Decline word use in sentences

Decline involves change over time, for example:
from previously efficient to inefficient organizational functioning
from previously rational to non-rational organizational and individual decision-making
from previously law-abiding to law-violating organizational and individual behavior
from previously virtuous to iniquitous individual moral behavior
Note: distinguish the noun decline from the adjective obsolete. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

For a variety of reasons — ranging from Paulo Dybala’s decline in form, the availability of six central midfielders, and, perhaps, the desire to restore defensive solidity to the team — Allegri quietly shifted from our customary 4-2-3-1 to a 4-3-3 formation.


«Strong action on the part of the Reserve Bank of reversing the policy will be called for only if inflation shows very strong signs of decline,» C. Rangarajan, chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, told CNBC-TV18 Thursday.


Following a decline in viewer figures, BBC One’s Songs of Praise is to lose its Anglican focus and feature… More


The traditional news media is in terminal decline and the online worldincreasingly dominated by a few large conglomerates.


It all stems from the fact the culture of New Mexico’s iconic vegetable is in decline.


The Treasury’s official forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility, has predicted a decline of a fifth in receipts by 2020/21.


The Atlantic has put together this interesting look at Southern Baptists (which they call a «sect») and the decline of their namesake.


Or, if they suffer an earnings decline, the dividend is more likely to be sustained until earnings recover.


Considering this, a 14 percent decline is not a major move.


While the overall milk market is in decline, the relatively small whole milk sub-category has seen a stronger performance in recent years, with volume and value increases in 2015.


«Those who seek to relate stock movements to the current statistics of business, or who ignore the strongly imaginative taint of stock operations, or who overlook the technical basis of advances and declines, must meet with disaster, because their judgement is based upon the humdrum of fact and figure in a game which is actually played in a third dimension of the emotions and a fourth dimension of dreams.»


Financial regulators in recent days have introduced new rules to curb the amount of capital flowing out of the country, helping to slow the pace of the renminbi’s decline.


This story of decline is often told in racial and ethnic terms: White America is being displaced by a multicultural America.


Instagram also found that the rise in emoji popularity also correlates directly with the decline of internet slang:


The advance decline line has been a solid performer.


There is evidence to suggest a link between stress and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.


The culprit behind the decline was the anniversary of EMV introductions in the United States in the prior year.


We need to realistically identify the factors for the decline and address them first otherwise any manager will fail.


This deficit projection, however, included an «adjustment for risk» of $ 3.0 billion for 2011-12, implying an underlying deficit estimate for 2011-12 of $ 28 billion, a decline of $ 5.4 billion from the final outcome for 2010-11.


TD’s call is for an eight per cent decline in prices by the end of 2015.


Should have bought more on the last decline.


According to CBRE, investment in Asia’s property sector turnover grew 12 % quarter-on-quarter in Q2 2015 to US$ 21 billion, despite a 21 % year-on-year decline in investment turnover against a strong 2014.


But the total spend is still some way short of the amount needed to halt the decline in highway condition, says Asphalt Industry Alliance chairman Rick Green, with some councils reporting they have less to spend on road maintenance this year compared to 2017.


Heroin was on the decline, as more users switched to prescription drugs for their fix.


Southwest Airlines has seen a decline in reservations following its fatal accident this month, but the carrier has a rosy revenue outlook later this… Keep reading


The subsequent 11 day decline demonstrated gold’s continuing weakness and seller control.


Speaking in his home base of Syracuse, Hawkins decried the decline of public housing options, standing between two weed-infested vacant lots.


Short Term Elliott Wave view in Gold suggests the decline to $ 1306.8 ended Intermediate wave (X).


Without embedding intergenerational equity into Canada’s labour market policy we will be headed for long-period of reduced economic growth, stagnation, or even decline.


Amazon — led disruption has driven foot-traffic declines, weakening the operating performance of traditional retailers.


Coca-Cola Amatil’s brands, led by Mt Franklin, grew by 51 per cent in volume terms but 25 per cent in value terms, reflecting hefty price reductions late last year to reverse a 5 per cent decline in water volumes and the launch of price fighter brands, Peats Ridge Pure Springs and Neverfail bulk bottled water.


«Despite the large declines in commodity prices, we see risks as still skewed to the downside over the near-term.


U.S. stocks fell, halting two days of gains that brought equities near a record, amid declines in raw-material and railroad shares as Greek debt talks dragged on.


Anfield has become a place of foreboding for Evertonians irrespective of their team’s startling decline this season and Liverpool’s prolific form.


Single-family permits continued their declines in 2017, falling to just 25 percent of overall new home construction.


The burger chain also posted weak guidance for the upcoming quarter, projecting a decline in same-store sales of up to 3 %, and Management pointed the blame for the weak performance at competitors.


Cannabis stocks also saw declines on the TSX as Aurora Cannabis Inc. ended down 2.47 per cent, Aphria Inc. down 2.09 per cent, and Canopy Growth Corp. down 4.90 per cent.


Snap stock almost 10 percent Tuesday, its second straight day of near double-digit declines.


Beef also took a hit due to a reduction in live cattle shipments and prices across the EU falling to $ 3.76 / kg, a 4 % decline.


CNH Industrial’s fiscal first-half revenue decline of 22 % -LRB—11 % in constant currency) was larger than we estimated, as revenues dropped across segments.


During oil’s deep decline, Schlumberger offered to drill in oilfields that were on hiatus in exchange for a share of future production, a move that was «very controversial» and has yet to pay off, says Colin Davies, an analyst at Bernstein.


In just five years, St. Louis rolled back 15 years of decline in its local startup rate.


You may be wondering when it will end, especially since bear markets (stock market declines of 20 % or more) frequently accompany recessions.


Feminism has been blamed for the breakdown of the nuclear family, day care, physical and sexual abuse, hurricanes, the downfall of «real manhood,» the decline of the Christian Church in western society, and spectacularly bad television.


An additional source of drag has come more recently from a significant slowdown in business investment which is in large part related to lingering uncertainty and a steep decline in global trade growth.7


The expansionary period that followed the recession in 1960-61, which was a result of high unemployment and a shift to foreign-made cars, was met with another sharp decline as the Fed began to tighten monetary policy.


Social media is likely to become an ever larger presence in people’s lives as traditional media declines, and this means it will become increasingly important in its ability to move markets.


July Comex High Grade Copper futures finished slightly better on Monday on expectations of higher demand from top consumer China after a report showed a resilient economy despite a modest monthly decline in manufacturing activity.Growth in China’s vast manufacturing sector eased only slightly in April in a sign of broad


The postwar trade partnership, which worked so well during the «miracle» years of Japanese growth, has been in decline since the collapse of Japan’s «bubble…


That could be a good thing for the New York Giants, who have struggled to run the ball and had a sharp decline in 2017.


decline — перевод на русский


That’s why we went to such lengths to make her a fugitive from justice. So that Vandamm couldn’t decline to take her along.

Именно поэтому мы зашли так далеко и сделали её беглецом от правосудия, чтобы Вандам не смог отказаться взять её с собой.

So many times I just could not decline.

Много раз я не мог отказаться.

Sir I respectfully decline.

Сэр… Я вынужден отказаться.

Thee are free to decline with no harm on thyself.

Ты волен отказаться без всяких последствий.

In that case, we must decline with thanks.

В таком случае мы вынуждены с благодарностью отказаться.

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We thank you for your kind offer of assistance, although we must decline it.

Благодарим вас за предложение руки помощи, но нам придется его отклонить.

I thank you for your confidence but I must decline the offer.

Благодарю за доверие но я вынужден отклонить предложение.

But… I am afraid I have to decline your offer.

Ќо… боюсь, мне придетс€ отклонить ваше предложение.

Miss McNeal, I must decline your offer of marriage.

Мисс Мак Нил, я должен отклонить ваше предложение о женитьбе.

Sir, I am honoured by your proposal, but I regret that I must decline it.

Сэр, я польщена Вашим предложением, но к сожалению должна его отклонить.

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О, но, сэр, я отказываюсь ехать.

Relay to His Highness that I decline.

что я отказываюсь.

I decline to answer that question out of respect for your gender.

Я отказываюсь отвечать на данный вопрос из уважения к твоему полу.

I decline to answer that.

Я отказываюсь отвечать на этот вопрос.

She cannot marry without my consent… until she comes of age… and that consent I absolutely decline to give.

А дать такое согласие я решительно отказываюсь.

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A civilization’s decline is as inevitable as old age.

Упадок цивилизации так же неизбежен, как старость

The decline of Rome would have begun on this very day.

Упадок Рима мог начаться в тот самьiй день.

We at the Cole Group feel the decline of the Winwood Hospital is a direct result of significant fiscal mismanagement.

Мы, Группа Коул, считаем, что упадок больницы Уинвуд является непосредственным результатом недальновидной финансовой политики.

But after that, there was a decline.

Но после этого начался упадок.

When I want to witness someone’s decline, I just have to look at my own life.

Если я хочу наблюдать печальный упадок, мне достаточно взглянуть на собственную жизнь.

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What do you mean, our credit card was declined?

Что значит, наша кредитка была отклонена?

We saw that the credit card was declined a half mile away and we put it together.

Мы видели что кредитка была отклонена в полумиле и мы объединили все воедино

Sir, your card has been declined.

Операция по Вашей карте отклонена.

I’m sorry, I’m afraid you credit card has been declined.

Извините, но, боюсь, ваша кредитка отклонена.

Request respectfully declined.

Просьба почтительно отклонена.

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The overall reason behind the study is that the government wants final proof that wolves are responsible for the disastrous decline in caribou.

Вся цель этого исследования в том, что государство хочет окончательное доказательство, что волки ответственны за катастрофическое снижение популяций карибу.

Trouble is, I’m getting on myself, so I might just as well accept the slow decline into decay.

Беда в том, что я получаю на себя, так, я мог бы просто принять медленное снижение в упадок.

«Do his doctors anticipate a speedy decline?»

Доктора предвидят скорое снижение?

Upward pressure of interest rates, asset sell-offs, decline in stock prices.

Тенденции роста процентных ставок, распродажи активов, снижение рыночных цен.

I mean, a 14% decline in felonies citywide I might be untouchable on this.

Четырнадцатипроцентное снижение числа тяжких преступлений по городу… из-за этого я могу получить неприкосновенность.

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She wanted the money, and I had to decline.

Она просила денег, но мне пришлось ей отказать.

I admire the effort, Ms. Castle, but I have to decline.

Меня восхищают ваши усилия, но я вынужден отказать.

I have to decline.

Вынуждена вам отказать.

— Oh! I’m afraid I have to decline.

— Боюсь, я вынуждена отказать.

Respectfully, I’m going to have to decline.

Со всем уважением, вынужден отказать.

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I respectfully decline this feeling.

Мне не нужно это чувство. Я уважительно отклоняю это чувство.

I politely decline your offer.

Я вежливо отклоняю твое предложение.

And I’m gratefully declining.

И я с благодарностью отклоняю.

And as to the other matter, I decline your offer.

Что касается другого вопроса, я отклоняю ваше предложение.

Dad, I officially decline your offer.

Папа, я официально отклоняю твоё предложение.

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The individual failure, the tired fortress, the decline of a nation, the fatigue of a language, the exhaustion of a civilization and of history itself, are all projections of the crepuscular soul, which constantly regrets that something, nevertheless, had to exist.

Собственный провал, уставшая крепость, падение нации, усталость языка, конец цивилизации и самой истории — всё это изображения сумрачной души, которая постоянно сожалеет о том, что что-то, тем не менее, должно существовать.

… resulting rise of unemployment and decline in viable small businesses.

…повлекло рост безработицы и падение малого бизнеса.

I’ve seen with my own eyes a great family’s decline.

Я сам видел падение великих семейств.

Having spent $4 trillion on public schools since 1965 the result has been a steady decline of student performance.

На государственные школы было потрачено около 4$ триллионов с 1965, результатом было устойчивое и неумолимое падение любого измеримого уровня успеваемости учащихся, не говоря уже о здоровье и безопасности.

What Colin is saying is this decline will mean fuel shortages and prolonged economic turmoil.

Колин говорит, что падение производства нефти — значит нехватка топлива и продолжительный экономический беспорядок.

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My health is declining rapidly.

Моё здоровье резко ухудшается.

I agree to settle my brother’s accounts… on the condition that he makes his way without delay… to the bedside of the poor bed-ridden Bunbury… whose health, I have recently been informed… is rapidly declining.

Я согласен оплатить счета моего брата при условии, что он без промедления отправится к бедному прикованному к постели Бенбери чьё здоровье, как мне недавно сказали быстро ухудшается.

Patient’s lung function’s declining rapidly.

Состояние лёгких пациента быстро ухудшается.

That’ll tell us if her kidney function’s declining.

Это покажет нам, ухудшается ли состояние ее почек.

Your chem 7 results show that your kidney function is declining.

Результаты биохимии показывают, что состояние Ваших почек ухудшается.

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Отправить комментарий

снижение, спад, падение, упадок, уменьшение, уменьшаться, отказывать, отказываться


- падение, упадок, спад

the decline of art [of civilization] — упадок искусства [цивилизации]
decline of business — спад деловой активности
on the decline, in decline — в состоянии упадка
culture in decline — культура в состоянии упадка
the family was definitely in a decline — не было сомнений, что счастье изменило этой семье
to suffer moral and spiritual decline — переживать нравственный и духовный упадок

- убыль; истощение, падение

decline of a well — горн. истощение скважины

- понижение

decline in prices — понижение цен
these shares have experienced a decline — курс этих акций понизился

- ухудшение (здоровья)

decline of /in/ strength — упадок сил
gradual decline — постепенное одряхление

- период затихания (болезни)

the decline of a fever — понижение температуры /жара/

ещё 5 вариантов


- опускаться; идти вниз, под уклон

the road declines — дорога идёт под уклон

- наклоняться; клониться
- заходить (о солнце)

the sun is declining — солнце заходит
the day begins to decline (to its close) — день склоняется к вечеру

- уменьшаться, убывать, идти на убыль

to decline considerably — значительно сокращаться
the prices began to decline — цены стали падать
his fortune declined — его состояние уменьшилось
his years are beginning to decline — (его) годы идут на убыль, старость не за горами

- угасать

the earlier fervour is declining — пыл прежних лет постепенно угасает

ещё 9 вариантов

Мои примеры


the decline of a mighty empire — упадок могущественной империи  
a decline in the effective demand — снижение действительного спроса  
to decline Latin nouns — склонять латинские существительные  
economic decline — спад в экономике  
to report a small decline in profits — сообщить о незначительном снижении прибыли  
to be in decline — находиться в упадке  
to fall / go / slip into a decline — приходить в упадок  
to be on the decline — идти на убыль  
to decline a gambit — отклонять гамбит  
to decline / spurn an invitation — отвергать приглашение  
to decline / inflect a noun — склонять имя существительное  
to decline / refuse / reject an offer — отклонять предложение  

Примеры с переводом

His health was declining.

Его здоровье ухудшалось.

Profits declined by 10%.

Прибыль уменьшилась на десять процентов.

Mary declined Jay’s invitation to dinner.

Мэри отклонила приглашение Джея на ужин.

I am sorry I must decline your invitation.

К сожалению, я не могу принять ваше приглашение.

The day declined.

День клонился к вечеру.

She declined to address the delegates.

Она отказалась выступить перед делегатами.

The car industry is in terminal decline.

Автомобильная промышленность умирает.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The civilization began to decline around 1000 B.C.

Declines led advances at the end of the trading day.

Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: decline
he/she/it: declines
ing ф. (present participle): declining
2-я ф. (past tense): declined
3-я ф. (past participle): declined

ед. ч.(singular): decline
мн. ч.(plural): declines

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This decline is attributed to ivory poaching.

Это снижение в значительной степени объясняется охотой за их бивнями из слоновой кости.

Detroit’s decline, like the parallel decline of the United Auto Workers, teaches an inescapable lesson.

Упадок Детройта, как и параллельный упадок Объединённого профсоюза работников автомобильной промышленности, даёт нам неизбежный урок.

Last year’s decline marks the second consecutive annual decline in coal consumption.

Снижение в прошлом году стало вторым ежегодным спадом потребления угля.

In our 50s the rate of decline is slightly accelerated, but the real decline usually begins at 60 years.

К 50 годам темпы снижения немного ускоряются, но реальное снижение обычно начинается в 60 лет.

The recent 5-year decline is a good example of a decline that went lower than expected.

Недавнее пятилетнее снижение является хорошим примером упадка, который пошел ниже, чем ожидалось.

The decline in unionization directly correlates with the decline of the portion of income going to the middle class.

Снижение в профсоюзе напрямую коррелирует со снижением доли доходов, идущих в средний класс.

Shareholders who anticipate a decline in earnings will sell their shares, which can cause a decline in the stock’s price.

Акционеры, ожидающие снижения прибыли компаний, будут продавать акции, что может привести к снижению их цены.

The absence of a clear natural cause for the decline in organic aerosol suggests the decline was the result of anthropogenic causes.

Отсутствие явной естественной причины снижения органического аэрозоля свидетельствует о том, что снижение имело антропогенные причины.

Aging is defined as a physiological decline of biological functions in the body with a progressive decline or loss of adaptation to internal and external damaging.

Старение определяется как физиологическое снижение биологических функций в организме с прогрессирующим снижением или потерей адаптации к внутренним и внешним повреждениям.

This decline is associated with a accumulative decline in house prices since the crisis began.

Это снижение связано с совокупным спадом цен на жилье с начала кризиса.

The current production decline is taking place during a period of a smaller decline in oil prices.

Текущее снижение добычи происходит в период меньшего снижения цен на нефть.

This decline was only about half the decline in 2015 and 2016.

Это снижение составило лишь около половины снижения в 2015 и 2016 годах.

Most of that decline was due to a decline in apartments purchased by families in the middle decile.

Большая часть этого снижения была вызвана снижением количества квартир, купленных семьями со средними доходами.

The decline of the Russian power has been accompanied by a parallel decline in the use of Russian as a second language.

Спад советского могущества сопровождался параллельным снижением использования русского в качестве второго языка.

Scholars have debated the causes of Britain’s decline since shortly after that decline began.

Ученые спорят о причинах упадка Британии, собственно, чуть ли не с того времени, как этот упадок начался.

At about that time, American decline entered a new phase: conscious self-inflicted decline.

Примерно в это же время упадок Америки вступил в новую фазу: осознанного самовоспроизводящегося упадка.

The UK and Spain saw marginal decline and to date, only Germany seems to have escaped any major decline in production volumes.

В Великобритании и Испании можно было наблюдать крайний спад, и на сегодняшний день, похоже, только Германии удалось избежать значительного снижения объемов производства.

This place has been decline, decline, decline.

In addition, the decline in GDP affected by decline in industrial production, decline in wholesale trade, agriculture and forestry.

Кроме того, на падение ВВП повлияло снижение объемов промышленного производства, спад в оптовой торговле, сельском хозяйстве и лесничестве.

Then in 2009, decelerating growth turned to decline and the decline will continue indefinitely.

В 2009 г. замедление роста превратилось в снижение, и оно теперь будет продолжаться бесконечно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат decline

Результатов: 62104. Точных совпадений: 62104. Затраченное время: 149 мс


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dih-klahyn ]

/ dɪˈklaɪn /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), de·clined, de·clin·ing.

to withhold or deny consent to do, enter into or upon, etc.; refuse: He declined to say more about it.

to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse with courtesy: to decline an invitation; to decline an offer.

to cause to slope or incline downward.


  1. to inflect (a noun, pronoun, or adjective), as Latin puella, declined puella, puellae, puellae, puellam, puella in the five cases of the singular.
  2. to recite or display all or some subset of the inflected forms of a noun, pronoun, or adjective in a fixed order.

verb (used without object), de·clined, de·clin·ing.

to express courteous refusal; refuse: We sent him an invitation but he declined.

to bend or slant down; slope downward; descend: The hill declines to the lake.

(of pathways, routes, objects, etc.) to follow a downward course or path: The sun declined in the skies.

to draw toward the close, as the day.

to fail in strength, vigor, character, value, etc.; deteriorate.

to fail or dwindle; sink or fade away: to decline in popularity.

to descend, as to an unworthy level; stoop.

Grammar. to be characterized by declension.


a downward slope; declivity.

a downward movement, as of prices or population; diminution: a decline in the stock market.

a failing or gradual loss, as in strength, character, power, or value; deterioration: the decline of the Roman Empire.

a gradual deterioration of the physical powers, as in later life or in disease: After his seventieth birthday he went into a decline.

progress downward or toward the close, as of the sun or the day.

the later years or last part: He became an editor in the decline of his life.



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Origin of decline

First recorded in 1275–1325; (verb) Middle English declinen, from Old French: “to inflect, turn aside, sink,” from Latin dēclīnāre “to slope, incline, bend”; compare Greek klī́nein “to lean” (see lean1); (noun) Middle English declin, from Old French, derivative of decliner

synonym study for decline


de·clin·er, nounpre·de·cline, verb (used with object), pre·de·clined, pre·de·clin··de·cline, verb, re·de·clined, re·de·clin·ing, nounun·de·clined, adjective

un·de·clin·ing, adjective

Words nearby decline

declinable, declinate, declination, declinatory, declinature, decline, declinometer, declive, declivitous, declivity, declivous Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to decline

deterioration, downturn, drop, failure, fall, recession, slump, weakening, decrease, dip, drop-off, loss, slide, deny, dismiss, refuse, reject, depreciate, deteriorate, diminish

How to use decline in a sentence

  • You can also start at the top and lower your machine backwards over small cut-banks and other declines.

  • Pitching speed — which directly correlates to opposing batters’ offensive performance — typically begins to slow in a pitcher’s late 20s, and the decline accelerates in his 30s.

  • Bulatao also said Linick’s office had experienced a “double-digit decline since 2016” in employee satisfaction metrics.

  • After 2018, Delaware Republicans were locked out of power in the state, a punctuation mark on a long decline.

  • Across the United States, some 162 million people — nearly 1 in 2 — will most likely experience a decline in the quality of their environment, namely more heat and less water.

  • Police Superintendent Michael Harrison said the decline was a result of an effort to decrease gang violence.

  • The loss of this “expectation” game began his decline and ultimate withdrawal from the race.

  • When A Christmas Carol was published just in time for the Christmas of 1843, the holiday had been in a long decline in England.

  • Thanks to CompStat and strategies added by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, crime continued to decline.

  • America, Stephens writes, is not necessarily in “decline” but rather “retreat.”

  • I am ready Madam,—for I have sufficiently experienced the folly of my presuming to decline it.

  • And I, for one, absolutely decline to believe in this preposterous story of his about a bull-dog.

  • He continued active till his 35th year, when he began to decline, and died of water in the chest.

  • They are made in kindness, and show interest, but if you decline seeing such callers, there is no offence given.

  • If your state of health deprives you of appetite, it is bad enough for you to decline the invitation to dine out.

British Dictionary definitions for decline


to refuse to do or accept (something), esp politely

(intr) to grow smaller; diminishdemand has declined over the years

to slope or cause to slope downwards

(intr) to deteriorate gradually, as in quality, health, or character

grammar to state or list the inflections of (a noun, adjective, or pronoun), or (of a noun, adjective, or pronoun) to be inflected for number, case, or genderCompare conjugate (def. 1)


gradual deterioration or loss

a movement downwards or towards something smaller; diminution

a downward slope; declivity

archaic any slowly progressive disease, such as tuberculosis

Derived forms of decline

declinable, adjectivedecliner, noun

Word Origin for decline

C14: from Old French decliner to inflect, turn away, sink, from Latin dēclīnāre to bend away, inflect grammatically

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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