Define made up word

made-up word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

That is a made-up word, invented for political purposes.

На мой взгляд, это — ложь, придуманная в политических целях.

It’s a made-up word used to trick students.

Okay, that’s also a made-up word.

To me it’s just a made-up word.

Но для меня это — просто слово.

To me it’s just a made-up word.

I’m assuming that’s a made-up word.

Then the volunteers were made to listen to a made-up word, over and over again.

Then the volunteers were made to listen to a made-up word, over and over again.

If you have a creative streak, you can use a made-up word as your domain name.

That’s a made-up word, people!

For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: «IS-BE».

To ensure his mind was a completely blank slate to begin with, he invented the «nonsense syllable» — a made-up word of random letters, such as «kag» or «slans» — and set to work memorizing thousands of them.

Чтобы обеспечить своему сознанию совершенно чистый лист, с которого начать, он изобрел «бессмысленные слоги» — выдуманные слова из случайных букв, вроде «каг» или «сланс» — и принялся запоминать тысячи их.

Mired is a made-up word from micro reciprocal degrees — it is pronounced ‘my-red’.

Это слово является сокращением от «micro-reciprocal degree» (микрообратный градус); произносится в два слога: my-red (май-ред).

At school, if he’s using a made-up word, the teacher will ask him to draw a picture of the meaning — to help her understand what he’s saying.

В школе, если он называет что-то собственным словом, то учительница просит его нарисовать, что он имеет в виду — это помогает ей понять, о чем он говорит.

So you think it’s just a made-up word?

POSDCORB is, of course, a made-up word designed to call attention to the various functional elements of the work of a chief executive because «administration» and «management» have lost all specific content.

POSDCORB — это конечно же аббревиатура, которая составлена чтобы привлечь внимание к различным функциональным элементам деятельности руководителя, так как понятия «администрирование» и «менеджмент» потеряли свой конкретный смысл.

Canola is not the name of a natural plant but a made-up word, from the words «CANadian Oil Low Acid».

Канола — это не название растения, а сокращение выражения «канадское масло».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 19. Точных совпадений: 19. Затраченное время: 46 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Made up word

I word that is made up in hopes that noone will find it on Urban Dictionary. Thus, the creator of this definition will use multiple computers to vote thumbs up and in hopes of receiving the most thumbs up versus thumbs down.

A made up word is awesome!

by Lightboxes June 19, 2008


составлять, составить, компенсировать, возместить, наверстывать, помириться


- искусственный; вымышленный
- выдуманный; вымышленный, придуманный
- готовый (об одежде)
- театр. загримированный; с густым слоем краски на лице
- составной, сборный
- уст. законченный, завершенный
- твердый, решительный (о характере)

Мои примеры


a poem made up of six couplets — стихотворение, которое состоит из шести куплетов  
a polyglot community made up of many cultures — многоязычное сообщество, состоящее из множества культур  
customers’ own material made up — пошив из материала заказчика  
at last he made up his mind to do it — наконец-то он собрался сделать это  
to be made up of several factions — состоять из нескольких фракций  
we’ve kissed and made up — мы поцеловались и помирились  
he was made up to look the part — его загримировали как требовалось для роли  
be made up of — состоять из; слагаться  
be made up — компенсироваться; складываться; слагаться  
made up at — составивший в сумме  
parcel was neatly made up — посылка была аккуратно упакована  
mind made up — принять решение; решить  

Примеры с переводом

We have made up our minds.

Мы приняли решение.

He made up his mind suddenly.

Внезапно он решился.

The book is made up of 20 chapters.

Книга состоит из двадцати глав.

Save your breath. She’s already made up her mind.

Не спорьте. Она уже приняла решение.

Nick made up a song about them.

Ник написал песни о них.

He had made up his mind to the event.

Он настроился на это дело.

No more argument. My mind is made up.

Хватит спорить, я уже всё решил.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She made up an alibi for why she missed the meeting.

Jim and Tina made up a foursome with Jean and Bruce.

…a panel made up of notable authorities on the virus…

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Значение слова made-up в словаре английский языка

Придумано первое определение вложения в словарь; вымышленные. Другое определение макияжа — это макияж. Макияж также собран вместе; в собранном виде.

The first definition of made-up in the dictionary is invented; fictional. Other definition of made-up is wearing make-up. Made-Up is also put together; assembled.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «made-up» в словаре английский языка.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.

Синонимы и антонимы слова made-up в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «made-up», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

Перевод слова «made-up» на 25 языков

online translator


Посмотрите перевод слова made-up на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.

Переводы слова made-up с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «made-up» на английский языке.

Переводчик с английский языка на китайский язык


1,325 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на испанский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на хинди язык

बनाया हुआ

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Переводчик с английский языка на арабский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на русский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на португальский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на бенгальский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на французский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на малайский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на немецкий язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на японский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на корейский язык


85 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на яванский язык


85 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на вьетнамский язык

làm -up

80 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на тамильский язык

தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட வரை

75 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на маратхи язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на турецкий язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на итальянский язык


65 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на польский язык


50 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на украинский язык


40 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на румынский язык

a făcut — up

30 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на греческий язык


15 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на африкаанс язык

gemaak -up

14 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на шведский язык


10 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на норвежский язык

gjort opp

5 миллионов дикторов

Тенденции использования слова made-up




Слово используется очень часто

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «made-up» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова made-up

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «made-up».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «made-up» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «made-up» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове made-up


Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом made-up.

I don’t separate my books into historical novels and the rest. To me, they’re all made-up worlds, and both kinds are borne out of curiosity, some investigation into the past.

It’s hard for me to get embarrassed, but the things that do embarrass me would be if anybody ever heard my wife and I talking in our robust, made-up language.

The media and the rest of popular culture weren’t recording people’s reactions to 9/11; they were forcing made-up reactions down people’s throats.

I read somewhere once that in the 1960s, fiction writers were troubled by the notion that life was becoming stranger and more sensational than made-up stories could ever hope to be. Our new problem — more profound, I think — is that life no longer resembles a story. Events intersect but don’t progress. People interact but don’t make contact.

You don’t have to be a chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts. Fancy ingredients or recipes not required; simple, made-up things are usually even better.

I’m a storyteller. I’m not like any other comic. I tell detailed stories — not made-up stuff, but true stories.


Поиск случаев использования слова made-up в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову made-up, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


Madeup Minds: A Constructivist Approach to Artificial …

Made-Up Minds addresses fundamental questions of learning and concept invention by means of an innovative computer program that is based on the cognitive-developmental theory of psychologist Jean Piaget.


All Made Up: A Girl’s Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype …

But we can all break free from the cult of celebrity and start liking the face we see in the mirror once we understand that many of these images of beauty are all made up.


My Life and Other Stuff I Made Up

Ever woken up to discover that everything hovers? And have you eaten 67 hot dogs in ten minutes? I have. I’m Tom Weekly. This book is full of my stories, jokes, cartoon characters, ideas for theme park rides and other stuff I’ve made up.


The MadeUp Self: Impersonation in the Personal Essay

Finally, adding yet another layer to the made-up self, Klaus succumbs to his addiction to the personal essay by placing some of the different selves that various essayists have called forth in him within the essays that he has crafted so …


The Dictionary of MadeUp Languages: From Elvish to Klingon, …

Can you converse in Klingon? Ask an Elf the time of day? Greet a speaker of Esperanto? These are among the more than 100 constructed languages you’ll find in this book.

By turns absurd and tender, this is the story of a family’s secrets brought to light, revealing the bonds beneath. Here is one of our most celebrated writers, Janice Galloway, at her most personal, defiant and eloquent.


I’ve Made Up My Mind…Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts!

This book takes an easy-to-read, controversial look at whats been taught about diet, health, and nutrition. Axon challenges conventional wisdom at every turn and helps readers discern the truth from the hype. (Christian)


All Made Up: 100 Years of Cosmetics Advertising

A history of printed cosmetics advertising throughout the 20th-century, this study charts the growth of mass-circulation magazines and how they led to a huge increase in advertising space and, by beginning of the 21st century, had to …


On Tact, & the Made Up World

Michele Glazer’s poems take on questions of being and value, exploring not just what is, but how it is.


True Stories — We Made Up

«True Stories — We Made Up» is a collection of short stories based on the lives of three authors: Michael Johnson, David Brett Beebe II, and Chris Johnson.

Michael Johnson, David Beebe II, Chris Johnson, 2013


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин made-up в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

Self-proclaimed ‘experts’ more likely to fall for made-up facts, study …

If you consider yourself an expert in something or another, you might want to stop pretending you understand things you’ve never heard of. «Washington Post, Июл 15»

Know-It-Alls More Likely To Accept Falsehoods as Fact, Study Shows

People who consider themselves experts in a given topic are more likely to claim knowledge of made-up “facts” about that topic, a new study … «TIME, Июл 15»

QUIZ: Are these real Syfy shark movies or made-up bullshit?

Molly Fitzpatrick is a writer for Fusion’s Pop & Culture section. Her interests include movies about movies, TV shows about TV shows, and … «Fusion, Июл 15»

9 Made-Up Couples That Actually Might Have Been Awesome in …

So in the spirit of Cher-inspired matchmaking, we decided to come up with nine made-up couples to replace the Clueless mismatches, as well … «Mic, Июл 15»

Amazon Prime Day: The Logic Behind A Retailer’s Made-Up Holiday … is taking an interesting approach to its birthday this year. The company is throwing itself a party where all its Prime customers get … «Forbes, Июл 15»

Op-ed: The Latest Made-Up Phenomenon Is the ‘Straight Homo’

If heterosexual celebrities want to cater to gay audiences to boost their bottom line, so be it. But let’s not pretend it’s more than it is. «, Июл 15»

Unreality check: The made-up case against Tim Cook

Can you believe Tim Cook is still CEO of Apple? Man, how many times does this guy have to screw up to get fired? Writing for The Huffington … «Macworld, Июл 15»

Made-Up Assault Complaint, Horses Found Dead, Injury Accident …

Found Property – A tag was reportedly found near her mailbox at a residence on Hwy 138. No contact made with registered owner of tag. «, Июл 15»

Grantland hands Tigers’ JD Martinez a made-up award

No Detroit Tigers scored any of the midseason awards Jonah Keri gave out at — the MVPs, the Cy Youngs, things like that — so … «Detroit Free Press, Июл 15»

From Minions to Game of Thrones, Here Are the Top 9 Made-Up

Well, made-up languages that is. Some of Hollywood’s greatest masterpieces including Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings have gone the … «E! Online, Июл 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Made-Up [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023


  1. fabricated;
    concocted:a made-up story.
  2. Clothing wearing facial makeup:[usually: be + ~]She was heavily made-up.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(mādup),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. concocted;
    falsely fabricated or invented:a made-up story.
  2. Clothingbeing in makeup;
    wearing facial cosmetics.
  3. put together;
  • 1600–10

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

made-up adj

  1. invented; fictional
  2. wearing make-up
  3. put together; assembled
  4. (of a road) surfaced with asphalt, concrete, etc

made-up‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):




1. Having been fabricated; invented: a made-up story.

2. Changed or adorned by the application of cosmetics or makeup: a made-up actor.


a. Complete; finished: a made-up package.

b. Put together; arranged: a made-up page of type.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



1. invented; fictional: a made-up story.

2. wearing make-up: a well made-up woman.

3. put together; assembled

4. (Civil Engineering) (of a road) surfaced with asphalt, concrete, etc

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. falsely fabricated; concocted: a made-up story.

2. wearing facial makeup.

3. put together; finished.


Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. false, invented, imaginary, fictional, untrue, mythical, unreal, fabricated, make-believe, trumped-up, specious It looks like a made-up word to me.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Consisting or suggestive of fiction:

2. Being fictitious and not real, as a name:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



[ˈmeɪdˈʌp] ADJ

3. (= ready-made) [mixture, solution] → preparado

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



(= invented) story, name, word, charactererfunden

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌmeɪdˈʌp] adj (story) → inventato/a; (face, person, eyes) → truccato/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

  • Defenition of the word made-up

    • Consisting of a lie.
    • formed by fitting or joining components together
    • formed or conceived by the imagination; «a fabricated excuse for his absence»; «a fancied wrong»; «a fictional character»; «used fictitious names»; «a made-up story»
    • marked by the use of makeup; «heavily made-up eyes»
    • (British) having been paved
    • having been paved

Synonyms for the word made-up

    • assembled
    • built
    • fabricated
    • fancied
    • fictional
    • fictitious
    • invented

Similar words in the made-up

    • collective
    • painted
    • paved
    • unreal

See other words

    • What is by all accounts
    • The definition of it would seem
    • The interpretation of the word theorized
    • What is meant by theorizes
    • The lexical meaning allegedly
    • The dictionary meaning of the word infers
    • The grammatical meaning of the word inferring
    • Meaning of the word infernos
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word inferred
    • The origin of the word rumored
    • Synonym for the word theoretical
    • Antonyms for the word implied
    • Homonyms for the word hypothesizes
    • Hyponyms for the word hypothesized
    • Holonyms for the word unwritten
    • Hypernyms for the word unarticulated
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word tacitus
    • Translation of the word in other languages taciturnity
  • Dictionary
  • M
  • Made-up


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [meyd uhp]
    • /meɪd ʌp/
    • /meɪd ʌp/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [meyd uhp]
    • /meɪd ʌp/

Definitions of made-up word

  • adjective made-up concocted; falsely fabricated or invented: a made-up story. 1
  • adjective made-up being in makeup; wearing facial cosmetics. 1
  • adjective made-up put together; finished. 1
  • adjective made-up If you are made-up, you are wearing make-up such as powder or eye shadow. 0
  • adjective made-up A made-up word, name, or story is invented, rather than really existing or being true. 0
  • adjective made-up If you are made-up, you are happy. 0

Information block about the term

Origin of made-up

First appearance:

before 1600

One of the 39% oldest English words

First recorded in 1600-10

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Made-up

made-up popularity

A pretty common term. Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. About 51% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.

According to our data about 53% of words is more used. This is a rare but used term. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people.

Synonyms for made-up

adj made-up

  • fictional — invented as part of a work of fiction: Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective.
  • imaginary — existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied: an imaginary illness; the imaginary animals in the stories of Dr. Seuss.
  • make-believe — pretense, especially of an innocent or playful kind; feigning; sham: the make-believe of children playing.
  • mythical — pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.
  • prepared — properly expectant, organized, or equipped; ready: prepared for a hurricane.

Antonyms for made-up

adj made-up

  • real — true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent: the real reason for an act.
  • original — belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding.
  • true — being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.

See also

  • All definitions of made-up
  • Synonyms for made-up
  • Antonyms for made-up
  • Related words to made-up
  • Sentences with the word made-up
  • made-up pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with m
  • Words starting with ma
  • Words starting with mad
  • Words starting with made
  • Words starting with madeu
  • Words starting with madeup
  • Words ending with p
  • Words ending with up
  • Words ending with eup
  • Words ending with deup
  • Words containing the letters m
  • Words containing the letters m,a
  • Words containing the letters m,a,d
  • Words containing the letters m,a,d,e
  • Words containing the letters m,a,d,e,u
  • Words containing the letters m,a,d,e,u,p
  • Words containing m
  • Words containing ma
  • Words containing mad
  • Words containing made
  • Words containing madeu
  • Words containing madeup

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