Decide which word is the odd music dancing

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Урок по теме «Досуг»

    1 слайд

    Урок по теме «Досуг»

  • Задачи и цели урока:Задачи урока:
систематизировать знания обучающихся по тем...

    2 слайд

    Задачи и цели урока:
    Задачи урока:
    систематизировать знания обучающихся по теме «Досуг, увлечения»
    развивать навыки овладения обучающихся иноязычного общения в предлагаемой ситуации;
    активизировать познавательную активность, расширять кругозор;
    формировать эстетическое и интеллектуальное развитие личности;

    Цели урока:
    Практические цели:
    развивать навыки монологической и диалогической устной речи по данной теме;
    развить навыки аудирования аутентичной речи с целью основного понимания прослушанного;
    развивать грамматические навыки по теме «Времена группы Simple»
    развивать языковую догадку;
    Развивающая цель:
    развивать абстрактное мышление, умение логически мыслить;
    Воспитательные цели:
    воспитать интерес к увлечениям людей во всем мире;
    уважать традиции других народов;
    воспитать вежливое отношение к людям;

  • Фонетическая зарядка:
[ο] hobby, concert, popular
[o:] sport, form, important...

    3 слайд

    Фонетическая зарядка:
    [ο] hobby, concert, popular
    [o:] sport, form, important
    [е] pleasure, leisure, collect
    [æ] relax, stamp, attract
    [a:] hard, art, drama
    [l] activity, knit, fishing

  • ride a bike
watch TV
draw a picture
climb a tree
speak English
read a...

    5 слайд

    ride a bike
    watch TV
    draw a picture
    climb a tree
    speak English
    read a book

  • The young man likes to collect stamps. 
He doesn't like to collect coins. 

    7 слайд

    The young man likes to collect stamps.
    He doesn’t like to collect coins.
    The young man is a beer drinker.
    He collects beer cans.
    The young man collects stamps because he likes to travel a lot.
    The girl is fond of reading.
    She likes to read love stories.
    The girl is interested in reading science.
    Reading books helps her to exercise brain.

  • Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

    8 слайд

    Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:
    un- usual — ly
    in- develop — ment
    paint — ing
    skilful — ent

  • The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should b...

    9 слайд

    The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form fits suitable in the blank space.
    1. Painting offers the … a wide choice of materials HOBBY.
    2. Many of them are engaged in knitting and … SEW.
    3. Many enjoy sport … COMPETE.
    4. Electronics-related hobbies are becoming … popular INCREASE.

  • 1. Painting offers the hobbyists  a wide choice of materials.
2. Many of them...

    10 слайд

    1. Painting offers the hobbyists a wide choice of materials.
    2. Many of them are engaged in knitting and sewing.
    3. Many enjoy sport competition.
    4. Electronics-related hobbies are becoming increasingly popular.

  • Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column B to form...

    11 слайд

    Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column B to form meaningful phrases.
    A B
    1.New a. Choice
    2.Wide b. Hobbies
    3.Popular c. Work
    4.Hard d. Activity
    5.Physical e. Books

  • A                                           B...

    12 слайд

    A B
    1.New a. Choice
    2.Wide b. Hobbies
    3.Popular c. Work
    4.Hard d. Activity
    5.Physical e. Books

  • Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right....

    13 слайд

    Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right.
    1. to choose a. categories
    2. to divide into b. a hobby
    3. to collect c. a game
    4. to make d. models
    5. to play e. records

  • To choose a hobby
To divide into categories 
To collect records
To make mod...

    14 слайд

    To choose a hobby
    To divide into categories
    To collect records
    To make models
    To play a game

  • You know hobbies are divided into different categories:



    15 слайд

    You know hobbies are divided into different categories:



    Games and sports

  • Divide the following words and word combinations into four groups , those whi...

    16 слайд

    Divide the following words and word combinations into four groups , those which describe different categories of hobbies
    a) arts, b)collecting, c) handicrafts, d) games and sports
    dancing, painting, stamps coins, needlework, knitting, models, competitions, exercise, music, to sing, to play musical instruments, to play football, ceramics, to crochet, autographs, rare books, to attend concerts, records and tapes, to sew, jewellery making, physical activity.

  • Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of word...

    17 слайд

    Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words
    1. music, dancing, painting, games
    2. games, sports, physical, activity, autographs
    3. knitting, buttons, dolls, books
    4. ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, singing
    5. unique, usual, rare, unusual

  • Find the name for the groups of words. Fill in each of the spaces.
1. ancient...

    18 слайд

    Find the name for the groups of words. Fill in each of the spaces.
    1. ancient, unique, rare, beautiful-…;
    2. models making, knitting, sewing, crocheting-…;
    3. bowling, fishing, skiing, tennis-…;
    4. dancing, drama, painting, music-…;
    5. stamps, coins, autographs, books-…;

  • Reading

  • Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations.

    20 слайд

    Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations.
    любой вид деятельности
    свободное время
    общие категории
    широкий выбор материалов
    изделия ручного труда
    вязание крючком

  • Grammar

Read, translate, state the tense of the verb.

  1) Children are f...

    21 слайд


    Read, translate, state the tense of the verb.

    1) Children are fond of playing computer games.
    2) It will be one of his numerous hobbies.
    3) My friends like traveling.
    4) He was interested in music some years ago.
    5) Our hobby often helps us to choose our future profession.
    6) Hobbyists usually get information about their hobby from books.
    7) They‘ll play different computer games.
    8) He collected stamps in his childhood.
    9) We always choose a hobby according to our character and taste
    10) He spent much free time in the country.
    11) Sometimes some collections have no real value..
    12) Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life.

  • Complete the following sentences in a logical way.
1. Most people choose ......

    22 слайд

    Complete the following sentences in a logical way.
    1. Most people choose …
    2. Most hobbies are divided into …
    3. Hobby can be …
    4. Handicrafts include …
    5. The most widespread kind of hobby is…
    6. Hobbyists collect such things, as…
    7. Games and sports are popular with hobbyists who…
    8. They take part in sports, such as…

  • Agree or disagree with the following statements. Add some more information...

    23 слайд

    Agree or disagree with the following statements. Add some more information
    1. Your hobby is collecting stamps.
    2. You often attend operas.
    3. Most people choose a hobby for relaxation.
    4. Most hobbies are divided into two general categories.
    5. You usually play computer games in the computer center.

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a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words

1. cold, warm, continental, the sky; (одно существительное среди прилагательных)

2. to adopt, to symbolize, to separate, national emblems; (выражение среди глаголов)

3. highlands, lakes, rivers, a two-headed eagle; (эмблема среди географических объектов)

4. resources, deposits, outskirts, iron ore; (слова на тему природных богатств, а outskirts — это пригород)

5. population, wealth, people, nationalities (wealth — богатство, а остальные слова на тему населения)

b) Find the names for the groups of words. Fill in each of the spaces

1. highlands, lowlands, mountain chains, grasslands  — landscape

2. warm, mild, cold, continental — climate

3. gas, coal, iron ore, fertile soils — natural wealth and resources

4. Russian, American, English, Chinese — nationalities

5. the Volga, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Lena — rivers


Цель: Введение и активизация лексики по теме «Хобби».

Оборудование: раздаточный материал по теме, ПК, проектор (презентация новой темы в программе Power Point)


activity                                                  деятельность

to relax, relaxation                               расслабляться, отдых

to be divided into                                  поделено на

to overlap                                                                              частично покрывать

an art                                                    искусство

to paint                                                  писать красками

painting                                                 живопись

oil paints                                               масляные краски

a possibility                                           возможность

possible                                                  возможный

to include                                              включать

to offer                                                  предлагать

to offer a choice                                    предлагать выбор

widespread                                            широко распространенный

a stamp, a coin                                      почтовая марка, монета

handicraft                                             ремесло, ручная работа

to attract                                               привлекать

to engage in                                           заниматься чем либо

to crochet, crocheting                           вышивать, вышивание

to increase                                             увеличивать

increasingly                                           все больше и больше

to present                                              дарить

a research, to research                          исследование,  исследовать

a science, science fiction                        наука, научная фантастика

  1. Read, translate, and study the use оf the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues.
  • activity, leisure activity. Almost any kind of leisure activity can become a hobby.
  • to relax, relaxation. A hobby offers a way to relax after hard work.
  • to be divided into. Most hobbies are divided into four categories.
  • to overlap. Different hobbies may overlap that is may cover each other partly.
  • an art. There are different kinds of art: dancing, drama, music,
  • to paint, painting, oil paints. Painting is a kind of art.
  • to include. Our flat includes three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a hall.
  • a possibility, possible. You have all the possibilities to become m

9) to offer, to offer a choice. Painting offers a wide choice of materials, such as oil paints and water colours.

  • widespread. Playing computer games is a widespread hobby now.
  • a stamp, a coin. He is collecting stamps and coins.

12) handicraft. Handicrafts attract a hobbyist who can work skillfully with their hands.

13)to attract. Handicrafts attract a hobbyist who can work skillfully with their hands.

  • to engage in. Some women are engaged in knitting, sewing.
  • to crochet, crocheting. Crocheting is a kind of handicrafts.
  • to increase, increasingly. Nowadays, electronics-related hobby are becoming increasingly popular.
  • to present, a present. She has got many presents on her birthday.
  • a research, to research. Books may be used for study and research.
  • a science, science fiction. He is fond of reading. He likes to read science fiction.
  1. II. Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words.
  • music, dancing, painting, games;
  • games, sports, physical activity, autographs;
  • knitting, buttons, dolls, books;
  • ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, singing;
  • unique, usual, rare, unusual

III. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts, and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph.

1) Collecting 2) Sports and Games 3) Hobbies and Hobbyists 4)1 Handicrafts 5) Arts


Hobby can be any type of activity, which people do during their leisure time. Most people choose a hobby for relaxation, pleasure, or for development of new interests. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of hard work. Almost: any kind of leisure activity can become a hobby. Most hobbies are divided into four general categories, which may overlap. They are the arts; collecting, handicrafts, games and sports.

There are such art forms, as dancing, drama, painting, graphic art and music. Each art form has many possibilities for a hobby. For example, music may include singing, playing an instrument, collecting records and tapes, learning ballet, or attending concerts or operas. Painting offers the hobbyist a wide choice of materials, such as oil paint or water colors.

Collecting is probably the most widespread kind of hobby, because almost anything can be collected. Stamps and coins are the most popular items. Hobbyists also collect such things as autographs, books, dolls, buttons, etc.

Handicrafts attract a hobbyist who can work skillfully with their hands. Many of them are engaged in needlework activities, crocheting, knitting, and sewing. Some use kits to make model aeroplanes, boats, and trains. Other handicrafts include ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, etc.

Games and sports are popular with many hobbyists who enjoy competition, physical activity, and exercise. Thousands of hobbyists take part in sports, such as bowling, fishing, mountain climbing, skiing, and tennis. Popular indoor games include card games, chess. Nowadays, electronics-related hobbies are becoming increasingly popular. Many people, especially children, play computer games.

  1. IV. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations.

любой вид деятельности, свободное время, удовольствие, по чти любого возраста, общие категории, могут частично совпадать изделия ручного труда, живопись, графическое искусство, много возможностей, магнитофонные записи, изучение балета, масляные краски, акварельные краски, самый распространенный марки и монеты, автографы, пуговицы, мастерски, вовлекаются в, вязание крючком, шитье, наборы, керамика, изготовление ювелирных изделий, соревнование, физические упражнения, боулинг, рыбалка, скалолазание, становятся чрезвычайно популярными

  1. Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first letter of each word has been given to help.

1) Most people choose a hobby for p… . 2) People of a… any age can enjoy hobbies. 3) Almost any kind of l… activity can become a hobby. 4) Hobbies of different categories may o… each other. 5) Hobbyists have many p… in each art form. 6) The most w… kind of hobby is collecting. 7) Some hobbyists can work s… with their hands. 8) Some people are engaged in n… activities. 9) Hobbyist may use k… to make model aeroplanes.

  1. Mind the word order: a) Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.
  1. People choose a hobby (most, for, relaxation, and, pleasure) 2. Hobbies are divided into four categories (general, most) 3. The widespread hobby is collecting (most, probably) 4. Games are popular (sports, and, very, many, hobbyists with) 5. Hobbyists take part in sports (of, thousands).
  2. b) Put the words in the following sentences in order, the first word ii each sentence is in italics
  • because, reading, people, Many, collect, enjoy, books, they.
  • presented, have, collections, their, Some, people, universities, to
  • concentrate, collections, Author, of, a single author, the works on.
  • a particular subject, include, books, Subject, collections, on.
  • find, Collectors, their, for, shops, rare-book, books, collection;

VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.

1) Большинство людей выбирают хобби для того, чтобы расслабиться после тяжелой работы. 2) Люди почти любого возраста могут иметь увлечения. 3) Большинство увлечений могут быть разделены на четыре общие категории: различные виды искусства, коллекционирование, ручной труд, игры и спорт. 4) Существуют различные виды искусства, и каждый из них имеет массу возможностей для хобби. 5) Например, музыка может включать пение, игру на музыкальном инструменте, коллекционирование пластинок, посещение концертов и т. д. 6) Самый распространенный вид увлечений — это, вероятно, коллекционирование. 7) Люди собирают марки, монеты, книги, автографы, куклы, пуговицы и т. д. 8) Очень популярное увлечение — коллекционирование книг. 9) Многие люди коллекционируют книги, потому что они любят читать. 10) Некоторые коллекционеры собирают редкие или старинные книги, другие — красивые или необычные., 11) Для своих коллекций коллекционеры обычно находят книги в антикварных магазинах, на ярмарках-распродажах. 12) Некоторые люди дарят свои коллекции книг музеям, библиотекам.

VIII. Questions for selftest.

1 What do most people choose for relaxation?

2 Do you have any hobby?

3 What is the most widespread kind of hobby?

4 Do your parents have any hobby?

5 What is your friend’s hobby?

6 How do you spend your spare time?




2 года назад

Английский язык

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a) decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words

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2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. (Вставте в речення дієслово з дужок у Present Continuous.) 1) She ______ a letter. (w …



nucleus [‘njuːklɪəs]

research [rɪ’sɜːʧ]



value [‘væljuː]

edition [ɪ’dɪʃn]

fiction [‘fɪkʃn]

science [‘saɪəns]

volume [‘vɔljuːm]


contain [kən’teɪn] 



jumble-sale [‘ʤʌmbl]















Book collecting.

collecting is a popular hobby. Many people collect books because they
enjoy reading and like to collect things. Private book collections
have formed the nucleus of some of the world’s most important
libraries. Some people have also presented their collections to
universities, where the books may be used for study and research.
There are many types of book collections, unique or ancient book

collections concentrate on the works of a single author. Book
collectors especially value editions with the autograph of the

collections include books on a particular subject, such as science
fiction or books about sports or sportsmen. Some subject collections
are vast with thousands of volumes, but most are much smaller.

collections consist of as many as possible editions of a single
title. The editions which are translated into different languages are
also included.

or ancient book collections focus on books that are unusually
beautiful, rare, very old, or of an unusual shape and size. These
collections may contain books with unique illustrations, with rare
printing styles.

find books for their collections in rare-book shops, antiquarian
bookshops, secondhand bookshops, and at jumble-sales.

Translate into Russian:
to enjoy reading; rare-book shops; jumble-sale; the world’s most
important libraries; the works of a single author; thousands of
volumes; title collections; unique illustrations; particular subject;
different languages; ancient books; for study and research.

Find the
equivalents of
these expressions
in the
фантастика; благотворительная распродажа;
редкий печатный стиль; частные коллекции
книг; автограф автора; книги о спорте;
необычный размер и форма; антикварные
книжные магазины; включать в себя книги
на определённую тему.

Try to match up the
adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right.

unusual a) illustrations

different b) shop

particular c) hobby

unique d) collection

single e) subject

printing f) author

ancient g) languages

rare-book h) shape

popular i) styles

Answer the questions:

  1. Why
    do people collect books?

  2. What
    are general types of book collections?

  3. What
    is author collection?

  4. What
    kind of books do subject collections include?

  5. What
    do you know about title collections?

  6. What
    can you tell about unique book collections?

  7. Where
    do collectors find books?

  8. Do
    you like books? Do you collect books?

the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:
popular, new, hard, wide, widespread, fast, good, heavy, bad,
interesting, important, great.

Decide which word is the
odd one out in each of the following groups of words.

  1. games,
    sports, autographs, physical activity;

  2. unique,
    unusual, rare, usual;

  3. knitting,
    buttons, books, dolls;

  4. ceramics,
    singing, metalworking, jewellery making;

  5. music,
    dancing, painting, games.

Divide the following
words and phrases into groups: arts, collecting, handicrafts, games
and sports.

sew, music, to sing, dancing, painting, stamps, coins, needlework,
physical activity, knitting, models, competitions, exercise, to play
the piano, to play football, ceramics, to crochet, autographs, rare
books, to attend concerts, to play tennis.

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