010)
The need to do something constructive for those personally affected is overwhelming. ❋ Another Outspoken Female (2009)
Corliss threw up his hands in affected dismay, and the pocket-miner began to grow angry. ❋ Unknown (2010)
The next big event that would be affected is the New York Giants ‘football game at 1 p.m. ❋ Nat Worden (2010)
If the Seattle Times really gives a damn about the people of Seattle, about businesses in affected areas of the city, then they should instead be pushing for tax increases to pay for more police, more foot patrols, and more outreach to regular groups of people in affected areas. ❋ Unknown (2010)
«The Bible makes it clear that Adam’s sin affected the whole universe,» says Ham. ❋ Ph.D Karl Giberson (2010)
For families with known PTEN mutations, screening for specific cancers is started either at the recommended ages, or at least 5 years before the earliest known diagnosis of that specific cancer in affected family members (for example, if an affected family member developed breast cancer at 35 years of age, it is recommended that additional affected family members under 35 years of age begin breast cancer surveillance at age 30 years). ❋ Unknown (2009)
Require the Attorney General to ensure the immediate release of corrective information in affected communities ❋ Unknown (2010)
I got so affected last night that I had some [serious] blind-screamin’ [munchies] [later]. ❋ The Vanilla Godzilla (2017)
After taking four hits of [the j], Alex said to [Jesse], «[bruhh] I’m definitely affected«. ❋ Sandbags92 (2015)
The college sophomore down the hall who wears a fedora every day (known, unknowingly, to his hallmates as «[Fedora Guy]»): «I like to think I’m an endearingly mysterious gentleman.»
The kid with the fake accent/other [contrived] manner of speaking: «The way I casually throw in [SAT words] into my everyday speech makes the [Normals] uncomfortable, which is really cool because that means I’m impressing them and earning their respect.»
Self-proclaimed nerd: «I really like showing people that I know a whole lot about really obscure things like math and the internet, because when I meet people who are ‘in the know’ like me and who actually deserve to be in my presence, they’ll know what I’m talking about and they’ll be really impressed, which is epic hacks!»
Dumb college kid at top-tier liberal arts school: «I’m so glad I’ve finally found a community where people like me can [just bounce] ideas off one another. I’m really excited about completely changing the way I think about everything by surrounding myself with such a diverse population of people who are exactly like me. Also I really really care about the actually important stuff, like politics and [Darfur] and voting and political correctness and intellectual conversations and getting drunk once in a while and [being offended] while remaining open-minded.»
Generic affected individual: «What? No, that’s not an affectation, that’s just the way I’ve always done that. No, you’ve got it all wrong—I do it for a reason. Plus—heh heh—it just plain looks cool.»
[No dice], buddy. ❋ Futanari Basashi (2009)
[My lover’s] [constant] affection is a great [reminder] of how much he cares for me. ❋ CountryAngel (2006)
1. She [nibbled] on his [ear] as a sign of [affection].
2. He did not know how to show his affections. ❋ MissyKittyKitKat (2005)
1. [Twinkies], Ho-hos and ding-dongs will affect your heart in a a negative way
2. Not protecting your computer with an [anti-virus] may affect its performance due to the possible presence of many a harmful [virii]. ❋ Squirrelavenger (2007)
By [telling] him she loves him she’s [showing] [affection] ❋ Sweeeeeert (2019)
[Anna] [showed] affection to all her friends and [family]. ❋ Abby Lindel (2021)
Everyone appeared to be upset with the passing [Grandma] mother while [Grandad] appear to have no [affect] ❋ Breaking Dancing On Cardboard (2019)
v. [Yo], that affects me, [you know what I’m sayin’]? ❋ Whoak (2010)
- IPA(key): /əˈfɛktɪd/
- Hyphenation: af‧fect‧ed
affected (comparative more affected, superlative most affected)
- Influenced or changed by something.
The affected products had to be recalled.
- Simulated in order to impress.
He spoke with an affected English accent.
- Emotionally moved; touched.
1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, volume (please specify |volume=I to VI), London: A[ndrew] Millar, […], →OCLC:
Jones […] was easily prevailed on to satisfy Mr Dowling’s curiosity, by relating the history of his birth and education, which he did, like Othello. […] Mr Dowling was indeed very greatly affected with this relation; for he had not divested himself of humanity by being an attorney.
- (algebra, archaic) adfected.
an affected equation
- Resulting from a mostly negative physical effect or transformation.
- artificial, stilted
Derived terms[edit]
- affected equation
- ill-affected
influenced or changed by something
simulated in order to impress
- Czech: afektovaný
- Danish: krukket, affekteret
- Esperanto: afekta, afektita
- Finnish: teennäinen (fi), teeskennelty (fi)
- German: affektiert (de), simuliert (de), vorgegeben (de), vorgespielt (de), vorgespiegelt (de), erheuchelt (de)
- Hungarian: színlelt, tettetett (hu), megjátszott
- Italian: lezioso (it) m, affettato (it) m
emotionally moved, touched
resulting from a mostly negative physical effect
artificial, stilted
- Finnish: teennäinen (fi)
- German: affektiert (de), gekünstelt (de), vorgespielt (de), vorgespiegelt (de), geziert (de), blasiert (de), manieriert (de)
- Hungarian: mesterkélt (hu), modoros (hu), affektáló (hu)
- Italian: manierato (it) m, affettato (it) m, lezioso (it) m
- Latin: vultuōsus
See also[edit]
- affectation
affected (plural affecteds)
- Someone affected, as by a disease.
- 1979, Journal of Behavioral Medicine (page 306)
- Affecteds felt that they get conflicting orders from superiors more frequently than did nonaffecteds […] . Affecteds were more frequently bothered by feelings of a sharp increase in their workload than nonaffecteds […] .
- 1979, Journal of Behavioral Medicine (page 306)
- simple past tense and past participle of affect
- The thunderstorm affected the compass, and we got lost.
See also[edit]
- effected
- Top Definitions
- Quiz
- Related Content
- Examples
- British
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ uh—fek-tid ]
/ əˈfɛk tɪd /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
acted upon; influenced.
influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease.
(of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved; touched: She was deeply affected by their generosity.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of affected
First recorded in 1570–80; affect1 + -ed2
Words nearby affected
affaire de coeur, affaire d’honneur, affairs, affect, affectation, affected, affecting, affection, affectional, affectional orientation, affectionate
Other definitions for affected (2 of 2)
[ uh—fek-tid ]
/ əˈfɛk tɪd /
assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: affected sophistication; an affected British accent.
assuming or pretending to possess that which is not natural: Her affected wealth and social pedigree are so obviously false that it’s embarrassing.
inclined or disposed: well affected toward the speaker’s cause.
held in affection; fancied: a novel much affected by our grandparents.
Origin of affected
First recorded in 1525–35; affect2 + -ed2
af·fect·ed·ly, adverbaf·fect·ed·ness, noun
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to affected
afflicted, concerned, damaged, distressed, impressed, overwhelmed, stirred, touched, troubled, altered, changed, compassionate, excited, grieved, impaired, influenced, injured, stimulated, tender, upset
How to use affected in a sentence
Workers in our neighborhood supermarkets, drug stores and health care facilities are among the most affected, and sometimes interact with thousands of customers or patients a day.
Though even in the worst affected places, prosperity only dropped to levels last seen in recent years.
It’s unclear whether the hackers also accessed affected users’ private messages.
In affected regions, hundreds of millions of people could be threatened with dying heat.
I mean, here we are in New York City, where you were very affected.
Indeed, as an almost purely advisory firm, Lazard is (appropriately) barely affected by the Dodd-Frank reforms.
He affected an anchorman finesse in apologizing for “past mistakes” as a Ku Klux Klan leader.
According to the AP, as of October, there were only four people still alive who be affected by this legislation.
Visibly affected the by military atmosphere the young man admitted his emotions were volatile.
Uber responded to the PR nightmare by reversing the surge, refunding those affected, and doling out free rides.
Janet’s silence impressed Hilda: it was not merely strange—it was formidable: it affected the whole day.
Hagley Road, on Sunday evenings, is particularly affected by some as their favourite promenade.
He made the acquaintance of some courtiers, who felt or affected an interest in learning and in learned men.
But he is not aware of the profound extent to which his own opinions have been affected by the changing times.
The finely granular variety is the least significant, and is found when the epithelium is only moderately affected.
British Dictionary definitions for affected (1 of 2)
adjective (usually postpositive)
deeply moved, esp by sorrow or griefhe was greatly affected by her departure
changed, esp detrimentally
Word Origin for affected
C17: from affect 1 + -ed ²
British Dictionary definitions for affected (2 of 2)
behaving, speaking, etc, in an artificial or assumed way, esp in order to impress others
feignedaffected indifference
archaic inclined; disposed
Derived forms of affected
affectedly, adverbaffectedness, noun
Word Origin for affected
C16: from affect ² + -ed ²
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 af•fect•ed2 /əˈfɛktɪd/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 af•fect•ed1
af•fect′ed•ly, adv. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: affected /əˈfɛktɪd/ adj (usually postpositive)
Etymology: 17th Century: from affect1 + -ed² affected /əˈfɛktɪd/ adj
Etymology: 16th Century: from affect² + -ed² afˈfectedly adv WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 af•fect1 /əˈfɛkt/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 af•fect1
af•fect′a•ble, adj.
af•fect′•er, n.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: affect vb /əˈfɛkt/(transitive)
n /ˈæfɛkt; əˈfɛkt/
Etymology: 17th Century: from Latin affectus, past participle of afficere to act upon, from ad- to + facere to do affect /əˈfɛkt/ vb (mainly tr)
Etymology: 15th Century: from Latin affectāre to strive after, pretend to have; related to afficere to affect1 ‘affected‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
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I also want to encourage anybody who was affected by Hurricane Corina to make sure their children are in school.
Laura Bush
From affect1 + -ed².
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.
Affected is an adjective.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.
«Affect» is as an action or verb, affect means to change, and usually refers to an emotion or symptom. Affected, when used in a description, refers to fake or intentionally assumed behavior, i.e., an affected accent. Affect can refer to facial expression or demeanor. As a noun, «affect» may refer to an emotion or to a psychological/psychiatric state. As an adjective, it may refer to an assumed pretense: «Her affected accent really had an effect on me»; «Her affected* accent really affected* my view of her».. Affect may refer to: ▪ Affect ▪ Affect ▪ Blunted affect or affective flattening, a reduction in emotional reactivity. ▪ Labile affect, the unstable display of emotion. ▪ Affect display, signs of emotion, such as facial expression, vocalization, and posture ▪ Affective science, the scientific study of emotion ▪ Affect, the grammar of expressing affect ▪ Affective computing, an area of research in computer science aiming to understand the emotional state of users ▪ Affekt, a German term often used in musical and other aesthetic theory ▪ Doctrine of the affections, an important theory in the aesthetics of music…
Definition of affected in the English dictionary
The definition of affected in the dictionary is deeply moved, esp by sorrow or grief. Other definition of affected is changed, esp detrimentally.
Synonyms and antonyms of affected in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «affected» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «affected» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of affected to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of affected from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «affected» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
Kena pengaruh
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
bị ảnh hưởng
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of affected
The term «affected» is very widely used and occupies the 5.716 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «affected» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of affected
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «affected».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «affected» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «affected» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about affected
Famous quotes and sentences with the word affected.
I do find violence entertaining, but that doesn’t make me a bad person. I grew up watching all these action films when I was a kid. My dad would bring back ‘Rambo’ and whatever, and we’d watch it together. It’s not affected me in any way other than I just appreciate the entertainment value of violence on film.
If left-wing extremism continues to flourish in parts which have natural resources of minerals, the climate for investment would certainly be affected.
I don’t know about Heaven or Hell, but I do know that we are visited all the time by the spirits of those who affected us in life.
At this point, I don’t listen to other people too much. I’m not really that affected by anyone.
Dance music is like a virus: it has affected so many different genres.
I am very aware that there are many of you who have friends and loved ones in the areas affected by this storm who have been displaced or who have not yet been accounted for.
And the continuity of our science has not been affected by all these turbulent happenings, as the older theories have always been included as limiting cases in the new ones.
I also want to encourage anybody who was affected by Hurricane Corina to make sure their children are in school.
Often, we ignore the fact that our spiritual condition and psychological state of mind are highly affected by what is happening to us physically. Sometimes depression is simply the result of exhaustion.
Every industry is going to be affected (by the aging population). This creates tremendous opportunities and tremendous challenges.
Discover the use of affected in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to affected and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Salt-affected Soils and Their Management
Origin,classification and distribution of salt-affected soils;saline soils and their management;sodic soils and their management;salinity problems of the dryland regions;water quality and crop production;socio-economic considerations in …
I. P. Abrol, Jai Singh Pal Yadav, F. I. Massoud, 1988
The ADHD Affected Athlete
Background information, tips, and strategies for coaches, parents, and others who work with athletes affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Activating Psychosocial Local Resources in Territories …
In this publication the necessity of activation and building local resources needed for recovery and development is highlighted at the level of individuals, social systems and structures, social networks, civil society and at the level of …
Eva Baloch-Kaloianov, Anica Mikuš Kos, 2009
The Affected Provincial’s Companion
A hilarious compendium of essays, philosophical diagrams, poetry, and treatises is designed to help readers transform themselves into living works of art, as it addresses such topics as the perils of sportswear, self-defense for sissies, …
Breaulove Swells Whimsy, 2006
Short-Term Music Therapy in War-Affected Areas
Dieses Buch bietet einen berblick ber die Musiktherapeutische Arbeit im Nachkriegsgebiet Bosnien und Herzegowina im Rahmen von Kurzzeit-Projekten.
Špela Loti Knoll, Claudia Knoll, 2009
Africa’s Orphaned and Vulnerable Generations: Children …
This report is meant to shed light on the circumstances of children affected by the AIDS epidemic and to encourage action.—Introduction.
Tracts on the resolution of affected algebräick equations by …
Article I. JN the foregoing tract of Dr. Halley on the resolution of high affected
equations by approximation, the third example adduced by him to illustrate his
method of approximation, is the biquadratick equation 14,937s — 19982* + 8oz3
— 2* …
Truth, Lies, and Public Health: How We are Affected when …
Most of us understand something about how this is happening with stem cell research, but Madelon Finkel delves deep into the subject to make the broader issues clear, revealing how ideology and politics are distorting, diminishing, and …
Madelon Lubin Finkel, 2007
Family and Community Interventions for Children Affected by AIDS
This report forms part of a project funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to implement a strategy for the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe with a review of the available scientific information …
Linda M. Richter, Julie Manegold, Riashnee Pather, 2004
101 Support Group Activities for Teenagers Affected by …
Johnson Institute Gives new and experienced support group leaders numerous tools to help students boost self-esteem, identify defenses, reduce shame, and learn about chemical dependency.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term affected is used in the context of the following news items.
Pot compassion clubs, non-profits may not be affected by bylaw in …
The city’s oldest marijuana compassion clubs and other non-profit dispensaries may be able to sidestep the city’s new bylaw that restricts them … «The Globe and Mail, Jul 15»
Smith affected by McKinnon comments
Queensland veteran Corey Parker admits captain Cameron Smith has been affected by Alex McKinnon’s scathing criticism ahead of … «New Zealand Herald, Jul 15»
Assam flood turns grim; over 65000 affected
GUWAHATI: The flood situation in Assam turned grim over the past 24 hours due to incessant rains with over 65,000 people being affected in … «Economic Times, Jul 15»
Lewis Hamilton delights Silverstone crowd with rain affected British …
WILLIAMS scuffled to flirt with victory and offer a flurry of excitement for 140,000 fans here today. Then they let Lewis Hamilton win the British … «Express.co.uk, Jul 15»
NDRRMC: 126000 people affected by continued heavy rain in …
The number of people affected by heavy rain and floods in parts of Mindanao since June 22 went up over the weekend, surpassing 126,000 as … «GMA News, Jul 15»
8 affected by lightning strike near Fort Morgan
Facebook · Twitter · Reddit · Pinterest · LinkedIn · Email. 8 people were affected by a lightning strike around 1:30 p.m. Sunday near Fort Morgan. «whnt.com, Jul 15»
Fish farming in China desert brings hope to areas affected by …
A fish farm in one of China’s largest deserts has managed to halt the effects of desertification and create a thriving industry, despite the harsh … «Channel News Asia, Jul 15»
Flu on the rise: Hawke’s Bay, Wairarapa and Bay of Plenty affected
Flu on the rise: Hawke’s Bay, Wairarapa and Bay of Plenty affected. BEN HEATHER. Last updated 12:48, July 6 2015. Flu rates are starting to rise, particularly in … «Independent Community Newspaper, Jul 15»
Smoking ban: What areas in NSW are affected?
A smoking ban in all commercial areas in New South Wales comes into effect today. Source: AAP. 6 Jul 2015 — 9:38 AM UPDATED 2 HOURS … «SBS, Jul 15»
Essence holds vigil for mothers affected by violence
Essence holds vigil for mothers affected by violence. Essence Fest is all about the music, food and culture, but Sunday morning was all about … «WWL, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Affected [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/affected>. Apr 2023 ».
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