Define each word in a sentence

While writing your essay, you may feel the passion for using specific words that could be challenging for the reader to understand what you are referring to. In this guide, we teach you how to define a word in an essay, on a text, sentence or within a paragraph.

In as much as you understand the easy topic inside out, the potential reader may hang while reading new vocabularies. 

It could be awkward if you write word-to-word definitions from your dictionary. Also, it could disorganize or be confusing if you use the definition in the wrong part.

The best way to use definitions effectively is by using your own words and remaining concise. You can opt to introduce definitions in the essay’s body instead of in the introduction. 

Defining Word in an Essay

Before elaborating the word in definition terms, determine the word is unusual enough to require a definition.

While is it acceptable for you to define technical jargon in your essay, avoid defining every advanced vocabulary in the essay. 

Rephrase the definition with your own words. You must include a full quotation if you are word-to-word definition from the dictionary. For instance, you can make the sentence flow better by

defining a word like ‘workout’, as follows: “Workout is an exercise of improving one’s fitness and performance.”

If you are using in-text citations, you should cite the dictionary or the textbook that you took the definition from when you end the sentences.

When it is the first time you are using such a source, then use the full title backed by the abbreviation. By doing correct referencing of the definition source you used, you will be avoiding plagiarism in your essay. 

Let the definition be in the body and not the introduction since the introduction ought to catch the reader’s attention as you lay your thesis. Alternatively, you want to avoid defining a word, then use synonyms.

Keep the definition as short as possible. But, if you believe the definition could belong, then you can break it into shorter sentences to bring clarity to your essay. 

Do you want to explain something in the mid of the sentence without confusing the reader? 

How to define a word in a sentence

While it is true that you may be harboring a lot of terminologies in your context that require some explanation, you must do it tactfully to promote the flow of your sentences well. 

There are three ways you can insert a definition in the mid sentences as provided by the following examples. 

1. By Using Commas

You can use commas as a way of punctuating your sentence to enhance the meaning. For example:

“John and Joseph had to see Bill gates, the leader of Microsoft Corporation, and advise him….”

2. Em and En Dashes 

They are not synonymous with hyphens but needed to punctuate your sentence and restore your intended meaning. For example, we can paraphrase the above sentence to appear as follows:

“John and Joseph had to see Bill gates — the leader of Microsoft Corporation — and advise him….”

3. Parenthetical Aside

It is also another suitable method to use when inserting a definition in the mid sentences to update the reader with additional facts. 

“John and Joseph had to see Bill gates (the leader of Microsoft Corporation) and advise him….”

How to Quote a Definition in a Sentence/Essay

When writing your essay, you will encounter such issues which are usually unavoidable. If we assume that you are using APA style for referencing, one must quote a definition inside double-quotes. 

How to Quote a Definition in a Sentence/Essay

That is “Definition” and put the author-year and page numbers. 

A definition in an essay examples

  • McCarthy and George (1990) defined the essay as “a literary composition which represents author’s arguments on a specific topic.” P.87
  • An essay is “a literary composition which represents author’s arguments on a specific topic.” (McCarthy and George, 1990, P.87)
  • McCarthy and George (1990, P.87) defined an essay as “a literary composition which represents author’s arguments on a specific topic.”

Such definitions come in handy when you are writing essays that require you to understand one thing well. A good is example is when writing a comparison essay or a definition essay. Let us explore how to write a definition essay here.

Tips How to Write a Definition essay

A definition essay could be a piece of writing where you write your own meaning. One must ensure that you research your definition well and support it by the evidence.

In addition, it could be an explanation of what specific terms means in your context. This becomes a paragraph. Check out how to write good definition paragraphs and understand them from another perspective.

Writing a definition essay

Some of the terms could have literal meanings like a phone, tablet, or spoon.

Other abstracts such as truth, love, or success will depend on the person’s point of view.

Different papers carry varying meanings hence when writing one, you must be precise to help the reader understanding what you are talking about. 

It could be reasonable if you remain unique as you write a definition essay. Avoid expressing meaning using the same words.

Before you choose a definition essay topic, ensure that you select an abstract word that has a complex meaning. Also, ensure that the same word is indisputable.

Tips How to Define a Word in a Text or Paragraph

1. Select a Word

The main point of view when writing an essay is selecting an idea or concept. Select a word that will describe an idea like Hate, Love, etc. ensure that you understand the term you are choosing completely. 

You can read from the dictionary but avoid extracting the definition from there but explain it in your own words.

Suppose your concept is open, then find your unique define based on experience. After that, find the basis to support your definitions. 

2. Select a Word That You Know

It is suitable to settle for the word that you are familiar with and you have a basic understanding of the word. Doing so helps you to write easily. For example, you can select a word like ‘pride’ because you understand its meaning and what it feels as you use it in your context. 

3. Select a Word With Different Meanings 

Selecting a word with plural meanings comes in handy when you believe it will bring a different meaning to various people. As you write about it, there is an opportunity to involve your understanding and interpretations of other people. 

For example, one can select a word like “love” because it comes with varying meanings. Every person will understand and interoperate it uniquely. 

4. Avoid Specific Things and Objects 

Stay away from selecting such things as “cups “or “pillow” because it complicates your writing because you cannot write a lot on specific objects. That makes the essay appear superficial and not shrewd enough.  

5. Go Online

With an internet connection, you can seek an online platform and get enough information about what you want. The internet has several scholarly academic blogs and articles.

Additionally, you can still access videos created by smart people who deeply researched different words and sharing them with you.   

6. Access the Dictionary 

It is true that every official word has a deeper dictionary meaning. Tactfully, it is vital that you familiarize yourself with yourself before using it in your contexts.

You must take a closer look at the definition structure before deciding to use it. Ensure that you explain it in your own understanding when writing about it. 

7. Know the Origin of the Word

Before using a specific word, it is critical to study and understand its origin. One way of researching the word is involving encyclopedias to get theories and ideas about that particular word.

For instance, if you are picking a word in the medical field, then you should consult the encyclopedia in the medical field.

8. Ask Colleagues  

While it is crucial to have your perspective about the word, you can still ask friends and family about the meaning of that particular word.

Let them explain to you what it feels when you mention such a particular word. Later, you can record the answers and utilize them as your sources.

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer who has a special interest in the gig economy. He writes on news, digital ideas, trends, and changes in the gig economy. When not writing, Joseph is hiking and climbing mountains.

Definition of Define

to state or explain the identity or nature of something

Examples of Define in a sentence

In order to define infinity, you must first understand the concept of boundaries and limits, as infinity by definition is limitless and never-ending.


A dictionary will define any word in your language, telling you what each one of them means, and how many meanings they may have altogether.


It is impossible to define the nature of color to someone who has been blind since birth, since you cannot describe color without referencing itself.


I had to stop and define the game of tag to my friend from another country, as he had never played before and didn’t know anything about it.


If I had to define the sound that the car made as it scraped against the wall, I would say it sounded sort of like a very loud dying cat.


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I’m currently working on making a sentiment analyzer for book reviews. I’m using micro-WNOP instead of wordnet as it only contains synsets related to opinions.
Here’s a sample of my code

while(z<len(lines)): #lines is an array where each element is a sentence
      #token converts Penn Treebank POS tags to wordnet tags
      result[x]=result[x][0] + token(result[x][1])

My issue is that while I can tag a word as a noun, verb etc. I cannot get the correct definition for that word i.e real can mean true or tangible. This is a problem because micro-MNOP formats its words like this:
real#a#2, where #a tells us it’s an adjective and #2 means it’s the second definition.

I’m even sure this is possible but if it is, I’d be grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.

Where I found micro-MNOP:

Task 1

Match the words with their opposites. Then write a sentence with each word combination.

1. huge

A. patiently

2. unimportant

B. ability

3. impatiently

C. valuable

4. excluded

D. significant

5. inability

E. ugly

6. beautiful

F. private

7. responsible

G. included

8. public

H. irresponsible

9. worthless

I. tiny

Task 3

Complete the text with the given words.

landscapes, watercolours, exhibition, skilled, drawings, still lifes, portraits, oils, display, techniques

Last weekend, my friend Larry and I went to an art 1. _______________. There were a variety of paintings and 2. _______________ on 3. _______________. There were true-to-life 4. _______________ of famous people, beautiful 5. _______________ of waterfalls and valleys, and also 6. _______________. For landscapes, most artists used 7. _______________, but some of them worked in 8. _______________. 9. _______________ artists use interesting 10. _______________ to show the shadows.

Task 4

Fill in the gaps with comparatives and superlatives.

By far, this drawing is _________________ (valuable) in my collection.
This gallery is _________________ (busy) one I’ve ever been to!
The colours on this painting are _________________ (warm) than on that one.
That was the _________________ (bad) technique I’ve ever seen.
Lorna is _________________ (talented) sculptor I’ve seen. She makes sculptures out of clay.
The lines in Picasso’s pictures were drawn much _________________ (accurately) than I expected.
Which of these two vases do you find _________________ (good)?
I think that painting with watercolours must be _________________ (difficult) than painting with oils.
You should study _________________ (carefully) to improve your skills.
This picture is _______________ (great) I’ve ever seen.

Synonym: communicate, express, phrase, put, say, tell, voice. Similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border. Meaning: [wɜrd /wɜːd]  n. 1. a unit of language that native speakers can identify 2. a brief statement 3. new information about specific and timely events 4. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus) 5. a promise 6. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group 7. an exchange of views on some topic 8. the sacred writings of the Christian religions 9. a verbal command for action 10. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory. v. put into words or an expression. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The word «Impossible» is not in my dictionary. 

2. A kind word is never lost. 

3. There is great difference between word and deed. 

4. One honest word is better than two oaths. 

5. Love rules his kingdom without a word

6. A word spoken is past recalling. 

7. Many a true word is spoken in jest. 

8. A word to the wise is enough. 

9. The word once spoken can never be realled. 

10. To a wise man one word is enough. 

11. Believe somebody on his bare word

12. A word in season is most precious. 

13. Every brave man is a man of his word

14. There is many a true word spoken in jest. 

15. A wise man hears one word and understand two. 

16. A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 

17. A word in time is worth two afterwards. 

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. A word spoken cannot be recalled. 

19. A word is enough to the wise. 

20. Suit the action to the word

21. A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 

22. An honest man’s word is as good as his bond. 

23. While the word is in your mouth, it is your own; when ’tis once spoken, ’tis another’s. 

24. A word is no arrow, but it can pierce the heart. 

25. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

26. Half a tale [word] is enough for a wise man. 

27. Education commences at the mother’s knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. 

28. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

29. Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 

30. On the great clock of time there is but one word, «Now». 

More similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border, works, worth, worry, world, at work, can afford, afford to, work off, work at, work up, worthy, work out, at worst, worker, network, workout, in order to, out of order, border on, disorder, be worth, according. 

b Используя словарь, объясните выделенные слова. Используйте каждое слово в ваших собственных предложениях.


Теперь у нее было свое мнение, и за ужином обсуждала с родителями Саши о том, какими сложными стали занятия для детей в школе. Но после всего она чувствовала, что классическое образование лучше курса коммерции(commercical) потому, что выпускаясь из школы, для тебя открыты все дороги для любой карьеры. Если ты выбрал, ты мог бы стать врачом, или если захотел, ты мог бы стать инженером.

Саша пошел в школу. 1) Его мать уехала навестить свою сестру в Харькове и никогда не вернулась. Поскольку его отца не было дома каждый день, он проводил осмотр(inspecting) скота и иногда отсутствовал более трех дней, Оленьке казалось, что Саша был совсем брошенным(abandoned), к нему относились, как будто он был лишним(superfluous) и, должно быть, умирает от голода. Итак она перевезла его в свою часть дома и выделила(fixed up) маленькую комнату для него там.

Каждое утро Оленька заходила в его комнату и находила его глубоко спящим с ладошкой подложенной(tucked) под щеку, и спал настолько тихо, что казалось, не дышал. 2) «Как досадно, что приходится будить его» думала она.

«Сашенька» говорила она печально(sorrowfully). «Вставай, дорогой. Пора в школу»

Он вставал, одевался, говорил свои молитвы, затем садился за завтрак. 3) Он выпивал 3 стакана чая, съедал 2 больших лепешки и половину масляного ролла. Он еще до конца не проснулся, поэтому немного заплетался(cross).

«Ты не знаешь свои басни, как следует, Сашенька» — говорила Оленька, глядя на него, как будто он отправлялся в долгое путешествие. «Какой ты проблемный. Ты должен больше стараться и учиться, дорогой, и слушайся своих учителей.»
«Оставь меня в покое, пожалуйста» говорил Саша.

= один,
одна, одно.

is only one
solution of the problem.

В функции субъекта
(формального подлежащего)
при сказуемом с модальным глаголом в

= не

should pay attention to data security.

вышеупомянутого существительного.
Переводится существительным, которое
заменяет, или совсем не переводится.
В этом случае перед one/ones
стоит артикль the:
= тот,
та, то ;
= те.

method is the

which can be relied on.

VI. Define the functions and meanings of one. Give theRussian equivalents of the following sentences.

The serving network is the

that is currently providing service in the area where the user has
roamed. 2. This is one
of the reasons why a user-friendly print-version of web pages is
essential for good user experience. 3. Users don’t scan a web-page
in a linear fashion, going sequentially from one
site section to another one.
4. In nearly
paragraph, there is one
idea that is more important than all the others.
gave us much better results than did the previous ones.
Laser is one
of the most sophisticated inventions of man. 7. One
doesn’t have to prepare a new program each time you set a new
function to a microprocessor-equipped robot.

the Russian equivalents of the following nouns, paying attention to
the meanings of the words from which they are derived.

(interact –
encoder (encode –
compression (compress –
innovation (innovate –
conversion (convert –
expansion (expand –
conduction (conduct –

VIII. Arrange in pairsthe words with similar meaning.

demand, transmit, obvious, vast, provide, evident, encrypt, link,
conduct, send, carry out, require, wide, supply, connect.

IX. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb to connect. Name other derivatives of this verb.

X. Look through the text and find the answer to the question: What does Internet radio provide users with?

Internet radio is the latest technological innovation in radio
broadcasting. Until the 21st century the only way to obtain radio
broadcasts over the Internet was through your PC. That will soon
change, as wireless connectivity will feed Internet broadcasts to car
radios, PDAs and cell phones. The next generation of wireless devices
will greatly expand the reach and convenience of Internet radio.

Internet radio has obvious advantages. The potential for Internet
radio is as vast as cyberspace itself.

In comparison to traditional radio, Internet radio is not limited to
audio. An Internet radio broadcast can be accompanied by photos or
graphics, text and links, as well as interactivity, such as message
boards and chat rooms. With Internet radio, you could conduct
training or education and provide links to documents and payment
options. You could also have interactivity with the trainer or

Internet radio programming offers a wide spectrum of broadcast
genres, particularly in music. Internet radio offers the opportunity
to expand the types of available programming.

Getting audio over the Internet is pretty simple:

      • The
        audio enters the Internet broadcaster’s encoding computer
        through a sound card.

      • The
        encoder system translates the audio from the sound card into
        streaming format. — The encoder samples the incoming audio and
        compresses the information so it can be sent over the Internet.

      • The
        compressed audio is sent to the server, which has a high bandwidth
        connection to the Internet.

      • The
        server sends the audio data stream over the Internet to the player
        software or plug-in on the listener’s computer. The plug-in
        translates the audio data stream from the server into the sound
        heard by the listener.

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In an English Language exam, you may come across questions about words in context. These are multiple-choice questions that ask you to consider the meaning of a word. You can identify them by paying close attention to how the questions are worded. To answer words in context questions, you should look for the circumstances surrounding the passage each question is based on.

Words in Context Meaning

«Words in context» refers to how words change meaning in different circumstances. Words often mean slightly different things depending on their context.

Context is the set of facts and circumstances that surround a word or phrase in a text.

Context sometimes changes the meaning of words. For example, the word «restrain» means different things depending on its context.

  • I had to restrain my laughter when he fell over that chair!
  • The coach had to restrain the football team captain to keep a fight from breaking out.
  • These tariffs were designed to restrain international trading.

What changes the meaning of «restrain» in each of these examples? The circumstances surrounding them!

  1. In the first example, the fact that something funny happened made it clear «restrain» means to control emotions.
  2. In the second example, the mention of a possible fight indicates «restrain» means to physically hold back.
  3. In the third example, the verb «designed» and the reference to international trade made it clear that «restrain» means to limit trade.

When answering questions about words in context, you are really just identifying how the meaning of a word changes based on the circumstances that surround it.

Words in Context Identification

There are two primary types of context: Immediate context and broad context.

Immediate context includes the words, phrases, and sentences of the passage surrounding the word.

Broad context includes the larger historical, biographical, and genre considerations in which the passage was written.

Here is how you identify each type of context.

Identifying Immediate Context

Ask yourself some questions.

  • What is the situation being described in this passage?
  • What is the tone the author takes in this passage?
  • What other words in this passage can help me understand how this word is being used?
  • What similar words does the author use in this passage?

Identifying Broad Context

Ask yourself some questions.

  • When was this passage written or published?
  • Where was this passage written or published?
  • Who wrote this passage? What do I know about them?
  • What type of genre is this passage?
  • What do I know about the political, social, or economical situation in which this passage was written?

Words in Context Scenic road vista StudySmarterFig. 1 — Look out for the big, big picture.

Words in Context Questions

The purpose of words in context questions is to check your understanding of how circumstances can change the meaning of the words or the passage around them. Understanding the effects of context is important for understanding language AND the world around you.

Context changes everything. Everything you read, write, watch, listen to, or do is shaped by context. Think about what it’s like to learn about your favorite author. You probably first read their books with an idea of what it meant. However, once you learned more about the author’s life and the time period they lived in, this probably changed what their writing meant to you. The context of their writing changed what their writing means.

Words in context questions are great practice for identifying and explaining context. They remind you of how circumstances can change what something means. Identifying context and how it changes meaning is a key feature of critical thinking.

Words in Context Examples

Words in context questions are multiple choice questions. Just like other multiple choice questions, they appear immediately after a reference passage from a story, poem, or essay.

A reference passage is the passage of text a question refers to. It appears before each set of multiple choice questions.

Here is an example of a reference passage in an English Language exam:

Words in Context, Reference Passage Example, StudySmarterFig. 2 — Example passage.

Words in context questions are based on reference passages. Reference passages have numbered lines so you can easily refer to the correct lines when answering questions about the passage.

Words in context questions include a list of possible word or phrase choices to answer the question. Your job is to select the word or phrase that best answers the question, considering the context of the passage.

In the passage, the author uses the phrase «revolutionary methods» primarily to:

(A) Contrast the needs of modern women against those of historical women.

(B) Emphasize the humanity of women.

(C) Compare the methods of modern women to those of historical men.

(D) To criticize the suffrage movement.

Did you get C for this question? If so, you’re right! If you didn’t, or simply if you want a little more information, the following section contains how you might arrive at this answer.

How to Answer Words in Context Questions

To answer words in context questions, read the reference passage, identify context clues, predict the answer, and test out each possibility. Follow this 4-step process to effectively answer questions about words in context.

1. Read the Reference Passage

Before looking at the questions, read the reference passage closely. Mark any words, phrases, or sentences that reflect the author’s purpose.

2. Identify Context Clues

After reading the passage, take a moment to identify context clues.

Context clues are anything that gives you an idea of the context of a passage.

Here are some context clues you might identify:

  • Words that indicate the author’s tone and attitude toward the subject
  • Sentences that indicate the genre of the passage.
  • Information on the location, time period, or other historical aspects of the passage.
  • Information on the author.
  • Words and phrases that give you a sense of the author’s purpose.

3. Predict the Answer

Don’t look at the answer choices at first. Instead, try to make an educated guess. What do you think the right answer might be, without looking at the answer choices? This will help anticipate possible answers.

For example, you might think of a synonym for «compromise.» You find your guess isn’t in the list of options. However, the synonym you guessed most closely aligns with one of the answer options! You just made things a lot easier on yourself by trying to make an educated guess first.

Words in Context Tarot cards StudySmarterFig. 3 — Make educated not random predictions.

4. Test out Each Possibility

Once you have an educated guess, it’s time to consider the answer options. Take a moment to try out each answer. For example, if the question asks you to select the best synonym for a word, just replace that word with each answer option. See which one makes the most sense.

Words in Context — Key Takeaways

  • «Words in context» refers to how words change depending on their context, the set of facts and circumstances that surround a word or phrase.
  • The purpose of words in context questions is to check your understanding of how context changes things.

  • Words in context questions appear immediately after a reference passage and include a list of possible word choices to choose from.

  • To identify words in context questions, read each question closely to see what it asks you and how it phrases the question.

  • To answer words in context questions, read the reference passage, identify context clues, predict the answer, and test out each possibility.

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